Article by Halina Watts and Lottie O’Neill July 18. 2021 (
• The British comedian and sage, Russell Brand (pictured above) recently got together with UFO guru and filmmaker Jeremy Corbell to discuss the high-profile leaks of “encounters” between UFOs and the US military
Article by Douglas Charles July 7, 2021 (
• In November 2004, Lieutenant Commander Chad Underwood was among the US Navy pilots from the USS Nimitz aircraft carrier who were diverted from training exercises off of the coast of San Diego to investigate a ‘tic tac’ UFO that was appearing on radar images from the nearby USS Princeton.
• Documentary filmmaker Jeremy Corbell filmed an extensive interview with Lieutenant Commander Underwood about his experience for his website which is yet to be released in full. (see 52-second teaser for the UFO website below) A video preview of his conversation with Underwood discussing the tic tac UFO can be seen on Instagram (see here).
• “Once I got the target of interest on my radar I took a lock and that’s when all the kind of funky things started happening,” Underwood tells Corbell. “The erratic nature of the tic tac. The air speed was very telling to me. Then we started seeing what we call jam strobe lines. Strobe lines are vertical lines that show up on your radar that are indications that you are being jammed.”
• Corbell’s interview follows up on the last interview that Underwood gave to New York magazine in December of 2019. Underwood told the New York Intelligencer, “The thing that stood out to me the most was how erratic [the ‘tic tac’ UFO] was behaving. And what I mean by ‘erratic’ is that its changes in altitude, air speed, and aspect were just unlike things that I’ve ever encountered before flying against other air targets.”
• “It was just behaving in ways that aren’t physically normal,” Underwood continued. “That’s what caught my eye. Because, aircraft, whether they’re manned or unmanned, still have to obey the laws of physics. They have to have some source of lift, some source of propulsion. The tic tac was not doing that. It was going from like 50,000 feet to, you know, a hundred feet in like seconds, which is not possible.”
USS Nimitz
Since the eagerly anticipated UFO report released by the Pentagon revealed literally next
Lieutenant Commander Chad Underwood
to nothing, disappointing everyone who was hoping for some answers, including many current and former government officials, there are still many questions to be answered.
Chief among them are the questions surrounding the event that triggered much of this increased demand for information: the Tic Tac UFO encounter involving Navy pilot Lieutenant Commander Chad Underwood that was witnessed by numerous Navy veterans on the USS Nimitz in 2004.
Jeremy Corbell
While the Pentagon did declassify three of the videos taken by US Navy pilots in April of 2020, the government has provided little to no answers with regard to what was actually filmed.
‘tic tac’ UFO
Now, documentary filmmaker Jeremy Corbell, who has been responsible for much of what the public has learned about the United States government’s Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) Task Force investigations of late, spoke with Lieutenant Commander Underwood about his experience.
Corbell shared a preview of his conversation discussing the Tic Tac UFO with Underwood on Twitter.
“Once I got the target of interest on my radar I took a lock and that’s when all the kind of funky things started happening,” Underwood tells Corbell.
52 second teaser for Corbell’s investigative series (‘Extraordinary Beliefs” YouTube)
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Article by Paul Sacca June 30, 2021 (
• Early last month, filmmaker Jeremy Corbell leaked a video taken in July 2019 on the littoral combat ship USS Omaha of a spherical UFO hovering and then submersing under water. (see 1:39 minute video below) Then later in June, Corbell leaked another video of a radar image on the USS Omaha of at least 14 UFO surrounding the ship at night in July 2019. (see 45 second video and more comprehensive 27:26 minute video below). Now, to continue the USS Omaha series, Corbell has released a night-time video of red-flashing UFOs buzzing the Navy ship off of the cost of Southern California in July 2019. (see 4:19 minute video below)
• The newly leaked footage was apparently taken by on-board ‘VIPER’ TEAM (Visual Intelligence Personnel) on July 15, 2019, from the deck of the USS Omaha between 9 pm and 11 pm PST, according to Corbell. The footage was reportedly taken while the ship was in a “restricted warning area off San Diego.”
• The UFOs with flashing red lights traveled at speeds of 46 mph to 158 mph. “The most impressive evidence we witnessed was their endurance,” a USS Omaha crewman said. “The event lasted over an hour with all contacts just disappearing. We were never able to discern where they departed to.” “In the end I’m 50/50 that it is man-made tech from somewhere,” the crewman said. “Either way it’s world changing. Because of the incredible energy capacity of the crafts.”
• “These UFOs were NOT inconspicuous,” writes Corbell. “[T]hey were brazen; boldly buzzing our warships. To many involved, it stands to reason that the UFOs (their operators) WANTED to be seen and recorded.” The red-flashing UFO sighting ended with one of the UFOs crashing into the water, but no wreckage was found despite at least one U.S. Navy submarine searching for the vanishing craft.
Jeremy Corbell
Newly leaked video footage purportedly shows red-flashing UFOs swarming a U.S.
USS Omaha
Navy combat ship in the Pacific Ocean. The eye-opening video corresponds with the previous radar footage that was released earlier this month of 14 UAPs flying near the USS Omaha in July 2019.
The newly surfaced footage was apparently taken by “on-board ‘VIPER’ TEAM (Visual Intelligence Personnel)” on July 15, 2019, from the deck of the USS Omaha between 9 p.m. and 11 p.m. PST, according to Jeremy Corbell, the filmmaker behind the UFO documentary Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers. The footage was reportedly taken while the ship was in a “restricted warning area off San Diego.”
submersible, or ‘transmedium’ UFO seen from the USS Omaha in 2019
The 14 unidentified flying objects with flashing red lights traveled from speeds of 46 mph to 158 mph.
USS Omaha radar picking up multiple UFOs around their ship in 2019
“The most impressive evidence we witnessed was their endurance,” a crewman of the USS Omaha allegedly said of the UAPs in the video. “The event lasted over an hour with all contacts just disappearing. We were never able to discern where they departed to.”
“In the end I’m 50/50 that it is man-made tech from somewhere,” a USS Omaha servicemember said. “Either way it’s world changing. Because of the incredible energy capacity of the crafts.”
1:39 minute video of spherical UFO hovering and then submersing underwater near the USS Omaha in 2019 (‘The Sun’ YouTube)
45 second USS Omaha radar image of 14 UFOs
buzzing the ship in 2019 (‘Mystery Wire’ YouTube)
27:26 minute video of Jeremy Corbell discussing the UFOs buzzing Navy ships and USS Omaha radar images of 14 UFOs in 2019 (‘Mystery Wire’ YouTube)
4:19 minute video of red-flashing UFOs swarming the
USS Omaha at night in 2019 (”Mystery Wire” YouTube)
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Article by Gautam Peddada June 30, 2021 (
• UFO researcher Richard Dolan recently obtained a leaked summary of the classified version a US Department of Defense/ Director of National Intelligence UAPTF Report claiming that anti-gravity aircraft is already being tested at Area 51 and other Nevada military sites. (see here) Therefore, the public unclassified UAPTF Report which claimed to have no idea what these UFOs are, swarming Navy ships and seen by Navy aviators, was likely an “Information Operation” to make adversaries question whether American-made anti-gravity military drones are actually extraterrestrial.
• Richard Dolan’s leaked report also cites “Advanced utilization of exotic elements for energy research”. ‘Exotic elements’ could be successfully reverse engineered anti-gravity craft now being tested as alluded to by Christopher Mellon and Luis Elizondo.
• According to a US Department of Defense study document Joint Publication 1–02 (see here) ‘Information Operations’ are critical to the successful execution of military operations. “Information is facts, data, or instructions in any media or form,” according to the joint publication. The actual objective of the Nevada-based Viper teams, who work closely with George Knapp and Jeremy Corbell, might be for disseminating strategic disinformation via Information Operations.
• According to the joint publication, the media is a ‘force multiplier’ and a ‘weapon of war’ for ‘perception management’ – targeting the minds of an adversary to defeat them psychologically and disarm them morally. If the Chinese believe in and mistake US recon planes for alien spaceships, the US will gain a major advantage. Media perception control propaganda can also create a public perception of an enemy as an evil entity, awakening a dormant tribal impulse in the public itself.
• In an age where 24-hour immediate battlefield news coverage is the norm, “media spin” in molding world opinion is a necessary component of military success. The military should avoid actions that would alienate public support while maximizing media coverage of success stories. It should not take media coverage of combat operations for granted.
Richard Dolan
A discovered US Department of Defense document provides unprecedented insight into why the US government is disclosing information concerning UFOs.
The US Department of Defense is very certainly utilising or plans to deploy sophisticated anti-gravity planes to gain an advantage over its terrestrial opponents. If the document obtained by UFO researcher Richard Dolan from the DNI report is to be believed, the US was in the midst of an informational campaign to gain a significant advantage, which may have been thwarted. The document obtained by Mr. Dolan makes a bold claim that anti-gravity aircraft is already being tested at Area 51 and related sites (based out of Nevada).
The actual objective of the Viper teams, who seemingly work closely in association with with George Knapp and Jeremy Corbell (both stationed in Nevada), might be for Information Operation (IO). Information Operations (IO) are critical to the
Dolan’s document
successful execution of military operations, according to a recently discovered US Department of Defense study document.
“Information is facts, data, or instructions in any media or form,” according to Joint Publication 1–02 (Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms, April 2006). Information is also defined as “the meaning that a person imparts to facts via the application of recognised protocols in their representation.”
Extraterrestrial Hypothesis
For those wanting to answer additional existential mysteries, Richard Dolan’s report also cites “Advanced utilisation of exotic elements for energy research (ET related stuff).” With former US intelligence member Christopher Mellon and AATIP Director Luis Elizondo alluding to wrecked ET spacecraft on many occasions, it is reasonable to conclude that the anti-gravity craft now being tested were successfully reverse engineered.
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Article by Glen Meek June 1, 2021 (
• This month, the US Senate expects to receive a highly anticipated report on UFOs/UAPs, with declassified portions made public. Will this shed light on the physicist Bob Lazar’s claim of working on a captured extraterrestrial spacecraft at a secret government facility called S-4 near Area 51 in Nevada?
• Lazar surfaced publicly in 1989, when he was interviewed by George Knapp of KLAS-TV, Las Vegas. Lazar’s claims were fantastic: that the U.S. government had in its possession nine crashed or captive spacecraft from another world — at least one of them shaped like an actual saucer. Lazar claimed he’d been part of a team hired by the government to “reverse-engineer” the craft. Lazar said he was fired from his job at the base because one evening he brought some friends into the desert near Area 51 to surreptitiously watch a saucer being test flown. A Lincoln County deputy caught the group leaving the area and the deputy ratted Lazar out to the government.
• While publicity surrounding Lazar’s claims literally put Area 51 on the map, it also shined a spotlight on Lazar himself. It wasn’t long before people started picking apart his story. Places where Lazar claimed to have gone to college — like CalTech and MIT — said they’d never heard of him. About a year after his initial TV interview, Lazar found himself criminally charged for helping operate what prosecutors described as an illegal “high-tech whore house.” That didn’t help his credibility much.
• As his case worked through the legal system, Lazar produced a W-2 form, reflecting income of less than one thousand dollars, paid to him by the Department of Naval Intelligence – one of the few bits of physical evidence that he’d worked at a secret base. Skeptics pointed out that there’s an Office of Naval Intelligence within the Department of the Navy — but not a Department of Naval Intelligence.
• Yet, despite a dearth of physical evidence and lack of corroboration from other scientists, Lazar’s astounding tale has not only survived over three decades but has thrived. His claims received renewed attention in 2018 with a film documentary produced by Jeremy Corbell on Netflix, which led to Lazar appearing on the popular Joe Rogan podcast. Corbell did say that he believed there was more evidence that Lazar was telling the truth than there was that he was lying.
• Just because you don’t know what something is doesn’t mean it is extraterrestrial, however. The request for the Senate UAP study makes no mention of alien intelligence or extraterrestrial space vehicles. But the language of the request calls for such a comprehensive study that the results should either confirm or debunk Lazar’s claims. The Senate report calls for “A detailed analysis of unidentified aerial phenomena data and intelligence reporting… including data and intelligence reporting held by the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force”.
• The report also calls for “Identification of any incidents or patterns that indicate a potential adversary may have achieved breakthrough aerospace capabilities that could put United States strategic or conventional forces at risk.”
• Thus, the upcoming Senate report has the potential to paint Lazar as an unfairly maligned interstellar whistleblower with more impact than Edward Snowden, Karen Silkwood and Daniel Ellsberg combined. Or it may suggest that Lazar is a liar or a loon. Is there any chance that the government findings would reveal that it has “alien technology in our possession capable of performing the same kind of high-speed, gravity-defying maneuvers we’re seeing in these videos”?
• It is doubtful that such a world-shattering revelation is about to be made. When Barack Obama was asked about UFOs in a recent interview with CBS-TV’s James Corden, he said he was aware of real incidents involving unknown objects in the sky making incredible, unexplained maneuvers. “When I came into office, I asked (about aliens), right?” said Obama. “I was like, alright, is there the lab somewhere where we’re keeping the alien specimens and spaceship? They did a little bit of research and the answer was no.”
• If the upcoming Senate report does not vindicate Lazar, what will it say about him – if anything? Or is Lazar considered a mere minor player who made extraordinary claims but was an ordinary employee at Area 51 who never got near a saucer, because there weren’t any?
• It is likely that the report will contain new details about many incidents already reported, and new reports of other previously secret sightings. Some events might even seem to defy conventional explanation. But people who are expecting the military to finally provide evidence validating Lazar’s resume as a saucer mechanic will be disappointed.
• One thing you can say about Lazar: he did not drop vague, tantalizing hints – e.g.: that scientists have possible “exotic materials” that need further testing to determine whether they’re of alien origin. Lazar flat out said our scientists have nine captive alien craft, that they’ve been studying these craft for more than thirty years, and that he personally worked on the craft.
• If Lazar’s case remains unconfirmed, however, true believers may decry the Senate report as just another whitewash – a 21st century redux of “Project Bluebook” which looked at more than 12,000 UFO sightings between 1952 and 1969 and concluded there was no evidence any of them involved extraterrestrial vehicles.
• At the very least, the request for the report indicates the government and military are starting to take these phenomena seriously, and whether they pose a threat to our national security. That’s progress.
Bob Lazar in 1989
This month, a highly anticipated report is slated to be delivered to the United States
Bob Lazar today
Senate on the subject of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) — what we used to call Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs). The report is to be made public (although it may have a classified annex) and was requested as part of the Intelligence Authorization Act attached to a COVID-19 relief bill. Its purpose is to provide lawmakers with the best information available from the Pentagon and the intelligence community about incidents that appear to involve vehicles with amazing flight characteristics far beyond those of our most advanced aircraft.
But, this report should also shed light on — and, in theory, resolve — a thirty-year old, major UFO puzzle with Nevada origins: did a young physicist named Bob Lazar actually work on captured extraterrestrial spacecraft at a secret government facility called S-4, in Lincoln County near Area 51?
Lazar surfaced publicly in 1989, when he was interviewed by my former colleague George Knapp of KLAS-TV, Las Vegas. At first, Lazar spoke only in silhouette, and used the pseudonym “Dennis”. Later, he came forward under his own name and with no disguise. Lazar’s claims were fantastic: that the U.S government had, in its possession, nine crashed or captive spacecraft from another world — at least one of them shaped like an actual saucer. Lazar claimed he’d been part of a team hired by the government to “reverse-engineer” the craft, which would unlock for American scientists the propulsion secrets they
Lazar (middle) with George Knapp and Jeremy Corbell
needed to pave a path to the stars.
Lazar said he was fired from his job at the clandestine military base because he brought some friends into the desert near Area 51 one evening to surreptitiously watch a saucer being test flown. A Lincoln County deputy caught the group leaving the area and the deputy ratted Lazar out to the government.
Lazar’s story combined the most compelling elements of alien abduction stories and shadow-government conspiracy theories. The tale had a profound influence on popular culture from cartoons like American Dad to movies like Paul & Independence Day.
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Article by Nirmal Narayanan May 22, 2021 (
• In 2017, when Luis Elizondo resigned as the head of the Pentagon’s secret UFO investigation program to join the ‘To The Stars Academy of Arts and Sciences’, two Navy cockpit videos of UFOs off of the East and West Coasts of America were released to the public. The Pentagon has since authenticated those and other UFO images and videos taken by US Navy personnel.
• Elizondo recently appeared on Fox News with Tucker Carlson. Carlson asked Elizondo whether the US government has collected any debris from flying UFO craft that might have crash-landed. “The United States government is in possession of exotic material and I will leave it at that,” said Elizondo. “More analysis needs to be done. There is enough uniqueness about it where it requires additional analysis and additional expertise and thankfully there are pockets in the US government that are willing to have the conversation and conduct the analysis.”
• Elizondo’s revelation came just a few days after documentary filmmaker Jeremy Corbell released a UFO clip that showed a spherical UFO plunging into the ocean off of San Diego in 2019, shot by US Navy officials aboard USS Omaha. Many UFO enthusiasts believe that alien existence on Earth is being covered-up by the US government and space agencies like NASA to avoid public panic.
It was on December 16, 2017, that the New York Times published an explosive report about the Pentagon’s secret UFO investigation program named Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP). The news soon went viral on online spaces, and it was followed by the release of two UFO videos that showed mysterious flying objects screeching across the skies at a breathtaking speed. As pressure started mounting on the defense department from various corners, the Pentagon admitted that UFO videos released by To The Stars Academy of Arts and Sciences were real. And now, Luis Elizondo who led AATIP has
UFO ‘metamaterial’
shockingly claimed that the US government is in possession of exotic UFO materials.
UFO ‘metamaterial’
Luis Elizondo makes unbelievable claims
Elizondo claimed that the US government got these exotic materials from mysterious space vessels that reached earth. After leading AATIP from 2007 to 2012, Elizondo finally resigned from the Pentagon in 2017 as a part of his protest against government secrecy while dealing with UFO events.
Jeremy Corbell
As the Pentagon is expected to release some mindblowing details about UFOs later this year, Elizondo appeared on Fox News to speak about what could be expected.
spherical UFO plunging into the ocean off of San Diego in 2019
During the show, host Tucker Carlson asked Elizondo whether the US government has collected any debris from the alleged flying vessels that might have crash-landed.
“The United States government is in possession of exotic material and I will leave it at that. More analysis needs to be done. There is enough uniqueness about it where it requires additional analysis and additional expertise and thankfully there are pockets in the US government that are willing to have the conversation and conduct the analysis,” said Elizondo.
The mysterious spherical UFO that plunged into the oceans
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• The Washington Examiner‘s Tom Rogan says that US Navy “has the data” to prove that Navy submarine sonar picked up data showing mysterious underwater objects moving at hundreds of knots that cannot be explained by experts or current technology. Some of these encounters may be included in the US government ‘UAP Task Force’ UFO report which is to be released to Congress in June.
• This new information comes amid a flurry of footage showing bizarre encounters between US pilots and UFOs over the past two decades. A newly-emerged video released by filmmaker Jeremy Corbell shows a dark spherical object move across the sky near a US Navy stealth ship, before suddenly veering into the water and disappearing. Corbell said no wreckage was recovered from the sighting and the craft remains unidentified. The Pentagon confirmed that the video was taken by US Navy personnel in 2019.
• Rogan spoke to Fox News‘ Tucker Carlson about the new footage, saying: “[A]n area we will learn more about is the interaction between US Navy submarines – nuclear ballistic submarines and attack submarines – picking up sonar contact of things moving at hundreds of knots under the water. …There is an undersea dimension to this, on top of what the pilots are seeing above water.” Rogan added, “That is what I have heard from very good sources and that the US Navy has the data.”
• Last month, Corbell shared a video of a mysterious triangle craft flying near a US Navy ship, saying, “Whether this being is worldly or otherworldly, we don’t know. It’s just part of a much larger series of events we are going to be learning about.”
THE US Navy have detected unexplainable mysterious objects moving at hundreds
US Navy sonar technician
of knots under the water as the Pentagon prepares to release its report on UFO sightings.
The US Navy has picked up sonar data showing mysterious fast-moving objects underwater that cannot be explained by experts or current technology. Washington Examiner’s Tom Rogan said that US Navy “has the data” to prove the bizarre encounters. Some of these encounters could be included in the US Government task force which is preparing to brief Congress on its UFO findings next
Jeremy Corbell
The US Navy has picked up sonar data showing mysterious fast-moving objects underwater that cannot be explained by experts or current technology. Washington Examiner’s Tom Rogan said that US Navy “has the data” to prove the bizarre encounters. Some of these encounters could be included in the US
Tom Rogan
Government task force which is preparing to brief Congress on its UFO findings next month.
This comes amid a flurry of footage showing bizarre encounters between US pilots and navy officers and unexplainable objects.
Last week, a newly-emerged video showed a dark spherical object move across the sky near a US Navy stealth ship, before suddenly veering into the water and disappearing.
Documentary filmmaker Jeremy Corbell shared the footage of the mysterious flying object on Instagram.
The Pentagon later confirmed that the video, believed to be from 2019, was taken by US Navy personnel.
Mr Corbell said no wreckage was recovered from the sighting and the craft remains unidentified.
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• In April 2020, the US Department of Defense (DoD) ‘officially released’ three UFO videos captured by Navy aviators off of the US East and West Coasts, including the ‘Tic Tac’ UFO video from 2004, although they had been previously ‘unofficially’ released in December 2017. The DoD re-released the videos “in order to clear up any misconceptions by the public on whether or not the footage that has been circulating was real, or whether or not there is more to the videos.”
• More recently, filmmaker Jeremy Corbell published “leaked” images of bizarre UFOs swarming US Navy destroyers off of Southern California in 2019. The DoD quickly ‘authenticated’ those images recorded by Navy personnel. Reporter George Knapp also recently published photos depicting a separate set of alleged UAP/UFO events that took place in recent years off the East Coast.
• Dod spokesperson Susan Gough said that the Navy UFO photos and videos were “provided to some web news outlets without following the proper procedures for authorized release of information.” Gough declined to comment on which outlets were “provided” with the information. Also, according to Chief of Naval Operations (CNO), Admiral Michael Gilday, the DoD has provided no details regarding the context of these confirmed UFO videos. The UFOs remain unidentified and the underlying facts surrounding these UAP/UFO incidents remain extremely limited. Gilday did note that “there have been other sightings by aviators in the air and by other ships not only of the United States, but other nations – and of course other elements within the U.S. joint force.”
• According to Gough, no formal investigation has been opened into the unauthorized release of the UFO photos and videos. The DoD has further declined to comment on the context of the videos, or the accuracy of media claims that these videos depict advanced craft.
• This repeated pattern of unaccountability has raised concerns that these airspace breaches arguably constitute a major intelligence failure. The confusing and often controversial nature of these UFO sightings may also contribute to a delayed or muted response by relevant governmental agencies.
• In an attempt to clear up some of this confusion, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence requested a public report on these strange UFO encounters, which is to be released in June. The committee’s request specifically acknowledged a lack of a “unified, comprehensive process within the Federal Government for collecting and analyzing intelligence on unidentified aerial phenomena, despite the potential threat.”
• On May 3, 2021, the apparent lack of seriousness surrounding this topic, as well as the lack of support in terms of Pentagon resources and expertise, prompted the DoD’s Inspector General to announce that it is opening an ‘evaluation’ into “the extent to which the DoD has taken actions regarding unidentified aerial phenomena”, i.e.: UFOs. The notice gives various organizations within the US military, including multiple entities in the US Intelligence Community, five days to designate a senior individual as a point of contact.
• The commands on the Inspector General’s list include the US Central Command, US Northern Command, and US Special Operations Command. However, the list does not include the US Indo-Pacific Command, which has seen unusual incidents involving unidentified aircraft in recent years.
• It is unclear whether the Department of Defense Inspector General’s evaluation will impact the timing of the release of the Senate Committee report. Hopefully, in the coming months the public will learn more facts about the UAP/UFO issue and the DoD’s response to it, or lack thereof. If new insights do not surface from the Senate report, they may well come from the DoD’s Inspector General’s report.
The Department of Defense Inspector General issued an announcement yesterday
Admiral Michael Gilday
that it is opening an evaluation into “the extent to which the DoD has taken actions regarding Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP).“ Importantly, the announcement specified an evaluation rather than an investigation, likely framing the inquiry in terms of policy instead of specific allegations of wrongdoing. The notice gave various organizations within the U.S. military, including multiple entities that are also members of the U.S. Intelligence Community, five days to designate a senior individual as a point of contact.
The distribution of the list notably includes the commanders of U.S. Central Command, U.S. Northern Command, and U.S. Special Operations Command. The list does not however include other combatant commands, such as U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, which has seen unusual incidents involving unidentified aircraft in recent years. The Department of Defense Office of Inspector General could not be reached for comment on why only some commands were included.
sphere ‘transmedium’ UFOs off of the East Coast in 2019, released by George Knapp
The Inspector General’s announcement comes at a time when this issue is receiving
‘pyramid’ UFOs seen off of West Coast in 2019, released by Jeremy Corbell
high-profile media attention. The War Zone team has covered this topic for several years, including a recent story concerning a bizarre incident involving unidentified aircraft swarming U.S. Navy warships off the Southern California coast. Since our story, filmmaker Jeremy Corbell published leaked photos and videos apparently connected to the event. The photos and video were quickly authenticated by the Department of Defense as being recorded by Navy personnel, but no details regarding their context have been confirmed by the Pentagon. Reporter George Knapp also recently published photos depicting a separate set of alleged UAP events that took place in recent years off the East Coast.
George Knapp
Asked by The War Zone about the circumstances surrounding the apparent leak, Department of
Jeremy Corbell
Defense spokesperson Susan Gough told us that the photos and video were “provided to some web news outlets without following the proper procedures for authorized release of information.” She further stated that the Department of Defense concluded that confirming the cockpit photographs and night-vision video were taken by Navy personnel would “reduce public misperceptions regarding their authenticity.” Gough declined to comment on which outlets were “provided” with the information.
It is interesting to note that the Pentagon used very similar language to Gough’s statemen when it officially released three controversial UAP videos, seen below, including one with the filename “FLIR” that shows an object that is now commonly referred to as the “Tic Tac,” in April 2020. “DOD is releasing the videos in order to clear up any misconceptions by the public on whether or not the footage that has been circulating was real, or whether or not there is more to the videos,” a statement at the time read.
According to Gough, no formal investigation has been opened into the unauthorized release of the photos and videos. She further declined to comment on any questions regarding the context of the video, or the accuracy of media claims that these videos depict advanced craft.
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Article by Svetlana Ekimenko May 1, 2021 (
• Documentary filmmaker Jeremy Corbell claims that some of the mysterious UFOs captured in grainy images and shown swarming US Navy vessels could be coming from the Earth’s oceans. These types of craft that operate both in the air and underwater with equal ease have been dubbed “transmedium” vehicles.
• The videos and images of these UFO vehicles include the ‘Tic Tac’ UFO video-recorded by Navy aviators off of the coast of San Diego in November 2004; the ‘pyramid’ UFOs swarming the USS Russell off of the coast of Los Angeles in July 2019; and the ‘spherical’ and ‘acorn’ UFOs recorded hovering above the USS Omaha off of the coast of Virginia in March 2019. Referred to as the “Pentagon UFO videos”, the footage has been confirmed by the Pentagon as genuine and is said to have been leaked from a classified briefing led by the Pentagon into Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP).
• In September 2019, a Pentagon spokesperson confirmed that the videos were made by Navy aviators and were “part of a larger issue of an increased number of training range incursions by unidentified aerial phenomena in recent years.” The US Department of Defense formally released the Tic Tac UFO video in 2020.
• Interestingly, all of the leaked UFO videos confirmed as genuine by the Pentagon have occurred over the sea. The images of an object hovering above the USS Omaha was later seen “descending into the water” in the same month. The Tic Tac UFO was first seen hovering above an “ocean disturbance” resembling boiling water. It was reported that the Tic Tac UFOs were dropping almost instantly from an altitude of 80,000 feet to sea level where witnesses say there was a “cross shaped” object there under the water where the UFOs were “docking”.
• “[T]here was this implication that there might be a base or location like an embassy that they could go and maybe fuel up their starships…” speculated Corbell. “[I]t is possible that there’s a congregation or a station or a location underwater, where UFOs could be transiting from once they’re here, wherever they come from. That is a possibility that UFOs are transiting from a localized place underneath the water.”
‘pyramid’ UFOs ‘swarming’ Navy destroyers in2019
A stunning 18-second clip allegedly from July 2019 of “spherical” unidentified craft
Jeremy Corbell
swarming a US Navy destroyer, the USS Russell, at night had earlier been sent anonymously to filmmaker Jeremy Corbell. The footage was supposedly part of a classified briefing led by the Pentagon into Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP).
Documentary filmmaker Jeremy Corbell claims that some of the mysterious so-called Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) captured in grainy images and shown ostensibly swarming US Navy vessels over the
Malibu underwater base (from Google earth)
years could be coming from the Earth’s oceans.
Furthermore, the possibility that many of the objects are manifestations of “transmedium” vehicles, which are able to operate both in the air and underwater, has been discussed between US Navy officials, he claimed in an interview for the
‘spherical’ UFOs off of the USS Omaha
Daily Star.
“They can move from one medium [air] to the next [sea] with ease,” said the filmmaker, adding: “As you would have an embassy in a foreign land, it is possible that there’s a congregation or a station or a
‘acorn’ UFO seen off of Virginia in 2019
location underwater, where UFOs could be transiting from once they’re here, wherever they come from. That is a possibility that UFOs are transiting from a localised place underneath the water.”
The US Navy photographed and filmed “pyramid” shaped UFOs and “spherical” advanced transmedium vehicles.
‘Tic Tac’ UFO seen off of California in 2004
The Los Angeles-based mixed media artist believes this theory of such a potential underwater base might be true in relation to the now-famous “tic-tac UFOs” and other enigmatic “craft” captured on footage “swarming” US Navy vessels over the years.
The filmmaker, who in 2015 launched his investigative film series titled, “Extraordinary Beliefs presented by Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell”, made it into the headlines after releasing the now-famous “pyramid UFO” video, ostensibly taken by the crew of the USS Russell off San Diego in July 2019.
Furthermore, he made public images of an object seemingly hovering above the USS Omaha before “descending into the water” in the same month.
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Article by Simon Green April 23, 2021 (
• On May 1, 2020, the Office of Naval Intelligence conducted a UFO briefing to educate high-ranking officials in the Department of Defense and government intelligence agencies of the UFO presence on Earth. They presented video footage and images taken by Navy fliers of ‘yet to be identified’ UFOs. An anonymous source leaked some of the unclassified images and video to filmmaker Jeremy Corbell. (see 4:26 minute Corbell interview below)
• Based in Los Angeles, the 44-year-old Corbell (pictured above) published the material on his website (see here). It began with the explosive footage of “pyramid-shaped” UFOs swarming US Navy destroyers off of California in 2019. He then released three photos of a “spherical” craft which was observed “descending into the water” by the crew of the USS Omaha on July 15, 2019. He also shared a fourth image of the Omaha craft on Instagram. The Pentagon has confirmed the authenticity of the video and images.
• Now, Corbell says there are nine more videos and a dozen images yet to be released. Many are FLIR cockpit videos similar to the 2004 ‘Tic Tac’ UFO video. “I’m not saying I know what is in these videos, that is job of the Department of Defense,” says Corbell. “I know UFOs are real and they represent a technology that is so far advanced from anything that human beings have been able to demonstrate that it leads one to this place of mystery and wonder.”
• Corbell published the material just two months before the scheduled release of the Pentagon’s highly-anticipated UFO report on June 1st. He hopes this incredible story will help the wider public to “push for UFO transparency” with governments around the world. “Right now is the time…because we actually have a chance to make a difference to get more information,” says Corbell. “It’s an astounding time, it’s an exciting time and we’re just all lucky to be a part of it.”
‘transmedium’ sphere craft seen by the crew of the USS Omaha off of San Diego in July 2019
The explosive footage of “pyramid-shaped” UFOs swarming a US Navy destroyer
‘pyramid’ UFOs seen by Navy destroyers off of California in July 2019
may just be the beginning, with the filmmaker behind the leaks claiming there are “nine” more videos.
Jeremy Corbell shocked the world when he released FLIR (Forward Looking Infra-red) footage of unidentified objects hovering above the USS Russell off San Diego in July 2019.
Three photos of a “spherical” craft which was observed “descending into the water” by the crew of the USS Omaha in July 15, 2019, were also published on his website
‘acorn’ UFO seen by Navy fliers off of Virginia in March 2019
And he has since shared a fourth image of the Omaha craft to Instagram, which he says is a screenshot from the video.
another image of a sphere ‘transmedium’ UFO
The incredible images were taken, Jeremy says, from a classified UFO briefing conducted by the Office of Naval Intelligence on May 1, 2020. But the material the filmmaker released were unclassified aspects of the briefing.
The Pentagon have since confirmed the video and images are genuine but, in an exclusive interview with Daily Star, the filmmaker says this could just be the beginning.
4:26 minute interview with Jeremy Corbell (‘7 NEWS Australia’ YouTube)
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Article by Duncan Phenix April 9, 2021 (
• Pentagon spokesperson, Susan Gough, has confirmed the photographs and video released by George Knapp at Mystery Wire and Jeremy Corbell are real and were taken by US Navy personnel. (see previous ExoArticle on 2019 encounters here) The following statement was sent to Mystery Wire: “I can confirm that the referenced photos and videos were taken by Navy personnel.” (see videos below)
• “The UAPTF (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force) has included these incidents in their ongoing examinations. As we have said before, to maintain operations security and to avoid disclosing information that may be useful to potential adversaries, DOD does not discuss publicly the details of either the observations or the examinations of reported incursions into our training ranges or designated airspace, including those incursions initially designated as UAP.”
• The Pentagon had first confirmed this to The Black Vault.
• [Editor’s Note] Mystery drones, spheres and flying pyramids. George Knapp’s I-Team on Mystery Wire along with Jeremy Corbell have collected the images and video of several UFO encounters by the US Navy in spring and summer of 2019. These videos were leaked by technicians compiling the UAP Task Force’s declassified UFO report requested by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and due July 25th.
UFO incidents start with mechanical objects photographed over the ocean off of Virginia in March 2019 by the crew of an F-18 jet in broad daylight. Night vision video shows a swarm of ‘pyramid drones’ and disembodied colored lights that buzzed US Navy battleships off of Los Angeles over several days in mid-July 2019. Also in the summer of 2019, the USS Omaha, an Independence-class littoral combat ship, took video of a small round ‘transmedium vehicle’ that flew over the ocean and then dove beneath the water.
‘pyramid’ drones
MYSTERY WIRE — A Pentagon spokesperson has confirmed the photographs and
‘transmedium sphere’ diving into the ocean
video released by Mystery Wire and Jeremy Corbell this week are real and were taken by Navy personnel.
A Pentagon spokesperson sent Mystery Wire the following statement: “I can confirm that the referenced photos and videos were taken by Navy personnel. The UAPTF has included these incidents
mystery drone off of Virginia
in their ongoing examinations. As we have said before, to maintain operations security and to avoid disclosing information
George Knapp
that may be useful to potential adversaries, DOD does not discuss publicly the details of either the observations or the examinations of reported incursions into our training ranges or designated airspace, including those incursions initially designated as UAP.” – Susan Gough, Pentagon Spokesperson
The Pentagon had first confirmed this to The Black Vault.
3:33 minute video of Jeremy Corbell discussing 2019 UFO incidents (‘Mystery Wire’ YouTube)
18-second night vision video of flying pyramids off of LA in July 2019 (‘Mystery Wire’ YouTube)
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• In 1989, a young scientist working at the top secret Area 51 in Nevada told CBS affiliate KLAS News in Las Vegas that the US government had recovered and were analyzing numerous alien spacecraft at the even more secret S-4 base near Area 51. His name was Bob Lazar. It made global headlines and put Area 51 on the cultural map. Jeremy Corbell tells the story from a perspective of 30 years in his Netflix documentary, Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers. (see 1:37 minute trailer below)
• Lazar claimed there were nine UFOs at the facility, some of which were operational. He had been hired at S-4 to “back-engineer” the propulsion systems. Powered by Element 115 — which at the time had never been synthesized in a lab — these UFOs allegedly had an antimatter generator that created gravity waves and manipulated the space-time continuum.
• Bob Lazar’s story has not changed in 30 years. To his supporters, family and friends who know him best, Lazar has always been telling the truth. Others refute Lazar’s story and his veracity.
• Says Corbell, “These milestones along the way, no matter how much we nitpick it apart, no matter how much people don’t want to believe, the evidence that he’s telling the truth outweighs the evidence that he’s not.”
• When Lazar first cited Element 115 in 1989, mainstream science had never heard of it. But in 2003 the element was synthesized, added to the periodic table, and later named Moscovium.
• Lazar also says in the film that these UFOs flew “belly-up”, with the ‘bottom’ of the craft pointing at its destination. Recent Navy footage shows UFOs flying exactly as Lazar described: tilted at an angle, rotating, emitting no exhaust, and maneuvering in ways that violate the laws of physics.
• The biggest questions hanging over Lazar concern his pre-UFO past. He claims to have studied at Caltech and MIT. He said his job before S-4 was with the Los Alamos National Laboratory. But investigators could find no record of Lazar at either of the schools or the facility. Lazar says his whistle-blowing led to the government scrubbing him from existence. But wouldn’t he still have physical evidence – diplomas, photos, correspondence, the names of professors or other students and colleagues?
• Investigative reporter George Knapp, who broke the story in 1989 and continues to publicly defend Lazar, found an old phone directory from Los Alamos that listed him. There were also newspaper stories that identified Lazar as a Los Alamos scientist. And some classmates and colleagues have since come forward.
• For decades, the US government’s position on UFOs was blanket denial. But that deep freeze is starting to thaw. The Navy recently issued guidelines for pilots to report sightings, free of stigma and judgment. Congress was recently given a classified briefing on the subject. And U.S. President Donald Trump, to his credit, has been forthright in acknowledging unexplained encounters.
• If Lazar is a hoaxster, as many claim, what did he actually get out of this whistle-blowing? He certainly hasn’t profited. He’s mostly shunned the spotlight and attempted to distance himself from UFOs while coping with relentless attacks on his character and credibility. Still, all these years later there is no persuasive evidence that he is lying. But what if Bob Lazar is telling the truth?
• [Editor’s Note] In response to the Netflix documentary, Dr. Eric W. Davis has been quite outspoken in denouncing Bob Lazar. In a November 2018 conversation with writer, Joe Murgia on George Knapp’s public Facebook page promoting the Lazar documentary, Eric Davis had this to say about Lazar: “[I]t is impossible for Lazar to have any Muscovite isotope in his house nor the gigantic particle accelerators that produced it via the collisions of other large atoms.” (Which Lazar purported to have built.) “… unless the house or their entire property is dozens of square miles in size.” (see Joe Murgia’s article here from • Dr. Davis went on to say, “[A] Roadrunner (who ran programs at Area-51 for Los Alamos) told me that he knew Lazar’s female supervisor at Area-51 and had her pull up his personnel file. Lazar worked as a radiation health monitor in the unsecured logistics contractor facility outside of Area-51, so he was never inside that site, and he never held security clearances because he didn’t need them to work in an unclassified area. Lazar made up his entire cockamamie story about the UFO that he saw in a building inside Area-51. He was never exposed to any classified information, facilities, or programs in his work area.” • “It was impossible for Lazar to do Ph.D. level work at (Los Alamos National Lab),” writes Dr. Davis, “because he only had a high school education with a C average grade, thus he had no education or training to be a scientist. He did not take high school physics. His job was radiation health monitor which did not require security clearances so he did not get access to Area-51 since his workstation was at the off-site logistics support facility which is unclassified. He’s also a convicted felon in the state of Nevada.” • Dr Davis is an astrophysicist with Austin-based EarthTech International and is affiliated with Tom DeLonge’s “To The Stars Academy”, which some including Dr. Michael Salla have labeled a “limited hangout” effort, influenced by the Deep State government to only disclose a threshold of information on the vast UFO and extraterrestrial presence. Dr. Davis was also a central figure where it was recently revealed that in 1997, Vice Admiral Thomas Wilson, who was the Deputy Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency and Vice Director for Intelligence for the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the time, was flat out denied access to the admitted reverse-engineering of an extraterrestrial craft by a US defense contractor. (see Exoarticle here) • Stanton Friedman is another critic of Bob Lazar. In a 1997 article on Lazar (see article here), Friedman wrote: “(Lazar) was publicly asked when he got his MS from MIT. He said “Let me see now, I think it was probably 1982.” Nobody getting an MS from MIT would not know the year immediately. He was asked to name some of his profs, He said: “Let’s see now, Bill Duxler will remember me from the physics department at Caltech.” I located Dr. Duxler. He’s a Pierce Junior College physics prof, and never taught at Caltech. Lazar was registered in one of his courses at the same time Lazar was supposedly at MIT! Nobody who can go to MIT goes to Pierce JC, not to mention the rather long commute between LA and Cambridge, Mass.” Later, Friedman would confirm that Lazar would, in fact, go on to work at the Los Alamos National Labs in an unknown capacity, and that this would have required a security clearance just to get inside the building.
The most chilling part of Bob Lazar’s story is that it has not changed in 30 years.
The scientist first made global headlines in 1989 with allegations that were truly out of this world: the U.S. government had recovered alien spacecraft and were analyzing the vessels at a top-secret base in Nevada, close to Area 51.
It was like hearing a whistleblower claim there was a clandestine cistern near Sea World that contained the Loch Ness Monster. Equally unsettling was the matter-of-fact manner in which Lazar detailed his astonishing claims.
In total, Lazar said there were nine UFOs, some of which were operational. He had been hired at the S-4 facility to “back-engineer” the propulsion systems, which were unlike anything on Earth. Powered by Element 115 — which at the time had never been synthesized in a lab — these UFOs allegedly had an antimatter generator that created gravity waves and manipulated the space-time continuum.
Or something like that.
The interviews Lazar did that year with KLAS, a CBS affiliate in Las Vegas, ricocheted around the world, put Area 51 on the pop-cultural map and cemented his status as one of the most polarizing figures in the realm of ufology.
To his supporters, including the family and friends who know him best, Lazar was telling the truth then and he’s telling it now. To critics, including some who otherwise believe aliens are real, Lazar was a terrestrial liar.
If you’re unfamiliar with the story, I encourage you to watch Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers, now streaming on Netflix. As director Jeremy Corbell puts it: “These milestones along the way, no matter how much we nitpick it apart, no matter how much people don’t want to believe, the evidence that he’s telling the truth outweighs the evidence that he’s not.”
That’s an audacious statement.
But the milestones, big and small, are definitely intriguing.
1:37 minute Netflix’ trailer for Bob Lazar: Area 51 and Flying Saucers (The Orchard Movies)
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by George Knapp and Matt Adams May 31, 2019 (
• The former Navy fighter pilot who first saw the ‘Tic Tac” UFO in the 2004 incident off of the coast of San Diego, David Fravor, was a speaker at the UFO Festival in McMinnville, Oregon on May 18th.
• Fravor said that he has since spoken with many military pilots who have reported ongoing encounters with unknown craft along the East Coast, from Virginia to Florida.
• Below is an excerpt from Fravor’s on-stage interview with I-Team Chief Reporter George Knapp and filmmaker Jeremy Corbell. (above image shows Corbell and Fravor riding in the festival parade)
LAS VEGAS (KLAS) — A former Navy fighter pilot confirms that there have been dozens of recent intrusions of America by highly sophisticated, unknown crafts. Former Commander Dave Fravor, the same pilot who has a close encounter in 2004 with the so-called Tic Tac UFO off the coast of Southern California, told an audience in McMinnville Oregon, that he has since spoken with many military pilots who have reported ongoing encounters with unknown craft along the East Coast, from Virginia to Florida.
Videos of UFO incidents from 2015 were even released by the Pentagon.
Two videos of UFO incidents from 2015 were even eleased by the Pentagon. The I-Team participated in the event with Fravor. Videos of the full interview with Commander Fravor will be posted on social media in the next few days.
In the meantime, here is an excerpt from Fravor’s on-stage interview with I-Team Chief Reporter George Knapp.
1:42 minute clip of pilot David Fravor speaking with George Knapp and Jeremy Corbell at the UFO Festival in McMinnville, Oregon on May 18, 2019
5:40 minute clip of David Fravor at the McMinniville, Oregon UFO Festival (VICE News)
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• Thirty years ago, Bob Lazar (pictured above) was a scientist working on extraterrestrial technology and spacecraft at the government’s top secret military installation known as S-4, near Area 51 in Nevada. He revealed this to journalist, George Knapp in 1989. Lazar then went silent for thirty years.
• Recently, filmmaker Jeremy Corbell convinced Lazar to retell his story for a documentary called “Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers”, which went to number one on iTunes. One of the film’s scenes showed an FBI raid on Lazar’s business, United Nuclear.
• The FBI claimed that they were looking for a purchase receipt for ‘potentially toxic materials’ that may have led to a death of a past client of United Nuclear. But Lazar and Corbell found it curious that in a private conversation the day before, they had been discussing an anomalous, non-Earthly material known as Element 115, which Lazar had secreted from the top secret military base thirty years prior. (In the 2 minute video below, Lazar and Corbell relate how they had their cell phones in their pockets during the conversation, and they strongly suspect that the government was monitoring their conversation.) The FBI’s extensive multi-agency raid turned up nothing.
• “Lazar was able to acquire some of the element when it was being machined at Area 51,” Corbell told “Lazar did have a stabilized version of Element 115 in his possession at one time… He did tests on it – and filmed the element bending light due to its unique gravitational characteristics. A handful of witnesses observed these tests – including investigative reporter, George Knapp. There is footage of one of these tests in my film.”
• Corbell believes that the raid was meant as a direct threat to Lazar. “I suspect the raid was used as a tactic to apply pressure to Lazar because he was about to talk publicly again – regarding his role in a top-secret government UFO back-engineering program,” said Corbell. “This admittedly bizarre raid comes off the heals of the exact moment Lazar was planning to speak out publicly again – after essentially 30 years of silence.” “[P]eople have been trying to debunk Lazar for 30 years, they have not succeeded.”
Bob Lazar became a conspiracy legend when he sparked a frenzy more than 30 years ago, claiming alien technology was being tested inside Area 51. In 1989, with the help of journalist George Knapp, Mr Lazar detailed a story where he claimed he was stationed at a base known as S-4, south of the USAF’s Homey Airport. He speculated the auxiliary facility in the Nevada Desert was being used by the US Government to reverse engineer technology used by UFOs.
Following the revelation, Mr Lazar went quiet for three decades, until investigative filmmaker Jeremy Corbell finally convinced him to retell his story.
Together, the pair filmed “Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers”, which aimed to prove the claims of Mr Lazar.
During the show, which shot to number one on the iTunes chart in just days, a scene showed Mr Lazar’s business “United Nuclear” allegedly being raided by federal agents.
Many critics claimed the FBI were simply carrying out a standard investigation due to the nature of Mr Lazar’s claims.
However, Mr Corbell claims that documents shared with suggest that the FBI, alongside assistance from Laingsburg Police Department, were following up on an investigation using a material believed to have been purchased from United Nuclear.
The papers discussed the search for a “poison” explaining why a HAZMAT (Hazardous Materials) truck was present.
However, Mr Corbell believes they were actually looking for something known as Element 115, which Mr Lazar is said to have taken from Area 51.
2:00 minute video clip of Lazar and Corbell on Larry King (Hulu) discussing the FBI raid
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by George Knapp and Matt Adams December 12, 2018 (
• The world premiere of a new documentary film about UFO whistle blower Bob Lazar was held in Los Angeles on December 3rd, and Las Vegas I-Team Reporter George Knapp was there. The line of eager fans stretched around a city block for the premier. A sellout crowd of 1,600 people filed into the historic United Artists theater to see the film produced and directed by Jeremy Corbell and narrated by Hollywood star, Mickey Rourke.
• Corbell took the stage at the premier to explain, “The reason I made this film is because I wanted to know the truth.” As the lights dimmed and the projector fired up, the subject of the movie Bob Lazar took a seat alongside other interested parties.
• It was 29 years ago that Lazar came forward, claimed he worked on technology out in the Nevada desert, and suddenly the Area 51 base became known all over the world. A 1989 interview on KLAS TV with George Knapp when Bob Lazar mentioned that there were “nine flying saucers, flying discs out there” at S-4, a camouflaged facility built into a mountain south of Groom Lake, the heart of the Area 51 military base changed things forever for Lazar.
• With Lazar’s revelation, UFO researchers by the busload made the pilgrimage to the Nevada desert, along with major news organizations. The story put Area 51 on the map worldwide, inspired movies, TV shows, and books, led to the creation of the E.T. highway and a namesake professional baseball team.
• In the film, Lazar goes into specific detail about the technology he says he saw, technology that is remarkably similar to the objects seen in videos released one year ago by the Pentagon. These craft can generate gravity and bend space-time, Lazar said nearly three decades ago. Now the topic is once again generating waves of media coverage.
• Audience response to the film’s premiere was overwhelmingly positive enough to coax a visibly uncomfortable Lazar onto the stage with the director to answer a few questions, including the attacks on his credibility. Lazar says he doesn’t blame people for their skepticism. “I understand it is an incredible story and I myself would have a hard time believing it.” (that’s George Knapp, Bob Lazar and Jeremy Corbell sitting on stage at the event above)
2018 was a big year for UFO news. It was a year ago this month when the Pentagon admitted it has been secretly studying unidentified flying objects and also released a few videos recorded by military pilots.
The sudden re-emergence of official interest in these unknown aircraft has also resulted in a closer look at older UFO cases and testimony, including one story that started in Las Vegas.
A new documentary film about UFO whistleblower Bob Lazar is out and there’s no way I-Team Reporter George Knapp would miss the world premiere.
It was 29 years ago that Lazar came forward, claimed he worked on technology out in the Nevada desert, and suddenly the Area 51 base became known all over the world.
The I-Team has done occasional updates with Lazar over the decades but it is never easy to get him to open up. The premiere of the new film has fired up many of the same arguments about his credibility, but the first audience to see the movie didn’t need much convincing.
The line of eager fans stretched around a city block in downtown Los Angeles. A sellout crowd of 1,600 people filed into the historic United Artists theater to see a film narrated by movie star Mickey Rourke and to hobnob with like-minded enthusiasts, some brought their Area 51 saucer model kits. At least one wore an ET mask.
A few famous faces were in the audience when director Jeremy Corbell took the stage and explained why he was inspired to tackle this particular slice of UFO history.
“The reason I made this film is because I wanted to know the truth,” said Jeremy Corbell, documentary filmmaker. “People that are haters, debunkers talk smack. Some of you are in this audience. You don’t know the story. You didn’t get it right.”
As the lights dimmed and the projector fired up, the subject of the movie Bob Lazar took a seat alongside other interested parties.
“There are nine flying saucers, flying discs out there…”
That 1989 interview on KLAS TV changed things forever for Bob Lazar, whose identity was made public months later. His story about alleged alien technology being stored and analyzed at S-4, a camouflaged facility built into a mountain south of Groom Lake, the heart of the now infamous Area 51 military base, set off a stampede.
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by Latifa Yedroudj October 7, 2018 (
• A new document has been leaked by Robert Bigelow’s ‘Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies’ describing a “living laboratory and paranormal hotspot known as Skinwalker Ranch,” located in the Uintah Basin area of Utah, east of the Wasatch Mountains.
• In 1996, Bigelow began a multidisciplinary scientific study by a team of ‘PhD-level investigators’ to collect evidence, interview witnesses, and search for explanations as to the strange occurrences in the area of Skinwalker Ranch, as part of the Pentagon’s secretive ‘Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program’ as revealed in an exclusive New York Times article in December 2017.
• Jeremy Corbell of the UFO website “Extraordinary Beliefs” has produced a documentary film entitled, “Hunt for the Skinwalker”, with the help of UFO researcher, I-Team Nevada news reporter, and Coast2Coast host George Knapp, recounting their own investigations at Skinwalker Ranch. Says Corbell, “The phenomenon… of diverse activity (at the ranch)… included bizarre creatures, poltergeist activity, invisible entities, orbs of light, animal and human injuries and much more.” Corbell says that the Skinwalker program under the AATIP was even more comprehensive than the UFO program which studied UFO craft and propulsion.
• Knapp told the Daily Star Online, “Skinwalker Ranch is like a paranormal Disneyland. If it’s weird, it happens on and around the ranch.” Utah locals have witnessed mysterious craft and strange paranormal incidents at the Skinwalker Ranch for over 50 years, although legends tell of such paranormal sightings in this area for hundreds if not thousands of years. “Sightings include orbs, UFOs, animal mutilations, unknown creatures, poltergeist-type activity, and many other inexplicable incidents.”
Over 50 years, Skinwalker ranch has come under intense scrutiny for alleged UFO sightings, with residents reporting a spate of odd paranormal incidents.
The US Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, a secret £16.5million (US$22 million) investigation to study unidentified flying objects, was first made public on 2017.
Now, documents leaked by the BAASS (Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies) revealed the programme also ran a top secret investigation at the highly controversial Skinwalker ranch.
A BAASS manager told the Daily Star Online: “The investigations by BAASS provided new lines of evidence showing that the UFO phenomenon was a lot more than nuts and bolts machines that interacted with military aircraft.
Jeremy Corbell
“The phenomenon also involved a whole panoply of diverse activity that included bizarre creatures, poltergeist activity, invisible entities, orbs of light, animal and human injuries and much more.”
Speaking about the undercover investigation, Jeremy Corbell of Extraordinary Beliefs, told Daily Star Online: “The Pentagon’s other and larger investigation delved into mysteries far more profound – far more disturbing – than alleged alien aircrafts.
“Its focus was a living laboratory and paranormal hotspot known as Skinwalker Ranch.”
George Knapp, an American investigative journalist, revealed the secret document to the New York Times last year but was disappointed and claimed they left out vital information.
Along with Mr Corbell, he has produced an exclusive documentary – named ‘Hunt for the Skinwalker’ – recounting a series of his own investigations at Skinwalker ranch.
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• Dr. Roger Leir is a well-known Ufologist who claims to have removed “16 alien implants”. In independent filmmaker Jeremy Corbell’s new documentary, “Patient Seventeen”, Corbell follow Dr. Leir as he removes an alien implant from a seventeenth patient. Patient Seventeen believes he has had several experiences with intelligent lifeforms not from this planet, a claim made by more than three million Americans.
• Footage shows the patient’s surgery and then the results of scientific testing of the minute implant. Scientist Steve Colbern claims that the implant is made up of 36 elements, many of which are reportedly not found on Earth. “It’s probably a sophisticated nanotechnological device,” says Colbern.
• Nanophysicist Chris Cooper remarks, “There is nothing I can imagine that could explain why this man would have a witch’s brew of elements within a sample embedded in his leg.” “This is the most astounding array of elements in a simple sample I’ve ever seen.”
• Dr. Leir believes that the implanted device emits “scalar waves”, i.e.: electromagnetic radiation that could potentially be used for communication. Dr. Leir is convinced that the device “did not come from our solar system, much less the Earth”.
• The filmmaker asked Dr. Leir if he was sure that he wanted him to film his work. Leir said, “Yes, Jeremy. I’ve been doing this for more than two decades, and there’s something to this!” Corbell told Dr. Leir that he would film his surgery, “but if he was lying, bending the truth or trying to deceive the public in any way by altering his results, that I was going to out him.”
• “I might be sitting on the most astounding physical evidence of an off-world, non-terrestrial nanotechnological device from an advanced Alien intelligence,” exclaimed Corbell. As for Patient Seventeen, “I just want this to end, I just want it removed. ‘This is scarier than hell.”
The production is named after the 17 reported patients helped by a Dr Roger Leir, a well-known Ufologist, who alleges he has removed “16 alien implants”.
Dr. Roger Leir
Patient Seventeen believes he has had several experiences with intelligent lifeforms not from this planet, a claim made by more than three million Americans who suffer from what’s called “alien abduction syndrome”.
Jeremy Corbell
The unidentified man said he never realised that there was a tiny metal object – the size of the “end of a matchstick” – in his leg, which is suggested was secretly inserted during an ET encounter.
“I just want this to end, I just want it removed,” he tells the camera.
“This is scarier than hell.”
Footage shows the patient’s surgery and then the results of scientific testing of the minute implant, which Dr Leir is convinced “did not come from our solar system, much less the Earth”.
Scientist Steve Colbern claims that the implant is made up of 36 elements, many of which are reportedly not traditionally found on Earth.
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