Hampton Roads’ Long, Strange History With UFOs

Listen to “E71 8-10-19 Hampton Roads’ Long, Strange History With UFOs” on Spreaker.

Article by Katherine Hafner, Matt Jones and Gordon Rago                August 2, 2019                   (pilotonline.com)

• There have long been reports of UFOs buzzing above Hampton Roads. Located in Southeastern Virginia, Hampton Roads, which includes Norfolk and Virginia Beach, is home to several military installations and NASA facilities. Reports of UFOs in the region can be traced back to 1813, when a Portsmouth tavern owner claimed to have watched “a ball of fire” weave over Norfolk County. He wrote about the incident to Thomas Jefferson.

• Jimmi Bonavita was a Virginia Beach police officer in the summer of 1975. He was sitting in his patrol car about 2 am when he saw five crescent-shaped “semi-translucent” globes coming over the horizon several miles out at treetop level. The five objects were traveling in formation, moving up and down as if bouncing. Then four Navy fighter jets armed with missiles flew by, apparently chasing the UFOs. Bonavita followed them, driving north toward the Oceanfront tourist area (pictured above). He saw the objects reach the beach and disappear over the Atlantic Ocean, outdistancing the Navy fighter jets. Says the now retired Bonavita, “I know that what I saw was real. It wasn’t an illusion.”

• On July 14th, 1952, flight officers William Nash and William Fortenberry were alone in the cockpit of their Pan American Airways Douglas DC-4, en route from New York to Miami. As they cruised over the southern end of the Chesapeake Bay, they spotted six glowing discs, each about 100 feet wide. Two more UFOs joined the formation over the Newport News peninsula, then entered a steep climb and disappeared into space. Nash told the AP, “There is no doubt in our minds that we saw missiles of some kind operating under intelligent control.” Days later, three Norfolk residents confirmed seeing the UFOs that day. Air Force officials at Langley AFB on the peninsula said that the pilots had seen rockets or tracers being fired at a nearby bombing range.

• More local sightings soon followed in July of 1952, making national news. A Hampton couple told the Daily Press newspaper that they had seen eight yellow-orange lights near the Chesapeake Bay coastline. A commercial airline pilot said he saw two pulsating white lights. Finally, radar at the National Airport picked up a formation of UFO’s over the nation’s capital and scrambled Air Force fighter jets in the infamous Washington, DC sighting.

• In 1957, it was reported in a Pilot newspaper article that an “experienced Ground Observer Corps member” at Langley Field in Newport News saw a “flattened-oval object” hovering in the sky. After watching it for about ten seconds, the object disappeared.

• In 1958, a Pilot newspaper reporter at the Virginia Beach Oceanfront saw a long silvery cylindrical object hovering stationary in the sky for several minutes. It then slowly began to move south toward North Carolina, emitting a stream of white exhaust. The reporter described it as “no known plane or missile”.

• During the 1960’s 70’s and 80’s, folks in Hampton Roads reported waves of UFO sightings. A 15-year-old boy fired two shotgun blasts at a UFO he saw in Poquoson (on the peninsula). In 1983, an Alexandria, Virginia man sued the Air Force, claiming the Langley base in Hampton was hiding “long-dead creatures from outer space packed in ice.”

• In 1965, a sheriff in Western Virginia became alarmed by the number of citizens carrying arms, and asked whether they had the “right to mow the (UFOs) down? ” The Virginia Attorney General ruled that there was no law against shooting “little green men’ from outer space”.

• While UFO sightings have been routinely dismissed, that changed in the spring of 2019 when several Navy pilots in the “Red Rippers” fighter squadron at Naval Air Station Oceana in Virginia Beach reported routinely seeing UFOs from Virginia to Florida for several years, starting around 2014. They told the New York Times that the objects flew up to 30,000 feet in the air at hypersonic speeds, had no exhaust plumes, and moved in ways impossible for humans, with sudden stops and turns. One UFO was described as “a sphere encasing a cube.” (see Navy video of UFO flying off of the Virginia coast in 2015 below)

• Navy spokesman Joseph Gradisher told The Virginian Pilot newspaper, “For quite some time, and especially within the past few years, there’s been an increase of observed incursions into our training areas, especially off of the Virginia capes” down to Florida. These sightings have occurred on a quite frequent basis.” In a policy reversal, Navy officials have gone down to the Oceana Master Jet Base to encourage pilots to report new sightings as soon as they happen.

• In 2003, Virginia Beach native, Cameron Pack, was driving when he and a friend saw triangular lights with “no structure, no shape, no outline,” flying low above the treetops. The lights flew straight over their car, then turned and moved away. It made a “God-awful noise,” Pack said. “Not like a jet noise but… like alive, almost. But still in a machine way. … We kind of knew it was something not normal and not from here.”

• Pack sent a Freedom of Information Act request to the city’s police department. In response, he received dozens UFO sighting reports made by local citizens. Between 1976 and 2008, the Virginia Beach Police Department collected detailed UFO reports, passing them along to a central UFO hotline. Among these accounts: November 1995, a caller’s daughter witnessed a circular object with lights on the bottom and making a humming sound, flying very low to the house; May 1988, someone reported a group of lights stopped still in the sky, then shot straight up; One woman reported an object with lights had followed her car from Salisbury, Md., to the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel.

• Kelly Herbst is an astronomy curator at the Virginia Living Museum in Newport News, and a UFO skeptic. When she gets calls from people seeing a UFO in the sky, she says that 9 times out of 10 it is the planet Venus. Says Kelly, “Your brain wants to explain these things. By nature, we do pattern recognition. So it’s trying to fit what it sees into its known experience.” According to the American Meteor Society, meteors can move in unusual paths, burn different colors depending on their chemical composition or explode and disappear in a flash of light. Kelly Herbst says that “Just about anything that appears in the sky can end up being misidentified.” Kelly thinks that what Virginia Beach police officer Jimmi Bonavita saw back in 1975 was a meteor. Kelly also blames fast-moving birds, weather balloons, Chinese lanterns, drones, military aircraft, clouds and the aurora borealis for mistaken UFOs.

• Carter Bulger of Virginia Beach is a volunteer field investigator with the Mutual UFO Network, known as MUFON. Over the past three years, he’s been assigned about thirty local UFO cases. Someone from Newport News reported seeing a “small disc shaped object” glide in front of his truck about 60 feet in the air. It “looked transparent, but sunlight reflected off of rippled edges.” Bulger conducts recorded interviews with witnesses. He goes out to the scene and takes photos and videos. He checks weather records and submits public document requests to the Navy and Federal Aviation Administration seeking radar records. For the most part, Bulger has concluded his cases were indeed UFOs.

[Editor’s Note]    I won’t even go into the depth of cognitive dissonance that someone like Kelly Herbst must have to dismiss all UFO sightings across the board with such flimsy and boiler-plate explanations – birds, clouds and the aurora borealis.  She basically says that Navy fighter jets were chasing a meteor over Virginia Beach in 1975.  But I do find it very interesting that on July 14th, 1952, Pan Am pilots flying south to Miami spotted eight large glowing discs over the Virginia peninsula, with many others on the ground reporting the same.  Newspapers across the country reported on the glowing lights seen flying in formation over Washington D.C. from July 12th thru the 29th, 1952 (see ExoArticle here), and insiders such as William Tompkins and Corey Goode have revealed that these were early models of Antarctic Nazi-German electromagnetic/anti-gravity spacecraft buzzing the nation’s capital in order to put pressure on government and military authorities to assent to entering into a secret treaty with the Antarctic Germans, which Eisenhower did soon thereafter.  It would make sense that the Antarctic Germans would also buzz the Norfolk Naval Base to demonstrate their technical superiority.



Five crescent-shaped objects were traveling in formation, moving like saucers bouncing off the top of water. Up and down. Up and down.

Jimmi Bonavita, then a Virginia Beach police officer, saw the “semi-translucent” globes coming over the horizon, several miles out at treetop level. He revved up his patrol car.

It was early, around 2 a.m., in midsummer 1975.

Norfolk, Virginia

Then four Navy fighter jets came buzzing by, seemingly chasing the flying objects. Bonavita followed suit, zooming down the city’s roads to keep up. He wanted to keep them in sight.

The UFOs eventually went toward the Oceanfront and disappeared over the sea, outmaneuvering the pilots, said Bonavita, who’s now retired.

The scene, which could be straight out of a sci-fi movie, stuck with him the rest of his life — including the image of a jet flying right over his car.

“These planes were armed,” Bonavita, now a game warden with the Department of Defense and well-known local expert on snakes and other reptiles, recalled in an interview. “They had Sidewinder missiles. You don’t fly armed jets over a populated area unless it’s national security.”

It was his third and last UFO sighting. “I’ve long since given up what people think of me,” Bonavita said. “I know what I saw. I know that what I saw was real. It wasn’t an illusion. Can I explain it? No. But I’m not going to worry about it.”
There have long been reports of unidentified flying objects buzzing around Hampton Roads skies. It makes sense, with the region home to several military installations and NASA facilities.

Such reports can be traced as far back as 1813, when a Portsmouth tavern owner claimed to have watched “a ball of fire” weave over Norfolk County. He even wrote about the incident to Thomas Jefferson.

But often the sightings have been easily dismissed, written off and not taken seriously. That changed this spring.
The Navy updated its protocol for reporting what it calls unexplained aerial phenomena, and several pilots came forward saying they’d seen UFOs as close as Naval Air Station Oceana in Virginia Beach. The move by military brass brought the topic out of the shadows, providing a sense of legitimacy to obsessed amateur sky watchers.
And to what they’ve seen.

Police and news reports, interviews and emails are full of flashing lights and objects that move like no other. Astronomers and others offer logical explanations for some sightings — but not all.

Read their accounts, and see: You just might find yourself wondering what’s out there when you look up.

36 second Navy jet video of “fast moving” UFO off of the Virginia coast in 2015 (USA Today)


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GOP Lawmaker Says He’s ‘Concerned’ Over Reported UFO Sightings by Navy Pilots

Listen to “E59 8-9-19 GOP Lawmaker ‘Concerned’ Over Reported UFO Sightings by Navy Pilots” on Spreaker.

Article by Victor Garcia                      July 27, 2019                       (foxnews.com)

• Representative Mark Walker, R-N.C., is the ranking member of terrorism and counterintelligence as a member of the House Homeland Security Committee. Walker was on Tucker Carlson’s show on Fox News on July 26th, where he said that he is “concerned” about recent reports by U.S. Navy pilots of encounters with unidentified aircraft that some have speculated could be extraterrestrial.

• Walker stated, “It comes down to some of the new infrared radar systems that we’re putting on some of our new (military) jets (that) are detecting some things out there.” “We are concerned about it.”

The New York Times reported that Navy pilots had seen “strange objects” with “no visible engine or exhaust plumes” flying at hypersonic speeds at an elevation of 30,000 feet along the East Coast. The Pentagon confirmed the existence of a program to investigate UFOs, but it is unclear whether that is still operating. Last month, Politico reported that three senators had received a briefing from the Pentagon on the UFO encounters.

• In a letter to Navy Secretary Richard Spencer earlier this month, Walker relayed his concerns and asked whether the Navy was still logging the reported sightings, fully investigating the origins of the accounts, and dedicating resources to track and investigate the claims. Walker also asked Spencer in the letter if investigators had “found physical evidence or otherwise that substantiates these claims” of extraterrestrial UFOs.

• At one point, Tucker Carlson said to Walker, “There must be theories about what these objects are what these aircraft are.” “What’s the most plausible theory, do you think?” Walker replied, “We don’t know for sure. The question that we’re wanting to get to is, is this something that’s a defense mechanism from another country?”


Rep. Mark Walker, R-N.C., told Fox News Friday that he is “concerned” about recent reports by U.S. Navy pilots of encounters with unidentified aircraft that some have speculated could be otherworldly.

“We are concerned about it,” Walker, a member of the House Homeland Security Committee, said on “Tucker Carlson Tonight.” “As the ranking member of terrorism and counterintelligence, we have questions. It comes down to some of the new infrared radar systems that we’re putting on some of our new jets are detecting some things out there.”

US House Representative Mark Walker, R-N.C.

In a letter to Navy Secretary Richard Spencer earlier this month, Walker relayed his concerns and asked for more information on what he referred to as unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP).

Specifically, Walker asked whether the Navy was still logging the reported sightings, fully investigating the origins of the accounts, and dedicating resources to track and investigate the claims.

Walker also asked Spencer in the letter if investigators had “found physical evidence or otherwise that substantiates these claims.”



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UFO Creators ‘Looked Exactly Like Us’ Says Author Who Backs Einstein Theory

Listen to “E60 8-9-19 UFO Creators ‘Looked Exactly Like Us’ Author Backs Einstein Theory” on Spreaker.

Article by Ciaran McGrath                      July 27, 2019                   (express.co.uk)

• KM Lewis, a UFO researcher and author of the book on Area 51 entitled: The Thirteenth Guardian, believes that a saucer did in fact crash near Roswell, NM. However, Lewis says, “I don’t believe the occupants were little green men.” “We have been searching for the truth,” says Lewis, “… but the wrong truth, in my opinion.” Lewis says that the truth that we have been missing is that, while the Roswell occupants came from a different star system, they are in fact our distant ancestors. “The question is: What happened to them? Why did they leave Earth? That’s what I believe the secrecy is all about,” says Lewis.

• “What if all those futuristic sci-fi movies (flying cars, intergalactic travel at warp speed, teleportation etc) is not the future, but the past?” Lewis reasons that if these advanced humans are the UFOs that we see in our skies, then the UFO’s that the government is keeping in Area 51 are actually from a civilization that began on Earth. So this “’extraterrestrial technology’ in Area 51 turns out to be pretty terrestrial.” says Lewis.

• “Our forebears, people just like you and I, were much more intelligent than we acknowledge,” says Lewis. “The tech to travel from planet to planet in very little time is not new; it is forgotten. We have done it before – but a very long time ago.”

• Lewis continues, “Albert Einstein, an avid student of the UFO phenomenon, once said that UFOs are man-made flying machines built by a very advanced ancient civilization that left Earth 20,000 years ago for some unknown reason.” “The idea that some of our forebears left Earth for some unknown reason according to Einstein, would explain why our planet is so special to them. It’s home.”

[Editor’s Note]  With all due respect to Albert Einstein, and not having read The Thirteenth Guardian, it seems as though this author is determined to isolate the human race in a vacuum of uninhabited space. But the galaxy is said to contain thousands of human-like civilizations at various levels of development. These humans look nearly identical to us, except they have a variety of skin colors and hair patterns, and they are typically smaller than Earth humans. Do all of these originate from a human species on the Earth from 20,000 years ago? No. Also, would these advanced humans themselves crash their saucer in New Mexico? Or would they use more ‘disposable’ android beings to pilot and crash these saucers (perhaps on purpose to provide us with new technology), rather than risk their own lives? KM Lewis and Albert Einstein may not have thought their theories through completely. Or it could be that they simply didn’t have the level of knowledge of extraterrestrials that we do today. Still, I would say that they were on the right track. Ours is a galaxy dominated by human-like civilizations, waiting for the right time to reveal themselves and offer their assistance in ridding our planet of the negative extraterrestrial beings that have enslaved us in this false reality, and help us to advance our technology, our social system, and our spiritual consciousness.


The base was in the news recently after a Facebook event entitled Storm Area 51, They Can’t Stop All of Us, and fixed for 3am on September 20, attracted vast numbers of people who have pledged to take part, with the current total standing at 1.8 million. KM Lewis, who has written a novel about Area 51 entitled The Thirteenth Guardian, fully acknowledges the Facebook event was started as a “joke” – but believes the truth really is “in there”. He told Express.co.uk: “We have been searching for the truth… but the wrong truth, in my opinion.

“According to some researchers, Albert Einstein, an avid student of the UFO phenomenon, once said that UFOs are man-made flying machines built by a very advanced ancient civilisation that left Earth 20,000 years ago for some unknown reason.

“It’s a crazy idea, on the face of it – but my research suggests that it is not as far fetched an idea as one might think.”
Mr Lewis, who said he had been researching the subject for ten years, added: “I believe something may very well have crashed in Roswell/Area 51… but I don’t believe the occupants were little green men.

“They looked exactly like us; but they came from the stars.

“They looked like us because they are our far, distant forebears.

“The question is: What happened to them? Why did they leave Earth? That’s what I believe the secrecy is all about.

“The ‘extraterrestrial technology’ in Area 51 turns out to be pretty terrestrial.

“What if all those futuristic sci-fi movies (flying cars, intergalactic travel at warp speed, teleportation etc) is not the future, but the past?

“As I did my research, I was so shaken to my core, I thought the only way to tell the story was through a novel – The Thirteenth Guardian.



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E56 8-7-19 ‘I Was Scared to Death’: Rendlesham Forest UFOs

During the 1980 Christmas party at the twin Royal Air Force bases, RAF Bentwaters and RAF Woodbridge, in Suffolk, England, US Air Force servicemen stationed at the base were sent out to investigate strange goings on in the nearby Rendlesham Forest. The American witnesses have since maintained stories of encountering a strange craft in the woods.

E58 8-8-19 When UFOs Appeared Over Louisiana

On July 14th, 1949 Mrs. V. Dardeau, of Ville Platte, and her sister, Mrs. Edward Wolff, saw a flying saucer over Alexandria. The two sisters were sitting on the lawn of Mrs. Wolff’s residence one night when they became aware of a saucer zooming overhead.” They said it was the size and shape of a plate, flew lower and slower than an airplane, made no sound, and had a yellow light in the center. The sisters were “emphatic that it could not be anything else but a saucer.”

Communities Near Area 51 Brace for Influx of UFO Tourists

Listen to “E57 8-8-19 Communities Near Area 51 Brace for Influx” on Spreaker.

Article by Anita Hassan                        July 27, 2019                        (nbcnews.com)

• A Facebook event entitled “Storm Area 51, They Can’t Stop All of Us” has created an internet frenzy. To date, almost 2 million people have RSVP’d for the September 20th gathering. The event’s organizer, Matty Roberts, claims it was a hoax. The Air Force has warned against anyone breaking into the property at the Nevada Test and Training Range, Nellis Air Force Base, commonly known as Area 51.

• Vern Holaday, 59, owns the Alamo Inn in Alamo, Nevada, north of Las Vegas. Holaday recalls that in the fall of 2009, his hotel hosted an annual UFO conference, and the secretive goings on at Area 51- about 35 miles to the west of Alamo – inevitably came up. A man from Ohio suggested that they storm Area 51 on motorcycles to outrun the military guards. Nothing ever came of it.

• Tourism from extraterrestrial enthusiasts began to boom in 1989 when an Area 51 engineer by the name of Bob Lazar told a Las Vegas television station that he’d worked on extraterrestrial aircraft at the facility. Since then, business owners and residents have welcomed tourists hoping to get a peek at the military facility or spot a UFO in the sky.

• When Holaday heard about the recent Facebook event, “All I thought was, ‘Here we go again.” Holaday has only two rooms still available for the event. Other local motel and campground owners are receiving scores of calls every day. Many are excited for the potential business. Some, though, are concerned about the lack of infrastructure to accommodate the potential crowds.

• “This is the most overwhelmed I’ve ever felt in my entire life,” said Connie West, co-owner of the motel, bar and restaurant called Little A’Le’Inn, located in a small town called Rachel on State Route 375, named the “Extraterrestrial Highway”, about 50 miles northwest from Alamo. She has been inundated with calls about everything from room bookings to bands that want to play on her property during the event. Like Holaday, she’s heard the conspiracy theorists’ talk of invading Area 51 for years, but nothing of this magnitude. “It’s a frenzy,” she said.

• The Little A’Le’Inn being the only bar within 100 miles, Connie West is stocking up on food and alcohol, as well as t-shirts, mugs and other novelty items for the gift shop. West is also in the process of clearing more land to make room for campers. Says West, “… conspiracy theorists, UFO believers and astronomy buffs… All are welcome.”

• But West is concerned about people getting hurt or arrested trying to make their way to Area 51. Some have speculated that local law enforcement will shut down roads leading to the military facility to prevent anyone from getting close. Lincoln County Sheriff Kerry Lee said he could not discuss the details, but that the agency was prepared. Nellis Air Force Base said in a statement that “any attempt to illegally access the area is highly discouraged.”

• Misty Ingram, who works at the Alien Research Center novelty shop about 40 miles south of Rachel, said she hasn’t been able to keep t-shirts on the rack in the last few weeks. The best-selling items are the black T-shirts with red and white lettering that read: “Area 51, Groom Lake Research Facility S-4, WARNING, restricted area, use of deadly force authorized.” Ingram says, “I think it’s ridiculous that anyone thinks they are going to get into Area 51.” Ingram believes the event will morph into more of a makeshift festival than a raid.

• One night a while back, Holaday and some UFO-seeking guests drove down the Extraterrestrial Highway into Tikaboo Valley to a black mailbox in a dusty lot on the side of the road. Holaday said the mailbox belonged to a local rancher, but somehow over the years many came to believe it was a spot where aliens communicated with humans. Although the mailbox has been replaced since then, on a recent visit it was still stuffed with hand-scrawled notes, including one that read, “Dear Aliens, please take Donald Trump.”


ALAMO, Nev. — The first time Vern Holaday heard people talk about trying to storm Area 51, he was sitting around a campfire with about a dozen UFO enthusiasts outside the motel he owns in Alamo.

It was the fall of 2009, and the 15-room Alamo Inn was hosting an annual UFO conference. As it usually did, the conversation turned from alien life forms to conspiracy theories about Area 51 — the secretive military facility about 35 miles west of Alamo.

That night, a man from Idaho, who worked on motorcycles for a living, suggested to the others around the campfire that they could rush the facility on motorcycles, believing the military guards wouldn’t be able to stop them that way, Holaday recalled.

Nothing ever came of that scheme beyond campfire chatter, but Holaday, 59, thought of it recently when a Facebook event, titled “Storm Area 51, They Can’t Stop All of Us,” set off an internet frenzy. Even though the event’s creator, Matty Roberts, claimed it was a hoax and the Air Force warned against anyone breaking into the property — located within the Nevada Test and Training Range at the Nellis Air Force Base — almost 2 million people have RSVP’d on Facebook for the Sept. 20 gathering.

“All I thought was, ‘Here we go again,’” Holaday said, chuckling. As of this week, his motel, about 90 miles north of Las Vegas, had only two vacant rooms left for the days of the event.

 Misty Ingram at the Alien Research Center

Tourism drawn by talk of extraterrestrial activities has been a part of the economy for decades in the small towns that dot the valleys near Area 51. The boom began around 1989, when Bob Lazar, a self-described engineer, claimed to a Las Vegas television station that he worked on extraterrestrial aircraft that were housed at Area 51. Since then, business owners and residents have welcomed tourists hoping to get a peek at the military facility or spot a UFO in the sky.

But the Facebook event has ramped up buzz to levels residents have never witnessed, with motel and campground owners receiving scores of calls a day. If the event brings the masses it’s promised, many in the area are excited for the potential extra business. Some, though, are also concerned about the lack of infrastructure to accommodate the crowds that could attend.

“This is the most overwhelmed I’ve ever felt in my entire life,” said Connie West, who co-owns a motel, bar and restaurant called Little A’Le’Inn with her mother in Rachel, a tiny town about 50 miles from Alamo. Since the end of June, her business has been inundated with calls about everything from room bookings to bands that want to play on her property during the event. Like Holaday, she’s heard the conspiracy theorists talk of invading Area 51 for years, but nothing of this magnitude. “It’s a frenzy,” she said.



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When UFOs Appeared Over Louisiana

Listen to “E58 8-8-19 When UFOs Appeared Over Louisiana” on Spreaker.
Article by Jim Bradshaw                       July 26, 2019                   (stmarynow.com)

• On July 14th, 1949, the Ville Platte Gazette in Evangeline Parish, Louisiana, reported on its front page, “Mrs. V. Dardeau, of Ville Platte, and her sister, Mrs. Edward Wolff, saw a flying saucer over Alexandria last week. The two sisters were sitting on the lawn of Mrs. Wolff’s residence one night last week when they became aware of a saucer zooming overhead.” They said it was the size and shape of a plate, flew lower and slower than an airplane, made no sound, and had a yellow light in the center. The sisters were “emphatic that it could not be anything else but a saucer.”

• A Mrs. G. S. Hart also saw the saucer over Alexandria, Louisiana. Mrs. Hart stated, “It was all lit up. Then it stopped or changed its course and drifted toward the east. Then it moved toward the west and changed its course once more and disappeared in the east.” She said that four people saw it with her.

• On July 11th, 1949 N. L. Martin and his son, Gene, saw two saucer UFOs about 9 a.m. Martin told the Crowley Post-Signal they were “of an aluminum color and kept glinting in the sunlight” and that they “would spin in a clockwise motion and reverse themselves.

• On July 17th, 1949, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Rhino of Alexandria, and two of their neighbors, saw a disc in the northwest sky that was visible for several minutes. It disappeared for about five minutes, and then reappeared before disappearing altogether.

• At the time, the Air Force was getting a dozen flying saucer reports each month. They were “not a cause for alarm,” the Air Force spokesman said. Thirty percent of the reports were due to conventional aerial objects such as weather balloons, which would “probably” account for another thirty percent. But forty percent remained a mystery.

• Adras Laborde, who would become the managing editor of the Alexandria Town Talk newspaper, planned a convention in 1949 to feature the saucer sighters in his town. But it failed to attract enough people and was canceled. There were no new sightings in central Louisiana for the rest of the year.


The flying saucer that sped over the front yard made a visit to her sister’s house especially memorable for a Ville Platte lady in the summer of 1949 — and they were not the only ones to report the strange sighting.

There had been so many that summer and in the summer before that Adras Laborde, who later became managing editor of the Alexandria Town Talk, planned a convention of saucer sighters in his town.

The Ville Platte Gazette reported on its front page on July 14, 1949, “Mrs. V. Dardeau, of Ville Platte, and her sister, Mrs. Edward Wolff, saw a flying saucer over Alexandria last week. The two sisters were sitting on the lawn of Mrs. Wolff’s residence one night last week when they became aware of a saucer zooming overhead.”

They said it was the size and shape of a plate, flew lower and slower than an airplane, made no sound, and had a yellow light in the center.

The sisters were “emphatic that it could not be anything else but a saucer,” according to the Gazette.

Mrs. G. S. Hart also saw the saucer over Alexandria. “It was all lit up,” she said.

“Then it stopped or changed its course and drifted toward the east. Then it moved toward the west and changed its course once more and disappeared in the east.” She said four people were with her and saw it.

The Town Talk’s editors scoffed a bit at the stories, reporting on July 7 that “flying saucers were absent from the skies over Alexandria last night after making an appearance the night before.”

However, there was another saucer sighting in the middle of the day on July 11 over Prairie Hayes in Acadia Parish.

N. L. Martin and his son, Gene, saw two of them about 9 a.m. Martin told the Crowley Post-Signal they were “of an aluminum color and kept glinting in the sunlight” and that they “would spin in a clockwise motion and reverse themselves.

The UFOs were back over Alexandria on July 17, when Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Rhino and two of their neighbors saw a disc in the northwest sky that was visible for several minutes, disappeared for about five minutes, and then reappeared before disappearing altogether.



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Developmental Psychology and Intelligent Disclosure

In relation to an extraterrestrial presence, we may be dealing with “Hyperobjects” or “Multiple Objects.”  For intelligently influencing an Intelligent Disclosure we would need to study Developmental Psychology and how human consciousness and subjectivity may deal with these objects. 
Image result for hyperobjects
Consciousness can be understood as the capacity to experience meaning, in fact, forms of meaning, including how to interpret them. The meanings of experience are normally related to objects of experience and, ultimately, even consciousness itself can be understood as an object of its own experience. Therefore, epistemology and ontology are not separate. Meanings can be of multiple kinds like sensations (pain, pleasure), sentiments/feelings, concepts, ultimate spiritual meanings…any form of meaning.
Leading a ‘sensible’ human adaptation to emergent, culturally and instinctively-challenging global issues requires a global form of integrative perspective-taking. This would be a level of interpretation capable of appreciating the importance of previous forms of interpretation in such a way that its possible to work with individuals interpreting reality under such previous levels. Moreover, it would be a form of interpretation that operates under a more extended experience of “meaningful time” in which for practical purposes the motivation to act in the present experience includes more of the past and of the future. 
A creative, adaptive political and cultural acknowledgment of a globally active, advanced, non-human extraterrestrial presence on Earth is akin to intelligently dealing with culturally-challenging, global issues like “climate change.” These are issues which are so widely distributed in space and in time that only fragments of their meaning can be grasped simultaneously by most people. They trump traditional ideas about what a thing is in the first place. These issues are called “hyperobjects” by Timothy Morton, author of “Hyperobjects: Philosophy and Ecology after the End of the World” (2013). They require a completely different way of thinking and being in the world; quite likely post binary, connecting the subjective and objective realms of experience and inclusive of a type of science in which the non-physical consciousness, information and subtler forms of energy are used to modify physical matter. 
On the other hand, integrative philosopher Sean Esbjörn-Hargens consider climate change and similar issues as “multiple objects.” This is an object that is objectively real but enacted through different subjective perspectives producing different meanings about it. I think that the “global technologically advanced, non-human, presence related to UFOs” can also be considered as a “multiple object.”
In the following article, Gail Hochachka studies the multiple responses to the issue of “climate change” under the aegis of Developmental Psychology. With a greater capacity for taking multiple perspectives, individuals may be able to deal with “hyperobjects” or with “multiple objects” more appropriately. Hochachka also shows how individuals operating under different interpretive levels of development “make meaning” including greater or lesser degrees of the present, past and future considerations accompanying different degree of abstraction and personal identifications.
I recognize the crucial importance that TTSA has played in moving the UFO subject into the mainstream, serving as a bridge between the highest levels of secrecy and the general public. However, it is time for many more serious cultural influencers to join a serious conversation regarding the “global, technologically advanced, non-human presence related to UFOs” beyond the influence of those in the know within military and intelligence circles who may only be able to interpret the situation under particular valid but partial limited perspectives. But we must rise to the challenge surpassing conventional modes of thinking. 
If UAP intelligences are able to handle a more extended present, a present that includes more of the future and of the past in a non-linear way as Luis Elizondo suggested (as a personal opinion) during a MUFON interview (see the May 2018 edition of “The MUFON Journal”), their conscious capacity for doing so may be similar or above an integrative perspective-taking capacity. At the very least, they would also be able to adequately understand “hyperobjects” or “multiple objects” and think in global and species-wide terms in constructive and adaptive ways. And this would entail that eventually most of humanity would also need to rise to an integrative perspective-taking capacity. 
“What if there were other species or
even humans, where their understanding of the present,
that optic, that spark, is maybe a little bit bigger? Maybe
that optic is a little bit wider. Rather than being a point,
maybe it’s a range. Maybe the understanding of the present
isn’t a point, but it’s a range, and maybe there’s elements of
the future and the past that are experienced as the present,
and, therefore, what we perceive as linear space-time maybe
others don’t. In fact, maybe these are things that have lived
here forever, before us. Maybe, we share the space with
them.” (Luis Elizondo).
Image result for extraterrestrialdisclosure
Whether UAP or UFO intelligences pose an actual physical threat or not (and I surmise that most don’t), not rising to a capacity for understanding tantamount to dealing with “hyperobjects” may produce a cultural type of threat since we would not be able to adapt. We would need to adapt to cultures that may not want to conquer us as technologically advanced cultures did on Earth against less technologically developed ones. However, their understanding of complexity, consciousness, information, in a post-materialist way capable of transcending our spacetime-limited cultural traditions may be a threat if we are unable to rise to the challenge. It would require the greatest shift for human civilization since the taming of fire and the discovery of stone tools. What if (just like “hyperobjects” or “multiple objects”) “they” (the UAP or UFO intelligences) may be already participating inside of us as we may be participating inside of them? What if we can only understand this if we rise above a rigid, binary distinction between objectivity and subjectivity? Rigid distinctions between “us” and “them” would melt along with rigid distinctions between our “present” linear, interpretive experiences and non-existing pasts and futures.  
Gail Hochachka’s study would also be useful to cultural leaders willing to influence the ways society may respond to a “global technologically advanced, non-human presence related to UFOs” inasmuch as its reality is becoming uncontroversial. With the aim of promoting a healthy, adaptive response to the technologically advanced, non-human presence in society, we need to study Developmental Psychology and how a greater number of individuals may intelligently or constructively relate to “Hyperobjects” or “Multiple Objects.” The good news is that human capacity seems to be able to reach an integrative level suitable for an adequate, intelligent cultural adaptation and flourishing under the new circumstances. We just need to implement ways to promote the massive psychological development of individuals up to that level. We need the political will beyond the hyper nationalisms in vogue today. Realistically speaking, only perhaps by being forced to deal with the extraordinary realities at hand will activate that political will.
Hochachka’s study can be useful to the intellectually serious disclosure activist, UFO researcher, experiencer or exopolitician since a “global, technologically advanced, non-human presence related to UFOs” can also be considered a “hyperobject” or as a “multiple object.” Again, understanding the human capacity to intelligently relate with such objects would be crucial for politically and culturally influencing or guiding a policy of “intelligent disclosure” in an adaptive, positive, constructive manner.
Global Environmental Change
Hochachka, Gail (2019). “On matryoshkas and meaning-making: Understanding the plasticity of climate change.” https://reader.elsevier.com/reader/sd/pii/S0959378018309762?token=D77478FF2E973E616FF618580A7BDC87B07DB7D8FC1B7012979A7BD5F00FD8B1B43CC12B5F15030D6CC5D9FAF61D1D2D
Hochachka, Gail (2019). “On Matryoshkas and Meaning-making: Understanding the Plasticity of Climate Change.” https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0959378018309762
Kloetzke, Chase (2018). “Luis Elizondo: MUFON’s Exclusive Interview.” https://mufon.z2systems.com/neon/resource/mufon/files/MAY2018MUFONJournalWEB(1).pdf

‘I Was Scared to Death’: New Account Given of Rendlesham Forest UFOs

Listen to “E56 8-7-19 ‘I Was Scared to Death’: Rendlesham Forest UFOs” on Spreaker.

Article by Katy Sandalls                   July 26, 2019                  (eadt.co.uk)

• During the 1980 Christmas party at the twin Royal Air Force bases, RAF Bentwaters and RAF Woodbridge, in Suffolk, England, US Air Force servicemen stationed at the base were sent out to investigate strange goings on in the nearby Rendlesham Forest. The American witnesses have since maintained stories of encountering a strange craft in the woods.

• Nick Pope, the UFO desk officer for Britain’s Ministry of Defence between 1991 and 1994, said, “The Rendlesham Forest incident is the most compelling of the approximately 12,000 UFO cases investigated during the lifetime of the MoD’s UFO project, and it remains unexplained to this day.” It has since been nicknamed the ‘UK’s Roswell’.

• Retired US Air Force Sergeant Michael Stacy Smith served in the 81st Airborne Police Squadron at the twin RAF bases in 1980. Smith was 19 years old at the time, and has never spoken publicly about his alien encounter until now. 
Speaking to website The Analysis, Sgt. Smith spoke of a number of incidents which took place in Suffolk only weeks before the well-known incident in late December of 1980.

• “In November of 1980 I had my first incident. Our base went on alert, I was called out to the barracks,” said Smith. “They assigned me to a post behind the east gate on Woodbridge. So they dropped me off and I got into the bunker.” Then he had to take a pee. “I was standing on the edge of the bunker, peeing, and I looked off in the forest and you could see an orange, glowing light down in the woods.”

• “It was an orange – reddish glowing ball. Bigger than a beach ball, and it had a cats eye in it,” says Smith. “I thought what the hell is that? At first I thought it was someone with a lantern walking through the woods, looking at our planes. It stopped right in front of me. It just stayed there and hovered two feet off the ground.” Smith called for reinforcements who couldn’t believe what they saw. Then the object disappeared. “I was scared to death,” said Smith.

• In a separate incident Sgt. Smith recalled seeing strange shapes in the vicinity of RAF Bentwaters. “You could see coming from the south of Bentwaters… was a triangular shaped craft. It was blueish in the middle and had white around the edges of it. It was just above the tree line of Rendlesham Forest.” “I don’t care what anyone says, it was real.”

• Nick Pope agrees that “These new revelations are fascinating, though difficult to evaluate, especially given that nearly 40 years have passed since these events.” “As this new interview shows, whatever these military witnesses experienced was truly bizarre and had deep and lasting effects – both physical and emotional – on some of the individuals concerned.”


A new account of alien encounters in Rendlesham has been made public for the first time.

Retired Sergeant Michael Stacy Smith served in the 81st Airborne Police Squadron at the twin bases of RAF Bentwater and RAF Woodbridge at the time of the famous UFO incident in 1980.

It was during the base’s Christmas party that US airmen were sent out to investigate strange goings on at the base which have since been nicknamed the UK’s Roswell.

     Retired Sergeant Michael Stacy Smith

Sergeant Smith was only 19 when the events took place and has never spoken publicly about his alien encounter until now. 
Speaking to website The Analysis, Sgt. Smith spoke of a number of incidents which took place in Suffolk only weeks before the well-known incident.

“In November of 1980 I had my first incident. Our base went on alert, I was called out to the barracks,” said Sgt Smith.
“They assigned me to a post behind the east gate on Woodbridge. So they dropped me off and I got into the bunker.”

Sgt Smith said that while in the bunker he needed to go to the toilet.

“I was standing on the edge of the bunker, peeing, and I looked off in the forest and you could see an orange, glowing light down in the woods.

“It was an orange – reddish glowing ball.

“Bigger than a beach ball and it had a cats eye in it.

“I thought what the hell is that. At first I thought it was someone with a lantern walking through the woods, looking at our planes.

“It stopped right in front of me. It just stayed there and hovered two feet off the ground.”

Sgt. Smith called for reinforcements who couldn’t believe what they had seen.

Not long after the encounter, the object disappeared.

“I was scared, I was just a 19-year-old kid,” said Sgt Smith.

“I was scared to death.”



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E54 8-5-19 Aliens Are Real and They Are Here

In the winter of 1974, at age 20, Buckingham was alone at his family’s house watching tv when he went outside to add some coal to the boiler. Suddenly everything became muffled and quiet. Says Buckingham, “I felt static electricity all over me. I stood up to clear my ears but as I stood up there was this object level with my eyes. It was massive.

E53 8-4-19 That Time UFOs Took Over Los Angeles

February 25th, 1942, a large unidentified object hovered over Los Angeles. Sirens blared, searchlights pierced the sky, 1400 anti-aircraft shells were pumped into the air as citizens cowered and marveled below.

E52 8-4-19 ‘Space Superpower’ India to Kickstart Space War

In preparation for an attack from space, on July 25th and 26th the Indian Army conducted a military drill dubbed ‘IndSpaceEx’ to assess the ‘imminent threats’ India will meet should any armed conflict escalate beyond earth, and to identify key challenges and shortfalls if a conflict escalates to the space dimension.

Tom DeLonge’s UFO Organization Says It’s Obtained ‘Exotic’ Metals Unknown to Science

Listen to “E55 8-6-19 UFO Organization Says It’s Obtained ‘Exotic’ Metals Unknown to Science” on Spreaker.

Article by MJ Banias                     July 26, 2019                   (vice.com)

• In 2017 when the New York Times ran an article about a secret Pentagon UFO program, the article tantalizingly noted that aerospace billionaire Robert Bigelow was housing “metal alloys and other materials…that [allegedly] had been recovered from unidentified aerial phenomena.” These “alien alloys” quickly became the topic of great intrigue.

• Rocker-turned-Ufologist, Tom DeLonge (pictured above), now says that his ‘To the Stars Academy’ has acquired “potentially exotic materials.” It is not clear whether his metamaterials are the same ones as previously referenced in the NY Times article.

• “The structure and composition of these materials are not from any known existing military or commercial application,” said Steve Justice, the COO of the ‘To The Stars Academy’ and former head of Advanced Systems at Lockheed Martin’s Skunk Works. “They’ve been collected from sources with varying levels of chain-of-custody documentation, so we are focusing on verifiable facts and working to develop independent scientific proof of the materials’ properties and attributes. In some cases, the manufacturing technology required to fabricate the material is only now becoming available.” Justice says that the organization wants to reverse engineer the metals with hopes of manufacturing more of them. 

• According to the press release, some of these materials were in the possession of UFO researcher and journalist Linda Moulton Howe, who, in 2004, gave a presentation at the Xcon Conference regarding these materials. In her lecture, she suggests that the material could become a “lifting body” with the right amount of electromagnetic static and certain RF frequency. These are undoubtedly the same materials mentioned by DeLonge on his Joe Rogan interview where he stated, “if you hit it with enough terahertz, it’ll float.”

• In an interview with Motherboard, Dr. Chris Cogswell, who hosts the Mad Scientist Podcast and who holds a PhD in Chemical Engineering, said that layered magnesium and bismuth alloys are pretty common and are certainly easily explainable by science. “Micrometer thick layers are made by mistake in metallurgy facilities all the time.” Cogswell says that if these materials are truly exotic, then initial results should come relatively quickly. “[T]hese tests would take all of a month to run and analyze to see if there is something worth pursuing.”

• Until some rigorous third party scientific testing occurs, or a peer-reviewed paper in an academic journal is published, the best course of action here is to just wait and see.


Former Blink 182 frontman and current UFOlogist Tom DeLonge says that his UFO research organization has acquired “potentially exotic materials featuring properties not from any known existing military or commercial application.” It has not yet provided any proof to back up this claim.

For 70 years, the UFO community has been engaged in active debate regarding physical debris from unidentified flying objects, but the general public got a true taste of that in 2017 when the New York Times ran an article about a secret Pentagon UFO program. The article tantalizingly noted that aerospace billionaire Robert Bigelow, whose interest in UFOs is no secret, modified buildings to house “metal alloys and other materials…that [allegedly] had been recovered from unidentified aerial phenomena.”

These “alien alloys” quickly became the topic of great intrigue. DeLonge’s To the Stars Academy, a UFO research outfit that may or may not be broke, said that it has recently acquired some metamaterials, though it’s not clear whether they are the same ones referenced in the NY Times article.

“The structure and composition of these materials are not from any known existing military or commercial application,” Steve Justice, To The Stars Academy’s COO and former head of Advanced Systems at Lockheed Martin’s Skunk Works said in a statement. “They’ve been collected from sources with varying levels of chain-of-custody documentation, so we are focusing on verifiable facts and working to develop independent scientific proof of the materials’ properties and attributes. In some cases, the manufacturing technology required to fabricate the material is only now becoming available.”

Justice said that the organization wants to reverse engineer the metals with hopes of manufacturing more of them.



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‘Aliens Are Real and They Are Here’ – Meet the Man Behind the East Anglian UFO Group

Listen to “E54 8-5-19 Aliens Are Real and They Are Here” on Spreaker.
Article by Marc Betts                  July 25, 2019                    (edp24.co.uk)

• Tony Buckingham of Littleport Cambridgeshire England, has spent forty years researching UFO activity in the East Anglia, and has created a community of UFO enthusiasts who claim to have had out of this world experiences.

• In the winter of 1974, at age 20, Buckingham was alone at his family’s house watching tv when he went outside to add some coal to the boiler. Suddenly everything became muffled and quiet. Says Buckingham, “I felt static electricity all over me. I stood up to clear my ears but as I stood up there was this object level with my eyes. It was massive. It wasn’t a typical flying saucer but a cone shape. It seemed to be there for ages but it was probably a few seconds.” “I had this over-riding sense of well-being, a calming, almost loving sensation.” Before Buckingham could grab his camera, the object shot straight up in the air and disappeared.

• Buckingham says that as a young man, he was into “motorcycles, rock-n-roll and girls”. But after this UFO sighting, he began searching for what few books on UFOs that he could find. Shortly thereafter, Erich von Daniken’s book, Chariots of the Gods, was released. This changed Buckingham’s thought patterns for the rest of his life. He found other books on UFOs and searched for UFO support groups. Back then, UFO groups could be found in nearly every town. Today they have dwindled to about six groups in the entire country.

• In 2016, Buckingham created a Facebook discussion group, and began holding monthly meetings across East Anglia, presenting documentary films and guest speakers. He also organizes field trips to places of interest.

• Earlier this year, two women from Downham Market, Norfolk shared an encounter. Said Buckingham: “One of the girls got up in the night to get a glass of water and looking out of the window there were three lights. They came [inside] and went around the room making her feel strange. She called for her friend when a white light came on searching the room.” Then, “The lights went back out of the window and flew off. They turned the lights on and noticed an hour of time had gone. One of them had blood on her feet but there were no markings and most of the electrical items in the house stopped working.”

• “I am fanatical about this,” adds Buckingham. “I spend all day everyday researching. When you dig really deep and get to the real stuff you see declassified documents and what thousands of high ranking people have spoken about all telling you the same thing. Aliens are real and they are here. I strongly believe that there are many groups of aliens here already.”


For centuries humans have debated whether alien lifeforms exist. One man has been sure that they do for more than 40 years, even creating a community of UFO enthusiasts in East Anglia.

Reporter MARC BETTS went to meet Tony Buckingham.

UFOs and the existence of aliens is a topic that has been debated by some of the highest minds in the world.
And while many remain sceptical over the prospect of Earth being visited by extraterrestrial life, Tony Buckingham, from Littleport, near the Norfolk/Cambridgeshire border, has spent the last 40 years researching UFO activity in the East. He has even created a community of believers who claim to have had out of this world experiences.

                   Tony Buckingham

The first experience of extraterrestrial life

Mr Buckingham, a retired business owner, said: “My first conscious experience was in 1974. It was the winter and I lived about three miles away on the other side of the village.

“I had been instructed to look after the house as my mother, father and brother and sister had gone out. I was watching TV and forgot to top up the boiler, suddenly I remembered and ran out to the garden. I was bending down to get some coal when everything went quiet, like when you are landing in an aircraft, my hearing became muffled.

“I felt static electricity all over me. I stood up to clear my ears but as I stood up there was this object level with my eyes. It was massive.

“It wasn’t a typical flying saucer but a cone shape. It seemed to be there for ages but it was probably a few seconds.
“I had this over-riding sense of well-being, a calming, almost loving sensation. I thought about getting my camera but before I had made the decision this thing shot straight up in the air at a speed that aircraft could not do then.”



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‘Space Superpower’ India to Kickstart Space War… Drill

Listen to “E52 8-4-19 ‘Space Superpower’ India to Kickstart Space War” on Spreaker.

Article: July 25, 2019                     (rt.com)

• In preparation for an attack from space, on July 25th and 26th the Indian Army conducted a military drill dubbed ‘IndSpaceEx’ to assess the ‘imminent threats’ India will meet should any armed conflict escalate beyond earth, and to identify key challenges and shortfalls if a conflict escalates to the space dimension. An unnamed Indian official also told the Times of India newspaper that India’s Institute of Technology will also work on ‘space war’ preparations.

• An unnamed Indian military official stated that one of the reasons for the drill is India’s aspiration to counter China’s superiority as a space power. “We cannot keep twiddling our thumbs while China zooms ahead. We cannot match China but must have capabilities to protect our space assets,” the official was cited as saying.

• In March 2019, India successfully tested its anti-satellite (A-Sat) interceptor missile to shoot down a Microsat-R satellite in low Earth orbit. That achievement prompted Prime Minister Narendra Modi to proclaim his nation a fourth “space superpower” after the US, Russia, and China.

• On July 22nd, India launched its Chandrayaan-2 orbiter and lunar module which is set to land on the Moon’s South Pole in weeks to come. That success was in fact met with praise by space rival China, announcing that China wants to team up with its Indian counterpart to explore the Moon. China’s own lunar mission, the Chang’e-4, successfully landed in the South Pole-Aitken basin in January 2019, and is currently exploring the Moon’s geology and performing biological experiments.


If any UFOs – or adversaries within Earth’s orbit – start behaving badly, India wants to be ready, as it prepares to take war drills literally to a new level… space.

The Indian Army has been ordered to prepare for any enemy, even one that can come from space. The ambitious two-day drill dubbed IndSpaceEx is set to assess the ‘imminent threats’ India will meet should any armed conflict escalate beyond earth.

The country’s first simulated space warfare exercise is starting on Thursday. But the drill was first mentioned back in March, when the country successfully tested its anti-satellite (A-Sat) interceptor missile to shoot down a Microsat-R satellite in low Earth orbit. That achievement prompted Prime Minister Narendra Modi to proclaim his nation a fourth “space superpower” after the US, Russia, and China.

“Modi said the A-Sat test in March was conducted to make India stronger and more secure, as well as further peace and harmony. In line with this vision, IndSpaceEx is being conducted to identify key challenges and shortfalls if a conflict escalates to the space dimension,” an unnamed official revealed on Wednesday, as cited by the Times of India newspaper. He added that India’s Institute of Technology will also work on ‘space war’ preparations.



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That Time ‘UFOs’ Took Over Los Angeles

Listen to “E53 8-4-19 That Time UFOs Took Over Los Angeles” on Spreaker.

Article by Hadley Mears                    July 24, 2019                    (losangeleno.com)

• Early in the morning of February 25th, 1942, a large unidentified object hovered over Los Angeles. While sirens blared and searchlights pierced the sky, 1400 anti-aircraft shells were pumped into the air as citizens cowered and marveled below. One female air warden said, “[I]t was practically right over my house. I had never seen anything like it in my life!” Were these flying saucers that had come to destroy LA?

• Eye-witnesses swore that it certainly was not a plane or a balloon. But the official explanation was that the UFO was two weather balloons released by the Douglas Aircraft Plant in Santa Monica, and from the Sawtelle Veterans Hospital in Westwood. Jittery soldiers, already on high alert due to the recent attack on Pearl Harbor, panicked – and the rest is conspiracy theory history.

• According the LA Times, on February 23rd, 1942, ‘a Japanese submarine surfaced …near Santa Barbara, and pumped 13 rounds of 5 ½ inch shells at oil installations. Minor damage was done to piers and oil wells, but the raider missed a gasoline plant, apparently its actual target.’ A panicked Los Angeles awoke on February 24th to photos of the damage, and news that the enemy submarine was nowhere to be found. That evening, the Navy received word of yet another imminent attack.

• In the early morning hours of February 25th, air raid defense radar tracked an unidentified object approximately 100 miles from LA. Radio silence was ordered and searchlights were trained on the sky. A little after 3 am, a “balloon-like” object appeared over Culver City and Santa Monica. Minutes later, the artillery shelling began. Around 12,000 volunteer air raid wardens took their positions patrolling the streets as shrapnel from the shells rained down on LA.

• People claimed to see many different things — from a blimp to more than 50 planes. Bill Birnes, publisher of UFO Magazine, told PR Newswire in 2011 that these UFOs were flying too high to be Japanese bombers. Apparently, not a single artillery shell was able to hit the UFO craft. But most of the danger lay on the ground below where shrapnel rained down. A shipyard worker recalled that as the night shift was leaving and the morning shift was arriving, everyone was collecting the shrapnel that was scattered all around. One witness said, “[S]hrapnel-strewn areas took on the appearance of a huge Easter-egg hunt, [as] youngsters and grownups alike scrambled through streets and vacant lots, picking up and proudly comparing chunks of shrapnel fragments.”

• Up to six people died that morning, some in car accidents and others from heart attacks. Many volunteer wardens were injured by falling shells. And numerous Japanese Americans were arrested for “signaling” to the invaders.

• The next day, the LA Times reported “foreign aircraft flying both large formations and singly flew over Southern California early today and drew heavy barrages of anti-aircraft fire — the first ever to sound over United States continental soil against an enemy invader,” along with a heavily doctored photo of searchlights shining on the unidentified object flying over the city (shown above).

• To make matters more confusing, the Army Chief of Staff initially said there were 15 enemy aircraft over LA, while the Navy said it was just a false alarm. The Navy blamed the Army for being over-eager to shoot at the sky. In response, on February 27th, the LA Times printed an editorial stating: “This Is No Time For Squabbling.”

• There also may have been a cover-up to save officials from the embarrassment of fighting a weather balloon. One soldier recalled being told “there had been seven Japanese planes up there.” He stated, “I was also told that if I repeated my story about shooting at a balloon and not enemy planes, I would be put behind bars.”

• In 1975, LA Times aerospace editor Marvin Miles wrote a memo on the LA incident, relying on the US governments ‘official version’ of events. After the war, it was established that the Japanese had sent no planes to LA during the war. Meteorological balloons known to have been released over Los Angeles may well have caused the initial alarm. Anti-aircraft artillery units were officially criticized for having wasted ammunition on targets which moved too slowly to be airplanes.

• But in the 1970’s and 80’s, the conspiracy theories that the ‘Battle of LA’ was due to extraterrestrial UFOs hovering over the city began to emerge. The theory gained traction in 1987 when some Majestic 12 documents were released, including the ‘Marshall/ Roosevelt Memo of March 5, 1942’, claiming that two alien aircraft had been recovered after the incident. The memo goes on to say, “This Headquarters has come to a determination that the mystery airplanes are in fact not earthly and according to secret intelligence sources they are in all probability of interplanetary origin.”

Skeptoid podcast host Brian Dunning writes, “For more than 40 years, not a single person associated with the Battle of Los Angeles entertained any thoughts about extraterrestrial spacecraft or aliens. … The alien spacecraft angle is purely a post-hoc invention by modern promoters of UFO mythology.”

• But the truth behind the Battle of Los Angeles is probably more about human fallibility — bad intel, errant weather balloons and poor training — than anything else. However, the records are so muddled that the true story of The Great Air Raid will forever be fodder for those with conspiratorial minds.

[Editor’s Note]  The “large UFO” hovering over Los Angeles in February 1942 was actually a cluster of UFOs, each surrounded by a shimmering force field which together looked like one big balloon. However, as noted, two UFO saucers were indeed shot down. One was recovered by the Navy in the Pacific Ocean. The other crashed inland in the San Bernardino Mountains east of LA and was recovered by the Army. Both were taken to Wright Patterson Airfield in Ohio where it was determined that these were unmanned drone craft, not from this planet.  Dr Michael Salla discusses the 1942 LA incident at length in his 2017 book, The US Navy’s Secret Space Program and Nordic Extraterrestrial Alliance.


It was the early morning of Feb. 25, 1942. A large unidentified object hovered over a Pearl Harbour-rattled Los Angeles, while sirens blared and searchlights pierced the sky. One thousand and four hundred anti-aircraft shells were pumped into the air as Angelenos cowered and marveled. “It was huge! It was just enormous!” one female air warden allegedly claimed. “And it was practically right over my house. I had never seen anything like it in my life!”

But that wasn’t all. Some Angelenos claimed there were more strange objects in the sky that night, namely dozens of airplanes — or was it flying saucers? — that had come to destroy L.A.

“The obvious thought was that these were Japanese bombers come to attack the United States,” UFO expert Bill Birnes, publisher of UFO Magazine, told PR Newswire in 2011. “But it wasn’t. They were flying too high. And the astounding thing was not one artillery shell could hit the craft — out of all the hundreds of shells that were fired. People outside that night swore that it was neither a plane nor a balloon — it was a UFO. It floated, it glided. And to this day, nobody can explain what that craft was, why our anti-aircraft guns couldn’t hit it — it’s a mystery that’s never been resolved.”

That night, befuddled officials would only help the urban legend grow. Many officials now believe two weather balloons released by the 203rd Coast Artillery Regiment from the Douglas Aircraft Plant in Santa Monica and the Sawtelle Veterans Hospital in Westwood may be responsible for the ensuing chaos. Jittery soldiers already on high alert in the early days of World War II panicked and the rest is conspiracy theory history.

All of the pieces were in place, according to the LA Times, “for the confused action known as the ‘battle of Los Angeles.’”
“People outside that night swore that it was neither a plane nor a balloon — it was a UFO. It floated, it glided. And to this day, nobody can explain what that craft was, why our anti-aircraft guns couldn’t hit it — it’s a mystery that’s never been resolved.”

The city was on high alert following the attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941. Rumors of an imminent Japanese invasion were constant.

According to Terrenz Sword, author of The Battle of Los Angeles 1942: The Mystery Air Raid, during one incident, the Navy reportedly received a tip that there were more than 30 enemy ships off the coast. Army pilots took off to find them — only to discover they were nothing more than fishing boats.

Southern California’s worst fears were realized on the night of Feb. 23, 1942. The LA Times described the scene 20 years later:
As President Roosevelt warned a nation-wide radio audience that the oceans “have become endless battlefields on which we are constantly being challenged by our enemies,” a Japanese submarine, I-17, surfaced off-shore at Ellwood, near Santa Barbara, and pumped 13 rounds of 5 ½ in shells at oil installations. Minor damage was done to piers and oil wells, but the raider missed a gasoline plant, apparently its actual target.

A panicked Los Angeles awoke on Feb. 24 to photos of the damage from the shells and news that the enemy submarine was nowhere to be found. That evening, the Navy received word of another imminent attack. In the early morning hours of Feb. 25, air raid defense radar tracked an unidentified object approximately 100 miles from L.A. At 2:25 a.m., air raid sirens blasted. Shortly after, radio silence was ordered and searchlights began to pierce the sky. A little after 3 a.m., a balloon-like object appeared in the sky over Culver City and Santa Monica — the same one that people would later call UFOs or a mysterious aircraft.



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E51 8-03-19 A Private Tour of Roswell with a UFO Expert Looking for the Truth

Dennis Balthaser is a UFO researcher and author, and a long-time resident of Roswell, New Mexico. He is an expert on the details of the Roswell UFO crash of 1947. Several years ago, Balthaser began to offer private tours of nearby areas of interest pertaining to the Roswell crash. He expected doing 3 or 4 tours a month. His current schedule is ten tours a week, and he books up fast.

A Private Tour of Roswell With a UFO Expert Looking for the Truth

Listen to “E51 8-03-19 A Private Tour of Roswell with a UFO Expert Looking for the Truth” on Spreaker.

Article by Eric Gumeny                      July 23, 2019                      (syfy.com)

• Dennis Balthaser is a UFO researcher and author, and a long-time resident of Roswell, New Mexico. He is an expert on the details of the Roswell UFO crash of 1947. Several years ago, Balthaser began to offer private tours of nearby areas of interest pertaining to the Roswell crash. He expected doing 3 or 4 tours a month. His current schedule is ten tours a week, and he books up fast.

• Balthaser says that the city of Roswell has embraced its notoriety in a way that few other places have. Or, at least that’s what Roswell wants you think. Balthaser suggests that the city’s tourist campaign, gift shops, and constant reminders of aliens are an illusion. The city is more interested in selling t-shirts than preserving history, says Balthaser. The annual UFO Festival with its parade, costume contest, and concert is a “circus” – all spectacle and no substance. Balthaser doesn’t have time for a show. He is only interested in the truth of the UFO incident, which the US government has covered up.

• The first stop on Balthaser’s tour was the offices of the Roswell Daily Record, the newspaper that (on July 8th, 1947) published the first report of a downed UFO, and then, the very next day, published a retraction. Balthaser tells of the rancher, Mack Brazel, who found the debris in the desert outside the city proper. Prior to the UFO crash, Brazel had a side business returning downed weather balloons to authorities for a reward. So he was very familiar with weather balloons. And he knew that what he brought to Roswell’s sheriff, George Wilcox, was not a balloon. Wilcox called the military. The military authorities threatened the sheriff, confiscated the debris, and locked Brazel up in jail for five days. The newspaper’s retraction said that the debris was from a downed weather balloon.

• The next stop was at the Chaves County Courthouse, which was the site of the sheriff’s office in 1947. Sheriff Wilcox lived there with his family. His wife cooked for the prisoners. This was where Brazel brought the crash debris. Wilcox let his daughters play with the strange material – a metal sheet that could be crushed, but would reform in seconds. After handing the debris over to the Army, the military police came back to threaten the little girls to remain quiet. Balthaser has never forgiven them for that. The old sheriff’s office was demolished sometime around 1997 to build the new courthouse. But there is no plaque or sign indicating that it was once there. “Doesn’t make a lot of sense, does it?” said Balthaser. “Almost like they want the sheriff’s office to be forgotten.”

• The next stop was the funeral home where the mortician, Glenn Dennis, was a civilian witness to the 1947 incident. Dennis was a close friend of Balthaser before his death. On that day, Dennis had driven a soldier injured in a motorcycle accident to the Roswell Army Airfield military hospital where he saw hunks of metal being loaded into ambulances by military personnel he didn’t recognize. He was immediately stopped by an Army captain who threatened him that if he ever talked about this, they will “never find your bones in the desert.” The next day, Dennis received a call from the Army hospital, inquiring about embalming fluids and child-sized coffins. Soon after that, a nurse whom Dennis knew from the hospital was reported to have been relocated, and then, according to Dennis, to have died. Balthaser believes the story was concocted to protect the nurse who was said to have seen the saucer’s alien occupants.

• The next stop was a military housing complex where the Army Airfield was once located. A large house still remains there, which was the home to Colonel William H. Blanchard, the guy who forced the Roswell Daily Record to retract the original flying saucer crash article in 1947. Balthaser notes that after the incident, Blanchard was promoted to ‘assistant to the Joint Chiefs of Staff’ at the Pentagon, and became a four-star general by the age of 50. He also noted that Blanchard sent a Christmas card to Walter Haut – the public information officer who retracted his original story of the UFO crash – every single year for twenty years until Blanchard’s death. Balthaser thinks that this was the general’s way of keeping track of Haut and where he lived.

• They then arrived at the spot where the Army hospital once stood. Balthaser said that the city had demolished the hospital building to make room for a real estate developer. But there is no development there. In fact, only a water tower and Hanger 84, where the crash ‘debris’ was temporarily stored, are the only relics from 1947 that have not been destroyed and paved over.

• As they drive through the city of Roswell, Balthaser points out that the abundance of aliens depicted throughout the town, from lamp posts to a Dunkin’ Donuts statue, are all painted bright green, along with the city’s logo and tourist t-shirts. But the rancher, Brazel; the mortician, Haut; and the Army nurse all reported that the small aliens were grey, not green. Balthaser suspects that this is part of the cover-up and re-branding of the incident.

• Balthaser has less interest in promoting a conspiracy theory as he has in determining just what rattled his friends so badly, so many years ago. He noted that “you don’t threaten people over weather balloons”. These people stayed scared to their very deathbeds. And he finds it strange that today the City of Roswell brands itself after an extraterrestrial incident while systematically erasing all evidence of it.

[Editor’s Note]   Could this Army nurse that was “relocated” have been Matilda O’Donnell MacElroy, who is the subject of Lawrence R. Spencer’s book, “Alien Interview”?  In the book, Matilda claims to have been present at the site of the crashed flying saucer outside of Roswell, and that one of the four small Grey alien occupants had survived. This alien chose Matilda to attempt to communicate with, and the military brass ordered her to keep notes during a handful of interviews that she conducted with the Grey. To her surprise, she was allowed to keep these notes. After retiring from the Army, Matilda remained quiet throughout her life. But she was determined to share her notes with Lawrence Spencer before she died, which delved into the origin of plant and animal life on the planet, the human species, the Earth itself, and our place in the universe. She felt that mankind needed to know the answers to important questions contained in her notes and the book, including what other intelligent species inhabit the universe, and the devastating consequences to humanity if we ignore the message that the extraterrestrials are attempting to communicate to us.


The city of Roswell, New Mexico, knows exactly why you’re here. From the International UFO Museum and Research Center, to the enormous “little green man” holding up a Dunkin’ Donuts sign, to the alien-faced streetlights along downtown’s main drag, the city embraces its notoriety and novelty in a way that few other places have. Even its official motto, “We Believe,” all but admits to the veracity of the infamous “Roswell UFO Incident” of 1947, when a flying saucer was alleged to have crash-landed in the desert beyond the city limits before the government promptly covered it up.
Or, at least, that’s what Roswell wants you think that it thinks.

          Dennis Balthaser

To hear author and UFO researcher Dennis Balthaser tell it, the tourist campaign and the gift shops are all a sleight of hand, an illusion, a way to keep folks from looking too deeply at the truth. The city, he says, is more interested in selling t-shirts than preserving history. He refers to the recent UFO Festival — an annual parade, costume contest, and concert, this year headlined by Billy Ray Cyrus — as a “circus,” all spectacle and no substance.

Balthaser doesn’t have time for a show — he, like so many of us, is after the truth.

I meet Balthaser in an otherwise empty parking lot. He’s an older, unassuming man, standing in the shade of a tree and leaning against the hood of his SUV. His white cowboy hat is pulled low as he waits for me. He greets me with a nod, extends his hand.

He started offering tours of Roswell a few years ago, as a counter to the growing commercialization of the city’s history, with the expectation of running three, maybe four a month. His current schedule is ten tours a week, and he books up fast. I’m not even the first tourist he’s picked up today.

We start with the conspiracy right away: the first stop is the offices of the Roswell Daily Record, the newspaper that published the first report of a downed UFO, and then, the very next day, published the retraction. He tells the tale of the rancher, Mack Brazel, who found the debris in the desert outside the city proper, then brought it to Roswell’s sheriff. Brazel, I’m told, had a profitable side-hustle turning in downed weather balloons for a reward — he knew what one looked like. This, obviously, wasn’t that. The sheriff, George Wilcox, didn’t know what he was looking at either, so he called the military. Then the lawman got threatened. The rancher ends up in jail for five days. The military confiscated the debris.

Matilda O’Donnell MacElroy

Balthaser and I are sitting in a parking lot across the street from the Record as he recounts the story, the two of us eyeing the newspaper building like spies on a stakeout. He pulls out a binder, with reproductions of both front pages – the one about the Roswell Army Air Force “capturing” a flying saucer, and the one about the weather balloon.

“Twelve hours and the whole story changes.” He lowers his sunglasses at me, raises an eyebrow. “That’s a little suspicious, don’t you think?”



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E50 8-02-19 Filmmaker Says Truth About UFOs is Not About Little Green Men

Stephen Zoller, (an accomplished film writer and producer since the 1980’s), has strong opinions about UFOs and spoke with BBN Times about it. His fascination with all things alien began when he was an eight year-old in Dublin, Ireland and watched the film,‘The Day the Earth Stood Still’ in the local theater. After immigrating to America, on a family car trip through Indiana in 1965, Zoller saw a saucer shaped object whiz by with blinding speed. Ten years later he found an old magazine with a photo of a UFO in Indiana dated 1965. Maybe he wasn’t daydreaming after all.

Filmmaker Says Truth About UFOs is Not About Little Green Men But is Hiding in Plain Sight

Listen to “E50 8-02-19 Filmmaker Says Truth About UFOs is Not About Little Green Men” on Spreaker.

Article by Ashley Jude Collie                    July 20, 2019                      (bbntimes.com)

• Stephen Zoller, (an accomplished film writer and producer since the 1980’s), has strong opinions about UFOs and spoke with BBN Times about it. His fascination with all things alien began when he was an eight year-old in Dublin, Ireland and watched the film,‘The Day the Earth Stood Still’ in the local theater. After immigrating to America, on a family car trip through Indiana in 1965, Zoller saw a saucer shaped object whiz by with blinding speed. Ten years later he found an old magazine with a photo of a UFO in Indiana dated 1965. Maybe he wasn’t daydreaming after all. So he devoured anything he could about UFOs.

• With all of the talk about UFOs lately, from the New York Times’ articles on a Pentagon UFO program, to Navy pilots’ stories of UFOs off of the coast of California, to Tom DeLonge, to Bob Lazar, to billionaire entrepreneur Robert Bigelow’s assertion that he was “absolutely convinced” that aliens exist and that UFOs have visited Earth, Zoller suggests that UFOs could well be hiding in plain sight.

• What is Zoller’s take on UFOs? “I suggest they’re not little green men from a far-flung part of the galaxy,” says Zoller. “Interstellar travel from our closest neighboring star would fly in the face of Einstein’s theory of mass-energy equivalence.” “I don’t think they are extraterrestrials. I think it’s more likely that they originate from planet Earth” – from the future. They’ve developed the ability to move freely through Earth’s timeline but are forbidden to alter the past in any substantial way, otherwise they would initiate temporal annihilation in the future.

• “After years of mounting evidence there is no longer any doubt that UFOs are real, and that the authorities have no idea from where they originate,” says Zoller. “The question is what does the military and intelligence community know and why do they refuse to share it with the public. Maybe, they fear that an admission would lead to economic and social upheaval which would be bad for business as far as the rich and powerful are concerned.”

• “There’s great unrest all over the globe,” say Zoller, “including ethnic and religious conflict, mass migration, left versus right, and worst of all, a willful denial of facts and science. The bulk of the blame rests with the powers-that-be who want to preserve their status quo at any cost. By that I mean political, religious and corporate elites.”

• Zoller continues, “With the climate crisis and global overpopulation having such deleterious effects on our beautiful blue planet, it’s curious that UFO sightings have dramatically spiked in the past few years. My gut tells me that the two are connected.” How? “Your guess is as good as mine.”

• Zoller offers hope for the future: “Despite the deep hole we humans have dug for ourselves, it’s a great time to be alive. The possibility exists that before long we will witness the game-changer to end all game-changers, one that may lead to scientific and spiritual enlightenment.”

[Editor’s Note]   Born in Budapest, Hungary in 1952, coming to America via Ireland, and establishing himself as an up-and-coming film producer by 1980, Stephen Zoller (age 68) is a good example of a person working in the mainstream who has also kept up with the UFO phenomenon with an open mind. No one really knows for certain how extensive the extraterrestrial presence truly is, and what types of beings are involved. So Zoller draws a somewhat contradictory belief that our future selves have time travel technology to come back here and observe us, while at the same time assuming that advanced extraterrestrial beings are absent because alien travel technology would be limited by Einstein’s Theory of Relativity.

What is quite interesting is Zoller’s intuition that we will soon experience a “game-changer to end all game-changers, one that may lead to scientific and spiritual enlightenment.” He might be intuiting a Solar Flash that Corey Goode, David Wilcock, and many others have predicted will initiate an energy wave washing over the solar system, and raising the spiritual consciousness of those who are prepared, to a fourth density reality, in addition to the planets themselves. Could this be the reason why we see so many UFO’s in the sky lately? Are these beings here to get a front row seat to one of the most awesome and marvelous events occurring in the galaxy?


“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” — Hamlet to Horatio

When Shakespeare mentioned “more things in heaven and earth,” could he have whimsically meant UFOs?

Why not? Because there are so many amazing things beyond us as our science and technology on Earth proves daily. And, also as the Hubble telescope demonstrates as it continually allows astronomers to study the heavens and their awesome celestial events.

But when it comes to strange flying objects right here in our own skies, filmmaker Stephen Zoller suggests that the truth about UFOs could well be hiding in plain sight.

First, let’s backtrack. Early in 2017, on CBS’s “60 Minutes,” billionaire entrepreneur Robert Bigelow, who’s been working with NASA to produce craft for humans to use in space, asserted that he was “absolutely convinced” that aliens exist and that UFOs have visited Earth.

In December 2017, the New York Times ran eye-opening, back-to-back stories, including: one a front-page expose on a Defense Department program (AATIP) that investigated reports of unidentified flying objects; and, another about two Navy airmen (including Cmdr. David Fravor) in their F/A-18F Super Hornets off the California coast who actually saw an object that “accelerated like nothing” that Fravor had ever seen.

Inside America’s UFO Investigation

Remember the multi-million-selling punk-pop band, Blink 182, well its founder Tom DeLonge last concert was in front of 100,000 fans. Now, he’s been putting his money where his mouth is as executive producer of a new limited series called “Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation” on the HISTORY channel.

Previously run by Luis Elizondo, AATIP was created to investigate Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) including numerous videos of reported encounters. The TV series “Unidentified” features DeLonge, Elizondo and several other investigative team members including Chris Mellon, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense and Intelligence. Early in the series, Mellon offers: “My hope is make a serious effort to acquire and analyze data which could tell us whether this UFO issue does involves some other civilization or reveals a breakthrough of adversaries or even allies…Evidence suggests these are not U.S. vehicles…(and) it’s inexcusable we don’t make the effort to answer such a profound question.”

Then, earlier this year, ace podcaster Joe Rogan interviewed Bob Lazar, the self-proclaimed former member of America’s ultra-secret alien technology’s reverse-engineering program. Lazar called the AAVs he observed as “borderline magic” describing nine vehicles with the potential of power levels that were “astronomical.” He saw the AAVs fly and also quipped about getting caught filming a craft doing “radical maneuvers” and suggesting that Navy pilot Cmdr. David Fravor “described exactly what we saw.”

The Day the Earth Stood Still

That’s where I return to Stephen Zoller, an accomplished filmmaker but a humble man who doesn’t have any abduction stories. But he has a lifelong fascination with UFOs that was inspired in a theater near Dublin in 1960 where as an eight year old he sat wide-eyed, watching the seminal sci-fi movie, The Day the Earth Stood Still.

image from “The Day the Earth Stood Still”

Next, after immigrating to North America and on a family car trip through Indiana in 1965, he saw a saucer shaped object whiz by with blinding speed. Known for having a vivid imagination, young Zoller’s “sighting” only provoked laughter. However, ten years later, while attending the University of Toronto, he found an old magazine with a photo of a UFO dated 1965 in Indiana. Maybe, he wasn’t daydreaming after all, so he devoured anything he could about UFOS, including reading about the Barney and Betty Hill incident.

Not Little Green Men

Q Mr. Zoller, after all that research, what’s your take today on UFO/AAVs?

A The prevailing sentiment with UFO watchers is that they’re of extraterrestrial origin. However, the more I’ve researched, the more I suggest they’re not little green men from a far-flung part of the galaxy. It’s just way too much of a scientific leap. Interstellar travel from Alpha Centauri, our closest neighboring star at a mere 26 trillion miles away, would fly in the face of Einstein’s theory of mass-energy equivalence.



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