On June 30, veteran UFO researcher Richard Dolan released a leaked summary of the classified version of the UAP report delivered to the US Senate five days earlier. The alleged summary asserts that members of Congress were informed of eight breakthrough propulsion technologies being studied and tested at Nevada’s Area 51 and Tonopah Test Range. None of the advanced propulsion technologies were deployed outside of these testing facilities, according to the summary, and therefore none of craft identified in the June 25 UAP report belong to the US.
This Exopolitics Today podcast examines competing claims over whether evidence exists that such craft have been successfully built and deployed by different branches of the US military.
On November 9, General Jay Raymond, the U.S. Space Force’s Chief of Space Operations, released a foundational document outlining the new military service’s priorities and management practices for the U.S. to remain ahead of its major adversaries in space. The 12-page document, “Chief of Space Operations Planning Guidance” (CPG), makes clear that space is now viewed as a “warfighting domain”, and that in order for the U.S. to maintain dominance and deter hostile actions, it needs to take immediate action to integrate, equip, train, and organize its military space assets.
General Raymond warns about the danger posed by major adversaries, such as China and Russia, that have developed sophisticated anti-satellite technologies capable of disrupting or destroying the U.S. satellite grid. Such a possibility was first outlined in a January 11, 2001, Space Commission Report, chaired by former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, warning about a “Space Pearl Harbor” and the need for a new military service to prevent it
General Raymond begins his Planning Guidance document by explaining how space has shifted from a benign security environment to one where warfare can be expected in the near future:
The Space Force has a mandate in national strategy, policy, and law to be both pathfinder and protector of America’s interests as a space-faring nation. The convergence of proliferating technology and competitive interests has forever re-defined space from a benign domain to one in which we anticipate all aspects of human endeavor – including warfare. The return of peer, great power competitors has dramatically changed the global security environment and space is central to that change (CPG, p.1).
According to the 1967 Outer Space Treaty, space was considered to be a peaceful domain for scientific exploration. No country was allowed to station military forces or weapons in space, the Moon, or other celestial objects. General Raymond is here acknowledging that recent developments such as Russia and China’s deployment of a range of anti-satellite weapons systems mean that space is no longer a benign environment, and that preventative military measures need to be taken.
He goes on to explain how the Space Force can prepare for future warfare in space:
The United States Space Force is called to organize, train, equip, and present forces capable of preserving America’s freedom of action in space; enabling Joint Force lethality and effectiveness; and providing independent options – in, from, and to space… While we will extend and defend America’s competitive advantage in peacetime, the ultimate measure of our readiness is the ability to prevail should war initiate in, or extend to space (CPG, p.1).
Deterring major adversaries from launching military hostilities is explained as a key priority in order not to lose U.S. space dominance:
America needs a Space Force able to deter conflict, and if deterrence fails, prevail should war initiate in or extend to space. Space capabilities enhance the potency of all other military forces. Our National leadership requires resilient and assured military space capabilities for sustained advantage in peaceful competition, or decisive advantage in conflict or war….
The change in the geo-strategic and operating environment that compelled the creation of the Space Force means that many of our legacy space capabilities must be reevaluated for ongoing relevance. Let me be clear – if we do not adapt to outpace aggressive competitors, we will likely lose our peacetime and warfighting advantage in space (CPG, p.2).
China and Russia are both viewed as the primary adversaries capable of militarily destroying the U.S. satellite grid in a future war or in a surprise attack, a Space Pearl Harbor:
Chinese and Russian military doctrines indicate they view space as essential to modern warfare, and view counterspace capabilities as potent means to reduce U.S. and allied military effectiveness. Modern Chinese and Russian space surveillance networks are capable of finding, tracking, and characterizing satellites in all earth orbits. Both Russia and China are developing systems using the electro-magnetic spectrum, cyberspace, directed energy, on-orbit capabilities, and ground-based antisatellite missiles to destroy space-based assets (CPG, p.2).
From the perspective of China’s Communist Party leadership, as I explain in Rise of the Red Dragon (2020), China is merely catching up to what the United States (and Russia) had already secretly developed and deployed in space decades earlier.
Not surprisingly, General Raymond emphasizes developing breakthrough space technologies in dealing with potential military conflict:
Space Force will use strategic investments to cultivate a strong, diverse and competitive American space industrial base. Civil and commercial developments that pave the way for exploration and commercialization beyond near-Earth orbit will both generate technology that benefits the USSF and require an order of magnitude expansion of our ability to sense, communicate and act to protect and defend American interests in cis-lunar space and beyond. (CPG, p.9).
General Raymond is here suggesting major aerospace defense contractors such as Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics, Boeing, etc., will play vital roles in developing breakthrough space technologies that can be used to deter adversaries in space. While development of breakthrough space technologies is framed as a future need, the reality is that such technologies have already been secretly developed by major aerospace companies. The produced technologies have been subsequently sold off to different “customers” such as U.S. military commands, intelligence agencies, and major allies for decades.
Extensive testimonial and documentary evidence is presented in my Secret Space Programs book series showing how the U.S. Air Force and the Navy developed separate secret space programs in response to earlier developments in Nazi Germany that carried over into the post-war era. As a result of decades-long cooperation with major corporations in reverse engineering captured Nazi and alien spacecraft, advanced anti-gravity spacecraft and electromagnetic weapons systems were developed and deployed by different entities within the US national security establishment.
The critical requirement for gaining access to such breakthrough aerospace technologies by a U.S. military service, combatant command, or intelligence agency was to demonstrate a clear need for such advanced technologies for completing space-related missions.
As long as space was considered a benign environment, then this favored the acquisition of reverse-engineered technologies by intelligence services or special operations groups that used space for intelligence gathering or small-scale covert operations. The bulk of breakthrough aerospace technologies would consequently go to defense intelligence entities such as the National Reconnaissance Office, CIA, Defense Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency, and covert groups such as Air Force Special Operations and Special Operations Command.
Even U.S. Space Command (1985-2002) and Air Force Space Command (1982-2019) would be limited in how much access they had to such breakthrough “black world” technologies as acknowledged in a comprehensive 1996 Intelligence Commission report to the US Congress:
Two organizations within the Department of Defense manage space assets: the U.S. Space Command (SPACECOM) is responsible for so-called “white world” satellites (i.e., satellites that are publicly acknowledged) for military programs, and the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) deals with “black world” (i.e., classified) satellites for intelligence programs. SPACECOM launches and operates satellites for military communication, weather and navigation, which are designed and procured by the military services. NRO designs, acquires, launches, and operates classified reconnaissance satellites.
The Pentagon’s Joint Chiefs of Staff and the unified combatant commanders, with the notable exceptions of Special Operations Command and (Air Force) Space Command, were largely denied access. This was because major military space operations were deemed unnecessary due to space being considered a benign environment, and such operations violating international space law.
All that changes with General Raymond’s Planning Guidance document, which expands upon President Donald Trump’s earlier Space Policy Directive 4 which made space a hostile environment requiring defense of America’s space assets. Space is now considered a war fighting domain where large scale military operations may be necessary to protect the U.S. satellite grid. This means that breakthrough corporate technologies that previously were denied to the different military services due to their high-level security classification and international space law constraints, are now permitted either through Space Force (which incorporates the former USAF Space Command) or U.S. Space Command, both of which were respectively created or reconstituted in 2019.
General Raymond emphasizes the haste with which these advanced technologies should now be incorporated into Space Force and for immediate action to be taken to protect the U.S. satellite grid:
The strategic environment demands we act boldly now to build a Service designed to act with speed and decisiveness to ensure the United States maintains its advantage in the domain….This CPG identifies those characteristics and capabilities within the force that must evolve. We do not have the luxury of delay for further analysis. (CPG, p.9).
Raymond’s thinking is mirrored in recent statements by the Secretary of the U.S. Air Force, Barbara Barret, calling for declassifying many space technologies kept hidden from the general public and even from different elements of the Air Force itself. On December 7, 2019, she declared:
Declassifying some of what is currently held in secure vaults would be a good idea… You would have to be careful about what we declassify, but there is much more classified than what needs to be.
In conclusion, redefining space as a warfighting domain means that formerly highly classified technologies developed by corporations and military laboratories for exclusive use by the intelligence and special operations communities will be acquired by Space Force. These advanced space technologies will be made available for large scale deployment in future space combat operations.
The release of General Raymond’s “Planning Guidance” document makes it highly likely that soon after Space Force is fully set up by May 2021 (the end of its 18 months set up period), we are likely to witness the official disclosure of multiple highly classified aerospace technologies, including anti-gravity propulsion systems, acquired by Space Force. The release of such advanced technologies will revolutionize the civilian transportation industry and military defense and take our planet into an exciting but dangerous new age.
White Hats and the Deep State have competing plans to unveil a very limited disclosure of the truth behind Secret Space Programs and extraterrestrial life. The goal is not so much to inform, but to misinform the general public through a limited hangout that keeps the full truth hidden for decades to come. Learn about these competing agendas and how they contrast with full disclosure.
The dropping of all charges against Lt Gen Michael Flynn brings to an end a lengthy legal battle stemming from the Russian Collusion investigation of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and his subsequent administration. While there are certain to be powerful legal consequences for the perjury trap launched by senior FBI officials against Flynn, who had just begun his short stint as Trump’s National Security Advisor, what remains to be answered is why was Flynn targeted? Did it have anything to do with Flynn’s knowledge of UFOs, secret space programs and his new position where he could legally gain access to and disclose such information to Trump, who in turn would be able to disclose it to the general public?
It’s important to emphasize that as a former Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) from July 2012 to August 2014, Flynn would have been briefed on an extensive number of Unacknowledged Special Access Programs (USAPs) run by or involving the DIA. Perhaps even more significantly, he would have learned about those USAP’s which the DIA Director and his Deputy had been denied access.
USAPs he would have been briefed about included a secret space program run by the US Air Force and the National Reconnaissance Office with the help of the National Security Agency and the DIA. The collaboration of these different Department of Defense entities in USAP’s involving space is discussed in my USAF Secret Space Program: Shifting Extraterrestrial Alliances & Space Force (2019).
Additional USAPs run by major aerospace companies involving reverse engineering captured extraterrestrial technologies would have been of much interest to the DIA Director, despite lacking formal oversight responsibilities, as I will shortly show.
One of Flynn’s responsibilities as DIA Director was to coordinate the gathering and analysis of intelligence data concerning the space capabilities of potential US military rivals. This included China which Flynn had extensively investigated as part of his intelligence portfolio during his military career.
At the same time, Flynn and his predecessors as DIA Directors were greatly interested in what major aerospace companies were researching, building, and deploying for their confidential “customers”.
A clue into just how much a DIA Director and/or his deputy is briefed on secret space programs and the reverse engineering of captured alien technologies behind them is gained by examining the case of one of Flynn’s predecessors, Vice Admiral Thomas Wilson, and what he knew of such programs.
On April 10, 1997, then Rear Admiral Wilson received an informal UFO briefing by former Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell and Stephen Greer, an emergency room physician from North Carolina who would soon after launch the famed Disclosure Project. After Wilson was given information about an Unacknowledged Special Access Program (USAP) involving the reverse engineering of a recovered alien spacecraft, he looked into it and was denied access by three corporate officials even though he occupied the concurrent positions of Deputy Director of the DIA and Vice Director for Intelligence for the Joint Chiefs of Staff from November 1994 to September 1997.
Wilson was very unhappy with the situation and expressed his frustration to Mitchell and Greer who both publicly revealed elements of what had happened. In 2019, a 15-page document that Mitchell had acquired of a verbatim interview between Admiral Wilson and a prominent physicist, Dr. Eric Davis, surfaced after Mitchell’s death, providing significantly more details of what had happened.
Wilson had appealed to the Special Access Program Oversight Committee to be granted access to a reverse engineering program run by the aerospace company but was denied. Furthermore, Wilson was threatened to stop his inquiries, or his military career would suffer.
Wilson acquiesced, and after a short assignment to the CIA, was subsequently promoted to Vice Admiral and became Director of the DIA from July 1999 to July 2002. Importantly, Wilson was backed by his superior, Lt General Patrick Hughes, who had sat in on the April 1997 “briefing” along with other DIA officials ensuring that the Wilson incident was now part of the institutional memory of the DIA rather than an isolated incident involving one official that would be forgotten.
Shortly after his July 2002 retirement, Wilson met with Davis in October and disclosed details of what had happened in the hope of learning more about the corporate-run program. I covered the October 2002 meeting in a series of three articles (see Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3).
What the Admiral Wilson affair tells us is that there is a tightly controlled secrecy system in place to restrict access to USAP’s conducted by corporations that are actively reverse engineering extraterrestrial technologies. While DIA Directors have oversight of the end products produced for the Air Force and Navy – electromagnetically propelled antigravity spacecraft – they lack the formal power to investigate what’s happening in corporate-run facilities, many of which are situated on military bases according to multiple insiders.
Consequently, it is certain that Lt General Flynn inherited the institutional memory of the Wilson incident when he became DIA Director in 2012. Flynn would not only have been officially briefed about USAPs related to an Air Force and NRO run secret space program, but also learned about which corporations were conducting reverse engineering programs that he and the DIA did NOT have access to.
The Special Access Program Oversight Committee that denied Wilson access to one of these programs would presumably have similarly denied Flynn access if he had made similar inquiries. Consequently, Flynn would have known that a higher institutional authority would have been required to override the Special Access Program Oversight Committee in order to grant the DIA need-to-know access to such USAPs.
Consequently, the danger posed to the Deep State by Flynn being appointed Trump’s National Security Advisor becomes all too clear. Flynn was in the position to advise Trump to grant the DIA Director and the National Security Advisor need-to-know access to corporate-run reverse engineering programs protected by the Special Access Programs Oversight Committee.
Furthermore, Flynn could arrange for an official briefing where Trump would learn about the secret space program that involved the USAF, NRO, NSA, and DIA. After such an official briefing, Trump would have been in a position to publicly disclose such information if he believed it was in the national interest.
The perjury trap set up by corrupt FBI/Deep State officials against General Flynn was not only a travesty of justice orchestrated by the Deep State to sabotage the Trump Presidency, but was also to prevent Flynn advising Trump in ways that would undermine the decades-long secrecy system.
The exoneration of General Flynn makes it now possible for him to be reappointed to a senior position in the Trump administration, and to facilitate the disclosure of a secret space program and corporate-run alien reverse engineering USAPs.
China is on schedule to launch an orbiter and rover to Mars in July 2020 in a mission called Tianwen-1 – meaning ‘questions to heaven’. While the mission goals for Tianwen-1 appear very mundane – mapping the surface and extracting soil samples – one of the “questions to heaven” that the Chinese are very interested in answering is: “are multiple insider accounts of a German space colony that moved to Mars from Antarctica in the 1950s/1960s true?”
The Tianwen-1 orbiter will be equipped with a high-resolution camera comparable to HiRise on board NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. It also carries a medium-resolution camera, subsurface radar, mineralogy spectrometer, neutral and energetic particle analyzers and a magnetometer. The orbiter will also play a relay role for the mission rover.
The roughly 240-kilogram solar-powered rover is nearly twice the mass of China’s Yutu lunar rovers. It will carry a ground-penetrating radar, multispectral camera, a Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy instrument and payloads for detecting the climate and magnetic environment. The rover has a mission design lifetime of three Earth months. The rover will receive a name through a public vote closer to launch.
The Chinese orbiter and rover will provide independent data to answer many questions Chinese researchers have about Mars in terms of its ancient history and life, without relying on third parties such as NASA and the European Space Agency, which are well known to disseminate disinformation.
The China National Space Administration is well aware of data from NASA’s 1976 Viking mission that showed evidence of both current and ancient life on Mars.
Gilbert Levin’s two experiments conducted by twin landers both showed evidence of microscopic life on Mars. Nevertheless, his positive results were dismissed by NASA as he explained in a 2019 article for Scientific American:
On July 30, 1976, the LR [Labeled Release] returned its initial results from Mars. Amazingly, they were positive. As the experiment progressed, a total of four positive results, supported by five varied controls, streamed down from the twin Viking spacecraft landed some 4,000 miles apart. The data curves signaled the detection of microbial respiration on the Red Planet. The curves from Mars were similar to those produced by LR tests of soils on Earth. It seemed we had answered that ultimate question.
When the Viking Molecular Analysis Experiment failed to detect organic matter, the essence of life, however, NASA concluded that the LR had found a substance mimicking life, but not life. Inexplicably, over the 43 years since Viking, none of NASA’s subsequent Mars landers has carried a life detection instrument to follow up on these exciting results.
Additionally, the Viking orbiter took photos of the famous Face of Mars in the Cydonia region that was analyzed in depth by a number of researchers. Dr. JJ Hurtak was among the first to bring public attention to the existence of artificial structures on Mars revealed by Viking and the earlier Mariner 9 mission in a number of television interviews beginning in 1977.
Officially, NASA cast scorn on the analyses of Hurtak, DiPietro, and Hoagland about the Cydonia region containing the remains of an ancient Martian civilization. Nevertheless, other US government agencies were very interested in Hurtak, DiPietro and Hoagland’s analyses.
A declassified Central Intelligence Agency document reveals that in 1984, the CIA employed a psychic “remote viewer” to look at a region of Mars as it was approximately one million years ago. The remote viewer (Joseph McMoneagle), who was not aware that the coordinates given were on the planet Mars, described seeing pyramids, futuristic technologies, and a very tall human-looking civilization facing impending environmental calamity.
What makes the CIA document remarkable is that the coordinates provided to the remote viewer, Joseph McMoneagle, were of the Cydonia region as depicted in the 1976 Viking Orbiter images of Mars.
There are many questions about microbial and ancient intelligent life on Mars that the Chinese will begin to answer for themselves with the upcoming Tianwen-1 mission. However, the more interesting ‘questions to heaven’ are whether indigenous intelligent life continues to exist on Mars and whether in the 1950s/1960s, a German space colony was established there with US funding and logistical support.
The first report of a German colony being established on Mars came from a Bulgarian electrical engineer, Vladimir Terziski, in the early 1990s. Terziski gave lectures around the US from 1991 to 1993, showing documents and videos of Nazi SS flying saucer prototypes, and of a space operations center established in Antarctica by the Germans.
In the 1950s, after agreements had been reached between the Eisenhower Administration and the German breakaway colony in Antarctica, US resources began to flow to the Germans’ secret space program. This was done under cover of the Apollo program, which was run by German paperclip scientists holding senior leadership positions in NASA.
In chapter 12 of the US Air Force Secret Space Program, I explain how the Apollo program was used to funnel resources and personnel to help the Germans establish colonies on the Moon, Mars, and elsewhere in deep space. The German and US cooperation largely took place through a corporate consortium involving leading German and US corporations.
In 1989, an electrical contractor, Al Bielek, came forward to allege that he and his brother, Duncan Cameron, were taken to Mars through a jump room or teleportation device located at Montauk, Long Island, New York. In interviews, Bielek confirmed the accuracy of the Alternative 3 scenario involving the establishment of bases on the surface of Mars for a continuity of species program as first revealed in a mock British TV documentary.
Bielek said he and Cameron were sent by teleportation technology into ancient bases in the interior of Mars on multiple occasions. He described these bases as approximately 20,000 years old, built by human-looking extraterrestrials and long ago deserted. Along with another witness, the electrical engineer Preston Nichols, all the witnesses emphasized the role of Operation Paperclip German scientists who were very much involved in setting up and running the Montauk Project.
In 2000, Michael Relfe came forward to reveal that he had spent 20 years on Mars as a pilot and psychic on a highly classified space program. His experiences were detailed in a two volume series called The Mars Records. He was the first person to come forward claiming to have participated in a “20 and back program” – wherein an individual is age-regressed and sent back in time to his/her initial deployment, after serving for 20 years in a secret space program.
Relfe’s incredible story was followed in April 2014 by Randy Cramer, who claimed to have spent 17 years on Mars after being signed into the “20 and back program” on a secret moon base called Lunar Operations Command in 1987. He says that his primary mission was as a space marine protecting a corporate-run Mars colony from indigenous life that was highly intelligent, territorial, and aggressive.
Corey Goode first came forward in October 2014 and early 2015 revealing his own experiences in a Navy-run secret space program, Solar Warden, and how he had, on several occasions, traveled to Mars to service equipment for a corporate-run program where Germans occupied senior leadership positions. Goode later revealed a more recent trip to Mars in 2015, about how the Mars (German) colonies were providing advanced technology to as many as 900 different extraterrestrial civilizations.
I compared Relfe, Cramer, and Goode’s respective “20 and back” secret space program experiences in Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs (2015). The congruity of their independent claims was highly significant and supported the idea of advanced Martian colonies established by a German-US corporate alliance.
There continue to be more alleged insiders coming forward with sensational claims of having traveled to Mars and being forced to work with a German-run secret space program in deep (interstellar) space. While such claims continue to raise controversy, the scope of the information and the credentials of some of the insiders is impressive.
The mounting testimonial and documentary evidence of intelligent life on Mars and of the establishment of breakaway German and US corporate-run colonies there would certainly raise legitimate questions for China, especially as it is soon to launch its first official mission to Mars.
In Rise of the Red Dragon: Origins and Threat of China’s Secret Space Program, I explain how China has long-held suspicions about “UFOs being a western trick” trying to side-track from genuine research paths. In short, China has long suspected that UFOs were surveillance craft belonging to the US and the Soviet Union/Russia rather than being extraterrestrial in origin.
More recently, China has developed squadrons of antigravity spacecraft and is using its conventional rocket-powered space program as a cover for its true military operations in space. By 2030, China aims to achieve strategic dominance in space, which includes the ability to carry out a Space Pearl Harbor against the US if required.
China’s upcoming Tianwen-1 mission will begin the difficult task of answering key questions about the history of intelligent life on Mars, and of alleged corporate-run colonies secretly operating on the red planet. The definitive answers China finds to such questions are likely to shock their military and scientific establishment to the core.
China will confirm that it is a latecomer to human operations on Mars, and is far behind what the German and US corporate alliance have established there dating as far back as the 1950s/1960s. China’s Tianwen-1 mission will likely confirm multiple insider accounts of secret Mars bases and encounter some of the Germans’ advanced antigravity spacecraft. It’s likely to begin the challenging negotiating process that lies ahead if China wants to establish a long term presence on Mars, and hopes to participate in the remarkable scientific developments that are secretly occurring there under German control.
The famed Tic Tac shaped craft captured on video and sighted by multiple US Navy pilots beginning in 2004 are advanced US Air Force spacecraft capable of traveling at 500 mph underwater and 24,000 mph into space according to a former intelligence specialist in electronic communications.
Mike Turber claims that he served with the USAF as an intelligence specialist and later with various defense contractors where he had Top Secret security clearance and access to various Special Access Programs (SAP’s) and Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) projects.
Turber came forward in two interviews he gave on November 4 and December 2, 2019, where he presented information he has received from “official government” sources that the Tic Tac sightings are USAF hybrid aerospace craft capable of traveling underwater, in the air and into outer space.
He says that the incredible speeds the USAF craft can achieve both in the atmosphere and underwater is due to its ability to utilize the principle of supercavitation [timestamp 39:40], where a cavitation bubble is created around a craft moving water molecules out of the craft’s flight path and eliminating friction as explained by Wikipedia:
A supercavitating object is a high-speed submerged object that is designed to initiate a cavitation bubble at its nose. The bubble extends (either naturally or augmented with internally generated gas) past the aft end of the object and prevents contact between the sides of the object and the liquid. This separation substantially reduces the skin friction drag on the supercavitating object.
According to Turber, the Tic Tac craft were assembled in Palmdale, California at a highly classified Air Force facility called “Plant 42”. According to Global Security, a number of major aerospace companies operate out of this enormous facility:
Air Force Plant 42 is at Palmdale, CA, north of Pasadena in Los Angeles County. It is operated by Lockheed, Rockwell International, Northrop, and Nero. AFP 42 is located in the northeastern portion of Los Angeles County, California, within the Antelope Valley of the Mojave Desert, approximately 80 miles north of Los Angeles. It has over 6,600 acres (the government owns 85%) and includes approximately 4.2 million square feet of floor space (the government owns 45%). The site includes multiple high bay buildings and airfield access with flyaway capability. The facility also has one of the heaviest load-bearing runways in the world.
The most well-known corporation is Lockheed Martin’s famed Skunk Works which moved to Plant 42 from Burbank, California, in 1989.
According to Turber, he worked at Plant 42 after his Air Force career and realized that some of the craft being secretly constructed there were related to the Tic Tac sightings which he first learned about in 2005. He says that at the time he worked with the Air Force and was analyzing radio communications from Navy pilots discussing their sightings of UFOs that could maneuver both in the air and sea.
Turber says that he knows of at least three models of hybrid air, sea and space vehicles that have been built at Plant 42. He asserts that at least 20 of these had been built and deployed during the time he worked at Plant 42. The largest is 46 feet long which allows it to be easily loaded onto trucks for easy transportation along California’s highway system.
He asserts that the USAF Tic Tac craft use advanced stealth and invisibility technology, and that the USAF deployed them near Navy ships to test pilot reactions, and to essentially “mess with the Navy”.
Turber says that the Navy has now developed similar craft, and that major nations such as China and Russia have developed the exact same craft [timestamp 17:50]. China’s hybrid spacecraft are more evolved than Russia’s and quickly catching up to the USAF craft.
The Tic Tac craft are not reverse engineered from extraterrestrial spacecraft, according to Turber. Instead they were first developed in the 1950s from civilian sources such as Dundee University, before finding their way to institutions such as the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (timestamp 32:25). In contrast, multiple insiders claim that advanced aerospace technologies were reverse engineered from captured extraterrestrial spacecraft.
Turber says that several of the Tic Tac shaped hybrid craft were deployed over North Korea in November 2017, to intimidate its paramount leader, Kim Jung-Un, and President Donald Trump was informed of the craft’s deployment and purpose.
Turber’s testimony is important since it explains the origins and performance of the Tic Tac UFOs that major media outlets began to report in detail back on December 16, 2017, after the New York Times and Politico covered the issue in major stories.
According to Turber, the media’s tepid response to the revelation was a major factor in him coming forward. He insists that rather than being a whistleblower, he has been encouraged to come forward by official sources to reveal his testimony and prepare the public for the major revelations that lie ahead.
Unfortunately, Turber has not shared any official documents confirming his Air Force career and work with different military contractors. This is puzzling since other former USAF personnel and corporate employees, such as Edgar Fouche, have publicly released such documentation when they have come forward to reveal their insider knowledge of the TR-3B and Aurora Project without suffering any repercussions.
What Turber did share with his interviewer, Jim Breslo, was data from the Google Maps timeline feature that showed that on November 18, 2017, his phone recorded a flight from Ontario, California to the US East Coast that lasted one hour and 24 minutes [timestamp 1:17:40]. Turber alluded to the incident as objective evidence that he was involved in a highly classified aerospace project at the time but was not able to reveal more details.
The phone data timeline indeed does corroborate his core claim of having worked on classified aerospace projects since it is difficult to explain how anyone using a conventional aviation transport can travel from the West to East coast in 84 minutes. Nevertheless, the Google Maps travel timeline isn’t sufficient to corroborate what his “official” sources told him, so hopefully Turber will share some of his documentation to substantiate his military and aerospace career.
Breslo brought up the remarkable similarity between the flight performance of the Tic Tac craft and a Navy patent for a Hybrid Aerospace Underwater Craft (HAUC) which I have previously discussed, and which Brett Tingley and Tyler Rogoway, writing for The Drive, have connected to the Tic Tac incidents.
The Navy patent explains how the craft is able to travel without friction under water and through the air by creating a quantum vacuum bubble around it: as explained by Tingley:
In the Navy’s patent application for the HAUC, it’s claimed that the radical abilities of propulsion and maneuverability are made possible thanks to an incredibly powerful electromagnetic field that essentially creates a quantum vacuum around itself that allows it to ignore aerodynamic or hydrodynamic forces and remove its own inertial mass from the equation. Thus, the ability to generate such high-frequency electromagnetic waves is key to the alleged abilities of this theoretical hybrid craft that can soar near effortlessly through air and water at incredible speeds with little to no resistance or inertia.
Turber dismissed the Navy patent as bogus [timestamp 36:18], yet the principle of a quantum vacuum around the craft being generated by electromagnetic energy makes for a compelling explanation for how such craft could achieve supercavitation when traveling through different mediums such as water, air, and space.
Turber’s testimony is very helpful since it directly points to the Tic Tac craft being part of a USAF secret space program, and that these assets are now in the process of being handed over to the new Space Force, just as predicted in the US Air Secret Space Program: Shifting Extraterrestrial Alliances and Space Force. That means exciting times lie ahead as Space Force unveils the secret space program it has inherited from the USAF.
[Special Note: I will be presenting the revolutionary Navy patents and their relevance to Secret Space Program disclosure at my upcoming Webinar with Portal to Ascension on March 21, 2020. You can register here.]
China is painstakingly implementing a 100-year strategic plan aimed at overtaking the United States as the world’s dominant superpower or hegemon by 2049 according to Michael Pillsbury’s authoritative 2015 national best seller, The Hundred Year Marathon. Pillsbury’s keen insights not only provide a foundation for understanding how China plans to supplant the US, but how it is covertly responding to the existence of secret space programs developed by the US military industrial complex, and what China plans to do in response in order to achieve dominance both on Earth and in space.
Pillsbury is a China expert who has worked with the US Department of Defense, State Department, and Congress for over four decades, since 1975. A fluent Mandarin speaker, he has had unrivaled access to top Chinese military and political leaders during his professional career and is very familiar with the policies and plans of China’s ruling Communist Party elite, especially the military hawks who exert great influence behind the scenes. Currently, Pillsbury is a top advisor to President Donald Trump on US-China relations.
Pillsbury begins his highly detailed book by describing how top Chinese leaders cunningly use the historical period of the Warring States (475-221 BC) to develop their strategic planning for engaging with the US. In short, the Warring States period was a time when up to seven ethnic Chinese kingdoms competed amongst themselves for hegemony and dominance over their rivals.
Pillsbury explains how a ruling hegemon (the US in contemporary times) would be undermined by an aspiring hegemon (China), by means of stealth, cunning, and deception as practiced by different kingdoms during the Warring States period. He cogently explains how such goals require long term thinking by China as the aspiring hegemon that lacks the political and military power to directly confront the ruling US hegemon until it has been sufficiently weakened by internal and external strife.
Chinese military and political leaders began their 100-year marathon in 1949, Pillsbury explains, after the victory of the Communist Party and the establishment of the People’s Republic of China. Initially, China relied on the Soviet Union to help it industrialize and to modernize its vast military. After their political falling out in the 1960’s and military clashes along their shared borders, China’s Communist Party began secret overtures to the West.
It was Chairman Mao who covertly reached out to President Nixon, Pillsbury points out, and not the other way around as many erroneously believe. Initial relations between China and the US were genuinely positive since both had much to fear from the Soviet Union. All that changed with the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.
Chinese school textbooks changed dramatically. Previously positive descriptions of US history and democratic ideals, which had been extensively cited by Chinese students at the Tiananmen protests, were now overwhelmingly negative. Future generations of Chinese students were indoctrinated to believe that the US has been humiliating and abusing China since the mid-1800s.
Previously positive descriptions of President Lincoln (1861-1865), for example, were now overwhelmingly negative. Pillsbury explained how Chinese students came to be taught the ridiculous proposition that Lincoln was busy undermining China’s sovereignty, during the US Civil War. Essentially, China’s Communist Party was ensuring that there would be no repeat of the Tiananmen Square protest were the youth were citing positive US democratic ideals and personalities, which had been deeply embarrassing to Party elders.
Pillsbury then explains how China opened its doors to western industries and economic innovation as part of its modernization effort. Using strategies taken directly from the Warring States period, the Communist Party feigned openness to democratic political ideals, while ruthlessly clamping down on ethnic minorities and political dissidents, and blocking genuine democratic reforms.
The goal was to lure Western nations into a false sense of complacency where the common assumption was that China would inevitably change in the future as its huge economy opened to Western influence. Pillsbury emphasized that such future democratic changes were a chimera since the Chinese military and political elite were driven not by Western ideals, but by their understanding of what history revealed about how an aspiring hegemon needed first to undermine and then supplant a ruling hegemon.
He points out that China had no intention of helping the US and its allies establish a stable world order, but instead aimed at undermining it so as to usher in a world order where China would be the dominant power.
Pillsbury provides many examples of how China has assisted various rogue states and groups around the world, such as Afghanistan’s Taliban. Just as the U.S. secretly used extremist groups to weaken the Soviet Union during the Cold War, now China was covertly doing the same through economic development and arms supplies to nations that challenged US policies.
As far as economic development is concerned, Pillsbury explains how China is at the forefront of industrial espionage, counterfeiting efforts, theft of intellectual property, hacking and other unscrupulous practices. The goal is to help China’s state-owned enterprises (which numbered over 140,000 companies in 2011), cheat, steal, manipulate, and outmaneuver Western companies that establish a commercial presence in mainland China.
When it comes to outer space, Pillsbury explains how China has been using these unscrupulous practices to develop its own conventional space program, with the goal of projecting a military presence into space. While the Trump administration is in the midst of creating the Space Force as the sixth branch of the US military, China has had an “Aerospace Force” up and running since 2014.
China’s Aerospace Force was created as the fifth branch of Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) as explained in an article titled “China’s Military Creates New Space Force” published in The Diplomat by Zachary Keck on September 10, 2014. A speech by President Xi was summarized by a Chinese space expert cited by Keck as a clear endorsement of Chinese militarization of space in response to US and other nations already having done so:
The United States has paid considerable attention and resources to the integration of capabilities in both air and space, and other powers have also moved progressively toward space militarization… Though China has stated that it sticks to the peaceful use of space, we must make sure that we have the ability to cope with others’ operations in space.
The problem is that Pillsbury, and the US public more generally, is largely unaware of the extent of the US military’s true presence in outer space, and mistakenly assume that Space Force will be the official start of US militarization of space. However, as I have extensively documented in my Secret Space Program Book series, both the US Air Force and the US Navy have independent secret space programs that have projected their respective military power deep into space.
These two parallel US military-run space programs have been in operation since the 1970s, while the general public was hoodwinked into believing that the only US presence in space was through NASA’s civilian-run space program.
China, however, is well aware of the truth behind covert US military space operations once it began sending satellites into Earth orbit in the 1970s. China’s growing space surveillance capacities allowed it to track US military space operations, especially the construction of secret military space stations operated by the USAF and the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO).
In Book Four of my series, the USAF Secret Space Program, I discuss 825 declassified NRO documents that show how the USAF and NRO used the allegedly discontinued Manned Orbiting Laboratory project as the cover for sending laboratory modules into space that could be configured to establish Von Braun type space stations, i.e., modules assembled into a circular configuration.
These secret USAF/NRO space stations provide ideal weapons platforms capable of extending US military force all over the planet from the high ground of space. China, like other major nations with satellite surveillance capacities, is well aware of the USAF/NRO space stations and their potential military capabilities.
China insists that it is only attempting to match the US militarization of space, but given the gap between the development of the US military’s presence in space, and China’s more recent efforts, it will take China many years to catch up. This is why Pillsbury’s book is important since it outlines the unscrupulous practices China is willing to adopt in order to bridge the gap in space technologies.
For example, the real scandal behind the hacking of the Hillary Clinton email servers during her tenure as Secretary of State (2009-2013), is the role played by China, and the likelihood that it was all part of an elaborate pay-to-play scheme to leak classified space technologies. As I have written previously, Clinton had security access to Talent Keyhole space technologies classified within Special Access Programs (SAPs) and discussed these in emails stored on her servers.
This was corroborated by no less than the Inspector General for the US Intelligence Community who identified the various security levels of emails stored on Clinton’s hacked servers:
To date, I have received two sworn declarations from one [intelligence community] element. These declarations cover several dozen emails containing classified information determined by the IC element to be at the CONFIDENTIAL, SECRET, and TOP SECRET/SAP levels. According to the declarant, these documents contain information derived from classified IC element sources.
Pillsbury’s conclusions dictate the different steps the US needs to take to stop China from achieving its goals, which appear very sensible given what he has outlined. His influence can be seen in President Trump’s increasingly tough policies on China, which have ushered in a new era in US-China relations.
Despite the incisive analysis provided by Pillsbury, there are a number of deficiencies in his book which largely reflect a conventional world view that nation-state behaviors are driven by public officials nominally in charge of major political, military and economic institutions.
Pillsbury shows no understanding or recognition of the existence of a Deep State and how it manipulates public officials to pass policies that promote a hidden agenda. A good example is how President Trump’s first two years in office were hamstrung by Russia collusion claims that poisoned prospects of Trump and Putin collaborating to solve major world problems. The Deep State had no intention of the US and Russia collaborating on the world scene and used compromised public officials to promote a false narrative that was aided and abetted by the mainstream media.
Most disturbing is growing evidence that the Deep State is actively assisting China in its covert efforts to lie, steal and cheat its way to technological parity with the US both on Earth and in outer space. It’s no accident that Clinton and other leading US politicians such as Joe Biden and Diane Feinstein have been accused of helping China gain access to sensitive technologies, which is precisely what the Deep State wants as QAnon has been revealing for well over a year.
Is it a good or bad thing if China continues to use unscrupulous practices to catch up to what the US military has secretly developed and deployed in space? From a Chinese national security perspective, it is entirely understandable why China is doing whatever it can to bridge a technological gap in outer space since this gap makes China vulnerable to US political and military pressure.
From the US national security perspective, China is a totalitarian communist state that is profiting from the West’s naivety in opening their economies in the forlorn hope that China will usher in democratic reforms. The danger is that as China grows into the world’s largest economy, it will use its economic clout to prop up repressive political systems that will be natural allies to its one-party totalitarian system.
China’s totalitarian system is something that the Deep State desperately wants to expand onto the world stage since a concentration of political power will be far easier to infiltrate and take over than democratic political systems with their complex system of checks and balances, as exemplified in the US.
That is why the Deep State is currently helping China bridge the technology gap with the US, and helping them develop a secret space program that rivals what the US Air Force and Navy have secretly developed. Space is where the real battle between the ruling hegemon (US) and the aspiring hegemon (China) will be determined, and where China’s plans to supplant the US as the ruling hegemon will be ultimately resolved.
A cigar shaped UFO was videotaped near Orlando Florida on Sept 12, 2019 by my confidential source JP, who I have known since 2008. The video shows a cigar shaped craft that is illuminated during the daylight. It has no apparent wings or tail, and is filmed moving away from JP who is taking the video from inside his car. It is clearly no reflection from inside the car and is not a helicopter or drone.
The YouTube video features my commentary of the original video JP sent along with a zoom of the craft. You can watch the original video along with a zoom version below. Note there has been no enhancements of the original other than the zoom feature used in the final portion of the video.
What follows is a screenshot of the cigar shaped craft in the video, along with a magnified copy as well as an auto-contrasted copy being added for comparative purposes. The zoom and contrast shows that the craft has no wings or tail section, and is emitting no contrail.
JP has been sending me photos and videos of UFOs he has witnessed near MacDill Air Force Base, Tampa and Orlando, Florida since August 2017. He has photographed flying triangle, rectangle, disk and cigar shaped antigravity craft in the vicinity of military facilities. According to JP’s information these facilities are used by a USAF secret space program that is working closely with human-looking “Nordic” extraterrestrials.
According to JP the Nordics operate both cigar and disk shaped craft which he has photographed both near MacDill AFB and in Orlando as I have discussed in previous articles that are available here and here.
You can learn more about JP’s photos and videos of antigravity craft belonging to an USAF run SSP along with their human extraterrestrial allies in a series of articles available here.
Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.
Feel free to share this article with original links.
Conspiracy research entails connecting lots of dots that most folks…..especially those articulating the official government narrative……. ignore or purposely distort through disinformation and outright lies.
As Veterans Today and others have pointed out since Trump emerged 4 years ago as a presidential candidate, New York mob lawyer, Roy Cohn, was Donald Trump’s mentor.
Joseph P. Farrell has pointed out that Cohn’s ties go far beyond his obvious links to the Deep State on display during the famous McCarthy hearings and include his knowledge of the Secret Space Program.
For those claiming I am too distrustful, I say perhaps. But McCarthy and Cohn connected to above top-secret black projects and Nixon having a UFO time capsule: who knew about any of that? With Mueller tied to the MIC through Gibson Island and his family’s Uranium business as well as Comey helping him suppress cloaking technology, RussiaGate takes on a different complexion for me than what the official narrative wants us to believe.
The latest research from George Webb shows that Mueller and Bill Barr’s families are linked by a common focus on Uranium production and other VERY Deep State aspects of the Military Industrial Complex that go back to WWII, the OSS, the Manhattan Project, Operation Paper Clip and more.
All this is being ignored with the Epstein scandal; Mueller’s Russiagate hoax testimony; the Squad rumblings and other events designed to distract the public from the true agenda: more wars using modern weaponry, i.e. the kind being designed by Trump’s Space Force which is first and foremost a new branch of our military:
Reagan had Iran Contra (which Barr and Mueller helped cover up) along with his Star Wars project (SDI). Trump has his scandals and the Space Force to supposedly take us to the Moon and Mars while really being mostly about the weaponization of space.
The “soft disclosure” events of recent weeks also appear increasingly as a diversion to excite those fascinated by UFOs and appeal to the enthusiasm of the masses to that conversation while covering up the true agenda and activities of our Secret Space Program.
Sex sells as does tall tales of ETs and political corruption. This is being carefully, brilliantly orchestrated by the VERY Deep State that includes Mueller, Barr and many others as key players in the Big Scam.
A review of the material below will bring willing readers up to date on how current events are used to achieve nefarious goals while keeping everyone pitted against each other thinking, understandably, that they have insight into what’s really going on.
They do, but invariably, we are all like the blind feeling different parts of an elephant and proclaiming they know what’s in their hands. This immense Leviathan of the VERY Deep State remains cloaked to all but a few, even as the work of diligent researchers such as Joseph P. Farrell, Richard Dolan, Michael Salla, the late Jim Marrs, Linda Moulton Howe, Richard C. Hoagland, Alfred Webre and many other brilliant writers reveals much about this.
Will we achieve Full Disclosure? Will our civilization be able to survive the coming turmoil and achieve the level of peace and prosperity seemingly available from the new technologies now kept hidden from us? That is the question of the day and the hope of many who cling to the prospect of it happening soon.
Rich Scheck
Burlington WA
July 24, 2019
(N. B.: This writer describes his articles as speculative musings…..educated guesses regarding the truth based on his intuition as he attempts to read the tea leaves of current events and between the lines of official narratives. He is much more gadfly than scholar and encourages readers to keep that in mind as they peruse the above article.)
Dr. Michael Salla has presented a valuable Big Picture overview and history of the Secret Space Program currently manifesting itself in both President Trump’s Space Force and, collaterally, with the Hillary/Podesta To The Stars Academy soft disclosure efforts that have accelerated in recent months. http://edy.rdz.mybluehost.me/exonews/air-force-secret-space-program-reptilian-and-nordic-alliances/
Salla makes clear that these current revelations are part of the long history of this phenomena as William Bramley (The Gods of Eden), Jim Marrs (Alien Agenda) and many other excellent researchers have described.
Salla continues to lead the way in this controversial field which has seen the unofficial taboo disappear thanks to a variety of factors. Those include the Clintons involvement with the Rockefeller Initiative; the work towards Disclosure of Dr. Steven Greer; Paradigm Research Group leader Stephen Bassett’s relentless campaign to end the Truth Embargo; the excellent research of Richard Dolan; the seminal work in Exopolitics of Alfred Webre in the late 1970’s; the New York Times publishing front page articles on the topic; Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt’s in depth investigations; and the willingness of the military to share some of its secrets.
These individuals often disagree or even clash, something to be expected under the circumstances. But each new day brings fresh revelations that appear to corroborate the possibility that we have been visited by alien craft even if most of what is seen in our skies is merely our advanced technology on display….possibly reversed engineered….but still of the Earth.
An excellent example of that occurred last night on the Jeff Rense Show when Dr. Bruce Cornish talked about a little known crash retrieval event in Wales in which meta material was recovered. Scientists evaluating the debris think its strange patterns and composition may allow for Newtonian physics to be changed in such a way that gravity is suspended (bent) to enhance propulsion without crushing the spaceship’s occupants, thus allowing for interstellar travel. http://aerialanomalies.com/2019/06/28/the-welsh-roswell-a-1984-ufo-crash-and-mod-recovery-operation/
In his interview, Salla brings us up to date on the competition between the US Air Force and Navy and their parallel programs that are likely to converge within the new Space Force.
It remains to be seen whether any of what we are now learning is overt disinformation; a limited hang-out/soft disclosure effort to distract from the missing Pentagon trillions or some other nefarious plan possibly connected to establishing a One World Government.
What Salla, Dolan, Bassett, Greer, Hoagland and others have done is augment a serious conversation about a crucial subject as well as help lift the veil of secrecy that has come to dominate modern life. This is a valuable contribution that hopefully will lead to a positive transformation of our world and a far better future for us all.
In this Mind Blowing Interview with Dr. Michael Salla, we discuss his new book US Air Force Secret Space Program – Shifting ET Alliances & Space Force. We talked about many thought provoking and serious topics that are desperately important in the human race moving forward as a civilization in these mysterious times we are facing. We talked about the Reptilian and Nordic Alien Alliances and there role in the cosmic scale of things. He also mentioned how these alliances are utilizing highly advanced technologies including the black triangles (TR3B) to help achieve some of their agendas. He discussed some of the Global Players agendas and their alliances with these extraterrestrials. He also talked about the Secret agreements with a breakaway German colony in Antarctica (the Fourth Reich) & different extraterrestrial groups in the 1950’s.
Dr. Salla stated how the United States has been ran by the Fourth Reich especially NAZI ideologies since World War 2. He also went on to talk about how the US Airforce was decieved by the Deep State and the Sinister Fourth Reich which eventually led to the switching of alliances to Human Looking Extraterrestrials (The Nordics). Later on in the interview we talked about the coming Moon missions and how that correlates with the Alien Alliances agendas that are at play on this global stage.
A FEW TOPICS DISCUSSED IN THIS INTERVIEW: – Reptilian and the Grey Alien Alliances – The German Breakaway Civilization to Antarctica – The Sinister and Dark Agendas that are at play – Differences of the Navy and Air Force Secret Space Programs – The Ramifications of Privatized Space Programs in Space – The Coming Moon and Mars Missions – How the Fourth Reich has secretly been running the United States – President Trumps knowledge of the Secret Space Program and the Extraterrestrial Alliances.
On May 26, 2019, the New York Times published a story about five US Navy pilots reporting UFO sightings in 2014 and 2015 off the coast of Florida. The story cites their descriptions of unknown craft that could fly at hypersonic speeds and hover over the ocean. Their reports were handed off to the Pentagon’s Advanced Aerial Threat Identification Program (AATIP).
The five Navy pilots were interviewed by the New York Times reporters about the UFO sightings that occurred while they were conducting training maneuvers off the aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt before deployment to the Middle East. The Times reporters said that due to the 2014 and 2015 sightings, that the Navy upgraded its classified guidance for how pilots are to report UFOs, which now are officially referred to as Unexplained Aerial Phenomena (UAP).
A video was included of one of the UFO incidents where the pilots could be heard exclaiming: “Wow, what is that, man? Look at it fly!” The video had been released over a year earlier and was the subject of a March 12, 2018, Fox News interview with Luis Elizondo, the former Pentagon official, who headed AATIP from its 2007 up to 2017 when he retired in protest over the lack of support the program was receiving.
In the Times story, the pilots made clear that no known piloted aircraft could perform the UFO’s complex aerial maneuvers:
What was strange, the pilots said, was that the video showed objects accelerating to hypersonic speed, making sudden stops and instantaneous turns — something beyond the physical limits of a human crew.
They speculated that the UFOs might be part of a highly advanced drone program that raised several safety issues due to the possibility of a midair collision. They refused to speculate further about the UFO’s origins. Earlier in April 2019, the Navy issued new guidelines for reporting UFO sightings, and cited safety concerns as a factor for the need to improve the reporting process.
There are several important takeaways from this latest New York Times story that follows a December 16, 2017 story that analyzed similar sightings reported by Navy pilots back in 2004.
The first is that the US Navy is allowing its pilots to go on the public record about UFO sightings that have national security implications. This has effectively reversed a decades-long military policy dating back to 1954 called JANAP 146(C), which forbade military and civilian pilots discussing UFO sightings that were deemed to have national security implications. JANAP 146 referred to possible prosecution under Espionage Laws for unauthorized transmission of UFO sightings reported by military and civilian pilots that fell under the official reporting mechanism established by JANAP.
The second takeaway is that the Pentagon is allowing official military surveillance video to be leaked to the public about a phenomenon which on the surface appears unknown, at least to the pilots witnessing them. It is more than likely, however, that the phenomenon is very well known to the military hierarchy who have sanctioned the leaking of the videos, which it needs to be emphasized are official Navy videos whose unauthorized disclosure carries severe penalties as JANAP 146 makes clear.
Third, the fact that the New York Times has released the story is sending a clear signal to other mainstream media sources that it is OK to discuss UFO sightings and their national security implications. We can, therefore, expect many more mainstream media stories about UFOs/UAPs in the near future as evidenced by multiple news sources immediately reporting on the Times story.
What can be concluded about the mainstream media’s newfound enthusiasm to discuss pilot reports of UFO?
It’s important to emphasize that there is no way the Pentagon would reverse its decades-long policy (JANAP 146) unless it was convinced that it could adequately explain the national security implications of UFO sightings. It’s more than likely the video leaks and pilot interviews are part of an official disclosure process of advanced aerospace technologies that are well known to US military leaders.
The Pentagon is slowly educating the public about advanced technologies it has secretly developed. There is abundant and compelling evidence that both the USAF and US Navy have developed secret space programs that utilize the kind of advanced aerospace technologies witnessed by the Navy pilots in the 2014/2015 and 2004 incidents.
It is most likely, however, that the US Air Force’s arsenal of advanced aerospace technologies will be the first secret space program that is to be revealed given the abundance of evidence proving its existence as I have documented in the US Air Force Secret Space Program. While the Navy program focused on deep space operations, the Air Force focused on near Earth operations and its craft deployed technologies that will be easier to explain as human engineered.
It will help the unfolding UFO disclosure narrative greatly if US Navy pilots are bewildered by the advanced technologies they are witnessing, thereby pointing to such technologies belonging to another military service. This will deflect attention away from the Navy SSP to the Air Force’s SSP.
It’s becoming very clear that the Pentagon has decided to move forward with preparing the general public for future announcements of advanced aerospace technologies that have been secretly developed in highly classified programs. This will be used to explain the origins of many UFO sightings over the decades, including those witnessed by military pilots that were studied by AATIP. I for one, don’t believe all UFO sightings can be explained as terrestrially developed advanced technologies, but certainly a great many are.
The advanced aerospace technologies secretly developed by the Air Force, as I explain in the US Air Force Secret Space Program, will be gradually disclosed with the official launch of Space Force, which is part of a long term strategic plan to eventually disclose and merge all advanced aerospace technologies developed by different branches of the US military. In the meantime, to get more information about AATIP and multiple military pilot reports of UFOs since 2007, you can tune in this Friday to the official launch of the History Channel’s, “Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation”.
On May 14, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) gave a speech in support of Congress moving forward with the creation of Space Force as a new branch of the US military. Cruz gave an intriguing perspective on what the proposed new military branch would protect the country from – space pirates!
Cruz said the following in his Space Force speech at a hearing of the Senate Subcommittee on Aviation and Space, which he chairs:
Since the ancient Greeks first put to sea, nations have recognized the necessity of naval forces and maintaining a superior capability to protect waterborne travel and commerce from bad actors. Pirates threaten the open seas, and the same is possible in space. In this same way, I believe we, too, must now recognize the necessity of a space force to defend the nation and to protect space commerce and civil space exploration.
Cruz’s implicit reference to “space pirates” quickly garnered much internet attention, particularly on Twitter’s “moments” news thread, where tweets of multiple people mocking him appeared. Cruz fired back at Jack Dorsey, creator of Twitter, for not giving equal coverage to his responses:
Hey @jack how come Twitter’s “moment” quotes all the snarky leftists making fun of my comments, but doesn’t include my tweets in response explaining the real point that NATIONS like China have already developed & tested weapons to destroy satellites? https://t.co/dwkM5ndXj3
President Donald’s Trump’s proposed Space Force is currently being debated in the US Congress which is considering legislation officially creating it as a new military branch under the US Air Force.
The Pentagon has come out in support of Space Force being created, despite initial opposition by the Secretary of the Air Force, Heather Wilson, and its Chief of Staff, David Goldfein. Patrick Shanahan, the Acting Secretary of Defense, has been the driving force behind the Pentagon getting behind Trump’s proposal.
A two stage process was outlined by the Pentagon on August 9, 2018, for realizing Trump’s goal. One of the four components in the first stage was was the elevation of the Air Force’s current Space Command into one of the Pentagon’s unified combatant commands. Currently there are ten combatant commands that are at the apex for command and control of different geographical regions and specific functions performed by all branches of the US military.
On March 27, 2019, John William “Jay” Raymond, a four-star general who is the current head of Air Force Space Command (2016-), was proposed by President Trump to head up the new Space Command.
In his February 19, 2019, Space Policy Directive 4, Trump proposed that legislation be created for the formal establishment of a Space Force as a separate military branch initially placed under the Department of the Air Force. Trump’s desire for a separate Department of the Space Force, would be revisited at a later stage.
Legislation for Space Force was submitted to Congress in February by Secretary Shanahan and is currently being debated in various congressional committees, including Cruz’s. The Space Force legislation is a major test for whether or not the new military branch has enough Congressional support to have its creation passed into law.
While the partisan nature of the current Congress makes any passage of policies proposed by Trump challenging, there is still strong bipartisan support for policies supported by the Pentagon. A letter of support from 43 former Pentagon officials is proving to be very influential in overcoming doubts expressed by members of Congress. The letter states that Space Force will:
… develop military space culture and ethos; recruit, train, educate, promote, and retain scientists, engineers, and warriors with world-class space skills and talent; advocate for space requirements and resources; develop space doctrine and operational art; develop, field, and deliver advanced space capabilities; and steward resources to sustain America’s strategic advantage and preeminence in national security space activities.
Consequently, because Shanahan and other Pentagon officials are committed to the creation of Space Force, it’s very likely that Congress will pass the proposed legislation and authorize its creation.
This finally brings us to Cruz’s indirect reference to “space pirates”. Was this just hyperbole for why Space Force is needed?
In his tweet to Dorsey, Cruz tried to walk back his comment by referring to the capability of major nations such as China to destroy satellites as his real point. However, according to multiple insider sources, the idea of the US having to defend itself against space pirates is not as ridiculous as it appears. There are a number of non-state actors secretly operating in space that do threaten US national interests, and the planet more generally.
One of these sources is rogue special access programs, which operate outside of lawful government control. Former Apollo astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell confirmed that the sitting head of intelligence for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Vice Admiral Tom Wilson, was denied access in 1997 to an Unacknowledged Special Access Program (USAP) involving UFOs.
This incident and many others point to rogue USAPs conducting various advanced aerospace projects that can impact US space operations and Earth installations. These USAPs are loosely controlled by shadowy entities such as the Deep State, which have their own distinct globalist agendas that conflict with nationalist policies.
An example of existing rogue operations is given in my new book, the US Air Force Secret Space Program: Shifting Extraterrestrial Alliances and Space Force a chapter discusses how the Deep State used its MASER equipped satellites to steer Hurricane Irma against MacDill Air Force Base in retaliation for Air Force Special Ops openly displaying some of its antigravity craft to members of the general public in support of disclosure. The conclusion is that rogue USAPs are a modern day form of space pirates.
We also have the idea of Space Nazis which was proposed by insiders such as William Tompkins who worked for the US Navy during World War II, and said he was part of a Navy espionage program that monitored the Nazi’s flying saucer program. Tompkins asserted that the Germans successfully established a breakaway colony in Antarctica which became a space power over the succeeding decades.
According to Tompkins and other insiders, the Germans have established colonies on Mars, Ceres, and elsewhere in Deep Space, and have developed some of the most advanced aerospace technologies known to humanity. Given their non-state status, the breakaway German Antarctic/Mars colonies may also be considered a modern form of space pirates.
Finally, we have the idea of a transnational corporate network that has developed its own space fleet that operates outside of any national or global institutional authority. According to insiders such as Corey Goode, the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate has the most advanced spacecraft in existence as a result of their long-time cooperation with the breakaway German group in Antarctica.
Given their official non-state status, transnational corporate entities such as the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate may also be included in the category of space pirates that Cruz was warning the public about.
As the head of a key Congressional subcommittee dealing with space affairs, Cruz may have acquired some inside knowledge of these different non-state actors operating in space outside of any recognized lawful national or global authority.
The problem of “space pirates” is very real and not just hyperbole. Whether by design or accident, Cruz has just pointed out a major reason why Space Force is being created, and is being fast-tracked into existence by the Trump administration.
It is my contention that virtually all recent Deep State scandals relate to covering up the Secret Space Program. Certainly the Kennedy Assassination merits that claim. Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt has shown how Watergate also has connections to the SSP via Richard Nixon and his UFO Time Capsule. George Webb’s endless research provides links between RussiaGate and the WWII Paper Clip scientists who got us to the Moon.
Joseph Farrell just supported my belief with his latest book indicating that even Joseph McCarthy was investigating UFOs and space related matters in the 1950’s that included a role for Trump’s mentor, Roy Cohn.
Now an enterprising researcher on the internet has come out with her own version of a link between current
Deep State scandals and the space program, at least as it concerns a connection to Elon Musk.
I am the only one I know who claims that there is something suspicious about the timing of the Assange
arrest and the so-called failed moon landing by Israel that was planned as a celebration of Bibi’s reelection.
I suspect that the arrest was designed to divert attention from the Moon shot—–a remarkable feat for any
country much less such a small one as Israel——–and may include the possibility the mission did NOT
fail despite the official narrative. To me it is very suspicious!
I completely understand and agree with those who are outraged by the Assange arrest. As a former civil
liberties attorney, anti-war activist, conspiracy researcher and journalist, I get how disgusting this attack
on an individual speaking truth to power is!
All I am saying is that these events operate on a multitude of levels and need to be peeled back like an
onion to get the full picture of what is involved. Please keep in mind Assange’s troubled childhood,
criminal activity as a hacker, as well as his likely intelligence connections to obtain a full perspective
including his potential role as an informant/Deep State operative.
And while the world has its attention on him, we get distracted from very serious events like Trump vetoing
the War Powers Resolution for the US to stop supporting the Saudi war in Yemen. Meanwhile, we are selling
them nuclear technology, still kissing up to Mohammad bin Salman and doing everything we can to provoke
Iran into a new Middle East war. https://outline.com/ZvVHzv
As the video above shows, there are many heavy-hitters connected to Assange whom the public is ignorant
of while the MSM portray him as a mixture of hero for outing the Empire as well as a bad guy for threatening
national security.
Now with the Musk link to him, however tenuous, my suspicions have increased. These folks in the VERY
Deep State play at a higher level of intensity that goes way beyond hard ball. If you think it’s a coincidence
rather than being a big dot that connects lots of top players including John Podesta, then we disagree!
For those claiming I am too distrustful, I say perhaps. But McCarthy and Cohn connected to above top-secret
black projects and Nixon having a UFO time capsule: who knew about any of that? With Mueller tied to the
MIC through Gibson Island and his family’s Uranium business as well as Comey helping him suppress cloaking
technology, RussiaGate takes on a different complexion for me than what the official narrative wants us to believe.
Please watch the entire video and reflect on what I am admittedly speculating about. And be sure to watch it
all the way to the end (about 20 minutes) where you get to see the final link that may be foreshadowing the
person poised to be the Disclosure President after the 2020 election. Enjoy!
In Part 3 of this interview series we learn from JP that he was prompted by covert personnel to take photos of flying rectangles he witnessed near McDill AFB, Tampa, Florida, in October 2017. He then recalled that he had been earlier subjected to a Military Abduction (MILAB) and was inside the rectangular vehicle that he later photographed. In the video he describes his experience inside the flying rectangle, the USAF Special Operations personnel he encountered and more.
In the third instalment of a remarkable Earthfiles Youtube series on Antarctica, Emmy Award Winning Investigative Journalist, Linda Moulton Howe, has released more stunning video testimony from two anonymous Navy insiders/whistleblowers about a multinational coalition that has a secret space program with bases in Antarctica, on the Moon, Mars and even beyond our solar system.
In accord with their wishes, Howe has not disclosed their identities and has instead used the pseudonyms Spartan 1 and 2, and featured backlighting and voice altering technologies in their interviews. Howe has confirmed through official documentation they have supplied her that Spartan 1 served as a US Navy Seal from 1984 to 2004, when he retired with the rank of Commander. Spartan 2 served with the US Marine Corps (which falls under the Department of the Navy) and as an intelligence specialist from 1992 to 2016.
Spartan 1 claims he visited Antarctica in August 2003 where he witnessed a large octagon shaped structure buried 50 feet under the Beardmore Glacier, which extended down deep into the interior of Antarctica, as discussed in part 1 of Howe’s series.
Spartan 2 appeared for the first time in part 2, and discussed covert activities run out of the 8th floor of the NSA headquarters in Fort Meade, home of US Cybercommand, both of which are involved in running the space operations of a multinational alliance and the interstellar trade it conducts.
One of these multinational missions involved a trip to the interstellar object Oumuamua, which was discovered to be an ancient derelict spacecraft, as discussed in my previous article.
Spartan 1 described a secret base on the far side of the Moon used by a multinational alliance:
From my understanding, it’s both above and below ground. It’s a multi-structured facility that goes deep into the planet’s [Moon’s] crust. [Timestamp 6:16]
Spartan 2 also explained what he knew of the Moon base:
I was told that the dark [far] side of the Moon there’s not just above ground structures, there’s also an operation going. They’re building a mothership up there. They’re mining materials. [Timestamp 9:02]
He went on to assert that there are 2500 individuals working on the Moon on such operations, statements Spartan 1 agreed with.
The moon base statements by both Spartan 1 and 2 suggest that neither has actually visited the Moon base themselves, but they know about it from documentation, briefings and/or through a first-hand source they encountered during classified missions or intelligence work.
Spartan 2 has repeatedly referred to his primary contact as a senior official in U.S. Cyber Command called Kim (or Ken) who has briefed him on the classified operations of the multinational space force.
In response to questions about when the building of the Moon base began and which countries were using it, Spartan 1 responded:
It goes back to the coalition, it’s been happening for years. A lot of the times when stuff was going up, and we were told it was going up to the International Space Station, it wasn’t. It was going up to this moon… I would have to say it’s a multinational group… Great Britain, France, Germany, United States, Canada [Timestamp 7:04]
There were 15 countries that signed the International Space Station Intergovernmental Agreement on January 29, 1998. In addition to those named by Spartan 1, other nations that signed the founding documents are: Russia, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Italy, the Netherlands, Brazil, Denmark, Japan, and Belgium.
In part 2 of Howe’s video series, Spartan 2 said that the multinational collation has had “a space fleet in existence for the last 25 years” [Timestamp 9:01] This dates back to 1994, just four years before the formal signing of the agreement establishing the International Space Station, and just three years after the formal dissolution of the Warsaw Pact and the Soviet Union.
Remarkably, this corroborates what secret space program insider Corey Goode has been publicly asserting since 2015. He was the first to reveal the existence of a multinational alliance that operates interstellar missions. Goode called this multinational alliance the “Global Galactic League of Nations”, and he claims to have visited one of their interstellar bases on an exomoon during his 20 year and back service (1987-2007).
Spartan 1 went on to explain the activities occurring at the secret moon base:
I think they’re training, and as far as where they go…. I know it’s many light years away. [Timestamp 8:02]
His statement that operations are conducted “many light years away” is very significant given Goode’s earlier claims of having visited an Exomoon in an unknown solar system run by the multinational alliance.
The testimonies of Spartan 1 and 2 furthermore corroborates what Goode and other secret space program insiders have been saying about a secret base on the Moon called Lunar Operations Command (LOC). Goode says he has been taken multiple times to the LOC, and in January 2018 was given an extensive tour of much of the facility that exists deep underground.
Lunar Operations Command according to Corey Goode. Graphic: Sphere Being Alliance
Also, Spartan 1 and 2 discussed portals, or stargate technology found in Antarctica. One of these portals is located in the vicinity of the Wilkes Land magnetic anomaly, which Spartan 1 elaborated on:
What I’ve heard is that it’s a portal. A portal takes you from one structure to another vessel outside of our atmosphere. Like an invisible elevator. This particular portal was underground inside a structure… It had a frame. It had hieroglyphics… The frame of this portal acted like a wormhole from point A to point B. [Timestamp 15:45]
He described the portal as very similar to the surface of a Moon Pool, where rather than moving through it into water, one walks through the vertically aligned portal. He described it as follows:
“I’m sure you’ve seen the movie Stargate…. Exactly same thing except the frame is square.” [Timestamp 17:48].
A Moon Pool: Source: International Ocean Discovery Program
Similarly, Emery Smith, a former US Air Force Surgical Assistant, says that he performed portal missions for a multinational corporate alliance, and described the portals as rectangle shaped.
Spartan 1 and 2 also discussed coming Earth changes and the widespread destruction this is expected to create, and how the multinational coalition has created many staging posts around the planet in case of an emergency situation requiring the immediate planetary evacuation of personnel and resources, not unlike that depicted in the movie, 2012.
The dire scenario described by Spartan 1 and 2 is similar to earlier revelations of Goode and others who disclosed foreknowledge possessed by secret space program leaders about a coming Solar Flash event and/or pole shifts, both geomagnetic and geophysical.
Many of the revelations of Spartan 1 and 2 corroborate earlier claims by Goode, William Tompkins, Pete Peterson, Emery Smith and other insiders who have bravely come forward to share their knowledge of secret space programs and the role of Antarctica in these operations.
The testimonies of Spartan 1 and 2 shed a lot of light on the multinational coalition behind these secret space programs, which can be traced to signatories of major international treaties such as the Antarctic Treaty and the International Space Station Intergovernmental Agreement.
In Antarctica’s Hidden History (2018), evidence was presented that the signing of the Antarctic Treaty was used as a cover for secret agreements reached between the Eisenhower administration and a breakaway German nationalist group in Antarctica. This led to the start of extensive cooperation between US and European companies, especially German companies linked to the breakaway Antarctic group.
Both Spartan 1 and 2’s testimonies corroborate that such a coalition had indeed been established and that Antarctica was a hub for its subsequent operations, which culminated decades later with the emergence of a multinational space fleet emerging from the end of the Cold War and the signing of the International Space Station Intergovernmental Agreement.
Linda Moulton Howe’s interview series of Spartan 1 and 2 cast is vitally important in understanding the major nations and governmental agencies involved in secret space programs, off-world activity and what may lie in the future for our planet itself.
The anonymous group Q (aka QAnon), which has strong ties to the Trump administration and U.S. military intelligence, claims that former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, orchestrated a pay-to-play scheme where classified information was uploaded to her private servers, which were deliberately left susceptible to hacking from foreign entities. Among these entities was China which used the classified material from Special Access Programs and Sensitive Compartmented Information found on the Clinton servers to learn about advanced technologies deployed by the U.S. military in space.
There is documentary evidence that Clinton was granted access to classified information on space technologies, and this was a topic covered in her emails discussing a range of issues including a possible UFO disclosure initiative. According to the information provided by Q, Clinton’s ultimate goal was to sell classified information that would allow China to bridge the technological gap with a secret space program run by the U.S. Air Force, rather than genuinely disclosing the truth behind the UFO phenomenon.
Q has posted multiple times on Clinton selling America’s technological secrets to China during the period between January 21, 2009 and February 1, 2013 when she was US Secretary of State, and had access to advanced technology secrets including spy satellites and other space assets.
The most recent post was today, March 13 (post #3045). It is worth breaking down the post to distill what Q is communicating about Clinton’s access to Special Access Programs (SAPs) and Sensitive Compartmented Information [SCI]. Q communicates information by raising leading questions, which the reader is expected to research and answer using previous information reveald by Q:
Q is here explaining that Clinton made special arrangements within the Department of State in order to gain access to SAP/SCI material outside of normal security protocols. Her bypassing of established security protocols for digital information made it possible for foreign entities to hack into her private servers to gain access to the classified material according to Q:
The link is to an article by The Hill debunking an August 28 tweet by President Donald Trump that China had hacked into Clinton’s private server.
Hillary Clinton’s Emails, many of which are Classified Information, got hacked by China. Next move better be by the FBI & DOJ or, after all of their other missteps (Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Ohr, FISA, Dirty Dossier etc.), their credibility will be forever gone!
The point Q is making by linking to the article by The Hill, which Q regards as a prominent part of the fake news establishment, is to identify China as the “Foreign State” that had gained “access to the SAP/SCI material on the server”, just as Trump had tweeted.
In an earlier September 4, 2018 post (#2077), Q makes it crystal clear that China had hacked into the Clinton servers, and this was part of a pay-to-play scheme:
Ex 1 – ‘Being Afraid’
Does HRC care about you?
If she cared about protecting you…
Would she sell out America’s secrets and Uranium to China/Russia [Ex 1]?
In yet another post, on February 22, 2018, Q says that Clinton [HRC] was operating with the CIA [Clowns] in selling technological secrets to China:
Clowns revealed in China/other.
2010. [187]
Sold intel?
HRC open source server? [Missing emails] [CrowdStrike]
Granted access.
Only the tip.
This will be made public [soon].
Basically, Q is revealing that Clinton’s scheme of selling advanced technology secrets through susceptible private servers was sanctioned by the Deep State, which was betraying the US national interest.
It was determined by the Inspector General for the Intelligence Community, Charles McCullough, that included among the emails sent and stored on Clinton’s private servers was classified information concerning Special Access Programs (SAPs). In a letter dated January 14, 2016, Charles McCullough wrote:
To date, I have received two sworn declarations from one [intelligence community] element. These declarations cover several dozen emails containing classified information determined by the IC element to be at the CONFIDENTIAL, SECRET, and TOP SECRET/SAP levels. According to the declarant, these documents contain information derived from classified IC element sources.
Intelligence from a “special access program,” or SAP, is even more sensitive than that designated as “top secret” – as were two emails identified last summer in a random sample pulled from Clinton’s private server she used as secretary of state. Access to a SAP is restricted to those with a “need-to-know” because exposure of the intelligence would likely reveal the source, putting a method of intelligence collection — or a human asset — at risk. Currently, some 1,340 emails designated “classified” have been found on Clinton’s server, though the Democratic presidential candidate insists the information was not classified at the time.
It’s worth emphasizing that the SAP information was found in only random sample of the Clinton emails, suggesting a great many more lay among the 1,340 classified emails that were sent and stored on the Clinton private server.
Declassified Freedom of Information Act documents confirm that Clinton has had an interest in UFOs dating back to 1995, and that during the 2016 election campaign, she and her campaign chief, John Podesta, had raised the UFO issue on several occasions. For example, on December 30, 2015, she said:
He [John Podesta] has made me personally pledge we are going to get the information out. One way or another. Maybe we could have, like, a task force to go to Area 51.
Clinton followed this up with a statement on Jimmy Kimmel Live in March 2016, where she discussed UFOs, or what she referred to now as “Unexplained Aerial Phenomenon” (UAP). She pledged to release any UFO/UAP files that were not classified for national security reasons:
I would like us to go into those files and hopefully make as much of that public as possible. If there’s nothing there, let’s tell people there’s nothing there. If there is something there, unless it’s a threat to national security, I think we ought to share it with the public.
Documents leaked by Wikileaks confirm that the Clinton and Podesta were doing more than simply making comments in support of declassifying UFO/UAP information. Podesta was involved in meetings discussing the testimony of Major General William McCasland and other insiders about their knowledge of the UFO topic, and strategizing over how the Clinton campaign could support a disclosure initiative to release this information to the US public.
Given her historical interest in UFOs and publicly disclosing this information, it is all but certain that some of Clinton’s emails discussing the UFO topic were stored on her private server, and this encroached on SAP/SCI material concerning advanced space technologies.
According to Q, the SAP/SCI information sold by Clinton was covertly raising slush funds for the Deep State (Eye of Ra) as revealed in a December 22, 2017 post [#228]:
Significantly, Q was referring to North Korea as a recipient of NASA’s technology secrets and mentioned Elon Musk’s Space X as playing a role. Presumably, the Deep State was helping North Korea develop its ballistic missile capabilities with the latest rocket technologies developed by NASA and, incredibly, Space X.
To learn more about the kind of SAP information Clinton was including in her emails, we can turn to a Sensitive Compartmented Information [SCI] Nondisclosure Agreement she signed on January 12, 2009, which outlined her legal responsibilities. Importantly, her Nondisclosure Agreement reveals four SCI control systems (which cover material from multiple SAP’s) she would have access to.
Among the four SCI control systems accessed by Clinton was Talent Keyhole (TK) which is described as a “top-level control system” involving a number of surveillance platforms in very high altitudes and space:
TK covers space-based IMINT (Imagery intelligence), SIGINT (Signals intelligence), and MASINT (Measurement and signature intelligence) collection platforms; related processing and analysis techniques; and research, design, and operation of these platforms… The original TALENT compartment was created in the mid-1950s for the U-2. In 1960, it was broadened to cover all national aerial reconnaissance (to later include SR-71 sourced imagery) and the KEYHOLE compartment was created for satellite intelligence. [Source: Wikipedia]
Put simply, Talent Keyhole is surveillance data gained from America’s most highly classified space platforms, which allegedly only involves data from spy satellites the U.S. Air Force and its partners in the military intelligence community (National Reconnaissance Office, National Security Agency and Defense Intelligence Agency) has sent into space.
In reality, however, the USAF and its partners have secretly developed and deployed far more advanced technologies in space as acknowledged by Q in a post dated September 19, 2018 (2224) where they answered several questions raised on the 8chan forum:
Did NASA fake the moon landings? Have we been to the moon since then? Are there secret space programs? Is this why the Space Force was created?
False, moon landings are real.
Programs exist that are outside of public domain.
Q was here acknowledging that secret space programs are real and the information is classified at a very high level “outside of public domain”. This refers to Special Access Programs that are associated with the Talent Keyhole control system that Clinton was granted “need to know” access to.
According to my research into secret space programs, the USAF has deployed manned space stations, along with orbital weapons platforms incorporating destructive technologies such as “Rods of Gods” and “Directed Energy Weapons”.
These are all part of a USAF run secret space program, which operates advanced antigravity craft from sensitive facilities such as Nevada’s Area 51, the Utah Test and Training Range, Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico, and Florida’s McDill Air Force Base, home of Special Operations Command.
In late 2017, different shaped antigravity platforms such as flying triangles, rectangles and cylindrical craft were photographed near McDill AFB in a disclosure initiative being conducted by USAF Special Operations, which encouraged a local resident to take the photos for public dissemination.
The conclusion that can be drawn from Q’s posts is that included among the SAP/SCI material that Clinton was storing on her servers, was Talent Keyhole level information about the surveillance capabilities of the USAF run secret space program. This highly sensitive information appears to have been sold off in an illicit intelligence market to major U.S. rivals such as China and North Korea with the support of the Deep State and the CIA.
It is possible that Clinton’s interest in UFO disclosure, was used as a cover to discuss Talent Keyhole material in emails that would be saved on her private servers, and eventually accessed by Chinese and other foreign hackers.
From the documents and evidence that has been made public so far, it is clear that Clinton had SAP/SCI material on her private servers, and this included Talent Keyhole level material which she had been granted “need to know” access. This makes Q’s claims that Clinton was selling off America’s advanced technology secrets to China and North Korea very plausible.
Consequently, the possibility that Clinton was part of a Deep State/CIA plan to funnel technological secrets, including information about a USAF run secret space program, to China, North Korea and other foreign entities, demands a serious investigation.
Indeed, some of the more than 80,000 sealed cases that have been identified in PACER judicial records, may involve charges of treason against Deep State officials involved in selling off America’s advanced technology secrets.
It can be hoped that as more information is released in anticipated criminal/military trials that Q contends are imminent, that these provide the opportunity for official disclosure of a USAF secret space program, and the release of advanced technologies that would greatly benefit the general public.
The Amazon bestselling book that featured the ground breaking testimony of William Tompkins on the U.S. Navy’s Secret Space Program is finally available as an audiobook. Get it here!
The Los Angeles Air Raid on February 24/25, 1942 opened an unprecedented chapter in the evolution of the US Navy. In response to this incident, a covert research program to investigate the feasibility of exotic antigravity propulsion technologies was developed. In addition, navy operatives were embedded in Nazi-occupied Europe to learn about the Germans’ advanced flying saucer programs, and they discovered the Nazis were receiving assistance from two extraterrestrial groups with very different agendas.
The debriefing of the operatives took place at Naval Air Station, San Diego, led by Rear Admiral Rico Botta. He instructed a “disseminator of naval research and information”, William Tompkins, to take confidential briefing packets to select think tanks, corporations, and university departments around the country. Later, Tompkins worked with a number of leading aerospace companies to design massive spacecraft for a secret US Navy space program and was fatefully assisted by extraterrestrial visitors described as “Nordics”.
An extensive number of documents substantiate Tompkins’ claims of the existence of a covert navy program created to study, design, and build deep space battle groups. They became operational in the 1980s. Now the navy has a new goal to enact a plan to level the universal playing field, and the election of President Donald Trump may just be the wild card they needed to reveal…everything!
The audiobook includes an additional preface discussing newly discovered material corroborating Tompkins involvement in designing the Navy’s secret space carriers not found in the Paperback and Kindle editions.
On February 18, four stunning photographs of a flying triangle shaped craft was taken in Orlando, Florida at around 1:20 am. The photographer, my confidential source JP, was then approached by two men in black who threatened him to remain silent about what he had seen and photographed. The craft appeared with three lights shining, one at each corner, and hovered about 45 feet (13.7 meters) away from him over a secluded field near his home.
In a Skype message, JP told me about what had happened. He recalled going to bed around 10 pm on Sunday night, and then waking up at 2:30 am with a sore throat. He says that when he checked his phone, he saw four pictures of a flying triangle. He then remembered that he had been standing out in the field and taking the photos and video of the craft. He says that he felt an electromagnetic field around the craft which was the size of a school bus.
After taking the photos and videos he remembered starting to walk back home. After 10 minutes, JP says that two men in black approached him and threatened him not to tell me about it in particular. He says that one of the men pulled out something like a gun and threatened him. He next remembered waking up in bed. The video of the craft was gone, but the photos remained. What follows is a short video of the original four photos and enhancements to better clarify what JP photographed.
In previous encounters with antigravity craft, both in Tampa (next to McDill Air Force Base) and Orlando, JP recalls being taken inside the craft where he has had multiple experiences with personnel belonging to USAF Special Operations. These earlier incidents have been described in articles where I have analyzed the photos he has taken, and the circumstances of each encounter.
In the earlier incidents, JP recalls being encouraged to take photos of the different shaped craft by covert personnel associated with Air Force Special Operations, but then being threatened by personnel associated with the CIA not to take any videos of the incidents. Indeed, he says that other videos prior to the February 18 incident had also been mysteriously deleted from his phone.
In the February 18 incident, JP believes that he was followed from his home to the field by CIA personnel who have him under constant surveillance due to the regular contacts he has been having with both Air Force secret space program personnel and extraterrestrials, which I have described in previous articles.
JP supplied a screenshot of the information from the last of the four photos he took, which gives the timestamp of when it was taken, confirming his recollection of the events that transpired early in the morning of February 18. The following images are of image 4 in the sequence (original with no enhancements) and the screenshot of his camera phone of the time when it was taken.
JP’s stunning photos are powerful evidence of a Secret Space Program run by USAF Special Operations, which is encouraging him to take photos and videos of their antigravity spacecraft. Other government entities, such as the CIA, are not happy with this arrangement, and are intimidating and harassing JP [see note below], and deleting video evidence of what he is witnessing.
Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.
Feel free to share this article with original links. For those planning to incorporate the above video and/or original photos in their own YouTube videos/articles, you have permission to do so provided you link to the original source.
[Special Note: JP recently lost his job after he began sharing his photos with more members of the general public, after repeated warnings of not to do so by personnel associated with the CIA. He has been pressured to join the U.S. military in order to resolve his financial problems, but has resisted since it would impact his ability to share his startling experiences with the public. If you would like to support JP in his efforts to continue disseminating his photos and information, you can do so through a donation via the Exopolitics Institute. Please use the following Paypal link for your donation and mark it, “JP Donation” .]
Corey Goode, producer of the bestselling Above Majestic documentary, released a major update on November 17 concerning a new insider that he has privately met and vetted. The insider is a retired surgeon with 30 years experience in a major branch of the US military, and used the pseudonym “Bones” after revealing his true identity. Goode says that after he met Bones about a year ago, he subsequently put Bones in touch with his other insider sources, including “Sigmund”, another pseudonym used by former senior officer in a USAF run secret space program.
Sigmund first met Goode in early 2016, when he was leading interrogations of Goode’s information, which included classified information about the USAF program, which Goode calls the Military Industrial Complex Secret Space Program (MIC-SSP). Sigmund eventually had to go on the run from the Cabal/Deep State after confirming Goode’s claims of a far more technologically advanced Navy run space program, Solar Warden. Sigmund eventually began working with the Secret Space Program (SSP) Alliance – a broad alliance of defectors from rival secret space programs and Solar Warden – who rescued him.
According to Goode, Bones passed on two hard drives with numerous digital files to Sigmund revealing details of the “Dark Fleet”, which is a German run secret space program that originated out of their hidden Antarctica bases and alliance with a group of Reptilians called Dracos.
After agreements were reached between the Germans and the Eisenhower Administration in the 1950’s, the Germans were able to infiltrate all aspects of the US military industrial complex as Goode has previously explained.
After the treaty was signed and the joint Secret Space Programs began in earnest, things quickly got out of hand and the Nazi Break Away group won the race to infiltrate and take over the other side. They soon controlled every aspect of the U.S. from the Financial System, The Military Industrial Complex, and soon after, all three branches of the government itself.
Goode summarized what Bones told him regarding the classified name of the Dark Fleet which has still not been publicly revealed:
When I asked him which program he was involved in, he looked me straight in the eyes and told me the actual classified program name. He then said, “I think you have been referring to this program as ‘DARK FLEET’.” I was shocked to hear the actual name of this program dropped so freely.
After arranging a meeting between Sigmund and Bones where the latter handed over digital files on the two hard drives, Goode described what Sigmund told him in an early morning meeting on November 17, 2018 at Lunar Operations Command, a former German moon base now controlled by the MIC-SSP:
We sat there as Sigmund talked about the new intelligence they had received about the Dark Fleet.
He went on to give a nearly 3-hour summary on what was found on the two hard drives that Bones had given them. Sigmund was visibly excited and stated ‘We have everything! Their infrastructure, their lists of assets going back 80 years and where they are located. We now know of Dark Fleet bases in over a dozen different star systems as well as on the Earth and have the joint agreements and battle plans that the DARK FLEET had signed with the Draco’s and an insectoid race as well as non-aggression pacts with other ET Groups.”
I asked Goode today why Sigmund was able to travel safely to Lunar Operations Command (LOC) when the Cabal/Deep State was after him through their own space program that Goode has called the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC), which controls the LOC. He replied:
It is a joint facility and control is with ICC but different programs think classified ppl from their own projects run everything. You have levels of SSP coming in and out. They timeshare the assets at the LOC’s. Only middle brass ever see’s the ppl that run the bases and the ppl that cycle in or are lower SSP’s only have access to the middle brass, etc
Goode went on to state that the digital files Bones gave to Sigmund had enabled the SSP Alliance, working in tandem with the Earth Alliance (a consortium of White Hats in every major nation on the planet) to identify all Dark Fleet operatives, and subject them to sealed indictments and future arrests.
Sigmund stated that they now had everything they needed to intercept Dark Fleet assets on every continent on Earth. They have now identified every Dark Fleet agent and double agent on the planet and how they have infiltrated the ICC and MIC SSP Programs. He was confident that they now had enough information to pass to the Earth Alliance for future indictments.
Among the more than 60,000 sealed cases currently found in judicial records, the vast majority involve indictments, which will lead to arrests when unsealed. Some of the looming arrests, according to Goode, involve Dark Fleet assets.
It’s furthermore worth pointing out that the Executive Order issued by Donald Trump on December 21, 2017 allows the confiscation of property of all those involved in human rights abuses and international corruption. This has allowed Trump’s military backed government to systematically strip the Dark Fleet/Deep State of their financial assets, which were used to control the planet.
What’s particularly noteworthy is Goode’s claim that all Dark Fleet assets in the solar system and even adjacent start systems, will be confiscated and handed over to White Hats who will ensure that these are eventually used for the benefit of all humanity. He wrote:
The SSP Alliance is also confident that they now have actionable intelligence on every ICC, Dark Fleet, Solar Warden and Intergalactic League of Nations base and asset in the galaxy and are ready once the action begins. I am told this will assure that the entire extraplanetary infrastructure that has been built in secret will be available for use by a new system that has been outlined. This is a post-disclosure plan that a minority in the Earth Alliance has put a lot of planning into.
Essentially, Goode is here stating that the new system will be something along the lines of “Star Fleet” in the Star Trek series, whose creator Gene Rodenberry had been secretly briefed about the Navy’s secret space program.
Finally, Goode said that the SSP and Earth Alliance plan to use him for future disclosure dumps:
He [Sigmund] went on to say that they are gathering information to release through me at a future date. I was told that after this information was compiled it would then be given to me to disclose in a way that is beneficial to the SSP Alliance. I was also informed that at about the same time that I am cleared to drop the Dark Fleet information that I should also be cleared to release the information from my meeting at the LOC Alpha, Bravo & Charley and the tour of ancient alien ruins within the Moon itself.
Some of the information will be disclosed in documentaries similar to Above Majestic: The Implications of a Secret Space Program, which the SSP Alliance believes is an excellent way of disclosing the truth.
Most importantly, the SSP Alliance is committed to full disclosure and wants to make a partial disclosure impossible:
The SSP Alliance plan is unchanged, they plan to make a partial disclosure impossible and find a way to Full Disclosure thus delivering the entire ‘SSP Infrastructure’ to all of humanity on equal terms.
Goode shared with me additional information today explaining that Bones is not alone in sharing information about the Dark Fleet:
BONES & 5 of his team of leakers, all between the ages of 68-82 were brought into protective custody by the SSP Alliance not long after the meeting where Bones handed over the 2 drives…. They had tons of videos of old timers giving death bed confessions and testimony on what they did in DF. I am told it is very detailed and disturbing stuff.
He also pointed out that the Dark Fleet (DF) and the ICC are concerned over the prospects of more defections as this information is revealed, and people are subject to sealed indictments and their financial assets confiscated:
[T]he ICC and DF know we received this intel and are very worried. This intel release was approved because it would cause more of them to defect as there is a rumor that more and more of the DF assets have defected from the DF but have not joined SSP Alliance, it is speculated that they are trying to go rogue with their own program and assets that is totally broken away from our solar systems infrastructure
At this stage some will ask whether there is any documentary evidence supporting any of Goode’s incredible claims, especially his assertion that he will be used as a conduit for future document releases?
Actually, there is. Goode was the person who first released two Unclassified for Official Use Only Defense Intelligence Reference Documents (DIRD), which were commissioned in 2007 by the forerunner to the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. The two documents are titled “Traversable Wormholes, Stargates, and Negative Energy” and “Warp Drive, Dark Energy, and the Manipulation of Extra Dimensions”, the first was authored by Dr. Eric Davis, and the second co-authored by Dr. Richard Obousy and Davis.
In fact, Dr Davis confirmed the authenticity of the documents released by Goode, in a June 24, 2018 appearance on Coast to Coast radio, where he said:
… that 2 or 3 of these papers had been “leaked” onto the Internet, by “someone on the beltway.” The beltway is a highway that encircles Washington. A reference to “inside the beltway” means matters of importance to US government officials; lobbyists; and government contractors.
While most UFO researchers are reluctant to discuss Goode’s role in releasing the DIRD documents, and instead point to less controversial sources such as Tom DeLonge’s To The Stars Academy, and George Knapp’s, iTeam, the fact is that out of 38 DIRD documents known to have been written, only three to date have been publicly released – two by Goode, and one by Knapp’s iTeam.
What Goode’s public release of the two DIRD papers conclusively show is that he does have high level access to genuine insiders with documents they have been authorized to release through him. This helps raise confidence in the accuracy of what Goode has revealed about Bones and Sigmund regarding the Dark Fleet, and the prospects for full disclosure through future document releases similar to the DIRD articles, and documentaries such as Above Majestic.
On September 19, Q Anon dropped two bombshell posts affirming the existence of secret space programs and extraterrestrial life. The two posts open a big door for the millions who have been following the Q information, to learn about secret space programs and extraterrestrial life, and how these have been hidden from the general public.
In the first post, Q responds to questions about whether extraterrestrial life exists and whether the Roswell UFO crash really happened, and replies as follows:
Q’s response makes clear that we are not alone and that the truth about the Roswell flying saucer crash has the “highest classification”. The response is significant since it affirms what a senior official with the Canadian Government’s Department of Communications reported back in 1950 when he inquired about the Roswell crash among senior U.S. government scientists.
Wilbert Smith’s official report was eventually released through the Freedom of Information Act:
The matter is the most highly classified subject in the United States government, rating higher even than the H-bomb.
Perhaps anticipating skepticism, Q further advocates that readers consider the vastness of space to realize that our galaxy, and the universe more generally, is certain to be teeming with life, some of which has technologically evolved sufficiently to travel through our galaxy and visit the Earth as occurred with the Roswell incident.
In stating that the “moon landings are real” Q is refuting conspiracy theories that the moon landings were hoaxed. This removes an impediment to the general public learning the truth about what has been really happening on the moon subsequent to the Apollo moon landings.
In the next statement, Q affirms the existence of space programs that “are outside of public domain”. This means that Q wants readers to understand that the information on these non-public domain” space programs is highly classified and restricted to those with need to know access.
Furthermore, Q is alerting readers to the fact that much information about these secret space programs is found in the private corporate domain, and not necessarily in the hands of the US government and the military services.
While Q did not explicitly refer to President Donald Trump’s Space Force initiative, it can be inferred from Q’s reply that this is related to the existence of secret space programs.
This is the first time that Q has explicitly referred to secret space programs. Previously, Q posts have alluded to a secret space program being involved in intercepting a ballistic missile attack on Hawaii.
In can be expected that Q will reveal much more as the general public becomes open to the possibility that the truth about secret space programs and extraterrestrial life has been hidden, and the Space Force initiative becomes a means of wresting control away from corporations and back into Presidential Executive control.
Today the UFO, exopolitics, experiencer communities are divided into factions. There is some cross-over from one preference to another but I believe that the spirit of subdivision, of doctrinal partisanship prevents us from understanding and processing the whole of what is going on. More inclusivity is required. More integrative thinking is required…scientific, logical, intuitional, spiritual, experience-based, testimony-based…and all of it with a quality that is enhanced by attitude: respect, love for truth and humbleness.
Yes, for instance, it may be true that perhaps AATIP and BAAS are somehow guided by secret proponents and allowed to ‘white world’ some of the ET-multi reality technology, hopefully mostly for the good of humanity rather than for the good of a few. They might not be inclined toward dialogue with the UFO community but I’m inclined to attempt to tend bridges and to give them the benefit of the doubt instead of blanket suspicion and rejection. Humanity is altogether in this reaching out to other cosmic civilizations and to our roots in the past and – perchance – in the future. Then again, excessive trust in Military Complex-related initiatives can be naive, especially if the negative side of ETs is so emphasized by Tom DeLonge at TTSA and in the book “Sekret Machines” while considering the military and helpful associates as the good guys…guys hiding stuff to protect us. I welcome patriots doing the right thing with good intentions and what they do may be partially true and good for society and for establishing the UFO reality issue in more solid grounds but it may not be necessary (or adequate) that we completely abide by this initiative. I welcome it and want to tend a hand in friendship but also think that there’s much more in terms of a paradigm-shifting, educational process.
Decades of UFO research revealing all sorts of things in secret (maybe even unconstitutional) programs about UFOs (previous to AAWSAP-AATIP) cannot be denied. And we also need a non-militaristic approach. Definitely not a “business as usual” approach. Indeed we need a fresh way to look at these things covering the range from the nuts & bolts to consciousness science and to the most allegedly “airy fairy” but sincerely rendered.
For instance, by instantly dismissing what classic contactees said and – more currently – what plausible whistleblowers and insiders of the alleged “Secret Space Program” say in ways that not only partly coincide but which too many people (and not just belief-prone personalities) already consider as truthful and sincere would either be arrogant or proper of a belief-settled personality whose subconscious cannot even tolerate entertaining certain issues.
And regarding ET/inter reality beings, let’s not bad mouth these ETs/inter reality beings or become naively dependent on them. We need fresh eyes for everything, not generalizations about all being benevolent or malevolent. We need to exopolitically find out who is protecting us from unwarranted incursions and if a minority of ET/inter-reality beings coming into our system are inimical to our good, do we really need to develop a whole armada against them? Or can we rely upon outside-of-earth, exopolitical protection as some contactees have affirmed?
In reality the whole issue is complex… grandiose, fascinating, life-changing with all sorts of more or less credible versions according to many types of experiences. Let’s listen to statistics-contributing experiencers worldwide and to “unique case” experiencers as well. That said, I hope that people on the “inside” (secret decision makers) are more motivated by enhancing democratic values through worldview expansion via truthful education…more than making money, securing more personal power, sustaining outmoded beliefs or expanding the militarization of space under a “business as usual” type of awareness. As we evolve and more of us connect with cosmic community those modes of ruling over the masses become obsolete and – I believe – prone to attract similarly-minded ET/inter reality beings stuck in repeating certain unresolved issues from previous evolutionary stages…in spite of their technologies.
And, inasmuch as technology goes, yes, please, the powers that be acting today in this incipient but certain “basic level” revelation (through TTSA), please be clear about the type of technology that can be revealed, that should get or not get into everyone’s hands worldwide! Can a UFO-like craft be built without sharing the technology worldwide? We simply cannot give the power of deeper aspects of the universe to every immature member of society. Moreover, for those of us seeking further understanding, within the UFO community, let’s try to be humbler and not simply dismiss the more ‘far out’, alleged SSP (secret space program) revelations or each other’s main appreciations of plausible aspects about the whole UFO and ET ‘enchilada’.
It’s not so much a matter of believing or disbelieving, of embracing or of rejecting in the name of truth. It is more about extending a friendly hand and respectfully, carefully listening. Let’s make an effort to listen to those voices that make us feel uncomfortable. Some may surprise us as our tolerance for the extraordinary increases.
There are too many sincere-sounding informers or “insiders” that appear to coincide in fundamental assertions and – if the assertions about highly developed SSPs is true – that could mean that TTSA efforts would be incipient, long-termed, allowed and managed…perhaps by well-intentioned (or not) individuals acting as our superiors with an alleged right over us for some reason or another. Perhaps if having to choose between a 20 year long gradual revelation led by Established forces and sooner (and more extreme revelations), we need to welcome and consider them both as possible. And not just that but we may need to guide and modify both approaches in a participatory manner. In other words, concerned citizens and researchers need to be not only more inclusive but also more exopolitically active.
A Mission Rahma Photo
And let’s not forget not to dismiss either the possibility of repeatable (and sometimes verifiable) positive contacts with communicative, “space brother” types, as has been done through the Mission Rahma contact groups; is being done by other emergent “CE-5” contact groups and associated contactees. In some cases there would be contacts with beings precise and very mental but associated with spiritual masters highly in favor of assisting in the actualization of our deepest potentials without generating dependencies. So, let’s not simply dismiss this issue brought up by some contactees and experiencers that apparently bring some means of verification and more in-depth information about aspects of humanity’s history that cannot be ignored.
And, let’s not simply dismiss other plausible issues floating around in the UFO, exopolitics, experiencer communities falling back on comfortably thinking that they are “delusional” or “suspect” or “lying.” In an environment in which there are allusions to teleportation and time travel, SSP insiders working with ETs side by side, contactees speaking both with spiritual masters and friendly ETs that do not abduct, 3000+ “experiencers” mostly having beneficial encounters with little or no mention of what SSP insiders are telling, not to speak about a phenomenon that is “transdimensional” and “paranormal” and in which some of the main voices greatly differ as to who the “visitors” or “ancient aliens” may be we must ask ourselves how much are we willing to accept or at least to fairly consider. How much effort are we willing to put to debunk or to incorporate if it passes a truly careful analysis.
Is there a war in the heavens or are all beings that did not destroy themselves and were capable of leaving their home planet peaceful? Are there “Arkons” “Draco Reptilians” and former Nazis collaborating with them? Is there a “Cabal” that controls the U.S. military and USAPs (unacknowledged special access projects)? Was our species not only seeded by several ET species (some contributing and some harming us) but are we also today being hybridized by varieties of gray-looking beings which have a right to do so partly because we are destroying the Earth’s ecology and commons? Are all of those issues fantasies and neither the Government nor UFO “experts” truly know what is going on? How can science and “infallible” religious doctrines really be enhanced with a “transdimensional” ontology-metaphysics that begins to explain “the nature of reality?” How much of “the truth” is society at large – worldwide – really able to handle without a transdimensional, integrative ontology-metaphysics now that there is a political tendency challenging “liberal” (in the original sense of the word) democratic agreements and procedures, thus atomizing nation-states into separate, illiberal fiefdoms?
To evolve exopolitically in a field of research which may be the most complex of them all, we need to make the effort to connect with each other much more and with each other’s preferred explanations in a coherent manner. Connect what aspects or parts can truly fit together, even perhaps those parts which today don’t seem to fit together. And we must learn to also do it across cultural divides or cultural preferences, carefully correcting our personal mistakes… more aware of our own cognitive biases, selected belief reinforcements and blind spots.
This situation called “disclosure” is not only about the Government revealing that ETs are here but about growing up individually and collectively…as many of us as possible to shift our shared information field into a higher level…capable of harmoniously exchanging with beings that perhaps primarily do not think in “either-or” primitive terms. But it is an unprecedented shift; a different type of “consciousness.” It’s about co-creating a “we” consciousness and unified field incorporating many more beings with care and respect into our personal sense of identity. Either more of us do it for the collective “field” to withstand the encounter or others representing our subconscious need for “power elites” will steer us as they prefer or understand for various reasons, under incomplete appreciations. Thus, WE must connect with each other more and all true factions in Ufology, exopolitics, what we value in experiencer information must increasingly come together. And disclosure thus becomes a self education; an entire new attitude needed to adapt to what comes in shifting our “consensus reality.” Is this too much to ask for in order to face the greatest cultural, spiritual (and perhaps biological) needed modifications after the gravitas (the weight and seriousness) of what is going on becomes established and is widely felt? Not if disclosure is about the impossible becoming possible and if our self-determining freedom requires such a move.
To be exopolitically responsible let’s connect to see the information content filling the exopolitics “diagram” as a coherent whole.
Let’s try to educate ourselves and to be able to suspend judgement when necessary. Our intention and awareness to do this can go a long way towards succeeding in it. To listen to each other’s testimonies, to well thought opinions and research. Let’s try to listen to apparently contradicting testimonies but carefully, even if we don’t like it. They may be wrong but that may also have key kernels of truth or large segments of truth that we haven’t figured out how to connect with our preferred narratives. But let’ also care for fact checking as thoroughly as possible and for cross-referencing and to be personally willing to change our views when necessary.
To face the top challenge, we truly need to “grow up,” one by one and in what is acceptable to discuss in social settings; to be able to digest such a paradigm-shifting smorgasbord and to be able to make peaceful, intelligent, cooperative decisions about a variety of challenging truths with enormous consequences. Thus we will earn our cosmic sovereignty.
On September 10th 2001 Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld announced that $2.3 trillion dollars could not be accounted for within Department of Defense expenditures. The very next day on September 11th building 7 of the World Trade Center in NYC collapsed, at free fall speed despite receiving minimal damage. This very same day, DOD staffers were working on tracking the mystery of the missing trillions when the Pentagon’s budget analyst’s office was destroyed in the same attack. This day in America’s history is known as 9/11.
The mystery remains. Where are the missing trillions?
MJ-12 or “Majestic 12” refers to a clandestine group of elite military and corporate figureheads. Appointed by Harry S. Truman in 1952, they were to manage and handle all information related to Extraterrestrial Craft retrieval and the reverse engineering of technology.
How were these compartmentalized and unacknowledged Special Access Programs funded over the decades, what technologies have they developed and at what cost to humanity?
Above Majestic is a shocking and provocative look at what it would take to hide a multi-trillion dollar Secret Space Program from the public and the implications this would have for humanity. Viewers will be guided through an accelerated game of connect the dots as Jordan takes a deep dive into the origins, technologies, history, cover ups, conspiracies, testimony and research that goes beyond and Above Majestic.
Above Majestic features some the most prominent and prolific authors, researchers, whistle-blowers and disseminators in the movement for Truth and Full Disclosure.