NASA Hails China Space Ambitions As ‘Unifying Force’
Article by Tom O’Conner May 5, 2021 (newsweek.com)
• On April 28th, China’s massive 18-story Long March 5B rocket roared out of the atmosphere to the flag waving cheers of the crowd and a symphony orchestra on the southern island Hainan province, carrying into orbit the core cabin module for the Tiangong modular space station (pictured above). (Note: After positioning the module in orbit, the 22.5 ton core stage of the spent rocket reentered the atmosphere and fell into the Indian Ocean on May 8th.)
• The People’s Liberation Army China Manned Space Engineering Office hailed the launch as an inauguration of “the third step” of the country’s human space exploration campaign. The first was to send a ‘taikonaut’ to and from space safely (as it did in 2003), and the second was to conduct extravehicular activity and orbital docking, tasks accomplished in 2008 and 2011.
• At this point, the Chinese have robotically gathered soil from, and planted a flag on the Moon. The China National Space Administration even landed the Chang’e 4 unmanned mission on the ‘yet untouched’ the far side of the Moon. But with the two temporary space labs comprising the beginning of the Tiangong modular space station, China can lay claim to the only other space station in Earth’s orbit, besides the International Space Station (ISS). Even the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs has nine projects already lined up for the Tiangong space station. But China has also announced plans for an International Lunar Research Station (ILRS), a scientific base either on or orbiting the Moon. Russia signed onto the ILRS in March, and put out a call for more international partners to join.
• Meanwhile, Beijing’s expanding economic, political and military influence has led to a significant deterioration of its relationship with Washington. Concerns about China’s business practices linger among U.S. policymakers. During his recent nomination hearing to head NASA before the Senate Commerce Committee, former Florida Senator Bill Nelson said, “There is a threat China poses in basically getting a lot of our secrets and getting a lot of our technology and invading a lot of our privacy.” The now head of NASA continued, “Now when you take that global concern and bring it to the space program, then you have to be concerned about the same thing.”
• Today, the International Space Station hosts personnel from the U.S., Russia, the European Union, Canada and Japan. But Chinese personnel are banned from ISS by the US Congress, citing intellectual property theft and development of an intercontinental ballistic missile program. It would take special consent of the FBI for NASA to even be allowed to participate with the Chinese space administration.
• In a statement sent to Newsweek, NASA insisted that it welcomes the strides made by its Chinese counterpart, viewing them as a mutual gain for all of mankind in spite of the terrestrial tensions between the two top powers. “NASA uses space and science as a unifying force. Exploration is a global endeavor – each milestone contributing to humanity’s understanding of the universe. And we look forward to China’s contributions to increased scientific understanding.”
• [Editor’s Note] NASA is a “unifying force?” “Exploration is a global endeavor?” In 1963, two weeks after John F. Kennedy expressed support for this same ‘unifying force’ between NASA and the Soviet Union, the deep state murdered him. Now deep state-controlled NASA claims that it wants to set aside our geopolitical tensions and join together in space harmony, even though NASA is legally prohibited from doing so. But publications like Newsweek report it and so it magically becomes hard news, readily defended by the likes of Drudge and Snopes.
The reality is that the deep state has worked hard to keep anyone from going to the Moon since the Apollo Moon landings’ dog and pony show that came to an end in 1972. Behind the scenes, however, the deep state elite developed highly advanced secret space programs, establishing trade with other races and civilizations throughout the galaxy. They want the people on Earth to be obedient, mind-controlled economic slaves. They want us to believe that propellant-fueled rockets, digging up dirt on the Moon and Mars, and putting two space stations into orbit is the extent of our space technology.
Since WWII, the Western deep state has successfully gained control of nearly all of our planet’s banking and financial system, political system, mass media, social media, oil industry, medical and pharmaceutical industries, high tech, and our expansion into space. But the deep state has never managed to control Russia. And it pisses them off. This is why Russia has been the sworn enemy and scapegoat for every false flag or political scandal instigated by the deep state since their fabricated “Cold War” began.
Regardless of the so-called “news” reported by Newsweek, NASA and the deep state are not at all thrilled about Russia and China pushing past the institutional lethargy to resume our planet’s natural development, which has been strangled by the deep state’s occulted cabal since the time of Tesla. But it is this innate human desire to continue to push forward that has inspired the global military white hat Alliance, led by US military patriots, to embrace the groundswell of an awakening populist and move against the a thoroughly corrupted and evil deep state. We will soon succeed in removing the negative and greed-driven deep state completely from power so that our planet can move ahead toward a space-faring future, positive interaction with our galactic neighbors, and the release of advanced technologies that will utterly transform our society.
There’s a new major player in the final frontier, but the United States’ space agency under President

Joe Biden sees an upside to its top competitor’s success, even if U.S. scientists remain formally banned from cooperating with their Chinese counterparts.
For decades, the realm of outer space travel was dominated by the U.S. and Russia, a reality set by their Cold War-era space race that ultimately helped fuel historic developments now also being advanced by a range of countries across the globe, including in Europe, India, Israel, Japan and the United Arab Emirates.
No country’s rapid rise has grabbed as much global attention, however, as that of China, whose

accelerated ascendance into space mirrors its lightning growth back on Earth. Beijing’s expanding economic, political and military influence has led to a significant deterioration of its relationship with Washington, which has enjoyed unmatched superpower status since the fall of the Soviet Union.

As China celebrates the landmark launch of the first module to its planned space station, NASA is welcoming the strides made by its Chinese counterpart, viewing them as a mutual gain for all of mankind in spite of the terrestrial tensions between the two top powers.

“NASA uses space and science as a unifying force,” the agency said in a statement sent to Newsweek. “Exploration is a global endeavor, each milestone contributing to humanity’s understanding of the universe, and we look forward to China’s contributions to increased scientific understanding.”
China’s planned Tiangong (Heavenly Palace) large modular space station came closer to reality over the weekend in the southern island Hainan province where a massive 18-story LongMarch 5B rocket roared out of the atmosphere, successfully bringing the Tianhe (Harmony of the Heavens) core cabin module into orbit. Citizens waving national flags cheered on and the Xi’an Symphony Orchestra performed.
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Bill Nelson, Hainan province China, International Lunar Research Station, Long March 5B rocket, NASA, Russia, taikonaut, The China National Space Administration, The People's Liberation Army China Manned Space Engineering Office, Tiangong modular space station, United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs