Article by Sput Nick May 2, 2020 (
• Facebook has removed the official page of conspiracy theorist David Icke (pictured above) for “repeatedly violating our policies on harmful information.” Mr Icke had reportedly shared a number videos in which he made claims that the Coronavirus pandemic is linked to 5G networks, while in another he said that the disease had been spread by a Jewish group. Mr Icke’s now deleted Facebook page boasted nearly 800,000 followers.
• The 5G theory alleges that Coronavirus has been caused by frequencies used for the new wireless technology which impair the human immune system. The theory has spread like wildfire across social media. As a result, across the UK alone, there have been attacks on around 60 5G masts recorded by the authorities, most of which were set on fire.
• The Centre for Countering Digital Hate said in an open letter (see here) calling for Mr Icke’s banning from social media that his conspiracies about Coronavirus had been viewed more than 30 million times. The CCDH chief executive, Imran Ahmed, said that the kind of information shared by Mr Icke “puts all of our lives at risk by encouraging the public not to comply with clinical guidance.”
• UK-based campaign group, Hope Not Hate, said that it, “welcome news that Facebook have removed David Icke’s page,” adding that Icke “has promoted dangerous conspiracy theories including the idea that COVID-19 is a hoax.”
• Following his removal from Facebook, Mr Icke went to Twitter to slam Facebook as “fascist”, sharing a picture of Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, with the caption, “The little boy gofer for global tyranny.” A Twitter spokesman responded to criticism, saying we will not take enforcement action on every tweet that contains incomplete or disputed information about COVID-19. Since introducing these policies on 18 March, we’ve removed more than 2,200 tweets. As we’ve doubled down on tech, our automated systems have challenged more than 3.4 million accounts which were targeting discussions around COVID-19 with spammy or manipulative behaviors.”
Facebook has removed the official page of renowned conspiracy theorist David Icke after he made a controversial post about the origins of COVID-19.
Mr Icke had reportedly shared a number videos in which he made claims that the Coronavirus pandemic is linked to 5G networks, while in another he said that the disease had been spread by a Jewish group.
The social media giant said that it had removed Mr Icke from its website for “repeatedly violating our policies on harmful information.”
Following his removal from Facebook, Mr Icke then stormed to Twitter to slam the company as “fascist” for deleting his page. Furthermore, Mr Icke shared a picture of Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, with the caption, “The little boy gofer for global tyranny.”
Mr Icke’s now deleted Facebook page boasted almost 800,000 followers when it was removed.
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On February 20, 2019, David Icke was banned from entering Australia to start a five city speaking tour. His banning occurred fours hours before his departure from Los Angeles to Melbourne, despite being granted a visa in September 2018. He has previously visited Australia 10 times to give lecture tours where he has spoken about a range of geopolitical topics, including the role of Reptilian entities in controlling the planet.
You can read about the reasons given by the Australian Government in this news story here:
As an Australian citizen, I wish to express my strong opposition to this banning and hope Icke succeeds in having the ban overturned ASAP. The following video statement has been created to support Icke’s freedom of speech rights and outrage over what the Australian Government has done.
by Brent Swancer February 28, 2018 (
• Reports of reptilian humanoids have become intertwined with the myths and legends of many cultures throughout our planet. A rather persistent and pervasive conspiracy theory is that not only are lizard people real, but this mysterious race of reptilian overlords control the world as we know it.
• The origin of recent reptilian theories comes from former British professional soccer player and sportscaster, David Icke (pictured above). With his “spiritual awakening” in the 1990’s, Icke learned that ancient reptilian aliens came to Earth thousands of years ago to infiltrate society and take over the world. Icke lays it all out in his 1998 book, The Biggest Secret.
• According to Icke, a race of reptilian aliens called the Anunnaki visited Earth a millennia ago as the Earth’s “vibrations” were compatible with their own. The reptilian’s own physical form had broken down and they could no longer re-produce, so they began to mate with humans. Says Icke, “The reptilians and other manipulating entities exist only just outside the frequency range of our physical senses. Thus they have sought to infiltrate human form and so use that to exist and control in this dimension.” The reptilian Annunaki have no desire to advance spiritually. Their aim is to derail human development and the human species’ scheduled spiritual ascension.
• Icke claims that through shape-shifting and bodily possession; the creation of false religions; control over media, educational, and governmental institutions; contamination of our food, air and water; mind control and genetic manipulation; and interbreeding bloodlines, these reptilians have now fully infiltrated our society to control all aspects of humanity in a global prison designed to perpetuate war and conflict.
• In fact, says Icke, reptilian DNA lies dormant within many of us, waiting to be activated at a moment’s notice by Illuminati rituals when a very different consciousness takes over. Mental and emotional processes are thereby hijacked to serve the whims of reptilian overlords. There are “full bloods” close to the original Reptilian alien stock, and also subservient “hybrids” who are lower on the totem pole. These hybrids may not even aware of their alien ancestry and their being constantly manipulated toward the reptilian agenda. Virtually everyone who is anyone is suspected by Icke of being a Reptilian or hybrid.
• [Editor’s Note] While the writer concedes that an estimated 12 million Americans (which is quite a lot) believe Icke’s account of reptilians existing among us, the writer also regards the notion as “rather insane”, “bizarre”, and “absolutely bonkers”. Do these fringe writers feel the need to pander to mainstream skeptics to avoid their YouTube channel or internet presence from being cancelled or algorithmically downgraded as an “untrusted source” or “fake news”? See Dr Michael Salla’s recent article on this topic.
There have certainly long been plenty of reports of reptilian humanoids reported across cultures and all over the world, some of which I have covered here at Mysterious Universe before, and such beings have become intertwined with the myths and legends of many cultures throughout our planet. But taking it to the next surreal level is a rather persistent and pervasive conspiracy theory that not only are lizard people real, but that they are taking over the world as we know it. It is an idea so far out in the fringe that it is considered pretty out there even among other conspiracy theorists, yet it has managed to become rather stubborn and pervasive, an idea that has gained momentum and just will not go away, and the notion that we are in thrall to some mysterious race of reptilian overlords seems like it is here to stay for awhile.
The main thrust of such bizarre theories originates with a man named David Icke. Originally a professional soccer player, before moving on in later years to the position of sportscaster, Icke’s calling took a sharp right turn into the bizarre when he had a “spiritual awakening” and became deeply interested in psychic abilities and various unexplained phenomena. He began to take up the reputation of being a psychic, making various predictions and outlandish claims, including one in which he insisted the world would end in 1997 (hint- it didn’t). He really found his true calling, however, when he latched onto the idea that ancient shape-changing reptilian aliens had come to Earth thousands of years ago and were in the process of infiltrating society for the sinister purposes of taking over the world to work towards some sort of New World Order.
The theory first leapt out into the public consciousness with the publication of Icke’s book The Biggest Secret, in which he lays out the whole thing in great detail. According to Icke, his research showed that millennia ago a race of reptilian aliens called the Anunnaki visited Earth and began to opress us and mate with us, spreading out their bloodlines and working their way into society until they controlled all aspects of our life. Icke claimed that these creatures could shape-shift or possess humans, and they were claimed to have designed all of the world’s major religions, as well as government systems and other aspects of civilization as we know it, all while they fed upon us and performed human sacrifices and genetic manipulation on us.
Icke claims that the presence of these beings was well-known amongst ancient peoples, and cites as proof several passages from religious books such as the Bible, where he claims there can be found references to these Reptilians and their efforts to interbreed with and control humans. He also cites the numerous references throughout cultures to the worship of reptile gods and other entities, such as the Aztec reptile serpent god Quetzalcoatl, the reptilian Naga of India, and many others. This is all evidence of our ancestors having had contact with our reptilian masters in ancient times, according to Icke. He would say of this incredible theory: “I make these connections, not just from intuition, but from a tremendous amount of ancient and modern evidence that shows that this reptilian connection travels right through these thousands of years to the present day. Some of these references to serpents and dragons are obviously symbolic, not the least, the Kundalini energy and other things, but when you look at the evidence, there is a tremendous number of literal references to serpent people – serpent gods.”
Over the centuries these Reptilians interbred with us and spread out into the world along with humankind, and managed to insert themselves into important families and organizations, from which they supposedly control religion, the government, education, and of course the media. These creatures are apparently attracted to our planet because of the “vibrations” present here, plus the fact that we give them a chance to continue to reproduce. Icke said of this: “The reptilians and other manipulating entities exist only just outside the frequency range of our physical senses. Their own physical form has broken down and they can no longer re-produce. Thus they have sought to infiltrate human form and so use that to exist and control in this dimension. They chose the Earth for this infiltration because it most resembles in vibration the locations from which they originate. These reptilians are addicted to the dense physical “world” and the sensations it offers and they have no desire to advance higher. Their aim in this period is to stop the Earth and incarnate humanity from making the shift from dense physical prison into multi-dimensional paradise.”
By having power in every single country, the Reptilians have created a global prison that people don’t even realize they’re in. The prison was created by drawing country lines, which leads to endless wars and conflicts. Another way they control humans is by distracting us with media, entertainment, and even politics. They’ve also made the population stupid and lazy by poisoning food, the air, and the water.
A crucial aspect of all of this has been to create a network of mystery schools and secret societies to covertly introduce their agenda while, at the same time, creating institutions like religions to mentally and emotionally imprison the masses and set them at war with each other.
One common theme with the whole Reptilian conspiracy is their interbreeding with humans and genetic experiments upon us. This mixing of their DNA with that of humans and other genetic doctoring has been claimed to have several purposes. One is to allow them to more completely blend in and infiltrate us, and another is that it was meant to limit our mental capacity in order to keep us meek, stupid, and compliant. According to Icke, this reptilian DNA lies dormant within many of us, waiting to be activated at a moment’s notice to serve the whims of our Reptilian overlords. His whole philosophy on this is quite complex, and at times really absolutely bonkers, but he says of it: “These reptilians and their allies have corrupted Earth DNA with their own and this genetic infiltration lies dormant until it is activated by the vibrational fields generated by the Illuminati secret society rituals, and others in the public eye like the carefully designed coronations and official ceremonies of many kinds, including even the UK State Opening of Parliament and certainly those of the various religions.”
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• Ancient writings from Cambodia to Africa refer to a race of semi-divine beings, half human and half reptilian, known as the ‘Naga’.
• These Naga can take on a serpentine form or a fully human form (or presumably any other form).
• Throughout history, the Naga have been both friendly to humans and potentially dangerous.
• According to these legends, the Naga live in a large kingdom underneath the Himalayan Mountains.
• Buddhist legends from Thailand and Cambodia hold that a Naga king sheltered the Buddha from the rain while he meditated for seven days, and later protected the Buddha from an attack by bird-like humanoid beings.
• A South African legend tells of reptilian-like ‘gods’ who ascended from the heavens in monstrous vessels to become the dictators of the human race. The reptilians filled humans with great hate and trained them as warriors to make terrible war.
• According to David Icke, reptilian beings came to the earth thousands of years ago from Orion, Sirius, and Draco, and began breeding humans through the manipulation of DNA coding, inserting their reptilian genetics.
• A human/reptilian bloodline has been preserved through the ages through European royalty, and has been passed along to all forty-four U.S. presidents as well as many media celebrities, says Icke.
• These Reptilians will be exposed. But then what to do with them? In our current state of consciousness humans might demand retribution. But with a shift to higher consciousness we may deal with them in a more positive way.
Extraterrestrials and UFOs are a very hot topic right now, and have been for quite some time, especially within the past few years. Why? Partly because it’s human nature to ponder the unknown and the mysterious, but it’s also in large part due to the fact that hundreds of high ranking whistle-blowers from around the world with verified credentials, have come forward sharing their stories and experiences regarding intelligent extraterrestrials visiting planet Earth.
The whistle-blowers range from professors, to NASA astronauts, all the way to high ranking military, political figures, and more. Not only that, to complement these testimonies, thousands of documents pertaining to the UFO/extraterrestrial issue have been released by dozens of governments. UFOs are no longer a fringe topic, and if the past few years have been any indication, more and more evidence is surely to surface as we move through 2017 and beyond.
When it comes to supposed encounters with extraterrestrials, it’s very interesting for multiple reasons. Firstly, many stories shared by contactees corroborate quite well with each other. Many people report encounters with human looking extraterrestrials who are concerned with our planet and well-being. Others have reported the typical grey alien, human looking aliens with different colour skin, like blue, to reptilian type extraterrestrials. The key factor to remember here is, not all of these interactions are ET, some are simply US military. Knowing the truth about who’s doing what can be very tricky.
The NAGA are said to be a race of non-human reptilian-type beings. They are found in the literature of multiple ancient cultures across the globe, especially within ancient Jainism, Hindu, and ‘mythology.’
They were considered to be semi-divine beings, half human and half reptilian who can either take on a full serpentine form or a fully human form. According to the legends, these beings existed underground and inside of the Earth, in large kingdoms. They were considered both beneficial and friendly to humans, as well as potentially dangerous.
According to encyclopedia Britannica:
“The female nagas (naginis or nagis) are serpent princesses of striking beauty. The dynasties of Manipur in northeastern India, the Pallavas in southern India, and the ruling family of Funan (ancient Indochina) each claimed an origin in the union of a human being and a nagi.
In Buddhism, nagas are often represented as door guardians or, as in Tibet, as minor deities. The naga king Muchalinda, who sheltered the Buddha from rain for seven days while he was deep in meditation, is beautifully depicted in the 9th–13th century Mon-Khmer Buddhas of what are now Thailand and Cambodia. In Jainism the Tirthankara (saviour) Parshvanatha is always shown with a canopy of naga hoods above his head.”
Naga’s were also considered as protectors of the Buddha and of the dharma, some (like David Icke) even claim that they were present at the birth of Buddha, despite the fact that they were still considered dangerous, especially when angered.
One example where the Naga’s are referenced in ancient scripture comes from the Mahabharata, where the Buddha actually protected Naga’s from an attack by half human half bird like creatures, Garuda. After this battle, both the Naga’s and Garudas (sic).
According to Barbara O’Brien, a journalist and student of Zen Buddhism, “In a legend of Tibetan Buddhism, once a great lama names Sakya Yeshe and his attendants were returning to Tibet from China. He carried invaluable copies of sutras given him by the Emperor. Somehow the precious texts fell into a river and were hopelessly lost. The travelers kept on and returned home to their monastery….When they arrived, they learned that an old man had delivered some sutras to the monastery for Sakya Yeshe. It was the Emperor’s gift, still slightly damp but intact. The old man apparently had been a Naga in disguise.”
She goes on to give more examples:
“In the Muccalinda Sutta (Khuddaka Nikaya, Udana 2.1), the Buddha was sitting in deep meditation as a storm approached. A Naga king named Muccalinda spread his great cobra hood over the Buddha to shelter him from the rain and cold.
In the Himavanta Sutta (Samyutta Nikaya 46.1) the Buddha used Nagas in a parable. The Nagas depend on the mountains of the Himalayas for strength, he said. When they are strong enough, they descend to small lakes and streams, then to larger lakes and rivers, and eventually to the great ocean. In the ocean, they attain greatness and prosperity. In the same way, monks are to depend on virtue developed through the Seven Factors of Enlightenment (mindfulness, investigation, energy, happiness, tranquility, concentration, equanimity) to attain greatness of mental qualities.”
Modern Day Claims of Reptilian Type Beings
To the left you will see a picture of William Tompkins and Admiral Larry Marsh. As a teenager Tompkins had an eye for detail and loved to create Navy ship and submarine models. The Navy took interest in his capabilities and recruited him to do work on advanced technology projects. Recently, he has come forward with claims, as many others have, revealing information about clandestine black budget operation programs.
Bill Tompkins and Adm Larry Marsh
These are Special Access Programs (SAP). From these we have unacknowledged and waived SAPs. These programs do not exist publicly, but they do indeed exist. They are better known as ‘deep black programs.’ A 1997 U.S. Senate report described them as “so sensitive that they are exempt from standard reporting requirements to the Congress.”
We have no idea what goes on in these programs, except from those who have worked within them, like Edward Snowden.
Tompkins has been speaking about supposed Reptilian beings within the past few years. Below is an interview he did with Dr. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D., an internationally recognized scholar in international politics, conflict resolution and U.S. foreign policy. He is a pioneer in the development of ‘Exopolitics.’
It’s interesting that legend suggests these beings could shape-shift into human form, because today, many people actually believe that some high-ranking politicians and royal families have bloodline ties to these beings and consider them actual shapeshifters. This theory has been around for some time, but was popularized by David Icke.
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David Icke did a two city tour of Hawaii at the end of March 2012. Source: Global Media Productions
Yesterday, I made the trip from the Big Island of Hawaii to the adjoining island of Maui to see David Icke do a one day event on the theme “Remember Who You Areâ€. I had some years earlier read two of Icke’s books and many of his articles where he discussed the secret hierarchy in control of our world. This was my first time seeing him live. I was looking forward to the experience, and was not to be disappointed.
About 450 people were there at the Castle Theater to see Icke deliver an impassioned ten hour presentation broken down into four parts. It was wonderful to see the Hawaiian audience react so positively to the message he had to deliver, which covered the full spectrum of his understanding of our global situation, and how humanity can break free of our “Reptilian†overlords by riding a powerful “truth frequency†wave sweeping into our world. A metaphor that resonated swell with the Hawaiian surfers in the audience – including myself.
The first part of the day dealt with “Remember Who You Are”. In it Icke explained how the universe is little more than various frequencies, and that the consciousness at the core of our identity uses this energetic frequency field to generate a holographic image of our physical bodies. He persuasively argued that we are eternal beings of infinite consciousness having a holographic experience. Our bodies are little more than physical vehicles, like cars, that accommodate us for short periods, before we let them go for a new model – reincarnation.
Icke explained the importance of understanding how the energetic frequency field around us, is the substratum of the holographic image that is created by our five senses. Understanding how this holographic image is created – our physical body – not only is important for remembering who we are, eternal beings of infinite consciousness, but also how we are manipulated to believe we are powerless. That took us into part two of Icke’s Remember Who You Are. Icke showed how historically humanity has been controlled by those whose energy frequency field is more expansive than our own. This allows humanity’s controllers to manipulate our perceptual field which is made up of all that our five physical senses take in, and is processed by our brain.
Essentially, the controllers own sensory inputs processes more of the energy frequency field around us. The way they manipulate humanity is to implant our junk DNA with information that allows us to be manipulated to varying degrees. Those humans who have the right bloodlines (DNA) are steered into positions of power by our controllers.
These human elites – bluebloods – are genetically hardwired in a way that allows them to be manipulated even more directly by our historical overlords that oversee this vast genetic intervention. As to who are our overlords, no surprise for those following the work of David Icke – they are Reptilian multidimensional entities whose perceptual fields and abilities allow them to overshadow our perceptual reality.
Our Reptilian overlords, according to Icke, have been here for a very long time and evidence is found in many cultural traditions and artifacts. They act like shadowy puppeteers in pulling the genetic strings of elites prominently placed in the hierarchical control system. I was especially impressed by Icke’s explanation of how the moon is in fact an artificially created satellite whose chief purpose is to transmit electromagnetic frequencies that allow humanity to be controlled. Icke quoted a number of authors saying the same thing over the last hundred years or so. Basically, it appears that the moon’s position, the way it precisely overshadows the sun during eclipses, and its influence over human emotions, female cycles, tidal patterns, etc., is no accident. This made a lot of sense.
Unfortunately, this was not the case for Icke’s explanation of the role of the planet Saturn in the control system manipulating humanity. Icke explained how historically the planet or ‘god’ Saturn has been the center of many religious and cultural systems as a figure of worship. He claimed that the word “Satan†has its roots in Saturn. The fact that so many past imperial cultures, and Satanist groups, have venerated the planet or god Saturn, makes it part of the planetary control system according to Icke.
This is where Icke generated some controversy when he tried to explain how the Star of David was an image of the Saturnian belief system with Satanic aspects. Given that the Star of David is a venerated symbol for the nation of Israel and Jewish identity, this would naturally trigger some powerful emotions. Icke tried to rationalize it this way. He was against Rothschild Zionism which historically has manipulated Jews in fulfilling a planetary agenda that would culminate in a Third World War. The Star of David was part of the agenda of Rothschild Zionism and had little to do with any core Jewish identity.
One audience member repeatedly tried to challenge Icke on this, but was not allowed to ask any question. Later in the day, the audience member rushed the stage in frustration causing quite a commotion. More on the Star of David symbol later.
The third part of the day dealt with our current geo-political system. Basically, the planetary control system is in high gear trying to counter the rising consciousness of humanity caused by an incoming truth frequency. The controllers realize that they are about to lose power, and are making every attempt to intimidate and frighten humanity into submission. This is why, according to Icke, the Obama administration has gone to great lengths to implement legislation that enables it greater control over every aspect of American life: food, water, drugs, finances, security, etc.
The final part of the presentation was the kind of pep talk one would hear from a general giving one final exhortation to his troops before battle. General Icke was taking this one last opportunity to motivate all to realize who they are – expressions of infinite consciousness having holographic experiences – to say “No†to the controllers agenda, and to rally others to do the same. The time for nonviolent revolution is now!
Overall, it had been an inspiring performance by Icke, who despite some obvious health challenges, made it through to the end of his ten hour marathon without collapsing as probably this and other mere mortals would have done. This takes me to the downside of my day long experience with David Icke. It became obvious that this was to be a very one way experience. Icke was to speak uninterrupted for close to ten hours in all without any questions or interruption from the audience.
This created quite a paradox with what Icke was intending to achieve. It became clear that he was downloading a lot of information and conditioning his audience to be informed of the problems confronting humanity, and to take action according to his prescription. Given that the main problem confronting humanity was conditioning by its secret Reptilian overlords, it is no minor paradox that Icke was doing something very similar. If he really believed his audience comprised infinite expressions of consciousness having holographic experiences, then perhaps he could learn something from them to improve his own understanding of what is occurring at a planetary level. This was not to be. Icke had worked it all out. All the audience had to do was absorb Icke’s message and act on it.
So I’ll take this opportunity to share what this individual expression of infinite consciousness would have pointed out if given the opportunity to ask questions. First, the Star of David is a very old and ancient symbol, and not at all an exclusive negative symbol that furthers a Zionist Rothschild control agenda. The Star of David has been described by various authors as a two dimensional representation of two interlocking tetrahedrons (a star tetrahedron) that have tremendous transformational power as part of something called sacred geometry by Drunvalo Melchizadek, or hyperdimensional physics by Richard Hoagland.
There is much information about the transformational aspects of the Star of David, and it is in many ways a sacred symbol. I certainly sympathized with those objecting to Icke’s crude depiction of the Star of David symbol, and attempt to caricature it as a symbol of oppression. Second, according to Icke, all forms of hierarchy are bad.
This includes an alleged spiritual hierarchy called the “Great White Brotherhood†that has been silently intervening in human affairs for a positive future. Really? There is abundant evidence that such a secret ‘spiritual’ hierarchy had intervened in many ways to help guide humanity’s evolution, but doing so largely behind the scenes so as to not have too inordinate an influence in human affairs. It appears that they have been doing something similar to what Icke is now doing, but for a lot longer, and arguably more effectively given that humanity has not self-destructed.
With up to 60,000 thousand nuclear weapons having existed in weapons stockpiles over the last sixty years that have been controlled by corrupt elites, it’s nothing short of miraculous that humanity has survived. The alleged Great White Brotherhood, according to many sources did intervene on many occasions to prevent a nuclear holocaust. If there is a dark control pyramid of power running our world as Icke suggests, correctly in my opinion, then it would be natural to assume that a benevolent hierarchical counterforce comprising enlightened beings exists.
I have written articles analysing witness testimonies describing how such enlightened beings, whom I call celestials, have regularly silently intervened in human affairs.My third point concerns the authority figures in the U.S. government and military that are largely depicted as puppets taking their marching orders from the shadowy control groups directing human affairs. This ignores evidence that there is in fact a powerful behind-the-scenes constitutional faction in the U.S. military and various federal agencies, fighting effectively against such things as a new war against Iran, and preventing false flag operations using nuclear weapons. Two examples come to mind. One was Admiral William Fallon who was at the apex of a U.S. generals revolt over Bush administration plans to attack Iran in 2007. The other was an incident concerning a B-52 bomber from Minot Air Force Base loaded with nuclear missiles that was ‘discovered’ at Barksdale AFB in 2007. The Bomber was enroute to the Middle East in a covert operation orchestrated by former Vice-President Cheney. What happened was that there was a faction within in the U.S. military that objected to the covert operation, and leaked information to news sources. This effectively prevented what was likely going to be a false flag nuclear operation.
So the planetary control system is not at all monolithic, but comprises different factions that are battling each other.Finally, in his first book, The Robot’s Rebellion (1994), Icke stressed the role of a “Luciferian consciousness†at the apex of the control pyramid directing human affairs. In 1998, with his book, The Biggest Secret, he replaced this “Luciferian consciousness†by Reptilian overlords. While Icke during his day long event did admit to the possibility that there was probably something behind the Reptilians, this “Luciferian consciousness†was not anything he explicitly mentioned.
While he did mention Satan and Satanic rituals, the context suggested that these were activities directed by our Reptilian overlords to place humans into fear. This is opposite to his first book where the Luciferian consciousness manipulated not only humanity, but also extraterrestrial species. This reversal appeared to me to be a major step backwards in the evolution of Icke’s thinking over the last two decades. Why did Icke reverse his earlier position? It appears much less persuasive to argue in favor of Reptilian overlords given the historical evidence of a Luciferian consciousness at the apex of the control pyramid in our world.
The Reptilian overlord thesis made it easier to ridicule Icke’s entire corpus of work by those sceptical that various royal families and political elites are in fact shapeshifting Reptilians. I admit it did look rather childish to see green Reptilian images with sharp teeth at the top of the control structure given what other major researchers such as Fritz Springmeier have found when it comes to the role of a Luciferian consciousness directing human affairs.
The most impressive recent expose of this Luciferian consciousness was a dialogue initiated by someone calling himself the Hidden Hand on the Above Top Secret forum in October 2008. I wrote an article about the Hidden Hand’s revelations and how this Luciferian consciousness went beyond human affairs, and affected all extraterrestrial life, including Reptilians. This leads me to question whether David Icke was effectively misinformed at some point when it comes to discussing the apex of the planetary control pyramid? Was he directed to Reptilian shapeshifting stories by witnesses to effectively jettison his earlier position about the Luciferian consciousness? Did Icke get too close to the truth with his first book, The Robots Rebellion, and was subjected to a disinformation program to steer him away from the most damaging part of what he was learning?
All questions I would have loved to ask. The entire corpus of David Icke’s work undoubtedly helps inform a sleeping humanity about the secret control system and the role of certain extraterrestrial groups in the planetary hierarchical control system. There is much evidence supporting Icke’s claim of intervention of Reptilians extraterrestrials in human affairs, but are they our planetary overlords? I seriously doubt it, and think this is clever disinformation by the ultimate planetary contollers – a Luciferian consciousness – to sow fear and distrust about one of the extraterrestrial species resident and/or visiting our world. Despite my lingering unanswered questions, I joined the Hawaiian audience in giving David Icke a thoroughly deserved standing ovation for a marathon effort in helping us Remember Who We Are!