Sonar Anomaly Discovered Off North Carolina Coast Sparks UFO Debate

by Nirmal Narayanan                 Jun 28, 2018               (

• A strange sonar anomaly, now known as ‘Big Dipper Anomaly’, has been discovered off of the North Carolina coast. On Wednesday June 27th the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) sent a research ship, Okeanos Explorer, to depths of 13,124 feet to resolve the mystery. The actual location is being kept secret. NOAA live-streamed the exploration on its website and social media platforms. 

• Conspiracy theorists suspect that the anomaly could be an undersea structure built and occupied by extraterrestrials using highly advanced technology. They point to a video released by the U.S. Navy/To The Stars Academy in March 2018 of a UFO streaking across the Atlantic Ocean off of the U.S. East Coast as evidence that extraterrestrials live in the oceans. (see 1:38 minute video below)

• [Editor’s Note]  This anomaly could be anything, or nothing. But the news coverage of it shows how accepted the idea of UFOs and extraterrestrial beings has become in our cultural zeitgeist.

The Charlotte Observer says: “NOAA has not been afraid to notch up suspense about the area, noting it could be “an archaeology site, a geological formation or otherwise.”  It’s anybody’s guess what “otherwise” means, but UFO enthusiasts might be tingling with ideas.

Live says:  “The ROV dives are helping scientists understand the “diversity and distribution of deepwater habitats in this region,” NOAA said.  However, aliens and unknown shipwrecks don’t seem to be a part of that underwater world, at least not yet.”


The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has started an expedition to resolve the mystery surrounding a strange sonar anomaly discovered off North Carolina coast. On Wednesday, NOAA’s Ship Okeanos Explorer was sent diving to determine whether the anomaly was the result of a possible shipwreck or rock formation.

Geologic Structure Or Ancient Remnants?

While carrying out the research, the NOAA live streamed the exploration on its website and social media platforms. The NOAA revealed that their exploration vehicle has reached depths of 820 to 13,124 feet.

The location in which the researchers spotted the anomaly is now kept under the wraps by NOAA. However, on Wednesday evening, NOAA made it clear that the anomaly spotted what is now known as ‘Big Dipper Anomaly’ appeared to be geologic in origin.

Conspiracy Theorists Put Forward Alien Theory

In the meantime, conspiracy theorists have joined the party, and they strongly claim that advanced aliens may be living in the depths of the ocean. As per UFO buffs and alien enthusiasts, extraterrestrial beings have built shelters in ocean depths, and they have that advanced technology to strive in the harsh oceanic conditions.

Some conspiracy theorists argue that the video of an unidentified object being trailed by a US Navy Jet above the ocean is an indication that extraterrestrial beings are living in oceans. This video released by Pentagon following the disclosure of the ‘ Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program’ (AATIP)’ shows a bizarre flying object streaking across the sky defying all the laws of physics.

1:38 minute Navy video of UFO over the ocean off of the East Coast of the U.S.



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Haunted Appalachia: Star Light, Star Bright — UFOs in the Mountain State

by Sherri Brake               June 27, 2018                  (

• Here are four incidents of people in West Virginia seeing a UFO.

• In 1976, in Webster Springs, West Virginia a nurse at the local hospital was driving home with her son when they cross the Twin Bridges near Bergoo when they both saw a three-sided UFO craft flying close to their car. They stopped to look at the craft, and detected a terrible odor. Then they continued home puzzled but unharmed.

• On April 8, 1994, in Quiet Dell, Harrison County, WV some people driving in a car noticed a silent, circular object in the sky with dome-shaped windows in the center. It hovered above the trees then came back down close to the ground. The car radio screeched loudly, the dash lights dimmed, and the car almost stalled. But it returned to normal when the craft left.

• In 1965, a group of children in the Valley Head area of Randolph County, WV, were outside playing when an 11-year-old boy saw a disc-shaped craft, about 15 to 20 feet in diameter, hovering about 50 feet above the trees. It shot across the night sky, over Point Mountain and towards the town of Webster Springs.

• On Feb. 20, 1994 in Morgantown, WV a couple were walking along University Avenue when they saw aircraft with a very bright beam of light aiming towards the ground. They assumed it was a helicopter until they noticed that it was actually a silent, metallic, whitish-gray triangular craft. It hovered, turning its’ light beam on and off, and then sped off in the clouds towards Fairmont. Several other onlookers witnessed this event as well.


With the arrival of warmer weather, we find ourselves invariably spending more time outside. Here in the country, with no city lights to water down the starlight, the stars glisten and twinkle on clear nights. Occasional falling stars, a gliding satellite, and a glimpse of the Milky Way always make for interesting sky watching. And then there is always the unexpected event, the unidentifiable sighting.

UFOs or Unidentified Flying Objects have been spotted and documented throughout the ages and across the entire world. It is more common than you can imagine unless, of course, you are one of the hundreds who have already seen “one”.

Webster Springs, West Virginia in 1976 finds us with one such event. A nurse at the local hospital clocks out and is driving home with her son when they cross the Twin Bridges near Bergoo. As they are driving they spot something unusual. They both see a three-sided craft within close range of their car. They stop the car, incredulous to what they see when they are both overcome by a terrible odor. They finish their trip home unharmed, but puzzled by what occurred.

Quiet Dell, West Virginia on April 8, 1994: In this area of Harrison County, a Suds Run road traveler spots a circular object in the sky which has dome-shaped windows in the center. It makes no sound. It hovered above the trees then came back down close to the ground not making a sound. The people in the vehicle noticed their car radio screeching loudly and the car almost stalled and the dash lights dimmed. The next day, the car was fine but I bet the witnesses were still shaky!

1965 finds us in the Valley Head area of Randolph County. A group of children were outside in the evening playing hide-and-seek. An 11-year-old boy ran around the side of a hill by himself and saw something unexpected. It was hovering about 50 feet above the trees and was disc-shaped. The youngster estimated the object to be about 15 to 20 feet in diameter. It shot across the night sky, over Point Mountain and towards the town of Webster Springs. This young boy is now a full-grown man and remembers this event with great detail as if it happened yesterday.



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Local Resident Spotted Weird UFO Hurtling Across the Skies of Brazil

by Nirmal Narayanan                     Jun 27, 2018                   (

• A Brazilian man captured video of a saucer-shaped UFO flying across the skies of Curtiba, Brazil, which was released on the ‘UFOmania’ YouTube channel. (see 1:39 minute video of UFO below)

• YouTuber, Paul Velez, claimed that the UFO is very similar to that of the one he saw in his life. “Finally I see video with the same ship that I also saw. I saw it super close because a man walked up to my truck in a parking lot to ask me what it was. It started moving away. It was awesome to tell you the truth. It’s the exact same one too. Cool,” commented Velez.

• Another YouTuber commented that the eerie object in the sky might be a projected hologram under ‘Project Blue Beam’ to stage a false alien invasion.


A local resident in Brazil has apparently caught the visuals of a saucer-shaped UFO flying across the skies, and it has left alien enthusiasts and extraterrestrial researchers puzzled. The video shows a bizarre object very similar to that of the extraterrestrial crafts which we have seen in Hollywood sci-fi flicks.

The video of the eerie incident gained popularity after conspiracy theory channel ‘UFOmania’ shared it on YouTube. As the video went viral, conspiracy theorists strongly alleged that aliens used to visit earth frequently to monitor the activities of human beings.

The astonishing admission of Paul Velez

In the meantime, viewers of the YouTube channel also put forward various theories explaining the bizarre sky event.

After seeing the video, a YouTube user named Paul Velez shockingly claimed that the flying object in the video is very similar to that of the one he saw in his life. However, Velez did not talk about the place in which he had the UFO encounter.

“Finally I see video with the same ship that I also saw. I saw it super close because a man walked up to my truck in a parking lot to ask me what it was. It started moving away. It was awesome to tell you the truth. It’s the exact same one too. Cool,” commented Paul Velez.


1:39 minute video of UFO over Curtiba, Brazil



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NASA Leads New Search for Alien Life With Scientists Developing Guidebook for Finding Biosignatures

by Athena Yenko               June 27, 2018                 (

• A NASA project called Nexus for Exoplanet Systems Science or NExSS was formed three years ago and comprised of an international team of scientists, astrobiologists, planetary scientists, Earth scientists, heliophysicists, astrophysicists, chemists, and biologists, are searching the 3,700 exoplanets discovered in the past 30 years for signs of extraterrestrial life known as biosignatures. The initial results of the team’s work are detailed in five separate papers published in June in the journal Astrobiology.

• Biosignatures are any element, particles, molecules, or phenomenon that may have been created by alien life forms at present or left behind by the extraterrestrials in the past and serves as proof of other beings hiding or still living in one of these exoplanets.

• The scientists aim to identify as many biosignatures as they can, especially those that are not found on Earth. This way, the scientists hoped to avoid being tricked into thinking that a planet is uninhabitable just because it does not have similar biosignatures with what is found on Earth.

• “We have to be open to the possibility that life may arise in many contexts in a galaxy with so many diverse worlds — perhaps with purple-colored life instead of the familiar green-dominated life forms on Earth, for example,” explained Mary Parenteau, a coauthor of one of the papers and an astrobiologist at NASA’s Ames Research Center in Silicon Valley. Edward Schwieterman, the lead author of one of the papers, said for example, the absence of oxygen in one planet is not enough basis to classify that planet as uninhabitable. Instead of focusing on whether a planet is habitable or not,experts should focus on the detectability of life on the planet.

• Another paper evaluated atmospheric conditions, the presence of oceans and continents, and its overall climate. Two other papers discussed future scientific technologies that can be used to accurately detect biosignatures even from the most distant exoplanets.


NASA is at the helm of a new project searching for signs of extraterrestrial life among the 3,700 exoplanets discovered in the past 30 years.

The project specifically aims to identify biosignatures that may have been created by alien life forms at present or left behind by the extraterrestrials in the past. Biosignatures are any element, particles, molecules, or phenomenon that serves as proof of other beings hiding or still living in one of these exoplanets.

The project, called Nexus for Exoplanet Systems Science or NExSS, was formed three years ago with the ultimate goal of finding answers to question whether humans are alone in the universe. NASA builds an international team of scientists comprised of astrobiologists, planetary scientists, Earth scientists, heliophysicists, astrophysicists, chemists, and biologists to work on the project.

Initial results of the team’s work were detailed in five separate papers published this month in the journal Astrobiology.

Ultimately, the papers all proposed ways to interpret the presence of most promising signs of life so that humans may distinguish another living world that might have been masquerading as a barren planet all along. They wanted to make way to pass the stage of theorizing to finally coming up with robust scientific proof.

“Given the massive implications of detecting an alien biosphere on an exoplanet, we’re going to need all the tools in the toolbox to build up a sufficient level of confidence in our findings,” said Theresa Fisher, a contributing author in one of the papers and a geological science graduate from Arizona State University’s School of Earth and Space Exploration.



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Extraterrestrials Working with Humans in USAF Classified Programs

Former U.S. Air Force surgical assistant, Emery Smith, dropped another bombshell in his latest interview on Cosmic Disclosure (Gaia TV) by revealing he often worked alongside extraterrestrials in a classified program located at Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico, from 1992 to 1995.

In his interview with New York Times best-selling author David Wilcock, Smith described different groups of extraterrestrials that assisted in autopsies conducted on other beings of non-Earth origin:

And some of those scientists and physicians are actually of “un-Earth origin” – this is the term they use – which are extraterrestrials, which have volunteered, either after being captured or volunteered through the system, through the compartmentalized program, to work to actually help us, because they kind of actually feel bad sometimes, even after we capture them and beat the heck out of them and do horrible things to them.

They actually turn around and willingly want to help us and stay with us and teach them about their own physiological phenotypes, about their own race…

I might be actually assisting an extraterrestrial, helping complete the mission, whatever the mission is: gathering frequencies using devices, or gathering tissue samples, or running special tests of the bodies, which actually . . . They can scan the whole body and 3D print that body later on….

Smith asserted the extraterrestrials as benevolent, even though they possessed advanced psychic abilities that could be used as weapons:

I would say they’re benevolent. I would say they’re a very humanitarian type of thought process. They’re a lot smarter than us. They could actually at any time probably do damage to us or hurt us with their telekinesis and telepathic abilities, but they don’t….

Smith explained that the extraterrestrials projected a warm friendly ambience that was felt by the human scientists working alongside them:

Being next to one of these extraterrestrials, by the way, including the Ant people and the Mantis people, you have a really beautiful self feeling being in their energy fields.

And people have actually had miraculous healings by being on these craft and working on the craft and working just in the vicinity of an extraterrestrial.

David: How does THAT work?

Emery: I do not know how that works. I think it’s electromagnetic of some frequency that allows the body, their body, that already generates a very, very high vibration, . . . It actually brings our vibration up so our cells are running at a specific voltage so our own cells can heal ourself….

You don’t need to because a lot of this energy is telepathic and telekinetic, so you actually feel happy. You might . . . Like you get chills walking into a dark room at night because you might feel a ghost, but it’s the opposite. It actually enlightens you. It actually puts you in a good mood, and your body picks up on this.

Smith referred to an accident involving a group of extraterrestrials he called the ant people (insectoids), who assisted in the examination of some of their brethren that had been killed in an industrial accident:

Emery: There was a big project where they found multiple Ant people that were somehow killed by chemicals of some sort. And there was a lot of them that were brought into the facility, I remember, by the truckloads actually.

David: Did you have any idea where these casualties happened?

Emery: No, I don’t know. I do believe it was in North America somewhere.

David: In an underground facility then?

Emery: Yeah, I think that somehow they were discovered, and I think they were probably taken out in some fashion in the New Mexico, Colorado area….

I don’t know the specifics, but they did bring in multiple beings. And these beings all died of asphyxiation, and their lungs were completely burned out, and some of their mucous membranes and eyeballs were completely burned out….

So these Ant scientists that were there were actually assisting, trying to find out and see what happened to these individuals.

David: Now were the Ant people in the room that were alive the same types as the ones that were dead?…

Emery: Yes, the exact same types. And it was the first time I’ve ever felt sorrow next to an extraterrestrial.

David: Really? What was that like?

Emery: It was really upsetting. That was . . . [Emery feels strong emotion, stops, turns away, tears up.] sorry….

Illustration of Ant being. Source:

Smith described how his tissue extraction expertise also involved working on extraterrestrial craft that was located near the bodies of their former inhabitants:

I was brought into what they call “multi-level projects”, which means it’s not just me going in there harvesting a piece of tissue, but you’re actually harvesting many different kinds of tissue and also working with the being’s craft.

So these projects could have up to three teams of 15 scientists and physicians and technicians working on just one being and one craft….

They usually keep the extraterrestrials and the craft separate. So you might have a bay not too far away, maybe within 300 meters, which is very close, by the way, because these things are SO spread out underground, you know, up to 10 miles in diameter some of these bases.

And you will have the being . . . The being is separate. And then you’ll have the craft in another bay. These are all very clean areas, which I can describe in detail.

In a previous article, I covered another interview where Smith described being taken to a large hemisphere-shaped room where an extraterrestrial craft was being reverse engineered.

Smith recollected working with insectoids (Ant and Preying Mantis looking entities), human looking (Arcturian) extraterrestrials, Simians (intelligent ape-like beings), Reptilians and even rock-like beings:

And some of those actually looked like a rock formation, like that . . . one of those superheroes that’s made out of a rock you see on TV and . . . Like “The Fantastic Four”. And they don’t . . . They look like they’re hard and rock, but they’re not. They actually have a spongy-type feel to them, kind of like an actual sea sponge where it’s very porous material.

They are usually a gold or an orange-type color. And they are very robust with a large Cro-Magnon-type skull, which is a little bit . . . about twice the size of our heads and a lot, like I said, more robust looking.

And they have been spotted on the projects many times in many different ways.

Smith’s testimony helps corroborate previous accounts of whistleblowers that they have worked alongside extraterrestrials at classified facilities.

These include Bill Uhouse, an aerospace engineer, who says he worked alongside Gray aliens who assisted in reverse engineering spacecraft being studied at classified Air Force facilities.

Niara Isley, a former USAF radar tracking expert, says that she witnessed Gray and Reptilian beings that were part of a classified program, where she was traumatized by human operatives.

Daniel Crain Burisch, a microbiologist, also says that he worked with a Gray being at a classified facility in order to better understand its physiology and medical needs.

A former security guard, Thomas Castello, claims that he worked alongside Reptilians at the Dulce underground facility, where biological experiments were being conducted on captive humans, and where abducted humans were often taken before being returned.

Charles Hall, a former USAF weatherman, says that he observed Tall White extraterrestrials helping USAF develop atomic powered spacecraft for short interplanetary travel.

Finally, Smith’s testimony corroborates Bill Tompkins‘ claims that US Navy spies observed Nazi scientists being assisted by Reptilians in the development of Germany’s secret space programs in the 1940’s. Tompkins also said that human looking extraterrestrials had infiltrated Douglas Aircraft Company and other US corporations in the 1950’s and 1960’s, and were covertly assisting the US Navy in developing its secret space program, Solar Warden.

In conclusion, Smith’s credentials and documents prove that he worked at Kirtland Air Force Base as a Surgical First Assist from 1990 to 1995.  He has since gone on to work in the medical industry where he has gained patents and collaborated in innovative science research. All this supports his astonishing claims that he participated in autopsies on 250 extraterrestrial entities, and extracted a total of approximately 3000 tissue samples during his covert service.

Smith’s revelations confirm that scientists from different nations have been assisted by different groups of extraterrestrials in studying alien physiology, advanced medical science, and reverse engineering antigravity spacecraft for decades in classified programs. His testimony shows how far classified programs have evolved, despite official government claims that extraterrestrial life has still not been discovered.

[Note: Emery Smith’s interviews on Cosmic Disclosure can be found here.]

Michael Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice 

Further Reading


Advanced Alien Civilizations Could Be Living In Galaxy Clusters, and Humanity Would Do Well To Follow

by Nicole Arce                     June 26, 2018                    (

• The head of Harvard University’s Astronomy Department, Abraham Loeb, has published a paper recommending that humans develop technology to relocate our civilization into a dense ‘galaxy cluster’ that will stand the best chance of maintaining it’s gravity and stay together as a cluster as the rest of the universe pulls away and spreads out too far to be of any use.

• In the 1990s, scientists discovered that the universe was expanding at an exponential rate, being pulled apart by invisible ‘dark energy’ that was stronger than gravity. By the time the universe is 138 billion years old, (it is currently less than 14 billion years old) all objects in space will have moved away far from each other to the point that they are virtually inaccessible.

• Galaxy clusters are groups of thousands of galaxies formed 10 billion years ago that are held together by the mutual gravitational attraction. Loeb believes this gravity is strong enough to resist the expansion of the universe. The nearest candidate for us is the Virgo Cluster which can be found toward the Virgo constellation 50 million light-years away (depicted in image above). The Virgo Cluster contains a thousand times more matter than the Milky Way.

• Advanced alien species may have already begun migrating to these rich galaxy clusters. Civilizations nestled in galaxy clusters would have access to solar energy sources for trillions of years. Loeb says it may be best for humans follow to suit. “It would be beneficial for us to reside in the company of as many alien civilizations as possible with whom we could share technology,” says Loeb.

• Loeb has worked with theoretical physicist Freeman Dyson who thinks that humans need to develop a way to pull in stars and concentrate them around the Earth to withstand the force of expansion. Dan Hooper of the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory has proposed that advanced civilizations could use energy from stars to push these stars toward the center of their civilizations.

• Loeb’s idea accomplishes the same thing by going to an energy-rich galaxy cluster, rather than clustering stars around our own planet which could prove difficult. Likewise, the best place to currently find advanced extraterrestrial civilizations may be at the heart of dense galaxy clusters.


The best place to find advanced extraterrestrial civilizations may be at the heart of matter-rich galaxy clusters, according to a top Harvard astronomer.

Harvard University’s Abraham Loeb, head of the Astronomy Department, says aliens could have traveled to galaxy clusters in preparation for the impending isolation that could happen to intelligent civilizations as the universe rapidly expands far beyond its current size.

In a paper published in the pre-print server ArXiv, Loeb describes how advanced alien civilizations could have congregated in clusters of thousands of galaxies akin to the Milky Way, similar to how Earth’s ancient peoples have flocked to the rivers and lakes.

Preparing For The Expansion Of The Universe

In the 1990s, scientists discovered that the universe was expanding at an exponential rate, contrary to the popular theory at the time that gravity will eventually cause the universe to collapse in on itself.

This has led to the theory of dark energy, a mysterious force believed to comprise three-fourths of the entire universe. Experts theorize that dark energy may be responsible for the expansion of the universe against the inward pull of gravity.

By the time the universe turns 138 billion years old, dark energy will have become the most dominant force in the cosmos and all objects in space will have moved away far from each other that they are virtually inaccessible.

This applies to the Local Group as well, the group of galaxies containing the Milky Way, Andromeda, and all their satellites.

Assuming that humanity will still be around when this happens, Loeb recommends it is best to prepare for such drastic isolation by migrating to galaxy clusters.



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Different ETs, Narrative Preferences and Recent Revelations

Today the UFO, exopolitics, experiencer communities are divided into factions. There is some cross-over from one preference to another but I believe that the  spirit of subdivision, of doctrinal partisanship prevents us from understanding and processing the whole of what is going on. More inclusivity is required. More integrative thinking is required…scientific, logical, intuitional, spiritual, experience-based, testimony-based…and all of it with a quality that is enhanced by attitude: respect, love for truth and humbleness. 
Yes, for instance, it may be true that perhaps AATIP and BAAS are somehow guided by secret proponents and allowed to ‘white world’ some of the ET-multi reality technology, hopefully mostly for the good of humanity rather than for the good of a few. They might not be inclined toward dialogue with the UFO community but I’m inclined to attempt to tend bridges and to give them the benefit of the doubt instead of blanket suspicion and rejection. Humanity is altogether in this reaching out to other cosmic civilizations and to our roots in the past and – perchance – in the future. Then again, excessive trust in Military Complex-related initiatives can be naive, especially if the negative side of ETs is so emphasized by Tom DeLonge at TTSA and in the book “Sekret Machines” while considering the military and helpful associates as the good guys…guys hiding stuff to protect us. I welcome patriots doing the right thing with good intentions and what they do may be partially true and good for society and for establishing the UFO reality issue in more solid grounds but it may not be necessary (or adequate) that we completely abide by this initiative. I welcome it and want to tend a hand in friendship but also think that there’s much more in terms of a paradigm-shifting, educational process.  
Decades of UFO research revealing all sorts of things in secret (maybe even unconstitutional) programs about UFOs (previous to AAWSAP-AATIP) cannot be denied. And we also need a non-militaristic approach.  Definitely not a “business as usual” approach. Indeed we need a fresh way to look at these things covering the range from the nuts & bolts to consciousness science and to the most allegedly “airy fairy” but sincerely rendered.
For instance, by instantly dismissing what classic contactees said and – more currently – what plausible whistleblowers and insiders of the alleged “Secret Space Program” say in ways that not only partly coincide but which too many people (and not just belief-prone personalities) already consider as truthful and sincere would either be arrogant or proper of a belief-settled personality whose subconscious cannot even tolerate entertaining certain issues. 
And regarding ET/inter reality beings, let’s not bad mouth these ETs/inter reality beings or become naively dependent on them. We need fresh eyes for everything, not generalizations about all being benevolent or malevolent. We need to exopolitically find out who is protecting us from unwarranted incursions and if a minority of ET/inter-reality beings coming into our system are inimical to our good, do we really need to develop a whole armada against them? Or can we rely upon outside-of-earth, exopolitical protection as some contactees have affirmed? 
In reality the whole issue is complex… grandiose, fascinating, life-changing with all sorts of more or less credible versions according to many types of experiences. Let’s listen to statistics-contributing experiencers worldwide and to “unique case” experiencers as well. That said, I hope that people on the “inside” (secret decision makers) are more motivated by enhancing democratic values through worldview expansion via truthful education…more than making money, securing more personal power, sustaining outmoded beliefs or expanding the militarization of space under a “business as usual” type of awareness. As we evolve and more of us connect with cosmic community those modes of ruling over the masses become obsolete and – I believe – prone to attract similarly-minded ET/inter reality beings stuck in repeating certain unresolved issues from previous evolutionary stages…in spite of their technologies.
And, inasmuch as technology goes, yes, please, the powers that be acting today in this incipient but certain “basic level” revelation (through TTSA), please be clear about the type of technology that can be revealed, that should get or not get into everyone’s hands worldwide!  Can a UFO-like craft be built without sharing the technology worldwide? We simply cannot give the power of deeper aspects of the universe to every immature member of society. Moreover, for those of us seeking further understanding, within the UFO community, let’s try to be humbler and not simply dismiss the more ‘far out’, alleged SSP (secret space program) revelations or each other’s main appreciations of plausible aspects about the whole UFO and ET ‘enchilada’.
It’s not so much a matter of believing or disbelieving, of embracing or of rejecting in the name of truth. It is more about extending a friendly hand and respectfully, carefully listening. Let’s make an effort to listen to those voices that make us feel uncomfortable. Some may surprise us as our tolerance for the extraordinary increases. 
There are too many sincere-sounding informers or “insiders” that appear to coincide in fundamental assertions and – if the assertions about highly developed SSPs is true – that could mean that TTSA efforts would be incipient, long-termed, allowed and managed…perhaps by well-intentioned (or not) individuals acting as our superiors with an alleged right over us for some reason or another. Perhaps if having to choose between a 20 year long gradual revelation led by Established forces and sooner (and more extreme revelations), we need to welcome and consider them both as possible. And not just that but we may need to guide and modify both approaches in a participatory manner. In other words, concerned citizens and researchers need to be not only more inclusive but also more exopolitically active. 
A Mission Rahma Photo
And let’s not forget not to dismiss either the possibility of repeatable (and sometimes verifiable) positive contacts with communicative, “space brother” types, as has been done through the Mission Rahma contact groups; is being done by other emergent “CE-5” contact groups and associated contactees. In some cases there would be contacts with beings precise and very mental but associated with spiritual masters highly in favor of assisting in the actualization of our deepest potentials without generating dependencies.  So, let’s not simply dismiss this issue brought up by some contactees and experiencers that apparently bring some means of verification and more in-depth information about aspects of humanity’s history that cannot be ignored. 
And, let’s not simply dismiss other plausible issues floating around in the UFO, exopolitics, experiencer communities falling back on comfortably thinking that they are “delusional” or “suspect” or “lying.” In an environment in which there are allusions to teleportation and time travel, SSP insiders working with ETs side by side, contactees speaking both with spiritual masters and friendly ETs that do not abduct, 3000+ “experiencers” mostly having beneficial encounters with little or no mention of what SSP insiders are telling, not to speak about a phenomenon that is “transdimensional” and “paranormal” and in which some of the main voices greatly differ as to who the “visitors” or “ancient aliens” may be we must ask ourselves how much are we willing to accept or at least to fairly consider. How much effort are we willing to put to debunk or to incorporate if it passes a truly careful analysis.
Is there a war in the heavens or are all beings that did not destroy themselves and were capable of leaving their home planet peaceful? Are there “Arkons” “Draco Reptilians” and former Nazis collaborating with them? Is there a “Cabal” that controls the U.S. military and USAPs (unacknowledged special access projects)? Was our species not only seeded by several ET species (some contributing and some harming us) but are we also today being hybridized by varieties of gray-looking beings which have a right to do so partly because we are destroying the Earth’s ecology and commons? Are all of those issues fantasies and neither the Government nor UFO “experts” truly know what is going on? How can science and “infallible” religious doctrines really be enhanced with a “transdimensional” ontology-metaphysics that begins to explain “the nature of reality?” How much of “the truth” is society at large – worldwide – really able to handle without a transdimensional, integrative ontology-metaphysics now that there is a political tendency challenging “liberal” (in the original sense of the word) democratic agreements and procedures, thus atomizing nation-states into separate, illiberal fiefdoms? 
To evolve exopolitically in a field of research which may be the most complex of them all, we need to make the effort to connect with each other much more and with each other’s preferred explanations in a coherent manner. Connect what aspects or parts can truly fit together, even perhaps those parts which today don’t seem to fit together. And we must learn to also do it across cultural divides or cultural preferences, carefully correcting our personal mistakes… more aware of our own cognitive biases, selected belief reinforcements and blind spots. 
This situation called “disclosure” is not only about the Government revealing that ETs are here but about growing up individually and collectively…as many of us as possible to shift our shared information field into a higher level…capable of harmoniously exchanging with beings that perhaps primarily do not think in “either-or” primitive terms.  But it is an unprecedented shift; a different type of “consciousness.” It’s about co-creating a “we” consciousness and unified field incorporating many more beings with care and respect into our personal sense of identity. Either more of us do it for the collective “field” to withstand the encounter or others representing our subconscious need for “power elites” will steer us as they prefer or understand for various reasons, under incomplete appreciations. Thus, WE must connect with each other more and all true factions in Ufology, exopolitics, what we value in experiencer information must increasingly come together.  And disclosure thus becomes a self education; an entire new attitude needed to adapt to what comes in shifting our “consensus reality.” Is this too much to ask for in order to face the greatest cultural, spiritual (and perhaps biological) needed modifications after the gravitas (the weight and seriousness) of what is going on becomes established and is widely felt?  Not if disclosure is about the impossible becoming possible and if our self-determining freedom requires such a move. 
To be exopolitically responsible let’s connect to see the information content filling the exopolitics “diagram” as a coherent whole. 
Let’s try to educate ourselves and to be able to suspend judgement when necessary. Our intention and awareness to do this can go a long way towards succeeding in it. To listen to each other’s testimonies, to well thought opinions and research. Let’s try to listen to apparently contradicting testimonies but carefully, even if we don’t like it. They may be wrong but that may also have key kernels of truth or large segments of truth that we haven’t figured out how to connect with our preferred narratives. But let’ also care for fact checking as thoroughly as possible and for cross-referencing and to be personally willing to change our views when necessary. 
To face the top challenge, we truly need to “grow up,” one by one and in what is acceptable to discuss in social settings; to be able to digest such a paradigm-shifting smorgasbord and to be able to make peaceful, intelligent, cooperative decisions about a variety of challenging truths with enormous consequences. Thus we will earn our cosmic sovereignty. 

Alien Structure? Stonehenge Built Using Pythagoras Theorem 2000 Years Before He Was Born, Say Experts

by Nirmal Narayanan                   June 26, 2017                 (

• In their book Megalith: Studies in Stone, a group of (9) researchers claim that Stonehenge, the ancient site in Wiltshire, England, contains geometric principles that we know as the Pythagorean Theorem, which allowed the builders to make perfectly aligned triangles. But Stonehenge predates Pythagoras by more than two thousand years. (see 3:27 minute video below on the astronomical geometry of Stonehenge)

• The Pythagorean Theorem states that the square of the hypotenuse (the side opposite the right angle) is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides.

• Many historians believe that Stonehenge might have been built by an advanced human civilization which lived in the past that went extinct in the course of time.

• Conspiracy theorists say that people in the ancient days were in touch with extraterrestrials and built these gigantic structures with the help of ”Starmen” whom they often misinterpreted as Gods. Cave paintings of alien-like figures and flying saucers in corners of the Earth substantiate the belief that aliens have visited in the past.

[Editor’s Note] Or it could be a cross between the two, where an advanced extraterrestrial civilization landed on Earth, assisted the indigenous humans, and eventually became the core of the secretive Illuminati cabal that controls the planet today?


A group of researchers has claimed that Stonehenge, an ancient site in Wiltshire, England, two miles west of Amesbury, might have been built using Pythagorean Theorem. In the book ‘Megalith: Studies in Stone’, the authors claim that the geometric principles of legendary mathematician Pythagoras can be seen in the pre-historic site.

Were Ancient Humans Aware Of Pythagorean Theorem?

Interestingly, the ancient Stonehenge dates back to 2750 BC, long before the time of Pythagoras. It was after two millennia that Pythagoras was born to put forward his theory which states that the square of the hypotenuse (the side opposite the right angle) is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides.

As researchers have found perfectly aligned triangles in Stonehenge, experts believe that ancient humans were aware of the Pythagorean equation years before the legendary mathematician put forward this theory. Many historians even believe that this Stonehenge might have been built by an advanced human civilization which lived in the past who went extinct in the course of time.
The Suspected Alien Angle

In the meantime, conspiracy theorists allege that ancient structures including Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid of Giza were actually built by aliens who visited earth. As per these theorists, people in the ancient days were in touch with extraterrestrials, and they built these gigantic structures with the help of ”Starmen” whom they often misinterpreted as Gods.

Several cave paintings discovered from various corners of the earth too substantiate the belief that aliens had visited earth in the past. A few years ago, Indian archeologists discovered some bizarre cave paintings in rocks at Charama, Chattisgargh, and these paintings depicted alien-like figures wearing suits very similar to modern-day space suits. These drawings also portrayed flying saucers with three legs and one antenna.

A few days ago, Giorgio Tsoukalos, a television anchor known for presenting the TV show ‘Ancient Aliens’ in History Channel revealed that the ancient humans might have misrepresented alien visitors as deities. As per Giorgio, the advanced technology used by these aliens was interpreted as magic by ancient humans.

3:27 minute video on Stonehenge astronomical geometry



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U.S. Soldier Claims to Have Shot & Killed A 12-Foot Giant in Afghanistan

by Richard Enos                June 22, 2018               (

• In 2002 in a remote area of Afghanistan, a U.S. military patrol was searching for a missing patrol and came upon a cave in the side of a mountain with bones scattered around the entrance along with a piece of our communications equipment. Suddenly a man emerged from the cave, standing 12 to 15 feet tall. He had a red beard, long red hair, fair complexion, six fingers on each hand, six toes on each foot, and two rows of teeth. A member of the patrol ran at him and began to shoot. The giant skewed the trooper on a pike as the others continued to shoot and kill the giant.

• A helicopter was sent and the soldiers were told to bundle the giant up in cargo netting, and the helicopter carried the giant away. When the patrol had submitted their after-action report, they were told to re-write it removing any mention of a giant.

• Other soldiers at the base began to hear rumors of a man being killed that was three times the height of an ordinary human. Paranormal researcher L.A. Marzulli corroborated the account with two soldiers, and Afghan locals told stories of cannibalistic giants living in nearby caves. Of course, the U.S. Department of Defense denies any incident involving a giant in Afghanistan.

• George Noory interviewed the helicopter pilot that transported the “Kandahar Giant” on Coast to Coast radio. The pilot said it was a dead guy “about 9 by 12 feet… laying in a fetal position on the pallet. He was around an 1100 pound guy.” The pilot went on to corroborate that the giant was fair-skinned, red-haired, and had extra digits on his hands and feet.

• Native Americans recount ancient stories of a cannibalistic, red-haired race of giants that once inhabited North America. According to legend, the American native tribes banded together, chased the giants into their cave dwellings and set a fire to the entrance, burning or suffocating all of the giants.

• David Wilcock and Corey Goode claim that red-haired giants have been found in stasis, or suspended animation, in full battle regalia ready to resume their role on Earth at the appointed time.

• It seems that those in power are trying their best to keep anyone from finding out that human history is very different from the long and slow model of human evolution, absent any intervention by another species, as advocated by the Darwinian model. Confirming the existence of a non-human species here on Earth would have people demanding the truth about our history and our place in this universe alongside other intelligent species.


In 2002 a U. S. patrol had gone missing in a very remote area of Afghanistan. Another patrol was dispatched on a search and rescue mission, and one soldier on that patrol described what he saw after coming around the side of a mountain:

As we bent around this corner you could see the opening of the cave. And then I see a lot of rocks which is another oddity. And then bone matter. I’m not close enough to identify what kind of bones but I did see what I knew to be a piece of our communications equipment. So instantly we’re thinking ‘ambush,’ maybe animal, you know, could be anything. There was enough room in front of the cave, but it had a sheer drop-off; but there was enough room that we got into a decent dispersal in case of ambush.
Not long after they had gotten into that dispersal formation, they saw something emerge from the cave that, despite their preparedness, caught them fully off guard.

         depiction of Kandahar Giant

“It was a man at least 12 to 15 feet in height. This is a MONSTER. Red beard, with his hair–was longish, past his shoulders, a scarlet red. And Dan runs at him and starts shooting, which broke all of us into the reality–because it was surreal.”

“While Dan is moving at him, another bro of mine is laying down fire and I start firing. He skewers Dan–he’s now got him on this ‘pike.’ It went through him. He’s got him and he’s coming after more. We all just clicked in. I don’t know what it was, but I remember we were all like, ‘Shoot him in the face, shoot him in the face!’ He’s taking multiple hits, and he’s still moving.”

Eventually, the giant was killed. Dan had been killed as well. And the patrol unit was soon visited by a helicopter that dropped some cargo netting. They were told they had to bundle up the giant in the netting, and soon after they were done, a larger helicopter came by, dropped a hook, and the giant was carried off.

The soldier confirmed that the red-haired, fair-skinned giant had six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot. After they had submitted their after-action report, the soldier recounts that they were told by their top brass to re-write it in a particular fashion, presumably to remove any mention of a giant being.

Corroborating Testimony

Although not an eyewitness, another special ops soldier in Afghanistan provides the following corroborating testimony: “We would come back to the base and started hearing this rumor about a unit that killed this, what they started calling this really tall person. At first I didn’t think anything of it, then come to find out that the person they killed was actually three times the size of a man, had extra digits on their hands, and extra digits on their feet, and had red hair, and a special unit had come in and wanted this target.”

“Well we’d heard that they killed this thing inside a cave, or the mouth of a cave, and there was common knowledge among the military to hear this. When you first hear, you’re thinking like, this has got to be a joke. This has got to be a hoax. Then after things go down a certain way, and you keep hearing it, you start to realize it’s not a joke.”



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Humanity Is Likely The Only Intelligent Civilization

by Lorenzo Tanos            June 22, 2018            (

• Oxford University senior fellow Anders Sanberg, Oxford moral philosopher Tod Ord, and nanotechnology “founding father” Eric Drexler have combined to release a study entitled “Dissolving the Fermi Paradox” that was published on June 8th. It seems that humanity on this Earth is the only intelligent civilization in the galaxy, nay, the entire universe.

• The esteemed researchers also revisited the Drake equation, which was proposed in the 1960’s by astronomer Frank Drake, factoring in a number of variables to show how there are various places in our galaxy  where one can find intelligent extraterrestrial life (approximately 10 places actually according to Drake).

• These deep thinking Brits have erased the possibility of intelligent extraterrestrial life in the galaxy to fewer than even Drake would have conceded. Zero. They arrived at their conclusion using ‘new chemical and genetic transition models’, coupled with the time-tested theorem that it would be just too unlikely that another advanced humanoid civilization comparable to our own could have pulled themselves out of the primordial ooze like we did.

• These academic giants do acknowledge, however, that there is a “considerable amount of scientific uncertainties” in the equation, and that this approach is “purely based on guesswork” and “what we already know”, and that “we shouldn’t be too surprised if we find (extraterrestrial) intelligence”.

[Editor’s Rant] This article and its’ companion article “Nazi UFO Toy Pulled for Historical Inaccuracy”, in which a German historian instigated the removal of a model of a Nazi Haunebu spacecraft from the toy company’s product line because “it never existed”, are glaring examples of how desperate the governmental Deep State and the global elite cabal is to suppress the public’s knowledge.

From removing a model of the Nazi Haunebu to Amazon’s decision not to offer Dr Michael Salla’s new book, Antarctica’s Hidden History for sale in all of Europe because a Nazi flag is shown in small part on the book’s cover (even though Dr Salla found many other books sold in Europe with prominent Nazi swastikas on their cover (see ExoNews article here), to insisting here that there is no such thing as extraterrestrial beings, the cabal is going the extra distance to whitewash the true history of the past century.

The giant multi-national banks and corporations hold sway over smaller companies to do their bidding, while both academia and the media are compelled to propagate the cabal’s decreed historical narrative.

On this July 4th Independence Day let us begin to free ourselves from the cabal’s programming, start thinking for ourselves, and outwardly respect and support those who dare to present an ‘alternative viewpoint’ that just happens to be the truth.


Are there other intelligent civilizations out there? Although there has yet to be solid, tangible proof of advanced alien life beyond our planet, many scientists and organizations continue searching for these extraterrestrial civilizations. However, there is a theory — physicist Enrico Fermi’s eponymous paradox — that illustrates the contradiction between the good chance that alien life exists and the aforementioned lack of evidence to back that up. A recent study has offered a new take on that classic paradox, and as it seems, the new interpretation suggests that humanity is the universe’s, or at least the Milky Way’s, only intelligent civilization.

Originally published on June 8 and recently posted on Arxiv, the study entitled “Dissolving the Fermi Paradox” was authored by Oxford University senior fellow Anders Sanberg, Oxford moral philosopher Tod Ord, and nanotechnology “founding father” Eric Drexler. As summarized by Universe Today, the researchers also revisited the Drake equation, which was proposed in the 1960s by astronomer Frank Drake, factoring in a number of variables to show how there are various places in our galaxy where one can find intelligent extraterrestrial life.

New variables, namely chemical and genetic transition models, were taken into account by the researchers, who then concluded that there is a “considerable amount of scientific uncertainties” in the equation. That’s on top of the uncertainties already present in the equation’s existing variables — the average rate of star formation in the Milky Way, the percentage of stars with planets, the number of planets that could support life, the number of plants that could facilitate life, the number of planets capable of developing intelligent life, the number of civilizations that could invent transmission technologies, and the length of time it might take to transmit those signals into space. All of these figures are multiplied by each other to come up with the likely number of intelligent civilizations in the Milky Way.

In an email sent to Universe Today, Sanberg explained the aforementioned uncertainties, which remain in place decades after the Drake equation was formulated. He said that it’s common for people to guess the values corresponding to each of the variables, which creates results that are likewise purely based on guesswork .

When trying to reinterpret the Fermi paradox, the researchers considered each of the parameters in the Drake equation as “uncertainty ranges,” with a smallest and largest possible value based on what we know today about each variable. Universe Today noted that there are some values that are more certain than others, such as the number of planets in the Milky Way, based on recent studies on exoplanets, and the number of planets within a star’s habitable zone.

After combining all the ranges, the researchers got a “broad spread” because there were so many parameters with uncertain values. But Sanberg told Universe Today that this spread helped him and his fellow researchers come up with a figure determining the likelihood that we are our galaxy’s sole intelligent civilization, at least based on what we already know.

Sanberg added that further review of scientific literature could result in more “extreme” results, where there is a “stronger uncertainty” about our galaxy’s number of civilizations, which suggests that there’s a very good chance humanity is “alone” as an intelligent civilization.

“However, we *also* conclude that we shouldn’t be too surprised if we find intelligence!” Sanberg hinted.

As stressed by Universe Today, the new study on the Fermi paradox does not absolutely say that humanity is “alone” and that it’s impossible to find proof of extraterrestrial life, but merely says that it’s likelier than ever that we might be the only advanced species in the Milky Way. As such, Sanberg stated that the search for extraterrestrial life (SETI) is definitely not pointless, though, at this point, there is so much uncertainty that needs to be reduced, largely through the many SETI initiatives being carried out at the present



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Trump’s Space Force Could Expose US Military’s Black Projects, Claims top UFO Researcher

by Nirmal Narayanan             June 22, 2018                  (

• Tyler Glockner, UFO researcher and host of the popular YouTube channel ‘Secureteam10’, says that Trump’s plans to establish a new branch of the military named the ‘Space Force’ could expose a number of black projects run by the US military. (see 10:04 minute video below)

• “There are a lot of people in the US government who are extremely against the Space Force. It makes me wonder why. My main thought is there has long been a theory of a secret space program that is vastly more advanced than anything we could imagine. So people in the military will be against the idea of creating a Space Force because one already exists. These missions continue to be funded by black project dollars,” says Glockner.

• An example of a government secret space program is the Solar Warden fleet of spaceships in the safeguarding our solar system from alien invasion.

• Many people argued that Trump’s move is aimed at psychologically preparing the general public to accept the real facts behind the existence of aliens. They even argue that an alien invasion is imminent and this is the major reason behind Trump’s decision to launch ‘space force’.

[Editor’s Note] Anyone who follows Dr Salla and ExoPolitics/ExoNews is quite familiar with the U.S. Navy-run Solar Warden secret space program and the politics behind Trump’s announcement of the creation of a new branch of the US military, the Space Force. See Dr Salla’s recent article “Trump’s Plan for U.S. Space Force challenges Deep State Secrecy”


Donald Trump, the US president has recently ordered the military to establish a new branch named ‘space force’. During a speech delivered at the meeting of the National Space Council in White House, the president made it clear that the sole purpose of the new force is to ensure country’s dominance in space. But, UFO researcher Tyler Glockner has now put forward a different theory about Trump’s space force.

In a recent video uploaded to his YouTube channel ‘Secureteam10’, Glockner says that Trump’s plans could expose a number of black projects run by the US military.

As Glockner made these claims, many people argued that Trump’s move is aimed at psychologically preparing the general public to accept the real facts behind the existence of aliens. They even argue that an alien invasion is imminent and this is the major reason behind Trump’s decision to launch ‘space force’.

“There are a lot of people in the US government who are extremely against the Space Force. It makes me wonder why. My main thought is there has long been a theory of a secret space programme that is vastly more advanced than anything we could imagine. So people in the military will be against the idea of creating a Space Force because one already exists. These missions continue to be funded by black project dollars,” said Glockner in the video.

In addition, Tyler Glockner also talked about Solar Warden, an alleged space program run by US with the help of United Nations. As per conspiracy theorists, there has been a fleet of spaceships in the solar system safeguarding earth from alien invasion and this fleet of human-made security ships are known as solar wardens.

10:04 minute ‘Secureteam10’ video with host Tyler Glockner
presenting his theory on Trump’s Space Force


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Nazi UFO Toy Pulled for Historical Inaccuracy

by Eric Limer              June 21, 2018                (

• The venerable Revell model company (acquired last year by Quantum Capital Partners) was forced to terminate their line of scale models depicting the Nazi Haunebu II spacecraft due to a complaint by the Dresden Military History Museum in Germany of its’ historical inaccuracy and lack of disclosure thereof on the packaging. The model’s packaging said that the Haunebu II was the first object able to fly in space with a top speed of over 3700 mph.

• According to the museum, the Haunebu II never existed. The source states that the toy model represents a historical narrative that overestimates the Nazi’s level of technology and scientific innovations and serve to mythologize the fascist regime.

• Dresden Military History Museum historian Jens Wehner told a German newspaper, “At that time [of WWII] it was technologically impossible to build something like this. … Enthusiasts can use this as a strategy to cast doubt on what we know today about National Socialism.” For good measure, Wehner added that the Nazi’s were unable to do anything ambitious, citing an over-sized tank that was tactically useless.

• And for the article’s writer’s part, he informs his readers that “there was no secret Nazi base in Antarctica either”.

[Editor’s Rant]  This article and its companion article “Humanity Is Likely the Only Intelligent Civilization”, in which Oxford scholars have concluded that the only place in the universe that harbors intelligent life is here on Earth, are glaring examples of how desperate the governmental Deep State and the global elite cabal is to suppress the public’s knowledge.

From discontinuing a model of the Nazi Haunebu to Amazon’s recent decision to not offer Dr Michael Salla’s new book Antarctica’s Hidden History for sale in all of Europe because a small part of a Nazi flag is shown on the book’s cover, even though Dr Salla found many other books sold in Europe with more prominent Nazi swastikas on their cover (see ExoNews article here), to insisting that there is no such thing as extraterrestrial beings, the cabal is going the extra distance to whitewash the true history of the past century. They simply deny the existence of extraterrestrial beings and brand any mention of Nazis as subversive propaganda per se.

The giant multi-national banks and corporations hold sway over smaller companies to do their bidding, while both academia and the media are compelled to propagate the cabal’s decreed historical narrative.

On this July 4th Independence Day let us begin to free ourselves from the cabal’s programming, start thinking for ourselves, and outwardly respect and support those who dare to present an ‘alternative viewpoint’ that just happens to be the truth.


A model of the nonexistent Nazi UFO “Haunebu II” produced by model company Revell will no longer be produced after criticism about its historical inaccuracy. The model’s packaging, which falsely proclaimed the “round aircraft” was the first object able to fly in space with a top speed of 6000 kph (over 3700 mph), failed to mention that the craft was never built, drawing fire from The German Children’s Protection Association (DKSB) and Dresden’s Military History Museum (MHM), according to German publication, The Local.

photograph of the Nazi Haunebu spacecraft during WWII

While Revel produces plenty of models depicting fictional spacecraft and real-life Nazi war machines this crossover product drew criticism because its lack of disclosure that the craft never existed or flew plays into prevalent, ahistorical narratives that overestimate the Nazi’s level of technology and scientific innovations and serve to mythologize the fascist regime.

As Military History Museum historian Jens Wehner told German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: “At that time it was technologically impossible to build something like this. … Enthusiasts can use this as a strategy to cast doubt on what we know today about National Socialism.”

The true legacy of many of the Nazi’s most ambitious technological projects is not success, but unrestrained excess and abject failure. Look no further than Hitler’s frenzied dreams of the Landkreuzer P.1000 Ratte, a tank so large as to be a land battleship. The project was ultimately a boondoggle, abandoned because its gargantuan size would have rendered it both extremely vulnerable and tactically useless.

Revell, for its part, agrees with the criticism, saying in a statement: “Unfortunately, our product description does not adequately express this and we apologize for it.”

While we’re at it, there was no secret Nazi base in Antarctica either, though the pollution from one of the Nazi’s actually existent battleships still affects Norway to this day.


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Cosmologist Claims Aliens May Be Hoarding Stars for Power

Paul Seaburn                June 22, 2018                  (

• Theoretical astrophysicist Dan Hooper from the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory has written a new study entitled “Life Versus Dark Energy: How An Advanced Civilization Could Resist the Accelerating Expansion of the Universe”.

• Hooper says that the universe is expanding at such an accelerated rate that civilizations like ours will start to see stars disappear over the horizon of the universe like ships on the ocean.

• Hopper’s solution is the use of “Dyson spheres”, or structures build around a star to harness its energy and to pull the star into a stable position to use as an energy source. This star energy could be used to navigate the galaxy from star to star and to potentially ‘conquer the universe’. Hopper calls this “stellar harvesting” and it could be going on right now.


“We also discuss the observable signatures of a civilization elsewhere in the universe that is currently in this state of stellar harvesting.”

               Dan Hooper

Stellar harvesting! If this were a movie, the opening would show a scientist played by Jeff Goldblum peering into a telescope, then looking up, rubbing his eyes, peering in again, then looking up again with a suitably concerned face, turning to a scientist played by Jodie Foster and saying, “You need to take a look at this!” In the real-life version, “this” is a Dyson sphere – one of those alien-built megastructures imagined to be large enough to surround a star and harvest its energy – except “this” is actually “these” … and it may not be your imagination.

Theoretical astrophysicist Dan Hooper from the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory has written a new study entitled “Life Versus Dark Energy: How An Advanced Civilization Could Resist the Accelerating Expansion of the Universe” in which he lays out the scenario of how and why “… a sufficiently advanced civilization would chose to expand rapidly outward, build Dyson Spheres or similar structures around encountered stars, and use the energy that is harnessed to accelerate those stars away from the approaching horizon and toward the center of the civilization.”



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QAnon links US Attorney with thousands of sealed indictments decimating the Deep State

In a July 1 post, QAnon referred to the latest count of over 40,000 sealed indictments filed in U.S. Federal District Criminal Courts since October 30, 2017, and linked these to prosecutions being led by the U.S. Attorney for Utah, John Huber. Attorney General Jeff Sessions appointed Huber back on November 13, 2017 to work with the Department of Justice’s Inspector General, Michael Horowitz, in investigating a wide range of criminal and civil law violations by government employees brought up by Republican lawmakers.

If QAnon’s claim is shown to be accurate, then such a large number of secret indictments will have the effect of removing corrupt Federal officials, which will decimate the Deep State and its power over the US political and financial system.

It’s worth beginning this examination by noting that the military intelligence group QAnon, has just been included in a Time Magazine listing of the “25 Most Influential People on the Internet”. While there have been an increasing number of mainstream news articles debunking QAnon, the worldwide interest in QAnon’s posts has been rapidly increasing due to mounting evidence that President Trump’s White House is secretly behind the disclosures.

Just as the Deep State has been using the mainstream media to leak classified information that is damaging to the Trump White House, Trump is doing the same through QAnon in order to expose the Deep State. Therefore, the QAnon information represents a visible sign of a clandestine information war being conducted by the Trump Administration and the Deep State to gain public support for competing agendas.

In the July 1 post, QAnon asks who is filing all the sealed indictments, and points to an article published by Breitbart News, which has often been cited for close analysis by those following QAnon’s disclosures.

QAnon mentions the number 470 right after posing the questions, “who is filing the indictments” and “Who has that kind of manpower”?

For an answer, QAnon steers us to the Breitbart article which refers to a March 29, 2018 letter written by Attorney General Sessions to the Chairmen of three Congressional Committees, which refers to 470 investigators that make up the staff of the Office of the Inspector General. The letter explains the power and authority of the Office of Inspector, and how these pertain to Department of Justice employees:

Congress created the Department’s Office of the Inspector General explicitly for the purpose of, among other things, investigating alleged violations of criminal and civil laws by Department employees, including actions taken by former employees after they have left government service. The Inspector General’s jurisdiction extends not only to allegations of legal violations, but also to allegations that Department employees violated established policies as well.

To carry out these duties, Title 5 of the United States Code provides the Inspector General with broad discretion and significant investigative powers. The office currently employs approximately 470 staff, a significant number of whom are lawyers, auditors, and investigators who may exercise wide discretion on matters under their jurisdiction. If the Inspector General finds evidence of criminal wrongdoing, he may refer it to a United States Attorney who can then convene a grand jury or take other appropriate actions. To be clear, the Inspector General has the authority to investigate allegations of wrongdoing, collect evidence through subpoena, and develop cases for presentation to the Attorney General and the Deputy Attorney General for prosecution or other action.

It’s worth emphasizing that both current and former Department of Justice employees can be investigated by the Inspector General, who has the authority to refer findings for possible prosecution by a US Attorney. The Department of Justice employs over 113,000 employees (2012 figures), which when combined with former employees, makes an enormous number of people that can be investigated for wrongdoing on behalf of the Deep State.

This is where the appointment of Huber to work directly with Horowitz’s office in investigating issues raised by Congressional lawmakers very significant. The Breitbart article cited by QAnon explains why:

Professor Jonathan Turley, a top national legal expert on government investigations, commented on Thursday about Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ decision to bring in U.S. Attorney John Huber. Turley called it “brilliant” to combine all the powers of the U.S. Department of Justice’s inspector general with a prosecutor who can bring charges, seek indictments, and get results for President Trump far more quickly than a second special counsel.

The Breitbart article continued to elaborate upon how Huber’s prosecutorial powers combines well with the Inspector General’s investigative power:

As a U.S. attorney, Huber has full authority to empanel a grand jury and to file criminal charges. A grand jury can be empaneled anywhere, which means that it could be a group of citizens from deep-red Utah – in the heart of Trump country – instead of the D.C. Swamp that decides whether to hand down indictments for felony prosecution.

It’s vital to understand that in Sessions’ letter to Congress, he said that Huber would be leading a prosecutorial team that would include other senior prosecutors:

As noted in Assistant Attorney General Stephen E. Boyd’s November 13, 2017, letter to the House Committee on the Judiciary, I already have directed senior federal prosecutors to evaluate certain issues previously raised by the Committee. In that letter, Mr. Boyd stated:

“These senior prosecutors will report directly to the Attorney General and the Deputy Attorney General, as appropriate, and will make recommendations as to whether any matters not currently under investigation should be opened, whether any matters currently under investigation require further resources, or whether any matters merit the appointment of a Special Counsel.” Specifically, I asked United States Attorney John W. Huber to lead this effort.

In understanding the link between the alleged 40,000 sealed indictments and the appointment of Huber to work with the Office of Inspector General, it’s worth emphasizing the November 13 starting date for Huber and the rapid rise of sealed indictments since October 31, 2017.

When examining the list of states where the sealed indictments have been filed, its clear that these are distributed all over the U.S., thereby suggestion that Huber’s team comprises prosecutors drawn from many, if not all 50 states.

If the linkage posted by QAnon is accurate, then it can be assumed that many, if not the majority, of the sealed indictments are occurring as a result of the collaboration between Huber and the Office of Inspector General all over all the country, wherever crimes were committed. Essentially, Horowitz’s staff does the bulk of the investigation, while the prosecution and convening of a Grand Jury is left to Huber’s team.

As Professor Turley pointed out back in March, “a grand jury can be empaneled anywhere” by Huber. In another July 1 post, QAnon says that this is exactly what has happened by asking the following rhetorical question:

If QAnon is correct, then the sealed indictments initiated by Huber’s team of prosecutors with the support of the Office of Inspector General, have been the catalyst for many powerful corporate figures, members of Congress, and Department of Justice officials mysteriously resigning.

QAnon has referred to lists of corporate, congressional and FBI figures who have resigned or been sacked. QAnon is telling us that these resignations/sackings are due to the sealed indictments that have been issued against (former) Department of Justice officials by Huber.

Indeed, when one reviews the lists, this is powerful circumstantial evidence that the sealed indictments have been issued and are forcing these resignations, and thereby undermining the power of the Deep State who used these officials. 

The following is a list of retiring Congressional representatives who, while not Department of Justice officials and thereby outside the investigatory purview of the Office of the Inspector General, presumably decided to retire in anticipation of the scandal about to emerge with the unsealing of the indictments where they have been implicated in some way:

The following is a list of FBI officials, forced to resign or who had been sacked due to them being investigated by the Office of Inspector General, and the sealed indictments issued by grand juries empaneled by Huber:

All this behooves us to ask whether what QAnon is telling us is possible. To find an answer we can begin with the website of the “Offices of the United States Attorneys”, explains the duty of grand juries only investigating criminal offenses in districts where they occurred:

The special grand jury has a duty under 18 U.S.C. § 3332(a) “to inquire into offenses against the criminal laws of the United States alleged to have been committed within that district.”

This means that Huber could begin the prosecution process with the help of the 470 investigations from the Office of Inspector General who would gather the facts and evidence. Huber would then use senior prosecutors from his team to empanel grand juries in the districts where the offenses occurred.

Significantly, all Huber and his team would have to do to secure a sealed indictment is present key facts along with supporting evidence that a crime had been committed in a particular jurisdiction, as the following summary of Sealed Indictment Law clarifies:

In order to issue an indictment, the grand jury doesn’t make a determination of guilt, but only the probability that a crime was committed, that the accused person did it and that he/she should be tried. District Attorneys do not present a full case to the grand jury, but often only introduce key facts sufficient to show the probability that the accused committed a crime.

The next question that arises is how many sealed indictments have been issued by Huber and his team? QAnon referred to the June 30 estimate of over 40,000 sealed indictments since October 31, 2017. Could Huber’s team of senior prosecutors and the 470 staff in the Office of Inspector General be responsible for so many sealed indictments over the last eight months?

For an answer, it’s important to point out that claims of up to 40,000 sealed judicial cases, which is well above the average of past years, are basically correct. This is acknowledged even by critics seeking to debunk QAnon’s information, as exemplified by Mike Rothschild writing for the Daily Dot back on April 12, 2018.

While Rothschild’s article critiques the claim of 25,000 sealed indictments asserted by QAnon supporters back in April 2018, it is helpful since it demonstrates that even critics acknowledge that PACER records do substantiate such large numbers of “sealed cases”:

So then what about the massive number of sealed case found files in PACER? The #QAnon researchers aren’t making them up – a random sampling of PACER records from the district courts of Washington, D.C. and the Eastern District of Virginia shows the number to be more or less accurate.

In distinguishing between “sealed cases” and “sealed indictments”, Rothschild points out that the former may involve mundane legal secrecy requirements involving search warrants, phone tapping, witness protection, prosecuting juvenile cases, etc., ordered by a judge. In contrast, a sealed indictment involves a grand jury that has been empaneled, heard some of the facts and evidence brought before it, and issued an indictment that is covered by strict secrecy requirements in order for arrests to be made without the target being warned in advance.

In Rothschild’s critique, he refers to the 1077 sealed cases that occurred in 2006, a typical year for sealed cases, that was analyzed in an October 23, 2009 report by the Federal Judicial Center. He points out that QAnon researchers conflated “sealed cases” with “sealed indictments”:

So the conspiracy theorists number of sealed felony indictments in a “normal” year would seem to be right. Except reading on in the report makes it clear that many of those sealed criminal cases were NOT indictments.

In fact, the report only lists 284 out of 1,077 cases as “sealed indictments” that the writers were able to obtain no information on….

Essentially, the number #QAnon is using is factually correct, but leaves out vital context that explains that relatively few of the 1,077 are actual criminal indictments. Most are routine court matters.

So if only roughly 26% of “sealed cases” covered by PACER records in 2006 involved “sealed indictments”, then we have a means of estimating how many sealed cases from 2017/2018 PACER records involve sealed indictments.

At the very least, applying the 26% figure to the over 40,000 Pacer records showing current “sealed cases”, then we can estimate that there are at the very least 10,000 secret indictments currently in play. The actual figure may be much higher due to 2017/2018 having an inordinately large number of sealed cases due to some extraordinary judicial process at play.

Sessions’ March 29 letter to Congress is evidence that the unusual judicial process, which has so inflated the number of sealed cases for 2017/2018, involves indictments initiated by Huber and his prosecutorial team, supported by 470 investigators from the Office of Inspector General.

In conclusion, a critical examination of PACER records, Attorney General Sessions’ March 29 letter to Congress, together with the lists of retiring/sacked member of Congress, corporate executives, and FBI officials, provides compelling support for QAnon’s claim that tens of thousands of secret indictments have been issued against corrupt officials controlled by the Deep State.

As these corrupt officials are removed from their influential positions, the Deep State’s power is decimated, thereby opening the door for the truth to be disclosed on a great number of issues previously suppressed by the Deep State.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

A Huge UFO Has Distorted the Space Near the ISS

by Jan Hartman               June 22, 2018             (

• According to ufologists, NASA experts are actively studying portals where the Earth’s geomagnetic field is met with a stream of ionized particles from the sun’s ‘solar wind’. They claim that it is possible that the distortion may move or ‘portal’ the person to another reality or another world. Some claim that the Earth has its own portals, well hidden from people.

• The 4:09 minute video below seems to show a depression or ‘distortion’ in the structure of clouds in low earth orbit caused by a strange object near the International Space Station, which the ufologists claim is evidence of such a portal.


In the Internet appeared the video, where a strange object has caused a distortion in the structure of clouds in low earth orbit. Virtual ufologists believe that it was a portal to other worlds.

Experts said that NASA three years ago we recognized the possibility of the existence of portals on Earth that can teleport any object from one place to another. Several space probes have confirmed the information that the portals are where the geomagnetic field is faced with a stream of ionized particles from the sun’s bark, also called the solar wind. This creates a kind of portal between Earth and the Sun. It is possible that the distortion may move the person to another reality or another world.

According to ufologists, NASA experts are actively studying these portals from March 2015. Their necessity lies in the fact that UFO fell on the planet. Experts claim that the Earth has its own portals, but they are well hidden from people. The appearance of the distortion of space near the ISS only confirms this theory.



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I-Team: New Film Claims UFOs Monitored Nuclear Weapons

by George Knapp and Matt Adams           (

• In 1955, 14 A-bombs were detonated at the Nevada Test Site as part of Operation Teapot. This was witnessed by thousands of military personnel and test site employees… and UFOs. “[Flying saucers] were pretty prevalent at the test site back then,” said a former test site photographer. At least a dozen former test site employees have told similar stories about UFOs showing up hours or days after an atomic blast. A group of more than 150 military veterans, missile officers, and security personnel, including many who worked at the Nevada Test Site, say they’ve seen mystery intruders over nuclear facilities.

• Author and UFO investigator Robert Hastings has interviewed more than 150 military veterans, missile officers, and others who worked in various parts of the atomic weapons program. They’ve all told the same story. “In fact, UFOs have routinely monitored our nuclear weapons dating back decades and that, on occasion, apparently have interfered with the functionality of those weapons,” Hastings said. In addition, thousands of pages of government documents have been declassified and released to buttress these stories.

• See the pair of video clips from the film “UFOs and Nukes: The Secret Link Revealed” that includes incidents where UFOs have not only infiltrated restricted airspace over nuclear missile bases, but have disabled ICBMs (intercontinental ballistic missiles) and put the military on high alert. In one incident from the film, military photographers using telescopic lenses watch as a UFO disables a warhead used in a missile test fired from Vandenberg. “Flying over the Pacific suddenly this domed disc came into frame, circled the warhead, which is flying at 8 or 10,000 miles-per-hour, shot four beams of light at it, whereupon the dummy warhead fell into the Pacific Ocean and the UFO left the vicinity,” Hastings said.

• UFO incidents at the Nevada Test Site became so routine that teams were assigned the job of specifically looking for them at Indians Springs Air Force Base. “They were all luminous, they were disc-shaped, some of them were square-shaped. We were to pick up a telephone in this little shack. There was no dial tone. A voice would just come on. We would read off all these coordinates, the direction of the object, etcetera, then when we wrote this stuff down on a piece of paper, we were to burn the paper in a trash can in the shack,” Hastings said.

• The government ended atomic weapons testing years ago, but Nevada incidents continue. Former security officers at Area 2 at Nellis Air Force Base, for years a storage facility for up to 200 nuclear warheads, have reported multiple intrusions by UFOs from the late 1990s through 2004. Similar incidents have been reported in the UK, India, Pakistan, Russia and other nuclear powers.

[Editor’s Note]  See January 29, 2018 ExoNews article on Hastings and various incidents of UFO’s monitoring blast sites.


LAS VEGAS – Officially, the U.S. government ended its study of UFOs in 1969 because — it assured the public — there is no proof the phenomena represents a threat to national security.

But what if these unknown aircraft showed an interest in our nuclear weapons?

A group of more than 150 military veterans, missile officers, and security personnel, including many who worked at the Nevada Test Site, say they’ve seen mystery intruders over nuclear facilities.

Robert Hastings

In the darkest days of the Cold War, atomic weapons were routinely exploded above ground at the Nevada Test Site, the most nuked placed on earth.

In 1955, 14 A-bombs were detonated as part of Operation Teapot, witnessed by thousands of military personnel in trenches, and by thousands of test site employees. But there were other observers as well.

“It was what we called flying saucers. They were pretty prevalent at the test site back then,” said a former test site photographer.

At least a dozen former test site employees have told similar stories about unknown aircraft showing up hours or days after an atomic blast.

Author and investigator Robert Hastings has spent more than 40 years locating and interviewing military veterans, missile officers, and others who worked in various parts of the atomic weapons program, more than 150 of them so far. They’ve all told the same story.

“That, in fact, UFOs have routinely monitored our nuclear weapons dating back decades and that, on occasion, apparently have interfered with the functionality of those weapons,” Hastings said.

In addition to the eyewitness accounts, thousands of pages of formerly-classified documents have been released to buttress these stories.

5:27 minute video excerpt from “UFOs and Nukes: The Secret Link Revealed”

4:30 minute video excerpt from “UFOs and Nukes: The Secret Link Revealed”



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Superfast Boomerang-Shaped UFO Spotted in France Sparks Alien Debate

by Nirmal Narayanan                June 22, 2018                  (

• A short but compelling video clip on the YouTube channel ‘Now You Know’ apparently shows a horseshoe-shaped UFO moving erratically across the skies in broad daylight over France on June 14th. (see 1:57 minute video below) The shape of the craft is similar to that of the alien craft portrayed in the Hollywood sci-fi flick ‘Prometheus’.

• Conspiracy theorists commenting on the video suggest that these repeated UFO sightings are evidence that the government is running a secret black project on space, and that Donald Trump’s space force has already begun.


A video uploaded to YouTube by conspiracy theory channel ‘Now You Know’ is now the hottest debating point among UFO buffs and alien enthusiasts. The short clip, apparently captured from France on June 14, shows a bright boomerang-shaped object moving erratically across the skies in broad daylight.
Interestingly, the object spotted in the video had a shape which is very similar to that of the alien craft portrayed in the Hollywood sci-fi flick ‘Prometheus’.

      spaceship depicted in the movie                             “Prometheus”

The video was later shared by popular UFO researcher Tyler Glockner on his YouTube page where it racked up more than 3,55,000 views.

As the clip went viral, conspiracy theorists suggested that these repeated UFO sightings are an indication that the government is running a secret black project on space. Some  of these theorists argue that Donald Trump’s space force has already started functioning in deep space, and they might be conducting a routine drill across the skies.

1:57 minute video of compelling UFO over France



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Security Protocols in Classified Extraterrestrial Projects

A former employee in a covert program has described the draconian security measures in place in extraterrestrial related projects, and the dire consequences for transgressing these. In the June 26 episode of Cosmic Disclosure, Emery Smith described what happened when he violated security protocols.

In previous episodes of Cosmic Disclosure, Smith described his involvement in a highly classified project during his military service as a Surgical First Assist based at Kirtland Air Force Base from 1992 to 1995.

In addition to his regular military assignment he also worked in a classified program managed by a corporation, where he examined roughly 3000 tissue samples extracted from non-human  entities. He says that he worked on approximately 250 extraterrestrial bodies.

As described in a previous article, Smith has provided documentation proving his training and service as a Surgical First Assist, which makes him a credible eyewitness to events he has described. So far, the reaction of the mass media to Smith’s stunning revelations has been consistent – silence.

Even the UFO research community has largely shunned Smith’s testimony, despite all the credentials he brings to substantiate his military and medical background.

In the security violation incident described by Smith, he says that he befriended his commander in the classified project involving medical examinations of extraterrestrial tissues and bodies. This eventually led to the commander inviting Smith to view a captured extraterrestrial vehicle stored at Kirtland Air Force base in what Smith believed at the time to part of a recruitment effort to introduce him into a different covert project.

In the interview, Smith describes how he believed that his friendship with the commander of the covert project was acceptable despite him knowing that befriending co-workers was against security protocols:

You think because it’s your commander inviting you to the barbecue, that – and he’s been in it for 10, 20 years more than you – that everything’s going to be all right, right? And that’s not the fact. That is not a fact . . . that it’s not all right.

Smith explained his belief that what the Commander was about to show him was part of a recruitment into a new project:

And one of the things he mentioned to me was this amazing craft that he was going to get me involved with possibly to work on and to actually try out the flight simulator of an alien reproduction vehicle.

In the interview, David Wilcock asked Smith about the security protocols surrounding him getting access to the extraterrestrial vehicle which was stored in a secure underground room at Kirtland AFB:

David: Okay. How did you get there if you’re not cleared to be there? If you’re not authorized to be there, how in the world would you get into that room?

Emery: There is a stipulation if you’re escorted by someone of high authority. And a lot of the times, for emergency reasons, you have to go to certain places really quick.

And as long as you’re with someone that has a clearance higher than you, then the responsibility falls under that person for legal issues and for everything….

Emery: But everyone knows that if you’re not read into a project, it’s very unlikely you would go see something without knowing everything about it. And I was NOT read into the project. I was read into the project clandestinely through my friend.

Smith further clarified how authority in such a corporate run classified projects on military bases is based on clearance rather than rank:

It’s all based on clearance. You can be a captain and have the same clearance as a general or a colonel. You can be a sergeant and have the same clearance as a captain or a colonel.

Remember, it’s the duties that you perform, and what is needed to get the job done. It’s not about the . . . They don’t use the military system of rank for these positions, okay?

They use the knowledge base and educational base of the people that are put in place to run these projects.

Smith’s account here parallels what William Tompkins described about his work in a covert Navy espionage program during World War II. Tompkins’ position as a “Disseminator of Aircraft Research and Information” carried with it an authority that was far beyond his lowly military rank as a 2nd class Petty Officer.

Smith says that his commander eventually showed him the captured extraterrestrial vehicle:

There was an actual extraterrestrial craft that they had captured and brought into one of the underground hangar operating rooms . . . the whole vacuumed one. And inside that, they were duplicating it in the same room, trying to reverse engineer the craft.

… they were duplicating it in the same room, trying to reverse engineer the craft… And it was a diamond-shaped craft, and it wasn’t that big. It was probably no bigger than an 18-wheeler [large semi-tractor trailer]….

The craft that they were making next to it was just . . . They were trying to find out how it works and how it flies around.

And they were doing a lot of stuff with the actual electromagnetics of it. So they duplicated a half version. They cross sectioned a man-made half version, okay?

Smith’s description of the craft he witnessed, both the diamond shaped extraterrestrial vehicle and the reverse engineered craft was captured in the following illustration.

Credit: – Cosmic Disclosure 6/26/18

Smith elaborated upon the large room and the thick walls that separated it from the rest of the facility:

… It’s very secured, for sure. And I don’t know why they have this room suspended away from walls maybe a hundred feet.

So you have this giant room now. You’re walking into it with multiple catwalks from other doors that go into it.

And then you come there, and the same thing. These doors open up . . . the same doors that you just saw, another 24”. And NOW you’re in the bay…

Smith further added:

This is not a clean area, by the way. So you don’t have to have your space suits in here. This is what we call a “dirty area”. So you can just be in your uniform there.

His description of the facility was also illustrated in the June 26 episode of Cosmic Disclosure:

Source: – Cosmic Disclosure 6/26/18

Smith described his excitement at the prospect of being recruited into a new program, and his confidence in the Commander’s authority to recruit Smith in the manner he was experiencing. After all, this was the same person running the classified corporate program involving medical examinations of extraterrestrial tissues and bodies, who also had authority over the stored alien vehicles at Kirtland AFB.

Most would have made similar assumptions to Smith about the unique opportunity that was unfolding with what was being shown to him, despite the violation in protocol in befriending one’s commander in a covert extraterrestrial related project:

David: What was your experience? Were you afraid to talk and to say how awesome this looked? Did you say anything to the commander?

Emery: Yes, I did say it. I said, “This is amazing! This is awesome! Thank you for allowing me to be part of this project.” Because I was just an . . . I really just thought this is my first introduction maybe to this, and now I’m maybe going to be part of this in some way or another….

I was figuring on him being the ultimate commander here being in charge of anything. No one’s higher than him. So how are any security going to say anything about this? Because I legitimately thought this was okay. And it was not.

Smith went on to explain how in the midst of him trying out the flight simulator for the alien reproduction vehicle, four or five very large men in suits walked unannounced into the classified facility. They proceeded to handcuff and blindfold both him and his commander, and assaulted Smith during his subsequent debriefing:

And these suits came in … suit and tie, four or five of them. They were all taller than me and bigger than me…. [Smith is 6’ 4” inches/193 cm]….  I had a concussion and a big hematoma on the back of my head…. I was broken down enough until they took the blindfolds off, and I just remember looking up at them. And they just said never to repeat this again, “and if you say anything or do anything, you know what happens.”

It’s worth emphasizing that none of the men wore uniforms which is significant given that the underground room was located at Kirtland Air Force base, and his debriefing occurred at the base.

Smith’s incident illustrates that despite the secure room/facility being on USAF property and using Air Force servicemen, it was a corporation that was firmly in charge of the facility and security.

This correlates with an incident described by Dr. Steven Greer where he and former astronaut Edgar Mitchell, were told in 1997, by Rear Admiral Thomas Wilson, that he was denied access to a covert project by corporate attorneys. Wilson was at the time the head of intelligence (J-2) for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, vividly illustrating how rank is inconsequential in gaining access to highly classified projects requiring need to know access.

Smith described how his silence over the brutal treatment he received during his debriefing, where he decided not to report it the base commander or senior Air Force personnel, saved him his covert job:

 I was petrified to go report it… I thought that was the next test.  And it was, because I didn’t say anything. And that’s how I got my job back, because I was able to keep a secret. And the secret hurt me….

I was restricted from ever trying to contact him [his commander] or his family ever again “for the duration of my life on Earth”, quote unquote.

Smith responded to Wilcock’s question about how the security violation changed his whole attitude to working in the corporate run project:

David: How did this event change you in terms of how . . . because you said you were very enthusiastic about your job. You felt like you were in an amusement park almost – an alien amusement park. How did this change that?

Emery: There was some sort of continuity breakdown, I thought. And I just didn’t believe in them anymore. I didn’t believe in the structure. Like, who the heck is behind this? Who is pulling the cords? Who is giving . . . You know, who is REALLY running this show down here? Who were those guys in the black suits?

I started getting mad, like going mad. I was trying to figure it out for myself and now I can’t even talk to anybody about it. I can’t even . . . To my own co-workers, I can’t say anything….

Smith’s account has many similarities to the testimonies of other whistleblowers/insiders that have worked on classified extraterrestrial related projects, where stringent security process are in place. His account parallels key elements of what Dan Sherman, Bob Lazar and Clifford Stone have described about their involvement in classified extraterrestrial related projects and the security protocols they experienced.

In examining Smith’s testimony, one of the things that stands out is that he was informally being shown technology outside of his primary area of expertise and training in an apparent recruitment effort by his commander. It is not clear how someone trained as a Surgical First Assist who was recruited to examine extraterrestrial tissue samples and bodies, could transfer such skills into the reverse engineering of extraterrestrial craft.

Did Smith’s commander genuinely believe Smith could make such a transition or was Smith being set up? After all, there are important elements in the Lazar case which makes it very plausible that his whole recruitment into the covert operation involving reverse engineering flying saucer craft at Area 51 was a set up. Lazar’s friends and psychological profile would have been major red flags that he would break security protocols and eventually become a whistleblower.

Was Smith also identified as someone whose psychological profile would eventually lead him to becoming a whistleblower? Is Smith’s coming out part of a sanctioned disclosure process by White Hats or others running covert extraterrestrial projects?

Regardless of the answers to such questions, Smith’s testimony is ground breaking and reveals important information about a secure facility at Kirtland Air Force base conducting a variety of extraterrestrial related projects under the authority of corporations. He provides corroborating witness support for similar accounts by other whistleblowers/insiders describing what they encountered in classified facilities they were recruited to work in while enlisted in the USAF or other military services.

Smith’s testimony also provides important clues for understanding topical issues such as 2004 Tic Tac incident involving a Navy battlegroup encountering several Anomalous Aerial Vehicles (UFOs), a case which is being closely scrutinized by the mainstream media and many UFO researchers. Was the vehicle an alien reproduction craft, part of secret space program, or an extraterrestrial vehicle?

Given Smith’s credentials and credibility as a witness, it is hard to fathom why mainstream media, and most UFO researchers, are disinterested in what he has to say about covert extraterrestrial projects occurring at secure military facilities. One thing is becoming clearer by the day though, reverse engineering of extraterrestrial spacecraft has been secretly conducted for decades at multiple military facilities, with major aerospace companies in control, alongside stringent security procedures to keep it all secret.

[Note: Emery Smith’s interviews on Cosmic Disclosure can be found here.]

Michael Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice 

Further Reading



Audio of Pilot’s Encounter With Strange Object Over New York Surfaces

by Tyler Rogoway                 June 19, 2018                 (

• On May 26th, 2018, at 12:59pm local time, a Piper PA-32R Saratoga was flying over Huntington, Long Island, NY on trip from Massachusetts to New Jersey when he called air traffic control stating “I have an object in front of me, I don’t know what it is.” The controller replies “You mean like a drone or something?” The pilot responds: “I don’t know if it’s a drone… It’s bigger than a drone.” The controller responds “Ummmm, I don’t show anything on radar.” The pilot requests a directional change to avoid the UFO. The controller is adamant that must be a drone, but this object has lights on it says the pilot. The controller says that there is still nothing on radar. The pilot replies, “I know I’m not delusional.”

• The Piper was cruising at 6,000 feet. Weather was partly cloudy with temperature in the 80s and light wind.

• The FAA affirmed the authenticity of a recording posted on the forum site, confirming that the pilot of a Piper PA32 had reported a “drone-like object” approximately 14 miles northeast of JFK Airport on May 26, 2018 at 12:59 pm The FAA will investigate. A FOIA request for the FAA report has been submitted.

On May 26th, 2018, at 12:59pm local time, a Piper PA-32R Saratoga (N161MA) was flying over Huntington, Long Island during a trip between Minute Man Airfield in Massachusetts and Old Bridge Airport in New Jersey when the pilot encountered a strange object directly in front of his aircraft. He called air traffic controllers stating “I have an object in front of me, I don’t know what it is.” The controller replies “You mean like a drone or something?” The pilot responds: “I don’t know if it’s a drone… It’s bigger than a drone.” The controller responds “Ummmm, I don’t show anything on radar.”

The controller then asks if the object is at his same altitude, the pilot responds in the affirmative. Then the controller asks if the pilot needs to make a turn to avoid the object and the pilot requests a slight change in direction. The controller then queries the pilot to report what he thinks the mysterious craft is as soon as he can.

The pilot responds that he has no idea what it is and it has since gone behind a cloud. “Definitely something was there” the pilot states. The controller seems oddly adamant that they should assume it was a drone, stating “Ok, I mean, we’ll have to assume that it was a drone, that’s the only, I mean I don’t know if that’s the shape assumption or not but I guess that’s what we will go by.” The pilot responded, “Actually, it looked, uh, like it had lights on it.” The controller responds “That’s uh, really interesting, uh again, I show nothing on radar so I don’t know what to say.” The pilot then states “Ok and I know I’m not delusional.”

The next transmission we hear is from the controller asking the pilot to call in and make a report with specifics about the incident once he lands. He notes that the request is from his manager. The pilot quips “this is the first time I’m getting a phone number that I’m not in trouble!.” The controller laughs and affirms to him he is not in trouble. He then passes him the number and says they will be awaiting his call.


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‘UFO’ Sighted Near PM Modi’s Residence on June 7th

by Anvit Srivastava               June 14, 2018               (

• On June 7th, a UFO was sighted hovering over the Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s residence on New Delhi’s Lok Kalyan Marg, India. The sighting briefly unnerved security personnel and sparked a search that found nothing. Special commissioner of police and Delhi police chief spokesperson Dependra Pathak confirmed the sighting. “The sighting was reported but nothing threatening was found.”

• Around 7.30 pm the Delhi Police, Air Force staff , the Central Industrial Security Force, and Delhi International Airport, received information about the sighting from the PM’s Special Protection Group. The alert was relayed to the Intelligence Bureau and National Security Guards.


The reported sighting of a round “unidentified flying object” hovering over the Prime Minister’s residence on New Delhi’s Lok Kalyan Marg on June 7 briefly unnerved security personnel posted in the VIP area and sparked a search that found nothing, putting their suspicions to rest, a senior security officer said.

After the search ended, the Perimeter Security Officer gave an “OK Report” to Delhi police.
Special commissioner of police and Delhi police chief spokesperson Dependra Pathak confirmed the sighting but said details of the incident cannot be revealed. “The sighting was reported but nothing threatening was found. More details cannot be shared keeping security reasons in mind,” Pathak added.

According to the officer cited in the first instance, who did not wish to be named, it was around 7.30 pm when the PM’s security unit of Delhi Police and the Delhi airport operations control centre, which comprises staff from the air force, Central Industrial Security Force and Delhi International Airport Ltd, received information about the sighting by Special Protection Group (SPG) personnel.

With no delay, the alert was relayed to the Intelligence Bureau and National Security Guards. Delhi Air Traffic Control (ATC) was also put on high alert.

“The Delhi Police was also roped in, which ensured a temporary additional deployment on the outer periphery of the PM’s residence, while other security agencies performed the drill to hunt the suspected threat down,” the officer cited above said.



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More Scientists Confirm Volcanoes Rapidly Melting Antarctica’s Ice Sheets

On June 22, a team of scientists from the University of Rhode Island and University of East Anglia announced in a paper published in Nature Communications that they had discovered a new factor in the rapid melting of Antarctica’s Pine Island Glacier – a previously unknown active volcano buried deep under the ice.

When combined with another scientific study released in 2017 by a team of scientists from the University of Edinburgh, which announced the existence of 91 volcanoes buried under West Antarctica’s ice sheets in addition to the 41 previously discovered, a disturbing conclusion is reached. West Antarctica’s ice sheets are being rapidly melted from a vast network of buried volcanoes, which are far more active than scientists previously thought possible.

The June 22 paper, “Evidence of an active volcanic heat source beneath the Pine Island Glacier” summarized what is currently known of volcanoes that make up the West Antarctic Rift System (WARS):

To date, as many as 138 volcanoes have been identified throughout West Antarctica9, including the presently active Mt. Erebus10 along the Terror Rift, as well as Mt. Siple10 and Mt. Waesche11, which both show evidence of recent activity. However, the locations and extent of volcanic activity along the WARS are debated, because many of these 138 known volcano-like features are buried beneath several kilometers of ice, and some evidence suggests that much of the interior subglacial WARS is dormant.

The assumption that the majority of West Antarctica’s volcanoes are dormant is increasingly being challenged by new scientific discoveries. Telltale signatures of volcanic activity are being found in ocean waters as evidenced from rare isotopes such as Helium-3, which was used by the authors of Pine Island Glacier paper to reach their conclusion.

In addition, heat increases and seismic activity in Antarctica points to large amounts of magma moving deep below the West Antarctic Ice Sheets (WAIS), as the June 22 paper suggested:

The apparent surface deformations in the WAIS thickness also suggest localized heat fluxes that are most likely volcanic due to their intensity14,15, while ash layers from ice cores reveal more recent eruptions16. Last, the detection of earthquakes as recently as 2010 suggest magma migration beneath the Executive Committee mountains, in a region of Marie Byrd Land where seismic studies have revealed thin crust and low-density mantle material beneath.

According to Professor Karen Heywood, one of the co-authors of “Evidence of an active volcanic heat source beneath the Pine Island Glacier”:

The discovery of volcanoes beneath the Antarctic ice sheet means that there is an additional source of heat to melt the ice, lubricate its passage toward the sea, and add to the melting from warm ocean waters.  It will be important to include this in our efforts to estimate whether the Antarctic ice sheet might become unstable and further increase sea level rise.

While the June 22 paper focused on the impact of the buried volcano melting the Pine Island Glacier, the wider impact of other buried volcanoes on the West Antarctic Ice Sheets (WAIS) was briefly mentioned in the abstract:

Our finding of a substantial volcanic heat source beneath a major WAIS glacier highlights the need to understand subglacial volcanism, its hydrologic interaction with the marine margins, and its potential role in the future stability of the WAIS.

The new findings about the influence of one or more active volcanoes to explain the rapid melting of Pine Island Glacier, along with the temperature increase and melt-offs observed elsewhere in the frozen continent all point to powerful transformative events in West Antarctica.

The following long-term temperature map of Antarctica alongside the newly discovered volcanoes, shows how and why West Antarctic is heating far more rapidly than East Antarctica.

Left image shows temperature increase of Antarctica from 1956-2006 (Credit: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio);  right image shows 2017 discovery of 90 new volcanoes in Antarctica.

If global warming due to CO2 emissions was the explanation, then warming oceans would be uniform in heating both East and West Antarctica. Yet most scientific data points to West Antarctica melting.

The June 22 paper, along with other scientific studies provide a cogent explanation for what is really driving the melting of the West Antarctic ice sheets. The submerged volcanoes are more active than previously thought and are melting the ice sheets far more rapidly than scientists believe possible.

If we take the upcoming Solar Cycle 25 (2019 – 2030) as the catalyst for triggering volcanic activity around the Earth through increased solar activity, West Antarctica’s ice sheets could disappear in as little as a decade or so.

There are four major effects that will occur from West Antarctica’s ice sheets disappearing so quickly.  

First, ocean levels will rise far more dramatically than previously thought. If all the ice in West Antarctica were to melt, ocean levels would rise by 10 feet (3.3 meters). Rather than humanity having centuries to prepare as estimated by many geologists, it would only have a decade.

Second, whistleblower claims that there are large subterranean bases in Antarctica that belong to multiple secret space programs dating back to World War II will be exposed for all the world to see. It can be predicted that nations and corporations managing such classified programs would not allow themselves to be preempted by geologic events, and accelerate official disclosure initiatives.

Third, ancient artifacts of a flash frozen advanced civilization buried under the Antarctic ice will be revealed confirming rumors and eyewitness accounts of such a discovery going back to the early 1990’s. The technologies and knowledge acquired from such discoveries is likely to provide humanity with rapid scientific revolutions spanning aerospace, health, archeology and even religion.

Finally, the rapid melt-off of West Antarctic ice will impact the centrifugal forces driving Earth’s axis of rotation, thereby leading to a possible Pole Shift as discussed by Charles Hapgood and Albert Einstein in the book, The Earth’s Shifting Crust (1958).

Scientific corroboration of Pine Island Glacier being melted from underneath by volcanic activity should serve as a warning about the profound effect of such a phenomenon repeating itself throughout the entire chain of volcanoes buried deep under West Antarctica, and the powerful implications this holds for the entire planet.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice 

[Note: The author has provided documents and testimonies addressing many of the above issues in his March 2018 book. Antarctica’s Hidden History: Corporate Foundations of Secret Space Programs.  He will discuss his book and the latest scientific findings about Antarctica at the following upcoming speaking events]

[Further Note: Audio Version of the above article is available here or view embedded video below]

Further Reading


New Film Tells the Story of George Van Tassel and His UFO-Inspired “Integratron”

by Greg Eghigian             June 14, 2018               (

• Documentary filmmaker Jonathan Berman has released a new film Calling All Earthlings, based on 1950’s and 60’s ET contactee George Van Tassel. (see 1:36 minute movie trailer below)

• Right out of high school in 1927, Van Tassel began his career in aviation first as an airplane mechanic, then with Douglas Aircraft, then with Hughes and Lockheed. At Hughes he was involved in flight testing near Barstow, California, where he was attracted to the “clean air, the intense quiet nights, and outdoor living in the desert.” There he got to know an eccentric German-American by the name of Frank Critzer, who had carved out a “cave home” from a natural landmark known as Giant Rock in the Mojave Desert near Landers, California. In July 1942 when local police came to Giant Rock to question him, Critzer set off a dynamite explosion that resulted in his own death.

• Van Tassel purchased the land around Giant Rock and moved there with his wife Dorris and their three daughters. In addition to operating a small airport. In 1952, Van Tassel claimed he started having encounters with spacemen bringing warnings of looming destruction along with messages of universal peace. Van Tassel would hold annual UFO conventions at Giant Rock, with up to 11,000 people attending.

• According to Van Tassel, these ‘spacemen’ began instructing him on how to construct a building that could reverse the aging process. Dubbed the Integratron, the project would consume Van Tassel for years, although he never finished it.

• Van Tassel’s story had “all the things I love,” filmmaker Berman says, “weird, geeky quasi-science, living longer and better, and, of course, the world of the Great American Roadside Attraction.” As a native of Long Island, the filmmaker was struck by the allure of the California desert. In the end, he hopes the film captures some of the sense of adventure that brings people to places like Giant Rock.


Are we witnessing a renewal of interest in unidentified flying objects? Recent revelations about a secret Defense Department project for studying UFOs continue to draw media attention, while reports of unusual aircraft sightings show up regularly in the news.

Not quite as common these days, however, are stories of individuals claiming to have had contact with extraterrestrials. In his new documentary, Calling All Earthlings, filmmaker Jonathan Berman takes a look back at one of the most famous of these “contactees,” George Van Tassel. The film captures an aspect of UFO belief that often escapes skeptical outsiders—that it wasn’t so much anxiety about alien visitors as enthusiasm and hope that attracted believers to the idea of extraterrestrial contact.

                  George Van Tassel

Beginning in 1927 as an airplane mechanic right out of high school, Van Tassel had a long career in aviation, first with Douglas Aircraft, then with Hughes and Lockheed. At Hughes he was involved in flight testing near Barstow, California, where he was attracted to the “clean air, the intense quiet nights, and outdoor living in the desert.”

It was there that Van Tassel got to know an eccentric German-American by the name of Frank Critzer, who had carved out a “cave home” from a natural landmark known as Giant Rock in the Mojave Desert near Landers, California. Critzer came under government investigation in the early days of World War II for reasons that are not entirely clear, but most likely involved his use of dynamite. When local police came to Giant Rock to question him in July 1942, Critzer set off an explosion that resulted in his own death.

                      the Integratron

After the war Van Tassel purchased the land around Giant Rock and moved there with his wife Dorris and their three daughters. In addition to operating a small airport, he began to hold meditation readings for groups of 25 to 45 people—and for the first time reported hearing disembodied voices.

                         Giant Rock

Then, beginning in 1952, Van Tassel claimed he started having encounters with spacemen. At first, he said, these beings issued warnings of looming destruction along with messages of universal peace. But soon, according to Van Tassel, they began instructing him on how to construct a building that could reverse the aging process. Dubbed the Integratron, the project would consume Van Tassel for          years, although he never finished it.

He did, however, hold annual conventions at Giant Rock, where those interested in UFOs, alien contact, and the paranormal gathered to hear talks and exchange experiences. At its height, as many as 11,000 people attended these gatherings, by some accounts.

1:36 minute movie trailer for “Calling All Earthlings”



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Valuable Thing in a Trade Deal With Aliens

by Mirjam Guesgen               Jun 13, 2018              (

• Daniel Helman, professor of Labor Relations and Trade Unions at Ton Duc Thang University in Vietnam thinks that one way to avoid an intergalactic war with extraterrestrials is to trade with them in commerce. And what do we have that they want? DNA.

• Helman proposed the idea of trading plant, animal and human DNA with ETs at the International Space Development Conference in Los Angeles in May. He says that trading tools, weapons, or technology wouldn’t appeal to a highly advanced ET civilization. But they might share their advanced technology with us if we offered them something they don’t already have – our planet’s DNA.

• Helman envisions a DNA marketing package with the DNA sample (spit, blood, hair…), the genetic code, and breakdown of the organism’s history with images, maps, evolutionary chart and environmental needs.

• Trading DNA will also serve to preserve our planet’s genetic information in case of a species’ extinction or a global catastrophe.

• Dr Nikola Schmidt, a political scientist from Charles University in Prague, thinks it’s hardly strange to be contemplating life on other planets, or our potential interactions with them. Schmidt works in planetary defense, ie: the field of research tasked with figuring out how to protect Earth from outside influences – from asteroid to ETs. Schmidt’s concern is what some ET beings might do with the genetic information we give them. “They might, for example, make diseases targeted to us,” says Schmidt.

• Daniel Ross, a PhD candidate from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, thinks that the way to approach our interaction with alien civilizations should be to first understand their language, seek common ground, and find fair and equal ways to co-exist without one culture being suppressed by another.

• Helman’s theories are part of a group effort by ethicists, planetary scientists, linguists, and other scientific and arts scholars to prepare for extraterrestrial contact. Helman sees an international, non-profit, scientific advisory group as a way to take discussions, and potential plans, further. There’s no group like this discussing intergalactic trade yet. “Humanity is at a wonderful time right now for available technology and scientific advances,” said Helman, “It makes sense to look at the options …for various futures.”

[Editor’s Note] By coincidence, Corey Goode and Emery Smith discuss “genetic trading” with other species that is already being conducted in the secret space programs on the June 12th “Cosmic Disclosure”, S11-E3 (GaiaTV). Corey has said that the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate Space Program is already trading commodities with over 900 ET civilizations, including mass-produced technological devices and human slaves.


While we haven’t seen any signs of extraterrestrial beings on the galactic horizon just yet, some scientists have mounted a serious effort to prepare for their arrival. One of the biggest conundrums post-encounter, and one that a raft of sci-fi movies seem to fail miserably at solving, is how to avoid a Mars Attacks-style bloodbath and the potential end of our civilization.

One solution might be: Instead of engaging in warfare, why not try trading with aliens instead? That’s the idea put forth by Daniel Helman, professor of Labor Relations and Trade Unions at Ton Duc Thang University in Vietnam. We’ve even got a commodity here on Earth worthy of an intergalactic trade agreement, Helman says: DNA—from animals, plants… even us.

Helman proposed the idea at the International Space Development Conference in Los Angeles in May. When I talked to him on the phone afterward, he explained why the usual Earthling trading goods—tools, weapons, or technology—just wouldn’t cut it with extraterrestrials. Any alien civilization that makes contact with Earth is probably way more advanced than us, and wouldn’t be interested in our technological relics, he said. They might, however, be interested in sharing some of their cutting-edge technologies or scientific insights in exchange for something they couldn’t get at home.

Helman said what makes genetic information so unique is that it is the result of millions of years of evolution and interaction with Earth’s particular environment. Essentially, it’s a record of everything that’s happened on Earth up to this point, from mass extinctions to the industrial revolution. “Our environment is unique, hence the genetics of all the organisms here and in the solar system are unique,” explained Helman.

Here’s how a trade deal with aliens might go down, explained Helman. First, you would need to collect DNA from the wildlife in question—blood, spit, hair… anything that contains the building blocks of life as we know it. Then, all the genetic information of a particular organism would need to be decoded by scientists (such as the Human Genome Project, which concluded in 2003). That genetic information would be parcelled up with the organism’s life history: pictures of it, maps of where it lives, charts of its evolution, and details of how the environment affects the expression of those genes (epigenetics). What you would get is a neat little package of pretty much everything that constitutes a living being, aside from the actual being itself.

Trading DNA comes with the added benefit of preserving genetic information elsewhere, said Helman. It’s like a conservation insurance policy for Earth, in case we wipe out life all by ourselves through nuclear war or climate change. The possibility of a civilizational insurance policy might also drive people to try harder to conserve creatures now, reasoned Helman.



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Site of Roswell UFO Crash to be Opened for Tours

by Dan Lake               June 12, 2018                 (

• For The first time since the Roswell New Mexico UFO crash 71 years ago, the crash site’s ‘debris field’ is being opened to the public for private tours. The tour can accommodate up to  four people at a time and cost from $65 to $250 per group for the VIP experience.  Tour participants also receive a chicken and cheese enchilada meal. Organizers say there are plenty of ‘surprises’ during the tour.

• In 1947, local farmer Mack Brazel found debris on his property and called the local sheriff, who called the local Army base. Over the next few days, soldiers collected debris from across the area and took it away in armored trucks. The location has become synonymous with conspiracy theories about the U.S. government’s knowledge and cover-up of alien life.


The site of the so-called UFO crash in Roswell is being opened to the public for the first time in 71 years.

From July 5 visitors can buy tickets to private tours at the site, costing between NZ$130 and NZ$650.
Included in the ticket is an authentic Mexican meal, chicken & cheese enchiladas with beans and rice.
Organisers say there are plenty of ‘surprises’ during the tour.

The location has become synonymous with conspiracy theories about the US government’s knowledge of alien life.

In 1947 a local farmer called Mack Brazel noticed a strange object on his farm.



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