Tag: Tom Delonge

Highly Important UAP/Extraterrestrial Disclosure / Confirmation Process in Progress



The “GIMBAL” video is the first officially declassified video by the U.S. Government of a true UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon). The location date and time and other factors are not shown in the case of this official video that is under an official chain of custody.   Apparently, it wasn’t just one UAP but “a whole fleet of them” as stated in the video.

Shown to the public by To the Stars Academy, formed by a group of former CIA, Congress Intelligence, DOD operatives, Tom DeLonge a rock star (with a negative view about aliens) and scientists like physicist zero-point energy theoretician Hal Puthoff and Steve Justice, an aerospace engineer who until recently held an important position in Skunkworks- Lockheed. They all quit their work posts to come together and form this academy which defines itself as a Public Benefit Corporation which is going to develop technologies that relate with advanced spacetime manipulation, enhancing telepathy, alternative methods to launch satellites, education, and entertainment-movie making. 

Several more public releases of formerly classified UAP evidence is promised.

The UFO detected was also studied in the Pentagon secret research program that ran from 2007 to 2012. It is termed the “GIMBAL video” and is announced as one of the various declassified pieces of objective evidence that will be shown to the public. Possibly, other countries like England will follow suit.

The date and place of this GIMBAL video encounter was removed as part of the declassification process. 

The GIMBAL video is not the event that relates with the USS Nimitz and USS Princeton in 2004. 


There also is an important event that relates to the USS Nimitz and battlegroup witnessed and filmed in 2004 during maneuvers close to San Diego, CA, including the USS Princeton was also captured on a FLIR camera. 

TTS (To the Stars Academy summarizes some of its characteristics as:

• Low observability in both electro-optical and electromagnetic spectrums.

• No distinguishable flight surfaces.

• Lack of obvious propulsion system.

• Never-before-seen flight capabilities.

• Possible energy or resonance field of unknown nature.


Regarding the USS Nimitz encounter event, in which there was like a “cat & mouse” chase, flying up several thousand feet into the atmosphere, and then quickly coming down to a sudden stop to a few feet above the ocean. Moreover, there was another moment of extreme acceleration (in which the object disappeared from sight in less than 2 seconds).

Retired Commander Navy pilot David Fravor who encountered the UAP with his F-18 fighter considers told ABC news that “it was not from this world.” Source: http://abcnews.go.com/US/navy-pilot-recalls-encounter-ufo-unlike/story?id=51856514 

The second official declassification and release for the public is this video that related with the USS Nimitz battle group encounter and which has been called “FLIR-1”  A classic UFO shape is seen and it seems to turn around.




On December 16th, 2017, under the title “LUIS ELIZONDO REVEALS DETAILS ABOUT PENTAGON’S HIDDEN UFO PROGRAM IN STUNNING NEW YORK TIMES FRONT PAGE EXPOSÉ,”  To the Stars Academy made good on its previous announcement that it would soon reveal former secret records of the Government’s UFO research. And it happened through a major news outlet; a major institution, an icon. The Washington Post, Politico, CBS, CNN and other important media outlets have also given the news. The image above shows the formerly classified 2004 Nimitz -related event footage of a UAP also presented in the report. 

This constitutes an important step forward to legitimizing the seriousness and reality of what is generally dismissed and ridiculed. For some, it may be disclosure and, for others, a confirmation of what they already knew or suspected. it is both.

As a step forward and – at least an official recognition of the reality of true technological UFOs/UAPs, it may also be a gradual release of information in part to educate the public as per the importance of these issues and, perhaps, to mold their views.  It is the beginning of an official admission and of informing the public more about these events but why now? and under what premises? And, who made the decision?

What amounts to an official revelation in the hands of military and intelligence was preceded by an effort that originated in the U.S. Congress: a formal research as at least 22 million dollars were invested between 2007 and 2012 in UFO (UAP) in a Pentagon-based program in cooperation with Bigelow Aerospace. The stated purpose was to ascertain the possible threat of UAPs or at least some UAPs. It was run in secret by former CIA Mr. Louis Elizondo. The secret program was called “Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program” (AATIP). Apparently, no evidence of threat has been found. 

Senator Harry Reid and colleagues came up with the funding for the secret program that began operations in 2007 and Mr. Robert Bigelow of Bigelow Aerospace, a long-time UFO/UAP researcher, declared experiencer, former MUFON contributor and researcher of psi phenomena helped to implement it, working as a contractor. The program allegedly ended in 2012 but some sources told the New York Times that it is still running. For the Pentagon, this is a relatively small amount of funds spread over several years but enough to establish the fact that the Government interest in this issue is real. This would also show that this particular secret program is one that followed regular acknowledged funding channels. THE EVIDENCE IT PROVIDES in a formal manner may be necessary to begin INFORMING THE PUBLIC IN AN OFFICIAL AND JUSTIFIED MANNER. 

Former Senator Harry Reid (Democrat)

Now institutions, scientists, respectable professionals and members of the intelligentsia will (perhaps gradually but more decisively) have an easier time talking about UFOs as the reality of the issue sinks into collective acknowledgment. Now the complicit restrained smirk of many media reporters affected by the giggle factor worldwide will probably evolve into something less noticeable. 

A link to TTS regarding this is https://dpo.tothestarsacademy.com/?mc_cid=86031b2f45&mc_eid=10aa54ce15

A link to the New York Times article https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/16/us/politics/pentagon-program-ufo-harry-reid.html

Open MindsUFO News and Investigations also gave the news http://www.openminds.tv/breaking-news-secret-us-department-of-defense-ufo-program-revealed/41414

Many of those seriously interested in these issues will jump in joy, hoping that all will be truthful and well; others will decry and raise serious doubts about the intentions and secret plans behind the event and further related announcements. 

Perhaps from now on major news organizations and the media will more respectfully attend and re-transmit events like the 2013 Citizen’s Hearing on Disclosure which – in spite of its importance – was basically attended by smaller media and news enterprises. Perhaps the revelations are part of medium-level of secrecy, acknowledged secret projects; a “tip of the iceberg” of what is potentially known in the various compartmentalized projects of an even more super secret unacknowledged world. While in the project once directed by Mr. Lou Elizondo one can objectively say that we might be dealing with ETs without being completely certain, within specific project of that other  more secretive  world located further “down the rabbit hole”  we would not even question if we are dealing with other intelligences, time-travel, extraterrestrials-multidimensional beings and technologies connected with the practical modification of spacetime and the key role of consciousness. 

Is “some of the rest of the iceberg” as “far out” and hard-to-swallow like some of the issues shared by some whistleblowers like a “jump room to Mars,” “controlling anti-gravity or gravity cancelation since the 1950’s, human forces in possession of ET technology aligning themselves in some secret programs with “Draco and other alleged service-to-self, imperialistic ETs and (in other secret programs) with their adversaries (our protectors)?” And what about the U.S. Navy allegedly possessing a highly advanced space fleet already defending the Earth while facing a “secret space war in alliance with some benign extraterrestrials?” Is much of this information about a Secret Space program (SSP) disinformation or part of an even deeper level of secrecy within some Unacknowledged Special Access Projects (USAPS)?  In this issue many of the main researchers and voices of the UFO community disagree with each other and each promotes a different aspect but we need to tie together the kernels of truth whether likable or not; whether popular or not. 

Thus, again, how far “down the rabbit hole” might UFO research and the human-ET interface involving the Government (or, perhaps, a secret, parallel Government?) actually be? What is too far out for credible thinkers to seriously consider? Should we remain cautious like the ace reporter and researcher Leslie Kean who (in spite of acknowledging physical objects performing impossible and even intelligent maneuvers) prefers not to assert that this is a clear indication that we are being visited by extraterrestrials? Should we consider the current revelations a reaction against what Dr. Richard Dolan calls a “breakaway civilization” far ahead in technology and views about “reality” that may even possibly be escaping accountability and be out of control?

Will the Roswell incident(s) now also be finally acknowledged in a truthful manner now that some UFO/UAP secrets are being acknowledged? Do the associated aerospace engineers and physicists of To the Stars Academy of Arts and Sciences want to create UFO-like technology because they actually have had no access to the deepest developments that were organized after ET craft materials were recovered? 

Will fear against ETs be instilled in the population in order to manage how things are disclosed and handled or perhaps might a False Flag program be activated as Carol Rosin and Dr. Steven Greer have been warning for years?  Well, at least the original introductory statements in which Mr. Tom De Longe used the concept of terror in his initial formal To the Stars Academy presentation have been deleted or edited out from the current version of their YouTube presentation….and I applaud that. It may signal that – in spite of Mr. De Longe’s negative view about ETs – his associates do not agree.  In fact, it appears that Mr. Lou Elizondo who worked on the secret Pentagon project to detect UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena)  threats found little evidence of it as was reported to journalist Leslie Kean. The actual name of the project was the “Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program.”

Mr. Lou Elizondo

Further Considerations

As per the plausible intentions of the (physical and/or multi dimensional) intelligences conceibably related to at least some of the UFO/UAP sightings, there are important advances which can shed some light regarding what is called “experiencer” research.

Thus far the results of the anonymous survey conducted by the Edgar Mitchell Foundation on Extraterrestrial and Extraordinary Encounters (FREE) on individuals that consciously remember to have experienced contacts with non-human intelligences in relation to UFO sightings strongly suggest that MOST (approximating or surpassing 90%) of these experiences are not malevolent. Conversely, if there actually were a greater % of “negative,” self-serving entities behind some of the genuine UFOs, it would seem that they would either be unable or unwilling to directly interact with a greater number of human persons and, thus, unable to show up in FREE’s significant survey.

My mind attempts to be carefully open to many possibilities. Hopefully not denying out of vehement dislike and not accepting out of preference. From trusting that so-called “white hats” (those in the know wanting to share more of what they know with the rest of us) have become more influential, to considering that the moves we are witnessing may all seem to be nice but may actually be a plot to control more segments of humanity and the world even further. However, I sense and think that the powers that actually made the decision to reveal what has been revealed (and may continue to reveal) have taken a basically good, well-intended step. If so, the UFO, exopolitical and ET contact communities must try to encourage these individuals and to work with them in a friendly manner.  

How the civilian voices (including major UFO and/or human-ET contact and exopolitical researchers) respond,  either propitiating reconciliation and further disclosure or further distancing themselves from the various “classified world” forces (thus generating a counter-reaction), will be important for any subsequent unfoldment.

If we respond in a way that contributes to promoting the attitude of self-education in individuals and toward a constructive, connective enhancement of cultural premises and worldviews, in a spirit of doing it for ALL of US, for humanity (and -why not – beyond), even more important revelations (besides acknowledging the reality of UFOs) may be forthcoming sooner because society or societies will have an easier time processing.

If our future is on the line as per the need to understand intimate, non-classical connections with reality, stimuli leading to the backwardness of selfish, animalistic and ethnophobic reactions based on the sensation of threat ought to be minimized whenever possible.   

Most ET intelligences interacting with “experiencers” (with different degrees of technological and spiritual development and also operating with various degrees of multidimensional technologies) would quite likely range between being mildly benevolent to highly benevolent toward us, as per the anonymous F.R.E.E. survey (www.experiencer.org). But if we listen to the information allegedly re-transmitted by contactees with very respectful, protective beings like Sixto Paz, Ricardo Gonzalez and several others, this might be due to the fact that Earth is being protected from unwarranted incursions. Some speak of a !quarantine.” Those service-to- self-beings that may still come through (including the few species that interact with Earth humans) could have had bases here before, have a beyond Earth, the exopolitical legal right among civilizations that intervened on Earth in a connected actual or probable past, or  – a few – might occasionally be able to “slip through” the protection.  These possibilities would perhaps justify the almost unbelievable existence of a secret defense space program in the SSP that has been circulating around. However it might be, the sensation of threat and the belief in the need to first rely on weaponry as a first choice; to rely in the furtherance of social manipulation and control and an old “us vs. them” mentality should not replace the sensation of basic safety based on our spiritual sovereign power as beings essentially sustained by The Supreme Benevolent Source of Being (Non-Dual Being and Consciousness itself).  Therefore, maintaining a positive, constructive, healing outlook, including the possibility of reconciliation through LOVE is necessary not to excessively resonate with dichotomous narratives, past and future histories and paths involving those plausible “negative” beings who apparently rely on external technologies to manipulate reality, people, and other beings. 

A Unique Opportunity

What we are witnessing is historical and should be treated with utmost seriousness and, yet, with hope, while being simultaneously accessible and cautious. Instead of being manipulated by populists catering to simplistic answers and a limited realism let’s try to rise to the challenge beyond further polarization. I think we should be encouraged by the news but neither vehemently chanting “victory” nor crying out loud in pessimism while renewing our dogmatic faith in cynicism.

ALL OF US must grow together with this unprecedented situation and learn to interpret it without extremism. Perhaps the UAP phenomenon and the realization of an intelligence behind it can force us to open up our minds (and hearts) to adapt to the greater connectivity it represents. 

We don’t know who is making the decisions to release what has thus far been released or why. For sure, without approval from higher authorities, To the Stars Academy would not have been able to come together and to come out with recently declassified documents and do what they have done. 

Could one of the main reasons for allowing this event may be that at least for now a majority of those in control of the UFO and ET classified worlds realize that a window of time or opportunity for a necessary profound cultural change is running out? That cynicism and lack of conviction in principles threaten not only conviviality and the continuity of the liberal world order but the very promise of a livable, civic, democratic future?

Could it be that if humanity is not adequately informed in order to evolve into adopting integrative principles beyond materialism, doctrinal scientific and religious close-mindedness, either-or thinking, extreme nationalism, selfish individualism, relativism and uber competition, it will become so fragmented, erratic and dissolute (unable to tell right from wrong or even care about it) that – without a fierce dictatorial control regime – the continuation of “civilization,” human evolution and order will be lost?  Could it be that in an age of intelligent, non-local interconnectedness we simply must change to a historically unprecedented degree?

I don’t know what the most salient facts motivating the cover-up and the gradual-but-now-more-decisive disclosure may be, but we must consider all of the possibilities and, instead of engaging in in-fighting and the creation of further subdivisions inside the UFO-exopilitics-experiencer communities we MUST responsibly assume this opportunity to promote a deeper and more comprehensive understanding, not only among those of us wanting to know the truth about UFOs and ETs (for instance through mutually respectful human-ET contacts and citizen diplomacy), but een a more amical and guiding understanding with those human decision-makers/powers (part of our human family after all) that could be orchestrating the disclosure. 

 The revelations – while important – seem incipient and perhaps well-intended. More should come later. How much will they tell? How much are we collectively ready to handle a much more extraordinary reality?  There might be good intentions behind all this or perhaps a continuation of a non-justifiable “us vs. them,” power-based, mindset. But let’s coordinate more and make great efforts for a positive, constructive, life-enhancing, educational, evolutionary outcome.

How we can bring together harmoniously all the different “pieces of the puzzle,” juggling our own adequate and inadequate biases on a complex, interwoven situation which is normally recognized in a segmented manner requires NURTURING that capacity; coming together in a safe, mutually supportive manner.

Concerned citizens must pay close attention to avoid being sucked into a “false flag” situation, that is into a “we’ll defend you from the evil aliens” situation or into any other consciousness-as-usual, evolution-numbing spin. Nonetheless, we should also try to help classified world leaders to connect with The People and to work together with all of us in a more intelligent, evolutionary manner for the good of ALL of US.

Conscious Participatory Ufology and the Pro-Institutional Disconnect


(We need a more constructive, participatory approach that can also be objectively verified)

Conscious Ufology: Like the study of meteorology, UFO phenomena are not easy to reproduce at will. Like social groups it is also difficult to predict how the phenomena are going to behave. However both meteorology and sociology are practical and valid fields of modern science with useful degrees of predictability. But the key to a more advanced ufology doesn’t rest in forcing or attempting to reproduce phenomena at will but instead to work as a new breed of scientists in a more participatory way. And, yes, it is in part like in the social sciences. The subject becomes involved with the object (and vice-versa) but what would correspond to social effects becomes physically visible in a way that deeply affects the ordinary behavior of matter expressing internal aspects that appear to “change reality.”

What we normally call “reality” can shift as subjectivity interacts with deeper material potentials. Here subject and object affect each other more deeply. Unlike the patterns of physical matter studied by classical physics, the physical patterns of genuine “anomalous,” otherworldly UFO phenomena are not completely stable but instead malleable and interactive, more inclusive of what seem to be more involved quantum macroscopic effects through mental coherence. That which is not normally detectable in common physical patterns becomes momentarily detectable as physical matter itself seem to show aspects that are normally hidden. The interplay between consciousness and being becomes more ALIVE and modifies stable physical matter and spacetime.

Retrocausal spacetime cancellation (accompanying the greater effect of subjectivity) also seem to be at work here.The regular scientific method is useful for many of ufology’s aspects once a trace, record or modification has been left but it is also insufficient in terms of a live interactive situation. Therefore, serious ufologists need to evolve their “proto science” accordingly (let ‘s think of “proto science” as a field of inquiry with emerging scientific aspects and with the potential to become a full-fledged science). And with this, the scientific method itself (as applicable to a whole new range of natural phenomena) can also evolve.

If we were to learn to respectfully summon genuine, otherworldly UFO phenomena in a participatory way by blending our subjective intelligence with the intelligences behind UFOs and were able to record the evidence, we would begin the next stage of ufology that would be more experimental and more participatory. And now that we are talking about “participation” in which subjects are involved, we need to talk about rights, respect and rules of engagement, both for humanity-respectful, intersubjective, inter-reality ET intelligence and for the small % who may not be in our best interests; not over-emphasizing the negative as this may be way too limited, an extension of the old warmongering mentality and deleterious in the long run for humanity.

There is a room for the military, even for defense against some ETs and for keeping some technological secrets from the public but the new approach must be about BUILDING COMMUNITY, finding and teaching a more connective universal paradigm. More members of humanity should grow to the point of not being vicariously represented by people with a traditional dichotomous mentality, however well-intended some may be. Unfortunately, predominant, classical military mindsets seem to be in those capable of being culturally influential and willing to take UFO-ET matters seriously. And they count with great material resources. Most other institutional cultural leaders do not care or want to risk getting involved. Revealing, communicating and educating is great but NOT with the Evil alien mindset underneath! This will expose humanity, the U.S., “them” and all of “us” to a continuity of problems. Like begets like.

It’s as if every time there is a massive institution involved, the discourse is distorted towards mass marketing, you name it: the Church or churches, universities, the film industry, the military, aerospace corporations handling UFO and retro engineering for better weapons, even the largest civilian UFO organization as it expands is falling into this. Big institutions suffer from a disconnection syndrome from the common folk, whom they are suppose to benefit. The practical, decision-making political power of the common man is almost nil compared with that of corporations and their lobbies. For the most part, the needs of the latter are heard over the needs of the former. And the first victim is the truth itself that should serve The People to make good assessments, to evolve in solidarity and choose wisely. That barrier between large, recognized institutions and The People prevents and stalls a beneficent outcome as per the extraterrestrial situation. And this lingers on and on year after year, all the while the small voices of The People, the grassroots having experiences is shared with modest repercussions. It is time for a major grassroots revelation, not manipulated under an “evil alien” institutional presentation. It is time for The People to prevail over the institutes that should in fact represent them much better under a “representative democracy” but which are controlled by “the few.” It is time for a very serious consciousness shift. To stop reinforcing through entertainment, catering to fear-based narratives or by excessively propping up marketing through negative news and views, or else we will remain behind the times.  

For a proper Galactic Diplomacy to succeed we need much more comprehensive assessments. And we need a more constructive, participatory, intersubjective approach that can also be objectively verified. And, along new scientific perspectives, we need to evolve our ways of feeling, judging, relating.

Hasn’t Tom DeLonge heard something credible about the need for “Conscious Evolution?” Tom needs to think about learning to work peacefully with our forefathers, in fact, space relatives; specially those aligned with the expectation that humanity will succeed in developing its full potential. This doesn’t discard God or the possibility that several ET civilizations intervened our developing species in the past some for good, some for illth.  But the overall picture emerging shows that we do not need to over-emphasize the negative aspect.  Neither deny but nor over-emphasize. 

Hasn’t he studied the many, in fact thousands, contactee-experiencer testimonies about mostly pro-humanity extraterrestrials given by sane people (even anonymously) whose voices cannot be denied and also HAVE TO be seriously considered? Unfortunately, his assessment of the situation – however popular it might get – seems to be really skewed by personal preconceptions, biases that incline him towards an “us vs them” limited and selective way of seeking information. Experiencers at large and dedicated, long-standing research such as Mary Roswell (author of “The New Human: Awakening to our Cosmic Heritage”) show that our perspectives and our conscious capacity to handle multiple perspectives without being dominated by an “us vs. them” mentality is key to work a healthy exopolitical relationship with multiple ET intelligences.

The enormous possibilities that Consciousness brings are applicable to humanity, to its awakening, (even for being respected by the few less respectful ET varieties without the need to over-rely on technology) and are much greater than a classical over-extended, dualistic, military-technological approach.

The anonymous survey by FREE (www.experiencer.org) expands our personal (preference-biased) assessments into a  more reasonable overview: See the 2016 initial research data summary at http://www.experiencer.org/initial-research-data-summary/


⦁    Overall, 85% have stated their contact with NHIBs have been “Positive”;
⦁    84% do not want their Contact experiences with the NHIBs to stop.
⦁    9.7% believe the NHIBs are Bad or Malevolent.
⦁    62% have stated that the NHIB have tried to help them.
⦁    71% feel Expanded Consciousness in the presence of the NHIBs.
⦁    66% have felt Love from these NHIBs.




US Government To Release Official Video Footage, Pictures & Documented Evidence Of UFOs

by Arjun Walia           October 24, 2017          (collective-evolution.com)

• The former Blink 182 band member, Tom DeLonge, backed by a handful of high-ranking military and government officials, launched the “To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science, aimed to release classified advanced technologies and documentation of UFOs.

• In a live Facebook feed on October 11th, a recently retired career intelligence officer, Luis Elizondo, now working with DeLonge, announced that they would also provide clear video footage of UFOs provided by the US government.

• Other governments have already released their official UFO files.

• For many years, Governments have devoted vast resources to tracking UFO craft, and have accumulated evidence of a long history of military and civilian encounters with UFOs.

• For some reason, however, the public remains skeptical and is awaiting an official announcement from the government and the mainstream media, even though recent polls show that over half of Americans do not believe the official government account of the 9/11 “attack”.

• Still, with all of this disclosure, there is no mention of the extraterrestrials who presumably operate some of these UFOs.


Over the past few years, multiple governments and government agencies have officially released their ‘UFO’ files. What does this show us? Apart from revealing there are objects in our atmosphere travelling at speeds and performing maneuvers that no known conventional aircraft can perform, it shows us that such agencies have been interested in and have been tracking these craft for years, devoting vast resources to their study. If these released files make anything clear, it’s that there has been a long history of military and civilian encounters with UFOs and strange objects.

Testimony from military and political insiders, as well as academics, complements these files, and their stories are the major reason why so many believe these unknown objects are extraterrestrial in origin. Regardless of where you believe they came from, the extraterrestrial hypothesis is entirely plausible, and the official public disclosure of such information has tremendous implications, as you can imagine.

“There is a serious possibility that we are being visited and have been visited for many years by people from outer space, by other civilizations. Who they are, where they are from, and what they want should be the subject of rigorous scientific investigation and not be the subject of ‘rubishing’ by tabloid newspapers.” – Lord Admiral Hill-Norton, Former Chief of Defence Staff, 5 Star Admiral of the Royal Navy, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee.

Yet people remain skeptical, relying on the government and mainstream media to make an official disclosure. This is concerning, particularly given the lack of trust most people have in their governments to begin with. 9/11 is perhaps the best example of this mistrust. Recent polls show that more that more than half of the American population doesn’t believe the official story put out by their government.

Well, it’s almost 2018, and every year the UFO/extraterrestrial topic seems to become more popular, and credible, within the mainstream world. The recent launch of To The Stars Academy of Arts & SciencE (TTS/AAS), headed by former Blink 182 band member Tom DeLonge, is one reason for this shift in perception.

DeLonge has gathered an impressive list of people to help him with his mission, which aims to push disclosure of discoveries that have been locked up in deep black budget programs. It’s an initiative mobilizing “the brightest minds from within the top-secret shadows of aerospace, science and the Department of Defense.” The academy is composed of science, aerospace, and entertainment divisions “intended to provide support to exceptionally gifted researchers with expectations to exponentially yield new concepts and technologies of significance on an accelerated timeline.”

A few days ago, Tom, along with other representatives of the initiative — including Jim Semivan, a longtime senior intelligence service member for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) — launched their project live on Facebook.

Other representatives include Dr. Hal Puthoff, who was a big player in the U.S. government’s “Stargate Program,” and Steve Justice, who was the Program Director for Advanced Systems from Lockheed Martin Advanced Development Programs — better known as “Skunk Works” — for 31 years.

Another representative, Chris Mellon, commented: “To the Stars represents an opportunity to reach beyond the normal boundaries of Aerospace to create products that we can call them revolutionary and that’s too mild of a word.”

In essence, the program aims to bring forth these classified technologies and concepts and use them to better our world. They will also be exploring telepathy and other ‘psi’ phenomena that have been studied for decades by multiple scientists and governments.

Mellon’s comments above corroborate with comments made by Ben Rich, Lockeed Skunkwork’s second director, who worked there from 1975 to 1991. He said, “We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects, and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity. Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do.”

During the Facebook Live feed, Luis Elizondo, the Director of Global & Special Programs for To The Stars, announced that the academy will be releasing official, previously classified data and documentation in collaboration with the U.S. government.

A career intelligence officer who has worked with the U.S. Army, the Department of Defense, the National Counterintelligence Executive, and the Director of National Intelligence, Elizondo resigned from the Pentagon just one week before the launch of the academy. For nearly the last decade of his career, he ran a sensitive aerospace threat identification program focusing on unidentified aerial technologies.

When asked if these UFOs are a threat, he told journalist and New York Times best selling author Leslie Keen “they did not exhibit overt hostility.” “But something unexplained is always assumed to be a potential threat until we are certain it isn’t. On the bright side, I believe we are closer than ever before in our understanding of how it operates,” he continued.


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High Ranking US Government Official Blows Whistle On UFOs A Week After Leaving The Pentagon

by Arjun Walia         October 24, 2017         (collective-evolution.com)

• Tom DeLonge’s recently formed “To The Stars Academy” member, Luis Elizondo, is a recently retired career intelligence officer who has worked for the US Army and the Dept of Defense, and as the National Counterintelligence Executive, Director of National Intelligence, and Director for the National Programs Management Staff.

• For the last 10 years of his career, Elizondo “ran a sensitive aerospace threat identification program focusing on unidentified aerial technologies.”

• The Huffington Post noted that “In less than two weeks after leaving the Pentagon, Luis Elizondo confirmed that UFOs are a real; they exist, and they have been officially documented.  Can anyone argue with this fact now?”

• The “To The Stars” team aims to make the reality of UFOs public knowledge. “[T]here is sufficient credible evidence… that proves exotic technologies exist that could revolutionize the human experience.”

• Could this recent mainstream initiative be a true disclosure movement?  Or is Tom Delonge simply being used by the US government to further some hidden agenda? Do they want to confirm the reality of UFOs, but debunk the extraterrestrial hypothesis by stating these craft are all man made? Do they want to create more awareness so they can perform a “false flag alien invasion”?


“Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered. . . . We are not alone in the universe, they have been coming here for a long time. I happen to be privileged enough to be in on the fact that we have been visited on this planet, and the UFO phenomenon is real.” Who is this high ranking official that “blew the whistle” on the reality of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs)? His name is Luis Elizondo, and he’s the current Director of Global Security and Special Programs for the recently launched To The Stars Academy.

Elizondo is just one of many prestigious individuals to join the academy. A career intelligence officer, his experience includes working in the U.S. Army, the Department of Defense, and the National Counterintelligence Executive, and he spent time as the Director of National Intelligence. He’s also managed the security for several sensitive projects for the U.S. government as the Director for the National Programs Special Management Staff.

                          Luis Elizondo

For the last 10 years of his career, Elizondo “ran a sensitive aerospace threat identification program focusing on unidentified aerial technologies.” Where he learned that, as he mentions in the video below at approximately the 20 minute at 50 second mark, “the phenomenon is indeed real.”

To The Stars aims to make the reality of UFOs public knowledge. Some of these objects perform maneuvers and travel at speeds that defy our understanding of physics, and Elizondo is just one of many people trying to raise awareness about it. As New York Times best-selling author and journalist Leslie Keen explains in an article she wrote for The Huffington Post:

Something extraordinary was revealed today. Former high-level officials and scientists with deep black experience who have always remained in the shadows came forward on one platform. These insiders have long-standing connections to government agencies which may have programs investigating unidentifed (sic) aerial phenomena (UAP/UFOs). The team includes a 25-year veteran of the CIA’s Directorate of Operations, a Lockheed Martin Program Director for Advanced Systems at “Skunk Works”, and a former deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence.

Keen describes meeting Elizondo a week after he resigned from the Pentagon to work for the academy, saying, “In short, less that two weeks after leaving the Pentagon, Luis Elizondo confirmed that UFOs are a real; they exist, and they have been officially documented. Can anyone argue with this fact now, given where this man comes from and what he knows?”

The great thing about the initiative is that it focuses on bringing these technologies to light and creating awareness on how they can be used to push humanity forward. Although technology is not the answer to all our problems, but rather the consciousness behind the technology and how we use it, UFOs do present a number of questions, with propulsion systems being one of them.

They’re certainly not stopping at the gas station for a fill-up.

“There is another way, whether it’s wormholes, or warping space, there’s got to be a way to generate energy so that you can pull it out of the vacuum, and the fact that they’re [extraterrestrials] here shows us that they found a way.” – Jack Kasher, Ph.D, Professor Emeritus of Physics, University of Nebraska

The To The Stars team says they have been “operating under the shadows of top-secrecy for decades” and believes that “there is sufficient credible evidence of UAP that proves exotic technologies exist that could revolutionize the human experience.”


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An Important Step in Partial Disclosure and Community Involvement

To the Stars Academy of Arts and Sciences (from now on referred to as To the Stars Academy) was launched by Tom De Longe and by several recently retired aerospace and intelligence community insiders. They call it a “public benefit corporation.” It hopes to collaborate with global citizens to explore the boundary areas of traditional theories. For instance, in terms of technologies, warp drive “is not out of the question.” The stated public purpose is Education – Community – Sustainability – Transparency. According to DeLonge, a company that would inspire, entertain and galvanize thinking. Its stated projects are “about dreams, the paranormal, consciousness and even a historical fictional account behind the UFO phenomenon and our dealings with it. The To the Stars Academy strategy to bring the greatest and most controversial secret to the People will be to “innovate, educate and, hopefully, wildly entertain.”

Mr. DeLonge starts with a video explaining how he had been interested in UFOs and mystery since childhood; how after receiving his first pay check from performing with his band Blink182 he bought a computer to try to gather theories about the UFO phenomenon in order to come up with a unified theory. He mentioned that the extraterrestrial presence had had both good and bad consequences. That surprised me as that was a simple but – as far s we know – fair statement and I had thought that he would only emphasized the negative. 


Then, he said that, at a certain point (as To the Stars Academy was getting “on its feet”), there were meetings around the country for 18 months with members of various intelligence agencies (including NASA, DoD and various agencies) all the while his band was unraveling.

Mr. DeLonge met with persons that work in Special Access Projects in Area 51, meeting in abandoned buildings in Washington DC, desert airports. After these meetings, he learned: 1) That there are certain things that should not have been kept secret; 2) That certain secrets were justifiable at the time but that they should now be revealed; 3) That there are certain things so unimaginable that certain interests belief that they should never ever be publicly revealed. 

After an article in The Wall Street Journal stated that he had been been meeting with intelligence agents in relation to UFOs he was approached by more individuals. Then (after coming up with a proposal early in 2017 about a way to reveal to the public what was happening with a secret that had been kept for over 70 years) he had several further meetings with important intelligence agents and scientists that joined him. 

Image of Mr. Tom DeLonge presenting part of the To the Stars Academy team

On October 11, 2017, To the Stars Academy produced an internet event that may amount to a non-official, but implicitly officially sanctioned partial disclosure. To the Stars Academy is a civilian company that aims to produce advanced technologies, probably some of which for national security reasons the military will never reveal, specially the most advanced ones that can be weaponized. 

Mr. Chris Mellon

During the presentation Mr. Christopher Mellon: said that there’s a need to end excessive secrecy.  There’s a need to spark the public imagination. Mr. Mellon reported that a US Navy-UFO encounter (with F-18 engagement) involving the USS Nimitz and several witnesses was a real event and that there had been many such events.  He mentioned  an approaching object has been detected on (primary) radar.

Mr. Mellon said that the oversight committees of Congress and Congress in general have to be appraised of the facts, that the various oversight committees can easily request briefings of this event and others like it.  “Without the facts congress will not know how to respond. Mr. Mellon mentioned that To the Stars Academy is a public corporation and one of its stated purposes is also to stimulate new thinking. The to the Stars  corporation is referred to as “more than a commercial venture. It is an intellectual adventure.” 

UFO image shown during Mr. Mellon’s presentation

Mr. Mellon was the “chair of the Science Committee at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History. He served 20 years in the federal government, including as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence in the Clinton and Bush Administrations. In addition, he’s worked many years on Capitol Hill including as the Minority Staff Director of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. As an aide to Senator William S. Cohen, he drafted the legislation that established the US Special Operations Command. (Source: https://dpo.tothestarsacademy.com/ )

Lou Elizondo, a career and intelligence officer continued the presentation. He mentioned that the most interesting topic he was involved with was with advanced aerial threats, focusing on unidentified aerial technologies. He learned that the phenomenon is real. Mentioned that To the Stars Academy will allow a community of interest to detect real events with two way communications and even engineer technology. That they will allow into the public never before released information and to work recording real-time events. They will also facilitate participants to “crowd crunch” data.  

Mr. Lou Elizondo

Mr. Elizondo worked “with the U.S. Army, the Department of Defense, the National Counterintelligence Executive, and the Director of National Intelligence. As a former Special Agent In-Charge, Luis conducted and supervised highly sensitive espionage and terrorism investigations around the world. As an intelligence Case Officer, he ran clandestine source operations throughout Latin America and the Middle East. Most recently, Luis managed the security for certain sensitive portfolios for the US Government as the Director for the National Programs Special Management Staff. For nearly the last decade, Luis also ran a sensitive aerospace threat identification program focusing on unidentified aerial technologies.” (Source: https://dpo.tothestarsacademy.com/)

Then, Dr. Steve Justice spoke. He worked with Lockheed Skunk Works in a heavily protected facility with some of the technology that many people misinterpret as UFOs. To him the UFO phenomenon is real due to witnesses like Mr. Elizondo and Mellon and it can be technologically reproduced. Considering his comments, I don’t know how much he already knew about retro engineering extraterrestrial vehicles while at Lockheed.

Mr. Steve Justice

Was he privy to the most secret compartmentalized projects or to highly classified, but nonetheless, “medium level” secret aerospace projects?  Regardless of how much he knows about ET flying saucer machinery, as head of the aerospace division of To the Stars Academy (which he now leads) he wants to build an object that reproduces the UFO events previously described. He basically said that the technologies of To the Stars Academy will prepare us for the future and that we shouldn’t dare to place limits on what we can do.

Mr. Justice “entered the defense aerospace industry in 1978 after graduating from the Georgia Institute of Technology. After 31 years, Stephen is the recently retired Program Director for Advanced Systems from Lockheed Martin Advanced Development Programs – better known as the “Skunk Works”. Stephen’s industry experience brings to TTS Academy a deep understanding of strategy definition, breakthrough technology development, advanced concept design, prototyping, system fielding, and program planning and execution using a leadership style that inspires innovation.” (Source: https://dpo.tothestarsacademy.com/)

Tom DeLonge showed a video that image-wise also refers to extraterrestrial UFOs, illustrated by possible archaeological finds like some apparently ancient carved ET images in Mexico.

In the video Mr. Jim Semivan, a retired senior intelligence service member of the Central Intelligence Agency says;

“These things are real; these things are out there, they have been out there for a long time; they are not the provenance of the Government, of any Government in the world. They belong to us. These are things that happen to people all the time. And these are things that we need to explore and we need finally to get together to figure out what this is all about.”


Dr. Hal Puthoff

Dr. Hal Puthoff, a PhD physicist who also worked with classified projects for the Pentagon is involved. He worked in an important remote viewing project for the CIA and has published key papers on zero-point energy.  Dr. Puthoff “published numerous papers on electron-beam devices, lasers and space propulsion and has patents issued in the laser, communications, and energy fields. Dr. Puthoff’s professional background spans more than five decades of research at General Electric, Sperry, the National Security Agency, Stanford University and SRI International. Dr. Puthoff regularly advises NASA , the Department of Defense and intelligence communities, corporations and foundations on leading-edge technologies and future technology trends. He earned his Ph.D. from Stanford University in 1967.” (Source: https://dpo.tothestarsacademy.com/

Mr. Tom DeLonge announced a positive and unifying message and model for the benefit of future generations was announced. The To the Stars Academy corporation is not only asking for participants but also asking for investors. To reach the public in a more effective, engaging, transformative way, not only rational inquiry but also right brain activities like the arts and story telling will be offered. 


VIDEO of the PRESENTATION AT:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUOu9RpzwJI&t=198s

Concept image of a vehicle to be built



Commentary by Giorgio Piacenza:

The announcements are an important step forward to legitimize the issue that some UFOs may originate with non-human intelligences, but I consider this event to be a partial disclosure. I think that some or all of the persons involved were part of the Government’s secret investigation on the subject but that – perhaps – they were not privy to the most secret research and findings. There might be a deeper level of secrecy (not clearly of the U.S. Government) also working with the extraterrestrial subject, strategies, alliances and retro engineering.  It might even be international in scope and still associated with corporations as Dr. Greer has tried to explain for many years.
However, some persons making the decisions on what to reveal (MAJIC and other commitees that have the overall picture?) may have allowed a shallower level of secrecy to be partially and gradually revealed and asked them to come forward with what they know in order to start working with the civilian population. Perhaps pro-disclosure factions in the deepest “need to know” (sometimes referred to as “white hats”) might have deemed adequate for a civilian organization to link with the community at large. It might be the activation of one of many plausible disclosure strategies. This time what is being disclosed is less “plausibly deniable” due to the credentials of the individuals involved, some of whom recently retired from intelligence and aerospace.  
In my view, it is an important step forward that changes the UFO and ET research picture while some of the most guarded secrets remain guarded, as they should be because some technology cannot fall into the wrong hands.  The speakers gave me the impression of being well-intended. But how much do they know? The speakers know an ET presence is real, that their devices are real, and want to at least partially reproduce the technology (giving them the benefit of the doubt) for the benefit of humankind. They are not revealing that we are in cohoots with some extraterrestrial species or that we have a working space fleet and only seem to have had access to medium level retro engineered devices and classified knowledge that we are not alone. Revealing this much should be a BIG game changer and pro-diclosure activists should be glad!
Now Government officials should say something about this and legitimize the subject even more, basically giving “permission” to the press, other scientistsm various cultural leaders to talk about UFOs and ETs more openly! Perhaps even Russia and other countries with advanced secret program research will feel inclined to speak up even more! 
However, the emphasis catering to the need for defense against possible dangerous ETs is an incomplete proposal as – according to the ANONYMOUS F.R.E.E. (www.experiencer.org) survey on thosands of experiencers with conscious memories, most of the experiencers do not consider the ETs negative. Unless most experiencers are not being contacted by negative extraterrestrial intelligences but there’s nonetheless still a larger amount of them, this suggests that, while there is some reason to prepare for an eventual clash with some of the “visitors,” (and to associate more openly and closely with protective and respectful ET varieties) we must not over emphasize that negative aspect. And we must even consider that more benign beings may even be protecting us. To make wise decisions we need the whole picture.
But full Disclosure is a Consciousness problem, a human consciousness problem. We need to be able to understand and not just the fragment of the whole we are open to. Partial disclosure and skewed-fractional (or subdivided) partial disclosures, also are part of a Consciousness problem. The lack of full open contact is a Consciousness problem: Our individual and collective ability to process multiple aspects of the overall situation. We are not inclined to take in information that doesn’t fit our preconceptions and personal preferences. 
Many will dismiss Mr. DeLonge’s initiative because – in spite of the level of disclosure (or, in this case,”confirmation” as Linda Moulton Howe has recently said) – it emphasizes the negative side of ETs and the need for defense instead of the space brother side whose main defense is linked with spiritual evolution, aligning with LOVE and universal principles (thus not attracting negative ETs and situations) and relying on a large association of benevolent., humanity-respecting ETs to protect us.
Perhaps persons many open to the extraterrestrial situation may find this effort suspect because it is associated with elements of the military industrial intelligence complex usually found suspect (not without reason) in popular narratives within the UFO community. Is it a preamble to the “false flag” situation mentioned by Carol Rosin, Steven Greer and – allegedly – Werner Von Braun, or there has been a “change of plans?” 
There was no mention of the word “extraterrestrial”; it was basically implicit throughout the presentation and the To the Stars Academy event was probably meant first to legitimize the issue with the average person who may be either in denial, indifference or taking it as an unimportant entertaining thing.  There was no mention of the more advanced aspects of a “secret space program” which, if genuine (as it seems to be considering the coincidence among some whistleblowers like Corey Goode and William Tompkins) would indicate that we (humanity) already have extraterrestrial-level interstellar craft, are associated and/or engage with benevolent and malevolent ET groups. But how much the To the Stars Academy team know about this? Are all or most of them only privy to medium secrecy level knowledge and technology? Some may know how to shield and cancel gravity and have worked on (or built) anti gravity craft but are these the most advanced ones? If Corey Goode and Bill Tompkins’s testimonies are mostly true, would these craft be associated with the alleged U.S. Navy’s Solar Warden fleet or with the U.S. AirForce allegedly less developed space fleet? 
As per DISCLOSURE initiatives, there is a competition between privileging technologies or privileging consciousness. The former seems to be spearheaded by factions within the military industrial aerospace intelligence complex. The latter, by grass roots activism, research and experiencer contacts, in initiatives like FREE’s. We need to find an integrative solution in order to think more intelligently about this.
However, it was HISTORICAL. On Wednesday 11 of October a semi official, partial disclosure event haswas underway, organized by Tom De Longe and former inteligence operatives, and aerospace scientists now presenting “To the Stars Academy” a corporation that is to educate and entertain, and research bringing UAP(UFO) data and resources from  people. And it promises to produce advanced UFO like technologies for the benefit of humankind.
It is a step forward for making the UFO and ET subjects credible and I hope that he mainstream press finally covers these developments seriously and responsibly. And I hope that many mainstream scientists feel they have the permission they were waiting inorder to work with these subjects without endangering their careers.  I also hope that politicians stop hiding from the subject in order to continue quarreling so much under polarizing, often retrograde ideas. Finally, I hope that it is not too late for the larger civilian community (heavily under individualism, materialism, polarizing beliefs and narratives, decades of disinformation and overburden by too much factual and fake news information) to be able to process these issues. 
But could this release of information have been orchestrated by a smaller group of “those in the know,” and it might be a partial disclosure of an aspect: The need for technology to defend from the danger of some ET groups. That seems to be the emphasis given to Mr. De Long by a branch of “those in the know” but, off course, the emphasis on negativity may be overblown. It is an entrenched way of thinking perhaps even for the alleged “white hats” in control of the helm within an alleged parallel Government. And this way of thinking – while it recognizes consciousness – also relies extra heavily on the POWER of external technology, perhaps leading to restrictions on the potential of human consciousness. In the Long run, relying so much on technology might restrict possibility of reaching our highest natural potentials and may extend the conflictive human experience into the stars. It should not be emphasized too much as a form of disclosure.
Other disclosure activists may be receiving other aspects of the overall information. Some (like Dr Greer) are informed of the benevolence of most or all ET groups (which appears to be predominant according to most contact testimonies) and perhaps others of those that are mostly neutral. Thus the partial release of info may be skewed into several directions as different representatives of each type of information thinks that he or she has a greater grip on the overall situation than what he really has.
Mr. Grant Cameron evaluates this situation really well. The De Long To the Stars Academy may be partially correct in some aspects but it also is related to a high tech military-prone faction. I think these are partial controlled disclosures for sure. Not the consciousness-raising-before-contact-and-technologies given (Adamski like) types but envisioning civilian participation. 
Have the “powers that be” (perhaps the “white hats”) realized that humanity will be lost, its thinking and critical abilities curtailed unless there is an awakening to reality-expanding information that has spiritual consequences?
Partial truths perhaps but very important ones to wake up more of the population. I think that it is a high tech military-prone faction and we must remain vigilant that this is not a ruse to later on achive greater control of the population. These are partial controlled disclosures for sure but can potentially be consciousness-raising if humanity still has a chance to respond intelligently. It’s not the consciousness-raising-under-universal-spiritual principles-before-contact-and-technologies-is- given (Adamski like). Partial truths that do mention consciousness but rely more upon technology. Again, I think that Grant CAMERON has a good understanding of this.
I think that it is a high tech military-prone faction. In the competition between prioritizing technology or consciousness, the former is privileged. Partial controlled disclosures for sure. Not the consciousness-raising-before-contact-and-technologies given (Adamski like) types. Partial truths. Grant CAMERON has a good understanding of this. Each discloser contacted by different facions thinks he has more of a grip on the overall situation than what he really does. The need to defend against some ET varieties may be real, yes, but it can also be overblown as an extension of the military-industrial conservative way of thinking.
However, from a consciousness based “need to know” basis, how much can we not only individually but colectively handle the truth? 

Should we welcome and trust this limited disclosure? I am more inclined to welcome it than the disclosure movement to remain stagnant. But perhaps the control group (MAJIC or Majority Joint Intelligence Committee?) which probably decides whether to inform the public and in what manner became aware that society needs to know more in order to be more culturally creative and survive the age of inescapable interconnectivity. Then again, it may be a way (as some conspiracy theorists say) to maintain control of society, perhaps surreptitiously preparing a receptive segment to accept a “False flag” against extraterrestrials in general. And, would the “ones in control” of this scenario be themselves mentally controlled by negative ETs of a similar (don’t  trust but instead control) inclinations?

The problem I find with the “To the Stars Academy” project (allowed by the powers that be) is that the positive side of things (validated by thousands of experiencer encounters and many classical contactees) the positive side of the extraterrestrial presence, is not emphasized and that is worrisome because it may attract negative experiences and an extensin of many old patterns.

I believe that positive contacts are basically tolerated and even respected and allowed to be without much interference in case the need may arise to draw on positive extraterrestrial beings for assistance. But the general entrenched attitude in U.S. culture (and with different emphases and styles around the world) is of trying to fiercely maintain independence through power as much as possible. This is why militarism and the way we generate conflicts around the world is unending. This probably limits the ways in which the situation is handled and limits the possibilities to which U.S. citizenry and humanity at large is privy to. The UFO and contact phenomenon can also nourish a culture of peace based on universal integrative principles and the knowledge that humanity has the potential to live spiritually in a positive way in a physical environment beyond a state of nature. But “those in the know” in secret legitimate Government ( and parallel non-Government) control groups don’t seem to emphasize this possibility too much, all the while some citizen groups open to a service-to-self spirituality and contact appear to be representing the best interests of  humanity in the long run. 

Other disclosers like Dr. Greer (in contact with other factions or people in the know feeding him different aspects) think that all ETs are benevolent. He would not agree with the DeLonge approach. Then again, each major discloser chosen for a partial disclosure of an aspect think that he or she knows more than what he knows and is also chosen because he or she has some credibility issues that render possible the “plausible deniability” of what he is saying. It all seems to be carefully planned. Again, I think that Mr. Grant Cameron has a good understanding of the multiple disclosure initiatives.
We TEND to DISMISS anything we don’t like because doesn’t fit the information being proccessed by our personal cognitive identities and this is why there are different partial disclosure initiatives and why (as a UFO-ET Contact-Disclosure-Exopolitics Community) we can’t see the overall picture and connect with each other. This seems to be why we can’t have open contact even with highly benevolent beings, and why there are multiple types of disclosure strategies, both from the Government and from ETs. It is a CONSCIOUSNESS problem, ultimately a need for a practical and experiential alignment with The SOURCE, The Absolute Ground of Being, as per how much of reality and perspectives we can simultaneosly handle without dismissing and fighting with each other…(including ETs).
Further comments  by Giorgio Piacenza:
The DeLonge-TTS initiative has many of the hallmarks of a planned, partial disclosure skewed towards playing the “evil aliens” tune to influence segments of society. This is worrisome, yes, very much so because it is not tempered with the researched fact that MOST human-ET encounters are deemed benign and beneficial by human experiencers of such encounters. While the DeLonge-TTS initiative constitutes a form of semi-official disclosure and some (quite likely), credible, well-intended scientists like Dr. Hal Puthoff may be involved (and probably used) for credibility purposes. But, considering his trajectory and the declarations of the other two scientists in the TTS presentation, we can surmise that their level of knowledge in retro engineering extraterrestrial craft may not be of the highest, covert order within the unacknowledged portion of the military-industrial complex.
Moreover, even if a small percentage of the human-extraterrestrial contact cases may refer to negative,deleterious extraterrestrial varieties,there may be some truth to the DeLonge-TTS position about a need to have viable technologies to self-defend. While we should not emphasize an “us vs them” attitude, if we assume that all accounts about “evil aliens” (a simplistic term I know) are false, we may be incurring in our own dogmatic biases even against the information shared by some historical contactees with benevolent space brothers like Sixto Paz and Ricardo Gonzalez, suggestive narratives about the “Asuras” in several Vedic accounts, some recently researched (and selectively researched I must admit) highly traumatizing abduction cases, the shamanic naratives about extraterrestrials of some “original nations” like the Q’uero from Perú, the declarations by William Tompkins and exopolitical assessments by Dr. Michael Salla, all of which consider the possibility of benign and non-benign beings.
While we must not allow ourselves to be manipulated (by the segment of the military-industrial complex supporting the DeLonge-TTS initiative) into an all out effort against the entirety of extraterrestrials as “evil aliens,” we must also try to cultivate a carefully balanced perspective, by also not falling into the other extreme (often represented by Dr. Greer) that all extraterrestrials coming to Earth must necessarily be benevolent. Surely, we must be careful against our own xenophobic tendencies, our tendencies to be excessive in the ways we dismiss those who think differently than us and we must be careful against any extreme extreme polarizing tendencies that reflect a need to explain in simplistic terms a complexity that we need to know. It may well be that those that have the overall picture deem it necessary to reveal aspects of the whole through different “messiahs” (as Grant Cameron says); thus through some the “all benevolent” picture is revealed and through others the “all evil picture” is revealed or else society at large would not be able to process the whole truth. The question is: how well-intended (and adequate) is this strategy? Is it intended to control us or intended to protect us? Both?
1) Tom DeLonge announced that declassified footage of genuine UFOs will be released in a few days and that a process to relate with governments and individuals will be launched. Today is December 02, 2017.  This should increase the credibility of the concept or recognition that we are being visited by other intelligent beings. 
2) There was a “shift” in emphasis in the To the Stars Academy in their YouTube presentation. Discovered by Robert Williams. First during presentation, Lou Elizondo said they had seen no indication of a threat. Then, the word “TERRIFYING” was removed from the third part of the introduction to the TTS video presentation.  I applaud this shift for UFO/ET issues to be less threatening. 
We can see the shift in emphasis in Grant Cameron‘s, White House UFO YouTube video “Blink 182 Frontman Tom Delonge update, New CIA/UFO disclosure”  From minute 28.42 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-K8huscL3E.  



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