Article by Mindy Weisberger July 19, 2021 (
• Claims of alien abductions date to the 19th century. The circumstances of the kidnappings often sound dreamlike and trigger feelings of terror and paralysis. These feelings of paralysis fear and helplessness in vivid dreams can be so powerful that they blur the line between dreams and reality.
Article by Lucy Notarantonio May 8, 2021 (
• Paula Smith, a 50 year-old grandmother from Bradford in northeast England, says that she has experienced 52 alien abductions and has evidence to prove it. Her first close encounter was when she was a little girl and they have continued ever since. She showed photo images of bruises left on her body by aliens following an abduction. Paula also claims to have returned home from an abduction experience with a triangular bruise on her face and fingerprint marks on her arm.
• “I’ve been taken from my bedroom window and my bed,” says Paula. “According to my family, I had been missing for four hours, but I have no recollection of what actually went on.” Paula has drawn a picture of the silver type of alien that routinely abducts her. “There’s no warning and I can’t sense anything is going to happen. It just happens. All I can do is carry on as normal, otherwise I’d go crazy.”
• In one of Paula’s abductions, “I was on a (UFO) craft and the aliens showed me technology we didn’t have,” said Paula. “They showed me a slideshow of pristine scenery which had a beautiful river which then turned black. The blue sky went blood red and I soon realized it was a movie of the Earth being destroyed through man’s greed.”
• “The first time I saw a craft was 1982,” says Paula. “I was in the woods and it was completely silent. The pathway became narrower and I could hear my heart thumping. I recall looking into the darkness whilst my eyes adjusted. I could see what looked a boomerang shape with an extra arm on it. Each arm had a light at the end. I recall three of the lights, one was blue, the other green, but I cannot recall the color of the other light. I could describe it better as a propeller blade from an aeroplane. It was about 30ft tall and 30ft wide. It was black with a green and blue light on the edges. It was turning clockwise at 1mph in complete silence.”
• “I remember trying to run but it felt like the ground was quicksand, like sinking into the ground, then everything went black. Paula added, “I didn’t tell anybody because I know people would think I am crazy. But there are thousands, if not millions of people like me out there who have similar experiences.”
Paula Smith
A gran from Bradford says she’s been abducted by aliens more than 50 times – and she has the evidence to prove it.
Paula Smith claims her first close encounter was when she was a little girl. She says they have continued ever since.
The 50-year-old shared images of bruises she says were left on her body by aliens following one abduction. She has also drawn a picture of a silver alien to show what they look like.
Paula said: “I have experienced 52 paranormal incidents. There’s no warning and I can’t sense anything is going to happen. It just happens. All I can do is carry on as normal, otherwise I’d go crazy.”
marks on Paula’s arm
Paula claims to have been in a UFO.
illustration of Paula’s abductors
She said: “I was on a craft and the aliens showed me technology we didn’t have.
“They showed me a slideshow of pristine scenery which had a beautiful river which then turned black.
“The blue sky went blood red and I soon realised it was a movie of the Earth being destroyed through man’s greed.”
Paula, who says she works in the transport sector, claims to have returned home with a triangular bruise on her face and fingerprint marks on her arm.
She said: “The first time I saw a craft was 1982. I was in the woods and it was completely silent.
“The pathway became narrower and I could hear my heart thumping.
“I recall looking into the darkness whilst my eyes adjusted. I could see what looked a boomerang shape with an extra arm on it.
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Article by Arjun Walia May 28, 2020 (
• Dr. Jacques Vallee, the French astrophysicist who co-developed the first computerized map of Mars for NASA in 1963 and was a close associate Project Blue Book’s J. Allen Hynek, has written several books on the UFO enigma. Vallee has investigated an uncountable amount of case reports regarding UFOs and extraterrestrial beings. He’s been a major player in bringing the UFO phenomenon to the mainstream public. Vallee knows that something real and quite possibly extraterrestrial and inter-dimensional is going on. He is currently a venture capitalist living in San Francisco.
• Credible information regarding UFO sightings, crash retrievals, contact experiences with ‘aliens’, and possible bodies are out there to be examined. But there is a lot of disinformation out there as well. It is well documented that for years intelligence agency and government operatives infiltrated the UFO community for the purpose of deceiving researchers – and for one simple reason: to hide the truth. These disinformation initiatives still seem to be in operation today. On top of disinformation, there has long been an official campaign of ridicule and secrecy as well. Vallee is one of many who have written about the evidence of well-constructed hoaxes and media manipulations designed to mislead UFO researchers and the public.
• In one of his latest books, Forbidden Science 4, Vallee makes an entry for March 26, 1992 writing: “I have secured a document confirming that the CIA simulated UFO abductions in Latin America (Brazil and Argentina) as psychological warfare experiments.” In the book, Vallee notes that Air Force Colonel Ron Blackburn told Vallee in May 1990 that he was “convinced the government is working on UFOs”. Blackburn said that the chances were “pretty good” that the US government was “fooling” UFO witnesses “by special effects developed by psychological warfare”. “Suppose you shine a week infrared laser into people’s eyes,” said Blackburn. “[I]t won’t hurt them but may induce a hallucinatory state. Experiments have been done where you send a microwave beam through someone’s brain; you pick up the transmitted energy pattern. You can influence people this way, even make them hear things. Holograms have been used too.”
• In 1992, Vallee wrote that he had received a document that the CIA had been involved with staging UFO (alien abductions). There are many examples and evidence that point to staged abductions happening for reasons unknown, and that it’s also continuing today. It’s not surprising if you’ve looked into the CIA’s technologically advanced black budget world with programs like MK Ultra intended to manipulate the perception of the masses.
• In his book, Vallee also mentions retired Air Force Special investigations officer Richard Doty. Doty’s job in the Air Force was to spread disinformation about the UFO subject. Doty has admitted to infiltrating UFO circles along with his colleagues to ‘feed’ ufologists and journalists lies and half-truths so that they would never understand the ‘real truth’.
• Retired university professor Dr. David Jacobs hypnotically regressed people who claimed to have had ET abduction experiences. Thousands of these ‘abductees’ share the same story of forced impregnation and ‘hybrid’ children, among other things. Could some of these forced abduction experiments simply be deep black government projects? Yes. But there are many who have claimed to have had non-threatening or even pleasant encounters with alien beings. Still, even these ‘abductees’ often sensed a military component to the encounter.
• Could the story about President Eisenhower’s meeting with aliens and the secret deal to allow a certain amount of human abductions in exchange for technology also be fabricated? Could all reported alien abductions be military operations? It’s not likely.
Throughout history, the field of ufology and the examination of the extraterrestrial hypothesis has, without a doubt, been overcome with a plethora of
Dr. Jacques Vallee
disinformation. Those who have dived into the depths of ufology know this best, as it’s well documented that ‘outsiders’ from intelligence agencies and governments have infiltrated the field for the purposes of deceiving researchers and people who are interested in the topic for one simple reason, to keep them
Dr. David Jacobs
away from the truth. On top of these disinformation campaigns, which still seem to be in operation today, there has long been an “official campaign of ridicule and secrecy” (Roscoe Hillenkoetter, Ex CIA director) associated with the subject. This is why I encourage all those reading who dive into this subject to stick with facts, data, and evidence rather than entertain what seem to be outlandish claims that in no way, at all, can be verified.
I’d like to draw your attention to Dr. Jacques Vallee, who holds a master’s degree in astrophysics and a Ph.D. in computer science. The subject of UFOs first attracted his attention as an astronomer in Paris. He subsequently became a close associate of Project Blue Book’s J. Allen Hynek and has written several books on the UFO enigma. He is currently a venture capitalist living in San Francisco. Vallée co-developed the first computerized map of Mars for NASA in 1963. He later worked on the network information center for the ARPANET, a precursor to the modern Internet, as a staff engineer of SRI International’s Augmentation Research Center under Douglas Engelbart.
Richard Doty
He’s a researcher that’s had a very interesting life, to say the least, with regards to researching the topic of UFOs. He’s come into contact with and had meetings with most experts in the field, politicians from around the world, high ranking military personnel and much more. His journey into the subject has led him to investigate an uncountable amount of case reports regarding UFOs and supposed extraterrestrial beings, and he’s been a major player with regards to bringing the mainstream scientific community forward to look at the evidence and data that’s involved with such a serious subject, that, in his time, was largely ridiculed. He is an important reason why the phenomenon has gained as much credibility as it has today.
Valle is one of many who have written about and documented the startling evidence that well-constructed hoaxes and media manipulations have misled UFO researchers, diverting them from the UFO phenomenon itself, what’s really going on.
In one of his latest books, Forbidden Science 4, he shares a record of his private study into unexplained phenomena between 1990 and the end of the millennium, during which he was traveling around the global pursuing his professional work as a high-technology investor. It’s a bit of a diary, documenting his experiences and encounters/meetings as he tries to examine and explore the phenomenon.
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• Dr. Young-hae Chi is a Korean instructor at the University of Oxford in England. Chi has linked the growing number of alien abductees to the increase in atmospheric greenhouse gases and concluded that extraterrestrials are producing human/alien hybrids to create a new model of homo sapiens that can better withstand the rigors of a hotter planet.
• Dr. Chi draws heavily from Dr. David Jacobs, a retired Temple University historian who has published several books in the field of Ufology and who also runs the International Center for Abduction Research. Jacobs has interviewed over a thousand abductees, using hypnotic regression that apparently allows them to recall their encounters with aliens.
• According to polls over the last few years, between 2 and 6 percent of the American citizenry – millions of folks – claim to have been abducted by aliens. And this number is rising. And these abductees often report being forced to participate in breeding programs.
• Dr. Chi says that these hybrid extraterrestrial beings have long lived among us, and are largely indistinguishable from humans. “The first generation hybrids still have physical features distinctive to aliens. But from the second generation … they have almost indistinguishable bodily features from those of humans, although they may still carry at least one fourth of alien genes,” says Chi.
• [Editor’s Note] Once again, disinformation is coming from Dr. Chi and the deep state sanctuary at the University of Oxford in England. Now it’s heat-tolerant alien-human hybrids taking over the planet. The more absurd the “information” coming from the supposed “experts”, the more that the typically uninformed citizenry will tend to dismiss any information regarding an extraterrestrial presence. And this is precisely the deep state’s objective.
Polls made in the last few years indicate that somewhere between 2 and 6 percent of the American citizenry – millions of folks – claim to have been abducted by aliens.
The experience is apparently not pleasant. The extraterrestrial captors are said to lead victims into their saucers, lay them out on a table, and extract sperm from the men and impregnate the women. It’s all in the interest of unauthorized breeding experiments.
If you’re familiar with UFO lore, you know that the usual explanations for these tasteless activities are that either (1) the aliens are in a reproductive bind on their home world – they can no longer successfully procreate, so have come to Earth to use humans as incubators to spawn alien offspring, or (2) they’re producing hybrid beings that will somehow help the extraterrestrials take over the planet.
Dr. Young-hae Chi
An instructor of Korean at the University of Oxford in England, Dr. Young-hae Chi, believes that the abductions are real. But he also claims to know what the aliens have in mind. They’re creating alien-human hybrids as a hedge against climate change.
To support his unorthodox theory, Chi notes that for several decades the number of reported alien abductions has risen. He bases this statement on the work of Dr. David Jacobs, a retired Temple University historian who has published several books in the field of Ufology. Jacobs also runs ICAR, the International Center for Abduction Research. He has interviewed more than a thousand abductees, using hypnotic regression that apparently allows them to recall their unearthly encounters with aliens. (Jacobs himself admits that people should be skeptical of these recollections.)
Chi takes the claims at face value, and links the growing number of abductees cataloged by Jacobs to the increase in atmospheric greenhouse gases. He doesn’t imply a cause and effect: The abduction experiment is not responsible for global warming. Rather, it’s a reaction to it. The extraterrestrials are producing hybrids that can better withstand the rigors of a toastier planet. By producing a new model of Homo sapiens, this project would eliminate the need for difficult climate accords or elaborate geoengineering projects. It would also help the aliens themselves – who are said to be living among us – by preserving the part of their DNA that’s carried by the temperature-tolerant hybrids.
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• The National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) has cataloged almost 90,000 reported UFO sightings since it was founded in 1974. However, some are actual UFOs of extraterrestrial origin, and some are not. has launched a webpage where visitors can find the probability of seeing a UFO in their state, as well as learn about notable UFO sightings throughout history.
• In the United States, the highest probability of seeing a UFO is in Wyoming, where your odds are one in 20,500. In Florida the odds drop to one in 348,500. Meanwhile, in Missouri, which only has a population of 6,113,532, there have been 7,467 UFO sightings, yet in New York, with a population of 19,849,399, there have been a scant 7,641 sightings.
• On January 13, 2018, a witness in Pasadena, California saw five “circular UFOs” at 12:45 pm. A second witness 90 miles away in Carlsbad, California saw the five circular objects at 2:30 pm. Two and a half hours later in Hollywood, Florida, a police officer reported seeing “numerous orange lights above the coastline”.
• In addition to UFO sightings, a sociological research poll revealed that nearly four million Americans have been abducted by aliens. Consequently, 40,000 Americans have purchased alien abduction insurance.
Despite that the fact that aliens are usually seen as a futuristic lifeform, UFO sightings date back thousands of years. In 1440 BC, the scribes of Pharaoh Thutmose III reportedly saw “fiery disks” floating over the skies. And in 74 BC, a Roman army under the command of Lucullus was engaged in battle with Mithridates VI of Pontus when “all on a sudden, the sky burst asunder, and a huge, flame-like body was seen to fall between the two armies. In shape, it was almost like a wine-jar, and in color, like molten silver,” according to Plutarch, a Greek biographer. The UFO was reportedly seen by both armies.
Nowadays, the odds of seeing a UFO depend mostly on where you live. In the US, you are most likely to see a UFO in Wyoming, where your odds are one in 20,500. However, if you live in Florida, your odds drop to one in 348,500. Meanwhile, in Missouri, which only has a population of 6,113,532, there have been 7,467 UFO sightings, yet in New York, which has a population of 19,849,399, there have been a scant 7,641 sightings. has launched a site that explores UFO sighting odds where users can check the probability of seeing a UFO in their state, as well as learn about notable UFO sightings throughout history.
This year in California and Florida, three different residents in three different cities reported seeing UFOs on the same day. On January 13, a witness in Pasadena, California said they had seen at least five “circular UFOs” at 12:45 pm. The second sighting took place at 2:30 pm about 90 miles away in Carlsbad, California when five circular objects were seen. Two and a half hours later in Hollywood, Florida, there was another sighting of “numerous orange lights above the coastline,” by a police officer.
Sightings can be reported to the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC), an organization that investigates UFO sightings and/or alien contacts. NUFORC, which has operated continuously since it was founded in 1974 by Robert J. Gribble, has cataloged almost 90,000 reported UFO sightings. However, it is estimated that 90-95% of sightings are not UFOs. They can be weather events, military tests or other incidents. Still, there are many sightings that cannot be explained.
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by Nick Redfern October 25, 2017 (
A common element of alien abductions is that abductees report being submerged in some kind of thick liquid that allows them to breathe.
In an article entitled “New Evidence of Military Involvement in Abductions”, Helmut Lammer tells the story of a woman who was taken to an underground facility where she “…saw naked humans floating in tubes.” She herself was forced into a pool of breathable “golden yellow bubbly fluid” while other humans looked on.
Another abductee reported how he was submerged in a glass cylinder and able to open his eyes and breathe a thick warm greenish fluid without discomfort.
Another abductee reported finding himself naked in a large funnel-shaped pool filled with a greenish black gel-type liquid, along with “at least 15 other humans… all of them screaming and panicking…”.
Another female reported that she was occasionally abducted by “dwarfish, black-eyed entities” and immersed into a clear thick liquid that smelled of nail polish, which she could easily “breathe”. Tall, skinny, pale-faced Men In Black warned her not to talk about her experiences. stated in March 2017 that Earth scientists have been working on “liquid ventilation”, ie: breathing a liquid instead of air to treat severe pulmonary or cardiac trauma, and to use in deep diving and space travel.
Within the domain of the alien abduction phenomenon, there are a number of accounts of people reportedly taken on-board UFOs and submerged into mysterious liquids, or gels – as in completely submerged. Very oddly, and as the abductees state, the liquid does not prevent them from breathing normally. Researcher Helmut Lammer – in an article titled “New Evidence of Military Involvement in Abductions” – tells the story of a woman who he refers to as “Lisa,” and who found herself in just this precise situation. Lisa was an alien abductee, but she was also someone who was subjected to what have become known as Milabs – or “military abductions.” It was in this latter context that Lisa had a very traumatic experience, as Lammer shows.
Lammer says Lisa was taken against her will to what turned out to be a below-surface facility, in which she “…saw naked humans floating in tubes. Lisa claims that she was forced by humans into some type of pool filled with a golden yellow bubbly fluid, while other humans looked at her. Lisa has traumatic recollections that her kidnappers tried to make her and other victims able to breathe in the liquid. In two of the before mentioned cases the abductee was forced to breathe the liquid like Lisa. The hypnosis transcripts reveal that the liquid breathing experiences were traumatic for the abductees. Both abductees where totally immersed in the liquid and both reported that they could breathe the fluid.”
Then, there is this from another abductee: “I found myself inside a clear glass cylinder, totally submerged in some kind of warm fluid, thicker than water, thinner than oil. To my surprise, I was able to breathe this warm fluid without discomfort. I could also open my eyes without a problem. The solution was clear, of a greenish color and the container was softly lit. I remember, still fully submerged in this solution, that I slowly began to recall the abduction that had taken me away from my bedroom, minutes, maybe hours before.”
There is also this one: “…I woke up again, this time naked in a funnel shaped pool filled with a greenish black gel type liquid. The pool had to be 20 yards wide all around. And pretty deep. The pool was made of some kind of shiny metal. With the gel it made the surface very slippery and you would slip under the gel if you tried to get out. I then realized something very odd at that time. I wasn’t alone. There were at least 15 other humans with me. All of them screaming and panicking…”
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