Making Sense of Ukraine Through a History of Extraterrestrial Intervention

Ukraine-Orion-CrusadersBy Richard C. Cook

            Why is there so much evil in the world, and if there is a God, why does God allow it? This is a question all thinking people ask, and to which every religion attempts to provide an answer. Christianity and Islam, for instance, pin evil on the Devil, or Satan, without ever explaining satisfactorily who/what that being is or where he/she/it comes from. Similarly, Hinduism and Buddism have their own panoplies of demons. In any case, the excuse that “the Devil made me do it” may be found in various forms worldwide.

There is another source, however, to which we might look for an explanation. This source is channelings from extraterrestrial entities which only became available to mankind in the last half-century, when visitors from other worlds began to visit through thought-forms, UFO appearances, telepathic communications, etc.

This article attempts to explain the origin and existence of so-called evil from the perspective of RA, a “social memory complex” originating on the planet Venus that was channeled by a group called L/L Research in the 1980s. These channelings, well-known to serious researchers, were published in a five-volume seriesentitled the “Law of One” or the “RA Material.” L/L Research, headed by Carla Ruekert, continues to function today, working out of Louisville, Kentucky.

The information in the RA Material may be especially pertinent at a time when, once again, the world appears to be drifting toward the possibility of total war, this time over disagreements among nations over events taking place in the Ukraine, but related to crises in other hotspots, including Iran and Syria. The basic showdown is between the U.S. and Russia, indicating that the Cold War never really ended and again threatens to bring about Armageddon, as was feared during the Cuban missile crisis of the early 1960s. But to assess the Ukraine situation objectively, a much deeper background than is usually given may be necessary.

The RA Material explains that the influx of UFOs/ETs starting around the time of World War II was prompted by the acquisition by mankind of nuclear energy and weapons. This led the higher-vibration beings who stand watch to make their presence known on planet earth. According to RA, these beings constitute a “Council of Guardians” whose headquarters are on the rings of Saturn. Other sources call this Council “The Nine.” Working with them are other extraterrestrial entities who together form the “Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator.”

Actually, the Confederation has been observing and, in some cases, shaping, events on earth for a long time. Jesus came here with the Council’s permission to perform his salvation mission. He originated, says one source, on the planet Hoova near the center of our Milky Way galaxy. Other Confederation members contributed to the flowering of the Renaissance. In some cases, extraterrestrial Wanderers have incarnated on earth, including, says RA, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson. Many Wanderers are here today, working in ways known and unknown to keep humanity from destroying itself. RA itself is part of the earth’s past, having visited Atlantis and spending time in ancient Egypt, where it took form as living Egyptian deities, including Horus, the hawk-headed god. RA also played a role in the ancient spirituality of South America.

But the opening of the protective gates around earth has also allowed negative entities to slip through. Chief among these, says RA, have been the Crusaders of Orion. These are beings of self-serving character who try to gather disciples interested in manipulating, controlling, and enslaving others. In fact, RA adds, a majority of the UFO appearances of modern times have been of these Crusaders. These are the ones responsible for abductions, animal mutilations, and gloom-and-doom-type channelings. They are allowed by the order of things to prey on human beings, but only by appealing to people’s weaknesses, such as pride, lust, etc. It is the weak-minded who fall for their deceptions and try to use black magic to contact them.

By contrast, it is the service-to-others “polarity” that is the positive path engendered and supported by the Confederation. This path is entered upon through sincere practice of unconditional love. Those who follow it gradually ascend in vibration through harmony with other seekers and with the help of higher powers at various levels. One of these powers is a person’s own Higher Self. The positive service-to-others path is taught by many of earth’s spiritual teachers, and millions of people around the world make sincere efforts daily to act from compassion and love.

But the service-to-self influence of the Crusaders of Orion is also common, especially among those who see themselves as the elite. Their way is also called “the path of that which is not.” Practitioners are enemies of each other, with each jealously trying to dominate. So the energy of service-to-self entities is dissipated through infighting and fratricide. They can never reach oneness with all-that-is unless they discard their negative orientation and cross over to the positive side. But in the meantime they can wreak havoc. Horrible as it may seem, their basic motivation is the power and thrill of putting out the light of another.

Ra also says that the Crusaders may approach positive service-to-others people and groups and use telepathy to suggest to them messages of impending doom for humanity, earth, or themselves. The affected individuals may then broadcast prophecies of coming disasters, as happened with December 21, 2012. Then, when nothing happens, the deluded souls are made to look ridiculous. Of course there are also negative astral entities from earth’s inner planes by which individual entities may become possessed. But the Crusaders of Orion are of another order of magnitude.

The dual paths of service-to-others and service-to-self are allowed by the Creator as a means to enliven and speed conscious evolution. A succinct explanation may be sought in the Book of Job, where God allows the Devil to severely test his servant Job through inflicting on him horrendous losses. Another depiction with similar meaning may be found in the film “Star Wars,” produced by people who had been privy to messages from extraterrestrial channelings similar to the RA Material. In this film, the Crusaders of Orion were depicted by Darth Vader and the Empire. The Confederation was portrayed as the Republic, Yoda, and the Jedi Knights.

RA explains that our age is a time of great changes for earth and humanity, when our home planet is moving to a higher vibration within the universe. We humans have a chance to join in. RA says we are at the end of a 75,000-year cycle. If we are able to evolve within ourselves to where our center-of-gravity is in the heart, or green-ray, chakra, we become eligible for the “harvest.” This means that after death we may reincarnate at an entirely different level of being. We may then become inhabitants of what the Book of Revelation calls a “New Earth,” while those who do not “graduate” must travel to other planets in the cosmos to repeat the cycle. According to other sources, there are now extraterrestrials circling the earth in their spacecraft who are acting as the “harvesters” in guiding beings to their future destinations. Other extraterrestrials provide help to humans who have died traumatically, such as those at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. RA says that the process of harvest will take several centuries to accomplish and that no one can move on until after death, when our present “chemical body” is discarded. Interestingly, Jesus also spoke explicitly of “harvest” throughout the Gospels.

But the Crusaders of Orion are not giving up without a fight. They are doing everything possible to sow confusion and discouragement. For a couple of centuries, says RA, there has been warfare at the celestial level between representatives of the Confederation and the Crusaders. This conflict has been reflected on earth by the constant clash between forces of light and darkness at the human level.

On the side of light have been those who have worked for human freedom, including Franklin and Jefferson, mentioned above, and also, RA points out, Lincoln, Tesla, and Franklin D. Roosevelt. In fact, Lincoln was a person whose body was actually occupied by an angelic being who knew how critical Lincoln’s role in history was. Lincoln stood up against the slave power of the time, declared it would advance no further, succeeded in stopping it, but paid the martyr’s price.

Today, the slave power is embodied in the institutions of high finance, government intelligence, electronic surveillance, the controlled media, organized crime, drug running, warmongering, and many other self-serving and rigid societal structures. RA says that the use of money by the economy provides excellent conditions for human enslavement, with lending at interest one means by which money performs its nefarious purposes. We can see in the Ukraine situation, as documented on the Global Research website, how what appears at first glance to be a geopolitical clash is actually an attempt by shadowy figures of global banking to bring the Ukraine into their net of influence.

The Ukraine scenario fits into a larger scenario whereby the West has incorporated into NATO many of the states that border Russia and were formerly part of the Soviet Union. Russia has increasingly been depicted by the Western media as a potential threat to the U.S. or even to civilization itself. Much publicity was given to the Russian naval base in Syria as affording some type of protection to the Assad regime. And Russian influence has been pointed to in forestalling a U.S. and/or Israeli attack on Iran.

But why is Russia seen increasingly as an enemy? Didn’t we rejoice when the Soviet Union fell and its component states went democratic? Wouldn’t it make more sense to embrace Russia as the return of a long-lost friend to the fold of well-intentioned nations? Instead, it almost seems as if powerful elements behind the scenes want to foment a major war with Russia and possibly China. It makes no sense. The negative frame of mind this attitude signifies is harmful to the point of being pathological. Is it too much to speculate that the hand of the Chariots of Orion is fueling the fire with fear and war-hysteria? Are they stirring the pot just for the delight in seeing people suffer?

Also according to RA, the Confederation inspired earth’s scientists to bring forth the technology that gives humanity the opportunity for the leisure required for spiritual pursuits. But technology has been perverted by the Crusaders’ minions for economic exploitation and weapons of war. They use such “gadgets” as television and advertising to keep humanity asleep. Even the internet is used for negative as well as positive purposes. In the Ukraine incident, the Western media are working overtime to demonize Russia and its leaders. Leaders of the Republican Party mock President Obama for his supposed weakness in not being more aggressive, saying, as did former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, that the American people “cannot afford to be war-weary.” This is worse than insanity in a world on the brink.

We have also caught glimpses of the black magic rituals in which the negative forces engage, showing how the so-called “Illuminati” train and indoctrinate their children to kill without mercy and control others against their wills. The enslavers engage in black magic, says RA, to invoke the powers of the Crusaders of Orion, but they lose their own souls in the process, like Faust in the medieval legend. It is the Crusaders who are in fact the real controllers of the service-to-self individual. We know that before and during World War II some of the key Nazi leaders, including Hitler, were occultists, rightly suspected by historians of dabbling in the black arts. Reputed Nazi incursions into UFO technology may have been a direct link with the Crusaders’ technological prowess.

Naziism in the form of radical right-wing parties and politicians seemingly has returned through the Ukranian faction who overthrew the elected government and installed a regime that has announced its intent to slash government spending, reduce pensions, and eliminate public jobs. The purpose is so Ukraine can pay its debts to Western banks. Again, such extreme measures so harmful to ordinary people may point to the service-to-self ideology the Crusaders espouse.

But there is an atmosphere of desperation by which the negative powers seem to be trying to start another world war. In fact they are being thwarted at every turn. UFOs have disarmed nuclear weapons at military bases. The negative powers wanted war over Iran and didn’t get it. The same with Syria. The same now, perhaps, with the Ukraine. The leaders of the slave power, headquartered it seems in Wall Street, London, Frankfurt, and other financial centers are, in sense, fighting for their lives, perhaps knowing that their days are numbered. As indicated above, the planet we inhabit has already moved on to a higher level of consciousness, guided by the benign beings of extraterrestrial origin.

What is the ordinary individual to do, then, when faced with this situation? First, of course, we can decide which side we are on and what kind of person we wish to become. We then need to seek out the means for implementing our choice. By going within through meditation, contemplation, and prayer, we can seek guidance. We can also seek others of like mind with which to work toward a future we freely choose. We can be encouraged by the fact that, according to RA, there are far more positive people on earth today than negative. The Occupy Wall Street movement knows this, with their concept of the 99 percent.

Obviously, this short summary of some of RA’s ideas is only a fragment of what is clearly one of the most comprehensive teachings of truth available on the planet today. For a more complete account, the transcripts of the RA channelings are available through L/L Research on-line here or may be purchased in book format.


Richard C. Cook is a retired federal analyst and former NASA whistleblower who now teaches meditation. He is an adviser to the Exopolitics Institute. His latest book is “Return of the Aeons: The Planetary Spiritual Ascension.” His websites are and He welcomes inquiries and is available internationally for speaking engagements.

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extraterrestrial life, Orion Crusaders, RA material, Ukraine

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