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  • Singer Robbie Williams Thrilled as Former Space Chief Confirms Galactic Federation

Singer Robbie Williams Thrilled as Former Space Chief Confirms Galactic Federation

Article by Ashleigh Rainbird                                   December 15, 2020                                    (irishmirror.ie)

• British pop singer Robbie Williams (pictured above) is thrilled that his alien theories have been backed up, after Israel’s former space security chief, Professor Haim Eshed, said a “Galactic Federation” exists. Williams welcomed the “big news” that a few select Earthlings from Israel and the US are part of a top-secret organization with aliens. He describes Eshed as “a very learned gentleman who is respected very highly”.

• Eshed reportedly said Israeli and American representatives meet up with aliens at the Federation’s secret underground bunker on Mars. “I know when muggins says all these things about UFOs you go, ‘Oh yeah?’” says Williams. “But he’s top brass in the Israeli military. What about them cosmic apples?”  (see 58 second clip of Williams discussing his UFO encounter below)

• Eshed claimed US President Donald Trump was “on the verge” of revealing their existence, but did not want to cause “hysteria” among us humans. Robbie, of course, has been expecting them.


          Professor Haim Eshed

Robbie Williams is over the moon that his alien theories have been backed up, after Israel’s former space

            US President Donald Trump

security chief said a “Galactic Federation” exists.

The singer welcomed the “big news” from Professor Haim Eshed – who headed up Israel’s space program for almost 30 years – that a few select Earthlings from Israel and the US are part of a top-secret organisation with aliens.

Rob describes Professor Eshed as “a very learned gentleman who is respected very highly”.

“I know when muggins says all these things about UFOs you go, ‘Oh yeah?’” admits Robbie, who previously made a Radio 4 documentary about a UFO conference in Nevada.

“But he’s top brass in the Israeli military. What about them cosmic apples?”

58 second clip of Robbie Williams relating a UFO encounter (’60 Minutes Australia’ YouTube)




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cosmic apples, Donald Trump, Galactic Federation, Mars, Professor Haim Eshed, Robbie Williams

ExoNews Editor

Duke Brickhouse is a former trial lawyer and entertainment attorney who has refocused his life’s work to exposing the truth of our subjugated planet and to help raise humanity’s collective consciousness at this crucial moment in our planet’s history, in order to break out of the dark and negative false reality that is preventing the natural development of our species, to put our planet on a path of love, light and harmony in preparation for our species’ ascension to a fourth density, and to ultimately take our rightful place in the galactic community.

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