China’s Space Supremacy Could Wipe Out Our Satellites and Send Us Back to the Stone Age
Article by Douglas MacKinnon September 7, 2020 (thesun.co.uk)
• There is no nation on Earth more dependent upon its satellites for its national, economic, communications, and navigational security than the United States. The People’s Republic of China and Russia understand that reality better than anyone else, and factor that vulnerability into their military strategies. If China was one day able to take out America’s satellites, it would blind our military and send the U.S. back to the technological Stone Age.
• To the Pentagon, the nightmare of a United States waking up to the collapse of our phone, television, radio, GPS, and banking networks – is all too real. Within hours, panic, chaos, and anarchy would rule much of the nation. And if China did target and destroy the U.S. military, communication, and financial satellites, they would think nothing of taking out those of the United Kingdom or any other perceived adversaries.
• In testimony given to Congress last November, the U.S. China Economic and Security Review Commission warned in part: “China views space as a critical U.S. military and economic vulnerability and has fielded an array of direct-ascent, cyber, electromagnetic, and co-orbital counter-space weapons capable of targeting nearly every class of U.S. space asset.”
• While in the recent past, the White Houses and the Pentagon were more concerned about the threat posed to our assets in space by Russia. Although Russia has demonstrated its anti-satellite weaponry, the fact is that both Russia and the U.S. are playing catch-up with the Chinese military in space.
• The United States, Great Britain and many of our allies tend to see the future in terms of weeks, months, and years. China sees its future in terms of years, decades, and centuries. It is China’s intention to one day create the ultimate “High Ground” by controlling all within the Earth to Moon orbit.
• The Obama administration cut or curtailed much of the U.S. human spaceflight program and putting our military space program on a back burner. China instantly noted the U.S. Government’s abandonment of the space arena and aggressively moved to fill and control that vacuum. The Trump administration created the U.S. Space Force. The sixth branch of the U.S. military is now rushing to get back into the game to protect our space assets. But China has been given a tremendous head start. And the clock is ticking.
• [Editor’s Note] If only the geopolitical situation was this simple. In reality, this is more of the Deep State’s continuing efforts to incite World War III. The Deep State wasn’t able to create a war between Russia and the U.S. So it is attempting to foment war between the U.S. and China by having the Mockingbird Media create a public panic about it.
The truth is, as Dr. Michael Salla points out in this new book, Rise of the Red Dragon, the Deep State set up this scenario back in the 1950’s when they deported one of America’s top aerospace engineers, Dr. Tsien Hsue-shen, who also knew about our advanced spacecraft propulsion technology gleaned directly from extraterrestrials, back to China. Dr. Salla theorizes that the Deep State intended to allow the Chinese space program to unfold, at which time the Deep State cold infiltrate the Chinese government – which it now has – and instigate hostilities between the U.S. and China – which it now is – in order to cause global upheaval and thereby gain more power and control. Alliance forces are well aware of the Deep State’s tactics, however, and have a few surprises in store for them as well.
Why should that be of concern to the political and military leadership of the United States and those of our allies?
There is no nation on Earth more dependent upon its satellites in low and geosynchronous orbit for its national, economic, communications, and navigational security and survival than the United States. No nation.
The People’s Republic of China and Russia not only understand that reality better than anyone else, but factor that vulnerability into their ongoing military strategies.
The scenario which sends a chill down the spine of the White House, the U.S. Military, and many Members of Congress, is that China – unchallenged in space – will one day take out all of those satellites and thereby blind our military and send the United States back to the technological Stone Age.
Once done, the President of China only has to reach the President of the United States – be that Trump, Joe Biden, or Michelle Obama, or Nikki Haley in the future – and dictate their terms for our surrender.
Sound far-fetched? Not to the Pentagon or those in our Government tracking China in space.
Civilisation destroyed
To them, the nightmare of a United States waking up to the collapse of our phone, television, radio, GPS, and banking networks – just to name a few – is all too real.
Within hours at the most, panic, chaos, and anarchy would rule much of the nation.
And if the PRC did target and destroy the military, communication, and financial satellites of the U.S., surely they would think nothing of taking out those of the United Kingdom or any other perceived adversaries.
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anti-satellite weaponry, GPS, Obama administration, Russia, Stone Age, the Pentagon, The People’s Republic of China, U.S. China Economic and Security Review Commission, U.S. Space Force