Overview of the Current Revelation and/or Confirmation of the UFO Presence (as of September 9th, 2021)

Overview of the Current Revelation and/or Confirmation of the UFO Presence (as of September 9th, 2021)
By Giorgio Piacenza

US intelligence report on UFOs: No aliens, but government transparency and desire for better data might bring science to the UFO world

We are in a historical moment of revelation of the UFO truth but clearly in a controlled way. It appears that some of the administrators of the UFO secrets (part of a continuous investigative process of at least 75 years) are trying to reveal (but still controlling the narrative). And it seems that other factions are trying to interrupt that revelation.

Some prominent credentialed people who worked or still work for the US government have stated that there really are vehicles that are not of this world and that some of the UFOs have no natural or prosaic explanation. However, in the preliminary report of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), also released to the public on June 25, 2021, it was said again “we don’t know what they are.” This shows an internal contradiction or perhaps a strategy of revealing little but – for various reasons – always keeping some of the old explanations. I don’t know if this is all coordinated or if some factions put it one way and others another but I think it is most likely that ultra-conservatives associated with aerospace corporations (the so-called “Beltway Bandits”) would be the ones that most want to control the delivery of information. And another more liberal faction wants to release information because they know that keeping the population out of this is unsustainable or they know that humanity needs to know these things to evolve and not destroy themselves.

They used to deny almost everything and now they are revealing but also denying parts of what they know. But why? Fear that human society can’t handle it? Afraid of having to admit that billions have been invested in secret, that lawmakers have denied access to information, or even that there have been illegal actions against innocent civilians to maintain secrecy? Fear of losing control of an unusual technological development? It is said that the US has several objects that do not belong to the human species and that Russia and China also have something and are trying to reach the US investigation.
As an example of someone who has stated more forcefully that the US government possesses something extraordinary is Mr. Luis Elizondo (former Director of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program or “AATIP”) and there is the renowned physicist Bob Davis (who has worked on many secret projects for the Pentagon). The former basically admitted that the US government has non-human artifacts.

To Fox News Channel’s question by Tucker Carlson: After talking about UFOs or UAP he asks “Do you think that based on your decade of service working in the US government has in your possession any material from one of these aircraft? Elizondo: “I, I do … yes.” Tucker Carlson: Do you think the United States government has the remains of a UFO in its possession now? Luis Elizondo: “Unfortunately Tucker, I really have to be careful because of my Confidentiality Agreement. I really have to be careful about that, but simply put, yes. ”

In another Fox interview with Luis Elizondo, he answered: “The United States government is in possession of exotic material. And I leave it there.” (Fox News).

The Obama White House officially denied in 2011 that there is evidence of an extraterrestrial presence or recovered extraterrestrial technology. But in recent interviews (2020, 2021) he said that he could not speak much of the evidence and stated that there are indeed objects flying in the sky detected by different instruments and that we cannot explain.

Those who have contributed the most with articles on these topics since December 2017 have been the New York Times. For the New York Times in April 2020: Dr. Eric Davis stated that he himself had informed the US Congress that the government of that country indeed had in its possession technology that was not of this world. According to investigative journalist Ross Coulthart this was confirmed by staff working for a congressman.

But the UAPTF unclassified report again tells the general public “We don’t know what they are.” If so, and if they know what they are, at least some segments within the Pentagon have lied to the country’s Congress from him for 75 years. It is as if they just want to start gradually educating the population, scientists, politicians, etc.

Likewise, the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense, the United States Air Force and the Department of the Navy, the Department of Defense, and the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense Intelligence had already declared that the most shocking cases of UFOs or UAPS could not be explained by alluding to prosaic phenomena such as ice crystals, misunderstood data, bad observations, etc. In addition, Senator Mitt Romney recently said that “we know this is not American, Russian or Chinese technology.”

But, of course, if these objects have been closely observed by several of the best pilots doing impossible maneuvers, while (also simultaneously) they were detected in 4 coordinated radars and using infrared FLIR devices, sometimes maneuvering near or on navy ships by several hours or days, sometimes hundreds of them, flying far from the ground, so how are they going to be drones!

The Scientific Coalition for Ufology has analyzed certain recordings and calculated at over 600g of acceleration forces! No drone, plane, or pilot could resist that! The only thing that is resisting is the mind against the available data. It is the stubbornness of the deniers, scientists or not!

In 1947, the Army-Air Corps took the remains of the object that fell in Corona New Mexico (the so-called Roswell case) to the Foreign Technology Division of the Wright Field Air Force Base (now called Wright Patterson AFB) and continued to investigate after it Project Blue Book was canceled. In fact, it is already known for sure that the UFO investigation continued secretly after Project Blue Book was canceled in 1969. It is known because of the Air Force regulation JANAP 146 and the Air Force Manual 55- eleven. This despite the USAF denying that they had an interest in UFOs after 1969.

Jcs janap146

According to serious researchers like Ross Coulthart and others, the cover-up (to develop retro engineering) was first administered by the Atomic Energy Commission (a civil agency). It was then transferred to private aerospace companies, while the Pentagon’s more secretive Unacceptable Special Access Projects would provide oversight.

Placing the largest secret in the hands of civil agencies or private-civil corporations would have helped representatives of the United States government to truthfully declare that the government does not possess remnants of a non-terrestrial object. But for some reason or another, they now want people to know that UFOs are real after all. And some characters with proven credentials like Elizondo and Davis are declaring that they do have these items. And they would also have incredibly advanced technology. With isotope ratios different from those found on Earth.

Along with historian Richard Dolan, I believe that Messrs. Elizondo and Davis (in addition to physicist Hal Puthoff) had access to SAP projects, some of which may have been related to the UFO issue but not to the more secretive (and probably extra-legal USAPs). they escape accountability through the formal chain of command). The latter would be related to UFO retro engineering, direct study of the extraterrestrial presence, contact by psychic means, and others.

The UFOs are unlikely to have been Chinese during the multi-day encounters around the USS Princeton off the east coast of Florida in 2015, or around the USS Nimitz in 2004 as they have been detected since at least the decade of 1940 when China was a backward rural country. Rather, China recently stated in the Morning Sun newspaper that it is investigating UFOs with the help of artificial intelligence.

The June 2015 report was prepared in coordination with various offices by the recently formed UAP Task Force (UAPTF) or “UAP Investigation Team” in conjunction with the US Navy Intelligence Office and in conjunction with the Office of the United States. of the National Director of Intelligence (ODNI) under the supervision of the Secretary of Defense. This report determines that UFOs are real, extraordinary, and of great interest. But it also seems to say or seem to want to give the impression that serious interest in UFOs only started in 2004, which is misleading. Like the military, they were just now taking this seriously. Of course, that is not true.

However, there are other contributions. However, it also says that of the 144 cases studied after selecting them since 2004 in they could not explain 143. Most were cases collected by the US Navy. In addition, the preliminary report (not classified) of only 9 pages it admits something important: a real possibly advanced technological phenomenon of unknown and worrying origin.

The classified version of the report given to members of the US Congress is said to be about 72 pages long. What is most classified are the means and systems of detection and monitoring, but some congressmen (Mark Warner, etc.) have said they have seen much clearer images than what the public has been able to see since this process of confirmation of reality began. UFO in 2017 … when Elizondo, Tom DeLonge, members of To the Stars Academy came to light during a YouTube conference in October of that year and later in an article in the New York Times.

At least among the prosaic possibilities offered in the report of June 25, 2021, everything is talked about but the possibility of extraterrestrial technology was not ruled out either. That detail is significant.

Leaked footage of 'pyramid-shaped' UFOs is real, Pentagon says - National | Globalnews.ca

Leaked footage of pyramid-shaped UAP filmed with infrared over the USS Russell. Given to filmmaker Jeremy Corbell.

In all this, the USAF has been almost silent but I have already declared that it is interested in the UAP (although it has been in that since when it was the Army Air Corps in the 1940s!). Interestingly, following the June 25 report, Under Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks ordered that the UFO / UAP investigation be coordinated between multiple military branches and agencies.

What is already undeniable is that there is ongoing evidence of past lies and manipulation that can explain the inconsistencies between truthfully disclosing and denying/lying. For example, Secretary of the Air Force D. Quarles flatly lied when asked about UFOs.

And the lies started a long time ago. For better or for worse, what they said to the public is one thing and what they did in private is another. Secret Report No. 14 (Special Report No. 14) produced in 1955 by Project Blue Book with the help of analysts from the Battelle Memorial Institute showed that the more educated and credible a person was, the higher the percentage of “unknown” sightings that did not they could be explained.
More precisely, the true number of unexplained or unknown cases was 35% for the best quality witnesses and only 21.5% overall for all the people who reported their sightings to the Air Force. So when Project Blue Book tried for some time to say that mental imbalance was a big factor behind UFO reports, they were lying too. To maintain this fiction (aided by prejudice and social taboo) the most sensitive investigations would have been transferred to private corporations.

Accredited persons who proved to have worked for the US government for intelligence such as Christopher Mellon and Luis Elizondo and Hal Puthoff and physicist Bob Davis would have had access to some of the secrets related to the UFO investigation but not the most hidden investigation within some. USAPs related to private corporations. They would know that there is more and they would act as intermediaries in favor of a more determined (albeit gradual) revelation for leaders, scientists, and the population, acting as bridges between them and the ultra-secret level of investigation that apparently borders on the illicit since (at least until recently) would not have been accountable within the formal chain of command. For example (according to verified letters between Eric Davis and Admiral Wilson … letters that were leaked after the death of astronaut Edgar Mitchell), those who operated certain USAPS under private corporate terms denied Admiral Wilson access to information during the 1990s when he was the chief intelligence officer (“J2”) for the Pentagon.

The statements of denier Donald Menzel (Harvard astronomer (“all unexplained observations are made by bad observers”) and scientist Carl Sagan “reliable cases are not interesting and interesting cases are not reliable”) were also extremely false, prejudiced, lacking in scientific rigor, and foolish. But those apparently “serious” statements are made up of those who do not feel rejection against the possibility of a true non-human presence. Thus, like the fanatical believers who also exist in the world of the UFO subject, many scientists and modern people who want to consider themselves “serious” also incur irrational justifications. Without proper preparation and critical thinking, neither being “open-minded” or supposedly “objective” minded necessarily falls short of the necessary epistemological cognitive balance.

But the most obvious lie made to the public was made in the 1950s by the Secretary of the Air Force D. Quarles who told the public that there were only 3% of “Unknown” cases in the Project Blue Book investigation and that all could be identified as “conventional phenomena” or as “illusions” if they had enough information. It was a total lie that he was able to make because the public did not know about Special Report 14. But thanks to physicist Stanton Friedman we now know about this previously secret report.

After the US Congress received the report on June 25, it organized and requested that UFO / UAP reports be delivered every 90 days, but including cases prior to 2004. This is about to happen. I believe that the second report will be given to you on September 22, 2021. In addition, the Inspector General for the Pentagon began an investigation of how the second institution has carried out the investigations of the UFO issue. They have broad authority and are independent. This investigation could take several years. Maybe they can find out if it was illegally hiding from Congress or if there were irregularities and unexplained expenses. Everything seems to point to an attempt to regain civil and politically formal control of the most secret investigations managed by a basically independent committee of unknown persons coordinating military sectors under the legal protection of private corporations.

On the other hand, Mr. Elizondo brought a lawsuit against the Pentagon for having denied that he worked at the AWSAAP and as director of the AATIP investigating UFO / UAP and for having deleted all his emails. He hired the famous lawyer Daniel Sheehan who also investigated the UFO issue hired by the Congressional Investigation Office at the request of former President Jimmy Carter when he was denied detailed information on UFOs.

Scientists are reacting. The formal interest of the Pentagon, the ODNI, the congress, etc., has generated a positive response from NASA and Harvard University whose representatives (the Director of NASA, former Congressman and astronaut Bill Nelson) and the physicist, astrophysicist, and university professor Avi Loeb) have publicly said that they will start investigating UFOs. The second directs the “Galileo Project” to try to look at scientific instruments to detect and analyze the behavior of UFOs. He reminds us of Galileo Galilei who dared to look through his telescope and detected that Jupiter had moons revolving around it. That is why he changed history and paradigms. The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) has also just joined the UFO investigation. In the last 2-3 years Scientific American magazine also published articles on how valid and interesting UFO research can be for science. Already the subject is not only something of weak minds and crazy visionaries! (It never was).

The UFO community in the US is eager for the US Congress to be encouraged to hold a public hearing about the UFO phenomenon. The last official hearing on this issue was in 1967!

They materialize and dematerialize. They instantly accelerate to hypersonic speeds (5 to 25 times the speed of sound) and suddenly stop. They follow the planes. They contact people. They are shown to schoolchildren. The geospatial agency detected them coming from space. It goes without saying that the verification of a trans-ontological presence, which may well be physical or not, but which at least exceeds the classical space-time limits (with a more advanced technology detected historically and which does not belong to terrestrial humanity) is a fact with undeniable philosophical consequences. This collective realization may help us to get out of the global intellectual morass, to find new political-economic agreements, and to recognize that we are part of a much broader community of life that apparently spurs us to react and mature as a species in a more responsible and healthily connected way.

We have to open our eyes to a larger reality that apparently was always here.

Former Canadian Defense Minister and UFO Truth Proponent Paul Hellyer Has Passed Away at Age 98

August 9, 2021                                                    (mysterywire.com)

• Very sad news. Former Canadian Minister of National Defence, the Hon. Paul Hellyer (pictured above) passed away on August 8th. Hellyer also served as a member of the Canadian Parliament for several years and in various government roles for almost 40 years. He served as Defence Minister from 1963 to 1967 when he oversaw the integration and unification of the Royal Canadian Navy, Canadian Army, and the Royal Canadian Air Force into a single Canadian Forces.

• Hellyer became well known and highly regarded in the UFO research community when he told an audience in 2005 at the Toronto Symposium on UFO Disclosure and Planetary Directions: “UFOs are as real as the airplanes that fly over your head. That is my unequivocal conclusion.” Hellyer was also known for speaking at the Citizen Hearing on UFO Disclosure in 2013.

• Paul Hellyer passed away peacefully in his home in Toronto Canada surrounded by family “singing him a blessing” as he took his last breaths. He recently celebrated his 98th birthday. (see obituary notice here) Hellyer’s grandson, Josh Hellyer, shared a Twitter message of his grandfather’s passing: “Very sad to share that my Grandfather Paul Hellyer died yesterday, August 8, 2021, at the age of 98. He was a giant personality and a huge presence in our lives. He lived a long and interesting life and will be deeply missed. Rest in peace Grandpa.”


              Hon. Paul Hellyer

MYSTERY WIRE – Former Canadian Minister of National Defence Hon. Paul Hellyer has passed away.

Hellyer was also a member of the Canadian Parliament for several years and served in various government roles for almost 40 years. He served as Defence Minister from 1963 to 1967.

He became well known in the UFO research community in 2005 when he told an audience at the Toronto Symposium on UFO Disclosure and Planetary Directions at the University of Toronto’s Convocation Hall, “UFOs are as real as the airplanes that fly over your head. That is my unequivocal conclusion.”

UFO disclosure expert Victor Viggiani made the announcement on his website writing, “The Hon. Paul T. Hellyer PC passed away peacefully last evening August 8 in his home at 6:31pm in Toronto Canada.”

Viggiani included a statement from Hellyer’s family.

“Paul passed away peacefully last evening August 8 in his home at 6:31pm. Our family was by his side while he was taking his last breaths, singing him a blessing. We are so grateful he was able to be here at home for his last days. We are especially grateful that he was able to celebrate his 98th birthday surrounded by his family.”
Hellyer’s grandson Josh Hellyer also shared a message of his grandfather’s passing on Twitter writing, “Very sad to share that my Grandfather Paul Hellyer died yesterday, August 8, 2021, at the age of 98. He was a giant personality and a huge presence in our lives. He lived a long and interesting life and will be deeply missed. Rest in peace Grandpa.”

Viggiani writes that “as Minister of Defence, (Hellyer) oversaw the drastic and controversial integration and unification of the Royal Canadian Navy, Canadian Army, and the Royal Canadian Air Force into a single organization, the Canadian Forces.”

Hellyer was also known for speaking at the Citizen Hearing on UFO Disclosure in 2013.

4:10 minute clip of Hon. Paul Hellyer on “Galactic Federation” of Aliens (‘THE HANNIBAL TV’ YouTube)




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The Evidence of UFOs is Uncontestable and Being Taken Seriously for the First Time

Article by Gary Heseltine                                                 July 3, 2021                                                                                (rt.com)

• In December 2017, the New York Times published an article about a strange aerial objects encountered by US Navy pilots from the USS Nimitz aircraft carrier off the West Coast of the United States. The FLIR cockpit video and radar images provided physical evidence of these UFOs operating in US airspace. The highly trained Navy pilots had never encountered anything remotely like what they observed. The flight characteristics of the object seemed to defy the known laws of physics and aerodynamics. The New York Times article went on to reveal that other UFOs had been seen and recorded on both the East and West Coasts in 2015.

• Then we learned that a secret UFO research program existed within the Pentagon. The head of this program, Luis Elizondo, described what he and his team witnessed in a television interview: “Imagine a technology that can do 600 to 700 G-forces, that can fly 13,000 miles an hour, that can evade radar and can fly through air and water and possibly space, and oh, by the way, has no obvious signs of propulsion, no wings, no control surfaces and yet still can defy the natural effects of Earth’s gravity. That’s precisely what we are seeing.”

• Confirmation of a secret government UFO study program was, in itself, a complete contradiction to the long-standing officially held US policy regarding UFOs, which stated that since the closure of ‘Project Blue Book’ in 1969, no such military/government research had ever been undertaken. The government’s official policy of denying and debunking any evidence of UFOs or the extraterrestrial presence seems to be crumbling as well, being replaced by a more open, grown-up approach to these phenomena.

• The mainstream media has also begun to realize that there may be something to the UFO story and have been keenly following developments. Many scientists have become interested in the topic as well. The subject is finally being treated seriously on mainstream TV.

• While the media, scientific and academic world may try to pass this series of recent UFO evidence off as a completely new revelation, in reality they are nothing new. Such UFOs have been observed by credible witnesses around the globe for over 70 years. For instance, between 1989-91, Belgium received approximately 2000 UFO reports from members of the public, police officers and military pilots. On the night of March 30/31, 1990, two F16 fighter jets were scrambled to intercept a ground visual and radar-confirmed target. In a 70-minute-plus pursuit of the UFOs, one of the jets was able to record its flight instrument data of the incident. In addition, radar systems of three military bases and four civilian airports all confirmed the pursuit and the UFO.

• Top military officials publicly confirmed that an unauthorized, unidentified craft of unknown origin had entered Belgium airspace that night. Subsequent research confirmed that during the pursuit the object had been able to evade/break numerous lock-ons achieved by the chasing aircraft.

• The Chief of Air Staff for the Royal Belgium Air Force, Colonel Wilfried de Brouwer, held a press conference where he disclosed details of the incident and the videotape of the cockpit instrumentation taken during the event. At the press conference, Col. de Brouwer stated: “The day will come, undoubtedly, when the phenomenon will be observed with technological means of detection and collection that won’t leave a single doubt about its origin. This should lift a part of the veil that has covered the mystery for a long time. A mystery that continues to the present. But it exists, it is real, and that is an important conclusion.”

• Col. de Brouwer continued: “The Air Force has arrived at the conclusion that a certain number of anomalous phenomena has been produced within Belgian airspace. The numerous testimonies of ground observations… reinforced by the reports of the night of March 30-31 [1990], have led us to face the hypothesis that a certain number of unauthorized aerial activities have taken place. Until now, not a single trace of aggressiveness has been signaled; military or civilian air traffic has not been perturbed nor threatened. We can therefore advance that the presumed activities do not constitute a direct menace.”

• The top civilian radar specialist in Belgium, Professor Emile Schwietzer, was brought in to examine the accumulated data obtained during the pursuit. Schwietzer said that the UFO had made one particular maneuver that had impressed him greatly: a sharp high-speed turn that pulled a g-force in excess of 30G – well above the tolerance for humans to survive.

• In September 2019, physicist Michio Kaku spoke at a UFO conference in Barcelona, Spain. On the subject of the US Navy UFO revelations, Kaku said that the explanations usually invoked — meteors, weather balloons, even the planet Venus — can’t explain these incidents. They are either of human origin, representing cutting-edge technology, or it is “evidence of an advanced outer-space civilization”. “We’ve reached a turning point,” Kaku concluded. “It used to be that believers had to prove that these objects were from an intelligent race in outer space. Now the burden of proof is on the government to prove they’re not from intelligent beings in outer space.”

• Of course, other scientists remain locked in the debunking mindset. One is American astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, who, in March, posted onto Facebook an image from one of the FLIR videos, saying: “Not knowing what it is, does not count as evidence for knowing what it is.” In the world of UFO research, such inexplicable contrasts of opinion are borne out by the history of prominent ‘debunkers’ deliberately being given huge coverage in the media – from scientist Donald Menzel in the 1950s to aviation expert Philip Klass, who was known as the world’s leading debunker for many years until his death in 2005.

• Now, for the first time in nearly 70 years, the stigma of talking about the UFO phenomena is finally beginning to dissipate. We are no longer being called cranks or kooks. It’s time for the best UFO research accumulated over the last 70 years to be recognized and studied. Scientists, academics and researchers should have an adult conversation about the subject and move forward together. This is what ‘ICER’, the International Coalition for Extraterrestrial Research is attempting to do. (see previous ExoArticle here)

• Mainstream scientists and academics have a choice to make. They can either stick their heads into the sand and dismiss everything out of hand, ignoring the mass of scientific data that’s been recorded and continues to be collected on an almost daily basis by a vast array of military technology, or for the first time really open their minds to the possibility that ‘non-human intelligences’ may have found us and are currently interacting with humankind, and seek out the diligent work of long-standing UFO researchers whom they have largely ignored. Surely, now is the time for all of us to work together for the benefit of the human race and help us prepare for a new reality.


     ‘Gimbal’ UFO off of Florida in 2015

In the second and concluding part of my series of what’s happening in the world of UFOs/UAPs, I set out the astonishing proof that indicates we are regularly being visited by super-intelligent visitors from outer space.

In my previous article, I outlined how the official policy of denying and debunking the evidence that our planet is being engaged by extraterrestrial/non-human intelligences is – at last – crumbling. And being replaced by a more open, grown-up approach to these phenomena, with even US senators, ex-presidents and former CIA directors admitting these ‘contacts’ cannot be explained.

 Colonel Wilfried de Brouwer

The first indication of this shift came in December 2017 when the New York Times, no less, published an article about a hitherto unknown secret Pentagon program that had researched strange aerial objects encountered by a number of US Navy pilots off the east and west coasts of

UFO chased by Belgium F16 fighter jets in 1990

the United States.

The first of these involved the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz and its carrier escort of ships in 2004. What made this highly significant is that the fighter aircraft involved used Forward Looking Infrared Radar (FLIR) video to visually capture an actual object that had been seen both visually and on radar.

The video provided corroborative physical evidence of an unknown object flying around in US airspace.

The pilots have described the object seen as similar to a Tic Tac sweet i.e., white, pill shaped, with rounded ends. David Fravor, the first pilot to go public about the incident, estimated the craft to be approximately 40 feet in length, not too dissimilar to the size of the F18 Super Hornet he was flying.

             Michio Kaku

Significantly, the highly trained Navy pilots had never encountered anything remotely like what

           Luis Elizondo

they observed. The flight characteristics of the object seemed to defy the known laws of physics and aerodynamics.

The New York Times article went on to reveal that on two further occasions, US Navy pilots had encountered similar objects in 2015 off the east and west coasts of America and that they too had been recorded on FLIR video.

Once again, the videos provided corroboration of what the pilots had observed and matched the ship-based radar data. The audio commentary of the pilots involved in these incidents makes it perfectly clear that the objects moved in ways unlike any object they had ever witnessed before.

Unusually, the three videos, which have become known as the ‘FLIR1’ (Tic Tac), ‘Gimbal’ and ‘Go Fast’ respectively, were released into the public domain.

The person who ran that secret program was identified as Luis Elizondo, a former military intelligence specialist, who had recently resigned from the Department of Defense. Later, in a TV programme, Elizondo described what he and his team witnessed: “Imagine a technology that can do 600 to 700 G-forces, that can fly 13,000 miles an hour, that can evade radar and can fly through air and water and possibly space, and oh, by the way, has no obvious signs of propulsion, no wings, no control surfaces and yet still can defy the natural effects of Earth’s gravity. That’s precisely what we are seeing.”



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The Cosmic Hoax: What’s Coming?

On July 4, Dr. Steven Greer released his latest documentary film – ‘The Cosmic Hoax’. In it, he presented evidence of a decades-long plan to stage an alien false flag invasion. He described multiple aspects of the plan and key figures in its implementation. He asserts that the staged event is imminent given recent developments in the mass media and US politics concerning the June 25 UAP report. What’s missing in Dr Greer’s analysis of a Cosmic Hoax is another kind of alien false flag event.

In this Exopolitics Today podcast, Dr. Michael Salla examines The Cosmic Hoax, pointing out its strengths and shortcomings as an expose on a future alien psyop, especially when it comes to a very different kind of staged alien event – an ‘Alien Rescue’ or ‘Salvation’.

Available on Rumble and YouTube

Podcast Links

Further Reading/Listening

UAPTF Report: UFOs Are Real. Now What?

Article by Jazz Shaw                                                     June 26, 2021                                                               (nationalreview.com)

• NOW that we’ve had some time to absorb the release of the long-awaited UAP Task Force report from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), let’s try to wrap our heads around what the report actually said. First of all, the public version of the report was painfully short. The classified report given to Congressional Intelligence and Armed Services committees is ten times longer. The Department of Defense and intelligence community really don’t like talking about this subject. DoD officials say that even getting that nine page unclassified public report out of the Pentagon was an exercise in ‘pulling teeth’.

• Still, there were important admissions made in the UAPTF report. First, the vast majority of UFO incidents they studied “probably do represent physical objects” as they were usually identified on multiple avenues of sensory data, in addition to testimony from pilots and technicians who watch the skies for a living.

• Second, the ODNI conceded that out of 144 UFO incident reports, they were able to conclusively identify only one of them as a deflated balloon. They simply don’t know what the rest of them are. The government claims that it isn’t American technology (although many people have no faith in this statement). The report goes on to say that there is no evidence that these UFOs indicate a major technological advancement by a potential adversary either.

• The report notes that most of the reported UFO sightings took place in controlled airspace, in the midst of our naval battle groups and even over military facilities in mainland North America. If there were the slightest indication that those things came from Russia or China and were showing up over our testing range in Nevada or Montana, our real-world military would be at least trying to shoot them down. But our top pilots say that these UFOs ‘leave our Super Hornet (jets) in the dust’. Commander David Fravor who saw the Tic Tac UFO in 2004 said that if the UFO had been hostile, he never would have stood a chance.

• Third, the report states, “Some UAP appeared to remain stationary in winds aloft, move against the wind, maneuver abruptly, or move at considerable speed, without discernible means of propulsion,” ie: flight-control surfaces, rotors, exhaust ports, or wings. As for acceleration speed of the UFOs, pilots describe them as ‘simply disappearing’. This suggests anti-gravity technology. It is not a stretch to assume that our military has this technology, and so do our Earthly adversaries.

• There is plenty of substance to the publicly declassified report. Our government has been studying these things for more than 70 years. The scrutiny has intensified over the past decade and new policies encourage the reporting of anomalous encounters rather than punishing anyone who mentions them. Following the release of the report, the deputy secretary of Defense issued a memorandum instructing both military and government personnel to report any UFO sightings and ordering the creation of better methods of receiving, recording, and analyzing such data.

• So where does that leave us? Has the US government switched from a policy of denying the existence of UFOs to one of trying to gaslight us all into believing in them to a limited degree? Whatever they might be — they are out there. They almost certainly are not the property of our government, our allies or our adversaries. Eliminating those Earthly sources, we’re quickly running out of candidates.


NOW that we’ve all had some time to absorb the release of the long-awaited UAP Task Force report from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), it’s probably a good idea to try to wrap our heads around what the report actually said. Perhaps even more to the point, we should make note of what it did not say, this being a subject that seems to elude some of the reporters who are relatively new to the entire UFO phenomenon. And yes, many of us are going to stubbornly continue to use “UFO” no matter how hard the U.S. government tries to get us to say “UAP” so everyone won’t sound quite so crazy.

The first thing to keep in mind is that the public version of the report was short. Painfully short when compared with some of the aspirational dreams of the faithful in ufology. The classified report given to appropriate congressional committees (Intelligence and Armed Services) is reportedly ten times longer and contains all manner of goodies, but we may never see those. Reliable testimony from former Defense Department officials suggests that even getting that slim report out of the Pentagon for the public was an exercise in pulling teeth. They really don’t like talking about this subject.

None of this should be taken to mean that the report was a dud. There were important admissions made by the ODNI on Friday. One of the first was that the vast majority of “UAP” incidents they studied “probably do represent physical objects.” They draw this conclusion from the fact that most were picked up using multiple avenues of sensory data, in addition to testimony from pilots and technicians who watch the skies for a living. So it’s not just swamp gas, “ball lightning,” or birds. And if you’ve seen one, you may not be crazy. (Or if you are, it’s not because of this.)



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Leaked Summary of Classified UAP Report – Genuine or Disinformation?

On June 30, veteran UFO researcher Richard Dolan released a leaked summary of the classified version of the UAP report delivered to the US Senate five days earlier. The alleged summary asserts that members of Congress were informed of eight breakthrough propulsion technologies being studied and tested at Nevada’s Area 51 and Tonopah Test Range. None of the advanced propulsion technologies were deployed outside of these testing facilities, according to the summary, and therefore none of craft identified in the June 25 UAP report belong to the US.

This Exopolitics Today podcast examines competing claims over whether evidence exists that such craft have been successfully built and deployed by different branches of the US military.

Available on Rumble and YouTube

Podcast References

Further Reading/Listening

Study Finds That Humans Would Welcome the Discovery of Extraterrestrial Life

Article by Gautam Peddada                                               June 20, 2021                                              (collective-evolution.com)

• Researchers from Arizona State University have performed studies to find out how we humans will deal with it if we make contact with intelligent extraterrestrial life? Will we be terrified? Will we feel threatened? Will we be able to comprehend it? Will we accept it?

• On February 16th, ASU Assistant Professor of Psychology Michael Varnum presented the findings of the most recent study, “How Will We React to the Discovery of Extraterrestrial Life?” at the American Association for the Advancement of Science annual meeting in Austin, Texas. Varnum’s conclusion? “If we came face to face with life outside of Earth, we would actually be pretty upbeat about it.”

• A previous pilot study focused on people’s reaction to the discovery alien microbial life on Mars, the periodic dimming around Tabby’s Star, and other Earth-like exoplanets in a star’s habitable zone that could support life as we know it. The pilot study discovered that the language used to depict these events elicited much more positive than negative feelings.

• In a second study, the researchers invited over 500 people to write about their potential reactions to the discovery of alien microbial life ‘considering their individual sentiments as well as those of mankind as a whole’. Again, participants’ replies revealed substantially more positive than negative emotions. “I’d be a little excited about the news,” one participant remarked.

• Varnum’s ASU group gave an additional sample of over 500 people split into two groups. Group One participants read a previous article from The New York Times on probable evidence of ancient microbial life on a Mars meteorite. Group Two participants were given another New York Times article about the development of synthetic human-made life in a lab.

• The responses were considerably more positive about finding of microbial alien life than they were about developing synthetic life. With regard to other planets hosting life, one participant stated, “It’s an intriguing and fascinating discovery that might be only the beginning.”

• Varnum also examined recent media coverage that the interstellar ‘Oumuamua’ asteroid is actually a spacecraft. Here, too, Varnum discovered more positive than negative emotions, implying that humans may react favorably to news of the finding of sentient life elsewhere in the cosmos. “[T]aken together, this implies that if we find out we’re not alone, we’ll take the news rather well.”


As the possibilities of a non-human intellect being present on Earth increase on a daily basis, one

                        Michael Varnum

critical question must be addressed: How will we deal with it if we make contact? Will we be terrified if we feel threatened? Will we accept it? Will we be able to comprehend it? Or will we dismiss it as just another item to cope with in our increasingly fast-paced world?

Researchers from Arizona State University performed a study to try to find out the answer, and the article is titled “How Will We React to the Discovery of Extraterrestrial Life?”

The researchers looked at how language was used in media coverage of previous announcements of this kind, with an emphasis on alien microbial life (Pilot Study). A large online sample was asked to write about their own and humanity’s reaction to a hypothetical announcement of such a discovery, and another large online sample was asked to read and respond to a news article about the discovery of fossilised extraterrestrial microbial life in a Martian meteorite.

“If we came face to face with life outside of Earth, we would actually be pretty upbeat about it,” said Arizona State University Assistant Professor of Psychology Michael Varnum.
Varnum presented the study’s findings on February 16 at the American Association for the Advancement of Science annual meeting in Austin, Texas.

The pilot study’s articles focused on the 1996 discovery of possibly fossilised extraterrestrial Martian microbes, the 2015 discovery of periodic dimming around Tabby’s Star, thought to indicate the presence of an artificially constructed “Dyson sphere,” and the 2017 discovery of Earth-like exoplanets in a star’s habitable zone. The pilot study discovered that the language used to depict these events elicited much more positive than negative feelings.



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International Coalition Aims to Get Answers About UFOs

Article by Christina Stock                                             May 26, 2021                                                  (rdrnews.com)

• On May 25th, UFO researcher and author Donald Schmitt was at the International UFO Museum and Research Center in Roswell, New Mexico to announce the start of a 27-nation (so far) coalition on extraterrestrial research called the ‘International Coalition on Extraterrestrial Research’, or ‘ICER’. The goals of ICER include establishing ‘awareness programs’ in all countries, to pressure governments such as the United States to disclose what they know, and “to prepare for confirmation that Earth has been engaging with non-human intelligences”.

• “Eventually, we will be 50 countries and then we’ll. No more talk, let’s do it,” says Schmitt. “Russia, China, Japan, [countries] throughout South America, throughout Europe, all are coming together. It’s never happened before and as far as it goes, we’re really going to push.”

• Schmitt is an expert on the 1947 UFO crash in Roswell, and has dedicated his life to solving the mysteries surrounding UFO’s. He returns each year for lectures during Roswell’s UFO Festival. He will be a guest speaker at the UFO Museum’s 2021 Ufologist Invasion, July 1-4, which takes place during the UFO Festival and MainStreet Roswell’s Alien Fest.

• ICER is a ‘not-for-profit’ organization comprised of scientists, academics and leading UFO researchers on five continents who are unanimous in their recognition that “we are not alone in the cosmos. Based on more than 75 years of research, ICER acknowledges that the UFO phenomenon is real; it acts with intelligence and is likely to be extraterrestrial/non-human in origin.” Among the researchers in the organization are astrophysicist and former deputy director of sciences at the Bulgarian Space Research Institute Professor Lachezar Filipov of Bulgaria, and astronomer Eamonn Ansbro of the Republic of Ireland, who is currently the director of Kingsland Observatory and SETI in Kingsland, Ireland.

• Schmitt said that many scientists and researchers are skeptical of the US military’s recent release of documents and leaked UFO videos. Of the thousands of pages of documents released, “Nothing is in there or (it’s) redacted, blacked out. It’s so frustrating for us,” he said. Scientists and researchers in other countries are facing the same difficulty finding answers from their governments and militaries. That’s why they’ve united to form the new organization.

• While there is no direct government involvement in ICER, the organization is recognized by the United Nations, “which means then that we can present at the UN,” Schmitt said. “We are going above individual governments.” Schmitt anticipates that the organization will grow. “I am the North American representative, and we had meetings in China, and then we met in Moscow. We put this all together. I had dinner in Moscow with two of the cosmonauts — we are getting people in pretty high places.”


                     Donald Schmitt

Tourists visiting the International UFO Museum and Research Center on May 25 were

the International UFO Museum and Research Center in Roswell, New Mexico

greeted by the sight of a television crew interviewing renowned UFO researcher and author Donald Schmitt.

Schmitt, an expert on the alleged 1947 UFO crash on a ranch near Corona, has dedicated his life to solving the mysteries surrounding unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP). He returns each year for lectures during Roswell’s UFO Festival.

Now, he’s joined with scientists and other researchers who have formed a new organization — the International Coalition on Extraterrestrial Research, or ICER — dedicated to finding the answers about UFOs.

“We just announced today (May 25) the start of an international coalition, 27 countries, an international coalition on

             Professor Lachezar Filipov

extraterrestrial research,” Schmitt said. “Russia, China, Japan, throughout South America, throughout Europe, all are coming

                           UFO Museum

together. It’s never happened before and as far as it goes, we’re really going to push.”

Schmitt said that many scientists and researchers are skeptical of the U.S. military’s recent release of documents and of confirmations of cases of UAPs in leaked videos.

The thousands of pages of documents released, he said, don’t hold any details. “Nothing is in there or (it’s) redacted, blacked out. It’s so frustrating for us,” he said.

                       Eamonn Ansbro

Scientists and researchers in other countries are facing the same difficulty finding answers from their governments and militaries, he said. That’s what’s led them to unite and form the new organization.

Asked if any governments are involved, Schmitt said that wasn’t the case. “But we will be eventually recognized by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), which means then that we can present at the UN,” he said. “We are going above individual governments.”

Schmitt said that he is sure the organization will grow. “I am the North American representative, and we had meetings in China, and then we met in Moscow. We put this all together. I had dinner in Moscow with two of the cosmonauts — we are getting people in pretty high places,” he said.



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Elizondo Claims that US Government Possesses Exotic UFO Materials

Article by Nirmal Narayanan                                              May 22, 2021                                                             (ibtimes.co.in)

• In 2017, when Luis Elizondo resigned as the head of the Pentagon’s secret UFO investigation program to join the ‘To The Stars Academy of Arts and Sciences’, two Navy cockpit videos of UFOs off of the East and West Coasts of America were released to the public. The Pentagon has since authenticated those and other UFO images and videos taken by US Navy personnel.

• Elizondo recently appeared on Fox News with Tucker Carlson. Carlson asked Elizondo whether the US government has collected any debris from flying UFO craft that might have crash-landed. “The United States government is in possession of exotic material and I will leave it at that,” said Elizondo. “More analysis needs to be done. There is enough uniqueness about it where it requires additional analysis and additional expertise and thankfully there are pockets in the US government that are willing to have the conversation and conduct the analysis.”

• Elizondo’s revelation came just a few days after documentary filmmaker Jeremy Corbell released a UFO clip that showed a spherical UFO plunging into the ocean off of San Diego in 2019, shot by US Navy officials aboard USS Omaha. Many UFO enthusiasts believe that alien existence on Earth is being covered-up by the US government and space agencies like NASA to avoid public panic.


It was on December 16, 2017, that the New York Times published an explosive report about the Pentagon’s secret UFO investigation program named Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP). The news soon went viral on online spaces, and it was followed by the release of two UFO videos that showed mysterious flying objects screeching across the skies at a breathtaking speed. As pressure started mounting on the defense department from various corners, the Pentagon admitted that UFO videos released by To The Stars Academy of Arts and Sciences were real. And now, Luis Elizondo who led AATIP has

                    UFO ‘metamaterial’

shockingly claimed that the US government is in possession of exotic UFO materials.

                    UFO ‘metamaterial’

Luis Elizondo makes unbelievable claims

Elizondo claimed that the US government got these exotic materials from mysterious space vessels that reached earth. After leading AATIP from 2007 to 2012, Elizondo finally resigned from the Pentagon in 2017 as a part of his protest against government secrecy while dealing with UFO events.

         Jeremy Corbell

As the Pentagon is expected to release some mindblowing details about UFOs later this year, Elizondo appeared on Fox News to speak about what could be expected.

spherical UFO plunging into the ocean off of San Diego in 2019

During the show, host Tucker Carlson asked Elizondo whether the US government has collected any debris from the alleged flying vessels that might have crash-landed.

“The United States government is in possession of exotic material and I will leave it at that. More analysis needs to be done. There is enough uniqueness about it where it requires additional analysis and additional expertise and thankfully there are pockets in the US government that are willing to have the conversation and conduct the analysis,” said Elizondo.

The mysterious spherical UFO that plunged into the oceans



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UFOs: Unending False Official-Narratives

by Rich Scheck

Government lies never seem to stop! Virtually all official narratives linked to important historical events like the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, the assassination of JFK and 9/11 are drenched in untruth with false claims, overt propaganda or outright lies.

At the top of this list of spun stories is the topic of UFOs where the entire conversation entails a psychological operation where decent citizens are subjected to an unending stream of misinformation that makes the Santa Claus legend and tales of the Easter Bunny seem plausible by comparison.

The recent deluge of MSM coverage of the alleged “UFO Threat” follows decades of dismissal of claims by credible Ufologists that these mysterious objects are worthy of attention. The best explanation for legitimizing their existence is to justify a massive increase in defense spending by the usual suspects in the MIC.

With the Covid fear campaign losing steam and traditional efforts to demonize Russia and China barely impacting an already credulous polity, something dramatic needs to be cooked up by the Global Elite to reset the public’s panic button.

A Project BlueBeam scenario has long been in the works, perhaps to be deployed soon as a last resort by the Davos Desperados to hammer home their full spectrum dominance plan of total control over humanity.

Will it work? Perhaps! The latest wrinkle for those paying attention involves the ubiquitous and nimble (former?) intelligence operative Luis Elizondo, who has jumped from being a government insider linked to John Brennan, Jim Clapper and the DOD’s ATTIP project (supposedly tracking UFOs), to his role as a leading spokesman for the failed TTSA effort to privatize UFO Disclosure to his new persona as a disgruntled whistleblower out to expose official duplicity.

This would seem to make him the Michael Cohen of Disclosure since Lue has been the most prominent face of the official threat assertions that he is now supposedly attempting to refute.

This confessional posture has lured the unlikely support of famed civil rights attornery, Daniel Sheehan, who is simultaneously the lawyer for Steven Greer’s Disclosure Project which boldly proclaims there is no ET threat!

It will be intriguing to watch Sheehan to see if he successfully navigates this highwire act by Elizondo to rehabilitate his credibility and convince skeptics like Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt and many others that he deserves to be believed.

Dr. Greer assures us that Danny will disassociate himself from Elizondo if the spook recants on his pledge to tell the full “truth” about ETs, UFOs and other aspects of the Secret Space Program. His position has been put in question after last night’s appearance by Elizondo on the Tucker Carlson Show where he said little that reversed his previous threat claims.

The next act in this drama comes when top Ufologist Richard Dolan interviews Lue as part of a special virtual conference on UFO Secrecy slated to run later today.

With the scheduled release of Senator Rubio’s UAP Task Force report fast approaching, today’s events and those that follow are certain to keep this topic bubbling in the public consciousness for the foreseeable future.

The big question remains: has UFO come to stand for “Unending False Official-Narratives” or will that appellation reclaim its original meaning of Unidentified Flying Objects as the ET Truth Embargo of 75 years since Roswell finally comes to an end?



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Obama Admits UFOs Are Real, But ‘We Don’t Know Exactly What They Are’

Article by Lee Brown                                          May 18, 2021                                            (nypost.com)

• On May 18th, former President Barack Obama was a virtual guest on James Corden’s “The Late Late Show”. In the light-hearted banter with Corden and the show’s bandleader, Reggie Watts, Obama said that his post-presidency life was “pretty darn good” now he has “less stress, less burden” and more time to spend with his wife and young adult daughters. Then Watts asked Obama the truth about aliens. Obama suggested that Watts may himself be an alien. “Do we know what he looks like behind those glasses?” Obama joked.

• “[T]he truth is that when I came into office, I asked (about extraterrestrials),” Obama told the British comedian. “I was like, ‘All right, is there the lab somewhere where we’re keeping the alien specimens and spaceships?” But the answer was ‘No’. The former president laughed off rumors that the US government is hiding alien beings and spacecraft, but stated, “When it comes to aliens, there are some things I just can’t tell you on air.” (see 2:58 minute video of Obama on the show below)

• Obama then conceded that there really are UFO sightings that the government can’t explain. “[W]hat is true — and I’m actually being serious here — is that there’s footage and records of objects in the skies that we don’t know exactly what they are.” “We can’t explain how they moved, their trajectory … they did not have an easily explainable pattern,” he said of growing reports of UFOs of ‘unidentified aerial phenomenon’ recorded by the Navy.

• “So I think that people still take (UFOs) seriously – trying to investigate and figure out what that is. But I have nothing to report to you today.” Obama wouldn’t elaborate on his own views on what the mysterious objects likely were.


Former President Barack Obama has laughed off rumors that the US government has

                           James Corden

a secret stash of aliens and their spacecraft — while conceding that there really are UFO sightings that the government can’t explain.

“When it comes to aliens, there are some things I just can’t tell you on air,” the 44th commander-in-chief teased James Corden in a video chat on “The Late Late Show” aired early Tuesday.

“Look, the truth is that when I came into office, I asked,” Obama told the British comedian with a laugh.

             Obama and Reggie Watts

“I was like, ‘All right, is there the lab somewhere where we’re keeping the alien specimens and spaceships?’

“They did a little bit of research … and the answer was, ‘No,’” he deadpanned to laughter.

“But what is true — and I’m actually being serious here — is that there’s footage and records of objects in the skies that we don’t know exactly what they are,” he said of growing reports of unidentified flying objects.

“We can’t explain how they moved, their trajectory … they did not have an easily explainable pattern,” he said of growing reports of sights, many recorded by the Navy.

2:58 minute clip of Obama discussing UFOs on ‘The Late Late Show’
(‘The Late Late Show With James Corden’ YouTube)



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Release of UFO Truth Could Be the ‘Most Profound Moment in History’ Says Steve Bassett

Article by Patrick Knox                                                  May 10, 2021                                                 (thesun.co.uk)

• In 2017 we learned the revelation that the Pentagon was researching a series of unexplained intrusions into military airspace, including mysterious UFOs captured on video stalking US Navy ships. Defense officials confirmed the authenticity of those sightings. This led to lawmakers on the Senate Intelligence Committee to give the military and government intelligence agencies a 180-day deadline to produce a declassified report on these UFOs, due in June.

• Steve Bassett (pictured above), the executive director of Paradigm Research Group and UFO lobbyist, has tirelessly worked to end the embargo of UFO information held by intelligence agencies since the Roswell UFO crash and cover-up in 1947. Bassett thinks we are now on the verge of UFO disclosure. He says that there is a group within the intelligence elite that wants to tell the truth about both UFOs and extraterrestrial encounters. Until very recently, all the US government could do was to deny that either UFOs or aliens exist, and ridicule as crazy anyone who reported them.

• “What is going down right now is extraordinary. This is really a big deal. We may be in the last days of the truth embargo,” Bassett told The Sun Online. “We might be finally about to get the confirmation of the ET presence we have been waiting [almost] 75 years for.” “This would be the most profound event in human history.”

• Bassett says there is no going back now. He believes that we’ll even see Congressional hearings on the UFO subject this summer, something that Bassett has been trying to instigate for years. He argues that the only way that UFO disclosure will happen is for military personnel to testify to the phenomena over many days and a number of committees – all watched by hundreds of millions of people.

• Since the US Navy releasing of high profile clips such as the infamous “Tic Tac” UFO video, competing theories on the videos continue to rage. Some claim the videos capture never-before-seen military aircraft or drones – ours or theirs. Others claim it shows otherworldly craft possibly piloted by aliens. Hardcore skeptics are still certain that the images on the videos are simply camera tricks, natural phenomena or hoaxes, notwithstanding the fact that Pentagon officials have authenticated the UFO footage as genuine.

• Nick Pope, who once investigated UFOs for the UK Ministry of Defence, told The Sun Online that the UFOs may be hypersonic drones from China or Russia that the US military somehow missed. Luis Elizondo, who headed up the Pentagon’s UFO program, said that UFOs could represent an intelligence failure on the level of 9/11.


          extraterrestrial disclosure

Steve Bassett, who has tirelessly worked to end the 74-year embargo of classified information on UFOs, told The Sun Online he believes intelligence agencies are preparing to lift the lid on extraterrestrial encounters.

The US Senate Intelligence Committee has asked the Director of National Intelligence to work with the Defense Department to provide a report by June 25 on unexplained sightings by the military.

The request came after revelations in 2017 that the Pentagon was researching a series of unexplained intrusions into military airspace, including mysterious objects captured on video stalking US Navy ships.

underwater hybrid UFO seen off of California in 2019


 ‘Tic Tac’ UFO seen off of California in 2004

Since then, defense officials have confirmed a number of UFO sightings – and even released stunning videos which show unexplained encounters in the sky, now often known as Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP).

And the most recent was confirmed as genuine to The Sun Online last month – with a video and series of photos showing a mysterious phenomena encountering US warships and fighter planes.

Bassett, the executive director of Paradigm Research Group and a lobbyist on this issue, says he believes US intelligence is about to end what he called the 74 year truth embargo.

And he said such a release of information may be the “most profound” moment in the history of mankind.

He told The Sun Online: “What is going down right now is extraordinary. This is really a big deal. We may be in the last days of the truth embargo.

“We might be finally about to get the confirmation of the ET presence we have been waiting [almost] 75 years for.

“This would be the most profound event in human history.”

The term “disclosure” is often used to refer to the the total and final admission by the government that aliens are not only visiting Earth, but the government hides the truth from the public.



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The Pentagon Acknowledges the Reality of UFOs, Says Elizondo

Article by Michael Kaplan and Steven Greenstreet                                          April 24, 2021                                        (nypost.com)

• The 2021 congressional appropriations bill included a mandate for the Pentagon and intelligence agencies to release a formal report in June on the reality of UAPs – “unidentified aerial phenomena” – aka UFOs. Longtime UFO believers are hungry for explanations of the tic-tac-shaped objects the Navy encountered in 2004, the strange “cubes within spheres” seen by Navy pilots in 2014, or the mysterious black triangles continually reported around the world.

• Luis Elizondo (pictured above) was the head of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) for nine years, operating out of the secretive fifth floor of the Pentagon’s C Ring. Today a noted whistleblower, Elizondo says the upcoming UFO report touches down on the unexplainable. “I think the government has acknowledged the reality of UAP,” Elizondo told the New York Post, despite signing what he refers to as a “lifelong” NDA before he resigned from the Pentagon in 2017. “I think they all want answers and I think they are all willing to ask the hard questions.”

• In a recent press conference, Elizondo made clear that UFOs have been observed to have qualities that are nothing less than otherworldly, describing vessels that fly at 11,000 miles-per-hour and are able to turn “instantly.” In comparison, Elizondo said that with our most advanced jets going at that speed, “if you wanted to make a right-hand turn, it would take you about half the state of Ohio to do it.”

• Elizondo also talked about ‘transmedium vessels’ that can fly 50-feet above the Earth’s surface or 80,000 feet in the sky and even submerge underwater without a compromise in performance. “When you see that, you recognize you are dealing with a technology more advanced than ours,” says Elizondo. “[These] things have no wings, no cockpits, no control surfaces, no rivets in the skin, no obvious signs of propulsion — and somehow they are able to defy the natural effects of Earth’s gravity,” Elizondo said. “How is that possible?”

• The existence of the AATIP was revealed in 2017, along with video of a dark circular object flying through the sky and another small object racing over the ocean at astonishing speeds in 2004 and 2015. The Department of Defense confirmed the authenticity of the footage, and a Navy spokesman confirmed the objects in the videos to be UAP. Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) took credit for arranging $22 million in annual funding for the AATIP, telling the New York Times that it was “one of the good things I did in my congressional service.”

• In 2019, the Pentagon admitted that they’ve researched and investigated UFOs and continue to do so. Meanwhile, UFO sightings in NYC were up 31% in 2020 – marking a whopping 283% spike from 2018, according to the National UFO Reporting Center.

• For generations, US national security officials never wanted to release any information to the public about UFOs. “They felt that it made them look inept,” Elizondo said. “They felt in some cases that it challenged their philosophical and theological belief systems … They just couldn’t process it.” Also, “There seems to be a very distinct congruency between UAP activity and our nuclear technology,” Elizondo continued. “That’s concerning to the point where we’ve actually had some of our nuclear capabilities disabled by these things … There is absolutely evidence that UAPs have an active interest in our nuclear technology.”

• “This is not a conversation like fine wine where the longer we keep a cork on it, the better it gets,” says Elizondo. “This is a conversation like rotten fruit or vegetables in the refrigerator. And the longer it stays in there, the more it’s going to stink.”


  ‘Tic Tac’ UFO seen off of California in 2004

The US government is actually gearing up to share information about the “reality” of

             ‘black triangle’ UFO (TR3B)

UFOs with the public — and not a moment too soon, says the man who claims to have run the Pentagon’s UFO program for 9 years.

Former President Donald Trump’s $2.3 trillion appropriation bill for 2021 contained a mandate that the Pentagon and spy agencies must file a report about “unidentified aerial phenomena” or UAP. Most of us just call them flying saucers or UFOs.

                      Harry Reid

Whatever the jargon, noted whistleblower Luis Elizondo — former head of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, which operated out of the secretive fifth floor of the Pentagon’s C Ring — told The Post about the resulting blockbuster document, which is reportedly slated for release in June.

‘transmedium’ craft seen by Navy pilots off of Virginia in 2019

Tied to the mandate, Elizondo said the upcoming report touches down on the unexplainable. Longtime UFO believers are hungry for explanations of the tic-tac-shaped objects the Navy encountered in 2004, the strange “cubes within spheres” seen by Navy pilots in 2014, or the mysterious black triangles continually reported around the world.

Such details promise to come via the much anticipated report — and at least one evolution of belief: “I think the government has acknowledged the reality of UAP,” Elizondo exclusively told The Post, despite signing what he refers to as a “lifelong” NDA before he resigned from the Pentagon in 2017. “I think they all want answers and I think they are all willing to ask the hard questions.”



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US Navy Has Nine More UFO Videos From Intelligence Briefing

Article by Simon Green                                          April 23, 2021                                           (dailystar.co.uk)

• On May 1, 2020, the Office of Naval Intelligence conducted a UFO briefing to educate high-ranking officials in the Department of Defense and government intelligence agencies of the UFO presence on Earth. They presented video footage and images taken by Navy fliers of ‘yet to be identified’ UFOs. An anonymous source leaked some of the unclassified images and video to filmmaker Jeremy Corbell. (see 4:26 minute Corbell interview below)

• Based in Los Angeles, the 44-year-old Corbell (pictured above) published the material on his website (see here). It began with the explosive footage of “pyramid-shaped” UFOs swarming US Navy destroyers off of California in 2019. He then released three photos of a “spherical” craft which was observed “descending into the water” by the crew of the USS Omaha on July 15, 2019. He also shared a fourth image of the Omaha craft on Instagram. The Pentagon has confirmed the authenticity of the video and images.

• Now, Corbell says there are nine more videos and a dozen images yet to be released. Many are FLIR cockpit videos similar to the 2004 ‘Tic Tac’ UFO video. “I’m not saying I know what is in these videos, that is job of the Department of Defense,” says Corbell. “I know UFOs are real and they represent a technology that is so far advanced from anything that human beings have been able to demonstrate that it leads one to this place of mystery and wonder.”

• Corbell published the material just two months before the scheduled release of the Pentagon’s highly-anticipated UFO report on June 1st. He hopes this incredible story will help the wider public to “push for UFO transparency” with governments around the world. “Right now is the time…because we actually have a chance to make a difference to get more information,” says Corbell. “It’s an astounding time, it’s an exciting time and we’re just all lucky to be a part of it.”


‘transmedium’ sphere craft seen by the crew of the USS Omaha off of San Diego in July 2019

The explosive footage of “pyramid-shaped” UFOs swarming a US Navy destroyer

‘pyramid’ UFOs seen by Navy destroyers off of California in July 2019

may just be the beginning, with the filmmaker behind the leaks claiming there are “nine” more videos.

Jeremy Corbell shocked the world when he released FLIR (Forward Looking Infra-red) footage of unidentified objects hovering above the USS Russell off San Diego in July 2019.

Three photos of a “spherical” craft which was observed “descending into the water” by the crew of the USS Omaha in July 15, 2019, were also published on his website extraordinarybeliefs.com.

‘acorn’ UFO seen by Navy fliers off of Virginia in March 2019

And he has since shared a fourth image of the Omaha craft to Instagram, which he says is a screenshot from the video.

another image of a sphere ‘transmedium’ UFO

The incredible images were taken, Jeremy says, from a classified UFO briefing conducted by the Office of Naval Intelligence on May 1, 2020. But the material the filmmaker released were unclassified aspects of the briefing.

The Pentagon have since confirmed the video and images are genuine but, in an exclusive interview with Daily Star, the filmmaker says this could just be the beginning.


4:26 minute interview with Jeremy Corbell (‘7 NEWS Australia’ YouTube)



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Puerto Rico UFO Video Deemed ‘Most Compelling’ as 55 Scientists Demand Release of Secret Data

Article by Henry Holloway                                             April 22, 2021                                         (thesun.co.uk)

• On April 25, 2013 at around 9:20 pm, pilots of a DHC-8 Turboprop flying near the Rafael Hernandez Airport in Aguadilla, Puerto Rico spotted a red light over the ocean. They contacted the control tower who could not identify the object. The object’s light went out as it approached the shore. The US Customs and Border Protection aircraft engaged its thermal imaging camera and went on to the follow the UFO. It captured video of an object about five feet in length moving at speeds of up to 120mph close the ground over the airport. (see 3:54 minute video below)

• The infrared camera footage was leaked to the Scientific Coalition for Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (SCU), a ‘think tank’ dedicated to exploring UFOs and other phenomena, by an anonymous source. Jonathan Lace, spokesman for the SCU explained how the organization believes the 2013 Aguadilla UAP footage to be a “most compelling” footage of a UFO. In a 50-page report the coalition compiled on the incident (see here) SCU investigators who spent 1000 hours researching the UFO resolved that the object appears to be of “unknown origin”.

• “No bird, no balloon, no aircraft and no known drones have that capability,” the SCU report notes. When the object moves over the water again, it splits in two and plunges into the ocean. However, the mysterious UFO appears not to disturb the water when plunging beneath and then re-emerging from the surface – a phenomena known as “trans-medium” travel. “This video is the best documentation of an unknown aerial and submerged nautical object exhibiting advanced technology that the authors of this report have ever seen,” the report concludes.

• The SCU released a letter that it sent to Senators Mark Warner and Marco Rubio, ranking members of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, urging them to release more information on UAPs. Some 55 members of the SCU signed off on the document as they offered their services in the investigation of these strange phenomena. They urge the two Republican Senators to get behind efforts to release more footage of the infamous 2004 “Tic Tac” UFO video from the USS Nimitz, and the “Go Fast” and “Gimbal” UFO videos filmed by the pilots from the USS Theodore Roosevelt in 2014.

• This report comes as the UFO debate reopened after the release of scraps of footage showing mysterious ‘pyramid’ objects from 2019, which the Pentagon confirmed as authentic. The videos were leaked from briefings by the Pentagon’s UAP Task Force. The world is awaiting an unclassified report on UFOs by the Director of the National Intelligence and the Department for Defense which is due for release in June.

• In a statement, the SCU said: “The SCU believes that all government data regarding unidentified aerospace objects should be made available to the public to be openly investigated by the broader scientific community, provided that such data does not compromise sources or methods of data collection. A full scientific investigation of such data would be able to uncover valuable information relating to both national security and advancement of our understanding of physics, aerospace engineering, and our world.”

• Competing theories on the strange videos continue to rage. Some claim that the pyramid UFOs are never-before-seen military aircraft or drones, or even hypersonic drones from China or Russia. Others claim it shows otherworldly craft possibly piloted by extraterrestrial beings. Diehard skeptics suggest that the bizarre videos are just camera tricks, natural phenomena or outright hoaxes.


                Aguadilla, Puerto Rico

The Scientific Coalition for Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (SCU) told The US Sun

Aguadilla, Puerto Rico

they are encouraging the disclosure of more information so scientists can help to investigate these unexplained occurrences.

Jonathan Lace, spokesman for SCU, explained the organization believes “most compelling” footage of the anomalous activity was taken by a Homeland Security aircraft over Puerto Rico on April 25, 2013.

The eerie footage shows an object believed to be up to five feet in length moving at speeds of up to 120mph close the ground before seemingly plunging into the ocean and splitting into two.

        ‘Tic Tac’ UFO off San Diego 2004

“No bird, no balloon, no aircraft and no known drones have that capability,” the SCU noted in a 50-page report the team compiled on the incident.

SCU investigators said the object appears to be of “unknown origin” after spending 1000 hours researching the UAP.

   Senators Mark Warner and Marco Rubio

Mr Lace told The US Sun: “The SCU finds the 2013 Aguadilla UAP footage to offer the most compelling evidence of unusual UAP flight characteristics.”

              ‘pyramid’ UFO off LA 2019

He noted the group has “no official” position on a leading theory for UAP as questions mount over the strange encounters which are being investigated by the Pentagon.

The US Sun contacted SCU – a think tank dedicated to exploring UAPs and other phenomena – as they released a letter set to Senators Mark Warner and Marco Rubio urging for the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) to release more information on UAPs.

Some 55 members of SCU signed off on the document as they offered their services in the investigation of these strange phenomena – but their names have been withheld due to privacy concerns.


3:54 minute 2013 Aguadilla UAP footage in Puerto Rico (‘Paris Match’ YouTube)




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Pentagon Confirms That Leaked UAP Photos and Video Are Real

Article by Duncan Phenix                                             April 9, 2021                                              (mysterywire.com)

• Pentagon spokesperson, Susan Gough, has confirmed the photographs and video released by George Knapp at Mystery Wire and Jeremy Corbell are real and were taken by US Navy personnel. (see previous ExoArticle on 2019 encounters here)  The following statement was sent to Mystery Wire: “I can confirm that the referenced photos and videos were taken by Navy personnel.” (see videos below)

• “The UAPTF (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force) has included these incidents in their ongoing examinations. As we have said before, to maintain operations security and to avoid disclosing information that may be useful to potential adversaries, DOD does not discuss publicly the details of either the observations or the examinations of reported incursions into our training ranges or designated airspace, including those incursions initially designated as UAP.”

• The Pentagon had first confirmed this to The Black Vault.

[Editor’s Note]   Mystery drones, spheres and flying pyramids. George Knapp’s I-Team on Mystery Wire along with Jeremy Corbell have collected the images and video of several UFO encounters by the US Navy in spring and summer of 2019. These videos were leaked by technicians compiling the UAP Task Force’s declassified UFO report requested by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and due July 25th.

UFO incidents start with mechanical objects photographed over the ocean off of Virginia in March 2019 by the crew of an F-18 jet in broad daylight. Night vision video shows a swarm of ‘pyramid drones’ and disembodied colored lights that buzzed US Navy battleships off of Los Angeles over several days in mid-July 2019. Also in the summer of 2019, the USS Omaha, an Independence-class littoral combat ship, took video of a small round ‘transmedium vehicle’ that flew over the ocean and then dove beneath the water.


                      ‘pyramid’ drones

MYSTERY WIRE — A Pentagon spokesperson has confirmed the photographs and

 ‘transmedium sphere’ diving into the ocean

video released by Mystery Wire and Jeremy Corbell this week are real and were taken by Navy personnel.

A Pentagon spokesperson sent Mystery Wire the following statement: “I can confirm that the referenced photos and videos were taken by Navy personnel. The UAPTF has included these incidents

         mystery drone off of Virginia

in their ongoing examinations. As we have said before, to maintain operations security and to avoid disclosing information

                         George Knapp

that may be useful to potential adversaries, DOD does not discuss publicly the details of either the observations or the examinations of reported incursions into our training ranges or designated airspace, including those incursions initially designated as UAP.” – Susan Gough, Pentagon Spokesperson

The Pentagon had first confirmed this to The Black Vault.


3:33 minute video of Jeremy Corbell discussing 2019 UFO incidents (‘Mystery Wire’ YouTube)

18-second night vision video of flying pyramids off of LA in July 2019 (‘Mystery Wire’ YouTube)



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UFO Report Could Show Aliens are Visiting Earth in Peace

Article by Berny Torre                                          April 1, 2021                                        (dailystar.co.uk)

• US military intelligence is due to provide the Senate Select Intelligence Committee (SSIC) with its requested UFO report by June 24th. But mystery surrounds why the SSIC asked Mr. Trump to sign off on the report so urgently before he was replaced by the Biden administration. “Reading between the lines, it’s seemingly apparent that classified information collected by the US government has backed up many of the claims of UFO reports, that something truly anomalous is going on,” said UFO investigative reporter and founder of the news site The Debrief, Tim McMillan.

• “At most, I’d expect it to provide a broad overview in saying there are a certain number of instances in which airborne objects exhibiting extraordinary capabilities are reported or captured on government sensors. Government is very slow moving and highly bureaucratic,” said McMillan. “You could place crystal clear satellite imagery of a classic ‘flying saucer’ in front of them, and they’ll essentially just dismiss it because that’s not supposed to be real.

• British UFO investigator Philip Mantle doubts that the SSIC report would “reveal all about alien visitations to Earth.” “The major governments around the world are as baffled and as puzzled as we civilian UFO researchers are.”

• The UFO report could reveal ‘super-smart’ aliens are visiting us in peace, said Professor Daniel Drezner, an international politics expert at Tufts University. “Does this evidence point toward the prospect of extraterrestrial observation of our planet? If so, how should we feel about that?” Drezner noted that if a Harvard astrophysicist is suggesting the presence of extraterrestrial craft in our solar system, “perhaps we need at least to consider the possibility that these (UFOs/UAPs) might also be extraterrestrial in origin.”

• Top scientists such as the late Stephen Hawking warned against contacting aliens and the potential catastrophic consequences for humans on Earth. But Drezner says that “it might be better for US national security if these UAPs turn out to be ETs” than if they belonged to Russia or China. “The assumption is that powerful, technologically advanced civilizations will act in a destructive manner. …[B]ut perhaps civilizations that reward destructive (behavior) are less likely to generate the technological wherewithal for interstellar travel.” “[M]aybe there is more hope for interstellar relations than either scientists or science fiction envision.”


The UFO report signed off by US president Donald Trump just before he was replaced by Joe Biden could reveal super-smart

                         Tim McMillan

aliens are visiting us in peace, an expert has claimed.

Professor Daniel Drezner said so days after the US former director of national intelligence John Ratcliffe revealed the Pentagon files included declassified intelligence of aircraft “that exceed the sound barrier without a sonic boom”.

                       Daniel Drezner

The international politics expert at Tufts University on Thursday wrote in the Washington Post: “Does this evidence point toward the prospect of extraterrestrial observation of our planet? If so, how should we feel about that?

“I am not going to speculate on the first question beyond noting that if Harvard

                         Philip Mantle

astrophysicists are making that suggestion about interstellar phenomena, perhaps we need at least to consider the possibility that these UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) might also be extraterrestrial in origin.”

He said top scientists including the late professor Stephen Hawking have warned against contacting aliens or of catastrophic consequences for humans if they arrived on Earth.

But said “it might be better for U.S. national security if these UAPs turn out to be ETs” than if they belonged to Russia or China.

He added: “I get the concern from physicists that technologically advanced extraterrestrials might behave as powerful human civilizations have in the past.

“The assumption is that powerful, technologically advanced civilizations will act in a destructive manner.



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Is an Alien False Flag Event Coming?

Exopolitics Today Podcast discussing recent claims by Dr. Steven Greer that an Alien False Flag event is being planned by the Deep State, as best evidenced by political developments surrounding the upcoming June 2021 release of an Intelligence Community report on the threat posed by UFOs active near US Naval war exercizes and military facilities in general. Dr. Michael Salla examines the genesis of warnings concerning an alien false flag event going back to 1974, and the likelihood it will happen under the current Joe Biden Presidential administration.

Available on Rumble and YouTube

Podcast Links

Further Reading


March 27, Webinar Now Available on Vimeo

Luxembourg Petitions Parliment to Disclose UFOs

Article by Emery P. Dalesio                                      March 21, 2021                                        (luxtimes.lu)

• Under the laws of Luxembourg, if a petition approved for circulation collects more than 4,500 signatures, then the parliament must debate the petition’s proposal with the minister in charge, although it is not required to take further action.

• On March 19th, fifteen petitions were approved for circulation. One of them calls on government agencies to disclose any information they have on UFOs. Some believe that Luxembourg government X-Files may contain evidence of extraterrestrial life and UFOs.

• “Although the (UFO/ET) subject is still often ridiculed or treated with contempt and derision by those who defend it, there have been an increasing number of serious attempts in recent years to persuade governments of various countries to publish the information collected on this subject”, petition supporters said.

• The request for transparency about alien visitations in Luxembourg comes as the US government has begun releasing some of its presumed trove of reports about UFOs. In January, the CIA released what it says are all its 2,700 pages of UFO files. In December, the US Congress ordered national intelligence and defense chiefs to release a report on UFOs by the middle of this year.

• Other Luxembourg petitions include: a bronze statue of Napoleon Bonaparte; a prohibition on landlords to pass marketing costs on to tenants; security guards positioned in front of schools and day care centers; basic income for all adults; a ban against special advantages for COVID vaccinated people; and a tax break for cryptocurrency mining companies.


The truth is out there: files Luxembourg’s government holds may describe sightings of unexplained aircraft that some believe contain evidence life on other worlds exists.

It is a pressing question, at least for the people who submitted a public petition calling on government agencies to disclose any information they have on unidentified flying objects.

“Although the subject is still often ridiculed or treated with contempt and derision by those who defend it, there have been an increasing number of serious attempts in recent years to persuade governments of various countries to publish the information collected on this subject”, petition supporters said.

The proposal was one of 15 petitions that were approved for circulation on Friday. If any of these often colourful petitions collect more than 4,500 signatures, parliament will need to debate the proposal with the minister in charge – although it is not required to take further action.

Another petition calls for a bronze statue of Napoleon Bonaparte to be installed in the geographic centre of Luxembourg in recognition of his persisting influence on the legal system, schools, commerce and church-state relations during his occupation of the country after the French revolution.

On a more practical note, one petition would prevent landlords from charging tenants for the cost of real estate agents marketing their property. The charges, which usually amount to the value of one month’s rent, should be borne by the landlord who hired the agency, the petition said.

The request for Luxembourg to become fully transparent about possible alien visitations comes as the US government has begun releasing some of its presumed trove of reports about UFOs.



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Extraterrestrial Life About to Be Revealed, Says Royal Psychic

Article from Pikitsa Ltd.                                     March 15, 2021                                  (digitaljournal.com)

Rex Winston, A New York City ‘psychic advisor’ to celebrities and even the British royal family, charging $700 for a phone call and $15,000 for one-on-one weekend retreats, says that 2021 will see indisputable proof of extraterrestrial life that is about to be made public.

• “It has taken a long time to prepare humans for this. There will be some who still have a hard time grasping it, but the extraterrestrials are convinced that most humans are now ready,” says Winston. “The revelations are coming in a series of disclosures from secret documents, and from extraterrestrials themselves, beginning in 2021. Additional, astonishing things will slowly be revealed over the next four years.”

• “Until now, secret knowledge about extraterrestrials and their involvement with Earth has been closely held by a small number of highly-privileged humans. Not even political leaders have been allowed to know about this,” Winston said.

• Mr. Winston claims that he and several others have been officially contacted by the extraterrestrials and asked to assist with the gentle dissemination of the alien disclosure that is about to occur. “This will be the biggest news in all of human history.”


“This will be the biggest news in all of human history.”

                psychic, Rex Winston

New York, NY — (SBWIRE) — 03/15/2021 — For the first time in history, indisputable proof of extraterrestrial life is about to be made public, according to royal family psychic advisor, Rex Winston (http://www.rexwinston.com).

“The revelations are coming in a series of disclosures from secret documents, and from extraterrestrials themselves, beginning in 2021. Additional, astonishing things will slowly be revealed over the next four years,” said Mr. Winston from his New York City office.

“Until now, secret knowledge about extraterrestrials and their involvement with Earth has been closely held by a small number of highly-privileged humans. Not even political leaders have been allowed to know about this.”

Mr. Winston, whose VIP and celebrity clients pay $700 for telephone consultations and $15,000 for one-on-one weekend retreats, explained the reason for the timing of this incredible news. “It has taken a long time to prepare humans for this. There will be some who still have a hard time grasping it, but the extraterrestrials are convinced that most humans are now ready.”

Mr. Winston also explained that he, and several others have been officially contacted and asked to assist with the gentle dissemination of what is about to occur.



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What Belief in Extraterrestrials Reveals About Trust in Elections

Article by Martin La Monica                                           February 18, 2021                                          (theconversation.com)

• On January 19, 2021, the day before Biden’s inauguration, researchers at the University of New Orleans Survey Research Center conducted a state-wide poll of 633 registered voters in Louisiana. (see here for the Louisiana survey) The survey labeled those who believe that extraterrestrial beings visit Earth as ‘conspiracy oriented’. These conspiracy oriented people also tend to believe that Joe Biden was not the legitimate winner of the 2020 Presidential election due to election fraud, according to the poll.

• Researchers asked a series of questions about the participant’s religious beliefs, their beliefs in extraterrestrial life, and whether Joe Biden was the rightful winner of the 2020 US Presidential election. Recent surveys have shown that both Republicans and Democrats include a significant number of so-called ‘conspiracy theorists’, ie: the belief that hidden causes are behind real-world events. But it was always the Democrats and Independent voters who were more inclined to believe in conspiracy theories than the Republicans.

• With the evolution of social media networks, where people encounter only those who agree with them to create an ‘echo chamber’, conspiracy theories regarding the pandemic and election cycle have circulated broadly. The QAnon movement in particular, which holds the election was fraudulent, has developed from periphery to a growing mainstream group. QAnon believers see the fact that Trump has lost all the legal challenges to be just more evidence that powerful and secretive forces are at work to steal the election and hide the truth from the public.

• Most of the survey’s respondents – 59.7% – believe that life exists elsewhere in the universe than just on Earth. And nearly one-third – 32.3% – of the respondents believe that aliens have actually visited Earth, in spite of governments continuing to deny any such thing. Third-party and Independent voters are more likely to believe this than Democrats or Republicans.

• Just over half of the survey respondents do not believe Biden was rightfully elected President, with a clear partisan split. 74% of Democrats trusted the election results while only 12% of Republicans believe the election outcome. Third-party and Independent voters were more evenly divided. Of the respondents who believe aliens have visited Earth, 57.6% also believe Biden was not rightfully elected president.

• The poll reveals that a statistically significant percentage of the Louisiana population who believe that our government leaders are covering up alien visitation also believe that these government officials are misleading the public about the Presidential election results. As conspiracy theory beliefs continue to grow in the U.S., researchers expect a corresponding increase in mistrust of government officials and a drop in the public’s trust in future elections.


Partisanship is not enough to explain why so many Americans – mostly Republicans – distrust the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.

As scholars in political behavior and methods, we are aware of another factor in voters’ thinking that has increased right alongside electoral distrust: Americans’ beliefs in conspiracy theories, especially those that express mistrust of government officials.

Our research, which has not yet been published, finds that these two beliefs are linked – to the extent that Americans who believe aliens have visited Earth are more likely than disbelievers to say that Joe Biden is not the legitimate winner of the 2020 presidential election. As conspiracy theory beliefs grow in the U.S., we expect a corresponding drop in public trust in elections.

Polling voters

Drawing on academic literature focused on trust in electoral processes, we decided to look specifically at voters’ conspiratorial beliefs. On Jan. 19, 2021, the eve of President Joe Biden’s inauguration, we conducted a survey of 633 Louisiana registered voters, selected at random. We asked a series of questions about their religious beliefs, their beliefs in extraterrestrial life and whether Joe Biden had been the rightful winner of the 2020 U.S. presidential election.

The key questions we asked were:
• Do you believe that there is life in the universe other than on Earth?
• Do you believe that extraterrestrials have visited the Earth?
• Do you believe that Joe Biden is the rightful winner of the 2020 U.S. presidential election?
We weighted the answers to reflect the statewide population balance of gender, age and race.

Aliens and electoral trust

We found that Democrats and third-party and independent voters were somewhat more inclined to believe conspiracy theories than Republicans. That fits with other recent surveys indicating that both parties do indeed have conspiratorial leanings, though the partisan divide may influence which particular conspiracies a person believes.



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Top 10 Exopolitics Stories for 2020

2020 was big year for exopolitics and UFO disclosure with multiple mainstream news sites reporting major developments. Legacy media is now regularly discussing UFOs/UAPs and extraterrestrial life, along with the latest developments with the US Space Force. I discussed my list of the Top 10 Exopolitics news stories with Corey Goode on Zoom (see video below) to get his take on what they mean for “full disclosure”. I consider Corey, along with the late William Tompkins, to be one of the most informed, legitimate and accurate insiders about secret space programs, extraterrestrial life, etc., with significant evidence to back up his claims, as I have discussed previously.

I will go into detail about my  the Top 10 list with slides and news videos on January 3 in the upcoming Ascension, Exopolitics & Disclosure Conference with Laura Eisenhower, John DeSouza and Neil Gaur. This promises to be an exciting webinar discussing what happened in 2020 and what we can expect in 2021.

What follows is the zoom video with Corey and my list with links to relevant exopolitics.org articles published earlier in 2020.

Happy New Year Everyone!

Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.


Top Ten Exopolitics Stories for 2020

  1. Professor Haim Eshed revelations on US ET agreements and Galactic Federation https://exopolitics.org/controversy-over-israeli-scientist-claims-of-us-alien-agreements-galactic-federation/
  2. Signing of Artemis Accords – https://exopolitics.org/artemis-accords-are-a-first-step-to-a-space-nato-future-star-fleet/
  3. Eric Davis Briefings to Pentagon Congress on alien reverse engineering https://exopolitics.org/what-was-revealed-in-classified-ufo-briefings-to-congress-pentagon/
  4. Mike Turber revelations on Navy Tic Tac sightings being part of USAF SSP https://exopolitics.org/tic-tac-ufos-revealed-in-2005-briefing/
  5. Salvatore Pais Patent application on nuclear fusion gets published in prestigious journal https://exopolitics.org/paper-on-nuclear-fusion-reactor-for-hybrid-spacecraft-published-in-prestigious-journal/
  6. Space Center to be established at Ramstein Air Base, Germany https://exopolitics.org/nato-creates-space-center-in-germany-in-move-towards-future-star-fleet/
  7. Space Force completes first year with official logo, recruits, bases, doctrinal documents and Guardian name https://exopolitics.org/space-force-sets-priorities-to-prevent-future-space-war/
  8. Trump received secret briefing that Roswell UFO involved time traveling humans https://exopolitics.org/roswell-ufo-crash-to-be-officially-disclosed-as-time-traveling-future-humans/
  9. Congress asks Intel Community for comprehensive UFO report 180 days after passage of 2021 NDAA: https://exopolitics.org/us-congress-asks-for-ufo-report-from-intel-community-in-180-days/
  10. China sends up a Moon lander and retrieves lunar rocks to demonstrate its growing space power capabilities


Obama CIA Director Brennan On UFOs

Article by Jazz Shaw                                    December 17, 2020                                     (hotair.com)

• In an interview with Tyler Cowen at Marginal Revolution, John O. Brennan, CIA Director under President Obama, the subject quickly turned to the Pentagon’s UAP Task Force and possible explanations for what these UFOs are and where they might come from. (see video below at 6:45 minute mark) Brennan took the question seriously and hinted that the CIA has pondered the subject and aren’t ruling anything out.

• The interview (below) covers a lot more material than just UFOs, but the way Brennan answered the UAP question is of particular interest. Brennan begins the answer with a nervous laugh. He doesn’t sound entirely comfortable and goes on to string together a very large number of words that seem to dance around the question before delivering the final shot. He races through a few more qualifiers before suggesting the possibility that the origin of the UAP is something that “some might say constitutes a different form of life.” Those were some impressive linguistic backflips to avoid saying the word “aliens” or “extraterrestrials,” weren’t they? But what else could he be talking about?

• Cutting through the double talk, Brennan essentially says, “I think it’s a bit presumptuous and arrogant for us to believe that there’s no other form of life anywhere in the entire universe. What that (form) might be is subject to a lot of different views. But I think some of the phenomena we’re going to be seeing …that is the result of something that we don’t yet understand and …involve some type of activity that …constitutes a different form of life.

• As the former Director of the CIA, Brennan held (and likely still holds) one of the highest possible security clearances in the country. And as those that follow ufology already know, the CIA has had a long and deep interest in the subject of UFOs going back to the earliest days of the agency. They have frequently been shown to have trafficked in information and frequently, disinformation.

• The CIA worked hand-in-hand with the Air Force Office of Special Investigations in Project Blue Book disinformation campaign, and with the efforts of AFOSI disinformation agent Richard Doty. Doty’s efforts at blaming aliens as a cover for other classified operations eventually led to the death of a scientist named Paul Bennewitz. So the CIA has had their hand in this game for a long time. If they know anything about UFOs that’s being withheld from the public, it’s a fair bet that Brennan knows about it. But hearing him “suggest” that they might involve “a different form of life” is intriguing, to say the least.


       John O. Brennan

A rather intriguing bit of UFO news popped up this week that may give us yet another peek into what the government

                      Richard Doty

knows about the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, or at least thinks it knows. John O. Brennan, CIA Director under President Obama, gave an interview to Tyler Cowen at Marginal Revolution. Part of their conversation turned to the subject of the UAP Task Force and possible explanations for what these UFOs are and where they might come from. Rather than clamming up or simply laughing it off, Brennan took the question seriously. While he clearly wasn’t about to make some Earth-shattering announcement, he did offer some speculation which at least seems to hint at the idea that the CIA has pondered the subject and they aren’t ruling anything out.

COWEN: At the end of all that sifting and interpreting, what do you think is the most likely hypothesis?

BRENNAN: [laughs] I don’t know. When people talk about it, is there other life besides what’s in the States, in the world, the globe? Life is defined in many different ways. I think it’s a bit presumptuous and arrogant for us to believe that there’s no other form of life anywhere in the entire universe. What that might be is subject to a lot of different views.

              Paul Bennewitz

But I think some of the phenomena we’re going to be seeing continues to be unexplained and might, in fact, be some type of phenomenon that is the result of something that we don’t yet understand and that could involve some type of activity that some might say constitutes a different form of life.

You can read or listen to the interview at Medium and it’s probably worth your time if you’re interested in this subject. They cover a lot more material than just UFOs, but the way Brennan answered the UAP question is of particular interest to me. Just from the transcript above, you can see that he begins the answer with a laugh, but it sounds more like a nervous laugh than any sort of mocking tone. He doesn’t sound entirely comfortable and goes on to string together a very large number of words that seem to dance around the question before delivering the final shot.

I was particularly taken by the way he talked about “something we don’t yet understand.” He then races through a few more qualifiers before suggesting the possibility that the origin of the UAP is something that “some might say constitutes a different form of life.” Those were some impressive linguistic backflips to avoid saying the word “aliens” or “extraterrestrials,” weren’t they? But what else could he be talking about?


1 hour video – Tyler Cowan’s interview with CIA Chief John Brennan,
discussing UAPs at 6:45 (‘Mercatus Center’ YouTube)



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