Brazilian Psychologist’s Phoenix Presentation on UFO ET Experiencers
Dr. Monica Borine’s Exopsychology of Anomalous Experience
Dr. Monica Borine, a Clinical Psychologist from Brazil, will speak on Exopsychology, Friday evening 7:00 pm, July 14, 2017, at Mind Body Medicine Center in Scottsdale, Arizona, sponsored by the Institute for Exoconsciousness. Dr. Borine will present research from her recent postdoctoral degree (in progress) at the University of Hawaii. During her 25 year practice in clinical psychology, Dr. Borine’s clients included numerous people contacted by UFOs and Extraterrestrials, which led to her creating the field of Exopsychology. Her presentation also includes a guided meditation to connect the mind, heart, and cosmos.
Dr. Borine’s post-doctoral work in psychology of ET UFO contact is ground-breaking academic research, which indicates increased openness of academic institutions to support Exoconscious oriented research and experiencers.
We welcome you to our new Institute for Exoconsciousness home in Phoenix and look forward to meeting you at our event.
Brazilian Psychologist Addresses UFO ET Experiencers:
ExoPsychology of Anomalous Experience
Friday Evening, July 14, 2017 at 7:00 pm
Mind Body Medicine Center
13951 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite 100
Scottsdale, Arizona 85254
Tickets: Requested Donation $10. At the Door or through Eventbrite
Dr. Monica Borine is an internationally recognized Clinical Psychologist and consciousness researcher of anomalous phenomena including UFOs and ET contact for over 25 years. Recently she completed a Postdoctoral Fellowship in Anomalous Psychology at the University Honolulu (in course). She is a specialist in Orgonomist (William Reich), Bioenergetics analysis, Core Energetics, Yogatherapy and Clinical hypnosis.
Dr. Borine founded the Psychoenergetics of Consciousness in April 2002 and the field of ExoPsychology in 2014 Currently, she is Director of the Exopsychology Institute in Atibaia, Brazil, and the Core Energetics Institute of Brazil.
She is the founder and Editor of “ExoScience” an academic Journal about Anomalous Phenomena Consciousness, which examines UFOs, Extraterrestrials, and contact experiences. Dr. Borine is also a member of Exopolitics Institute in Hawaii USA.
Dr. Borine’s education includes a Doctorate in Health Psychology Assessment in Mental health and Psychopathologies from San Francisco University, São Paulo, Brazil; a Masters in Health Psychology in Neuropsychology of Consciousness from São Paulo University and UMESP, São Paulo, Brazil. She completed postgraduate studies in Psychology of Consciousness and Transpersonal Psychology. She is a member of the ASSC (Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Pasadena, California, USA) and a Founding member of the Association of Health Psychology, São Paulo in 2005.
Thanks for reading — I’m Rebecca Hardcastle Wright, founder of the Institute for Exoconsciousness. Our mission is to support ET Experiencers. The Community for the Exoconscious connects ET experiencers with an international network of experiencer groups.
My signature is exploring what it means to be an Exoconscious Human — how we form an ET identity and create ET-Human community. My personal ET contact began in early childhood and continues today.
Arizona, Dr. Monica Borine, Exopolitics Institute, Exopsychology, extraterrestrial contact, Institute for Exoconsciousness, Phoenix, UFO Contact