Doctor of Podiatric Medicine Explains Extracting Alien Objects Found Inside People at a Hearing on UFOs
by Arjun Walia November 9, 2017 (collective-evolution.com)
• With the release of government documents, to high level testimonies from high ranking military and political figures, the existence of UFOs is a confirmed reality. Official government documents prove that defense and government agencies have been examining this topic for a while. Here are some examples:
• There are many documented cases of extracted implants from people who’ve claimed to have extraterrestrial contact. Dr. Roger Leir, a Doctor of Podiatric medicine, has performed more than fifteen surgeries that removed sixteen separate distinct objects. These objects were magnetic in nature and made from a type of nickel not found on this planet, with nano fibres suggesting that they were engineered or manufactured, and some gave off a radio frequency of 14.7 MHz.
• One declassified DIA document (out of thousands) details how two F-4 interceptor pilots reported seeing an object visually and on radar, with both planes experiencing instrument and electronics malfunction at twenty-five miles from the object. The report describes how a smaller object detached from the bigger object, turned inside the arc of the F-4 itself, and then rejoined the original object. This incident lasted for several hours.
• “Some of what people report as UFOs are extraterrestrial (ET) vehicles. Some of those extraterrestrial vehicles actually have ET crews, and some of those ET crews catch and release humans,” says Dr. Don Donderi, a retired McGill University professor.
• “Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered… We are not alone in the universe. They have been coming here for a long time,” said NASA Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell.
• There appears to be multiple races of extraterrestrials interacting with humanity, with a very high level of interest from military agencies all over the world.
Everything from the release of government documents, to high level testimonies from high ranking military and political figures has ignited a massive surge of interest in the UFO phenomenon from people all over the world. Unidentified Flying Objects (performing maneuvers that defy our understanding of physics) are now a confirmed reality. Official government documents prove that defence and government agencies have been examining this topic for a while. Ask yourself, why is there such a high level of interest from government and military agencies?
The question people are asking has changed from “do UFOs exist?” to “are UFOs extraterrestrial spacecraft?” Attributing today’s unknown aerial phenomenon to extraterrestrial craft might be a big mental leap to some, but the size of that mental leap continues to decrease. There are a lot of factors that are attributing to that decrease, and one of them comes in the form of body marks and extracted implants from people who’ve claimed to have extraterrestrial contact. I’m not saying all UFOs are extraterrestrial craft, I believe many of them are also made by humans from classified projects that come from the black budget world. I also believe that many of these implants could have been done by military agencies; but again, I’d like to reiterate that the extraterrestrial hypothesis is not one to take likely.
“There are a great many photographs of such body marks, many of which are in an equilateral triangle pattern of red dots on the wrist or near the ankle. Also common are scoop marks,” in which it appears as if a small amount of tissue was removed from beneath the skin, leaving an indentation.” -Richard Dolan (UFOs and the National Security State, Volume 2)
The case of extracted implants is very fascinating, they are largely reported by abductees, and those who have had experience with UFOs.
Dr. Roger Leir is a Doctor of Podiatric medicine, and arguably the best known individual with regards to extracting alleged alien implants. He has performed more than fifteen surgeries that removed sixteen separate distinct objects. These objects have been investigated by several prestigious laboratories, including Los Alamos National Laboratories, New Mexico Tech, and many others. Unfortunately, he passed away in March 2014, but his legacy lives on.
Throughout the years, Lier described what he found in his work. Perhaps one of the most fascinating facts was that these objects were magnetic in nature, some gave off a radio frequencies of 14.7 MHz. According to doctor Leir, they were “fixed, or mobile deep space frequencies.” This is a very large amount for a very small object only millimetres in length, roughly the size of a pencil lead.
Lear also worked with Dr. Alex Mosier, a Ph.D. in physical chemistry. Some of the objects they examined had commonalities with meteorite fragments, metals such as Gallium, Germanium, Platinum, Ruthenium, Rhodium, and Iridium. They also noted a “deviation of nickel from terrestrial ratios that the analysis lab couldn’t explain.” Some of these implants contained nickel with an isotopic ratio not found on planet Earth.
They also found nano fibres very similar to carbon nano-tubes, which suggest that the fragments were engineered or manufactured. According to Dr Mosier, “you don’t find these things in nature. they have to be processed, engineered, and they’re not easy to make.”
All the individuals he studied had “no noted portal of entry” for any of the objects he removed. There was also no notable visible scar formation, and no disruption in the integrity of the skin. All the individuals tested positive to X-rays and CT scans showing metallic or lesser dense foreign objects, and there were no signs of inflammation at all which, according to Dr. Lier, would be impossible.
All of these surgeries and tests were done with an extremely limited budget, and to understand it further, more money would have to have been allocated to these findings.
One thing remains clear, there are many that believe the UFO topic to be directly correlates with the extraterrestrial phenomenon. There are reports all over the world from a large amount of people whose stories all seem to correlate. Whether it be through friendly contact or forced abduction, something is definitely going on, and there appears to possibly be multiple races of extraterrestrials interacting with humanity, and a very high level of interest from military agencies all over the world.
More On The Extraterrestrial Hypothesis
Just to clarify, ‘contactees’ are usually those who have reported ‘friendly’ contact experiences with extraterrestrials, ‘abductees’ are those who have had what they perceive to be fearful experiences, and experiencers are those who neither view the experience as ‘good’ or ‘bad,” but simply just an experience. It’s important to note this, because various people have reported different types of experiences with different types of beings.
“Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered… We are not alone in the universe, they have been coming here for a long time.” – Dr. Edgar Mitchell, ScD, 6th man to walk on the Moon
The reality is that some people who claim to have had contact with intelligent extraterrestrial beings actually have.
John Mack, A Harvard professor, psychiatrist and Pulitzer Price recipient stresses that:
“Yes, it’s both. It’s both literally, physically happening to a degree; and it’s also some kind of psychological, spiritual experience occurring and originating perhaps in another dimension. And so the phenomenon stretches us, or it asks us to stretch to open to realities that are not simply the literal physical world, but to extend to the possibility that there are other unseen realities from which our consciousness, our, if you will, learning processes over the past several hundred years have closed us off.”
We published an article earlier this year regarding John Mack, and more than 60 school children witnessing non-human beings and a large craft landing. The children were interviewed by him, and it was quite a remarkable story with all of the children providing very similiar stories. Until this day these children have been speaking of it, an event occurred more than 20 years ago….
“They describe these events like a person talks about something that has happened to them. I can tell that these are people of sound mind telling me something…” – Dr. John Mack, professor of psychiatry, Harvard Medical School.
According to retired McGill University professor in the Department of Psychology (research areas beings cognition and cognitive Neuroscience), Dr. Don Donderi:
“Some of what people report as UFOs are extraterrestrial (ET) vehicles. Some of those extraterrestrial vehicles actually have ET crews, and some of those ET crews catch and release humans.”
Academicians like these, and others like Richard Dolan, David M. Jacobs and more have been studying this phenomena for decades, and the reports of beings and examining why they are here, what they are doing, what they look like and more has been documented by their (and others) research.
What I find most fascinating about these stories is how many of them seem to compliment each other instead of contradicting each other, which just adds to the mystery.
Other Examples Of Physical Evidence Associated With This Topic (UFO & Extraterrestrial – Despite That In Some Cases Both Are Not Related To Each Other)
“If it does indeed turn out that there is relevant physical evidence, if this evidence is carefully collected and analyzed, and if this analysis leads to the identification of several facts concerning the UFO phenomenon, then will be the time for scientists to step back and ask, what are these facts trying to tell us? If those facts are strong enough to lead to a firm conclusion, then will be the time to confront the more bizarre questions. If, for instance, it turns out that all physical evidence is consistent with a mundane interpretation of the causes of UFO reports, there will be little reason to continue to speculate about the role of extraterrestrial beings. If, on the other hand, the analysis of physical evidence turns up very strong evidence that objects related with UFO reports were manufactured outside the solar system, then one must obviously consider very seriously that the phenomenon involves not only extraterrestrial vehicles but probably also extraterrestrial beings.”
The quote above comes from Peter Andrew Sturrock, a British Scientist, and an Emeritus Professor of Applied Physics at Stanford University. Sturrock and a number of other notable scientists around the world came together during the 1990’s in order to examine the physical evidence that is commonly associated with the UFO phenomenon. One example used by Sturrock in his analysis, was a photo taken by two Royal Canadian Air Force pilots on August 27th, 1956, in McCleod, Alberta, Canada.
The pilots were flying in a formation of four F86 Sabre jet aircraft. One of the pilots described the phenomenon as a “bright light which was sharply defined as disk-shaped,” that looked like “a shiny silver dollar sitting horizontal.” Another pilot managed to photograph the object, as you can see above.
The sighting lasted for a couple of minutes, and this specific case was analyzed by Dr. Bruce Maccabee, who estimated (from available data) that the luminosity of the object (the power output within the spectral range of the film) to be many megawatts. The Sturrock Panel also found it to be the case that a strong magnetic field surrounding the phenomenon or object was a common occurrence.
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alien implants, Extraterrestrials