Washington State Fusion Center Accidentally Releases Records on Remote Mind Control

Curtis Waltman            April 18, 2018               (muckrock.com)

  • In response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by MuckRock, an on-line, not-for-profit organization that researches and shares government documents, to Washington State Fusion Center in regard to an investigation into Antifa and white supremacist groups, the Center accidentally included a zip file titled “EM effects on human body”.

  • This document file turned out to be about the effect of electromagnetic/psych-electronic “weapons” on people, such as reading one’s mind, causing intense pain, severe itching, and ‘remote brain mapping’. In other words, this is about remote mind control on humans.

  • This doesn’t appear to be governmental documents. Some documents reveal no source whatsoever, others provide nebulous sources that cannot be found. So it is unclear how this document file wound up in this FOIA response.  When the WSFC was called for an explanation, they didn’t return the call.

  • [Editor’s Note] What this reveals is that remote mind control experimentation and implementation does exist, most probably on unwilling human subjects.  See creepy examples of these documents in the original article.


When you send thousands of FOIA requests, you are bound to get some very weird responses from time to time. Recently, we here at MuckRock had one of our most bizarre gets yet – Washington State Fusion Center’s accidental release of records on the effects of remote mind control.

As part of my ongoing project looking at fusion centers’ investigations into Antifa and various white supremacist groups, I filed a request with the WSFC. I got back many standard documents in response, including emails, intelligence briefings and bulletins, reposts from other fusion centers – and then there was one file titled “EM effects on human body.zip.”

Hmmm. What could that be? What does EM stand for and what is it doing to the human body? So I opened it up and took a look:

Hell yeah, dude.

EM stands for electromagnetic. What you are looking at here is “psycho-electronic” weapons that purportedly use electromagnetism to do a wide variety of horrible things to people, such as reading or writing your mind, causing intense pain, “rigor mortis,” or most heinous of all, itching.

Now to be clear, the presence of these records (which were not created by the fusion center, and are not government documents) should not be seen as evidence that DHS possesses these devices, or even that such devices actually exist. Which is kind of unfortunate because “microwave hearing” is a pretty cool line of technobabble to say out loud.


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What Is Nibiru Cataclysm? Bogus Theory About Fake Planet Destroying Earth

by Himanshu Goenka               April 13, 2018                 (ibtimes.com)

• The theory of a large planetary object called Nibiru that will either pass very close to or collide with Earth have persisted since 1995 when Nancy Lieder, a Wisconsin woman who claimed to be in contact with the Zetas, an ET group from the Zeta Reticuli star system, said that Nibiru, aka ‘Planet X’, would pass through the inner solar system in May 2003 causing mayhem on Earth. But Leider was also wrong in declaring that the comet Hale-Bopp was actually a distant star. Any such rogue planet four times the size of the Earth has yet to be detected by the most advanced scientific instruments.

• In a 1976 book by Zecharia Sitchin, Sitchen related that according to Sumerian mythology, the planet Nibiru had a long, elliptical 3,600-year orbit around the sun and would soon be traveling through our inner solar system. Believers pegged the arrival of Nibiru as December 21, 2012 to coincide with the ending of the Mayan calendar.

• When Nibiru didn’t arrive in 2012, “Christian numerologist” David Meade claimed that the actual date of Nibiru’s arrival would be Sept. 23, 2017. Then he said it would be a month later in October 2017. Now Meade says that the big day is April 23, 2018. (If you’re reading this post, it didn’t happen.)

• Any theory of a massive planet headed toward Earth has been rejected by space agencies the world over, including NASA. (Not that this means anything.)

[Editor’s Note] The existence of a distant brown dwarf sun along with its orbiting planet ‘Nibiru’ that is in orbit with our central Sun, and the theory that this brown dwarf star would soon travel through the inner solar system are two different things. If this brown dwarf star was going to plow through the inner solar system in the near future, it would be seen by every amateur astronomer on Earth by now. Much of the ancient Sumerian tablet translations made by Zecharia Sitchin has been debunked including a visit from the dreaded Wormwood planet. But this doesn’t mean that such a brown dwarf star doesn’t exist. It may be too dark to see. And it may be accompanied by the planet Nibiru, home to the evil and manipulative Anunnaki civilization.


Theories about the imminent advent of doomsday — when humanity, all life on Earth, or the planet itself — will perish are not new, but in recent years, few have appeared as frequently as those associated with Nibiru. This theory, in its current version, claims a large planetary object (called Nibiru) will either collide with Earth or pass very close to it, effectively causing large-scale destruction, and that this would happen sometime in the early 21st century.

Like all bogus pseudoscience, the Nibiru cataclysm theory has evolved since it was first presented in 1995, its believers constantly shifting the predicted date for doomsday after the earlier date had passed. The credit for coming up with the first iteration of the theory goes to Nancy Lieder, a Wisconsin woman, who claimed aliens from the Zeta Reticuli star system (the binary star system is very real, located about 39 light-years away) communicated with her using an implant in her brain.

Lieder calls herself the “emissary” of the Zetas, the aliens who supposedly singled her out for that role, and runs a website to relay to Earthlings what the extraterrestrials have to say. She claimed a planet-like object, called Planet X, would pass through the inner solar system in May 2003, and that it would cause a slowdown or stoppage of Earth’s rotation, leading to a shift of the poles and ensuing dangerous conditions on the planet.

That Lieder’s information, whether it comes from Zetas or her imagination, is not accurate is clear, given her other outlandish claims, such as Hale-Bopp not being a comet but a distant star. So her description of Planet X (which has been theorized by some astronomers but is yet to be detected by the most advanced scientific instruments we have) as being four time the size of Earth are highly dubious, at best.

Watch this 4:05 minute video – “The Truth About Nibiru” (2011)


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North Texas UFO Sightings Date Back 140 Years

by Donna Hunt             April 3, 2018              (heralddemocrat.com)

• In January 1878, the Denison Daily News (Denison, Texas) ran an article on a farmer living some six miles north of Dallas named John Martin who saw a dark object high in the sky while out hunting one morning. It was the size of an orange and as it moved toward him it continued to grow in size until it was nearly over his head. Martin was quoted as saying, “[it] had increased considerably in size as it went through space at what he called ‘a wonderful speed’.” When it was directly over him, it was about the size of a large ‘saucer’. It the sped away as quickly as it had come. This may have been the first published account of a UFO sighting.

• Five years earlier, in June 1873 in Bonham, Texas (also north of Dallas), a farmer looked up from his work to see what looked like an enormous flying snake, banded with brilliant yellow swipes, writhing and twisting in the sky above him in broad daylight. It then disappeared quickly to the east. Many townspeople saw the UFO with most of them running indoors or diving under their wagons. The object circled Bonham twice then vanished out of sight. Twenty-four hours later, a UFO of the same description was sighted over Fort Scott, Kansas.

• On the morning of April 17, 1897 in Aurora, Texas (northwest of Dallas), a spaceship was seen approaching from the southwest. It crashed into a windmill and broke into pieces. It was said that the sole occupant of the spaceship perished in the crash. Aurora citizens saw for themselves what was described as a “small being, not of this world”, badly disfigured. The “Martian pilot”, or “Ned the Martian”, was buried in the local cemetery with a headstone that became the target of pranksters and souvenir hunters.

• In May of 1981, Denison, Texas resident, Jim Shelton saw a “cigar-like shaped” UFO with green and yellow pulsating lights and fire streaming from the rear.

• In 1953, a long-range, early warning radar technician at Perrin Air Force Base (in northern Texas on the Oklahoma border) saw a huge blip in the New York area. Air Force bases in Denver and Salt Lake City confirmed the anomaly. F-86 fighters were ordered to intercept and destroy the UFO. The UFO was traveling south from Oklahoma toward Dallas as fighter jets zeroed in on the object. Suddenly the object stopped, turned northwest and sped away at a terrific speed.

• Afterward, a group of about eight men in civilian suits and fourteen uniformed armed guards came into the Perrin AFB radar hut, separated the radar technicians and took each of them at gunpoint to a hangar on the back side of the field where they were interrogated for four hours. They each drew diagrams of what they saw and wrote a narrative of everything that took place. They had to sign a document that threatened them with a $10,000 fine and 10 years in prison for violating the Official Secrets Act. The former technician (who would be in his 90’s or older now, if living) said the “fear of God” was put into them to never talk about it to anyone.


Back in 2005 when I told my husband I was going to write a column on unidentified flying objects, he told me not to do it because it would open a real can of worms. He was so smart. Today when I pulled my UFO file out of the cabinet, it is at least an inch thick.

But here goes again. This morning, I read an article by Dana Branham in The Dallas Morning News about a Dallas lawyer looking for a gravestone for a Martian named Ned that had been stolen from a cemetery in Aurora, Texas. It rang a bell.

Sure enough, about half the articles in my file contain information, not about a gravestone, but about a sighting in January 1878 in the Denison Daily News. That’s pretty close to the April 1897 date that Ned, the Martian is supposed to have crashed his spaceship in Aurora, northwest of Dallas.

An early day article in The Denison Herald questioned whether the 1878 sighting could have been the first printed report of a UFO sighting that took place, quoting John Martin, a farmer living some six miles north of Dallas, who said on a Tuesday morning, while he was out hunting, his attention was directed to a dark object high up in the northern sky.

He said the peculiar shape and the velocity with which the object seemed to approach riveted his attention and he trained his eyes to discover its character. He said it was about the size of an orange and continued to grow in size. After watching it for some time he said he became blind from long-looking and left off viewing it for a time to rest his eyes. When he resumed looking, the object was almost overhead, he said, and had increased considerably in size as it went through space at what he called “a wonderful speed.”

When it was directly over him, it was about the size of a large saucer or as he could judge at such a distance, a balloon that seemed to him to be the most reasonable solution of the strange phenomenon. It left as quickly as it had appeared and he soon lost sight in the southern sky Martin said.

This “saucer” hadn’t yet been associated with UFOs and wouldn’t become a part of the UFO craze for almost 75 years. But unexplained objects high up in the sky have been around a lot longer that that, at least in the North Texas sky.

Bonham in Fannin County had a sighting even before the 1878 one in Denison. According to an Internet timetable of the “unexplained.” In 1873, it is said that a huge cigar-shaped object swooped low over Bonham on two occasions in broad daylight then disappeared quickly to the east.

A Bonham farmer in June of that year said he looked up from his work and was astonished by what looked like an enormous flying snake, banded with brilliant yellow swipes, writhing and twisting in the sky above him.

Another Internet article titled “Serpents in the Sky,” went into greater detail about the “sighting.” It related that in broad daylight a fast moving object appeared in the sky southwest of Bonham. The people there first stared at it, not believing their eyes. It is believed that they may have seen drifting balloons before, but this was so large and traveling so fast that it was almost a blur, according to the article.

The story goes that farmers were so scared that they dived under their wagons and towns people ran inside. Only a few of the braver were said to have stood their ground and watched as the object circled Bonham twice then vanished. Some said the object was round and others said oval to cigar shaped. Twenty-four hours later, a device of the same description was sighted over Fort Scott, Kansas.



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Manitoba UFO Encounter Memorialized on New Coin

by Scott Billeck          April 3, 2018           (calgaryherald.com)

• In 1967, Stefan Michalak was out searching for precious metals on May Long weekend near Falcon Lake in Whiteshell Provincial Park, in Manitoba, Canada, when he came upon a UFO sitting on the ground. It melted his glove when he touched it. When the UFO flew away, Michalak was thrown back to the ground from a blast of hot air or gas, leaving Michalak with third-degree burns on his chest in a grid-like pattern. (see photo image below)

• The Royal Canadian Mint has made a $20 coin to commemorate Michalak’s encounter, known as the Falcon Lake Incident. The coin (pictured above) is egg-shaped and features a bucolic image of  Falcon Lake with Michalak in the foreground.  When a black light is shined on the front of the coin it enhances the UFO and reveals a yellow light beaming down from it.  (A black light flashlight comes with the coin.)  The back of the coin depicts Queen Elizabeth. A total of 4,000 of these coins will be minted and cost collectors $129.95 each.  (As of April 9th they were sold out.)

The Royal Canadian Mint is releasing the new $20 coin to commemorate the province’s most famous encounter with an unidentified flying object more than 50 years ago.

In 1967, Stefan Michalak was out searching for precious metals on May Long weekend near Falcon Lake in Whiteshell Provincial Park.

What he found wasn’t gold or silver, but something far more interesting.

The story goes that Michalak stumbled across the UFO during his excursion. Michalak reported burns after he touched the UFO, which melted the gloves he was wearing. When the UFO flew away, Michalak was thrown backward onto the ground from a blast of hot air or gas, leaving Michalak with third-degree burns on his chest in a grid-like pattern.

Michalak on his back and the UFO hovering over his body is the scene that is depicted on the front side of the coin.

                   Stefan Michalak with
           grid pattern burn on his torso


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QAnon on the Rothschilds & Satanism – Trump’s Secret Alliance with Putin

In Part 1, I analyzed QAnon posts identifying the puppet masters behind the Deep State – the Rothschild family, House of Saud, and George Soros – and the enormous financial resources at their disposal. To achieve control at a global level, the three puppet masters coordinate their efforts through different functions they respectively exercise.

QAnon referred to a cult led by the Rothschild family which has been a critical part of this global control system. In a November 11, 2017 post, QAnon succinctly described the chief characteristics of the worldwide cult:

QAnon is telling us that the puppet masters, the Rothschilds, Saudis and Soros are Satan worshippers. At the apex of this Satanic cult are the Rothschilds, according to QAnon.

It’s worth repeating from Part 1 that Dr. Deagle told us about Guy De Rothschild being the Pindar, CEO of Earth in 1992, which I discussed in more detail in an earlier article. This corroborates what QAnon revealed about the Rothschilds being the leaders of a cult followed by the puppet masters.

Prior to his death in 2007, Guy De Rothschild arranged for leadership of the Rothschild family to be passed on to his son, David Rene de Rothschild, in 2003. Recently,, David de Rothschild announced on April 17, 2018 that leadership of various Rothschild companies would in turn be passed on to his son, Alexandre de Rothschild.

According to what QAnon and Deagle have revealed, it can be concluded that the role of Pindar (Satanic cult leader) had passed on from Guy to David de Rothschild, and that Alexandre is being groomed to take over the position at some point.

QAnon refers to a temple on Epstein’s island with underground levels that the Satan worshiping Rothschilds, Saudis and Soros, along with their followers and compromised politicians, regularly visit. Compromised politicians include the Clintons, who are deeply involved in events at Epstein’s island as evidenced by Bill Clinton’s frequent visits there – 26 of which have been documented in flight logs.

QAnon refers to how the Clintons were compromised by Soros, and how evil they became through their association with the Rothschilds:

What kind of “EVIL” activities are performed Epstein’s island, the Rothschild’s Black Forrest estate, and other locations like Bohemian Grove, California?

QAnon said that the Saudis are in control of sex and child trafficking. There are multiple witnesses that describe Satanic ceremonies that involve child sacrifice. John DeCamp, a former state senator for Nebraska, wrote The Franklin Coverup: Child Abuse, Satanism and Murder in Nebrask (1992), which provides the most well documented and researched book detailing child abuse and ritual sacrifice at Satanic events all over the United States.


In an article where he summarized multiple interviews with children who survived the abuse and Satanic ceremonies, De Camp wrote:

The essence of the story the children told, was that they were used in a coordinated ring of child abuse. When I say child abuse, I don’t mean the traditional child abuse that social workers yak about, but serious, big league abuse of children. They are used as drug couriers, as sexual objects to compromise this or that politician or businessman. They are used in the most gross fashion possible, including ritual murder and things like that. I am talking about the most unbeliev­able things, which I still have difficulty believing. But having seen enough evidence, I know they exist, in an organized fashion, and not committed by the sleazes in the bars and the guys in the alley. I’m talking about the most prominent of citizens, the most respectable.

De Camp gave an example in his book, of how young children are exploited at Satanic ceremonies held at private locations such as Bohemian Grove:

Paul was taken by Larry King [not the talk show host] and others to a wooded area in California – identified after publication as the Bohemian Grove. There Paul and another boy were forced to do sex acts with and to consume parts of a child whom they had watched being murdered by the cultists. The body was to be disposed of by “the men with the hoods.

I now return to the last comment in QAnon’s November 11, 2017 post:

“Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan”.

Here QAnon is signaling that President Putin is fully aware of the Satanism practiced by the puppet masters – Rothschilds, Saudis, and Soros – and that there is secret coordination between U.S. military intelligence and Putin in responding to the Deep State.

This is why Russia has repeatedly stood down its military forces despite U.S. military provocations in Syria, Ukraine, and elsewhere in Russia’s sphere of influence. Putin knows that the Deep State is intent on fomenting World War III.

Putin is also well aware that the Deep State has been pressuring Trump from the beginning of his administration, and now blackmailing Trump through material acquired from the Cohen raid. Nevertheless, Putin/Russia and Trump/US military intelligence are coordinating to prevent any military clashes that could quickly escalate out of control due to deep state actors embedded within each of their administrations.

This scenario is corroborated by a comment given by Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, who said in an April 20 interview:

Speaking about risks of a military confrontation, I am 100 percent sure that [both the US and Russian] militaries won’t allow this, and of course neither will President [Vladimir] Putin or President [Donald] Trump.

QAnon’s revelations have been very helpful in understanding the puppet masters behind the Deep State, their connection to a Satanic cult that has compromised political systems in the U.S. and around the world, and how Trump and U.S. military intelligence are secretly coordinating with Putin’s Russia to deal with these multifaceted challenges.

Back to Part 1.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

QAnon on the Rothschild, Saudi & Soros Puppet Masters behind the Deep State

There has been a number of important developments within the U.S. that indicate how ferocious the behind the scenes battle has become between President Donald Trump and senior Deep State officials embedded within the Federal bureaucracy. The most telling struggle involves the April 9, 2018 FBI raid on Trump’s long time personal attorney Michael Cohen, and the Federal Judge appointed to hear Cohen’s case.

It’s worth highlighting that after the early morning raid on Cohen, that same evening, Trump was visited by U.S. military leaders in a powerful show of support emphasizing that they had his back despite his immediate concern over what the raid could mean for the Trump business empire. Significantly, they were photographed with 9 assembled on his right and 11 on his left, in a veiled reference to 911 being a false flag attack known by the military to have been orchestrated by the Deep State.

As pointed out in a previous article, QAnon is a group of U.S. military intelligence officials working with the Trump administration to expose the Deep State, and to dismantle its hold over the U.S. political system. In 2015, Trump was recruited by this group of military officials to prevent a coup d’etat , according to best-selling political author Dr Jerome Corsi and others.

It was this group of military intelligence officials that neutralized a number of secret Deep State efforts to stop Trump from being inaugurated after his surprise November 8, 2016 election victory. These efforts have been meticulously detailed in Corsi’s book, Killing the Deep State.

The raid on Trump’s personal attorney marked a dramatic escalation in the Deep State’s efforts to undermine the Trump administration. The raid almost certainly provided the Deep State with damaging material about his business empire that could be used to blackmail Trump despite the support he continues to receive from U.S. military intelligence.

The raid on Cohen occurred less than 24 hours after the April 8 false flag event was orchestrated in Syria, which pinned the blame for a chemical weapons attack on the Assad regime. It’s highly likely that the Deep State demanded that Trump attack Syria to forestall incriminating material being made public and/or his business empire being scrutinized.

Consequently, the limited missile strike on April 14 was carefully planned by Trump and U.S. military intelligence to satisfy Deep State demands, while avoiding any direct confrontation with Russian forces that could precipitate World War III, either in Syria, or later in Iran. Furthermore, President Putin of Russia was made fully aware of Trump’s quandary and chose not to retaliate against U.S. military forces responsible for the missile strike.

So who is behind the Deep State? Who are the puppet masters? And what role does President Putin play in helping Trump deal with the Deep State’s puppet masters?

According to QAnon, we need to follow the money trail to begin getting answers to these questions. In a November 11, 2017 post, QAnon declared:

It’s worth beginning with the oldest of this list of puppet masters – the Rothschilds whose influence dates back to their successful financing of the British Empire in the Napoleonic wars. Due to the Rothschild family’s astute judgement in loaning funds to the British and other Monarchical opponents of Napoleon, they became fabulously wealthy after Napoleon’s defeat.

The Rothschilds were also rewarded by their grateful monarchical debtors with national honors and aristocratic titles that quickly elevated key family members into public prominence throughout the 19th century.

QAnon’s estimate of the Rothshild family’s cumulative wealth coincides with the upper range of Investopedia’s estimate of between $350 billion to US$2 trillion, as of March 2016. The lower range of many official estimates are false, according to QAnon, the true net wealth of the Rothschilds is closer to $2 trillion.

Similarly, Investopedia estimates that the House of Saud’s wealth is close to $1.4 trillion, but QAnon is telling us that it is closer to $4 trillion. Given the size of the Saudi Royal family; 15,000 members, with 2000 holding the most power and wealth, the cumulative wealth may in fact be much closer to QAnon’s estimate.

When it comes to George Soros wealth, the official estimate of $24 billion, is once again, much lower than what QAnon is telling us.

As a successful hedge fund manager, however, Soros controls far more than his personal worth, placing the total assets he controls closer to the $1 trillion claimed by QAnon.

So how does the Rothschild family, along with the House of Saud and George Soros, use their enormous accumulated wealth of $7 trillion to pull the financial purse strings of politicians and national elites all over the world?

QAnon provided an answer in a December 7, 2017 post describing how the finances of the Rothschilds, Saudis and Soros are used for complementary world-wide control functions:

The reference to the Rothschilds as “cult leaders” and exercising influence over the church is highly significant. In 1832, the Rothschild loaned money to the Vatican, which led to the Rothschilds gaining great influence over the church through its dependence on international financing. A  dependence which has had a corrupting influence on the Church, as pointed out by researchers such as Dr. Paul Williams, author of Operation Gladio: The Unholy Alliance between the Vatican, the CIA, and the Mafia.

In addition, the Rothschild family has a controlling interest in a vast network of central and private banks, which gives them enormous global influence. Predictably, this financial influence can be used to manipulate politicians all over the planet through campaign contributions. This is the foundation for the Rothshild’s worldwide government control, as QAnon tells us.

What gives credence to QAnon’s reference to the cult and financial power of the Rothschilds is Dr. Bill Deagle, a former physician with U.S. Space Command, who was mysteriously approached by Guy De Rothschild, who claimed to be the “Pindar”, the CEO of Earth Inc.

De Rothschild displayed enormous occult powers according to Deagle, corroborating QAnon’s reference to the Rothschilds as cult leaders. What kind of cult then is he referring to? I will return to this question in Part 2, after examining the functions QAnon ascribes to the other two puppet masters, House of Saud and George Soros.

In his December 7, 2017 post, QAnon referred to Saudia Arabia (SA) as being in control of oil technology, sex trafficking of children, US/UK politicians and major technology companies.  

It is not all that surprising that the House of Saud is listed by QAnon as a puppet master, since it has accumulated enormous wealth (officially US$1.4 trillion) due to the oil reserves that it has controlled for decades in Saudi Arabia. Importantly, QAnon is telling us that the House of Saud has used its wealth to secretly control the U.S. and British political systems through campaign contributions and outright bribery.

This is perhaps nowhere better illustrated than in the September 11, 2001 attacks where 16 of the 19 hijackers were Saudi citizens, yet it was Afghanistan rather than Saudi Arabia that was invaded by the U.S. and its NATO allies!

A subsequent 911 Commission Report authorized by the U.S. Congress, which was released in 2002, hid the Saudi involvement by classifying 28 pages. It was only on July 15, 2016 that the Commission’s classified pages were publicly released with details of the Saudi officials involved, which included its then Ambassador to the U.S. Prince Bandar, who funded at least two of the hijackers.  

Arguably, it was this release that led to the extraordinary events in Saudi Arabia in early November 2017, where Crown Prince Muhammed bin Salman jailed prominent members of the Royal Family and senior Saudi officials for corruption. Those arrested included Prince Bandar, the most senior of the Saudi officials implicated in the 911 attacks.

It appears that Prince Salman took preemptive action to clear the way for the truth about 911 eventually being made public by jailing and shaming Saudi officials implicated in the false flag attack. 

Additionally, QAnon tells us that Saudi Arabia has been long linked to child and sex trafficking. What are the children used for? Aside from the obvious sex and labor abuses, this raises the more troubling practice of child sacrifice. I will return to this when the Rothschild cult leadership issue is discussed in Part 2.

This takes us the third of the puppet masters identified by QAnon.

George Soros is best known for having successfully bet against the British Pound in 1992, and making approximately US$2 billion in the process. If Soros’ cumulative wealth, through his hedgefund is close to $1 trillion, along with secret coordination with the Rothschild and Saudi family, then it becomes easy to understand how Soros could have successfully opposed the Bank of England in his currency speculation.

Soros, according to QAnon, is responsible for manipulating public opinion in directions favored by the Deep State. Through his Open Society Foundation, Soros has been involved in secretly funding dissidents and political opponents that have led to mass movements that have toppled many political regimes.

In addition to his prominent role in toppling Eastern European communist states, Soros’ Open Society played a prominent role in the Arab Spring movement, and more recently in catalyzing mass domestic opposition to the election of Donald Trump.

Slush funds have been created and cleverly used to fund “progressive” organizations that serve Deep State agendas in the U.S. This became clear in July 2017, when the Department of Justice under Jeff Sessions began an investigation of slush funds generated from corporate penalties ordered by judges in Federal lawsuits. These funds were being directed to “progressive organizations” opposed to the Trump administration.

Finally, it’s important to point out that the judge appointed to oversee the case involving Michael Cohen is U.S. District Judge Kimba Wood, who officiated at George Soros’ wedding in 2013. Judge Kimba’s close relationship with Soros clearly points to her being a Deep State asset who has been placed in this important position to  directly threaten the Trump business empire.

Now that the enormous financial assets controlled by the Rothchilds, Saudis, and puppet masters, Soros has been examined, now I can return to QAnon’s claim that the Rothschild are the head of a worldwide cult.

Continued in Part 2.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

How Quantum Entanglement May Be the Key to ‘Long Distance’ Space Travel

by Arjun Walia           April 2, 2018           (collective-evolution.com)

• Professor Howard Wiseman and his team of researchers at the University of Tokyo recently verified an experiment devised by the Griffith University’s Centre for Quantum Dynamics and published the results in the journal Nature Communications. They split a single photon and each half was monitored by two separate laboratories, kilometers apart. Action taken upon one particle would cause a simultaneous reaction in the other particle.

• Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher explains the phenomenon in that everything is connected, everything in the universe is one. The result is the instantaneous transfer of information. If all points in space are connected, that means vast distances between places are simply an illusion.

• Ben Rich, the director of Lockheed Skunkwork’s from 1975-1991, was asked how UFO propulsion worked. He said, “Let me ask you. How does ESP work?” The questioner responded with, “All points in time and space are connected?” Rich then said, “That’s how it works!”

• This “quantum entanglement” challenges Einstein’s theory of relativity. But Ben Rich noted that, “There is an error in the equations. We know what it is. We now have the capability to travel to the stars.” However, “these technologies are locked up in black projects, and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity,” said Rich.

It’s called quantum entanglement, it’s extremely fascinating and counters what we believe to be the known scientific laws of the universe, so much so that Einstein himself could not wrap his head around it, he referred to it as “spooky action at a distance.”

Recent research has taken quantum entanglement out of the theoretical realm of physics, and placed it into the realm of verified phenomena. For example, an experiment devised by the Griffith University’s Centre for Quantum Dynamics, led by Professor Howard Wiseman and his team of researchers at the University of Tokyo, recently published a paper in the journal Nature Communications confirming what Einstein did not believe to be real: the non-local collapse of a particle’s wave function. And this is just one example of many.

Professor Howard Wiseman

They did this by splitting a single photon between two laboratories, and testing whether measurement of it in one laboratory would actually cause a change in the local quantum state in the other laboratory. In doing so, researchers were able to verify the entanglement of the split single photon. Researchers have since replicated this experiment over and over again, with results of entanglement seen at kilometres of distance.

“Space is just the construct that gives the illusion that there are separate objects” – Dr. Quantum (What the Bleep Do We Know?)

Sure, there are a lot of philosophies regarding what all of this stuff actually means, but, as Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher puts it, it’s a pre-curser to realizing that everything is connected, and that everything in the universe is one. What happens in what we call reality, is effecting something else in that same reality, it’s all “touching.”

What’s happening here is that, either we are witnessing the transfer of ‘information’ at a speed far greater than the speed of light, or even better, something completely instantaneous.

If all points in space are connected, that means vast distances between places are simply an illusion. Furthermore, quantum entanglement challenges Einsteins theory of relativity, but theories are developed to be tweaked and changed. Unfortunately, our world is plagued with black budget secrecy.

See 1:38 minute video explaining ‘Quantum Entanglement’ from the film What the Bleep Do We Know?

The Lockheed Executives Comments On Space Travel

Ben Rich was the second director of Lockheed Skunkwork’s from 1975-1991. He’s been called the Father of Stealth, having overseen the development of the stealth fighter, the F-117A nighthawk. Before his death, Rich made several shocking open statements about the reality of UFOs and extraterrestrials.

“We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects, and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity. Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do it.”

                          Ben Rich

“We now have technology to take ET home. No it won’t take someone’s lifetime to do it. There is an error in the equations. We know what it is. We now have the capability to travel to the stars.”
“There are two types of UFOs — the ones we build and the ones ‘they’ build.”

When Rich was asked how UFO propulsion worked, he said, “Let me ask you. How does ESP work?” The questioner responded with, “All points in time and space are connected?” Rich then said, “That’s how it works!”

Interesting to think about, isn’t it? Perhaps the vast distances that exist between planets, solar systems and more isn’t really as much of a barrier as we thought it was.

See 3:52 minute video of Jan Harzan talking about spacecraft being developed by SkunkWorks and Ben Rich “We now have the ability to travel to the stars.”



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Conspiracy Theorist Claims ET Could Soon Make Contact After Spotting 7 ‘UFOs’ Near the ISS

by Joe Pinkstone           April 3, 2018            (dailymail.co.uk)

• A conspiracy theorist known only as ‘Graham’ claims that video from a NASA live-feed from the International Space Station on March 31st shows a UFO. He posted the video on his YouTube channel “Conspiracy Depot”. (see 2:14 minute video below)  He claims to have such ISS live-feed video evidence of seven UFO’s lingering above the Earth.

• Graham says that sightings all over the world are increasing at a dramatic rate. “We are being watched and observed like a large planet sized scale lab experiment, I am of the opinion that the other races visiting our planet are not hostile.” “After all, with the technology they must employ to travel vast distances etc, I’m sure they could wipe us out in the blink of an eye. …The fact we are still breathing on this beautiful planet means either they are here to help or observe.”

• Graham believes that a timescale has been agreed upon by world leaders and the ET’s that ET beings will openly reveal themselves within 15 years. “Eventually, they will make themselves known… Imagine how this will impact the Earth – new technology, medicines and way of life, our whole civilization could change to reflect one of unity and peace.”

• A NASA spokesperson offered a different explanation for the anomolies: “Reflections from station windows, the spacecraft structure itself or lights from Earth commonly appear as artifacts in photos and videos from the orbiting laboratory.”


A conspiracy theorist has claimed that the NASA live stream from the International Space Station has produced evidence of seven UFOs lingering above Earth.

Not only is this thought to be proof of ET’s existence, the theorist believes the aliens are probably friendly.

With so many ‘sightings’ from the ISS, the beings could come face-to-face with humans in 15 years, claims the unknown conspiracy theorist known only as ‘Graham’.

The UFO-tracking conspiracy theorist told the Daily Star that aliens are here and making their way to us.

He said: ‘Sightings all over the world are increasing at a dramatic rate.

‘We are being watched and observed like a large planet sized scale lab experiment, I am of the opinion that the other races visiting our planet are not hostile.

‘After all, with the technology they must employ to travel vast distances etc, I’m sure they could wipe us out in the blink of an eye.

‘And the fact we are still breathing on this beautiful planet means either they are here to help or observe.’

The evidence presented by Graham was obtained during a live feed from the ISS on March 31.

He then uploaded the edited footage to his YouTube channel Conspiracy Depot.

It was revealed that the UFOs were observed between 11:20 pm BST and 11:50 pm BST.

Graham revealed: ‘Eventually, they will make themselves known.
‘There is a theory that a timescale has been firmly set and agreed by world leaders and the ET’s and I think the time for disclosure will be within the next 15 years.

‘Imagine how this will impact the Earth, new technology, medicines and way of life, our whole civilisation could change to reflect one of unity and peace.



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Is Humanity Unusual In The Cosmos?

by Adam Frank            April 2, 2018             (npr.org)

• Harvard astrophysicists Avi Loeb and Manasvi Lingam are exploring the universe looking for ‘exo-civilizations’ using “bio-signatures” and “techno-signatures” that are more technologically advanced than the radio waves that SETI depends on. Loeb and Lingam have explored a number of different ways we might find markers of another civilization.

• For instance, light reflected from a planet covered in power-generating solar cells would carry a techno-signature “signal” of all that silicon. Loeb was quick to point out that a civilization need not be alive now for us to find the techno-signatures that they left behind.

• As our technologies gets better we might suddenly find lots of signals from the activity of technological civilizations. Even a slight change in gravitational waves would create a techno-signature. There also may be artifacts existing in space rather than on planets. “These ‘messages in a bottle’ would be very difficult to detect because they would be putting out very low power,” Loeb said.

• “We humans are probably not special,” Loeb says. With so many planets in the universe, the rise of civilizations may not be so usual. And what makes this moment in history so unique is that we are now poised to start observing exo-planets and their environments in all kinds of new ways.


We’re entering uncharted territory.

For more than 2,000 years, we humans have been arguing about life and, in particular, intelligent life in the universe. But arguing was pretty much where it always ended.

For all that time, we never had any evidence or any data that could raise the discussion above two people with different opinions yelling at each other.

But this era may well be nearing its end.

The “exoplanet” revolution of the last 20 years has shown us that the universe is awash in alien worlds. More exciting, we now have methods where the atmospheres of those worlds may provide indirect evidence — called “bio-signatures” — for the existence of life.

Over the next few decades we may finally have data relevant to the question of other life in the universe.

But what if we want to ask about intelligence? What about alien civilizations — or, as I like to call them, “exo-civilizations”? This is something I have been thinking about a lot over the last few years (it’s the subject of my new book). In carrying out my own studies, I have often been drawn to the work of Harvard astrophysicist Avi Loeb.

                               Avi Loeb

Loeb works on a variety of subjects, including black holes and early cosmic history. But together with collaborator Manasvi Lingam, Loeb has carried out work that is simultaneously deep and expansive on the topic of astrobiology and exo-civilizations.

When we think of aliens and science, we usual usually think of the Search of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI). This has often meant radio telescopes being used to search for messages purposely beamed at us from an exo-civilization. But unlike these kinds of purposeful signals, a “techno-signature” is an unintentional marker of the civilization’s existence. With the discovery of so many exo-planets, astronomers will now be spending a lot time staring at these other worlds in many different wavelengths of light (not just radio). This is how they hope to find bio-signatures.

But what about techno-signatures?

     Manasvi Lingam

Loeb and Lingam have explored a number of different ways we might find markers of another civilization. What, for example, would be the consequences of a civilization covering large portions of its planet in solar cells to generate power? Lingam and Loeb have shown that light reflected from such a planet would carry a “signal” of all that silicon on the planet’s surface, making it an intriguing example of a techno-signature.


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Astrobiologist Says We’ve Discovered Proof Aliens Are Seeding New Life on Earth With Space Bacteria

by Chris Mahon          April 2, 2018           (outerplaces.com)

• British microbiologist Dr. Milton Wainwright sent a balloon 84,000 feet in the atmosphere to collect dust and other particles. When he got a look, he found in the sample a tiny metal ball made of titanium and vanadium, about the width of a human hair, with a “gooey” biological substance inside. The metallic ball seemed to be covered in a “fungus-like knitted mat-like covering,” and made a small impact crater where it hit the sampler, suggesting that it was traveling at high speed.  (see microscopic images above)

• Wainwright published his findings in the Journal of Cosmology, postulating that the tiny ball could be evidence of panspermia by an extraterrestrial civilization.

• The Journal of Cosmology later removed the article.


We have a pretty good picture of how life evolved on Earth (depending on who you talk to), but the real question is how it began.

One theory, called “panspermia,” hypothesizes that extraterrestrial microorganisms lying dormant on the surface of comets or meteors crashed into Earth billions of years ago and kickstarted the development of life. A related theory, called “directed panspermia,” poses the idea that an alien civilization could seed planets with life by purposefully sending objects containing bacteria—and that’s what Dr. Milton Wainwright claims to have found.

        Dr. Milton Wainwright

While collecting dust and other particles in the atmosphere with a balloon floating at around 84,000 feet, Wainwright’s sampler was hit by a tiny metal ball, apparently composed of titanium and vanadium.

The ball was about the width of a human hair and contained a “gooey” biological substance inside. In addition, the ball seemed to be covered in a “fungus-like knitted mat-like covering,” and made a small impact crater where it hit the sampler, suggesting that it was traveling at high speed.

Wainwright has claimed that this tiny ball could be evidence that panspermia is possible, and that its source may be an extraterrestrial civilization. However, he admits that there’s almost no way to prove this claim: “Unless of course, we can find details of the civilization that is supposed to have sent it in this respect it is probably an unprovable theory.”

Wainwright published his findings in the Journal of Cosmology, but the article has apparently been removed.



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Five Compelling Latest Pieces of Evidence That Aliens Had Visited Earth

by Nirmal Narayanan             April 1, 2018                 (ibtimes.sg)

• IB Times Singapore presents five pieces of evidence that prove aliens had visited earth.
• Ancient cave paintings – Ancient cave paintings discovered in the United States, Mexico, Egypt, and India have showcased alien-like beings that have been visiting earth for thousands of years.

• Spectacular Ancient Structures – Structures like the Egyptian pyramids, Nazca lines, and Sacsayhuamán (Peru) seem to defy the technological capabilities of their time. Even today, building such a structure with massively heavy stones is a formidable challenge. So who helped the ancient humans to build such massive architecture?

• Declarations by Eminent Personalities – There have been many high-level military and political figures who have spoken of an extraterrestrial presence on the Earth, but none more respected than former Canadian Minister of National Defence Paul Hellyer who is not afraid to speak the truth, that aliens have been visiting Earth for thousands of years and the U.S. military is covering it up. Hellyer argues that cooperation with the aliens will help us build a better world.

• UFO sightings – YouTube has thousands of UFO videos and there are various cases where multiple witnesses have similar accounts of UFO sightings in the same place and at the same time.

• The Pentagon’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program – The Pentagon admitted to funding a program named ‘Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program‘ in 2007 to unravel the mysteries surrounding UFO sightings. The defense department also released two stunning videos which feature the encounter between a US F-18 jet and a UFO clearly of extraterrestrial origin.


The existence of aliens and other extraterrestrial civilization still remains a mystery to modern science. However, thinking a bit logically out of the box will make us believe that aliens have visited earth many times in the past. IB Times Singapore presents you five stunning pieces of evidence that prove aliens had visited earth.

Ancient cave paintings

This is probably the most intriguing proof which makes us believe that aliens have visited earth. Many ancient cave paintings discovered in the United States, Mexico, Egypt, and India have showcased alien-like beings. Conspiracy theorists all around the world strongly believe that aliens have been visiting earth for thousands of years, and their depiction is shown in these cave paintings.

One of the most popular depictions of aliens in cave paintings is the one which was discovered near Christina Lake in British Columbia, Canada. This painting features a flying saucer with large wings hovering above four human beings.

Another cave painting which was discovered in Wyoming too had alien-like figures in it, and interestingly, it was drawn before 10,000 years.

So, what made these ancient human beings draw pictures like this? Were they in contact with aliens, or is this all imagination of human mind? The answers to these questions still remain a mystery.

Marvelous structures built in the past

Planet earth is home to some spectacular structures, and some of the ancient ones seem to defy the technological capabilities of their time. Structures like Ancient Egyptian pyramids, Nazca lines, and Sacsayhuamán are too big, too heavy and too complex. This has compelled many people to think that these ancient structures were built by aliens and not humans.

Stating an example, the pyramids in Egypt are more than 4500 years old, and they were built of millions of precisely hewn stones weighing at least two tons each. Even in this modern age, building such a structure with massively heavy stones seem to be a formidable challenge. So who helped the ancient humans to build such massive architecture? The answer still remains unclear.

Admission from eminent personalities

There is nothing wrong in trusting the words of eminent personalities like Paul Hellyer, the former Canadian Minister of National Defence. Recently, Hellyer revealed that aliens have been visiting earth for thousands of years. The former cabinet minister also sensationally claimed that the US Air Force has been using advanced scientific technologies mastered from aliens since 1960.

Hellyer added that aliens who came from outer space are more advanced than us in agriculture and medicine, and co-operating with them will help us to build a better world.



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Great Pyramid Constructed by Aliens – and They Left This Vital Clue

by Tom Towers             March 30, 2018              (dailystar.co.uk)

• Ufologists and researchers have long suspected that the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt were alien beings or alien-human hybrids (“PreAdamites” or” Anunnaki”). They point to the Egyptian’s advanced scientific knowledge, Egyptian legends that “Gods” descended from the sky in eggs or boats, and Egyptian hieroglyphs that depict elongated headed people who stood much taller than ordinary people, and often had animal heads and features.

• Now, researchers have discovered an amazing “clue” supporting these claims of extraterrestrial influence in ancient Egypt. It appears that the geographic co-ordinates for the location of the Great Pyramid in Giza, which is 29.9792458°N, is the same number (without the decimal) as the speed of light – 299,792,458 meters per second.

• Of course, we did not know the exact speed of light until 1950. But could the ancient aliens have known thousands of years ago? Did they choose this location for the pyramid based on this calculation? Or is it just an amazing coincidence?


Researchers believe extraterrestrials left one vital clue in its design in Giza, Egypt – its co-ordinates.

The speed of light is 299,792,458 metres per second and the geographic co-ordinates for the Great Pyramid are 29.9792458°N.

However, humans could not measure the speed of light with this precision until 1950.

YouTube user Manu Seyfzadeh asks: “Is it possible that those who placed the great pyramid on the Giza plateau had an inkling of the speed of light to a degree of accuracy not possible without highly technical equipment?”

Another truther writes: “The speed of light in the metric system appears in the design and location of the Great Pyramid, when the decimal point is slid along the value.

“Aliens chose this location for a reason. This striking similarity is difficult to accept as a coincidence.

“There can be no doubt that it is a mathematically intelligent design associated with the stellar belief of its builders.”



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Paranormal Radio Show Host Art Bell Who Always Talked About UFOs and Aliens Dies

by Nirmal Narayanan             April 16, 2018             (ibtimes.sg)

• Art Bell (pictured above), the original host of Coast to Coast AM died on April 13, 2018, aged 72. No cause of death has been announced.

• Art Bell was born on June 17, 1945, in Jacksonville, North Carolina. Bell was interested in radio hosting since his childhood, and at the age of 13 he became a licensed amateur radio operator.

• Bell became a hot figure among radio listeners when he started the paranormal/ conspiracy radio show ‘Coast to Coast AM’ in 1988. Bell retired in 2007 when George Noory and George Knapp began hosting the show.

• A trademark of ‘Coast to Coast AM’ was Bell’s mysterious voice and the eerie mood of the show. Bell’s influence can be seen in various paranormal programs including ‘Twin Peaks’ and ‘The X Files’.

• The most remembered episode in Art Bell’s professional career happened in 1997 when he received a frantic call from a person who claimed that he is an employee in the secret Nevada Air Force base known as ‘Area 51’The call lasted only for two minutes, and it was mysteriously knocked off the air. (See/hear 6.06 minute audio/video below.)

• “I am a former employee, I was let to go on a medical discharge about a week ago. What we are thinking as of aliens Art. They are extra-dimensional beings,” the man told Art as he was sobbing. The former employee of Area 51 also hinted about a new world order which aims to reduce the population, so that everyone can be controlled easily. He also revealed that his life is in danger.


Art Bell, the original host of the paranormal-themed radio program Coast to Coast AM died on April 13, 2018, aged 72. No cause of death has been announced pending an autopsy to be conducted later this week.

Art Bell was born on June 17, 1945, in North Carolina. Young Bell was interested in radio hosting since his childhood, and at the age of 13, he became a licensed amateur radio operator.

Bell became a hot figure among radio listeners when he started the show ‘Coast to Coast AM’ which mainly discussed topics related to paranormal activities and conspiracy theories. The radio show started in 1988, and Art Bell was the host of the show until he retired completely in 2007. After Art Bell’s retirement, George Noory and George Knapp started hosting the show.

The major USP of ‘Coast to Coast AM’ was Bell’s mysterious voice and the eerie mood of the show. Bell’s influence can be seen in various paranormal programs including ‘Twin Peaks’ and ‘The X Files’.

The most remembered episode in Art Bell’s professional career happened in 1997 when he received a frantic call from a person who claimed that he is an employee in Area 51, the most secret American Air Force base. Interestingly, the call lasted only for two minutes, and mysteriously, it got knocked off the air.



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Former RAF officer recalls mindblowing UFO encounter in 1985

by Nirmal Narayanan           March 28, 2018             (ibtimes.sg)

• An unnamed former Royal Air Force officer who served from 1941 to 1946, and who also served in the UK Ministry of Defense from 1949 to 1977 has revealed that in 1985 he witnessed a silent, triangular UFO with an array of lights hovering over Borehamwood, just north of London, for more than three minutes. He reported the incident to the Ministry of Defense.

• Said the former RAF officer, “I rather doubt that I am easily deceived by aerial phenomena. My distinct impression is that I perceived an event for which no ready explanation is possible in wholly conventional terms.” He ruled out the possibility of the UFO being a conventional aircraft.

• Hopeful conspiracy theorists believe that 2018 will be the year of disclosure when governments and space agencies will reveal the existence of extra-terrestrials.


A former Royal Air Force (UK) officer who served the force from 1941 to 1946 has opened up about some UFO encounter he had in 1985. The man who wished to be unnamed, revealed that he had witnessed a triangular UFO hovering over Borehamwood in Britain. The man had also served in the Ministry of Defense from 1949 to 1977.

The man says that he does not have any explanation for this sighting despite tracking the skies professionally for the past three decades.

“I rather doubt that I am easily deceived by aerial phenomena. My distinct impression is that I perceived an event for which no ready explanation is possible in wholly conventional terms. Astronomical phenomena are, I think, ruled out by the extensive cloud cover as well as by the very regular, triangular formation of the three lights seen,” said the former RAF officer, Express.co.uk reports.

He even ruled out the possibility of this vehicle being an aircraft, as there is no known aircraft in the world with such a shape. Soon after the sighting, he reported the incident to the Ministry of Defense. According to the report, he saw an array of triangular lights heading southwest while he was in his friend’s garden. He told the MOD that the UFO produced no sound, and it hovered above the cloud for more than three minutes.



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NASA Scientist Speaks of a Gigantic Extraterrestrial Spacecraft Hiding in Saturn’s Rings

by Arjun Walia             March 28, 2018              (collective-evolution.com)

• Dr. Norman Bergrun is a noted mechanical engineer who has worked for Ames Research Laboratory, National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, and Lockheed Martin. He went on to found Bergrun Engineering and Research.

• Bergrun is interviewed by Kerry Cassidy in June 2012 (see 24:51 minute video below) where he discusses his 1986 book, The Ringmakers of Saturn. Bergrun claims that he discovered intelligent “living spacecraft” growing enormously large and inhabiting the orbit of our solar system’s gas planets, using these planets’ energy to proliferate. Apparently the craft and their “exhaust” are so dense in number that they literally comprise much of the rings around Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune.

The Ringmakers of Saturn contains government pictures from the voyagers and other high-tech machines of these Spaceships that have been seen over Saturn’s rings. The book is currently selling for $1,500 used and $5,900 new on Amazon.com.


The video below is a clip of Project Camelot’s Kerry Cassidy interviewing Dr. Norman Bergrun about what’s really going on in space. A mechanical engineer, Dr. Bergrun has worked for Ames Research Laboratory, NACA (National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics), and Lockheed Missiles and Space Company, now known as Lockheed Martin. He then went on to found Bergrun Engineering and Research.

Coming from such a distinguished background, we can make several basic assumptions about him, not least of which is that he is highly intelligent. We can also assume that he knows and has worked with other intelligent and powerful people, and that he has had access to extremely sensitive data, which he himself makes clear in the below interview and in his book, The Ringmakers of Saturn.

What makes Norman’s story so intriguing is not only his impressive background, but the fact that hundreds of other scientists, politicians, and high-ranking military personnel have also shared information like this. He is just one of many insiders exposing the reality of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) and extraterrestrial beings.

  Dr. Norman Bergrun

When former NASA astronaut and Princeton Physics Professor Dr. Brian O’Leary said that there is “abundant evidence that we are being contacted, that civilizations have been visiting us for a very long time,” he wasn’t joking. There are now officially declassified documents that verify a long history of military encounters with these objects; objects which are performing maneuvers that no known aircraft can perform, all while traveling at speeds no known aircraft can travel. Not only that, but at the same time that pilots visually confirm their sightings, these objects are being tracked on both air and ground radar.

Dr. Jacques Vallee, notable for co-developing the first computerized mapping of Mars for NASA, and for his work at SRI International on the network information center for ARPANET, a precursor to the modern Internet, published a paper in the Journal of Scientific Exploration titled “Estimates of Optical Power Output in Six Cases Of Unexplained Aerial Objects With Defined Luminosity Characteristics” containing pictures taken by military pilots of the objects they encountered.

When entering into the vicinity of these objects, it’s not uncommon for critical electrical equipment to go ‘dead.’ UFOs have also been seen hovering around global nuclear missile facilities, at which time these facilities completely shut down and the nukes within go offline.

According to Herman Oberth, one of the founding fathers of rocketry and astronautics, “flying saucers are real and . . . they are space ships from another solar system. I think that they possibly are manned by intelligent observers who are members of a race that may have been investigating our Earth for centuries.”

There are literally hundreds of shocking quotes from people of such reputable backgrounds, and thousands of documents pertaining to the UFO phenomenon, which lends even more credibility to the video below.

“What I found out is, these things inhabit Saturn, that’s where I first discovered them, and they’re proliferating.”

By the way, the ships Norman Speaks of around the rings of Saturn, they’re humungous.

His book, mentioned above, is currently is selling for approximately $2000 dollars on amazon. It has government pictures from the voyagers and other high-tech machines of the Spaceships that have been seen over Saturn’s rings.

Again, what makes this testimony so interesting is the fact that he is one of many high ranking whistleblowers in the field.



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Was Trump Missile Attack Part of Secret Plan to End Syria Conflict & Prevent War with Iran?

In the early morning hours of April 14, President Trump authorized an attack by a coalition of U.S., French and British military forces against Syria. The attack involved 103 cruise missiles fired upon Syrian facilities previously associated with chemical weapons productions. These facilities were allegedly involved in a chemical weapons attack nearly a week earlier on April 8, on Douma, a suburb of Damascus.

After the limited missile strike, Trump said the attacks had been successful and declared “mission accomplished”. 

Just as Trump had clearly signaled to the world via Twitter that he was about to launch an attack on Syria, he was now clearly transmitting via Twitter that the attack was completed with the mission goals achieved.

Many alternative media analysts accept that the April 8 chemical weapons attack was not orchestrated by the Syrian government, because it did not have any strategic purpose for doing so given recent battle field successes.  In their view, the chemical weapons attack was a false flag event staged by Deep State actors wanting to drag the US and its major allies deeper into the Syrian Civil War, as a prelude to a major attack on Iran.

So was Trump’s attack really a prelude to the U.S. getting drawn more deeply into the Syrian and Iran conflicts via a very transparent false flag event, or was Trump’s real goal to achieve an entirely different strategic purpose, to bring about a speedy end to the Syrian Civil War and prevent a new war with Iran?

In finding an answer we can first take a look at what QAnon, which is a group of US Military Intelligence officials leaking classified information, has to say about the missile strike. QAnon used a coded message to predict back on April 8, the day of the Douma chemical weapons incident, that 2 B-1 bombers would be involved in an upcoming Syria missile attack, and these would launch 19 missiles:

The post suggests that QAnon was aware of advance plans for the Syria attack, and the craft to be used in it. According to another Q Anon post, one that coincided with the April 14 missile attack itself, the U.S. Coalition strike was a limited military operation that would only involve missiles, no ground force or plane overflights of Syrian territory, and that we should trust Trump:

Once again, Q Anon refers to “Sparrow Red” which is likely a reference to an older kind of guided missile, AIM-7 Sparrow, used by many world militaries including Israel and Saudi Arabia.  While the AIM-7 Sparrow is an air-to-air missile not used in the attack itself, was the Sparrow reference signaling an intent to use older missiles launched by the B-1 bombers and surface ships in the U.S. French and British coalition so that many of these missiles could be shot down in a staged event coordinated with the Russians (Sparrow Red – see update)?

This appears to be exactly what happened if consider a statement put out by the Russian Ministry of Defense describing the results of the U.S., French and British missile strikes on Syria. The Russians said:

As evident by the available data, 103 cruise missiles have been launched, including Tomahawk naval-based missiles as well as GBU-38 guided air bombs fired from the B-1B; the F-15 and F-16 aircraft launched air-to-surface missiles.

The Tornado airplanes of the UK RAF launched eight Scalp EG missiles.The Syrian air defence systems, which are primarily the USSR-made AD systems, have successfully countered the air and naval strikes.

In total, 71 cruise missiles have been intercepted. The S-125, S-200, Buk, Kvadrat, and Osa Syrian AD systems were involved in repelling the attack. It proves high efficiency of the Syrian armament and professional skills of the Syrian servicemen trained by the Russian specialists.

Over the last eighteen months, Russia has completely recovered the Syrian air defence systems, and continues its development.

It is to be stressed that several years ago given the strong request by our western partners, Russia opted out of supplying the S-300 AD systems to Syria. Taking into account the recent incident, Russia believes it possible to reconsider this issue not only regarding Syria but other countries as well.

The most telling point in the Russian statement was that almost 70% of the U.S. coalition’s missiles were shot down using old Russian air defense technologies.

These shoot down figures are publicly disputed by Pentagon sources, who instead have highlighted the missiles success in hitting their targets. Chief Pentagon spokesperson, Dana White, said:

This operation was carefully orchestrated and methodically planned to minimize potential collateral damage. I can assure you we took every measure and precaution to strike only what we targeted and we successfully hit every target.

So which is a more the accurate assessment of the missiles success? If we accept the QAnon information suggesting older missile technology was to be used, then it is likely that the Russian statement is more accurate.

Russia has said that given the strike, it now plans to move forward with upgrading the Syrian air defense system using their more modern S-300 technology.

This will significantly increase the defensive capability of the Syrian air defense system, to make it virtually impervious to the kind of limited air attack witnessed on April 14 using cruise missiles and modern aircraft.

The Russian intent to upgrade Syria’s missile defenses will eventually change the strategic balance of power. Having a virtually impenetrable air defense system to limited air strikes will deny most foreign actors the ability to militarily intervene in the Syrian Civil War.

So the real loser from the missile attack may ultimately be Israel, which has launched over a hundred air attacks against Syrian forces and their main allies, Iran and Lebanon’s Hezbollah, during the Syrian Civil War. This is because Russia has now been given a suitable rationale for upgrading the Syrian air defense system with their advanced S-300 system.

This will soon make it very difficult for Israel to intervene in the Syrian Civil War, as it has previously done with virtual impunity up until February 10 when one of its jets was shot down on after an attack on an Iranian site.

This means that Iran and Hezbollah will have a greater capacity to attack the remaining militia groups fighting the Syrian regime in order to end the Civil War, and allow them to move closer to the Israeli border. This will ultimately put pressure on Israel to reach an agreement with the Assad regime on unresolved issues with Syria.

In addition, the interception and destruction of almost 70% of the U.S. coalition’s missiles shows that any state that possesses modern Russian air defenses can withstand the kind of limited missile attack witnessed in the Syrian strike.

This takes me now to what may have been the ultimate goal behind the missile strike – to show how a similar limited strike secretly being planned against Iran would be doomed to failure!

Again, it’s worth taking a look at what QAnon has to say about the Syrian strike setting the stage for resolving the Iran issue as part of a secret plan in an April 14 post:

Iran is perceived as a major threat by Israel and Saudi Arabia. There have been fears since 2013 that they would collaborate in a surprise military campaign against Iran, designed to drag the U.S. into the conflict, despite the 2013 Geneva Agreement reached to limit Iran’s nuclear programs. On November 17, 2013, The Sunday Times reported:

ONCE they were sworn enemies. Now Israel’s Mossad intelligence agency is working with Saudi officials on contingency plans for a possible attack on Iran if its nuclear programme is not significantly curbed … As part of the growing co-operation, Riyadh is understood already to have given the go-ahead for Israeli planes to use its airspace in the event of an attack on Iran. Both sides are now prepared to go much further.

The problem with Israel and Saudi Arabia cooperating in a surprise attack to take out Iran’s nuclear facilities is that Iran has a recently modernized air defense system, supplied by Russia, which protects its facilities.

In June 2016, Russia finally delivered its S-300 air defense system, after a 10 year delay due to U.S. requests.  In March 2018, the Iranians successfully test-fired the system as reported by a number of media outlets showing these were now operational:

Iran has successfully test-fired a sophisticated, Russian-supplied S-300 air defense system, the official IRNA news agency reported on Saturday. The drill took place during a recent military exercise named Damvand, and was attended by senior military commanders and officials according to Tasnim.

IRNA said the test targeted various flying objects including missiles. With a range of up to 200 kilometers (125 miles) the S-300 is capable of simultaneously tracking and striking multiple targets, according to  AP. Iran state TV aired footage of the missiles launching from the back of trucks. It said the test was carried out in Iran’s central desert.

As many puzzle over the real motivations between Trump’s limited missile strike against Syria in response to a widely perceived false flag incident, and his declaration of “Mission Accomplished”, it is very likely that the immediate goal was not to deepen U.S. military involvement.

The purpose was to help promote an end the Syrian Civil War by exposing how sophisticated Syria’s air defense abilities were becoming due to Russian assistance. This was quickly neutralizing Israel’s air superiority in the region, and would pressure it to end its covert support of armed Syrian groups fighting the Assad regime.

The real strategic goal, however, was to pre-empt a surprise military strike against Iran by Israel and Saudi Arabia by revealing how effective Russia’s advanced air defense systems had become. With Iran now deploying sophisticated S-300 air defense systems around its nuclear and military facilities, it would be a futile exercise for Israel and Saudi Arabia to launch a surprise attack given their limited aviation and missile technologies.

Consequently, rather than the Syrian missile strike being evidence of Trump being co-opted by Neocons into yet another Middle East war that is part of a Deep State agenda revealed to General Wesley Clark in 2001, the real purpose seems to be part of a White House/Military Intelligence plan that is aimed at bringing a speedy resolution of the Syrian Civil War, and preventing rogue military actions against Iran.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

[UPDATE 4/17/18 Raytheon’s AIM-7 Sparrow is an air-to-air missile so it could not have been used in the Syrian missile attack on multiple ground targets. The logo of Raytheon, that built the AIM-7 Sparrow is red text, so QAnon’s reference to Sparrow Red may not be a reference to Russia, but may refer to Raytheon missile technologies used in the Syrian attack. Article updated accordingly.]

Further Reading

Politician Claims ‘Rothschilds Control the World Bank & Federal Government, As We All Know’

by Arjun Walia              March 27, 2018                  (collective-evolution.com)

• At a February 27th Mayor’s Council breakfast, while discussing the Rockefeller Foundation’s ‘resilient cities’, Washington DC District Council member Trayon White was quoted as saying, “The Rothschild’s control the World Bank, as we all know….They really pretty much control the federal government.” By control, we mean they basically own the money supply and global resources, and therefore they control global geo-politics.

• The Procter & Gamble heir, Foster Gamble, spoke of his family’s position, “I’ve come to an inescapable and profoundly disturbing conclusion… that an elite group of people and the corporations… have gained control over not just our energy, food supply, education, and healthcare, but over virtually every aspect of our lives: and they do it by controlling the world of finance…. by actually controlling the source of money.”

• The Rothschilds have occupied the pinnacle of Western international banking since at least the days of the Holy Roman Empire when they were considered high ranking nobility due to their international finance operations. Today, they direct international banking through the World Bank and the Bank For International Settlements.

• In the beginning of the 20th century, New York City Mayor John F. Hylan was aware of the reach and influence of Wall Street. ““The real menace of our Republic is the…little coterie of powerful international bankers [who] virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both [political] parties…[and] the majority of the newspapers and magazines in the country.”

• Today, corporations dictate government policy. There is typically a revolving door between governmental regulatory agencies and the upper management in the corporations that they purport to regulate (or not). This is especially true in the banking industry. Of course, the Rothschilds also have major control over big international oil interests as well.

• It’s clear that it is not a government of the people that is making the decisions, but a small group of the powerful elite with their own specific interests. We’ve had to live with a great deal of greed and deception on this planet. But as we are in the process of becoming aware of it, we are in the process of transforming this global elitism for the benefit of the people.

[Editor’s Note] But they don’t just control things here on Earth. The global elite have become so enormously wealthy that they not only joined the off-world breakaway civilization in the 1970’s with the establishment of corporate work colonies and production outposts throughout the solar system, but the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate has eclipsed even the U.S. military’s secret space programs to become the most powerful human off-planet faction in our star system, trading in commerce with nearly a thousand different inter-galactic species.


Within the past five years alone, it’s truly amazing just how many people have become aware of important information that was once, absurdly, labeled as a mere conspiracy theory. There are too many examples to list, with perhaps the latest being the UFO footage that was just released by the Pentagon, or perhaps, the Edward Snowden NSA surveillance leaks are a better example. Prior to these leaks, if you told somebody that the government (intelligence agencies) were spying on you and that they were using your TV, phone, computer and more to do so, you’d probably get a few raised eyebrows.

So, on a positive note, it’s very encouraging to know that the world is waking up and another fact, which some people still enjoy placing in the conspiracy realm is that a few families, such as the Rothschild’s, completely control the World Bank and multiple federal governments. By control, we mean they basically own the money supply as well as having high ownership in global resources, thus controlling global geo-politics and more.

The Politician

Before you continue, keep in mind that a number of politicians of high rank have brought up similar issues. Trayon White Sr (D-Ward 8) may not be a high-ranking politician, but he represents the awareness that’s creeping into the system and bringing up some important points.

In a Mayor’s Council breakfast on the 27th of February, he stated that “The Rothschild’s control the World Bank, as we all know….They really pretty much control the federal government, and now they have this concept called resilient cities in which they are using their money and influence into local cities.”

White’s comments have been painted as anti-Semitic, but they’re not at all…he is in no way insulting or discriminating against Jewish people.

Prior to these comments, he accused the family of weather manipulation. Media also branded these comments as racist, as they were directed towards Jewish bankers. The funny thing about his comments here, is that weather manipulation is quite a serious issue called geoengineering

What’s Really Going On?

As most of you reading this probably already feel, it’s hard to see how we really live in a democracy. With elections full of fraud and deceit, and the corporate stranglehold that currently plagues the American government, it’s quite clear that it’s not the people making the decisions, but a group of powerful people with specific interests.

Foster Gamble, heir to the Procter & Gamble corporation who took a different path then that of, as he puts it, “being groomed for the establishment,” puts it quite well: “As difficult as it was for me, I’ve come to an inescapable and profoundly disturbing conclusion. I believe that an elite group of people and the corporations they run have gained control over not just our energy, food supply, education, and healthcare, but over virtually every aspect of our lives: and they do it by controlling the world of finance. Not by creating more value, but by actually controlling the source of money.” This quote comes from Gamble’s documentary film, Thrive, which has now been viewed over 100 million times worldwide.

A power has risen up in the government greater than the people themselves, consisting of many, and various, and powerful interests, combined into one mass, and held together by the cohesive power of the vast surplus in the banks. – John C. Calhoun, 7th Vice President of the United States

And here is another great quote from John F. Hylan,“The real menace of our Republic is the invisible government, which like a giant octopus sprawls its legs over our cities, states and nation…The little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both parties…(and) control the majority of the newspapers and magazines in the country.”

And another that really gets this point across,“Political parties exist to secure responsible government and to execute the will of the people. From these great staffs, both of the old parties have ganged aside. Instead of instruments to promote the general welfare they have become the tools of corrupt interests which use them in marshalling [sic] to serve their selfish purposes. Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government.” – Theodore Roosevelt

This secretive and shadowy government represents the Deep State, a term now used to describe the stranglehold those who control this Deep State have on global politics and economics.



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Bizarre ‘Alien Base’ Spotted on the Moon

by Callum Hoare          March 27, 2018           (dailystar.co.uk)

  • A video posted on the YouTube channel ‘streetcap1’ on March 22, 2018 appears to show a cluster of buildings all lit up on the Moon’s surface. (See 2:03 minute video below)

  • Some viewers believe that this is proof that NASA is hiding big secrets from the public. 

  • [Editor’s Note] If you want to see some big secrets, check out the dark side of the Moon, which is said to be a veritable parking lot with numerous clusters of buildings including the main transportation hub used by various human and ET species known as the Lunar Operations Command (LOC)


In a video posted online, YouTube channel streetcap1 believed he had uncovered “NASA’s biggest secret”.

The footage shows what appears to be a collection of buildings within a small space on the moon’s surface. 

Seeming to be alit, the video attempts to expose the structure.

It then pans across the empty ground, revealing other spots of rocky formations.

Uploaded last week, the clip has already racked up more than 8,000 hits. 

And viewers were convinced this is proof that space agency NASA is hiding big secrets from the public. 

One comment read: “Having a base on Mars would be NASA’s biggest secret.”

Another added: “Sure looks like structures to me…and I’m a skeptic.”

And a third even claimed: “Looks like facilities on the moon. ‘Incredible’ doesn’t do it justice. 

“What are they doing? Research?”



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Former B-1 Bomber Pilot Spotted a UFO Over the Arizona Desert and Says It ‘Didn’t Look Anything Like an Airplane’

by Ben Brimelow           April 4, 2018            (businessinsider.com)

• On February 24th, 2017, American Airlines Airbus A321 pilot Blenus Green (pictured above) was flying over Arizona when he was told by air traffic controllers that a flight ahead had reported a flying object not on radar. The controllers asked him to radio them if he saw anything above them. Green, a former B-1 bomber pilot, responded, “Yeah, something just passed over us. I don’t know what it was, but at least two-three thousand feet above us. Yeah, it passed right over the top of us.” (See ExoNews article.)

• Recently interviewed about his experience by a local Texas TV station, Green said that the object “was very bright but it wasn’t so bright that you couldn’t look at it,” and that “it didn’t look anything like an airplane.” The object was bright in areas where the sun was not reflecting off the metal. “Normally, if you have an object and the sun is shining this way, the reflection would be on this side, but this was bright all the way around,” Green said. “It was so bright that you really couldn’t make out what shape it was.”

• With 20 years of flying experience, much of which was spent as a B-1 Lancer pilot in the US Air Force, Green said he wasn’t scared, but interested. “I was… just trying to figure out what it was because it was so out of the ordinary.”

• Bob Tracey, the vice president of the company that owns the Lear jet that first reported the object, said that his pilot told him that the object was extremely bright, and that it passed him at a similar speed that an airliner would.”


A former B-1 bomber pilot who now works as a commercial aviator for American Airlines has spoken out about his recent UFO encounter over the Arizona desert.

Blenus Green and his co-pilot were flying an American Airlines Airbus A321 over Arizona in February when they were told by Albuquerque-based air traffic controllers that a flight ahead of them had reported a flying object not on radar. The controllers asked him to radio them if he saw anything similar.

Shortly afterwards, Green saw an object, according to recordings of his conversations with the controllers.

“It’s American 1095. Yeah, something just passed over us,” Green said. “I don’t know what it was, but at least two-three thousand feet above us. Yeah, it passed right over the top of us.”

Green was recently interviewed about his experience by a local Texas TV station. “Albuquerque Center asked us if we could look and just be on the lookout and see if we see anything, and I’m like ‘okay,'” Green said.

“So, sure enough, I was looking out the windscreen because I wanted to see if it was there and yeah, I did. I saw it,” Green said.

Green said that the object “was very bright but it wasn’t so bright that you couldn’t look at it,” and that “it didn’t look anything like an airplane.”

He noticed that the object was bright in areas where the sun was not reflecting off the metal. “Normally, if you have an object and the sun is shining this way, the reflection would be on this side, but this was bright all the way around,” he said.

“It was so bright that you really couldn’t make out what shape it was,” Green said.



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Alien Megastructure Star: Dimming Of Tabby’s Star Sets New Record

by Allan Adamson             March 27, 2018                (techtimes.com)

KIC 8462852, also known as Tabby’s Star, has dimmed again. Researchers say that it dipped in brightness more dramatically than ever.

• In 2011, the Kepler Space Telescope observed a star that dimmed as much as 22 percent. The star is KIC 8462852, also known as Tabby’s Star named for Tabetha Boyajian, the Louisiana State University astrophysicist who discovered the star. Since then it has been observed to sporadically dim in brightness, then return to normal.

• On March 16, 2018, Boyajian and colleagues recorded the “…deepest dip we have observed since the Kepler Mission in 2013! WOW!!” By March 22nd, the star’s brightness increased rapidly and was nearly back to normal when it started to dim again on March 26th, even moreso than the previous week and setting a new record.

• A planet passing between a star and Earth will typically cause the dimming of the host star by 1 percent or less and at regular intervals. What makes the Tabby’s Star different from many others is that it dims at unpredictable intervals and at varying degrees.

• A popular theory of the cause of Tabby’s Star’s erratic dimming is the orbit of an alien megastructure around the star, such as an array of solar panels created by an intelligent extraterrestrial civilization. Other theories involve the star devouring a nearby planet, or interference by a comet, or interstellar dust.


Louisiana State University astrophysicist Tabetha Boyajian, who discovered the star, and colleagues, revealed that the star has dimmed by at least 5 percent and possibly 10 percent.

The scientists said that Tabby’s star, also called “alien megastructure star” due to its bizarre behaviors suspected to be associated with an intelligent alien civilization, started to dim on March 16 and then returned to normal.

Boyajian and colleagues said that the dip in brightness was the largest observed dip in the star since 2013.

                 Tabetha Boyajian


“On Friday (2018 March 16) we noted the last data taken were significantly down compared to normal,” the researchers wrote in their Tabby Star observation blog. “This is the deepest dip we have observed since the Kepler Mission in 2013! WOW!!”

By March 22, the star’s brightness increased rapidly and was nearly back to normal but it started to dim again on March 26.

“Today we have some very big news – data taken at TFN last night show the flux is down 5 percent,” Boyajian and colleagues reported on March 26. “Looks like we beat the record set just last week on the deepest dip observed since Kepler!”

In 2011, the Kepler Space Telescope observed that the star dimmed as much as 22 percent. Other dimming events also occurred throughout 2017.



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US Military Man Fears He Was ‘Abducted by Aliens’ After UFO Trailed Him Through Snow

by Jon Austin               March 26, 2018                   (express.co.uk)

• On February 28, 2018, a former U.S. military man reported to the National UFO Reporting Center an encounter and possible abduction by a UFO in Ontonagon, Michigan. The unnamed man was riding a snowmobile through the woods when “A light overpowered my headlight, which made me stop and look behind me… I witnessed a solid white light with pinkish strobe lights on either side of the main white light in the middle. Together they formed an oval saucer shape.” “It was close enough to me that it lit up the entire ground and trees around me.”

• “I killed the snowmobile and the object made absolutely no noise whatsoever, claimed the man. “It hovered silently, slowly moving up and down, and drifted far to the right and slowly went away from me.” “I tried chasing it through the woods, until it flew in a different direction that the trail went, so I lost sight of it.”

• When the man called his wife to tell her what happened in the “10 minutes” since he’d left her, she yelled at him that he had been gone for more than two hours.

• Each year, thousands of people claim to be abducted by aliens. Sceptics say that because the stories are now repeated online, people read them and recount similar tales. While there is no hard scientific evidence to support the alien abductions taking place, many people who report their experience relate remarkably similar stories.


Paranormal investigators are looking into mysterious claims from a former US military man he may have been abducted by aliens after being “stalked by a UFO.” The man, who has not been publicly named, filed a report with UFO investigators in which he claimed he experienced lost time during a nocturnal snowmobile ride through woods in Ontonagon, Michigan, USA.

In a witness report to the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) he said: “A light overpowered my headlight, which made me stop and look behind me.

“I witnessed a solid white light with pinkish strobe lights on either side of the main white light in the middle.

“Together they formed an oval saucer shape.”

He said the blinking lights had no rhythm.

The man added: “It was close enough to me that it lit up the entire ground and trees around me.
“I killed the snowmobile and the object made absolutely no noise whatsoever.

“It hovered silently slowly moving up and down and they drifted far to the right and slowly went away from me.

“I tried chasing it through the woods, until it flew in a different direction that the trail went, so I lost sight of it.”

He called his wife to explain what happened in the “10 minutes” after he left her and he said she yelled at him that he had been gone for more than two hours.



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US Army ‘Fired on UFO at Los Angeles Leaving 5 Dead Before Major Cover Up,’ Claims Expert

by Jon Austin             March 26, 2018              (express.co.uk)

• On February 24/25, 1942, just a couple of months after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii which brought the United States into WWII, a UFO was spotted hovering in the sky over Los Angeles, slowly drifting southward along the coastline over Culver City and Santa Monica. The military illuminated the UFO with searchlights and began firing shots at it in the late evening of February 24th. (Actual photograph of the incident above.) This continued for several hours well into the early morning of February 25th.

• Ufologist Jason Gleaves recently published a book entitled UFO PHOTO presenting his research on the UFO “attack” (also known as “The Battle of LA”). Gleaves says that “The US Army started its constant non-stop bombardment firing thousands of artillery rounds at the unknown object, all to no avail.” The Coast Artillery Brigade began firing .50 calibre machine guns and 12.8-pound anti-aircraft shells at the reported unidentified object; over 1,400 shells would eventually be fired at the object in total. “The unknown object eventually moved at a steady speed over nearby Long Beach and vanished out of view over the Palos Verdes hills as the guns finally fell silent.”

• Several buildings and vehicles were severely damaged by falling shell fragments. Five civilians died as an indirect result of the anti-aircraft fire: three killed in car accidents in the ensuing chaos and two of heart attacks attributed to the stress of the action.

• The American coastal forces initially thought they were under attack from the Japanese Air Force or the German Luftwaffe, said Gleaves. “Little did they know the object could have possibly come from a more far distant place, maybe out of this world.”

• The incident made front-page news on the West Coast. Then the Secretary of the Navy, Frank Knox, officially called it a ‘false alarm’ despite thousands of witnesses who saw something very real. Later, the United States Coast Artillery Association would identify the unknown object as a meteorological balloon. In 1983, the U.S. Office of Air Force History attributed the incident to a case of ‘war nerves’ triggered by a report of a lost rogue weather balloon.

[Editor’s Note] Insiders claim that two UFO craft were actually shot down. The Navy recovered one of them at sea, and the Army recovered the other inland. It is surmised that they were taken to Wright Field Army Air Corps Base near Dayton, Ohio (now Wright-Patterson Air Force Base)


A huge illuminated UFO was fired at by the US military for several hours as the craft hovered over Los Angeles, but the case was covered up, it has been claimed. The unknown object appeared moving slowly over the California skyline in Culver City and Santa Monica, according to UFO expert Jason Gleaves.

He has analysed a photograph of the bizarre event, that he suggests was then covered up by officials, who explained it away as a weather balloon.

Mr Gleaves research has been published in the book UFO PHOTO, published by Flying Disk Press.
He said: “The US Army started its constant non-stop bombardment firing thousands of artillery rounds at the unknown object, all to no avail.

“The first shots rang out starting late evening on February 24 and continued well into the early hours of the 25th.

“At 3.16am the 37th Coast Artillery Brigade began firing .50 calibre machine guns and 12.8-pound anti-aircraft shells at the reported unidentified object; over 1,400 shells would eventually be fired at the object in total.

“US Air Force pilots of the 4th Interceptor Command Squadron were alerted and put on standby but their aircraft remained grounded.

“The artillery fire continued sporadically until 4.14am when the ‘all clear’ was finally sounded and the total blackout order lifted at 7.21am.

“Several buildings and vehicles were severely damaged by falling shell fragments and five civilians died as an indirect result of the anti-aircraft fire: three killed in car accidents in the ensuing chaos and two of heart attacks attributed to the stress of the action.

“Considering the duration which elapsed and thousands of people who witnessed the unforgettable event there aren’t many clear quality photographs available to analyse.

“The one true detailed image available had been taken at the time by a newspaper photographer working for the Los Angeles Examiner.”

The UFO expert looked at this photograph in detail for the book.

He said: “Upon analysing the best quality image available in more detail using up-to-date digital enhancement software, it brings to life and enhances the never seen before detail of the object revealing its in-depth features surrounding the structure, which importantly raise more questions as to its original origin.

“The photograph of the initial incident was taken over the Los Angeles area at night over an estimated area of five miles.



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QAnon is US Military Intelligence that recruited Trump for President to prevent Coup D’etat

According to veteran investigative reporter and best selling author, Dr. Jerome Corsi, he was approached three years ago by a group of generals and told that Donald Trump had been recruited by U.S. military intelligence to run in the 2016 Presidential elections, and subsequently help remove corrupt Deep State officials from positions of power. Corsi claims that QAnon represents the same group of senior military intelligence officials who are exposing the Deep State corruption and officials involved in a history of treasonous actions against the U.S. Republic.

This is what Corsi said at a meeting on April 11, which also featured the founder of InfoWars.com, Alex Jones:

About three years ago a group of Generals came to me, and it was explained to me that they were ready to conduct a coup d’etat. They were ready to move Barack Obama from office with military force. And then a few weeks later I got another call and said they were reconsidering.

You know why they were reconsidering? [audience calls out answers] Because they talked to Donald Trump, and Trump had agreed he would run, and they agreed that if he would run, they would conduct their coup d’etat as a legitimate process, rooting out the traitors within government.  And that pact between the military and Donald Trump has held, as we have been interpreting and watching, and Alex has been following QAnon.

 QAnon is military intelligence and close to Trump, and the intelligence we’ve getting, that we’ve explained on Infowars, really is a lot of the inside script.

While Corsi didn’t name the generals or provide hard evidence for his startling claim, an examination of public comments by President Trump, QAnon and related political events do make Corsi’s extraordinary claim very plausible.

It’s important to note that Corsi’s speech happened only a day after a tweet by President Trump featuring him with 20 senior U.S. military officials who dined with him the previous night:

Only hours after Trump’s tweet, QAnon posted a message commenting about the photo’s significance:

In the photo, the man next to Vice President Pence and Trump is Admiral Michael Rogers, the head of the National Security Agency. It was Rogers who travelled to Trump Tower on November 17, 2016, a week after the Presidential election, without the knowledge of his superiors in the Obama administration.

The next day, the Washington Post ran a story saying that senior Defense and Intelligence officials in the Obama administration were aghast at Roger’s action:

In a move apparently unprecedented for a military officer, Rogers, without notifying superiors, traveled to New York to meet with Trump on Thursday at Trump Tower. That caused consternation at senior levels of the administration, according to the officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal personnel matters.

The Washington Post went on to report that a recommendation had been previously made to President Obama to remove Rogers in October 2016 by James Clapper (Director of National Intelligence) and Ashton Carter (Secretary of Defense). This coincided with a FISA court approving a request made by President Obama for his administration to spy on Trump’s campaign.

Given recent disclosures about FISA court orders approving the Obama administration spying on Trump, the timing suggests that Rogers had travelled to New York to warn Trump that the intelligence community were spying on him under the authority of a FISA court order. This is how one analyst explained the sequence of events:

NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers didn’t want to participate in the spying scheme (Clapper, Brennan, Etc.), which was the baseline for President Obama’s post presidency efforts to undermine Donald Trump and keep Trump from digging into the Obama labyrinth underlying his remaining loyalists.  After the October spying operation went into effect, Rogers unknown loyalty was a risk to the Obama objective.  10 Days after the election Rogers travels to President-Elect Trump without notifying those who were involved in the intel scheme.

It would be fair to conclude that QAnon is acting with the approval or support of Admiral Rogers, and that intelligence data is being anonymously leaked to expose the extent of Deep State corruption.

Another interesting aspect of the photo tweeted by Trump showing him, Pence and Secretary of Defense, James Mattis, flanked by 20 uniformed military officers, is that 9 were on his right, and 11 on his left. Was this symbolism for the 911 event that is regarded by Corsi, Jones and many in the US Patriot community as a false flag event, orchestrated by corrupt Deep State officials that had manipulated both the Bush (43) and Obama administrations?

It’s worth examining Corsi’s claim that a group of generals were prepared to launch a military coup given the level of Deep State corruption and control prior to Trump choosing to run. Could this have been possible?

According to a November 2, 2017 post by QAnon, if Hillary Clinton had won the election or results were overturned in her favor, a military coup would indeed have occurred given her level of corruption:

As mentioned in my previous article, the Clintons’ corruption began with Bill’s term as Governor of the State of Arkansas, where he supported CIA drug running operations out of Mena, Arkansas. As investigative reporter Roger Morris discovered, there were many documents showing how the Clintons financially benefited, and even photos showing Bill using cocaine. This made it easy for the Deep State to manipulate Bill Clinton throughout his Presidency.

As Bill’s Presidency was coming to an end, Hillary’s rise to high political office was made possible, according to QAnon, by the CIA assassinating John F. Kennedy’s Jr., who was a threat to her plan to run for New York’s open US Senate seat in the November 2000 election.

If Clinton had indeed been helped in this sinister way by the Deep State, it is easy to understand how important she was to their future plans, and how deeply compromised she was.

These are only some of the “corrupt and dirty” events mentioned by QAnon, which the Clintons were deeply involved in, all of which facilitated Deep State power.

As to Corsi’s claim that military intelligence had recruited Trump to run and thereby prevent a Clinton victory through a rigged election, here is what QAnon had to say on the topic back on October 31, 2017:

Corsi did not elaborate on the three generals that approached him in 2015, but it would be a fair to guess that Lt. General Michael Flynn was involved. As a former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, Flynn would have been aware of the deep corruption underscoring the Clintons and the dirty tricks played by the CIA in support of the Deep State.

Flynn famously led chants of “lock her up” at the 2016 Republican convention when discussing Hillary Clinton.

Flynn’s appointment as Trump’s National Security Advisor, and quick departure less than a month later, appears to have been a major setback for the Military Intelligence community secretly backing the Trump administration. On October 28, 2017, QAnon first began releasing information on message boards. Presumably, this was done to enlist public support in exposing and taking action against corrupt public officials impeding Trump’s policies and the Military Intelligence community’s plans.

The level of information on Deep State control and corruption released by QAnon in over 1100 posts to date is astounding in its scope and impact.   A number of false flag events have been revealed, the most significant being a January 13, 2018 nuclear ballistic missile attack against Hawaii, which was intended to start a major regional war.

The knowledge that these revelations are coming from senior military intelligence officials working closely with the Trump Administration to overcome the corrupting power and influence of the Deep State is highly significant.

One can only guess what will happen if the military intelligence community succeeds in its plans to overcome the corruption and dirty tricks of the Deep State. While I don’t personally support many of Trump’s policies that have a right wing, pro-business, conservative agenda that guts many necessary welfare programs, I nevertheless recognize many positive benefits from dismantling the Deep State.

Exposing and removing corrupt Deep State officials will open the door to many life changing technologies that have been suppressed for decades, to finally be released to the public. It appears that this is what Trump was referring to during his Inauguration speech on January 20, 2017:

We stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the earth from the miseries of disease, and to harness the energies, industries and technologies of tomorrow.

These technologies are so advanced that a Star Trek-like future is well within the reach of all of us. This merits keeping, at the very least, an open mind about the Trump administration, what Corsi was told about a possible coup d’etat and the 2016 election, and what QAnon is revealing to us.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

A Great Example of Real ‘Fake News’

by Arjun Walia                March 25, 2018                (collective-evolution.com)

• Internet censorship is on the rise. Platforms like Google and Facebook decide what is real and fake for the people. Public perception of global events is being manipulated through mainstream media and news publications. However, people are now waking up and seeing through many of these lies and manipulation tactics.

• Mainstream media basically labels everything outside of what they themselves report (such as UFOs) as “fake news”. This is quite ironic given that it appears that the majority of people consider mainstream media themselves to be the real “fake news.”

• “National security” is now an umbrella term used to justify concealing information, but who makes these decisions? Not only are countless documents classified every single year in North America, but false information and “fake news” are routinely dispersed, mainly by mainstream media.

• A declassified letter from a CIA task force addressed to the CIA Director details the close relationship that exists between the CIA and mainstream media and academia. The document states that the CIA task force “now has relationships with reporters from every major wire service, newspaper, news weekly, and television network in the nation,” and that “this has helped us turn some ‘intelligence failure’ stories into ‘intelligence success” stories,’ and has contributed to the accuracy of countless others.” It explains how the CIA has “persuaded reporters to postpone, change, hold, or even scrap stories that could have adversely affected national security interests or jeopardized sources and methods.”

• Dr. Udo Ulfkotte, a prominent German journalist and editor for more than two decades, revealed that he was forced to publish the works of intelligence agencies under his own name, and that noncompliance with these orders would result in him losing his job. Well-known mainstream media reporters and journalists Sharyl Attkisson and Amber Lyon have also revealed that they are routinely paid by the U.S. government as well as foreign governments to selectively report and distort information on certain events.

• Comedian Jim Carrey said on Jimmy Kimmel Live that, “For years now, talk show hosts, people on television, people in sitcoms have been hired by the government to throw you off the tracks, to distract you, … to make you happy and docile so you don’t know what’s really going on.”

• Exiled whistleblower Edward Snowden thinks that censorship is not the answer to bad speech. “The answer to bad speech is more speech. We have to …spread the idea that critical thinking matters, now more than ever, given the fact that lies seem to be getting more popular.”

• When information is hidden from us and manipulated at the same time, it’s only going to spark more curiosity among the people. That is one aspect of the current shift in consciousness that’s happening on our planet. We’re beginning to see the human experience in a different light, and starting to recognize that the time for change is really here.


A declassified document from the CIA archives in the form of a letter from a CIA task force addressed to the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency details the close relationship that exists between the CIA and mainstream media and academia.

The document states that the CIA task force “now has relationships with reporters from every major wire service, newspaper, news weekly, and television network in the nation,” and that “this has helped us turn some ‘intelligence failure’ stories into ‘intelligence success” stories,’ and has contributed to the accuracy of countless others.” Furthermore, it explains how the agency has “persuaded reporters to postpone, change, hold, or even scrap stories that could have adversely affected national security interests or jeopardized sources and methods.”

Although it is a document outlining their desire to become more open and transparent, the deception outlined by various whistleblowers requires us to read between the lines and recognize that the relationships shared between intelligence agencies and our sources of information are not always warranted and pose inherent conflicts of interest.

Herein lies the problem: What is “national security,” and who determines that definition? JFK bravely told the world that the “dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweigh the dangers which are cited to justify it.” He also said that “there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment.”

“National security” is now an umbrella term used to justify concealing information, but who makes these decisions? Not only are countless documents classified every single year in North America, but false information and “fake news” are routinely dispersed, mainly by mainstream media outlets — a reality that is clearly conveyed in this document and has been expressed by multiple mainstream media journalists themselves. And as with the NSA surveillance program that was exposed by Edward Snowden, it’s a global problem.

Internet censorship is on the rise, and platforms like Google and Facebook are now actually censoring information and deciding what is real and fake for the people, instead of letting people decide for themselves. For example, Google had to recently admit that their contractors suppress information, like the info provided by alternative media, not mainstream media.

“The problem of fake news isn’t solved by hoping for a referee, but rather because we as citizens, we as users of these services, help each other. We talk and we share and we point out what is fake. We point out what is true. The answer to bad speech is not censorship, the answer to bad speech is more speech. We have to exercise and spread the idea that critical thinking matters, now more than ever, given the fact that lies seem to be getting more popular.” –Edward Snowden

Dr. Udo Ulfkotte, a prominent German journalist and editor for more than two decades, is one example. He blew the whistle on public television, stating that he was forced to publish the works of intelligence agencies under his own name and that noncompliance with these orders would result in him losing his job.

Sharyl Attkisson and Amber Lyon, both well-known mainstream media reporters and journalists, have also exposed funded movements by political, corporate, and other special interests, and have revealed that they are routinely paid by the U.S. government as well as foreign governments to selectively report and distort information on certain events.

Let’s not forget about Operation Mockingbird, a CIA-based initiative to control mainstream media. A document from 1984 shows how the agency had definite plans to infiltrate academia and change/influence the curriculum, specifically journalism.

As Emma Best from Muckrock reports, recently Tweeted by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, memos from the CIA Inspector General’s (IG) office reveal the agencies perspective on the press and how to handle them. It’s from 1984, approximately three decades prior to when the Agency declared Wikileaks a hostile non-state intelligence service. It shows how the CIA viewed the media the same way.

The document not only outlines the CIA’s role in media, but also the entire entertainment industry in general, lending further weight to revelations offered by celebrities like Jim Carrey. He appeared as a guest on Jimmy Kimmel Live, saying that, “For years now, talk show hosts, people on television, people in sitcoms have been, hired by the government to throw you off the tracks, to distract you, to make you laugh and stuff like that, make you happy and docile so you don’t know what’s really going on.”

While some question whether he was merely joking, the facts still remain. Another celebrity, who was clearly serious, is Roseanne Barr, who referenced the CIA’s MK Ultra mind control program — a previously classified research program through the CIA’s scientific intelligence division that tested behavioural modification and perception manipulation on human beings.

What we seem to have here is an attempt to manipulate public perception of global events through mainstream media and news publications. But what’s perhaps most interesting is the fact that a lot of people are now waking up and seeing through many of these lies and manipulation tactics. Instead of just blindly believing what we hear on television, more people are starting to think critically, do independent research, and examine a wide array of sources and information.



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