Trump’s Promises for Space Force and NASA in His Second Term

Article by Mark Whittington                              August 30, 2020                              (

• Among the promises that President Trump has made as part of his “Contract with America,” (see here) should he be re-elected, will be to “launch Space Force, establish permanent manned presence on the Moon, and send the first manned mission to Mars.”

• A permanent Moon base is not likely to happen in Trump’s second term. Nor will a mission to Mars. As his presidency draws to a close, the best that Trump can hope for during a second term is to preside over the first human Moon landing since 1972. The lunar landing promises to include the first woman to step on the Moon, ever.

• President Trump has executed the most far-reaching space policy since President Kennedy’s race to the Moon. Deep space exploration programs that involve returning astronauts to the Moon and dispatching crewed expeditions to Mars have been a perennial project for Republican presidents. Trump has proposed a deep space exploration program that employs a combination of NASA and the commercial sector. Both Trump’s executive orders and Congressional legislation have encouraged the economic development of space, particularly mining the Moon and the asteroids along with space-based manufacturing.

• Trump’s space agenda is more remarkable because he gave barely a hint of it during his first campaign. Twice, when he was running for president, Trump was dismissive of sending humans to Mars. Now he can talk of little else.

• While the idea of a separate space-faring military branch has been kicked around for years, the Space Force initiative came out of the blue. In a remarkably short time, Trump has turned an obscure policy proposal into reality. While some critics mock the Space Force, others agree that the nation’s dependence on communications satellites and GPS needs a Space Force branch to defend those assets.

• The Democrats have, quite cleverly, endorsed the President’s space agenda in their own party platform (see here), suggesting that it doesn’t matter who is president insofar as space is concerned. But how would a President Biden go to advance deep space exploration, commercial space development and the Space Force? No one can be quite sure about Biden, especially as he is being heavily influenced by space opponents like Bernie Sanders.

• We don’t know whether Joe Biden would work to enhance America’s space power, and one suspects that he won’t, if elected. Trump, on the other hand, will work relentlessly to make America a space superpower.


Instead of a party platform, the Republicans have deferred to President Donald Trump, who has offered what is in effect a “Contract with America,” similar to the one Newt Gingrich drew up in advance of the 1994 midterm elections. Among the promises Trump has made is the following:
“Launch Space Force, Establish permanent manned presence on the moon and send the first manned mission to Mars.”

        Democrat nominee Joe Biden

The space promise, succinct and to the point, elicits a couple of quibbles.

First, a permanent moon base is not likely to happen in the second term. Nor will a mission to Mars. As his presidency draws to a close, the best that Trump can hope for is to preside over the first human moon landing since 1972, a remarkable feat regardless.

Also, the use of the adjective “manned” is likely to trigger outrage in certain quarters. America has been launching female astronauts since Sally Ride’s first flight in the early 1980s. Indeed, NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine always takes pains to state that the first human moon landing in over 40 years will consist of “the first woman and the next man.”

One can also point out that, like the space plank in the Democratic Party platform, Trump’s promise lacks certain specifics. However, the president has a record forged during his current term that fills in the blanks in great detail.



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Look at These Images and Tell Us You Don’t Believe in ETs

Article by Ashley Maaike                                      August 26, 2020                                        (

• Are we alone in this vast universe? Will we encounter other intelligent forms of life in our galaxy or our own planet for that matter? We may think we know what’s out there – but the truth is we haven’t even scratched the surface. Could it be that aliens are real and the government is hiding it? Here are some intriguing pictures that may just convince you that extraterrestrial beings are already here.

Dead Alien in Russia – A video showing what appears to be an alien corpse was captured by two Russians who shared it on YouTube a decade ago. The rotting corpse was discovered near Lake Baikal in Siberia. With the large black eyes and bulbous head, it has the iconic alien look. Residents say they also found a crashed UFO near the alien corpse. (see below)

Los Angeles UFO – This photo was taken in 1942, shortly after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Early in the morning, someone noticed a UFO in the skies above Los Angeles. Believing that the craft was another Japanese attack, military forces fired over a thousand anti-aircraft shells at it. But somehow, they hit nothing. The flying saucer in the photo is illuminated by multiple military searchlights, and it looks unearthly. The government passed off the event – saying that it was a weather balloon.  (see below)

Boyd Bushman’s Photos – Boyd Bushman was a scientist at the aerospace company Lockheed Martin and at Area 51. After his death, an interview appeared of Bushman where he describes in-depth his interactions with aliens while at Area 51, and revealed the photos like the one above as evidence. Bushman claims that over a dozen aliens are currently working for the US government. Of course, the video has been condemned as a hoax. But others find the photos and interview to be quite real.  (see below)

Martian Petroglyphs – NASA launched the Curiosity Rover on Mars in 2011. On a UFO blog, someone noticed a rock on Mars with a strange etching that looks like petroglyphs inscribed on columns from ancient Egypt. Is this strange carving of a humanoid just a coincidence, or could it be evidence to suggest humanoid aliens had once been on Mars?  (see below)

Hiding Behind the Sun – NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) has been observing the Sun for over a decade. Studying the Sun helps scientists understand the influence of solar flares and the Sun’s magnetic field on the Earth. On UFO Sightings Daily, an image that was captured by the SDO hints at a strange sort of figure or craft that orbits the Sun. Could life or alien technology exist that close to the Sun? (see below)


                 Dead Alien in Russia

Are we alone in this vast universe? And even if we aren’t alone, will we ever get to encounter other forms

                    Los Angeles UFO

of life in our galaxy or our planet for that matter? It’s impossible not to wonder about this possibility, because earth just can’t be the only place that harbors sentient life.
We may think we know what’s out there – but the truth is we haven’t even scratched the surface. But could it be possible that aliens are real and have in fact encountered earth? Could the government be hiding it? Here are some intriguing pictures that may just convince you that aliens have already made contact with Earth.

Dead alien in Russia
A video showcasing what appears to be an alien corpse was captured by two Russians who shared it on YouTube nearly a decade ago. The rotting corpse was discovered near Lake Baikal in Siberia.

              Boyd Bushman’s Photos

In the video, the supposed alien seems to be missing a leg along with those large black eyes & bulbous

                 Martian Petroglyphs

head that has been the iconic alien look. The Russian new agency also claims that these residents encountered a crashed UFO nearby the body. Is this a real alien or very well-done special effects?

This photo was taken in 1942 – shortly after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour. Early in the morning, someone

               Hiding Behind the Sun

noticed an unidentified aircraft in the skies above Los Angeles. Initially believed that the aircraft was another attack from the Japanese, military forces fired over a thousand anti-aircraft shells at it.
But somehow, they hit nothing. The flying saucer caught in the photo is illuminated by multiple military searchlights – but it’s impossible to deny that it looks rather unearthly. The government passed off the event – saying that it was likely a weather balloon.

Boyd Bushman’s evidence
Boyd Bushman was a scientist at Lockheed Martin (an aerospace company) and supposedly at Area 51. After his death, an interview appeared of Bushman (or a man claiming to be him) where he unveiled his experience working at Area 51. In the video, he describes in-depth his interactions with aliens and offers photos like the one above as evidence.

More Bushman photos
Bushman’s claims & collection of photographs are wild. For example, he claims that over a dozen aliens are currently working for the U.S. government. Of course, the video has been condemned as a hoax – some saying that these photos are unconvincing. However, others find the interview and the photos to be realistic – truly believing aliens are real.




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New UFO Sighting in the UK

Article by Ashley Maaike                                August 27, 2020                                  (

• On August 10th, as a commercial jet approached its landing at the Doncaster-Sheffield Airport in South Yorkshire, England, bystander Andrew Pollard saw and videoed a UFO zooming past the jet, coming within a meter of the jet. In the video below, a cylindrical object can be seen next to the jet’s right wing. Pollard posted the photo on Twitter under his handle, “The Alchemist”.

• It appears that the UFO is much smaller than the plane, about the size of a car. But it is too big and moving too fast to be a bird. It moves so fast that even the camera loses its focus on it. Apparently, the control tower personnel and radar didn’t even detect that UFO.


Wouldn’t it be Earth-centric to think we’re the only lifeforms in the universe? It’d be ridiculous to believe that no other planets couldn’t foster sentient life. But if there were evidence to suggest aliens exist, would our governments tell us about it?

What if extraterrestrials made contact with Earth already? We have to keep our eyes peeled for any sign & note every sighting. You never know when a UFO will finally land on Earth and change our lives as we know it. It could be a reality much sooner than you’d think.

In fact, the latest exciting UFO news comes to us from the UK. Alien hunters have rallied, claiming that an alien spaceship has been spotted near an airport in Yorkshire. Here are all of the details we have about the exciting possibility of a UFO on Earth.

The UK UFO report

According to the sharp eyes of the conspiracy theorists, the UFO was zooming past an airplane that was landing at Doncaster-Sheffield Airport when they noticed it. As the incoming airplane descended toward the landing strip, what looked like a cylindrical object could be seen next to the airplane’s right wing.


2:30 minute video of UFO streaking past a jetliner in Yorkshire, UK (‘UFOmania – The Truth is out there’ YouTube)



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Army’s Senior Space Officer Preparing Space Force for Army Forces

Article by Carrie Campbell and Lira Frye                              August 28, 2020                              (

• On August 21st, during the flag unfurling ceremony with U.S. Space Command at Schriever Air Force Base, the Army’s senior space officer, Lt. Gen. Daniel L. Karbler, highlighted the importance of a warfighting culture and preparing the U.S. Space Force to accept Army forces. “As we look down the road and we look at the potential for transfer of Army forces to the USSF, we have to make sure that it’s a conditions-based transfer and that before we do that, it’s done with meticulous analysis,” Karbler said. “My commitment to you (USSPACECOM) is that we retain that warfighting readiness with any kind of transfer decisions.”

• Transfers from the Air Force to the U.S. Space Force started in 2020. The timeframe for Army or Navy personnel transfers to the Space Force is no earlier than 2022. The Army Service Component Command for USSPACECOM will integrate ‘Army space’ into the USSPACECOM warfighting culture through trained and ready Army forces performing crucial missions around the globe and supporting other combatant commands.

• In his first official act as commander of the US Army Space and Missile Defense Command, Lt. Gen. James H. Dickinson said at the unfurling ceremony, “In my mind, this is a great integration opportunity for some of our very important mission areas between USSTRATCOM and USSPACECOM.” At an August 20th ceremony at Peterson Air Force Base, Dickenson said, “To be clear, our objective is to deter a conflict …extending to space, and to enable our nation to compete in space from a position of strength. However, should deterrence fail, our imperative is clear: we will win. To do so, we will require a space warfighting culture that permeates our entire command.”

• Karbler said his command will support Dickenson’s warfighting mindset. “My commitment to you is to make sure our operational brigades and the developmental work we do is at the forefront of that warfighting readiness,” said Karbler. “Winning matters. But I will tell you that in space, winning first really matters.”


SCHRIEVER AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. – During an historic ceremony solidifying the relationship between the Army’s and the Department of Defense’s space commands Aug. 21, the Army’s senior space officer highlighted the importance of a warfighting culture and preparing the U.S. Space Force to accept Army forces.

    Lt. Gen. Daniel L. Karbler

During the flag unfurling ceremony with U.S. Space Command at Schriever Air Force Base, Lt. Gen. Daniel L.

  Lt. Gen. James H. Dickinson

Karbler, USASMDC commanding general, emphasized readiness, stressing that any transfer of forces into the U.S. Space Force is conditions based to ensure no readiness gap.

“As we look down the road and we look at the potential for transfer of Army forces to the USSF, we have to make sure that it’s a conditions-based transfer and that before we do that, it’s done with meticulous analysis,” Karbler said. “My commitment to you (USSPACECOM) is that we retain that warfighting readiness with any kind of transfer decisions.”

Transfers from the Air Force to the U.S. Space Force started in fiscal year 2020. The timeframe for Army or Navy space requirements to move to the Space Force remains no earlier than fiscal year 2022 or 2023.

The flag unfurling designated USASMDC as the Army Service Component Command for USSPACECOM. In this role, USASMDC integrates Army space into the USSPACECOM warfighting culture through trained and ready Army forces performing crucial no-fail missions around the globe while continuing support to other combatant commands.



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UFO Hunters Spot ‘747-Sized’ Alien Craft Over Dubai

Article by Tom Fish                                 August 28, 2020                                  (

• On August 25th, Jovic Alamons’ wife was video recording him walking along Ja Beach in Dubai, United Arab Emirates when he points to a classic ‘flying saucer’-shaped object hovering in the sky in front of them. (see video clip below) The UFO appears to be the size of a 747 jet at about one mile in the distance. Rotation can be seen underneath the craft. Unfortunately, Mrs Alamons stopped recording before the UFO could fly away.

• Was the craft waiting for water to evaporate from its hull, after emerging from the water, before flying off into space?


Eagle-eyed alien life conspiracy theorists believe they have acquired video evidence of a UFO brazenly hovering over Earth. What appears as a classic ‘flying saucer’-shaped object is seen flying low in the sky close to the United Arab Emirates city.

The bizarre footage was originally uploaded to YouTube by the UFO & Alien Santana channel, apparently shot by the wife of eyewitness Jovic Alamons.
Self-proclaimed alien researcher Scott Waring believes the video shot in daylight really is proof of UFOs.

Waring took to his UFO Sightings Daily blog to speculate about the anomaly.

He claimed: “Watching this video makes you wonder if its real or not, but the man’s reaction and how he and the woman are transfixed on recording the guy – all is normal.

“I looked for glitches and could find no evidence of manipulation in the video.

“The UFO appears to be the size of a 747 jet and it is far away, about [one mile] 1.5km in the distance.

“It’s sitting over the ocean off Dubai.”

33-second video of tic tac type UFO over Dubai beach (‘UFOs & Aliens Santana’ YouTube)



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Space Weapons to Counter China and Russia

Article by Dave Makichuk                                August 28, 2020                                 (

• The Pentagon and President Trump consider space to be a warfighting domain on par with land, air and sea. And the newly established US Space Command indeed faces a clear and present danger. China has already tested anti-satellite missiles, while Russia has deployed on-orbit systems that could threaten US satellites. America’s adversaries now have the ability to use jammers, ground-based lasers, ground- and space-based kinetic weapons, attack ground facilities that support space operations or even carry out a nuclear detonation in space.

• “As a geographical combatant command focused on the space domain, those are the things that keep us up at night,” says Army National Guard Major General Tim Lawson. But Lawson told the virtual audience at the National Defense Industrial Association’s Space Warfighting Industry Forum (on August 21st) that America has new capabilities are on the way to mitigate the threat. But these capabilities classified as “black budget” projects, and he can’t tell you about them.

• “A lot of times you listen to that threat picture and you kind of get a little dismayed at what you’re seeing, but then you look at our side and — trust me — we’ve got some things coming. So, it’s good news,” said Lawson.

• Lawson highlighted the need to have resilient space architectures that utilize large networks of small communications and intelligence-gathering satellites that would be less vulnerable to enemy attacks. “If you had hundreds of small satellites up there in a constellation … the enemy can take out quite a few of those and it will really never have an impact on us,” he said. “That really is the resiliency piece that we’re seeking out there and we need.” The ‘Spacecom’ command is also interested in developments in space logistics such as on-orbit refueling or servicing of satellites. Lawson says that if American industry could put assets into orbit to overwhelm adversaries’ ability to shoot them down, “it would be a game-changer”.

• But it’s not the first time a US president has launched a major military defense project in space. President Ronald Reagan envisioned a Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) as an array of space-based X-ray lasers would detect and deflect any nukes headed toward the United States. On March 23, 1983, Reagan called upon the US scientists who “gave us nuclear weapons to turn their great talents to the cause of mankind and world peace: to give us the means of rendering these nuclear weapons impotent and obsolete.”

• But politicians and scientists argued that SDI was overambitious. Massachusetts Senator Edward Kennedy referred to it as Reagan’s ”reckless ‘Star Wars’ schemes.” The “Star Wars” moniker stuck. Over the course of 10 years, the government spent up to $30 billion on developing the concept without achieving operational status. It was scrapped by President Bill Clinton in 1993.

[Editor’s Note]   So where did this $30 billion go? By coincidence, the 1980’s was when the US Navy created and deployed its deep space fleet of eight oversized submarine-type warp drive spacecraft known as ‘Solar Warden’, unbeknownst to the public.


To say that officials at the newly established US Space Command face a clear and present danger, is an understatement.

                       Tim Lawson

America’s adversaries now have the ability to use jammers, ground-based lasers, ground- and space-based kinetic weapons, attack ground facilities that support space operations or even carry out a nuclear detonation in space.

               Ronald Reagan

China has already tested anti-satellite missiles, while Russia has deployed on-orbit systems that could threaten US satellites.

But according to Army National Guard Major General Tim Lawson, new capabilities are on the way to mitigate the threat — he just can’t tell you about them, because they are classified under the umbrella of “black budget” projects.

“As a geographical combatant command focused on the space domain, those are the things that keep us up at night,” said Lawson, who made the remarks at the National Defense Industrial Association’s Space Warfighting Industry Forum, which was held virtually due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

                Sen. Edward Kennedy

“I would love to sit behind some closed doors and have this discussion on some of the things we really think we need,” Lawson said when asked about the types of capabilities Spacecom is seeking.

“A lot of times you listen to that threat picture and you kind of get a little dismayed at what you’re seeing, but then you look at our side and — trust me — we’ve got some things coming. So, it’s good news.”

Significant portions of the US military’s space programs are classified, making it difficult for outside observers to know what’s coming down the pike.

Meanwhile, Lawson highlighted the need to have resilient space architectures that utilize large networks of small communications and intelligence-gathering satellites that would be less vulnerable to enemy attacks.



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Jesuit Astronomer Says Extraterrestrial Communication Possible

Article by J-P Mauro                                August 28, 2020                                (

• In a study paper published in the International Journal of Astrobiology, co-author Father Jose Funes, a Catholic priest and an expert in galaxies and extragalactic astronomy who holds the chair in Science, Religion and Education at the Catholic University of Cordoba, Argentina, theorizes that in a long-enough timeline, Earth could intercept messages from intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations.

• The researchers created a simulation to study “casually connected nodes,” ‘nodes’ being the term for unknown intergalactic civilizations. They then ran these thousands of nodes through the simulation to conclude that communication with an ET civilization is directly related to how many sophisticated civilizations exist in the Milky Way.

• As a result, the study suggests that the probability of Earth receiving intergalactic messages is low, overall. But the likelihood of such a discovery is greatly increased if the galaxy is “densely populated with long-standing civilizations.” The longer a civilization exists, the greater the chance that it will develop technology that could be used for intergalactic messaging.

• “[T]hough the odds are not very high, there is a chance to communicate with ET,” says Father Funes. “All this effort in studying probabilities and communicating with alien civilizations helps to understand better who we are. It is important to step out from our anthropomorphic and anthropocentric way of thinking to deal with a very profound diversity, the cosmic otherness.”

• The study team notes that we can increase our chances of interacting with extraterrestrial civilizations by enacting our own interstellar exploration, colonization, and settlement. They also suggested probes that could self-replicate as a means of exploring the furthest reaches of space.

[Editor’s Note]    Is the Catholic church getting people used to the notion that the galaxy could be “densely populated with long-standing civilizations”? Is this part of the long, drawn-out, drip drip drip of disclosure?


A Catholic priest has co-authored a study on intergalactic communications, which theorizes that, on a long enough timeline, it is possible that Earth could intercept messages from extraterrestrial civilizations.

                    Father Jose Funes

The paper, published in the International Journal of Astrobiology, suggests that communication with an intelligent civilization is directly related to how many sophisticated civilizations exist in the Milky Way. The study came to this conclusion by creating a simulation that studied “casually connected nodes,” nodes being a term for unknown intergalactic civilizations.

The researchers ran these thousands of nodes through the simulation, which led them to suggest that the probability of Earth receiving intergalactic messages is overall low. They do note, however, that the likelihood of such a discovery is greatly increased if the galaxy is “densely populated with long-standing civilizations.” They suggest that the longer a civilization exists, the greater the chance that it will develop technology that could be used for intergalactic messaging.




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Japan Vows to Work Closely on Lunar Exploration With the US

Article from Kyodo News                            August 26, 2020                              (

• In August 26th, US and Japanese officials met in Tokyo to further discuss Japan’s role in the NASA-led joint lunar exploration project culminating in a return to the Moon in 2024, actual exploration of the lunar surface beginning in 2028, and ultimately the international ‘Artemis’ lunar habitat project. This will be the first time that humans walk on the Moon since the Apollo 17 mission in 1972.

• The meeting was attended by Scott Pace, executive secretary of the US National Space Council, Gen. John Raymond, chief of Space Force, and Japanese government officials from the Cabinet Office, Defense Ministry and other Japanese agencies.

• Pursuant to a lunar cooperation accord signed in July 2020, the US and NASA acknowledged opportunities for “Japanese crew activities” on the ‘Gateway’, a small spaceship that will orbit the Moon, as well as participate in activities on the lunar surface.

• US officials also acknowledged Japan’s new ‘Space Operation Squadron’, an Air Self-Defense Force space unit monitoring threats to Japanese satellites in outer space. Japanese officials acknowledged the significance of the US Space Command and Space Force.

• Tokyo and Washington also touched on “growing concern for threats to the continuous, safe and stable use of outer space,” a veiled reference to the growing space capabilities of countries such as China and Russia.


                       Scott Pace

Japan and the United States on Wednesday pledged to work closely on a lunar exploration project led by

           Gen. John Raymond

the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration after Tokyo joined it last month.

In a joint statement issued after a meeting in Tokyo, the two governments said they “reaffirmed their commitment to Artemis,” the multilateral project intended to return humans to the Moon by 2024 and establish sustainable lunar surface exploration with NASA’s commercial and international partners by 2028.

The two sides “also acknowledged opportunities for Japanese crew activities” on the Gateway, a small spaceship that will orbit the Moon, as well as on the lunar surface, as highlighted in a lunar cooperation accord they signed in July, the statement said.

The last humans to walk on the Moon were American astronauts from the Apollo 17 mission in 1972.



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New Webinar – Why Space Force Terrifies the Deep State & Rogue Secret Space Programs

Space has for decades been used by the Deep State and rogue Secret Space Programs (SSPs) to manipulate humanity through false flag operations, staged “alien abductions”, targeted satellite-based behavioral alteration and genetic modification, a galactic slave trade, and generating an enormous black budget for funding highly classified corporate technology projects. The recent creation of the US Space Force terrifies the Deep State and rogue SSPs since Space Force threatens to upend these egregious practices.

In this webinar you will learn:

• The true intention behind the creation of Space Force.
• How the Deep State delayed the creation of Space Force for nearly two decades.
• The significance of Space Force’s plan to dominate Earth-Moon orbital environments.
• How the Deep State’s ability to stage false flag events will be ended by Space Force.
• How Space Force will thwart a planned Space Pearl Harbor event to be launched by China with Deep State backing.
• Why Space Force threatens the space operations of transnational corporations & their plans for dominance on Earth and in space.
• The Deep State’s behavioral alteration and genetic modification plans using new generation satellite networks & how Space Force threatens these.
• How Space Force is destined to put an end to the Galactic Slave Trade.
• How Space Force will eventually incorporate a US Navy-run SSP to form a multinational “Star Fleet”

September 26, 2020 (Saturday)
12 noon –  4.30 pm PDT/ 3 – 7.30 pm EDT USA  (Includes Q&A at the end)
Cost: $55. To Register click here

*This LIVE event will be recorded, and attendees are able to watch unlimited replays for 60 days.

To view and purchase past webinars click here



Ex-Air Force Members’ Stories Will Convince You UFOs Are Real

Article by Patrice A. Kelly                             August 27, 2020                                   (

• Are UFOs real? According to Luis Elizondo, former military intelligence officer and past head of the Pentagon’s now-defunct Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, “I think we’re at the point now where we’re beyond reasonable doubt that these things exist. We know they’re there – we have some of the greatest technology in the world that has confirmed their existence.”

• Since the term ‘UFO’ describes aerial objects that defy explanation, some believe that they represent technology deployed by a hostile human source. Evaluating the potential threats posed by UFOs should, therefore, involve the collaboration of leaders around the world, said Elizondo, who is now a director of global security and special programs at To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science, a private agency pursuing evidence of UFOs.

• The U.S. government has been collecting reports on UFOs since the 1950s – in the Air Force’s Project Blue Book, from 1952 to 1969, and through the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP), a federal agency that compiled witness accounts of UFO encounters from the 1950s through the 1980s.

• On November 14, 2004, Cmdr. David Fravor (pictured above) and Lt. Cmdr. Jim Slaight were on a routine training mission in their F/A-18F Super Hornets, 100 miles out into the Pacific from the USS Nimitz aircraft carrier. An operations officer aboard the USS Princeton asked if they were carrying weapons. Commander Fravor replied that they only carried ‘dummy missiles’ as they had not been expecting any hostile exchanges off the coast of San Diego. “Well, we’ve got a real-world vector for you,” the radio operator said.

• For two weeks, the Princeton had been tracking UFOs. The objects appeared suddenly at 80,000 feet, and then hurtled toward the sea, eventually stopping at 20,000 feet and hovering. Then they either dropped out of radar range or shot straight back up. The radio operator instructed the pilots to investigate. The two fighter jets headed toward the “merge plot” with objects. When they reached that point, they could see nothing around them. Then Fravor looked down at the ocean. Although the seas were calm, waves were breaking over something that was just below the surface. Whatever it was, it was big enough to cause the sea to churn.

• Hovering fifty feet above the churn was an oval aircraft of some kind, whitish, around forty feet long. The craft was jumping around erratically, staying over the wave disturbance but not moving in any specific direction. Commander Fravor began a circular descent to get a closer look, but as he got nearer the object began ascending toward him, as if the UFO were coming to meet him halfway. Fravor abandoned his slow circular descent and headed straight for the object. Then the object peeled away. “It accelerated like nothing I’ve ever seen,” said Fravor.

• The operations officer on the Princeton told the jets to rendezvous at a ‘cap point’ sixty miles away. The jets were near the cap point when the Princeton radioed: “Sir, you won’t believe it,” the radio operator said, “but that thing is (already) at your cap point.” “We were at least 40 miles away, and in less than a minute this thing was already at our cap point,” Commander Fravor related. By the time the two fighter jets arrived at the rendezvous point, the object had disappeared.

• The fighter jets returned to the Nimitz, where everyone on the ship had learned of Commander Fravor’s encounter and was making fun of him. Fravor’s superiors did not investigate further and he went on with his career, deploying to the Persian Gulf to provide air support to ground troops during the Iraq war. But recalling that day off of San Deigo, Commander Fravor said, “I have no idea what I saw.” “It had no plumes, wings or rotors and outran our F-18s.” Fravor added, “I want to fly one.”


There’s no question that the world has an ongoing fascination with UFOs. Although reports of sightings are often met with derision– as delusions of people who wear “tin-foil hats” – there is no doubt that many people have seen something unexplained whizzing through the sky. So the question becomes – are UFOs real?

According to Luis Elizondo, former military intelligence officer and past head of the Pentagon’s now-defunct Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), they just might be.

They do exist . . .

“I think we’re at the point now where we’re beyond reasonable doubt that these things exist,” Elizondo said. “We know they’re there – we have some of the greatest technology in the world that has confirmed their existence.”

Though some label UFOs as alien spacecraft, the term merely describes aerial objects that defy explanation. One possibility is that they represent technology deployed by a hostile human source, so it’s impossible to say for sure that UFOs are harmless, Elizondo said.

        Luis Elizondo

Evaluating the potential threats posed by UFOs should, therefore, involve the collaboration of leaders around the world, remarked Elizondo, who left the Pentagon in 2017 and is now a director of global security and special programs at To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science, a private agency pursuing evidence of UFOs.

UFOs or UAPs

UFOs are also known as unidentified aerial phenomena, or UAPs. The U.S. government has been collecting reports of these enigmatic objects since the 1950s in the Air Force’s Project Blue Book, from 1952 to 1969, and through the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP), a federal agency that compiled witness accounts of UFO encounters from the 1950s through the 1980s.

Nimitz sighting

One of the most famous cases of UFO sightings happened to pilots assigned to the USS Nimitz on November 14, 2004, over the Pacific Ocean. Cmdr. David Fravor and Lt. Cmdr. Jim Slaight were on a routine training mission 100 miles out into the Pacific when the radio in each of their F/A-18F Super Hornets crackled. An operations officer aboard the U.S.S. Princeton, a Navy cruiser, wanted to know if they were carrying weapons.



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California, Florida Report Highest in Number of UFO Sightings

Article by Scott Harrell                                   August 27, 2020                                      (

• Every so often, a new UFO sighting or the release of documents reaches the mainstream news and reignites the public’s interest in unexplained aerial phenomena. In 2019, it was the US Navy’s acknowledgement that three leaked and ultimately declassified videos were in fact UFOs. No one, however, would go so far as to say they were spaceships from another planet. This renewed the curiosity of those American who are not too skeptical to consider at least the possibility of the existence of extraterrestrial life.

• In June of 2020, the Senate Intelligence Committee chaired by Republican Florida Senator Marco Rubio included a provision in its annual authorization bill requiring various military and intelligence agencies to compile a detailed analysis on UFOs. The analysis would be declassified and available to the public, and must be completed within 180 days of the bill’s passage.

• Not everyone in the UFO-watching community is excited about the subject’s current pop-cultural hype, however. “Coverage is trendy. That’s one of the problems we have,” says Peter Davenport, director of the National UFO Reporting Center. “A lot of UFOlogists are very serious people indeed, doing serious work, and we only get covered if there’s a trend in [the culture].”

• Davenport, a former candidate for both Washington state legislature and U.S. House of Representatives who holds master’s degrees in biology and finance, has directed the NUFORC since 1994. Why did he choose to become the NUFORC Director? “Well, I saw one when I was a kid,” he says. The incident took place while he and his family were at a drive-in theater in St. Louis. “We were watching the movie, and a disturbance started brewing in the theater area,” Davenport says. “We didn’t know what it was. Then there were people walking in front of our car, looking up to the right, to the east of us. “There was an amazingly bright fire engine red object that looked something like an English rugby ball. It appeared to be almost motionless, then shot straight up, and then down behind [a building]. All of that happened in five or six seconds.” Hundreds, “if not thousands” of people witnessed the event. Since then, Davenport says he’s sighted other UFOs that he’s “reasonably certain were not made on this planet.”

• Since 1996, the NUFORC website has racked up more than 90,000 reported sightings, nearly all of them from North America. They include descriptions that run the gamut from “a series of bright spheres moved slowly, one-by-one, in a southerly direction, away from a stationary sphere” (Gloucester, Massachusetts, 7/8/18) to “White light circling a star” (Pearland, Texas, 8/14/20).

• California and Florida are the U.S. states that boast far and away the highest numbers of reported sightings, with 10,015 and 5,602, respectively. Both states are known for a lot of aerodynamic and space exploration research. “People report everything as UFOs, but I doubt that theory is correct,” Davenport says. “I can’t prove it, of course. The population, weather conditions, the fact that people are outdoors quite often [in those states]—there are many, many variables.”


FLORIDA — At least once or so a decade, a story about a new UFO sighting (or newly released documents about an old one) pops up on the

               Peter Davenport

mainstream media’s radar. When that happens, it always seems to instantly reignite the popular culture’s interest in unexplained aerial phenomena.
Last year, the U.S. Navy acknowledged that the objects seen in three widely leaked and ultimately declassified videos were, in fact, unidentified flying objects, in the most general sense of the term. (I.e., nobody in the military is saying they were spaceships piloted by beings from another planet.) The story was picked up by most major news outlets, and once again captured the imagination of those Americans not too skeptical to consider at least the possibility of the existence of extraterrestrial life.

That renewed curiosity has continued. In June of this year, the Senate Intelligence Committee—chaired by Republican Florida Senator Marco Rubio—included a provision in its annual authorization bill requiring various military and intelligence agencies to compile a detailed analysis of all of the other data on unexplained aerial phenomena. The analysis would be declassified and available to the public and must be completed within 180 days of the bill’s passage.

While the ostensible reason for the provision is defense against a potential threat to the U.S., its mere existence serves as evidence of the public’s continued interest.

Not everyone in the UFO-watching community is excited about the subject’s current pop-cultural hype and the public’s cycling infatuation, however.
“Coverage is trendy. That’s one of the problems we have,” says Peter Davenport, director of the National UFO Reporting Center. “A lot of UFOlogists are very serious people indeed, doing serious work, and we only get covered if there’s a trend in [the culture].”



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Space Industry Report Extends Geopolitics Out to the Moon

August 24, 2020                              (

• Last May, the US Space Force and Air Force Research Laboratory held a ‘space industrial workshop’ with 120 experts in government, industry, and academia. This resulted in a report released in July entitled: “State of the Space Industrial Base”, an unofficial assessment of industrial base supporting the US military in space.

• The report confirms a previous determination made in the National Security Strategy of 2017 that identified Russia and China as “strategic adversaries” of the United States. According to the 2017 report, “China and Russia challenge American power, influence, and interests, attempting to erode American security and prosperity.” In this new report, Space Force chief, General John Raymond, writes in the forward that this viewpoint extends directly into space.

• The new report also cites a 2019 report from the Air Force Space Command entitled: “The Future of Space 2060 and Implications for U.S. Strategy” stating that “China is executing a long-term civil, commercial, and military strategy to explore and economically develop the cislunar domain with the explicit aim of displacing the US as the leading space power. Other nations are developing similar national strategies.”

• According to the report, China plans to “lure U.S. allies and partners away from U.S.-led space initiatives, through its Belt and Road Initiative and plans for an Earth Moon Economic Zone” worth $10 trillion. Through this initiative, China intends to become the leading, global/space super-power by 2049, displacing the US in that role.

• The report predicts that “the first nation to establish transportation infrastructure and logistics capabilities serving GEO and cislunar space will have superior ability to exercise control of cislunar space and in particular the Lagrange points and the resources of the Moon.” “The job of the US Space Force is to provide “security and a stabilizing military presence” for the U.S. economic presence in this zone.”

• The report goes on to suggest that the US Air Force “should consider the degree to which this role should emulate the US Navy role in assuring the maritime domain. Clarity on this issue will drive commercial confidence for a more rapid expansion of U.S. space entrepreneurial activity.” It urges the USAF to have “an increased role in America’s return to the Moon” and its planetary defense could ‘accelerate America’s edge in asteroid mining and in-space transportation.”

• “The U.S. should develop a guiding national vision for long-term space industrialization and national space development to catalyze whole-of-nation efforts and enable the United States to compete and win now and into the future,” says the report. This would include providing safety of navigation services, secure commerce, and protect civil infrastructure in the space domain in order to foster opportunities for partnerships with companies to develop prototypes and to procure operational product services.

• The report concludes that the US Space Force needs to continue the “space leadership created by recent policy and organizational advances …as space activities expand beyond geosynchronous orbit.”

[Editor’s Note]   What these studies and reports do not take into account is the fact that the United States military has had operational space fleets, using extraterrestrial propulsion technology, since the US Navy’s Solar Warden was deployed in the 1980s. Since then, the Air Force and NASA have both deployed their own secret space program fleets of advanced spacecraft and cislunar platforms. Other nations including China and Russia have done the same. So the real exopolitical space strategies go far beyond the alarmist geopolitical scare tactics found in these reports.


The report “State of the Space Industrial Base,” released last week by the Defense Innovation Unit, the U.S. Space Force, and the Air Force Research Laboratory, is, in effect, the space annex to the National Security Strategy of 2017. That document defines Russia and China as strategic adversaries of the United States. “China and Russia challenge American power, influence, and interests, attempting to erode American security and prosperity,” it claims on page 2. That outlook is extended directly into the space domain by this report, writes Gen. John Raymond, chief of the U.S. Space Force, in the foreword to the document.

   Space Force General John Raymond

The report itself flowed out of a space industrial base workshop that met in New Mexico in May and brought together 120 experts in government, industry, and academia; but the report that they produced is not an official policy document. Rather, it’s an assessment of the state of the industrial base along with a set of recommendations. Nonetheless, “it is important that we listen to these insights and evaluate the feasibility of implementing them in the advancement of national interests. America’s future in space is a partnership and, as with any partnership, communication is key,” Raymond writes.

In the introduction, the report cites an assessment produced by Air Force Space Command in 2019 entitled “The Future of Space 2060 and Implications for U.S. Strategy,” which itself was the product of yet another workshop. That report, among other things, complains that “China is executing a long-term civil, commercial, and military strategy to explore and economically develop the cislunar domain with the explicit aim of displacing the U.S. as the leading space power. Other nations are developing similar national strategies.”

“The U.S. is not alone in planning to return humans to the Moon or expanding the use of space,” the space industrial report says.

“China has announced its intention to do so by 2035. China 22 is committed and credible in its pledge to become the leading, global super-power, to include space, by 2049 marking the 100th anniversary of the People’s Republic. A key component of China’s strategy is to displace the U.S. as the leading power in space and lure U.S. allies and partners away from U.S.-led space initiatives, through its Belt and Road Initiative and plans for an Earth Moon Economic Zone.”



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Will a False Flag Asteroid Attack be Staged to Delay the 2020 Presidential Election?

On November 4, 2016, NASA, FEMA, the Department of Energy, Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), U.S. Air Force, and the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services collaborated in a planning exercise simulating a destructive asteroid impact set for September 20, 2020. The exercise planners envisaged that the asteroid, up to 800 feet (250 meters) in size, would hit somewhere along a narrow band across Southern California or just off the Pacific Coast.

Here’s what the NASA/JPL news release had to say about the simulated asteroid impact hypothesized to take place in three weeks time:

The exercise simulated a possible impact four years from now — a fictitious asteroid imagined to have been discovered this fall with a 2 percent probability of impact with Earth on September 20, 2020. The simulated asteroid was initially estimated to be between 300 and 800 feet (100 and 250 meters) in size, with a possibility of making impact anywhere along a long swath of Earth, including a narrow band of area that crossed the entire United States.

In the fictitious scenario, observers continued to track the asteroid for three months using ground-based telescope observations, and the probability of impact climbed to 65 percent. Then the next observations had to wait until four months later, due to the asteroid’s position relative to the sun. Once observations could resume in May of 2017, the impact probability jumped to 100 percent. By November of 2017, it was simulated that the predicted impact would occur somewhere in a narrow band across Southern California or just off the coast in the Pacific Ocean.

This is not the first or only simulated asteroid impact exercise designed by scientists and government agencies. A more recent asteroid impact exercise occurred in 2019 and hypothesized an asteroid impact for New York City on April 29, 2027. An asteroid similar in size to that envisaged earlier back in November 2016, would hit with a destructive force ranging from 100 to 800 megatons.

It’s worth noting that the largest hydrogen bomb test in history, the 1961 Tsar Bomba, had a destructive force of 50 megatons. “Coincidentally”, Russia just released classified footage of the Tsar Bomba showing its destructive effects in the remote Arctic region of Novaya Zemlya. Clearly, if an asteroid were to hit the continental U.S. or just off the Pacific Coast with anywhere near an 800 megaton destructive yield, an entire region would be devastated with an extremely high death toll.

What gives the September 20, 2020 asteroid impact simulation great relevance today is not the approaching target date for a  hypothetical asteroid impact, but a series of worrying scientific and political developments. These developments firmly point to a major false flag attack that is about to be unleashed by the Deep State in a last-ditch effort to prevent the 2020 Presidential election from occurring.

In evaluating the possibility that an asteroid impact is about to be staged in real life for a political agenda, it’s worth pointing out that Dr. Werner von Braun, former head of NASA’s Marshall Flight Center, was the first to reveal that a false flag asteroid attack would one day be staged by the Deep State.

In 1974, he confided in Carol Rosin, a former executive to Fairchild Industries, about a sequence of false flag events that would be orchestrated by the Deep State in order to promote their agenda for the weaponization of space. [link to earlier article]

Von Braun said that an asteroid attack would be orchestrated once the Deep State had exhausted earlier contrived threats posed in turn by the Russians, terrorists, and nations of concern. When such threats no longer carried the political justification for massive military spending, a new scenario would be thrust upon the American public in order to maintain and even increase military spending further. This would ultimately lead to the weaponization of space, according to Von Braun.

What makes Von Braun’s warning particularly important given the September 20 date set in the 2016 asteroid impact exercise is the closing of over 100 of the Earth’s largest observatories due to the COVID-19 crisis. There appears to be no real health justification for such unprecedented closures. After all, night-time telescopes are largely automated involving relatively few astronomers.

What makes this situation even more remarkable is the recent “accidental damage” to the Arecibo telescope in Puerto Rico. On August 11, 2020, a large cable snapped, making the observatory unusable for the foreseeable future. This means that at this critical time, when asteroids are regularly being reported to be just missing the Earth, there are currently very few astronomers observing the night sky.

According to Steven Jonowieck of the McDonald Observatory in Texas:

If everybody in the world stops observing, then we have a gap in our data that you can’t recover … This will be a period that we in the astronomy community have no data on what happened.

Jonowieck’s comment is critical since it confirms that there is no independent astronomical data on what is currently happening in space.  What makes this even more telling is that in the 2016 Asteroid Impact exercize set for September 2020, observatories played the key role in identifying and tracking the asteroid before its destructive impact.

Here’s what Shepard Ambellas, from Intellihub, had to say about the recent closing of observatories:

Defying all logic, a number of telescopes and observatories around the world remain closed amid the coronavirus pandemic while the impact risk of near-earth Earthbound objects remains at an all-time high. Over 100 telescopes have been reported to have been shut down in a move that virtually makes no sense and now one of the world’s largest radio telescopes named the Arecibo Observatory has been rendered inoperable after sustaining damage after cable unexpectedly snapped creating about a 100-foot long gash in the dish itself, furthering fueling the problem…

To make matters worse, the Puerto Rico-based telescope was tracking a near-Earth object when it went offline. Withal, there has never been a more perfect time for an asteroid to strike and the Department of Defense, the White House, and other agencies are aware.

With the closure of so many observatories, if the Deep State was planning to stage a false flag asteroid attack, this would be the perfect time for it. There would be relatively few professional astronomers with data that could refute the narrative put out by government agencies and mainstream news sources if a false flag event were to occur.

For example, if covert space weapons such as “Rods of God”, were used to simulate an asteroid strike, there would be few astronomers with data to challenge a contrived official narrative orchestrated by the Deep State using their worldwide media assets.

Why now? One powerful reason is the Deep State’s assessment through internal polling that Donald Trump is going to easily win the 2020 Presidential election. This is supported by multiple polls showing that Trump is making major inroads among independent and minority voters with his law and order approach. Joe Biden is also showing no real desire to get out to meet with voters, seriously tackle Trump head-on, and there are even calls now for him to abandon the debates.

Even impartial left-leaning observers, such as Dr. Jonathan Turley, a Georgetown University Professor, are mystified by the Democratic Party’s lack of desire to condemn the riots and violence that has affected major urban areas and led to social chaos. This is leading to a massive swing to Trump as the law and order President.

It’s as though Democratic leaders have abandoned any hope of winning the election and are promoting widespread social chaos in the hope of pinning the blame on Trump in a desperate Hail Mary move.

What the above circumstantial evidence suggests is that rather than have Trump win another election, the Deep State is instead about to unleash a major false flag operation to prevent the 2020 election from occurring.

This would create even more chaos since the U.S. Constitution has no provision for President Trump remaining in office beyond January 20, 2021. This would also impact the House of Representatives and 1/3 of Senators who are facing reelection on November 3, and whose terms expire on January 3, 2021.

This is how Alan Dershowitz, a retired Harvard University Professor, who has Deep State ties through his close association with the convicted pedophile, Jeffery Epstein, frames the issue:

What does the Constitution provide in the event that an emergency precludes an election before the end of a term of the president? … We begin, of course, with the words of the Constitution…. the 20th Amendment says “the terms of the president and vice president shall end at noon” on January 20. Nothing could seem clearer…

But if there is no election, there is no president elect nor vice president elect. Congress does provide for a line of succession to the White House “if by reason of death, resignation, removal from office, inability, or failure to qualify,” there is neither a president nor a vice president…. However, even if Congress has the authority to fill this gap in the Constitution, it is unclear that it has done so with the existing law, because the line of succession begins with the House speaker.

But there would be no House speaker if there were no election, because there would be no House, all of whose members would be up for election in November. The terms of all members of the House would end, as stated in the Constitution, on January 3…

There would, however, be a Senate, with a majority of its members not up for election in November and, therefore, still serving their terms. This is important as the next in line would be the president pro tempore of the Senate, which is Charles Grassley. However, if there were no election, there may be a Democratic majority among the remaining senators not up for reelection, unless sitting governors or state legislators were allowed to fill vacant seats, which is another issue.

Dershowitz is pointing out that without an election, it would be up to the rump of U.S. Senate to select the next U.S. President. The two-thirds of the Senators that would still be serving until their terms ended either on January 3, 2023 or 2025, would make the necessary choices.

Out of the 65 sitting U.S. Senators who are not up for reelection in 2020, 33 are Democrats, 30 are Republicans, and 2 are Independents – Bernie Sanders and Angus King. Both Sanders and King caucus with the Democrats. This means that in the scenario of an abandoned 2020 Presidential election, after January 3, the current Majority Leader, Mitch McConnel, and President Pro-Tempore, Chuck Grassley, would be replaced by Democrats who would now be the majority party with a voting advantage of 35 to 30.

The new President Pro-Tempore of the U.S. Senate would be either Chuck Schumer (current Senate Minority Leader) or the replacement to the current Democratic Whip since Richard Durbin is among those who would lose his current position (Senate Minority Whip).  Being fourth in the Presidential line of succession, after the positions of President, Vice President, and House Majority Leader positions all become vacate on January 3 and 20, 2021, Schumer or Durbin’s replacement would  become the new President. New federal elections would then be scheduled according to the timetable and agenda of the now Democratic-controlled Senate.

What strengthens such an alarming scenario, which would nullify President Trump’s reelection campaign, is Nancy Pelosi’s recent strange claims about the Presidential chain of succession and Continuity of Government, which were made in a recent interview on MSNBC:

“Whether he [Donald Trump] knows it or not he will be leaving ,.. Just because he might not want to move out of the White House doesn’t mean we won’t have an inauguration ceremony to inaugurate a duly elected President of the United States.”… Pelosi’s statements were made after she had attended last month’s Continuity of Government meeting in which the Pentagon had revealed to top officials in the chain of succession to the presidency that there is a chance for a potential disaster to strike before the elections which could cripple the U.S and other countries.

Pelosi appears to be alluding to some Continuity of Government crisis that leads to Trump’s removal from office and the installation of a “duly elected” President after some natural disaster.

In sum, Von Braun’s warning of a future false flag asteroid impact, the closure of over 100 major observatories, swarms of recent asteroid near misses, the self-defeating electoral strategy of the Democratic Party in encouraging riots and social chaos, Joe Biden’s bizarre absence from serious politicking, Nancy Pelosi’s strange reference to Continuity of Government and Presidential succession rules, and finally Alan Dershowitz’s description of how the abandonment of the 2020 election would force Trump to leave office on January 20, 2021, all point to a Deep State plan to prevent Trump from being re-elected.

A contrived asteroid strike on the U.S. using covertly deployed space weapons controlled by the Deep State would lead to catastrophic destruction and almost certainly the abandonment of the November 3 federal elections.

The Deep State strategy would then be to run out the clock so that on January 20, Trump’s position as President is vacated as required by the Constitution. There would also no longer be a serving House of Representatives, and all that would be left is a rump U.S. Senate that would be controlled by the Democratic Party.

Could such a diabolical plan actually succeed in both deceiving the American public through a false flag asteroid attack and preventing President Trump’s all but inevitable reelection?

Currently, the U.S. Space Force is in the process of integrating all space assets from the different military services in a comprehensive way that would prevent such a false fIag event from occurring. Historically, the Deep State has used assets from the U.S. military, intelligence community, and major aerospace corporations for false flag attacks such as the September 11, 2001 “terrorist attack”, and the failed January 13, 2018, Hawaii ballistic missile attack.

Space Force will eventually end that practice as far as military space assets are concerned. Space Force’s rapid integration process is something that greatly worries the Deep State as I will explain in my upcoming September 26 webinar, “Why Space Force Terrifies the Deep State and Rogue Secret Space Programs”.

However, the Deep State still has significant space assets from the U.S. intelligence community, major aerospace corporations, and even foreign powers (China), that it could co-opt for a false flag asteroid impact event. Space Force and “White Hats” in the U.S. Military Industrial Complex will have to closely monitor these “rogue” space assets to ensure they would not be coopted into such a false flag event.

There is compelling circumstantial evidence pointing to a Deep State plan to launch a false flag asteroid attack, or some other contrived “natural disaster”, sometime between September 20 and the November 3, 2020, federal elections. However, widespread public awareness of such a diabolical plan and proactive intervention by Space Force or White Hats can prevent such a plan from being successful.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

[Note: Audio version of the above article is available here]

Further Reading

Celebrities Who Claim They’ve Seen Real UFOs

Article by Sara Casaus                                   August 24, 2020                                     (

• Many people have stories about seeing UFOs in the sky. But somehow, people pay more attention when it is a well-known celebrity who claims to have had a UFO sighting. Here are some celebrities who have UFO stories of their own.

Muhammed Ali – One of the most celebrated boxers of all time, Muhammed Ali saw no less than sixteen UFOs throughout his lifetime. In one incident, Ali saw two UFOs outside of New York City. “I happened to look up just before dawn, as I often do while running, and there hovering above us was this brilliant light hanging as if by an invisible thread.”

Olivia Newton-John – Singer and actor, Olivia Newton-John encountered a UFO when she was fifteen years old when she saw a silvery object speeding through the sky. Ever since that night, Olivia Newton-John has been fascinated with all things extraterrestrial and firmly believes that we’re not alone in the universe.

Mick Jagger – In 1968, Rolling Stones front man Mick Jagger went on a camping trip with his girlfriend, Marianne Faithfull, where they both saw a luminous, cigar-shaped UFO. Then in 1969, on the same night as the band played the infamous Altamont Speedway Free Festival, Jagger saw a UFO while he was performing on stage.

Kurt Russell – One evening in 1997, the actor Kurt Russell was piloting a small plane onto a Phoenix airport runway when he inexplicably saw a bank of lights in the shape of a triangle nearby. Years later, his partner Goldie Hawn was watching a television report on UFO sightings which featured ‘the Phoenix Lights’, the most reported UFO sighting of all time. Russell exclaimed to Hawn, “Wait a minute, that’s the night I was landing in Phoenix!”.

January Jones – The ‘Mad Men’ actress January Jones was in her 20s in Iowa when she saw a light in the sky moving in an incredibly fast and erratic pattern. Jones joked that she was trying to figure out whether it was a spaceship or a shooting star.

Kacey Musgraves – Singer Kacey Musgraves was attending a wedding when she joined a group of people headed to the beach. There, the group saw a UFO moving in an erratic flight path. The object even changed its shape as it crossed the sky. Musgraves says that she’s seen two other UFO sightings, one in Nashville and one in LA. Each time, there were people with her who could confirm the sighting.

Russell Crowe – The actor Russell Crowe (pictured above) had set up a time-lapse camera outside his office in Sydney, Australia attempting to capture footage of some fruit bats. Instead of fruit bats, he discovered that he had filmed a strange glowing object in the sky that resembled a ship or a yacht. Crowe uploaded the video to YouTube where it attracted massive media attention and sparked many debates. (see video clip below)


            Mick Jagger

Many people have stories about viewing real UFOs in the sky, perhaps some of those unidentified flying objects

        Muhammed Ali

carrying a crew of extraterrestrial life. Often these experiences are brushed off as figments of an overactive imagination however when a celebrity reports a sighting people pay attention.

Muhammed Ali
The most celebrated boxers of all time Muhammed Ali also claimed that in his lifetime he saw no less than sixteen UFOs. A UFO expert & author Timothy Green Beckley sat down with Muhammed Ali and was surprised by the amount of first-hand knowledge the boxer had about UFO sightings.

Muhammed Ali described to Green Beckley an encounter he had with two UFOs outside of New York City: “I happened to look up just before dawn, as I often do while running, and there hovering above us was this brilliant light hanging as if by an invisible thread.”

                                                 Olivia Newton-John

       Kurt Russell

Olivia Newton-John is known for her singing career and her most notable acting role as Sandy in Grease. When she was just fifteen Newton-John claimed to have seen a real UFO, describing a silvery object

        Kacey Musgraves

speeding through the sky. Ever since that night, Olivia Newton-John has been fascinated with all things extraterrestrial and firmly believes that we’re not alone in the universe.

Mick Jagger
Mick Jagger first claimed to spy a real UFO was in 1968 when he went on a camping trip with his then-girlfriend Marianne Faithfull. Jagger described the UFO as “luminous” and “cigar-shaped”.

The next encounter with a UFO was on the same night as the infamous Altamont Speedway Free Festival in 1969. Jagger claims to have seen another UFO while he was performing on stage. A UFO sighting might have been the least shocking event of the festival considering the disturbing deaths that occurred that night.


2:05 minute video clip of Russell Crow’s UFO encounter (‘@HOLLYWOOD” YouTube)



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US Military Sees Great Power Competition for Lunar Resources

Article by Sandra Erwin                                August 20, 2020                                   (

• What nations do in space will frame any future international space law, says General Steven Butow, director of the space portfolio at the Defense Innovation Unit (DIU), a DoD organization in Silicon Valley that works with private commercial vendors developing technologies relevant to national security. Said Butow, “One of the things we don’t want is to let our competitors and adversaries go out and establish the precedent of how things are going to be done in the solar system, starting with the Moon.”

• The Pentagon is concerned about the possibility that China will establish a presence on the Moon and will try to set the international rules of behavior in space. The issue was raised in a “State of the Space Industrial Base Report 2020” published last month by DIU, the Air Force Research Laboratory, and the U.S. Space Force. “As space activities expand beyond geosynchronous orbit, the first nation to establish transportation infrastructure and logistics capabilities serving GEO and cislunar space will have superior ability to exercise control of cislunar space and in particular the Lagrange points and the resources of the Moon,” the report said.

• Control of lunar resources such as hydrogen and oxygen for propellant will be key to “enable overall space commercial development.” And “China has a grand strategy for this,” said Butow. China’s space strategy integrates government, industry and academia. So in order to compete, the United States has to figure out how to marshal the resources of the private sector in a free market economy. The DIU intends to leveraging public private partnerships to our strategic advantage.

• Cislunar space development is likely to be a “hybrid” effort funded both by government and industry. DIU has funded about $200 million worth of space projects with commercial companies that resulted in an additional $2.5 billion in private investment poured into those projects. “We can leverage a lot of that private investment without putting a burden on programs of record which can only be done by the government,” said Butow.

• Brent Sherwood of the private aerospace manufacturer Blue Origin, cautioned that the US government will need to be a stable customer to anchor private businesses contributing to industry in space and on the Moon. But as yet, no one has yet come up with a product that could be generated on the Moon that would add enough value into the terrestrial economy to get private investors to bankroll lunar operations, Sherwood said. NASA selected Blue Origin’s “national team”, which includes Draper, Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman, to receive a $579 million NASA contract to design vehicles to land humans on the Moon in 2024 under NASA’s Artemis program.

• “We need government to explore and develop the fundamentals,” said Sherwood. “Then we can determine what are the commercial drivers that would cause investment in growth.” “[A]t the beginning there are too many unknowns.” But NASA, other government agencies and the private sector will have to start developing the logistics infrastructure to reach cislunar space and establish a human presence there. Lots of new technologies, such as communications and navigation systems, will be needed to operate there.

• The DIU-led report says US participation in a cislunar economy “will require security and a stabilizing military presence.” The responsibility will fall on the US Space Force to provide “surveillance, aids to navigation, and help when required.”


WASHINGTON — The competition for the moon between the Unites States and China is being closely watched by the Defense Department as the military expects to play a role protecting U.S. access to cislunar space.

              General Steven Butow

One concern for the Pentagon is the possibility that China establishes a presence on the moon before the United States and tries to set the international rules of behavior in space, said Brig. Gen. Steven Butow, director of the space portfolio at the Defense Innovation Unit.

DIU is a Defense Department organization based in Silicon Valley that works with commercial vendors developing technologies relevant to national security.

“Competition is a good thing, but hopefully there’ll be opportunities for cooperative uses of space,” Butow said on Wednesday at the Ascend virtual conference hosted by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

Laws are set by precedent, said Butow. What nations do in space will frame any future international space law, he added. “One of the things we don’t want is to let our competitors and adversaries go out and establish the precedent of how things are going to be done in the solar system, starting with the moon.”

      Brent Sherwood

The issue was raised in a “state of the space industrial base” report published last month by DIU, the Air Force Research Laboratory and the U.S. Space Force.

“As space activities expand beyond geosynchronous orbit, the first nation to establish transportation infrastructure and logistics capabilities serving GEO and cislunar space will have superior ability to exercise control of cislunar space and in particular the Lagrange points and the resources of the moon,” the report said.

Control of lunar resources such as hydrogen and oxygen for propellant, the report said, will be key to “enable overall space commercial development.”
“China has a grand strategy for this,” said Butow.



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Russian Cosmonaut Captures UFO Footage from International Space Station

Article by National Post Staff                             August 21, 2020                              (

• On August 19th, Russian cosmonaut Ivan Vagner was aboard the International Space Station (ISS). While passing over Antarctica and Australia, Vagner was recording video of the aurora australis — the southern lights. But he managed to catch something else, too. A one-minute video appears to show potential UFOs.

• Visible in the video footage are the glowing curve of the Earth and the green of the aurora moving across it. Then a string of four to five lights arranged in a diagonal line appear at the horizon. As the video was shot in a time-lapse, the flash of “objects” that quickly appear and disappear in the video actually lasted some 52 seconds. The objects “appear flying alongside with the same distance,” Vagner tweeted.

• The mission is Vagner’s first aboard the ISS. According to NASA, his work on the station involved maintenance on its orbital plumbing system as well as “exploring ways to improve Earth photography techniques.” He is working alongside Anatoli Ivanishin, also of Russia, and American commander Chris Cassidy.

• Russia’s space agency Roscosmos added to Vagner’s tweet with the note: “An interesting and at the same time mysterious video made by cosmonaut of Roscosmos Ivan Wagner … from the International Space Station.” The video was submitted to Roscosmos for experts at the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences to review.


A one-minute video captured by Russian cosmonaut Ivan Vagner aboard the Interna-tional Space Station (ISS) appears to show potential UFOs, Global News reports.

        International Space Station

While passing over Antarctica and Australia, Vagner was recording video of aurora australis — the southern lights — but he managed to catch something else, too.

           Ivan Vagner

Space guests, or how I filmed the new time-lapse.

The peak of aurora borealis when passing over the Antarctic in Australia’s longitude, meaning in between them. However, in the video, you will see something else, not only the aurora. — Ivan Vagner (@ivan_mks63) August 19, 2020

Visible are the glowing curve of the Earth and the green of the aurora moving across it. The “space guests” Vagner refers to appear from nine seconds into the video and last until the 12-second mark, a string of four to five lights arranged in a diagonal line.

Since the video was shot in a time-lapse, the flash of “objects” which quickly appear and disappear in the video actually lasted some 52 seconds. The objects “appear flying alongside with the same distance,” Vagner wrote in further tweets. “What do you think those are? Meteors, satellites or … ?”

It’s unclear precisely when the footage was captured or whether Vagner observed the phenomenon at the time, as he filmed.


1:35 minute video of UFOs over Antarctica (‘Pravda Report’ YouTube)



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NASA, FEMA Prepare for Sept 20 Asteroid Impact on California Coast

Article by Shepard Ambellas                               August 21, 2020                                (

• In 2017, NASA and FEMA initiated a supposed fictitious response scenario for an asteroid hitting southern California on September 20, 2020. But is it just a drill? Or is it actual preparation for a real event while avoiding public panic?

• We have seen past situations when such a “drill” actually went “live”. In July 2017, a bombing drill became the actual London bombing. On September 11, 2001, a ‘military exercise’ became the 9-11 attacks on the World Trade Center buildings in NYC. Last March, in a White House press conference, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo blurted out that the coronavirus pandemic was a “live exercise” playing out. (see video here) In the background, a disgusted President Trump is heard to mutter, “You should have let us know.”

• The ‘exercise’ goes like this: A fictitious asteroid is discovered in the fall of 2016 heading in the direction of the Earth. The asteroid is estimated to be between 300 and 800 feet in size. NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory gives it a 2 percent chance of impacting the Earth on September 20, 2020. NASA tracks the asteroid over the following three months using ground-based telescope observations, and the probability of impact climbs to 65 percent. The observations are put on hold for another four months due to the asteroid’s position relative to the Sun. When the observations resume in May 2017, the impact probability jumps to 100 percent. By November 2017, the asteroid’s impact is calculated to hit somewhere in Southern California or just off the coast in the Pacific Ocean.

• However, NASA recently listed a real asteroid, dubbed 2017 SL16 discovered in 2017 (see here), as making a close approach to Earth on September 20, 2020. This raises a major red flag.

• NASA, FEMA, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the Department of Energy’s National Laboratories, the U.S. Air Force, and the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services have all been participating in this four year ‘exercise’. “By working through our emergency response plans now, we will be better prepared if and when we need to respond to such an event,” said FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate.

• Previous tabletop simulations included a scenario where the asteroid is somehow deflected away from the Earth. But in this scenario, NASA JPL said that “the time to impact was too short for a deflection mission to be feasible”. Instead, they role play the forced mass evacuation of Los Angeles.

• “Scientists from JPL, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratories, and The Aerospace Corporation predicted impact footprint models, population displacement estimates, information on infrastructure that would be affected…” according to the NASA simulation report, “… as well as other data that could realistically be known at various points throughout the exercise scenario.”

• “[U]nlike any other time in our history, we now have the ability to respond to an impact threat through continued observations, predictions, response planning and mitigation,” said Thomas Zurbuchen, Associate Administrator for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate. “It’s not a matter of if – but when – we will deal with such a situation.”


The National Aeronautics Space Administration and FEMA in 2017 devised and initiated a supposed fictitious scenario in which the two agencies would drill down on an asteroid that’s set to impact the Earth in or just off the coast of California on September 20, 2020, but is this so-called “exercise” really just a drill?

                       Craig Fugate

NASA claims “the simulation was designed to strengthen the collaboration between the two agencies, which have Administration direction to lead the U.S. response” but could the drill actually go live like so many other drills have in the past? (i.e. the July 7, 2007, London bombing, the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, and others)

    Thomas Zurbuchen

“It’s not a matter of if–but when–we will deal with such a situation,” Associate Administrator for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate Thomas Zurbuchen said. “But unlike any other time in our history, we now have the ability to respond to an impact threat through continued observations, predictions, response planning and mitigation.”

The exercise was designed to create “a forum for the planetary science community to show how it would collect, analyze and share data about a hypothetical asteroid predicted to impact Earth. Emergency managers discussed how that data would be used to consider some of the unique challenges an asteroid impact would present-for preparedness, response and public warning,” according to NASA.

Representatives from NASA, FEMA, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the Department of Energy’s National Laboratories, the U.S. Air Force, and the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services attended the initial meeting and will be participating throughout the 4 year long exercises which is set to come to a head on Sept 20, 2020.

“It is critical to exercise these kinds of low-probability but high-consequence disaster scenarios,” FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate said. “By working through our emergency response plans now, we will be better prepared if and when we need to respond to such an event.”

The exercise simulates a possible impact four years from now in which, according to NASA, “a fictitious asteroid imagined to have been discovered this fall with a 2 percent probability of impact with Earth on Sept. 20, 2020. The simulated asteroid was initially estimated to be between 300 and 800 feet (100 and 250 meters) in size, with a possibility of making impact anywhere along a long swath of Earth, including a narrow band of area that crossed the entire United States.”

12:11 minute video on the 11/20/20 asteroid simulation (‘End Times Productions’ YouTube)



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Carl Sagan’s Thoughts About Aliens and Life on Other Planets

August 15, 2020                          (

• The author of ‘Cosmos’ (1980), Dr Carl Sagan (pictured above) believed that life was not a unique condition on Earth, and that the Universe was a place brimming with life. Arguably the most popular science ‘popularizer’ in history, Sagan reasoned that, among the billions of galaxies and the immeasurable number of suns and orbiting worlds, the Earth was unlikely to be the only place that harbors life.

• Seeking extraterrestrial life was something that Sagan was passionate about until the end of his days. He based his research on objective criteria, such as the ingredients necessary for life, organic matter, and the possibilities of an extraterrestrial evolutionary development completely different from that on Earth.

• Sagan insisted, however, that the first signs of life would not arrive in a spaceship. He believed that the confirmation of extraterrestrial life would come with the discovery of alien microorganisms. Sagan was the first to point to the clouds of Venus as one of the most promising sites for extraterrestrial life. In a study published in 1967, Sagan speculated that from the biochemical composition of the Venusian clouds, it would be possible to have simple life forms floating above them.

• In a 1985 Chicago public radio interview with writer Studs Terkel, Sagan said, “It is inevitable that humans project their hopes and dreams into the cosmos” while Hollywood portrays aliens as “red creatures with claws and fangs, pointed heads and unsavory character. Steven Spielberg has taken an important step to show the possibility of benign aliens, but even in this case, aliens appear as slight variations from human beings when the evolutionary history is clear that aliens would be very different from us.”

• Sagan was the promoter of the SETI programs (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) through the use of radio telescopes to search or send signals deep into space. Sagan assumed that “if we got a message, it [couldn’t] be from someone less capable than us, because someone less capable couldn’t communicate in the least. It would have to be someone much more (technologically) advanced than us…” The scientist considered that among the rest of the civilizations of the Milky Way, ours would be one of the most backward. After all, we’d only invented the radio telescope in 1937.

• Sagan considered the union of space, organic matter and time as an almost infallible recipe for life. “There are a huge number of planets, a whole range of planetary systems around nearby stars. So there are many potential abodes for life.” “Then there’s organic matter – carbon-rich composite molecules that are essential to the kind of life – (which) we know are fantastically abundant in the Universe. We see them in asteroids, comets, on moons in the outer Solar System, and even in the dark cold spaces between the stars, so the substance of life is everywhere.”

• Sagan continued: “And then there is the time. There are millions of years for biological evolution on all these worlds (to develop) and there are many worlds much older than ours.” “So if we put together many places, a lot of organic matter and a lot of time, it seems very difficult to believe that our ridiculous little planet is the only one that is inhabited.”

[Editor’s Note]   During his lifetime, Dr Carl Sagan positioned himself as the modern scientist, maintaining a fealty to mainstream scientific principles while allowing for the possibility of intelligent extraterrestrials. The ‘scientific’ reasoning was that in universe so vast, there must be another extraterrestrial civilization out there – somewhere. But the only thing we would ever likely find would be extraterrestrial microbes… because the universe is so vast. This became the scientific approach for modern scientists and deep thinkers.

But we have recently learned that Sagan was actually a member of Majestic 12, the group of a dozen scientists, military brass and intelligence chiefs that was created during the Truman administration following the 1947 Roswell crash for the sole purpose of debunking and covering up the UFO/extraterrestrial presence. Looking at Sagan now, through this lens, gives us a better understanding of Sagan’s motives. Rather than deny that extraterrestrials exist, Sagan reformed the modern scientific viewpoint to allow that they may exist somewhere in the universe, but the chances of us ever coming across them are remote to impossible. This became the ‘enlightened’ theory that science would cling to, and still clings to today, all carefully orchestrated by the deep state MJ-12.

Under Sagan’s reformation, astronomers and scientists interested in extraterrestrials would need to focus on alien microorganisms and radio transmissions from distant stars. Microorganisms required the organic building blocks of life. So scientists ought to focus on planets having the greatest likelihood of containing these organic compounds and the explicit conditions for them to thrive, using the Earth as the template. But at the same time, Sagan adduced that intelligent life springing from similar conditions as on Earth would have nothing in common with humans. With such remote chances of finding any intelligent extraterrestrials and the possibility of not even recognizing them as intelligent beings, why pursue finding them?

Finally, Sagan promoted the continued search for extraterrestrial intelligence through the radio telescopes of SETI which began in 1960. This accomplished both instilling the idea that any intelligent civilization would be incredibly far away – beyond our ability to reach – and that nevertheless, our best and brightest minds are diligently searching for them.

These propaganda measures, which Sagan promoted, placated the public with the assurance that if there were any intelligent ETs out there, we are doing the best we can to find them. It also served the deep state’s agenda of hiding from the public the fact that the universe is absolutely teeming with intelligent extraterrestrials, many of whom the US government has been working with since at least WWII to provide the deep state government with incredibly advanced technologies that allow elite secret space programs to colonize the solar system, traverse the galaxy, and benefit from amazing technologies that offer free energy, unlimited food and resources, and an end to disease and suffering.

In short, the celebrated Carl Sagan was a master at disinformation for the deep state.


The author of ‘Cosmos’ believed that life was not a unique condition on Earth and thus imagined aliens. Carl Sagan thought of the Universe as a place brimming with life.

The most popular science popularizer in history started from a cosmic perspective to doubt that, among the billions of galaxies that exist in the observable Universe and the immeasurable number of suns and worlds that orbit around it, the Earth was the only place that harbors life.

Seeking extraterrestrial life the author of “Pale Blue Dot” (1994) was passionate about until the end of his days, but unlike ufologists and enthusiasts of the UFO phenomenon, the scientist based his research on objective criteria, such as the ingredients necessary for life, the organic matter and the possibilities of an extraterrestrial evolutionary development completely different from that of Earth.

What are aliens like according to Carl Sagan?

Despite his overwhelmed optimism about the search for extraterrestrial life, Sagan assured that the first signs of life were from Earth they would not arrive in a spaceship, nor would they be similar to Hollywood-style characterizations. Instead, he considered that the confirmation of extraterrestrial life would be much more humble, with the discovery of microorganisms.

Sagan was the first to point to the clouds of Venus as one of the most promising sites in the Solar System in the search for extraterrestrial life. In a study published in 1967, the author of ‘Cosmos’ (1980) speculated that from the biochemical composition of the Venusian clouds, it would be possible to have simple life forms floating above them.

In a 1985 Chicago public radio interview with writer Studs Terkel, Carl Sagan shared his views on the subject extensively: “It is inevitable that humans project their hopes and dreams into the cosmos: common Hollywood attempts portray aliens as red creatures with claws and fangs, pointed heads and unsavory character.”

“Steven Spielberg has taken an important step to show the possibility of benign aliens, but even in this case, aliens appear as slight variations from human beings when the evolutionary history is clear that aliens would be very different from us.”



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When Frederick Valentich Disappeared Did He See a UFO?

Article by Bee Heim                                August 19, 2020                              (

• In 1978, Frederick Valentich was a 20-year old Australian who was training to become a commercial airplane pilot. He had 150 hours of flight time and was allowed to fly at night. But it was not an easy road for Valentich. He consistently failed his commercial license examinations. He also had been involved in a couple of air incidents – straying into controlled airspace above Sydney, and twice deliberately flying into a cloud, which was illegal in his aircraft.

• On the evening of October 21, 1978, Valentich was attempting a training flight over the Bass Strait, between the Australian mainland of Victoria and Tasmania, piloting a Cessna 182L light aircraft. The exact path of the flight was approximately 125 miles from Moorabbin, Victoria to King Island, Tasmania. At 7:06pm Valentich radioed Melbourne Flight Service to let them know that an unidentified aircraft was following him. The Service informed him that radar was showing no traffic near him at the time.

• Valentich insisted that a craft with four bright landing lights was flying 1,000 feet above him. He described the craft as shiny, metallic, and with a green light on it. He kept reporting the craft’s movements for five minutes, saying that he believed that the pilot of the craft was “toying” with him. He described the craft as “orbiting” around his plane. Then Valentich reported engine trouble. Officials asked him to identify the other aircraft. The only thing Valentich could say, and these were his final words before he was cut off by a metallic, scraping sound, was, “It isn’t an aircraft.”

• The authorities assumed that Valentich’s Cessna crashed. An air and sea search was conducted in the area where Valentich last reported his coordinates, but nothing turned up. The matter was turned over to the Australian Department of Transportation, but its investigation came up empty as well. Witnesses reported seeing planes landing or flying overhead, but no one saw a crash. Eventually, Valentich was presumed dead and the case was closed. Five years later, in 1983, an engine cowl flap from the same kind of plane Valentich was flying washed ashore on Flinders Island. Serial numbers on the parts were in the ‘same range’ as Valentich’s Cessna as well.

• Valentich was actually a believer in UFOs and worried about running into one while out flying, according to his father. A Victorian farmer would later claim that he saw a UFO on his property the next day, with Valentich’s plane sticking out of the side of it “leaking” oil. A Victorian UFO group, following up on the lead in 2013, could not identity the farmer,

• Forty years since the incident, the case has never been solved, although it continues to fascinate and haunt people. Was it a real UFO encounter? Or did Valentich make a mistake before crashing? It looks like we may never know.


           20 year old Valentich

Is there such a thing as a real UFO? Well, that’s the million-dollar question, isn’t it? There have been plenty of stories of UFO sightings and claims of alien abductions over the years. Very few of those, however, are as spine-chilling as the case of Frederick Valentich, who claims to have seen a UFO before disappearing off the face of the Earth. Y-I-K-E-S, am I right?

Did Frederick Valentich truly see a real UFO before mysteriously disappearing? What happened the night that young pilot disappeared? Will the mystery always remain unsolved? Or is there a chance to know once and for all if aliens truly took Valentich back in the 70s?

Who was Frederick Valentich?

Born in 1958, Valentich was training to become a commercial pilot at the time of his disappearance. He had 150 hours of flight time and was allowed to fly at night. Despite working to become a commercial pilot, Valentich failed all five commercial licence examination subjects. Before he went missing, Valentich failed three more commercial licence subjects.

The 20-year-old Valentich had also been involved in a couple of air incidents. He strayed into controlled airspace above Sydney, which he was let off with a warning. Twice, Valentich flew into a cloud deliberately, which prosecutors were considering pressing charges against Valentich for.

The final flight of Frederick Valentich

On the evening of Oct. 21, 1978, Valentich was attempting a training flight over the Bass Strait, which is between the Australian mainland and Tasmania. To make this flight, Valentich was piloting a Cessna 182L, which is a light aircraft. The exact path of the flight was approx. 125 miles from Moorabbin to King Island.

Any hope of this being a routine training flight, however, went out the window at 7:06pm when Valentich radioed in. He contacted the Melbourne Flight Service and let them know that an unidentified aircraft was following him. The Service, however, said that there was no traffic near him at the time.



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Telescope Used in Search for Extraterrestrial Life Badly Damaged in Freak Accident

Article by Dan Satherley                               August 16, 2020                               (

• Puerto Rico’s Arecibo Observatory is one of the world’s largest telescopes, and was featured in the 1997 Jodie Foster film ‘Contact’ and 1995’s Bond classic ‘Goldeneye’. As depicted in the movies, the observatory was often employed in the search for extraterrestrials.

• Earlier in August, the University of Central Florida – which operates the facility – says a metal cable snapped, tearing a 30m-long gash in the dish. (pictured above) The damage was so extensive, it smashed through several other cables and platforms that support the dish, causing debris to rain down on the ground below and making it harder for technicians to access the site.

• “We have a team of experts assessing the situation,” Arecibo director Francisco Cordova said. “Our focus is assuring the safety of our staff, protecting the facilities and equipment and restoring the facility to full operations as soon as possible, so it can continue to assist scientists around the world.”

• Arecibo has been a key part of the international SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) program, used to not only look for signals from outer space, but send them as well. The telescope is also a key part of Earth’s defense against incoming asteroids and comets that could potentially threaten life on Earth.


One of the world’s largest telescopes, used to look for extraterrestrial life, has been badly damaged in a freak accident.

  Arecibo Observatory in happier days


              Francisco Cordova

Puerto Rico’s Arecibo Observatory is about three rugby fields wide, and featured in the 1997 Jodie Foster film Contact and 1995’s Bond classic Goldeneye.

The University of Central Florida – which operates the facility – says a metal cable snapped last week, tearing a 30m-long gash in the dish.
“We have a team of experts assessing the situation,” Arecibo director Francisco Cordova said.

“Our focus is assuring the safety of our staff, protecting the facilities and equipment and restoring the facility to full operations as soon as possible, so it can continue to assist scientists around the world.”

LiveScience reports the damage was so extensive, it “smashed through several other cables and platforms that support the dish, causing debris to rain down on the ground below and making it harder for technicians to access the site”.



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The US Deems UFOs a National Security Threat. Why Isn’t Canada Taking it As Seriously?

Article by MJ Banias                               August 14, 2020                                   (

• While the U.S. government is actively investigating UFO reports and Congress is calling for more public oversight on unknown aerial incursions, the Canadian government seems to be doing nothing. After nearly a century of the media portraying the UFO phenomenon as a tinfoil hat-wearing enterprise, filled with extraterrestrials, Martian invasions and far-future technology, it is easy to dismiss UFOs.

• A recently released 2019 Canadian UFO Survey (see here) indicates Canadians see about two or three unidentified flying objects a day. And while many will laugh UFOs off as being a delusion, several sighting events present in the Transport Canada 2019 survey involve pilots coming into close proximity with unknown aerial objects, indicating a clear risk to air safety.

• In April, 2019, a Sunwing airliner on approach into Toronto’s Pearson International Airport was ordered by air traffic control to climb in altitude because an unknown aircraft had entered into its flight path. The Sunwing pilots reported that the “target appeared momentarily to them then disappeared.”

• In June 2019, an airliner on final approach to the St. Hubert airport near Montreal was notified by air traffic control of “unidentified traffic.” The airliner’s collision avoidance system confirmed the object was roughly 3.5 nautical miles ahead of the aircraft and climbing in altitude to 2,700 feet. The pilots made visual contact as the object continued to gain altitude and crossed into controlled airspace.

• In July 2019, air traffic controllers in Langley, British Columbia reported to Transport Canada that “radar targets were coasting in and out to the northwest of the airport” and “random targets popping up, radar tags swapping, targets jumping to random locations.”

• In 2012, a Chinese Eastern Airlines Airbus was flying over Alberta when the pilot spotted an unknown object 40 nautical miles to the south, at 41,000 feet. Most commercial drones cannot even get close to that kind of altitude. Another incident in 2015 occurred over Saskatoon’s international airport where the pilot notified air traffic control that they witnessed a bright white light above their aircraft at roughly 34,000 feet.

• Two flight attendants were injured in 2016 when a Porter flight landing in Toronto nearly collided with an unknown object over Lake Ontario at 9,000 feet. In 2019, several aircraft over the vicinity of Medicine Hat in Alberta reported multiple unidentified objects above their aircraft. In September 2019, an unidentified aircraft buzzed the Kitchener/Waterloo Ontario radar control zone at 2,100 feet.

• While Canadian authorities tend to dismiss the sightings, lately the Americans seem to consider UFOs an important issue that needs more attention. A recent congressional report reveals that the U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence has an active task force that investigates incursions of UFOs into U.S. airspace. Senator Marco Rubio, who chairs the Senate intelligence committee, introduced a congressional bill giving this intelligence-gathering operation 180 days to disclose its findings regarding these UFO incursions.

• Canadian science writer and UFO researcher Chris Rutkowski diligently collects nearly all of Canada’s UFO reports from civilian research organizations and those reported to Transport Canada. Rutkowski says that Canada is experiencing a “possible public safety issue.” “We have no idea if UFO reports are investigated,” says Rutkowski. Transport Canada investigates air incidents, such as near misses or crashes. But when pilots and radar operators see UFOs, such cases are “not investigated.”

• When pilots witness UFOs, they are only “requested’ to make ‘aviation occurrence reports’ to the regional Flight Information Centre in “the interests of national security,” according to regulations published by Nav Canada, a private non-profit organization that handles all Canadian air navigation services. According to Nav Canada’s media relations manager Brian Boudreau, examples include “sightings of aircraft violating operating parameters, unidentified aircraft, unauthorized aircraft, or any activity that may impact flight safety or pose a security threat.” Nav Canada may send a report to the Department of National Defence, the North American Aerospace Defence Command (NORAD), Transport Canada or the American Federal Aviation Administration, at its own discretion.

• A spokesperson from the Canadian Department of National Defence said that all UFOs are reported via Nav Canada’s procedure, including hose made by military personnel. But in a contradictory email, the Dept of National Defence stated: “We wouldn’t really comment on speculative matters such as this. The Canadian Armed Forces concerns itself with credible threats, and this falls outside the scope of our operations.” In response to a Canadian ‘Access to Information Request’ to clear up the matter, the Dept of National Defence responded that it “neither confirms or denies records exist …” and that “if documentation did exist, it is exempted in its entirety” from Access to Information Requests due to national defence.

• Matthew Hayes, a filmmaker and UFO researcher said, “There were many attempts over the years and decades to ignore the UFO phenomenon and requests for information about UFOs, as something outside the scope of the [Canadian government].” While some individuals within the Canadian government take the UFO issue seriously, “most efforts were put toward debunking the subject.” Says Hayes, “[T]hey really wanted the whole thing just to go away.”

• While the various Canadian governmental agencies attempt to make light of UFOs, the data indicates this issue is not going away. Canada saw a reduction in sightings in 2019, but has seen a dramatic increase during the first few months of 2020. When the role of the government and the military is to protect that nation, pretending something does not exist is more politically palatable than admitting there has been an intelligence failure.

• In America however, politicians and intelligence experts have publicly expressed their opinions that perhaps a foreign adversary has developed a superior system of propulsion or technology that can trick sophisticated radar and video recording systems. Or, this phenomenon could be something else entirely. “In the past, the Canadian government has certainly tried to take its lead from the U.S. when it comes to UFO information,” said Hayes. Now that the United States is taking the UFO issue seriously. Canada ought to take it seriously as well.


In April, 2019, a Sunwing airliner was on approach into Toronto’s Pearson International Airport when it was ordered by air traffic control operators to climb in altitude because an unknown aircraft had entered into its flight path. The Sunwing pilots reported that the “target appeared momentarily to them then disappeared.” Two months later, in June, an airliner on final approach to the St. Hubert airport near Montreal was notified by air traffic control of “unidentified traffic.” The airliner’s collision avoidance system confirmed the object was roughly 3.5 nautical miles ahead of the aircraft and climbing in altitude to 2,700 feet. The pilots eventually made visual contact as the object continued to gain altitude and crossed into controlled airspace without radio contact or clearance from air traffic control. A month later, air traffic controllers in Langley, B.C., reported to Transport Canada that “radar targets were coasting in and out to the Northwest (NW) of the airport” and “Random targets popping up, radar tags swapping, targets jumping to random locations.”

          Chris Rutkowski

The recently released 2019 Canadian UFO Survey indicates Canadians see about two or three unidentified flying objects a day, and while many will laugh UFOs off as being a silly fringe delusion, several sighting events reported to Transport Canada present in the 2019 survey, such as those outlined above, involve pilots coming into close proximity with unknown aerial objects, and indicate a clear risk to air safety. While the U.S. government is actively investigating UFO reports and Congress is calling for more public oversight on unknown aerial incursions, the Canadian government seems to be doing nothing.

It is easy to dismiss UFOs, or as they are called today, unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP). Nearly a century of mass media has turned a curious phenomenon into a tinfoil hat-wearing enterprise filled with extraterrestrials, martian invasions and far-future technology. It is unlikely that pilots are being harassed by pop culture aliens in flying saucers. However, our southern neighbours seem to be concerned with the fact that something is zipping around  North American airspace and no one seems to know how to deal with it.

A recent congressional report indicates that the U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence has an active task force that investigates incursions of UAP into U.S. airspace. Recently, Senator Marco Rubio, who chairs the Senate intelligence committee, introduced a congressional bill giving this intelligence-gathering operation 180 days to disclose its findings regarding these incursions. The Americans seem to consider this an important issue that needs more attention.

Canadian science writer and researcher Chris Rutkowski, who diligently collects nearly all of Canada’s UAP reports from civilian research organizations and those reported to Transport Canada, told me that Canada is experiencing a “possible public safety issue.” While Canada has had 849 reports in 2019, somewhat lower than the usual yearly average, Mr. Rutkowski disclosed that a more in-depth look into Transport Canada’s Civil Aviation Daily Occurrence Reporting System, known as CADORS, seems to portray that pilots have been reporting unknown objects frequently within Canadian airspace for decades. While many of those sightings can be attributed to misidentification or commercial drones and quadcopters, some reports defy prosaic phenomena.



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Jacksonville Native’s Work Part of Mission to Mars

Article by Samantha McDaniel-Ogletree                                 August 12, 2020                                (

• When Jacksonville, Illinois native Susan Gorton was in high school, she and her family took a vacation to Houston where she decided she wanted to be a part of NASA. Today she is the manager of the Revolution Vertical Lift Technology Project which helped design the helicopter ‘Ingenuity’ that is now on its way to Mars with the Rover Perseverance. It is scheduled to land on Mars in February.

• Gorton was approached by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory to develop a helicopter that could fly in the Mars atmosphere. A helicopter allows more exploration than a rover alone could provide. “The rover can only see ahead like 10 meters, so they wanted something that could act like an aerial scout,” said Gorton. The softball sized helicopter was conceptualized by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and developed and tested by Gorton’s team starting in 2013. In 2018, NASA announced it was moving forward with the project. “I never would have guessed that this is where I’d end up,” said Gorton.

• The Ingenuity helicopter is softball-sized, (four pounds heavy, with twin 4-foot rotor blades). Because no one would be directly in control of its operations, the helicopter needed to have some autonomy to correct its flight patterns and balance. Among the problems the team had to navigate were an atmosphere that is 95% carbon dioxide and temperatures that range from minus 14 degrees to minus 117 degrees Fahrenheit or lower. The helicopter will be able to communicate with the rover and send pictures, which the rover will relay to NASA Mission Control. Mission Control will relay instructions to the helicopter through the rover.

• This demonstration model will prove whether a helicopter can operate on Mars. Another model will be developed if it is functional. “It’s an exciting time — a feeling of ‘boy, I hope this works,’” Gorton said. “We won’t know for sure if we did it until it reaches Mars.” “If it is successful, [it opens] up the landscape of another planet, the ability to explore much more of [a] planet. It’s a leap forward in extraterrestrial exploration.”

[Editor’s Note]  I think that NASA is exaggerating the atmospheric conditions with which the Ingenuity helicopter must contend. A 95% carbon dioxide atmosphere shouldn’t affect the air pressure. But several secret space program whistleblowers have said that the Martian air is breathable, so long as you aren’t running wind sprints. They would typically carry along an small oxygen tank on the surface of the planet for whenever they felt they needed more oxygen. And the Mars sky is blue, which is an indication of an oxygen-rich atmosphere. So Mars likely contains more oxygen than NASA is letting on. Also, whistleblowers do not report that Mars’ temperature never gets above minus 14 degrees Fahrenheit. The temperature on Mars is much more comfortable than NASA is telling us. For some reason, NASA doesn’t want the public to know just how hospitable Mars really is. Is this a ploy to delay public exploration of Mars for as long as possible? Do they not want us to find out that not only are there over a dozen Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (deep state) human work colonies and an allied Nazi ‘Dark Fleet’ Mars Defense Force already established on Mars (below ground), but several indigenous races still living on the planet as well?


As a Routt Catholic High School sophomore on summer vacation with her family in Houston, Susan Gorton found her dream.

She wanted to be a part of NASA.

            Susan Gorton

For the Jacksonville native, seeing the space agency’s visitor center started her along a path that took her to manager of the Revolution Vertical Lift Technology Project.

Now, a softball-size helicopter she helped design and test is making its way through space on its way to Mars.

“I never would have guessed that this is where I’d end up,” Gorton said. “I wouldn’t have guessed something I helped with would be in space.”

Gorton said most people think of just astronauts and space when they think of NASA, but the program is also studying aeronautics, such as airplanes and helicopters.

“We do a lot with research on how to make vehicles better,” Gorton said.

In her department, Gorton focuses on vertical-lift vehicles, making them faster, quieter and safer.

Gorton was approached by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory about a project to fly a helicopter in the Mars atmosphere. The goal is to allow aerial scouting and more exploration than a rover would be able to provide.

“They were developing a rover going to Mars and they were working on how to get something on Mars that can move ahead of the rover,” Gorton said. “The rover can only see ahead like 10 meters, so they wanted something that could act like an aerial scout.”

She and her team helped develop the Mars Helicopter Ingenuity, which launched as a part of the Mars 2020 Rover Perseverance on an Atlas V rocket on July 30. It is scheduled to land on Mars in February.



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Water Found on Dwarf Planet Ceres in Search for Extraterrestrial Life

Article by Elizabeth Howell                          August 11, 2020                                       (

• In 2018, the NASA Dawn mission detected strange bright spots on the surface of the dwarf planet Ceres (the largest object in the Asteroid Belt). Dawn also collected data on Ceres’ gravity before the space probe exhausted its fuel supply and retired. Subsequent analysis of this date has revealed that the bright spots were reflecting salty brine water in a reservoir 25 miles and hundreds of miles wide. What’s more, the water appears underneath a giant crater known as the Occator Crater (pictured above).

• “The bulk of the salts were supplied from a slushy area just beneath the surface, that was melted by the heat of the impact that formed the crater about 20 million years ago,” said Carol Raymond, Dawn principal investigator for NASA. “The impact heat subsided after a few million years. However, the impact also created large fractures that could reach the deep, long-lived reservoir, allowing brine to continue percolating to the surface.”

• Icy worlds with probable flowing water are largely located on moons of large gas giant planets like Jupiter that supply the energy needed to keep water flowing. The new discovery suggests that water could be found in places that are not so obviously active. Scientists are now scouring our solar system to look for other possibilities, to reach a better understanding of how water is so prevalent on Earth, and where water may be lurking in our solar system.

• Water, of course, is an indicator for life. The Hubble Space Telescope recently demonstrated how we might find signatures of ozone on distant exoplanets as another indicator of life. (see previous ExoArticle here) Astronomers are also looking at the Earth-sized planets in the Trappist-1 system for signs of life. But the new Ceres data shows that we can’t rule out our own solar system for potentially habitable environments.

• The icy moons of Jupiter will see more close-up action with the forthcoming Europa Clipper mission at NASA, and the Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (JUICE) from the European Space Agency. NASA’s Perseverance rover also lifted off for Mars in late July to look for rock samples to return to Earth for closer analysis. These investigations will allow us to better learn about where we should look for life in the coming decades.

[Editor’s Note]    “Where to look for life in the coming decades??” This statement tells us how long the deep state plans to drag out ‘full disclosure’. We know that the universe is teeming with extraterrestrial life, and our solar system is no exception. After the watery ‘super-Earth’, Tiamat, blew up to form the Asteroid Belt, the largest object in the belt, Ceres, with a radius of 294 miles (584 mile diameter) apparently retained enough gravity to capture and hold a sizable amount of water.

According to ‘Dark Fleet’ space program whistleblower Tony Rodrigues, there is a large, highly populated German colony within Ceres that is modeled after a typical early 20th century Bavarian city. Tony worked in maintenance and cargo supporting Nazi Dark Fleet spacecraft as a slave-worker in the Ceres colony for over ten years. Tony says that the Occator Crater, where NASA discovered a ‘brine water’ reservoir, is actually the location of a geyser that Tony was very familiar with. (see video below for a fascinating interview of Tony Rodrigues talking about the Ceres colony)

Hopefully, the white hat Alliance will soon defeat the deep state, and these secrets can be revealed to the public.



We finally have a better sense of the “origin story” of strange bright spots that appear on dwarf planet Ceres.

                  Carol Raymond

It turns out they come from liquid, salty water that is underneath the ground. Studying the data further could tell us more about the story of how water was distributed in our solar system — telling us more about life in general.

The new insight comes from analyzing old data from a now-defunct spacecraft. The NASA Dawn mission collected data in 2018 about Ceres’ gravity showing that there is a zone on the planet with a brine reservoir, roughly 25 miles or 40 kilometers deep and hundreds of miles wide. What’s more, the water appears underneath a giant crater known as Occator, showing that the violent impact had long-lasting effects on Ceres’ history.

“The bulk of the salts were supplied from a slushy area just beneath the surface, that was melted by the heat of the impact that formed the crater about 20 million years ago,” Carol Raymond, Dawn principal investigator, said in a NASA statement. “The impact heat subsided after a few million years. However, the impact also created large fractures that could reach the deep, long-lived reservoir, allowing brine to continue percolating to the surface.”

We know of icy worlds with probable flowing water all over the solar system, which are largely located near large gas giant planets like Jupiter that supply the energy needed to keep water flowing. The new discovery suggests that water could be found in places that are not so obviously active.


42:10 minute video of Tony Rodrigues discussing the Ceres colony (‘Salubrious Events’ YouTube)



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Pentagon Launches Task Force to Study UFOs

Article by Brandi Vincent                                 August 17, 2020                                   (

• On August 14th, Pentagon officials confirmed the recent creation of the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force, an investigative unit to probe puzzling UFO sightings and encounters by U.S. military personnel, particularly near military bases and restricted airspace. The Task Force will be steered by the Department of the Navy.

• “[The DoD] established the (Task Force) to improve its understanding of, and gain insight into, the nature and origins of UAPs,” Pentagon officials wrote in a press release. “The mission of the Task Force is to detect, analyze and catalog UAPs that could potentially pose a threat to U.S. national security.”

• Though Defense personnel did not immediately clarify what sparked the creation of the new task force, in April the defense department authorized the release of three videos captured by U.S. Navy pilots that appear to show airborne objects operating in inexplicably aerodynamic ways. Shortly after the release, President Trump deemed the footage “a hell of a video,” and added, “I just wonder if it’s real.”

• In May, The Drive published multiple hazard reports spotlighting brushes between unidentified aerial phenomena and Navy aircraft obtained through a Freedom of Information Act, or FOIA request. (see previous ExoArticle here)

• In June, The Senate Intelligence Committee voted to require the Defense Department to craft a detailed report for the public synthesizing all UAP-related data so far collected. (see previous ExoArticle here)

• “[T]he safety of our personnel and the security of our operations are of paramount concern,” Pentagon officials said. “[Defense] and the military departments take any incursions by unauthorized aircraft into our training ranges or designated airspace very seriously and examine each report.”


The Pentagon set up a new investigative unit to probe puzzling UFO sightings and incidents reportedly encountered by U.S. military personnel, officials confirmed Friday.

Officially assembled in early August, the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force, or UAPTF, will be steered by the Department of the Navy. Its formation follows increasing focus from Defense officials and Congress on unexplained flying objects spotted near military bases and restricted airspace.

“[Defense] established the UAPTF to improve its understanding of, and gain insight into, the nature and origins of UAPs,” Pentagon officials wrote in a press release published Friday. “The mission of the task force is to detect, analyze and catalog UAPs that could potentially pose a threat to U.S. national security.”

Though Defense personnel did not immediately clarify what sparked the creation of the new task force, the department in April authorized the release of three videos captured by U.S. Navy pilots that appear to show airborne objects operating in inexplicably aerodynamic ways. “The aerial phenomena observed in the videos remain characterized as ‘unidentified,’” the agency revealed at the time. Shortly after the release, President Trump deemed the footage “a hell of a video,”—and added, “I just wonder if it’s real.”



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