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Raelians Hold International Online Forum to Discuss Diplomatic Protocols for Extraterrestrial Contact

Jul 23, 2020                                (prnewswire.com)

• It is becoming “obvious that an extraterrestrial civilization is preparing our humanity for an official contact through an ever-increasing number of UFO sightings, military reports describing encounters with UFOs, and very complex crop circles all over the world,” says Raelian Guide, Daniel Turcotte. “It’s just a matter of time before more diplomats and foreign affairs officials acknowledge this and advise their respective governments to care for a proper and formal welcome for an out-of-this-world civilization.”

• The Raelian philosophy states that the “Elohim” in the original Hebrew Bible is actually a peaceful and far more advanced extraterrestrial civilization that created the human race and all life on this Earth. When these advanced beings reveal themselves to us, it will usher in an era of peace – a Golden Age on Earth.

• “We are aware that this is an important paradigm shift… (with) the increasing governmental awareness” of an extraterrestrial presence, says Turcotte. “While some countries wrongfully anticipate an invasion by an armed extraterrestrial civilization and are preparing to go to war against them, we must offset such a primitive and dangerous position with a worldwide movement of peace, to educate people and government officials that we can only benefit from contact with beings from beyond the stars.”

• Turcotte is the promoter of the Raelian ‘Embassy for Extraterrestrials Project’, an international online forum where diplomats and foreign affairs officials from around the world tuned in to learn all of the steps required to officially welcome advanced human beings from another planet. “The main goal of this event was to inform diplomats and foreign affairs officials about this unique and ambitious project that could also bring wealth and scientific advancement to the hosting country.” explained Turcotte.

• The online forum featured Dr. Jon H. Levy, PhD., a world-renowned lawyer specializing in transnational and private international law; and Stephen Goldie, an experienced city planner, outlining the legal issues raised by this unique diplomatic and touristic project.

• “We need to increase [the] level of awareness about the important issues of international law that should be resolved before any extraterrestrial contact is made,” says Turcotte. “For decades now, Raelians have been canvassing countries to consider hosting an ‘Embassy for Extraterrestrials’, but in recent years these discussions have been increasing in number and seriousness.” “Many countries [have shown] a genuine interest in this very promising and important project. The presentation was very well received.”


NEW YORK, July 23, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — “A historical event just happened before our eyes,” announced Daniel Turcotte, Raelian Guide and leader of the Embassy for Extraterrestrials Project sponsored by the Raelian Movement. “Diplomats and Foreign Affairs officials recently attended our first international online forum to learn from our experts all the steps required to officially welcome human beings from another planet.”

 Raëlian founder, Claude Vorilhon, aka Raël
       Daniel Turcotte

“The main goal of this event was to inform diplomats and foreign affairs officials about this unique and ambitious project that could also bring wealth and scientific advancement to the hosting country,” explained Turcotte. “We need to increase their level of awareness about the important issues of international law that should be resolved before any extraterrestrial contact is made.”

During the presentation and after introducing the subject and giving an outline on the project, Dr. Jon H. Levy, PhD.—a world-renowned lawyer specializing in transnational and private international law—and Stephen Goldie—a very experienced city planner—outlined the legal issues raised by this unique and ambitious diplomatic and touristic project, as well as the steps necessary to make it happen.

“For decades now, Raelians have been canvassing countries to consider hosting an Embassy for Extraterrestrials, but in recent years these discussions have been increasing in number and seriousness,” said Turcotte. “Many countries showed a genuine interest in this very promising and important project, the presentation was very well received and all the participants agreed that the diplomatic aspect of it is not only mandatory but the priority.”

“Interest is growing as it becomes obvious that an extraterrestrial civilization is preparing our humanity for an official contact through an ever-increasing number of UFO sightings, military reports describing encounters with UFOs, and very complex crop circles all over the world,” Turcotte continued. “It’s just a matter of time before more diplomats and foreign affairs officials acknowledge this and advise their respective governments to care for a proper and formal welcome for an out-of-this-world civilization.



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‘Embassy for Extraterrestrials Project’, Daniel Turcotte, Dr. Jon H. Levy, Elohim, international law, Raelian philosophy, Stephen Goldie

ExoNews Editor

Duke Brickhouse is a former trial lawyer and entertainment attorney who has refocused his life’s work to exposing the truth of our subjugated planet and to help raise humanity’s collective consciousness at this crucial moment in our planet’s history, in order to break out of the dark and negative false reality that is preventing the natural development of our species, to put our planet on a path of love, light and harmony in preparation for our species’ ascension to a fourth density, and to ultimately take our rightful place in the galactic community.

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