Leaked Documents Show Pentagon Studied UFO-Related Phenomena


Article by MJ Banias                          February 14, 2020                           (vice.com)

• In 2017, The New York Times revealed the existence of $22 million dollar UFO investigation program called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, or AATIP. Two months ago, however, a Pentagon spokesperson said that AATIP had nothing to do with UFOs. Now, newly leaked documents acquired by Popular Mechanics from Bigelow Aerospace (BAASS) show that the Department of Defense program did indeed concern UFOs.

• One BAASS report that appeared on an AATIP list investigated injuries sustained by people who experienced “exposure to anomalous vehicles.” The report mentions UFOs several times. However, the report’s author, Christopher “Kit” Green, told Popular Mechanics that the report does not refer to any non-human extraterrestrial technology.

• Another BAASS report from 2009 explored a vast assortment of strange phenomena including “physical effects” of unknown aerial phenomena (UAP); the “biological effects” of UAP encounters on biological organisms; a request for documents from the Air Force’s UFO investigation program, Project Blue Book; the mention of several UAP incidents, including violations of restricted airspace near a nuclear weapons facility; and that Utah’s infamous Skinwalker Ranch is a “possible laboratory for studying other intelligences and possible interdimensional phenomena.”

• Last month, the DoD spokesperson also stated that Luis Elizondo, who claimed to have run the AATIP program for the Pentagon, was not involved in AATIP. But an unpublished document received by Popular Mechanics alludes to his responsibilities under AATIP without mentioning Elizondo by name. Elizondo called this “vindication,” adding, “the truth always prevails.” Elizondo maintains that the Pentagon is still investigating sightings of and encounters with UAP under a different program.

• Pentagon spokesperson Susan Gough told VICE/Motherboard that the Pentagon will release a new public statement in the following weeks concerning the AATIP program, and Elizondo’s role in it.


        Luis Elizondo

Newly leaked documents show that the Department of Defense funded a study concerning UFOs, contradicting recent statements by the Pentagon.

In 2017, The New York Times revealed the existence of $22 million dollar UFO investigation program called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, or AATIP. A twist came two months ago, however, when Pentagon spokesperson Susan Gough told John Greenewald—curator of the Black Vault, the largest civilian archive of declassified government documents—that AATIP had nothing to do with UFOs. Greenewald also wrote that the Pentagon told him that another program, the Advanced Aerospace Weapons System Application Program or AAWSAP, was the name of the contract that the government gave out to produce reports under AATIP.

In a new Popular Mechanics article, journalist Tim McMillan acquired documents from Bigelow Aerospace’s exotic science division, Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies, or BAASS, indicating that the organization did explore strange phenomena under the auspices of the AATIP program.

One BAASS report, leaked to McMillan by an unnamed source, previously appeared on a list of products produced under the AATIP contract “for DIA to publish” that was obtained via FOIA laws. The report was cited incorrectly on that list, but Popular Mechanics tracked down its author, who confirmed its authenticity. The report investigated “exotic” propulsion via injuries sustained by people who experienced “exposure to anomalous vehicles.” The text mentions UFOs several times.

“What can not be overly emphasized, is that when one looks at the literature of anomalous cases, including UFO claims from the most reliable sources, the extent and degree of acute high but not necessarily chronic low-level injuries are consistent across patients who are injured, compared to witnesses in the far-field, who are not,” the report states.



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Man With Family Witnesses Multiple UFOs in Pennsylvania; Is Alien Disclosure Near?

Article by Nirmal Narayanan                           February 18, 2020                            (ibtimes.co.in)

• A family was driving home from the King of Prussia Mall, (just north of Philadelphia) when the father noticed multiple UFOs hovering in the night sky. His family began to watch the groupings of lights in the night sky, and a passenger caught them on video. (see 51 second video below)

• One witness remarked, “This is unexplainable unless there is some type of unknown military aircraft I am unaware of.”

• Some YouTube viewers say that this is authentic proof of advanced aliens from deep space visiting our planet ‘to monitor human activities’. They also claim that these regular UFO sightings indicate that ‘alien disclosure’ is near.

• Other YouTube viewers think that these UFOs are probably secretive space vessels developed by the US government. “If it is military, they have amazing technology that they are not disclosing,” said YouTuber Dr Strange Love.

• Skeptics cling to the theory that these are nothing but a lot of Chinese lanterns.


A video uploaded to YouTube by popular extraterrestrial hunter Scott C Waring has now gone viral on social media. The video apparently shot from Pennsylvania shows multiple unidentified flying objects (UFO) hovering in the night sky.

In the video description, Waring revealed that the man who captured the video was apparently returning home from the King of Prussia Mall.
During the time of UFO sighting, he was with his family, and he claims that everyone witnessed these bizarre lights in the skies.

“Personally observed with my family on the way home from the King of Prussia Mall, heading eastbound multiple bright lights in the sky remaining stationary. I have video taken in the car while observing. This is unexplainable unless there is some type of unknown military aircraft I am unaware of,” said the witness.

After analyzing the video, Waring assured that the clip is real, and the conspiracy theorist added that the origin of these flying objects remains a mystery.


51 second video of UFOs over Pennsylvania (‘ET Data Base’ YouTube)



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Is the Coronavirus Linked to China’s Rollout of 5G and Biowarfare?

The undisputed global leader in the development and deployment of 5G is China where there are no regulatory obstacles to telecommunications companies installing the necessary infrastructure despite safety concerns raised by health professionals in thousands of scientific studies around the world. It, therefore, may come as a surprise to learn that the urban testing ground for the first full-scale deployment of a 5G network was the Chinese city of Wuhan, the epicenter of the Coronavirus (aka CoVID 19). Is this mere coincidence or is there a link?

On April 6, 2018, an official statement on the website of the Chinese province of Hubei announced that the city of Wuhan, with approximately 11 million residents, would be the pilot city for the deployment of 5G:

A large scale 5G network engineering program will be piloted in Wuhan to accelerate the deployment of this new technology and to hopefully upgrade the IT industry, as was reported at the conference on 5G networks planning and engineering in early April.

Now that Wuhan as a pilot city to build 5G telecoms has been approved by the central government, 3,000 macro base stations and 27,000 micro base stations will soon be constructed.

By the end of 2018, the trial use of the technology will start in various pilot areas; it is expected to be accessible to users at the Military World Games in 2019.

By 2020, 5G network will cover every corner of the city and be available at an affordable price.

Whereas the current 4G telecommunications network used in major cities worldwide involve the transfer of data at significantly faster speeds than was possible in earlier 3G networks, 5G is called the “internet of things” that includes “products, from smart refrigerators to traffic lights to dog collars, that will be sending and receiving data.”

To this “internet of things” we can add drones, driverless cars, and “people” themselves. For example, facial recognition cameras allow a 5G network to track people’s movement and behavior in ways that make the development of a “social credit system” and “total surveillance state” possible.

China’s rollout of 5G coincides with the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its increasing use in tracking, transfer, and control of the “internet of things”. According to Dr. Kai-Fu Lee, author of AI Superpowers: China, Silicon Valley and the New World Order, China’s use of facial recognition for monitoring its massive population of 1.4 billion people will give it a major strategic advantage over the US in developing AI.

It’s therefore not accidental that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is leading the charge in the development and roll out of 5G at a breakneck speed since CCP leaders believe 5G will provide the platform for the necessary tools for managing China’s vast population. Furthermore, combining 5G and AI gives China an asymmetric advantage over competitors such as the US when it comes to national security issues and the race to dominate space, which is the new strategic high ground in a potential future war.

It’s important to emphasize that the roll out of 5G is proceeding in China and other countries without regard to the multiple scientific studies linking cell phones, cell towers and accompanying infrastructure to multiple health concerns:

More than 230 scientists from 41 countries have expressed their “serious concerns” regarding the ubiquitous and increasing exposure to EMF generated by electric and wireless devices already before the additional 5G roll-out. They refer to the fact that ”numerous recent scientific publications have shown that EMF affects living organisms at levels well below most international and national guidelines”. Effects include increased cancer risk, cellular stress, increase in harmful free radicals, genetic damages, structural and functional changes of the reproductive system, learning and memory deficits, neurological disorders, and negative impacts on general well-being in humans. Damage goes well beyond the human race, as there is growing evidence of harmful effects to both plants and animals.

Despite dire warnings from health professionals, the telecommunications industry has successfully lobbied government regulatory bodies such as the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to proceed with installing the technical infrastructure for the successive rollouts of the initial generations of wireless communications by citing conflicting scientific studies.


The same process is repeating itself with the roll out of 5G, which is being done without the telecommunications industry conducting any health studies on how cell phones and towers using 5G will impact the human body and DNA. Indeed, the core debate over the roll out of 5G doesn’t involve concerns over its health implications given what medical studies have clearly shown with earlier generations, but national security concerns of how to respond to China’s dominance of 5G.

This is exemplified in influential figures such as Brigadier General Robert Spalding, author of Stealth War: How China Took Over While America’s Elite Slept, and a former advisor to President Trump’s National Security Council, who has framed the entire debate over 5G as a core national security concern. In a memorandum that was distributed to members of Trump’s national security council, Spalding wrote:

Whoever leads in technology and market share for 5G deployment will have a tremendous advantage towards ushering in the Massive Internet of Things, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and thus the commanding heights of the information domain.

Spalding and others point out that Chinese telecommunications companies such as Huawei is compelled by domestic law to provide backdoors into its technical infrastructure that will allow China’s intelligence services to conduct espionage, just as the National Security Agency used backdoors in US communications infrastructure to spy on officials from friendly governments.

In this way, China will dominate the “commanding heights of the information domain”, something that the US is determined to prevent by also moving forward with implementing its own 5G network as quickly as possible.

Like China, the US is moving forward with plans to implement 5G despite the lack of health studies on the effects of 5G since national security strategists don’t want China to dominate the information domain. Earlier studies on 3G and 4G clearly point out that the higher concentration of transmitter stations in a dense urban area is likely to dramatically increase the health impact.

We know from the official announcement by the Hubei provincial government that Wuhan would be the pilot city for the 5G rollout beginning in 2019. According to a report by the official government news site Xinhua: “China Mobile Hubei Branch has activated 1,580 5G base stations in the city as of mid-October, achieving the 5G coverage of universities, transportation hubs, and other densely populated areas, according to the branch.”

The Xinhua story confirms that by the time the Coronavirus emerged in December 2019, residents of Wuhan were already being saturated by the increased Radio Frequency (RF) radiation transmitted by 1,580 5G (macro) base stations that would increase to 3,000 sometime in 2020.

This leads to the key question of whether the increased RF radiation absorbed by residents in Wuhan as part of the 5G pilot city rollout made them especially susceptible to the Coronavirus, and to killer viruses more generally. This, in turn, raises an even more troubling question, was the release of the Coronavirus part of a biological weapons test that was directly linked to the roll out 5G? In other words, was some unknown group wanting to test how a population weakened by 5G RF radiation would respond to a biologically engineered weapon?


There are a number of theories about the Coronavirus being a biological weapon rather than a naturally occurring virus found in bats sold at an exotic food market in Wuhan. The most popular is that it was bio-engineered in a biological research laboratory located in Wuhan and accidentally leaked as proposed by two Chinese bio-medical researchers:

In summary, somebody was entangled with the evolution of 2019-nCoV coronavirus. In addition to origins of natural recombination and intermediate host, the killer coronavirus probably originated from a laboratory in Wuhan. Safety level may need to be reinforced in high risk biohazardous laboratories. Regulations may be taken to relocate these laboratories far away from city center and other densely populated places.

A second theory is that the Coronvirus was a biological weapon released into China by the US as proposed by some Russian sources:

Zvezda, a news outlet funded by the Russian Defense Ministry, published an article late last month titled “Coronavirus: American biological warfare against Russia and China.” The author begins by establishing alleged intent: the virus dealt a blow to the Chinese economy, which weakens Beijing’s negotiating hand in the next round of trade talks to follow the recent signing of the phase one deal between Washington and Beijing.

A third theory comes from Robert David Steele and Benjamin Fulford, who both assert that Coronavirus represents a Deep State/Mossad orchestrated “false flag” attack aimed at starting a war between China and the US. Thankfully, the false flag attack has failed according to Steele:

I believe that the personal trust between General Secretary Xi Jinping and President Donald Trump is strong, and the idea that the US would undertake such an attack as a matter of policy has been discounted in China. Of course there are rogue elements in our Department of Defense (DoD) and in the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) known to collaborate with the Mossad in pedophilia entrapment operations, drug running, the sponsorship of terrorism including ISIS, and 9/11, but on balance I am confident this was not done by the USA and the Chinese leadership knows that.

Significantly, both Steele and Fulford link the Coronavirus to the rollout of 5G as part of this false flag bioweapons attack. Steele summarizes his position as follows:

It is also not clear to me the degree to which 5G – for which China is the lead country – intersects with the biological virus. 5G is a huge part of this – what we do not know yet is whether this was a false flag attack as I suspect; a test of the intersection of bio-warfare and electro-magnetic warfare; or a full out assault intended to destroy the Chinese economy and begin depopulating China – or all three!

Steele, in particular, is among a select group of researchers that have uncovered the link between the roll out of 5G, the Coronavirus outbreak, and the future of biowarfare. It remains to be seen how the Chinese and world public will react as the Coronavirus crisis plays out in China and the rest of the world.

Health professionals have been warning us about increased RF from 5G transmissions in dense urban areas, but have been totally ignored by national policy makers. There are currently plans by Chinese and US corporations to place tens of thousands of 5G satellites in space transmitting signals at frequencies that health professionals warn will negatively impact human health, and even our DNA. Space X alone plans to send 12,000 5G satellites into Earth orbit, which some activists believe “could wipe out life on Earth”.

It’s very clear that China and the US are in a furious race to dominate the information domain, cyberspace, AI and outer space, and 5G is regarded as an indispensable tool in this race.This is especially the case as the newly created US Space Force will attempt to establish American hegemony though fleets of antigravity spacecraft covertly developed by the US Air Force, and China counters with the roll out of its own secret space program.

While national security interests may tempt government authorities to ignore the health risks posed by 5G, the link between the Coronavirus outbreak and 5G is a harbinger of what lies ahead if governments recklessly proceed with the deployment of 5G transmission stations all around us and from space.

The big lesson to be learned from Wuhan as the epicenter for both China’s rollout of 5G and the Coronavirus outbreak is that 5G is destined to play a major role in the future of biowarfare unless dramatic steps are taken.

Despite the undoubted health risks posed by 5G and its link to the spread of the Coronavirus and biological warfare in general, it can be predicted that military strategists in both China and the US will continue to aggressively lobby for its rapid implementation by telecommunications companies.

The general public needs to be made fully aware of the 5G-Coronavirus-biowarfare link and respond while there is still time to the rapid implementation of 5G transmitting stations both on the ground and in space. Determined efforts are needed to ensure that the deployment of 5G can proceed in ways that does not undermine the human immune system or disrupt other life forms on Earth.

Russian scientists have made major strides in integrating electromagnetic energies in ways that promote protection from harmful RF waves and stimulate healing, according to leading researchers such as Dr. Thomas Bearden. Other pioneering researchers such as Dr. Ilija Lakicevic and Jacque Bauer have taken the Russians’ research to the next level and developed devices designed to “convert harmful frequencies into a revitalization field favorable for the human body”.

While the link between the rollout of 5G and the Coronavirus in Wuhan is very disturbing, the scientific research and devices being developed in response raise hopes that individuals and communities can protect themselves in the future against harmful RF radiation that will dramatically increase due to thousands of 5G ground stations and satellites in space, and from potential future biowarfare.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

US Air Force ‘Develops Cloaking Tech to Make Military Craft Invisible’


Article by Simon Green                           February 7, 2020                            (dailystar.co.uk)

• Mike Turber, a US Air Force ‘insider’ and former USAF intelligence expert who had previously claimed that the Nimitz ‘tic tac’ UFO spotted in 2004 actually belongs to the US Air Force (see Exoarticle here) and that Donald Trump has already deployed it (to assist in his negotiations in North Korea – see Exoarticle here), now tells the Daily Star that the Air Force has developed cloaking technology to make their aircraft invisible.

• Turber told Jim Breslo on the Hidden Truth Show that the ‘tic tac’ UFO wasn’t cloaked in 2004 because the US military didn’t have cloaking technology then as they do now. Turber calls the cloaking “active camouflage”. “Active camouflage will put an image on the surface of the craft” created by screens attached to the craft, displaying the images behind it so that it will blend in, making it seem like there is nothing there. “If you look at it directly it would look like a scene from the Predator,” Turber said. “[T]hat (cloaking) technology’s been out of for a little bit,” Turber continued. “That’s the technology that is on the Nimitz UFO now and that came into fruition in 2008-2010.”

• Turber then claimed that there is another type of cloaking technology. Given that the tic-tac craft spotted in 2004 was described as going at 20,000mph, it may have the ability to control gravity, which could in fact lead to invisibility. If the object is using anti-gravity and has the ability to control gravity, requiring an incredible amount of energy, then it could possibly bend light around the craft. “[I]t would create an invisibility effect.”


A United States Air Force insider has sensationally claimed the military branch has developed cloaking technology to make one of their most secretive aircraft invisible.

                        Mike Turber

Mike Turber claims to have worked as an intelligence expert in the USAF and believes he knows what one of the most infamous UFOs of all time is.

He previously told this site that the Nimitz UFO spotted in 2004 actually belongs to the USAF and that Donald Trump has already deployed it.

In a bombshell new interview, Mike has said the same aircraft has now been adapted to include cloaking technology.

“Back in 2004, apparently the technology wasn’t there for the craft to use it, it is called active camouflage,” he said, having first hit headlines for his appearance on The Hidden Truth Show with Jim Breslo.

“You have passive camouflage and active camouflage.

“Active camouflage will put an image on the surface of the craft – that technology’s been out of for a little bit.”

Such technology, Mike said, is created by screens attached to the craft displaying images behind it – making it seem like there is nothing there.



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Something in Space is Sending Earth Signals Like Clockwork, Scientists Don’t Know Why


February 8, 2020                              (sputniknews.com)

• An international team of astronomers at the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment Fast Radio Burst Project (CHIME) in British Columbia has discovered a radio source 500 million light years from our solar system that is sending out fast radio bursts like clockwork. The FRBs come in 16.35 day cycles, with 1-2 bursts per hour over a four day period and then 12 days of silence before starting up again.

• The mystery signal, known as FRB 180916.J0158+65, was first discovered in 2017, but has continued repeating steadily although more faint. Of the more than 150 fast radio bursts recorded by observatories over the last fifteen years, only ten of them have repeated. None of them are as steady as this one. And only a handful of them have been tracked back to the galaxy they came from. This one comes from a star-forming galaxy about 500 million light years from Earth.

• Scientists provided several possible explanations for what may be causing the phenomenon. It may be an object orbiting a sun which sends signals out only at a certain interval in its orbit. It could be a signal sent by a binary star system made up of a massive star and super-dense highly magnetized neutron star. Or it could be a stand-alone object caused by rotation or wobbling, such as a highly magnetic neutron star. But there’s no ruling out that this could be an alien life-form attempting to make contact with other lifeforms in the galaxy.

• Scientists have been using radio waves to try to make contact with extraterrestrial intelligences since the 1890s. Several countries have built radio telescopes over the past century to listen for incoming extraterrestrial radio waves.


A new study by an international team of scientists led by astronomers at the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment Fast Radio Burst Project (CHIME/FRB) in British Columbia has discovered that a mystery radio source in a galaxy some 500 million lightyears from our solar system is sending out fast radio bursts like clockwork in 16.35 day cycles, including 1-2 bursts per hour over a four day period and then 12 days of silence before starting up again.

            CHIME telescope array

The discovery is important, because out of the 150+ fast radio bursts recorded by Earth-based observatories over the last decade and a half, only ten of them have repeated, and none as steadily as the source discussed in the study. Furthermore, only a handful of them have been tracked back to the galaxy they came from.

The mystery signal, known as FRB 180916.J0158+65 was first discovered in 2017, but has continued repeating steadily, albeit at a rate some 600 times fainter than the first bright flare. In their study, scientists analysed 28 bursts which took place between September 2018 and October 2019, confirming the pattern, and excitedly concluding “that this is the first detected periodicity of any kind in an FRB source.”



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Donald Trump Aware of ‘Tic Tac UFO’, Ex-US Air Force Intelligence Pro Claims


February 4, 2020                        (sputniknews.com)

• We have all heard about the “Tic Tac” shaped “alien spacecraft” that was encountered by US Navy pilots in 2004, and made famous when a USS Nimitz fighter pilot’s footage was released in a 2017 New York Times article. The Pentagon confirmed that the footage was authentic.

• The Navy fighter pilots claimed that the Tic Tac craft flew at previously unseen breakneck speeds. This led the public to believe that it could be anything from extraterrestrials to a super-secret military vehicle. But the Navy pilot who actually filmed the video said in 2019 that the craft couldn’t be part of a secret project due to the “erratic” nature of the craft.

• Former US Air Force intelligence expert Mike Turber (pictured above) told Jim Breslo on the ‘Hidden Truth Show’ that he has personal knowledge regarding the “Tic Tac alien craft”. Turber claims that Donald Trump not only knew about the US military’s advanced Tic Tac craft, but exploited the craft as a demonstration of power. Turber says that Trump told the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, something like, “Hey look out of your window, I want to show you something”. A Tic Tac craft then appeared and demonstrated its advanced technology to the Supreme leader. The demonstration must have had some short-term effect on Kim, who immediately moved to temporarily suspend his nuclear missile tests.

• “As far as I know, said Turber, “it made the talks with Trump more conclusive and there were no more rocket launches around that time.”

[Editor’s Note]   See Hidden Truth Show” video below. Turber discusses the use of the Tic Tac with North Korea beginning at 48 minutes. Turber goes on to talk about where the Tic Tac and Gimble ‘UFOs’ are built, cloaking technology, the effects of flying at high speeds and the need to suppress public information on this technology.


The epic of the extraordinarily-shaped “alien spacecraft” has excited audiences since 14 November 2004, when pilots of the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group reported the first encounter, with more alleged sightings soaking into the media in the years after.

Donald Trump personally knows about the so-called “Tic Tac alien craft”, it has been claimed in a sensational revelation, with former United States Air Force intelligence expert Mike Turber outlining the details on the Hidden Truth Show with Jim Breslo.

According to the expert, the craft, unrivalled in terms of speed, was even exploited for a cause in connection with North Korea and its nuclear programme – more specifically, it is alleged to have been deployed by the US military as a demonstration of power to the DPRK and its leader Kim Jong-un.

“The exact details are super-classified but he [Kim Jong-un] was made aware that the craft would show up which was where he was staying”, Turber claimed, trying to picture what POTUS might have said when allegedly notifying the North Korean leader about the deployment:
“Hey look out of your window, I want to show you something”.

2:09:39 hour-long Jim Breslo interview of Mike Turber (‘Hidden Truth Show’ YouTube)



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Russia To Build Telescope Capable of Detecting Signals Sent By Space Aliens


Article by Daniyal Sohail                      February 7, 2020                          (urdupoint.com)

• Russian scientists have begun construction on a telescope that can be used to search for signals transmitted in the optical spectrum from extraterrestrial civilizations.

• Leading researcher at the Institute of Nuclear Physics at Moscow State University, Alexander Panov, said, “The main purpose of this telescope is to monitor cosmic rays. However, with this tool you can also observe bright and short optical flashes of light – the so-called optical transients. The tool can be used to search for artificial extraterrestrial signals. After all, what are bright flashes? Maybe someone sends to Earth the signals via a laser channel rather than in the radio-frequency range.” Panov noted that we now have the technology to transmit space messages in the optical spectrum through a laser system.

• According to Panov, Russia will host an international conference on the search for extraterrestrial civilizations in the near future. One of the goals of this event is to secure financing for Russia-based projects related to the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI). Panov believes that fundamental changes should be made in the approach to the search for alien life. “Instead of carrying out ‘pinpointed listening’ for signals from selected stars,” said Panov, “we must set up listening stations network around the globe to detect radio signals in various parts of the spectrum coming from all corners of the universe 24 hours a day.”


MOSCOW Russian scientists have started construction of a telescope that can be used to search for signals from extraterrestrial civilizations if they are transmitted in the optical spectrum, Alexander Panov, a leading researcher at the Institute of Nuclear Physics at Moscow State University said in an interview with Sputnik.

“The main purpose of this telescope is to monitor cosmic rays. However, with this tool you can also observe bright and short optical flashes of light – the so-called optical transients. The tool can be used to search for artificial extraterrestrial signals. After all, what are bright flashes? Maybe someone sends to Earth the signals via a laser channel rather than in the radio-frequency range,” Panov said.

Panov added that our civilization is also capable of creating a laser system for transmitting space messages in the optical spectrum.

According to the scientist, Russia is expected to host an international conference on the search for extraterrestrial civilizations in the near future. One of the goals of this event is to secure financing for Russia-based projects related to search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI).



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‘Racing Certainty’ There’s Life on Europa and Mars, Leading UK Space Scientist Says


Article from Liverpool Hope University                   February 6, 2020                     (phys.org)

• Recently installed Chancellor at Liverpool Hope University and Professor of Planetary and Space Science, Monica Grady told a university audience recently that the notion of undiscovered life in our galaxy isn’t nearly as far-fetched as we might expect. It’s ‘almost a racing certainty’, says Grady.

• “[I]f there’s going to be life on Mars, ‘it’s likely to be very small bacteria’ and it’s going to be under the surface of the planet,” said Grady. Under the surface of Mars “you’re protected from solar radiation. And that means there’s the possibility of ice remaining in the pores of the rocks, which could act as a source of water.”

• “I think we’ve got a better chance of having slightly higher forms of life on Europa, perhaps similar to the intelligence of an octopus.” Jupiter’s moon Europa is covered by a layer of ice up to 15 miles deep, and there’s likely liquid water beneath where life could dwell. The ice acts as a protective barrier against both solar radiation and asteroid impact. The prospect of hydrothermal vents on the ocean floor – as well sodium chloride in Europa’s salty water – also boost the prospects of life.

• As for what lies beyond the Milky Way galaxy, Professor Grady says that it is ‘highly likely’ that the environmental conditions that led to life on Earth could be replicated elsewhere. “Our solar system is not a particularly special planetary system, as far as we know, and we still haven’t explored all the stars in the galaxy,” says Grady, who has worked with the European Space Agency. “I think it’s highly likely there will be life elsewhere …made of the same elements.”

• Grady notes that based purely on a statistical argument, dinosaurs killed by an asteroid impact making way for furry mammals from which humans evolved is theoretically possible to replicate in this vast universe. “Whether we will ever be able to contact extraterrestrial life is anyone’s guess, purely because the distances are just too huge.” “As for so-called alien ‘signals’ received from space, there’s been nothing real or credible.”

• At least three separate missions will be launched to Mars this year. The ExoMars 2020 mission, a joint project of the European Space Agency and the Russian space agency, Roscosmos, launches in July and is planned to reach the red planet in February 2021. The space exploration probe, the Hope Mars Mission funded by the United Arab Emirates, is set to launch in the summer.

• Grady has been studying a single grain of rock that was brought back to Earth in 2010 from the asteroid ‘25143 Itokawa’ by the Japanese Hayabusa mission. “When we look at this grain, we can see that most of it is made up of silicates, but it’s also got little patches of carbon in it,” says Grady. “[W]e can see that it’s been hit by other bits of meteorite, asteroid, and interstellar dust. “It’s giving us an idea of how complex the record of extra-terrestrial material really is.”

• In order to avoid contaminating the Earth with a Mars virus, Professor Grady described how a NASA mission will collect soil samples in tubes and leave them on Mars. Then in 2026, an ESA mission will collect those samples and put them in orbit around Mars. Then, a third mission will come and collect that orbiting capsule. Says Grady, “It’s about breaking the chain of contact between Mars and the Earth, just in case we bring back some horrendous new virus.” “[W]e don’t want to contaminate Mars with our own terrestrial bugs.”

• Professor Grady points out that space mission sterilization protocols will also prevent other planets from being contaminated by Earth viruses. Current protocol requires boiling equipment in acid or heating it to high temperatures.”We could be all there is in the galaxy. And if there’s only us, then we have a duty to protect the planet.”

[Editor’s Note]   As usual, the universities dependent on deep state funding intend to maintain the status quo, giving the public the impression that they are open to the possibility of extraterrestrial life in the universe, but limiting it to bacterial life in underground crevasses or primitive sea life hidden underneath miles of ice. They will note that there is no “real or credible” evidence of any other type of extraterrestrial life. University chancellors and professors must remain in denial of the vast amount of evidence of intelligent extraterrestrial life, the presence of ET beings here on Earth, and the existence of several secret space programs in order to keep their well-paid jobs and comfortable life styles.


It’s ‘almost a racing certainty’ there’s alien life on Jupiter’s moon Europa—and Mars could be hiding primitive microorganisms, too.

That’s the view of leading British space scientist Professor Monica Grady, who says the notion of undiscovered life in our galaxy isn’t nearly as far-fetched as we might expect.

              Professor Monica Grady

Professor Grady, a Professor of Planetary and Space Science, says the frigid seas beneath Europa’s ice sheets could harbor ‘octopus’ like creatures.

Meanwhile the deep caverns and caves found on Mars may also hide subterranean life-forms—as they offer shelter from intense solar radiation while also potentially boasting remnants of ice.

Professor Grady was speaking at Liverpool Hope University, where she’s just been installed as Chancellor, and revealed: “When it comes to the prospects of life beyond Earth, it’s almost a racing certainty that there’s life beneath the ice on Europa.

“Elsewhere, if there’s going to be life on Mars, it’s going to be under the surface of the planet.

“There you’re protected from solar radiation. And that means there’s the possibility of ice remaining in the pores of the rocks, which could act as a source of water.

“If there is something on Mars, it’s likely to be very small—bacteria.

“But I think we’ve got a better chance of having slightly higher forms of life on Europa, perhaps similar to the intelligence of an octopus.”

Professor Grady isn’t the first to pinpoint Europa as a potential source of extraterrestrial life.

And the moon—located more than 390 million miles from Earth—has long been the subject of science fiction, too.

Europa, one of Jupiter’s 79 known moons, is covered by a layer of ice up to 15 miles deep—and there’s likely liquid water beneath where life could dwell.

The ice acts as a protective barrier against both solar radiation and asteroid impact.

Meanwhile, the prospect of hydrothermal vents on the ocean floor—as well sodium chloride in Europa’s salty water—also boost the prospects of life.



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Truth Behind Roswell ‘Alien’ That Made a Woman Faint


Article by Rick Neale                     February 6, 2020                     (floridatoday.com)

• In February 2012, at the Air Force Technical Applications Center (AFTAC) in Patrick Air Force Base near Melbourne, Florida, retired Air Force Colonel Chuck McBrearty told the annual awards banquet audience the “true” genesis of the ‘alleged’ Roswell “alien encounter” and UFO crash ‘myth’. McBrearty said he was told the story by Air Force scientist Walter Singlevich in the late 1980’s. Singlevich was a member of the Manhattan Project that developed the first atomic bomb. Working out of Alamogordo Air Force Base in New Mexico (now known as Holloman Air Force Base) in the 1940s and 50s, Singlevich became one of America’s pioneering experts on analyzing nuclear materials at the dawn of the Cold War.

• According to AFTAC command historian James Michael Young, in the late 1940s Singlevich’s job was to launch balloons from Alamogordo Air Force Base where they would remain aloft for 48 to 72 hours, drift with prevailing winds, and collect radioactive particles from Nevada Test Site detonations. Then Singlevich would head into the field to collect the fallen balloons. Military scientists hoped to use this technology under ‘Project Mogul’ to someday detect secret Soviet nuclear tests. But the balloons proved unreliable and too expensive, and the project only ran from 1947 to 1949.  

• Using archival sources, in 2019 Young authored a 400-page Air Force publication about the creation of the U.S. Atomic Energy Detection System, currently under review by various federal agencies. From this research, Young ‘fleshed out’ the details of an encounter said to have occurred in 1947 that led to the rumors of a UFO crash involving small aliens just outside of Roswell, New Mexico, about 100 miles from Alamogordo. But Young’s research leads him to believe the event actually happened during Operation Buster-Jangle (October-November 1951) or Operation Tumbler-Snapper (April-June 1952).

• On this occasion, Singlevich and a young Air Force pilot, Captain Jim Whidden, took a helicopter from from the Roswell Army Air Field to fly over the desert in search of a silver Project Mogul balloon that had landed atop a knoll. They landed the helicopter in a depression west of the knoll. East of the knoll lay a shallow valley, with a ranch house in the middle. The men donned radiation protective gear, including a suit, hood and respirator.

• Jim Whidden, who is today a colonel and the director of staff at the Air Force Technical Applications Center, recalled that at 5’6” Singlevich was short-statured. Wearing their bulky suits, they walked up over the rise. The rancher’s wife who lived in the ranch house was already walking towards them. Whidden says that “when she saw them, she fainted.” The two men made sure she wasn’t hurt and left her there. They gathered up the balloon and all of the equipment, took it back to the helicopter and left.”

• At the awards banquet, Colonel McBrearty quoted Singlevich as saying that the rancher’s wife “looked at us in shock, gasped and then fainted dead-way! …It was one of those, ‘What do we do now?’ moments. …We then grabbed the payload, bundled up as much of the balloon as we could gather, and ran back to the helicopter. In a few seconds, we were outta there!” Then McBrearty commented that Singlevich was only about 5′ 6” inches tall, and “when garbed in that baggy radiation suit and a full face mask respirator, he certainly would fit the descriptions of the alien space men that were subsequently reported.”

• The rancher’s wife’s identity and location remain a mystery. But in later years, Singlevich would say that the stunned woman would have passed a lie detector test while contending she had seen extraterrestrial visitors and their ship, and he would joke with his Melbourne Beach friends that he was a ‘Roswell space alien’. Singlevich died in 1992 at age 73.

• This Florida Today website article is the first time that Air Force personnel have shared this story publicly. According to the official Air Force command historian James Michael Young, the incident occurred in 1951 or 1952 and was considered classified until 2017.

• Martha DeMarre, who manages the Nuclear Testing Archive of more than 400,000 historical documents related to nuclear testing in Las Vegas, said she has never heard this story before.

• In April 2014, a new $158 million state-of-the-art AFTAC headquarters was named in Singlevich’s honor during a ribbon-cutting ceremony at Patrick Air Force Base, calling him “the most revered scientist in (the Air Force’s) rich history”. The secretive facility near Melbourne Beach, Florida monitors the globe for nuclear explosions, using a network of more than 3,600 sensors. And with regard to the enduring Roswell UFO crash story, the official command historian, Young, noted that the Air Force “very comprehensively disproved” the Roswell UFO cover-up in a 1994 report.

[Editor’s Note]   Really? This is the story that the Air Force is going with? These people are just stone cold liars. Clearly, the deep state military industrial complex intends to cover up the Roswell UFO crash perpetually. The dates don’t even match. It is beyond dispute that the crash occurred in July 1947. And Project Mogul ended in 1949. But the Air Force’s official “command historian” is now changing the year of the “alleged Roswell incident” to 1951 or 52?  Not only that, but look at the size of the Mogul balloon (above).  They want us to believe that two guys gathered it up, threw it into a helicopter and quickly left the area.  And how is it that, until now, no one ever heard about a rancher’s wife who saw an alien to begin a cottage industry around the most famous UFO incident in the world? Are we to dismiss all of the rest of the evidence and testimony? This is beyond absurd. The deep state is so accustomed to altering history with impunity, they take it for granted that they will get away with it again this time.


After taking off from Roswell, Walter Singlevich’s military helicopter flew across the dusty New Mexico plains to his top-secret Cold War-era target: a silvery balloon equipped to detect nuclear detonations that lay sprawled atop a knoll near a rural ranch house.

          Walter Singlevich

The helicopter landed nearby. Singlevich and the pilot donned bulky 1950s-era radiation protective suits — complete with hoods and respirators — and hustled up the hill.

      Project Mogul balloon

That’s when the short-statured Singlevich may have inadvertently added a chapter to the “little green men” alien conspiracy lore that swirls around Roswell, New Mexico, where some believe a UFO crashed in 1947.

“As they came over the rise where the balloon was, they ran into this woman who was coming from the ranch house,” said Jim Whidden, Air Force Technical Applications Center director of staff.

“And when she saw them, she fainted,” Whidden said. “So they walked over and made sure that she didn’t hurt herself, and basically left her there — this was very highly classified. They picked up the balloon and all the equipment and the sample, and took it back to the helicopter and left,” he said.

AFTAC officials shared details of Singlevich’s faint-inducing encounter with FLORIDA TODAY, marking the story’s first public release. The incident occurred in 1951 or 1952 and was considered classified until 2017, said James Michael Young, AFTAC command historian.

Additional details have been lost over the decades, Young said. The woman’s identity and location remain a mystery.

Singlevich, a former Melbourne Beach resident, died in 1992 at age 73 — and in his later years, he joked that he was a Roswell space alien, Whidden said. He told friends that the stunned woman could have passed a lie detector test while contending she had seen extraterrestrial visitors and their ship.

Air Force “command historian” James Michael Young

Martha DeMarre, who manages the Nuclear Testing Archive, said she had never heard the story before. Based in Las Vegas, the archive preserves more than 400,000 historical documents related to nuclear testing.

Beth Wiegand is a spokeswoman at the International UFO Museum & Research Center in Roswell, New Mexico. She said she was not surprised that the startled woman fainted nearly 70 years ago — considering she “may have encountered something that would appear to be a combination of Darth Vader and the Pillsbury Doughboy.”



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US Army Major ‘Hid Debris From Roswell UFO Crash in His Water Heater After Government Tried to Cover it Up’


Article by Emma Parry                         February 5, 2020                        (thesun.co.uk)

• In July 1947, a “flying disk” crash landed in the desert near Roswell, New Mexico. Military troops moved into the area to investigate and recover debris from the crash site. Major Jesse Marcel, an intelligence officer for the 509th Bomb Group at the Roswell Army Air Field, was the first military man at the site. Specialist teams were brought in to remove the wreckage. It is claimed by some that several dead alien bodies were also recovered and flown to Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio for further study.

• Calvin Parker was 19 years old when he had his own close encounter with a UFO in Pascagoula, Mississippi in October 1973. Parker was fishing on the banks of the Pascagoula River with his pal Charlie Hickson when a UFO landed nearby. Strange creatures with lobster-like claws emerged from the craft, grabbed the two men and dragged them onboard their craft. Being kindred spirits by each having an extraordinary UFO experience, a mutual friend set up three separate meetings between Parker and Marcel in the early 1980s.

• Parker says that Marcel told him “straight up” that a UFO had crashed at Roswell and the US government tried to cover it up. According to Parker, “At first [Marcel] said he was allowed to talk about what had happened but later was told not to say a word in fear that the Russian’s might find out.” “He told me that he was ordered to say that it was just a weather balloon that had crashed, and being a good soldier he carried out those orders.” “He claimed that the government gave out fake information of where the UFO crash site was so that no one would know where it actually happened.”

• At first, the military said that the crashed object was a weather balloon, and later the Air Force claimed it was a downed high-altitude spy balloon from a top secret operation called Project Mogul, to detect Soviet atomic bomb tests. Marcel said he was forced to hold pieces of a weather balloon at a press conference to help debunk the UFO crash story. (see featured image above)

• Major Marcel was very sick at the time of the meetings. He told Parker that, being the first to arrive on the scene at Roswell, he recovered three strange pieces of metal from the crash site. The strange material Marcel found was a kind of lightweight metal that would spring back into shape after being crumpled. He told Parker “[I]t wasn’t anything of this world.” He secretly took the three pieces of the pliable metal material home to show his son, Jesse Jr.

• According to UFO investigator Philip Mantle, Major Marcel’s son, Dr Jesse Marcel Jr, remembers handling the alien material in 1947. But he never saw the material again after that night. Parker and another witness who was interviewed by Mantle say that Marcel confided to them that he had hidden the three pieces of alien material in a hot water heater at his home in Houma, Louisiana. Recalled Parker, “They were hidden in the top of his hot water heater in his house. All you had to do was to undo the top two screws on the water heater and remove the lid.” Unfortunately, Marcel passed away in 1986 before Parker had chance to see him again or check the water heater. “Could the three pieces of UFO debris still be there?” wonders Parker. “Well the house is (still there).”


Major Jesse Marcel, who was the first officer on the scene after a “flying disk” crash landed in New Mexico, took material home from the crash site in July 1947 and kept it in his house, according to British investigator Philip Mantle.

Maj Jesse Marcel with Roswell balloon “debris”
              Calvin Parker at age 19

Marcel was dispatched by Roswell Army Air Field, where he worked as an intelligence officer for the

509th Bomb Group, to investigate the crash and recovered pieces of the strange material from the desert.

Specialist teams were brought in to clear the wreckage and, it is claimed by some, several dead alien bodies who were flown to Wright Patterson Airforce Base, Ohio, for further study.

The US Air Force said later the object was a downed high-altitude spy balloon from a top secret operation called Project Mogul, which listened out for Soviet atomic bomb

                  Calvin Parker


However, before his death in 1986, Major Marcel admitted there had been a cover-up – and that he was forced to hold pieces of a weather balloon at a press conference to debunk the UFO crash story.

              Jesse Marcel in the 1980’s

Until now it was not known what happened to the strange material he found at the site – a kind of metal which would spring back into shape after being crumpled – and which he said he took home to show his son, Jesse Jr.

But a witness has told UFO investigator Philip Mantle that the major confided in him that he kept three pieces of the UFO in a hot water heater at his home in Houma, Louisiana.



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New Interactive Alien Museum Rockets Into Houston


Article by Heather Staible                       February 2, 2020                        (papercitymag.com)

• In the fall of 2020, Steve Kopelman, the COO of ‘Escape the Room’, will open ‘Seismique’ in Houston, Texas – a 40,000 square foot ‘Space City’ “experiential art museum” which will give visitors a fully immersive and interactive experience that includes exploring an alien spaceship crash site and interaction with extraterrestrials. The alien craft has inexplicably crashed into a NASA government building.

• The museum will feature 40 different rooms and a dozen different Seismique “environments”, with some of the rooms changing every six months. “It will be incredible. It’s a space age alien theme, but with our twist on it,” says Kopelman. “Millennials and the younger generations are about the experience.” The museum is designed for multiple trips to maximize the surprises and discovery in each room.

• Visitors to Seismique can expect a full range of exploratory experiences combining animation, augmented reality, textiles, gaming, projection mapping and artwork from local creators. Kopelman raves about Houston’s art scene, noting it’s a “a great art city, full of untapped talent.”

• The company boasts 22 Escape the Room locations across the United States. Kopelman was inspired to create Seismique after visiting the immersive teamLab Planets TOKYO.

• There is also an interactive educational center offering Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics workshops for students from local schools across Greater Houston. Seismique will also feature multiple private event spaces for meetings, events and live performances.

• “It has to be fun and span multi-generations,” Kopelman says. With the success of his Escape the Room venues, Kopelman sees a universe of worlds for his imagination to explore. “It’s going to be a mind-blowing, colorful and fun experience.”



Fall 2020.

A mysterious alien spaceship has inexplicably crashed into a NASA government building. Rather than mass pandemonium and top-secrets, Houstonians are encouraged to explore the crash site, interacting with extraterrestrials.

Have no fear, Houston. There is no problem, and that’s just the way Steve Kopelman, the mastermind behind Seismique planned it. His new 40,000 square foot experiential art museum lands in Space City in the fall, giving visitors a fully interactive experience throughout a space which formerly housed a since shuttered national big box store.

Aliens and all.

“It will be incredible. It’s a space age alien theme, but with our twist on it,” Kopelman tells PaperCity. “We live in an experience economy. Millennials and the younger generations are about the experience. What can I experience and post on my Instagram?”

Kopelman knows a thing or two about crafting experiences that entertain. He is the COO of Escape the Room, a company that boasts 22 Escape the Room locations across the United Staes. Seismique is his first immersive experience space. He and his team searched the Houston area for just the right building for his imagination to come to life.

“We looked at 20 locations before finding this one. It needed to be indoors, an open floor plan with plenty of power and ample parking. That’s exactly what we found,” Kopelman says of the West Houston location.



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Global Superpowers Teaming Up To Build Bases On The Moon


Article by Zero Hedge                         February 6, 2020                            (safehaven.com)

• One year ago, China’s Chang’e 4 probe and the Yutu-2 rover it carried onboard have been busy photographing and scanning minerals, growing yeast, hatching fruit-fly eggs, and cultivating cotton, potato, and rapeseeds on the dark side of the moon. Last summer, NBC News reported that the Yutu-2 rover had come across a strange “gel-like” substance which the Chinese began to study. (see article here)

• China’s National Space Administration has continued to work on its Tiangong 3 space station and is planning on testing a new manned spacecraft for deep-space missions. That permanent station will reach orbit aboard China’s new Long March 5B rocket in the first half of 2020. The Chinese space agency plans to launch the Chang’e 5 probe into space as early as this year. Wu Yanhua, deputy chief commander of China’s Lunar Exploration Program said, “China, the United States, Russia and Europe are all discussing whether to build a research base or a research station on the moon”.

• But not so fast. Back in 2017, China and Europe made plans to build a moon base together in a move of “international collaboration”. Now, Europe and Russia plan to send a probe to the dark side of the moon and are ‘eyeing’ plans to build a joint moon base on the far side of the lunar surface. Even NASA and Russia’s Roscosmos State Corporation for Space Activities announced plans in 2017 for a joint moon base as part of NASA’s “deep-space gateway” concept . In 2019, it was leaked that NASA had plans of its own to develop the “Artemis” lunar surface base, which is now being threatened by a U.S. House panel. (see article here)

• These types of discussions have been going on since the 1950’s with a US government project called ‘Horizon’ which sought to establish a moon base by 1966. The idea never materialized. In 1963 at the height of the Cold War, the US and Soviet Union formed a joint project to study and develop a ‘Manned Orbiting Laboratory’. More of a US spy mission than a scientific one, the ‘MOL’ project was canceled in 1969. But now Russia and the US may revive that plan with a base that will orbit the moon similar to how the International Space Station orbits the Earth.

• The status of any plans between Russia, the U.S., China and Europe could be suddenly canceled for political reasons or something else before they ever see the light of day. But it is all good so long as it is done in the spirit of joint exploration, and not weaponization. The last thing we need is another resource-draining arms race in space or a space war.

[Editor’s Note]  How long will this charade go on? All of this is nothing more than a stall – a song and dance played out by puppet space agencies to continue the cover up of scores if not hundreds of bases throughout our solar system, mostly on Mars and the ‘dark side’ of the moon, built and occupied by a variety of secret space programs. Except these bases generally are not “surface bases” but elaborate underground facilities. In fact, the moon itself is a carved out super-base brought here by a race of refugees from the planet Maldek at the time of its explosion (now known as the asteroid belt). These space agencies must know all of this and are now positioning themselves for the inevitable disclosure of the true extent of the vast secret space programs that have been constructed since World War II, and the dawn of a new Era of Space.


One year ago in January, a Chinese robot landed on the dark side of the moon. Since then, the Chang’e 4 probe and the Yutu-2 rover it carried onboard have been busy photographing and scanning minerals, growing yeast, hatching fruit-fly eggs, and cultivating cotton, potato, and rapeseeds in the moon’s low gravity, according to the Daily Beast.

Now, China’s National Space Administration is quietly planning to launch yet another probe into space. Chang’e 5 could blast off as early as this year.

Last year, TMU reported that the Yutu-2 rover came across a strange “gel-like” substance which the Chinese began to study extensively.

The Chinese space agency has continued to work on its Tiangong 3 space station and is planning on testing a new manned spacecraft for deep-space missions. That permanent station will reach orbit aboard the country’s new Long March 5B rocket in the first half of 2020, AFP reported. The mission will not be associated with the International Space Station.

It is worth noting that China and Europe both planned on building a moon base together in a move of “international collaboration” back in 2017. Europe and Russia are also eyeing plans to send a probe to the dark side of the moon to determine if they should build a moon base on the far side of the lunar surface.

And the U.S. hasn’t been quiet when it comes to the space race either with the introduction of Space Force and plans of its own for a joint base with Russia.

For the U.S., this space race to build a moon base is nothing new. A project known as Horizon was supposedly a plan drawn up in the 1950s that seemingly depicts the blueprints for a base on the moon. Project Horizon sought to establish a stationary Army control base on the moon by 1966 but the operation was allegedly shut down and canceled and the idea never materialized further.



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The Sun’s Famous UFO Question Keeps Going Viral


Article by Daymond Steer                     February 7, 2020                         (conwaydailysun)

• For years, The Conway Daily Sun (in Conway New Hampshire) has made it a habit at election time to ask the candidates about their stance on UFO disclosure. So what do the Democratic Presidential hopefuls think about extraterrestrials and UFOs?

• Andrew Yang of New York (who dropped out of the race earlier this week) said, “I’m very curious about UFOs. I have a feeling they probably do exist.”

• Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar suggested opening the government’s older ‘X-Files’. She told Fox News and New York Magazine, “Why can’t you see if you can let some of (the UFO truths) out for the public so earnest journalists …who are trying to get the bottom of the truth would be able to see it?” New York Magazine rated Klobuchar’s UFO comments as both “high brow” and “brilliant.”

• Former Navy Reserve lieutenant and South Bend mayor Pete Buttigieg responded, “Well, strange things happen out there, and I think it’s important for there to be processes for anybody who observes strange things — especially in the military.”

• Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders told Joe Rogan that his wife would demand he disclose the truth about UFOs and Sanders offered to do it on Rogan’s podcast show. The Sun asked Sanders whether studying the ‘Tic Tac’-shaped UFO could possibly lead to green technology. Waving his hands, Sanders exclaimed, “Let’s not jump the gun!” But Sanders is willing to use ‘Tic Tac’ technology to advance environmentally healthy green technology. “Presumably they are coming from a rather long distance away,” said Sanders. “Of course we have to explore that.”

• Colorado Senator Michael Bennet (who has also dropped out of the race) responded to “the question” saying, “Our guys are seeing unidentified stuff. They don’t know what it is. And I don’t know what it is. I don’t think they’re saying that it’s necessarily things from outer space, but it’s unexplained stuff.” “We’re trying to learn more about it.”

• Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard said “It’s not something I have been spending a lot of time on.”

• Former Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick (who also just dropped out of the race) said, “I used to be on the board of an airline, I talked to pilots who told me about that sort of thing.” “I have met … pilots, commercial pilots, who have said that there are things that they’ve seen in the night sky, mostly the night sky.”

• Former Massachusetts Governor William Weld, a Republican candidate, said, “So I do think life is out there? Do I think it’s intelligent life? Yeah, I think it’s probably more intelligent than us homo sapiens.” “So does that admit the possibility of space exploration by them? It does. It’s a little too convenient to have it be a flying saucer thing. I think it might take some other form that we couldn’t see so readily, but I would never say never.” Weld added, “One thing I do very much believe in is people can remember by having stored in their brain cells that came down from their grandmother and their grandfather things that happened a couple hundred years ago.”

• In the 2016 Presidential race, The Sun asked Hillary Clinton “the question”. Her campaign chief, John Podesta, had long been a UFO disclosure advocate. Clinton replied with a laugh that after being elected, she would “get to the bottom of it.”


CONWAY — The Sun has been asking presidential candidates for federal offices about UFOs since 2015, when we lobbed the question at Democratic hopeful Hillary Clinton, whose campaign chief, John Podesta, had long been a UFO disclosure advocate.

Although she never got the chance, Clinton replied with a laugh that after being elected, she would “get to the bottom of it.”

The story went viral, spanning the globe to news outlets like London’s Daily Mail and even newspapers in India.

This election cycle, Democrat Andrew Yang of New York visited the Sun March of last year.

Asked the question, he said: “I’m very curious about UFOs.I have a feeling they probably do exist.”

His response about UFOs sparked an article in Newsweek, which said: “For years, New Hampshire newspaper The Conway Daily Sun has pressed potential presidential candidates barnstorming the early primary state about their stance on UFO disclosure.”

The response of Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Min.), referring to the possibility of opening the older X-files, caught the attention of Fox News and New York Magazine.

“One of the Democratic presidential candidates made an out-of-this-world promise campaign promise,” said Fox’s Steve Doocy. “You’re gonna wanna hear it.”

Klobuchar said, “Why can’t you see if you can let some of that out for the public so earnest journalists like you who are trying to get the bottom of the truth would be able to see it?” she asked rhetorically.”

On its weekly “Approval Matrix,” New York Magazine rated Klobuchar’s UFO comments to be both “high brow” and “brilliant.”



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Tic Tac UFOs Belong to USAF Secret Space Program Says Intelligence Specialist

The famed Tic Tac shaped craft captured on video and sighted by multiple US Navy pilots beginning in 2004 are advanced US Air Force spacecraft capable of traveling at 500 mph underwater and 24,000 mph into space according to a former intelligence specialist in electronic communications.

Mike Turber claims that he served with the USAF as an intelligence specialist and later with various defense contractors where he had Top Secret security clearance and access to various Special Access Programs (SAP’s) and Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) projects.

Turber came forward in two interviews he gave on November 4 and December 2, 2019, where he presented information he has received from “official government” sources that the Tic Tac sightings are USAF hybrid aerospace craft capable of traveling underwater, in the air and into outer space.

He says that the incredible speeds the USAF craft can achieve both in the atmosphere and underwater is due to its ability to utilize the principle of supercavitation [timestamp 39:40], where a cavitation bubble is created around a craft moving water molecules out of the craft’s flight path and eliminating friction as explained by Wikipedia:

A supercavitating object is a high-speed submerged object that is designed to initiate a cavitation bubble at its nose. The bubble extends (either naturally or augmented with internally generated gas) past the aft end of the object and prevents contact between the sides of the object and the liquid. This separation substantially reduces the skin friction drag on the supercavitating object.

According to Turber, the Tic Tac craft were assembled in Palmdale, California at a highly classified Air Force facility called “Plant 42”. According to Global Security, a number of major aerospace companies operate out of this enormous facility:

Air Force Plant 42 is at Palmdale, CA, north of Pasadena in Los Angeles County. It is operated by Lockheed, Rockwell International, Northrop, and Nero. AFP 42 is located in the northeastern portion of Los Angeles County, California, within the Antelope Valley of the Mojave Desert, approximately 80 miles north of Los Angeles. It has over 6,600 acres (the government owns 85%) and includes approximately 4.2 million square feet of floor space (the government owns 45%). The site includes multiple high bay buildings and airfield access with flyaway capability. The facility also has one of the heaviest load-bearing runways in the world.

The most well-known corporation is Lockheed Martin’s famed Skunk Works which moved to Plant 42 from Burbank, California, in 1989.

According to Turber, he worked at Plant 42 after his Air Force career and realized that some of the craft being secretly constructed there were related to the Tic Tac sightings which he first learned about in 2005. He says that at the time he worked with the Air Force and was analyzing radio communications from Navy pilots discussing their sightings of UFOs that could maneuver both in the air and sea.

Turber says that he knows of at least three models of hybrid air, sea and space vehicles that have been built at Plant 42. He asserts that at least 20 of these had been built and deployed during the time he worked at Plant 42. The largest is 46 feet long which allows it to be easily loaded onto trucks for easy transportation along California’s highway system.

He asserts that the USAF Tic Tac craft use advanced stealth and invisibility technology, and that the USAF deployed them near Navy ships to test pilot reactions, and to essentially “mess with the Navy”.

Turber says that the Navy has now developed similar craft, and that major nations such as China and Russia have developed the exact same craft [timestamp 17:50]. China’s hybrid spacecraft are more evolved than Russia’s and quickly catching up to the USAF craft.

The Tic Tac craft are not reverse engineered from extraterrestrial spacecraft, according to Turber. Instead they were first developed in the 1950s from civilian sources such as Dundee University, before finding their way to institutions such as the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (timestamp 32:25). In contrast, multiple insiders claim that advanced aerospace technologies were reverse engineered from captured extraterrestrial spacecraft.

Turber says that several of the Tic Tac shaped hybrid craft were deployed over North Korea in November 2017, to intimidate its paramount leader, Kim Jung-Un, and President Donald Trump was informed of the craft’s deployment and purpose.

Turber’s testimony is important since it explains the origins and performance of the Tic Tac UFOs that major media outlets began to report in detail back on December 16, 2017, after the New York Times and Politico covered the issue in major stories.

According to Turber, the media’s tepid response to the revelation was a major factor in him coming forward. He insists that rather than being a whistleblower, he has been encouraged to come forward by official sources to reveal his testimony and prepare the public for the major revelations that lie ahead.

Unfortunately, Turber has not shared any official documents confirming his Air Force career and work with different military contractors. This is puzzling since other former USAF personnel and corporate employees, such as Edgar Fouche, have publicly released such documentation when they have come forward to reveal their insider knowledge of the TR-3B and Aurora Project without suffering any repercussions.

What Turber did share with his interviewer, Jim Breslo, was data from the Google Maps timeline feature that showed that on November 18, 2017, his phone recorded a flight from Ontario, California to the US East Coast that lasted one hour and 24 minutes [timestamp 1:17:40]. Turber alluded to the incident as objective evidence that he was involved in a highly classified aerospace project at the time but was not able to reveal more details.

The phone data timeline indeed does corroborate his core claim of having worked on classified aerospace projects since it is difficult to explain how anyone using a conventional aviation transport can travel from the West to East coast in 84 minutes. Nevertheless, the Google Maps travel timeline isn’t sufficient to corroborate what his “official” sources told him, so hopefully Turber will share some of his documentation to substantiate his military and aerospace career.

Breslo brought up the remarkable similarity between the flight performance of the Tic Tac craft and a Navy patent for a Hybrid Aerospace Underwater Craft (HAUC) which I have previously discussed, and which Brett Tingley and Tyler Rogoway, writing for The Drive, have connected to the Tic Tac incidents.

The Navy patent explains how the craft is able to travel without friction under water and through the air by creating a quantum vacuum bubble around it: as explained by Tingley:

In the Navy’s patent application for the HAUC, it’s claimed that the radical abilities of propulsion and maneuverability are made possible thanks to an incredibly powerful electromagnetic field that essentially creates a quantum vacuum around itself that allows it to ignore aerodynamic or hydrodynamic forces and remove its own inertial mass from the equation. Thus, the ability to generate such high-frequency electromagnetic waves is key to the alleged abilities of this theoretical hybrid craft that can soar near effortlessly through air and water at incredible speeds with little to no resistance or inertia.

Turber dismissed the Navy patent as bogus [timestamp 36:18], yet the principle of a quantum vacuum around the craft being generated by electromagnetic energy makes for a compelling explanation for how such craft could achieve supercavitation when traveling through different mediums such as water, air, and space.

Turber’s testimony is very helpful since it directly points to the Tic Tac craft being part of a USAF secret space program, and that these assets are now in the process of being handed over to the new Space Force, just as predicted in the US Air Secret Space Program: Shifting Extraterrestrial Alliances and Space Force. That means exciting times lie ahead as Space Force unveils the secret space program it has inherited from the USAF.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

[Special Note: I will be presenting the revolutionary Navy patents and their relevance to Secret Space Program disclosure at my upcoming Webinar with Portal to Ascension on March 21, 2020. You can register here.]

Further Reading


Before Roswell: The 1941 UFO Incident at Cape Girardeau


Article by Susan Leighton                          February 1, 2020                           (1428elm.com)

• Because of the national attention that the 1947 UFO crash in Roswell, New Mexico received, and the extensive government cover-up thereafter, most people believe that Roswell was ground zero for the UFO frenzy that took over the country during the 40’s and 50’s. Not so. In 1941, a UFO crash incident occurred in Cape Girardeau, Missouri.

• Officials at the Cape Girardeau crash site called on local Reverend William Huffman to come and give last rites to the crash victims. When Huffman arrived, he found a chaotic scene that included police and firemen emergency personnel, and the FBI. Then he was struck by the sight of the strange craft. It was like nothing he had ever seen before.

• Huffman was escorted to the interior of the disc-shaped craft. Inside, he first noticed weird lettering which in Huffman’s mind was similar to Egyptian hieroglyphics. Then he saw the bodies of the victims. They looked alien in origin with huge heads, big almond shaped eyes, slits for their mouths and ears, and no hair whatsoever on their bodies. After Huffman performed his rites, military personnel accosted him and told him to keep quiet about this incident.

• But Reverend Huffman was so disturbed by what he encountered that night that he shared his experience with his wife and sons. The secret remained within the family until his granddaughter, Charlette Mann, learned the truth from her grandmother on her deathbed. Charlette learned that her grandfather had photographic evidence of the alien creatures. Charlette found images of the scene that night, including one of a deceased extraterrestrial being propped up between two men who are posing for the camera.

[Editor’s Note]   See this article from 2010 entitled “UFO Crash and Retrieval – Missouri, 1941” in UFOCaseBook.com for a more comprehensive essay on the Cape Girardeau UFO incident.


actual photo of men holding up an unfortunate alien

UFO sightings came into our collective consciousness in the U.S. starting in 1947 with the famous incident in Roswell, New Mexico. Everyone knows that story. At first, the Air Force reported that a flying saucer had crashed on rancher Mac Brazel’s property.

Soon afterward, they recanted and suddenly, the weather balloon response was born. Years later, it was reported that the debris found in Lincoln County was actually from the top-secret project, “Mogul,” which was armed with recording equipment so that we could detect when Russia was performing nuclear tests.

Because of all of the national attention, this is why most people believe that Roswell was ground zero for the UFO


                  Charlette Mann

frenzy that took over the country during the 40’s and 50’s. However, that isn’t entirely the case. In 1941, in Cape Girardeau, Missouri, another event occurred.

According to Liveabout.com, the saga began when Reverend William Huffman was asked to pray over victims in a crash. Thinking nothing of this request because he had done last rites many times in the past, he set out for the location.

When he arrived, there were all sorts of emergency personnel there from firemen to policemen and the FBI. Making his way through the chaotic scene, he was struck by the sight of a strange craft. It was like nothing he had ever seen before.




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A New Documentary Strongly Argues That Aliens Exist

Article by Germain Lussier                         January 30, 2020                        (gizmodo.com.au)

The Phenomenon is a new documentary film (see 2:21 minute trailer below) that covers over 70 years of UFO history. Directed by James Fox, narrated by Peter Coyote, and distributed by 1091 Media (formerly ‘the Orchard’), it uses “never-before-seen archival footage” and interviews with major government officials to reveal the shocking ‘hidden history’” of UFOs and the unavoidable conclusion: ‘We are not alone.’ The Phenomenon will be in theatres this September.

• Said Fox in a press release, “Our team has assembled the most compelling testimony and evidence from around the world that will lead even the most ardent skeptics to the inescapable conclusion that we are not alone.” “[W]e’re potentially dealing with a form of consciousness that shares our world and impacts our lives in powerful ways.”

• Will The Phenomenon make people question their own beliefs? Maybe not. But it should at least point the conversation about aliens in new directions. But to be honest, even if Fox interviewed an actual alien for the entire run-time, some people still wouldn’t be convinced.


If aliens exist, eventually we’ll know about it. How will we find out? What will they want? These are the kinds of questions that spark our imaginations every single day. Could the revelation possibly come in the form of a documentary? If the language being used to promote The Phenomenon is right,

                Director, James Fox

maybe it will.

Directed by James Fox and narrated by Peter Coyote, The Phenomenon is a new documentary that covers over 70 years of UFO history. It uses “never-before-seen archival footage” and interviews with major government officials (such as former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and former White House Chief of Staff John Podesta) to tell a story, it claims, that “opens by proving there is a shocking ‘hidden history’” of UFOs, and ends with “an unsettling, unavoidable conclusion: ‘We are not alone.’”

Bold claims to be sure—and, to be fair, we haven’t seen the movie yet. But based on the possibility alone, Gizmodo is excited to exclusively debut the trailer.

“Twenty-five years into investigating unidentified aerial phenomena, I’m faced with the unavoidable fact they’re real, they’re global, and we’re potentially dealing with a form of consciousness that shares our world and impacts our lives in powerful ways,” Fox said in a press release. “Our team has assembled the most compelling testimony and evidence from around the world that will lead even the most ardent sceptics to the inescapable conclusion that we are not alone.”

2:21 minute trailer for “The Phenomenon” movie (‘1091’ YouTube)



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‘Black Triangle’ UFO Sightings Around the World Span Decades


Article by George Knapp                        January 28, 2020                            (krqe.com)

• Huge, silent, black triangle or boomerang shaped craft have been reported and even filmed flying over populated areas all across North America and Europe for decades. In the early 1980s, hundreds of nighttime sightings were reported in rural New York. In 1989, ten thousand witnesses watched and photographed several huge black triangle craft fly silently over Belgium. Belgian Air Force F-16 jets couldn’t keep up with the triangles’ virtually impossible maneuvers. In 1997, thousands watched a gigantic triangle-shaped craft fly across the Phoenix night sky. Military officials first said they hadn’t seen anything, and then claimed that it had been a National Guard unit training with flares at night. The public didn’t buy it.

• Large black triangle craft were seen over Russia as early as the 1970s. Recently, the mystery triangles have been seen in every US state, flying low and slow over cities. The National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS), a private Las Vegas organization, has a database of more than 1,000 black triangle reports. NIDS’ Dr. Colm Kelleher headed a four-year investigation of the black triangles. He notes that “These things are huge …football-field size. [S]ometimes they’re stealthy, but a lot of the times they’re flying with extremely bright lights. They’re always silent.” Radar have documented these craft dropping 20,000 feet in a matter of seconds. Said Kelleher, “Why would unacknowledged aircraft be flying at 500 to 1,000 feet over populated areas? …If they’re a classified military project, why are military jets scrambled to go after them?”

• In 2019, Las Vegas journalist Cateland White watched as a dark behemoth flew over her backyard. Said White, “It was triangular shaped, and there were rectangular reflectors. There was no interior light coming out of it at all. …It was really slow. And I couldn’t figure out how it was staying in the air.” It seemed to be heading toward nearby Nellis Air Force Base. When White contacted the base, a base representative told her, ‘Ma’am, I’m going to tell you one more time and this is the last time I’m gonna tell you. You will forget what you saw. And you won’t tell anybody.’ “The man said, ‘I don’t want you to talk about this anymore’”.

• These black triangles have often been seen near military installations. One huge craft was spotted on a runway at Groom Lake (Area 51), part of Nellis Air Force Base. Some speculate that these are secret advanced military blimps, capable of carrying large deployments of troops or tanks to remote locations. The Pentagon has awarded three contracts for the development of big airships. Others think that the Department of Homeland Security may be using them to spy on suspected domestic terrorists within the United States. A high tech airship could suck up every fax, phone call and email as it passes over.

• The NIDS database shows that in the past two years sightings of giant triangles over major cities have skyrocketed. Whoever’s flying them isn’t worried about their existence being known. When NIDS posted its study online it was swamped with nearly 100,000 inquiries, mostly from the aerospace industry. “So there’s a tremendous amount of interest in this topic,” says Kelleher. “Are these aircraft ours are they somebody else’s?[And] if not ours, who’s?”

[Editor’s Note]  In chapter 15 of Dr Michael Salla’s 2019 book: US Air Force Secret Space Program – Shifting Extraterrestrial Alliances & Space Force, he discusses the origin of the US Air Force’s top secret Aurora Program which developed the TR-3B triangle craft, able to perform both in the earth’s atmosphere and in near space. Salla cites Edgar Fouche who confirms that the TR-3B, code named ‘Astra’, was a tactical reconnaissance craft developed in the 1970s and built by private aerospace companies for the Air Force during the 1980s. Fouche served with the US Air Force from 1967 to 1987 and then spent another eight years with defense contractors working on a number of classified aviation programs at Groom Lake Area 51.

From November 1989 to April 1990, prototype black flying triangles, approximately 250 feet in length, were sighted and photographed in Scotland and Belgium by hundreds of witnesses including police officers. On March 30, 1990, the Belgium Air Force sent F-16 fighter jets to intercept a flying triangle. According to Fouche the 600-foot wide model TR-3B became operational in the early 1990’s, and three were flying by 1994.

The TR-3B employs a “Magnetic Field Disrupter” which rotates highly pressurized mercury-based plasma around a circular accelerator ring, reducing the craft’s weight by a factor of 89%. Three rocket engines using conventional fuel sources like hydrogen, oxygen and/or methane provide the thrust. The TR-3B is a high altitude, stealth, reconnaissance platform with an indefinite loiter time. Fouche claimed that the TR-3B was able to silently hover for at least 10 minutes and gave off “a corona of silver blue light” that glowed around it while hovering.

Corey Goode asserts that the TR-3B was a “hand me down” to the USAF’s military space program and to cabal “elites” from an even more highly classified space program controlled by NASA along with the Antarctic German Space Program.


Huge, silent, unknown craft have been reported flying over populated areas dating back decades. What are they?

Black triangles or boomerang shaped objects, some larger than any known aircraft, have been documented, even filmed, over cities all across North America, as well as in Europe. If they’re a classified military project, investigators wonder, then why are military jets scrambled to go after them?

                 Dr. Colm Kelleher

“They launched on several occasions top-of-the-line military aircraft against these things and they were left in the dust,” says Dr. Colm Kelleher of the National Institute for Discovery Science. “One minute they’re overhead, and the next they’re over the horizon.

Dr. Kelleher managed an investigation of the black triangles back in 2004, which coincidentally is the same year the U.S. Navy encountered a now-famous UFO known as the “Tic Tac.”

So what were those black triangles, and who, if anyone, was flying them? A special 2-Part report, only on mysterywire.com.


MYSTERY WIRE — In 1997, thousands of eyewitnesses watched in awe as a boomerang-shaped formation of lights cruised slowly and silently over the city of Phoenix.
“They’re lined up in a pattern,” one witness said as a camera recorded the event.

                 Cateland White

Witnesses first thought these were separate lights flying in formation, but quickly realized the lights were all part of a single gigantic something. Military officials were asked about the Phoenix lights but said they hadn’t seen anything.

Months later, they explained that a National Guard unit had been training with flares near the city. The public in general didn’t buy it.

Eight years earlier, the airspace over Belgium was repeatedly violated by huge unidentified black triangles. Ten thousand witnesses saw them. Several of the triangles were photographed. The Belgian Air Force dispatched F-16s to intercept and destroy the unknown intruders, but the triangles performed maneuvers that seemed virtually impossible.

Research scientist Dr. Colm Kelleher recounts the Belgium incident. “On several occasions they launched the top-of-the-line military aircraft against these things, and they were left standing. They were left in the dust.”

“One minute these things are overhead and the next minute they’re on the horizon,” Kelleher said.

Kelleher spent several years with the National Institute for Discovery Science, or NIDS, a private Las Vegas science organization. A four-year NIDS study of the mystery triangles has found that these craft have been seen for decades all over the world.

In the early ’80s, there were hundreds of nighttime sightings in rural New York. Belgium was inundated in the late ’80s. But more recently, the mystery triangles have really come out of the closet and have been seen in every state, including Nevada, flying low and slow over cities.

“These things are huge,” Kelleher said. “These things are football-field size, sometimes they’re stealthy, but a lot of the times they’re flying with extremely bright lights. They’re always silent.”

NIDS now has a database of more than 1,000 black triangle reports, 17 of them from Nevada. The witnesses often say the craft seemed to float like a blimp or airship. But they’re also capable of aeronautical magic.



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Alien Investigation Series ‘Project Blue Book’ Promises More Weird Encounters in Season 2


Article by Elizabeth Howell                        January 28, 2020                         (space.com)

The History Channel’s hit television series, “Project Blue Book”, is back for Season 2. The show, which airs on Tuesdays at 10 p.m. EST and PST, follows the U.S. Air Force “investigation” into UFOs during the 1950s and 60s. Under Blue Book, Air Force officer Edward J. Ruppelt and astronomer J. Allen Hynek and their successors examined over 12,000 UFO sightings. The HISTORY show delves into some of the 700 still-unexplained encounters.

• Series creator and executive producer David O’Leary said that he became convinced that UFOs really existed through his research on Project Blue Book. He is quick to note that this doesn’t necessarily mean that they are extraterrestrial. O’Leary says that in the end, both Ruppelt and Hynek themselves became convinced that UFOs were real and represented a true mystery worthy of scientific study. “Something clicked for me,” said O’Leary, “This is unbelievable (to me). So this ….series … examines this (UFO) program through the eyes of these two men.”

• O’Leary has spent many hours reading the first-hand research from both Blue Book, via the declassified documents found in Hynek’s book The UFO Experience, and from independent UFO historians. O’Leary interviewed the last living director of Blue Book — Robert J. Friend, who died in June 2019 at age 99. Friend provided not only details of the investigations, but advised them on what the Blue Book offices looked like and details of the show’s set.

• The ten episodes of Season 1 of Project Blue Book ran between January and March 2019. Last year’s show topics included a “dogfight” with a UFO over Fargo, N.D. in 1948; “foo fighters” during World War II (Friend was a WWII fighter pilot himself); and UFOs buzzing Washington DC in the summer of 1952. O’Leary says he likes to mix it up and explore scenarios beyond traditional UFO sightings in the sky, such as chasing aliens through the forest, making telepathic connections with aliens, and a Kentucky family that reported an alien home invasion.

• Anything beyond Season 2 has not been confirmed. But O’Leary and his team say they “have a lot of new ideas and areas to explore” and would be interested in producing more episodes.


“Project Blue Book,” the hit television docudrama about the U.S. military’s investigations into aliens more than 50 years ago, is back for Season 2.
The History Channel series runs on Tuesdays at 10 p.m. EST and PST — check your local listings to confirm the time in your viewing area. The next episode is tonight (Jan. 28).

                    David O’Leary

The series shares the same name as the real-life U.S. Air Force investigation into unidentified flying objects (UFOs), which was called Project Blue Book. That investigation launched in 1952 and continued until 1969. Experts examined more than 12,000 UFO sightings (of which more than 700 are still unexplained), according to series creator and executive producer David O’Leary.

“For me, UFOs have been a lifelong obsession,” he told Space.com. “I have always been fascinated by the question [of] ‘Are we alone in the universe? And I never felt you could honestly answer that question without examining the UFO issue.”

O’Leary said through his research on Project Blue Book, he became convinced that there “really is a phenomenon” of UFOs, even though experts often debunk the purported sightings, or say that the existence of UFOs doesn’t necessarily mean that aliens are in our airspace.

“Once I learned the chief of scientific consultants for the U.S. Air Force [J. Allen Hynek] and the first director of that program [Edward J. Ruppelt] both became convinced through this program that UFOs are real and represent a true scientific mystery and worthy of true scientific study, something clicked for me. This is unbelievable. So this is a drama series that examines this program through the eyes of these two men.”

O’Leary has spent many hours reading the first-hand research from both Blue Book, via the declassified documents in Hynek’s book “The UFO Experience” (Regnery, 1972), and from independent UFO historians. The producer also interviewed the last living director of Blue Book — Robert J. Friend, who died in June 2019 at age 99. Friend not only provided details of the investigations, but also discussed matters such as what the project’s offices looked like. His testimony helped with the sets on the show, O’Leary said.

2:14 minute trailer for Season Two of ‘Project Blue Book’ (HISTORY YouTube)



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US Navy Submarine ‘Encountered 500mph UFO in Ocean’ 4 Years After Nimitz’ Sighting


Article By Simon Green                         January 27, 2020                           (dailystar.co.uk)

• Mike Turber, who claims to be a former Air Force intelligence expert, revealed on ‘The Hidden Truth Show’ with Jim Breslo (see videos below) that the infamous ‘Tic Tac’ UFO captured on video by Navy pilots with the USS Nimitz carrier group off of San Diego in 2004 is actually technology created by the US military. However, the Navy says that it is not able to identify the object, calling it a ‘UAP’ or ‘unidentified aerial phenomena’.

• Ever since the revelation in 2017 of the Nimitz’ UFO encounter, there has been an overwhelming sense that there is more footage yet to be disclosed. In January, a US Navy spokesperson confirmed that a longer video classified “secret” does exist. Turber says that this footage would be at least 10 minutes long and is far clearer than the first one. Turber noted that the FLIR video recorder is turned on when the jet launches, so the entire beginning of the video seems to be missing.

• Turber claims that in 2007 or 2008, a craft matching the description of the ‘Tic Tac’ UFO was spotted hurtling through the water at 550mph by a US Navy submarine. “I thought it was just a torpedo,” said Turber, “but, apparently not.” Turber told the Daily Star Online that this US military craft is capable of traveling at astonishing speeds both in the air and under the sea.


A craft matching the description of the USS Nimitz UFO was spotted by a US Navy submarine hurtling at 550mph through the water in a previously unrevealed encounter, a former US Air Force intelligence expert has claimed.

             Jim Breslo
                      Mike Turber

The sighting of a ‘tic-tac’ craft by two US Navy fighter jets in 2004 has become one of the most famous UFO videos of all time.

The US Navy is still unable to explain the object, previously identifying it as an Unidentified Aerial Phenomena.

But Mike Turber, an intelligence expert who claims to have worked in the USAF, claims the craft was actually created by the US military.

He first made his bombshell comments on The Hidden Truth Show with Jim Breslo.

And in an exclusive chat with Daily Star Online, he suggested the craft is capable of hurtling at astonishing speeds in both the air and sea.

“There was a submarine situation – that report will probably come out further down the line,” he explained.

“It (the tic-tac object) was travelling at 550mph. As far as I know, it was a Los Angeles-class submarine.


1:13:23 length Part 1 video of Jim Breslo’s interview of Mike Turber (‘Hidden Truth Show’ YouTube)


1:23:51 length Part 2 video of Jim Breslo’s interview of Mike Turber (‘Hidden Truth Show’ YouTube)



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John Lennon: Beatles Star’s Ex Reveals Truth About UFO Sighting ‘I Know What I Saw’


Article by Minnie Wright                        January 24, 2020                          (express.co.uk)

• In (August)1974, John Lennon was gazing out of the apartment window of the Manhattan apartment he shared with May Pang, “just daydreaming around in my usual poetic frame of mind”, when he saw a UFO hovering around 100 feet away over a nearby building. He and May went out to the terrace and saw a large, circular object coming toward them.  (John and May are pictured above)

• May Pang describes the UFO as “… shaped like a flattened cone, and on top was a large, brilliant red light, not pulsating as on any of the aircraft we’d see heading for a landing at Newark Airport. …When it came a little closer, we could make out a row or circle of white lines that ran around the entire rim of the craft. These were also flashing on and off. …There were so many of these lights that it was dazzling to the mind.”

• Lennon later referenced the UFO sighting in the lyrics of his song ‘Nobody Told Me’ (there’d be days like these): “There’s UFOs over New York / And I ain’t too surprised.”  (see below)

• Pang has opened up on the experience in interviews (listen to May Pang’s interview below discussing the UFO sighting). In an interview with The Beatles Bible, May declared, “I know what I saw. And the rational explanation is… it was a UFO.” May claimed that 400 fellow New Yorkers reported seeing the UFO in 1974. But also she saw another UFO in the early 80’s, along with other people.

• Whether Lennon had called out to the UFO in the hope it might take him away, Pang clarified the rumor: “He didn’t call out to it; he later said he wished it had taken us with it. …However, I doubt we’d have been that enthusiastic to go along had the opportunity actually presented itself.”

• Lennon tried to take pictures of the UFO with both a polaroid and regular camera but said the film came back blank, like it had “been through the radar at customs”. His photographer Bob Gruen, called the Daily News and the Times the next day, as well as the police, to see if anyone else had reported a sighting. “[O]ther people and/or groups said they too saw something,” Lennon said. “Anyway, I know what I saw…”


John Lennon remains one of Britain’s most acclaimed musicians to this day thanks to his contributions both with The Beatles and as a solo artist. Famously shunning the mainstream for the experimental after meeting and falling in love with avant-garde artist Yoko Ono, he went on to leave the band and also turned his attention to peace activism.

            May Pang

A few short years into his marriage to Ono, however, Lennon embarked on a romance with their assistant, May Pang.

Ono knew about the affair, during which her famous husband moved out of their New York home and to Los Angeles with Pang, later saying it “wasn’t hurtful” to her.

       Lennon’s sketch of the UFO

While he was with Pang, at a time they were in New York, The Beatles star claimed to have seen a UFO, even referencing the moment in the liner notes for Walls and Bridges and in his song Nobody Told Me, in which he sings: “There’s UFOs over New York / And I ain’t too surprised.”

In a rare interview with The Beatles Bible years later in 2011, Pang opened up on the experience, revealing what she thought to be the truth of the matter.

“I know what I saw. And the rational explanation is… it was a UFO,” she declared.

“There’s UFOs over New York, as the song goes. And I saw another one in the early ‘80s, and I know other did people did too.”

Asked if anyone else in the city spotted the object that day in 1974, Lennon’s ex replied: “Yes, that event had about 400 reported sightings, I believe.”

On the subject of whether or not Lennon had, in fact, called out to the UFO in the hope it might take him away, Pang clarified: “He didn’t call out to it; he later said he wished it had taken us with it.


3:35 minute “Nobody Told Me” song by John Lennon (‘johnlennon’ YouTube)


55:33 minute May Pang interview: describes seeing UFO at 34:20-43:00 (‘The Moore Show’ YouTube)



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New Book – Rise of the Red Dragon – Origins & Threat of China’s Secret Space Program

Release Date: April 20, 2020

How did China undergo its meteoric rise from a technological backwater into a military superpower in outer space? This amazing transition began in top secret US Air Force programs over 75 years ago!

While living in America, a brilliant Chinese scientist is chosen to work on the US military’s most classified technologies for over a decade. Suddenly, he is outlandishly targeted by the FBI, traded in a prisoner exchange by President Eisenhower and must return to China. This episode ultimately led to China’s development of a military-run secret space program (SSP) using exotic electromagnetic propulsion systems now challenging US military dominance on Earth and in outer space. By 2030, China’s economy will outgrow the US, and China plans to use its vast economic resources to project its presence deep into space in ways that will lead to increasing military confrontations with the newly created US Space Force.

In this book, you will learn about:

  • The origins of China’s SSP through the pioneering work of Dr. Tsien Hsue-shen who brought his advanced knowledge of SSPs in Nazi Germany and the US to China;
  • How ancient aviation technologies buried in China’s mysterious pyramids are being secretly studied and reverse engineered;
  • Ancient artifacts from extraterrestrial contacts in remote regions of Tibet, the Gobi Desert, and the truth behind legends of Shamballa and Agartha;
  • China’s participation in a United Nations run SSP designed to foster greater international cooperation in responding to the existence of extraterrestrial life;
  • The space weapons and electromagnetically propelled spacecraft secretly being developed and deployed by China;
  • The threat posed by Communist China’s plan to use Artificial Intelligence to become the dominant superpower on Earth and in Space.

The Rise of the Red Dragon represents both a global crisis and opportunity presented by China. Are the US and China destined to violently clash in an inevitable cataclysmic space war or are they to become strategic partners in guiding humanity’s peaceful transition into a space faring galactic civilization?

About the Author: Dr Michael Salla is a former university professor in international relations and conflict resolution. He is the author of the Amazon best selling Secret Space Program book series comprising: Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs and Extraterrestrial Alliances (Book 1, 2015); The US Navy’s Secret Space Program and Nordic Extraterrestrial Alliance (Book 2, 2017); Antarctica’s Hidden History: Corporate Foundations of Secret Space Programs (Book 3, 2018); and US Air Force Secret Space Program – Shifting ET Alliances & Space Force (Book 4, 2019). He is also the author/editor of eight other books dealing with ‘Exopolitics’, International Conflict, U.S. Foreign Policy and Global Peace.

Rise of the Red Dragon: Origins and Threat of China’s Secret Space Program is approximately 290 pages in length, and is Book 5 in the Secret Space Programs Series. Cost: US$19.95

Release Date: April 20, 2020!

To order your autographed paperback edition from Exopolitics.org click Add to Cart or visit the Exopolitics Book Store.

Paperback and Kindle Editions will be made available for pre-order through Amazon.com .

Audible edition will be available by early May.

Witnesses Say USS Nimitz “Tic-Tac” Had Incredible Flight Capabilities, and That’s Not All


Article by Micah Hanks                         January 26, 2020                             (mysteriousuniverse.org)

• The ‘FLIR 1’ UFO video taken by Navy aviators assigned to the USS Nimitz carrier group which captured an ‘unidentified aerial phenomena’, now commonly known as the ‘tic tac’ UFO, is one of the most widely-discussed UAP instances of the modern era. In November 2004, these objects were tracked on radar over the course of several weeks. Former Petty Officer 3rd Class Fire Controlman Gary Voorhis reported seeing the UFOs through binoculars from the top deck of the USS Princeton in the carrier group.

• Voorhis and former Lead Petty Officer, Ryan Weigelt, who watched the ‘tic tac’ UFO on the AN/SPY-1 Bravo radar aboard the USS Princeton, described the “otherworldly maneuverability” of the objects. The UAP could go “up, left, down, forward…at any speed it wanted to go.” “[I]t would move sharp to the right, sharp to the left, up, down, any particular direction it wanted to go. It had no rudders, no props, no jet plume. You couldn’t tell which side was the front and which side was the back, except that you’d just assume that which way is going forward is front. But you can’t even assume that, because it would just move sideways.”

• Voorhis and Weigelt noted another eerie characteristic of the ‘tic tac’ UFOs. When Navy pilot Commander David Fravor and the Navy jet accompanying him were alerted via radio that the object had reappeared, they were given a “cap point” location to reach. Fravor told the New York Times, “We were at least 40 miles away, and in less than a minute this thing was already at our cap point.” Somehow, the UFO was aware of the designated cap point location and got there first. Could the operators of the ‘tic tac’ UFO have had foreknowledge or other access to this information? Was it able to decode the Navy’s highly encrypted communications?

• Various accounts of these UFOs indicate that they possess capabilities far beyond anything that the US military has, or any other military for that matter. While these UFOs have not made any overt offensive actions against Navy jets, it is a concern that these mysterious objects have such highly advanced performance abilities. Just how much information does the US military have on these UFOs? What steps is the military taking to identify and learn more about these UFOs? We don’t know.


“Up, left, down, forward… any way it wanted to go, at any speed it wanted to go. Which was hard for your brain to kinda wrap around at first.”
This was how Gary Voorhis, former Petty Officer 3rd Class Fire Controlman aboard the USS Princeton, described the behavior of an unidentified flying object that was tracked and observed across multiple systems during a 2004 Naval incident off the coast of California. The events described here, commonly known today as the USS Nimitz UFO incident, have become one of the most widely-discussed instances involving unexplained aerial phenomena of the modern era.

       Ryan Weigelt
                   Gary Voorhis

A number of key factors have contributed to the attention this incident has gained, which include the involvement of multiple witnesses, and more fundamentally, that it had been a military encounter with obvious national defense implications. Also contributing to the interest it has received had been footage obtained with the help of the Raytheon ATFLIR targeting pod systems employed by the Navy, as well as observations by radar operators and other technicians in the Navy’s Strike Carrier Group-11. All of these sources provided information about the operational capabilities of the craft, which has since been popularly likened to a bus-sized, flying “tic-tac”.

Gary Voorhis and Ryan Weigelt, both of whom served with the Carrier Group-11 at the time of the incident, related a number of unique details to me during a recent interview I conducted with them about the incident. Voorhis, as described earlier, had been a Petty Officer 3rd Class Fire Controlman aboard the USS Princeton, and was one of the system technicians for the Cooperative Engagement Capability and AEGIS Combat systems, which included the AN/SPY-1 Bravo radar. Weigelt, a former Leading Petty Officer, had been the power plant specialist of the SH-60B Seahawk helicopter at the same time.

One of the key elements that both men shared with me in our interview had been their recollection of seeing the now-famous intercept attempt led by Commander David Fravor, a former commanding officer of Strike Fighter Squadron 41 (and, notably, the officer to first compare the object or aircraft’s shape to a “tic-tac”). Fravor was accompanied at the time of the intercept by his weapon systems officer and two other pilots.



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Last ‘UFO’ Sightings Reported to RAF Will Be Published Online

by Press Association 2019                       January 26, 2020                          (largsandmillportnews.com)

• When Nick Pope worked at the ‘UFO Desk’ at Britain’s Ministry of Defence (MoD) in the 1990s, “we didn’t find definitive proof of extraterrestrial visitation, but there were so many bizarre and unexplained sightings that we didn’t entirely rule it out.”

• In 2009, the Royal Air Force (RAF) determined that after more than 50 years, no UFO report received by the MoD had ever disclosed any evidence of a potential threat. So the MoD closed its UFO Desk and told the public that all of its UFO files were turned over to Britain’s National Archives, ultimately for full public disclosure.

• But a recent investigation stemming from a Freedom of Information Act filing revealed that some UFO reports had not been released. Rather than continuing to send these reports to the National Archives, the RAF/MoD has determined that it would publish all remaining UFO reports and documents on a dedicated gov.uk web page. A clearance process for these documents is currently under way, and online publication is expected to take place in the first quarter of 2020.

• From now on, any new UFO sightings by the British public will be directed to their local police force.

• So now the MoD’s official position is: “The MoD has no opinion on the existence or otherwise of extraterrestrial life and does not investigate UFO reports.”


The RAF took the decision to wind up its UFO unit in 2009, after concluding that in more than 50 years, no received report had ever disclosed any evidence of a potential threat.

        Nick Pope

Previously, records from the unit were given to the National Archives, often initially classified before being released after a specific number of years.

But the most recent reports received by the RAF will be placed online, the PA news agency can disclose, following a Freedom of Information Act request.

Members of the public reporting alleged UFO sightings are now directed to their local police force.

A spokesman for the RAF said that “it had been assessed that it would be better to publish these records, rather than continue sending documents to the National Archives, and so they are looking to put them on to a dedicated gov.uk web page”.

A clearance process for the documents is currently under way before publication, which is expected to take place “some time within the first quarter of 2020”.



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Saturn’s Mysterious Moon Could Support Alien Life Thanks to New Discovery


Article by Chris Ciaccia                           January 24, 2020                        (nypost.com)

• Researchers with the Southwest Research Institute, using data from NASA’s Cassini spacecraft, have found an “abundance” of carbon dioxide on Saturn’s moon Enceladus reacting with the moon’s core and subsurface oceans that could potentially create energy sources that might support life. Researcher Hunter Waite reported, “While we have not found evidence of the presence of microbial life in the ocean of Enceladus, the growing evidence for chemical disequilibrium offers a tantalizing hint that habitable conditions could exist beneath the moon’s icy crust.”

• “We came up with a new technique for analyzing the plume composition to estimate the concentration of dissolved CO2 in the ocean,” said researcher Christopher Glein. “This enabled modeling to probe deeper interior processes.” The new technique identifies reactions between the water and the core of the celestial satellite as the source of the complexity. Their findings are published in Geophysical Research Letters.

• Enceladus was first discovered in 1789. Voyagers 1 and 2 conducted “fly-bys” in the 1980s, but not much was known about the “ocean world” moon until NASA’s Cassini spacecraft was launched in 1997 and spent 13 years in Saturn’s orbit studying the planet and its moon satellites. In September 2017, the Cassini plunged itself into Saturn’s atmosphere and found the presence of hydrogen in Enceladus’ atmosphere. In 2018, scientists announced the discovery of complex organic molecules, the “building blocks” for life, on the moon.

• In June, NASA announced the “Dragonfly mission” to explore Saturn’s largest moon, Titan, which also could potentially host extraterrestrial life.


Saturn’s moon Enceladus has an even better chance of supporting extraterrestrial life than previously thought: Researchers have discovered its oceans are more complex than first believed.

The moon’s oceans shoot plumes of carbon dioxide into space, researchers have found, using data from NASA’s Cassini spacecraft. The findings, published in Geophysical Research Letters, point to reactions between the water and the core of the celestial satellite as the source of the complexity, discovered thanks to a new technique the researchers used.

“By understanding the composition of the plume, we can learn about what the ocean is like, how it got to be this way and whether it provides environments where life as we know it could survive,” said Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) researcher Christopher Glein in a statement. “We came up with a new technique for analyzing the plume composition to estimate the concentration of dissolved CO2 in the ocean. This enabled modeling to probe deeper interior processes.”

The Cassini spacecraft intentionally plunged itself into Saturn’s atmosphere in September 2017 after it was launched in 1997 at a total cost of $3.9 billion ($2.5 billion in pre-launch costs and $1.4 billion in post-launch). It spent 13 years circling, studying and taking data of Saturn and its moons.



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