Alien Languages Might Not Be That Different From Ours

by Eric Mack                May 27, 2018                   (

• In a presentation at the International Space Development Conference in Los Angeles on May 26th, noted linguists Noam Chomsky and Jeffrey Watumull told their audience that “…the Martian language might not be so different from human language”. They have extended their notion of “universal grammar”- where all languages on the planet share common speech patterns – to extraterrestrial civilizations across the galaxy.

• In a separate presentation, linguists Bridget Samuels from the University of Southern California and Jeffrey Punske from Southern Illinois University said, “we can expect that extraterrestrial languages … [to] have a vocabulary consisting of building blocks of meaning that can be combined to create more complex meanings.” “While the possibility of human contact with extraterrestrials seems remote, …the laws of physics, information theory, logic, and mathematics could provide some common ground to start from.”

• The notion here is that while extraterrestrial civilizations may have evolved very differently from us on very different worlds, all species – and by extension all languages – must spring forth from essentially the same elemental soup.

• Messaging Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (METI) is trying to work out which type of message could be most understandable to extraterrestrials. METI president Douglas Vakoch says, “In the past, messages sent into space have typically been encoded in principles of math and science rather than language. More recently, we’ve sent music.” (see 2:17 minute video below on METI’s efforts to send music to ETs)

• Professor Emeritus Gonzalo Munevar from Lawrence Technological University presented his opposing argument: “An intelligent creature whose main sensory modality is electric rather than visual would have patterns of thought completely foreign to us. …[There’s] no reason to expect similar scientific languages or math” to emerge on distant exoplanets.

• Beyond the obvious language barrier, Vakoch says another challenge is the time required to send and receive messages across interstellar space. A two-way conversation between Earth and the nearest planet beyond our solar system, Proxima Centauri, would require eight years just for us to send out a “hello” and receive a response. METI has already targeted a message to another nearby world, with a response expected in 2042 at the earliest.

[Editor’s Note]   Such efforts by SETI and METI are noble, but futile. The answer to Fermi’s paradox of ‘where are all of the aliens?’ is that they are here, but they are keeping themselves hidden from us. This galaxy, including our star system and planet, is swarming with intelligent beings using a variety highly advanced modes of travel. The good ETs respect the prime directive to not interfere with human technological and spiritual development on earth and they keep themselves hidden from us for the most part. Ironically, this has left the door open for the bad ETs, who don’t give a damn about any prime directive, to infiltrate and control our world which they have done. They keep themselves hidden in order to maintain our illusion of a self-controlled reality. This is the reason why we don’t commonly interact with other ET species, and why these sorts of attempts to make “first contact” cannot succeed. It is up to the extraterrestrials to reveal themselves to us, which could happen very soon. And when it does happen, we will put efforts like SETI and METI to better use.


It could be a Star Trek or Star Wars universe after all. One where a diverse set of intelligent extraterrestrial species from across the galaxies all easily communicate despite some pretty dramatic biological differences.

Some of the world’s leading linguists argue that human languages are connected by a shared “universal grammar.” And now some, including perhaps the most well-known linguist, say they’re optimistic that connection could extend to extraterrestrial languages too.

“To put it whimsically, the Martian language might not be so different from human language after all,” explained Noam Chomsky and Jeffrey Watumull in a presentation at the International Space Development Conference (ISDC) in Los Angeles on Saturday.

Chomsky is a noted author on both linguistics and global politics and is often referred to as the “father of modern linguistics” who pioneered the notion of a universal grammar.


                Noam Chomsky                       and Jeffrey Watumull

“Chomsky has often said that if a Martian visited Earth, it would think we all speak dialects of the same language, because all terrestrial languages share a common underlying structure,” said Douglas Vakoch, president of METI (short for Messaging Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence), which organized a daylong Language in the Cosmos workshop at ISDC. “But if aliens have language, would it be similar to ours? That’s the big question.”

 Linguists Bridget Samuels from the University of Southern California and Jeffrey Punske from Southern Illinois University also argued in a separate presentation at the workshop that some universal factors underlying language might be able to bridge big gaps in alien biology and environment.

“The whole universe is subject to the same laws of physics. For example, there are not that many ways a signal can be transmitted, particularly over large distances,” they explained to me in an email. “Also, we can expect that extraterrestrial languages … have a vocabulary consisting of building blocks of meaning that can be combined to create more complex meanings.”

The notion here is that there are aspects of the universe that are, well, universal. While hypothetical aliens may have evolved very differently from us on very different worlds, all species — and by extension all languages — must spring forth from essentially the same elemental soup.

2:17 minute video on METI’s efforts to send music to ETs



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MUFON’s Most Bizarre Eyewitness Alien Encounters and Testimonies

by Sebastian Kettley                   May 1, 2018                   (

• Here are four recent UFO encounters as reported to the Mutual UFO Network, or ‘ MUFON’, the world’s oldest and largest investigative body collecting information on Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) and Unknown ‘Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV).

• Boomerang UFO in Singapore – On a clear night in October 6, 2017 a witness saw a fast-moving, faint, boomerang-like ‘cloud’ flying by at about a 2 km distance. With no light or sound, the object covered kilometers of distance, against the wind, in “just a mere couple seconds.”

• Teardrop UFO in Nevada – In North Las Vegas a witness reported seeing a teardrop-shaped object flying 500 feet above the ground. He photographed it and when he enlarged the photo, the “cloud of circular smoke… looked like a smoky goldfish cracker.” “The object started up at 1,000 feet and pulled a 45-degree descent… and then, just disappeared.”

• Square UFO over the Philippines – In the early morning of May 1, 2017, a square-shaped UFO was spotted by a “trained US Marine observer” over Angeles City, northeast of Manila. Says the witness, “I watched it only for 30 seconds or so before realizing that it wasn’t a plane, helicopter, or hot air balloon…”

• Low-flying triangle over California – At 9pm on April 26, 2017, a silent triangle-shaped object with seven blinking lights was seen heading west over the clear skies of Fresno, California.


The Mutual UFO Network was established in 1969 and has since grown to become one of the world’s largest bodies of dedicated UFO hunters.

MUFON’s goal is to study, track and gather data on daily UFO encounters from around the world.

The UFO hunters said: “As the world’s oldest and largest UFO phenomenon investigative body we aim to be the inquisitive minds’ refuge seeking answers to that most ancient question, ‘Are we alone in the universe?’”

The bulk of MUFON’s work relies on user submitted reports which the organisation claims to meticulously review before publishing.

Boomerang UFO in Singapore – Case 87184

One of the more recently published UFO sightings, submitted by a witness in Singapore, concerns a “fast moving, boomerang-shaped” object in the sky.

The UFO was seen dashing across the sky under cloud cover on October 6, 2017.

The eyewitness recounted in Case 87184: “It was a very clear and cloudless night when I looked up and saw this boomerang-like, ‘cloud’ flying by.

“The ‘cloud’ had a very faint body and it maintained its shape while speeding past.”

The witness estimated the object was roughly 2km away from their position but managed to cover the entire distance along the horizon in “just a mere couple seconds”.

The witness stressed the UFO was moving to the east – against a northeastern wind.
They said: “There was no light nor sound coming from the object.”

MUFON researcher Robert Spearing has since closed the case as an Unknown UAV, or unmanned aerial vehicle.

Teardrop UFO in Nevada – Case 83759

Thousands of miles away in North Las Vegas, US, a witness submitted a report of what appeared to be a teardrop-shaped object flying some 500 feet above the ground.

The MUFON testimony claims the witness was outdoors shooting photographs of airplanes landing at Nellis Air Force Base in southern Nevada.

The testimony reads: “The UFO is too far away, about two miles, to say what it was. It was like a bright light, but when I blew it up, it looked like a smoky goldfish cracker.

“I blew it up to about 200 percent and it looked like a cloud of circular smoke. I probably don’t have the best equipment to say what it was.

“And with so few pixels, well, we don’t have enough solid evidence other than its descending path, which can be calculated by time to say, yes this was a UFO. But the object started up at 1,000 feet and pulled a 45-degree descent.

“And then, just disappeared.”

Nevada MUFON State Director Sue Countiss closed the case as an Unknown UAV.



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Expert Believes Humans Are Running Out of Time to Contact Extraterrestrials

by Nirmal Narayanan             May 26, 2018                 (

• Renowned American astrophysicist Ethan Siegel says that humans are running out of time to contact extraterrestrials. Seigal reasons that since our universe is rapidly expanding due to the anti-gravity properties of dark matter, and the rate of expansion is increasing. For this reason, Seigel believes that contacting aliens in nearby galaxies should be made as soon as possible, or else we will lose our chance.

• “As the universe continues on into the future, all the galaxies that aren’t part of our local group will accelerate away from us, owing to the presence of dark energy. By the time the universe is an age of 100 billion years or so, the nearest galaxy to us will be about a billion light-years away,” said Seigel. Galaxies close to us will therefore be twice as far away when the universe becomes double its current age.

[Editor’s Note]  Physicists such as Ethan Seigel make these claims under the premise that our current knowledge of astro-physics is all there is to know about space. This is simply not the case. It was recently revealed and reported that U.S. military intelligence is actively studying alternative advanced methods of propulsion such as wormholes and anti-gravity. The speed of light is not a barrier to future space travel. And since we can travel from one end of the galaxy to the other in relatively short time periods now, it won’t make much of a difference as star positions, galaxies and universes continue to expand.


Ethan Siegel, renowned American astrophysicist has revealed that humans are running out of time to contact extraterrestrials because our universe is rapidly expanding. As per Seigel, if humans do not make contact with aliens in the near future, then contacting aliens will become a practically impossible task.

Experts believe that it is the presence of dark matter which helps the universe to expand. Dark matter is believed to have anti-gravity properties, it reduces the gravity which holds together different galaxies. As gravity decreases between galaxies, the rate of expansion speeds up and that will make interstellar contact impossible in the future.

“If a far-future civilization were to look beyond our own future galaxy, they’d see… nothing. As the universe continues on into the future, all the galaxies that aren’t part of our local group will accelerate away from us, owing to the presence of dark energy. By the time the universe is an age of 100 billion years or so, the nearest galaxy to us will be about a billion light-years away,” said Seigel, Express UK reports.


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MUFON Investigating the Case of Golden Pyramidal UFO Appeared in New York Skies in May

by Nirmal Narayanan              May 26, 2018                  (

• Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) is investigating the May 2018 case of a golden pyramidal UFO which appeared in the early morning skies over Melville, New York. The video of the incident was later shared by conspiracy theory YouTube channel ‘UFOmania’. (see video below of this compelling sighting)

• Opinions of those commenting on the ‘UFOmania’ YouTube video identifying the pyramid UFO ranged from a weather balloon to a golden Anunnaki spacecraft.


Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) is apparently investigating the case of a golden pyramidal UFO which appeared in New York skies in May 2018. The video of the incident was later shared by conspiracy theory YouTube channel ‘UFOmania’, and it is now trending on online.

According to the narrator of the video, the sighting reportedly happened in Melville, New York, at around 05.00 AM. The object spotted in the video looks very similar to those ancient Egyptian pyramids. We can also see bright light emanating from the pyramid UFO.

As the video went viral, alien buffs all across the world strongly argued that sightings like these are a concrete evidence of extraterrestrial existence. They even claimed that the US government is well aware of alien existence, but they are intentionally covering it up for unknown reasons.

As the video started storming in the online spaces, viewers were soon to speculate what happened in the skies of New York.

Many people who watched the video argued that these golden ships are basically interstellar flying spacecraft used by Anunnaki aliens.

2:27 minute ‘UFOmania’ video of pyramid UFO over Melville, New York



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Aliens Are Sabotaging Nuclear Weapons, Says Conspiracist

by Joy Basu                     May 26, 2018                      (

• Several years ago, a former U.S. Air Force lieutenant, Bob Jacobs, was interviewed on CNN’s Larry King Live. Jacobs said that he had witnessed a UFO at Vandenburg Air Force Base. When he told his superiors, “We got a UFO”, he was ordered by his senior officer to “…never to speak of this again”. “As far as you’re concerned, this didn’t happen.”

• In March of 1967, witnesses at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana saw a red glowing UFO hovering just outside the front gate. Malmstrom is responsible for a large amount of nuclear weapons. When the UFO appeared, all of their nuclear missiles shut down and went completely dead.

• Toward the end of the 1970s and early ’80s, the U.S. attempted to put a nuclear weapon on the moon and explode it for scientific measurements. “[ETs] destroyed the weapon before it got to the moon.”

• Could it be that extraterrestrials are trying to prevent humans from using nuclear weapons because we simply cannot be trusted with such massive power?

[Editor’s Note]   The article’s original title is “Aliens Are Sabotaging Nuclear Weapons, Says Wacky Conspiracist”. This is exactly the type of ridicule and deception that the government has employed since the 1940’s with regard to UFOs and extraterrestrials. It continues today. Paul Hertz, Astrophysics Division director at NASA Headquarters in Washington said last year: “The only life we know about is on Earth. NASA is always looking for life out there, and when we find it, we will tell you.” This is known as an institutional lie – a lie mandated by the government. Incidents such as those described in this article are always considered wacky until they are shown to be true. That is now happening with the Disclosure Movement. Will mainstream ‘journalists’ be regarded by future historians as ‘wacky’ when it is revealed that the mainstream media has been spouting Deep State propaganda and institutionalized ridicule for the past seventy years?


Conspiracy theorists have long believed the world’s governments are hiding knowledge of extraterrestrials.

The theory was boosted last year after it emerged the Pentagon had managed a secret multi-million dollar UFO programme for years.

And now an anonymous ufologist has claimed aliens are trying to prevent humans from using nuclear weapons, “because we simply cannot be trusted with such massive power.”

Writing on the website Alien Revelations, the author states the example of former US Air Force lieutenant Bob Jacobs’ interview on CNN’s Larry King Live show several years ago.

Bob claimed his seniors warned him to stay mum after they witnessed a UFO at Vandernburg Air Force Base.

He was told: “You are never to speak of this again”.

Bob had been the first officer awarded with an insignia for guided missiles in the Air Force.

On that evening, he claims to have witnessed something inexplicable, and told his superiors: “We got a UFO!”

However, Jacobs’ superiors did not seem as excited and he was immediately told: “As far as you’re concerned, this didn’t happen.”



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Real Alien Video Leaked? Is the USAF Conducting Alien Experiments in Area 51?

by Nirmal Narayanan                May 25, 2018                    (

• Conspiracy theory YouTube channel ‘UFOmania’ has released an eerie video showing an alien-like figure bearing immense pain on a bed. The narrator of the video claims that the footage comes from the S4 Base medical laboratory in Papoose Lake near Area 51, Nevada. (see UFOmania video below) The video image was originally uploaded by Misterio TV YouTube channel. (see Misterio tv video clip below)

• The video was shot by a man using the pseudonym ‘Victor’. According to Victor, aliens recovered from crashed UFOs are being captured and taken to Area 51, and U.S. Air Force officials interrogated them in the nearby S4 military base.

• The alien shown in the video has a wide oval head and completely black eyes, features that are similar to grey aliens, a species of extraterrestrials. It is purported that many experts have examined the authenticity of the video clip, and they failed to find any kind of manipulations.

• The alien in the video was allegedly captured in 1989 after a UFO crash and held in Area 51 where it was questioned to learn more about its race. It was kept secret to prevent citizens from knowing of the existence of extraterrestrial life. According to theorists, national media outlets are puppets of the government and will not disclose the hidden truth.

[Editor’s Note]  Recent testimony by insider Emery Smith who personally conducted autopsies and experiments on thousands of extraterrestrial beings and alien biological material in an underground laboratory at Kirtland AFB near Albuquerque NM support the claim that ET beings are held and interrogated at CIA/military bases like S4 and Area 52 in Nevada and elsewhere.


Conspiracy theory YouTube channel ‘UFOmania’ has released an eerie video showing an alien-like figure bearing immense pain on the bed after being locked up in clutches. The narrator of the video claims that the footage is apparently shot from the S4 Base medical laboratory in Papoose Lake near AREA 51, Nevada.

Are grey aliens real?

The video, which was originally uploaded by Misterio TV, soon went viral and many conspiracy theorists consider this video as a solid proof of extraterrestrial life. These theorists even allege that the United States Air Force is conducting secret alien experiments in the Area 51 base.

According to the conspiracy theory channel, the video was shot by a man known by his pseudonym Victor. According to Victor, aliens are being captured in Area 51, and the US Air Force officials interrogate them in the S4 military base.


Original ‘Misterio tv’ YouTube Channel 32-Second Video Clip of Live ET Being

Descriptive 3:18 Minute ‘UFOmania’ Video of ET Under Interrogation
at an S4 Military Base in Papoose Lake Near Area 51 in Nevada



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Experts Present Their Evidence of Ancient Aliens Roaming Earth at Contact in the Desert

by Corinne S. Kennedy               June 3, 2018             (

• Hundreds (more?) of people gathered at the posh Renaissance Resort and Spa in Indian Wells, California (just southeast of L.A. near Palm Springs) over the weekend of June 1st – 3rd to attend ‘Contact in the Desert’, an annual conference devoted to all things extraterrestrial. The conference was moved to Indian Wells from the desert town of Joshua Tree, where it has been held until now, because an increasing number of attendees were looking for a little more comfort than they were finding in the Yucca Valley desert, organizers said.

• This year’s Contact in the Desert featured a lineup that boasted PhDs, a former congressman, a Naval pilot, a man who researched UFOs for the British government and a former NASA employee who worked on the Apollo moon missions, among others (including ExoPolitics/ExoNews’ own Dr. Michael Salla). Conference-goers were treated to lectures and workshops on everything from UFO sightings, crop circles, the influence of aliens on ancient human societies, and the relationship between military forces and extraterrestrial beings.

• One of the featured speakers, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, the guy with the wild hair on the History Channel program “Ancient Aliens,” spoke about the technological developments that were brought to the ancient humans on earth. “The reason that we’re in the crap that we’re in today is because of misunderstood technology,” he said. “The reason we have religions today is because of misunderstood visits of extraterrestrials.” Tsoukalos says that examples of ancient technology, including the pyramids in Giza or Central America and ancient art and literature, pointed to signs of extraterrestrials who shared their technology with less advanced human societies on earth.

• Tsoukalos said that archaeologists and historians often dismissed ancient artwork depicting possible extraterrestrials as being beliefs in gods or magic, which was an insult to the intelligence of older civilizations. “We, people like us, are at least entertaining the question ‘where did it all come from?’.”

• Tsoukalos speculates that humans will eventually become the deep space explorers, sharing agriculture and engineering with other less technologically advanced alien societies.


The world is full of unanswered questions. And while it’s alright to admit if you don’t have an answer, the questions still need to be asked.

At least that was the consensus of experts and attendees at Contact in the Desert, an annual conference devoted to all things extraterrestrial. Hundreds of people gathered in at the Renaissance Resort and Spa in Indian Wells over the weekend, bound together by the belief that there’s something more to our world and the universe than many people realize or believe.

          Renaissance Resort and Spa
            in Indian Wells, California

The meeting, normally held in nearby Joshua Tree—an altogether more eclectic town than Indian Wells—was moved to the resort because the increasing number of attendees were looking for a little more luxury than they were finding in the high desert, organizers told The Desert Sun before the event.

While the subject of aliens, specifically contact with extraterrestrials and their presence on earth, has often drawn mocking and charges of pseudoscience, Contact in the Desert featured a lineup that boasted PhDs, a former congressman, a Naval pilot, a man who researched UFOs for the British government and a former NASA employee who worked on the Apollo moon missions, among others.

Conference-goers were treated to lectures and workshops on everything from UFO sightings, crop circles, the influence of aliens on ancient human societies and the relationship between military forces and extraterrestrial beings.

                    Giorgio A. Tsoukalos

One of Sunday’s featured speakers, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, famous for being the guy with the wild hair on the History Channel program “Ancient Aliens,” spoke about what he said were examples of the contact between ancient peoples of Earth and extraterrestrial beings.



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The Val Johnson Incident: A UFO encounter that made Marshall County famous

by Hannah Jones                  May 24, 2018                      (

• On August 27, 1979, Marshall County (Minnesota) Deputy sheriff Val Johnson was driving in a road about ten miles outside of Stephen MN on a clear night when he saw an 8- to 12-inch ball of light floating about three-and-a-half feet off the ground, zooming along the road. He sped up, following the glowing orb down a dark stretch of road. Suddenly the bright light was upon him, and he remembered the sound of glass breaking and the brakes seizing up.

• Johnson woke up 39 minutes later with his head on the steering wheel. His car was sitting on its side, halfway off the road in the opposite lane. His head hurt. His eyes hurt. But he managed to radio headquarters to say that something hit his car. The windshield was shattered and the hood dented. (see image above) The patrol car’s antennae were bent backward and one of the headlights was busted. An ambulance took Johnson to a hospital. He was treated and released for eye burns, the kind welders get from staring at the sparks.

• During questioning, they noticed his watch was 14 minutes behind. Johnson had always been fastidious about syncing his watch and his car clock with headquarters when he started his shifts. They also discovered the clock in his car was 14 minutes slow.

• They called in Allan Hendry, an investigator with the Center for UFO Studies in Illinois. Hendry studied the car and the circumstances, and determined that it wasn’t a hoax. Other experts were called in but none could explain the incident. Johnson and his family were inundated in calls from the press. But as time went on, other headlines crowded the front page and the event fell into relative obscurity. Then along came the internet. “There’s probably more interest in [Johnson] now than there was 20 years ago,” says Kent Broten, president of the Marshall County Historical Society. The Marshall County Museum still has Johnson’s car, and it’s one of their most popular exhibits.

• To this day, the incident remains unsolved.


It was late August in Marshall County, 1979. Deputy sheriff Val Johnson was on patrol in his Ford LTD at 1:30 a.m., heading out on County Road 5. He got about 10 miles away from Stephen when he saw a light through the driver’s side window.

It was an 8- to 12-inch ball of light floating about three-and-a-half feet off the ground, zooming along the road. Johnson thought it had to be a truck with a busted headlight. But it was too bright for that. Whatever it was, Johnson decided to follow it.

He sped up to 55 mph, following the glowing orb down a dark stretch of country road. He’s not certain what happened next. One second the light was dead ahead, and the next it was upon him, painfully bright. All he remembers is the sound of glass breaking and the brakes seizing up.

He woke up 39 minutes later with his head on the steering wheel. He raised it to take in a sideways view of the world. His car was sitting on its side, halfway off the road in the opposite lane. His head hurt. His eyes hurt. But he managed to radio headquarters.

When they asked what was wrong, he told them he honestly didn’t know. All he knew was that something hit his car.

Rescuers found his car in a sorry state. The windshield was shattered, and there was a hefty dent in the hood. The antennae were folded neatly backward, with all the desiccated corpses of careless insects still attached. One of the headlights was busted.

An ambulance transported Johnson to a Warren hospital. Doctors determined he’d sustained eye burns, the kind welders get from staring at the sparks shooting off their instruments. He was treated and released.

He told Sheriff Dennis Brekke what he saw. He had no explanation for it. During questioning, they noticed his watch was 14 minutes behind. This was strange for Johnson. He had always been fastidious about syncing his watch and his car clock with headquarters when he started his shifts. They also discovered the clock in his car was 14 minutes slow.

The department was dumbfounded. They had no idea how any of this could be explained. That’s when Brekke called the Center for UFO Studies in Illinois. UFO investigator Allan Hendry turned up in Warren the next day.

Hendry was an astronomer, ufologist and advocate for the “scientific study of UFOs.” His book, “The UFO Handbook: A Guide to Investigating, Evaluating, and Reporting UFO Sightings” was all about being comprehensive and critical of supposed encounters, and separating tricks of the mind from the truly unexplained. Hendry studied the car and the circumstances. He came to only one conclusion: whatever happened, this wasn’t a hoax.



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How Closely Are Ufologists Watched By Government Agencies?

by Nick Redfern                   May 25, 2018                    (

• Beginning in the 1950’s, the FBI and the CIA closely kept their eye on UFO-themed researchers, groups and abductees such as George Adamski, Truman Bethurum, George Van Tassel, and Frank Stranges. They seemed more interested in their possible ties to communism than their UFO experiences. In 1950’s England, the British Police Force’s Special Branch secretly watched the Aetherius Society, but not for their beliefs in aliens or UFOs, but because of their opposition to atomic weapons.

• A CIA document dated February 9, 1953 reveals that an agent infiltrated a meeting of the California Committee for Saucer Investigations (CSI) in L.A. where Dr. Walter Riedel, the former Chief Designer at the German Experimental Rocket Center at Peenemunde who came to the U.S. as a ‘paperclip’ scientist spoke. Reidel was now a project engineer in the Aerophysics Department of the North American Aviation Corp. “He [Reidel] gave every impression of being a competent scientist, especially knowledgeable on rocket matters. He seemed a balanced person, not given to fixations.”

• The CIA document goes on to say that the CSI had received some 1570 letters relating to reported UFO sightings. The agent was impressed at how thorough they conducted their investigations, considering only a small fraction of sightings to be actual unexplained UFOs. Those are forwarded to Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio.

• Dr. Riedel even indicated the CSI planned to perpetrate a ‘hoax’ UFO sighting over Malibu in front of thousands of people in order to gauge public reaction and response. “This experiment is designed to give a better background against which future sightings can be evaluated.” This hoax may have occurred in late January 1953.

• The CIA agent also reported that the CSI monitored the Russian newspaper, PRAVDA, and that a CSI associate, George P. Sutton, also of Aerophysics Department in North American Aviation, Inc., gave a presentation before the American Rocket Society in New York City on December 4, 1952 entitled ‘Rockets Behind the Iron Curtain.’
• Of incidental interest, the National Aeronautical Association politely suggested to Dr. Riedel that he disassociate himself with the California Committee for Saucer Investigations.

[Editor’s Note] For a thorough discussion of former Nazi rocket scientists’ corporate incursion into the United States military industrial complex during the 1950’s read Dr Michael Salla’s latest book, Antarctica’s Hidden History – Corporate Foundations of Secret Space Programs.


That’s a question I’m often asked, mainly because of my interest in the Men in Black mystery. Although there is no doubt in my mind that the vast majority of all MIB encounters are of a paranormal nature, at least a small number are connected to government agencies. Indeed, there is hard evidence showing that UFO-themed researchers and groups have been watched – and at times watched closely. For example, the FBI has released its files on many of the Contactees of the 1950s, such as George Adamski, Truman Bethurum, George Van Tassel, and Frank Stranges. It’s important to note, though, that the UFO aspects of the investigations were secondary; sometimes, even further down the line than that. Issues relative to politics and communism were far more pressing, from the FBI’s perspective. In the U.K., in the late 1950s, the Aetherius Society was secretly watched by the British Police Force’s Special Branch. Not for their beliefs in aliens or UFOs, though, but because of their stance on atomic weapons.

  Dr. Walter Riedel

With that all said, it’s time now to take a look at one of the earliest UFO research groups that was watched by the CIA: the Civilian Saucer Investigation (although in some of the CIA’s papers on the CSI, it’s incorrectly referred to as the California Committee for Saucer Investigation). A CIA document of February 9, 1953 begins as follows (you can find the document at this CIA link):
“1. Recently a member of the Los Angeles Office had occasion to hear Dr. Walter Riedel tell something of the activities of the California Committee for Saucer Investigations (CSI). His comments, as follows, may be of interest: 2. Dr. Riedel indicated he was formerly Chief Designer at the German Experimental Rocket Center at Peenemunde. He has been in the US as a ‘paperclip’ scientist for some years. He is now a Project engineer in the Aerophysics Department (Guided Missiles) of the North American Aviation Corp. He gave every impression of being a competent scientist, especially knowledgeable on rocket matters. He seemed a balanced person, not given to fixations.”



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Was India Once an Alien Hotspot? 10,000-Year-Old Rock Paintings Say So

by Nirmal Narayanan                    May 22, 2018                  (

• India might have once been a hub of aliens and extraterrestrial beings. Many historians and archeologists in India believe that cavemen who lived in the pre-historic age have painted pictures of aliens and UFOs in rocks at Charama, Chhattisgarh.

• Ancient rock paintings discovered in Charama depicts alien-like figures wearing suits very similar to modern space suits and flying saucers, each with a fan-like antenna and three legs. In some of the pictures, the alien-like figures are seen carrying some sort of weapons.

• People in the nearby villages of Charama have the tradition of worshipping small ‘Rohela’ people who used to land from the sky in round shaped flying saucers.

• On March 15, 1951, an authentic UFO sighting was reported in New Delhi when 25 members of a flying club witnessed a cigar-shaped flying object hovering in the sky. The object was apparently hundred feet long. After a few moments it vanished into thin air.

• In 2013, residents of Mogappiar, Chennai observed five packs of bright orange lights moving across the skies.

• People who live in the northern parts of India, especially in Ladakh, and Arunachal Pradesh borders, have often claimed to have seen UFOs.

• Archeologists have discovered more than 250 similar petroglyphs of alien-like figures at Legends Rock in Wyoming, clearly indicating that humans in the ancient ages were in touch with extraterrestrial beings.

• An ancient painting discovered in Cayuse Creek, Idaho shows a humanoid figure inside a typical flying saucer, emitting trails of smoke behind it.

• Native people in these areas believe that ‘Star Men’ used to visit humans many generations ago, and these extraterrestrial beings had brought spiritual teachings to our planet.


India, the land of a gloriously rich tradition might be once the hottest hub of aliens and extraterrestrial beings. Many historians and archeologists in India believe that cavemen who lived in the pre-historic age have painted pictures of aliens and UFOs in rocks at Charama, Chhattisgarh.
Did aliens visit India in the past?

    Rock Paintings at Charama, India

These rock paintings discovered in Charama depicts alien-like figures wearing suits very similar to modern space suits. The drawings also feature flying saucers, each with a fan-like antenna and three legs. It should be noted that these drawings were apparently drawn before 10,000 years, an era in which space travel was not even in the distant dream of human beings.

                Charama, India

Top archaeologists who investigated the site reveal that these paintings were made in natural colors, and they have hardly faded despite the long years. In some of the pictures, the alien-like figures are seen carrying some sort of weapons.

Interestingly, people in nearby villages of Charama have the tradition of worshipping small ‘Rohela’ people who used to land from the sky in round shaped flying saucers.

               Legend Rock, Wyoming

Archeologists in India believe that people in pre-historic ages might have seen aliens either in real life or in imagination, and this might have made them draw such figures on rocks.

           Cayuse Creek, Idaho









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Looking Back at ‘Intruders’

by Robbie Graham                 May 24, 2018                    (

• In June of 1983, Debbie Jordan-Kauble abducted from her parents’ home and taken aboard an egg-shaped craft by ETs who impregnated her. They later removed the fetus and eventually introduced her to her human-alien hybrid child. She experienced other interactions with ET beings through her life.

• In 1987, noted ufologist and writer Budd Hopkins published his book Intruders: The Incredible Visitations at Copley Woods in follow-up to his instant classic, Missing Time, in 1981. In 1992, Intruders was adapted for a CBS television mini-series starring Richard Krenna as a psychologist investigating abductions including that of Jordan-Kauble, based on both Hopkins and the Harvard psychiatrist, John Mack, as Hopkins didn’t perform the abductee’s hypnosis himself.

• Tracy Torme, staff writer for the tv show “Star Trek the Next Generation” and son of legendary singer Mel Torme, was tapped to write the Intruders mini-series. Torme recalls that alien abduction movies were a hard sell in the late-1980s-early-1990s because abductions hadn’t yet entered the cultural zeitgeist. Torme says that he closely observed Hopkins in his UFO abduction research. “What Hopkins was uncovering,” said Torme, “were these clear patterns in abductions… pattern, after pattern, after pattern.” The more Torme worked with Hopkins, the more he became personally convinced of the reality of these abductions. “I’d just met too many people who were very sincere and who did not want their names in the newspaper, who did not want to be a part of UFO phenomena. They were victims in a lot of ways. They were damaged people; damaged by the experience.”

• Today, Torme relates that although he respected John Mack, he did not share his perspective on the abduction phenomenon. “He [Mack] believed that this is all being done for the benefit of mankind, and they [ETs] are our kind of our saviors and our brothers… and that they’re here to help us and save us from destruction and all that. I just didn’t see it. I do not believe that they are intentionally hostile, but they seem to be lacking in emotions and they don’t treat human beings with the respect that they deserve.”

The Intruders CBS mini-series was generally well-received remains significant for its thoughtful and sympathetic treatment of the abduction phenomenon, intrusive examinations, alien impregnation, hybrid children, screen memories, and hypnotic regression. Says Torme, “I really believe this project was part of the process of people becoming aware of how these things [abductions] allegedly work.” It may have prompted the popularity of succeeding shows such as the “X-Files” in 1992 and others. By the end of the 1990’s the Gray alien had become a staple in ufology. “The way that the image of the Grays has since become known in society is incredible. They’ve seeped into… all aspects of society, and they’re now part of Americana. The image is now worldwide.”


1987 saw the publication of Budd Hopkins’ Intruders: The Incredible Visitations at Copley Woods. The book investigated the claims of a number of alleged alien abductees, but was more specifically concerned with the case of Debbie Jordan-Kauble (known in the book as “Kathie Davis”). Jordan-Kauble described having been abducted from her parents’ home in June of 1983 and being taken aboard an egg-shaped craft which had landed outside. She claimed to have been impregnated by her alien captors, who later removed the fetus and eventually introduced her to her human-alien hybrid child. Jordan-Kauble was dissatisfied with the treatment of her case in Hopkins’ book and later went on to write her own, more detailed account, not only of her 1983 abduction, but of other related experiences throughout her life. As to the nature and origin of these experiences, Jordan-Kauble once mused:

                      Budd Hopkins

“I have had so many different types of experience with so many different aspects of this field that I am somewhat mixed as to what I think they are and where they come from. I have seen the hard evidence that debunkers claim does not exist. I have also experienced the psychological and physical effects, as well as the spiritual awakening of a close encounter. I am also smart enough to realize how powerful the human mind can be when faced with something that it cannot comprehend. All I have ever been able to do was report what I saw and let everyone else sort it all out.”

Hopkins’ Intruders book would later be very loosely adapted for television by screenwriter Tracy Tormé —son of legendary jazz singer and musician Mel Tormé. The 1992 mini-series was concerned less with the Jordan-Kauble story and more with the broader abduction phenomenon as it was then understood by the leading researchers in the field, namely Hopkins and Harvard psychiatrist, John Mack.

                               John Mack

In the mini-series, a psychiatrist, Dr. Chase (Richard Crenna), investigates the abductions of two seemingly unconnected women from different American states and, in the process, immerses himself in broader research into the UFO phenomenon. Eventually, he and a local UFOlogist start a therapy group where abductees can collectively attempt to make sense of their traumatic experiences. Richard Crenner’s psychiatrist character was modelled on both Hopkins and Mack. Crenner wears an oversized woollen fisherman’s sweater throughout, clearly inspired by Hopkins’ trademark garment. The actor drew greater influence from Mack, spending time with the Harvard psychiatrist in order to study his mannerisms.

Debbie Jordan-Kauble

I interviewed Tormé a few years back. He explained his writing process for Intruders and the cultural climate in which it was written. Tormé had been attempting to get an abduction movie off the ground long before Intruders. “I optioned Budd Hopkins’ first book, Missing Time, and spent three long years trying to get it launched in Hollywood,” the screenwriter told me of his initial effort. “At that time people didn’t take abductions very seriously and it seemed like a very odd subject to launch for a multi-million-dollar movie. This was in the early-to-mid 1980s.”

Tormé emphasized to me that abduction movies were a hard sell in the late-1980s-early-1990s:

“At that time there was not a lot of interest in this subject. People wonder why it was such a struggle to get these kinds of movies made. But the public really did not know about the abduction phenomenon. They weren’t following it, they weren’t reading about it. It had not broken through in a big way in the mass media.”

Tormé had developed a close relationship with Budd Hopkins during his research for the Missing Time movie and was an admirer of his work. “I felt he was a very good person, a very good thinker,” said Tormé of Hopkins. “He’d invite me to witness regression hypnosis sessions that he was conducting with abductees. I was hearing these stories that sounded so much like science-fiction, so unbelievable, but what Hopkins was uncovering were these clear patterns in abductions… pattern, after pattern, after pattern.” Tormé was also struck by the artistic renderings of the abductors shown to him by Hopkins:

“He had a great collection of different drawings of the beings made by various abductees, and it was amazing how similar they were to each other. This was at a time when no one knew about so-called Grays. This is back in the early 1980s when if you asked a hundred people what an alien was, you get a hundred different answers.”

                            Tracy Torme

As time passed, the initially undecided screenwriter became    a believer in the reality of the phenomenon:

“The more of Hopkins’ sessions I observed, and the more abductees I met, I became 98 percent convinced that this stuff was real. I couldn’t say 100 percent, because I hadn’t seen anything with my own eyes. But I’d just met too many people who were very sincere and who did not want their names in the newspaper, who did not want to be a part of UFO phenomena. They were victims in a lot of ways. They were damaged people; damaged by the experience. They expressed to me how they really didn’t like that they were never asked to go along with this [the abduction experience]; that this would happen to them if they liked it or not. They were very disturbed by that, and that made a big mark on me.”



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Ufologists Put Forward the Theory of the Origin of the Strange Island in Argentina

by Paradox                 May 22, 2018                    (

• In 2016 on Google Maps, a perfectly round island, 120 meters in diameter, since named “The Eye” (pictured above), was discovered on the Parana River in Argentina. Most intriguing was that the island seemed to slowly rotate. (see previous article here)

• With some effort, a research team led by Argentine documentary producer and director Sergio Newseller was able to get through the nearly impenetrable overgrowth to find the island.

• Said Newseller, “We found that the water in this place is very clean and incredibly cold. There is something quite unusual in this area. The bottom was hard to find in contrast to the marshy land surrounding the “Eye”. And we don’t know what is this island, but [it] was moving in a circle.” Local residents say they often see bright flashes of light in this area at night.

• Newseller’s research team has concluded that the island could be a hidden base for ET aliens from which UFOs may come and go. “This… may explain some of the supernatural stories associated with the presence of UFOs in the area and other paranormal aspects,” said the American engineer Richard Patroni who took part in the last expedition.


In 2016 on Google Maps in Argentina, the paraná river was discovered a mysterious round island. The most intriguing finding was that this island is slowly rotated, as the researchers found that decided to explore it in reality.

Strange island immediately called the “Eye.” This is a very flat circle with a diameter of 120 meters, surrounded by a small amount of water, which is also located in the reservoir having the shape of almost perfect circle. In Google Maps the object can be found at coordinates 34°15’07.8’S 58°49’47.4 W.

When researchers decided to find this place in reality, they barely snuck through wetlands, and densely overgrown with impenetrable thickets and in the first trip, they were unable to get to the “Eye”. They managed to do it only at the second attempt. Led a team of Argentine producer and Director, Sergio Newseller, which wanted to remove near the “Eye” a documentary about UFOs.

“We found that the water in this place is very clean and incredibly cold, there is something quite unusual in this area. The bottom was hard to find in contrast to the marshy land surrounding the “Eye”. And we don’t know what is this island, but he was moving in a circle.”



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The Solar System Has At Least Eight Giant, Secret Oceans Where Alien Life May Exist

by Dave Mosher, Skye Gould and Jenny Cheng            May 21, 2018            (

• Scientists think Europa’s ocean might even be habitable to alien life. Jupiter’s icy moon (about the size of Earth’s moon) is hiding an enormous ocean of saltwater. If all of Earth’s water were combined into one, it would be only half as large as Europa’s liquid reservoir.

• “If there’s life at Europa, it’d almost certainly be an independently evolved form of life,” Bob Pappalardo, a planetary scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. “Discovering extraterrestrial life would revolutionize our understanding of biology.”

• This Article compares the volume of water on Earth with the volume of water/ice on these other moons and planetoids in the solar system as a precursor for the possibility of sustaining extraterrestrial life. While Enceladus and Dione hold less water than the Earth, Europa, Pluto, Triton, Callisto, Titan, and Ganymede all hold quite a bit more than the Earth.

• Mimas, a moon of Saturn, and Ceres, the largest asteroid in the solar system, might also have subsurface oceans. But scientists aren’t yet sure how big each one might be, if they exist at all.

Earth – The Earth harbors about 1.335 ZL of water, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. ZL (zettaliters) equals 1 billion cubic kilometers.

Enceladus – Enceladus is a relatively small moon of Saturn, at just 314 miles in diameter — about as wide as the state of Arizona. It holds 0.04 ZL of water/ice. (Enceladus hold about 3% of the Earth’s volume of water). But its ocean sprays water into space. NASA’s Cassini spacecraft confirmed the ocean’s existence after its arrival in 2004, later detecting and flying through the water plumes to “taste” them.

Triton – Triton is a moon of Neptune that’s some 2.8 billion miles from Earth. It holds 6.73 ZL of water (mostly ice). (Therefore, the Earth holds only 20% of the volume of water/ice on Triton.) Photos made by Voyager 2 show that Triton has “cryovolcanoes” that spew out water and ammonia.

Dione – Dione is a small, icy moon of Saturn. Scientists determined in 2016 that — like Enceladus — Dione likely has a subsurface ocean containing 0.47 ZL of water/ice. (This is 35% of the water volume found on Earth.)

Pluto – Pluto is the famous planet of yesteryear that astronomers agreed to demote to a dwarf planet. NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft recently helped determine that Pluto has a liquid ocean packed with ammonia at a volume of 4.3 ZL. (So the Earth holds only 31% of the volume of water/ice that is on Pluto.)

Europa – Europa is the smallest of the four moons of Jupiter and is about the size of Earth’s moon. It likely has a huge, salty ocean containing 2.91 ZL in volume, and shoots jets of its ocean water into space. (So the Earth contains about 46% of the volume of water on Europa.)

Callisto – Callisto, the second-largest moon of Jupiter, is covered in ice, and almost certainly has a vast ocean with a volume of 19.3 ZL. (The Earth contains only about 7% of the water on Callisto.) However, Callisto’s crust is about 125 miles thick which makes it very difficult for scientists to discover what’s going on down there.

Titan – Titan is the largest moon of Saturn and the second-largest moon in the solar system. Scientists often refer to it as a “proto-Earth” due to its composition and size. A similarly colossal ocean of liquid water may exist below its roughly 60-mile-thick crust of ice, with a total volume of 31.3 ZL. (The Earth’s water volume is only about 4% of the volume of water/ice on Titan.)

Ganymede – Ganymede is the largest of Jupiter’s Galilean moons, and the biggest moon in the solar system. Its stores of water amount to 52.7 ZL. (So the Earth’s water volume is only 2.5% of that on Ganymede.)


Scientists recently found even more evidence that Jupiter’s icy moon Europa is hiding an enormous ocean of saltwater.

To say Europa’s ocean is vast would be an understatement. If all of Earth’s water — oceans, lakes, rivers, rain, clouds, and more — were combined into one blob, it’d be just half as large as Europa’s liquid reservoir. (And Europa is about the size of Earth’s moon.)

Scientists think Europa’s ocean might even be habitable to alien life.

“If there’s life at Europa, it’d almost certainly be an independently evolved form of life,” Bob Pappalardo, a planetary scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, previously told Business Insider. “Would it use DNA or RNA? Would it use the same chemistry to store and use energy? Discovering extraterrestrial life would revolutionize our understanding of biology.”

But Europa is just one of many ocean worlds in the solar system, including Enceladus, Pluto, Titan, and Ganymede.

To figure out how much liquid water and ice these worlds have compared to Earth, Business Insider contacted Steve Vance, a planetary scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Vance closely monitors research about ocean worlds to create estimates of ice thickness, ocean depth, and other parameters.



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DIA Apparently Working On Warp Drive For Space Travel

May 21, 2018                 (

• Recently, the DIA revealed a 34-page intelligence reference document dated April 2, 2010 that discusses warp drives, dark energy, worm holes and alternate dimensions. (See past articles here and here) It was part of a treasure trove of documents related to a scientific study of UFOs undertaken in 2007 by the Pentagon at the order of former majority leader Senator Harry Reid (D-NV).

• The paper also discusses how wormholes (rips in the spacetime continuum) and warp drives would allow for the “fabric” of space to be drawn closer and stretched, bypassing Einstein’s theory of special relativity, which sets of the speed of light at an unbreakable 186,000 miles per second. “The basic idea (of the warp drive) is to create an asymmetric bubble of space that is contracting in front of the spacecraft while expanding behind it. Using this form of locomotion, the spacecraft remains stationary inside this ‘warp bubble,’ and the movement of space itself facilitates the relative motion of the spacecraft,” as proposed by Mexican theoretical physicist Miguel Alcubierre.

• “If one is to realistically entertain the notion of interstellar exploration in timeframes of а human lifespan, а dramatic shift in the traditional approach to spacecraft propulsion is necessary,” the document’s authors write.


It has been revealed that the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) doesn’t just specialize in covert and clandestine intelligence gathering and handling military-diplomatic relationships overseas. Recently, the DIA put together a 34-page intelligence reference document that discusses warp drives, dark energy, and alternate dimensions – no wonder they have a classified budget.

Task & Purpose reports that the document, dated April 2, 2010, and marked for official use only, was obtained by KLAS-TV and republished earlier this month at Public Intelligence. According to the Las Vegas-based television station, it was part of a treasure trove of documents related to a scientific study of UFOs (unidentified flying objects) undertaken in 2007 by the Pentagon at the order of former majority leader Senator Harry Reid (D-NV).

The DIA report does not mention contact with extraterrestrial lifeforms, ray guns, or meetings featuring the Star Wars “Cantina Band,” but it does examine highly-advanced theories like space travel through worm holes and warp drives.

“If one is to realistically entertain the notion of interstellar exploration in timeframes of а human lifespan, а dramatic shift in the traditional approach to spacecraft propulsion is necessary,” the authors write.

The paper also discusses two “loopholes” found in Einstein’s theory of special relativity, which sets the speed of light at an unbreakable 186,000 miles per second. While the cosmic speed limit cannot be broken, wormholes are theoretical rips in the spacetime continuum and warp drives would allow for the “fabric” of space to be drawn closer and stretched.



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If Aliens Beam Us a Signal, What Should We Expect?

by Elizabeth Rayne                  May 21, 2018                         (

• If another intelligent species were trying to transmit a message to Earth, a weak radio signal from some distant galaxy might get lost in the chaos of light and noise from cell phones, wifi, TV and radio broadcasts, satellites, microwaves, traffic jams, and cities that never sleep, not to mention cosmic phenomena like black hole collisions and fast radio bursts.

• “By far the biggest challenge in radio SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) is what we call radio frequency interference,” said UC Berkeley SETI Research Center director Andrew Siemion. For example, the Wow! signal that was thought to be first contact for years (picked up by Ohio State University’s Big Ear radio telescope in 1977) was revealed to be the radio frequency emitted by the hydrogen gas from two comets.

• We are now able to search 10 billion radio channels as opposed to the hundreds that could be investigated when SETI investigations first started. How exactly would we be able to tell an extraterrestrial signal apart from all this visual and auditory pollution? Advances in astrophysics and technology have made it possible to search through more types of signals, analyze data faster, and determine which part of the electromagnetic spectrum we should be watching for a signal from another planet.

• Using such advanced technology, scientists have evaluated signals from a couple thousand star systems so far. And every one of these suspicious signals from outer space has been ruled out by some kind of interference. But SETI still has about a hundred billion stars to go.


Aliens could be trying to get through to us right now and we might not even know it. Even if another intelligent species was trying to transmit a message to Earth, a weak radio signal from some distant galaxy could get lost in the chaos of light and noise from cell phones, wifi, TV and radio broadcasts, satellites, microwaves, traffic jams and cities that never sleep.

That signal also has to contend with disruptive cosmic phenomena like black hole collisions and fast radio bursts being zapped through space before it reached a network of SETI (search for extraterrestrial intelligence) radio telescopes.

“By far the biggest challenge in radio SETI is what we call radio frequency interference,” UC Berkeley SETI Research Center director Andrew Siemion told Seeker. “Because we use our own technology as an example of what we should be looking for we in fact find many many examples of our own technology and those examples actually pollute the signal that we see especially with radio telescopes.”

How exactly would we be able to tell an extraterrestrial signal apart from all this visual and auditory pollution? The Wow! signal that was thought to be first contact for years was actually revealed to be the radio frequency emitted by the hydrogen gas from two comets. Hypersensitive instruments have been set off more than once by triggers that were much closer than scientists thought, including that one infamous case where the source of what was assumed to be a hello from aliens was actually no further than the visitor center of the observatory — a microwave oven without proper shielding had probably been heating up someone’s frozen pizza.



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UFO Filmed Above Florida Beach Spark Star Trek Frenzy

by Callum Hoare                    May 17, 2018              (

• On Tuesday May 15th at 2pm in Vero Beach, Florida, Sunny3 (a YouTuber who likes to video record clouds) captured a UFO. The UFO was traveling against the wind/clouds. Unfortunately, Sunny 3 says, “It went into the cloud and I couldn’t see it, I realized after that it might have been something and I should have stayed focused on it.”

[Editor’s Note] This is an exceptional video, although too short. Yes, she should have zoomed in and stayed with it. But that only lends to its credibility. The article says that she suspected some sort of cloaking technology, but the guy in the ship forgot to push the cloaking button. It goes behind a cloud then reemerges when she ends the video. And it does look like a Klingon battle cruiser.  See video below.


The video, captured at 2pm on Tuesday, in Vero Beach, Florida, shows a UFO among the clouds above.

It appears to be travelling in the opposite direction, as an onlooker attempts to get a closer view.

And witnesses are convinced it is proof that the object is using some sort of camouflaging technology.

A statement read: “It went into the cloud and I couldn’t see it, I realised after that it might have been something and I should have stayed focused on it.”

The video was posted on YouTube channel Sunny3 on May 13 and has already racked up more than 1,000 hits.

And viewers were left speculating what it could be.

One commenter revealed: “I see them every day and night in Floria.”

Another added: “This is seriously strange.”

And a third even claimed: “It’s a Klingon battle cruiser,” referring to the spacecraft seen in science fiction show Star Trek.


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Politicians Support Congressional Hearing on UFOs

by Alejandro Rojas                    May 17, 2018                       (

• On April 12th, 2018, the political journalism source Politico held an event marking the launch of their space news briefs. Representative Ami Bera (Democrat, California), a ranking member of the subcommittee on space for the U.S. House Committee on Science, Space and Technology, admitted that UFOs piqued his interest and suggested congressional hearings on the topic.

• “It definitely piques interest. It gets people engaged,” agreed Randy Hultgren (Republican, Illinois). The CEO of the Coalition for Deep Space Exploration Mary Lynne Dittmar added, “If there really are things buzzing around in the skies that we don’t understand, then we should take a look at it.”

• Ever since the New York Times broke a story in December that the U.S. government has taken the UFO issue seriously, the topic has reached a higher level of credibility. “You hear these reports. We have been hearing them for decades from many credible people,” Politico Defense Editor Bryan Bender told the panel. “Other countries take it more seriously. They have government researchers who, in the open, not in secrecy, try to explain the unexplainable. Should we be doing more?”

• Not since the 1950s have government officials felt comfortable discussing the topic of UFOs in public.


During a discussion which included members of the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology held by Politico, politicians admitted the issue of UFOs piqued their interest, and one of them says he has suggested congressional hearings on the topic.

Ever since the New York Times broke a story in December that the U.S. government has indeed taken the UFO issue seriously, despite decades of claiming otherwise, the topic has reached a higher level of credibility. The story detailed a secretive UFO research group at the Pentagon that had been in operation since 2007. 22 million dollars were spent investigating “aerospace threats,” and the former head of the program, Luis Elizondo, says they received “many accounts from the Navy and other services of unusual aerial systems interfering with military weapon platforms and displaying beyond-next-generation capabilities.”

In an interview I was able to facilitate for the International UFO Congress, Elizondo said, “So that leads then to the next question if it’s not ours and it’s not theirs then whose is it? I don’t know who’s it is, that’s why we’re asking the hard questions.”

On April 12th, 2018, Politico held an event marking the launch of their space news briefs. In December, Politico had released their version of the Pentagon UFO study within hours of the New York Times article. The article was written by Politico Defense Editor Bryan Bender, who is also one of the authors of Politico’s weekly space briefs. At the recent event, Bender brought up the issue of UFOs.

Bender introduced the topic in a panel with his fellow space briefs reporter and co-moderator, Jaqueline Klimas, Representative Ami Bera (Democrat, California), Randy Hultgren (Republican, Illinois) and President and CEO of the Coalition for Deep Space Exploration Mary Lynne Dittmar. Dittmar is also an advisor to the space council set up by President Trump to advise him on space policy. Both Bera and Hultgren are members of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology. Bera is a ranking member of the subcommittee on space.

“You hear these reports. We have been hearing them for decades from many credible people,” Bender told the panel. “Other countries take it more seriously. They have government researchers who, in the open, not in secrecy, try to explain the unexplainable. Should we be doing more? Or is this just crazy sci-fi stuff that is a waste of time?”



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Billy Horschel Believes He Saw a UFO, Gets Ridiculed by Fellow PGA Tour Pros

by Andy Roberts                    May 17, 2018                    (

• American pro golfer, Billy Horschel (pictured above), 5-time PGA Tour Winner and 2014 FedExCup Champion who is currently playing in the PGA Tour, says that he saw six UFOs in a formation in Melbourne, Florida when he was younger.  Horschel says that he was riding in a car with his mother when the saw “… six perfect lights that were hovering over the Indian River in a perfect little arch that looked like a bridge”.

• Many people saw the lights over the Indian River that night and called the police.  The local newspaper ran an article about the phenomenon the next day.

• Horschel says that he gets ridiculed on a weekly basis by a number of his peers for these types of comments. Undaunted, Horschel responds, “Millions of people have seen UFOs and have video recordings. And when you think about pilots — these guys are in the skies hours and hours and they know what a plane is and they know stuff and when they talk about their experiences and what they’ve seen and they can’t justify what they’ve seen, it sort of makes you think a little bit.”


Billy Horschel is never one to shy away from speaking his mind, so his latest story about “millions of people” witnessing UFOs probably shouldn’t come as any surprise to you as he bids to defend the AT&T Byron Nelson this week.

According to Horschel when he was younger, he was riding in a car with his mother back home in Florida one day and it was then that he saw “arched lights glowed yellow above the water as if to outline a bridge.”

I was like that’s weird, the Melbourne Causeway looks so nice and then it hit us that we had passed the Melbourne Causeway and there’s no other bridge for the next 40 or 50 miles.

So it was just weird that there were six perfect lights that were hovering over the Indian River in a perfect little arch that looked like a bridge.




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Aliens ‘Drawing Energy From Volcano Eruptions’

by Joy Basu                        May 17, 2018                     (

• Sightings of alien craft around volcanic eruptions are reportedly on the rise. UFO hunters are convinced that witness accounts of bright, pulsating light, caught around the active volcanos over Yellowstone, in El Salvador, and the Colima volcano in Mexico is evidence UFO activity at these places.

• “When a medium volcano erupts it releases around 27 megatons of thermal energy. That’s a lot. Could it be that these mysterious crafts have found a way to reap the energy that is released during these events?” asks a writer on

• Nigel Watson, author of the UFO Investigations Manual, says that tectonic strains in the Earth’s crust produce enough energy to naturally create columns of electrical energy and glowing balls of light in the atmosphere. Michael Persinger and Gyslaine Lafrenière who made a statistical study of the correlation between UFO sightings and seismic-related locations, say that EM fields of these type of UFOs can trigger hallucinations or trance states in people who get to near to them, which “explain the many stories of ‘alien’ abductions and other strange encounters that are experienced after a witness has seen a light in the sky.”


Reported sightings of alien crafts around volcanic eruptions are on the rise, according to numerous alien conspiracy websites.

While a glowing sphere was reportedly spotted over the Yellowstone volcano in the US in February, another was spotted last year in El Salvador in September.

In January 2017, alien chasers claimed a new video appeared to show a UFO burst into a ball of light after “leaving a volcano” while in 2016, there were numerous other stories on UFOs flying over active volcanos.

UFO hunters are convinced that witness accounts of bright, pulsating light, caught around the active volcanos is evidence their activity is within the nature of Earth.

Writing in, an author said: “When a medium volcano erupts it releases around 27 megatons of thermal energy. That’s a lot. Could it be that these mysterious crafts have found a way to reap the energy that is released during these events?”

Other UFO bloggers such as Scott C Waring, who runs made wild claims about alien monitoring seismic activity, or even triggering volcanic eruptions and earthquakes.

Mr Waring said of an alleged UFO sighting by the erupting Colima volcano in Mexico: “The UFO is long, and cigar-shaped much like many of the past UFOs seen around Mexican volcanoes on live cams.

“The UFO could not leave from the mouth since there was an eruption, so they took a side path.”



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Aliens From Outer Space Are Distant Relatives of the People

by Jan Hartman                 May 17, 2018                  (

• The former director of the US Pentagon program that studied UFOs, Luis Elizondo said that aliens from outer space are not dangerous humanoids. Elizondo believes that many light years ago mankind and the aliens were relatives.

• According to some ufologists, aliens are sentient, have the same body structure as humans, and survive where there is water.

[Editor’s Note] According to Corey Goode, there are 52 other stars in our Sun’s star system, each being home to a human-like species with variations in skin color. Goode also says that the inner-earth Anshar beings are the descendants of Earth humans who came back to the this time to protect their (our) species in this volatile and critical period of Earth human’s history where we will either choose to submit to the negative extraterrestrial beings that currently control our planet, or to ascend to a higher consciousness with the help of our human space cousins.


The American expert, together with experienced ufologists have proposed an incredible theory. Experts say that ancient aliens from outer space may be distant relatives of people.

Former Director of the program in identifying air threats in the defence Department of the United States Luis Elizondo stated that aliens from outer space are not dangerous humanoids. Moreover, Elizondo believes that many light years ago mankind and the aliens were relatives. Ufologists supported Elizondo and his alternative theory that aliens can be our interstellar family.

Primarily, the aliens are sentient, like humans. Secondly, according to ufologists, the people and the humanoids have the same body structure and survive where there is water. In addition, the aliens already had people, and now watching humanity through UFO.


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Aliens In Neighboring Universes Could Potentially Be Human Relatives

by Zachary Riley                     May 16, 2018                     (

• The search for alien life is heating up. With a huge amount of money poured into private scientific investigation into the existence of aliens and even a significant chunk of NASA’s budget now dedicated to the search for extraterrestrials, it’s clear that we desperately want evidence that we’re not alone in the universe.

• Many alien enthusiasts and scientists alike insist that we should be considering these extraterrestrials as a species similar to our own with the same sort of curiosity and search for knowledge that we ourselves are known for. There’s a growing movement to approach the research more from a curious and diplomatic standpoint rather than preparing ourselves for an inevitable disaster once we come into contact. By adjusting the way we approach our search for aliens, we may very well be opening ourselves to a much more hospitable interaction with intelligent life if we’re to happen across it.

• It will be an uphill battle when it comes to approaching aliens from a curiosity standpoint rather than one that is defensive, but it’s an interesting theory to keep in mind as we continue to reach out further and further in our search for intelligent life.


Investigations into Aliens are often performed from a defense perspective , but what if the extraterrestrial life in our own or neighboring universes are our relatives?

There’s no doubt that the search for alien life is heating up. With a huge amount of money poured into private scientific investigation into the existence of aliens and even a significant chunk of NASA’s budget now dedicated to the search for extraterrestrials, it’s clear that we desperately want evidence that we’re not alone in the universe.

However, the majority of investigations into aliens are made with the assumption that we’d have to prepare ourselves for some sort of alien invasion. It’s usually assumed that these aliens are far more advanced than us and would be more interested in conquest than they would be communication, but there’s certainly also the possibility that these aliens would be open to collaboration and even friendship rather than war.

Recent research into dark energy suggests that the possibility of aliens existing in other universes is very likely, as it’s now considered possible for life to exist under much more trying conditions. But that doesn’t really aid us on our path to discover whether aliens actually exist or shape how exactly we’ll approach the situation if we are to actually come in contact with extraterrestrials.

Many alien enthusiasts and scientists alike are frustrated with the way that the investigations into aliens are being carried out, insisting that we should be considering these extraterrestrials as a species similar to our own with the same sort of curiosity and search for knowledge that we ourselves are known for.

It’s difficult to determine at all what aliens would be like if we happened across them, but there’s a growing movement to start approaching the research more from a curious and diplomatic standpoint rather than preparing ourselves for an inevitable disaster once we come into contact.

Media ranging from YouTube channels to published research alike captures a lot of the attention of the general public by predicting some sort of doomsday were we to come in contact with aliens, but the truth is that we have no idea at all what that sort of contact would be like.

By adjusting the way we approach our search for aliens, we may very well be opening ourselves to a much more hospitable interaction with intelligent life if we’re to happen across it.



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Evidence Grows that Hawaii Volcanic Eruption Caused by Puna Geothermal Venture

[Editor’s Note]  As this article is quite detailed and contains many diagrams, you may choose to watch the ExoPolitics video here, where Dr Salla narrates the many charts and images in the audio version of this article.  The following article, however, contains further source material and links.


The surge in volcanic activity in the lower Puna region of the Big Island of Hawaii is concentrated in the area surrounding the Puna Geothermal Venture. Scientific data clearly links the unacknowledged fracking activity at the Puna Geothermal Venture as a factor in what is occurring with lava flows and earthquakes.

More scientific data shows how the fracking may have been deliberately designed to create a geological process by which lava would drain from Kilauea’s summit into the East Rift Zone so as to create large new vents that would destabilize the geology, and possibly trigger a major collapse in the Hilina Fault System.

A video prepared by Pacific Tsunamic Warning Center clearly shows that the epicenter of earthquake activity centered in the lower Puna region is adjacent to the Puna Geothermal Venture.

The following map from the video depicts all the earthquakes and the eruption site for the recent lava outbreak from 30 April to 6 May. The eruption occurs mainly in Leilani Estates, which is right next to the Puna Geothermal Venture.


The following map by the US Geological Service shows where the Puna Geothermal Venture (marked PGV) is in relation to the current volcanic eruption.

Here’s a photo showing the lava outbreak and its very close proximity to the Puna Geothermal Venture (circled in red) on May 22. Since then, it has begun flowing onto the property, but still not reached any of the wells.

The scientific data clearly shows how the Puna Geothermal Venture (PGV) is at the epicenter of the volcanic eruption. Is this merely chance or by design?

In my previous article and video published on May 15, I wrote about how the fracking activity at PGV has been scientifically linked to earthquakes. The following diagram was included which clearly showed the strong correlation:

Source of earthquake data: Advanced National Siesmic System – ANSS, Source of Injection Data is the EPA

Since the publication of my article, there have been other articles linking the fracking at PGV with earthquakes, and also raising the question of whether the fracking caused the volcanic eruption. The most prominent one has come from Jon Rappoport, who wrote a May 22 article on his blogsite titled: “Did fracking cause the Hawaii volcano eruption?”

In my May 15 article and video, I mentioned the Hilina Slump and how it may have been related to the fracking occurring at PGV. This has led to much criticism in the video’s comments section, but the scientific facts do show that earthquake activity is related to movements in the Hilina Fault System. Here’s a map showing the Hilina Slump system in relation to the East Rift Zone.

The following map produced by the Hawaii Volcano Observatory shows how the recent earthquake activity led to the Hilina Slump slipping towards the Pacific Ocean Observatory by about two meters, which is massive in geological terms.  

Source: Berkeley Seismology Lab

Here’s how an article produced by the Berkeley Seismology Lab explained the above photo:

While the earthquakes under the summit and under the eruption center at the eastern end of the rift zone are generated by the movement of magma, the big event and its aftershocks under the pali have a different origin. This becomes obvious in Figure 2 [reproduced above]. It shows how the permanent GPS stations installed and operated by the Hawaii Volcano Observatory moved in response to the 6.9 quake. The red arrows indicate the direction of horizontal motion and all of them point to the southeast. The length of each arrow represents the extent of the motion with the longest ones having moved by more than 2 feet. This shows that the flank of the cliff on the southern coast of Hawaii has moved further towards the ocean.

What the article didn’t mention was that the 6.9 quake on May 4 was triggered by the massive outflow of lava from Kilauea Summit, Halemaʻumaʻu crater, into the East Rift Zone. Basically, the volcanic eruption in the Lower Puna region (where the Puna Geothermal Venture is located) is being fueled by fresh lava from the summit of Kileaua, which is being drained towards it.

While it began slowly as old lava oozed out of the new volcanic fissures in Leilani Estates, the recent upsurge is a result of fresh new lava arriving from the Kilauea Summit. The Honolulu Advertiser explained the process:

The first weeks of the eruption saw pasty, crumbly, slower-moving aa lava oozing slowly through the fissures. But that changed Friday afternoon, scientists said, when preliminary results from a testing sample showed a different composite of lava, the smoother pahoehoe variety that is generally fresher, hotter and faster.

The following diagram shows the dynamics of the lava flows linking Kilauea Summit, the Pu’u’O’o Vent, and the East Rift Zone.

Source: Ars Technica

An article by Scott Johnson in Ars Technica, explained the process as follows:

Kīlauea’s main magma chamber seems to be a few kilometers below Halemaʻumaʻu Crater at its summit. When the volcano’s guts gurgle with a new injection of magma from below, the lava lake in Halemaʻumaʻu Crater rises. The conduits and crevices that constitute Kīlauea’s “plumbing” extend from the summit region over to the East Rift Zone. So after lava rises in Halemaʻumaʻu Crater, the lake sometimes drains back down as the new magma moves on toward the eastern section of the volcano.

This is where we finally get to the issue of whether the fracking at Puna Geothermal Venture was secretly an attempt to weaken the underlying geology in order to create a path for fresh lava to drain from Kilauea summit into the East Rift Zone. As the following diagram of the East Rift Zone illustrates, lava follows the path of least resistance in a highly pressurized environment.

This principle would be well known to any geologist, or plumber if we use Johnson’s analogy. This means that some would have been aware from the inception of the PGV in 1993, that the process of using highly pressurized water on subterranean rocks (aka fracking), severely compromising the underground environment, would effectively open up a new path for lava to flow from the Kilauea summit and the Pu’u’O’o Vent

Apparently, this is exactly what was planned by those behind the Puna Geothermal Venture according to Paul Collin, who has strong ties to the U.S. intelligence community:

It is understood that Hawaii’s geothermal power company “Puna Geothermal Venture” ( PGV ) purposefully “drilled” wells and “fracked” into the ground in such a way that lava from Earth’s mantle would eventually be redirected to open-up and spout a ‘brand new volcano within the island of Hawaii, and sure enough facts set forth by a USGS chart and briefing that lava has now been routed right along the same linear path south-east, which actually punched-out a ‘brand new caldera volcano’ within the “Lower East Rift Zone” adjacent to the extremely weak debris landmass known as the ‘Hilani Slump’ consisting of 10% of Hawaii’s southeastern land mass that was already slipping into the Pacific Ocean ‘without the new lava delta’ growing huger; about 400 meters per hour on land ( alone ) – threatening a tsunami event from coast to coast.

In my May 15 article, I described how the creation of a massive tsunami through a collapse of the Hilina slump was the secret purpose behind the creation of the Puna Geothermal Venture, whose owners are linked to the Rothschild family.

I wish to state for the record that I don’t believe the plan will succeed, and that the hoped-for megatsunami that would cripple the United States economically and militarily for decades to come will not occur. However, it is vitally important to expose this plan was and who is behind it.

My view is that the Rothschild family has chosen China as the hub for the kind of New World Order that the Deep State/global elite would like to emerge. That would be an openly authoritarian state where AI technology is used to monitor citizens and quickly remove troublemakers expressing dissenting political views.

The United States is the main obstacle to such an authoritarian New World Order being created, and secret geo-engineering was therefore undertaken in Hawaii that would create a megatsunami via a major collapse of the Hilina fault system.

If the plan had worked, then it is not hard to see how the U.S. would have been unable to prevent a New World Order emerging – based on China’s authoritarian socio-political model masked behind AI technology designed to appeal to a tech savvy Millennial generation.

It is also important to mention that this is the second time in 2018 that Hawaii was targeted by the Deep State/global elites for some kind of catastrophic event that would economically and militarily weaken the United States. On January 13, 2018, a ballistic nuclear missile was sent by a secret CIA linked Navy, called the “Dark Fleet”, in a false flag attack that was meant to embroil the United States in a catastrophic nuclear war.

In a January 20 article, I provided documents and references showing how the CIA has built its own secret fleet that conducts covert operations on behalf of the Deep State/global elite. Thankfully, that plan failed due to the intervention of a U.S. Air Force based secret space program that shot down the missile, as I discussed another article.

Since 2004, I have lived on Hawaii’s Big Island. On May 1, 2018, I moved from the lower Puna region just as the earthquakes intensified, to the Kona side of the Big Island. It boggles the mind that such a beautiful part of our planet is being repeatedly targeted by the global elite for catastrophes that will facilitate their New World Order plans.

I sincerely hope that appropriate legal and political action is taken against: all those behind the Puna Geothermal Venture for their role in the devastation that is being caused in the lower Puna region by their secret fracking; the local County officials that were likely bribed to remain silent over the risk of permitting such a venture; and also against the global elites who put together such a nefarious plan.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

[Note: Audio Version of above article is available here or can be viewed below]

[Credit: Original photo used in banner image was taken by G. Brad Olsen, a photographer residing in Volcano, Hawaii].

Further Reading

UFOs: “A Memorandum of Importance”

by Nick Redfern                  May 11, 2018                 (

• There is a document on the FBI’s website, The Vault, entitled “A Memorandum of Importance” dated July 1947 and authored by someone who only identified him or herself as someone with “several university degrees and was formerly a university department head”. It was declassified and released to the public in 1976.

• “This Memorandum is respectfully addressed to certain scientists of distinction to important aeronautical and military authorities, to a number of public officials and to a few publications…The writer has little expectation that anything of import will be accomplished by this gesture. The more fact that the data herein were obtained by so-called supernormal means is probably sufficient to insure its disregard by nearly all the persons addressed; nevertheless it seems a public duty to make it available.”

• The source warns: “A very serious situation may develop at any time with regard to the ‘flying saucers.’ If one of these should be attacked, the attacking plane will almost certainly be destroyed. In the public mind this might create near panic and international suspicion. The principal data concerning these craft is now at hand and must be offered, no matter how fantastic and unintelligible it may seem to minds not previously instructed in thinking of this type.”

• The memo’s writer goes on to describe the UFOs and extraterrestrials controlling them (paraphrased in part): The ET’s are human-like but larger, and their mission is peaceful. They come from an etheric planet which overlaps our own and is not perceptible to us. Their ET bodies and craft will automatically materialize when they lower their vibratory rate to that of our dense matter, and they will disappear from our vision the same way. They possess an energy ray that can easily disintegrate any attacking ship.

• The memo concludes: “We give information and warning, and can do no more. Let the newcomers be treated with every kindness.”


I’m not entirely sure why, but just recently a 71-year-old statement on UFOs has been circulating here and there on the Net. It cropped up just a couple of days ago in the comments section of one of my Facebook posts. And it also popped up on the website of a radio show I was on recently. It’s also a statement that has caused some confusion and outright mistakes. Basically, it’s one person’s theory on what is behind the UFO phenomenon. The writer makes a lot of controversial claims that take matters far away from the regular “nuts and bolts” aspect of Ufology. As for why some people have gotten all excited about it, there’s no doubt that it’s because the statement is available at the FBI’s website, The Vault.

The statement at issue – titled “A Memorandum of Importance” – was prepared in early July 1947. And, as the writer noted: “This Memorandum is respectfully addressed to certain scientists of distinction to important aeronautical and military authorities, to a number of public officials and to a few publications.” He or she continues: “The writer has little expectation that anything of import will be accomplished by this gesture. The more fact that the data herein were obtained by so-called supernormal means is probably sufficient to insure its disregard by nearly all the persons addressed; nevertheless it seems a public duty to make it available. (The present writer has several university degrees and was formerly a university department head).”

Our source warns: “A very serious situation may develop at any time with regard to the ‘flying saucers.’ If one of these should be attacked, the attacking plane will almost certainly be destroyed. In the public mind this might create near panic and international suspicion. The principal data concerning these craft is now at hand and must be offered, no matter how fantastic and unintelligible it may seem to minds not previously instructed in thinking of this type.”



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UFO Religions Back in the News

by Paul Seaburn               May 12, 2018                 (

• A hearing was recently held in Boston on the case of Olga Paule Perrier-Bilbo, a French national who wants to become an American citizen. Perrier-Bilbo refused to take the oath of citizenship because it ends with the words “So help me God.” Perrier-Bilbo is a devout Raelian who doesn’t believe in God.

• The Raelian Movement is a UFO religion founded in 1974 by French car racing journalist Claude Vorilhon, who changed his name to Raël after being contacted by an ET in a spacecraft who claimed to have selected him to deliver a new origin message to humanity and start a religion based on it.

• Raelians believe that an alien species sent scientists called Elohim who created all life on Earth through DNA manipulation. Raelians support human genetic engineering, genetically-modified foods and other futuristic technology.

• Vorilhon was taken to the alien’s planet where he met Buddha, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad, who told him to be more like the aliens, who were peace-loving and had no money, sickness or wars.

• Said Perrier-Bilbo, “My hope is for the phrase, ‘So help me God’ to be stricken from future naturalization ceremonies and for this lawsuit to encourage other atheists or agnostics who want to defend the constitution to fight against this anti-constitutional oath.” The results of the hearing are still pending.

• In Britain, George King founded the Aetherius Society in1955 after he received a telepathic communication from an alien intelligence representing an “Interplanetary Parliament” that existed on Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. King claimed to have met Jesus on Venus in 1958. King’s Aetherius ‘religion’ borrows from yoga, Eastern mantra and New Age and promotes spiritual self-advancement and world service. King died in 1997.

• Members of the Aetherius Society recently announced its “Operation Prayer Power” pilgrimage in July to Holdstone Down in north Devon, England. Other Aetherius pilgrimage destinations are Castle Peak in Colorado, Mount Ramshead in New South Wales, Kilimanjaro in Tanzania and Le Nid d’Aigle in France.


While the big three major world religions get all of the publicity, there are plenty of other spiritual collectives between them and atheism. One group that attracts a lot of paranormal fans are the UFO religions whose members subscribe to the existence of extraterrestrials traveling to Earth in unidentified flying objects, often to take part in the evolution of humanity. Two such groups coincidentally popped up in the news recently, proving that they’re not as obscure as some might think (or hope).

A hearing was held in Boston this week in the case of Olga Paule Perrier-Bilbo, a French national who wants to become an American citizen … except for the part about taking an oath of citizenship that ends with the words “So help me God.” Perrier-Bilbo’s objection comes from her membership in the Raëlian movement, which is a UFO religion founded in 1974 by French car racing journalist Claude Vorilhon, who changed his name to Raël after being contacted by an ET in a spacecraft who claimed to have selected him to deliver a new origin message to humanity and start a religion based on it.

In his first book, Le Livre qui dit la vérité (“The Book Which Tells the Truth“), Vorilhon says the alien’s species sent scientists called Elohim (“those who came from the sky”) who created all life on Earth through DNA manipulation. The alien, also an Elohim, took Vorilhon or Raël to their planet where he allegedly met Buddha, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad, who told him to be more like the aliens, who were peace-loving and had no money, sickness or wars. Raël’s followers support human genetic engineering, genetically-modified foods and other futuristic technology.

Perrier-Bilbo just wants to be a good Raëlian-American and she was given the opportunity to take a modified oath in a private ceremony, but in this litigious, political and social media world, that wasn’t enough.

“My hope is for the phrase, ‘So help me God’ to be stricken from future naturalization ceremonies and for this lawsuit to encourage other atheists or agnostics who want to defend the constitution to fight against this anti-constitutional oath.”


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