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Disclosure Canada’s Letter to Minister of Defence demands national security answers


Four city Canadian tour to present indisputable National Security evidence to Canadian Minister of Defence the Hon. Jason Kenney and the Canadian public


Press Release

For Immediate Distribution




Toronto [ZNNZlandCommunications has learned that, in addition to over 9,500 UFO files on record in the Department of National Defence and RCMP archives, the NORAD Commander has verified in a correspondence to Disclosure Canada of a five year average of 1800 reports and 75 intercepts of what they refer to as ‘UNKNOWN TRACKS’ or ‘Tracks of Interest’. Government officials have never before disclosed this information to the Canadian public. [Canadian Access to Information file A0441177_1-A-2014-01494-000]

According to Disclosure Canada – a recently formed investigative group – questions about these reports and intercepts, along with thousands of archived files about UFOs and extraterrestrials appear to be something Canadian government officials do not want to talk about. Disclosure Canada wants to know more from Canada’s Minister of Defence.

In a dramatic venture to get answers from the Canadian government on the questions remaining in the dark about the NORAD report and Canada’s UFO files, this Toronto group has sent a letter of inquiry to Jason Kenney, Canada’s recently appointed Minister of National Defence. This letter is expected to be sent to Liberal Party Leader Justin Trudeau, the NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair and Green Party Leader Elizabeth May in addition to Parliamentary Defence critics Jack Harris and Joyce Murray and Parliamentary Secretary James Bezan.

Disclosure Canada today revealed to ZNN that the Canadian Department of National Defence has confirmed receipt of its letter to Minister Kenney.

It appears Disclosure Canada has indeed done their homework. Disclosure Canada has informed ZNN that they have in their possession a mistakenly divulged, line by line NORAD air traffic control flight log document from Canada’s Department of Defence that describes a minute by minute transcription of how Canadian CF-18 jets were scrambled out of COMOX AFB in British Columbia Canada to intercept and eventually make contact with three UFOs in 2001.

This UFO encounter was  also corroborated by the visual confirmation of pilots aboard a U.S. LR-35 Medical Evacuation jet out of Anchorage Alaska. [Ed. Note: ZNN has been informed by Disclosure Canada that due to the sensitivity of this specific document, only journalists with a desire to acquire this ATC report will be granted access upon request.]

The letter to Minister Kenney along with its support documentation can be access below. 



The Disclosure Canada Tour

To bring all of this information to Canadians and media, Disclosure Canada is set to launch a four city cross-Canada tour beginning in Montreal Quebec on April 4th, 2015 and ending in Vancouver on April 19th with stops in Toronto and Calgary.

The purpose – according to the group’s spokesperson – is to disclose the truth to Canadians about what the Canadian government knows and has known about the phenomenon of UFOs for over 60 years.

Disclosure Canada, headed by entrepreneur Chris Russak and broadcaster David Whitehead is kicking off its four city cross-country tour with its broadside letter to Minister Jason Kenney. And, they seem to have the proof to back-up each alarming claim in it.

Russak – the tour’s co-ordinator told ZNN: “We plan to bring forward some very shocking news and we will start by sending it to the Minister of Defence. Out of respect we at Disclosure Canada feel the Minister should be made aware of what we know before we tell the Canadian people. We have discovered and have absolute proof that the Canadian government has, for decades, investigated, researched and attempted to sequester open debate and discussion about what many call flying saucers or unidentified flying objects. Not only that, we have confirmed documentation that unequivocally proves Canada has been an active partner with the United States through their joint operation – NORAD and  have been engaged in tracking what they refer to as ‘unknown tracks’ or ‘unknowns’ at altitudes of up to 35,000 feet. Our Minister of Defence – the Hon. Jason Kenney has oversight of these matters and, as citizens with the right to know, we want answers. It’s quite simple actually.” 

Russak went on to point out, “We also have clear documentation that information about the nature of these encounters and the many other government discussions about UFOs have been kept hidden from the public. We want the Honourable Minister to fully explain what these encounters are and, to account for why this information has been kept secret from our elected representatives in Parliament and from the public he serves.”

Russak also told ZNN that information obtained by one of his research advisors through a recently acquired Access to Information request confirms that a letter from the NORAD Commander at Petersen Air Force Base in Colorado stated that over the last five years there has been a yearly average of 1800 Tracks of Interest resulting in 75 intercepts.

Regrettably, according to Russak’s research advisor, all other information requested about ‘unknown tracks’ or ‘Tracks of Interest’, has been denied. Russak plans to have this document, along with a barrage of other documents, available for media and public review as part of his letter to the Canadian Minister of Defence.

Canadian Broadcaster David Whitehead, Mr. Russak’s associate stated to ZNN, “This is something the mainstream media in Canada has ignored for far too long. It’s time for those in the Canadian media who investigate everything from Senate scandals and election improprieties to rail disasters and a former mayor’s drug problem to take this decisively authentic and politically explosive issue with the seriousness it deserves. They will have a field day with this one. We feel it will be a “Watergate-like” event. Top level military brass know all about this – why shouldn’t we? Why all the secrecy? If you want to know more, read the letter to Minister Kenney, visit our web site or,  for the whole narrative by our expert speakers – attend one of our Disclosure Canada conferences in Toronto, Montreal, Calgary or Vancouver, you won’t regret it – guaranteed.”

Finally, when asked by ZNN whether the letter to the Minister of Defence has anything to do with the Harper government’s pension for metal-plated secrecy and, whether the timing of the tour is a politically motivated forerunner to the 2015 Federal election, Whitehead, with no hesitation responded cryptically, “Both…”

According to one Disclosure Canada research expert, governments have consistently refused to openly discuss the UFO matter in any manner – choosing to hide behind the mantra of ‘national security’. Researchers appear to be asking – If, as government officials insist, there is no evidence of the reality of UFOs, then why is it a breach of national security to discuss it, why does so much documentation exist and why has there been a massive embargo of secrecy surrounding this matter for over six decades?

Disclosure Canada’s first salvo to the Minister of Defence seems destined to spark controversy within a secrecy-prone Harper Cabinet. If Russak and Whitehead get their message across, as they seem well-prepared to do, the soon to arrive deluge of the Duffy-Senate Scandal investigation will be compounded when Canadian’s and the media in four of Canada’s largest cities get wind that UFOs are real and the government has known it for over 60 years.

Read the LETTER and DOCUMENTS sent to the Hon. Jason Kenney at:






Disclosure Canada Tour Information and Speakers’ Bios: http://www.modernknowledge.ca/disclosure-canada.html

 Contact Mr. Russak and Mr. Whitehead at: modernknowledge.events@gmail.com

[Ed Note: Unbeknownst to most Canadians – Canada did release over 9500 UFO files in 2007. These UFO files have never been publicly addressed by government officials. They have however been carefully sequestered in a complex labyrinth of categories that present even the most accomplished researchers with the daunting task of finding out what the Canadian Defence Department and the RCMP have tucked away about UFOs. Visit Library and Archives Canada to find out how difficult it is to access and sort through these files.]

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