International Coalition Aims to Get Answers About UFOs

Article by Christina Stock                                             May 26, 2021                                                  (

• On May 25th, UFO researcher and author Donald Schmitt was at the International UFO Museum and Research Center in Roswell, New Mexico to announce the start of a 27-nation (so far) coalition on extraterrestrial research called the ‘International Coalition on Extraterrestrial Research’, or ‘ICER’. The goals of ICER include establishing ‘awareness programs’ in all countries, to pressure governments such as the United States to disclose what they know, and “to prepare for confirmation that Earth has been engaging with non-human intelligences”.

• “Eventually, we will be 50 countries and then we’ll. No more talk, let’s do it,” says Schmitt. “Russia, China, Japan, [countries] throughout South America, throughout Europe, all are coming together. It’s never happened before and as far as it goes, we’re really going to push.”

• Schmitt is an expert on the 1947 UFO crash in Roswell, and has dedicated his life to solving the mysteries surrounding UFO’s. He returns each year for lectures during Roswell’s UFO Festival. He will be a guest speaker at the UFO Museum’s 2021 Ufologist Invasion, July 1-4, which takes place during the UFO Festival and MainStreet Roswell’s Alien Fest.

• ICER is a ‘not-for-profit’ organization comprised of scientists, academics and leading UFO researchers on five continents who are unanimous in their recognition that “we are not alone in the cosmos. Based on more than 75 years of research, ICER acknowledges that the UFO phenomenon is real; it acts with intelligence and is likely to be extraterrestrial/non-human in origin.” Among the researchers in the organization are astrophysicist and former deputy director of sciences at the Bulgarian Space Research Institute Professor Lachezar Filipov of Bulgaria, and astronomer Eamonn Ansbro of the Republic of Ireland, who is currently the director of Kingsland Observatory and SETI in Kingsland, Ireland.

• Schmitt said that many scientists and researchers are skeptical of the US military’s recent release of documents and leaked UFO videos. Of the thousands of pages of documents released, “Nothing is in there or (it’s) redacted, blacked out. It’s so frustrating for us,” he said. Scientists and researchers in other countries are facing the same difficulty finding answers from their governments and militaries. That’s why they’ve united to form the new organization.

• While there is no direct government involvement in ICER, the organization is recognized by the United Nations, “which means then that we can present at the UN,” Schmitt said. “We are going above individual governments.” Schmitt anticipates that the organization will grow. “I am the North American representative, and we had meetings in China, and then we met in Moscow. We put this all together. I had dinner in Moscow with two of the cosmonauts — we are getting people in pretty high places.”


                     Donald Schmitt

Tourists visiting the International UFO Museum and Research Center on May 25 were

the International UFO Museum and Research Center in Roswell, New Mexico

greeted by the sight of a television crew interviewing renowned UFO researcher and author Donald Schmitt.

Schmitt, an expert on the alleged 1947 UFO crash on a ranch near Corona, has dedicated his life to solving the mysteries surrounding unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP). He returns each year for lectures during Roswell’s UFO Festival.

Now, he’s joined with scientists and other researchers who have formed a new organization — the International Coalition on Extraterrestrial Research, or ICER — dedicated to finding the answers about UFOs.

“We just announced today (May 25) the start of an international coalition, 27 countries, an international coalition on

             Professor Lachezar Filipov

extraterrestrial research,” Schmitt said. “Russia, China, Japan, throughout South America, throughout Europe, all are coming

                           UFO Museum

together. It’s never happened before and as far as it goes, we’re really going to push.”

Schmitt said that many scientists and researchers are skeptical of the U.S. military’s recent release of documents and of confirmations of cases of UAPs in leaked videos.

The thousands of pages of documents released, he said, don’t hold any details. “Nothing is in there or (it’s) redacted, blacked out. It’s so frustrating for us,” he said.

                       Eamonn Ansbro

Scientists and researchers in other countries are facing the same difficulty finding answers from their governments and militaries, he said. That’s what’s led them to unite and form the new organization.

Asked if any governments are involved, Schmitt said that wasn’t the case. “But we will be eventually recognized by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), which means then that we can present at the UN,” he said. “We are going above individual governments.”

Schmitt said that he is sure the organization will grow. “I am the North American representative, and we had meetings in China, and then we met in Moscow. We put this all together. I had dinner in Moscow with two of the cosmonauts — we are getting people in pretty high places,” he said.



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Donald Schmitt, Eamonn Ansbro, International Coalition on Extraterrestrial Research, International UFO Museum and Research Center, Professor Lachezar Filipov, Roswell New Mexico, Roswell’s UFO Festival, United Nations, US military

ExoNews Editor

Duke Brickhouse is a former trial lawyer and entertainment attorney who has refocused his life’s work to exposing the truth of our subjugated planet and to help raise humanity’s collective consciousness at this crucial moment in our planet’s history, in order to break out of the dark and negative false reality that is preventing the natural development of our species, to put our planet on a path of love, light and harmony in preparation for our species’ ascension to a fourth density, and to ultimately take our rightful place in the galactic community.

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