• Tyler Glockner, UFO researcher and host of the popular YouTube channel ‘Secureteam10’, says that Trump’s plans to establish a new branch of the military named the ‘Space Force’ could expose a number of black projects run by the US military. (see 10:04 minute video below)
• “There are a lot of people in the US government who are extremely against the Space Force. It makes me wonder why. My main thought is there has long been a theory of a secret space program that is vastly more advanced than anything we could imagine. So people in the military will be against the idea of creating a Space Force because one already exists. These missions continue to be funded by black project dollars,” says Glockner.
• An example of a government secret space program is the Solar Warden fleet of spaceships in the safeguarding our solar system from alien invasion.
• Many people argued that Trump’s move is aimed at psychologically preparing the general public to accept the real facts behind the existence of aliens. They even argue that an alien invasion is imminent and this is the major reason behind Trump’s decision to launch ‘space force’.
• [Editor’s Note] Anyone who follows Dr Salla and ExoPolitics/ExoNews is quite familiar with the U.S. Navy-run Solar Warden secret space program and the politics behind Trump’s announcement of the creation of a new branch of the US military, the Space Force. See Dr Salla’s recent article “Trump’s Plan for U.S. Space Force challenges Deep State Secrecy”
Donald Trump, the US president has recently ordered the military to establish a new branch named ‘space force’. During a speech delivered at the meeting of the National Space Council in White House, the president made it clear that the sole purpose of the new force is to ensure country’s dominance in space. But, UFO researcher Tyler Glockner has now put forward a different theory about Trump’s space force.
In a recent video uploaded to his YouTube channel ‘Secureteam10’, Glockner says that Trump’s plans could expose a number of black projects run by the US military.
As Glockner made these claims, many people argued that Trump’s move is aimed at psychologically preparing the general public to accept the real facts behind the existence of aliens. They even argue that an alien invasion is imminent and this is the major reason behind Trump’s decision to launch ‘space force’.
“There are a lot of people in the US government who are extremely against the Space Force. It makes me wonder why. My main thought is there has long been a theory of a secret space programme that is vastly more advanced than anything we could imagine. So people in the military will be against the idea of creating a Space Force because one already exists. These missions continue to be funded by black project dollars,” said Glockner in the video.
In addition, Tyler Glockner also talked about Solar Warden, an alleged space program run by US with the help of United Nations. As per conspiracy theorists, there has been a fleet of spaceships in the solar system safeguarding earth from alien invasion and this fleet of human-made security ships are known as solar wardens.
10:04 minute ‘Secureteam10’ video with host Tyler Glockner presenting his theory on Trump’s Space Force
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On June 18, President Donald Trump gave a speech where he called for the development of a United States Space Force that takes over current space functions of the U.S. Air Force. The proposed Space Force would become the sixth branch of the U.S. military, and would have equal authority to the USAF.
At the National Space Council meeting held at the White House, Trump said:
We must have American dominance in space… I’m hereby directing the Department of Defense and Pentagon to immediately begin the process necessary to establish a space force as the sixth branch of the armed forces…. We are going to have the Air Force, and we are going to have the space force. Separate, but equal. It is going to be something so important.
Trump then commanded General Joseph Dunford, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to “carry that assignment out.”
I oppose the creation of a new military service and additional organizational layers at a time when we are focused on reducing overhead and integrating joint warfighting efforts.
Trump’s initiative thereby stands out since he has gone against the recommendations of his most senior military advisors.
As pointed out by one military analyst, Trump does not have the authority to create a new military service, only the U.S. Congress can do so. Trump does have, however, the authority to start planning for the creation of such a service as he demonstrated by ordering General Dunford to start the process.
There are multiple questions that arise from Trump’s initiative. Why is he going forward on a plan that is opposed by his senior military advisors? How does the proposed Space Force mesh with whistleblower/insider claims that the Air Force already has a secret space program? Finally, what of additional claims that the U.S. Navy has a much more advanced Deep Space program with kilometers long space carriers that uses Space Marines as a fighting force?
In finding answers to such questions, it is important to understand that by ordering the creation of a Space Force, Trump is shaking the bureaucratic and corporate tree that hides the Secret Space Program that the Air Force runs along with the National Reconnaissance Office, the Defense Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency.
Large aerospace companies such as Lockheed Martin, Northrup Grumman, Raytheon, General Dynamics, etc., supply the technologies and components for the Air Force’s Secret Space Program. Consequently, the Military Industrial Complex/Deep State has played a major role in setting space policy due to its ability to manipulate Air Force officials through the supply and acquisition process.
In earlier articles, I’ve described a “limited disclosure” plan to reveal the existence of two or more space stations along with antigravity flying triangles (TR-3B) and other exotic spacecraft built by these corporations. Tom DeLonge’s To the Stars Academy, also appears to be a limited disclosure initiative as previously explained.
The US Navy’s secret space program is allegedly the most highly classified and advanced secret space program, and compartmentalization has been so successful that few Air Force officials believe that the Navy possesses such a program. One thing that has become clear though, is that the truth about the Navy’s program will only be revealed after the USAF first discloses its Secret Space Program.
Based on my analyses of photographs of craft taken near MacDill Air Force Base, and the experiences of the photographer who interacted with the craft’s occupants, it has become evident that US Air Force Special Operations Command provides the personnel for the USAF Secret Space Program.
Air Force Special Operations Command is one of the ten Major Commands that make up the USAF. Another Command central to space operations is Air Force Space Command. While Air Force Space Command handles logistics and technologies for space operations, AF Special Operations Command handles personnel.
Therefore, the real purpose in Trump proposing the Space Force is that he wants to accelerate the disclosure process by which the technologies and know-how that are used in the Air Force’s Secret Space Program, are taken away from the multiple bureaucracies and corporations that secretly run it – the Military Industrial Complex/Deep State.
Trump wants the office of the chief executive, the White House, to play a direct role in setting the policy agenda for future space operations, which for decades have been set without any real oversight by the White House.
In the planning and creation of a U.S. Space Force, Trump has initiated a process by which he and the White House will play a more influential role in future space policy, which hitherto have been controlled by the USAF Secret Space Program and the Military Industrial Complex/Deep State.
The last President to confront the Military Industrial Complex/Deep State in such a brazen way over advanced aerospace technologies (UFOs) was John F. Kennedy with his twin memoranda on November 12, 1963, initiating joint space and lunar operations with the Soviet Union. The tragic outcome for President Kennedy is well known, I predict that Trump is likely to have more success with his Space Force initiative.
• On June 18th, President Trump hijacked the scheduled signing of a Space Policy Directive on the subject of space traffic management and space debris at a meeting of the National Space Council to again call for a Space Force as a sixth branch of the US military. “We are going to have the Air Force and we’re going to have the Space Force, separate but equal. It is going to be something so important,” President Trump announced.
• Trump first proposed the idea of a Space Force in March 2018, in opposition to Defense Secretary Jim Mattis’ who favors a ‘Space Corps’ as an arm of the U.S. Air Force. Mattis argues that it will create more overhead and bureaucracy. The Air Force Space Command currently controls our military interests in space. The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018 has already directed the DoD to prepare a report on establishing a USAF ‘Space Corps’ that is due in August.
• What Trump didn’t mention was what the Space Force would do and how it would be funded. Point in fact, Congress would have to pass legislation to both to create a new branch of the military and to fund it.
• [Editor’s Note] This seems to illustrate the current struggle between the Pentagon/Trump Alliance forces and the historically and predominantly ‘Deep State’ controlled Air Force for official control over space, and therefore disclosure of such secret space programs and technology. Recall that in discussing the USAF space program that shot down the Deep State guided missile over Hawaii in January of this year, Dr Michael Salla distinguishes this hero USAF faction as a “USAF run Secret Space Program that has broken away from Deep State control”.
President Donald Trump directed the Department of Defense and the Pentagon to establish a Space Force as the sixth branch of the Armed Forces in a meeting with the National Space Council today.
“We are going to have the Air Force and we’re going to have the Space Force, separate but equal. It is going to be something so important,” President Trump said.
“Separate but equal” is an appalling turn of phrase given that it’s derived from Plessy v. Ferguson, the now-overturned Supreme Court precedent for segregation.
The announcement came as a surprise in a meeting where the newly revived National Space Council was set to unveil the first comprehensive policy on space traffic management. “The whole point of today’s meeting was not about this at all, it was about the space traffic management policy decision,” says Brian Weeden, director of program planning for the Secure World Foundation — an NGO that focuses on space policy.
Still, this isn’t the first time we’ve heard about Trump’s hopes for a Space Force; he first proposed the idea of a Space Force in March 2018 — contradicting Defense Secretary Jim Mattis’ opposition to creating a new military service. In a letter to the Committee on Armed Services, Mattis argued that it would just create more overhead and bureaucracy.
As it stands, the Air Force is largely in charge of controlling national security in space under the umbrella of the Air Force Space Command. Its responsibilities include supervising launches and controlling DoD satellites — including ones involved in missile early warnings, communication, and navigation.
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• Countries such as Great Britain and Russia have released their once classified UFO files for public consumption, leaving no doubt about the true existence of UFOs. After 500 days in office, has President Trump been briefed about UFOs? Or is the ultra ‘top secret’ truth about UFO’s above even the President’s security clearance?
• In 1969, before becoming Governor of Georgia and President of the United States, Jimmy Carter was speaking at a Lions Club meeting in Leary, Georgia when he and 20 other people saw a multi-colored UFO moving across the sky. Carter said, “One thing’s for sure, I’ll never make fun of people who say they’ve seen unidentified objects in the sky. If I become President, I’ll make every piece of information this country has about UFO sightings available to the public and the scientists.” In 1977, President Carter asked then CIA Director George H.W. Bush to disclose what information the CIA had on UFOs. Bush told Carter, “You have no need to know,” and that was the end of it. Thereafter, Carter inexplicably distanced himself from UFO disclosure, citing “defense implications”. Years later, after George H.W. Bush himself had served as President, he was asked about the existence of UFOs. Bush replied, “You don’t know the half of it.”
• On September 4, 1971, the Costa Rican National Geographic Institute was taking aerial photos from 10,000 feet above Lake Cote when they captured what some experts say is the best UFO photograph in the world (see below). In 2016, a tourist in Costa Rica captured amazingly clear photos of a UFO hovering above Irazu Volcano National Park in Cartago. (see below)
• Commercial airline and military pilots from around the world have described seeing and photographing UFOs. But most keep their sightings a secret for fear of being ridiculed. The astronaut Gordon Cooper gave an interview before he died in which he described witnessing and filming a UFO landing in Germany and taking off. Cooper said that before he could view the film it was seized by government officials and sent to Washington. Cooper never again heard anything about the film footage he captured.
Is there a level of ultra ‘top secret’ security above the President of the United States when it comes to UFOs? Certainly President Donald Trump, after 500 days in office, has been briefed about UFOs from NASA, the CIA and perhaps others, but then again maybe not. This question is intriguing and not stretching reality. Are there secrets ‘from out there’ that demand such secrecy? Maybe so! But why?
With all the Star Wars movies going back decades and dozens of science fiction films featuring extraterrestrial visitors from ‘outer space’ within or beyond our on Milky Way galaxy –what is there now to hide from the public? If the government did reveal that UFOs were real … so what? Regardless if we know they are here there are no answers as why UFOs are here, but they are here. For believers and seers of UFOs there is no doubt of their existence. Other countries such as Great Britain and Russia have released their once ‘top secret’ UFO files for public consumption that leave no doubt about the true existence of UFOs.
Feb 2016 UFO over Irazu Volcano, Costa Rica
What will it take for President Trump to unexpectedly land Air Force One at the infamous and secretive ‘Area 51’ in the Nevada desert and demand a full-facility inspection from top-to-bottom and wall-to-wall? There are those that believe ‘Area 51’ contains actual captured or crashed UFOs.
One revealing statement from the lips of former President George H.W. Bush, a former CIA director, when asked about the existence of UFOs he said, “You don’t know the half of it.”
In 2016, a tourist in Costa Rica captured amazingly clear photos of a UFO hovering above Irazu Volcano National Park in Cartago. The pictures were sent to the Mutual UFO Network for analysis, as reported in the Costa Rica Star News.
Maybe the most famous UFO sighting in Costa Rica took place on September 4, 1971, the Costa Rican National Geographic Institute was taking aerial photos from 10,000 feet of Lake Cote, the small body of water that would later become the larger Lake Arenal, as part of preliminary studies for the future hydroelectric project. Some experts say that this is the best UFO Photograph in the world.
Sept 4, 1971 UFO over Lake Cote, Costa Rica
It’s well known that former President Jimmy Carter (1977-81) witnessed unexplained aerial phenomena in Leary, Ga., in 1969 two years before becoming governor of Georgia. He was speaking to a Lions Club group at about 7:15 pm when someone — that noticed the strange light in the sky about 30-degrees above the horizon — spoke up and pointed it out to the 20 or so people that saw the UFO.
“All of a sudden, one of the men looked up and said, ‘Look, over in the west!’ And there was a bright light in the sky. We all saw it. And then the light, it got closer and closer to us. And then it stopped, I don’t know how far away, but it stopped beyond the pine trees. And all of a sudden it changed color to blue, and then it changed to red, then back to white. And we were trying to figure out what in the world it could be, and then it receded into the distance,” Carter said in an interview about the sighting. “One thing’s for sure, I’ll never make fun of people who say they’ve seen unidentified objects in the sky. If I become President, I’ll make every piece of information this country has about UFO sightings available to the public and the scientists.”
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On June 12 President Donald Trump meets with North Korea’s supreme leader, Kim Jong-Un in Singapore to resolve the confrontation over the latter’s nuclear weapons program. The on-off-on again meeting has been a surprise to many believing that the bellicose language used by both leaders throughout 2017 was a sure sign that a nuclear confrontation was inevitable.
During Kim’s January 1, New Year’s Day address, he had announced that North Korea’s nuclear weapons program was completed with the successful testing of a hydrogen bomb and an intercontinental ballistic missile, the Hwasong 15. North Korea was now capable of not only launching nuclear armed ICBM missiles into U.S. territories such as Guam and Hawaii, but was also capable of hitting the U.S. mainland.
On January 17, South Korea announced that a diplomatic breakthrough had been reached with North Korea. The two Koreas would march together at the upcoming February 9-25 Winter Olympics, and field a joint ice hockey team.
This was followed a few weeks after the end of the Olympics, by Kim Jong-Un’s March 6 offer to put his nuclear weapons program on hold and start candid talks with the U.S. Trump immediately accepted Kim’s offer, which had been mediated behind the scenes by senior South Korean officials.
Exactly why North Korea decided to reverse its bellicose policies, improve relations with South Korea, and enter into denuclearization talks after completing its nuclear weapons program has left many media sources puzzled.
One explanation is that the talks are solely due to warming ties between North and South Korea. Another is that North Korea is desperate for cash after years of punishing economic sanctions that have been very effective.
Some believe that Kim has launched the meeting merely to gain time and does not intend to follow through on any agreements reached at the talk. Yet another explanation is that Trump is setting Kim up for failure in order to justify future military actions against North Korea, where Kim will be scapegoated as the villain.
What multiple media sources have not considered is whistleblower testimonies revealing a deeper dynamic at play at the U.S. North Korea summit.
On October 7, 2017 Trump issued two tweets where he gave a stark warning about what his administration was planning for North Korea:
Trump’s inference was clear, a massive military strike was being planned to destroy North Korea’s military and nuclear infrastructure. Such an operation would require advanced weapons systems that could very quickly destroy much of North Korea’s military infrastructure in order to prevent it from retaliating against South Korea, Japan, or even the U.S. itself.
In a previous article, I pointed out that the kind of weapons systems required to take out North Korea’s nuclear infrastructure would have to be orders of magnitude more powerful than those used in the air wars against Iraq in 2003 and Serbia in 1999.
The U.S. would have to achieve its strategic goals in a matter of minutes, rather than weeks in order to prevent retaliatory nuclear strikes that could kill millions. To do so, Trump was ready to authorize the use of highly classified space based weapons against North Korea.
At the official level, space based weapons are non-existent and are merely being planned for the future. However, whistleblowers/insiders have revealed the existence of operational space weapons such as “Rods of God”, which drops large rod-like projectiles from space with pinpoint accuracy and devastating results.
David… What do you feel about the movie “G.I. Joe”? And did you have any . . .
Emery: I do recall seeing that. I don’t remember it too well, but I do recall seeing it and connecting the dots, we’ll say. And I think there was a lot to it at the time. I remember watching it and saying, “Wow! Here they are just coming blatantly out.” ,,,
David: They’re doing these beautiful visuals in the movie with computer animation.
Corey: Oh, yeah, well, especially the second one when they did the Rods from God attacks .. . . on the Earth when that’s exactly what we’re looking at in the North Korea thing.
Emery: Right. Right. Interesting. I didn’t see the second one.
David: They’re telephone-pole-sized pieces of tungsten that you can drop onto the Earth, and just gravity causes a very, very severe explosion that can devastate a huge amount of space.
Emery: Oh, yes. Yeah.
David: And he had talked about that. And I only watched the second “G.I. Joe” film recently, and I couldn’t believe that it was in there.
Emery: Wow! Yeah, that’s pretty amazing for them to blatantly come out and expose that classified information, but we do start to see that now all the time with the movies are giving tidbits.
In an earlier interview, I asked Goode what his sources had told him about the space weapons that were planned to be used against North Korea, he replied:
I would expect a number of EMP detonations over NK [North Korea] while at the same time “Rods from God” [RFG] projectiles would be released from orbit. It should be noted that North Korea has taken extreme measures to harden their bunkers and systems against EMP attacks.
Each RFG Platform releases 12 projectiles the size of telephone poles. These projectiles are made of Tungsten and are coated with ceramic and have a guidance system similar to the JDAM conventional bombs.
The existence of a U.S. Air Force run secret space program with space based weapons technologies is supported by photos taken on October 23, 2017, in the vicinity of MacDill Air Force Base, Tampa, Florida, which showed a rectangle shaped UFO.
The photographer, JP (who I have known since 2008), claims he had been earlier taken inside the rectangle UFO, and had been informed that it was a weapons platform. He says that he witnessed uniformed military personnel wearing the insignia of U.S. Air Force Special Operations who could operate the weapons system.
Trump’s secret plan to use “Rods of God” and other space based weapons against North Korea had greatly worried Kim, but it was the Hawaii ballistic missile alert on January 13, which took him down the path of cooperation. The missile alert coincided with Kim’s decision to begin secret talks with South Korea to improve relations through the 2018 Winter Olympics, which was officially announced only four days later, January 17.
So what happened during the Hawaii ballistic missile alert that made Kim seek cooperation with South Korea as a prelude to offering genuine denuclearization negotiations with the Trump administration?
On Saturday morning January 13, residents of the Hawaiian Islands received an emergency alert that warned of an incoming ballistic missile and instructed everyone to take cover. This is what appeared on peoples’ cell phones at 8:07 am local Hawaii time:
Multiple sources claiming that a ballistic nuclear missile had indeed been intercepted, and a cover up was underway were analyzed in my first article on the incident. My second article pointed to a rogue Deep State/CIA faction that used a boomer submarine to create a false flag attack, which was intended start a war with North Korea.
My third article on the incident described a U.S. Air Force run secret space program that had used its deep space platforms to shoot down the ballistic missile that had been launched. In my fourth article, I pointed out how the whistleblower group QAnon, which is closely tied to the White House, had confirmed that the Hawaii missile alert had been a real false flag attack, and that the goal was to frame North Korea as the culprit.
Essentially, once Kim realized that he had been betrayed by the Deep State/CIA faction that had secretly helped him develop a ballistic nuclear weapons program, he decided to abandon his nuclear weapons program and bellicose rhetoric against President Trump.
Consequently, the June 12 Summit marks a genuine turning point in U.S. North Korea relations. There is a real possibility that agreements will be reached to formally end the Korean War, start a genuine Korean unification process, and even lay the foundation for a U.S. military withdrawal from the Korean peninsula.
The back story as to how a Secret Space program was instrumental in bringing about the US North Korea Summit through the threatened, and later actual, use of its space based weapons platforms, is something that will be eventually revealed through official disclosure of these highly classified USAF programs.
by Arjun Walia May 10, 2018 (collective-evolution.com)
• “There is essentially a civil war involving parts of senior management and upper parts of our government that is occurring in the United States. It’s between the ‘Dark’ side and the ‘Constitutional’ side. There has never been anything like this in history. It is extremely serious, and this is an extremely serious hour for our government and especially for our constitutional freedoms. . . . This essentially is a global criminal cabal that has penetrated into our government and now has senior level officials colluding and, I would argue, conspiring to unseat this president.” – former CIA officer Kevin Shipp
• There is a government within the government, and many within this ‘political game’ are well aware of it. Greg Hunter of USAwatchdog.com interviews Shipp (see 25:53 minute video below) about what’s currently happening within U.S., global politics, and the Deep State.
• In the video, Shipp goes into detail about a coup in the US government that attempted to hijack the 2016 Presidential election to install the Deep State’s puppet candidate, Hillary Clinton, and to create a one-party political system. This stems not from a corrupted bureaucracy, but from an elite and all-powerful corporatocracy controlling the government. The Deep State responded to Trump’s upset election victory by blaming the Russia for Hillary’s loss and censorship of independent non corporate/government sponsored media’s “fake news”.
• According to Shipp, Donald Trump is an outsider and not part of the Deep State. His administration is now at war with the Deep State bureaucrats embedded within the government. “We have a coup within our government right now at the senior levels at the CIA, DOJ and the FBI attempting to unseat a duly elected President,” said Shipp.
• Never before has the idea of a shadowy ‘Deep State’ government been acknowledged by the mainstream and by global politicians/academicians around the world. It’s no longer taboo to talk about these things without automatically being labeled as a “conspiracy theory”. We find ourselves now going through a major transition. The world is waking up fast and it’s going to be interesting to see what happens.
• [Editor’s Note] Nipping at Trump’s heals is just the visible tip of a massive program of manipulation and deception that the Deep State elite has perpetrated on the people of America and the world, especially since WWII. The theater being played out in the mainstream media is merely a distraction hiding an almost unimaginable concentration of wealth by a small elite group. This elite controls access to a secretive breakaway society possessing highly advanced technology leading all the way up to a hierarchy of several secret space programs, including some that routinely interact with extraterrestrial civilizations across the galaxy. For an in-depth break-down of the Deep State’s cover-up and smear campaign against Donald Trump in 2016-2017, see this three-part ExoNews article on Seth Rich.
“There is essentially a civil war involving parts of senior management and upper parts of our government that is occurring in the United States. It’s between the ‘Dark’ side and the ‘Constitutional’ side. There has never been anything like this in history. It is extremely serious, and this is an extremely serious hour for our government and especially for our constitutional freedoms. . . . This essentially is a global criminal cabal that has penetrated into our government and now has senior level officials colluding and, I would argue, conspiring to unseat this president.”
Above are the words of Kevin Shipp, a former CIA officer turned whistleblower who is and has been, exposing what seems to be the rhetoric of various other whistleblowers like Thomas Drake, William Binney, Sibel Edmunds, Edward Snowden and more. There is a government within the government, and many within this ‘political game’ are well aware of it and as the 28th U.S. President once wrote, “know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”
Greg Hunter of USAwatchdog.com released the interview with Shipp (below), who goes in depth about what’s currently happening within U.S. and global politics. We need people like this, especially as more and more people realize there is not much truth or substance that comes from mainstream media. The picture always seems to be painted a certain way to benefit a small group of powerful people, these are the people that Shipp is referring to.
The Deep State
Shipp goes into detail about a coup within U.S. politics that’s been underway since 2006, with the objective to overthrow America and destroy the outcome of the 2016 presidential election. James Comey is also discussed, and is referred to as a puppet for the likes of Hillary Clinton, Robert Mueller, and more…
“We have a well-organized political-action group in this country, determined to destroy our Constitution and establish a one-party state … It operates secretly, silently, continuously to transform our Government … This ruthless power-seeking elite is a disease of our century… This group … is answerable neither to the President, the Congress, nor the courts. It is practically irremovable.”
– Senator William Jenner
Donald Trump has even mentioned some of his administration as making up part of the Deep State. More on that later.
Before You Listen To The Interview, Something To Keep In Mind
Before you listen to the interview, there are a few important things to consider when discussing this topic. The main one is to always keep in mind what’s really happened within the U.S government. It’s far from a democracy, more like a corporatocracy, and in the words of Theodore Roosevelt, “behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of the day.”
There is a power that has risen up which controls the U.S. government, and now more than ever it’s there for us to see. Especially with the events that have transpired in Syria, everything that’s happening in the U.S., 9/11, and what seems to be a massive propaganda campaign about what is going on overseas and in Iran. Furthermore, blaming Russia for Hillary Clinton’s loss and more, a slew of fake news has hit mainstream media and it has coincided with the censorship of independent non corporate/government sponsored media, like Collective Evolution.
The answer to fake news is not more censorship, it’s more transparency. We don’t need government, or the Deep State to step in and decide what’s real and not for the people.
Never before has there been such an awakening, never before has the idea of the ‘Deep State’ government, a shadowy government, been acknowledged by the mainstream and by global politicians/academicians around the world. It’s no longer taboo to talk about these things, and mention them, but every now and then you still get the “conspiracy theory” response, simply because the information conflicts with mainstream beliefs.
25:53 minute video USAWatchdog.com interview of Kevin Shipp
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The military intelligence group that comprises QAnon continues to make extraordinary revelations about behind the scenes efforts to displace and remove U.S. officials that make up or have been compromised by the Deep State. Most recently, QAnon has been focusing on why President Donald Trump’s withdrawal from the July 14, 2015 Iran nuclear deal is a positive development, and how this is connected to Trump helping free North Korea from Deep State control.
On the Iran issue, QAnon has made many posts that suggest the Iran deal was a cover for Iran to secretly develop a nuclear weapons program in northern Syria, with funding being facilitated by the Deep State working through a multilateral international peace framework.
QAnon has previously described how the Deep State’s puppet masters – Rothschilds, House of Saud, and George Soros – use the enormous funds at their disposal, to manipulate national elites, organizations and even nation states.
The Deep State plan was to secretly assist Iran in building nuclear weapons using uranium that could be linked to Russia, and subsequently used in a false flag attack on U.S. territory.
In brief, QAnon had emphasized how Deep State officials involved in the Uranium One deal with Russia, had arranged for some of the uranium to be secretly shipped to northern Syria. Then, it would end up at an Iranian nuclear facility initially built there with permission by the Assad regime. For a detailed discussion of the above QAnon post see my previous article.
Apparently, Senator John McCain’s visit(s) to Syria were a cover for some of this Russia destined uranium to be secretly handed over to Syrian opposition figures that would supply it to rogue operators linked to the Iranian nuclear program.
QAnon released photos showing McCain with Syrian opposition forces associated with the Islamic State, and suggested that McCain’s visit was a cover for delivering something that would help the Deep State agenda – allegedly uranium from the batch sold to Russia.
QAnon was suggesting that McCain, Syrian opposition groups and the Iranian nuclear program in northern Syria were all controlled or manipulated by the Deep State. The ultimate goal was to use the nuclear weapons produced by the Iranian facility in one or more false flag attacks, which would lead to retaliatory U.S. military strikes against Syria, Iran and/or Russia that would culminate in a Third World War.
What gives this scenario plausibility is that the Deep State has long wanted to fulfill biblical prophecy by laying waste to Damascus in a future apocalyptic showdown between major world powers. The following appears in the Book of Isaiah:
1A prophecy against Damascus: “See, Damascus will no longer be a city but will become a heap of ruins. [17:1]
The first reference to this Deep State plan was a series of posts by an alleged “Illuminati” insider using the name “Hidden Hand” back in October 2008.
In posts on the Above Top Secret Forum, he pointed to a secret plan to destroy the cities of Damascus and San Francisco by 2010. Former Forbes Magazine editor, Benjamin Fulford, was told the same thing three years later by his insider contacts in Japan. Fulford did not give a timetable suggesting that the plan was still in development.
This Deep State plan to use the secret Iranian nuclear facility in a false flag attack was thwarted by the Trump administration’s missile attacks on multiple Syrian military facilities on April 14. An alleged chemical weapons attack in the Douma suburb of Damascus was used as the pretext for the Trump Administration authorizing the attack against the secret Iranian nuclear facility.
Russia stood down its advanced anti-missile defenses to allow the U.S. missile attack to achieve its objective, indicating both Russia and the Assad regime were briefed in advance about the real purpose of the strikes.
Consequently, by pulling out of the Iran deal, QAnon is telling us that the covert funding system set up for the secret Iranian nuclear program backed by the Deep State has come to an end.
This is where QAnon claims that Trump’s administration, which is fully backed by the U.S. military, is methodically freeing multiple nations from Deep State control.
Abbreviations: SA – Saudi Arabia, NK – North Korea
Paradoxically, by pulling out of a peace deal with Iran, this makes it possible for Deep State influence to be ended, thereby making a genuine peace with Iran possible. Such a peace deal could only occur after Iran is freed from Deep State manipulation and/or control.
According to QAnon, this was made possible when President Trump ended U.S. participation in the Iran deal on May 8.
What makes the above scenario plausible is the case of North Korea, which is now on the verge of a comprehensive peace deal that will transform the Korean peninsula. QAnon has revealed how North Korea was similarly freed from Deep State influence over a secret nuclear weapons program.
The key elements for this Deep State influence over North Korea was that Deep State officials had facilitated the export of North Korea’s ballistic missile technology to international buyers. QAnon highlighted a video showing how the former speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, had indeed referred to this secret missile export program as means of North Korea funding itself.
She recalled in an interview what she was told when she visited North Korea as part of a previously undisclosed Congressional delegation:
When we went to Pyongyang, and we talked about missiles, we talked about MIAs and POWs, we talked about home, we talked about a number of subjects. But about the missiles, because the development of missiles was a national security issue of concern… They said, ‘Look, we just make these to sell. You want to buy them? We’ll sell them to you.’
QAnon asserted that this video admission was a big error and had enormous significance regarding what the Deep State was really doing in North Korea:
Essentially, North Korea was being manipulated by the Deep State to export ballistic missile technology, which could be equipped with nuclear warheads, to the international arms market. QAnon was revealing that the Deep State was actually assisting them in such an endeavor through slush funds provided by the puppet masters: Rothschilds, Saudis and Soros.
The Deep State had aided North Korea in quickly developing its ballistic missile program despite international sanctions. This helps explain why North Korea’s missile program developed so rapidly despite severe funding limitations – the Puppet masters were secretly funding it all!
What ended the Deep State’s influence over North Korea was the failed ballistic nuclear missile attack against Hawaii on January 13, 2018. The Deep State deployed a ballistic missile capable submarine that is part of a Dark Fleet controlled by the CIA, to launch a nuclear false flag attack against Hawaii.
The ballistic nuclear missile was launched from just off the coast of North Korea in order to frame it as the culprit.
However, the Deep State plan failed when a U.S. Air Force run secret space program intercepted the nuclear missile using its global surveillance network and orbital based weapons platforms. I have discussed this at length in previous articles (see here and here) and explained why the US Air Force has broken away from the Deep State.
Importantly, the Trump administration did not authorize a retaliatory strike against North Korea when initial reports pointed to it as responsible for the attempted nuclear strike, and pressure was exerted on him to immediately retaliate.
When Kim Jung Un realized that he had been betrayed and the Deep State had attempted to make him the fall guy for the failed ballistic missile strike, he abruptly changed his policies and immediately began cooperating with the Trump Administration and South Korea.
QAnon is essentially saying that something similar will happen as Deep State assets in Syria are exoposed and neutralized, thereby ending the secret Iranian nuclear program there, which was always intended to frame Iran/Syria as the culprit for a nuclear false flag attack against the U.S. or its major regional ally, Israel.
In order to fully gauge the significance of QAnon’s claims regarding Trump ending the Iran nuclear agreement, we need to consider recent claims by Alex Jones and Dr. Jerome Corsi that QAnon is Deep State disinformation. Corsi in particular says that while the initial military intelligence group that began posting in late October 2017 was genuine and was linked to President Trump, it had been recently compromised. The evidence provided by Jones and Corsi for this stunning turn-around is very sketchy and dubious at best.
QAnon responded to Jones and Corsi’s criticisms by endorsing a highly detailed critique which raises many troubling questions about how Jones and Corsi have approached the QAnon information from the outset.
My own insider sources affirm that QAnon continues to be the real deal and that there has been no change to his/their status on the 8chan posting boards. This suggests that QAnon’s information continues to be accurate disclosures by military intelligence figures associated with the Trump administration, and QAnon’s coded and cryptic information tells us much about Deep State operations around the world.
In sum, while Donald Trump’s ending of the Iran peace deal is causing many to be anxious about the increased likelihood over a looming nuclear confrontation, it may be that we will witness something similar occurring to what recently happened with North Korea.
Paradoxically, ending a flawed peace deal facilitated by the Deep State secretly planning to use the deal to orchestrate a nuclear false flag attack that would implicate Syria, Iran and Russia, may well create the opportunity for a genuine international peace deal with Iran. More importantly, Trumps action will free Iran of Deep State influence through its covert funding of rogue Iranian operations in Syria and elsewhere.
• Have U.S. Presidents believed in the existence of UFOs?
• Jimmy Carter, in Georgia in 1969, along with 25 other men, saw a light in the western sky coming toward them. As it came closer, he could see the lights above the pine trees changing colors from blue to red to white. It remained for a while and then sped away to the west. When he became President in 1977, he asked NASA to investigate UFOs. NASA declined.
• In 1974, before Ronald Reagan became President (in 1981), he and others were flying in a plane when they saw a “big light” flying alongside the plane until it sped off and disappeared. Reagan was quoted as saying, “We followed it for several minutes. It was a bright white light. We followed it to Bakersfield and all of a sudden, to our utter amazement, it went straight up into the heavens.”
• When Bill Clinton became President in 1993, he ordered a review of the Roswell NM (UFO crash) documents, and any material on Area 51 (Nevada) “to make sure there was no alien down there”, said Clinton. But Bill Clinton does think there’s a good chance that extraterrestrial life does exist out in the universe and pointed out that many planets outside of our solar system might be able to support life. “It makes it increasingly less likely that we’re alone,” said Clinton.
• In 2007, before he was elected President in 2008, Barack Obama was asked about his thoughts on “life beyond Earth.” “I don’t know and I don’t presume to know.” Was his response. During Obama’s Presidency, the government declassified over 60 documents from the 1960s and 1970s regarding Area 51. In 2015, Obama stated, “People always ask me about Roswell and the aliens and UFOs, and it turns out the stuff going on that’s top secret isn’t nearly as exciting as you expect.” “In this day and age, it’s not as top secret as you’d think.”
• With regard to Donald Trump’s views on UFOs and extraterrestrials, the closest to an answer came from White House correspondent Sarah Huckabee Sanders. “Somehow (the UFO issue) hasn’t come up in our back-and-forth over the last couple days,” said Sanders. “But I will check into that and be happy to circle back.” (And we’re still waiting.)
Do you believe there are UFOs in the universe? If so, you’re not alone. Many people are believers, including some U.S. presidents.
Yes, you read that correctly — some presidents really believe in UFOs — and we’re here to tell you which ones do. Keep reading to find out if Donald Trump is a believer and make sure you learn about some other presidents’ opinions on this very controversial subject.
1. Jimmy Carter — a believer?
According to Mashable, Jimmy Carter sighted a UFO in Georgia in 1969 — before he became president.
“I was outside a school lunch room one night right before sundown. It was getting dark and we were getting ready to eat supper. And I and about 25 men were standing around and all of a sudden in the western sky we saw a strange light coming toward us, a round light,” said Carter.
“It got closer and closer and right above the pine trees it stopped and then it began to change colors from blue, to red, to white. Then it stayed there for a while. We were all aghast. We didn’t know what it was. And then it just disappeared into the west. That was the end of it.”
“I have never thought and still don’t think it is possible for creatures from Mars to visit us and then come back home,” said Carter. But was that true? You decide.
2. Jimmy Carter asked NASA to look into UFOs
Whatever Jimmy Carter saw in 1969 in Georgia obviously stuck with him. During his presidency, he asked NASA to investigate UFOs, said Leslie Kean, investigative journalist and author of the book UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go On the Record.
“Carter made a request through his science advisor Frank Press in 1977 asking NASA to look into UFOs, Even though the request came from the highest office in the land, NASA declined,” said Kean.
3. Bill Clinton
When Bill Clinton appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live in 2014, he talked about what he thought of aliens and UFOs, according to Mashable. Clinton said he thought the White House would get a lot of mail on the Area 51 Roswell incident anniversary, so he had all of the Roswell documents reviewed. “First I had people go look at the records on Area 51 to make sure there was no alien down there,” Clinton said on the show.
Clinton also said he thinks there’s a good chance that other life does exist out in the universe and pointed out that many planets outside of our solar system might be able to support life. “It makes it increasingly less likely that we’re alone,” said Clinton.
4. Hillary Clinton
Although she’s not a president, Hillary Clinton is married to a former one and she was Democrat nominee for president in the 2016 election. And, according to Mashable, she wants to know what’s out there. She, like her husband, went on Jimmy Kimmel Live and told the world she’d try to delve into government files pertaining to UFO sightings.
“I would like us to go into those files and hopefully make as much of that public as possible. If there’s nothing there, let’s tell people there’s nothing there,” said Clinton. “If there is something there, unless it’s a threat to national security, I think we ought to share it with the public.”
5. Donald Trump
When Jordan Fabian, a White House correspondent, asked Sarah Huckabee Sanders about a UFO report that appeared in The New York Times, he also asked her whether Donald Trump believes in UFOs — and if he had planned to fund the Pentagon program again. As Fabian finished speaking, something began playing on his phone. “I don’t know if that’s a coincidence or not,” said Sanders. “I feel like I already want to pass on this question given that you have aliens sitting among you.”
Sanders eventually told Fabian that she hadn’t asked Trump about his feeling regarding UFOs, according to Vanity Fair. “Somehow that . . . hasn’t come up in our back-and-forth over the last couple days,” she said. “But I will check into that and be happy to circle back,” said Sanders.
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QAnon has repeatedly referred to the movie the Sum of All Fears in posts dating back to November 2017 that suggest the Deep State is involved in an effort to foment a nuclear false flag attack on the United States. In the most recent post QAnon explicitly says that a nuclear weapons facility being secretly assembled in Syria would use uranium that could be linked to Russia.
QAnon revealed that after a false flag nuclear attack on US territory, the uranium would be traced back to Russia, and the stage would be set for forcing the US military to launch a retaliation that would precipitate World War III.
Before examining QAnon’s posts, it’s worth repeating that the consensus of many analyzing his/her posts is that QAnon represents a group of very senior military intelligence officials working with the Trump Administration. According to Dr. Jerome Corsi, it was a group of three military generals that approached Trump to run for President in 2015, in order to help the US break free from Deep State control and prevent covert efforts to orchestrate World War III.
QAnon’s posts reveal the inner thinking of senior military intelligence officials connected to the Trump White House. The posts provide the general public a unique opportunity to fathom what is really happening in the rarefied world of military intelligence and special operations, despite mainstream media efforts to distract the public through fake news reports.
In the movie, The Sum of All Fears, the US and Russia come to the brink of war when a nuclear device is detonated in the city of Baltimore. The nuclear attack is blamed on Russia and the world stands on the brink of World War III until the movie’s main protagonist, a CIA analyst/Ben Affleck, shows the uranium used for the device was in fact a stolen US nuclear device.
There is much detailed intelligence data contained in this April 30 post that needs to be unpacked.
First, QAnon tells us that Iran had secretly built a nuclear facility in northern Syria:
What if Iran created a classified ‘satellite’ Nuclear facility in Northern Syria?
What if the program never ceased?
What other bad actors are possibly involved?
The term “bad actors” is a reference to rogue operators that are linked to the Deep State, who enabled this nuclear facility to be secretly assembled. Presumably, Iran’s and Syria’s leadership was being tricked, manipulated or blackmailed, into building this secret nuclear facility that would be controlled by shadowy individuals linked to the Deep State.
It’s worth pointing out that QAnon has repeatedly said that the Deep State involves a global Satan worshiping group linked to the Rothschild family. This group uses its vast wealth and occult power to compromise politicians and elites around the world, which are subsequently controlled to do the Deep State’s bidding.
QAnon goes on to say that the nuclear material being used in this satellite Nuclear facility in Syria had been arranged by the Deep State:
Where did the U1 material end up?
Is this material traceable?
Define cover.
What if U1 material ended up in Syria?
What would be the primary purpose?
Here QAnon asserts that the Uranium One (U1) deal reached between the Obama administration and Russia back in 2009, when Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, was designed to supply Russia with uranium that could be traced back to the US. The Deep State plan was to use the U1 uranium at the secret nuclear facility in Norther Syria, to build a nuclear device that would be detonated in the US.
The next part of the April 30 post says:
In the movie, where did the material come from?
What country?
What would happen if Russia or another foreign state supplied Uranium to Iran/Syria?
What does U1 provide?
Define cover.
In the movie the uranium came from a US source. In the secret Iranian nuclear facility in northern Syria, the U1 uranium sold to Russia by the Obama administration, provided a means of incriminating Russia. According to QAnon, this would have led to WAR – a military retaliation by the US covertly planned to escalate to World War III.
QAnon’s next reference is important for understanding the real target of the US, French and British military strikes into Syria on April 14:
Why did we strike Syria?
Why did we really strike Syria?
Define cover.
Patriots n control.
QAnon is telling us that the chemical weapons justification used by President Trump to authorize the strike was a charade, a cover. The US military was really targeting the secret nuclear facilities ostensibly controlled by Iran, but were in fact Deep State assets.
This would help explain why the Russians stood down in the US coalition attack on its ally, Syria. Russia was briefed in advance, and very likely approved the plan to take out the secret Iranian nuclear facility which it could not do itself given its alliance with Iran in the Syrian Civil War.
Furthermore, in the movie, the actors involved in the false flag attack is connected to a secretive neo-Nazi group. In a March 10 post, QAnon also links the effort to frame Russia in a nuclear attack on the US to a secretive Nazi group.
Here QAnon is suggesting that the North Koreans had likewise been helped by a Deep State/Nazi group that had supplied it secret nuclear assistance. After Kim Jong-Un realized that the Deep State had betrayed him by attempting to frame North Korea in a failed nuclear attack on Hawaii, the North Koreans decided to end their cooperation with the Deep State.
The failed false flag attack on Hawaii was therefore the real reason for North Korea’s change of heart and decision to cooperate with President Trump. As discussed in a previous article, the U.S. military shot down the ballistic missile intended to frame North Korea, and stood down its forces rather than retaliate against the North Koreans.
This is the meaning of the stage being set for “FREEDOM” for North Korea. Apparently, the same thing is happening now in Syria and Iran, by the Deep State’s Iranian satellite nuclear facility being destroyed in the US military strike.
The picture that is emerging from QAnon’s April 30, March 10 and other posts is that the repeated references to The Sum of All Fears movie is revealing a secretive effort by the Deep State to contrive a nuclear war through a false flag attack on the US.
QAnon’s information here dovetails well with my own research into a breakaway World War II Nazi group linked to occult secret societies that established underground facilities in South America and Antarctica.
This occult led Nazi group established a Fourth Reich possessing highly advanced weapons and aerospace vehicles that is a key pillar of a global control system established by Deep State Satan worshipers.
If I am interpreting QAnon’s posts correctly, then it is clear that The Sum of All Fears movie was a Deep State initiative to hide the truth in plain sight, which is a well-established occult principle.
QAnon is telling us that there is a global network of Deep State actors who are Satan worshipers that work closely with a secretive Nazi group that survived World War II. This Dark Alliance is intent on fomenting a catastrophic World War. Recent events in Syria and North Korea, firmly point to Presidents Trump and Putin secretly cooperating to put an end to these evil Deep State plans.
In Part 1, I analyzed QAnon posts identifying the puppet masters behind the Deep State – the Rothschild family, House of Saud, and George Soros – and the enormous financial resources at their disposal. To achieve control at a global level, the three puppet masters coordinate their efforts through different functions they respectively exercise.
QAnon referred to a cult led by the Rothschild family which has been a critical part of this global control system. In a November 11, 2017 post, QAnon succinctly described the chief characteristics of the worldwide cult:
QAnon is telling us that the puppet masters, the Rothschilds, Saudis and Soros are Satan worshippers. At the apex of this Satanic cult are the Rothschilds, according to QAnon.
It’s worth repeating from Part 1 that Dr. Deagle told us about Guy De Rothschild being the Pindar, CEO of Earth in 1992, which I discussed in more detail in an earlier article. This corroborates what QAnon revealed about the Rothschilds being the leaders of a cult followed by the puppet masters.
Prior to his death in 2007, Guy De Rothschild arranged for leadership of the Rothschild family to be passed on to his son, David Rene de Rothschild, in 2003. Recently,, David de Rothschild announced on April 17, 2018 that leadership of various Rothschild companies would in turn be passed on to his son, Alexandre de Rothschild.
According to what QAnon and Deagle have revealed, it can be concluded that the role of Pindar (Satanic cult leader) had passed on from Guy to David de Rothschild, and that Alexandre is being groomed to take over the position at some point.
QAnon refers to a temple on Epstein’s island with underground levels that the Satan worshiping Rothschilds, Saudis and Soros, along with their followers and compromised politicians, regularly visit. Compromised politicians include the Clintons, who are deeply involved in events at Epstein’s island as evidenced by Bill Clinton’s frequent visits there – 26 of which have been documented in flight logs.
QAnon refers to how the Clintons were compromised by Soros, and how evil they became through their association with the Rothschilds:
What kind of “EVIL” activities are performed Epstein’s island, the Rothschild’s Black Forrest estate, and other locations like Bohemian Grove, California?
QAnon said that the Saudis are in control of sex and child trafficking. There are multiple witnesses that describe Satanic ceremonies that involve child sacrifice. John DeCamp, a former state senator for Nebraska, wrote The Franklin Coverup: Child Abuse, Satanism and Murder in Nebrask (1992), which provides the most well documented and researched book detailing child abuse and ritual sacrifice at Satanic events all over the United States.
In an article where he summarized multiple interviews with children who survived the abuse and Satanic ceremonies, De Camp wrote:
The essence of the story the children told, was that they were used in a coordinated ring of child abuse. When I say child abuse, I don’t mean the traditional child abuse that social workers yak about, but serious, big league abuse of children. They are used as drug couriers, as sexual objects to compromise this or that politician or businessman. They are used in the most gross fashion possible, including ritual murder and things like that. I am talking about the most unbelievable things, which I still have difficulty believing. But having seen enough evidence, I know they exist, in an organized fashion, and not committed by the sleazes in the bars and the guys in the alley. I’m talking about the most prominent of citizens, the most respectable.
De Camp gave an example in his book, of how young children are exploited at Satanic ceremonies held at private locations such as Bohemian Grove:
Paul was taken by Larry King [not the talk show host] and others to a wooded area in California – identified after publication as the Bohemian Grove. There Paul and another boy were forced to do sex acts with and to consume parts of a child whom they had watched being murdered by the cultists. The body was to be disposed of by “the men with the hoods.
I now return to the last comment in QAnon’s November 11, 2017 post:
“Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan”.
Here QAnon is signaling that President Putin is fully aware of the Satanism practiced by the puppet masters – Rothschilds, Saudis, and Soros – and that there is secret coordination between U.S. military intelligence and Putin in responding to the Deep State.
This is why Russia has repeatedly stood down its military forces despite U.S. military provocations in Syria, Ukraine, and elsewhere in Russia’s sphere of influence. Putin knows that the Deep State is intent on fomenting World War III.
Putin is also well aware that the Deep State has been pressuring Trump from the beginning of his administration, and now blackmailing Trump through material acquired from the Cohen raid. Nevertheless, Putin/Russia and Trump/US military intelligence are coordinating to prevent any military clashes that could quickly escalate out of control due to deep state actors embedded within each of their administrations.
Speaking about risks of a military confrontation, I am 100 percent sure that [both the US and Russian] militaries won’t allow this, and of course neither will President [Vladimir] Putin or President [Donald] Trump.
QAnon’s revelations have been very helpful in understanding the puppet masters behind the Deep State, their connection to a Satanic cult that has compromised political systems in the U.S. and around the world, and how Trump and U.S. military intelligence are secretly coordinating with Putin’s Russia to deal with these multifaceted challenges.
In the early morning hours of April 14, President Trump authorized an attack by a coalition of U.S., French and British military forces against Syria. The attack involved 103 cruise missiles fired upon Syrian facilities previously associated with chemical weapons productions. These facilities were allegedly involved in a chemical weapons attack nearly a week earlier on April 8, on Douma, a suburb of Damascus.
After the limited missile strike, Trump said the attacks had been successful and declared “mission accomplished”.
A perfectly executed strike last night. Thank you to France and the United Kingdom for their wisdom and the power of their fine Military. Could not have had a better result. Mission Accomplished!
Just as Trump had clearly signaled to the world via Twitter that he was about to launch an attack on Syria, he was now clearly transmitting via Twitter that the attack was completed with the mission goals achieved.
Many alternative media analysts accept that the April 8 chemical weapons attack was not orchestrated by the Syrian government, because it did not have any strategic purpose for doing so given recent battle field successes. In their view, the chemical weapons attack was a false flag event staged by Deep State actors wanting to drag the US and its major allies deeper into the Syrian Civil War, as a prelude to a major attack on Iran.
So was Trump’s attack really a prelude to the U.S. getting drawn more deeply into the Syrian and Iran conflicts via a very transparent false flag event, or was Trump’s real goal to achieve an entirely different strategic purpose, to bring about a speedy end to the Syrian Civil War and prevent a new war with Iran?
In finding an answer we can first take a look at what QAnon, which is a group of US Military Intelligence officials leaking classified information, has to say about the missile strike. QAnon used a coded message to predict back on April 8, the day of the Douma chemical weapons incident, that 2 B-1 bombers would be involved in an upcoming Syria missile attack, and these would launch 19 missiles:
The post suggests that QAnon was aware of advance plans for the Syria attack, and the craft to be used in it. According to another Q Anon post, one that coincided with the April 14 missile attack itself, the U.S. Coalition strike was a limited military operation that would only involve missiles, no ground force or plane overflights of Syrian territory, and that we should trust Trump:
Once again, Q Anon refers to “Sparrow Red” which is likely a reference to an older kind of guided missile, AIM-7 Sparrow, used by many world militaries including Israel and Saudi Arabia. While the AIM-7 Sparrow is an air-to-air missile not used in the attack itself, was the Sparrow reference signaling an intent to use older missiles launched by the B-1 bombers and surface ships in the U.S. French and British coalition so that many of these missiles could be shot down in a staged event coordinated with the Russians (Sparrow Red – see update)?
As evident by the available data, 103 cruise missiles have been launched, including Tomahawk naval-based missiles as well as GBU-38 guided air bombs fired from the B-1B; the F-15 and F-16 aircraft launched air-to-surface missiles.
The Tornado airplanes of the UK RAF launched eight Scalp EG missiles.The Syrian air defence systems, which are primarily the USSR-made AD systems, have successfully countered the air and naval strikes.
In total, 71 cruise missiles have been intercepted. The S-125, S-200, Buk, Kvadrat, and Osa Syrian AD systems were involved in repelling the attack. It proves high efficiency of the Syrian armament and professional skills of the Syrian servicemen trained by the Russian specialists.
Over the last eighteen months, Russia has completely recovered the Syrian air defence systems, and continues its development.
It is to be stressed that several years ago given the strong request by our western partners, Russia opted out of supplying the S-300 AD systems to Syria. Taking into account the recent incident, Russia believes it possible to reconsider this issue not only regarding Syria but other countries as well.
The most telling point in the Russian statement was that almost 70% of the U.S. coalition’s missiles were shot down using old Russian air defense technologies.
These shoot down figures are publicly disputed by Pentagon sources, who instead have highlighted the missiles success in hitting their targets. Chief Pentagon spokesperson, Dana White, said:
This operation was carefully orchestrated and methodically planned to minimize potential collateral damage. I can assure you we took every measure and precaution to strike only what we targeted and we successfully hit every target.
So which is a more the accurate assessment of the missiles success? If we accept the QAnon information suggesting older missile technology was to be used, then it is likely that the Russian statement is more accurate.
Russia has said that given the strike, it now plans to move forward with upgrading the Syrian air defense system using their more modern S-300 technology.
This will significantly increase the defensive capability of the Syrian air defense system, to make it virtually impervious to the kind of limited air attack witnessed on April 14 using cruise missiles and modern aircraft.
The Russian intent to upgrade Syria’s missile defenses will eventually change the strategic balance of power. Having a virtually impenetrable air defense system to limited air strikes will deny most foreign actors the ability to militarily intervene in the Syrian Civil War.
So the real loser from the missile attack may ultimately be Israel, which has launched over a hundred air attacks against Syrian forces and their main allies, Iran and Lebanon’s Hezbollah, during the Syrian Civil War. This is because Russia has now been given a suitable rationale for upgrading the Syrian air defense system with their advanced S-300 system.
This will soon make it very difficult for Israel to intervene in the Syrian Civil War, as it has previously done with virtual impunity up until February 10 when one of its jets was shot down on after an attack on an Iranian site.
This means that Iran and Hezbollah will have a greater capacity to attack the remaining militia groups fighting the Syrian regime in order to end the Civil War, and allow them to move closer to the Israeli border. This will ultimately put pressure on Israel to reach an agreement with the Assad regime on unresolved issues with Syria.
In addition, the interception and destruction of almost 70% of the U.S. coalition’s missiles shows that any state that possesses modern Russian air defenses can withstand the kind of limited missile attack witnessed in the Syrian strike.
This takes me now to what may have been the ultimate goal behind the missile strike – to show how a similar limited strike secretly being planned against Iran would be doomed to failure!
Again, it’s worth taking a look at what QAnon has to say about the Syrian strike setting the stage for resolving the Iran issue as part of a secret plan in an April 14 post:
Iran is perceived as a major threat by Israel and Saudi Arabia. There have been fears since 2013 that they would collaborate in a surprise military campaign against Iran, designed to drag the U.S. into the conflict, despite the 2013 Geneva Agreement reached to limit Iran’s nuclear programs. On November 17, 2013, The Sunday Times reported:
ONCE they were sworn enemies. Now Israel’s Mossad intelligence agency is working with Saudi officials on contingency plans for a possible attack on Iran if its nuclear programme is not significantly curbed … As part of the growing co-operation, Riyadh is understood already to have given the go-ahead for Israeli planes to use its airspace in the event of an attack on Iran. Both sides are now prepared to go much further.
The problem with Israel and Saudi Arabia cooperating in a surprise attack to take out Iran’s nuclear facilities is that Iran has a recently modernized air defense system, supplied by Russia, which protects its facilities.
In June 2016, Russia finally delivered its S-300 air defense system, after a 10 year delay due to U.S. requests. In March 2018, the Iranians successfully test-fired the system as reported by a number of media outlets showing these were now operational:
Iran has successfully test-fired a sophisticated, Russian-supplied S-300 air defense system, the official IRNA news agency reported on Saturday. The drill took place during a recent military exercise named Damvand, and was attended by senior military commanders and officials according to Tasnim.
IRNA said the test targeted various flying objects including missiles. With a range of up to 200 kilometers (125 miles) the S-300 is capable of simultaneously tracking and striking multiple targets, according to AP. Iran state TV aired footage of the missiles launching from the back of trucks. It said the test was carried out in Iran’s central desert.
As many puzzle over the real motivations between Trump’s limited missile strike against Syria in response to a widely perceived false flag incident, and his declaration of “Mission Accomplished”, it is very likely that the immediate goal was not to deepen U.S. military involvement.
The purpose was to help promote an end the Syrian Civil War by exposing how sophisticated Syria’s air defense abilities were becoming due to Russian assistance. This was quickly neutralizing Israel’s air superiority in the region, and would pressure it to end its covert support of armed Syrian groups fighting the Assad regime.
The real strategic goal, however, was to pre-empt a surprise military strike against Iran by Israel and Saudi Arabia by revealing how effective Russia’s advanced air defense systems had become. With Iran now deploying sophisticated S-300 air defense systems around its nuclear and military facilities, it would be a futile exercise for Israel and Saudi Arabia to launch a surprise attack given their limited aviation and missile technologies.
Consequently, rather than the Syrian missile strike being evidence of Trump being co-opted by Neocons into yet another Middle East war that is part of a Deep State agenda revealed to General Wesley Clark in 2001, the real purpose seems to be part of a White House/Military Intelligence plan that is aimed at bringing a speedy resolution of the Syrian Civil War, and preventing rogue military actions against Iran.
[UPDATE 4/17/18 Raytheon’s AIM-7 Sparrow is an air-to-air missile so it could not have been used in the Syrian missile attack on multiple ground targets. The logo of Raytheon, that built the AIM-7 Sparrow is red text, so QAnon’s reference to Sparrow Red may not be a reference to Russia, but may refer to Raytheon missile technologies used in the Syrian attack. Article updated accordingly.]
According to veteran investigative reporter and best selling author, Dr. Jerome Corsi, he was approached three years ago by a group of generals and told that Donald Trump had been recruited by U.S. military intelligence to run in the 2016 Presidential elections, and subsequently help remove corrupt Deep State officials from positions of power. Corsi claims that QAnon represents the same group of senior military intelligence officials who are exposing the Deep State corruption and officials involved in a history of treasonous actions against the U.S. Republic.
This is what Corsi said at a meeting on April 11, which also featured the founder of InfoWars.com, Alex Jones:
About three years ago a group of Generals came to me, and it was explained to me that they were ready to conduct a coup d’etat. They were ready to move Barack Obama from office with military force. And then a few weeks later I got another call and said they were reconsidering.
You know why they were reconsidering? [audience calls out answers] Because they talked to Donald Trump, and Trump had agreed he would run, and they agreed that if he would run, they would conduct their coup d’etat as a legitimate process, rooting out the traitors within government. And that pact between the military and Donald Trump has held, as we have been interpreting and watching, and Alex has been following QAnon.
QAnon is military intelligence and close to Trump, and the intelligence we’ve getting, that we’ve explained on Infowars, really is a lot of the inside script.
While Corsi didn’t name the generals or provide hard evidence for his startling claim, an examination of public comments by President Trump, QAnon and related political events do make Corsi’s extraordinary claim very plausible.
It’s important to note that Corsi’s speech happened only a day after a tweet by President Trump featuring him with 20 senior U.S. military officials who dined with him the previous night:
Only hours after Trump’s tweet, QAnon posted a message commenting about the photo’s significance:
In the photo, the man next to Vice President Pence and Trump is Admiral Michael Rogers, the head of the National Security Agency. It was Rogers who travelled to Trump Tower on November 17, 2016, a week after the Presidential election, without the knowledge of his superiors in the Obama administration.
The next day, the Washington Post ran a story saying that senior Defense and Intelligence officials in the Obama administration were aghast at Roger’s action:
In a move apparently unprecedented for a military officer, Rogers, without notifying superiors, traveled to New York to meet with Trump on Thursday at Trump Tower. That caused consternation at senior levels of the administration, according to the officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal personnel matters.
The Washington Post went on to report that a recommendation had been previously made to President Obama to remove Rogers in October 2016 by James Clapper (Director of National Intelligence) and Ashton Carter (Secretary of Defense). This coincided with a FISA court approving a request made by President Obama for his administration to spy on Trump’s campaign.
Given recent disclosures about FISA court orders approving the Obama administration spying on Trump, the timing suggests that Rogers had travelled to New York to warn Trump that the intelligence community were spying on him under the authority of a FISA court order. This is how one analyst explained the sequence of events:
NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers didn’t want to participate in the spying scheme (Clapper, Brennan, Etc.), which was the baseline for President Obama’s post presidency efforts to undermine Donald Trump and keep Trump from digging into the Obama labyrinth underlying his remaining loyalists. After the October spying operation went into effect, Rogers unknown loyalty was a risk to the Obama objective. 10 Days after the election Rogers travels to President-Elect Trump without notifying those who were involved in the intel scheme.
It would be fair to conclude that QAnon is acting with the approval or support of Admiral Rogers, and that intelligence data is being anonymously leaked to expose the extent of Deep State corruption.
Another interesting aspect of the photo tweeted by Trump showing him, Pence and Secretary of Defense, James Mattis, flanked by 20 uniformed military officers, is that 9 were on his right, and 11 on his left. Was this symbolism for the 911 event that is regarded by Corsi, Jones and many in the US Patriot community as a false flag event, orchestrated by corrupt Deep State officials that had manipulated both the Bush (43) and Obama administrations?
It’s worth examining Corsi’s claim that a group of generals were prepared to launch a military coup given the level of Deep State corruption and control prior to Trump choosing to run. Could this have been possible?
According to a November 2, 2017 post by QAnon, if Hillary Clinton had won the election or results were overturned in her favor, a military coup would indeed have occurred given her level of corruption:
As mentioned in my previous article, the Clintons’ corruption began with Bill’s term as Governor of the State of Arkansas, where he supported CIA drug running operations out of Mena, Arkansas. As investigative reporter Roger Morris discovered, there were many documents showing how the Clintons financially benefited, and even photos showing Bill using cocaine. This made it easy for the Deep State to manipulate Bill Clinton throughout his Presidency.
As Bill’s Presidency was coming to an end, Hillary’s rise to high political office was made possible, according to QAnon, by the CIA assassinating John F. Kennedy’s Jr., who was a threat to her plan to run for New York’s open US Senate seat in the November 2000 election.
If Clinton had indeed been helped in this sinister way by the Deep State, it is easy to understand how important she was to their future plans, and how deeply compromised she was.
These are only some of the “corrupt and dirty” events mentioned by QAnon, which the Clintons were deeply involved in, all of which facilitated Deep State power.
As to Corsi’s claim that military intelligence had recruited Trump to run and thereby prevent a Clinton victory through a rigged election, here is what QAnon had to say on the topic back on October 31, 2017:
Corsi did not elaborate on the three generals that approached him in 2015, but it would be a fair to guess that Lt. General Michael Flynn was involved. As a former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, Flynn would have been aware of the deep corruption underscoring the Clintons and the dirty tricks played by the CIA in support of the Deep State.
Flynn famously led chants of “lock her up” at the 2016 Republican convention when discussing Hillary Clinton.
Flynn’s appointment as Trump’s National Security Advisor, and quick departure less than a month later, appears to have been a major setback for the Military Intelligence community secretly backing the Trump administration. On October 28, 2017, QAnon first began releasing information on message boards. Presumably, this was done to enlist public support in exposing and taking action against corrupt public officials impeding Trump’s policies and the Military Intelligence community’s plans.
The level of information on Deep State control and corruption released by QAnon in over 1100 posts to date is astounding in its scope and impact. A number of false flag events have been revealed, the most significant being a January 13, 2018 nuclear ballistic missile attack against Hawaii, which was intended to start a major regional war.
The knowledge that these revelations are coming from senior military intelligence officials working closely with the Trump Administration to overcome the corrupting power and influence of the Deep State is highly significant.
One can only guess what will happen if the military intelligence community succeeds in its plans to overcome the corruption and dirty tricks of the Deep State. While I don’t personally support many of Trump’s policies that have a right wing, pro-business, conservative agenda that guts many necessary welfare programs, I nevertheless recognize many positive benefits from dismantling the Deep State.
Exposing and removing corrupt Deep State officials will open the door to many life changing technologies that have been suppressed for decades, to finally be released to the public. It appears that this is what Trump was referring to during his Inauguration speech on January 20, 2017:
We stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the earth from the miseries of disease, and to harness the energies, industries and technologies of tomorrow.
These technologies are so advanced that a Star Trek-like future is well within the reach of all of us. This merits keeping, at the very least, an open mind about the Trump administration, what Corsi was told about a possible coup d’etat and the 2016 election, and what QAnon is revealing to us.
On February 21, President Donald Trump hosted a gathering of students, teachers and parents from the Majory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting tragedy. Just before the meeting began at 4:21 pm, President Trump was photographed showing some handheld notes on White House stationary with a list of five talking points he planned to use during the meeting.
Unusually, Trump had the notes facing outward toward the cameras, rather than facing towards him which would be normal for any public speaker. This made it easy for the notes to be photographed leading to immediate media speculation about the appropriateness of Trump’s talking points.
Only a few hours after the meeting, at 7:34 pm, EST, QAnon released a coded post referring to five security tests.
The next day, QAnon posted an image showing Trump holding the note, alongside the later coded message. Trump’s hand placement, the five note’s points, appeared to have a connection to QAnon’s coded post.
The message QAnon was transmitting was that Trump had deliberately turned his notes outward facing the camera in order to pass on a coded message.
QAnon was telling his audience that Trump was hearing the voices of the many estimated to number as much as twenty million (Q post 809), who have been following the QAnon material – “I hear you”.
During the meeting itself, available on video, the notes are nowhere to be seen. Trump, only held the notes prior to the meeting’s start. This tells us that these were just talking points for Trump to memorize before the meeting began and were then discarded.
It’s possible that he accidently had the list of five points facing out prior to the start of the meeting, but its highly unusual for an experienced public speaker like Trump to do so. The more plausible explanation is that his action was deliberate.
Given the connection QAnon found in Trump’s odd hand placement around the notes, and the coded message released only three hours later, this makes it clearer that Trump’s action was deliberate and not accidental.
Consequently, it does appear that Trump was sending a coded message that corroborated the QAnon material, as investigative reporters such as Dr. Jerome Corsi contend.
If Trump was indeed passing on a coded message that both corroborated the February 21 security test, and that he was listening to people following the QAnon material, then some important conclusions can be drawn.
First, Donald Trump is aware of and endorsing the QAnon disclosures of classified information occurring on anonymous message boards. This conclusion supports the contention of Dr. Corsi that QAnon is a group of U.S. Army Military Intelligence officials that are disclosing classified information about real life events involving the White House.
Second, Donald Trump is actively participating in sending coded messages designed to legitimate the QAnon material, which confirms that his administration is directly connected with and supporting QAnon.
Third, President Trump is sanctioning the disclosure of classified information through QAnon’s posts, which opens the door to read-in insiders to anonymously disclose classified information on a range of topics. This is significant since many insiders possessing classified information would not normally release it, unless authorized by a higher authority, such as Trump.
Finally, the Trump Administration is locked into a no holds barred struggle against Deep State actors and forces as explained in over 800 posts to date by QAnon. These cover a multitude of issues concerning secret indictments, arrests of Deep State officials involved in pedophile networks, treasonous actions by Obama administration officials, and the January 13 false flag ballistic missile attack on Hawaii.
In addition, Corsi has claimed that Trump is very familiar with the cover-up of information concerning UFO’s and Secret Space Programs. It’s therefore very possible that QAnon will be the means by which advanced technologies secretly developed in Unacknowledged Special Access Programs will be disclosed to the world.
We stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the earth from the miseries of disease, and to harness the energies, industries and technologies of tomorrow.
It’s therefore well worth closely monitoring QAnon’s posts and President Trump’s actions in supporting the release of classified information through anonymous whistleblowers, and what this is about to disclose about UFO’s and secret space programs.
The internet has been buzzing with rumors that high level VIP members of the Deep State (aka Cabal/Illuminati/Global Elite) are being detained for human rights abuses and corruption, and are being taken by U.S. Special Forces to military prison at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base (Gitmo) as a result of thousands of sealed indictments. Multiple sources have been reporting on some of the key VIP figures taken there.
While these are still only rumors, recent events point to their plausibility. If accurate, these secret investigations, arrests and extractions to Gitmo where they face extended detention and military justice has enormous political implications, and makes possible the release of suppressed information previously withheld by the Deep State.
One source of such rumors comes from David Todeschini, a former USAF veteran who wrote an expose about covert operations during the Vietnam War. He describes what he learned from a reliable FBI source about recent events at Guantanamo in a December 24, 2017 Youtube video, which he summarized as follows:
High-level confidential sources tell this reporter that the U.S. Military prison at Guantanamo Bay has been alerted to expect high-profile prisoners shortly – possibly as a result of over 10,000 Sealed FEDERAL indictments. 1,000 Marines accompanied General Mattis to Gitmo to provide security for “special prisoners”.…
Another source for secret extractions to GITMO via sealed indictments is veteran journalist Dr. Jerome Corsi who tweeted:
#QAnon#Qanon8chan Something is happening at GITMO — flight records being shared on Subreddit post CBTS_stream HERE: https://t.co/3CnO7GpczZ Related to @realDonaldTrump executive order regarding confiscation of assets for those involved with human rights abuses
A third source is Brenden Dilley, a radio host running for the US Congress, who received information from another anonymous whistleblower who has a track record for reliability. The whistleblower’s information appeared in a December 27 post that was mistakenly attributed to QAnon [see update below for discussion of misattribution to QAnon] The post refers to recent VIP arrivals at Gitmo discussion:
What is worth emphasizing in the alleged QAnon post is that new residents began arriving at Gitmo on December 26, 2017, and more were expected. This was after President Trump had issued his Executive Order on December 21 declaring a “national emergency” in response to human rights abuses and corruption anywhere around the world.
Finally, we have former Forbes Magazine correspondent, Benjamin Fulford, who wrote on January 1, 2018:
In a historic moment of poetic justice, most of the U.S.-based top perpetrators of the fake “war on terror” have now themselves been renditioned to the U.S. Navy camp in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Pentagon sources say. “The Rothschild assets George Soros, Peter Munk, Peter Sutherland, the Bushes, the Podestas, and many others may have been airlifted to Gitmo for military tribunals, as the Department of Defense spends $500M to upgrade the prison and send more military police and Marines,” the sources say.
What can be distilled from these independent sources is that high level Deep State members, many of whom are part of a Pedophile Satanic global network, are being detained by U.S. Special Forces and taken to Gitmo where they are to be held indefinitely, while military justice is applied to their cases. In the process, Gitmo’s holding facilities are being significantly upgraded with expansions and more guards to accommodate an infusion of VIP prisoners.
Among the first to refer to U.S. Special Forces being used to investigate and detain Deep State figures under the authority of sealed indictments was Secret Space Program whistleblower Corey Goode. He referred to such military investigations back on August 9, 2017 after being briefed by a source he described as retired FBI and career military:
[T]here were teams of US Special Forces that were conducting “domestic surveillance and investigations of a Satanic group that had infiltrated all aspects of government agencies and the military. These Special Forces teams have been in place since the middle of the election cycle…. I was informed that a secret report on how pervasive these infiltrations are is more shocking than what was expected. Strangely, this report also had notes from several secret grand juries that are active right now in D.C.
The report states that the conspiracy involves the majority of powerful people within the UN, EU, US, State and local (City) power structures. These government organizations are completely complicit in what is going on. All the way down to local Post Offices and Police Offices.
More recently, Goode says that his sources have told him that Gitmo is being upgraded to host VIP detainees, and includes wheelchair access for some of them, who are being detained by Special Forces working around the globe He explained in a November 5 communication with best selling author David Wilcock:
Secret Grand Juries were almost totally complete with their investigations when everything changed. They had sealed indictments being prepared when they received a cache of new info that gave them a wider net to cast.
Their investigation has since expanded dramatically. So much about the plans of a coup is known about by the Cabal that I don’t know how much longer the Alliance can wait to act and prevent the Cabal from sneaking out of the country.
Some of the really bad ones have already left. Our SF [Special Forces] teams are planning on going in to some of these countries that are hiding these Cabal members and taking them by force.
Are such claims true? In scrutinizing public records what is known fact is that James Mattis, Secretary of Defense, did visit Gitmo on December 21 becoming the first Secretary of Defense to do so since 2002. It was the same day that Trump issued his “Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption”, where he declared:
I therefore determine that serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States, and I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat.
The timing suggests that this was more than coincidence, and raised a possible link between Mattis’ visit and the Executive Order. Such a link is strengthened by an earlier visit to Gitmo in July 2017 by Attorney General Jeff Sessions who called Gitmo:
a “perfectly acceptable” place to detain new terrorist suspects, as opposed to holding them in the US and having his own Justice Department try them in civilian courts.
It is quite feasible that Gitmo would be used to house detainees under Trump’s Executive Order. They could be treated similarly to terrorists under the Executive Order’s “national emergency” which delegated authority to any US agency capable of enforcing the Order’s primary function of cutting off the financial assets of targeted individuals and groups:
Sec. 8. … The Secretary of the Treasury may, consistent with applicable law, redelegate any of these functions to other officers and agencies of the United States. All agencies shall take all appropriate measures within their authority to implement this order.
Consequently, Trump’s Executive Order provided a firm legal foundation for U.S. Special Forces to physically detain targeted individuals in the U.S. mainland and anywhere around the planet, and have them relocated to Gitmo when necessary.
Military law rather than US domestic law would apply to those detained by U.S. Special Forces acting under the authority of Sealed Indictments and the December 21, Executive Order. This would be powerful leverage that could be used to gain confessions and cooperation from lower level Deep State operatives against their superiors who are being taken to Gitmo.
Another pertinent fact is that Todeschini claims that 1000 marines accompanied Mattis and will remain to provide special security for the VIP prisoners. Similarly, Fulford refers to both Marines and National Guard military police being taken to Gitmo.
As far as USMC personnel being taken to Gitmo, a Miami Herald news story refers to a proposed upgrade at Gitmo that includes barracks for 848 prison troops to be ready in four years. This is very close to the alleged 1000 marines that Todeschini (and Fulford) claim have been sent there to guard the VIP prisoners.
There is also corroboration for the claim regarding National Guard military police being taken to Gitmo. On December 29, 2017, it was reported that the Arizona National Guard was deploying over four dozen military police to Gitmo for a nine month term.
A Department of Defense Report cited in a May 24, 2016 US Congressional statement, described the peak prison population at Gitmo was 684 prisoners in June of 2003, and this had been reduced to about 80 by 2016. More recent estimates of the Gitmo prison population is roughly 40 Islamic terrorists
The Miami Herald story from August 21, 2017 revealed that the Trump administration was planning to spend up to $500 million on upgrading Gitmo facilities. This included a Navy proposal to build a five bed hospital at a total cost of $250 million.
The fact that a five bed hospital is to be built at such significant cost does suggest that Trump plans to significantly expand the number of prisoners at Gitmo. These would not be suspected Islamic terrorists, however, but VIP prisoners behind international human rights abuses and corruption who will not be allowed medical treatment on the U.S. mainland.
Finally, we arrive at the key claim that thousands of sealed indictments have been prepared which have been used to authorize the detention and extraction of Deep State personnel. The Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER) system was scrutinized to confirm the existence of 4289 sealed Federal indictments by November 22, 2017, according to former FBI agent Hal Turner.
More recently, sources claim that this has risen to over 9000 sealed indictments as of December 24, 2017. This figure has not yet been substantiated, but it would be reasonable to conclude that the November figure may have significantly increased during December.
In conclusion, there is compelling evidence to support claims that leading figures from a Deep State international network of VIPs that are involved in child trafficking, human rights abuses, corruption and Satanic rituals are being investigated, detained and extracted to Gitmo via sealed indictments enforced by U.S. Special Forces.
The implications of these unfolding events for disclosure of classified technologies related to secret space programs, Antarctic bases hidden under the ice sheets and extraterrestrial life, all previously suppressed by the Deep State, are profound.
There is grounds for cautious optimism that the prospects of “full disclosure” will substantially increase as more corrupt Deep State officials are taken to Gitmo. Their removal from powerful global leadership positions will help greatly in ending their decades-long policies of denying the rest of humanity the benefits of advanced technologies that will revolutionize life all over the planet.
[Update, January 3, 2018: I received the following comment on my Facebook page about an alleged Q post on December 27, 2017. The commenter, Ann Schrock that it is a misattribution since Q Anon has not posted since Dec 25. She says she transcribed the anonymous source for the December 27 quote and wrote:
“That info came from a ‘source’ who has/had been feeding Brenden Dilley, who was doing a Periscope on his personal twitter page. I watched and transcribed as I listened. I have no idea if this info is true, I simply wrote what I heard. It is for you to keep in mind…or don’t.”
Ann Schrock posted additional material which can be read here. While there is reason to believe the Brendan Dilley source is legitimate, the December 27 post was misattributed to QAnon. I have henceforth corrected the article and added this update to clarify the situation. Thanks to Ann Schrock for pointing out the error. M.S.]
Something very profound happened in the U.S. on December 21 with the passage of President Donald Trump’s “Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption”. The order declared a state of national emergency concerning human rights and corruption, and named specific individuals and organizations that would have their bank accounts and assets frozen regardless of where in the world the abuses had occurred.
While the mainstream media has largely ignored Trump’s Executive Order, the alternative media has been paying close attention. Many have noted the Executive Order is far more significant than what it appears to be on the surface. Rather than just freezing the financial resources of foreign citizens linked to the Russian sphere of influence, as it superficially appears to do, it is really targeted at members of the “Deep State” (aka Cabal or Illuminati) that have been involved in human trafficking, pedophilia and systemic corruption all over the planet.
The language of the Executive Order is very open ended in terms of how international corruption and human rights abuses threaten US national security:
I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, find that the prevalence and severity of human rights abuse and corruption that have their source, in whole or in substantial part, outside the United States, such as those committed or directed by persons listed in the Annex to this order, have reached such scope and gravity that they threaten the stability of international political and economic systems…The United States seeks to impose tangible and significant consequences on those who commit serious human rights abuse or engage in corruption, as well as to protect the financial system of the United States from abuse by these same persons.
I therefore determine that serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States, and I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat.
Its annex identifies key individuals and organizations, several of whom are clearly associated with Russia. The Executive Order is linked to the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act that emerged from the murder of a prominent dissident exposing human rights abuses and corruption in Russia.
This linkage can easily lead readers into falsely believing that the Executive Order is solely intended to target corrupt Russian officials, and corruption and human rights abuses by countries in Russia’s sphere of influence.
Yet, as a number of alternative media sources point out, Trump’s Executive Order goes well beyond the Russian sphere of influence. It is really targeting the Deep State, and fulfilling his 2016 campaign pledge to “drain the swamp” .
The executive order is presented as a national emergency up front, right in the beginning. At first it reads like he’s going after foreigners which are named directly in an annex at the end. That’s not what this is. The first part of the order only cements the second part of the order, to prevent American criminals from running away to foreign countries and being supported by foreigners.
To sum this up:
No swamp critter can accept help from another swamp critter in getting away … Child traffickers and other human rights abuses are covered, the stealing of and misuse of government funds is covered, all items are covered for foreigners and U.S. citizens, any foreigners who have assets in the U.S. that have done anything against the U.S. for the purpose of supporting the American swamp will have those assets seized, anyone in violation of anything in this executive order will have their assets seized… .
An anonymous whistleblower using the pseudonym MegaAnon says that the Executive Order has led to many powerful members of the Deep State waking up with no financial resources.
Guess what? The Swamp’s financials FROZE OVER while they all slept last night, y’all. It’s gonna be a LOOOOOONG Christmas break for them… they were all broke before sunrise …
This covers kids/humans, drugs, arms/guns, WMD’s/chemicals/Uranium, organs, etc. Now if you want to know who in our swamp woke up with frozen accounts, foundations, “charities”, side businesses and shell orgs/LLC’s, etc. dig into the annex list…
The Executive Order and the language it uses really does mark a momentous event. Quite simply, it marks a transfer of political power from the Deep State to the U.S. military in terms of who is really in control of the U.S. Republic.
It’s no secret that Donald Trump has surrounded himself with senior military officers who share his desire to “drain the swamp”. His Chief of Staff, John Kelly, is a retired four star USMC general; his Secretary of Defense, James Mattis, is also a retired four star USMC general; his National Security Advisor, James McMaster, is an active duty three star US Army general; his head of the National Security Agency, Mike Rogers, is an active duty four star Navy Admiral; the head of the Secret Service, Randolph Alles is a retired two star Marine General; and the list goes on.
The role of Admiral Mike Rogers is particularly significant since he broke ranks with the US intelligence community back in late 2016 to warn Trump about a Deep State effort to undermine and even prevent him from coming into power by spying on his transition team. While Trump was President-elect, Rogers traveled to Trump Tower on November 17, 2016 to warn him of the Deep State plans.
The next day, the Washington Post reported on a recommendation by the Intelligence Community and Pentagon in October 2016 to sack Rogers. President Obama’s Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, and the Secretary of Defense, Ashton Carter, reportedly were dissatisfied with Rogers performance, including his visit to Trump:
In a move apparently unprecedented for a military officer, Rogers, without notifying superiors, traveled to New York to meet with Trump on Thursday at Trump Tower. That caused consternation at senior levels of the administration, according to the officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal personnel matters.
CIA Director John Brennon was a key player in the effort to remove Rogers as illustrated by the Washington Post story which is the traditional official news outlet promoting CIA interests. To his credit, President Obama did not take action against Rogers.
This has been especially significant when it came to the Central Intelligence Agency which has long been the key U.S. institution in funding and enforcing the will of the Deep State.
In particular, the CIA’s Clandestine Services and Counterintelligence divisions were instrumental in creating an unofficial “black budget” for funding highly classified projects and operations ever since the CIA’s creation in 1947.
Trump’s elevation of former congressman, Mike Pompeo, to become CIA Director was intended to bring the CIA under direct Presidential authority. Pompeo was, however, effectively sidelined from exercizing any real power over the CIA’s covert operations. It was Pompeo’s more balanced approach to US-Russia relations that earned him the enmity of shadowy CIA groups.
The situation dramatically changed on Saturday November 18, when a number of USMC helicopters flew over the CIA’s Headquarters in Langley, Virginia. A former FBI agent, Hal Turner confirmed through credible sources that the helicopters had “buzzed” the CIA HQ for roughly 30 minutes.
The intent was clear, the USMC was threatening the CIA’s clandestine services division to get on board with the Trump administration or else. This is not the first time that the CIA has been intimidated by a US President threatening to unleash the US military against it.
In 1958, President Eisenhower threatened the CIA’s Area 51 facilities in Nevada with invasion by the US First Army stationed at Colorado if the CIA did not fully disclose all its classified programs there. In a May 2013 video interview, a former CIA operative revealed what he heard Eisenhower tell his boss to relay to the mysterious MJ-12 Committee in charge of the Area 51 facility, for which the CIA provided operational security.
The clearest sign that the CIA is now firmly under Trump’s control is President Putin thanking President Trump and Pompeo for thwarting a planned terrorist attack against a prominent St Petersberg cathedral. A December 17 Kremlin Press Release stated:
Vladimir Putin thanked Donald Trump for the information passed on by the United States’ Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that helped detain the terrorists who plotted to set off explosions at Kazan Cathedral in St Petersburg and other public places in the city. The information received from the CIA was enough to locate and detain the criminals.
The Russian President asked the US President to convey his appreciation to the Central Intelligence Agency director and the operatives of US intelligence services who received this information.
It is unprecedented for a Russian Head of State to publicly thank the CIA. The underlying message was clear, the CIA was now under the control of White Hats in the U.S. national security system and Putin was very grateful.
What we are witnessing with Trump’s December 21 Executive Order is the final act of a well thought out plan to sideline the Deep State, “drain the swamp” , and reinstate direct Presidential authority over the U.S. national security system. Effectively, we are witnessing a handover of real power from the Deep State to the U.S. military via Donald Trump as Commander in Chief.
What is particularly noteworthy in the Executive Order is that this transfer of power is being done quietly behind the scenes with little mainstream attention. Key figures in the Deep State are finding their global financial resources frozen, and are being secretly detained via sealed indictments that now have worldwide impact due to Trump’s Executive Order.
All this leads to the question, what does all this mean for a seven decades-long suppression of the truth regarding extraterrestrial life and technology, the existence of a breakaway German colony in Antarctica, and the existence of multiple secret space programs?
The way in which the Executive Order has been crafted for a specific target, and quietly enforced is that the U.S. military is wanting to keep much of what is occurring off the public radar. The primary reason for doing so is clearly to minimize disruption to the U.S. political system while the transfer of power takes place.
Once the transfer process is complete, we can expect some of the sealed indictments being publicly revealed, and Trump publicly declaring victory in his effort to “drain the swamp”. We can expect a lot of unexpected retirements by indicted individuals who are currently making plea deals to escape imprisonment. Individuals involved in the most egregious human rights abuses such as child trafficking, will very likely be publicly exposed and tried.
As the transfer of power process moves forward, we can expect that more of the truth about secret space programs, Antarctica and extraterrestrial life will be disclosed. Based on how the U.S. military is dealing with key figures from the Deep State, it can be predicted that disclosure will take place in a gradual manner that does not disrupt the social fabric of US and stability of the global community.
Disclosure is inevitable, but with the U.S. military now increasingly in charge of the American end of the process, disclosure is likely to happen in a series of gradual steps that culminate in sweeping changes all across the planet as advanced technologies involving zero-point energy, antigravity propulsion and holographic healing are strategically released.
While removal of the Deep State and its corrosive global influence through human rights abuses and corruption is a welcome development, the outsized behind-the-scenes influence of the U.S. military in the Trump administration is a cause for concern in the long term. Predictably, disclosures that will occur throughout the remainder of the Trump administration will promote US national security interests largely defined through a military mindset.
President Eisenhower’s greatest lament over the way classified projects involving advanced technologies were being managed in the U.S. was that excessive secrecy cut out the best people from the decision making process. Only full disclosure will prevent a similar problem from arising in the future where a new Deep State emerges, one dominated by military interests, with control over advanced technologies, which it uses to dominate the rest of humanity.
Full disclosure is essential for humanity transitioning from an insular planet dominated either by criminal syndicates or a military mindset, into to a more informed peaceful planetary society worthy of becoming a full member of a galactic community.
On November 25, President Donald Trump re-tweeted an alternative news article lauding many of the accomplishments achieved during his administration so far. The site he retweeted, MAGAPILL soon crashed as many of the President’s 42 million followers went there to learn more.
What is significant about the article and site he retweeted is that it featured a November 19 story about an alleged whistleblower called Q, who has been releasing a lot of information about what is really going on behind the scenes in Washington DC.
In retweeting the story and link to the MAGAPILL site, which he lauded as a genuine news site in contrast to “fake news” sites, was Trump indirectly endorsing Q’s information as genuine? If so, then the ramifications are enormous. First, let’s begin with Trump’s re-tweet.
Wow, even I didn’t realize we did so much. Wish the Fake News would report! Thank you. https://t.co/ApVbu2b0Jd
The article he referred to is titled “President Donald Trump’s Accomplishment List” and an archived copy is available here. It lists his accomplishments across a broad spectrum of political, economic and national security areas.
What is arguably more significant is that at the very top of this article was a large banner linking to a featured story “Q Clearance Patriot: The Storm and the Awakening: follow the white rabbit”.
By clicking the banner’s link, Trump interested readers are taken to a November 19 article that discusses the revelations of Q, an alleged high-level insider spilling the beans on what is happening behind the scenes.
The Q material discusses an enormous number of topics such as secret indictments of the political elite, current events in Saudi Arabia and Trump’s national security briefings by figures such as NSA Director, Admiral Michael Rogers.
The preface found on the MAGAPILL site mentions the enormity of the information released in this article, and provides some highlights of the released material. Among the more interesting is the view that rather than former FBI Director Robert Mueller conducting a serious investigation into the links between Russia and the Trump Presidential campaign, Mueller is really investigating a corrupt pedophile network that has secretly monopolized power in the US:
The Special Counsel is not corrupt. Let me say that again, the special counsel, headed by Mueller, is not running a corrupt investigation. He’s doing the job properly under the guise of investigating the Trump team. This has lowered the guard of the true targets because nobody anticipated it, including the media. There are an unprecedented number of sealed indictments across the nation right now that have not been executed, over 1100 sealed indictments at last glance.
Many high level officials will soon be arrested to actually ‘Drain the Swamp‘ beyond what anyone thought was possible. Once the corruption and the ‘type of corruption’ is revealed to the American people, it will trigger ‘The Awakening’. This event will be something unlike anything you’ve ever witnessed, Americans will unite behind Trump and his administration for cleaning house.
There have been persistent rumors of hundreds of secret Grand Jury indictments that are on the verge of being unleashed. These rumors have been circulating for weeks and a number of alternative media figures have closely analyzed some of the Q material that refers to them.
Among these figures is Jordan Sather, whose “Destroying the Illusion” Youtube channel has gained over 65,000 subscribers due to his cogent analyses of the Q material and other topical issues. Sather released a video on November 26 analyzing Trump’s retweet of the MAGAPILL article, and was the first to raise the possibility that Trump was indirectly endorsing the legitimacy of the Q material.
While the Q material is quite extensive, its core claim that Mueller, as Special Counsel, has really been investigating a corrupt pedophile network, rather than the alleged Russia Trump campaign connection, is very significant.
Of special interest is Meueller’s background as a former US Marine Corps Captain (1968-1971) who was highly decorated for his bravery during the Vietnam War. It’s worth noting that the Secretary of Defense, James Mattis is a retired four star USMC general, as is Trump’s Chief of Staff, John Kelly. Given the deep loyalty of former USMC personnel to their military service (semper fidelis – always faithful), it’s very possible that Meuller is secretly following an agenda sanctioned by Mattis and Kelly.
We also need to keep in mind claims that on November 18, a number of USMC helicopters allegedly buzzed the CIA’s Headquarters in Langley, Virginia. While initial reports erroneously referred to the CIA’s HQ being stormed by the USMC, a former FBI agent, Hal Turner confirmed through credible sources that the helicopters had only “buzzed” the CIA HQ for roughly 30 minutes.
Did nearby residents in McLean suddenly notice a large number of loud helicopters overhead, moving toward or from the area of the CIA. The repeated answer to that question has been “Yes.”
Many (very many) residents of McLean, VA have confirmed they found themselves hearing large numbers of loud aircraft overhead on Saturday, and that the sounds lasted more then 30 minutes!
The intent was clear, the USMC was threatening the CIA’s clandestine services division to get on board with the Trump administration or else. This is not the first time that the CIA has been intimidated by a US President threatening to unleash the US military against its facilities.
In 1958, President Eisenhower threatened the CIA’s Area 51 facilities in Nevada with invasion by the US First Army stationed at Colorado if the CIA did not fully disclose all its classified programs there. In a May 2013 video interview, a former CIA operative revealed what he heard Eisenhower tell his boss to relay to the mysterious MJ-12 Committee in charge of the Area 51 facility, for which the CIA provided operational security:
We called the people in from MJ-12, from Area 51 and S-4, but they told us that the government had no jurisdiction over what they were doing…. I want you and your boss to fly out there. I want you to give them a personal message…. I want you to tell them, whoever is in charge, I want you to tell them that they have this coming week to get into Washington and to report to me. And if they don’t, I’m going to get the First Army from Colorado. we are going to go over and take the base over. I don’t care what kind of classified material you got. We are going to rip this thing apart.”
This takes us finally to the testimony of Michael Gerloff, who has served with the USMC, US Army Rangers and Seattle Police over a period spanning 20 years from 1978 to 2001. Gerloff says that he was part of a secret USMC intelligence group established by President Eisenhower in the early 1950’s, that continues to the present day.
According to Gerloff, the USMC was given special responsibility by Eisenhower to act as an institutional bulwark against systemic corruption that threatened the US Constitution and the Republic. This corruption stemmed from the creation of secret space programs that worked closely with major defense contractors at remote locations such as Area 51.
What we are witnessing now with over a thousand secret indictments allegedly generated by Mueller, Trump’s USMC/Navy dominated administration, USMC helicopters buzzing CIA HQ and Gerloff’s claims, is that we are on the verge of major revelations about deep systemic corruption that has plagued the US. The role of the USMC in taking the lead in cleaning up this systemic corruption is slowly being revealed.
Trump’s retweet of the MAGAPILL article appears to be an endorsement of the view that secret indictments established by Meuller are on the verge of being disclosed, thereby triggering many further revelations that will awaken the general public. In the meantime, Trump is encouraging those among the American public who are ready, to go down the rabbit hole to learn the truth about systemic corruption, powerful pedophile networks, and secret space programs.
by Arjun Walia November 7, 2017 (collective-evolution.com)
• In an interview with ufologist Richard Dolan, Dolan related that prior to winning the US Presidency, Donald Trump was outspoken about the power of corporate America, elite level pedophilia in the government, and government backing of terrorist organization. He was clearly a political “outsider” and not Deep State.
• Said Dolan, “the power elite (ie: Deep State) closed ranks and did everything possible to ensure a victory for Clinton. This included not only the Democratic party, but the entire mainstream media machine, the financial community, the EU, and even the Republican party itself.”
• Dolan continues, “For more than a year, we [were] been told that Trump is a racist, sexist, xenophobe, liar, cheat, and narcissist. The attack bears all the marks of a coordinated effort among the major news outlets: CNN, NYT, WaPo, HuffPo, USA Today, and the rest.”
• But once elected, a President will receive a visit from the Deep State who will inform the President what he is expected to do. Then the President’s whole rhetoric changes. Presidents don’t really call the shots, and this is exactly what they find out when they get into office. They are forced to make moves for others and then claim the decisions as their own.
• And this is apparently what has happened to Donald Trump. “I see Donald Trump as being checkmated already by the national security community.”
• Perhaps Trump underestimated the strength of the Deep State and thought he could do more? Perhaps he still has some sort of plan? Only time will tell.
• Prior to his interest in UFOs, Dolan studied U.S. Cold War strategy, European history, and international diplomacy at Oxford University and then at the University of Rochester. He was a finalist for a Rhodes Scholarship.
We recently conducted an interview with historian Richard Dolan, mainly on the topic of UFOs, but that’s not his only area of expertise. Prior to his interest in UFOs, Richard completed his graduate work at the University of Rochester, where he studied U.S. Cold War strategy, European history, and international diplomacy. Before that, he studied at Alfred University and Oxford University, and was a finalist for a Rhodes Scholarship.
He’s a critical thinker, and we were thankful for the opportunity to pick his brain and gain some insight into some subjects that can be confusing and difficult to navigate.
Prior to the election, and more so during the election campaign, Donald Trump was an outsider to the political sphere. This became most evident when he attempted to dismantle the Trans-Pacific Trade Partnership, a deal that would give several multinational corporations even more power than they already have.
We don’t really live in a democracy, we live in a corporatocracy, and Donald Trump, prior to his win, was very outspoken about the power of corporate America. Not only did he denounce the TPP, but he also called out elite level pedophilia within the U.S. government and how the U.S. government has been creating and funding terrorist organizations like ISIS.
This type of rhetoric from Trump was unheard of, and made it clear that he is not (or at least wasn’t then) part of the “Deep State,” an elite group that, as New York City mayor John F. Hylan once said, “like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy legs over our cities, states and nation.” This “little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both parties … [and] control the majority of the newspapers and magazines in this country.“
Shortly after Trump’s victory, Dolan wrote on his website that he was “surprised as anyone,” and that “like many other independent analysts, including most recently Julian Assange, I had been certain that the establishment would not allow a Trump presidency to happen.”
He goes on:
For sure, the power elite closed ranks and did everything possible to ensure a victory for Clinton. This included not only the Democratic party (which previously played dirty pool against Bernie Sanders), but the entire mainstream media machine, the financial community, the EU, and even the Republican party itself. If nothing else, I had concluded that the media alone had done a sufficient job of demonizing Trump – multiple negative headlines daily for more than a year – to make him unelectable to the American people.
For more than a year, we have been told that Trump is a racist, sexist, xenophobe, liar, cheat, and narcissist. The attack bears all the marks of a coordinated effort among the major news outlets: CNN, NYT, WaPo, HuffPo, USA Today, and the rest. It reminded me very much of the concerted media attack against Brazil’s Dilma Rousseff which culminated earlier in 2016 in her impeachment and removal from power. In the case of Rousseff, we see what has been alternately described as a soft coup or a Wall Street coup, rather along the lines of the “color revolutions” of a few years earlier (which are now largely understood as CIA-NGO orchestrated). In both cases, pretexts were created and hammered home by an insistent media that whipped up public opinion. In Brazil, it worked. It seemed like it would work in the U.S.
It is important to understand why Trump was demonized. To be sure, his character makes it easy. There is no shortage of narcissistic, sexist, or otherwise offensive statements in his repertoire from which to draw. But I have never and will never believe this is why he was demonized. Ultimately, Trump is a disruptor, and his disruption falls squarely against the two key pillars of the American ruling elite’s ideology: neoliberalism and neoconservatism.
The fact that Trump was an outsider looking in, unlike Hillary, who is and has clearly been a puppet for the global financial elite, was extremely obvious from his comments regarding various issues.
But Things May Have Changed Since the Election, Dolan Explains…
As with almost every other president, promises and statements are made, yet they never follow through, and that’s because there exists a secret government, which many presidents and politicians have discussed in the past.
The most recent reference came from Vladimir Putin in a live interview, where he explained the situation as follows: “So a person is elected, he comes with his ideas. Then people with briefcases come to visit him, well dressed, in dark suits kind of like mine. Except instead of a red tie it’s black or navy. And then they explain what to do, and the whole rhetoric changes, you see? This happens from one administration to the next.”
As you can see, presidents don’t really call the shots, and this is exactly what they find out when they get into office. It seems their hands are tied, and they are forced to make moves for others and then claim the decisions as their own.
This is why their rhetoric and promises drastically change once they get into office. Perhaps Trump underestimated the strength of the deep state and thought he could do more? Perhaps he still has some sort of plan? only time will tell.
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by Philip Shenon and Larry Sabato October 16, 2017 (politico.com)
• The National Archives are legally required to release 3,100 unseen documents, and over 30,000 partially seen documents involving the assassination of John F. Kennedy by October 26th.
• Most of the documents originate from the CIA, the FBI, and the Justice Department, and are so full of code names and jargon that it may take years to make any sense of them.
• With the decision to release all of them at once, “pandemonium is all but guaranteed”.
• Trump advisor, Roger Stone, says that the CIA is urging Trump to delay the release of some JFK documents for another 25 years. President Trump is the only person empowered to stop or delay the release of these government documents.
• Senior members of Congress are urging Trump to allow the release of all of the documents.
• [Editor’s Note] The release of documents incriminating the deep state in the JFK assassination could trigger a much-needed, across-the-board disclosure of government secrets and cover-ups.
The federal government’s long campaign to try to choke off rampant conspiracy theories about the November 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy is threatening to end this month in massive confusion, if not chaos.
Within the next two weeks, the National Archives is legally obligated to release the last of thousands of secret documents from government files about the assassination, most of them from the CIA, FBI and the Justice Department.
And there is every indication that the massive document dump—especially if any of it is blocked by President Donald Trump, the only person empowered under the law to stop the release of the files—will simply help fuel a new generation of conspiracy theories.
Trump, no stranger to conspiracy theories, including totally unsubstantiated theories about a link between Ted Cruz’s father and JFK’s death, has not yet revealed his plans for the documents. His friend and political adviser Roger Stone, the Republican consultant who is the author of a book claiming that President Lyndon Johnson was the mastermind of the Kennedy assassination, said last week that he has been informed authoritatively that the CIA is urging Trump to delay the release of some of the JFK documents for another 25 years. “They must reflect badly on the CIA even though virtually everyone involved is long dead,” Stone said in a statement on his website.
The CIA has not confirmed or denied reports that it has appealed to Trump to block the release of some of the files on grounds that the documents might still somehow endanger national security if made public. In a cryptic statement last week, the spy agency said only that it “continues to engage in the process to determine the appropriate next steps with respect to any previously unreleased CIA information.”
As it stands now, the document release this month will be a logistical nightmare, with the public suddenly flooded with a huge online library of documents—tens of thousands in total—that will be, at first, mostly incomprehensible even to experienced students of the assassination. The National Archives, abandoning its plans to release the documents in batches over the course of several months, said this week that it will instead release everything at once—all on the same day—sometime between now and the deadline on October 26.
John F. Kennedy
We both published books in 2013 about the assassination and had a taste of the chaos to come back in July, when the Archives tried an online release of a relatively small portion of the secret documents, including about 400 never-before-seen files. The Archives’ computer servers were instantly overwhelmed, making it impossible to download any of the material for days. When the files could be downloaded, many of those documents proved to be illegible, or were so full of CIA and FBI code names and other jargon that it will take months or years to make sense of them.
At worst, especially if the White House blocks the release of some of the files, this month’s document release will simply cement the idea among the nation’s army of conspiracy theorists that, 54 years after those gunshots rang out over Dealey Plaza, the truth about the assassination is still being hidden.
The still-secret JFK library at the Archives is made up of about 3,100 documents that the public has never seen before, as well as more than 30,000 other files that have been only partially released in the past.
Many are known to involve a mysterious chapter in the history of the assassination—a six-day trip that JFK assassin Lee Harvey Oswald paid to Mexico City several weeks before the president’s murder, in which Oswald met with Cuban and Soviet spies and came under intensive surveillance by the CIA’s Mexico City station. Previously released FBI documents suggest that Oswald spoke openly in Mexico about his intention to kill Kennedy.
Under the 1992 law, millions of pages of other documents about the assassination were made public in the 1990s, and they did reshape the thinking of many historians about JFK’s murder. Many of those documents revealed how much information had been withheld by the CIA and FBI over the years that demonstrated how those agencies had bungled intelligence in 1963 that, if acted on, might have prevented the assassination.
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• Trump wants to return astronauts to the Moon by 2020, shifting the focus away from Obama’s Mars agenda.
• Trump wants to establish a lunar base, or an orbiting “cislunar” base, before heading to Mars.
• Mars proponents worry that we’ll get stuck on the Moon.
• India’s space program plans to visit the Moon next year.
• Both Russia and China plan to visit the Moon by the 2030’s.
• The European Space Agency envisions building a “moon village.”
• NASA wants to send the Lunar Rover to the back-side of the Moon.
• They all might be very surprised by what they find on the dark side of the Moon.
Rumors that the Trump administration was more interested in the moon than Mars began circulating days after the inauguration. Leaked memos published in February revealed the president’s advisers wanted NASA to send astronauts there by 2020, one part in a bigger plan to focus on activities near Earth rather than missions deeper in the solar system. Vice President Mike Pence spoke vaguely of a return to the moon in a speech in July. In September, the administration nominated a NASA chief who extolled the construction of lunar outposts. All signs pointed to a significant shift in the country’s Mars-focused space agenda of the last seven years.
This week, the Trump administration made it official.
“We will return NASA astronauts to the moon—not only to leave behind footprints and flags, but to build the foundation we need to send Americans to Mars and beyond,” Pence said Thursday at the inaugural meeting of the National Space Council, an advisory body his administration recently revived.
The vice president’s comments marked a pivot from Barack Obama’s directive for a “Journey to Mars,” established in 2010, and harkens to the aspirations set forth by the George W. Bush administration. The Obama administration had maintained that some kind of human activity in cislunar space—the region between the Earth and the moon—was necessary to test technology for a mission to Mars, but the efforts would amount to a pit stop, not a destination. While Pence did not provide details on what kind of “foundation” Americans would build on the moon, the new direction was clear: Americans should be spending more time in their cosmic backyard before flying off into the solar system.
“It’s a 180-degree shift from no moon to moon first,” said John Logsdon, a space-policy expert and former director of the Space-Policy Institute at George Washington University.
The announcement is obviously good news for space-transportation companies and lunar researchers lamenting the country’s 45-year absence from the moon. For those in the Mars camp, many of whom aim for a human mission to the planet by 2033, the news puts their ambitions on shakier ground.
“Most of the people who are Mars-centered worry that we’ll get stuck on the moon.”
The administration’s push for a return to the moon may be unambiguous now, but plenty of questions remain, ranging from the basic, like when and how, to the intriguing, like the role commercial spaceflight companies might play. NASA also wouldn’t be starting from scratch. The space agency has spent the last decade building the Space-Launch System and Orion, a rocket and spacecraft intended to carry people into deep space but also to build a cislunar way station called the Deep-Space Gateway. NASA planned to use the Deep-Space Gateway as a place for astronauts to prep for deep-space journeys, but the new shift could see the station being used for lunar landings.
Both time-tested contractors and growing commercial companies will be eager to work on potential lunar activities. Boeing is currently developing a capsule that would ferry people into low-Earth orbit, and SpaceX said its proposed mega-rocket, which is mostly intended to fulfill Elon Musk’s Sim City-esque ambitions for Mars, could contribute to travel to the moon. Musk, well aware of the political benefits of it, leaned heavily into lunar ambitions. “It’s 2017. We should have a lunar base by now,” he said recently. “What the hell’s going on?”
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On October 5, President Donald Trump cryptically spoke to reporters about the “calm before the storm” after a White House dinner with his top military leaders and their spouses. Trump’s previous and subsequent comments suggest that the US military is prepared to launch an overwhelming first strike against North Korea.
According to secret space program insider, Corey Goode, this will involve highly classified space based weapons systems that have never before been publicly revealed.
Reporters were led hastily to the grand State Dining Room, where they walked into a scene of the president, his highest-ranking military aides and their wives posing for a group photo…. Trump gestured to the reporters in the room.
“You guys know what this represents?” Trump asked. “Maybe it’s the calm before the storm. Could be the calm, the calm before the storm.”
“What storm Mr. President?” one reporter shouted. ISIS? North Korea? Iran?
“You’ll find out,” the president said.
As to the country Trump was alluding to, he gave a tweet on October 7, which gave a clear answer:
Trump is clearly alluding to a massive military operation being planned against North Korea. Such an operation would require weapon systems that could very quickly destroy much of North Korea’s military infrastructure in order to prevent it from retaliating against South Korea, Japan, or even the US itself.
Almost four million people in Seoul and Tokyo alone would be killed by a North Korean retaliatory nuclear strike according to a study conducted by scholars at the John Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies.
The kind of weapons systems required to take out North Korea’s military infrastructure would have to be orders of magnitude more powerful than those used in the air war against Iraq in 2003, and against Serbia in 1999. These air wars took weeks to wipe out the bulk of Iraq and Serbia’s air defense, command and control, and vital military infrastructure.
The US would have to achieve the same strategic goals in a matter of minutes, rather than weeks. This firmly leads to Trump authorizing the use of highly classified space based weapons systems against North Korea. At the official level, space based weapons are non-existent and are merely being planned for the future.
At the classified level, space weapons have been secretly deployed by both the US and China. According to the National Institute for Public Policy, China “has the capability of attacking, destroying or disrupting the 500 US satellites circling the earth at heights of between 1,200 miles and 22,000 miles”.
There has been speculation that the US and China having developed space based weapons such as Rods of God, which drops large rod-like projectiles from space with pinpoint accuracy and devastating results. The effects of such a weapon was depicted in the movie G.I Joe 2.
To understand what is being planned, I asked Corey Goode a number of questions. The following are his responses based on the intelligence he has gained from multiple military and secret space program sources.
Key: MS – Michael Salla, CG – Corey Goode
MS –Can you describe what your sources had to say about SDI weapons being the ONLY way to attack hardened North Korean positions?
Some DOD reports estimate that 20,000 people could be killed in Seoul, South Korea per day if North Korea attacked with their artillery, rockets and mortars that are located in hardened bunkers just 35 miles from the DMZ (source).
Seoul has a population of 9.86 million people and is in range of most of NK’s conventional weapons systems. With Bunker Buster bombs and missiles becoming less effective in recent years the hardened bunkers where the NK Artillery is located has become too hard of a target for a conventional military strike. The loss of civilian life in Seoul was deemed unacceptable.
Some of my NATO sources have provided information to me that indicates that not only does the U.S. have these types of Space Based Weapons Platforms, so does China and Russia.
MS What kind of space based weapons exist that could be used against North Korea, e.g., Rods of God, Masers, etc?
Exotic Weapons Systems are located on Earth and in orbit. In the beginning, I would expect a number of EMP detonations over NK while at the same time “Rods from God” [RFG] projectiles would be released from orbit. It should be noted that North Korea has taken extreme measures to harden their bunkers and systems against EMP attacks.
Each RFG Platform releases 12 projectiles the size of telephone poles. These projectiles are made of Tungsten and are coated with ceramic and have a guidance system similar to the JDAM conventional bombs.
There are also a number of other weapons platforms that include High Energy Lasers and Masers as well as Particle Beam and Molecular Disruptor weapons. The triangular “TR3B like” craft have a number of weapons including a weapon that emit huge electro-plasmic energy bolts (like lightening) at their targets.
MS – Can you describe to what extent China has similar SDI weapons systems?
CG – China was able to obtain the plans to virtually every SDI (and later) weapons systems. They were spared the arduous and expensive R&D process and were able to engineer improvements in the designs that made their weapons much cheaper to develop.
MS – What do you think will be China’s response to the US using their SDI weapons against North Korea?
CG – Unknown. North Korea is thought to be a Cabal Asset by many. It is unclear if China will play a role at all in the defense of North Korea. The war would have to be prosecuted in a very particular way that keeps US Aircraft and Military personnel as far away from the North Korea/China boarder as possible. The US has most likely already disclosed its intentions regarding North Korea to some level authorities or secret societies in China and a tentative framework has been agreed to. This is speculation on my part. I know Trump likes to play things close to the vest. I am going off what has occurred between countries in the past according to information I received while in the programs.
MS – What role would be played by fleets of antigravity flying triangles operating out of places like MacDill’s Special Operations Command play in the attack on North Korea?
CG – I would think that they would fly sorties over North Korea positions and use a number of exotic weapons as well as higher tech conventional weapons (Rockets, Lasers & Mini-rail Guns). I’m sure they also gather electronic intelligence as well as jam certain technologies of the enemy. They would take out any enemy satellites and aircraft over the theater in the beginning of the attacks before more conventional air craft are sent in to clean up the non-hardened positions
MS – What role would MIC SSP space stations play in the attack against North Korea?
CG – I don’t know if the DIA/Air Force Space Stations would be used to coordinate the ground attack or not. The tasking of these satellite systems can easily be done from any location on Earth.
I know that the Triangle Craft and Space Station had been servicing these space based weapons to keep them operational. I would imagine they would be monitoring and maintaining these weapons systems from orbit as they were being used.
MS – Are the Directed Energy weapons systems to be used against North Korea, similar to what was used in the 911 attack that dustified the World Trade Centers as described by Judy Woods in her book, Where Did the Towers Go?
CG – Since being out of the projects I have heard that there was a space based weapon used in 911. I have no inside information on the 9/11 attacks from my own experience. The Molecular Disruptor Systems are known to turn complex structures into a super fine dust. This is a possible answer to your question, though I would be speculating.
MS –Are the Maser satellite technologies to be used against North Korea, the same ones used in the recent weather war attacks against the USA?
CG – It is possible. Now that NATO sources have verified that China (& Russia) have these weapons it opens up the possibility that countries that are a part of the “Earth Alliance” could be taking part in the weather war against the United States.
MS –Would the use of the SDI weapons lead to official disclosure of the MIC SSP?
CG – Yes, just as the F-117 Stealth Bomber/Fighter technology was disclosed to the public in 1989 after being used in the Panama war, some of the technologies used against North Korea would become public knowledge. I would think that they would then justify Space Based Weapons and disclose their Space Weapons and a new generation of Air Force air craft that can enter and leave the atmosphere at will.
Trump’s nominee for Chief Scientist at the Department of Agriculture, Sam Clovis, Jr, encountered a UFO as an Air Force fighter pilot
Clovis later served as Inspector General of the U.S. Space Command
Clovis didn’t publicly reveal his UFO encounter until 2014
Those who thought that potential discussions of UFOs in the White House ended with the defeat of Hillary Clinton and her campaign manager, John ‘We’ll Open the Secret Files’ Podesta, have new hope. The nominee for chief scientist of the Department of Agriculture claims he once had an encounter with a UFO that he believed was traveling at 5,000 miles-per-hour. Will he pursue the release of the files that might identify what he saw?
We’ll leave the discussions about whether former radio host and economics professor Samuel H. ‘Sam’ Clovis Jr. is qualified to be a chief scientist to the political blogs and instead focus on whether the former US Air Force F-16 fighter pilot, former Inspector General of the United States Space Command and alleged UFO witness is qualified to be our inside guy for opening the X-Files.
According to a 2014 report in the Des Moines Register, Clovis was running for one of Iowa’s US Senate seats when he admitted to host Simon Conway at WHO Radio that he once encountered a UFO. From Conway’s account in the Register:
“His radar locked on it, and it was doing things our technology couldn’t do, he explained. The UFO was traveling toward him at 5,000 mph — and we’ve got nothing that does that. It came to a complete stop, he said, then reversed away at 5,000 mph.”
Clovis served in the Air Force for 25 years from 1971 to 1996 and, although he doesn’t give a date, this incident probably occurred earlier in his flying career. There’s no indication that any other pilot or ground crew member saw the UFO nor heard what would have been at least two sonic booms. According to the article, pilot Clovis handed the radar report over to his commanding officers and doesn’t seem to have said anything about it publicly until 2014.
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This is the authorized audio narration of the article “Will President Trump Disclose Antarctica Discovery to Start Economic Boom?”, which was published on Exopolitics.org on January 31, 2017. The article is narrated by its author, Dr Michael Salla.
“To Trump” used to mean “to blow a trumpet” and then referred to an “overriding factor” (like a “trump card” in a game of cards). However, it could now mean to topple, to upset, to overthrow using false or distorted information presented in an enticing manner. But what would it topple, upset, overthrow?