You’re Not Crazy if You Believe in UFOs. Let’s Discuss in Scientific Terms.

by Alexandra Ossola           December 20, 2017               (

• Now that we have government-sanctioned evidence of intelligent non-terrestrial life by the December 16th revelations of a Pentagon-run UFO program and cockpit audio/video of a Navy F/A-18F Super Hornets chasing a pill-shaped UFO in 2004, the question become what will it take to overcome the deeply engrianed stigma and take the reality of UFOs seriously?

• With sixty years of folklore and Hollywood trivializing the subject in the minds of the general public, believing in the paranormal has become shorthand for crazy. Former Senate Majority Leader and funding sponsor for the Pentagon UFO program, Harry Reid, said, “ sightings were not often reported up the military’s chain of command because service members were afraid they would be laughed at or stigmatized.” Luis Elizondo, the CIA official formerly in charge of the Pentagon UFO program said, “…that stigma is pretty powerful. It stops a lot of people from reporting something maybe they would normally report.”

• But government officials are no longer hiding their belief that extraterrestrials might be out there. Could this be a turning point for once-fringe UFO community who have been telling anyone who would listen about this remarkable moment in human history?

• According to a 2015 poll, more than half of Americans believe that aliens exist. Scientists have evaluated what distinguishes believers and non-believers and didn’t find much difference between them. Conspiracy theories about UFOs, in particular, are pretty widespread, and they have a psychological appeal that goes against the stereotype of weirdos wearing tinfoil hats. Most of the time, people who believe are psychologically normal.

• Now that information about the Pentegon UFO program (officially called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program) has spilled out, it raises the hope that the government might release evidence that could more clearly indicate the presence of extraterrestrials. Chase Kloetzke, the deputy director of investigations at MUFON, believes that the government does have a smoking gun. There is “physical material [the government] has been holding and analyzing… We’re pushing down the doors. We’re trying to breach this information,” says Kloetzke.

• Opinions vary on how much evidence is enough to prove the existence of extraterrestrials. Says Chase Kloetzke, “I think most people are going to need a craft to land in Central Park [to believe UFOs are real]”.


On December 16, the New York Times published two stories that read almost like science fiction. For at least five years, the Defense Department housed a $22-million, clandestine program to investigate UFOs. Military pilots had sent in reports of objects they observed that moved in unfamiliar ways; the mission of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, as it was called, was to investigate those claims to see if there was truly something otherworldly behind those sightings.

It’s unclear just how many reports pilots had filed to the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, but people who have come forward about the program have made it clear that there would have been a lot more reports filed if it hadn’t been for one thing: stigma. “The sightings were not often reported up the military’s chain of command, [former senator Harry Reid] said, because service members were afraid they would be laughed at or stigmatized,” one Times piece reads.

American culture is steeped in depictions of what would happen if sophisticated aliens visited Earth, from E.T. to Arrival to Independence Day. Some are more hackneyed than others; some are downright terrifying. But outside the clear genres of fiction, most conversations about UFOs happen online, and with varying degrees of vehemence.

Let’s face it — believing in the paranormal has become shorthand for crazy.

“60 years of folklorization and Hollywood production have, in the minds of the general public, definitely trivialized the subject. It has become a ‘standard’ consumer product,” Jean-Christophe Doré, the technical manager for UFO-SCIENCE, the French association that aims to scientifically evaluate aspects of UFO phenomena, tells Futurism.

But to some, that association might be changing. Luis Elizondo, the military official formerly in charge of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, told The New York Times’ Daily podcast: “I think we’re entering an era of actual evidence. We’ve reached a moment of critical mass of credible witnesses, and these are witnesses that are in charge of multi-million-dollar weapon platforms with, in some cases, the highest level of security clearances and in some cases they’re trained observers. When these individuals are trying to report something, ‘Hey I saw this when I was flying,’ that can be turned around and people say ‘hey look if you’re crazy, there goes your flight status.’ Or all of a sudden commander so-and-so in charge of this very elite fighter wing will no longer be taken seriously. In fact, people are going to start to judge whether or not maybe our friend here might not be a little crazy, or maybe some loose screws. That’s always a threat to these people’s career. And let’s face it, these people have to pay their taxes, they have to pay their mortgages, they have families, they’re putting their kids through school. And frankly, they’re just really good patriots and they want to do the right thing. And that stigma is pretty powerful. It stops a lot of people from reporting something maybe they would normally report.”

Government officials are no longer hiding their belief that extraterrestrials might be out there. Could this be a turning point for once-fringe communities and open doors for those looking to bring scientific rigor to the quest to understand UFOs?

Logical Fallacy

Most phenomena thought to be the doings of extraterrestrials are eventually explained. Take Project Blue Book, for example, the U.S. government’s program to investigate unidentified flying objects that ran from 1947 until 1969. Of the more than 12,000 reported sightings, investigators found out the real (not paranormal) story for all but 700 or so. That’s a pretty good percentage, says Joe Nickell, senior research fellow at the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry and paranormal investigator — about as much as you’d expect from any other scientific discipline. “A lot of these cases are never going to be solved because I don’t know what you think you saw 10 years ago. They’re not investigatable,” Nickell tells Futurism.

In other disciplines, a certain amount of uncertainty will mean that more studies are needed to definitely prove a link. But that’s not what happens with UFOs. “We spend all these years, virtually our entire lives (it’s what I’m doing with mine), and we’re solving most cases. We’re down to, say, 5 percent [that we can’t explain], and we’re arguing over the 5 percent,” Nickell says. You give someone a level-headed, thorough, earthly explanation for a particular report, and they’ll just respond, “But what about this other one?” This is, as Nickell points out, an argument from ignorance — in essence, X must be true because you can’t prove that X is false. “Why don’t we assume that, if we can explain 95 percent, that if we knew the answer, it would fall into the same category as the others?” Nickell says.

Belief in extraterrestrials is fueled by a lack of evidence, not its presence. For some people, that’s enough.

The Psychology Of Believers

More than half of Americans believe that aliens exist, according to a 2015 poll. Scientists have evaluated what distinguishes believers and non-believers and didn’t find much, the Conversation notes. But people that believe they had an abduction experience, perhaps a more extreme form of belief, are more likely to have fantasy-prone personalities, have experienced childhood trauma, or be prone to hypnosisthat can make them suggestible to false memories, studies have shown. That doesn’t mean they’re lying about their experiences — they often genuinely believe they happened — but those experiences were often not quite what the individuals thought they were.

What distinguishes people who believe in Big Foot, for example, from those who believe in UFOs? It’s the suspicion of government involvement, Nickell says. More people believe in conspiracies than ever; if someone were looking to find a black-ops government program and a conspiracy to keep it secret, they’d find the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program.

“I think, for most people who believe in these UFO claims, it’s tied up with conspiracy. If you want to believe that UFOs are visiting the planet, there kind of has to be a cover up,” Rob Brotherton, a psychology professor at Barnard College and the author of Suspicious Minds: Why We Believe Conspiracy Theories, tells Futurism. And because they’re built on secrecy, it’s really hard to disprove a conspiracy theory, Brotherton points out.

Conspiracy theories about UFOs, in particular, are pretty widespread, and they have a psychological appeal that goes against the stereotype of weirdos wearing tinfoil hats. Conspiracy theories rely on the same pattern-recognition techniques we use in our daily lives, and in science as well. “Conspiracy theories make for great stories, they’re tantalizing, mysteries not yet fully solved. Your brain is like, ‘What’s up with that?’ it’s not satisfied until it knows if these things are related.”

Most of the time, people who believe in them are psychologically normal. But the belief that the government or aliens are specifically pursuing you as an individual — a me and not an us focus —might indicate a psychiatric disorder like schizophrenia, though that would be one of a number of symptoms.

“It’s not impossible [that extraterrestrials are visiting Earth],” Brotherton says. “Maybe they’re technologically advanced, maybe they are able to make it here. That’s not beyond the realms of possibility; it doesn’t defy the laws of physics necessarily. It’s worth keeping an eye out for this stuff.”

Worthy of Pursuit

Science hinges on discovery and the pursuit to understand the unknown. It’s not out of the realm of possibility, then, that some of these UFO reports are worthy of rigorous investigation. They could reveal something new about atmospheric phenomena, or physics, or, yes, possibly even extraterrestrials.

It’s not easy to separate the mysterious sightings, the ones that could yield something scientifically interesting, from the sightings that can quickly be resolved. “These are, almost by definition, unusual things to start with, something in the sky that we don’t know what it is. We don’t see them every night. So we have no idea [at the beginning of an investigation] if they’re going to be productive or not,” Nickell says.


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Extraterrestrial Experiencers See ET Presence as an Opportunity Not a Threat

Phoenix, AZ – Recent Disclosure by former members of the United States government concerning the Pentagon’s Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program has revealed little about the ongoing interaction between extraterrestrials and humans. It invites a broader discussion which can be more effectively led by those who have experienced this contact.

The 70-year history of such government-military studies has been primarily focused on addressing the threat to national security, which has left Experiencers as the primary authority on the nature and motives of the extraterrestrials. They have addressed many of the subsequent questions and concerns provoked by this recent Disclosure, and therefore offer a critical resource.

To serve this process, the Institute for Exoconsciousness created an international program called the Community of the Exoconscious. Its mandate is to connect the global community of Experiencers in order to foster and serve open discussion of extraterrestrial-human interaction. This community collectively offers many thousands of years of experience in the many facets of this phenomenon.

According to Dr. Rebecca Hardcastle Wright, Founder of the Institute for Exoconsciousness, “Disclosure leads to cultural acceptance and gradual confirmation of the extraterrestrial presence. Disclosure provides an opportunity for extraterrestrial Experiencers to share their transformations of consciousness, physical healings, heightened psychic abilities and planetary awareness. Furthermore, their authority is strengthened by recent scientific research and validation of extraterrestrial contact.”

Miguel Mendonca, author of Meet the Hybrids and numerous other books that gave voice to Experiencers states that, “We can deepen the conversation by exploring the varied, yet often common learnings that come from encounters with non-human intelligences, and in particular, information on the interconnected, multidimensional nature of being.”

Working in conjunction with the Institute for Exoconsciousness are the Disclosure Activists, led by Dr. Lisa Galarneau and Russell Calka. Their mission includes coverage of official public government Disclosure and the work of extraterrestrial Experiencer groups.

Importantly, this recent Disclosure coincides with advances in scientific research into the human-extraterrestrial experience. The Edgar Mitchell Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters (FREE) has undertaken a detailed statistical analysis of extraterrestrial experiences indicating that 70% are positive and beneficial.

Filmmaker Caroline Cory’s recent documentary E.T. Contact: They Are Here, also provides “scientific evidence of a greater phenomenon at work.”


About the Institute for Exoconsciousness

The Community of the Exoconscious is an international community of extraterrestrial Experiencers and groups, providing a safe, structured online environment that offers education, support and resources. Our goal is to foster ET-Human contact, communication and co-creation, respectful of our multiplicity of races and cultures. and


Press Contact

Rebecca Hardcastle Wright, PhD, 301-915-4660

Miguel Mendonca,   +44 (0)7703 625000


Additional Commentary by the Community of the Exoconscious

What does Disclosure offer us, as experiencers and members of the Community of the Exoconscious?

Miguel Mendonca (Author, Artist, UK) It offers a crack, into which we can drive a wedge, and open up the discussion on deeper levels.

Reuben Langdon (Filmmaker, Actor, US) The mainstream news coming out this weekend about the UFO Pentagon program is a huge first step in opening the can of worms that surrounds the secrecy and mystery around ET/UFO phenomena. For many of us this is nothing new, we have been engaging, researching and experiencing other beings and intelligences for a long time. Some of us since birth, others even before going back generations with family history and linages. With this “First Step” we can now have real conversations as a society and human race. Like with the legalization of Marijuana, we can collectively demystify the rumors and hearsay and really look at what this phenomenon is and what is means for humanity. This is a huge first step to eventually having open contact on a planetary scale.

Carol Druehl and Joan Halbert (Founders IHCI, US) We are being visited by many species and the focus of this Disclosure should be on our consciousness as a species as we begin to openly interact with off planet people.  There is a video of one craft and there is so much more to experience.

Rebecca Hardcastle Wright, (Founder, Institute for Exoconsciousness) Disclosure leads to cultural acceptance and gradual confirmation of the Extraterrestrial Presence. Disclosure offers an opportunity for extraterrestrial experiencers to share their transformations of consciousness, physical healings, heightened psychic abilities and planetary awareness.

Krista Raisa (Artist, Channel, Teacher, US) This news article confirms that experiencers must continue moving past self-doubt and remain hopeful of mass-scale confirmation.

Terri Sisley (ExoHealer, US) As this form of Disclosure reaches mainstream media and the public, I feel it provides us with a stronger public legitimacy to share and support our experiences and research to a more awakened and receptive audience, which may now feel it is acceptable and permissible to believe in and/or share such experiences.

Marilyn Gewacke (Author, Teacher, Workshop Leader, US) This “disclosure” offers little to us because we already know the truth in more profound and personal ways.  While it is not revelation to experiencers, perhaps it is helpful to the general public as they begin to decipher the myriad of informational sources now available both through the government and contact organizations.  It hopefully will aid in the subconscious acceptance of the fact that “we are not alone”.  As the general public begins to hold this in the generalized consensus of what is within the new thinking paradigm, we contactees can play a very crucial role in how this paradigm actually is digested, accepted and incorporated in their experience of this disclosure.  We have a significant role to play in response to these kind of disclosures as we can offer education, experiences, and understanding of the ET phenomena.  In a sense we are the “weavers”…..weaving the information from formal sources into the truths of what we know and experience so that we produce a mosaic that is both palatable and beautiful all at once.

Deb West (Radio Host, Author, Researcher, US) New evidence indicates that the space/time continuum once thought to be linear, is actually a multi-dimensional universe of sentient beings and that all energy is made up of light particles both seen and unseen as matter and anti-matter. And further matter can travel thru time and teleport thru dimensions.  Our human consciousness extends life beyond the physical realm into an immortal spiritual experience, advancing to accelerating levels of evolution throughout the cosmos.  Information travels on light frequencies on a “cosmic internet” which we are connecting into as Earth’s ascends into a higher dimension, one where truth and discernment open our awareness to new portals of information.

Evidence of highly evolved civilizations throughout history indicate an erroneous account of our history. We must rewrite our cosmic history and restate our purpose as spiritual beings in order to advance our culture to a cosmic society.

Vanessa Lamorte (Reiki Master Teacher, Shaman, US) This disclosure offers us a new opportunity to bring exoconsciousness to the conversation. While it most certainly feels agenda driven and may not represent the whole truth, this is still a major permission slip for us to bring what we know even more public.

Dr. Monica Borine (Director, Institute of Core Energetics, Clinical Psychologist, Brazil) It reveals that many other information will soon become public. It’s collaboration to emphasize the importance of the existence of the Exoconsciousness.

Darlene Van de Grift (Coach, Artist, Author, US) Disclosure offers us a platform to bring into reality for others the possibility of global ET connection. It brings us into the light of public awareness and acceptance of other species, who are similar to humans, or want to co-create with us.

Claudine Varesi (Coach, Translator, Artist, Teacher, Peru) It gives Legitimacy to our work. Free from the constrains of social ridicule of the ET subject, (prejudice and criticism) we have now much more capacity and power to create real and long-lasting transformation.

Neil Gould (Director, Exopolitics Hong Kong) It allows us to integrate ideas associated with Exo life into the mainstream worldview.

Joanne Summerscales (Founder, ET Newsroom, UK)  It gives us another degree of leverage in accessing and influencing in the positive,  main stream perceptions – also managed by those who have released this information…it is a small toe hold, which gives some credence/kudos to the field despite the  genesis of the disclosure, and one we can use to our advantage…I will be having and presenting an in-depth look at  the serious involvement and implications of the research on the UFO subject done by as per instructions from Churchill etc… Air Chief Marshal Hugh Caswall Tremenheere Dowding, 1st Baron Dowding, GCB, GCVO, CMG was an officer in the Royal Air Force (died 19870)

What do we, as individual experiencers and members of the Community of the Exoconscious, offer to Disclosure?

Miguel Mendonca (Author, Artist, UK) We can deepen the conversation by exploring the varied, yet often common learnings that come from encounters with non-human intelligences, and in particular, information on the interconnected, multidimensional nature of being.

Reuben Langdon (Filmmaker, Actor, US) As Individuals familiar with the phenomena we can each offer our personal and collective experiences and knowledge to a world that is just waking up. Guides and teachers to the unknown. As collective humanity steps into this new post disclosure era there will be many questions, many fears. Luckily for humanity many of us have already been down this path. Shining the light on the unknown and gaining great knowledge and experience to bring back. Like scout ships going to a foreign land, we all have our unique experiences with different races and societies from other dimensional realms. We are the bridges from here to there. The guides and teachers to the New Paradigm. Like taking a tour to a foreign land where the language and scenery is different. It’s always safer and more educational when you go with a guide. Don’t worry Humanity! It’s going to be a fun and safe ride for us all!

Carol Druehl and Joan Halbert (Founders IHCI, US) This is not a proven National threat; if it were, we would be long gone.

May we act in ways that encourage a benevolent outcome as we interact with new civilizations from off planet.

Dr. Rebecca Hardcastle Wright (Founder, Institute for Exoconsciousness) As extraterrestrial experiencers, we affirm the innate abilities of all humans to connect, communicate, and co-create with extraterrestrials. We are active, engaged Post Disclosure Citizens. Legitimized by the recent Disclosure. Consciously choosing and directing our future from the wisdom and experience of our extraterrestrial contact.

Krista Raisa (Artist, Channel, Teacher, US) While a person’s objective experience in a community like COTE provides a cold shower of truth, it is also a peace-bridge between nations.

Terri Sisley (ExoHealer, US) As individual experiencers and members of COTE, I believe we offer an authentic safe space and a stable platform of integrity for people who want to discuss ET-related information related to Disclosure and to explore what living in a post-Disclosure society may be like.

Marilyn Gewacke (Author, Teacher, Workshop Leader, US) We, contactees, are already in phase two of the ET experience.  We have gone beyond the “contact experience” per se and now many of us are receiving significant information from our ET family whether in downloads, channeling, or telepathic communication.  This information will be the impetus for transforming our consciousness and “making room” for the new paradigm of cosmic unity on Earth.  This will be the greatest definition of Disclosure in the future!

Deb West (Radio Host, Author, Researcher, US) As stewards of Earth, we must stay diligent in our pursuit of justice and honor of all life throughout the cosmos under universal law. Thru the Community of Exoconsciousness, the Galactic News Portal, with information from neighboring star systems throughout the cosmos, will allow people to be guided with information on how to connect to the galactic frequencies of higher realms and to evolve peacefully during humanity’s ascension.

Vanessa Lamorte (Reiki Master Teacher, Shaman, US) We offer decades if not hundreds of years of research and experience together. We offer the personal perspective for why disclosure is happening and the expertise to support new individuals as they peel back the proverbial onion. BECAUSE…so they bring disclosure to table. Now what?! What do we do with it? People will need help moving through this and we are the people to do it.

 Dr.Monica Borine (Director, Institute of Core Energetics, Clinical Psychologist, Brazil) We offer our personal experience while contacted and also as professionals working and researching many times for decade.

We are protagonists in the theme and agents of change. We can contribute by raising awareness of other people around the world. The interaction between extraterrestrials and humanity is part of the evolving development of our race. This interaction is necessary for the exchange between races and the maintenance of peace in the cosmos.

Darlene Van de Grift (Coach, Artist, Author, US) As an experiencer of 30 years, we bring an understanding of the beings we are in relationship with. We offer the opportunity for others to open their hearts and minds to embrace the differences within our own world and other worlds. We are the proof that we are not alone, and we are all one.

Claudine Varesi (Coach, Translator, Artist, Teacher, Peru) My work is to raise awareness by supporting research projects that investigate the consequences of ET contact / origins and evolution of mankind.  As members of COTE our focus is cooperation within our different approaches and fields of action.

When we manage to grow up from our “underdeveloped state” of humanity, Collective ET contact will be possible one day. It is our destiny.

Neil Gould (Director, Exopolitics Hong Kong) A sort of Track 2 experiencers diplomatic initiative will develop to moderate the Disclosure Spin put out by different interest groove.

Joanne Summerscales (Founder, ET Newsroom, UK) We offer a human (and other intelligence), point of view….an authentic response to a deeply impacting and life changing experience, which is imperative that the public at large come to understand as legitimate, relevant and educational. Essential for a positive influence in the longer term of how we can share and grow in the use of advanced, peaceful technologies, to support the continuation of life of planet Earth. Particularly, we are beacons in the melee of disinformation, place holders of the truth, honestly shared, as far as we know.


Crowds Stop in the Street and Stare Up at the Sky as Mesmerising ‘Giant White Ball’ UFOs Are Seen Floating Above Mexico City

by Alex Greenland and Jessica Green        December 19, 2017       (

•   Crowds in Mexico City stopped and stared at the sky December 15th at five “white ball” UFOs that hovered in the sky for the better part of an hour.    (see video)


Crowds in Mexico City stopped and stared at the sky as hypnotising ‘giant white ball’ UFOs hovered above them.

In the startling footage five white balls are seen above the Mexican capital.  Hundreds of people gathered on pavements transfixed by the unexplained sight.

In the footage from the afternoon of December 15 members of the public gather along a roadside and point up at the baffling circles of light.

One eyewitness told local media: ‘There were five balls and they were moving, now they are moving around together. ‘I have been here for 20 minutes and they are still there.’ 

So far there has been no official explanation for the phenomena.



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Trillions of Taxpayer Dollars Gone Missing. The Pentagon To Be Audited For the First Time Ever.

by Arjun Walia        December 14, 2017          (

• The Pentagon’s news service recently reported that, “The Defense Department is starting the first agency-wide financial audit in its history.” NPR says that the Department of Defense’s Office of the Inspector General has “hired independent public accounting firms to conduct audits of individual components — the Army, Navy, Air Force, agencies, activities and more — as well as a department-wide consolidated audit to summarize all results and conclusions.”

• The Pentagon says that the audit is going to start right away, and will now occur annually. But according to the Director of Audit, Rafael Degennaro, over the past 20 years the Pentagon has broken every promise to Congress about when an audit would happen.

• According to The Free Thought Project, beginning in 1996 all federal agencies were required by law to conduct regular financial audits, but the Pentagon has never complied. This means that, for the past 20 years, it’s never accounted for the trillions in taxpayer funds it has spent. In fact, a 2013 investigation by Scot Paltrow for Reuters uncovered that the Pentagon has been “fudging” numbers for a long time, and it’s simply considered to be standard procedure.

• Linda Woodford spent the last 15 years of her career in the Cleveland office of the Defense Finance and Accounting Service. Her job, as one of many accountants, was to reconcile the Navy’s monthly financial books with the US Treasury’s books. Every month there were always numbers that didn’t add up and had no explanation.

• After two years of investigation, Washington Post journalists Dana Priest and William Arkin concluded in 2010 that America’s classified world had “become so large, so unwieldy and so secretive that no one knows how much money it costs, how many people it employs, how many programs exist within it or exactly how many agencies do the same work.”

• This world of secrecy requires funding. This funding comes from the Black Budget, ie: money which is completely exempt from disclosure to Congress. Both the Congress and the Commander in Chief are deliberately kept in the dark.

• We are talking about huge sums of unaccounted for money going into programs we know absolutely nothing about. Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld stated in July 2016 that “The financial systems of the Department of Defense are so snarled up that we can’t account for some $2.6 trillion in transactions…”

[Editor’s Note] Where on earth is all of this secret government money going? Well, apparently not on Earth. Add this $2.6 trillion to the trillions of dollars of revenue earned by mega corporations, the personal wealth of the 1% elite, and the trillions of dollars generated by off-balance-sheet international FED central bank trading programs, and you have an enormous sum of unaccounted for money over the past seventy years… enough to create a secret space program and breakaway civilization, perhaps?


Secrecy is the backbone of America. According to some historians’ estimates, each year, more than 500 million pages of documents are classified by the United States alone. The United States has also had a history of government agencies existing in secret for years. The National Security Agency (NSA), for example, was founded in 1952, but its existence was hidden until the mid 1960s.

Even more secretive is the National Reconnaissance Office, which was founded in 1960 but remained completely secret for 30 years. On top of that, we’ve had numerous presidents, politicians, and others tell the world a secret government exists that controls both parties and all media, and dictates government policy. The latest to acknowledge this secret group was Vladimir Putin, who described how men provide instruction to the president after they’ve been elected.

The bottom line is that this world of secrecy requires funding. And since these intelligence agencies were completely secret, that funding came from the Black Budget. This money is invested into programs that are completely exempt from disclosure to Congress. When former Canadian Defence Minister Paul Hellyer said “thousands of billions of dollars have been spent on projects about which both the Congress and the Commander in Chief have been kept deliberately in the dark,” he wasn’t kidding.

Unfortunately, we don’t hear much about Black Budget programs, or about the people who investigate them. The only mainstream example comes from 2010, when Washington Post journalists Dana Priest and William Arkin spent two years investigating the Black Budget and concluded that America’s classified world has “become so large, so unwieldy and so secretive that no one knows how much money it costs, how many people it employs, how many programs exist within it or exactly how many agencies do the same work.”

This world, where trillions of unaccounted for dollars are probably ending up, is perhaps getting more attention now because, according to the Pentagon’s news service, “The Defense Department is starting the first agency-wide financial audit in its history.”

According to The Free Thought Project, beginning in 1996 all federal agencies were required by law to conduct regular financial audits, but the Pentagon has never complied. This means that, for the past 20 years, it’s never accounted for the trillions in taxpayer funds it has spent. In fact, a 2013 investigation by Scot Paltrow for Reuters uncovered that the Pentagon has been “fudging” numbers for a long time, and it’s simply considered to be standard procedure.

Linda Woodford spent the last 15 years of her career inserting phony numbers in the U.S. Department of Defense’s accounts. Every month until she retired in 2011, she says, the day came when the Navy would start dumping numbers on the Cleveland, Ohio, office of the Defense Finance and Accounting Service, the Pentagon’s main accounting agency. Using the data they received, Woodford and her fellow DFAS accountants there set about preparing monthly reports to square the Navy’s books with the U.S. Treasury’s – a balancing-the-checkbook maneuver required of all the military services and other Pentagon agencies.

And every month, they encountered the same problem. Numbers were missing. Numbers were clearly wrong. Numbers came with no explanation of how the money had been spent or which congressional appropriation it came from. “A lot of times there were issues of numbers being inaccurate,” Woodford says. “We didn’t have the detail … for a lot of it.”

Again, we are talking about huge sums of unaccounted for money going into programs we know absolutely nothing about. It’s not like there haven’t been any Congressional inquires into it, because this has been an ongoing problem for a couple of decades. Even former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld stated in July 2016 that “The financial systems of the department of defence are so snarled up that we can’t account for some $2.6 trillion in transactions that exist, if that’s believable.”
That’s a lot of money.

We have been warned about this before. President Eisenhower was the first to do so, letting the world know before he ended his presidency that there exists a massive potential for the rise of misplaced power.” His predecessor, John F. Kennedy, did the same, saying that there “is a very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment.” He also emphasized that he does not intend to permit this, to the extent that it’s in his control.


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Trump Executive Order targets Deep State & Opens Door to Full Disclosure

Something very profound happened in the U.S. on December 21 with the passage of President Donald Trump’s “Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption”.  The order declared a state of national emergency concerning human rights and corruption, and named specific individuals and organizations that would have their bank accounts and assets frozen regardless of where in the world the abuses had occurred.

While the mainstream media has largely ignored Trump’s Executive Order, the alternative media has been paying close attention. Many have noted the Executive Order is far more significant than what it appears to be on the surface. Rather than just freezing the financial resources of foreign citizens linked to the Russian sphere of influence, as it superficially appears to do, it is really targeted at members of the “Deep State” (aka Cabal or Illuminati)  that have been involved in human trafficking, pedophilia and systemic corruption all over the planet.

The language of the Executive Order is very open ended in terms of how international corruption and human rights abuses threaten US national security:

I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, find that the prevalence and severity of human rights abuse and corruption that have their source, in whole or in substantial part, outside the United States, such as those committed or directed by persons listed in the Annex to this order, have reached such scope and gravity that they threaten the stability of international political and economic systems…The United States seeks to impose tangible and significant consequences on those who commit serious human rights abuse or engage in corruption, as well as to protect the financial system of the United States from abuse by these same persons.

I therefore determine that serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States, and I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat.

Its annex identifies key individuals and organizations, several of whom are clearly associated with Russia. The Executive Order is linked to the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act that emerged from the murder of a prominent dissident exposing human rights abuses and corruption in Russia.

This linkage can easily lead readers into falsely believing that the Executive Order is solely intended to target corrupt Russian officials, and corruption and human rights abuses by countries in Russia’s sphere of influence.

Yet, as a number of alternative media sources point out, Trump’s Executive Order goes well beyond the Russian sphere of influence. It is really targeting the Deep State, and fulfilling his 2016 campaign pledge to “drain the swamp” .

For example, Jim Stone, a freelance journalist, writes:

The executive order is presented as a national emergency up front, right in the beginning. At first it reads like he’s going after foreigners which are named directly in an annex at the end. That’s not what this is. The first part of the order only cements the second part of the order, to prevent American criminals from running away to foreign countries and being supported by foreigners.

To sum this up:

No swamp critter can accept help from another swamp critter in getting away … Child traffickers and other human rights abuses are covered, the stealing of and misuse of government funds is covered, all items are covered for foreigners and U.S. citizens, any foreigners who have assets in the U.S. that have done anything against the U.S. for the purpose of supporting the American swamp will have those assets seized, anyone in violation of anything in this executive order will have their assets seized… .

An anonymous whistleblower using the pseudonym MegaAnon says that the Executive Order has led to many powerful members of the Deep State waking up with no financial resources.

Guess what? The Swamp’s financials FROZE OVER while they all slept last night, y’all.
It’s gonna be a LOOOOOONG Christmas break for them… they were all broke before sunrise …

This covers kids/humans, drugs, arms/guns, WMD’s/chemicals/Uranium, organs, etc.
Now if you want to know who in our swamp woke up with frozen accounts, foundations, “charities”, side businesses and shell orgs/LLC’s, etc. dig into the annex list…

The Executive Order and the language it uses really does mark a momentous event. Quite simply, it marks a transfer of political power from the Deep State to the U.S. military in terms of who is really in control of the U.S. Republic.

It’s no secret that Donald Trump has surrounded himself with senior military officers who share his desire to “drain the swamp”. His Chief of Staff, John Kelly, is a retired four star USMC general; his Secretary of Defense, James Mattis, is also a retired four star USMC general; his National Security Advisor, James McMaster, is an active duty three star US Army general; his head of the National Security Agency, Mike Rogers, is an active duty four star Navy Admiral; the head of the Secret Service, Randolph Alles is a retired two star Marine General; and the list goes on.

The role of Admiral Mike Rogers is particularly significant since he broke ranks with the US intelligence community back in late 2016 to warn Trump about a Deep State effort to undermine and even prevent him from coming into power by spying on his transition team. While Trump was President-elect, Rogers traveled to Trump Tower on November 17, 2016 to warn him of the Deep State plans.

The next day, the Washington Post reported on a recommendation by the Intelligence Community and Pentagon in October 2016 to sack Rogers. President Obama’s Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, and the Secretary of Defense, Ashton Carter, reportedly were dissatisfied with Rogers performance, including his visit to Trump:

In a move apparently unprecedented for a military officer, Rogers, without notifying superiors, traveled to New York to meet with Trump on Thursday at Trump Tower. That caused consternation at senior levels of the administration, according to the officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal personnel matters.

CIA Director John Brennon was a key player in the effort to remove Rogers as illustrated by the Washington Post story which is the traditional official news outlet promoting CIA interests. To his credit, President Obama did not take action against Rogers.

Now more than a year after these back stage maneuverings, Rogers remains at the helm of the NSA closely monitoring the global activities of the Deep State and advising Trump and his National Security team.

This has been especially significant when it came to the Central Intelligence Agency which has long been the key U.S. institution in funding and enforcing the will of the Deep State.

In particular, the CIA’s Clandestine Services and Counterintelligence divisions were instrumental in creating an unofficial “black budget” for funding highly classified projects and operations ever since the CIA’s creation in 1947.

These two branches of the CIA have long been the secret enforcers of Deep State as best illustrated in the Kennedy Assassination. James Jesus Angleton, chief of the CIA’s Counterintelligence office, played a direct role, while Richard Helms (Deputy Director of Plans) provided covert support for the operation.

Trump’s elevation of former congressman, Mike Pompeo, to become CIA Director was intended to bring the CIA under direct Presidential authority. Pompeo was, however, effectively sidelined from exercizing any real power over the CIA’s covert operations. It was Pompeo’s more balanced approach to US-Russia relations that earned him the enmity of shadowy CIA groups.

The situation dramatically changed on Saturday November 18, when a number of USMC helicopters flew over the CIA’s Headquarters in Langley, Virginia. A former FBI agent, Hal Turner confirmed through credible sources that the helicopters had “buzzed” the CIA HQ for roughly 30 minutes.

The intent was clear, the USMC was threatening the CIA’s clandestine services division to get on board with the Trump administration or else. This is not the first time that the CIA has been intimidated by a US President threatening to unleash the US military against it.

In 1958, President Eisenhower threatened the CIA’s Area 51 facilities in Nevada with invasion by the US First Army stationed at Colorado if the CIA did not fully disclose all its classified programs there. In a May 2013 video interview, a former CIA operative revealed what he heard Eisenhower tell his boss to relay to the mysterious MJ-12 Committee in charge of the Area 51 facility, for which the CIA provided operational security.

The clearest sign that the CIA is now firmly under Trump’s control is President Putin thanking President Trump and Pompeo for thwarting a planned terrorist attack against a prominent St Petersberg cathedral. A December 17 Kremlin Press Release stated:

Vladimir Putin thanked Donald Trump for the information passed on by the United States’ Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that helped detain the terrorists who plotted to set off explosions at Kazan Cathedral in St Petersburg and other public places in the city. The information received from the CIA was enough to locate and detain the criminals.

The Russian President asked the US President to convey his appreciation to the Central Intelligence Agency director and the operatives of US intelligence services who received this information.

It is unprecedented for a Russian Head of State to publicly thank the CIA. The underlying message was clear, the CIA was now under the control of White Hats in the U.S. national security system and Putin was very grateful.

What we are witnessing with Trump’s December 21 Executive Order is the final act of a well thought out plan to sideline the Deep State, “drain the swamp” , and reinstate direct Presidential authority over the U.S. national security system. Effectively, we are witnessing a handover of real power from the Deep State to the U.S. military via Donald Trump as Commander in Chief.

What is particularly noteworthy in the Executive Order is that this transfer of power is being done quietly behind the scenes with little mainstream attention. Key figures in the Deep State are finding their global financial resources frozen, and are being secretly detained via sealed indictments that now have worldwide impact due to Trump’s Executive Order.

By late November, there were over four thousand sealed federal indictments being tracked by alternative news journalists such as Hal Turner. Many of these are being enforced by Special Operations Command personnel that are going around the planet arresting key Deep State figures.

All this leads to the question, what does all this mean for a seven decades-long suppression of the truth regarding extraterrestrial life and technology, the existence of a breakaway German colony in Antarctica, and the existence of multiple secret space programs?

The way in which the Executive Order has been crafted for a specific target, and quietly enforced is that the U.S. military is wanting to keep much of what is occurring off the public radar. The primary reason for doing so is clearly to minimize disruption to the U.S. political system while the transfer of power takes place.

Once the transfer process is complete, we can expect some of the sealed indictments being publicly revealed, and Trump publicly declaring victory in his effort to “drain the swamp”. We can expect a lot of unexpected retirements by indicted individuals who are currently making plea deals to escape imprisonment. Individuals involved in the most egregious human rights abuses such as child trafficking, will very likely be publicly exposed and tried.

As the transfer of power process moves forward, we can expect that more of the truth about secret space programs, Antarctica and extraterrestrial life will be disclosed. Based on how the U.S. military is dealing with key figures from the Deep State, it can be predicted that disclosure will take place in a gradual manner that does not disrupt the social fabric of US and stability of the global community.

Disclosure is inevitable, but with the U.S. military now increasingly in charge of the American end of the process, disclosure is likely to happen in a series of gradual steps that culminate in sweeping changes all across the planet as advanced technologies involving zero-point energy, antigravity propulsion and holographic healing are strategically released. 

While removal of the Deep State and its corrosive global influence through human rights abuses and corruption is a welcome development, the outsized behind-the-scenes influence of the U.S. military in the Trump administration is a cause for concern in the long term. Predictably, disclosures that will occur throughout the remainder of the Trump administration will promote US national security interests largely defined through a military mindset.

President Eisenhower’s greatest lament over the way classified projects involving advanced technologies were being managed in the U.S. was that excessive secrecy cut out the best people from the decision making process. Only full disclosure will prevent a similar problem from arising in the future where a new Deep State emerges, one dominated by military interests, with control over advanced technologies, which it uses to dominate the rest of humanity.

Full disclosure is essential for humanity transitioning from an insular planet dominated either by criminal syndicates or a military mindset, into to a more informed peaceful planetary society worthy of becoming a full member of a galactic community.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

Everything We Eat and Drink Are Completely Controlled By These Ten Companies

by Alexa Erickson         December 13, 2017         (

• A study by global anti-poverty organization, Oxfam International, has revealed that ten multi-national food conglomerates control the vast majority of what people eat on this planet. They are: PepsiCo, General Mills, Kellogg’s, Associated British Foods, Mondēlez (formerly Kraft Foods), Mars, Danone, Unilever, Coca-Cola, and Nestle.

• These corporations are so powerful that their policies can have a major impact on the diets and working conditions of people worldwide, as well as on the environment.

• You might think that a beverage manufacturer doesn’t produce food. But, for example, PepsiCo produces Quaker granola bars, while Nestlé makes frozen California Pizza Kitchen pies. Pineapple Fanta is canned at the Coca-Cola factory, just like Barq’s root beer.

• These giant corporations make it extremely difficult for startups and small businesses to compete at all. And if they do survive in the marketplace, it isn’t long before these giant companies buy them up. While you may opt for better choices liked Naked Juice and Garden of Eatin’ all-natural chips, these companies have been acquired by the mega companies such as Coca-Cola and General Mills, but they still cost more.

• How to avoid these mega-conglomerates? Don’t buy any of their products. Shop at your local farmers’ markets instead, and continue to do your research when it comes to the small-scale brands you love because you never know when they may get bought out too.

[Editor’s Note] These multi-national corporate food monopolies whose owners are a part of the Illuminati elite not only provide the mechanism for introducing nefarious substances into the human population, but their massive profits account for a good deal of the elite’s funding of clandestine programs such as the secret space program and off-planet colonies.


Scour the aisles of the grocery store, and you may be astonished to find just how many types of Pringles there are out there. But while there seems to be no end to the diversity of junk food, a comprehensive infographic has been put together to show you just how few corporations provide us with the hundreds of products available at our fingertips.

Oxfam International created the infographic that exposes an inconceivable reality: Just 10 main corporations manufacture the majority of what we purchase at the market.

“What we did is we took certain issues … [and] we saw the kind of impacts they had on the ground,” Chris Jochnick of Oxfam told NPR. “We released reports about those issues and those impacts and how they’re tied to the 10 largest food and beverage companies. And then we pushed the companies to begin to address them.”

You may not normally associate makers of soda with makers of granola bars, but seeing these unlikely ties that form the “Big 10” of the food and beverage industry controlling what we put in our carts proves just how easy it is to be duped by the American food system. For instance, PepsiCo produces Quaker granola bars, while Nestlé makes frozen California Pizza Kitchen pies. Want to feel even more misinformed? Pineapple Fanta doesn’t come from a tropical island at all, but is canned at the Coca-Cola factory, just like Barq’s root beer.

“These corporations are so powerful that their policies can have a major impact on the diets and working conditions of people worldwide, as well as on the environment,” noted Alexander E.M. Hess in USA Today.

The fact that you can count on just two hands who controls our groceries is a bizarre thought, but a much-needed realization. They include: PepsiCo, General Mills, Kellogg’s, Associated British Foods, Mondēlez (formerly Kraft Foods), Mars, Danone, Unilever, Coca-Cola, and Nestle.



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A Close Encounter In 1937 Fontana

by Cheryl Costa        Dec 11, 2017        (

• This is the account of an experiencer who saw a UFO when he was a kid growing up in Fontana, California, just east of Los Angeles.

• In August 1937, “Harry” was walking down a rural road outside of Fontana with his two younger brothers. There were no streetlights or traffic at all. The sun had just set. Suddenly a bright light hovered over them. The boys ran into an orange grove to hide, and the light/craft followed them. “It was brighter than daylight under the orange tree that we were under,” said Harry. Just as suddenly, the light went out and the frightened boys ran home.

• For years afterward, Harry would remember waking up at night with his bedroom dimly lit and four or five “little people with big heads and dark eyes” moving around him and touching him. They were the same size as Harry.  He was never afraid and was never hurt by them. Occasionally a taller being would be standing in the doorway directing the little people.

• Says Harry today, “I’m not too sure if they were real or not anymore. But the older I get, the more I think there is more to my story then I originally thought.”

• For some reason, this corridor – from Los Angeles to San Bernardino (Fontana is located about halfway) – has always experienced a high volume of UFO sightings and ET visitations. From 2001 through 2015, the state of California had the most reports of UFO sightings in the country at 15,836.


Fontana, Calif., was founded in 1913 by Azariel Blanchard Miller. For the next 30 years it remained little more than a small rural village.

It was the dog days of August 1937, when the Great Depression still ruled America. Harry, his two younger brothers and his parents lived on the outskirts of Fontana in an old tractor barn. It wasn’t fancy, but it was shelter and the family was all together.

The three brothers were out walking one evening in an area where there were no streetlights and no automobile traffic. It was just after sunset and getting darker fast.

Suddenly the three boys were startled by the appearance of a very bright light that silently hovered above them.

Harry remembered, “We just stood and looked up at this brilliant glowing cylinder. It didn’t move, and we didn’t either. Puzzled, we asked each other what it was. Of course we were kids; we weren’t able to even make a guess.”

The boys quickly became afraid, and they ran into an orange grove to hide. “But the light just moved with us,” Harry said. “It was brighter than daylight under the orange tree that we were under.”

Frightened out of their wits, the brothers tried to figure out what to do next. “Then just as unexpectedly as the light had started, the light just abruptly went out.”

The boys stayed under the trees until they got up enough nerve to run for home. “This was a long time before anyone ever said they had seen an UFO or little green men.” Harry explained.

But sometimes a UFO incident isn’t just a sighting. On occasion these events are of an initiating nature that can go on for years.

“For a long time after that event, I had what I thought were dreams,” Harry said. “I would awake in a room with subdued light, with four or five of the little people with big heads and dark eyes. These little people were about as tall as I was and would be moving all around and touching me. I was never too afraid of them. I can’t ever recall being hurt in any way.”

Occasionally in Harry’s dreams, a door would open with a bright light. In the doorway there would be a tall person.

“I could never tell what he looked like. All I could see was his shadow, he would say something to the little people and they would leave. And soon after I would awake in my bed.”

Harry has struggled for years with these memories, whether or not these were real events or just fantasy dreams.

“I’m not too sure if they were real or not anymore. People have a hard time believing what you tell them you have seen. But the older I get, the more I think there is more to my story then I originally thought.”



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UFOs Saved Earth From Devastating Meteor Strike, Claim Conspiracy Theorists

By Sean Martin        December 12, 2017         (

• On February 15, 2013, a 20-meter meteor exploded over Chelyabinsk, Russia, smashing windows and causing over 1,000 injuries. But it didn’t impact the Earth. If it had, it would have been devastating to the entire planet.

• Russian UFO enthusiasts have closely studied video at different angles of the meteor’s decent and explosion in the atmosphere, and they are certain that another smaller “UFO” type object streaked in from above the planet colliding with the meteor and causing it to explode before impacting the Earth.

• In 1908, a similar incident took place when a small asteroid exploded over Siberia’s Tunguska region, devastating 800 miles of woodland. The Russians believe an outside object crashed into that meteor as well, saving the world. Metallic fragments not native to this planet were recovered from the Tunguska site, indicating that the object that hit the meteor was destroyed. “If not for the intervention of the UFO in the Tunguska event, the Earth could have been plunged into a second stone age.”


The 20 metre meteor exploded over Chelyabinsk, Russia, in 2013, which smashed windows and caused injuries to more than 1,000 people in the area.

Experts had not anticipated the incident, leading to fears Earth could be surprised by a more devastating asteroid strike in the future.

But, conspiracy theorists are now claiming a more intelligent species than humankind had predicted the event, and duly intercepted it to save Russia.

UFO believers studied videos of the incident and state there is an object which can be seen crashing into the rock from outer space.

Alexander Komanev, coordinator for the Russian UFO community in Yekaterinburg, said: “At first, we also believed the Chelyabinsk meteorite was just an ordinary meteorite, a cosmic body.”

However, on closer inspection, Mr Komanev says “you can see how an object catches the meteorite”, adding a much smaller object “flies into it – and the meteorite explodes and falls”.

He adds: “Such a number of videos, made from different angles, leads us to believe that something has blown up the meteorite.”

In 1908, a similar incident took place when a small asteroid exploded over Siberia’s Tunguska which ruined woodlands across 800 miles.

Russian conspiracy theorists also believe aliens saved the world in that event too.



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Sorry America, We’re Not Going Back To The Moon

by Ethan Siegel       December 19, 2017        (

  • On Dec 11th, President Trump signed Space Policy Directive 1, proclaiming, “This time, we will not only plant our flag and leave our footprint, we will establish a foundation for an eventual mission to Mars and, perhaps someday, to many worlds beyond.”

  • Trump’s vision, which he laid out earlier this year, is simply to build a lunar space station orbiting the Moon. It has nothing to do with planting another flag on the Moon or a footprint on Mars.

  • When we chose to go to the Moon in the 1960’s, we devoted upwards of 5% of the federal budget to the endeavor. Today this figure is 0.4% of the budget. This is less than 1/10th of what we invested in NASA the last time we sent humans to the Moon.

  • If President Trump really intends to go to Mars, it would take a sustained investment totaling somewhere in the ballpark of $50-$150 billion, spread out over the course of ten years. The plan would involve landing a slew of equipment on the Martian surface, along with robots and rovers designed to self-assemble stations and habitats, and then a crew of human beings, who would stay for anywhere from 6 to 18 months before returning home.

  • Our ambitions to venture beyond low-Earth orbit are achievable, but only if we make it so. Unless there’s a plan to increase NASA’s funding to sufficient levels to send humans to worlds beyond our own, America is never going to get there.

  • [Editor’s Note] Alternatively, might President Trump be aware of a secret space program that is already visiting the Moon and Mars?


Last week, President Trump signed Space Policy Directive 1, designed to refocus NASA’s mission on human exploration and spaceflight. Proclaiming, “This time, we will not only plant our flag and leave our footprint, we will establish a foundation for an eventual mission to Mars and, perhaps someday, to many worlds beyond,” Trump made a promise that should sound familiar to American citizens, as many incoming presidents (including Obama and both Bushes) have made similar plans and proclamations. Like all plans, to bring this one to fruition will require a tremendous investment of resources: in people, in equipment and facilities, in research and development, and in terms of money as well. With no plans for adequate, additional funding to support these ambitions, these dreams will simply evaporate, as they have so many times before.

If you look at the percent of the federal budget currently being invested in NASA, you’ll find that you have to go all the way back to 1959, the first full year of NASA’s existence, to encounter a time where we invested less in the agency than we do today. When we chose to go to the Moon, it was accompanied by a tremendous increase in the resources we devoted to the endeavor: up to nearly 5% of the federal budget. Today, that figure sits at just 0.4% of the budget (0.11% of our GDP), or less than one-tenth of what we invested in NASA the last time we sent humans to the Moon.

NASA’s crewed spaceflight missions since the end of Apollo have focused on low-Earth orbit. But if the goal is to explore the Universe, and to take humanity deeper and farther into the cosmic sea than we’ve ever gone, a return to the Moon won’t accomplish that. The vision of the Trump administration, laid out earlier this year, involves a shocking proposal, to build a lunar space station orbiting the Moon. In no way, shape, or form does a lunar space station prepare us or aid us in going to either the Moon or Mars. Instead, it’s a project that merely serves to:
• provide a use for the Space Launch System (SLS) that’s already developed,
• provide a potential application of the Orion capsule system,
• and provide potential partnership opportunities with Russia on an orbiter and Europe/Japan on the habitation modules.

It’s a proposal that should make you furious. If you want to go to the Moon, you design a system to put humans on the Moon. If you want to go to a different world, you design a system to put human beings on that world. If you want to go to deep space, you figure out what you need to go to deep space — and you go. Instead, the plan will spend a great deal of money without yielding appreciable results. If you want to accomplish something great, you don’t look at the technology you’ve already developed and ask, “what can we do with it?” Instead, you must look at the goal you want to achieve and ask, “what will it take to accomplish this?” You also have to provide funding for it, and plan it on a realistically short timescale.

If the goal is to go to Mars, we’ve already done extensive research into how much it would cost and what type of technological development it would require. To do it safely and responsibly, it would take a sustained investment totaling somewhere in the ballpark of $50-$150 billion, spread out over the course of approximately 10 years. The plan would involve landing a slew of equipment on the Martian surface, along with robots and rovers designed to self-assemble stations and habitats, and then a crew of human beings, who would stay for anywhere from 6 to 18 months before returning home. The largest and heaviest things ever landed on the Martian surface are far lighter than what a crewed mission would require, and the only way you ensure the safety of the crew on such an endeavor is through practice.



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Chicago Tribune: An open letter to alien life forms on Earth

by Editorial Board           December 19, 2017            (

[Editor’s Note]   This is an open letter by the Chicago Tribune Editorial Board, following the revelation that the Pentagon ran a $22 million program to investigate UFOs, and the release of a cockpit video of a Navy jet in pursuit of a UFO over the Pacific Ocean off of San Diego. 

Merry Christmas!


Dear aliens,

You may have been amused by a recent news story (you do read The Chicago Tribune and its competitors, right?) about the latest chapter in America’s long, futile, semi-secret, widely mocked efforts to unmask you, to prove that your spaceships have been hovering, darting and befuddling fighter pilots with impossible aerobatics for decades.

The latest episode, revealed in The New York Times: The Pentagon spent millions over several years on a top-secret Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program to investigate UFOs.

The Pentagon says the program was shut down in 2012. Ha ha! Who believes that? You know humans won’t quit pursuing you. We are too curious and persistent.

Seriously, we know you are here. How else to explain all those alleged sightings, including the video from a 2004 encounter between a Navy F/A-18 Super Hornet and a UFO. “There’s a whole fleet of them … they’re all going against the wind,” an awestruck pilot radios to a comrade. “The wind’s 120 knots to the west. Look at that thing, dude.”

Gives us chills just listening to that exchange and watching that video of a darting space-crafty blip on the radar screen.

One Navy pilot who encountered that craft recently told The Washington Post: “It was a real object; it exists and I saw it.”

What was it? “Something not from the Earth,” he said.

Off-world friends, please show yourselves. If you are as technologically advanced as we suspect, what’s the harm? And, truthfully, aren’t you getting tired of flitting around the planet, playing hide-and-seek?

Bonus incentive: How about we throw in a free iPhone X for your crew members?

We guarantee the planet’s inhabitants will celebrate your arrival. (Never mind “The Day The Earth Stood Still” and its ilk.) You’ll be instant celebrities. Bigger than Trump. Even He of the Globe-sized Ego will have to admit that.

If you come down to Earth now, you will save humans decades of constructing conspiracy theories about Area 51, yearning to know if we are truly alone — and spending a lot more government money to ferret out the truth.

In October, a group called Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence, or METI International, beamed a message at a star a dozen light-years away with a possibly inhabitable planet. METI’s ice-breaking message, sent via radio telescope, included the universal languages of music and math.

Yes, we know that famed theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking has warned against sending such messages, lest space invaders find us to be easily vanquishable. Those space marauders may be so powerful that they “may not see us as any more valuable than we see bacteria,” Hawking cautions.

Hawking also predicts that humans have about 1,000 years to master space travel and populate a new planet if the species is to survive. He believes climate change, asteroid strikes, epidemics and population growth make a long-term future on Earth problematic at best.

Is that your strategy, aliens? Wait us out for the next 10 centuries, then claim this splendid blue orb?

We hope not. That would be a terrible anticlimax for those of us eager for first contact sooner than, say, 3018.

Come on, extraterestrials, let’s cut out the chase. We’re here. You’re here. Let’s meet.


Graphic from Santa Claus Conquers the Martians, 1964 

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A Strange Encounter with Angels In Space

by Brent Swancer         December 13, 2017          (

• In April 1982, the Soviets launched its Salyut 7 space station as a test program for modular design space stations and a precursor to the Mir space station. The Salyut 7 stayed in orbit for 8 years and 10 months.

• In June 1984, on its 155th day in orbit, the three crew members of the Salyut 7 suddenly reported a bright orange light around the space station. When they looked out of the porthole they saw seven enormous, winged humanoid angelic figures about 90 feet tall with calm, smiling faces hovering beside the space station. The crew said that they did not feel alarm but wonderment, and a feeling of calm and peace exuding from these beings. The beings stayed with the space station for about 10 minutes before fading away. Afterward, the three cosmonauts discussed it, determined that they had all seen the same thing but agreed that it must have been a trick of the mind.

• On day 167 of the mission, three more cosmonauts joined the space station. Not long after, the space station was again bathed in this orange light. This time all six of the crew looked out of the portholes to see several of the massive angelic beings with smiling faces floating just outside of their station.

• The crew were instructed to never to discuss what they had seen and the Soviet government covered it all up. Intensive physical and psychological tests showed that the crew were of perfectly sound body and mind. Still, they all gave the exact same description of winged, angelic entities with smiling faces.

• An interesting note, the first human to go into space, cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, had his own encounter twenty years earlier in April of 1961. At two points during his spaceflight aboard the Vostok-1, Gagarin inexplicably went silent. He couldn’t recall what had happened. During hypnotic regression, Gagarin claimed that he could remember seeing an enormous figure floating in space in front of him, and that he had heard a voice in his head saying, “Do not worry, everything will be fine. You’ll come back to Earth,” before the apparition vanished into thin air right before his eyes.


Space is often touted as the last frontier, the final wilderness that we have yet to tame or understand, and in many ways this is very true. We have only within the last century really begun to comprehend some of its secrets to any appreciable degree, and there are certainly wonders beyond our imagination for us yet to behold. Yet some mysteries that have been encountered out there in the cold dark of space go well beyond conventional understanding, to propel out into the world of the paranormal and the universe of the truly bizarre. Certainly ranking among these mysteries is a curious close encounter between some of the first people in space and, well, something else.

In April of 1982, the Soviet Union launched its ambitious Salyut 7 space station as part of the Soviet Salyut Programme, which started in 1971 and had the aim of eventually sending up a total of four crewed scientific research space stations and two crewed military reconnaissance space stations. The last to be launched in the program and a precursor to the Mir space station, the Salyut 7 was the 10th space station ever put into orbit by mankind, and was designed to serve as a sort of test of a new system of modular space stations, which entailed the ability to attach new modules to expand the station or adapt it to whatever functions were required, as well as an outpost for various off-planet experiments. The Salyut 7 would end up staying in orbit for a total of 8 years and 10 months, which up until that time was the longest such a station had ever remained in continuous orbit. It is also known for a very bizarre series of bizarre, unexplained events witnessed by the crew.

In July of 1984, the Salyut 7 was on the 155th day of its mission and things were going in a routine fashion until there was a sudden transmission from cosmonauts Commander Oleg Atkov, Vladmir Solovyov, and Leonid Kizim in which they claimed that the space station had suddenly been surrounded by an oppressive, blinding orange light. The crew of three aboard the Salyut 7 all then allegedly looked out of the portals to try and see what was causing this inexplicable brilliant glow. At this point they would witness probably the last thing they had expected to see out there.

There hovering in space in front of the space station were what the crew would describe as seven enormous winged humanoid beings estimated as being around 90 feet in height and with calm, smiling faces, and it was from these bizarre entities that the ethereal light was apparently emanating. They were also claimed to exude a feeling of calm and peacefulness, and oddly the cosmonauts felt no fear during the encounter, merely wonderment. According to the witnesses, the colossal apparitions, which they described as “angels,” matched the speed of the space station, remaining in the same position for around 10 minutes before fading away. Baffled by what they had all just seen, the three cosmonauts had a heated discussion on what the beings were and what rational explanation could account for it, but they could come up with nothing. In the end, although they had all seen exactly the same thing, they chalked it up to the stresses and rigors of being in space for so long, resigning themselves to the explanation that their minds had simply been playing tricks on them.

They may have gone on forever convinced that this was some sort of mass hallucination and a bout of temporary insanity, but it would not be their last encounter with these otherworldly beings. On Day 167 of the mission, the Salyut gained an additional three cosmonauts in the form of Svetlana Savitskaya, Igor Volk and Vladimir Dzhanibekov. Not long after these new crew members boarded, the station was once again bathed in that potent, bedazzling light, and this time all six of the crew looked out of the portholes to see several of the massive angelic beings swimming through the blackness of space outside, again with their benevolent smiling faces. Considering that this time they had again all seen the same thing, it appeared that there was perhaps something more going on beyond simple hallucinations.

When the Salyut mission was concluded and the cosmonauts returned to Earth, their strange experiences were allegedly covered up and swept under the carpet by the Soviet government, and the witnesses told in no uncertain terms that they were never to discuss what they had seen up there. Interestingly, intensive rounds of physical and psychological tests performed on the space station crew supposedly showed nothing out of the ordinary whatsoever. They were perfectly sound of body and mind.

Considering the thick secrecy surrounding the odd events, the story did not really get any wider coverage until after the Cold War, but when it did get out it immediately ignited a firestorm of debate and speculation as to what the cosmonauts had really seen. The most rational and scientific answer is that these cosmonauts experienced what they had suspected in the beginning, which is some sort of mass hallucination or madness brought on by the demanding stresses, fatigue, and the harsh conditions of space. After all, no one had ever really spent this much time continuously in space before, and so it should be only natural that they should have such visions.

Indeed, such surreal visual phenomena have been reported by other astronauts and cosmonauts who have been in space for long periods of time, and even earthbound pilots on long, demanding flights. The problem with this explanation is that six seasoned, experienced cosmonauts all saw the same thing at the same time, and all of them were given clean bills of mental and physical health afterward, making it seem rather unlikely that this could all be in their heads. It also seems rather implausible that a group of six highly trained, well-respected cosmonauts would get together and make up such a story as a hoax.


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Did 2004 UFO Incident involve Aliens or Russian Antigravity Spacecraft?

On October 11, Rockstar Tom DeLonge hosted a live streaming of the formal launch of his “To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science”. During the launch, he introduced Luis Elizondo, a former career intelligence officer, who headed a nearly decade-long Pentagon program to investigate Unidentified Aerial Threats.

Film footage from a November 14, 2004 UFO incident involving multiple F-18 jets from the USS Nimitz was introduced and it was announced that official files were now made available by the Pentagon for public scrutiny.

Navy pilots described the UFO as defying the laws of physics, and not part of any U.S. conventional aerospace program as described by Dave Fravor (Commander, US Navy ret.), one of the pilots who witnessed the incident who was referred to in a March 2015 article:

On several occasions beginning 10 November [2004], the Fire Control Officer and the extremely experienced Fire Control Senior Chief had detected multiple returns descending from far above the radar’s scan volume–somewhere higher than 80,000 ft.  The targets, dubbed Anomalous Aerial Vehicles (AAVs), would drop from above 80K to hover roughly 50 feet off the water in a matter of seconds.

Always over the same spot, a Lat/Long about 30NM off the coast of Baja, roughly 70nm southwest of Tijuana.  At the time, the SPY-1 was the most sophisticated and powerful tactical radar on the planet.  With it, they were able to track these AAVs while they descended, hovered and then zipped away at speeds, turn rates and accelerations faster than any known friendly or threat aircraft.  Impossibly fast.


An official US Navy Event Summary Report of the incident had earlier been made available online. Nevertheless, most of the mainstream media simply ignored DeLonge’s launch and the abundant documentation related to the UFO incident.

All that changed on December 16, 2017, when the New York Times and Politico ran a story focusing on Elizondo and the 2004 UFO incident. More details were released about Elizondo’s Pentagon program which we learned was officially funded from 2007 to 2012 by a $22 million grant created by a group of Congressmen led by former Senator Harry Reid.

The funds were funneled through Reid’s billionaire friend, Robert Bigelow, who runs a civilian based aerospace company to build expandable human habitats for Earth Orbit and Deep Space missions.

There has subsequently been a tsunami of mainstream media reports about the Pentagon program headed by Elizondo, the $22 million funding it received and the 2004 incident. DeLonge and his To The Stars Academy was suddenly major news around the world.

The tone set in the media coverage was respectful and serious as illustrated in a Tucker Carlson interview of the Navy pilot from the 2004 incident.

The mainstream media was telling the public that it was time to discard the tinfoil hat association that has long prevented serious scrutiny of the UFO phenomenon.

Why the two month long delay in covering Elizondo’s testimony and the 2004 UFO incident? Were the New York Times and Politico stories designed to kickstart a long-hoped for official disclosure process concerning UFOs which DeLonge has been suggesting for well over a year and a half with the launch of his “Sekret Machines” multimedia project in April  2016?

There is little doubt that DeLonge has been assisted by a group of high level insiders that have chosen him as the vehicle for disclosing the truth behind the UFO phenomenon. In March, 2016, DeLonge gave a number of interviews where he said that he was given access to 10 high level insiders, including generals, who had agreed to be part of his advisory team.

In mid-2016, Wikileaks released emails showing a clear link between the Hillary Clinton Presidential campaign and DeLonge through her campaign chair, John Podesta. This corroborated DeLonge’s claim of being supported by high level insiders, and confirmed the US Air Force connection to DeLonge via retired Major General McCasland, the former head of a top secret research laboratory at Wright Paterson AFB. Another retired USAF Major General, Michael Carey, had written a back cover endorsement of Sekret Machines.

Indeed, subsequent UFO references by Clinton and Podesta, during the campaign appeared to be laying the foundation for future disclosures by a Clinton Presidency that would dovetail DeLonge’s initiative.  The successful Trump Presidential campaign was a major setback in what appeared to be a highly orchestrated disclosure initiative that could be traced to the USAF.

This suggests that DeLonge is part of a USAF sanctioned disclosure initiative and any UFO cases that are officially released are designed to support his effort. This gives us a clue as to the likely origin of the UFOs witnessed and recorded from the 2004 Nimitz incident, which was carefully handpicked for DeLonge’s October 2017 launch of his To The Stars Academy, and the subsequent New York Times and Politico stories.

In his 2016, fiction based on fact book, Sekret Machines, DeLonge referred to a secret space program operated out of Area 51, Nevada, featuring both triangle and saucer shaped craft that were capable of defying the laws of physics through their antigravity technologies. It’s important to emphasize that the purported facts in the book were presented to DeLonge by his 10 man advisory team, whom he believes have provided him the most authoritative disclosure yet to emerge on the topics of UFOs, extraterrestrial life and secret space programs.

The connection to the 2004 incident involving the USS Nimitz now becomes pertinent. In releasing official Pentagon information about the 2004 incident, was the intent to reveal the existence of extraterrestrial piloted UFOs or of a secret space program run by a rival nation state?

The answer found in DeLonge’s Sekret Machines is that both the USAF and Russia are described as possessing their own fleets of antigravity spacecraft capable of defying the laws of physics. Russia’s secret space program is described throughout the book as clear threat in terms of overflights of US territory and nuclear facilities, abductions of American citizens, and hostile military actions against US space assets.

There is little mention in DeLonge’s book of extraterrestrial life other than a vague reference to ancient Gods that deceived humanity through their advanced technologies, which today are seeded to major nations as modern apples of discord.

DeLonge’s first Sekret Machines book is an effort to depict the UFO phenomenon as primarily involving advanced aerospace vehicles first developed by Nazi Germany during World War II, and then reverse engineered by the US and Russia with the help of German scientists previously involved in the Nazi programs.

It’s worth emphasizing that the high level of insider support given to DeLonge suggests that his books and initiatives are part of an officially sanctioned disclosure process, which is backed by the USAF in particular, and the Pentagon more generally.

All this suggests that the 2004 incident involving the USS Nimitiz will fit a narrative that is slowly emerging through DeLonge’s Sekret Machines book series and To The Stars Academy. This firmly points to the incident eventually being depicted as Russian antigravity craft taking a menacing posture to the Navy battle group.

There are obvious political advantages in depicting Russia possessing a secret space program that menaces US warships in international waters. This would make it possible for the Pentagon to receive substantial increases in funding for its own USAF run secret space program, which is just as advanced as the Russian program, according to DeLonge.

Depicting UFOs as national security threats posed by the Russians, with their steadily growing alliance with China, would enable programs created to deal with this threat to be kept highly classified. Indeed, the name of Elizondo’s Pentagon project, the “Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program”, alludes to such a process already being underway.   

Finally, revealing a Russian connection to the 2004 Nimitz incident, whether contrived or not, would feed into the anti-Russia hysteria that was generated by the US intelligence community over the election of Donald Trump. Fed by this hysteria of unknown Russian interference in the most sacrosanct of US political processes, many American citizens would likely buy into a new media narrative that Russia, with the growing support of China, has become a major global threat through a secret space program.

I hope I’m wrong but there are clear signs that DeLonge’s Sekret Machines and To The Stars Academy disclosure initiatives are evolving into a “limited hangout”. Some of the truth about secret space programs and advanced technologies will be released, which is a welcome development. However, important information about other key aspects to the UFO phenomenon, such as extraterrestrial visitation, a German Secret Space Program that survived WWII, and a Navy run space program called Solar Warden operating in deep space, will continue to be suppressed.

The 2004 UFO incident is intriguing, and there may well be an other-worldly component, but it’s highly likely that this particular incident was chosen so that Russia would be eventually identified as the culprit for political reasons. I’m sure major US defense contractors are salivating at the prospect of building fleets of armed antigravity spacecraft to respond to a contrived Russian (and Chinese) threat to US national security through a secret space program.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

Another Director for Lockheed Skunkworks Mentions A Craft With A Drive That Alters Space and Time

by Arjun Walia       December 11, 2017        (

• In this 1min 14 sec video (below), former Director of Advanced Systems at Lockheed Skunkworks, Steve justice, describes an advanced propulsion technology (or rather, teleportation technology).

• Lockheed Martin is a military contractor known for building some of the most advanced technologies known to man, but which have been hidden in Black Budget programs that have absolutely no oversight from Congress. The same type of secrecy surrounds what is known as The Secret Space Program.

• Recently retired from Lockheed, Justice has joined Tom DeLonge’s ‘To The Stars Academy’ to help in releasing government video and documents pertaining to the UFO phenomenon, to bring forth technologies that will help humanity thrive.

• Mr Justice says that it would be an understatement to call the technologies he’s been around, worked with, and seen “revolutionary”. In particular, Justice describes a “point-to-point transportation craft that will erase the current travel limits of distance and time… by employing a driver system that alters space-time metric”. This technology “mimics the capabilities observed in unidentified aerial phenomenon”. In other words, this technology is derived from UFOs that utilize a device that solves the problem of distance and time, making it easy to travel ‘impossible’ distances in a short period of time.


Lockheed Martin is a military contractor that manufactures advanced aircraft and propulsion systems. They’re known for building some of the most advanced technologies known to man, and for years, all of the engineering, science, and technology, for the most part, has been locked up in Black Budget programs that have absolutely no oversight from Congress. This is according to a 1997 U.S Senate report. This means that nobody, not even those who have ‘high level’ positions within the military, political, and intelligence communities, knows exactly what’s going on.

Many of these programs are completely unacknowledged, and the United States has had a history of government agencies existing in secret for years. While the National Security Agency (NSA) was founded in 1952, its existence was hidden until the mid 1960s. Even more secretive is the National Reconnaissance Office, which was founded in 1960 but remained completely secret for 30 years, along with all of the technology it was using.

The same type of secrecy surrounds our space program, and what’s now known as The Secret Space program. Who knows what’s really going on up there.

“It is ironic that the U.S. would begin a devastating war, allegedly in search of weapons of mass destruction, when the most worrisome developments in this field are occurring in your own backyard. It is ironic that the U.S. should be fighting monstrously expensive wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, allegedly to bring democracy to those countries, when it itself can no longer claim to be called a democracy, when trillions, and I mean thousands of billions of dollars have been spent on projects about which both the Congress and the Commander in Chief have been kept deliberately in the dark.” – Former Canadian Defence Minister Paul Hellyer

This is why when Steve Justice, the recently retired Director of Advanced Systems at Lockheed Skunkworks, signed on board with To The Stars Academy, it raised some eyebrows. To The Stars is an initiative to let the public know that Unidentified Flying Objects are real, and they commonly perform maneuvers that defy our known laws of physics. It’s goal, one out of many, is to bring forth these technologies that have been locked up in the black budget world in order to help humanity thrive.

They will be working directly with the U.S. government to release video footage, documents, and more. Now, what does this all mean? What are the intentions? Who is providing these people with information, and who is providing the U.S. government with information? Those are completely different topics, but it would be sensible to exercise caution, as it’s not uncommon for Western governments, corporations, and media to deceive us, to twist stories for their own personal gain. This is also a possibility with regards to the UFO phenomenon.

So, what did Mr. Justice have to say? Well, a lot of things. One of the first statements he made using the To The Stars platform is that, when it comes to the technologies he’s been around, worked with, and seen, it would be an understatement to call them revolutionary.

He also stated, while discussing the concept for the craft that To The Stars plans to build, the following: “This is a concept for an international point-to-point transportation craft that will erase the current travel limits of distance and time. It mimics the capabilities observed in unidentified aerial phenomenon by employing a driver system that alters space-time metric. We have glimpses of how the physics of this works, but we need to harvest technologies from the Science Division to “realize” the capability.”

By making this statement, he is telling the world that Unidentified Flying Objects (which are commonly tracked on military radar) utilize a device that somehow combats the problem of distance and time, making it easy for them to travel what we humans perceive as great and impossible distances in a short period of time.

“There is another way, whether it’s wormholes, or warping space, there’s got to be a way to generate energy so that you can pull it out of the vacuum, and the fact that they’re [extraterrestrials] here shows us that they found a way.” – Jack Kasher, Ph.D, Professor Emeritus of Physics, University of Nebraska.



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Survey: Tens of Thousands of People Believe in Alien Life and Want to Make Contact with Them

December 10, 2017       (

• In survey of over 26,000 respondents in 24 countries, 47% believe in the existence of intelligent alien civilizations, while 61% believed in some type of life forms on other planets, according to researchers at Amsterdam Glocalities.  One quarter said that they did not believe that intelligent life existed outside Earth.

• This survey is far larger than another recent survey from Arizona State University using respondents in Germany, Britain and the United States (reported in the ExoNews on December 16th). That survey showed comparable results.

• Russians are the most staunch believers in intelligent alien life with 68% of the population, followed Mexico and China.  Only 28% of the Dutch are convinced.


AMSTERDAM – Nearly half of people surveyed believe in alien life and want to make contact with them, based on a survey in 24 countries.

But creating contact between humans and aliens can be harmful to humanity. Physics Professor Stephen Hawking has previously warned if an alien finds humans, it could ‘end life on Earth’.

The researchers laid out a finding that 47 percent of more than 26,000 respondents believe in the existence of intelligent alien civilizations in the universe. A total of 61 percent also said they believed in some life forms on other planets, according to researchers at the Amsterdam Glocalities-based research program.

Meanwhile a quarter said that they did not believe that intelligent life existed outside Earth, researchers found.

This is not the first survey to collect views of extraterrestrials, questionnaires in Germany, Britain and the United States have found the same level, but researchers say that this is the largest poll with a global reach.



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John F. Kennedy to 9/11: Everything Is A Rich Man’s Trick

by Joe Martino December 3, 2017 (

• An ambitious documentary entitled “Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick”, written and narrated by Francis Richard Conolly, chronicles how the Mafia, crooked politicians, and the world’s most influential war profiteers orchestrated the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963. And ever since then, these sinister puppet masters have functioned and thrived leading to the atrocities of 9/11, which Conolly also examines.

• Conspiracies such as the JFK assassination and 9/11 have served to awaken millions of people to the truth of how our world really works behind a dark curtain of illusion. The only conspiracy bigger than these is the cover-up of UFOs and the extraterrestrial presence.

• The nearly 3½-hour long video presents its findings in a measured and meticulous manner that demands attention and consideration.


What you’ll learn in this film you won’t learn in school… this is perhaps one of the greatest tricks of the elite. Convincing us we are learning what we think is ultimate truth when in reality much of the time they are careful lies.

Two conspiracies that are about as big and a globally important as the extraterrestrial cover-up are the JFK assassination and what happened in NYC on 9/11. Examining the utter lies of 9/11 and creating media about it has awoken millions and millions of people to the truth of how our world really works behind the curtain. This has been a hugely important event when it comes to that.
Recently, the long classified JFK files have been released to the public and they have been revealing in a number of ways, however, not everything has come out, and this has some people concerned of a greater cover-up.

Everything Is A Rich Man’s Trick

The assassination of President John F. Kennedy lingers as one of the most traumatic events of the twentieth century. The open and shut nature of the investigation which ensued left many global citizens unsettled and dissatisfied, and nagging questions concerning the truth behind the events of that fateful day remain to this day. Evidence of this can be found in the endless volumes of conspiracy-based materials which have attempted to unravel and capitalize on the greatest murder mystery in American history.

Now, a hugely ambitious documentary titled Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick adds fuel to those embers of uncertainty, and points to many potential culprits whose possible involvement in the assassination has long been obscured by official historical record.

Authoritatively written and narrated by Francis Richard Conolly, the film begins its labyrinthine tale during the era of World War I, when the wealthiest and most powerful figures of industry discovered the immense profits to be had from a landscape of ongoing military conflict. The film presents a persuasive and exhaustively researched argument that these towering figures formed a secret society by which they could orchestrate or manipulate war-mongering policies to their advantage on a global scale, and maintain complete anonymity in their actions from an unsuspecting public. Conolly contends that these sinister puppet masters have functioned and thrived throughout history – from the formation of Nazism to the build-up and aftermath of September 11.

The election of President Kennedy in 1960 represented a formidable threat to these shadowy structures of power, including high-profile figures within the Mafia, crooked politicians, and the world’s most influential and notorious war profiteers. Thus, a plot was hatched which would end Kennedy’s reign prior to any chance of re-election, thereby restoring the order and freedoms of these secret societies.



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72 Newly-Discovered Galaxies Changes Odds in Fermi’s Paradox

by Paul Seaburn        December 1, 2017         (

• In 1950, Enrico Fermi posed a question to his colleagues at the Los Alamos National Labs, ‘If there are billions of stars in the galaxy, all with it’s own planets, then why have we not been visited by other galactic civilizations?’  This is known as the Fermi Paradox.

• Astronomers at the European Southern Observatory, using a Multi-Unit Spectroscopic Explorer on a large telescope in northern Chili, focused on a small spot in the constellation Fornax and found 72 new galaxies containing a few trillion new stars (and trillions of new planets). This greatly increases the chances of many more planets that could harbor not just life, but intelligent life.

[Editor’s Note]   “Why have we never been visited?”   Who was Fermi kidding? According to basically ALL of the whistleblowers, our solar system and the Earth itself is swarming with technologically advanced extraterrestrials ranging from the many who are here only to observe, to others who would assist humanity from a distance, to a handful that are well-into the process of enslaving and subjugating the hapless human population.


“Where is everybody?”

That’s the question Enrico Fermi asked his co-workers at the at Los Alamos National Laboratory in 1950 as they pondered lunch and why, if there are billions of stars in the Milky Way galaxy older than our Sun with a high probability of having planets similar to Earth, we’ve never had any contact (that they knew of) with other civilizations – advanced or lesser. The question lives on today as the famous Fermi Paradox.

“Redo the numbers, Enrico. They just found 72 more galaxies!”

If they were alive today, that might be his friends’ response to the news that astronomers taking the deepest view of the universe ever have discovered at least 72 more galaxies. Even using conservative estimates, that’s a few trillion more stars and, if they average 8 planets like ours, many trillions more planets, of which a tiny but now larger percentage could hold life.
“Where is everybody?”

Let’s take the easy answer first. In a press release this week, ESO astronomers announced that they pointed the Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) instrument on the ESO’s Very Large Telescope (VLT) in Chile at a small spot in space known as the Hubble Ultra Deep Field (HUDF). Located in the constellation Fornax, it was first observed by the Hubble Space Telescope from September 24, 2003, to January 16, 2004. That data allowed astronomers to look back 13 billion years and, combined with later observations using the Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3), estimate that the small region contained about 10,000 galaxies.

Then came MUSE. It was installed on the VTL in 2014 and astronomers used it for about two years (137 hours of telescope time) to further study the HUDF and detect galaxies 100 times dimmer than before that emit Lyman-alpha radiation, an indication that they are extremely distant, young, low-mass galaxies. Seventy-two of these galaxies were counted, with some estimated to have existed just 800 million years after the Big Bang.



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UFO ‘Filmed Firing Laser at International Space Station’ in NASA Footage

by Jon Austin        December 13. 2017         (

• A YouTube blogger by the name of Streetcap1 found a strange anomaly in the International Space Station’s live feed on December 12th. There appeared to be an object near the ISS that was emitting a red beam at intervals. (see 5:58 minute video below)

• Streetcap1 said that NASA quickly tried to zoom the camera away from the object, as if to hide it from view.

• Many YouTube commenters agreed with his theory of alien intrusion. But one said it could be NASA’s Optical Payload for Lasercomm Science where packets of information are beamed from the space station using lasers.


NASA footage from the ISS live cam yesterday shows a strange object opposite the space station, that appears to emit a red beam at intervals, according to YouTuber Streetcap1.

He posted the clip to his YouTube channel which regularly puts forward alleged evidence of aliens and UFOs.

In his video entitled ‘UFO Fires Red Beam at the ISS?’, he said: “These lights appeared next to the space station.

“I checked the pre-archive footage and they don’t appear on any other footage as far as I can see
“Look at the red light coming from them and going to the space station… its pretty strange.”

The object itself that he thought might be a UFO appeared to resemble many other alleged ISS sightings that have been previously debunked as lens flares from the camera or reflections of the ISS itself.

The ISS also did not appear to sustain any damage in the clip.

Streetcap1 added: “Maybe it’s lens flare, I don’t know what’s causing it.

“In the previous shots hours ago there was no evidence of it at all.

“It could be lens flare, but I can’t see what was causing it.

“Its shape was what was most interesting to me.”

He then said NASA appeared to try to zoom the camera away from the object, as if to hide it from view.

Many of Streetcap1’s followers felt he was on to something.

Vikki Ledgard posted on YouTube: “I think that series of red lights looks like the lights of some huge vessel (mothership if you prefer).”

Arthur Tasev said: “This slipped through the net from NASA.”

David Waddington added: “It is a craft of some sort and I think the ISS was expecting it, camera on infra red would probably show a lot more.”

Juliana Jaynes said: “How long is this going to go on? It is more than obvious there are ships EVERYWHERE.”

James Paul added: “That appears to be the same craft that’s been seen manoeuvring around the ISS and boosters heading to orbit.

“I believe it’s an anti-gravity craft that belongs to the USAF along with other craft of the same type only smaller.”



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China Joins the Search for Extraterrestrials

by David Cassel        December 10, 2017        (

• China is building the world’s most powerful radio telescope, with the hopes that it could find evidence for life on other planets. The five-hundred-meter (five football fields wide) Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (or FAST) will also be able to hear aircraft-radar waves. This is but one of a growing number of radio observatories in Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa that will cooperate on space research.

• What happens if the Chinese actually do hear something? International protocols require the disclosure of first contact, but this is a non-binding protocol. China could make such an alien signal a state secret.

• If we do get an alien signal, how should we reply? Stephen Hawking says that we should be wary of answering back at all. NASA has already been broadcasting signals out into space. The most recent was on September 5, 2017 which stated: “We offer friendship across the stars. You are not alone.”

• Quoting from the original article from The Atlantic, “No civilization could last tens of millions of years without learning to live in peace internally.” “Anyone we make contact with will almost certainly be older, and perhaps wiser.” “We may be humbled to one day find ourselves joined, across the distance of stars, to a more ancient web of minds, fellow travelers in the long journey of time.”


China is well underway on building the world’s most powerful radio telescope, with the hopes that it could find evidence for life on other planets, noted a new article in the Atlantic, “What Happens If China Makes First Contact?”

The facility’s chief scientist has pointed out proudly that “We look for not only television signals but also atomic bomb signals. We’ll give full play to our imaginations when processing the signals… as we don’t know what an alien is like.”

China’s Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (or FAST) will also be able to hear aircraft-radar waves, according to the Atlantic, or another “fading artifact of a civilization’s first blush with radio technology” in its ongoing search of “tens of thousands” of star systems.

The Atlantic describes the telescope, nestled in the Karst mountains, as “a radical expansion of the human search for the cosmic other.” The site’s senior science and technology editor ponders the massive human construct that would listen for aliens: “Five football fields wide, and deep enough to hold two bowls of rice for every human being on the planet, it was a genuine instance of the technological sublime.”

Of course, China isn’t the only country involved in the hunt for alien life. The article cites a growing number of radio observatories that will cooperate on research, including new space observatories in Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. Russian billionaire Yuri Milner also invested $100 million in a new program in 2015. The article suggests that through this ongoing effort, “we may come to know a new metaphysics,” as it reaches its grand conclusion. “We may be humbled to one day find ourselves joined, across the distance of stars, to a more ancient web of minds, fellow travelers in the long journey of time.”

The Atlantic piece argues that researchers from SETI Institute, an organization entirely dedicated to searching for life elsewhere in the universe, have taken the search to the next level, becoming “philosophers of the future.”

They have tried to imagine what technologies an advanced civilization might use, and what imprints those technologies would make on the observable universe. They have figured out how to spot the chemical traces of artificial pollutants from afar. They know how to scan dense star fields for giant structures designed to shield planets from a supernova’s shock waves.

Although not everyone is so optimistic we will find anyone out there…

The Fermi Paradox

The SETI Institute also has a whole page dedicated to “the Fermi Paradox,” named after the nuclear physicist “best remembered for building a working atomic reactor in a squash court.” Given the age of the universe — ample time for leaving some sign of existence — Fermi had asked the question: where is everybody? Why are there no signs, anywhere, of alien lifeforms, given this vast universe, and a vast scale of time?

Counter-arguments have been proposed — for example, that “early extinction could be the cosmic default for life in the universe” because the earliest habitable conditions for any planet also tend to be unstable. Another theory says we’re just too early in the dawn of the universe to see other advanced civilizations. Others argue we’re too late — that advanced civilizations invariably extinguish themselves. Or maybe the relics that aliens left behind are the laws of physics embedded in our reality.

There’s even been some discussion of a “postbiological artificial intelligence that had taken control of its planet.” (The Atlantic argues that “Maybe the self-replicating machinery required to spread rapidly across 100 billion stars would be doomed by runaway coding errors.”) And this is where theories become indistinguishable from science fiction.

It might have transformed its entire planet into a supercomputer, and, according to a trio of Oxford researchers, it might find the current cosmos too warm for truly long-term, energy-efficient computing. It might cloak itself from observation, and power down into a dreamless sleep lasting hundreds of millions of years, until such time when the universe has expanded and cooled to a temperature that allows for many more epochs of computing.

Famed Chinese science fiction writer Liu Cixin shares a similar theory with The Atlantic: that the absence of signals just means extraterrestrial civilizations are really good at hiding. An older civilization would, after all these years, surely know by now the risks of making contact. Cixin believes that no alien civilization would ever send a beacon — unless it was a “death monument” announcing their civilization’s impending extinction.

Can we even be sure we’d recognize signals from a civilization that’s had billions of more years to evolve?

And yet, we search…

Beyond Contact

So what happens if these researchers actually do hear something? First, there’s the prosaic answer. “International protocols require the disclosure of first contact,” reports The Atlantic. But then there’s an important caveat: these protocols “are nonbinding.”

Maybe China would go public with the signal but withhold its star of origin, lest a fringe group send Earth’s first response. Maybe China would make the signal a state secret. Even then, one of its international partners could go rogue. Or maybe one of China’s own scientists would convert the signal into light pulses and send it out beyond the great firewall, to fly freely around the messy snarl of fiber-optic cables that spans our planet.

But beyond that, there’s already a surprising amount of serious consideration being given to the inevitable follow-up question: if aliens do contact us, how should we reply? Science fiction writer Cixin advises humankind not to detail our own history to the aliens, because “It’s very dark. It might make us appear more threatening.” The Atlantic editor counters that aliens may already have spotted the flash of our atomic weapons, adding “The decision about whether to reveal our history might not be ours to make.”



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That Time the U.S. Navy Had a Close Encounter With a UFO

by Kyle Mizokami        December 18, 2017        (

• On December 16th, The New York Times reported an encounter that took place between the U.S. Navy and a pair of UFOs over the Pacific Ocean on November 14, 2004. Two twin-seater F/A-18F Super Hornets, top of the line aircraft in 2004, from the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz were flying 100 miles off the coast of San Diego when a nearby U.S. Navy guided missile cruiser, the USS Princeton, contacted the jets. “We’ve got a real-world vector for you,” the USS Princeton’s radio operator informed the pilots.

• The Princeton had been tracking these UFOs for two weeks. The objects would suddenly appear at 80,000 feet, and then hurtled toward the sea, eventually stopping at 20,000 feet and hovering. Then they either dropped out of radar range or shot straight back up.

• The Super Hornets flew to investigate the last known location of the object and to their surprise, found two objects. The first was large and just below the surface of the water, causing the water to churn. The second object hovered just 50 feet above the water, moving erratically, when it suddenly rose up and flew towards the Super Hornets. One of the Navy jets turned towards the object to meet it and the object peeled away, accelerating, “like nothing I’ve ever seen,” said the jet’s pilot.

• The two Super Hornets returned to the USS Nimitz and were replaced by a second flight of four more Super Hornets, this time bearing ‘Forward Looking Infrared’ (FLIR) sensor pods. The second flight of Super Hornets also encountered the wingless “capsule” shaped objects, ‘much larger than a submarine’.

• In the video (below) one of the pilots is heard saying, “there’s a whole fleet of them”, implying that there were more UFOs keeping their distance from the jet fighters.

• As there were a total of twelve U.S. Navy pilots and weapons system operators who saw the objects, it is not likely that this was a hoax.

[Editor’s Note]  This video was previously leaked a couple of months ago without the audio, but was released with the audio feed on December 16th, the same day that the NY Times reported that the Pentagon had admitted to conducting military research of UFO’s, which was revealed to the public through recently retired CIA chief, Luis Elizondo, and former CIA scientist, Harold E. Puthoff, both of whom quit to join Tom DeLonge’s UFO disclosure initiative ‘To the Stars Academy’.  They all but said they were going to do just this on October 11th in a live feed news conference.  Kudos to Tom DeLonge.


The New York Times on Saturday reported on a mysterious interaction between the U.S. Navy and what could only be called UFOs. The sighting, which took place in 2004, involved a U.S. Navy Aegis cruiser, seven Hornet and Super Hornet strike fighter jets, and a pair of unknown objects. The sighting, which was rumored but unsubstantiated for a decade remains unexplained to this day.

According to the Times, in 2004 two F/A-18F (twin seater) Super Hornets from the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz were flying 100 miles off the coast of San Diego when a nearby U.S. Navy guided missile cruiser, the USS Princeton, contacted them and asked what weapons they were carrying. The Super Hornets replied they were carrying dummy AIM-9 Sidewinder air-to-air missiles that could not be fired.

“Well, we’ve got a real-world vector for you,” replied the USS Princeton’s radio operator.

According to the Times: For two weeks, the operator said, the Princeton had been tracking mysterious aircraft. The objects appeared suddenly at 80,000 feet, and then hurtled toward the sea, eventually stopping at 20,000 feet and hovering. Then they either dropped out of radar range or shot straight back up.

The Super Hornets flew to investigate the last known location of the object and to their surprise, found two objects. The first was large and just below the surface of the water, causing the water to churn. The second object hovered just 50 feet above the water, moving erratically.

The second object suddenly rose up and flew towards the Super Hornets, with one pilot. Commander David Fravor, saying it appeared it was rising up to meet him. The Hornet turned towards the object to meet it and the object peeled away, accelerating, “like nothing I’ve ever seen,” Fravor later said.

The Super Hornets conferred with the USS Princeton and were vectored to a CAP point 60 miles away. Within seconds, the pilots were told by the Princeton that radar had picked up the object already at the CAP point. By the time the Super Hornets arrived however the object had already disappeared.

Meanwhile, the The Aviationist points to a 2007 post from Above Top Secret (a site for discussing classified government programs) that seems to describe the incident in greater detail. The posting appears to be an excerpt from Carrier Air Wing 11’s event summary for November 14, 2004.








There are several interesting details about the sighting here. For one, there were clearly two unidentified objects. The first was a large underwater object that was “much larger than a submarine.” For reference, the U.S. Virginia-class nuclear attack submarines are 377 feet long. The object also had some passing resemblance to a “downed airliner.” This was technically a USO, or unidentified swimming object. Although much rarer than UFOs, such craft have been sighted over the years.

We know a little more about the UFO itself. It is described as “wingless, white, and shaped like an oblong pill. It was 24-30 (40 in the NYT article) feet long and had no visible markings or glass. The USS Princeton was able to faintly track the “capsule” via its SPY-1B radar system, but the fighters were not able to get a radar lock on the object. The “capsule” was not only more maneuverable than the Hornets but also much faster —for it to have reached the CAP point ahead of the Navy fighters it would have had to have flown in excess of 2,400 miles an hour. According to, which published a detailed chronicle of the event in 2015, the object did not emit hot jet exhaust typical of ordinary aircraft.

The two Super Hornets returned to the USS Nimitz and were replaced by a second flight of four more Super Hornets, this time bearing Forward Looking Infrared (FLIR) sensor pods. The second flight of Super Hornets also encountered the “capsule”, but this time they got infrared video, which somehow made it to YouTube.

Interestingly, in the video one pilot says, “There’s a whole fleet of them. Look on the S.A.” This appears to be a reference to the Super Hornet’s synthetic aperture radar, which would have been scanning targets beyond visual range, implying that there were even more UFOs keeping their distance from the jet fighters.

While the incident is mysterious, it is pretty plainly not a hoax. The Department of Defense has released video of the unidentified object. The USS Princeton observed the UFO on radar, and six Super Hornets—twelve pilots and weapons system operators—saw the objects. (According to, which published an account of the incident in 2015, a seventh aircraft, a Marine F/A-18 was also involved.) The New York Times interviewed Commander Fravnor, who confirmed the incident took place.



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Strongest Possibility Yet for Life on Jupiter’s Moon Europa

by Paul Seaburn        December 7, 2017        (

• A recent discovery of tectonic activity on Jupiter’s moon, Europa, has Brown University assistant professor, Brandon Johnson, imagining whether this could stir up the pot enough to cultivate a life form or two there.

• Where the Earth’s tectonic plate shift around, or “subduct”, due to the molten mantle pushing upwards, it is speculated that the changes in permeation of salt in the waters and ice of Europa may cause ice sheets to subduct. And with this subduction, nutrients at the surface could be shoved down to provide nourishment for creatures under the moon’s oceans.

• Says Johnson, “Our work… implies that the plates will sink all the way to Europa’s subsurface ocean. This is important because material from the surface of Europa could act as food for life that may exist in Europa’s ocean.”


It’s a term that’s used too frequently and too lightly, but in this case it seems more than appropriate: “This could change everything.” ‘This’ is the discovery of tectonic plate movement on Jupiter’s moon, Europa. Those plates rubbing together under the moon’s frozen surface could move nutrients from the ice to the ocean believed to be beneath it, providing food to any life forms floating around down there. If life can exist deep underneath Antarctica, why not on Europa?

How do you get from plates moving to life existing? Good question. It starts at Brown University in Rhode Island where Brandon Johnson, an assistant professor in the Department of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences, was trying to figure out how tectonic plates could move without heat. That’s the key ingredient here on Earth where the cold dense plates slide underneath each other into the underlying hot mantle in a process known as subduction. Subduction zones on Earth have high rates of earthquakes and volcanoes that are both products and propagators of the process. The energy it created and released may have caused the chemical reactions that sparked life as well as the movements that stirred the waters and fed it nutrients.

But how can this work on frozen celestial bodies with no hot mantle? Johnson and his colleagues did what scientists do … created a model to figure out what would make ice plates move in the same way as rock plates. The simulations found that the secret ingredient was … pixie dust! Just kidding … it was salt. As salt melts it, an ice plate becomes less dense, causing it to rise so that a colder, more dense ice plate can slide under it. It then hits the warmer liquid in the ocean underneath the surface, melts to be come less dense and rises up again, causing further subduction.



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Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious U.F.O. Program

by Helene Cooper, Ralph Blumenthal, and Leslie Kean        December 16, 2017         (

 • Hidden in a $600 billion Pentagon budget in 2007 was $22 million set aside for the “Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program”. The program, run by military intelligence official, Luis Elizondo on the fifth floor of the Pentagon’s C Ring, was ‘defunded’ in 2012. But officials say that the program has secretly continued through the US Navy and the CIA.

• The UFO research program was initiated by Nevada Democrat, Harry Reid, who tapped long-time friend, Robert Bigelow of Bigelow Aerospace in Las Vegas, to run the program. In May 2017, Bigelow said on CBS’s “60 Minutes” that he was “absolutely convinced” that aliens exist, and that UFOs have visited Earth. But Reid said that UFO sightings were not often reported because military service members were afraid they would be laughed at or stigmatized.

• In 1947, the Air Force began to study UFOs, and in 1951 initiated the now infamous ‘Project Blue Book’ which ended in 1969, concluding that most sightings involved stars, clouds, conventional aircraft or spy planes, although 701 reports remained unexplained.

• “Internationally, we are the most backward country in the world on this issue,” Mr. Bigelow said in the CBS interview. Harold E. Puthoff, an engineer who also worked on the Pentegon program and has researched extrasensory perception for the CIA, agreed with Bigelow saying, “Our scientists are scared of being ostracized, and our media is scared of the stigma. China and Russia are much more open and work on this with huge organizations within their countries. Smaller countries like Belgium, France, England and South American countries like Chile are more open, too. They are proactive and willing to discuss this topic, rather than being held back by a juvenile taboo.”

• Both Elizondo and Puthoff have now quit the government and joined Tom DeLonge’s new UFO disclosure initiative ‘To the Stars Academy’, speaking publicly about their efforts and raising funding for UFO research. Elizondo said that the UFO phenomena does not seem to originate from any country. “That fact is not something any government or institution should classify in order to keep secret from the people.”

[Editor’s Note]  See 2:57 minute “tic tac” UFO video below.


WASHINGTON — In the $600 billion annual Defense Department budgets, the $22 million spent on the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program was almost impossible to find.

Which was how the Pentagon wanted it.

For years, the program investigated reports of unidentified flying objects, according to Defense Department officials, interviews with program participants and records obtained by The New York Times. It was run by a military intelligence official, Luis Elizondo, on the fifth floor of the Pentagon’s C Ring, deep within the building’s maze.

The Defense Department has never before acknowledged the existence of the program, which it says it shut down in 2012. But its backers say that, while the Pentagon ended funding for the effort at that time, the program remains in existence. For the past five years, they say, officials with the program have continued to investigate episodes brought to them by service members, while also carrying out their other Defense Department duties.

The shadowy program — parts of it remain classified — began in 2007, and initially it was largely funded at the request of Harry Reid, the Nevada Democrat who was the Senate majority leader at the time and who has long had an interest in space phenomena. Most of the money went to an aerospace research company run by a billionaire entrepreneur and longtime friend of Mr. Reid’s, Robert Bigelow, who is currently working with NASA to produce expandable craft for humans to use in space.

On CBS’s “60 Minutes” in May, Mr. Bigelow said he was “absolutely convinced” that aliens exist and that U.F.O.s have visited Earth.

Working with Mr. Bigelow’s Las Vegas-based company, the program produced documents that describe sightings of aircraft that seemed to move at very high velocities with no visible signs of propulsion, or that hovered with no apparent means of lift.

Officials with the program have also studied videos of encounters between unknown objects and American military aircraft — including one released in August of a whitish oval object, about the size of a commercial plane, chased by two Navy F/A-18F fighter jets from the aircraft carrier Nimitz off the coast of San Diego in 2004.

Mr. Reid, who retired from Congress this year, said he was proud of the program. “I’m not embarrassed or ashamed or sorry I got this thing going,” Mr. Reid said in a recent interview in Nevada. “I think it’s one of the good things I did in my congressional service. I’ve done something that no one has done before.”

Two other former senators and top members of a defense spending subcommittee — Ted Stevens, an Alaska Republican, and Daniel K. Inouye, a Hawaii Democrat — also supported the program. Mr. Stevens died in 2010, and Mr. Inouye in 2012.

While not addressing the merits of the program, Sara Seager, an astrophysicist at M.I.T., cautioned that not knowing the origin of an object does not mean that it is from another planet or galaxy. “When people claim to observe truly unusual phenomena, sometimes it’s worth investigating seriously,” she said. But, she added, “what people sometimes don’t get about science is that we often have phenomena that remain unexplained.”

James E. Oberg, a former NASA space shuttle engineer and the author of 10 books on spaceflight who often debunks U.F.O. sightings, was also doubtful. “There are plenty of prosaic events and human perceptual traits that can account for these stories,” Mr. Oberg said. “Lots of people are active in the air and don’t want others to know about it. They are happy to lurk unrecognized in the noise, or even to stir it up as camouflage.”

Still, Mr. Oberg said he welcomed research. “There could well be a pearl there,” he said.
In response to questions from The Times, Pentagon officials this month acknowledged the existence of the program, which began as part of the Defense Intelligence Agency. Officials insisted that the effort had ended after five years, in 2012.

“It was determined that there were other, higher priority issues that merited funding, and it was in the best interest of the DoD to make a change,” a Pentagon spokesman, Thomas Crosson, said in an email, referring to the Department of Defense.

But Mr. Elizondo said the only thing that had ended was the effort’s government funding, which dried up in 2012. From then on, Mr. Elizondo said in an interview, he worked with officials from the Navy and the C.I.A. He continued to work out of his Pentagon office until this past October, when he resigned to protest what he characterized as excessive secrecy and internal opposition.

“Why aren’t we spending more time and effort on this issue?” Mr. Elizondo wrote in a resignation letter to Defense Secretary Jim Mattis.


 Video shows a 2004 encounter near San Diego between two Navy F/A-18F fighter jets
and an unknown object. It was released by the Defense Department’s
Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program.
Published OnCreditImage by U.S Department of Defense



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George Adamski: “A Rather Comical Anarchist”

by Nick Redfern        December 8, 2017        (

[Editor’s Note] These uncovered government reports offer a glimpse of how lower-level FBI and military agents viewed the UFO contactee, George Adamski, revealing an emerging Cold War mentality of ridiculing anyone who believes in UFOs and the convenient assumption that the Soviets were behind everything.

• In 1959, Adamski visited New Zealand as a UFO speaker. A U.S. State Department Foreign Service embassy agent sent a report on Adamski’s activities to Washington D.C., the FBI, the CIA, the Air Force and the Navy. The report stated that Adamski’s lectures had been well-attended by upwards of 2200 people to hear him make his “pseudo-scientific arguments” and “men from Venus”, and was met with “incredulous murmuring” and audiences “totally unimpressed with his pictures of saucers”.

• While in New Zealand, Adamski also held meetings with smaller groups of “saucer enthusiasts”. Adamski hinted that the Russians had been helped by these “space people”.

• A letter from a civilian triggered another FBI report questioning whether Adamski was subtly spreading Russian propaganda through his “space people” lectures. Adamski touted the space people as having a better society than those found on the Earth. They have abolished churches, schools, money, and private property in favor of a central governing council, just like the communists.

• And since Adamski’s “space people” advocate that the U.S. stop its nuclear testing, and if attacked by technologically-advanced extraterrestrials, the people of Earth should lay down their arms and welcome their attackers, so it must be a Soviet plot.


There’s no doubt that the early-to-mid-1950s was the era in which the controversial UFO Contactee, George Adamski, was at his “height.” At least, in terms of popularity. By the late fifties, though, things weren’t quite so good. In early 1959, Adamski was invited to deliver a series of lectures in New Zealand: specifically in Wellington and Auckland. Notably, this lecture-tour was of interest to the world of government, and his presentations were clandestinely scrutinized by government operatives. A Foreign Service Dispatch of February 1959 was sent from the American Embassy in New Zealand to the Department of State in Washington, D.C., that summarized Adamski’s activities in New Zealand.

Also forwarded to the FBI, the CIA, the Air Force and the Navy, the report was titled “‘FLYING SAUCER’ EXPERT LECTURING IN NEW ZEALAND” and recorded the following: “Mr. George ADAMSKI, the Californian ‘flying saucer expert’ and author of the book Flying Saucers Have Landed and others, has been visiting New Zealand for the last two weeks. He has given well-attended public lectures in Auckland and Wellington as well as meetings with smaller groups of ‘saucer’ enthusiasts. In Wellington his lecture filled the 2,200 seats in the Town Hall. He was not permitted to charge for admission as the meeting was held on a Sunday night, but a ‘silver coin’ collection was taken up and this would more than recoup his expenses.”

The 2,000-plus people in attendance may have been impressed, but staff from the American Embassy certainly were not: “Adamski’s lectures appear to cover the usual mass of sighting reports, pseudo-scientific arguments in support of his theories and his previously well-publicized ‘contacts’ with saucers and men from Venus. He is repeating his contention that men from other planets are living anonymously on the earth and, according to the press, said in Auckland that there may be as many as 40,000,000 of these in total. He is also making references to security restrictions and saying that the US authorities know a lot more than they will tell.”

In an amusing part of the document we are told: “The report of Adamski’s lecture in Wellington in The Dominion was flanked by an article by Dr. I.L. THOMPSON, Director of the Carter Observatory, vigorously refuting Adamski on a number of scientific points. However, the news report of the lecture called it ‘the best Sunday night’s entertainment Wellington has seen for quite a time.’”

Moving on, there is this: “Interest in flying saucers in New Zealand seems to be roughly comparable to that in the United States. There is a small but active organization which enthusiasts have supported for some years. This organization publishes a small paper and receives and circulates stories of sightings. At the Adamski lecture in Wellington, approximately 40 members of the ‘Adamski Corresponding Society’ wore blue ribbons and sat in reserved seats in the front row. Press reports suggest that Adamski probably is making no new converts to saucer credence in his current tour. His audiences have given forth with a certain amount of ‘incredulous murmuring’ and are said to be totally unimpressed with his pictures of saucers.”

Almost twelve months on, Adamski was yet again the topic of FBI interest when an unidentified American citizen offered an opinion that Adamski was using the UFO controversy as a means to promote communism. In a report on the affair, the FBI recorded the following: “[Censored] said that in recent weeks she and her husband had begun to wonder if Adamski is subtly spreading Russian propaganda. She said that, according to Adamski, the ‘space people’ are much better people than those on earth; that they have told him the earth is in extreme danger from nuclear tests and that they must be stopped; that they have found peace under a system in which churches, schools, individual governments, money, and private property were abolished in favor of a central governing council, and nationalism and patriotism have been done away with; that the ‘space people’ want nuclear tests stopped immediately and that never should people on earth fight; if attacked, they should lay down their arms and welcome their attackers.
“[Censored] said the particular thing that first made her and her husband wonder about Adamski was a letter they received from him dated 10/12/59, in which it was hinted that the Russians receive help in their outer space programs from the ‘space people’, and that the ‘space people’ will not help any nation unless such nation has peaceful intent. It occurred to them that the desires and recommendations of the ‘space people’ whom Adamski quotes are quite similar to Russia’s approach, particularly as to the ending of nuclear testing, and it was for this reason she decided to call the FBI.”

From then on – as far as can be determined, at least – the worlds of the FBI and Adamski never again crossed paths; he died in 1965. All of the above demonstrates that Adamski and his claims provoked a great deal of commentary and controversy – and for wildly and widely varying reasons. Some years ago I interviewed Colin Bennett, the author of the Adamski-themed book, Looking for Orthon. I asked Bennett for his specific thoughts on why Adamski seemed to attract all kinds of attention. Bennett told me:
“Back in 1952, the FBI regarded Adamski as little more than a pop-eyed hippy nut case. He was, however, beginning to get a certain following, and he was watched as much later, John Lennon, Timothy Leary, Andrija Puharich, and Wilhelm Reich were watched. We can assume all possible cult followers, right up to the present day are taken note of in a similar manner. The flying saucer bit probably did not interest the FBI at all, even if they knew, cared, or understood anything about such things. On the other hand, they might well have been interested in Adamski’s racial and near-Nazi views. He did not make a big thing of such opinions, but he certainly voiced them after the War, at a time when hundreds of thousands of American dead were fresh in the memory, and that could not have gone down well.”



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US Military Testing Mood-Altering Brain Implants on Soldiers

by Paul Seaburn       November 30, 2017        (

• The scientific journal, Nature, reports that researchers have announced at a recent meeting of the Society for Neuroscience in Washington DC that two DARPA-funded research projects are perfecting the mapping and implanting of a computer chip algorithm into the human brain to recognize and control mood shifts.

• They claim that it will provide a new and effective way to treat soldiers and veterans with severe depression and post-traumatic stress disorder.

• One research team is located at the University of California, San Francisco and the other at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. The California team says that they’ve already tested this brain stimulation on humans.

• What else will these brain stimulators to control or modify in human soldiers? [Editor’s Note] Is the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) creating super soldiers and super spies for the military and the CIA?


“Mood-altering brain implants.”

What part of that sounds good? Throw in “US military,” and “testing on soldiers” and you have the plot of a dystopian movie. Unfortunately, you also have news this week that this is real and tests have already begun. Does the fact that its purported purpose is to eventually treat mental disorders that no other therapies can help make you feel any better?

While this type of brain implant has been discussed for years, previous attempts to alter moods with implanted computer chips have failed. That’s not the case with these latest experiments, according to a new report in the journal Nature on a presentation made by researchers last week at the Society for Neuroscience (SfN) meeting in Washington DC. Two different projects are being funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) for the purpose of providing new and more effective treatment for treating soldiers and veterans with severe depression or post-traumatic stress disorder.
Neuroscientist Edward Chang from the University of California, San Francisco, heads the team that is mapping the brain activities caused by moods and mood changes in six epileptics. The map will allow them to create a chip with an algorithm that recognizes oncoming mood shifts and sends signals to control them. Chang claims they’ve already tested this brain stimulation on humans.

The second team from Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston is mapping the brain activity related to behaviors in people with multiple mental disorders. Their goal is to use the maps to develop algorithms to recognize problem behaviors (like distraction) caused by the illnesses and deliver brain stimulations to direct the person to more appropriate behaviors. They are currently looking for test subjects.

The researchers feel that this new type of mood and behavior altering via chip implants will work where others have failed because the mapping will allow them to personalize and pinpoint the electrical stimulations. On the downside, they still need a way to precisely measure the brain impulses so they don’t over-stimulate the person into states of extreme happiness or worse mental illness.



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Victor Viggiani Interview on Global News Toronto AM640


US Pentagon UFO Investigation

Media Release for Immediate Distribution

Toronto ZNN – Much has been covered recently on what can only be described as a serious and potential DISCLOSURE EVENT by the US government. This includes stunning F/A-18 jet videos of an anomalous object vetted and declassified by the US Department of Defence and news about a $22 million Pentagon UFO investigation program from 2007 to 2012. Although there have been reports of this program being shelved – some reports indicate investigations of UFOs continues.

This news has been covered by the Washington Post – the NY TimesCNNMSNBC and a growing myriad of international news outlets. Although the coverage of this release has been comprehensive – none of the news media outlets has had the acuity to ask the dominant questions about what the geo-political implications of this event are.

Victor Viggiani in this 10 minute interview gets to the heart of the matter. At the time of this publication – no comment as yet has been issued by the White House or any US officials. 

Listen to Victor Viggiani – News Director of the ZlandCommunications NewsNetwork and his assessment of this stunning and unexpected turn of events by the US government.

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