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Experiential Astrobiology: A New Scientific and Consciousness-Based Approach

 THE CONVERGENCE: Technology, disclosed formal evidence, experiencers capable of connecting through their consciousnesses with non-traditional realities under multiple experiential perspectives and new theories are coming into focus as a QUALITATIVELY NEW PHASE OF UNDERSTANDING of our participatory relationship with non-human intelligent beings associated with the UFO phenomenon. None of these elements can be forcefully separated from each other without doing violence to the seamless, interrelated, vaster reality into which we are awakening.
Dr. Nathalie Cabrol‘s “Connectivity Network” (a network between disciplines linking space sciences, planetary sciences, life sciences, geosciences, astrobiology, cognitive and mathematical sciences) is a new, good, more integrated step forward from previous SETI approaches. To be more specific, it is a multidisciplinary step forward on the methods used moving away from an anthropocentric approach by focusing on the cognitive and perceptual basis which other beings may have in relation to their environment.
Resultado de imagen para Nancy Cabrol connectivity network
But, the trend toward more inclusion of experienced reality has to be continued. In fact, to fit into the full range of ufology and what experiencers are telling us, this requires a step further: Coordinating a multidisciplinary approach under a common factor or factors that underlie and connect across disciplines (and which, in that sense, can also be called “transdisciplinary”). And it must also include subjectivity and consciousness as fundamental and – at least – as co-equal with spacetime and matter. 
Dr. Cabrol’s approach would still be located within a way of thinking based on classical physics. It may be adequate for beings that – like us – utilize fixed physical patterns that can be explored via classical means and classical experiences with a greater degree of inter objective disconnection (also more disconnected from intersubjectivity).
However, what if extraterrestrial intelligence is already ‘here’ under an experiential ‘dimension’ or reality which connects us (the so-called “astral” “subtle” or “non-physical” realm underlying all physical manifestation). And what if this intelligence has already been ‘here’ for a long time (in linear terms) and the “Fermi Paradox” is answered by the fact that ‘they’ (physical ETs capable of using non-physical means) do not use a classical means to “travel,” to communicate, to think, to experience or to evaluate whether to communicate massively with us or not. In fact, their perceptual and cognitive basis would be different from ours. They would wait until we resonate in a healthy/constructive way with them, without huge interpretive distortions and without themselves (or considering Dr. Jaques Vallée’s ideas, their “control system”) being infiltrated and distorted by us.
J. Vallée: We have to do something that will cause them to react. And I don’t mean building landing strips in the desert and waiting out there to welcome the space brothers. 

J. Clark: But what do you mean? 

J. Vallee: I hesitate to be too specific. I’m speaking, as I’m sure you understand, of the attempted manipulation of UFO manifestations. It’s a pretty tall order. We’re assuming that there is a feedback mechanism involved in the operations of the control system; if you change the information that’s carried back to that system, you might be able to infiltrate it through its own feedback. 

We would not resonate well with them because we still rely upon a classical way of perceiving, thinking, feeling and being. And our active instincts are honed to this. We still sense each other and objects and beings n general as essentially separate while other consciousnesses might see us as participants in their reality. But experiencers (as Ingo Swann and countless others) transgress this boundary. Through telepathy and various other types of resonance, we interact.  And, according to supernormal human experiences, we the potential to outgrow our “classic reality” stage of awareness and to experience reality in more sophisticated ways.
In fact, what if ‘they’ not only use a non-local, but also a “transdimensional” physics connected to their consciousnesses in order to connect in an experiential and physical manner and, thus, overcome spacetime distance and perceived-experiential event separations by using both an underlying non-local (pre-physical and a non-physical) information matrix (or more fundamental mental reality) with its own kind of substance capable of interacting with physical substance, thus making a more advanced TRANSDIMENSIONAL scientific approach possible?
In this way, multiple potential physical patterns deriving from a unifying realm of mental information possibilities subjacent to all possible physical combinations could be combined and actualized with greater freedom overcoming a set of specific, congealed physical patterns in our linearly-perceived causal universe. The non-physical domain connecting all physical possibilities would allow meaningfulness to be utilized – for instance – via closed timelike loops within Sarfatti’s “Post Quantum Mechanics” and an accompanying, transducing, inter-realm component, usually termed in theosophy as “the etheric.”
All beings able to use their perceptual cognitive patterns across the physical and non-physical realms and (in varying degrees) overcoming linear time limitations would be quite puzzling and unintelligible to most of us still largely confined to classical perceptual and cognitive systems. And, from our linear perspective, they could have been here even before we as a species were here on the planet. Or they could be right next to us, just slightly out of phase from our perceived physical reality and, moreover, also be able to completely move in and out of the physical domain itself. 
In this “transdimensional” approach subjectivity and objectivity would be of equal value, both ultimately unified by a non-dual Consciousness which also can be understood as a non-dual Being. A unified, functioning, subjecto-objectivity would be the way of the future in order to understand how the ‘others’ (the others which are simultaneously distinct, are aspects of us and participating with us) interact and blend with our experiential, perceptual and cognitive systems. Factors like separations in sequence or in time and in distance or in space would be secondary to how experiences in consciousness can be combined. 
The coherent, experiential unification of objects and subjectivity across timelines and spatial qualities would be key to the science and technologies displayed by the advanced civilizations. 
In fact, according to Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory and to Lex Neale’s highly welcomed extension of Integral Theory (called “Integral relativity of Awareness and Energy”) into the non-physical realms, the inseparable reality aspects of subjectivity, objectivity, intersubjectivity and interobjectivity which remain in every (physical and non-physical) level of existence and their ways of revealing, interacting and connecting consciousness through many experiential and participatory methods would all be of equal value and away from the privileging of causal exterior objectivity above all else.
The invariant, underlying connective pattern itself is the reason why an even MORE EVOLVED FORM OF ASTROBIOLOGY would be “trans” as in “transdisciplinary,” “trans-reality” and “transdimensional.” Quite likely, more advanced civilizations capable of overcoming spacetime separations first came to these realizations. 
Perhaps by utilizing superluminal, EM, scalar-based, longitudinal waves (which can couple with regular, transversal EM waves) whose superluminal components may connect with retrocausal probabilities (and/or future actualities in probable future timelines) would be a better way to communicate with advanced civilizations, to modify spacetime, to cohere realities through resonance and specifically tune in with spacetimes and gravity in relation to intentionality and to their information-modulating, rotating and counter-rotating vortical nodes quite likely also manifesting as standing toroidal forms (a component of which is perhaps also expressed as volts per second in linear terms of energy carrying pulses travelling along the direction of motion).
These longitudinal waves may exist in what has been called the “Quantum Potential” in realistic QM interpretations and may be useful to modify quantum probabilities, thus, also concrete manifest physical reality. Perhaps, according to their degree of manifested retrocausal probabilities, these waves may serve to couple experienced linear, time-forward, entropy-based physical reality with various degrees of the non-local – yet physical – information aspect of the a theorized “quantum hologram.” But, inasmuch as the retrocausal component becomes equal to the forward in time (normally exteriorly manifested-actualized) component, that is, when exterior time forward and interior time backward components cancel each other out, direct, non-spacetime, non-physical, in fact, mental (or subtle) realm influences may be able to modify the quantum potential and physical actualization probabilities, rendering possible a more direct interaction with “consciousness.”
Thus, a deeper level of “transdimensional” effects may be possible, even temporarily modifying the energy density and other characteristics of spacetime, opening portals, combining physical and non-physical reality levels to connect with various stable sub-levels of physical reality.
These longitudinal waves (which are perhaps being energized in a deeper, fractally connected level of the quantum vacuum) might be used to establish both hyper luminal and instant decoding resonant states with the universal subquantum quantum hologram of all past and future physical information. Moreover, these waves may operate in the same “sub-quantum” level of reality as what has been termed “torsion waves” and perhaps various superluminal speeds are possible, besides an instant, non-local resonance in which communication is more like a blending of similar vibrational states or cohesive patterns.
Longitudinal waves – by virtue of being superluminal – would connect with the retrocausal aspect of the quantum potential (a way of understanding the so-called “etheric”) and could be used to reconcile the quantum potential’s time-forward (causal) and time-backward (retrocausal) components, canceling them back into a state in which they were not separated…the non-physical realm or domain or possibility.  Thus they would be reconciled into a higher symmetry in which subjective experience and exterior objects correlate as co-equals in terms of causality. This would differ from the physical domain or realm in which causality primarily depends upon the relation between exterior objects.
Could we, perhaps, also explain through longitudinal waves the regular, transversal EM effects sometimes detected and associated not only with UFO events but with ghosts and with instrumental transcommunication? Thinking that the mutually reciprocal relationship between longitudinal waves (being affected by a non-physical source) and regular transversal EM waves may relate with information, this might serve to transduce physical entropic states into non-physical order and also to temporarily re-transmit new organization states back into the physical realm? It would be an interesting line of research.
But, do longitudinal waves exist or can be produced to experiment with? Well, yes considering the experiments in superluminal energy transmission already being carried on by Dr. Konstantin Meyl and the superluminal, real-time communication system being built by Dr. Eammon Ansbro.
Both SETI astronomer Eammon Ansbro in Ireland and electric engineer Konstantin Meyl in Germany seem to be able to produce longitudinal waves emphasizing different aspects of these (also predicted and apparently used by Nikolas Tesla), something which promises to launch us into the next level of direct, real-time communication and practical participatory interactions with advanced ETI which think differently because they also capable of overcoming spacetime limitations.
Moreover, the use of toroidal capacitors would also assist in using regular, positive, energy as is demonstrated in the work of NASA engineer Dr. Harold White.

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But perhaps, by producing and patterning these longitudinal waves with specific resonant frequencies, we may be able to amplify negative energy states of the zero-point energy of the vacuum and, thus, to open stable, traversable wormholes without the need for immense amounts of ordinary, positive energy.
For Konstantin Meyl, longitudinal waves transmit usable electric energy with a receiver instantly or practically instantly detecting the transmitter. This is why I think they may form a close time-like loop and, according to Dr. Jack Sarfatti’s expose of “Post Quantum Mechanics,” this would allow a non-deterministic modification of (energy pumped) Frohlich open systems. It is as if experiential moments in time meet as one, cohering meaningfully and displaying a more intimate form of entanglement which allows for back and forth communication, a true relationship and not only correlation in some dynamic properties like complementary polarization states.
It would be a physics that allows regulating events as when two individuals are telepathically blended as a single experiencer beyond the limits of time and space. And I posit that this physics will allow for multiple alternative approaches to coincide with experience and consciousness first as co-equal and, ultimately, as more fundamental. The quantum hologram theory, longitudinal-scalar waves, torsion waves, Post-quantum (realist) theory inclusive of retrocausality, the Copenhagen Interpretation, cosmological theories of multiple universes, would become compatible under a more comprehensive understanding. 
Furthermore, the whole gestalt of we may call “unconsciously connected humanity,” in order to remain viable and not under progressive de-humanization and the control of other intelligences, will have to face the truth and adapt. 
Moreover, through education and honest leadership We (The People) would reunite with the so-called “breakaway civilization,” an alleged segment of human society whose level of retro-engineered extraterrestrial technology (and participation with extraterrestrial species) is such that they have effectively become a different type of civilization, with a more complex understanding, space-faring, partially inter-reality-faring, already in close contact with some (benign and non-benign) advanced extraterrestrial intelligences, a civilization allegedly not necessarily limited to any particular formal Government and already unable to be understood in our regular political world.
Of course, the degree of any this which might be true is still highly speculative and, for the time being, what we have are incredible, coinciding stories presented as whistleblower, insider witness testimonies. But, also for the time being, since 1947 (and after 70+ years of secret research and formal negations for security reason, for self-interest reasons or “for our own good”) we have a more basic, ongoing confirmation, educational effort: the honest to God start of a pro democratic, disclosure process in progress as the Department of Defense, CIA, DIA (and probably other agencies and secretive higher-ups) have allowed the B corporation “To the Stars Academy of Arts & Sciences” to get closer to the citizenry by revealing through still important media institutions formerly classified documents and engaging them with projects that make the news more assimilable.
Overall, the mental and physical experiential “landscapes” of our evolving humanity and that of the “others” must meet to solve the paradox of occasional encounters, extreme experiences and extreme negations. The worlds must meet as we become more inclusive and aware of each other.
Photo of an interesting group of scientists and intelligence officers fromTo the Stars Academy recognizing the importance of space-time manipulation and the capacities of consciousness in order to understand and reproduce UAP/UFO phenomena.
First and foremost, through the capacity which consciousness has to connect experiential ontological realities (and from an astrobiological perspective), we will be able to explore and (assuming risks and responsabilities) interact with a vast, multi-layered cosmos teeming with life. Consciousness-assisted technologies may help but the main capacity is consciousness itself independent from this artificiality. Thus, I hope we do not become overly dependent upon them and fall into a new object-dependent, materialist trap (as many multi-reality-connecting, transdimensionally-capable extraterrestrial civilizations may have).
Cabrol, Nathalie. Alien Mindscapes – A Perspective on the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (Astrobiology Magazine, Volume 16 Issue 9. September 2016)
Clark, Jerome.  Jacques Vallée Discusses Control System. http://www.ufoevidence.org/documents/doc608.htm
Sarfatti, Jack.. Bohm Pilot Wave Post-QuantumTheory
Piacenza, Giorgio. A More Advanced form of Ufology and CE5?
Piacenza, Giorgio. Scalar Waves: What Might they Be?
To the Stars Academy of Arts & Sciences
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Giorgio Piacenza

After a clear UFO sighting with multiple witnesses within 300 feet in the Peruvian coastal town of "Chilca" in 1975, I participated with the Mission Rahma contact group and befriended several contactees from this and other contact efforts. I also researched many aspects of the UFO phenomenon for several decades and feel inclined to contribute in the confluence of philosophical and scientific perspectives.

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