Recognizing Another Life Form is Questionable

by Bob Allen           September 13, 2018           (

• As of September 1st, there have been 3,823 confirmed exoplanets discovered in our galaxy, and rocky temperate worlds are plentiful. With the likelihood of extraterrestrial beings inhabiting our galactic neighborhood, Earthlings go about their daily lives in detached complacence.

• If we Earthlings make open contact with a superior civilization, would we be able to accept and adapt? Or would we panic as we did 80 years ago when a radio dramatization of a supposed alien invasion convinced thousands that another life form had, in fact, landed in New Jersey.

• The general conception in the scientific community is that it is highly unlikely that environmental conditions on other exoplanets would be similar to that found on Earth, and therefore its inhabitants, if any, would be nothing like we humans here on Earth.

• The older generation is so completely accustomed to regarding ourselves as the supreme beings in the universe, that the discovery of highly advanced beings and civilizations might be a shattering revelation. Still, older folks are somewhat jealous of younger generations who have amazing technological advances ahead of them. Perhaps even “meeting” a bona fide ET is in the stars for them.

• While there has been no official verification of the existence of intelligent extraterrestrial life, such a discovery – and open contact with them – would bring a true awakening and acceptance of the fact that we have never been alone in the universe.

[Editor’s Note]   Indeed, our ultimate meeting with technologically and spiritually advanced extraterrestrial beings is currently being planned. What can we expect? Insiders such as Corey Goode and Emery Smith (supported by David Wilcock’s other insiders) relate that the vast majority of the beings in our galaxy follow the “star” pattern, i.e.: a head at the top, a torso, two arms and two legs. Corey goes further to say that our star system of 52 stars (including our own Sun) all contain habitable planets, and these planets are dominated by human-like beings that appear very similar to Earth humans. The only real difference, besides their relative progress in technology and consciousness, is that the human civilizations in our locality come in a wide diversity of colors and sizes, depending on their respective environments. But Corey and Emery also relate that there are many types of species that are ‘humanoid’ – having the star body template – but contain the dominant genetics of any type of animal, insect, aquatic fish/mammal, and even some plants found on Earth. So ours is a universe absolutely teeming with intelligent civilizations that include insectoids, reptilians, aquafarians, bird people, and virtually any type of creature or humanoid dreamt of (or appropriated) by science fiction writers.


As of Sept. 1, there had been 3,823 confirmed exoplanets discovered in our solar system, and we have learned that rocky, temperate worlds are extremely numerous in our galaxy. Perhaps the next step will involve asking even bigger questions. Could some of these exoplanets host life? And if so, will we be able to recognize life elsewhere if we see it?

With the exception of ongoing projects by the Search for Extra-terrestrial Intelligence (SETI), earthlings have, for the most part, gone about their daily lives in complacence when it comes to thoughts of extraterrestrials and whether they do indeed exist.

But, again, will we be able to recognize life if and when we see it? Even more important, would we be able to accept and adapt to it?

In a radio presentation 80 years ago, the dramatization of a supposed alien invasion was so realistic that thousands believed another life form had, in fact, landed in New Jersey. People rushed into the streets only partially clothed or struck out aimlessly across open country. Cars raced wildly through crowded streets.

Such a scenario could very well manifest itself if we were successful and made contact with what turned out to be a superior civilization. Although there is no certainty or any way to confirm the sightings, many people believe we have already experienced close encounters of the first kind: the viewing of a UFO.

I am sure there are hundreds, even thousands, who hold a strong belief that Earth has been visited in the past by ETs, but like the unverified UFO sightings, trying to reach a close encounter of the second kind — obtaining and/or verifying its existence — has not yet been accomplished.

If such a discovery were validated, it might make it easier for us to accept the fact that we have never been alone in the universe, and the true awakening will arrive with an encounter of the third kind: actual contact with an ET.

Because we have acquired information on only one form of intelligent, technological life, ourselves, it is not out of the question that we tend to think of extraterrestrial beings as resembling us and being as intelligent. A majority of astronomers and scientists consider that thought process nothing more than wishful thinking.

Considering the number of stars in the heavens and the probability of innumerable exoplanets in orbit around them, it is highly unlikely that their environments are equal to our own here on Earth, and their inhabitants, if any, would be nothing at all like those here on Earth.

As I’ve written before, so completely accustomed are we to regarding ourselves as supreme beings that to discover we are no more an intellectual match for beings elsewhere than our dogs are for us would be a shattering revelation.

Although they probably won’t admit to it, there are members of the older generation (including myself) who are jealous of the younger generations who have technological advances ahead of them that would no doubt astound us older folks. Perhaps “meeting” a bona fide ET is in the stars for them.


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exoplanets, extraterrestrial life, galactic neighborhood

ExoNews Editor

Duke Brickhouse is a former trial lawyer and entertainment attorney who has refocused his life’s work to exposing the truth of our subjugated planet and to help raise humanity’s collective consciousness at this crucial moment in our planet’s history, in order to break out of the dark and negative false reality that is preventing the natural development of our species, to put our planet on a path of love, light and harmony in preparation for our species’ ascension to a fourth density, and to ultimately take our rightful place in the galactic community.

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