Greek Mariner Recalls Bermuda Triangle UFO

Article by Patricia Claus                                 July 15, 2020                                  (

• In 1978, Greek Merchant Marine radio operator Polycarp Spentzas was working onboard the vessel “Pothiti SWJC” off of Bermuda. The ship had left Cuba bound for Algiers. Just before noon, officers on the ship’s bridge noticed that the ship was sailing at unusually high speed – but the instruments showed a constant speed of 10 to 11 nautical miles an hour. “Some of my colleagues initially hypothesized maybe I had made a mistake in timing, since I was the radio operator,” said Spentzas. “But that did not happen; and the ship continued to tear through the waves like a dolphin.” By noon, the captain asked the second officer to have someone take over the wheel, since he himself did not feel well. He could not lift his arms and his body felt heavy all over.

• Soon the electrician came up from the engine room. He was upset that all of the clocks on the boat had gone ahead two whole hours. Because the gyroscopic compass was turning like crazy, the helmsman was unable to hold the ship to a steady course. The ship was put on autopilot as they passed through the ‘Bermuda Triangle’ – the famed area between Bermuda in the north, the Bahamas in the south, and Miami, Florida in the west.

• By 5pm, Spentzas and the ship’s cook were playing backgammon in the smoking room when they looked out of the window to see a large, white UFO in the sky about a mile away. Then two smaller UFOs also appeared next to the larger UFO. Indeed, one of the smaller one seemed to be attached to the UFO. They reasoned that it must be some sort of American experiment. “I left immediately and went to the bridge to ask, full of anguish, if someone else had seen these bizarre devices,” said Spentzas. No one else had noticed.

• “I looked at my watch and time had passed. I put the radio receiver to 500 KHz, to fill in the calendar and heard Morse code — but it was unnaturally quick,” said Spentzas. “I put out a time request signal to 15 MHz RWM (Radio Moscow) and heard the answering time signals too quickly. …I thought it was the station’s fault.” Spentzas felt that time itself was being affected by the ‘acceleration of the movement of the UFOs’. He told the Captain that is hands wouldn’t work to transmit mores code, and it took him two minutes just to walk to the transmitter in the slow motion false reality happening. The Captain insisted that the ship’s autopilot stay on.

• The next day, the ship’s crew were discussing the bizarre events of the previous day. One sailor said his cigarette burned so fast that he didn’t have time to smoke it. Another crewmate said that as soon as he went to bed at midnight, his clock showed nearly 4:00am and he hadn’t even slept. They all remarked that they felt an abnormally slow heartbeat and hypothermia during the event. After years of thinking about it, Spentzas thinks that the slowed heartbeats of the crew was due to ‘gravitational time dilation’, where the gravitational waves emitted by the accelerating UFOs caused biochemical changes in the metabolism of the sailors’ bodies. This process occurs according to the theories of Niels Bohr and Albert Einstein,“ Spentzas said.

• Over the years there have been a multitude of odd, unexplainable occurrences in the Bermuda Triangle. July 10, 1945, twelve US Navy crewmembers on a seaplane had left the Banana River Florida, Naval Air Station the night before for a training flight to Great Exuma in the Bahamas. They disappeared near Providence Island. No trace of the crew or their aircraft was ever found. Later that same year, another military flight with 14 airmen aboard was lost. Then the plane sent out to locate that aircraft, carrying thirteen men, was also lost. By some counts, there have been as many as 155 people who have perished in that turquoise stretch of water east of Miami.


Greek Merchant Marine radio operator Polycarp Spentzas had an indescribably strange and unforgettable experience while working aboard the vessel “Pothiti SWJC” in 1978 off Bermuda. But he certainly wasn’t the only person to observe these odd occurrences in the last few decades.

Over the years there have been a multitude of odd, unexplainable and unsettling occurrences in that famed area between Bermuda in the north, the Bahamas in the south and Miami Florida in the west, including the disappearance of twelve US Navy crewmembers on a seaplane patrolling there during the Second World War, on July 10, 1945.

They had left the Banana River Florida, Naval Air Station the night before for a training flight to Great Exuma in the Bahamas. The last time they were ever heard from was 1:16 AM the next day, at a position of 25.22N, 7734W, near Providence Island. No trace of the crew or their aircraft has ever been found.

Late that same year, another military flight, with 14 airmen aboard, was lost — and then the plane sent out to try to locate that aircraft, carrying thirteen men — was also lost. By some counts, there have been as many as 155 people who have perished in that otherwise idyllic, turquoise-hued stretch of water east of Miami.

For Spetzos, the merchant mariner, the legendary dangers of that area suddenly became personal in 1978, when in the course of his normal duties he observed the following strange events unfold.

As he recalls it, “We started from Porto Matanzas, Cuba, bound for Algiers, with an average speed of 11 miles. Shortly before 12 noon local time, the officers of the ship’s bridge began to notice that it appeared to them that the ship was sailing at unusually high speed — but the instruments showed a constant speed of 10 to 11 nautical miles an hour.

“Some of my colleagues initially hypothesized maybe I had made a mistake in timing, since I was the radio operator. But that did not happen; and the ship continued to tear through the waves like a dolphin.



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Albert Einstein, Bahamas, Bermuda, Bermuda Triangle, Greek Merchant Marine, Miami, Niels Bohr, Polycarp Spentzas

ExoNews Editor

Duke Brickhouse is a former trial lawyer and entertainment attorney who has refocused his life’s work to exposing the truth of our subjugated planet and to help raise humanity’s collective consciousness at this crucial moment in our planet’s history, in order to break out of the dark and negative false reality that is preventing the natural development of our species, to put our planet on a path of love, light and harmony in preparation for our species’ ascension to a fourth density, and to ultimately take our rightful place in the galactic community.

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