The Iconic Film ‘Alien’ Came Out 40 Years Ago. A Scientist Explains Why Hollywood Depictions of Extraterrestrials Have Changed Since Then.

Listen to “E80 8-29-19 The Iconic Film ‘Alien’ Came Out 40 Years Ago. A Scientist Explains Why Hollywood Depictions of Extraterrestrials Have Changed S” on Spreaker.

Article by Aylin Woodward                  August 20, 2019                      (

• This year marks the 40th anniversary of the film “Alien” by Ridley Scott, where a creature called a ‘xenomorph’ attacks and eats the entire space crew except for Sigourney Weaver’s character. (see ‘Alien’ 1979 movie trailer below) But as movie making has developed and as modern science has changed, so has the industry’s idea of what an alien would probably look like. ‘The days of little green men and giant scaly monsters in alien movies are over.’

• Physicist and author Sidney Perkowitz says that Hollywood attempts to depict what the public is afraid of. In the old days, aliens were scary, unintelligent creatures bent on the destruction of the human race. Dr Strangelove tapped into the public’s anxiety over nuclear holocaust. But Hollywood director’s decisions to make extraterrestrials appear human-like could simply boil down to cost. “Humanoid aliens are cheap to portray,” says Perkowitz.

• Andrew Siemion, the director of the Berkeley SETI Research Center (ie: Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) thinks that the chances that alien life would look humanoid is infinitesimal. “We don’t have any reason to believe that they would look anything like us,” says Siemion. “The form of a human being is the result of several billion years of evolution.”

• Today’s scientific thinking is that extraterrestrials will likely be non-humanoid and have compassion for the human race, as depicted in the 2016 movie “Arrival” where Amy Adams’ character learns to communicate with passive, non-humanoid creatures. The destructive aliens have become a viral microbial contagion, such as in Jake Gyllenhaal’s 2017 movie “Life”. But Perkowitz doubts that even dangerous biological entities would likely exist in space. “Nothing lives for pure evil,” Perkowitz insists.

• Modern astrobiologists only expect to find errant microbes in outer space or on alien planets. Perkowitz feels that the decidedly non-human and microbial aliens that are currently in vogue in sci fi movies will help to establish more appropriate expectations for any discovery of life that NASA might make. And if they are falsely depicted as deadly microbes, says Perkowitz, it is only because “Hollywood isn’t concerned with the social responsibility of getting the science right.”

[Editor’s Note]   Hollywood isn’t concerned with the social responsibility of getting the science right? These so called “experts” – a physicist writer and of course the Deep State’s reliable mouthpiece, SETI, have some nerve.  They are carrying forward a false propaganda war that has been waged by the Deep State since the 1940’s!

First they mocked the small Grays and the pale Ebens that were covertly recovered at various UFO crash sites in the 40’s and 50’s as “little green men”, which the public adopted as too strange and silly to be believed. Then Hollywood began to depict aliens as scary humanoid creatures to make the public fear and reject any ET presence. Now, the Deep State has altered Hollywood’s game plan to completely erase the possibility that extraterrestrials could be human-like, or even humanoid. At the moment, they want us to believe that there’s nothing out there, and certainly nothing out there to fear.

Well we know that there is good and evil out there, and the evil has had its way with this planet for millennia. And we know that the galaxy and universe is absolutely teeming with intelligent star civilizations of countless varieties of species. In our particular star cluster, the vast majority of these species are, in fact, human-like. The Deep State either intends to stage a false flag invasion by malevolent humanoids, or wants the public to reject and fear any benevolent human-like beings who might come to assist us in our planet’s imminent spiritual transition.

This Deep State can always rely on highly compromised academic and scientific institutions, such as SETI, and its Hollywood propaganda machine to manipulate the public’s conceptions toward its own agenda of casting the extraterrestrials as the scary bad guys and the Deep State as the good guys, so that when spiritual transition begins the people will look to the Deep State Illuminati cabal – the folks who got us into this mess – to save us.


The 1979 blockbuster “Alien” opens with a tension-filled scene: A spider-like creature attacks an astronaut named Thomas Kane on an unknown planet.

The crew of Kane’s ship brings him back on board with the mysterious critter still attached to his spacesuit. Under the fluorescent lights, the creature seems to die, detaching from Kane’s face. When the astronaut eventually wakes up, he seems unharmed by the encounter.

But a miniature alien later bursts out of his chest in a shower of blood as his shocked crewmates scream.

The xenomorph, as it’s called, grows to be larger than any human, with glossy black skin, razor-sharp teeth, claws, and a tail.

In the four decades since “Alien” came out – the film’s 40th anniversary was in May – that creature’s image has influenced moviegoers’ mental pictures of alien life.

But as NASA has embraced the objective of searching for extraterrestrial life in our galaxy, the scientific understanding of what extraterrestrials might look like has converged around a type of lifeform far different from the director Ridley Scott’s brainchild.

Today, astrobiologists suspect that extraterrestrial lifeforms are likely to be microscopic in nature, akin to the bacteria scientists find in extreme environments on Earth.
Hollywood filmmakers have started to embrace this idea and depict aliens as less humanoid, according to the physicist and author Sidney Perkowitz. In other words, the days of little green men and giant scaly monsters in alien movies are over.

Sidney Perkowitz

“In the old science-fiction flicks of the 1950s and ’60s, if you did an alien, monster, or robot, it was a guy dressed up and stomping around a sound stage,” Perkowitz, who cofounded the National Academy of Sciences’ Science and Entertainment Exchange group, which connects directors with science advisers, told Business Insider. “In the last few decades, CGI has changed that, allowing for the potential of really life-like, imaginative creatures.”

No more little green men

The chance that alien life looks humanoid is infinitesimal.

“We don’t have any reason to believe that they would look anything like us,” Andrew Siemion, the director of the Berkeley SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Research Center, told Vox. “The form of a human being is the result of several billion years of evolution.”

Perkowitz said that Scott and other directors’ decisions to make extraterrestrials appear human-like could simply boil down to cost.

“Humanoid aliens are cheap to portray,” he said.

He added that the problem with “Alien” wasn’t just that the movie portrayed the alien as humanoid – it was that the extraterrestrial was depicted as unintelligent and beast-like. The xenomorph doesn’t try to communicate with the astronaut crew; instead, it eats the crew members one by one until Sigourney Weaver’s character blasts it into space.

“It’s hard to imagine a different lifeform would have such a negative reaction to another lifeform – nothing lives for pure evil,” Perkowitz said, adding: “If we always decide that ‘the other’ is hostile or contemptible, how does that encourage our efforts to relate to them?”

But the examples of nonhostile aliens in Hollywood are few and far between (Steven Spielberg’s E.T. notwithstanding). That’s because, according to Perkowitz, society uses film to explore what it’s afraid of.

2:10 minute trailer for the 1979 movie “Alien” (20th Century Fox)



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UFOs in Santa Barbara ― Are We Part of the Military’s ‘Soft Disclosure’ Strategy?

Listen to “E79 8-28-19-UFOs in Santa Barbara ― Are We Part of the Military’s ‘Soft Disclosure’ Strategy?
” on Spreaker.
Article by Gwen Rigby                   August 20, 2019                    (

• This writer, Gwen Rigby, began to research the UFO phenomenon after she visited Roswell, New Mexico and attended a UFO Congress in Phoenix where she found “normal people who had extraordinary things happen to them”. She became convinced that there was truth out there, and she became less of a skeptic and more of a believer.

• Rigby has noticed that UFOs have been in the news a lot lately. But she suspects that this is due to a “soft disclosure” narrative that the military is pursuing, to reveal the extraterrestrial presence in drips and not a flood of information that might cause a panic. The Navy has released video of a “Tic Tac” UFO seen by Navy pilots, and eased its guidelines for Navy personnel to report UFOs. Still, in response to this measured disclosure, two million people signed up to Storm Area 51 on September 20th.

• Santa Barbara County, just north of Los Angeles, California, is no stranger to UFO or USO sightings. In February 1942, it witnessed “the Battle of LA” when military artillery shot 1,440 rounds of anti-aircraft shells at an anomalous UFO craft in the sky.

• While multiple UFO sightings have been reported since the atomic bomb was developed in the 1940’s, there have been no reports of actual attacks or threats to humanity. In fact, it appears that extraterrestrials have worked to stop us from nuclear self-annihilation. In 1967, Lieutenant Robert Salas reported that a hovering UFO disabled 10 missile silos under Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana. In 1964, a test missile was destroyed shortly after launch at Vandenberg Air Force Base. And in 1982, Lieutenant Robert Jacobs revealed a film clip he took of a UFO shooting beams at a dummy missile. (see 18 second video below) Jacobs later stated that “they” were telling us “to stop messing with nuclear weapons.”

• Santa Barbara has seen hundreds of “USOs”, or “unidentified submersible objects” off of the Pacific coast. It is alleged that an undersea alien base has existed there for decades. Preston Dennett, author of the books UFOs Over California and Undersea UFO Base, claims that in the 1970’s families would head to the Point Dume beach at night to watch the multicolored show for entertainment.

• MUFON investigator, Richard Browman, tells the story of a man in Point Mugu, near Los Angeles, receiving a telepathic message to “go outside and look.” When he did, he and his family reportedly saw five or six red orbs come down the coast and hover over the naval base. The orbs danced around and then sped off. The fellow later learned that the base had gone on alert and scrambled its jets.

• Investigations have shifted from focusing on the nuts and bolts of spaceships to studying what they are and why they arrived. More contactees are speaking out. Former soldiers have come forward with fantastic stories of secret space programs and direct contact with aliens. Rumors of pyramids, ancient civilizations, and even giant motherships under two miles of ice may soon be verified as the Antarctic ice continues to melt, according to Dr. Michael Salla in his book Antarctica’s Hidden History.

• People can learn of all the UFO activity on our planet by going to UFO conferences or reading some of the many books on the subject. California conferences include ‘Dimensions of Disclosure’ organized by Corey Goode in Ventura, California in August 2019; ‘Portal to Ascension’ in Irvine in October; ‘Conscious Life Expo’ in Los Angeles in February 2020; ‘Contact in the Desert’ in Palm Springs in early June 2020; and ‘UFO Con’ in Los Angeles in mid-June.


UFOs have been in the news a lot lately, and not because of what is happening in the sky, but because of what is happening on Earth. It has been called a “soft disclosure,” meaning the military is leaking bits of information on UFOs to the public rather than making a major announcement and causing a panic.

This April, the U.S. Navy acknowledged guidelines for how their pilots can report encounters with anomalous ships without fear of reprisal. This comes after a New York Times article about numerous sightings of Tic Tac–shaped UFOs around the USS Nimitz south of San Diego. According to a spokesman for naval operations, there has been an overall “uptick of interaction with aerial phenomenon” since 2014. There have been less controlled responses, too. Over two million people have signed up on Facebook to storm Area 51 on September 20 to “see them aliens.”

Santa Barbara County is no stranger to sightings and played a part in the famous Battle of Los Angeles. Two days after the Japanese shelled the Ellwood Pier near Goleta in 1942, and just a few months after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, a giant ship appeared over Los Angeles. According to UFO researcher David Marler in his book Triangular Ships, it was first spotted over Santa Maria before heading south on an inland path. Already jittery, and thinking it was the Japanese, the U.S. military fired 1,440 anti-aircraft shells on the mysterious ship. The Japanese denied having any planes over the U.S. The event has never been fully explained, though a referral to weather balloons was made.

Multiple UFOs sightings have been reported since the atomic bomb was developed in the 1940s. Yet there have been no reports of actual attacks or threats to wipe out our civilization. In fact, according to many who have studied UFOs, extraterrestrials have worked to stop us from self-annihilation. They point to three alleged incidents of UFOs shutting down our nuclear missile bases. In 1967, Lieutenant Robert Salas, a commanding officer at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana, reported that a hovering UFO disabled 10 missile silos on his watch. He said he saw it as an anti-nuclear war message.

A similar incident occurred at Vandenberg Air Force Base in 1964, when a test missile was destroyed shortly after launch. Lieutenant Robert Jacobs came forward in 1982 to describe a film he took of a space object approach the missile and shoot a plasma-type beam at the dummy warhead from four different angles. The warhead then fell off into the ocean. After he submitted the film to his superior officers, one called him in and asked if he and his “boys were screwing around up there.” The officer ordered Jacobs to say nothing of the film or the incident. Jacobs later spoke out because he felt unjustly treated and that “they” were telling us “to stop messing with nuclear weapons.”

Hundreds of unidentified submersible objects (USOs) have reportedly emerged from the waters between Santa Barbara and Santa Monica, and it is alleged that an undersea alien base has existed there for decades. Preston Dennett, author of the books UFOs Over California and Undersea UFO Base, has documented more than 50 water sightings, claiming that in the 1970s families would head to the Point Dume beach at night to watch the multicolored show for entertainment.

18 second video of a UFO shooting beams at missile (A N K H YouTube)



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Alien-Hunting Camera Headed to Mars in Hopes of Finding Life

Article by Tamar Lapin                    August 19, 2019                       (

• The European Space Agency’s ‘ExoMars’ vehicle is set to land on March 19, 2021, and will begin scouring the Martian surface for signs of extraterrestrials with a “Pan-Cam” designed by researchers at University College London. The Pan-Cam is being installed on the rover by Airbus in Hertfordshire, England, and will be tested in Toulouse, France.

• Strapped to the top of the British-built rover, the “Pan-Cam” system will use special filters to scan the planet’s surface for minerals that would prove there was once liquid capable of sustaining Martian organisms. If a watery location is discovered, the machine will travel to the spot and drill six-and-a-half feet down to take samples. Bits of the Martian rocks will then be fed through a gap in the rover to a mobile lab, where they’ll be crushed up and tested for organic matter.

• Pan-Cam project manager Mary Carter says, “Mars was once covered in water just like the Earth… at the same time life was developing on Earth. Potentially, life could have been developing on Mars.”


Is there life on Mars, and will it like being photographed?

A British-built rover is set to look for signs of life on the Red Planet, with the help of an alien-hunting camera, the UK Telegraph reported Monday.

The European Space Agency’s ExoMars vehicle is set to land on March 19, 2021, and will begin scouring the Martian surface for signs of extraterrestrials about 10 days later — with a “Pan-Cam,” designed by researchers at University College London.

Strapped to the top of the rover, the “Pan-Cam” system will use special filters to scan the planet’s surface for minerals that would prove there was once liquid capable of sustaining organisms on Mars.



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‘Storm Area 51’ Event Pushes Rural Nevada County to Declare Emergency

Article by Ed Komenda                    August 19, 2019                     (

• In June, California resident Matty Roberts created the Facebook event called “Storm Area 51, They Can’t Stop All of Us”. Area 51 is a classified military facility set inside a test and training range roughly the size of Connecticut. Intrigue surrounding the base has fueled conspiracy theories and local lore about what exactly goes on there. The tongue-in-cheek event scheduled for September 20th has generated over two million accepted invitations.

• The gathering is set to take place in the town of Rachel, the self-proclaimed “UFO Capital of the World”, in Lincoln County. But Lincoln County leaders are apprehensive about an unknown number of people coming from unknown corners of the country to the small rural Nevada town. There’s a chance more people will show up than local authorities can handle.

• On August 19th, Lincoln County Commissioners voted unanimously for an emergency declaration ahead of the “Storm Area 51” invasion. Commissioner Kevin Phillips said, “We’re just trying to do the best we can to prepare for something we know not of. We have no pickin’ idea what we’re going to face – if anything.” The emergency declaration will allow the state of Nevada to supply resources if the town is overwhelmed.

• Air Force spokeswoman Laura McAndrews said in a statement to USA TODAY that military officials were aware of the event that aims to uncover conspiratorial secrets of the military installation. McAndrews warns that, “Any attempt to illegally access military installations or military training areas is dangerous.”


LAS VEGAS – Commissioners in Nevada’s rural Lincoln County have voted to pre-sign an emergency declaration ahead of the “Storm Area 51” raid event that’s so far drawn more than 2 million RSVPs on Facebook.

On Monday, the county board unanimously voted, 4-0, to approve the declaration in preparation for a mysterious affair that could draw thousands of curious visitors to the desert.

“We passed this with the caveat that this may or may not happen,” said District D Commissioner Kevin Phillips. “We’re just trying to do the best we can to prepare for something we know not of. We have no pickin’ idea what we’re going to face – if anything.”

California resident Matty Roberts created the event – called “Storm Area 51, They Can’t Stop All of Us” – in June after listening to an episode of the Joe Rogan Experience podcast. The tongue-in-cheek event scheduled for Sept. 20 quickly generated millions of accepted invitations.

Lincoln County is home to the town of Rachel, the self-proclaimed “UFO Capital of the World,” located on State Route 375 – dubbed in 1996 the “Extraterrestrial Highway.”

The actual Area 51 site is a classified military facility set inside a test and training range roughly the size of Connecticut.Intrigue surrounding the impenetrable desert compound for decades has fueled conspiracy theories and local lore about what exactly goes on there.



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E76 8-24-19 Admiral: UFO Encounters Occurred During ‘Finite Period’

On July 19th, Politico’s defense editor, Bryan Bender, moderated a panel at the Aspen Institute’s annual Aspen Security Forum, in Aspen Colorado. Bender has been following the recent UFO developments at the nation’s capital, and he broke the story regarding the US Navy developing new guidelines for reporting UFOs.

Admiral: UFO Encounters Occurred During ‘Finite Period’

Listen to “E78 8-25-19 Admiral: UFO Encounters Occurred During ‘Finite Period’” on Spreaker.

Article by Alejandro Rojas                     August 16, 2019                   (

• On July 19th, Politico’s defense editor, Bryan Bender, moderated a panel at the Aspen Institute’s annual Aspen Security Forum, in Aspen Colorado. Bender has been following the recent UFO developments at the nation’s capital, and he broke the story regarding the US Navy developing new guidelines for reporting UFOs.

• Four-Star Admiral Philip Davison (pictured above at the forum), the commander of the US Indio-Pacific Command, was also on the Aspen Security Forum panel. When an audience member asked Admiral Davidson about the recent UFO reports, Davidson replied that the UFO events occurred during “a finite period,” according to a tweet from Bryan Bender. This indicates that the Admiral is aware of issues surrounding the UFO activity beyond what has been reported in the news. What does he mean when he says that the encounters were during “a finite period?”

• Navy pilots have briefed lawmakers and military leadership on two separate encounters with UFOs: one that occurred over several days in November of 2004 off of the coast of San Diego when, after seeing odd objects on radar, the USS Nimitz carrier strike group scrambled its jets to engaged an object described as looking like a 40-foot long white ‘Tac Tac’. The second encounter was off of the East Coast during 2014 and 2015, when radar from the USS Roosevelt carrier strike group picked up odd readings, and Navy pilots described a ‘clear ball with a cube in it’ passing in-between two fighter jets. Navy radar also picked up similar readings over the Middle East.

• Is this span from 2004 to 2015 the finite period Admiral Davidson was talking about? Could there be even more Navy UFO cases that the public is not aware of? Bender thinks Davidson might have suggested that Navy pilots only spot UFOs occasionally, and it isn’t something that happens a lot. Tyler Rogoway of The Drive’s War Zone said that Davidson’s comment that UFO activity ceased after 2015 seemed accurate, noting that Navy pilot Ryan Graves never specifically says they encountered UFOs in the Middle East, only radar signatures.

• Rogoway also notes that in both of these instances, cutting edge radar sensor technologies were deployed, which “may point to the possibility that these events were tests of highly exotic and secret technology belonging to the US military or even deployed by its adversaries.” “[If Navy] aircraft… were testing new sensor technologies, the possibility would exist that someone else was testing how these sensors would react to their next-generation propulsion technology,” suggesting that the technology allowing craft to perform “flying maneuvers that shatter our perceptions of propulsion, flight controls, material science, and even physics” was developed right here on Earth.

• Last May at the McMenamins UFO-fest in McMinnville Oregon, the Navy pilot who encountered the “Tic Tac” UFO off of San Diego in 2004, David Fravor, told his audience that he thought he might have encountered secret advanced military technology. However, as the years went by and this technology never came to light, Fravor began to doubt that idea. He felt that he would have heard something about this new development if it indeed existed.

• When the subject of UFOs of extraterrestrial origin was broached at the Aspen conference, the defense reporters and industry insiders who made up the majority of the audience just laughed. It is obvious that the military community is not ready to take the topic of extraterrestrial UFOs seriously. Rogoway called this reaction from his colleagues “disgusting.” However, the conspiracy-minded could very well say that both Admiral Davidson and Tyler Rogoway are seeding doubt as part of the Navy’s UFO investigation strategy to steer the press and the public away from aliens as a genuine explanation for these UFO sightings.


During a panel at last month’s Aspen Institute’s Aspen Security Forum, an audience member asked Admiral Philip Davidson about reports of UFOs. Davidson replied that the Navy has new UFO reporting guidelines and that the UFO events occurred during “a finite period.”

This information comes via a tweet from Politico’s defense editor, Bryan Bender. Bender has been following recent UFO developments at the nation’s capital. He broke the story regarding the U.S. Navy developing new guidelines for reporting UFOs, and appeared on the History Channel’s Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation.

Bender moderated a panel at the forum on Friday, July 19. However, on Thursday, he tweeted: @AspenSecurity asks @INDOPACOM commander about Navy reports of UFOs. Chuckles all around but Adm. Phil Davidson responds that there is now a reporting process for these unexplained sightings and says the encounters were during ‘a finite period.’”

Four-Star Admiral Philip Davison is the commander of the U.S. Indio-Pacific Command. What I find interesting is that he was aware of the UFO issue, and apparently more than just the recent news about new reporting guidelines. But, what did he mean when he said the encounters were during “a finite period?”

History’s Unidentified revealed that Navy pilots involved with two separate incidents briefed lawmakers and military leadership. The first encounters occurred over several days in November of 2004. The Nimitz carrier strike group caught odd objects on radar. The Nimitz scrambled jets and Wing Commander David Fravor engaged an object he described as looking like a 40-foot long white Tac Tac. After a short time, the object darted off at an incredible speed.

  Tyler Rogoway of “The Drive”

The second set of encounters covered on Unidentified were similar. In this case, it was the USS Roosevelt carrier strike group that encountered odd radar readings off the coast of Florida in 2014 and 2015. At one point, a UFO described as a clear ball with a cube in it passed in-between two jets. According to the show, the objects followed the USS Roosevelt to the middle east.

These encounters span from 2004 to 2015. Is that the finite period Davidson was talking about? Could there be even more Navy UFO cases that the public is not aware of?



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Strange Cigar-Shaped Object Seen During Meteor Shower Over Wyoming Stuns Experts

Article by Simon Green                 August 16, 2019                    (

• In the early hours of Monday morning, August 12th, a glowing oval-shaped object was seen slowly traversing across the sky over Jackson Hole, Wyoming during the Perseid meteor shower, leaving experts baffled as to what it was.

• Video footage of the UFO was sent to local news site Buckrail News where the object can be seen slowly moving over the town. As it gets closer to the edge of the screen, its true oval shape becomes clear. The object even appears to flash seconds before it disappears. (see 6:20 minute video below)

• The woman who video recorded the incident told Buckrail that she couldn’t find any records of airplane flights in the area at that time. “It would totally be a plane in my mind if there weren’t a weird, bright flash in the end,” she said. Former Executive Director of Wyoming Stargazing, Samuel Singer, and local photographer Sam Cook said it was a drone. But it doesn’t look like any drone we’ve ever seen.


A bizarre object that was seen over Wyoming during a meteor shower has left experts baffled, with no one able to conclusively say what it is.

The Perseid meteor shower was seen across the globe on August 12 and 13, with sky enthusiasts able to see up to 80 shooting stars every hour.

But it was another mysterious sight in the sky that grabbed the attention of residents of Jackson Hole, in the US state.

In footage sent to local news site Buckrail News , the object can be seen slowly moving over the city in the early hours of Monday morning.

As it gets closer to the edge of the screen, its true oval shape becomes clear.

The object even appears to flash seconds before it disappears.

The woman who caught the sighting told Buckrail that she couldn’t find any records of flights in the area at that time.
And the flash at the end added further mystery to the object.

6:20 minute video of cigar shaped UFO over Jackson Hole WY (Only Real UFOs YouTube)



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Man Claims He Strangled Female ‘Alien’ Who Poked Her Finger Up His Nose During Infamous UFO Encounter in Unearthed Hypnosis Tape

Listen to “E77 8-24-19 Man Claims He Strangled Female ‘Alien’ Who Poked Her Finger Up His Nose” on Spreaker.

Article by Emma Parry                     August 20, 2019                  (

• In October 1973, Charlie Hickson and his young friend, Calvin Parker, were fishing on the banks of the Pascagoula River in Pascagoula, Mississippi. Suddenly a UFO landed nearby.  Strange humanoid alien creatures came out and took the men into their spacecraft. (See previous ExoArticles on the ‘Pascagoula incident’ here and here.)

• Parker, then 19 years old, underwent regressive hypnosis with the world’s top alien abduction researcher, the late Budd Hopkins, to recall the incident. These newly discovered session tapes were obtained by the Sun Online newspaper. (Listen to the actual recordings below.) Here are some excerpts from the hypnosis session while Parker was in a trance:

• Parker recalls seeing orange and blue lights coming towards him before a strange craft landed next to his car parked near the pier. Four creatures “built like football players” emerged. They had long arms and broad shoulders, but no face. As Parker’s eyes got blurry, one of the creatures grabbed him by the arm. “I felt a burning,” said Parker, “the second he touched me there was burning all the way through me. And it felt, it felt like hot coals.” Parker felt a “floating” sensation as the alien carried him onto the craft.

• Once inside the craft, Parker pleads, “Dear Lord, please take me. Please let me die… anything has to be better than this. What am I getting into?” Hopkins asks him what he would say to these creatures. Parker replied, “Leave me the fuck alone.”

• Parker feels himself being pulled into a room and strapped down on a table. “I’m strapped to this table, big black straps, there’s one around my legs, there’s one around my arms, there’s one on my stomach and then I’m left alone. … I’m pulling on them, but I can’t break them.” “Now I’m afraid.”

• Parker says that a door opens and a female alien wearing a mask enters the room. “[B]oy this bitch is ugly,” says Parker.  He asks, “Who are you?” “She stuck her finger in my nose and she’s got… a bad attitude. Just as soon as I get loose I’m fixing to twist her head off.” Then Parker adds, “I’ve seen her before, I really hate her.” “She has something in her hand, she’s takes the thing down my nose, around my nose and she’s reaching for my lip.” “[S]he pulls my lip up and I feel a stinging… I can’t catch my breath and… my lip is bleeding. She grabs me by the side of the face.”

• Parker continues, “[A]ll I could think of was killing her, but I knew that I was gonna die in there. Then everything just settles down, so I just kinda lowered back down.” “That bitch just cut my right hand now, I’m bleeding, just a steady drip of blood onto the floor.”

• Parker says the female alien unties his straps and starts undressing him before injected him with something, adding, “I feel like she changed all my blood out of my veins. I’ve never felt anything that hot in all my life.” The alien leaves and returns to the room. Parker says, “She walked in and I grabbed her. “I got her round her skinny-ass little neck and I’m choking her right now… I’m beating her head against this mirror and there’s some kind of black stuff coming out.” A male alien comes in and stops Parker’s attack. “I felt a stinging again,” says Parker.

• Parker then says that he is taken back to the bank of the river, where his friend Charlie Hickson has also been returned. Hickson also publicly claimed to have been abducted. He died in 2011 at age 80, and never backed away from his alien abduction story despite ridicule.

• British UFO investigator Philip Mantle published Calvin Parker’s book, Pascagoula – The Closest Encounter. Mantle says, “To my surprise the hypnosis session produced quite a lot of information that had not previously been available.” Parker, now 64, made his UK debut at the Outer Limits magazine conference in Pontefract, West Yorkshire, on Saturday August 17th.


Calvin Parker underwent regressive hypnosis with the world’s top alien abduction researcher, the late Budd Hopkins, to unlock memories buried in his deep subconscious of his alleged close encounter.

Now newly discovered tapes of the session, obtained by Sun Online, reveal how Calvin claimed he grabbed one of his captors and banged her head against a mirror after she examined him on a table.

         Calvin Parker in 1973

Calvin, then aged 19, was fishing on the banks of the Pascagoula River, in Mississippi, with his pal Charlie Hickson when they claim a UFO landed nearby and they were grabbed by strange creatures with lobster-like claws.

Calvin was put under a trance by Budd who asks him a series of questions about the Pascagoula incident in October 1973.

He remembers seeing strange orange and blue lights coming towards him before a strange craft lands next to his car parked near the pier.

Suddenly four strange creatures “built like football players” emerge.

Calvin recalls: “They came closer and closer and I realise what a serious situation we were in. There’s something I’ve never seen before in my life, they’re coming forward.”

Asked to describe the creatures, Calvin says: “Like a football player. Very broad shoulders, long, long arms, like they don’t have a face, there’s still no face.

The Alien Creatures

“The second one has something else, my eyes were really blurry. I noticed some like dots in front of my eyes. This first one had hold of my arm and there’s a feeling. I almost get sick to my stomach, like I’ll throw up, but I couldn’t throw up.

“Please let me die”

“I felt a burning, the second he touched me there was burning all they way through me. And it felt, it felt like hot coals.”
Calvin said he felt a “floating” sensation as one of the aliens carried him onto the craft.

Once inside the craft Charlie pleads with God to let him die. He said: “Dear Lord, please take me. Please let me die, I don’t know whether this is the way things are supposed to be but please just let me die. Please take me because anything has to be better than this. What am I getting into?”

           Budd Hopkins

Budd asks Calvin: “Let’s just say right now that you could say something to them, right now, a chance to say something to them, what would you say to them?” to which Calvin replies: “Leave me the f**k alone.”

“I’m being strapped down”

Things start to turn sinister as Calvin feels he is being pulled into a room and strapped down on a table.

He said: “I’m scared. I’m wondering where I am, but I’m being pulled by something but don’t know what’s pulling me and then I’m being strapped down. I’m strapped to this table, big black straps, there’s one around my legs, there’s one around my arms, there’s one on my stomach and then I’m left alone.

“Then I feel the adrenaline running through my body. I don’t know if I can break these straps if it’s the last thing I do.

“And I’m able to tug on them and I’m breaking them and I’m pulling on them, but I can’t break them.

11:20 minute audio of Parker’s hypnosis session with Budd Hopkins in 1974 (UFO History YouTube)



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Does E.T. Exist? Possibly. A UVA Astronomer Weighs In.

Listen to “E75 8-23-19 Does E.T. Exist? Possibly. A UVA Astronomer Weighs In.” on Spreaker.
Article by Fariss Samarrai                      August 14, 2019                        (

Scientific American interviewed University of Virginia astronomer Professor Kelsey Johnson (pictured above) on her personal opinions of the existence of extraterrestrial life, which was published in UVA Today. Here are some paraphrased excerpts from this interview:

• As a scientist, I have to acknowledge that ET life could have visited Earth. Some of the unresolved cases could be genuine, such as the “Lakenheath-Bentwaters Incident” in 1956 where radar tracked, and military aircraft chased, bright glowing objects over southeastern England. It was witnessed by both the US Air Force and Royal Air Force, so it cannot be summarily dismissed. But “just because we don’t know what it was, doesn’t mean that it was ET life.”

• Galactic travel distance and modern speed restrictions shouldn’t prevent us from assuming that technology could develop to allow humans to travel to distant star systems. We went from the first airplane to space travel in only fifty years. But if we developed a way to travel at 1/100th the speed of light, which is 500 times faster than anything we currently have, it would still take over 400 years to reach Proxima Centauri, which is the nearest star. But a 400 year span of time might not be as daunting to ET lifeforms that could live far longer lifespans than humans.

• Any ET life that could visit us is likely to be millions of years more advanced than we are. Why would they visit us? Perhaps they are benevolent and checking in to see how we’re doing. Or maybe we are a science experiment they are checking up on. I doubt their intentions are hostile, or we would already be obliterated.

• The human need to colonize beyond Earth seems to be hardwired into our collective behavior. If we survive as a species long enough to become technologically advanced, I would be shocked if we don’t eventually visit other planets. This brings us to the core of Fermi’s Paradox. If humans would naturally spread out into colonizing the galaxy, why don’t we see other advanced civilizations doing so? The depressing answer is that any civilization that becomes sufficiently technologically advanced is doomed to destroy itself. But if we can survive our technological adolescence, I think that human creativity, bravery, and perseverance will compel us to journey to far-flung places in the galaxy.

• As far as we know now, we are the only species in the universe capable of trying to understand this grand cosmos. This gives us a set of ethical responsibilities – to not only survive, but to take care of our planet, and each other, ourselves, and the universe.

[Editor’s Note]   Most of the time, we hear from scientists who insist that physics will never allow travel beyond the speed of light; or that there is a perfectly logical scientific explanation for the UFO phenomenon besides visiting extraterrestrials; or that, since humans could not survive intergalactic travel, then an alien civilization would be equally prohibited; or that if extraterrestrials did come to the Earth, they would exterminate us.

It is refreshing to hear from a mainstream scientist who allows for the possibility of the eventual development of advanced technologies that defy our known physics, or that an alien species’ physiology might be dramatically different than our own. Professor Johnson concedes the possibility that advanced ET civilizations could be capable of intergalactic travel and visit the Earth, even though her scientific credentials will not allow her to admit that this is indeed occurring. She even allows for the possibility that humanity itself could be a scientific experiment conducted by advanced extraterrestrial beings.

This is the fine line that today’s academics and scientists must walk: to think beyond the restrictive mainstream mindset while at the same time avoid being mocked and disparaged by their peers who pander to a Deep State that economically controls them and these academic and scientific institutions.


Many people have a knee-jerk reaction when it comes to extraterrestrial life. Claims of sightings often are immediately dismissed or ridiculed as being crazy. Alternately, some people assume that scientists or the government are hiding something. Thanks to Hollywood, and sometimes-irresponsible “documentaries,” many misconceptions exist regarding E.T. life – whether or not E.T. life actually exists.

University of Virginia astronomer Kelsey Johnson recently weighed in with a commentary for Scientific American. Here’s what she has to say for readers of UVA Today.

Q. There is a lengthy history of claimed sightings of UFOs and abductions of humans by aliens. Some ancient cave paintings seem to depict UFOs and aliens. Do you think it’s possible that we have been visited by aliens?

A. “Possible” is a loaded word from a scientific perspective. We don’t have any scientific evidence that E.T. life has not visited Earth, so sure, it is possible. But there are only a handful of investigated cases that don’t have other possible, and more plausible, explanations.

But those handful are highly intriguing. One particular open case that has caught people’s attention is a famous unresolved case from England in 1956 known as the “Lakenheath-Bentwaters Incident.” One of the reasons this incident garnered attention is that it was witnessed by both the U.S. Air Force and Royal Air Force. The official record includes both visual sightings of aerial phenomena and radar contact. Although it is tempting to jump to conclusions, just because we don’t know what it was, doesn’t mean that it was E.T. life.

Keeping an open mind is essential for scientific progress, but this progress also requires that claims can be either falsified or verified. Unfortunately, virtually none of E.T. life sightings come with a preponderance of testable evidence.
But as a scientist, I have to acknowledge that E.T. life could have visited Earth; some of the unresolved cases could be genuine, and we can’t rule that out.



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E74 8-22-19 Now We’re Using AI to Interpret “Mysterious Space Signals”

Fast Radio Bursts (FRB’s) are very brief and “mysterious space signals” that originate from galaxies throughout our universe, though not from our own Milky Way galaxy. FRBs are composed of compact, complex radio waves, and are difficult to track and pin down. Many of the intense flashes have traveled billions of light-years across space.

E72 8-20-19 Tom DeLonge’s UFO Research Center is Making Politicians Demand Answers

US Representative Mark Walker wrote a letter to the Secretary of the Navy expressing concern over the recent surge in UFO-related events affecting American military forces. Walker noted a December 2017 article in the New York Times about the secret Pentagon UFO program called AATIP and revelations that Navy pilots encountered anomalous aerial objects off of the coast of California in 2004 and off of the East Coast in 2015, …

Now We’re Using AI to Interpret “Mysterious Space Signals”

Listen to “E74 8-22-19 Now We’re Using AI to Interpret “Mysterious Space Signals”” on Spreaker.
Article by Jazz Shaw                        August 13, 2019                        (

• Fast Radio Bursts (FRB’s) are very brief and “mysterious space signals” that originate from galaxies throughout our universe, though not from our own Milky Way galaxy. FRBs are composed of compact, complex radio waves, and are difficult to track and pin down. Many of the intense flashes have traveled billions of light-years across space.

• Now, according to the New York Post, a doctoral student at Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, Australia named Wael Farah has matched the Molonglo telescope in Canberra with an artificially intelligent machine-learning system that recognizes FRB signatures as they arrive to produce the finest records of FRBs yet. Farah’s research was recently published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

• FRBs have “mysterious structures, patterns of peaks and valleys in radio waves that play out in just milliseconds”, quite unlike what you’d expect to see from a massive collision or explosion that randomly happen throughout the universe. So what are they? Are they signs of intelligent alien civilizations? If so, they must be up to something pretty spectacular to produce enough energy to reach us with that much power from far off galaxies.

• Then the question is, is detecting aliens a good enough excuse to unleash even more Artificial Intelligence into the global web? Carl Sagan warned us long ago that alerting advanced extraterrestrial civilizations to our presence was probably a bad idea. Steven Hawking once warned that while AI doesn’t hold actual malice against humans, if the AI’s goals aren’t aligned with our own, we’re in trouble.

• So now we’re mixing the search for possible extraterrestrials with Artificial Intelligence. What could possibly go wrong?


While still being a bit on the frightening side, the science behind this story is still kind of cool and worth a look. The “mysterious space signals” referenced in the title are probably more familiar to those of you who follow such topics as Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs). They originate all over the universe, though not from our own Milky Way Galaxy (yet, thankfully), and are composed of compact, complex radio waves that don’t seem like the sort of thing you’d get from a normal spacial event like a supernova or the creation of a black hole.

      Wael Farah

The problem is, they are rare and very brief, so we’ve had trouble trying to track them and pin them down. Now a laboratory in Australia has worked out a way to use Artificial Intelligence to do just that.

(NY Post quote) Wael Farah, a doctoral student at Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, Australia, developed a machine-learning system that recognized the signatures of FRBs as they arrive.

Farah’s system trained the Molonglo telescope in Canberra to spot FRBs and switch over to its most detailed recording mode, producing the finest records of FRBs yet.

“It is fascinating to discover that a signal that traveled halfway through the universe,” he said. The research was recently published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

Many of the intense flashes have traveled billions of light-years across space.



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He Got 2 Million People to Say They’d Storm Area 51. Now He’s Planning an Alien Festival.

Listen to “E73 8-21-19 He Got 2 Million People to Say They’d Storm Area 51. Now He’s Planning an Alien Festival.” on Spreaker.
Article by Hannah Knowles                  August 12, 2019                      (

• Mathew Roberts sounded a call to “Storm Area 51” in Nevada, as a joke. Then 2 million people signed on to the Facebook event, the Air Force warned people not to raid a military base, and things got out of hand. So now, he and Arkansas college student Brock Daily are turning the entire September 20th event into a three-day festival called “Alien Stock”.

• Alien Stock is expected to attract anywhere from 5,000 to 30,000 people to the small town of Rachel 65 miles east of Area 51, and a couple of hours drive north from Las Vegas on the Extraterrestrial Highway. The festival promises surprise performances, art installations and camping. It is also expected to overwhelm a tiny town already overrun by media attention.

• Connie West, co-owner of the ‘Little A’Le’Inn’ in Rachel says, “Of course it’s scary… But I’m excited… How can I not be?” Rachel has long embraced the rumors of hidden aliens and their spacecraft. An anonymous business owner in Rachel wasn’t as excited. “We live in a quiet little place because we like it quiet,” she said. A notice on the town’s website warns festival-goers: “There is no gas and no store. … We expect cell service and the Internet to be offline… Credit card [processing] will not work, so bring enough cash.”

• Daily and Roberts are working to make sure that people who show up will have access to basics such as water, bathrooms and space. Daily notes that Alien Stock is not looking to make a profit. It isn’t charging entrance fees, although attendees will have to rent a parking spot or campsite. They are taking donations however.

• Alien Stock bills itself as “a meeting place for all the believers” — or at least those intrigued by the possibility of extraterrestrial life. Most details on the entertainment have yet to be released. Roberts told a California news station that he wants the event to be “positive, enjoyable, safe and profitable for the rural area of Nevada.


The call to raid an Air Force base for aliens was a joke, drawing on decades of conspiracy theories.
Then 2 million people signed on to the Facebook event.

Authorities warned against any attempt to enter the base. And now, unless plans go awry, hordes of strangers will, indeed, gather in the Nevada desert next month near a secretive government facility called Area 51.

The man who created the Internet sensation, Storm Area 51 — They Can’t Stop All of Us, is planning a real-life festival called Alien Stock near the remote base within the Nevada Test and Training Range, a couple hours’ drive northwest of Las Vegas. The three-day festival set to start Sept. 20, a celebration of aliens that promises surprise performances, art installations and camping, is expected to pack a tiny town already overrun by media attention and a spike in extraterrestrial enthusiasm.

With just over a month left to plan and some residents reportedly less than thrilled about the attention, the organizers are focused on the logistics of bringing thousands to a town of 54 people, as counted in the last Census. They’re fending off suggestions they could be planning the next Fyre Festival, the 2017 event that fell apart spectacularly and led to fraud charges.

And the Internet frenzy over Storm Area 51 has thrust Rachel, Nev., into a new limelight and tested residents’ patience.
“Of course it’s scary,” said Connie West, whose alien-themed inn declares on its website that it is “BOOKED SOLID FOR ALIEN-STOCK.” “But I’m excited,” she told The Washington Post. “How can I not be?”



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Tom DeLonge’s UFO Research Center is Making Politicians Demand Answers

Listen to “E72 8-20-19 Tom DeLonge’s UFO Research Center is Making Politicians Demand Answers” on Spreaker.
Article by MJ Banias                         August 9, 2019                          (

• In July, Republican US Representative Mark Walker of North Carolina, wrote a letter to the Secretary of the Navy expressing concern over the recent surge in UFO-related events affecting American military forces. Walker noted a December 2017 article in the New York Times about the secret Pentagon UFO program called AATIP and revelations that Navy pilots encountered anomalous aerial objects off of the coast of California in 2004 and off of the East Coast in 2015, and whether it could pose a security risk.

• Tim McMillan, a law enforcement consultant and intelligence analyst interested in UFOs said, “It’s abundantly clear by the language of his letter, Rep. Walker is acting on information brought out by To The Stars Academy or their proxies.” TTSA is Tom DeLonge’s UFO study organization that has been promoting the government’s knowledge of the existence of UFOs. “What we see here,” says McMillan, is the “most successful component of TTSA—[as] a political lobby.”

• Walker concludes his letter to the Navy Secretary by asking: does the DoD “continue to dedicate resources to tracking and investigating these claims” of UFOs and have they found any “physical evidence or otherwise that substantiates these claims?” McMillan says, “The Navy’s response to Rep. Walker will be the most interesting aspect of all this.” “Will Representative Walker make the Navy’s response public? [W]ill Representative Walker push the issue further?”

• The study of UFOs is becoming serious political business and has convinced many within the UFO community that this is a pivotal moment in the study of the phenomenon. But Walker’s letter is just another example in a long history of politicians trying to get answers. Politicians and high-ranking officials have been questioning the UFO cover-up for decades.

• Republican Presidential candidate in 1964, Barry Goldwater was denied access to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in the late 1960’s and 70’s where he alleged that the Air Force was hiding evidence of flying saucers. In a 1994 interview, he stated, “I think the government does know [about UFOs].” Goldwater related that he called his former running mate, Air Force General Curtis LeMay, and said, “’General, I know we have a room at Wright-Patterson where you put all this secret [UFO] stuff. Could I go in there?’ … [H]e got madder than hell at me, cussed me out, and said, ‘Don’t ever ask me that question again!’”

• In 1967 in open dialogue on the floor of the Canadian House of Commons Ministers of Parliament, Ed Schreyer and Barry Mather demanded more information on UFOs from the Department of National Defence. This led to a formal motion to have all related UFO documents released. The motion was denied.

• In 1993, New Mexico Congressman Steven Schiff made several inquiries to the DoD regarding the Roswell UFO crash of 1947. This prompted a General Accounting Office investigation into the Roswell crash. In July 1995, the GAO determined that what crashed at Roswell was a Project Mogul balloon.


Last month, Republican representative Mark Walker of North Carolina wrote a letter expressing concern over the recent surge in UFO-related events affecting American military forces.

Walker’s concerns stem from the December 2017 article in the New York Times about the now defunded secret Pentagon UFO program called AATIP and the revelations that several Navy pilots in 2004 and 2015 engaged in bizarre encounters with anomalous aerial objects off the coast of California and Florida. The news that the Navy is now changing its protocols for personnel to report UFO sightings has spurred a renewed interest in the potential safety and security risks these unknown objects pose.

“The reports mention the existence of these encounters both domestically and abroad during various missions and trainings,” Walker wrote. “Based on pilot accounts, encounters with these UAPs (unidentified aerial phenomena) often involved complex flight patterns and advanced maneuvering, which demand extreme advances in quantum mechanics, nuclear science, electromagnetics, and thermodynamics.”

What’s most notable is that what Walker is asking for closely aligns with what Blink 182 singer Tom Delonge’s To the Stars Academy (TTSA) has been uncovering and publishing over the last few years. While TTSA has made some odd claims, the sheer amount of attention the media is giving the UFO topic in the last two years has undoubtedly increased.

“What we see here with Mark Walker’s letter to the Secretary of the Navy is the undiscussed, but most successful component of TTSA—a political lobby,” Tim McMillan, a law enforcement consultant and intelligence analyst interested in UFOs, said in an interview. “It’s abundantly clear by the language of his letter, Rep. Walker is acting on information brought out by TTSA or their proxies.”

“The Navy’s response to Rep. Walker will be the most interesting aspect of all this,” McMillan added. “Will Rep. Walker make the Navy’s response public? If he feels the Navy’s response is inadequate, will Rep. Walker push the issue further?”


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E70 8-19-19 What Would We Say to Extraterrestrials?

In July, London’s Royal Society and the U.K. SETI Research Network launched a survey on the subject of public attitudes toward alien contact. Martin Dominik, an astronomer at the University of St. Andrews in Fife, Scotland joined the discussion by advocating a legally binding framework in international law for responding to a signal received from an alien civilization. It would be prudent to make these policy determinations now, rather than sometime in the future in the midst of the inevitable media circus that would erupt with proof of other intelligent life in the universe.

What Would We Say to Extraterrestrials?

Listen to “E70 8-19-19 What Would We Say to Extraterrestrials?” on Spreaker.

Article by Gwynne Dyer                    August 6, 2019                     (

• In July, London’s Royal Society and the U.K. SETI Research Network launched a survey on the subject of public attitudes toward alien contact. Martin Dominik, an astronomer at the University of St. Andrews in Fife, Scotland joined the discussion by advocating a legally binding framework in international law for responding to a signal received from an alien civilization. It would be prudent to make these policy determinations now, rather than sometime in the future in the midst of the inevitable media circus that would erupt with proof of other intelligent life in the universe.

• In 2015, SETI launched its ‘Breakthrough Listen’ project, funded by Russian-Israeli tech billionaire Yuri Milner. The project buys thousands of hours of time on the world’s most powerful radio telescopes over a ten year period to search over a million stars for artificial radio or laser signals. Merely listening for alien signals is known as “passive SETI”. The debate arises when SETI officials contemplate replying to an alien signal. So far, SETI has not found any alien signals.

• So why haven’t we found any alien signals coming from extraterrestrial planets? One reason is that SETI’s eavesdropping range can only go so far into the galaxy. Another possible reason is that other civilizations are maintaining radio silence because there is something big and bad and dangerous lurking out there in the dark, and they do not want to attract its attention. This theory is known as the “Dark Forest Problem”.

• Chinese science-fiction writer Liu Cixin is the author of the popular Three-Body Problem trilogy, which traces the calamitous consequences over 400 years of an alien-contact scenario, initiated by well-meaning human beings, that goes desperately wrong. Some astronomers look to this as a cautionary tale.

• In 2015, the American Association for the Advancement of Science debated whether it was wise for SETI (the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) to actively send out signals to other planets. Should we advertise our existence, or is that just asking for trouble? After all, if 1950’s sci fi movies are any indication, they may be bug-eyed monsters intent on abducting half-naked Earth maidens. The scientists supported a declaration that a “worldwide scientific, political and humanitarian discussion must occur before any message is sent.”

• Should we be worried about marauding aliens coming to Earth? The current mainstream scientific consensus is that interstellar travel is virtually impossible because it would take too long to travel such distances to make it worthwhile. But we still have much to learn. We may be unaware of a type of physics and technology that would overcome the long distance obstacle. Therefore, distance alone might not be enough to protect us from any ill-intentioned bug-eyed monsters with a sufficiently high level of technology.

• Yuri Milner and SETI are working on another program called “Breakthrough Message” to craft a message that we could send in response to an alien signal. The program heads had pledged “not to transmit any message until there has been a global debate at high levels of science and politics on the risks and rewards of contacting advanced civilizations.”

[Editor’s Note]   Once again, the Deep State asset known as SETI is furthering its mission to keep pumping out disinformation. They want the public to think that SETI’s unsuccessful search for alien civilizations means that there are no extraterrestrials in our cosmic vicinity, which is a lie. The universe, our galaxy, and our particular cluster of star systems is teeming with intelligent extraterrestrial life.  They are not only in communication with us but actively influencing our global reality, and not in a good way. The Deep State also wants the public to fear these extraterrestrials, so that when the ET presence is revealed, the public will turn to these compromised institutions to save us. But most of all, they want the public to be complacent in believing that the scientific community is on top of this, assuring us that if they do come across an alien signal, we will be the first to know. Don’t count on it.


“There is absolutely no procedure enshrined in international law to respond to a signal from an alien civilization,” said Martin Dominik, an astronomer at the University of St. Andrews. “It makes sense to create a legally binding framework that is properly rooted in international law.”

Well, yes, it would make sense. But if the Bug-Eyed Monsters do send a message, would we really want to reply at all?

Bug-eyed monsters, generally portrayed carrying off half-naked Earth maidens with evil intent, were a standard feature of pulp science fiction in the 1950s. We are all more sophisticated now, of course, but fear of alien contact is not necessarily irrational.

The specific reason for Dominik’s remarks is a survey of public attitudes toward alien contact that was launched last month by London’s Royal Society and the U.K. SETI Research Network, but in broader terms it is a response to two important developments in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) that occurred in 2015.

One was a debate at the American Association for the Advancement of Science convention in 2015 about whether “active SETI” was a good idea. Should we advertise our existence and publish our address to the cosmos, or is that just asking for trouble? Many of the scientists present backed a declaration that a “worldwide scientific, political and humanitarian discussion must occur before any message is sent.”



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E69 8-18-19 The Secrecy Surrounding UFOs Start at the Gas Pump

The world is choking on carbon emissions and drowning in plastic garbage, all primarily caused by the oil industry and fracking, which also adds environmental waste to the picture. But at the same time it appears that government entities have gleaned new energy technologies, such as anti-matter, anti-gravity and electro-magnetic propulsion technology, from sources including retrieved extraterrestrial UFOs. Why then is the government and industry aggressively continuing down this fossil fuel road toward a Blade Runner-type dystopia?

The Secrecy Surrounding UFOs Start at the Gas Pump

Listen to “E69 8-18-19 The Secrecy Surrounding UFOs Start at the Gas Pump” on Spreaker.

Article by Ashley Jude Collie                      August 5, 2019                     (

• The world is choking on carbon emissions and drowning in plastic garbage, all primarily caused by the oil industry and fracking, which also adds environmental waste to the picture. But at the same time it appears that government entities have gleaned new energy technologies, such as anti-matter, anti-gravity and electro-magnetic propulsion technology, from sources including retrieved extraterrestrial UFOs. Why then is the government and industry aggressively continuing down this fossil fuel road toward a Blade Runner-type dystopia?

• Yes, we are a society addicted to and dependent upon fossil fuels. But the bigger problem is the lack of incentive for industry to convert to advanced, clean energy technologies that are apparently available. Continuing our oil use and production while changing our lifestyle, as some advocate – by recycling, driving less, eating less meat – won’t solve the problem. We need to convert our energy technology.

• It seems obvious that we should insist that industry make a grand effort to convert our energy technologies to save our planet. But we see no sign of such an effort. The present US administration has dramatically reversed course on climate protection policies, and has encouraged the development of new fossil fuel projects. It is clear that Big Oil and its well-heeled backers and lobbyists plan to continue drilling new oil and gas wells and pump them until they are dry.

• In his 2017 documentary, Unacknowledged: An Exposé of the World’s Greatest Secret, Dr Steven Greer offers that the world’s elite intend to do all that they can to ignore advanced technologies, and downplay any mention of the extraterrestrial UFOs that could provide us with incredible new technologies to power and clean up our planet. It’s not about hiding the fact that the galaxy is teeming with intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations. It is about hiding the fact that technologies exist that are far superior to fossil fuels. The wealthy elite who control the government know that the introduction of such advanced technology would spell the end of the petrodollar, public utilities, and Big Oil.

• Filmmaker Stephen Zoller who recently suggested that aliens are actually advanced Earth humans from our future (see ExoArticle here), says that a new energy paradigm “would threaten the status quo of the powerful elites that have enjoyed untold wealth at the expense of our planet’s health.” Says Zoller, “[The global elite] want to delay this new fuel’s introduction as long as possible until they can milk every last ounce of profit from fossil fuels. Then [they plan to] make astronomical profits with the quick fix to all our environmental woes. If that indeed is the case, then we need to put the people who run the fossil fuel industry and the shareholders who profit from it behind bars.”

• Zoller references Area 51 whistleblower Bob Lazar’s interview on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast where Lazar agreed that the ‘prize is technology’, and that the powers that be are not putting enough effort into developing anti-gravity and other advanced technologies for the betterment of our society. Zoller also speculates that his “futurians” are not allowed to tamper with the timeline and just hand us the blueprints to new technologies. “It’s up to us to figure out how to build them,” says Zoller.

• So how do we ordinary citizens make our government work for us and not for the wealthy elite? Zoller says that Storming Area 51 is not a good idea. Violent action is not the answer. “But,” says Zoller, “something like forming a human chain around Area 51 would at least draw global media attention and motivate people around the world to get off their complacent asses and demand action.” “[W]hat people around the world can do is demand that our scientific communities concentrate on solving this problem and not on building bigger and more powerful weapons. We need to demand that nations get off the ‘economic growth at all costs merry-go-round’, and reverse the effects of climate change before we choke on our air and drown in our garbage.”


Want to see something to make you wretch?

Go check out the Great Pacific Garbage Patch (GPGP), the largest of five offshore plastic accumulation zones in the world’s oceans. The GPGP is twice the freaking size of Texas, and plastic containers are destroying our oceans worldwide. But our addiction to fossil fuels is partially to blame as companies acquire financial gain, even though they’re destroying our environment, through fracking and then manufacturing plastic.

Then recall the visionary 1982 Ridley Scott sci-fi thriller, Blade Runner, which painted a smoggy portrait of Los Angeles as it might be in 2019: dirty, smelly, crowded, polluted, damp, desperate and diverse…as acid rain spews down from on high, where the elites live in the light. Which is kind of where they do live today. Just ask the poor people who live near garbage heaps around the world.

We surely cannot let this polluted dark future happen, can we?

Getting off the Gas Pump

Which is why, in the last while, many of us have been seriously reducing our carbon footprint, including: eating no or less meat — greenhouse gas emissions from animal agriculture are an even bigger problem than fossil fuels; recycling as much as possible, among many other alternative methods of living; and, driving less —walking, biking, and taking public transportation — or using a hybrid or electric vehicle and getting off our addiction to the GAS PUMP.

Sounds good, right?

Except, you want to throw up your hands when you see the present US Administration dramatically reversing course on many climate policies: repealing the Clean Power Plan originally designed to curb pollution from coal plants; gutting stricter climate standards for auto vehicles; signing executive orders aimed to streamline the development of new fossil fuel projects; withdrawing the US from the Paris climate agreement; and, just recently declaring nuclear waste to be safe. Sheer madness.

In fact, some scientists suggest that without strict laws to curb carbon emissions, an individual’s choices matter very little. That even if everyone who cared about climate change reduced their carbon emissions to zero, it still wouldn’t change very much. That to promote systematic change it’s actually better to agitate, write letters, and VOTE.

Even then the battle against Big Oil and its well-heeled backers and lobbyists will be immense, as they plan to continue drilling new oil and gas wells and pump them until they are dry.



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Footage Shows Apparent UFO; Drunk Alien Driver

Article by Dave Basner                     August 6, 2019                     (

• UFO Hunter UK YouTube released a video clip of a wobbly, yet well defined, metallic saucer UFO over Mexico, in broad daylight. Viewers joked that this might be the first-ever UFO DUI.


There are 100 billion stars in our galaxy alone, and a sextillion of them in the universe – that’s a 1 with 21 zeroes after it. If there are eight planets around our star, the sun, and one of those planets has life on it, chances are pretty good there is at least one other planet somewhere out there with intelligent lifeforms. And since there hundreds of UFO sightings a year, it seems even more likely. In fact, there are so many UFOs spotted in the sky that when video of one comes out, people don’t even react to the unidentified flying object and instead, get distracted by other things.

Take this latest footage of a purported UFO that was allegedly spotted in Mexico. In it, a saucer is floating in the clear blue sky, but because it is wobbling side to side, people who’ve watched it are more interested in if the alie nbehind the wheel has been drinking than the fact that extra-terrestrials might be visiting us.

37 second video of UFO disc over Mexico (UFO Hunter UK YouTube)



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UFO Sightings Reported Over Cincinnati as Mystery Lights Filmed

Article by Katy Gill                     August 5, 2019                      (

• On August 3rd, 2019, residents of Cincinnati, Ohio were treated to a bizarre light show during the daytime. Witnesses Laina and Angie captured the UFO sighting on video (see video below). Other residents also saw it, verifying the event in comments on YouTube. (see also the Sawyer Family video below). 

• The video begins with four bright objects moving in a line formation in front of clouds. One-by-one, they vanish from sight. Then the objects re-appear. “I just don’t know,” the camerawomen says. A fifth light then emerges on the left-hand side of the screen. YouTuber MrMBB333 who uploaded the clip said, “They didn’t go behind the clouds, they were in front of the clouds.” The objects again disappear. The man remarks, “It was still daylight, so if they were some sort of physical craft, which I’m sure they probably were, how come you couldn’t see them?”


Shocked witnesses Laina and Angie captured the bizarre sighting in the skies above the city in Ohio, US, on August 3.
The clip begins with for bright objects moving in a line across the grey clouds.

But, one-by-one, they start to vanish from sight.

“They’re gone, I just don’t know,” one of the camerawomen says as the objects then re-appear.

A fifth light then emerges on the left-hand side of the screen.

YouTube conspiracist MrMBB333 who uploaded the clip and said: “They didn’t go behind the clouds, they were in front of the clouds.

“Something comes in from the left, they appear to be in a straight row and at a slight angle.”

When the conspiracist switches the light formats, he claims the footage shows the planes turning “invisible”.

“It was still daylight, so if they were some sort of physical craft, which I’m sure they probably were, how come you couldn’t see them?” he asks.

1:08 minute video of what Laina & Angie saw over Cincinnati
on August 3rd, 2019 (End Times Signs YouTube)


1:21 minute video of what the Sawyer family saw over Cincinnati
on August 3rd, 2019 (SawyerrFamilyReviews YouTube)



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Joe Rogan and Bernie Sanders Tackle the Important Stuff: Aliens

Article by Will Gendron                      August 07, 2019                      (

• On August 6th, Democratic Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders (D-Vermont) was a guest on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast. Sanders took the opportunity to clarify his views on a number of major issues, including climate change, student debt, and the misconceptions surrounding the minimum wage.

• At the very end of the interview, Rogan asked Sanders, “If you got into the office and you found out something about aliens, you found out something about UFOs, would you let us know?” Sanders responded that if he, as President, learned anything about extraterrestrial presence, he would announce it on the Joe Rogan Experience.  (see video clip below)


Joe Rogan asks Sanders during the final 41 seconds of the podcast. Sanders jovially makes a commitment to announcing anything he may find out about extraterrestrial activity on the Joe Rogan Experience itself. The reality of this situation occurring wouldn’t be too shocking at this point, considering the simulation has been cracking for a while now.

When Rogan isn’t letting people like Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson talk for actual hours without being challenged on their racist and misogynistic ideas, his platform has been more effective than the current Democratic debate format for Sanders, who was able to clarify his views on a number of major issues.

38 second clip from the Joe Rogan Experience with Bernie Sanders
discussing disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence (JRE Clips YouTube)



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