Then Aliens, Now Star Cave Paintings: Were Ancient Humans Aware of Universe’s Dark Secrets?

by Nirmal Narayanan                       November 28, 2018                       (

• We already know about the rock paintings discovered in Charama, India depicting aliens and UFOs. Now, researchers at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland have discovered 40,000 year-old cave paintings at various sites across Europe that indicate ancient human’s use of star constellations to keep track of time, and how star positions have changed over thousands of years.

• The astronomical charts may have also been used to represent particular dates and mark catastrophic events like asteroid hits. Apparently, ancient people were well aware of the effects of the earth’s gradual shift of rotational axis.

• “Early cave art shows that people had advanced knowledge of the night sky within the last ice age. Intellectually, they were hardly any different to us today. These findings support a theory of multiple comet impacts over the course of human development, and will probably revolutionize how prehistoric populations are seen,” said Martin Sweatman, a researcher at the University of Edinburgh and the lead author of the study.

• Have extraterrestrial aliens visiting the earth for thousands of years been teaching ancient humans about astronomy and space? The depiction of these ET beings on Indian cave walls is a strong sign of their influence. Did ancient humans worship these ‘Starmen’ as Gods?


A few years back, archeologists discovered pre-historic paintings dated back to 10,000 years that depicted aliens and unidentified flying objects (UFO). These rock paintings discovered in Charama, India soon became a hot topic among extraterrestrial buffs, and many people considered it an authentic proof of alien existence.

Humans knew what was happening in space

Now, a team of researchers at the University of Edinburgh has spotted another set of ancient cave paintings which made many experts believe that early humans were aware of astronomy. The cave paintings supposedly more than 40,000 years old were discovered at various sites across Europe, and they suggest that ancient humans used to keep track of time using the knowledge of how the position of the stars slowly changes over thousands of years.

Researchers who took part in this study revealed that symbols depicted in the caves are actually constellations, and they were used to represent dates and mark catastrophic events like asteroid hits. If the speculations of these researchers are right, ancient people were well aware of the effects which happen on earth due to its gradual shift of rotational axis.

Martin Sweatman

“Early cave art shows that people had advanced knowledge of the night sky within the last ice age. Intellectually, they were hardly any different to us today. These findings support a theory of multiple comet impacts over the course of human development, and will probably revolutionize how prehistoric populations are seen,” said Martin Sweatman, a researcher at the University of Edinburgh and the lead author of the study, reports.



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CIA Files Reveal Shocking Fate Faced by KGB Soldiers on Encountering UFO

by Nirmal Narayanan                November 28, 2018              (

• Declassified CIA files have revealed the fate of a group of Soviet-era KGB soldiers when they encountered a UFO during the peak of the cold war. While stationed at a military base in Antarctic, Soviet KGB soldiers witnessed a grouping of red, green and yellow UFOs hovering over the base. Later, a low-flying saucer-shaped spaceship appeared over the Soviet military base. Somebody impulsively shot down saucer with a surface-to-air missile.

• The Saucer-shaped UFO fell to Earth and five short humanoids with large heads and large black eyes emerged from it. The five humanoid creatures came close together and then merged into a single spherical shaped object. That object began to buzz and hiss sharply and then became a brilliant white. In a few seconds, the sphere grew bigger and flared up with an extremely bright light. At that very instant, 23 soldiers who were watching the phenomenon turned into limestone. Two of the soldiers escaped the attack. The stone soldiers were taken to a secret Soviet military base.

• Conspiracy theorists argue that this incident is proof of alien existence, and that the aliens’ advanced weaponry is able to transform the material composition of living beings.

• In the declassified documents, former USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev himself revealed that UFOs do exist, and that a thorough investigation is needed to unravel the mysteries surrounding these flying objects.


KGB was once the most powerful security agencies in the world, and they played a crucial role in turning the Soviet Union into an unquestionable world power until its break up in 1991. Now, a set of declassified CIA files has revealed the shocking fate faced by a bunch of KGB soldiers when they encountered a UFO during the peak time of cold war.

It should be noted that these documents which were actually dissolved by USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev in 1991 were later obtained by the CIA, and it has unveiled a scenario where science fiction came to real life. In the documents, Gorbachev himself reveals that UFOs do exist, and thorough investigation is needed to unravel the mysteries surrounding these flying objects.

The development first began when a group of red, green and yellow flying objects was seen hovering above military bases in Antarctica. Later, a team of KGB soldiers spotted a flying saucer, and they shot it down.

“According to the KGB materials, a quite low-flying spaceship in the shape of a saucer appeared above a military unit that was conducting routine training maneuvers. For unknown reasons, somebody unexpectedly launched a surface-to-air missile and hit the UFO. It fell to Earth not far away, and five short humanoids with ‘large heads and large black eyes’ emerged from it,” the declassified document says, Dailystar reports.

As the UFO crash landed, five creatures, possibly aliens with large heads and big eyes came out and launched an attack on the soldiers. During the attack, aliens used highly advanced weapons, and they soon turned these soldiers to stone poles.



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Professor to Offer Course on UFOs at Duke University

November 27, 2018                     (

• David J. Halperin, Professor Emeritus of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, will teach a course early next year on “UFOs – Encounter, Mystery, Myth.” The course will be offered through the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at Duke University.

• As a professor of Judaic studies at UNC, Halperin’s specialty has been religious traditions of heavenly ascensions and otherworldly journeys. He has authored five books on Jewish mysticism and two on UFOs, both fiction and non-fiction. He claims that “UFOs are a myth,” emerging from the depths of our unconscious and bearing vital messages. “And myths are real,” says Halperin.

• The OLLI course will study the UFO landing at Westall High School in Melbourne, Australia, in April 1966, the myth of the “Men in Black”, the experience of alien abduction, and the enigma of what happened near Roswell, New Mexico in the summer of 1947. The concluding session will analyze the new respectability that UFOs have attained since the 2016 election, and what it means.

[Editor’s Note]  The good news is that this could be a crack in the academic world’s refusal to treat UFOs and the extraterrestrial presence seriously, particularly at the university level. The bad news is that a religious devotee is teaching it from a theological point of view. Will this professor’s students walk away from the course believing that UFO’s are some sort of figment of the imagination in order to validate a narrow religious perspective? Or will it cast aside preconceived religious paradigms and view the extraterrestrial influence on earth as a reality with serious consequences to our civilization if we don’t wake up, accept the truth, and utilize our mass consciousness to protect our sovereignty as a species before it’s too late?


DURHAM, N.C. — David J. Halperin, Professor Emeritus of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, will teach a course early next year on “UFOs – Encounter, Mystery, Myth.” The course will be offered through the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at Duke University and will run from January 7 to March 25, 2019. All interested persons are welcome.

“UFOs are a myth,” says Halperin, “and myths are real.” Like collective dreams, they emerge from the depths of our unconscious, bearing vital messages for us. The question to ask of them is not “Where do UFOs come from?” or “How do they fly?” but “What do they mean?”—for us as individuals, as a culture, as a species.

        David J. Halperin

Halperin was a teenage “UFOlogist” back in the 1960s. He received his Ph.D. from Berkeley in 1977, and from 1976 until his retirement in 2000 he taught Judaic studies in UNC’s Department of Religious Studies. His area of special interest has been religious traditions of heavenly ascensions and otherworldly journeys. He’s the author of five books on Jewish mysticism and messianism and a novel, Journal of a UFO Investigator, published in 2011 by Viking Press and translated into Spanish, Italian, and German. His non-fiction book Intimate Alien: The Hidden Story of the UFO will be published in 2020 by Stanford University Press.

The OLLI course will begin with a case study: the supposed UFO landing at Westall High School in Melbourne, Australia, in April 1966. It will explore the myth of the “Men in Black,” the experience of alien abduction, and the enigma of what happened near Roswell, New Mexico, in the summer of 1947. The concluding session will pause to notice the remarkable new respectability UFOs have attained since the 2016 election, and ask once more: what does it mean?



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Documentary BOB LAZAR: AREA 51 & FLYING SAUCERS Promises the Truth is Out There

by Josh Millican                  November 20, 2018                      (

• In 1989, Bob Lazar claimed that he had reverse-engineered an alien spacecraft at a secret government facility near Groom Lake, a vast swath of desert in Nevada. Since then, Area 51 has become synonymous with everything from alien autopsies and interdimensional time travel while Lazar, for the most part, went into hiding.

• Now, Lazar tells all in a new documentary from multimedia artist Jeremy Corbell, called “Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers”, which will be released (December 3rd) on various VOD platforms this December. The documentary is a compelling window into the life of the legendary whistleblower, one who may have exposed some of the biggest secrets our government has ever attempted to hide. (see 1:37 minute trailer below)


We want to believe.

                                Bob Lazar

UFO fanatics and conspiracy theorists are quite familiar with the name Bob Lazar. He essentially put Area 51 on the map when, in 1989, he claimed to have proof that he had reverse-engineered an alien spacecraft at a secret government facility near Groom Lake, a vast swath of desert in Nevada. Since then, Area 51 has become synonymous with everything from alien autopsies and interdimensional time travel while Lazar, for the most part, went into hiding.

 Jeremy Kenyon        Lockyer Corbell

Now, 30 years after making claims regarding reverse-engineering (not to mention having viewed documents confirming humans and extraterrestrials have been communicating for millennia), Lazar is ready to tell all in a new documentary from multimedia artist Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell. Look for Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers to arrive on various VOD platforms this December.


Lazar has been called an American hero by some and a liar and a fraud by others. Whether you even have a personal opinion at all, the documentary promises to be a compelling window into the life of a legendary whistleblower, one who may have exposed some of the biggest secrets our government every attempted to keep hidden.

1:37 minute trailer for Bob Lazar documentary


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New Investigation Shows Disputed MJ-12 Document Exposing Extraterrestrial Contact is Authentic

In the newly released December edition of the MUFON Journal, the first detailed analysis of a leaked 47 page Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) document is published, offering the startling conclusion that it is authentic. The DIA document provides a broad overview of the official history of extraterrestrial contact with Earth, and credits the beginning of the modern UFO era with the Colorado Springs radio transmissions of Nikola Tesla, which led to extraterrestrials sending interstellar craft to investigate. This culminated in flying saucer crash incidents such as Roswell (1947) and Aztec (1948), and the establishment of formal diplomatic relations with a human looking group of extraterrestrials during the Eisenhower administration.

The MUFON Journal article’s author, Dr. Robert Wood, is the world’s foremost authenticator when it comes to the controversial Majestic Documents. These are leaked documents concerning the activities of Operation Majestic 12, which was formally set up in September 1947 to manage the UFO/extraterrestrial issue. A former aerospace engineer with McDonnell Douglas whose career spanned 43 years, Dr. Wood began his investigation and authentication of the Majestic Documents in 1995 with his son, Ryan.

In his article, which is titled “Forty-Seven Pages From the DIA: Why Should We Care?”, Dr. Wood gives a succinct overview of the 47 pages of the leaked DIA document:

 Basically, there are five parts of intellectual content: (1) objective, history and organization of MJ-12; (2) details of the 1947 Roswell crash recovery; (3) details of the 1948 Aztec crash recovery; (4) condensed conversations with the Aztec EBE; and (5) issue of the national security or the risk of cultural upheaval, together with diplomatic and cultural exchanges during the 70s and 80s visiting some of EBE’s worlds.

For a more detailed breakdown of the document’s contents, see my previous articles analyzing these (here and here).

In the leaked 1989 DIA document, Dr. Wood finds a number of reasons that point to its authenticity and why it is an error to simply dismiss it as many UFO researchers have done to date. His detailed analysis of the typing, spelling mistakes, signatures, patents referenced, individuals mentioned, etc., in the document lead to his conclusion that it was a briefing dictated by a member of the Majestic 12 group to two typists. They typed up the 47 pages, a copy of which was preserved on microfilm by the DIA as Dr. Wood explained:

If one contemplates why there were so many errors made in a document officially recorded on a microfilm, and you pronounce the word or phrase on the left and look at the correct one on the right, usually they sound essentially the same. This would be consistent with the document having been created as a result of taking dictation and having two different typists implement the words on paper…

This would be consistent with MJ-12 (stated in this case to be individual MJ-1) having dictated a one-time entry-level summary for the new person, since one apparently was not available from prior written records at the time of the alleged briefing.

The DIA document’s cover page refers to itself as a “preliminary briefing” created by the Defense Intelligence Agency’s Office of Counter Intelligence, on January 8, 1989. The full title of the briefing package is “Assessment of the Situation/Statement of Position on Unidentified Flying Objects”, and it is addressed to the Office of the President.

The natural assumption to make is that the briefing was intended for President Elect George Bush, the Vice President at the time and winner of the 1988 Presidential election. However, by analyzing the only signature appearing on the DIA document, Dr. Wood concludes the briefing was actually intended for a distinguished astrophysicist at MIT, Dr. Philip Morrison:

This is the only signature on the document, and the first question might be whether it was the entry level person being briefed or the briefer. It seems much more reasonable that it was the person being briefed

Dr. Morrison began his career as a nuclear physicist who worked on the Manhattan Project and then moved his area of expertise to astrophysics to express his disapproval of the nuclear arms race. He became famous for popular books and documentaries dealing with astrophysics, and continued to be a Professor at MIT. In 1987, Dr. Morrison was the host of a six-part miniseries for PBS called “The Ring of Truth” which examined a number of astrophysics topics.  

There is important circumstantial evidence that the DIA document was a briefing dictated by the head of Majestic-12 to Dr. Morrison. In his MUFON article, Dr. Wood mentions that Dr. Morrison was on friendly terms with Carl Sagan, who some believe replaced Dr. Robert Menzel as a member of the Majestic-12 Committee upon the latter’s retirement and/or death in December 1976:

Philip Morrison was a very distinguished professor, who was a protégé of Oppenheimer and very likely was “in the know” on security issues, although I have no evidence of this. There is evidence, however, that he was very collegial with Carl Sagan during his career, helping to arrange a [UFO] symposium at the conclusion of the Colorado study in Boston.

Menzel had been named as MJ-10 on the Eisenhower Briefing document. In his book, Top Secret/MAJIC, veteran UFO researcher Stanton Friedman provided detailed evidence that Dr. Menzel was indeed a member of the Majestic 12 Committee, even though he wrote several books debunking the UFO phenomenon.

He is best known for his popular astronomy books such as Field Guide to the Stars and Planets (1964). Either prior to or shortly after Menzel’s death, the Majestic 12 Committee was looking for an astronomer/astrophysicist that could replace him. The replacement would have to have a firm scientific grounding in astronomy/astrophysics, broad public outreach, and have received Menzel’s recommendation prior to his death.

Dr. Sagan fit the bill with his scientific pedigree while a Fellow at Berkeley University when his work on NASA missions to Venus and Mars received widespread scientific recognition. Most importantly, his scientific work came to the attention of Dr. Menzel, who arranged for Sagan to be given an Assistant Professor position at Harvard University (1963-1968). Sagan moved to Cornell University, after he was denied tenure at Harvard, ironically due to the growing popularity of his generalist approach to science. Nevertheless, Menzel remained a firm supporter of Sagan.

Sagan achieved celebrity status through his popular books and documentaries, including his award winning Cosmos which aired on PBS in 1980 and was seen by 500 million people across 60 countries. If a position was reserved on the Majestic 12 Committee for a leading astronomer/astrophysicist with outreach to a global audience through popular books and television documentaries, and the approval of the previous position holder, then Sagan was the natural replacement for Menzel.

Similarly, by January 1989, when the Majestic 12 Group was looking for a replacement or an alternate to Dr. Sagan, due to impending retirement (he had likely been in the position since at least 1976) or some other reason (Sagan died on December 20, 1996), Dr. Morrison was a solid choice given his scientific pedigree, broad public outreach, and prior friendly relationship with Sagan. This is important circumstantial evidence in support of the authenticity of the DIA briefing document.

Also, the fact that the 1989 document was merely a briefing dictated by the head of the Majestic 12 Group for a new member taking up Dr. Sagan’s position, meant that not that much in the way of resources would have gone into preparing the briefing document.

The ad hoc nature in which the document was assembled, helps explain the notable security marking inconsistencies, spelling errors, cut and pasting of different documents together, etc., as many critics have pointed out.

In his MUFON article, Dr. Wood concludes in favor for the authenticity of the leaked 1989 DIA document with a number of compelling reasons despite its multiple errors. By identifying Dr. Morrison as the recipient of the briefing, rather than Vice President (President-Elect) Bush, Dr. Wood has provided the means of corroborating the document’s authenticity. Was Dr. Morrison being briefed as Dr. Sagan’s replacement on the MJ-12 Committee due to the latter’s retirement as a result of coming up to some kind of term limit due to his 13 years or more service as MJ-10?

As I mentioned in previous articles supporting the authenticity of the DIA document, its contents contain a wealth of information on topics such as the 1948 Aztec UFO crash; diplomatic relations between the Eisenhower administration and alien life; the role of Nikola Tesla in starting the modern UFO era; and the fact that human looking extraterrestrial are friendly and have been secretly living among humanity for decades.

Dr. Wood has performed a very valuable public service in authenticating the 1989 DIA document, opening the door to further close study of its rich contents and significant exopolitical implications.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

[Note: The 47 page DIA Document is available here]

Further Reading

Prince Philip Embroiled in ‘Close Encounter With UFO’

by Callum Hoare                      November 19, 2018                   (

• Major George A. Filer (pictured above) was an Air Force intelligence officer for the USAF, who revealed to a panel audience at Dr. Steven Greer’s 2001 Disclosure Project press conference that as an Air Force officer, he had encountered a UFO over England.

• The story goes, that Filer’s jet was radioed by London Air Traffic Control about an aircraft that had failed to identify itself near Stonehenge, Salisbury. When Filer got to the location he saw a “floating cruise ship”. “We dove down on it and eventually we got close and it looked like a cruise ship at sea with all the bright lights,” said Filer. But when his jet reached a mile from the craft, it shot up into space. “London control just said ‘you can continue with your mission’ now.”

• But then Filer received a call from England’s Prince Phillip (also pictured above), consort (husband) of Queen Elizabeth, inviting him to dinner. The prince knew about the UFO encounter and wanted to hear about it from Filer. This convinced Filer that it was indeed an extraterrestrial spacecraft. Said Filer, “When someone of his stature indicates they are real and from another planet, it’s very convincing.”

[Editor’s Note]  It has long been known that Prince Phillip has been a UFO enthusiast since WWII. In an earlier instance, Prince Phillip had his close friend, RAF officer Sir Peter Horsley, meet with an American General who introduced him to an extraterrestrial named Janus. Therefore, Prince Phillip was aware of the extraterrestrial presence as well. Read about it in the ExoNews article, “An Alien, An Air Marshal and Atomic War”.


Major George A. Giller (Filer actually) was an Air Force intelligence officer for the USAF, who claims to have encountered a UFO over England. He says his jet got a call from London Air Traffic Control about an aircraft that had failed to identify itself near Stonehenge, Salisbury. However, when George got there to inspect, the “floating cruise ship” darted from the scene.

“We dove down on it and eventually we got close and it looked like a cruise ship at sea with all the bright lights.

“We got about a mile from it and it went up into space.

“London control just said ‘you can continue with your mission’ now.”

However, that was not the end of the story for George, as he recalls meeting with Prince Philip as a result of his close encounter.

He added: “Apparently Prince Philip thought it was very important and invited us to dinner.

“He knew all about the fact we had chased the UFO and made me a believer in it since.

“When someone of his stature indicates they are real and from another planet, it’s very convincing.”
George gave his testimony as part of the Disclosure Project, which claims UFOs and aliens have been covered up by government agencies for years.



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Meet J. Allen Hynek, the Astronomer Who First Classified UFO ‘Close Encounters’

by Greg Daugherty                      November 19, 2018                      (

• In 1947, a rash of reports of UFOs had the public on edge. The Air Force created Project Sign to investigate these UFO sightings. But they needed outside expertise to sift through the reports and come up with explanations for all of these sightings. Enter J. Allen Hynek.

• In 1948, Hynek was the 37-year-old director at Ohio State University’s McMillin Observatory. He had worked for the government during WWII developing new defense technologies for the war effort with a high security clearance. The Air Force approached him to be a consultant on ‘flying saucers’ for the government. “I had scarcely heard of UFOs in 1948 and, like every other scientist I knew, assumed that they were nonsense,” Hynek recalled.

• Hynek’s UFO investigations under Project Sign resulted in twenty percent of the 237 cases that couldn’t be explained. In February 1949, Project Sign was succeeded by Project Grudge, which said Hynek, “took as its premise that UFOs simply could not be.” The 1949 Grudge report concluded that the phenomena posed no danger to the United States, and warranted no further study.

• But UFO incidents continued, even from the Air Force’s own radar operators. The national media began treating the phenomenon more seriously. The Air Force had little choice but to revive Project Grudge under a new name: Project Blue Book. Hynek joined Project Blue Book in 1952 and would remain with it until its demise in 1969. But he had changed his mind about the existence of UFOs. “The witnesses I interviewed could have been lying, could have been insane or could have been hallucinating collectively—but I do not think so,” he recalled in 1977. Hynek deplored the ridicule that people who reported a UFO sighting often had to endure, causing untold numbers of others to never come forward, not to mention the loss of useful research data.

• “Given the controversial nature of the subject, it’s understandable that both scientists and witnesses are reluctant to come forward,” said Jacques Vallee, co-author with Dr. Hynek of The Edge of Reality: A Progress Report on Unidentified Flying Objects.

• On October 4, 1957, the Soviet Union surprised the world by launching Sputnik, a serious blow to Americans’ sense of technological superiority. Hynek was on TV assuring Americans that their scientists were closely monitoring the situation. UFO sightings continued unabated.

• In the 1960s, Hynek was the top expert on UFOs as scientific consultant to Project Blue Book. But he chafed at what he perceived as the project’s mandate to debunk UFO sightings, and the inadequate resources at his disposal. Air Force Major Hector Quintanilla, who headed the project from 1963 to 1969, writes that he considered Hynek a “liability.”

• Hynek frustrated UFO debunkers such as the U.S. Air Force. But in 1966, after suggesting that a UFO sighting in Michigan may have been an optical illusion created by swamp gas, he became a punchline for UFO believers as well.

• In his testimony for a Congressional hearing in 1966, Hynek stated, “[I]t is my opinion that the body of data accumulated since 1948…deserves close scrutiny by a civilian panel of physical and social scientists…”. The Air Force established a civilian committee of scientists to investigate UFOs, chaired by physicist, Dr. Edward U. Condon. In 1968, Hynek assailed the Condon Report’s conclusion that “further extensive study of UFOs probably cannot be justified.” In 1969, Project Blue Book shut down for good.

• UFO sightings continued around the world. Hynek later quipped, “apparently [they] did not read the Condon Report”. Hynek went on with his research, free from the compromises and bullying of the U.S. Air Force.

• In 1972, Hynek published his first book, The UFO Experience. It introduced Hynek’s classifications of UFO incidents, which he called Close Encounters. Close Encounters of the First Kind meant UFOs seen at a close enough range to make out some details. In a Close Encounter of the Second Kind, the UFO had a physical effect, such as scorching trees, frightening animals or causing car motors to suddenly conk out. In Close Encounters of the Third Kind, witnesses reported seeing occupants in or near a UFO.

• In 1977, Steven Spielberg released the movie, Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Hynek was paid $1,000 for the use of the title, another $1,000 for the rights to use stories from the book and $1,500 for three days of technical consulting. He also had a brief cameo in the film, playing an awestruck scientist when the alien spacecraft comes into view.

• In 1978, Hynek retired from teaching. In 1973 he had founded the Center for UFO Studies which continues to this day. Hynek died in 1986, at age 75, from a brain tumor.


It’s September 1947, and the U.S. Air Force has a problem. A rash of reports about mysterious objects in the skies has the public on edge and the military baffled. The Air Force needs to figure out what’s going on—and fast. It launches an investigation it calls Project Sign.

By early 1948 the team realizes it needs some outside expertise to sift through the reports it’s receiving—specifically an astronomer who can determine which cases are easily explained by astronomical phenomena, such as planets, stars or meteors.

For J. Allen Hynek, then the 37-year-old director at Ohio State University’s McMillin Observatory, it would be a classic case of being in the right place at the right time—or, as he may have occasionally lamented, the wrong place at the wrong one.

The adventure begins

Hynek had worked for the government during the war, developing new defense technologies like the first radio-controlled fuse, so he already had a high security clearance and was a natural go-to.

“One day I had a visit from several men from the technical center at Wright-Patterson Air Force base, which was only 60 miles away in Dayton,” Hynek later wrote. “With some obvious embarrassment, the men eventually brought up the subject of ‘flying saucers’ and asked me if I would care to serve as consultant to the Air Force on the matter… The job didn’t seem as though it would take too much time, so I agreed.”

Little did Hynek realize that he was about to begin a lifelong odyssey that would make him one of the most famous and, at times, controversial scientists of the 20 century. Nor could he have guessed how much his own thinking about UFOs would change over that period as he persisted in bringing rigorous scientific inquiry to the subject.

“I had scarcely heard of UFOs in 1948 and, like every other scientist I knew, assumed that they were nonsense,” he recalled.

Project Sign ran for a year, during which the team reviewed 237 cases. In Hynek’s final report, he noted that about 32 percent of incidents could be attributed to astronomical phenomena, while another 35 percent had other explanations, such as balloons, rockets, flares or birds. Of the remaining 33 percent, 13 percent didn’t offer enough evidence to yield an explanation. That left 20 percent that provided investigators with some evidence but still couldn’t be explained.

The Air Force was loath to use the term “unidentified flying object,” so the mysterious 20 percent were simply classified as “unidentified.”

In February 1949, Project Sign was succeeded by Project Grudge. While Sign offered at least a pretense of scientific objectivity, Grudge seems to have been dismissive from the start, just as its angry-sounding name suggests. Hynek, who played no role in Project Grudge, said it “took as its premise that UFOs simply could not be.” Perhaps not surprisingly, its report, issued at the end of 1949, concluded that the phenomena posed no danger to the United States, having resulted from mass hysteria, deliberate hoaxes, mental illness or conventional objects that the witnesses had misinterpreted as otherworldly. It also suggested the subject wasn’t worth further study.

Project Blue Book is born

That might’ve been the end of it. But UFO incidents continued, including some puzzling reports from the Air Force’s own radar operators. The national media began treating the phenomenon more seriously; LIFE magazine did a 1952 cover story, and even the widely respected TV journalist Edward R. Murrow devoted a program to the topic, including an interview with Kenneth Arnold, a pilot whose 1947 sighting of mysterious objects over Mount Rainier in Washington state popularized the term “flying saucer.” The Air Force had little choice but to revive Project Grudge, which soon morphed into the more benignly named Project Blue Book.

Hynek joined Project Blue Book in 1952 and would remain with it until its demise in 1969. For him, it was a side gig as he continued to teach and to pursue other, non-UFO research, at Ohio State. In 1960 he moved to Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, to chair its astronomy department.

As before, Hynek’s role was to review the reports of UFO sightings and determine whether there was a logical astronomical explanation. Typically that involved a lot of unglamorous paperwork; but now and then, for an especially puzzling case, he had a chance to get out into the field.

There he discovered something he might never have learned from simply reading the files: how normal the people who reported seeing UFOs tended to be. “The witnesses I interviewed could have been lying, could have been insane or could have been hallucinating collectively—but I do not think so,” he recalled in his 1977 book, The Hynek UFO Report.

“Their standing in the community, their lack of motive for perpetration of a hoax, their own puzzlement at the turn of events they believe they witnessed, and often their great reluctance to speak of the experience—all lend a subjective reality to their UFO experience.”



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Alien Lifeforms Will Be Discovered Within 20 Years, British Scientist Predicts

by Jasper Hamill                         November 19, 2018                         (

• Dr. David L Clements, a top astrophysicist at Imperial University (Imperial College London) as recently published a paper claiming that alien life will be discovered within 20 years. “…[N]ew observational insights and other developments mean that signs of life elsewhere might realistically be uncovered in the next decade or two,” says Clements.

• In his study, Dr. Clements discussed the Fermi Paradox, saying that an alien space-faring civilization, “…should thus already be here, and yet they are not.” “This can be used as an argument against the existence of intelligent extraterrestrials, but our own existence is proof that intelligent life can and does arise in the Galaxy. This is the central puzzle of the Fermi Paradox.”

• Dr. Clements’ paper goes on to suggest that life is likely to be found in oceans locked beneath the frozen surface of moons or planets. In our own solar system, one of the most likely homes for alien life is Europa, a moon of Jupiter which is believed to be hiding a gigantic body of water beneath its icy crust. “We are left with the rather chilling prospect that the galaxy may be filled with life, but that any intelligence within it is locked away beneath impenetrable ice barriers, unable to communicate with, or even comprehend the existence of, the universe outside,” says Dr. Clements.

[Editor’s Note]  Perhaps the true error is in the assumption that alien beings should already be here, “yet they are not”. Oh, they’re here alright, and in a variety and numbers that will astound the intentionally uninformed citizens of planet Earth. They will reveal themselves when it serves their purpose. The question is, is the reason that they are here one that is negative or positive for the human race?


In a newly published paper, one of the nation’s top astrophysicists has claimed we will discover traces of alien life within 20 years. Dr David L Clements of Imperial University said that ‘detecting signs of life elsewhere has been so technically challenging as to seem almost impossible’ until very recently. ‘However, new observational insights and other developments mean that signs of life elsewhere might realistically be uncovered in the next decade or two,’ he continued.

    Dr. David L Clements

In his study, Dr Clements discussed the Fermi Paradox, which is the contradiction between the high probability of life existing in the universe and the fact we haven’t managed to detect it. Theoretically, a ‘space-faring civilisation’ should be able to visit every single star in the galaxy in a timescale of between 50 and 100 million years – even if they travelled at velocities which were slower than the speed of light. ‘Aliens should thus already be here, and yet they are not,’ Dr Clements added. ‘This can be used as an argument against the existence of intelligent extraterrestrials, but our own existence is proof that intelligent life can and does arise in the Galaxy. ‘This is the central puzzle of the Fermi Paradox.’

His paper goes on to suggest that life is likely to be found in oceans locked beneath the frozen surface of moons or planets – which could have big implications for the development of a civilisation. In our own solar system, one of the most likely homes for alien life is Europa, a moon of Jupiter which is believed to be hiding a gigantic body of water beneath its icy crust. ‘We are left with the rather chilling prospect that the galaxy may be filled with life, but that any intelligence within it is locked away beneath impenetrable ice barriers, unable to communicate with, or even comprehend the existence of, the universe outside,’ the paper continued. ‘We know that species that live in water can evolve to a high level of intelligence – dolphins and octopuses are good examples. ‘However, A liquid environment may be a limiting factor in the development of technology.’



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Strange Twinkling Star Detected

Space                  November 18, 2018                    (

• Astronomers have discovered a strange flickering star, resembling a Tabby star, in which case an alien mega-structure was supposed to be present, like a Dyson sphere. (see previous ExoNews article on the Tabby Star)

• The behavior of the new star is not associated with aliens. However, astronomer Roberto Saito of the Federal University of Santa Catarina in Florianópolis, Brazil, argues that it is extremely unusual. “We don’t know what the object is,” says Saito. “And this is interesting.”

• Saito and his colleagues were looking for supernovae and found a star flashing brightly. Then the star suddenly faded. From 2010 to 2018, the brightness of the star either increased, then decreased, without any regularity, reminiscent of Tabbi’s star. The team named the object VVV-WIT-07 (WIT is an abbreviation of “What is this?”).

• A team of astronomers intend to continue observing the star using larger telescopes like the 8.1-meter Gemini or ALMA telescope located in Chile.

[Editor’s Note] Tabby’s Star is named after Tabetha Boyajian, the Louisana State University astrophysicist who discovered it on 2015. The stars luminosity changes, leading to speculation that it may be surrounded by anything from space debris to an alien-made Dyson sphere megastructure surrounding the star and harvesting its energy for space travel, manufacturing or other energy-consuming activities.


Astronomers who looked for supernovae, found an object that behaves more amazing than the star Tabbi.

Astronomers have discovered a strange flickering star, resembling a Tabby star, in which case an alien mega-structure was supposed to be present, like a Dyson sphere.

The idea of a megastructure, first proposed in 2015, was later refuted by data suggesting that the strange flickering is due to dust particles obscuring the star’s light. The behavior of the new star, it seems, is also not associated with aliens. However, astronomer Roberto Saito of the Federal University of Santa Catarina in Florianópolis, Brazil, argues that it is extremely unusual. Together with his colleagues, the scientist wrote an article about it, published in the preprint database.

“We don’t know what the object is,” says Saito. “And this is interesting.”



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Nazca Humanoid Mummies: High-Resolution Tomography (and Genetic Sequencing) Reveals Truths


The question is: DO WE FINALLY HAVE SOME PHYSICAL EVIDENCE OF NON-HUMAN, INTELLIGENT ENTITIES? This would be exopolitically important and we should care.


Thus far (after about 2 years since the news broke out), the almost nil interest or involvement by academic circles, in general, is telling: ‘Scientific’ dogma, fear of reputation loss and prejudice (and not just the imposition of secrecy) overcome the scientific spirit of curiosity and play an important role against a substantial type of paradigm shift. The exopolitics community should care when physical evidence of a totally unknown humanoid species is coming together. If verified, these bodies may represent that humans (the Nazca) and humanoids of unknown origin lived in close proximity.  Perhaps the possibility of some kind of a disclosure shift is not only in the hands of a major Government officially disclosing but also in the hands of a few caring, aware, motivated citizens. Perhaps (as Margaret Mead said) we should not doubt that only a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.

Thus far, there has been little interest in the UFO, disclosure and exopolitics community in the developed West or even in Spain. Is it because people mostly care about cases they are used to and in their own language? And in Perú there has been little serious media coverage and lots of detractors trying to find every possible fault, publicly discrediting and laughing about it. But perhaps the sheer weight of evidence accumulated and the dedication of some individuals in favor that SOME of the samples may be genuine (besides a request from the Peruvian Congressperson (Armando Villanueva) for there to be an official investigation) could be reverting the apathy.


I think that this situation on the so-called “THREE-FINGER, HUMANOID, DESICCATED NAZCA BODIES” is gradually becoming a seriously important revelation for humanity to reassess who we are, what life is, a possible extraterrestrial presence in Earth’s past, possible hybridization between homo sapiens and other species, etc. It also shows (thank goodness) that a few individuals care or are able to process the new possibility which is largely dismissed or ignored by scientific, media, political and other representatives of modern institutions.

But bone and tissue structure in these and many other images plus genetic tests performed by several labs are coming together to show that at least SOME of the many samples/specimens under research appear to belong to new species or to hybrid species previously unknown to science. I believe that taken together, this evidence overcomes some previous objections. If I mention some of the objections from skeptical scientists or scientists having a contrarian view it is because we need to engage in a civil dialogue and facilitate the exchange of views among interested scientists.

Could this case offer more evidence than ever before about similar alleged humanoids?

It is obvious to me that these DICOM, high-resolution, tomography images are genuine and, in the “María” body,  the bones appear to be much more hollow, the teguments in hands and feet show continuity with bones that fit well. No cut of fingers. The rib cage is a little different. In “Josefina” the alleged eggs… are looking more like real eggs.

As of today, only radiologist Dr. Raymundo Salas Alfaro and Inkari Institute know the tomography lab. More should be revealed soon. Thanks to Dr. Alfaro’s efforts we now have these higher quality images and more specific descriptions. Allegedly, other labs that were approached were scared or worried in terms of their reputation and didn’t feel inclined to work with this research. I’m glad that (in spite of the legal consequences that the samples were illicitly obtained by a huaquero-grave robber) some persons and institutions are taking big risks in the name of humanity. I think it is a unique situation and should be treated as such. Many archaeological discoveries were made in an informal manner by huaqueros and others. I do not condone grave robbing to sell bodies or artifacts in the black market but it seems that the huaquero here nor only wanted to make money but to show a discovery for analysis for the world to know and that is why they first approached for guidance my friend Dante Rios Tambini who then took samples to Instituto Inkari.

We must recognize the contributions of radiologist Dr. Raymundo Salas Alfaro, biologist José de la C. Rios López, and analysis of forensic physician José de Jesús Zalce. I am glad that Jaime Maussan is working with these scientists. I’m told that the name of the clinic where the high-resolution tomographies took place should be revealed soon.

Below: A horizontal view of Maria showing very hollow bones. The tomographic bone density shows that the density is low because they are more hollow as biologist José de la Cruz Rios points out. If the bones are so hollow, could they still be strong due to a different chemical composition or structuring? We need more testing. Humanity needs to save and secure the bodies and study them with care.

Lateral right view of Maria. The fingertips have a similar ending as theropod dinosaurs. The calcaneus bone is different and the skulls’ brain capacity is larger than average (1650cc).

Posterior view – torso

Another posterior view-torso

Maria (considered female because of a gynecoidal hip) shows more details in this view. Dr. Raymundo Salas Alfaro explains that she apparently suffered an accident or spinal fracture in D7 and lived after that as the sclerotic reaction that followed shows. She has herniated discs between the L3 with L4 and L4 with L5 vertebrae. Dr Raymundo Salas has observed. There are coprolites in her intestines. The body has 12 pair of ribs. A subluxation in the mandible. In another image (not available here) the dura matter separates brain lobules and the brain from the cerebellum. She also has female nipples but signs of breasts have dried out.  She has the 3rd molar and is therefore considered an adult.  Her teeth are in a poor condition. The size of the eye cavities is normal.

Forensic physician José de Jesús Zalce observed in a recent interview that Maria has no scapula, cocxys or sacrum but I am told by biologist Ríos López that he  made a human error confusing names and that he was referring to the specimen named “Josefina.”

Maria’s spine lesion. Maria has her internal organs and is not a classical, regional “mummy.”

However, María was found in a classical Nazca mummy position.

Unique bone structure.

Detail of a subluxation of the jaw. No ear pavillions.

Detail of the spine with 12 pairs of ribs. Are they completely like ours?

DICON tomography images at 128 cuts of resolution shed new light.


In one foot, the middle finger broke off but the other fingers show continuity and no artificial alterations. The radius-carpus articulation is well articulated and gives origin to 5 phalanxes. The phalanges still possess their capsules in each inter articular line. The carpus has 8 bones. Another image (not available here) shows a cavity lesion in the right lung.

Another view of Maria’s right hand

Finger connectivity.

Detail from hands

What are these skin protuberances?

Previous photo of Maria’s horizontal fingerprints.


To be fair, I need to show this previous X-ray plaque by which other scientists determined that proximal phalanxes had been added to the feet. Issues like these need to be decided after careful scrutiny.

A more recent image with a broken finger

One of María’s feet with a hook-like ending 8.6 inches. They have 5 phalanxes.

María’s 5 phalanxes in the feet

Details of extremely hollow bones and feet similar to Therapods as pointed out by biologist José de la Cruz Rios López.


In Maria’s feet, the Achilles Heal is inserted in the Astragalus bone rather than in the calcaneus bone.

Maria’s rib cage: It appears to be somewhat different. Is she a hybrid?

The body named “Josefina” (approx 23 inches tall) allegedly has a metal piece contoured around his chest. It has been affirmed by the Maussan team that the metal was analyzed in INGEMMET (the Metallurgic, Mining and Geologic Institute of Peru) in Peru with anomalous results to be revealed soon.   Hand and arm mobility was probably restricted due to the fact that Alberto only shows one large bone in the forearm.  No fibula, cubit, radius, tibia.  He would have walked like an oviparous entity. The pelvis would be made of separate bones built in a circular manner. (biologist José de la C. Rios López).

An upper, frontal view of “Josefina.” 8 specimens like this have been analyzed. Apparently, she had a broken clavicle. The alleged implant or, perhaps, the prosthesis has a HU (density) of 5,241.52.  In other images, it is shown that The viscerocranium has no sutures, that the cranium has 3 fenestras and a pneumatization in the occipital area. The Magnus foramen is square. The clavicle is fused or is a furcula as in birds and some dinosaurs. A short mouth/snout aperture adapted to feeding by sucking liquids. According to biologist José de la C. Rios López the skin is scaly, the neck could be retractile. Victoria and Alberto are defined as “humanoid reptiles” by biologist José de la C. Rios López.

The hands of the 60cm beings still show articular capsules, tendons, ligaments. They only have 4 phalanges instead of 5 as Maria.

“Josefina” (also approximately 23 inches tall) is apparently pregnant with eggs. They are translucid and seem to show structure (embryos?) inside and (although probably calcified with a 2,470.91 HU density) may not be placed metal objects as alleged by skeptical scientists. The cranial perimeter is large and would not be that of a pre-Hispanic dog as alleged. “He” has a different number of fenestra and a very light head.

The spinal column of this second species of 60 cm in height is medial (located in the middle rather than further back). This is why the posterior apophysis is longer than what was known before. This is why there are some structures of unknown function in an area posterior to the spine. They might have to do with swallowing. (José de Jesus Salce, forensic physician).

Interestingly, reporter Jois Mantilla and José de la C. Ríos López pointed out to me that an ENERGY EMANATION seems to come out of this specimen “Josefina” with the tomography. It is in the coming out from the metallic piece place on the upper chest.  I don’t know but it might not be an “artifact” of the tomography. It would be necessary to know under what frequencies this energy emanation becomes visible. Here it looks like a reddish flame.

Forensic Archaeologist Flavio Estrada who worked in forensic cases for the Public Ministry in Perú has necessary opinions that must be listened to. He stated that it is the energy of the tomographic machine hitting against the metallic body. In the same manner, Mr. Leopoldo Zambrano Enríquez commented that by using the original tomographies sent to France with 5Gb of information, and using DICOM visors what we are seeing is something that in radiology is known as an artifact “in solar rays” produced by the dispersion of X rays upon hitting the metallic plate. I think that these comments need to be included in a respectful way in order to be fair. However, more tests should be carefully conducted. The artifact known as “solar rays” seems to be different because the “rays” are dark, straight and come together concentrically.


Alleged energy emanation detected.

Another version of the alleged energy emanation detected.

Three more images of the alleged energy emanation. Thanks to Peruvian reporter Jois Mantilla who has been promoting the preservation and formal study of these specimens in spite of great dismissal and opposition.

A frontal image in red color above the metallic object. The apparent energy emanation would be in a deep red color above the metallic piece.

The actual “solar ray” effect or artifact looks different. Here seen also in Josefina: converging, straight, dark lines (“rays”).

A frontal view. The alleged point of energy emanation on the middle of the metallic piece looks darker.

Another view of “Josefina” with the metal piece placed on the chest below what appears to be a one-piece furcula instead of a collarbone.

“Josefina” with more details and with unique structures behind the spinal column on the left side. We can also se the eggs on the right side and a distended belly.

A tomographic measurement of the density of “Josefina’s” eggs

Another view of the eggs inside “Josefina” at a density of less than the maximum for bones.

Possible internal structures in the eggs. Possible embrionic formation? Inkari Institute – Courtesy of biologist José de la C. Rios López

Possible internal structures in the eggs. Possible embrionic formation? Courtesy of biologist José de la C. Rios López

A recent image of structures within the alleged eggs. They could be OVOVIVIPAROUS creatures. Shared on 01-27-2019. Ovoviviparous creatures gestate inside eggs in the parent’s body and may hatch inside before coming out.

According to biologist Jose de la C Rios López the bones are not cut as we can see with the high-resolution tomography. They are “crowned” and only in lesser resolution images seem to have been cut because they are more hollow than normal.

The crowned epiphysis of “Josefina” between the humerus and femur. Is it a different type of jagged connection?

From a study made with associated Russian scientists, the “knee” doesn’t show to be fabricated with cut bones.

The Histology (an analysis of the skin cells) of a small, headless specimen named “Victoria” was made by biologist Jose de la C. Rios Pérez. Here in Spanish, French and English. Here is the link published in “Alien Project”:

From the conclusions section: – The Victoria paratype skin is composed of a highly keratinized,
acellular and thick flat stratified epithelium similar to the
scales of reptiles, for both the scapular and hip regions.
– The skin of the scapular region presents small, very thick,
white protuberances, whose appearance is like a wart. Its
distribution in the skin is solitary and also in pairs, but missing
on the hip sample.

– In the protuberance, the keratin becomes more compact and
acquires an amorphous form.
Mucous glands are missing just like the sweat glands. The loss of
water through the skin is therefore nonexistent (the keratin keeps
it hydrated and protected), which allows it to live in very dry places.
As in the Nazca desert, where these bodies were found covered
with diatomaceous earth for their preservation

Remember that one of the specimens was of an infant named “Wawita”?

With the better images, Wawita’s hand was shown by Dr. Salas Alfaro to have been mutilated. He thinks that, since the specimen is in a very brittle condition, this alteration could have been done as a ritual in the pre-Hispanic past for some unknown reason.

Wawita’s feet also mutilated, modified.

However, we must also recognize that other scientists (for instance pharmaceutical chemist Dr. Ernesto Ávalos using infrared spectroscopy) have legitimately found that some specimens have been fabricated with modern materials such as palmitic acid (oil), paraffin (wax). In smaller quantity: glue, polyethylene vinyl acetate (plastic), cyanoacrylate. All modern components. These would not be the best or genuine specimens.

However, there appears to be a clear difference between different kinds of samples as follows analyzed. Some of the hoaxed ones (including fake hands) may have been analyzed together with previous images (with less detail) by the team from the Instituto de Medicina Legal de Ciencias Forenses del Ministerio Público (The Public Ministry’s Institute of Forensic Sciences and Legal Medicine). Thus (while naturally inclined towards skepticism by being outmaneuvered by huaqueros and by knowing that there is a large black market in Peru for genuine AND FAKE pre-Hispanic items),  they would have sincerely concluded that the entire group of specimens given to them (and any other items considered to be part of the same group of specimens) is fake. I’ve interacted with BOTH group of scientists and think that both are sincere. Thus far they haven’t met with each other! There is suspicion between them! It is high time for these 2 groups of scientists to meet in a cordial manner and objectively clarify each little point of disagreement in a meticulous manner.

Regarding some of the GENETIC TESTS: Several laboratories found anomalies in the genetic profile of some samples: For the specimens named “Maria” and “Victoria” out of the main group of specimens most likely not faked (Maria, Wawita, Alberto, Josefina and Victoria- the headless specimen).


A study commanded by the Incari Institute: Massive sequencing of a bone of Maria: Using the services of Dr. Sarah Kouhou, PhD. Only 33.675% corresponds to the human genome. 18.415% to bacteria. Virus and others in 9,384 readings.
A study commanded by Third Millennium using the services of BIOTECMOL. For the tridactyle specimen “Victoria” (the one without a head) – out of a Bone (with 2,400,000 base pairs), using last generation sequencing, only an alignment of 19.82% corresponds to Human DNA. And for “Maria,” only corresponds to an alignment of 34.935% with the human genome.
So according to these labs, for the 60cm tridactyles (to which “Victoria” belongs) and for “Maria,” there is no correspondence with homo sapiens and with what is known of terrestrial organisms in the Blast Base. More in-depth genetic tests need to be conducted for “María” but for the 60cm specimens they have already been conducted.
And the University of St. Petersburg did an exon analysis for a massive nuclear DNA sequencing and for Maria it found a correspondence of 23.8% of short fragments attenuated with the human genome.
Chart presented in the presentation room inside Peruvian Congress. Percentage of genome coincidence of Maria with homo sapiens (after massive DNA sequencing) according to 3 laboratories.
An important link to consider is:


The bones of the most important samples (Josefina, Victoria, Alberto, and María) do not correspond to animals or even to human bones since these bones are hollow bones and this does not correspond to any mammalian animal of the earth. María presents this characteristic of hollow bones without the presence of tracts.

The eggs are less dense than the metal and less dense than the maximum density for the bones.

In the metal in Josefina’s chest, the values as metal are high. They are exact data of the tomographic equipment. There is no manipulation here. We have a reference between those eggs and the metal. The bones are less dense because they are hollow.

Both the x-rays and the evidence of the particularities of the bones coincide. The bones do not belong to any terrestrial mammal because of the said bones of fabricated animals.

Why Josefina’s bones and other specimens have furcula. Why do they have hollow bones? Why do they have a structure of a sexual organ? Why do eggs have conglomerate material if they are metal?

Why does Victoria’s histology show keratinized skin similar to reptile scales?

Why metals correspond in their preparation to pre-Columbian times? Why does carbon 14 in hands date 7000 years in Beta Analytic laboratories and laboratories in Brazil?

Where is it if Analysis of c14 to say that it is a MODERN armed?

Why does the head have 3 fenestrae in the posterior part of the eye socket if the species on the earth only have 2? No species of the earth has three openings behind the eye orbit as it has this being, which, through the tomography could be checked for its presence.

Why are there vascular nerve bundles if they are just bones of various armed animals?

The viscerocranium is composed of two types of tissues. 1. Bone tissue and soft tissue. Hence the lightness that it shows and we should add that fenestra orifices have pneumatizations. In addition, the bones that compose it are very thin sheets.

The weight of these heads (which were two loose) gave an average of 0.377 grams. Which is matches a big brain because the lightness of the head is compensated with the macrocephalic size of the encephalic mass.

The skull has a small short snout.

Why is the viscerocranium composed of two types of soft and bony tissues if it is supposed to be a dog’s skull?

Why do the extremities such as the femur and humerus have crowned edges and present the humeral head or epiphysis if they are only cut bones as they say?

Why are ribs ringed?

Why does the vascular bundle come together between the vertebrae of the thoracic waist?

Why does the vertebral column show compression of the vertebrae as a lesion?

Why was it buried in diatomaceous earth are they dried and in a perfect state of preservation?

Why does he have a hand in pronation? Why three fingers?
About a writing with which he challenged Salas Gismondi Why do they have a cranial perimeter different from other species of terrestrial mammals?

If you had in your hands the skulls show the carving that was done on them. It is not difficult to prove it. A carved bone leaves traces. And they have not shown it.

Why are there 2 sutures in the foramen magnum square?

And why are there 2 sutures in the skull of these beings that are not in the dog?

Where are the cuts and filings that they proclaim?  Why if the skin is vegetable-based, the HISTOLOGY shows something else?

The left humerus of Josefina Reptil Humanoid, which they have indicated as cut and is the only argument they use to discredit these bodies as false, is not cut since it has the lower humeral head or epiphysis and its edges are crowned as it has pointed out the independent study conducted by the University of St. Petersburg Russia.

————————————————– —————————————————-

Are the first phalanges of the hands are placed as phalanges of the feet?

José de la C Ríos replies: That is a presupposition because in reality the phalanges present their interdigital capsules.

Then, José de la C Ríos asks: Why did they call ‘modern fabrication’ a sample that Krawix (Paul Ronceros, according to interview) declares that he warned the forensic of the prosecution office not to analyze the part glued together … which he claims he had to glue because it had been broken?

Other observations: Why the mummy does not have the calcaneus bone like homo sapiens?

Why is the Achilles heel fixed in the Astragalus bone and not in the calcaneus?

Why does the mummy Maria have 3 phalanges in a set of bones of varying size and is at a 90-degree angle?

Why does each finger end in semicircular pads of approximately 1.5 cm with horizontal fingerprint lines?

The vertebrae from the spine located in the middle of the torso seem to be extremely hollow.

The skulls show a great degree of pneumatization or more cavities than those found in South American camelids like the alpaca, llama, guanaco and vicuña. The seem to be extremely light. Do they match a known species?



GOOD NEWS: Some Professors from Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga (mostly related to the natural sciences), among them engineers, physicists, physicians became interested in working to find out the truth. They were visited by Jaime Maussan and by an Instituto Inkari representative and saw some of the evidence.  The university is located in the City of Ica, a few hours south of Lima by car and not too far from the alleged site of the findings in Nazca and/or Palpa.  I drove to the City of Ica on Sunday the 27th and met them in person on Monday the 28th, 2019. I spoke with them and with the Vice-rector for research and sent them the information I had gathered telling them that I am willing to collaborate.

About a week later, archaeology students from that university wrote a statement rejecting the Professors initiative. The response may be because they follow a research pattern that requires first locating the exact place of artifacts or biological remains, including its historic, archeological context while natural scientists feel more comfortable with being able to analyze physical-biological samples.


Taken all together, the situation is crucially changing in favor of the reality that SOME of the 3-finger samples from the Nazca-Palpa area in Perú are genuine. Needless to say, this would be a very important discovery and part of different increasing types of evidence leading toward a form of disclosure revealing that other intelligent and/or humanoid life forms previously unknown to science have interacted for quite some time on Earth with humanity.

Consider the political, exopolitical and cultural consequences!


Note of clarification (11-08-2018): I think that many or all of the high-resolution tomography images are interpolated from 16 cuts to 128 cuts but not manipulated to show something different. Since the discussion was about “high-resolution” images, I had not noticed the word “interpolated”  in the Alien Project site. I had also been told by a researcher into the case (of the team in favor) that there may also be another clinic that was used for original high-resolution images at 128 cuts but this is to be confirmed. Experts in tomography please comment.

An important link that has to be considered as per the favorable scientific analysis regarding images, some genetic tests, and other issues is in Inkari Institute’s  “Alien Project”:

A NOTE ON THE GENETIC FINDINGS (updated for March 2019) 

The complete genome sequencing of one of the smaller, 3 -finger, humanoid specimens found in the NAZCA-PALPA region of Perú was made using the following equipment: HiSeqX10.

Using a protocol for extracting ancient DNA and for amplifying it using Multiple Displacement Amplification. This particular study was made by CEN4GEN Institute for genomics and Molecular Diagnostics ( a Canadian Corporation).

The extraction of ancestral DNA was successful for 2 samples of the specimen that has been called “Victoria.” The sequencing generated more than 1000 million DNA fragments. The biological information analysis of the data was made with software designed and published by institutes like The New York Genome Center and the JGI of the U.S. Department of Energy. It required more than 500 hours of processing time conducted by Abraxas Biosystems.

Some of the more relevant findings are the following:

A portion of the DNA had similarities with human beings because the poorly protected samples had been exposed to the environment and to different persons. But…

1) The portion of the DNA that was similar to that of human beings was much smaller (14.29% and 15.26%) in contrast to the portion that was not similar to human beings.

2) There is approximately 54% and 76% of the DNA readings for samples 0002 and 0004, respectively, do not have a significant similarity (under the bioinformatic taxonomic classification of Abraxas Biosystems) with ANY of more than 1 million species or more than 41 million sequences that have been registered in genomic databases and DNA databases called “nt” and “refseq” of the NCBI which is the more complete public data base used by the scientific community.

The 1 Terabyte of data is being uploaded to an open-source page where other scientists can study it. They may need a supercomputer.


There has been controversy regarding who found the specimens and under what circumstances, including the lack of a clearly known archeological context. This has been used to dismiss the entire case or to object to further studies. In fact, I have been called “stupid” and crazy” by name and surname in the airwaves (radio and cable TV) for stating an opinion. This is called DEFAMATION.  The opinion which I still sustain is that since we have physical, biological specimens at hand, we need to focus on them more than on the dubious information about who found them, their exact archaeological, cultural and geological context and whether they are being negotiated or not. While the latter issues are important (and more information should be found about them), the former issue (the PHYSICAL EVIDENCE that CAN BE ANALYZED) is more DETERMINING.

If  (after all is said and done) scientists show that at least some of the samples have not been artificially assembled and that their genes do not match any biological specimens on Earth, the controversy about who found them and under what circumstances or whether he or she wants to sell them, or even that an ideal, standard scientific procedure was not followed, will not change the main findings. 

I’m not a specialist in mummies but as an educated, concerned citizen, I value the fact that verifying the specimens can be of great consequence culturally, politically and exopolitically. This is why I try to offer information about it attempting to be as objective as possible. 

Bolivian Tombs Reveal Human Remains and Inca Artefacts From 500 Years Ago

by Chiara Giordano                     November 17, 2018                       (

• Archaeologists have discovered over 100 more human remains near Viacha, Bolivia of an Inca civilization, some of which had the now-famous elongated heads. The Peruvian ‘Pacajes’ empire was developed around the beginning of the 13th century, and was conquered and destroyed by Spanish conquistadors by the end of the 15th century.

• Jedu Sagarnaga, the archaeology professor at Universidad Mayor de San Andres who is leading the investigation, speculates that the elongated skulls that may have been stretched to differentiate the social rank of individuals.

• Julio Condori, an archaeologist with the Archaeological and Anthropological Research Centre in Tiwanacu, in Bolivia, said: “This finding… shows that not only was there an influence from the Incas, but from other people as well.”

• The remains were taken to an archaeological center for further study and will eventually be returned to a museum in Viacha.

[Editor’s Note]  Notwithstanding the irregularities found by Peruvian scientists (see Giorgio Piacenza’s recent article “A Refutation of the Alleged Three Finger Nazca Humanoid ‘Mummies’” and “Some PROS and CONS About Some of the Nazca-Palpa 3-Fingered Specimens) that questions the authenticity of the ‘Nazca mummies’ touted by GaiaTV, it is undisputed that ancient elongated skulls have been recovered throughout the world. The elongated skull contained a larger cranial cavity for a larger brain. So while indigenous people may have used ‘head binding’ on their infants to create an elongated “look” indicating their family’s superior social class, who were these “other people” with the larger brains whom they were trying to emulate? Perhaps they were non-human demigods who did have actual elongated skulls and brains to match – i.e.: Anunnaki?


Tombs containing human remains and Inca artefacts from more than 500 years ago have been discovered in Bolivia.

Archaeologists say the remains, which were found at a quarry about 12 miles from La Paz, belonged to more than 100 people from an indigenous civilisation.

They were buried with more than 30 vessels used by the Incas for performing death rites.
“The vessels are whole and are Incan,” said Jedu Sagarnaga, an archaeology professor at Universidad Mayor de San Andres, who led the investigation.

The site near the modern-day town of Viacha also contained elongated skulls that may have been stretched to differentiate the social rank of individuals, he said.

The cemetery carved into limestone appears to have been built by the Pacajes people, whose cities were conquered by the Incas towards the end of the 15th century.

The Pacajes formed part of the Aymara kingdom and developed around the year 1200 after the decline of the Tiwanacu people in the Andean highlands.

Julio Condori, an archaeologist who runs the Archaeological and Anthropological Research Centre in Tiwanacu and was not involved in the excavation, said: “This finding reaffirms our identity and culture and shows that not only was there an influence from the Incas, but from other people as well.”



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Aliens ‘Cause Human Paralysis While Fully Conscious’

by Matthew Kirkham                    November 10, 2018                        (

  • A Netflix documentary “Top 10 Secrets and Mysteries” relates how millions of people from around the world claim to have been abducted by extraterrestrials. They are typically are taken from their beds, homes, etc., and transported to spaceships manned by small grey aliens with over-sized black, slanted eyes. Abductees report being unable to move, hearing buzzing sounds, electrical sensations and difficulty breathing due to pressure on the chest. They also commonly report paralysis while remaining fully conscious.
  • But the show also points out how some of these abduction scenarios may be attributed to what is known as “sleep paralysis”, a phenomenon experienced by millions of people. In a typical sleep-paralysis episode, a person wakes up paralyzed, sensing a presence in the room. They feel fear or even terror, may hear buzzing and humming noises, may see strange lights, and may even feel pressure on their chest.
  • [Editor’s Note]   The existence of documented sleep paralysis gives the mainstream, Deep State – controlled medical community the ability to explain away all alien abductions as “dreams” coupled with “sleep paralysis”.


Millions of people from around the world claim to have been abducted by extraterrestrials.

The typical testimony from abductees describes how they are taken from their beds, homes, cars, and other locations and transported to spaceships manned by small grey aliens with oversized black, slanted eyes.

Memories of the abduction include being unable to move, hearing buzzing sounds, electrical sensations and difficulty breathing due to pressure on the chest.

In Netflix documentary Top 10 Secrets and Mysteries narrator Robert Russell said: “In analysing the statements of people who claim to have encountered or been abducted by aliens, there are similarities.

“There’s the UFO sighting, then an intense ray of light and a crackling sound, followed by paralysis of the contact or abductee while remaining fully conscious.”

However, some experts offer a different explanation for the alien abduction phenomenon: sleep paralysis.



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Some PROS AND CONS About Some of the Nazca-Palpa, 3-Finger Specimens

Some PROS and CONS about the Nazca-Palpa 3-finger, humanoid bodies: Some objections and answers to objections about the genuine nature of some Nasca-Palpa tridactyl specimens:
FIRST: Some objections from trained Peruvian scientists associated with the Public Ministry and Some Answers to those objections.
Flavio Estrada, forensic archaeologist. Flavio Estrada Founder of the Legal Medicine Institute of Forensic Sciences of the Public Ministry. A serious institute, they know of ancient bodies and also investigations of criminology depend on evaluations by this institution.
Referring to small samples of heads. There has never been a square foramen magnum. The worst thing is that the samples DO NOT HAVE POINTS OF CONTACT WITH THE FIRST CERVICAL VERTEBRA because they DO NOT HAVE CONDYLES. It also seems to have a skin that covers the foramen magnum. That is not possible.
The X-ray of a supposed humanoid of 15 cm shows an animal skull. The mouth is where the foramen magnum hole of an animal should be (in the back). They just gave it a mouth shape. Where there is this false mouth there are condyles. The armed object does not have an auditory canal. The safest candidate is a canid. The muzzle or zygomatic arches were removed and a false skin was placed on it. Internet videos admit that these samples are part of the general set.
One of the samples of supposed humanoid does not have clavicles and without clavicles, it is impossible that the shoulder blades could have taken a posterior position as seen.
The bones of the legs have been cut. The terminations are flat. They do not have the necessary epiphysis or termination for the joint.
Referring to a large hand: There is no anatomical correlation. They have used bones of humans, infants, children, and adults. In the hand shown the phalange (small) is upside down.
Dr Ernesto Ávalos (pharmaceutical chemist). Seeing 2 samples He found palmitic acid (a fat), paraffin (a wax), glue, polyethylene vinyl acetate, cellulose. All are current components.
Magister Pedro Pérez specialized in tomography: The density of the supposed eggs is of an average of 1935 HU. It surpasses the bone. It means that it is of a metallic density. In addition, the metal density image makes ‘artifact’ as if they had placed a kind of screw. The question is whether it is a prosthesis or a simple metal or screw to hold the leg to the hip?
Question: Are the Public Ministry experts using the HU units (Hounsfield) because in those units the bone can reach 3000 HU. Question: Can the hardness of the supposed eggs be due to calcification?
The pelvis of one of the samples is placed on the legs and being that way I WOULD NOT HAVE WALKED.
On the radiography of María: In her foot tomography Pedro Pérez Magister in public health, specialized in tomography. Part of the team of the Legal Medicine Institute of the Public Ministry. He sees that METATARSALS have been added to hand CARPALS and …
Objection: Perhaps the best quality images are not the ones that have been used.
In María, forensic archaeologist Flavio Estrada detects a thoracic level lesion perhaps caused by tuberculosis. The teeth are completely human. He thinks an ancient human remain has been desecrated and that his is a serious crime.
Several months ago, two French scientists opined based on the images available at the time:
ALAIN FROMENT (biological anthropology)
FABRICE DEMETTER (paleo anthropologist)
One of the specimens could not have moved the wrist. Anatomically it does not work. We could have chosen bones better adapted to arm them.
According to the French: Dr. José de Jesus Salce says he sees tendons but that’s an imaginary thing since you do not see tendons. Will sinews now be seen with clearer images?
Alberto’s pelvis is on his legs and could not have walked, the French, they said.
Magnetic resonance imaging does not give us good information. They would have used a scanner.
All reptiles have 2 bones in the forearm but we see a scheme that is neither reptilian nor ET but crazy. They have assembled using mammalian bones with animal cartilages in formation.
Jois Mantilla practically accused Flavio Estrada of being detractor Lucas McLovin! Those suspicions were placed on his Facebook wall. They only create resentment and suspicion just when it was necessary for scientists to be inclined to meet and dialogue.
Pity that José de Jesus Salce (the Mexican medical antropologist) left Perú without talking to Flavio Estrada (the Peruvian forensic archaeologist). Without so many people between them perhaps they would have met and debated constructively! It may still happen soon. 
Dr. Walter Nuñez (a physician that has interesting opinions on the scientific procedures) declared in Radio Capital “Journey to Another Dimension” to have been threatened. He says he knows Lucas McLovin and Estrada and that they are not the same person. That one is short and young and the other tall and older.
It was reported on a radio-cable show (Viaje a otra Dimensión) by Anthony Choy and by Dr. Nuñez that extremists and trolls arrived with threats in Spanish and English. Are they true believers? Are they paid? A bit of both?
Dr. Choy mentioned that in the report presented to the Congress the objections of the French, another Russian (Dr. Varanov), Salas Gismondi, Elsa Tomasto, Guido Lombardi were excluded.
————————————————– ————————————————————————-
The Mexican biologist José de la Cruz Ríos explains that part of the objections are based on old X-ray images. That he will be able to demonstrate based on tomographies of higher quality than the supposedly cut bones are not. That soon will show a report on the pulled inside the eggs of Josefina.
That a comparative analysis with 4 quadrupedal mammals clearly showed that no canid skulls have been used. In addition, the already described traits can help to demonstrate that they are something else including already clearly identified bones.
That the current tomographies reveal traits that until now were not known, clarifying their authenticity. And regarding the circular type pelvis, there are weave between both joints and there was a type of movement towards a single direction which can be seen clearly with the NEW TOMOGRAPHIES.
Can you explain the problem of the pelvis? The biologist José De la Cruz Rios mentions that regarding the circular type PELVIS there are tissues between both joints and there was a type of movement towards a single direction and that they can be clearly seen in the tomographies. In addition, said structure is hollow like the bones of this creature; a unique feature of dinosaurs and terapods and current birds. Not mammalian bones as they claim they were used to arm them.
In addition, there are pathways of neurovascular bundles, a reproductive organ, eggs being formed, a food pipeline, and so on.
The HU density found in Josefina highest is 5000 and it is in the metal plate.
There is also a histological analysis of the skin that demonstrates its similar nature to the scales of reptiles. And every time that skin has protuberances of amorphous material inside never described before.
In HU measurements, eggs of more than 2000 Hu are still descended due to their calcification status of around 1000 years.
The tympanic bullae of the skull are around 1000Hu.
An important fact is that from the bone of the pelvis that forms the hip that are circular, a sample was taken for the dating. The result was about 1000 years. And from that same specimen Victoria the skin gave a dating equal to 1000 years. The first bone study was from UNSM Mexico and the second from the skin was from Brazil.
Do not forget that Krawix (Paul Ronceros) altered the pieces analyzed by them and on that they have not spoken. If some of Krawix’s pieces have modern compounds to make the soft tissue, they can not be “old fabrications.”
Definitely, there are fake bodies with fabricated tissue but (out of respect for several scientific investigations) there could also be genuine ones. Out of the possibility that some bodies may be genuine and because several scientists are favorable to them, the Peruvian State should try to preserve them in a safe place for a careful multidisciplinary study. 
The team of Ávalos, Estrada and Pérez may have analyzed the fake specimens and may have not been able to see the best, high-resolution images. I became more aware of this after speaking with Mr. William Galison and with biologist De la Cruz Rios. Perhaps tendons not seen in the first images are now visible?
Do some specimens have hollow bones as mentioned in the conference in the Peruvian Congress? 
Do the anomalous genetic tests results coincide with the specimens whose high-resolution images show unique species anomalies that may be seen as fabricated deformities without the proper equipment?  
A question is whether the images seen by Peruvian scientists to give their report are good enough and are images of the most appropriate bodies or specimens … the bodies that, for example, Inkari wants the Peruvian State to preserve for further study.
Unfortunately, the Peruvian scientists associated with the Public Ministry (Pedro Pérez, Ernesto Ávalos, Flavio Estrada) who (through ASPAST) invited a debate at 5PM but failed to debate in part because the press conference (after the presentation at the Congress) ended at 5.15PM!

44 Years After Its First Message to Aliens, Arecibo Observatory Calls For Follow-Up

by Alan Boyle                     November 16, 2018                         (

• In 1974, the first Arecibo Message transmitted from the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico was designed by SETI astronomers including Frank Drake and Carl Sagen and was beamed by radio transmission from the Arecibo telescope in the direction of the M13 star cluster in the constellation Hercules. It was meant as an intergalactic greeting from planet Earth.  (see image of message below)

• The shapes shown on the Arecibo Message grid represent a variety of concepts ranging from the numbers 1 through 10 to the chemical constituents of DNA, our solar system’s planets and the telescope itself, plus a stick figure that stands for humanity. Other types of messages have been sent out periodically since then as well.

• Since the first transmission was sent in 1974, the three minutes’ worth of radio waves have rippled out to a distance of 44 light-years, or less than 0.2 percent of the way to M13 star cluster. Experts acknowledge that it’s extremely unlikely the message will ever be detected and decoded by an alien civilization.

• Now the Planetary Habitability Laboratory at the University of Puerto Rico at Arecibo Observatory wants to transmit a second Arecibo Message from Arecibo’s 1,000-foot-wide radio telescope. They’ve announced a student-focused competition to design a new message to beam to extraterrestrials. In order to qualify and ultimately register, student competitors will first need to solve a series of brain-teasing puzzles posted on Arecibo’s website. The contest is open to teams from around the world, in classes ranging from kindergarten to college. Each team should consist of five students plus an adult mentor – for example, a teacher, professor or professional scientist. The first challenge will be posted on December 16th. Clues and follow-up activities will be rolled out periodically over the next year, and the winning team is due to be revealed next fall during a celebration of the Arecibo Message’s 45th anniversary.  (see 1:08 minute video below)

• Experts continue to debate the wisdom of broadcasting our existence to the rest of the universe. Most famously, the late physicist Stephen Hawking said letting extraterrestrials know where we are could turn out as badly for us as Christopher Columbus’ arrival in the New World turned out for Native Americans.


The Arecibo Observatory today kicked off a student-focused competition to design a new message to beam to extraterrestrials, 44 years to the day since the first deliberate message was sent out from Arecibo’s 1,000-foot-wide radio telescope.

“Our society and our technology have changed a lot since 1974,” Francisco Cordova, the observatory’s director, said in a news release. “So if we were assembling our message today, what would it say? What would it look like? What one would need to learn to be able to design the right updated message from the earthlings? Those are the questions we are posing to young people around the world through the New Arecibo Message – the global challenge.”

 The Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico

It’s not just about the message, however: Competitors will have to solve brain-teasing puzzles posted on Arecibo’s website in order to qualify, get instructions, register and submit their designs. Along the way, they’ll learn about space science, the scientific method and Arecibo’s story.

“We have quite a few surprises in store for participants, and we will be sharing more details as the competition progresses,” Cordova said.

The contest is open to teams from around the world, in classes ranging from kindergarten to college. Each team should consist of five students plus an adult mentor – for example, a teacher, professor or professional scientist. The first challenge will be posted on Dec. 16.

The 1st Arecibo Message

“Teams should wait until the release of the first challenge on December 16, since they will need to solve that challenge to be able to register,” Abel Méndez, director of the Planetary Habitability Laboratory at the University of Puerto Rico at Arecibo, told me in an email. “Meanwhile, team leaders should subscribe to the Arecibo newsletter for updates and start forming their own teams.”

Clues and follow-up activities will be rolled out periodically over the next year, and the winning team is due to be revealed next fall during a celebration of the Arecibo Message’s 45th anniversary.


1:08 minute video on the 1974 Arecibo Message



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Bizarre Video of Floating Lights Above California

by Hana Carter                   November 10, 2018                 (

• In the late afternoon of October 27th, Chris Wilson of San Diego was able to video record an orb of light hovering in the sky. The orb suddenly stops and seems to float in the air. Then a second light orb appears. Wilson says, “Woah, what the hell, it’s stopped its free-fall and now there are two.”  (see 9:24 minute video below)

• The YouTube channel ‘Disclose Screen’ shared Wilson’s video. Neal Evan, who runs the page said, “If the second object didn’t just appear out of nowhere, I would have guessed it was a military flare.”


This is the moment two orbs of light were seen hovering in the sky above San Diego.

At first, just one light can be seen against the sunset but then a second appears – with eyewitnesses claiming it ‘shoots down’.

Chris Wilson, who filmed the strange sighting on October 27 says: “That’s crazy” as the shape suddenly stops and seems to float in the air.

He is heard saying: “Woah, what the hell, it’s stopped its free-fall and now there are two.”

A popular conspiracy channel, Disclose Screen, spotted Chris’s video on Youtube and began to share possible theories.

Although some were quick to point out that there is a military base nearby.

Neal Evan, who runs the page said: “It is very strange indeed, I have no idea what it is.

“If the second object didn’t just appear out of nowhere, I would have guessed it was a military flare.
“But it is impossible to rule anything out.”

One person wrote: “NASA will say it’s balloons or reflections.”

watch 9:24 video of two lights over San Diego
from YouTube channel ‘Disclose Screen – The Grimreefar’



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12 Celebrities Who Say They Believe in Aliens or UFOs

by Martha Sorren                     November 10, 2018                   (

• Tom Cruise – The actor says,“Millions of stars, and we’re supposed to be the only living creatures? No, there are many things out there, we just don’t know.”

• Keanu Reeves – The actor says, “I think it more likely than not [that aliens exist]. The cosmos is a pretty big place.”

• Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson – The action star says, “I believe that we’re not the only ones; it’d be arrogant to think that.”

• Halle Berry – The actor says, “I don’t believe we are the only species in existence. It might take us 20 years to get to those other life forms, but I think they are out there.”

• Katy Perry – The pop star has tweeted that she believes in ghosts but she believes in aliens more.

• Alicia Keys – The pop star says she believes aliens exist and she thinks that there are already some on earth.

• Jaden Smith – The young actor and son of Will Smith talked to President Barack Obama about aliens and left the meeting a full-on believer. “If people think we’re the only people that live in this universe, then something is wrong with them.”

• Gigi Hadid – The model says that both she and boyfriend Zayn Malik believe in the existence of aliens.

• Nick Jonas – The pop star says, “When I was 14, I was in the backyard playing basketball with some of my friends and I looked up in the sky, and there [were] three flying saucers.” “So I’m a firm believer in aliens.”

• Demi Lovato – The pop singer says, “I know that (aliens) are real.” “I believe that there could possibly be mermaids, which is actually an alien species that lives in parts of the Indian Ocean which we have never explored before.”

• Kesha – The pop star says that she had a UFO sighting while in the desert. “Those are f*cking aliens. They were spaceships.”

• Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi – The “Jersey Shore” star says, ”They’re real. We’re not the only planet with civilisation.” “Aliens are real.”


Some celebrities stand by the belief that other forms of life exist somewhere in the universe and some have even had encounters with UFOs. And they’re not the first ones to believe something’s out there – according to Science News, curiosity about other possible life forms has existed since medieval times.

Here’s a list of celebrities who have publicly stated their belief in aliens or the existence of other life forms.

Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi has talked and tweeted about her beliefs. In 2013, the “Jersey Shore” star confirmed her beliefs in an interview with Celebuzz.”They’re real. We’re not the only planet with civilisation,” she said. That same year she also tweeted,“Aliens are real.”

Katy Perry wrote a song about aliens.  Katy Perry’s song “E.T.” is all about extraterrestrials and it’s not the first time she’s spoken about other life forms. In 2011, the singer tweeted about her belief in aliens. She wrote that she believes in ghosts, too, but she believes in aliens more.

Tom Cruise has been open about his beliefs. According to CNN, the actor once firmly stated that he believed aliens to be real. “Millions of stars, and we’re supposed to be the only living creatures? No, there are many things out there, we just don’t know,” he said.

Alicia Keys believes that there are aliens among us. In an interview with BuzzFeed, Keys said she believes aliens exist and she thinks that there are already some on earth. “I’m sure you’ve seen a UFO,” she added. “Haven’t all of us seen something flying in the sky, and it’s at some random time of night that doesn’t make sense and it’s not the shape of a plane?”

Jaden Smith said he talked to President Barack Obama about aliens. Smith was able to sit down with the then-president to talk about the existence of aliens – and Smith left the meeting a full-on believer. “I talked to President Obama about extraterrestrials. He said he could neither confirm nor deny the existence of aliens, which means they’re real,” Smith told Wonderland magazine. “If people think we’re the only people that live in this universe, then something is wrong with them.”


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UFO Researcher Spots Nazi Bell-Shaped Flying Object in Sweden

by Nirmal Narayanan                    November 9, 2018                    (

• Tyler Glockner of the popular conspiracy channel ‘Secureteam10’ recently released a video clip of a bell-shaped UFO hovering in the sky in broad daylight, originally uploaded on YouTube by Amirreza Milad in Gothenburg, Sweden. This draws comparisons to the “Nazi Bell”, or “Die Glocke”, UFO that the Germans developed during World War II. (see 8:27 minute video below)

• “Many people believe that Germany was the very first nation to actually get hold of some sort of back reverse-engineered alien technology, and actually harness anti-gravity technology,” says Glockner in the video.

• A Swedish citizen who saw the YouTube clip said that the local news in Sweden had offered a perfectly reasonable explanation for the UFO anomaly: It was a very large, inflatable forklift truck.


Popular conspiracy theory channel ‘Secureteam10’ has recently released a clip apparently shot from Gothenburg, Sweden that shows a bizarre flying object hovering in the skies in broad daylight. Tyler Glockner, the UFO researcher who runs this YouTube channel argues that the object spotted in the video initially looks like a building floating in the sky.

However, upon closer analysis, the strange flying object literally resemble the ‘Bell UFO’ which Nazis had allegedly developed during the time of World War Two.

Glockner went on claiming that the unidentified flying object in the video might be using Nazi technology for its propulsion.

“It is really strange. It does look like a pretty big object. Actually, it really looks like a bell. We have seen these bell-shaped UFOs before, specifically in Germany in the 1940s. Many people believe that Germany was the very first nation to actually get hold of some sort of back reverse-engineered alien technology, and actually harness anti-gravity technology,” said Glockner in the video.

It should be noted that this strange clip was originally captured by a YouTube user named Amirreza Milad, but it gained immense popularity after it was shared by ‘Secureteam10’. The video has already racked up more than 237,000 views on YouTube, and viewers were quick to speculate what it could be.

8:27 minute ‘Secure Team’ video on the Sweden Bell UFO



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UFO Spotted on Mercury – And It Looks Just Like Alien Spaceship Seen On Earth

by Sean Martin                    November 8, 2018                      (

• Scott C Waring, who routinely scours NASA feeds and photos, posted a NASA photo of an anomaly on the surface of Mercury to his blog, UFO Sightings Daily. (see featured image above) The NASA photo was discovered by Christian Mace, a French UFO researcher.

• Waring believes that the anomalous object on Mercury is an alien craft similar in appearance to one described in 1966 by Woodrow Derenberger in Parkersburg, West Virginia, which was said to be occupied by travelers from the planet Lanulos.

• Mercury is 58 million kilometres from the sun, as compared to the 150 million kilometre distance between the Earth and the Sun. Temperatures on Mercury are 800 degrees Fahrenheit (430 degrees Celcius) by day, and -290 degrees Farenheit (-180 degrees Celcius) at night, due to its lack of atmosphere.

[Editor’s Note] A UFO? It looks more like a surface component to an atmospheric ventilation system for an underground base to me.


The strange object spotted on the surface of the planet closest to the sun is shaped similarly to conchiglie, shell-shaped pasta and could provide evidence that extraterrestrials conquered the solar system long before we have.

UFO hunters believe the craft on Mercury resembles one spotted by Woodrow Derenberger is 1966, near a town called Parkersburg in West Virginia.

Mr Derenberger went on to write a book about his encounter titled Visitors From Lanulos – the planet where the supposed extraterrestrials came from.

US alien hunter Scott C Waring posted on his blog UFO Sightings Daily: “Here is a great discovery of a crashed ship on Mercury found in NASA photos by Christian Mace, a French UFO researcher.

The UFO resembles an old craft from a UFO that landed on the road. As you see in the drawing above, its very similar. Awesome discovery.”

However, the chances of finding life on Mercury are extremely slim, if not impossible by our current understanding.

Mercury is just 58 million kilometres from the sun, a small fraction compared to the 150 million kilometres the Earth is from our host star.



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A Refutation of the Alleged Three Finger Nazca Humanoid “Mummies”

I don’t know if all of the alleged three-finger, humanoid bodies found in the Nazca-Palpa region are fakes but before November 19th, 2018 I was more inclined to think that some could be genuine. Today, I’m a bit more inclined to think that most or all could be fake.  But the careful comparison of the conclusions given by scientists who are in favor and those who are against still needs to happen under a civilized debate between them.


Various scientists came to Peru with Jaime Maussan and Gaia TV and presented in the Peruvian Congress results from studies of the alleged three-finger, Nazca humanoids. Some Peruvian medical doctors also participated. And also the Inkari Institute which also conducted an analysis of samples related with the alleged three-finger humanoid “mummies” from Nazca-Palpa. They presented in the Peruvian Congress from about 9 AM to 1 PM on November, 19th, 2018. The event was hosted by Congressman Armando Villanueva from Cuzco.

Later on that same day there was another presentation by Peruvian scientists who had analyzed for the state some the samples but which had concluded that they were fake, constructed bodies. I will first report on the findings by this group of scientists.

The Peruvian Astrobiology Association had invited the first group of scientists (those that spoke before Congress) to a scientific debate on that same (November 19th, 2018) after 5PM but, for unknown reasons, they didn’t come. So, instead of a debate, there was an exposition of findings against the veracity of the three finger bodies. This exposition took place at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM).

Since I was not able to go to the presentation in Peru’s Congress (because only the mass media had been invited, I’m told), I went later on at 5PM to listen to the scientists that held an opposite view to the one heard at the Congress.

These are some notes from the conference of Peruvian scientists who physically analyzed some of the specimens of possible Nasca-Palpa tridactyl humanoids. November 19, 2018. In contrast with the scientists that presented at the Peruvian Congress, their studies lead them to conclude that the alleged three-finger humanoid bodies are fakes, modern assemblages.

Magister Flavio Estrada, a forensic archaeologist, founder of the Specialized Forensic Laboratory of the Legal Medicine Institute of Forensic Sciences of the Public Ministry, former professor of physical anthropology at the UNMSM.

No living being has a square magnus foramen hole. The specimen shown does not have condyles or point of contact with the first cervical vertebra. The hole is flat and – anatomically speaking – does not exist. A presumed skin covers the edges of the alleged magnum hole. It is impossible for the skin to extend all the way and locate there.

Referring to a small body:
It does not seem to have an anatomical correlation. It has no clavicle and without it the shoulder blades take a posterior position, which is not possible.

Referring to a small body:
The neck has no vertebrae in one of the samples of a supposed humanoid. The x-ray shows that the neck is formed by the middle part of a long bone or diaphysis and was placed inside a head like a pivot. The head shows the tricuspid teeth of a small mammal.

The knee was cut and levered. The leverage pulls out a substance that looks like like a tongue. There is no epiphysis or adaptive bulbous end in the long bones. There is nothing that binds the bones.

Speaking about an x-ray of a long hand of 3 fingers. There is no anatomical correlation. Diaphyses of human adults and combined human children are observed to build the hand. The 3 long fingers constructed with a combination of metacarpals and phalanges.

Dr. Ernesto Ávalos, a pharmaceutical chemist from the National Major Univ. Of San Marcos (UNMSM). He participated in a first report at the request of the Prosecutor’s Office of Nasca. He made infrared spectroscopy analysis to a sample of supposed flesh that covers the bones of a supposed humanoid tridactyl of Nasca-Palpa. The molecules of the sample react to infrared light and transmit unique microwaves for each element part of a molecule. The molecules discovered: In greater quantity: palmitic acid (oil), paraffin (wax). In smaller quantity: glue, polyethylene vinyl acetate (plastic). All modern components.

In another sample: Paper.
In another sample: Glue, paraffin, plastic, cyanoacrylate, polystyrenes, acetates, celluloses (papers), wood remains.
The joints of the bones and the supposed skins that covered the skulls were studied.
Pectin, acanthus gum.
In general: glues, paper, plastics and vegetable fiber.
The prosecutor’s samples were part of the same lot as those from analyzed by scientists associated with Gaia TV, Instituto Inkari, Jaime Maussan and Tercer Milenio. But – in terms of physical samples available – they are not the largest samples.

The antiquity of the skeletal remains was determined by other professionals.

Pedro Pérez: Specialist in tomography: Presentation at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos: The density of the presumed eggs of the Josefina specimen is similar to the density of a metal. There are denser femur bones and less dense femur bones combined to form the legs in the same specimen. In the specimen called “Alberto” there is a metal on one side. Observing the tomography of the feet of “Maria” metatarsals have been added to the carpus of the hand.

Due to misunderstandings of different sorts, both groups of scientists have not met to compare studies, dialogue and debate! Their respective organizers, supporters and often individual scientists in both groups often criticize each other’s intentions and methods without actually meeting in a congenial way to exchange studies and ideas.

Some say there are economic interests on the pro humanoid part.

To be fair, at some point, later on, I’ll try to summarize some of the research findings expressed by the scientists that went to the Peruvian Congress. For now I’ll say that several genetic laboratories found that the samples taken from different specimens were not human.

But the following link is the 4-hour presentation (in Spanish) they gave in favor of the anomalous nature of many of the alleged three-finger humanoids. Let’s remember that there are several samples of different sizes and characteristics. The link is of the presentation that took place in the Peruvian Congress on the morning of November 19, 2018. It must be carefully contrasted with what the opposing group of scientists presented.

Presentation in the Peruvian Congress:

Post-presentation press conference at the Peruvian Congress in the following link:


UPDATE: As of today – February 25, 2019 – (and also already in November, 2018), after publishing this article and seeing that more evidence in favor was forthcoming and after carefully listening to both sides of the debate, I became once again more convinced that SOME SPECIMENS ARE GENUINE.  These evaluations do not come from a fanatic, dogmatic position but as an attempt to know the objective truth.

Please note that, even while writing this article, I never abandoned the idea that some could be genuine. I was only temporarily a somewhat more inclined against it.  But it is difficult to be scientifically neutral because it lends itself to misunderstanding. While I was trying to be neutral some people strongly in favor of the specimens being genuine thought that I was a detractor and the others that I was an unscientific ‘believer’. 

Soon after I wrote this article, I became aware of better images and other reports. An extensive, in-depth, genetic test performed on a smaller (60 cm long approx) specimen and other important analysis and pieces of evidence swayed my evaluation more in favor soon once again after I had posted this article.

I have not only tried to listen to scientists vying for both sides of the issue but have also tried to facilitate them getting together to have decent conversations instead of negatively criticizing each other often in an ad hominem manner. 

The main purpose for writing this article was to give both groups of scientists (in favor and against) a fair hearing. It should be clear that the “refutation” in the title of this article is not my refutation per se but that which was presented by scientists at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. 

After carefully considering evidence in favor (including better resolution tomographies), I published (also in November, 2018) the following more favorable account: 

Nazca Humanoid Mummies: High-Resolution Tomography (and Genetic Sequencing) Reveals Truths

Side note:

There has been controversy regarding who found the specimens and under what circumstances, including the lack of a clearly known archeological context. This has been used to dismiss the entire case or to object to further studies. In fact, I have been called “stupid” and crazy” by name and surname in the airwaves (radio and cable TV) for stating an opinion. This is called DEFAMATION.  The opinion which I still sustain is that since we have physical, biological specimens at hand, we need to focus on them more than on the dubious information about who found them, their exact archaeological, cultural and geological context and whether they are being negotiated or not. While the latter issues are important (and more information should be found about them), the former issue (the PHYSICAL EVIDENCE that CAN BE ANALYZED) is more DETERMINING. If  (after all is said and done) scientists show that at least some of the samples have not been artificially assembled and that their genes do not match any biological specimens on Earth, the controversy about who found them and under what circumstances or whether he or she wants to sell them, or even that an ideal, standard scientific procedure was not followed, will not change the main findings. 

I’m not a specialist in mummies but as an educated, concerned citizen, I value the fact that verifying the specimens can be of great consequence culturally, politically and exopolitically. This is why I try to offer information about it attempting to be as objective as possible. 

MIT Scientists Propose Giant Laser Beacon to Attract Alien Attention

by Brandon A. Weber                     November 7, 2018                          (

• Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Massachusetts (MIT) have published an article in The Astrophysical Journal proposing the construction of a laser beam that could reach up to 20,000 light years away in order to initiate communication with extraterrestrial worlds.

• The MIT article proposes a laser beam “feasibility study” likened to a porch light in our little neighborhood of the galaxy. “If we were to successfully close a handshake and start to communicate, we could flash a message, at a data rate of about a few hundred bits per second, which would get there in just a few years,” said James Clark, graduate student in MIT’s Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics and author of the study.

• Using laser technology, we can establish a channel of intergalactic communication capable of 2mbps speeds, like a slow DSL internet connection, allowing a technologically advanced extraterrestrial race to similarly “talk back”. Of course, the communication line itself has to be established first, and that could take decades or even centuries.

• The question of whether it’s actually wise to be broadcasting laser beams and trying to contact aliens around our galaxy is up for hot discussion. In 2010, Stephen Hawking suggested we might not want to reveal ourselves to an alien civilization in the habit of plundering defenseless world like ours. Conversely, in his novel, Breakfast of Champions, Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. suggested that benevolent alien beings might very well encounter hostile Earthlings.

• American and French scientists have already been working on an Avlis copper/dye laser beam at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Livermore, California, for astronomical observation.


An Avlis copper/dye laser emits a laser beam guide star into the night skies behind a telescope at the Lawrence Livermore National Labratory in Livermore, California 12 January. Scientists from the US and France sent the beam skyward during a series of experiments to attempt to refine technology for astronomical observation.

A new article by researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology was just published in The Astrophysical Journal, and it’s proposing that humans can build a laser capable of effectively sending out beams to various locations—a relatively close proximity, granted—that would create enough of an anomaly in the light signals that are already broadcast by our own Sun that an intelligent alien civilization could see it and go… wait, what?!

Potentially, the laser beams could reach up to 20,000 light years away.

“If we were to successfully close a handshake and start to communicate, we could flash a message, at a data rate of about a few hundred bits per second, which would get there in just a few years,” said James Clark, graduate student in MIT’s Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics and author of the study.

In the MIT article announcing the “feasibility study,” the concept was likened to a porch light in our little neighborhood of the galaxy.

It’s possible to accomplish, according to MIT, and it could create a tantalizing reality in which communication lines can be established with said civilization, once found.

It gets even more interesting if we happen upon aliens who understand what it is, and then, basically “talk back” using similar methods of communication; using lasers, we can establish a channel capable of 2mbps speeds. In other words, a somewhat slow but still capable Internet connection. Think basic DSL type of data transfers.

Of course, the communication line itself has to be established first, and that could take decades or even centuries.



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The U.S. Military Believes People Have a Sixth Sense

FLASHBACK ARTICLE by Annie Jacobsen                      April 3, 2017                   (

• Fifty years ago in Vietnam, U.S. soldier Joe McMoneagle used his sixth sense to avoid stepping on booby traps, falling into punji pits, and walking into Viet Cong ambushes. His ability to sense danger was not lost on his fellow soldiers, and the power of his intuitive capabilities spread throughout his military unit.

• In 2006, U.S. Marine Staff Sergeant Martin Richburg was deployed in Iraq. Using his intuition, he avoided an improvised explosive device (IED). The Office of Naval Research (ONR) program manager, Commander Joseph Cohn, told the New York Times, “These reports from the field often detailed a ‘sixth sense’ or ‘Spidey sense’ that alerted them to an impending attack or I.E.D., or that allowed them to respond to a novel situation without consciously analyzing the situation.”

• In 2014, the ONR launched a four-year, $3.85 million research program to explore the phenomena it calls premonition and intuition, or “Spidey sense,” for sailors and Marines. Today, active duty Marines are being taught to hone precognitive skills in order to “preempt snipers, IED emplacers and other irregular assaults [using] advanced perceptual competences that have not been well studied.”

• At Naval Hospital Bremerton, Washington, defense scientists and military researchers are exploring cognition and perception in soldiers’ virtual dream states and PTSD-related nightmares as part of a research program called Power Dreaming sponsored by the Naval Medical Research Center. Its goal is to teach trainees to transform their debilitating nightmares into empowering dreams using bio- feedback techniques and computer technology.

• Because of the stigma of ESP and PK, the nomenclature has changed, allowing the Defense Department to distance itself from its ‘remote-viewing’ past. Under the Perceptual Training Systems and Tools banner, extrasensory perception has a new name in the modern era: “sensemaking.”

• CIA and DoD research indicates that premonition, or precognition, appears to be weak in some, strong in others, and extraordinary in a rare few. Will the Navy’s contemporary work on “sensemaking,” the continuous effort to understand the connections among people, places, and events, finally unlock the mystery of ESP?


In 2014, the Office of Naval Research embarked on a four-year, $3.85 million research program to explore the phenomena it calls premonition and intuition, or “Spidey sense,” for sailors and Marines.

“We have to understand what gives rise to this so-called ‘sixth sense,’ says Peter Squire, a program officer in ONR’s Expeditionary Maneuver Warfare and Combating Terrorism department. Today’s Navy scientists place less emphasis on trying to understand the phenomena theoretically and more on using technology to examine the mysterious process, which Navy scientists assure the public is not based on superstition. “If the researchers understand the process, there may be ways to accelerate it — and possibly spread the powers of intuition throughout military units,” says Dr. Squire. The Pentagon’s focus is to maximize the power of the sixth sense for operational use. “If we can characterize this intuitive decision-making process and model it, then the hope is to accelerate the acquisition of these skills,” says Lieutenant Commander Brent Olde of ONR’s Warfighter Performance Department for Human and Bioengineered Systems. “[Are] there ways to improve premonition through training?” he asks.

According to the Pentagon, the program was born of field reports from the war theater, including a 2006 incident in Iraq, when Staff Sergeant Martin Richburg, using intuition, prevented carnage in an IED, or improvised explosive device, incident. Commander Joseph Cohn, a program manager at the naval office, told the New York Times, “These reports from the field often detailed a ‘sixth sense’ or ‘Spidey sense’ that alerted them to an impending attack or I.E.D., or that allowed them to respond to a novel situation without consciously analyzing the situation.”

More than a decade later, today’s Defense Department has accelerated practical applications of this concept. Active-duty Marines are being taught to hone precognitive skills in order to “preempt snipers, IED emplacers and other irregular assaults [using] advanced perceptual competences that have not been well studied.” Because of the stigma of ESP and PK, the nomenclature has changed, allowing the Defense Department to distance itself from its remote-viewing past. Under the Perceptual Training Systems and Tools banner, extrasensory perception has a new name in the modern era: “sensemaking.” In official Defense Department literature sensemaking is defined as “a motivated continuous effort to understand connections (which can be among people, places, and events) in order to anticipate their trajectories and act effectively.”



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UFO Sighting Over Lake Tahoe is ‘100 Percent’ Proof Aliens Are Visiting

by Sean Martin                     November 5, 2018                       (

• Visitors to Lake Tahoe, Nevada recently were able to video record a UFO zooming across the sky. The craft was moving so fast it can barely be seen in the video. The video was slowed down to reveal the classic metallic disk flying saucer. (see 1:32 minute video below)

• The unnamed person who shot the video said: “We went to Lake Tahoe for vacation and we got a tour on a boat to ride on the lake. I didn’t see the object until we got home. As I was checking the videos, this object appeared on the video with tremendous speed.”

• Some UFO experts are so convinced by the authenticity of the video that they believe it is only a matter of time before aliens reveal themselves to humans. Said one YouTube commenter, “Makes you wonder if they are so interested in us, when are they going to make their presence known by landing and having a meet and great session with people?”


A UFO spotted over Lake Tahoe in the US in unprecedented detail is “100 percent” proof that aliens are visiting Earth. The sighting has been described as a “classic” spaceship by alien enthusiasts who claim it to be a flying saucer.

Holidaymakers at Lake Tahoe, Nevada, spotted the UFO zooming across the sky and were fortunate enough to capture it on video.

The craft was moving so fast it can barely be seen in the video, but some eagle-eyed experts slowed it down to get a better look.

The unnamed person who shot the video said: “We went to Lake Tahoe for vacation and we got a tour on a boat to ride on the lake.

“I didn’t see the object until we got home, as I was checking the videos this object appeared on the video with tremendous speed.”

Some UFO experts are so convinced by the authenticity of the video that they believe it is only a matter of time before aliens reveal themselves to humans.

UFO Sightings Daily says on its website: “Here is the most detailed UFO I have seen all week.

“This is a classic flying saucer, a beautiful metallic disk with a raised upper dome area.

“This is 100 percent proof that aliens are monitoring human up close and personal.

1:32 minute video of UFO zooming over Lake Tahoe, Nevada



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Why hasn’t Google Updated Images of a Military Base in 8 Years?

by Susan Leighton                      November 4, 2018                     (

• Google Earth images had not updated the images of the Tonopah Test Range, located 70 miles from Area 51 in Nevada, for over eight years – until just recently. Many believe that the secretive military installation is the proving grounds for the development of alien technology and re-engineering of otherworldly aircraft.

• Nick Pope, the former head of the Ministry of Defense’s UFO program in the U.K., appeared on Tucker Carlson’s show on Fox News to discuss the Tonopah Test Range blind spot on Google Earth. (see 5 minute video below) The question was raised that if Roswell involved a derelict weather balloon, and not a UFO crash as the government continues to assert, then why so are there still so many documents pertaining to UFOs from 50 years ago that remain classified? What “military secrets” are associated with downed weather balloons?

• Pope says that Congress is starting to ask questions. The Senate Armed Services Committee is officially looking into the Navy videos of UFOs that were made public in December of 2017, and the House Armed Services Committee is researching the Pentagon’s AATIP program that also made headlines at that time. Pope also contends that President Trump must have some information on extraterrestrial UFOs, as it is rumored that this is why the “Space Force” is being created.


UFOs have captured the minds of the American public since the Roswell crash in 1947. With the recent exposure of the government’s Advanced Aerial Threat Identification Program and the compelling evidence that unidentified aerial phenomenon does exist the interest has intensified.

Nick Pope, former head of the Ministry of Defense’s UFO program in the U.K. appeared on Fox News to discuss an unexplained blind spot on Google Earth images. This lack of information lasted over an 8-year period of time. The location in question is the Tonopah Test Range in Nevada.

What is intriguing about this scenario is the fact that the Test Range is located 70 miles away from Area 51. For over 7 decades, Americans have believed that the secretive military installation is the proving grounds for the development of alien technology and re-engineering of otherworldly aircraft.

What is Google Earth hiding? More importantly, are they being directed to do this? There will always be conspiracy theorists and in fact, Tonopah is probably classified and off the grid because we test our experimental airplanes there as well as our latest military weapons.

5 minute video of Fox News’ Tucker Carlson interviewing Nick Pope



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First Extraterrestrial Humans Expected to Be Born in 2024

by Brett Tingley                      October 30, 2018                          (

• ‘SpaceLife Origin’, a Netherlands-based company, identifies as the world’s first “bio-tech & mission development company,” meaning their interests lie in developing both specialized medical equipment and then sending that equipment to space. The company plans to “make embryo conception in space feasible by 2021 and enable real human birth in space by 2024.” Thus, they plan to breed extraterrestrial humans.

• Says SpaceLife Origin Founder and CEO, Kees Mulder, “If humanity wants to become a multi-planetary species, we also need to learn how to reproduce in space. …We believe that any space company, agency or nation with ambitions for colonization of other planets will benefit from partnering with us for the successful execution and completion of their own plans.”

• SpaceLife Origin has three missions currently in development. The first, Mission Ark, is scheduled to launch in 2020 and will send special capsules into space containing human cells. The second mission, Mission Lotus, will launch a “Space-Embryo-Incubator” in 2021 and see human embryos form in low-Earth orbit before returning to Earth for in-utero fertilization and terrestrial birth. The third mission, Mission Cradle is planned for 2024 and will see the world’s first extraterrestrial human born by sending a pregnant woman into space for 24-36 hours to “give birth at 250 miles above Earth”.

• A successful extraterrestrial birth would lend hope to the dream of someday sending colonies of humans on multi-generational voyages to strange and distant new homes out among the stars.


The search for extraterrestrial life has been a dominant theme of both science fiction and astronomy for decades now. “Are we alone?” remains one of the burning questions of humanity, one that, depressingly, we may never answer. Aliens may be extinct, hiding from us, trapped by their own planets’ immense gravity, or maybe they don’t exist in the first place.

Wouldn’t that be the biggest bummer of all? In order to avoid the horrible realization that we may be the only living things stinking up the cosmos, one Netherlands-based company plans to take matters into their own hands by breeding bona fide extraterrestrials all on their own – extraterrestrial humans, that is.

CEO, Kees Mulder

SpaceLife Origin hails themselves as the world’s first “bio-tech & mission development company,” meaning their interests lie in developing both specialized medical equipment and then sending that equipment to space. According to their website, the company’s ultimate goal is to “make embryo conception in space feasible by 2021 and enable real human birth in space by 2024.”

Like many other tech visionaries, SpaceLife Origin Founder and CEO Kees Mulder says that his company wants to enable humanity to break the chains holding us onto this dying planet and secure a future among the stars: “If humanity wants to become a multi-planetary species, we also need to learn how to reproduce in space. SpaceLife Origin is thrilled to announce its Missions Program to enable sustainable life beyond earth. A world’s first and truly unique critical step in the future of mankind. We believe that any space company, agency or nation with ambitions for colonization of other planets will benefit from partnering with us for the successful execution and completion of their own plans.”



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