Article by Heidi Beedle December 23, 2020 (
• When Mike Waskosky was 21 years old, he believed that there wasn’t anything to the UFO phenomenon. Then he came across Steven Greer’s Disclosure Project’s May 9, 2001, press club event on YouTube. The 2001 Disclosure Project press conference featured testimony from a number of former and retired military personnel, serious men who claimed to have witnessed undeniable proof that an advanced, non-human intelligence had visited the planet and at times even interfered with military equipment. Seeing sober-faced career military men describe unexplainable phenomena set Waskosky on a mission. “I completely did a 180 with my life after I realized I had no way of explaining all of this incredible testimony,” says Waskosky. “After I watched that two-hour presentation, I realized …I have to research everything to get to the bottom of it.”
• Waskosky’s dive into UFO research led him to Dr. Steven Greer, a medical doctor turned UFO researcher who founded CSETI (the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence), and Greer’s ‘CE-5 protocols’ to initiate contact with aliens and summon UFOs through meditation. In 2006, Waskosky attended Greer’s ‘Cosmic Consciousness’ training in Joshua Tree National Park, California. This weeklong training session focused on meditation practices, remote viewing training, and fieldwork at a cost ranging from $2,500 to $3,500. Although Waskosky admits to not actually seeing any ‘lights in the sky’ that week, he did hear strange tones in the desert. His fellow students claimed to have seen mysterious beings suddenly appearing and disappearing.
• When Waskosky returned home to Irvine, California, he kept up with the meditation training under the stars. “I was strongly desirous of having contact and not getting anything,” he says. But when he allowed himself to project forgiveness towards someone with whom he had been having a ‘personal situation’, he suddenly felt a feeling of love. “[W]hen I felt that forgiveness, I saw this massive flash and then (I saw) this light appear and quickly move across the sky,” says Waskosky. “I don’t hear many people with CE-5 experiences describing this level of interaction, but this has been very consistent for me now.” “When I’m in a really positive state… they will appear as either a stationary bright flash of light… or they’ll appear as what you could call a shooting star, but they move in different directions and turn.”
• Waskosky moved to Colorado Springs where he connected with other CE-5 enthusiasts. They would go out to a field and practice the protocols together. The closest they came to a contact phenomenon was a light appearing on the ground, in the distance, behind trees. “In my opinion it’s like they’re trying not to scare anyone,” he says. “I think people might be freaked out by too much contact.” This year, Waskosky’s monthly meetings were held on Zoom. They discuss things like ayahuasca experiences, past-life regression, childhood abduction experiences, the true nature of objective reality, and traditional UFO conspiracies.
• The principles behind the CE-5 protocols tapping into human consciousness has its roots in research conducted by the Stanford Research Institute and the US Army. Remote viewing is the practice of sensing unknown or distant targets with the mind, and recording those impressions for a variety of applications. During the Cold War, the DIA and the Army recognized the potential intelligence value of “psychic spies,” and conducted research into the phenomenon, building on the work started at the Stanford Research Institute in 1972 by Russell Targ and Hal Puthoff. The DIA/CIA closed the ‘Project Stargate’ program in 1995, claiming the work of remote viewers was “vague” and “general,” despite some prominent operational successes such as the 1976 locating of a downed Soviet spy plane.
• Debra Katz is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of West Georgia, and a remote viewer herself. Katz studied with remote viewer Michael Van Atta and has done research with the International Remote Viewing Association, a group founded by Targ, Puthoff and other veterans of Project Stargate. Katz says remote viewing is a skill that can be honed with time, patience and practice, and she teaches a 12-week, $1,200 course on remote viewing.
• “It’s a lot of work to do remote viewing,” says Katz. “Even with the people who aren’t showing great results, if they hang in there and really practice a lot and push themselves, I’ve had students that have blown me away.” But remote viewing isn’t an exact science, and a lot of the information she gets is vague and general. “Let’s say a target was a pyramid. You might just see one corner of the pyramid, or you might just see a triangle, but you’re not even sure. It could be a whole complete image, or a part of an image.” “[I]t doesn’t always seem to be consistent.”
• For devoted UFOlogists, such vague conclusions are the norm. It’s a “science” with enough credible evidence to spark intense curiosity, but often with frustratingly bizarre “answers” that are easily dismissed by skeptics. Still, says Waskosky, “It’s a life-changing thing to have an experience you know absolutely, one hundred percent, this is something paranormal.”
Mike Waskosky
UFOs are back in the news after Haim Eshed, the former head of Israel’s Defense Ministry’s space directorate, told
2001 Disclosure Project press conference
Israel’s Yediot Aharonot newspaper that UFOs belong to a “galactic federation” and that President Donald Trump was on the verge of revealing their existence to the public.
Here in Colorado Springs a group claims to be able to make contact with extraterrestrial intelligences using meditation and thought projection. While such claims might seem far-fetched to lay people, the principles behind the practice — the untapped potential of human consciousness — has its roots in research conducted by the Stanford Research Institute and the U.S. Army.
CE-5, or close encounters of the fifth kind, named after famed UFO researcher J. Allen Hynek’s classification scale, is a set of meditation protocols developed by Dr. Steven Greer, a medical doctor turned UFO researcher, that he claims allows humans to initiate contact with aliens — to essentially summon a UFO. Every month a group of Colorado Springs residents, led by Mike Waskosky, meets to discuss all things UFO, meditate, and potentially bear witness to strange lights in the sky.
Waskosky’s trip down the UFO rabbit hole began after he was presented with what he saw as credible evidence for the existence of UFOs.
“When I was 21 years old I had no belief in UFOs. I was in the mindset there wasn’t anything to it,” he says. “The documentaries I had watched weren’t really convincing. I randomly came across Steven Greer’s Disclosure Project’s May 9, 2001, press club event on YouTube. I completely did a 180 with my life after I realized I had no way of explaining all of this incredible testimony. It was so shocking to me that there was so much out there that wasn’t on TV, that there was so much documentation. After I watched that two-hour presentation, I realized if that’s true, if this isn’t just a big hoax, I have to research everything to get to the bottom of it.”
Debra Katz
The 2001 event Waskosky watched on YouTube featured testimony from a number of former and retired military personnel, serious men who were trained to fly cutting-edge aircraft or to operate nuclear weapons, who claimed to have witnessed, to them, undeniable proof that an advanced, non-human intelligence had visited the planet and at times even interfered with military equipment. Seeing sober-faced career military men describe unexplainable phenomena set Waskosky on a mission.
“I listened to 15 hours of audio from the Disclosure Project testimonies,” he recalls. “I started downloading everything I could from conspiracy websites, and I just did tons and tons of research. That led me to the point where I believed there’s definitely something to it, so maybe I should see what else Steven Greer is into. That led me to discovering his organization, CSETI [Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence], and then five months later I attended their ‘Cosmic Consciousness’ weeklong training in November 2006. That was in Palm Springs and Joshua Tree National Park in Southern California.”
Greer’s weeklong training sessions, which range from $2,500 to $3,500 depending on facility costs, focused on meditation practices, remote viewing training and fieldwork, or actually trying to summon alien beings through meditation.
1:40:36 Corey Goode and Mike Waskosky 12-28-20 (‘SphereBeing Alliance’ YouTube)
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Article by Brett Tingley December 16, 2020 (
• In 2019, the US Navy filed and obtained patents on several bizarre technologies such as a “high temperature superconductor,” a “high frequency gravitational wave generator,” a force field-like “electromagnetic field generator,” a “plasma compression fusion device,” and a “hybrid aerospace/underwater craft” featuring an “inertial mass reduction device.” They seemed to describe the theoretical building blocks of a craft with UFO-like performance. Dr. Salvatore Cezar Pais, an aerospace engineer at NAVAIR’s Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD) in Patuxent (Pax) River, Maryland, was credited in these patents as the inventor.
• Each of Pais’ inventions depended on what the inventor calls “the Pais Effect,” described as the “controlled motion of electrically charged matter (from solid to plasma) via accelerated spin and/or accelerated vibration under rapid (yet smooth) acceleration-deceleration-acceleration transients.” But the patents and their underlying concepts have largely been scoffed at by mainstream scientific experts. Nevertheless, Pais says his work will be proven correct “one fine day.”
• The War Zone has continued to dig into Salvatore Pais and his Navy patents through FOIA filings requesting Naval Air Systems Command email correspondence pertaining to them. These emails add to the backstory and suggest that the patents went through a more rigorous internal evaluation process than was previously known. The emails also indicate that the patent’s research program did in fact result in an experimental demonstration of some sort.
• The emails and invention disclosure forms show that the ‘Inertial Mass Reduction Device’, the ‘High Temperature Superconductor’, the ‘Gravitational Wave Generator’, and the ‘Electromagnetic Field Generator’ are all listed as closely interrelated patents. The inventions were disclosed to multiple employees at NAVAIR prior to application and reviewed by the Technology Transfer Office at Pax River in 2015. Pais defended his inventions in front of the NAWCAD Invention Evaluation Board throughout 2016 and 2017. The inventions appear to have cleared this review process and were then submitted to the US Patent and Trademark Office for patent approval.
• It’s curious that Pais’ inventions apparently had no direct correlation to his assigned duties. His duties as an Aerospace Engineer for NAWCAD at the time included working in Fuel Thermal Management Systems design, aircraft analysis, and advanced power, avionics, and thermal technologies. In his invention disclosure form for the inertial mass reduction device patent, Pais signed and dated a form reading “As the invention described herein was made as a direct result of the performance of my assigned duties, I hereby agree to assign the entire right, title and interest in the invention to the government and I understand that I will retain no rights in the invention,” per U.S. Code of Federal Regulation 37 CFR § 501.6.
• However, at the bottom of the disclosure form Pais wrote that “There is no relationship whatsoever between my assigned duties and the invention. The invention was made independently of any job performance or assigned tasks by the Branch or Section.” He later wrote in the same disclosure form that “The entire Inventive Concept and anything that pertains to it, was the inventor’s own work, with no government contribution whatsoever.”
• After one of his academic papers describing the patents was accepted for publication in 2016, Pais wrote in an email to several NAVAIR employees that “What is most unique about this paper is that it has already won the approval of Dr. [REDACTED], … who has given his unreserved approval of this paper, calling it “a very good paper.” [REDACTED] has also forwarded the paper to several of his colleagues, including [REDACTED], another top subject matter expert.” Likely candidates as to who the mystery scientist is who signed off on Pais’ inventions are either perennial ‘weird science’ contract stalwart Hal Puthoff or aerospace engineer H. David Froning whose own works were included along with the patent application.
• The Australian-based Froning has published extensive USAF-funded studies on hypersonic vehicle design and using directed energy to aid in aircraft propulsion, “new directions in electromagnetism for propulsion and power”, and using specially-conditioned electromagnetic fields to control nuclear fusion reactions – some of the same technologies patented by Pais on behalf of the US Navy over the last several years. In mid-2016, a “Salvatore Cezar Pais, Ph.D.” left a glowing five-star Amazon review for Froning’s 2016 book, The Halcyon Years of Air and Space Flight: And the Continuing Quest, years before Pais’ patents were made public.
• In the same April 20, 2016 email in which Pais mentions an unknown (redacted) supportive scientist, Pais wrote that “the enablement of extreme craft speeds, and thus the feasibility of intergalactic travel using current engineering materials and methods, is made possible with this (peer-reviewed) publication.” Similarly, the Amazon book review stated that Froning’s research “takes us several steps toward our ultimate civilizational goal of Intergalactic Flight” and “can occur with state of the art materials and engineering methods.” Pais closes the April 20, 2016 email by adding that the examination process will “hopefully (culminate) in two essential patents for the technologically advanced future of the Navy.”
• Nine days later, Pais emailed that the patent application had been filed with the USPTO, writing “[REDACTED] has done an admirable job and produced an exceptional patent application, [REDACTED] work is highly commendable. The inventive concept due to its simplicity and minimalism, despite its advanced quantum vacuum physics, pays homage to Occam’s Razor. Thank you Sir for your recommendation and your continued support.” It may be that Pais is referring to Mark Glut, NAWCAD’s patent attorney at the time. In a May 2017 email, Pais writes that “[Redacted] is a formidable patent lawyer”.
• In the emails related to the high-temperature superconductor patent, an unknown individual from the Naval Aviation Enterprise writes that “the concept has strong theoretical backing” and offers the enterprises’ help in the patent application process. Later, Pais publicly thanks Naval Aviation Enterprise Chief Technology Officer Dr. James Sheehy who stepped in to personally attest to the USPTO to the ‘operability and enablement’ of the concepts in Pais’ inventions. After the “Inertial Mass Reduction Device” patent application was submitted, an unknown individual from the Naval Aviation Enterprise, likely Dr. Sheehy, congratulated Pais in an email, writing “Congratulations!! Now to build a small demo to put the theory into a demo”. In 2017 and 2019 emails, Pais confirms funding of his work by NAWCAD on “radical new propulsion concepts” and “Hybrid Aerospace-Undersea Craft”.
• In 2017, Pais was turned down publication by energy research journal Joule , saying “we would require you to provide some compelling experimental validation of your proposed theoretical pathway before we could reconsider.” In a June 6, 2019 email, Pais states: “high-temperature superconductor is sound despite a lack of experimental evidence”. Pais finally published his paper on “Room Temperature Superconducting System for use on a Hybrid Aerospace-Undersea Craft” in the AIAA SciTech forum in 2019 without experimental data.
• Inventors working behind closed doors in DoD labs aren’t the only ones pursuing these “Holy Grail” technologies. In mid-October 2020, the journal Nature announced that a room-temperature superconductor was theoretically possible, but required extreme pressures of at least 2.6 million times the atmospheric pressure at sea level, making it impractical except in laboratory settings. In November 2020, researchers at MIT published seven articles in the Journal of Plasma Physics detailing a revolutionary new compact high-temperature superconductor fusion reactor design. One of the key technologies leveraged in the MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center design is “a newer electromagnet technology that uses high temperature superconductors that can produce a much higher magnetic field to contain the fusion reaction within.
• These various emails reveal an extensive internal review process wherein scientists and personnel at NAWCAD and the Pax River Invention Evaluation Board supported Pais’ patents for the USPTO application process. We also learned that NAWCAD performed technical and marketing reviews on the inventions, and funded a physical demonstration for patent purposes. Still, The Drive’s ‘The War Zone’ has yet to find any experimental validation or experts who can confirm Pais’s theories, or what these bizarre patents mean for the future of the Navy.
The War Zone continues to dig into the bizarre U.S. Navy patents authored by enigmatic inventor Dr. Salvatore Pais and the seemingly unusual circumstances of their approval by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). As part of our investigation, we recently obtained a tranche of internal emails from Naval Air Systems Command, or NAVAIR, which appear to have been sent between Pais and personnel in different NAVAIR offices. While the Navy’s exotic energy production patents remain as mysterious as ever, these emails add to the backstory surrounding the inventions of Salvatore Pais and suggest that the patents went through a more rigorous internal evaluation process than was previously known. The emails also seem to indicate that the research program that emanated from the patents did in fact result in an experimental demonstration of some sort.
Last year, the publication of several unusual patents assigned to the U.S. Navy raised eyebrows due to the seemingly radical and unconventional claims found within them. These patents included bizarre technologies such as a “high temperature superconductor,” a “high frequency gravitational wave generator,” a force field-like “electromagnetic field generator,” a “plasma compression fusion device,” and a hybrid aerospace/underwater craft featuring an “inertial mass reduction device.” They truly sound like the stuff of science fiction and seem to describe the theoretical building blocks of a craft with UFO-like performance.
Each of the Navy inventions are credited to one Dr. Salvatore Cezar Pais, who, at the time the patent applications
Dr. Salvatore Cezar Pais Dr. James Sheehy
were submitted, was an aerospace engineer at NAVAIR’s Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD) in Patuxent (Pax) River, Maryland. Every one of Pais’ recent inventions depends on what the inventor calls “the Pais Effect,” described in numerous publications by the inventor as the “controlled motion of electrically charged matter (from solid to plasma) via accelerated spin and/or accelerated vibration under rapid (yet smooth) acceleration-deceleration-acceleration transients.”
Despite the fact that leadership at NAVAIR went to bat for the patents in appeals with the USPTO, the patents and their underlying concepts have largely been scoffed at by subject matter experts due to the lack of experimental evidence provided for them and their seeming similarity to controversial and highly theoretical concepts such as mass reduction or quantum vacuum engineering. Nevertheless, The War Zone obtained a statement from Dr. Pais in a series of email correspondences in which the inventor claimed his work will be proven correct “one fine day.”
Internal NAWCAD And NAVAIR Emails Contain Additional Details
The internal NAVAIR emails The War Zone has recently obtained are all related to the creation of the patent
Hal Puthoff
application and internal review process for Pais’s seemingly bizarre “Craft Using an Inertial Mass Reduction Device” patent. All names within this release have been redacted, but it appears possible that many of the emails could have been written by Dr. Salvatore Pais based on portions of email signatures left unredacted, not to mention the fact that they describe Pais’s patents and publications in the first person. Still, it’s ultimately impossible to be 100% certain that these emails were indeed written by Pais himself despite The War Zone referring to the author as Pais throughout this reporting for simplicity.
H. David Froning
While much remains unknown about these patents and their provenance, these emails offer a few new details about the internal processes Pais and other NAWCAD employees at Pax River undertook in getting some of the patents approved. For one, these emails reveal that Pais made an additional $700 between 2016 and 2018 from two separate incentive awards for the “Craft Using An Inertial Mass Reduction Device” patent.
The emails largely discuss bureaucratic procedures and paperwork related to the invention disclosures and patent application processes. These emails include individuals from NAWCAD, including its Office of Counsel, as well as elsewhere within NAVAIR, such as the Naval Test Wing Atlantic, and at a drafting company in Uniontown, Ohio that was hired to illustrate the patent applications.
The invention disclosure forms contained in these releases show that Pais claims several of his patents – “Craft Using an Inertial Mass Reduction Device,” “Piezoelectricity-induced High Temperature Superconductor,” “High Frequency Gravitational Wave Generator,” and “Ultrahigh Intensity Electromagnetic Field Generator” – are all interrelated. The gravitational wave generator application was cited as a follow-up to both the electromagnetic wave generator application and the inertial mass reduction device application, and is also listed as a closely related patent in the high-temperature superconductor application.
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Article by Andrew Whalen March 10. 2020 (
• Utah paranormal hotspot, Skinwalker Ranch, has long been known for its anomalous phenomena and alleged mysteries. Last we heard, the 512-acre property had been purchased by aerospace billionaire Robert Bigelow, of Bigelow Aerospace’s Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) (which has worked with the ‘To The Stars Academy’).
• Bigelow and his investigation team studied the phenomenon happening at the ranch, which reportedly include bizarre creatures, poltergeist activity, invisible entities, orbs of light, animal and human injuries, unexplained electrical phenomena, mutilated cattle, UFOs and other ‘anomalous aerial phenomena’. Researchers also described finding mysterious beasts with yellow eyes that were impervious to bullets. One researcher at Skinwalker Ranch saw “a 3D object” appear in front of him and mutate from a pretzel shape to that of a Möbius strip before disappearing.” A senior BAASS manager told CBS affiliate KLAS-TV in Las Vegas: “The investigations by BAASS provided new lines of evidence showing that the UFO phenomenon was a lot more than nuts and bolts machines that interacted with military aircraft.” “The phenomenon also involved a whole panoply of diverse activity… and much more.”
• In 2016, Bigelow sold the property to an unknown interest. On March 10th, this new owner came forward to speak with the website VICE. He is Brandon Fugal, 46, a Utah real estate tycoon. Fugal wants to get to the bottom of the phenomenon occurring at the ranch and has installed sensors and cameras all around the property to collect hard evidence. He says he is not intimidated by “little green men or cattle mutilations or shape-shifting demonic entities”, but is driven by ‘science and discovery’.
• Calling the Skinwalker Ranch “the greatest science project of our time”, Fugal is committing “significant resources” to uncovering what is happening on the property. He will eventually release peer reviewed reports on his findings. Bigelow did not provide Fugal with any of the previous data collected at the ranch. So Fugal has to start from scratch.
• Over the past decade, Fugal has invested in far out technology research, including a gravitational physics project to produce clean energy. It didn’t work out. But two consultants on Fugal’s research projects, Hal Puthoff and Dr. Christopher Green, who are also associated with Bigelow’s research (and ’To The Stars Academy’), put him in contact with Bigelow, eventually leading to his purchase of Skinwalker Ranch.
• Fugal will appear in the upcoming History Channel documentary ‘The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch’, premiering March 31.
Brandon Fugal
The once secret owner of purported Utah UFO hotspot Skinwalker Ranch has stepped forward, describing a bevy of sensors and cameras he’s installed on the site for the collection of evidence related to anomalous phenomena, including UAP, or Unidentified Aerial Phenomena.
In 2016, Brandon Fugal, 46, a Utah real estate tycoon, bought the 512 acre property from its former owner, aerospace billionaire Robert Bigelow, who also sought out anomalous phenomena on the site. Officially owned by Adamantium Real Estate, Fugal’s ownership remained secret until a Tuesday interview with Vice, in which Fugal described his plans for the property and its alleged mysteries, while declining to disclose how much he paid Bigelow for the property.
“Science and discovery are what drive me. It’s not money. It’s not that I’m obsessed with UFOs or little green men or cattle mutilations or shape-shifting demonic entities. I have no idea if aliens exist. You’d have to ask them,” Fugal told Vice.
Fugal has installed sensors and cameras on the Skinwalker Ranch and has so far collected unreleased footage of “anomalous aerial phenomena,” in addition to evidence of “anomalous injuries” and “transient EMF”—unexplained electrical phenomena. This, in addition to the numerous UFO sightings and previous data collected at Skinwalker Ranch by Bigelow, was not provided to Fugal as part of the purchase.
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Article by Joseph Trevithick October 17, 2019 (
• In a press release on October 17th, Tom Delonge’s ‘To the Stars Academy’ (or “TTSA”) announced a cooperative research deal with the US Army. They plan to combine their resources in researching metamaterials and other high technology fields that border on the realm of science fiction. It is called the ‘Cooperative Research and Development Agreement’ or “CRADA” and ultimately falls under the Army’s ‘Futures Command’. It will be handled through the ‘Ground Vehicle System Center’ in Warren, Michigan.
• The Army’s Deputy Product Manager for Science and Technology at the Army’s Ground Vehicle Systems Center, Dr. Joseph Cannon said, “Our partnership with TTSA serves as an exciting, non-traditional source for novel materials and transformational technologies to enhance our military ground system capabilities.” “[W]e look forward to this partnership and the potential technical innovations forthcoming.” More specifically, the Army is interested in cutting-edge developments in material science such as active camouflage, space-time metric engineering, quantum physics, and beamed energy propulsion.
• The press release mentions “novel materials” possessed by TTSA that could refer to certain ‘metamaterials’ – i.e.: engineered composites that have structural and conductive properties alien to this planet. In a 2018 SEC filing, TTSA reported paying EarthTech International, Inc. $25,000 on a “beamed energy propulsion launch system” and $35,000 for a “material analysis” program which included the “scientific evaluation of materials samples the company obtained through reliable reports of advanced aerospace vehicles of unknown origin.”
• In July 2019, TTSA announced that it had acquired metamaterials as part of its Acquisition and Data Analysis of Materials program, or ADAM. They claim that these metamaterials of unknown origin have been floating around the UFO community for years. The were originally given to paranormal radio host Art Bell, who gave them to Linda Moulton Howe, who passed them along to Tom DeLonge, who sold them to TTSA for $35,000. Earlier this month, TTSA official Luis Elizondo told Fox News’ Tucker Carlson that the organization was already conducting tests on these objects.
• It is unclear whether TTSA has actually developed any advanced technology from its research to date, but they do have the resources at their disposal to make the US Army take them seriously. Chief Operating Officer Steve Justice, who is coordinating the effort between TTSA, the Army, and EarthTech International, had previously worked at Lockheed Martin’s Skunk Works research facility. EarthTech’s founder and President is Hal Puthoff, Ph.D, who is also TTSA’s Vice President of Science & Technology. Puthoff worked for the CIA and the DIA on paranormal research including remote viewing, and has studied UFOs, extraterrestrials, and the Skinwalker Ranch.
• Former Skinwalker Ranch owner and billionaire, Robert Bigelow of Bigelow Aerospace has also been affiliated with TTSA since the days of working with Luis Elizondo under the Pentagon’s ‘Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program’ UFO study project and its’ predecessor, the DIA’s ‘Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications’ program. Bigelow is renowned for his interest in UFOs and paranormal phenomena. Under these programs, Bigelow hired Puthoff and Eric Davis, Ph.D. of EarthTech International to author research reports on advanced technology, including virtually all of the topics mentioned in the TTSA press release regarding CRADA. Mainstream scientists have deemed these advanced technologies as “junk science”.
• Under this ‘Cooperative Research and Development Agreement’ no money is exchanged between the Army and TTSA. And there will likely be no end product. The research will only yield studies and reports. So what does DeLonge and his curious group of decorated insiders from the military-industrial complex and the intelligence services expect to get from this partnership? TTSA’s COO Steve Justice said, “While the Army has specific military performance interests in the research, much of the work is expected to have dual-use application in support of TTSA’s path to commercialization and public benefit mission.” TTSA bills itself as a “revolutionary collaboration between academia, industry and pop culture to advance society’s understanding of scientific phenomena and its technological implications.” This collaboration certainly raises the profile of TTSA which is at the center of a History Channel series on UFOs and has recently announced a new round of stock offers worth up to $30 million. But the Academy’s Entertainment Division is also poised to exploit the potential commercial value of any technology breakthroughs.
The U.S. Army has confirmed that it has signed a cooperative research deal with former Blink 182 frontman Tom DeLonge’s To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science, more commonly known as TTSA. Far better known for its activities investigating reports and sightings of UFOs, which are increasingly referred to as unidentified aerial phenomena, or UAPs, this new agreement covers research into metamaterials and other high technology fields that border on the realm of science fiction.
Tom DeLonge (Photo by Joby Sessions/Total Guitar Magazine via Getty Images)
On Oct. 17, 2019, TTSA announced the Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) with Army’s Combat Capabilities Development Command (CCDC), which is now part of that service’s Futures Command. The public affairs office at CCDC’s Ground Vehicle System Center (GVSC), situated at the Detroit Arsenal in Warren, Michigan, subsequently confirmed to The War Zone that this CRADA exists and that it will be responsible for executing it.
CRADAs are unlike typical contracts and “no money exchanging hands at all” between the Army and TTSA under this present agreement, a public affairs officer at the GVSC told The War Zone. There is also “no articulated deliverable” and if a product comes out of this process, it will most likely be a written study or another similar type of report.
The ostensible goal is for Army researchers to work directly with individuals from TTSA in exploring various high technology developments, sharing resources, and any results. “TTSA’s technology solutions, which leverage developments in material science, space-time metric engineering, quantum physics, beamed energy propulsion, and active camouflage, have the potential to enhance survivability and effectiveness of multiple Army systems,” TTSA’s own press release says.
TTSA bills itself as a “revolutionary collaboration between academia, industry and pop culture to advance society’s understanding of scientific phenomena and its technological implications.” It also has an Entertainment Division that publishes works of fiction about UFOs and the paranormal, serves as the holder of intellectual property rights related to DeLonge’s new band, Angels & Airwaves, and is responsible for merchandising associated with all of these enterprises. The actual origins of the organization are murky, to say the least.
“Our partnership with TTSA serves as an exciting, non-traditional source for novel materials and transformational technologies to enhance our military ground system capabilities,” Dr. Joseph Cannon, the Deputy Product Manager for Science and Technology in the Vehicle Protection Systems division of GVSC, said in a statement. “At the Army’s Ground Vehicle Systems Center, we look forward to this partnership and the potential technical innovations forthcoming.”
This reference to “novel materials” strongly suggests that at least part of the CRADA is concerned with metamaterials. This term refers to engineered composites that have properties that do not appear in nature. It is the structure of these new materials, more than their composition that gives them these attributes, including the ability to have unique impacts on electromagnetic waves.
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by Jessica Pena March 13, 2019 (
• The History Channel, along with A+E Originals, has announced it has ordered a six-episode, one-hour limited television docu-series entitled: “Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation” to debut in May. The show’s executive producer is Tom DeLonge (pictured above) of the ‘To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science’, along with ‘To The Stars’ team members Luis Elizondo and Chris Mellon who are among its roster of scientists, engineers and intelligence experts. The UFO docu-series will “reveal newly authenticated evidence and footage, interviews from eyewitnesses and former military personnel who have never spoken out before and extensive breakthroughs in understanding the technology behind these unknown phenomena in our skies,” says DeLonge.
• Former DIA military intelligence official Luis Elizondo and former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense and Intelligence Chris Mellon were instrumental in the release of a New York Times’ exposé about the Pentagon’s secret UFO research program, the ‘Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program’, in December 2017, along with several authentic videos of UFO encounters by the US military.
• “This is not a UFO hunting show,” said Eli Lehrer, Executive Vice President and Head of Programming at the History Channel, “but a series that will hopefully provoke a cultural conversation about unexplained phenomena and allow our viewers to ultimately draw their own conclusions. Tom’s curiosity and passion for this subject matter, combined with his team, are the perfect partners to deliver this breakthrough series.”
• DeLonge’s ‘To The Stars’ team also includes retired Program Director for Advanced Systems at Lockheed Martin’s Skunkworks, Steve Justice; renowned CIA researcher and quantum physicist, Hal Puthoff; and retired senior CIA member, Jim Semivan. The team will spearhead the disclosure of efforts being made to change government policy surrounding UFOs, and produce tangible evidence for the existence of UFOs ever assembled.
• “Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation” will reveal newly authenticated UFO evidence and footage, interviews from eyewitnesses and former military personnel who have never spoken out before, and extensive breakthroughs in understanding the technology behind these Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. Says DeLonge, “I think everyone that watches the show will walk away with questions answered and a feeling of, “Wow, I get it now.”
New York, NY – March 12, 2019 – In December of 2017, The New York Times published a stunning front-page exposé about the Pentagon’s mysterious UFO program, the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP). Featuring an interview with former military intelligence official and Special Agent In- Charge, Luis Elizondo, who confirmed the existence of the hidden government program, the controversial story was the focus of worldwide attention. Previously run by Elizondo, AATIP was created to research and investigate Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) including numerous videos of reported encounters, three of which were released to a shocked public in 2017. Elizondo resigned after expressing to the government that these UAPs could pose a major threat to our national security and not enough was being done to deal with them or address our potential vulnerabilities. Now, as a part of HISTORY’s groundbreaking new six-part, one-hour limited series “Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation(TM),” Elizondo is speaking out for the first time with Tom DeLonge, co-founder and President of To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science and Chris Mellon, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense and Intelligence, to expose a series of startling encounters and embark on fascinating new investigations that will urge the public to ask questions and look for answers. From A+E Originals, DeLonge serves as executive producer.
Says DeLonge, “With this show, the real conversation can finally begin. I’m thankful to HISTORY for giving the To The Stars Academy team of world-class scientists, engineers and intelligence experts the opportunity to tell the story in a comprehensive and compelling way. I think everyone that watches the show will walk away with questions answered and a feeling of, “wow, I get it now.”‘
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Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, great granddaughter of President Dwight Eisenhower, claims that from April 2006 to January 2007, she and a friend were the targets of a covert recruitment effort to be taken to a future Mars colony to escape imminent catastrophic earth events. Laura Eisenhower says that despite her repeated refusals, she was subjected to different forms of pressure by individuals associated with the Mars colony project, the head of which she claimed was famed physicist, Dr. Hal Puthoff.
Puthoff’s involvement in an alleged Mars colony recruitment project that targeted Eisenhower and her friend takes on particular significance with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) releasing a list of 38 Defense Intelligence Reference Documents (DIRD) studying the feasibility of exotic propulsion and energy technologies. The DIA documents date back to 2007 when funding was first made available for the creation of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) through the Senate Majority Leader at the time, Harry Reid.
It’s more than coincidental that Eisenhower and her friend’s experiences overlapped with the beginning of the AATIP program, which funded advanced propulsion technology studies with the $22 million provided by the U.S. Congress. The money was sent to the Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS), which in turn funded studies by researchers and their affiliated institutions.
The most prominent of these was EarthTech International which was founded by Puthoff in Austin, Texas with a focus on exotic technology research as explained on their website:
The Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin was founded in 1985 by Harold Puthoff, PhD, and later incorporated under EarthTech International, Inc., in 1991 as an innovative research facility with a high‐powered creative staff dedicated to exploring the forefront reaches of science and engineering. Our research interests include theories of spacetime, gravity and cosmology; studies of the quantum vacuum; modifications of standard theories of electrodynamics; interstellar flight science; and the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, specifically as these topics may apply to developing innovative space propulsion and sources of energy. We strive to translate these ideas into laboratory experiments.
Senator Reid’s decision to fund AATIP, the prominent role of Robert Bigelow (billionaire founder of BAASS) in directing the funding to research institutions such as EarthTech International, suggest that there was a shared interest among Reid, Bigelow and Puthoff in the idea of establishing a Mars colony to survive future cataclysmic Earth events.
According to Eisenhower’s testimony, which appears in interviews and an extensive online report released in February 2010, the planned Mars colony needed her and others to seed the colony which would survive the predicted cataclysms. She became romantically involved with an Agent X [whose identity she wishes to withhold for his protection] in April 2006, who was the key intermediary in the recruitment effort.
Agent X was closely associated with Puthoff’s EarthTech International, as Eisenhower explained:
Regarding the group he [Agent X] mentioned, he believed that he had joined a sort of thinktank, an investigative group, which was also working on creating a mission to Mars. He kept telling me of the cataclysms that were coming and that this was something we were special to be involved in.
Agent X very much thought that the people he was dealing with were good guys and his physicist adviser [Dr. Hal Puthoff] was his hero because of the zero point energy, remote viewing stuff he was involved in. He tried to get me excited, saying that we had a chance to escape the disaster.
It should be noted that Puthoff is widely credited with establishing the remote viewing program at Stanford Research Institute that received funding from the DIA and the U.S. intelligence community from 1970 up to 1994, when the DIA decided to stop funding for reasons best explained by the veteran remote viewer, Joseph McMoneagle.
Eisenhower says that her family bloodline and metaphysical connection to a “Christ-Sophia” archetype of feminine energy, made her and her young twin sons highly desirable recruits for the launch of the future Mars colony. She was subsequently targeted in an elaborate honeypot operation involving an Agent X:
It just did not sit well with me, but he wouldn’t talk further, and I just hoped it would all fade away as our love would become much more important. At this time, I had no idea the power they had over him, or that they were even using anything on him to keep him as an agent and almost a servant to their mission. I was blinded by love too, and I just wanted to not think about it till it came up again. I later found out that they had sent him to find me….
The agency that sent him to find me, or the other groups he was involved in who held my story in their awareness for many lifetimes, I wasn’t sure who he was speaking on behalf of regarding Sophia or my boys – because I believed I was a person of interest for the agency and was recruited to Mars because of my Eisenhower bloodline. I suppose the reasons were both.
Direct corroboration for Eisenhower’s claims comes from a former friend, Ki’ Lia, who was similarly targeted in the Mars recruitment effort, and eventually wrote about it in a detailed online report called “2012 Earth Timelines and the Secret Mars Agenda” that was released around the same time of Eisenhower’s report in February 2010.
Especially important was an extensive number of research papers that Eisenhower and Ki’ Lia say they were given access to by the Mars colony team headed by Dr. Puthoff. Ki’ Lia wrote:
I was sent for review many scientific documents about the key technology components:
propellantless propulsion or faster-than-light warp drive
plasma ion fusion
As well as regarding:
vehicle design, land, air and aquatic robotic rovers
artificial intelligence
advanced communications and knowledge transfer
architectural compositions and other capacities to terraform and replenish life on Mars
I also was asked to look into other aerospace academies, virtual reality, psychotronic weapons, invisible shielding and a whole spectrum of exotic, quantum access technologies.
What is remarkable here is the number of advanced technology topics she mentioned in her 2010 report that match many of the studies in the list of 38 Defense Intelligence Reference Documents (DIRD) released eight years later in 2018.
Even more significant is that six of the 38 DIRD papers identified in the DIA list had as their primary authors scientists affiliated with EarthTech International.
The six papers with EarthTech International scientists as primary authors deal with a variety of energy and propulsion systems associated with space travel in general. These topics would be critical for future Mars missions and establishing a colony there.
The EarthTech papers in the DIA list are identified with the security marking UNCLASSIFIED/FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY, along with the name of the lead author and where they appear in the sequence of 38 documents:
5. Advanced Space Propulsion Based on Vacuum (Spacetime Metric) Engineering, Dr. Hal Puthoff …
8. Traversable Wormholes, Stargates, and Negative Energy, Dr. Eric Davis …
11. Antigravity for Aerospace Applications, Dr Eric Davis …
14. Concepts for Extracting Energy from the Quantum Vacuum, Dr. Eric Davis …
31. Laser Lightcraft Nanosatellites, Dr. E. Davis …
34. Quantum Tomography of Negative Energy Stats in the Vacuum, Dr. E. Davis.
Consequently, out of the three papers that have been publicly released in their entirety, all list EarthTech scientists as first or second authors. We do not know if EarthTech scientists were involved in the remaining 31 documents since the DIA list only shows the first author. It is expected that further FOIA requests will lead to the release of all the unclassified documents on the list.
Of the seven DIRD documents authored by Earth Tech scientists, five of them deal with spacecraft and propulsion, while two deal with extracting energy from a vacuum. These would be highly desirable research areas to develop breakthroughs in order to establish a Mars colony as Eisenhower and Ki’Lia claimed.
Was EarthTech really intent on developing concepts for a future Mars colony, or merely creating a cover for an already existent Mars colony seeking new recruits from Earth?
Both Eisenhower and Ki’ Lia were unsure as to what the real agenda was in the covert effort to recruit them for a planned Mars colony, and they raised a number of possibilities in their respective reports.
There has been an extensive number of whistleblowers and insiders who have spoken about secret Mars bases and colonies already in existence by 2006. These include Corey Goode, Henry Deacon, Andrew Basiago, Michael Relfe and others. If they are correct, as I have concluded elsewhere, then it becomes clear that EarthTech was not really intending on their DIA reference documents being used to build propulsion technologies for a future Mars colony.
Goode in fact has said that the Mars colonies routinely use deception to attract Earth based recruits who are promised a futurist luxurious lifestyle on Mars, but instead are subjected to slave labor conditions soon after their arrival. Eisenhower had independently concluded that this would indeed have been the fate awaiting her two sons and her, along with Ki’Lia, if they had gone through with the recruitment process:
Over time the Mars issue became louder and louder. Ki’-Lia and he were working on plans to make this mission happen, but she realized his plans were dubious based on my observations and could only try to investigate more. She and I would talk more and more, and I would fill her in on my observations. I had dreams and premonitions that something was way off, and in one dream I got taken up by chains into a ship and a voice told me I had to make a choice about being with them or staying on Earth – and that they wouldn’t harm me but they would certainly control me.
Based on Eisenhower and Ki’ Lia’s reports, there appears to have been multiple purposes in the use of the DIRD papers prepared by EarthTech, and other exotic technology papers published over the years in a variety academic journals.
One was to use the 38 AATIP papers as a cover for exotic propulsion and energy technologies that had already been covertly developed by private industry, and were being used in secret space programs, and manned bases or colonies on the Moon and Mars. It should be noted that the $22 million provided in funds for the DIRD studies and related AATIP programs was the proverbial drop in the bucket for funding an actual Mars colony program. Thus AATIP was being used as a cover for an actual Mars colony program that was accepting recruits for new bases or colonies due to predicted Earth cataclysms makes a lot of sense.
A second purpose was to lure recruits to an already existing Mars colony by promising them a means of evacuating Earth prior to cataclysmic changes. As Eisenhower and Ki’ Lia suspected, and as Goode independently confirmed, the future Mars colony recruitment effort was a deception that would have drawn them into an already existing program, where they would have been ruthlessly exploited.
A third purpose was ritual based magic as Eisenhower, her twin sons and Ki’ Lia were viewed as archetypal representations of divine feminine energies and the mythical founders of Rome, Romulus and Remus. Basically, Mars was to become a new Rome from which imperial space power would be projected throughout the solar system, and beyond. In 2007, Richard Hoagland and Mike Bara exposed how ritual based magic is a prominent part of NASA missions, thereby suggesting that a similar process occurs in secret space programs.
Finally, the six EarthTech papers, along with the other 32 papers identified in the DIRD list, had the purpose of getting white world scientists and the general public up to speed on some of the technologies that have already been developed and are being used in secret space programs. This, according to Goode, was the reason why he was given two of the 38 DIA documents, as previously discussed, and released them to the general public.
The recent confirmation by the Defense Intelligence Agency of a list of 38 reference documents, corroborates key elements of Eisenhower and Ki’ Lia’s controversial claims about being targets for a covert recruitment project for a Mars colony. The EarthTech International research papers they were shown as part of this process closely matched topics covered in the DIRD papers funded by Reid and the U.S. Congress, through Robert Bigelow’s BAASS.
The concerns raised by Eisenhower and Ki Lia in their respective reports about the Mars recruitment effort and the role played by Puthoff’s EarthTech International appear to be valid. This requires further investigation of the role played by Puthoff, Davis, Reid and Bigelow in developing exotic technology ideas to escape predicted Earth cataclysms, and/or being involved in finding recruits for a covert Mars Colony program.
On January 16, 2019, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) responded to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request and confirmed that a list of 38 papers examining exotic propulsion technologies is genuine. The FOIA request was made from the anti-secrecy group the Federation of American Scientists (FAS), which filed it on August 15, 2018 and later issued a website update describing the documents received from the DIA.
From 2007 to 2012, the DIA spent $22 million on the activity, formally known as the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program… Yesterday, the DIA released a list of 38 research titles funded by the program, many of which are highly conjectural and well beyond the boundaries of current science, engineering — or military intelligence. One such title, “Traversable Wormholes, Stargates, and Negative Energy,” was prepared by Dr. Eric Davis, who has also written on “psychic teleportation.”
Aftergood’s original letter to the DIA had asked for information concerning “a copy of the list that was recently transmitted to Congress of all DIA products produced under the Advanced Aerospace Threat and Identification Program [AATIP] contract”.
The DIA released a document with five pages, which included a January 9, 2018 letter by the DIA to Senators John McCain and Jack Read, the Chair and Ranking Member of the Senate Armed Services Committee. In the letter the DIA provided a list of 38 reports in response to the requests of the respective staffs of Armed Service Committee leaders. The DIA letter stated:
There are 38 reports associated with DIA’s involvement on the program documented in the list. All are UNCLASSIFIED/ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY except for attachment 37 which is a SECRET/NOFORN version of attachment 38 State of the Art and Evolution of High Energy Laser Weapons.
In June, physicist Hal Puthoff made the first public presentation about the UFO study. He was the chief scientist for BAASS (Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies), the Las Vegas company which won a Pentagon contract to study UFOs and related mysteries.
In his presentation, Puthoff listed the subjects explored in dozens of scientific studies initiated by BAASS: Star Trek worthy topics — warp drive, invisibility, metamaterials but the titles and authors have not been released — until now. The list made public for the first time includes subjects such as worm holes, antigravity and how to track hypersonic vehicles, and more….Puthoff said his group has studied unknown materials recovered from crash sites.
So far three of the papers on the 38 documents list have been leaked to the public. The first two were leaked by Corey Goode who was given the papers by a Washington DC insider, apparently within the DIA, who said they would help him open up the public to the truth of his secret space program testimony.
Goode described being given a number of documents, two of which were from the list of 38 that the DIA officially disclosed. Goode was told: “This series of unclassified DIA documents are said to be used to slowly “read in” certain people in the DOD/DIA to Special Access Programs.”
In his numerous interviews and articles, Goode has frequently referred to some of the advanced technologies described in the DIA papers, wormholes, warp drive, etc. The two papers leaked by Goode were therefore important corroboration for some of the exotic propulsion technologies he claimed had been actually developed by major defense contractors, and were in widespread use in secret space programs.
In an earlier article, I described how Dr. Eric Davis had confirmed the two papers leaked by Goode were authored by him. He was thoroughly puzzled over how they had been leaked into the public arena. The point Davis made was that only a genuine Washington DC insider could have had access to the documents and released them. Essentially, Davis was confirming that Goode’s DIA/Washington DC insider was authentic.
In addition, UFO activist Mike Waskosky has provided the first detailed account of Goode’s role in being the first to release the two DIA papers, and the response of different UFO researchers to this development given widespread disbelief among them over Goode’s credibility as a witness.
The DIA’s FOIA response now makes it official. The two papers first leaked by Goode are among the list of 38 that had been commissioned by the AATIP program in 2007, under its former name of Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program. The DIA’s FOIA release has therefore provided important corroboration for a key aspect of Corey Goode’s testimony; that he was chosen as a conduit for information about secret space programs to be first revealed to the general public.
Goode’s possession and release of the first two of the 38 advanced propulsion studies goes a long way to establishing his bona fides as an insider with accurate information about multiple secret space programs.
As a DIA FOIA officer lamented in responding to Aftergood, the DIA anticipated further FOIA requests for all 38 Defense Intelligence Reference Documents. Not only will this add a further layer of corroboration for Goode’s DIA/Washington insider source, it will provide greater insight into the Warp Drive, traversable wormhole and other kinds of exotic technologies that he claims are being currently used in multiple secret space programs.
• On July 29th, Luis Elizondo, the former career military intelligence official in charge of the Pentagon’s UFO research program from 2007 to 2012 and current member of rock star Tom DeLonge’s ‘To The Stars Academy’, spoke at the annual Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) Symposium at the Crowne Plaza hotel in Cherry Hill, New Jersey.
• Elizondo’s background is typical of a straight-arrow military officer with a distinguished career. He is the son of a Cuban exile who participated in the Bay of Pigs in 1961. Elizondo worked as a bouncer while attending the University of Miami. After graduating in 1995, he joined the Army and trained to be a military spy. Later, at the Pentagon, Elizondo showed no sign of being a disgruntled employee, spending much of his career chasing militants in South America and the Middle East.
• In 2010, Elizondo was made the head of a small group within the Pentagon charged with investigating reports of “unexplained aerial phenomena” – a less controversial term for UFOs. It was an ¬obscure, low-budget initiative created in 2007 at the behest of then-Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, and operated jointly by Elizondo and Robert Bigelow of Bigelow Aerospace. But the results of their UFO investigations made Elizondo a true believer. Although the Pentagon program was officially shut down in 2012, Elizondo insists it remains ongoing.
• Elizondo resigned from the Pentagon in October 2017 protesting what he considered lackluster support and unnecessary secrecy. “Why aren’t we spending more time and effort on this (UFO) issue?” Elizondo wrote to Defense Secretary James Mattis in his resignation letter, “Despite overwhelming evidence at both the classified and unclassified levels, certain individuals in the Department (of Defense) remain staunchly opposed to further research on what could be a tactical threat to our pilots, sailors, and soldiers, and perhaps even an existential threat to our national security.”
• When Tom DeLonge launched ‘To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science’ in October 2017, Elizondo joined and quickly became its public face. Its mission: to advance UFO research, produce science-fiction-themed entertainment about UFOs and, with luck, glean some insight into the super-advanced technology displayed by UFOs (such as spaceships that can seemingly defy gravity) that the Pentagon keeps ignoring. Over the past year, the Academy claims to have attracted more than 2,000 investors and raised roughly $2.5 million.
• ‘To The Stars Academy’ also boasts such heavy-hitters as Chris Mellon, the former deputy ¬assistant secretary of defense for intelligence during the Clinton and George W. Bush administrations who had oversight of the Pentagon’s super-¬secret ‘special access programs’ and highly classified ‘black operations’; Jim Semivan, a 25-year veteran of the CIA’s National Clandestine Service; and Hal Puthoff an electrical engineer who conducted controversial research on psychic abilities for the CIA and the DIA.
• The $22 million Pentagon UFO project marked the first time that the U.S. government admitted to studying UFOs since the Air Force’s ‘Project Blue Book’ was shut down in 1968. Despite Senator Reid’s assertion in an interview with New York magazine that “we have hundreds and ¬hundreds of papers… 80 percent at least, is public,” and Mellon’s statement in Washington Post op-ed, that referred to a “growing body of empirical data,” Elizondo says that much of these “large volumes” of academic studies and data are “FOIA-exempt,” meaning the public is not given access to them.
• There are those in the UFO community who are skeptical of DeLonge’s motives. They believe he simply wants to profit off his UFO-related books, websites and merchandise, and that his antics are part of the business plan.
• As the Academy’s head of Global Security and Special Programs, Elizondo serves as a liaison to the government, including Congress, the Pentagon and the intelligence services. Elizondo thinks that the next six months or so will be pivotal to the success of ‘To the Stars’ when he expects to be able to present more data on UFO sightings. “I’m not worried about credibility,” Elizondo says. “I’m worried about facts.” Reminded that the only facts the public has now are grainy videos, he insists, “There is data. It’s not out yet.”
• Elizondo understands why many remain dubious. “I get it. I’m a career spy,” he says.” “No, I am not running a government disinformation campaign.” “I took a huge risk in leaving a safe job to do this. If this doesn’t pan out, I’ll be working at Walmart.” “But…as crazy as it sounds, this is real.”
“I know what I saw.”
It was late July, and Teresa Tindal, a 39-year-old administrator for a consulting firm, was describing the incident that made her a believer: a round, golden object hovering in the evening sky over Tucson, Arizona. Weather balloon? No way. It could only be one thing: a UFO.
This kind of certainty had brought her—and 400 other people—to the Crowne Plaza hotel in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) Symposium, the “premiere UFO event of the year,” according to its literature. They had gathered to talk about extraterrestrials, UFOs and how to avoid being abducted by an alien mothership (hint: yelling at it doesn’t work). “There are too many people that have seen things,” Christine Thisse, 44, a soft-spoken mother from Michigan, told Newsweek.
There were the typical guest speakers giving talks with titles like “Unexplained Disappearances in Rural Areas” and “Report From Mars,” in which a physicist lays out his theory that 75,000 years ago an intergalactic nuclear war wiped out a Martian civilization. And there were famous abductees, like Travis Walton, a former logger whose story of alien captivity became the 1993 movie Fire in the Sky.
But this year offered another attraction—a new, and extremely unlikely, superstar: Luis Elizondo. Seven months earlier, The New York Times had published a front-page story on the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program, a “shadowy” initiative at the Pentagon that “investigated reports of unidentified flying objects.” Elizondo, a burly Miami native with a billy-goat beard and colorful tattoos, was the career military intelligence official put in charge of the program a few years after it formed in 2007, until, according to the Pentagon’s press office, it was discontinued in 2012. (Elizondo insists the work is ongoing.) Last year, he resigned from the Pentagon, protesting what he considered lackluster support and unnecessary secrecy—red meat for the X-Files crowd. “Why aren’t we spending more time and effort on this issue?” he wrote to Defense Secretary James Mattis in his resignation letter.
In the private sector, Elizondo soon found an unlikely ally in his quest for the truth: Tom DeLonge, the former frontman for the pop/punk band Blink-182, the group behind a song called “Aliens Exist.” Turns out DeLonge actually believed it. In 2017, he launched To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science, and Elizondo quickly became its public face. The mission: to advance UFO research, produce science-fiction-themed entertainment about UFOs and, with luck, glean some insight into the super-advanced technology displayed by UFOs (such as spaceships that can seemingly defy gravity) that the Pentagon keeps ignoring.
The academy claims to have attracted more than 2,000 investors and raised roughly $2.5 million, and Elizondo found a mostly enthusiastic crowd in Cherry Hill. “Sometimes people may have associated you with being fringe—being out there,” he told the MUFON audience over a buffet dinner. “All along, you were right.” Not everyone was convinced: Some cited a lack of evidence in his presentation. Tindal was suspicious of the Pentagon connection. “It could be a cover for something else,” she said.
But if Elizondo is trying to lend credibility to research on unexplained sightings, why would he partner with a guy whose band had a hit album titled Enema of the State? And why would he choose as a venue a UFO conference teeming with conspiracy theorists?
“We have to start somewhere,” he told Newsweek that day. “I don’t get invited to Stanford or MIT.”
Super Hornets and Tic Tacs
Each year, thousands of people report UFO sightings to various authorities—the police, the Pentagon, radio talk show hosts. By one count, more than 100,000 sightings have been reported since 1905. Nearly all can be explained away as clouds, meteors, birds, weather balloons or some other quotidian phenomenon. Efforts at rational debunking serve only to harden the conviction of the true believers, who are convinced that abundant evidence of alien visitations is hidden in secret military documents—literal X-files—locked away in the bowels of the so-called deep state.
The X-files conspiracy theory is the beating heart of the UFO community—an article of faith among enthusiasts and the basis of almost every call to action on social media (#Disclosure). It is also encouraged by some prominent people, including John ¬Podesta, who lamented on Twitter a few years ago that he’d failed to secure the #disclosure of the UFO files, “despite being President Bill Clinton’s chief of staff.
When Elizondo went public, it gave a sheen of credibility to the conspiracy crowd. His background is typical of a straight-arrow military officer with a distinguished career. He is the son of a Cuban exile who participated in the Bay of Pigs—the failed CIA-¬sponsored plot to overthrow Fidel Castro in 1961. Elizondo worked as a bouncer while attending the University of Miami. After graduating in 1995, he joined the Army and trained to be a military spy. Later, at the Pentagon, Elizondo showed no sign of being a disgruntled employee or a loon, spending much of his career in the shadows, chasing militants in South America and the Middle East.
In 2010, he started to run a small group charged with investigating reports of “unexplained aerial phenomena”—a less controversial term for UFOs. It was an ¬obscure, low-budget initiative created three years before at the behest of then-Senator Harry Reid of Nevada. Details are murky, but the $22 million program seems to have been operated jointly by Elizondo and Bigelow Aerospace, a Nevada-based defense contractor whose billionaire owner, Robert Bigelow, is an avid believer in UFOs.
Two months before the Times published its front-page story, Elizondo retired from the Pentagon. He shows Newsweek what he says is a copy of his resignation letter, dated October 4, 2017, and addressed to Mattis. The letter expresses some frustration about the lack of attention his program was getting. And it suggests that something he learned at the Pentagon turned him into a true believer. “Despite overwhelming evidence at both the classified and unclassified levels,” he wrote, “certain individuals in the Department remain staunchly opposed to further research on what could be a tactical threat to our pilots, sailors, and soldiers, and perhaps even an existential threat to our national security.”
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by George Knapp and Matt Adams July 25, 2018 (
• Since the December 2017 NY Times article releasing U.S. military video of the “Tic-Tac UFO”, and subsequent UFO videos, thousands of Freedom of Information Act requests have been filed by UFO researchers. So far, the Pentagon hasn’t complied with any of the requests for more information. According to Luis Elizondo, the man who ran the military’s secret UFO study for years, says that there are as many as two dozen more unreleased videos still in the Pentagon vaults. The Las Vegas KLAS-TV “I-Team” has managed to obtain key documents related to the UFO inquiry.
• Former Senate Majority Leader, Nevada Senator Harry Reid instigated the Pentagon study back in 2007. Since his role was revealed last year, he’s had calls from many other lawmakers in Congress. Reid believes there have likely been classified Congressional briefings involving military eyewitnesses to similar UFOs. Reid wants the military UFO program to continue and its findings made public. (See 2009 letter from Reid to the Deputy Secretary of Defense asking for more personnel to increase productivity in the Advanced Aerospace Threat and Identification Program.)
• As the chief scientist for Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies, a government-sponsored research project, physicist Hal Puthoff made the first public presentation about the UFO study. In a newly released document, research subjects are listed including warp drive, invisibility, metamaterials from crash sites, worm holes, antigravity, and how to track hypersonic vehicles.
• “You’ve got these advanced aerospace vehicles flying around, that we don’t know where they come from, what the intent is, possibly off-world even,” said Dr. Puthoff. Puthoff says he doesn’t know if more UFO videos will be released, but says there is big news coming about the ones already made public.
LAS VEGAS – Those secret UFO files at the Pentagon are still secret, but not for a lack of trying.
Thousands of researchers have filed requests via the Freedom of Information Act, hoping to force the military to unleash documents or videos generated during the secret study. The main contractor for the Pentagon was a Las Vegas company.
So far, the Pentagon hasn’t complied with any of the requests for more information. But now, the I-Team has obtained key documents related to the UFO inquiry.
The Pentagon’s release last December of a 2004 encounter between pilots from the USS Nimitz and a mystery machine dubbed the Tic Tac UFO generated huge headlines and demands for more releases.
Two more followed. The Gimbal video from 2015 and another nicknamed Go Fast. As many as two dozen more videos are still in the Pentagon vaults, according to the man who ran the military’s secret UFO study for years.
During his time running the AATIP program, Elizondo set into motion the release of these and other videos. He doesn’t know if the spigot has been turned off now that he is longer there. Since October, he’s been working with To the Stars Academy to help change the perception of the UFO issue, particularly in Washington. And without revealing too much, Elizondo hints that progress is being made.
“It’s about changing the paradigm in which our government can finally take this issue seriously without worrying about their political survival, right, allowing Congress to have a conversation in open or closed session saying, all right guys, gals, what do we do about this?”
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To the Stars Academy of Arts and Sciences (from now on referred to as To the Stars Academy) was launched by Tom De Longe and by several recently retired aerospace and intelligence community insiders. They call it a “public benefit corporation.” It hopes to collaborate with global citizens to explore the boundary areas of traditional theories. For instance, in terms of technologies, warp drive “is not out of the question.” The stated public purpose is Education – Community – Sustainability – Transparency. According to DeLonge, a company that would inspire, entertain and galvanize thinking. Its stated projects are “about dreams, the paranormal, consciousness and even a historical fictional account behind the UFO phenomenon and our dealings with it. The To the Stars Academy strategy to bring the greatest and most controversial secret to the People will be to “innovate, educate and, hopefully, wildly entertain.”
Mr. DeLonge starts with a video explaining how he had been interested in UFOs and mystery since childhood; how after receiving his first pay check from performing with his band Blink182 he bought a computer to try to gather theories about the UFO phenomenon in order to come up with a unified theory. He mentioned that the extraterrestrial presence had had both good and bad consequences. That surprised me as that was a simple but – as far s we know – fair statement and I had thought that he would only emphasized the negative.
Then, he said that, at a certain point (as To the Stars Academy was getting “on its feet”), there were meetings around the country for 18 months with members of various intelligence agencies (including NASA, DoD and various agencies) all the while his band was unraveling.
Mr. DeLonge met with persons that work in Special Access Projects in Area 51, meeting in abandoned buildings in Washington DC, desert airports. After these meetings, he learned: 1) That there are certain things that should not have been kept secret; 2) That certain secrets were justifiable at the time but that they should now be revealed; 3) That there are certain things so unimaginable that certain interests belief that they should never ever be publicly revealed.
After an article in The Wall Street Journal stated that he had been been meeting with intelligence agents in relation to UFOs he was approached by more individuals. Then (after coming up with a proposal early in 2017 about a way to reveal to the public what was happening with a secret that had been kept for over 70 years) he had several further meetings with important intelligence agents and scientists that joined him.
Image of Mr. Tom DeLonge presenting part of the To the Stars Academy team
On October 11, 2017, To the Stars Academy produced an internet event that may amount to a non-official, but implicitly officially sanctioned partial disclosure. To the Stars Academy is a civilian company that aims to produce advanced technologies, probably some of which for national security reasons the military will never reveal, specially the most advanced ones that can be weaponized.
Mr. Chris Mellon
During the presentation Mr. Christopher Mellon: said that there’s a need to end excessive secrecy. There’s a need to spark the public imagination. Mr. Mellon reported that a US Navy-UFO encounter (with F-18 engagement) involving the USS Nimitz and several witnesses was a real event and that there had been many such events. He mentioned an approaching object has been detected on (primary) radar.
Mr. Mellon said that the oversight committees of Congress and Congress in general have to be appraised of the facts, that the various oversight committees can easily request briefings of this event and others like it. “Without the facts congress will not know how to respond. Mr. Mellon mentioned that To the Stars Academy is a public corporation and one of its stated purposes is also to stimulate new thinking. The to the Stars corporation is referred to as “more than a commercial venture. It is an intellectual adventure.”
UFO image shown during Mr. Mellon’s presentation
Mr. Mellon was the “chair of the Science Committee at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History. He served 20 years in the federal government, including as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence in the Clinton and Bush Administrations. In addition, he’s worked many years on Capitol Hill including as the Minority Staff Director of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. As an aide to Senator William S. Cohen, he drafted the legislation that established the US Special Operations Command. (Source: )
Lou Elizondo, a career and intelligence officer continued the presentation. He mentioned that the most interesting topic he was involved with was with advanced aerial threats, focusing on unidentified aerial technologies. He learned that the phenomenon is real. Mentioned that To the Stars Academy will allow a community of interest to detect real events with two way communications and even engineer technology. That they will allow into the public never before released information and to work recording real-time events. They will also facilitate participants to “crowd crunch” data.
Mr. Lou Elizondo
Mr. Elizondo worked “with the U.S. Army, the Department of Defense, the National Counterintelligence Executive, and the Director of National Intelligence. As a former Special Agent In-Charge, Luis conducted and supervised highly sensitive espionage and terrorism investigations around the world. As an intelligence Case Officer, he ran clandestine source operations throughout Latin America and the Middle East. Most recently, Luis managed the security for certain sensitive portfolios for the US Government as the Director for the National Programs Special Management Staff. For nearly the last decade, Luis also ran a sensitive aerospace threat identification program focusing on unidentified aerial technologies.” (Source:
Then, Dr. Steve Justice spoke. He worked with Lockheed Skunk Works in a heavily protected facility with some of the technology that many people misinterpret as UFOs. To him the UFO phenomenon is real due to witnesses like Mr. Elizondo and Mellon and it can be technologically reproduced. Considering his comments, I don’t know how much he already knew about retro engineering extraterrestrial vehicles while at Lockheed.
Mr. Steve Justice
Was he privy to the most secret compartmentalized projects or to highly classified, but nonetheless, “medium level” secret aerospace projects? Regardless of how much he knows about ET flying saucer machinery, as head of the aerospace division of To the Stars Academy (which he now leads) he wants to build an object that reproduces the UFO events previously described. He basically said that the technologies of To the Stars Academy will prepare us for the future and that we shouldn’t dare to place limits on what we can do.
Mr. Justice “entered the defense aerospace industry in 1978 after graduating from the Georgia Institute of Technology. After 31 years, Stephen is the recently retired Program Director for Advanced Systems from Lockheed Martin Advanced Development Programs – better known as the “Skunk Works”. Stephen’s industry experience brings to TTS Academy a deep understanding of strategy definition, breakthrough technology development, advanced concept design, prototyping, system fielding, and program planning and execution using a leadership style that inspires innovation.” (Source:
Tom DeLonge showed a video that image-wise also refers to extraterrestrial UFOs, illustrated by possible archaeological finds like some apparently ancient carved ET images in Mexico.
In the video Mr. Jim Semivan, a retired senior intelligence service member of the Central Intelligence Agency says;
“These things are real; these things are out there, they have been out there for a long time; they are not the provenance of the Government, of any Government in the world. They belong to us. These are things that happen to people all the time. And these are things that we need to explore and we need finally to get together to figure out what this is all about.”
Dr. Hal Puthoff
Dr. Hal Puthoff, a PhD physicist who also worked with classified projects for the Pentagon is involved. He worked in an important remote viewing project for the CIA and has published key papers on zero-point energy. Dr. Puthoff “published numerous papers on electron-beam devices, lasers and space propulsion and has patents issued in the laser, communications, and energy fields. Dr. Puthoff’s professional background spans more than five decades of research at General Electric, Sperry, the National Security Agency, Stanford University and SRI International. Dr. Puthoff regularly advises NASA , the Department of Defense and intelligence communities, corporations and foundations on leading-edge technologies and future technology trends. He earned his Ph.D. from Stanford University in 1967.” (Source:
Mr. Tom DeLonge announced a positive and unifying message and model for the benefit of future generations was announced. The To the Stars Academy corporation is not only asking for participants but also asking for investors. To reach the public in a more effective, engaging, transformative way, not only rational inquiry but also right brain activities like the arts and story telling will be offered.
Concept image of a vehicle to be built
Commentary by Giorgio Piacenza:
The announcements are an important step forward to legitimize the issue that some UFOs may originate with non-human intelligences, but I consider this event to be a partial disclosure. I think that some or all of the persons involved were part of the Government’s secret investigation on the subject but that – perhaps – they were not privy to the most secret research and findings. There might be a deeper level of secrecy (not clearly of the U.S. Government) also working with the extraterrestrial subject, strategies, alliances and retro engineering. It might even be international in scope and still associated with corporations as Dr. Greer has tried to explain for many years.
However, some persons making the decisions on what to reveal (MAJIC and other commitees that have the overall picture?) may have allowed a shallower level of secrecy to be partially and gradually revealed and asked them to come forward with what they know in order to start working with the civilian population. Perhaps pro-disclosure factions in the deepest “need to know” (sometimes referred to as “white hats”) might have deemed adequate for a civilian organization to link with the community at large. It might be the activation of one of many plausible disclosure strategies. This time what is being disclosed is less “plausibly deniable” due to the credentials of the individuals involved, some of whom recently retired from intelligence and aerospace.
In my view, it is an important step forward that changes the UFO and ET research picture while some of the most guarded secrets remain guarded, as they should be because some technology cannot fall into the wrong hands. The speakers gave me the impression of being well-intended. But how much do they know? The speakers know an ET presence is real, that their devices are real, and want to at least partially reproduce the technology (giving them the benefit of the doubt) for the benefit of humankind. They are not revealing that we are in cohoots with some extraterrestrial species or that we have a working space fleet and only seem to have had access to medium level retro engineered devices and classified knowledge that we are not alone. Revealing this much should be a BIG game changer and pro-diclosure activists should be glad!
Now Government officials should say something about this and legitimize the subject even more, basically giving “permission” to the press, other scientistsm various cultural leaders to talk about UFOs and ETs more openly! Perhaps even Russia and other countries with advanced secret program research will feel inclined to speak up even more!
However, the emphasis catering to the need for defense against possible dangerous ETs is an incomplete proposal as – according to the ANONYMOUS F.R.E.E. ( survey on thosands of experiencers with conscious memories, most of the experiencers do not consider the ETs negative. Unless most experiencers are not being contacted by negative extraterrestrial intelligences but there’s nonetheless still a larger amount of them, this suggests that, while there is some reason to prepare for an eventual clash with some of the “visitors,” (and to associate more openly and closely with protective and respectful ET varieties) we must not over emphasize that negative aspect. And we must even consider that more benign beings may even be protecting us. To make wise decisions we need the whole picture.
But full Disclosure is a Consciousness problem, a human consciousness problem. We need to be able to understand and not just the fragment of the whole we are open to. Partial disclosure and skewed-fractional (or subdivided) partial disclosures, also are part of a Consciousness problem. The lack of full open contact is a Consciousness problem: Our individual and collective ability to process multiple aspects of the overall situation. We are not inclined to take in information that doesn’t fit our preconceptions and personal preferences.
Many will dismiss Mr. DeLonge’s initiative because – in spite of the level of disclosure (or, in this case,”confirmation” as Linda Moulton Howe has recently said) – it emphasizes the negative side of ETs and the need for defense instead of the space brother side whose main defense is linked with spiritual evolution, aligning with LOVE and universal principles (thus not attracting negative ETs and situations) and relying on a large association of benevolent., humanity-respecting ETs to protect us.
Perhaps persons many open to the extraterrestrial situation may find this effort suspect because it is associated with elements of the military industrial intelligence complex usually found suspect (not without reason) in popular narratives within the UFO community. Is it a preamble to the “false flag” situation mentioned by Carol Rosin, Steven Greer and – allegedly – Werner Von Braun, or there has been a “change of plans?”
There was no mention of the word “extraterrestrial”; it was basically implicit throughout the presentation and the To the Stars Academy event was probably meant first to legitimize the issue with the average person who may be either in denial, indifference or taking it as an unimportant entertaining thing. There was no mention of the more advanced aspects of a “secret space program” which, if genuine (as it seems to be considering the coincidence among some whistleblowers like Corey Goode and William Tompkins) would indicate that we (humanity) already have extraterrestrial-level interstellar craft, are associated and/or engage with benevolent and malevolent ET groups. But how much the To the Stars Academy team know about this? Are all or most of them only privy to medium secrecy level knowledge and technology? Some may know how to shield and cancel gravity and have worked on (or built) anti gravity craft but are these the most advanced ones? If Corey Goode and Bill Tompkins’s testimonies are mostly true, would these craft be associated with the alleged U.S. Navy’s Solar Warden fleet or with the U.S. AirForce allegedly less developed space fleet?
As per DISCLOSURE initiatives, there is a competition between privileging technologies or privileging consciousness. The former seems to be spearheaded by factions within the military industrial aerospace intelligence complex. The latter, by grass roots activism, research and experiencer contacts, in initiatives like FREE’s. We need to find an integrative solution in order to think more intelligently about this.
However, it was HISTORICAL. On Wednesday 11 of October a semi official, partial disclosure event haswas underway, organized by Tom De Longe and former inteligence operatives, and aerospace scientists now presenting “To the Stars Academy” a corporation that is to educate and entertain, and research bringing UAP(UFO) data and resources from people. And it promises to produce advanced UFO like technologies for the benefit of humankind.
It is a step forward for making the UFO and ET subjects credible and I hope that he mainstream press finally covers these developments seriously and responsibly. And I hope that many mainstream scientists feel they have the permission they were waiting inorder to work with these subjects without endangering their careers. I also hope that politicians stop hiding from the subject in order to continue quarreling so much under polarizing, often retrograde ideas. Finally, I hope that it is not too late for the larger civilian community (heavily under individualism, materialism, polarizing beliefs and narratives, decades of disinformation and overburden by too much factual and fake news information) to be able to process these issues.
But could this release of information have been orchestrated by a smaller group of “those in the know,” and it might be a partial disclosure of an aspect: The need for technology to defend from the danger of some ET groups. That seems to be the emphasis given to Mr. De Long by a branch of “those in the know” but, off course, the emphasis on negativity may be overblown. It is an entrenched way of thinking perhaps even for the alleged “white hats” in control of the helm within an alleged parallel Government. And this way of thinking – while it recognizes consciousness – also relies extra heavily on the POWER of external technology, perhaps leading to restrictions on the potential of human consciousness. In the Long run, relying so much on technology might restrict possibility of reaching our highest natural potentials and may extend the conflictive human experience into the stars. It should not be emphasized too much as a form of disclosure.
Other disclosure activists may be receiving other aspects of the overall information. Some (like Dr Greer) are informed of the benevolence of most or all ET groups (which appears to be predominant according to most contact testimonies) and perhaps others of those that are mostly neutral. Thus the partial release of info may be skewed into several directions as different representatives of each type of information thinks that he or she has a greater grip on the overall situation than what he really has.
Mr. Grant Cameron evaluates this situation really well. The De Long To the Stars Academy may be partially correct in some aspects but it also is related to a high tech military-prone faction. I think these are partial controlled disclosures for sure. Not the consciousness-raising-before-contact-and-technologies given (Adamski like) types but envisioning civilian participation.
Have the “powers that be” (perhaps the “white hats”) realized that humanity will be lost, its thinking and critical abilities curtailed unless there is an awakening to reality-expanding information that has spiritual consequences?
Partial truths perhaps but very important ones to wake up more of the population. I think that it is a high tech military-prone faction and we must remain vigilant that this is not a ruse to later on achive greater control of the population. These are partial controlled disclosures for sure but can potentially be consciousness-raising if humanity still has a chance to respond intelligently. It’s not the consciousness-raising-under-universal-spiritual principles-before-contact-and-technologies-is- given (Adamski like). Partial truths that do mention consciousness but rely more upon technology. Again, I think that Grant CAMERON has a good understanding of this.
I think that it is a high tech military-prone faction. In the competition between prioritizing technology or consciousness, the former is privileged. Partial controlled disclosures for sure. Not the consciousness-raising-before-contact-and-technologies given (Adamski like) types. Partial truths. Grant CAMERON has a good understanding of this. Each discloser contacted by different facions thinks he has more of a grip on the overall situation than what he really does. The need to defend against some ET varieties may be real, yes, but it can also be overblown as an extension of the military-industrial conservative way of thinking.
However, from a consciousness based “need to know” basis, how much can we not only individually but colectively handle the truth?
Should we welcome and trust this limited disclosure? I am more inclined to welcome it than the disclosure movement to remain stagnant. But perhaps the control group (MAJIC or Majority Joint Intelligence Committee?) which probably decides whether to inform the public and in what manner became aware that society needs to know more in order to be more culturally creative and survive the age of inescapable interconnectivity. Then again, it may be a way (as some conspiracy theorists say) to maintain control of society, perhaps surreptitiously preparing a receptive segment to accept a “False flag” against extraterrestrials in general. And, would the “ones in control” of this scenario be themselves mentally controlled by negative ETs of a similar (don’t trust but instead control) inclinations?
The problem I find with the “To the Stars Academy” project (allowed by the powers that be) is that the positive side of things (validated by thousands of experiencer encounters and many classical contactees) the positive side of the extraterrestrial presence, is not emphasized and that is worrisome because it may attract negative experiences and an extensin of many old patterns.
I believe that positive contacts are basically tolerated and even respected and allowed to be without much interference in case the need may arise to draw on positive extraterrestrial beings for assistance. But the general entrenched attitude in U.S. culture (and with different emphases and styles around the world) is of trying to fiercely maintain independence through power as much as possible. This is why militarism and the way we generate conflicts around the world is unending. This probably limits the ways in which the situation is handled and limits the possibilities to which U.S. citizenry and humanity at large is privy to. The UFO and contact phenomenon can also nourish a culture of peace based on universal integrative principles and the knowledge that humanity has the potential to live spiritually in a positive way in a physical environment beyond a state of nature. But “those in the know” in secret legitimate Government ( and parallel non-Government) control groups don’t seem to emphasize this possibility too much, all the while some citizen groups open to a service-to-self spirituality and contact appear to be representing the best interests of humanity in the long run.
Other disclosers like Dr. Greer (in contact with other factions or people in the know feeding him different aspects) think that all ETs are benevolent. He would not agree with the DeLonge approach. Then again, each major discloser chosen for a partial disclosure of an aspect think that he or she knows more than what he knows and is also chosen because he or she has some credibility issues that render possible the “plausible deniability” of what he is saying. It all seems to be carefully planned. Again, I think that Mr. Grant Cameron has a good understanding of the multiple disclosure initiatives.
We TEND to DISMISS anything we don’t like because doesn’t fit the information being proccessed by our personal cognitive identities and this is why there are different partial disclosure initiatives and why (as a UFO-ET Contact-Disclosure-Exopolitics Community) we can’t see the overall picture and connect with each other. This seems to be why we can’t have open contact even with highly benevolent beings, and why there are multiple types of disclosure strategies, both from the Government and from ETs. It is a CONSCIOUSNESS problem, ultimately a need for a practical and experiential alignment with The SOURCE, The Absolute Ground of Being, as per how much of reality and perspectives we can simultaneosly handle without dismissing and fighting with each other…(including ETs).
The DeLonge-TTS initiative has many of the hallmarks of a planned, partial disclosure skewed towards playing the “evil aliens” tune to influence segments of society. This is worrisome, yes, very much so because it is not tempered with the researched fact that MOST human-ET encounters are deemed benign and beneficial by human experiencers of such encounters. While the DeLonge-TTS initiative constitutes a form of semi-official disclosure and some (quite likely), credible, well-intended scientists like Dr. Hal Puthoff may be involved (and probably used) for credibility purposes. But, considering his trajectory and the declarations of the other two scientists in the TTS presentation, we can surmise that their level of knowledge in retro engineering extraterrestrial craft may not be of the highest, covert order within the unacknowledged portion of the military-industrial complex.
Moreover, even if a small percentage of the human-extraterrestrial contact cases may refer to negative,deleterious extraterrestrial varieties,there may be some truth to the DeLonge-TTS position about a need to have viable technologies to self-defend. While we should not emphasize an “us vs them” attitude, if we assume that all accounts about “evil aliens” (a simplistic term I know) are false, we may be incurring in our own dogmatic biases even against the information shared by some historical contactees with benevolent space brothers like Sixto Paz and Ricardo Gonzalez, suggestive narratives about the “Asuras” in several Vedic accounts, some recently researched (and selectively researched I must admit) highly traumatizing abduction cases, the shamanic naratives about extraterrestrials of some “original nations” like the Q’uero from Perú, the declarations by William Tompkins and exopolitical assessments by Dr. Michael Salla, all of which consider the possibility of benign and non-benign beings.
While we must not allow ourselves to be manipulated (by the segment of the military-industrial complex supporting the DeLonge-TTS initiative) into an all out effort against the entirety of extraterrestrials as “evil aliens,” we must also try to cultivate a carefully balanced perspective, by also not falling into the other extreme (often represented by Dr. Greer) that all extraterrestrials coming to Earth must necessarily be benevolent. Surely, we must be careful against our own xenophobic tendencies, our tendencies to be excessive in the ways we dismiss those who think differently than us and we must be careful against any extreme extreme polarizing tendencies that reflect a need to explain in simplistic terms a complexity that we need to know. It may well be that those that have the overall picture deem it necessary to reveal aspects of the whole through different “messiahs” (as Grant Cameron says); thus through some the “all benevolent” picture is revealed and through others the “all evil picture” is revealed or else society at large would not be able to process the whole truth. The question is: how well-intended (and adequate) is this strategy? Is it intended to control us or intended to protect us? Both?
1) Tom DeLonge announced that declassified footage of genuine UFOs will be released in a few days and that a process to relate with governments and individuals will be launched. Today is December 02, 2017. This should increase the credibility of the concept or recognition that we are being visited by other intelligent beings.
2) There was a “shift” in emphasis in the To the Stars Academy in their YouTube presentation. Discovered by Robert Williams. First during presentation, Lou Elizondo said they had seen no indication of a threat. Then, the word “TERRIFYING” was removed from the third part of the introduction to the TTS video presentation. I applaud this shift for UFO/ET issues to be less threatening.
We can see the shift in emphasis in Grant Cameron‘s, White House UFO YouTube video “Blink 182 Frontman Tom Delonge update, New CIA/UFO disclosure” From minute 28.42