China’s Space Supremacy Could Wipe Out Our Satellites and Send Us Back to the Stone Age

Article by Douglas MacKinnon                                 September 7, 2020                                    (

• There is no nation on Earth more dependent upon its satellites for its national, economic, communications, and navigational security than the United States. The People’s Republic of China and Russia understand that reality better than anyone else, and factor that vulnerability into their military strategies. If China was one day able to take out America’s satellites, it would blind our military and send the U.S. back to the technological Stone Age.

• To the Pentagon, the nightmare of a United States waking up to the collapse of our phone, television, radio, GPS, and banking networks – is all too real. Within hours, panic, chaos, and anarchy would rule much of the nation. And if China did target and destroy the U.S. military, communication, and financial satellites, they would think nothing of taking out those of the United Kingdom or any other perceived adversaries.

• In testimony given to Congress last November, the U.S. China Economic and Security Review Commission warned in part: “China views space as a critical U.S. military and economic vulnerability and has fielded an array of direct-ascent, cyber, electromagnetic, and co-orbital counter-space weapons capable of targeting nearly every class of U.S. space asset.”

• While in the recent past, the White Houses and the Pentagon were more concerned about the threat posed to our assets in space by Russia. Although Russia has demonstrated its anti-satellite weaponry, the fact is that both Russia and the U.S. are playing catch-up with the Chinese military in space.

• The United States, Great Britain and many of our allies tend to see the future in terms of weeks, months, and years. China sees its future in terms of years, decades, and centuries. It is China’s intention to one day create the ultimate “High Ground” by controlling all within the Earth to Moon orbit.

• The Obama administration cut or curtailed much of the U.S. human spaceflight program and putting our military space program on a back burner. China instantly noted the U.S. Government’s abandonment of the space arena and aggressively moved to fill and control that vacuum. The Trump administration created the U.S. Space Force. The sixth branch of the U.S. military is now rushing to get back into the game to protect our space assets. But China has been given a tremendous head start. And the clock is ticking.

[Editor’s Note]  If only the geopolitical situation was this simple. In reality, this is more of the Deep State’s continuing efforts to incite World War III. The Deep State wasn’t able to create a war between Russia and the U.S. So it is attempting to foment war between the U.S. and China by having the Mockingbird Media create a public panic about it.

The truth is, as Dr. Michael Salla points out in this new book, Rise of the Red Dragon, the Deep State set up this scenario back in the 1950’s when they deported one of America’s top aerospace engineers, Dr. Tsien Hsue-shen, who also knew about our advanced spacecraft propulsion technology gleaned directly from extraterrestrials, back to China. Dr. Salla theorizes that the Deep State intended to allow the Chinese space program to unfold, at which time the Deep State cold infiltrate the Chinese government – which it now has – and instigate hostilities between the U.S. and China – which it now is – in order to cause global upheaval and thereby gain more power and control. Alliance forces are well aware of the Deep State’s tactics, however, and have a few surprises in store for them as well.


Why should that be of concern to the political and military leadership of the United States and those of our allies?

There is no nation on Earth more dependent upon its satellites in low and geosynchronous orbit for its national, economic, communications, and navigational security and survival than the United States. No nation.

The People’s Republic of China and Russia not only understand that reality better than anyone else, but factor that vulnerability into their ongoing military strategies.

The scenario which sends a chill down the spine of the White House, the U.S. Military, and many Members of Congress, is that China – unchallenged in space – will one day take out all of those satellites and thereby blind our military and send the United States back to the technological Stone Age.

Once done, the President of China only has to reach the President of the United States – be that Trump, Joe Biden, or Michelle Obama, or Nikki Haley in the future – and dictate their terms for our surrender.

Sound far-fetched? Not to the Pentagon or those in our Government tracking China in space.

Civilisation destroyed

To them, the nightmare of a United States waking up to the collapse of our phone, television, radio, GPS, and banking networks – just to name a few – is all too real.

Within hours at the most, panic, chaos, and anarchy would rule much of the nation.

And if the PRC did target and destroy the military, communication, and financial satellites of the U.S., surely they would think nothing of taking out those of the United Kingdom or any other perceived adversaries.



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UFO Hunter Spent Thirty Years Playing Kraftwerk to Aliens in Space

Article by Patrick Hinton                                     September 7, 2020                                           (

• John Shepherd, a UFO hunter from Michigan is the subject of a 16-minute Netflix documentary called John Was Trying To Contact Aliens. Shepherd spent nearly 30 years trying to contact aliens by broadcasting music into space, favoring “non-commercial music” such as jazz, reggae, Afropop, Kraftwerk, Fela Kuti, Steve Reich and Tangerine Dream.

• The film’s director, Matthew Killip, explores Shepherd’s journey from his upbringing with adoptive grandparents to inventing and building gigantic machinery called S.T.R.A.T. (Special Telemetry Research and Tracking) to transmit signals into deep space.

• Speaking about his musical selections, Shepherd said, “I like rock, but there’s plenty of it out there. It’s a pretty common broadcast. Rather than loud guitars just wailing away, I wanted to go towards where the soul was and have more meaning in that sense. I wanted something that explores human emotion in a warm and effective way. In sending out music, the idea was to communicate that sense of humanness, that feeling and drive, that ecstasy.”

• The film also explores challenges John faced such as the lack of a loving relationship with his single mother, loneliness, feelings of alienation in a conservative living situation exacerbated by his homosexuality, and eventually finding a connection on Earth that changed his life.


        John Shepherd doing his thing

Netflix has released a 16-minute documentary called John Was Trying To Contact Aliens, telling the story of John Shepherd, a UFO hunter from Michigan.

Shepherd spent nearly 30 years trying to contact aliens by broadcasting music millions of miles into space, favouring “non-commercial music” such as jazz, reggae, Afropop, Kraftwerk, Fela Kuti, Steve Reich and Tangerine Dream.

Using new footage and archival imagery alongside commentary from John, the Matthew Killip directed film explores John’s journey from his upbringing with adoptive grandparents to inventing and building gigantic machinery called S.T.R.A.T. (Special Telemetry Research and Tracking) to transmit signals into deep space.

Speaking to Pitchfork about his musical selections, John Shepherd said: “I like rock, but there’s plenty of it out there. It’s a pretty common broadcast. Rather than loud guitars just wailing away, I wanted to go towards where the soul was and have more meaning in that sense. I wanted something that explores human emotion in a warm and effective way. In sending out music, the idea was to communicate that sense of humanness, that feeling and drive, that ecstasy.”


1:16 minute trailer for Netflix’ “John Was Trying to Contact Aliens” (‘Netflix’ YouTube)



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Why Joe Rogan is “100% Convinced” Aliens Are Among Us

Article by Georgia Smith                                       September 10, 2020                                           (

• Joe Rogan (pictured above) recently moved his popular podcast from LA to Austin, Texas. The studio’s red lighting and tunnel-like shape give the new location a slightly futuristic feel. This was fitting in the September 9th episode with comedian Ron White when the topic of conversation turned to aliens and UFOs. Rogan asked rhetorically, “when will the aliens land? I’ve been thinking the aliens are coming.”

• “I’m convinced, I’m 100% convinced,” he said about the idea that aliens are “dancing among us.” Rogan says that he used to be 60% certain. But he revealed that he’s “talked to people that have seen them. I talked to this one guy who was a pilot,” referring to Commander David Fravor. “He encountered this thing that they called the Tic-Tac UFO. This is an object that they tracked on radar that went from 60,000 feet to one foot above sea level in less than a second.” This particular sighting was actually recorded by the US Navy, with its authenticity confirmed by the Pentagon in 2019. Officials still claim not to know what the object was.

• Rogan then discussed his 2019 interview with physicist Bob Lazar who worked on back-engineering a craft found by the government, saying that Lazar “right away knew that this was no technology that we had currently available.” The propulsion system Lazar describes in a documentary bears striking similarities to the system of the Tic-Tac UFO.

• Rogan admitted that he’s “always worried about things I wanna believe. If I wanna believe it I’m always skeptical.” Perhaps Rogan’s audacity to seriously talk about aliens and UFOs – and government secrets – will prompt more guests with alien-related experience to share their stories.


           Commander David Fravor

Since Joe moved his podcast studio from hectic LA to Texas for a fresh start, the studio design of the

                              Bob Lazar

classic brick walls and purple curtains has gone through a dramatic transformation.

The brand new Texas studio boasts some interesting red lighting, a tunnel-like shape, and some protruding black and red panels among other ornaments that give the new location a slightly futuristic feel.

It seems only fitting that the conversation about aliens would arise with the background looking like it had come straight out of a sci-fi movie. He began by broaching the bizarre topic with “when will the aliens land? I’ve been thinking the aliens are coming.”

“I’m convinced, I’m 100% convinced,” he said about the idea that aliens are “dancing among us,” but he “used to be 60%.” He continued by revealing that he “talked to people that have seen them. I talked to this one guy who was a pilot,” regarding his conversation with a man named Commander Fravor.

“He encountered this thing that they called the Tic-Tac UFO. This is an object that they tracked on radar that went from 60,000 feet to one foot above sea level in less than a second.”


Joe Rogan Podcast discussing UFOs and aliens, starts at 1:00:30 (‘PowerfulJRE’ YouTube)



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The Moon is ‘Rusting’ Say Stunned Scientists

Article by Chris Ciaccia                                  September 6, 2020                                (

• A study from the University of Hawaii, published in Science Advances, says that the Moon is rusting. “It’s very puzzling,” said the study’s lead author, Shuai Li. The rust may be a result of water discovered on the Moon, but it’s still shocking, given the lack of oxygen and dearth of water on the lunar satellite.

• Li was looking at data from the JPL Moon Mineralogy Mapper when he realized the instrument detected “spectra – or light reflected off surfaces – that revealed the Moon’s poles had a very different composition than the rest of it. The polar surfaces showed spectra that matched the mineral hematite (aka ‘iron oxide’ or ‘rust’), according to the study’s abstract. (see here)

• According to the study, “Our analyses of the Moon Mineralogy Mapper data show that hematite, a ferric mineral, is present at high latitudes on the Moon… and is more prevalent on the nearside than the farside.” But the hematite is not near any of the water ice that has been discovered on the Moon, adding another layer of complexity to the findings. “It could be that little bits of water and the impact of dust particles are allowing iron in these bodies to rust,” said study co-author, NASA JPL planetary geoscientist Abigail Fraeman.

• “At first, I totally didn’t believe it. It shouldn’t exist based on the conditions present on the Moon,” said Fraeman. “But since we discovered water on the Moon, people have been speculating that there could be a greater variety of minerals than we realize if that water had reacted with rocks.”

• With no atmospheric oxygen on the Moon and the Sun’s solar wind delivering hydrogen – which should act as a “reducer” to prevent oxidation – scientists are baffled where the rust is coming from. However, they believe it could stem from Earth, given the Moon does have “trace amounts of oxygen” thanks to Earth’s magnetic field.

• According to a study published in March 2019, the Moon actually loses water when meteoroids smack its surface. NASA’s ARTEMIS mission revealed that solar winds greatly impact the lunar surface and expose it to radiation from the Sun, leaving scars on the surface, akin to a “sunburn,” due to the Moon’s weak magnetic field. (see here)

• A study published in August 2019 suggested the Moon was 100 million years older than previously believed, basing their findings on analyzing the lunar rocks taken by the Apollo astronauts. (see here)

• And a study published in January 2019 suggested that a 4.1-billion-year-old chunk of Earth may have been found and dug up on the Moon by Apollo astronauts. (see here)

[Editor’s Note]  The Moon is rusting, and scientists don’t know why? Could it be because the Moon is an ancient artificial construct that is hollow or honeycombed, and was parked next Earth for some reason? And now its superstructure is rusting?


                     Shuai Li

A newly published study notes that the moon is “rusting,” leaving experts perplexed by the discovery.

          Abigail Fraeman

The research, published in Science Advances, notes that the rust may be a result of water discovered on the moon, but it’s still shocking, given the lack of oxygen and dearth of water on Earth’s celestial satellite.

“It’s very puzzling,” the study’s lead author, Shuai Li of the University of Hawaii, said in a statement. “The moon is a terrible environment for hematite to form in.”

Li was looking at data from the JPL Moon Mineralogy Mapper when the researcher realized the instrument detected “spectra – or light reflected off surfaces – that revealed the Moon’s poles had a very different composition than the rest of it,” the statement added.

The polar surfaces showed spectra that matched the mineral hematite (Fe2O3), according to the study’s abstract.

“Although oxidizing processes have been speculated to operate on the lunar surface and form ferric iron–bearing minerals, unambiguous detections of ferric minerals forming under highly reducing conditions on the Moon have remained elusive,” the researchers wrote in the study’s abstract. “Our analyses of the Moon Mineralogy Mapper data show that hematite, a ferric mineral, is present at high latitudes on the Moon, mostly associated with east- and equator-facing sides of topographic highs, and is more prevalent on the nearside than the farside.”



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Old FBI Case Could Be Proof That UFOs Are Real

Article by Brynley Louise                                 September 7, 2020                                 (

• In the online FBI files known as ‘The Vault’, there is ‘Memorandum 6751’. The memorandum dated July 5, 1947 was sent to the FBI. (On July 8, 1947, the Roswell Daily Record published the first newspaper story on an alleged UFO crash at a nearby ranch.) The 70 page memo was declassified in 2010. The Roswell crash was quickly ‘debunked’. Likewise, the memo itself, which makes claims of inter-dimensional beings and flying saucers, states that “the writer has little expectation that anything of import will be accomplished by this gesture”.

• The writer of the memo believed that while we live in three dimensions that we call width, breadth, and height, an inter-dimensional being would add a fourth dimension – “space time”. The multiverse theory wouldn’t be popularized by Bryce DeWitt until 1957, so the writer may have been referring to an alternate universe rather than a fourth dimension of this universe. Hard to tell. But this is what the writer had to say about these inter-dimensional beings:

1. Part of the disks (spacecraft) carry crews, others are under remote control.
2. Their mission is peaceful. The visitors contemplate settling on this plane.
3. These visitors are human-like, but much larger in size.
4. They are NOT excarnate earth people but come from their own world.
5. They do NOT come from any “planet” as we use the word, but from an otherio planet which interpenetrates with our own and is not perceptible to us.
6. The bodies of the visitors, and of the craft also, automatically materialize on entering the vibratory rate of our . . . matter.
7. The disks possess a type of radiant energy, or a ray, which will easily disintegrate any attacking ship. They reenter the otherio at will, and so simply disappear from our vision, without trace.
8. The region from which they come is NOT the ‘astral plane’, but corresponds to the Lokas or Talas. Students of osoterio matter will understand these terms.
9. They probably cannot be reached by radio but probably can be by radar, if a signal system can be devised for that.”

• It’s a lot of fun to dig through the old UFO related documents on the FBI’s online database. You can even read the official single-page document regarding the 1947 Roswell incident, with surprisingly little redacted.


Do you love a good UFO story? We hope so, because we have a doozy for you. If you spend a lot of time genuinely searching out answers on the existence of real aliens and UFOs that are extraterrestrial in nature, then it’s possible you’ve heard this one before, since the FBI documents we’re talking about were released all the way back in 2010.

However, if you have a passing fancy for the idea of aliens, or just enjoy interesting stories, then this is exactly the right article for you. A decade ago, a seventy page document was declassified by the FBI and put into their online database called The Vault. (How very cinematic of them.) This document is now frequently referred to as Memorandum 6751 & makes claims of inter-dimensional beings and flying saucers.

It’s important to note that the FBI did not write this memo. It was written and sent to the FBI, who were then forced to archive it. So, while everyone likes to claim this document is proof the U.S. government confirmed the existence of extraterrestrials all the way back in 1947, they are, alas, very wrong.

Claims of Memo 6751

The letter very kindly has a list of nine bullet points, which makes picking up the important bits of the old scanned document a little easier as you squint your way through the slightly blurry & faded photocopy with handwritten notes in the margins. We transcribed the fun part as best we could.



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Did We Just Spot a UFO in a Netflix Documentary?

Article by Nirmal Narayanan                                    September 9, 2020                                       (

• In a Netflix documentary entitled: ‘The Hidden Science of Everything’, the show’s scientists are demonstrating how clouds make rain. They employ a small plane in the shot, taking off from an airport in San Angelo, Texas. As the plane is gaining altitude, an object streaks right by the plane at a mind-blowing speed. (see 1:33 minute video below)

• The object that passed the airplane seems very similar to the classic disc-shaped UFOs often depicted in Hollywood movies. The video was uploaded to ‘The Hidden Underbelly 2.0’ YouTube channel where it went viral. Many comments conclude that sightings like these are irrefutable proof of alien presence on Earth.

• “Awesome, many UFO’s travels around Earth so fast, that we Earthlings only spot a small percentage. Right place right time fortunes the lucky,” commented NJK, a YouTube user. “Man that looked like you said a flying saucer. Like Roswell saucer. It’s a matter of time before the world knows the truth,” commented Alan Barra, another YouTuber.


Space agencies like NASA and ESA have been searching for extraterrestrial aliens for several years, but until now, humans have not succeeded in making the crucial first contact. However, conspiracy theorists strongly believe that aliens are already here on the earth, and they argue that UFO sightings are authentic proof of their existence. And now, eagle-eyed conspiracy theorists have claimed to have discovered a UFO in a Netflix documentary titled ‘The Hidden Science of Everything’.

UFO appeared in Netflix documentary

In the clip taken from the show, an airplane can be seen taking off from San Angelo to Texas to demonstrate how clouds make rain. But shockingly, during the airplane’s course in the skies, another object appears and seems to zoom along in the opposite direction. The flying object spotted near the airplane in the skies was apparently traveling at a mindblowing speed, and audiences will get only a glimpse of it if the playback speed is slowed down.


1:33 minute video of a UFO moving past a plane in south Texas (‘The Hidden Underbelly 2.0’ YouTube)



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“I Think We’re Aliens” Says Boxer Mike Tyson

Article by Raj Sarkar                                September 5, 2020                                   (

• Former heavyweight champion of the world Mike Tyson was recently on the Joe Rogan Podcast. Randomly discussing things from his life, the subject of ‘aliens’ popped up out of nowhere. Rogan asked Tyson to deliver his thoughts on extraterrestrials. (see video below)

• Tyson believes that aliens existed and that humans are their descendants, so therefore we are an alien race. He says that believing in aliens is way more practical than trusting in the ‘Adam and Eve’ tale. Said Tyson, “I think we are aliens, we are the descendants of aliens. You can’t explain it. If you go and tell me about Adam and Eve. Imma go with the alien. If that’s what you hit me with – Adam and Eve. Imma go with these alien guys.”

• Tyson said that it is not only about being supernatural. When we meet a person from a different continent for the first time, it is like meeting an alien. “First time an Asian man saw a Caucasian man, that was an alien… Maybe they were not the aliens, but that’s what they thought they were,” says Tyson. “They were a tribe of people, they counted them, and perhaps they were getting extinct, they were dying.”


Former heavyweight champion of the world, Mike Tyson, believes that aliens existed and humans are their descendants. It might sound bizarre and hilarious, but Tyson has based his statement with some valid thoughts and reasons.

                           Mike Tyson

During his appearance on the Joe Rogan Podcast, Tyson discussed several things from his life. The subject of ‘aliens’ seemingly popped out of nowhere. Rogan asked Tyson to deliver his thoughts on extraterrestrials and ‘Iron’ Mike gave a stunner in response.

Mike Tyson believes in aliens

After addressing his personal life, controversies, and future, Mike Tyson claimed that we are an alien race. Moreover, he said that believing in aliens is way more practical than trusting in the ‘Adam and Eve’ tale.

“I think we are aliens, we are the descendants of aliens. You can’t explain it. If you go and tell me about Adam and Eve. Imma go with the alien. If that’s what you hit me with – Adam and Eve. Imma go with these alien guys,” said Tyson.

Talking about aliens, Tyson said that it is not only about being supernatural. As per the ‘Baddest Man,’ when we meet a person from a different continent for the first time, it is like meeting an alien.


Mike Tyson discussing alien hybrid humans on Joe Rogan, starting at 1:34:00 (‘PowerfulJRE’ YouTube)



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Mexico Attracts People of This World, and From Outer Space Too

Article by Leigh Thelmadatter                               September 5, 2020                                 (

• Mexico ranks seventh in the world for the number of UFO sightings. One of Mexico’s ufologist pioneers was Pedro Ferriz, who even advised former president Gustavo Díaz Ordaz on the matter in the 1960s. Ferriz has been followed by others including UFO hunter Salvador Guerrero and journalist Laura Castellanos. By far, the best-known is Jaime Maussan, who has hosted a show on UFOs and the paranormal called Tercer Milenio (Third Millennium) since 2005.

• There are reports of UFO sightings from all over Mexico, with some places being more popular with aliens. The capital Mexico City has, by far, the most reports of UFOs. (see 16 minute video below) Many are also reported in Puebla just to the south and the San Mateo corridor. One famous sighting occurred on July 11, 1991 during a total eclipse. In 2017, the X Files filmed an episode in Mexico City, bringing a “damaged gray flying saucer” into the main square of the capital.

• Sightings here usually describe a light or spherical object that moves off to the side as a plane approaches and returns after it has passed. Even more reports come out of an area called the “Ruta OVNI” (UFO Route) that extends around the southern perimeter of the megalopolis.

• A UFO magnet seems to be the Popocatépetl volcano situated between Mexico City and Puebla. A webcam video recorder monitors the volcano’s activity where strange lights and movements are regularly seen around the crater, especially during eruptions. Such images have made the news at various times, including those in which an object appears to pass through the eruption, come out from the crater, or dive into it. (see video clip of UFO on volcano webcam below)

• UFO sightings are still associated with pyramids of the ancient civilizations of Mesoamerica. Some artifacts seem to indicate extraterrestrial contact. Local residents in Tepoztlán, just south of Mexico City, regularly claim that strong blue and yellow lights can be seen flying around the small pyramid on a nearby crag.

• One of the best known incidents occurred in the rural town of Mezcala near Guadalajara. For three days starting on December 31, 2007, circular lights appeared in the sky over the Pie de Minas Mountain, with one person recording video of part of the event. In 2019, a UFO was spotted over Acapulco, causing a local government official to quip that the tourist destination was “not only recognized nationally and globally, but also outside of the planet.”

• Monterrey is noted for one particular sighting over the city’s iconic Cerro de la Silla mountain, filmed accidentally during the making of a commercial for Coca-Cola. No one saw it at the time, but review of the footage showed an elliptical object moving fast, in daylight hours. (see 30 second Coca Cola UFO commercial below) Sightings in Durango date back at least to 1955 when two adolescents reported being stopped in their car by a light that then disappeared over the horizon.

• Residents of Ciudad Madero, Tamaulipas, also talk of an alien base. The “evidence” for its existence includes the fact that there have been no major hurricanes in the area since 1966. Supposedly, the aliens divert them northward to Texas. The stories prompted the erection of a statue of a “Martian” on Miramar Beach, where sightings are reported regularly (although the statue was stolen). (see recent ExoArticle here)

• Various groups watch the skies and document sightings and other evidence of extraterrestrials visiting the country. Interest in UFOs in Mexico is not going way anytime soon.


                     Jaime Maussan

So the Pentagon has admitted studying UFOs, and not a single person is shocked. I thought it would be fun to find out if our alien friends visit Mexico as well. Looks like they do!

          Laura Castellanos

In fact, Mexico ranks seventh in the world for the number of UFO sightings. One of Mexico’s ufologist pioneers was Pedro Ferriz, who even advised former president Gustavo Díaz Ordaz on the matter in the 1960s.

He has since been followed by others including UFO hunter Salvador Guerrero and journalist Laura Castellanos. By far, the best-known is Jaime Maussan, who has hosted a show on UFOs and the paranormal called Tercer Milenio (Third Millennium) since 2005.

        Miramar Beach “Martian”

There are reports of UFO sightings from all over Mexico, but some places seem to be more popular with aliens. One early incident is something that appears on a home video taken at Mexico City’s 1968 Olympic Games during the opening ceremony. Perhaps the best known are the sightings that occurred

               Popocatépetl volcano

on July 11, 1991 during a total eclipse.

In both Mexico City and Puebla, one or more gray disk-shape objects were reported in the skies and were even filmed in both places. The event remains unexplained and launched a new generation of UFO enthusiasts.

In 2017, the X Files filmed an episode in Mexico City, even bringing a “damaged gray flying saucer” into the main square of the capital. The capital has, by far, the most reports of UFOs. One area with many sightings is the San Mateo corridor, where planes coming in from the north approach the international airport.


16 minute video on UFOs over Mexico City (‘Mexico Unexplained’ YouTube)


1:49 minute clip on webcam of UFO over Popocatépetl volcano April 21, 2020 (‘Volcano Time-Lapse’ YouTube)


30-second Coca Cola commercial with mysterious alien (‘’ YouYube)



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Witness Tells of Long Beach Island UFO Encounter

September 4, 2020                                        (

• At 2am on Thursday, August 27th, an unidentified witness in Long Beach Island, New Jersey had a UFO sighting, which the person reported to the National UFO Reporting Center’s website (see here). The encounter lasted for 30 -40 minutes. Below is the transcript of the report.

• “Hi, I am not one to report unless I am sure. But what we saw at Long Beach island at 2 am was not something we doubt as something not in our comprehension. My friend and I decided to take a walk on the beach at around 1:30 am after a long night of talking catching up. After about 20 minutes we noticed three bright lights on the sand, we thought they were police checking the area for trespassers. So we didn’t think much of it. We then noticed two of the light sources started to create a line between each other… it looked like a beam interchanged between two sources.”

• “Fast forward, these lights disappeared we figure it was some kind of weird glitch in some security light… we then notice a light that looked into the ocean. It was white… shining very bright. We noticed a smaller green light flying over it… moving very fast all over the place. I mean like very disoriented.. nothing we have every seen before.”

• “I was a believer and the first thing I thought was aliens and I thought my friend would think I was absolutely crazy by my idea but when we both saw we looked at each other. The look on my friends face was shocking he was! absolutely startled… I was too. We both saw the same thing. These light forces moving ramp idly with no distinguished pattern or direction.. around the light source. At one point it seemed to dive into the ocean and back out. It would shine bright.. move and then disappear and appear again. It would make sudden movements and we would both look at each other. It would then stop and align with the bigger “light source” and then move about again.”

• “We watched it for about 40 minutes. I shined my light at it (blinked twice) and it disappeared… then shined back twice. And disappeared and we got to scared and walked away. We both realized this was an experience we will remember forever. We thought hard about what we might have seen but there just doesn’t seem to be any explanation to a light moving that rapidly and that unorganized like it did. We both knew what we saw but it seems unreal right now. I’m writing this because My friend and I truly believe we saw something out of the ordinary tonight.”


A UFO encounter reportedly took place on Long Beach Island on Thursday, August 27th.

The witness, who has not been identified, says the encounter happened just after midnight and lasted for 30 -40 minutes.

The sighting report is listed on the National UFO Reporting Center’s website.

“Hi, I am not one to report unless I am sure.

But what we saw at Long Beach island at 2 am was not something we doubt as something not in our comprehension.

My friend and I decided to take a walk on the beach at around 1:30 am after a long night of talking catching up.after about 20 minutes we noticed three bright lights on the sand, we thought they were police checking the area for trespassers. So we didn’t think much of it. We then noticed two of the light sources started to create a line between each other… it looked like a beam interchanged between two sources. Fast forward, these lights disappeared we figure it was some kind of weird glitch in some security light… we then notice a light that looked into the ocean. It was white… shining very bright. We noticed a smaller green light flying over it… moving very fast all over the place. I mean like very disoriented.. nothing we have every seen before. I was a believer and the first thing I thought was aliens and I thought my friend would think I was absolutely crazy by my idea but when we both saw we looked at each other. The look on my friends face was shocking he was! absolutely startled… I was too. We both saw the same thing. These light forces moving ramp idly with no distinguished pattern or direction.. around the light source. At one point it seemed to dive into the ocean and back out. It would shine bright.. move and then disappear and appear again. It would make sudden movements and we would both look at each other. It would then stop and align with the bigger “light source” and then move about again. We watched it for about 40 minutes. I shined my light at it (blinked twice) and it disappeared… then shined back twice. And disappeared and we got to scared and walked away. We both realized this was an experience we will remember forever. We thought hard about what we might have seen but there just doesn’t seem to be any explanation to a light moving that rapidly and that unorganized like it did. We both knew what we saw but it seems unreal right now. I’m writing this because My friend and I truly believe we saw something out of th e ordinary tonight.”



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China Quietly Launches ‘Reusable Experimental Spacecraft’

Article by Eric Mack                                   September 4, 2020                                    (

• On September 4th, with little fanfare China’s state-run Xinhua media outlet announced the launch of a “reusable experimental spacecraft” from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China. Space industry watchers believe it to be some sort of unmanned space plane similar to the X-37B operated by the US Air Force and Space Force, that the Chinese have been developing since 2017.

• The statement reads: “After a period of in-orbit operation, the spacecraft will return to the scheduled landing site in China. It will test reusable technologies during its flight, providing technological support for the peaceful use of space.”

• The mission was conducted under a veil of secrecy with no official launch photos, and not even the time of launch made public. Jonathan McDowell with the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics speculated that China’s secrecy “leads one to think this is not only a space plane, it’s a military space plane”.

[Editor’s Note]   While the Chinese test flight lasted two days, the Americans have kept its umnanned X-37B aloft in space for more than two years. (see previous ExoArticle on the X-37B craft)

To be fair, the Air Force is just as secretive about its X-37B craft. But the unmanned Chinese craft, called ‘Chongfu Shiyong Shiyan Hangtian Qi’ (translation: ‘Repeat Use Test Space Craft’) returned safely two days after the September 4th launch. Interestingly, it appears that the Chinese craft released an object into space before returning back to the Earth. (see follow-up article “China’s reusable experimental spacecraft returns to Earth after two-day mystery mission”)


China says it has successfully launched a “reusable experimental spacecraft” under increased levels of secrecy. Space industry watchers believe it to be some sort of unmanned space plane similar to the X-37B operated by the US Air Force and Space Force in recent years.

              US Air Forces’ X-37B

A short statement from China’s state-run Xinhua media outlet announced the launch from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China on Friday.

“After a period of in-orbit operation, the spacecraft will return to the scheduled landing site in China. It will test reusable technologies during its flight, providing technological support for the peaceful use of space,” the statement reads.

The mission was conducted under a veil of extra secrecy, with no official launch photos or even the time of launch made public.

“That leads one to think this is not only a space plane, it’s a military space plane,” said Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics astronomer Jonathan McDowell on a European Space Agency sponsored Zoom conference Friday.



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How Military Base Area 51 Became the Heartland of Alien Conspiracy Theories

Article by Jayden Collins                                   September 4, 2020                                     (

• A secret military base sits in the middle of the Nevada desert, about 82 miles northwest of Las Vegas known as ‘Area 51’. It has become the subject of endless pop culture references and memes, as well as the epicentre of the world’s most famous alien conspiracies. How did this Air Force facility become linked with extraterrestrial folklore, and are they really holding tea parties with alien lifeforms inside the base?

• The government used the desolate Nevada desert region as a weapons test range during World War II. In 1954 it was commissioned Area 51 by President Eisenhower as an Air Force base that tested spy planes, such as the U-2, far away from the public and Soviet spies. Perhaps today’s conspiracy theories are rooted in the base’s history of Soviet espionage.

• In 1947, there were reports of a weather balloon crashing on a ranch in southeastern New Mexico near a town called Roswell. But rumors abounded that the US military had taken a crashed UFO craft to Area 51. Then in the late 1980s, Robert Lazar came forward to claim that he had been one of the scientists reverse engineering alien spacecraft at Area 51. Lazar even claimed to have seen an alien himself. Lazar became a cult hero among conspiracy theorists, and while his credentials were pretty quickly discredited, it was his interview that would forever link Area 51 to the unknowns of outer space.

• The phenomena of Area 51 grew in the ’80s and ’90s, and took on a life of its own within popular culture. The science fiction television series The X-Files continually referenced the facility and the government’s agenda to keep the existence of extraterrestrial life a secret. In 1996, Area 51 was prominently feature in the film Independence Day, about an alien attack on Earth. In 2011, the comedy Paul depicted an extraterrestrial who has escaped from Area 51. The secret base was even referenced in the kids’ movie Lilo & Stitch, with the aliens in the film choosing to name planet Earth, Area 51. Barack Obama was the first US President to publicly acknowledge Area 51 in 2013.

• In June 2019, 20-year-old student Matty Roberts created a Facebook event called ‘Storm Area 51, They Can’t Stop All Of Us’. The event was set for September 20, 2019, and quickly turned into a trending meme, with 2 million people clicking ‘going’, and 1.5 million clicking ‘interested’. What was initially intended as a joke turned into a serious issue for the US government. The military’s public relation office made a Twitter post with a photo of military personnel and a B-2 stealth bomber. The caption read: “The last thing #Millenials will see if they attempt the #area51raid today.” The tweet was later deleted. However, only 1,500 people showed up to the hastily assembled music festivals, while only 150 people ventured to the gates of Area 51.

• So, what is really going on at Area 51? Apart from the creation of U-2 and A-12 aircraft and an early spy mission, we don’t officially know. However, according to Annie Jacobsen, author of the book Area 51: An Uncensored History of America’s Top Secret Military Base, it’s a whole lot of reverse-engineering – and not just of alien craft. Foreign technology captured on battlefields is often brought back to the facility to be tested and re-created. Jacobsen believes that Area 51 is still the location used by military intelligence to create counterterrorism tactics, weapon systems, and surveillance platforms, all of which are hidden from the public.

• Yet in July of this year, the Pentagon released three videos of UFO-like objects moving quickly through the air. They were accompanied by a report which stated the objects were “off-world vehicles not made of this world.” Since then, the Pentagon has set up a UFO task force in an attempt to discover the nature and origins of these objects, further fueling the fire of UFO-related suspicions surrounding Area 51.


Located 134km northwest of Las Vegas is a dirt road leading out from Nevada’s ‘Extraterrestrial Highway’ and down towards Homey Airport, the home of a notorious US military base.

              ‘Storm Area 51’ revelers

What lies within this military base is mostly a mystery to the public. It goes by various names including Paradise Ranch, Red Square, Nevada Test and Training Range, and of course, the one most commonly used in myth and legend, Area 51.

This secret base sits in the middle of the Nevada desert and has become the subject of endless pop culture references and memes, as well as the epicentre of the world’s most famous alien conspiracies.

But just how did this air force facility become linked with extraterrestrial folklore, and are the United States really holding tea parties with alien lifeforms inside this bewitching base?

A Soviet spy station

Commissioned in 1954 by President Eisenhower, Area 51 was created in order to test spy planes far away from the public eye, with the ultimate goal of infiltrating the Soviet Union’s nuclear weapons program.

The area within the Nevada Test and Training Range was already used for nuclear weapon testing back in World War II, and as such, it was the perfect location to ensure the public would keep their distance. What came out of the espionage work done at Area 51 would ultimately be significant in maintaining the United States’ superpower status.

First up was the commissioning of the U-2 spy plane, an aircraft that could fly as high as 70,000 feet in the air (an unfathomable feat at the time), travel across the US without needing to refuel, and carry cameras that could spy on Soviet land below.

       The movie “Independence Day”

From its expeditions, the U-2 plane discovered that the Soviet military was not as advanced as what was claimed by its leaders, leading the United States to believe that they weren’t too far behind their military rivals. However, the plane was shot down in Soviet airspace in 1960. Both the pilot and aircraft were recovered, keeping them out of the hands of the Soviet Union; however, US authorities were forced to admit the purpose of the mission.

This lead to the creation of the Lockheed A-12, an aircraft that could fly across the US in 70 minutes at an altitude of 90,000 feet, photographing objects on the ground that were just one-foot long. With the number of A-12 flights coming in and out of Area 51, reports of unidentifiable flying objects grew in the area. The aircraft’s titanium body and bullet speed resembled nothing seen in the US before.

With the nature of these military aircraft, coupled with the secrecy surrounding these espionage missions, it’s easy to see why conspiracy theories arose around the goings-on inside the military base.



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Space Coast Air Force Members Transfer to Space Force

Article by Emre Kelly                                 September 4, 2020                              (

• On September 2nd, more than two dozen Air Force service members stationed on the Space Coast of Florida transferred to the Space Force. They are a small part of the 2,410 active-duty airmen that will transfer to the military’s newest branch before the end of the year.

• 26 airmen – 19 officers and seven enlisted – transferred during ceremonies at Patrick Air Force Base and Cape Canaveral Air Force Station. All are assigned to either the space operations or space systems operations career fields.

• To transfer, airmen have to officially separate from the Air Force and re-commit to the Space Force under the same rank. Both officers and enlisted personnel must agreed to a two-year minimum active-duty commitment.

• “This is a momentous occasion for the Space Force and for each of these space professionals,” said Space Force leader Gen. John “Jay” Raymond said. “We intend to give our newest Space Force members and their families the special recognition they deserve.”

• What still remains to be seen are the planned name changes of the Space Coast’s two Air Force bases to Patrick Space Force Base and Cape Canaveral Space Force Station. A ceremony was planned earlier this year, but the coronavirus pandemic put those plans on hold. A wing spokesperson confirmed the name changes will still happen, but the timeline is under review.


More than two dozen Air Force service members stationed on the Space Coast officially transferred to the Space Force on Wednesday, marking a small part of the overall effort to move thousands to the military’s newest branch before the end of the year.

             Gen. John “Jay” Raymond

The 45th Space Wing confirmed that 26 airmen – 19 officers and seven enlisted – transferred during small ceremonies led by their squadron commanders at Patrick Air Force Base and Cape Canaveral Air Force Station. All are assigned to either the space operations or space systems operations career fields.

The local moves are part of a branch-wide effort that started Tuesday to transfer 2,410 active-duty airmen in those two roles to the Space Force over the coming months. The first batch includes airmen who volunteered for the transition in May.

To transfer, airmen have to officially separate from the Air Force during the ceremony and re-commit to the new service under the same rank. Both officers and enlisted personnel agreed to a two-year minimum active-duty commitment to the Space Force.



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Here Are Some Scientists Arguing That UFOs Exist

Article by Jason St. Jacques                                September 2, 2020                              (

• With social media and recent announcements by the U.S. Navy, more than ever believers are pushing to prove UFOs exist. The scientific community is beginning to change their dialogue on UFOs. Here are all (some) of the outspoken scientists arguing for the existence of UFOs.

Michael Masters – A biological anthropology professor at the University of Montana, Masters believes that the aliens that we see buzzing around in their UFO craft are actually humans from the future. Master’s discusses his theory in his book, Identified Flying Objects: A Multidisciplinary Scientific Approach to the UFO Phenomenon (2019). “We know that we’ve had a long evolutionary history on this planet,” says Masters. “And we know our technology is going to be more advanced in the future. I think the simplest explanation, innately, is that it is us.”

Helen Sharman – A scientist and Britain’s first astronaut, Sharman spent eight days on the Soviet Mir space station in 1991. When she returned, she stated unequivocally, “aliens exist, there’s no two ways about it.” She even believes many of us have had encounters with aliens during our lives and didn’t know. In January 2020, Sharman told The Observer, “There are so many billions of stars out there in the universe that there must be all sorts of different forms of life.” “It’s possible they’re here right now and we simply can’t see them.”

Kevin Knuth – A NASA researcher and assistant professor of physics at the University of Albany in NY, Knuth says that “there’s plenty of evidence to support UFO sightings,” although researching UFOs is “extremely challenging”. Knuth points to the recent UFO sightings by the US military, “[S]ome of the strange flying objects that outperform the best aircraft in our (military) inventory and defy explanation may indeed be visitors from afar.” He also notes the wide array of multiple witnesses, photographic evidence, and patterns of UFO activity. In Knuth’s opinion, the biggest issue with the topic of UFOs is the taboo nature it has in the scientific community.

Alexander Wendt – An author & political scientist, Wendt admits to being frustrated with the scientific community for their underwhelming reaction to new evidence on UFOs & alien life. He is intrigued by the unknown something blocking scientists from taking UFO studies seriously. Says Wendt, “[A]nything else even remotely this interesting would generate limitless research dollars.” He told Vox, “[I]f ETs were discovered, it would be the most important event in human history.”

Andrew Fraknoi – A former professor of astronomy at Foothill College in California and a member of the board for the SETI in Mountain View, California, Fraknoi believes that aliens may be among us, but arrived in the form of microorganisms – casting aside the theory of green people. From our lands to our oceans, it’s hard to keep track of everything falling to Earth.

[Editor’s Note]   Hey Jason St. Jacques, how did you miss Dr. Eric Davis, prominent Earthtech astrophysicist who has worked on black budget Pentagon UFO programs since 2007, and who told Pentagon officials last March about retrievals of “off-world vehicles not made on this Earth,” according to a July 23rd New York Times article? (see ExoArticle here)


                  Michael Masters

With the help of social media and even recent announcements by the U.S. Navy, more than ever believers

                 Helen Sharman

are pushing to prove UFOs exist. If fuzzy pictures or government conspiracies aren’t enough to convince you, maybe these scientists can.

From documenting key evidence to tightening their arguments, the scientific community is changing the dialogue on UFOs. Here are all the outspoken scientists arguing for the existence of UFOs.

UFOs exist: So do Earthlings from the future

Refusing to denounce the recent stockpile of images & testimonials of UFO sightings is the stance of Michael Masters – a biological anthropology professor at the University of Montana.

        Alexander Wendt

In the argument for the existence of UFOs, Masters doesn’t think these objects are the vehicle of choice for little green people. Instead, Masters proposed UFOs are driven by humans from

                           Kevin Knuth

the future. Master’s discussed the theory in his book, Identified Flying Objects: A Multidisciplinary Scientific Approach to the UFO Phenomenon (2019).

Putting stake in the greater proof of UFOs than of aliens, Masters discussed his theory with Leonard Davis from Davis theorized, “We know that we’ve had a long evolutionary history on this planet. And we know our technology is going to be more advanced in the future. I think the simplest explanation, innately, is that it is us.”

An astronaut knows aliens are real

Scientist & astronaut Helen Sharman was Britain’s first astronaut. Sharman took a trip to the Soviet Mir space station in 1991, and returned with a conclusive thought: “aliens exist, there’s no two ways about it.”

          Andrew Fraknoi

Sharman spent eight days working in space as a chemist and researcher. She even believes many of us may have had encounters with aliens during our lives and didn’t know. If perspective from the ground isn’t enough to convince you, what about from someone who’s seen our very

                      Dr. Eric Davis

civilization from above?

In January 2020 Sharman told The Observer, “There are so many billions of stars out there in the universe that there must be all sorts of different forms of life” – although Sharman doesn’t know if they’re carbon-based like humans. She even suggested, “It’s possible they’re here right now and we simply can’t see them.”

UFOs exist: They’re worth a “serious study”

Those are the beliefs of Kevin Knuth – a NASA researcher and assistant professor of physics at the University of Albany in NY. Knuth remembered always being interested in UFOs, and professed, “there’s plenty of evidence to support UFO sightings.”

With a firm understanding of the scientific method, Knuth admitted studying or testing for UFOs is “extremely challenging” – the appearance of UFOs can’t just be repeated. Knuth discussed the “discrepancy between the expectation that there should be evidence of . . . and the presumption that no visitations have been observed.”



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China Leads Charge in Space Race

Article by Brandon J. Weichert                              September 3, 2020                                   (

• China yearns to displace the United States as the dominant space power, and to inspire its people to make China a global hub of scientific research and development – the cornerstone of a knowledge-based economy. By placing the first rover on the dark side of the Moon in 2019, and by being the first nation to construct a lunar colony or to land ‘taikonauts’ on Mars, China is telling the world that it is truly the leader of today’s knowledge-based economy.

• But as China ascends, America is in decline. In 2019, on the 50th anniversary of the Apollo moon landings, a Harris Poll asked young people in both the United States and China what they wanted to be when they grow up. Most of the American youth surveyed said they wanted to be professional “Vlogger/YouTubers” when they grow up. The Chinese youth overwhelmingly aspired to be astronauts.

• In the 1970s and 80s, China made great wealth by becoming the world’s sweatshop. In the 1990s, China invested that wealth in infrastructure to build a large middle class and a stable economy. This was all part of China’s long-term plan to ultimately become the dominant knowledge-based economy in the world. Today, China is at the forefront of quantum computing, biotech, alternative energy, artificial intelligence, cloud computing and space technologies.

• In 2018, the head of China’s lunar program, Ye Peijian, put their national space ambitions this way: “The universe is an ocean, the Moon is [an island], Mars is [an island]. If we don’t get to [these islands] now, even though we’re capable of doing so, then we will be blamed by our descendants. If others go there, then they will take over, and you won’t be able to go even if you want to. This is reason enough [to go to the Moon and beyond].”

• Meanwhile, American leadership oscillates between indifference and abdication on the matter of space policy. President Donald J. Trump has developed a truly robust national space policy, but his policies and his new military branch, Space Force, are only met with derision by bureaucratic lawmakers. Democrats on Capitol Hill have already stated that Trump’s plans to return American astronauts to the lunar surface by 2024 will not be fiscally possible. NASA’s director of manned spaceflight challenges the very notion of successfully returning astronauts to the Moon before the decade is over.

• The future belongs to the country that wants it more. Without higher levels of funding, the Space Force will never mature into the robust force it must become to defend American interests in the strategic high ground of space. The American nationalist call to greatness is being squelched by the globalist demand for mediocrity. Without the embrace of nationalism in the United States, the country’s national mission in space will end in failure and its people will stop dreaming. America’s greatness will erode at every level.

• [Editor’s Note] How could America fall behind in the space race you ask? It was by design. Just after the Roswell crash in July 1947, Truman appointed twelve military, intelligence and scientific officials to form a secret group whose purpose was to hide from the public all evidence of the advanced extraterrestrial beings that were visiting the Earth, and to hide the fact that we were building our own space fleets and colonizing the solar system. This group is known as Majestic 12, and it still exists in the dark corridors of the deep state government’s power elite.

MJ-12 would use any means available to keep the truth from the American public, from ridiculing anyone who claimed to have seen a UFO or an alien being (and basically ruining their lives), to directing deep state funded media, scientists and academia to never take sightings seriously. The result has been generations of Americans who are conditioned to scoff at and ignore anything pertaining to UFOs and extraterrestrials. The deep state government doesn’t want people interested in exploring space. The deep state driven military hawks and corporate owners want to have space all to themselves and the advanced space technology that goes with it. They simply deny that any of it exists. Deep state legislators routinely reject spending on space endeavors and laugh at the notion of a Space Force. They want to keep a lid on the enormous fraud that has been perpetrated on an unwitting public since World War II.

On the other hand, the Chinese have encouraged space exploration for both its national pride and to usurp American geopolitical and exopolitical dominance. Indeed, the deep state has become entrenched within the Chinese government as well, and will try to keep its space empire a secret. But how long can it be before countries such as China, Russia and India have pushed their way into deep space, and these ubiquitous deep state Secret Space Programs become obvious? The deep state won’t be able to hide the truth for very much longer.


On the 50th anniversary of the Apollo moon landings, Harris Poll asked young people in the United States and China what they wanted to be when they grew up. The results were strange. Most American youth surveyed — the young people who belonged to the only country to have ever placed astronauts on the lunar surface — admitted that they wanted to be professional “Vlogger/YouTubers” when they grew up. It was the Chinese youth

                          Ye Peijian

who overwhelmingly aspired to be astronauts.

Speaking to Chinese state media in 2018, the head of China’s lunar program, Ye Peijian, outlined the Chinese view of their national space strategy in explicit geopolitical terms, specifically in naval terminology: “The universe is an ocean, the moon is the Diaoyu Islands [sic], Mars is Huangyan Island. If we don’t get there now even though we’re capable of doing so, then we will be blamed by our descendants. If others go there, then they will take over, and you won’t be able to go even if you want to. This is reason enough [to go to the moon and beyond].”

China made great wealth by becoming the world’s sweatshop in the 1970s and ’80s. Throughout the 1990s, it reinvested that wealth into building out the infrastructure needed to both support an enlarged middle class and to ensure that China moved up the international development ladder.

China’s leadership never intended to remain just an industrial power subordinated to the United States in the post-industrial, knowledge-based
economy. China planned to become the dominant knowledge-based economy in the world. They have pioneered many innovations in the new industrial economy, notably 5G Internet, but are also heavily invested in quantum computing, biotech, alternative energy, artificial intelligence, cloud computing and space technologies.

For China, these new scientific innovations are not merely about making more money or even gaining a military edge over the West (Beijing certainly does care about those things). More than that, though, China yearns to displace the United States and dominant space power simply out of national pride.



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Study Suggests Aliens May be Found in Stars

September 3, 2020                                (

• In a study published by an international group of scientists in the journal Letters in High Energy Physics, cosmic RNA and DNA may form within a star and replicate itself which could produce a very basic version of life. According to a study, a unique kind of alien life may be existing in the core of a star.

• “Information stored in the RNA (or DNA) encodes the mechanism of self-replication,” said physicist Eugene Chudnovsky of The City University of New York. “Its emergence must have been preceded by the massive information of random RNA sequences until a sequence was formed capable of self-replication.”

• These ‘star beings’ would be able to survive the extreme heat of a star from the inside, similar to known organisms that survive the most extreme temperatures.


Along with exploring our neighboring planets, space agencies are also focusing on looking for other life forms or aliens that may be existing in the

               Eugene Chudnovsky

universe. A study has further suggested that we may need to look at stars as well when it comes to looking for these extra-terrestrial beings.

According to a study made by an international group of scientists, a unique kind of alien life may be existing in the core of a star. Similar to organisms that could survive the most extreme temperatures, it may also be occurring within stars. But, this kind of alien life is different from what is widely known, should the study prove to be accurate, and it would suggest that these beings are able to survive the extreme heat of a star from the inside.

Keep in mind that RNA and DNA make up the key to life on Earth. RNA functions as the “messenger molecule” that carries out amino acids to the genes while DNA functions to decipher and spread the information. In a study published in the journal Letters in High Energy Physics, the cosmic RNA and DNA may form within a star and replicate itself which could produce a very basic version of life.



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Scientists Have Found Extraterrestrial Genes in Human DNA

Article by John Stokes                                  September 7, 2020                               (

• Non-coding DNA sequences are common to all living organisms on Earth, from molds to fish to humans. In human DNA they constitute a larger part of the total genome, says Professor Sam Chang at the Human Genome Project. HGP researchers believe that 97% of the non-coding sequences in human DNA is actually the genetic code of extraterrestrial life forms.

• Non-coding sequences were discovered years ago and were originally labeled as “junk DNA” because their function remained a mystery. “What we see in our DNA is a program consisting of two versions, a big code and basic code,” says Professor Chang. He says that it is now a ‘verified fact’ that the primary DNA “big code” is a ‘program’ that was written by an advanced extraterrestrial intelligence, while the “basic code” was tailored to organisms living on the Earth and added to big code. “[G]enes by themselves are not enough to explain evolution; there must be something more in ‘the game’,” says Professor Chang.

• “Our hypothesis is that a higher extraterrestrial life form was engaged in creating new life and planting it on various planets. Earth is just one of them. Perhaps …it was a scientific experiment, or a way of preparing new planets for colonization, or [the]… ongoing business of seedling life in the universe,” says Professor Chang. The “extraterrestrial programmers” …wrote “the big code”, …made more improvements, tried again and again.” The ET DNA programmers were pressed to meet an ‘Earth project’ deadline, and “may have cut down drastically on big code and delivered a basic program intended for Earth.” This resulted in programming ‘gaps’ in DNA sequencing. Such gaps would explain the illogical growth of cancer cell masses that have their own “veins, arteries and …immune system that vigorously resists all our anti-cancer drugs”.

• Human genetic material would have been provided by human-looking extraterrestrials to enhance human evolution. Earth human’s spiritual evolutionary development has been ‘boosted’ by humans from other star systems incarnating here on Earth as “star seeds” or “star children”. ‘Contactees’ such as George Adamski, Orfeo Angelucci, George Van Tassell, Howard Menger, Paul Villa, Billy Meier and Alex Collier have described these human extraterrestrials as ‘benevolent’. Collier says that “Earth humans” are “a product of extraterrestrial genetic manipulation” by a variety of extraterrestrial races participating in this ‘human experiment’.

• So-called ‘ancient astronaut’ writers have long held that intelligent extraterrestrial beings visited and/or colonized Earth in the remote past, whereupon they upgraded the primitive hominid Homo erectus by means of genetic engineering to create the human race as we know it: Homo sapiens. Evidence for this idea is found in the improbability of Homo sapiens emerging so suddenly, and ancient myths describing human-like gods coming down from the heavens and creating mankind ‘in their own image’. Famous exponents of the ancient astronaut intervention theory are Erich von Daniken and Zecharia Sitchin.

• Dr. Micheal E. Salla is a founder of the ‘Exopolitics movement’ which seeks an open and informed dialogue about and ultimately with extraterrestrial beings, so that humankind will become a socially responsible “global democracy” within the Universe. He notes that “the most compelling testimonies on the different extraterrestrial races comes from ‘whistleblowers’ such as Sergeant Clifford Stone.” Stone, a retired U.S. Army sergeant who served 22 years, participated in the Army’s retrieval of crashed extraterrestrial ships and biological entities of a variety of extraterrestrial races. Dr. Salla claims that the presence of extraterrestrials residing on the Earth is known by various government institutions and agencies. Another military insider, former Master Sergeant Bob Dean, revealed that one group of extraterrestrial beings “looked so much like us they could sit next to you on a plane or in a restaurant and you’d never know the difference.” Apparently, “human extraterrestrial races can easily integrate with human society… where they can be indistinguishable from the rest of humanity.” said Dr. Salla.

• Exopolitics groups and independent contactees such as Alex Collier say that constituents of “Human ETs” seek to “uplift human consciousness” to “ensure that global humanity evolves in a responsible way without endangering both itself and the greater galactic community of which it is part.” Collier notes that “hostile elements” introduced competing cults and religions on Earth in order to manipulate and control humankind. Jesus Christ was a “human ET” who sought to inspire the social consciousness of humankind toward unity, not to create a divisive ‘Christian religion’. A religious ‘savior scenario’ was instilled in us to “disempower us” and allow for an elite-driven oppressive social power structure that compliments a ‘greed-oriented self-aggrandizement’ that they share with other elites from governments to business enterprises. The efforts of socially progressive human ETs have been undermined by ‘capitalists’ who exploit an oppressive agenda of greed and power. Benevolent human ETs seek to “help humanity find freedom from oppressive structures through education and consciousness raising.”

• In the 1950s, George Adamski was the first to write about extraterrestrials that had established a presence on Earth and were secretly living among the human population. Dr. Salla has written of other contactees, such as Howard Menger, who claim to have encountered extraterrestrials acting like ordinary citizens. “They apparently looked so much like us that they could get jobs, lived in neighborhoods, drove cars, and could blend in easily with the human population,” says Dr. Salla. “If Adamski is accurate in his recollections and the extraterrestrials are telling the truth, then it would appear that there could be a significant number of extraterrestrials who are living incognito among the normal population in many if not most major cities on the planet. Upon examining other contactee cases and the testimonies of whistleblowers, it does appear as though this is indeed the case.”

• The “human extraterrestrial visitors” have been reported as going to great trouble to ‘blend in’ – learning the indigenous language, learning how to drive and navigate on highways systems, and taking innocuous jobs over several years. These “human extraterrestrial visitors” have been represented has often having very attractive physical characteristics, with “human extraterrestrial females” being among the most beautiful.

• Alex Collier reports that there are over 135 billion other human beings living within the eight closest galaxies to ours. But advanced human ETs view Earth humans as savages that are a threat to themselves. “We have a very bad reputation,” says Collier, “because we are the only human race in the galaxy that kills itself, that turns on itself. We are the only race that allows itself to live in poverty. We are the only ones who allow members of our race to starve. We are the only ones that allow members of the race to be homeless. We are the only race that would sell itself into slavery.”

• The saving of Humanity from its current course of self-destruction may vitally rely on our setting aside greed-driven agendas to create a constructive dialogue in which we Earth humans view ourselves as an integral part of a much larger group of humans within this star sector, this galaxy, and this universe.

[Editor’s Note]  Recent corroboration that extraterrestrial humans live within our societies, unnoticed, comes from the late William M. Tompkins in his books Selected by Extraterrestrials Vol. 1 (2015) and Vol. 2 (2020). Tompkins worked with the US Navy and top aerospace companies throughout his career starting in the late 1940s. He states unequivocally that, from the beginning, many of the top aerospace engineers and executives had brilliant and gorgeous Nordic human female “assistants” and “secretaries” who were able to telepathically nudge the engineers with technical breakthroughs to move their research along. And for some reason, they were very highly sexualized in their dress and conversation.

Some information on message boards indicate that Dr. Sam Chang doesn’t exist. Credit for these genome research goes instead to two scientists in the former Soviet republic of Kazakstan, Vladimir I. shCherbak and Maxim A. Makukov.


                  Alex Collier

A group of researchers working at the Human Genome Project indicate that they made an astonishing scientific discovery: They believe so-called 97% non-coding sequences in human DNA is no less than genetic code of extraterrestrial life forms.

                George Adamski

The non-coding sequences are common to all living organisms on Earth, from moulds to fish to humans. In human DNA, they constitute larger part of the total genome, says Prof. Sam Chang, the group leader. Non-coding sequences, originally known as “junk DNA”, were discovered years ago, and their function remained a mystery. The overwhelming majority of Human DNA is “Off-world” in origin. The apparent “extraterrestrial junk genes” merely “enjoy the ride” with hard working active genes, passed from generation to generation.

After comprehensive analysis with the assistance of other scientists, computer programmers, mathematicians, and other learned scholars, Professor Chang had wondered if the apparently “junk Human DNA” was created by some kind of “extraterrestrial programmer”. The alien chunks within Human DNA, Professor Chang further observes, “have its own veins, arteries, and its own immune system that vigorously resists all our anti-cancer drugs.”

Professor Chang further stipulates that “Our hypothesis is that a higher extraterrestrial life form was engaged in creating new life and planting it on various planets. Earth is just one of them. Perhaps, after programming, our creators grow us the same way we grow bacteria in Petri dishes. We can’t know their motives – whether it was a scientific experiment, or a way of preparing new planets for colonization, or is it long time ongoing business of seedling life in the universe.”

Professor Chang further indicates that “If we think about it in our human terms, the apparent “extraterrestrial programmers” were most probably working on “one big code” consisting of several projects, and the projects should have produced various life forms for various planets. They have been also trying various solutions. They wrote “the big code”, executed it, did not like some function, changed them or added new one, executed again, made more improvements, tried again and again.”

Professor Chang’s team of researchers furthermore concludes that, “The apparent “extraterrestrial programmers” may have been ordered to cut all their idealistic plans for the future when they concentrated on the “Earth project” to meet the pressing deadline. Very likely in an apparent rush, the “extraterrestrial programmers” may have cut down drastically on big code and delivered basic program intended for Earth.”

Professor Chang is only one of many scientists and other researchers who have discovered extraterrestrial origins to Humanity.

Professor Chang and his research colleagues show that apparent “extraterrestrial programming” gaps in DNA sequencing precipitated by a hypothesized rush to create human life on Earth presented humankind with illogical growth of mass of cells we know as cancer.”

Professor Chang further indicates that “What we see in our DNA is a program consisting of two versions, a big code and basic code.” Mr. Chang then affirms that the “First fact is, the complete ‘program’ was positively not written on Earth; that is now a verified fact. The second fact is, that genes by themselves are not enough to explain evolution; there must be something more in ‘the game’.”

“Soon or later”, Professor Chang says “we have to come to grips with the unbelievable notion that every life on Earth carries genetic code for his extraterrestrial cousin and that evolution is not what we think it is.”



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Meteorologist’s Account of 1994 Michigan UFO Sightings (with Audio)

Article by Will Haenni                                 September 3, 2020                                (

• In 1994, Jack Bushong was a meteorologist for the National Weather Service in Muskegon, Michigan, north of Chicago on the eastern edge of Lake Michigan. On the night of March 8, 1994, Bushong was manning the office alone. He received a telephone call from a police dispatcher in nearby Ottawa County who had been fielding reports of strange lights in the sky. The officer asked if Bushong had seen anything on radar.

• Bushong went over to the radar screen and began waving its beam back and forth across Ottawa County looking for any objects. “You could pretty much use it like a spotlight,” Bushong said describing the radar at the time. An object did appear on radar returns. “It started as one,” he said. “The object was coasting at about 100 miles per hour.” Then the object stopped and started hovering. “And then it shot up, about 5,000 feet, then 10,000 feet I was getting it, just straight up,” Bushong said. “At this point, the police officer was saying that he was seeing the same thing with that same object.” “It was almost as if, it was like it was saying to me, ‘hey, I know you can see me,” said Bushong. “[It] got up to about 30, 40 thousand feet, and finally I saw it.”

• Bushong then describes seeing a triangle of objects on radar, oriented vertically, before they finally spread out in the horizontal. “One that’s closest to the radar, so it would look bigger, and then there were two more,” he said. “One on the shore of Lake Michigan, and the other inland a little bit. They were all separated by about 20 miles.” One of the objects would zip about 20 miles away before the others followed in a geometric pattern. “I either saw them hovering or they were jumping at a high rate of speed over to the next spot. Then there were two other spots jumping to get back into the same triangle, and they kept doing this,” Bushong said. “They were just moving so fast… I really had little time to describe where they were before they had moved and jumped again.” This continued until the three, and at times four, UFOs made it over southern Lake Michigan, where he observed dozens more. For about two hours, Bushong watched the cluster of stationary objects, with some of them slowly moving in between others.

• This fascinating conversation between Bushong and the dispatcher was recorded, and has been released by the Michigan chapter of the Mutual UFO Network. (listen to the 23 minute conversation in the YouTube below)

• Bushong also spoke to an air traffic controller at the Muskegon County Airport control tower who confirmed three aircraft in formation in the distance, that didn’t have any transponder codes. The UFOs topped off close to 60,000 feet at times, so it couldn’t have been ‘ground clutter’, when radar beams bend down towards the surface of the earth, echoing back returns from objects close to the ground.

• In March 2019, the 25th anniversary of the incident, Cindy Pravda of Grand Haven shared her account of that night in 1884 with the local television news. Over one hundred people reported seeing strange lights in the sky.

• Bushong said he was initially prohibited from speaking to the media. “NWS didn’t want to become the UFO reporting center for the United States, so that’s really why they really had to duck and cover for this one,” he said. Over the years, Bushong has faced ridicule for his account, but has become more comfortable speaking about it after the U.S. Department of Defense released videos confirming what it says are “unidentified aerial phenomena.” The March 8, 1994 sightings are still labeled as “unexplained” according to the Michigan chapter of the Mutual UFO Network, the world’s largest civilian UFO research organization.

• Shortly after the 1994 sightings, the National Weather Service renovated and “modernized” its offices in Muskegon. They permanently removed the radar facility.


KALAMAZOO, Mich. — “They were just moving so fast, and two more started coming into play there. I really had little time to describe where they

                   Jack Bushong

were before they had moved and jumped again,” said Jack Bushong, a retired meteorologist describing what he saw on radar the night of March 8, 1994.

Bushong spent his career working for the National Weather Service. On the night of March 8, 1994, he was manning the National Weather Service office by himself in Muskegon on a cold but routine night. The NWS no longer has an office or radar there after the government forecasting agency went through modernization and reorganization in the mid-90s.

The phone rang and Bushong answered to find an Ottawa County dispatcher on the other line who had been fielding reports of strange lights in the sky. They called the National Weather Service to see if anything was showing up on weather radar.

It turns out, over 100 people reported witnessing the strange lights in the sky. Cindy Pravda, who lives in Grand Haven, shared her account with News Channel 3 in March of 2019 on the 25th anniversary of one of of Michigan’s most famous UFO sightings.

That’s when Bushong took manual control of the Muskegon radar, and began waving its beam back and forth across Ottawa County looking for any objects. The conversation between Bushong and the dispatcher was recorded, which the Michigan chapter of the Mutual UFO Network has shared online.

That night, there weren’t any thunderstorms to track on radar, but rather, something else.

“You could pretty much use it like a spotlight,” Bushong said when describing the operation of the radar at the time. “I had two cranks to bring it up or down, or side to side. You pretty much sent it out searching for weather: any type of rain, sleet snow; or hail is what we were usually looking for when we took it off of automatic mode.”

23:12 minute audio of 911 calls on UFO sightings in Holland, MI, 1994 (‘Mutual UFO Network’ YouTube)



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Does the Element 115 Have a Connection With UFOs?

Article by Nathan Chandler                                  September 2, 2020                                (

• Element 115, or ‘moscovium’, is a super-heavy element, heavier than uranium, that was only added to the periodic table of elements in 2016. But in 1989, the former Area 51 employee, Bob Lazar, said that he had worked with element 115 at the classified Nevada military base. It was used, he said, in relation to reverse-engineering and flying the nine alien spacecraft that were being stored at Area 51.

• Those Area 51 spaceships utilized the characteristics of element 115 to harness the inherent power of gravity as a propulsion system. Lazar said that it would be impossible to synthesize such a super heavy element here on Earth. “It has to come from a place where super-heavy elements could have been produced naturally,” said Lazar.

• Jacklyn Gates is a scientist with the Heavy Elements Group in the Nuclear Science Division for Berkeley Lab in California. She describes element 115 as “a man-made, super-heavy element that has 115 protons in its nucleus.” Gates says that element 115 is an extremely rare element that can only be made one atom at a time in a particle accelerator. Furthermore, it exists for just a fraction of a second before it decays into another element. Gates reasons that Bob Lazar could not have known about element 115 because the element decays too fast to be used as UFO fuel. Therefore, she cannot see any connection between element 115 and Lazar’s claims.

• Gates agrees, however, that moscovium is an amazing element. She says that it is a sign that we’re pushing the boundaries of what we know about the universe. So far, moscovium doesn’t have a practical use outside of scientific study. But scientists predict that they will achieve an ‘island of stability’ where moscovium might exist longer than one second – perhaps months or years in the right environment. “That is long enough that we might be able to use them for practical applications,” says Gates.

• Element 115 was “officially” discovered in 2003 in Dubna, Russia when it was created at the Flerov Laboratory for Nuclear Reactions by a group of scientists led by nuclear physicist Yuri Oganessian. The element was eventually named moscovium because Dubna is located in Moscow. “To create a super-heavy element, you need the complete fusion of two lighter elements,” says Gates. This process produced four atoms of moscovium.

• Virginia Trimble is a physics and astronomy professor at the University of California Irvine who also finds element 115 exciting. These heavy elements “don’t always decay in the expected patterns, and where more than a few atoms can be produced at once, they don’t always have the chemical properties that you would expect from their position in the periodic table,” says Trimble. [T]heir properties provide stronger and stronger tests of our basic physical understanding.”

[Editor’s Note]  The University of California, Berkley is a notorious deep state institution. And Jacklyn Gates, a scientist in the Nuclear Science Division at Berkeley Lab, proves it again. Lazar spoke of element 155 and its properties in 1989. But the element wasn’t created on Earth until 2003. Lazar thought it would be ‘impossible’ to make on Earth because the super heavy element needed an alien environment. (Apparently, the Area 51 scientists obtained the element from an extraterrestrial source.) Just as Lazar had depicted, Gates describes the painstaking scientific methods required to make element 155 exist for even a fraction of a second before decaying.

Still, Gates says that she cannot see any connection between element 115 and Lazar’s claims. She refutes Lazar’s contention that the scientists at Area 51 could have been using a stable element 155 as a part of the spacecrafts’ anti-gravity propulsion… because she was unable to stabilize the element. This reminds me of the age-old adage about why a person could not have seen a UFO: “because UFOs don’t exist!” These deep state scientists are surely under mind control.


                            Bob Lazar

Element 115 is an enigma of sorts. It was only added to the periodic table in 2016, yet for decades it has

            Jacklyn Gates

attracted extra attention because of a supposed connection to extraterrestrial technology and alien lifeforms.

Intrigued? Before we answer whether there is a connection, let’s find out what element 115 really is.

“Element 115, or moscovium, is a man-made, super-heavy element that has 115 protons in its nucleus,” emails Jacklyn Gates, a scientist with the Heavy Elements Group in the Nuclear Science Division for Berkeley Lab in California. (As with all elements on the periodic table, the element’s

                      Yuri Oganessian

number corresponds to the number of protons in the nucleus of the element’s atom.) “That is 23 more protons than the heaviest element that you can find in large quantities on Earth, uranium.”

Gates says that element 115 is an extremely rare element that’s made one atom at a time in particle accelerators. It exists for just a fraction of a second before it decays into another element.

“It is special because it is near a predicted ‘island of stability’ where some super-heavy nuclei might have much longer lifetimes. Instead of living for less than a second, they could exist for minutes, days or even years! That is long enough that we might be able to use them for practical applications,” she says.

Element 115 was discovered in 2003 in Dubna, Russia at the Flerov Laboratory for Nuclear Reactions by a group of scientists led by nuclear physicist Yuri Oganessian. The element was eventually named moscovium because Dubna is in Moscow.



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China Working Toward ‘Space Great Power Status’

Article by Jack Beyrer                                    September 2, 2020                                    (

• In September 1st, the US Department of Defense (DoD) rolled out its ‘2020 China Military Power Report’. (see here) In assessing Beijing’s militarized space program’s capacity and long-term strategy, the Pentagon announced that the Chinese People’s Liberation Army has every intention of reaching “space great power status”.

• President Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist leadership have developed a “space great power by every measurable yardstick that you can throw out there, not least of which is capacity for their military,” the DoD’s deputy assistant secretary of defense for China, Chad Sbragia, told the Washington Free Beacon.

• The DoD report concurs: “The PRC’s space enterprise continues to mature rapidly. Beijing has devoted significant resources to growing all aspects of its space program, from military space applications to civil applications such as profit-generating launches, scientific endeavors, and space exploration,” the report reads. “Its primary target is the United States.”

• China now boasts the second-largest fleet of satellites, regularly works with Russia on weapons development, and has launched a series of rockets and rovers as it takes aim at Mars. The report details China’s plans to have its own permanent space station by 2022 and a lunar surface research station by 2025. Significant portions of China’s missile warning and military communication networks will also reside in space.

• Such efforts have required the full thrust of Chinese Communist Party investment and commitment. “They have a very clear and definitive aspiration for becoming a global power preeminent by all measures, at least in terms of status, to any others. And space is not the least of that,” says Sbragia.

• Meanwhile in Washington, the 2018 National Defense Strategy (see here) explicitly outlines space as a potential “warfighting domain,” and calls for extensive investment in space-facing defensive capabilities. Donald Trump has promised to make Space Force a priority in his second term.


A top Pentagon official announced on Tuesday that the Chinese People’s Liberation Army is building its capacities

               Chad Sbragia

toward “space great power status.”

“When you listen to the Chinese Communist leadership—particularly Xi Jinping, who serves as the core of the party—he’s outlined very specific requirements and expectations,” Chad Sbragia, the deputy assistant secretary of defense for China, told the Washington Free Beacon. “Xi’s done the same in terms of having space great power status—and that’s being a space great power by every measurable yardstick that you can throw out there, not least of which is capacity for their military.”

Sbragia’s comments came at an American Enterprise Institute event rolling out the 2020 China Military Power Report. The report offers a bird’s-eye view assessment of China’s military capacities, as well as its long-term strategy and trajectory. It also details Beijing’s development of a militarized space program.

“The PRC’s space enterprise continues to mature rapidly. Beijing has devoted significant resources to growing all aspects of its space program, from military space applications to civil applications such as profit-generating launches, scientific endeavors, and space exploration,” the report reads. “Its primary target is the United States.”



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A Breakthrough in the Search for ET Intelligence?

Article by Deborah Byrd                                    September 2, 2020                                        (

• Researchers at University of Manchester in the UK have developed a new analytical technique that they say represents “a milestone in SETI”, the ‘search for extraterrestrial intelligence’. Making use of new data being gathered by European Space Agency’s ‘Gaia’ satellite, this “analytical technique” will “place limits” on the probability of other extraterrestrial intelligence in the Milky Way.

• In a new research paper published on September 2nd in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, University of Manchester astronomers Bart Wlodarczyk-Sroka and Michael Garrett, in collaboration with Andrew Siemion, the director of the Breakthrough Listen Initiative (at SETI), have increased the number of stars available for applying SETI search criteria by more than 200 times – from 1,327 to 288,315 stars.

• The Gaia spacecraft satellite and observational platform is currently gathering a vast quantity of data to create the first-ever three-dimensional map of our Milky Way galaxy. SETI estimates that fewer than 0.04% of stellar systems have the potential of hosting an advanced civilization with at least 21st century radio technology. “Combing through the catalogue produced by the ESA’s Gaia spacecraft, which measured the distances to over a billion stars,” reads the report, “[we] recalculated limits on the prevalence of transmitters around additional stars within the radio telescope’s fields of view. By selecting stars out to much larger distances (up to about 33,000 light years) than the original sample of nearby stars, [we] were able to expand the number of stars studied from 1,327 to 288,315.”

• In other words, Wlodarczyk-Sroka and Garrett have extrapolated this 0.04% standard to a much larger field of data – representing 200 times the number of stars that it was once applied to – to ‘place some of the most stringent limits to date on the prevalence of powerful radio transmitters in this region of our Milky Way galaxy’. This SETI-approved 0.04% probability of other advanced civilizations out there doesn’t include non-technical ‘simple life’ civilizations.

• Team leader Mike Garrett is glad that SETI searches can now take into account the many other ‘cosmic objects’ (ie: exoplanets) that fall within the range of the ESA telescope, and apply the same SETI limits to 287,000 more star systems. “Knowing the locations and distances to these additional sources greatly improves our ability to constrain the prevalence of extra-terrestrial intelligence in our own galaxy and beyond,” said Garrett. “We expect future SETI surveys to also make good use of this approach.

• According to the report’s conclusion, “fewer than 0.04% of stellar systems have the potential of hosting advanced civilizations with the equivalent or slightly more advanced radio technology than 21st century humans. As well as improving the limits for nearby stars, the team for the first time have actually placed limits on more distant stars with the caveat that any potential lifeforms inhabiting the outer limits of the galaxy would need even more powerful transmitters in order to be detectable.”

• “Our results help to put meaningful limits on the prevalence of transmitters comparable to what we ourselves can build using 21st century technology,” said Wlodarczyk-Sroka. “We now know that fewer than one in 1,600 stars closer than about 330 light years host transmitters just a few times more powerful than the strongest radar we have here on Earth.”

[Editor’s Note]   Is this what they call hiding the deceit in plain sight? Is the deep state’s SETI admitting that they are simply extrapolating its 0.04% probability estimate of advanced ET beings in the galaxy to more and more stars as they are discovered? And how do they arrive at this ‘1 in 1,600 stars’ probability in the first place? Their false narrative is that there must be some other intelligent civilization out there in this vast galaxy, but we have a pathetically small chance of ever detecting them, much less meeting them. Now, if this was a true analytical probability, it would presume that they actually discovered some of these civilizations through returned radio transmissions to compute a ratio. This hasn’t happened, not according to SETI. But SETI isn’t so much in the business of actually finding evidence of intelligent extraterrestrials as they are in looking for them. So all that this prestigious university report does is to arbitrarily “place” SETI’s pseudo-scientific “limits” on any new stars that the highly advanced ESA space observatory finds. Yay.


            ESA’s ‘Gaia’ satellite

The researchers called their new analytical technique “a milestone in SETI.” One researcher commented: “We now know that fewer than one in 1,600 stars closer than about 330 light years host transmitters just a few times more powerful than the strongest radar we have here on Earth.”

Astronomers at the University of Manchester in the UK said today (September 2, 2020) that they’ve made an

          Michael Garrett

analytical breakthrough in the ability to seek and perhaps someday find intelligent extraterrestrial life in our Milky Way galaxy. They said this breakthrough is a “milestone” that could “significantly improve” our chances of finding extraterrestrial intelligence by dramatically expanding the number of stars available for searching. They said their new analytical technique has increased the number of stars that can be analyzed by more than 200 times. And they said they’ve now placed the best limits yet on the prevalence of artificial radio transmitters, dubbed techno-signatures, in the Milky Way.

In new research published on September 2 in the peer-reviewed journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. In a statement the researchers said: “The collaborative research team have been able to dramatically expand the search for extra-terrestrial life from approximately 1,400 stars to 280,000 – increasing the number of stars analyzed by a factor of more than 200 …”

        Andrew Siemion

“The result suggests that fewer than 0.04% of stellar systems have the potential of hosting advanced civilizations with the equivalent or slightly more advanced radio technology than 21st century humans. As well as improving the limits for nearby stars, the team for the first time have actually placed limits own more distant stars with the caveat that any potential lifeforms inhabiting the outer limits of the galaxy would need even more powerful transmitters in order to be detectable.”

The research team consists of University of Manchester Masters student Bart Wlodarczyk-Sroka and his advisor Michael Garrett, collaborating with Andrew Siemion, director of the Breakthrough Listen Initiative.

The analysis, say researchers, can only locate intelligent and technically advanced civilisations that use radio waves as a form of communication. They could not, for example, detect ‘simple’ life or non-technical civilizations. They said: “Combing through the catalogue produced by the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Gaia spacecraft, which measured the distances to over a billion stars, [we] recalculated limits on the prevalence of transmitters around additional stars within the radio telescope’s fields of view. By selecting stars out to much larger distances (up to about 33,000 light years) than the original sample of nearby stars, [we] were able to expand the number of stars studied from 1,327 to 288,315.”



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Outdated Treaties and the Rush to Control Resources in Space

Article by Malcolm Davis                               August 31, 2020                                   (

• The US Air Force Academy’s Institute for Applied Space Policy and Strategy has a ‘military on the moon’ research team set up ‘to evaluate the possibility and necessity of a sustained US presence on the lunar surface’. The focus of its report (see here) seems to be on the establishment a US lunar military base.

• The notion of a military base on the Moon has the space law community seeing red. Such a base would directly conflict with both the spirit and letter of the 1967 Outer Space Treaty (see here), which provides that: “The Moon and other celestial bodies shall be used by all States Parties to the Treaty exclusively for peaceful purposes. The establishment of military bases, installations and fortifications, the testing of any type of weapon and the conduct of military maneuvers on celestial bodies shall be forbidden.” A military base on the Moon would also violate the 1979 Moon Treaty (see here), which no major space power has yet ratified. According to these treaties, no Earthly nation may establish a lunar military base, so long as that nation remains a signatory.

• Space law was developed for a different, more benign era and doesn’t adequately address the emerging dynamics of modern space activities. The framework of the treaties contain gaps that that an adversary could exploit in coming decades. For example, ‘commercial’ space operations can provide a convenient cover for states that wish to sidestep established law.

• The 1967 Treaty allows military personnel to be on the Moon for scientific ‘or any other peaceful purposes’, and states that ‘the use of any equipment or facility necessary for peaceful exploration of the Moon and other celestial bodies shall also not be prohibited’. This leaves a lunar facility’s role open to interpretation. Is it a commercial base or an undeclared military facility?

• Article IV of the 1967 Treaty extends to both military and private commercial activities in space. “States Parties to the Treaty shall bear international responsibility for national activities in outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, whether such activities are carried on by government agencies or by non-governmental entities.”

• The 1967 Treaty states that space is “not subject to national appropriation by claim of sovereignty, by means of use or occupation, or by any other means.’ However, the 2015 US Commercial Space Launch Competitiveness Act (see here) sets a precedent for legitimate activity by permitting a commercial company to secure, own and profit from a space resource. This creates a grey area between lawful commercial activities and illegal claims of sovereignty. Safeguarding access to a resource, and preventing a competitor from intruding, implies the necessity of security that the 1967 Treaty wasn’t designed to manage.

• In April 2020, President Trump signed an executive order ‘encouraging support for the recovery and use of space resources’… consistent with applicable law’. The Trump administration then released the Artemis Accords (see here) designed to establish a common set of principles to govern the civil exploration and use of outer space. In the accords, ‘all activities [on the Moon] will be conducted for peaceful purposes, per the tenets of the (1967) Outer Space Treaty’. The Artemis Accords require the US and its partners to share information on the location and general nature of operations so that ‘safety zones’ can be created to ‘prevent harmful interference’. This implies the delineation of territory or a zone of control around a facility.

• While lunar military bases may be prohibited, competition for resource wealth in space will test the premise of the 1967 Treaty. States and non-state actors will inevitably compete for access to and control over resources in space, and for a permanent and exclusive presence where those resources are located.


The 2019 movie Ad Astra had a US military base on the moon and a memorable battle scene involving a moon rover, implying that by late this century the moon will be heavily militarised. A question now being discussed in space policy circles is whether fact will follow science fiction, as the US Space Force considers exactly what its role will be. It has some pretty ambitious ideas, and a recent report indicates that its thinking will be shaped by a deep astrostrategic perspective.

So it wasn’t much of a surprise when news emerged that a group of US Air Force Academy cadets are researching the idea of military bases on the lunar surface. The academy’s Institute for Applied Space Policy and Strategy has a ‘military on the moon’ research team that was set up ‘to evaluate the possibility and necessity of a sustained United States presence on the lunar surface’. The focus seems to be on a military base, though there’s little information on exactly what they’re planning.

But the very notion of a military base on the moon has the space law community understandably seeing red.

Such a base would directly conflict with both the spirit and letter of the 1967 Outer Space Treaty (OST), which provides the foundation for space law.

Article IV of the treaty states that: The Moon and other celestial bodies shall be used by all States Parties to the Treaty exclusively for peaceful purposes. The establishment of military bases, installations and fortifications, the testing of any type of weapon and the conduct of military manoeuvres on celestial bodies shall be forbidden.

A military base on the moon would also violate the 1979 Moon Treaty, which Australia supports, though no major space power has ratified it. So that means no overt or declared lunar military bases, at least as long as all powers remain signatories to the OST.
The academy cadets would no doubt be aware of this. Why even consider such a move, then?



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Tom DeLonge and His Obsession With UFOs

Article by Bec Heim                              August 31, 2020                             (

• People believe in the existence of alien life. One in five Americans believe that UFO sightings prove the existence of extraterrestrials. Former Blink-182 singer and guitarist Tom DeLonge (pictured above) is one of those people. In the early 2000s, DeLonge told an interviewer that he believed that the US military knew more about UFOs than they were letting on. He claimed to have spoken with someone who ran into an alien seven stories underneath the Pentagon.

• DeLonge’s fascination with UFOs and aliens has been well documented and praised by the community. In 2015, DeLonge left the band to work on non-musical endeavors. Later he became the president and CEO of the UFO research organization, ‘To The Stars Academy’, which he founded due to his frustration with government secrets regarding space and the universe at large.

• In an interview with Papermag, DeLonge claimed that while camping on a flight path to Area 51, he tried to project his thoughts and “made contact with aliens”. That night, DeLonge claims he was “woken” at 3am. “My whole body felt like it had static electricity,” says DeLonge. “It sounded like there were about 20 people there, talking. And instantly my mind goes, OK, they’re at our campsite, they’re not here to hurt us, they’re talking about shit, but I can’t make out what they’re saying. But they’re working on something.”

• In 2016, WikiLeaks exposed emails between DeLonge and Hilary Clinton campaign manager, John Podesta. DeLonge was trying to arrange a meeting with Podesta about “intellectual life and greater government disclosure.” DeLonge also assisted Air Force Major General William N. McCasland in assembling his UFO advisory team. DeLonge’s research into UFOs gave him inroads with officials in government and the military.

• In 2017, as a New York Times article revealed the existence of Pentagon videos of Navy jets chasing UFOs, DeLonge’s ‘To The Stars Academy’ ‘unofficially’ released those videos. Those UFO videos were officially released by the Pentagon in 2020.

• In 2019, DeLonge struck a deal with the History Channel to produce a six-part series “Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation” in which DeLonge and others investigate the secret UFO program of the US government. “I’m thankful to History for giving the To The Stars Academy team of world-class scientists, engineers, and intelligence experts the opportunity to tell the story in a comprehensive and compelling way,” said DeLonge in a written statement. “I think everyone that watches the show will walk away with questions answered and a feeling of, ‘Wow, I get it now.’”

• In October 2019, ‘To the Stars Academy’ entered into a five-year, $750,000 cooperative agreement with the US Army Combat Capabilities Development Command to “to advance To The Stars Academy’s (exotic) materiel and technology innovations in order to develop enhanced capabilities for Army ground vehicles.” Dr. Joseph Cannon of US Army Futures Command said, “[W]e look forward to this partnership and the potential technical innovations forthcoming.”

• In June 2020, DeLonge announced that ‘To the Stars Academy’ was able to have language regarding ‘unidentified aerial phenomenon’ (ie: UFOs) added to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Authorization Act. The act, if passed, will change how the government reports and conceals classified info about UFO sightings and related topics.


              John Podesta

People believe in the existence of alien life. In fact, one in five Americans believe that cases of UFO sightings are, in fact, confirmation of alien visitation. There have been some odd UFO sightings over the years, infamous cases of probably alien abduction, and, of course, the infamous Pentagon tapes, that make people look to the sky and think “maybe”. One of those people? Former Blink-182 singer and guitarist, Tom DeLonge.

The “All the Small Things” singer has been looking into the existence of UFOs for decades. One of Blink-182’s

Maj General William N. McCasland

songs is entitled “Aliens Exist” and DeLonge also has his own UFO research organization called To The Stars Academy. DeLonge’s decades-long research and fascination with UFO sightings and aliens has been well documented and praised by the community. Here’s a somewhat condensed version of things.

Early 2000s — DeLonge talks about hidden UFO info in the military

In the early 00s, DeLonge had an interview with an unidentified person in which he shared his thoughts on the US military and their knowledge of UFO sightings. DeLonge mentions a friend who talked with government employees about UFO sightings and activity. DeLonge also has a collection of over 100 hours of testimonies about UFOs.

In one testimony, DeLonge claims, he has a story of a man who went seven stories underground of the Pentagon and ran into an alien.

2015 – DeLonge ramps up with his UFO investigation

2015 was a busy year for DeLonge, who left Blink-182, in order to work on non-musical endeavors. During that year, he claimed to have made contact with aliens in an interview with Papermag. He said that while camping on a flight path to Area 51, he tried to project his thoughts. DeLonge was woken up at 3am by the following:

“My whole body felt like it had static electricity . . . It sounded like there were about 20 people there, talking. And instantly my mind goes, OK, they’re at our campsite, they’re not here to hurt us, they’re talking about shit, but I can’t make out what they’re saying. But they’re working on something.”
Later in 2015, he founded To The Stars Academy of Arts & Sciences, where he is also President and CEO. The company was created due to DeLonge’s frustration with government secret regarding space and the universe at large.



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Cities Across the Carolinas Report UFO Sightings

Article by Joe Marusak                              August 27, 2020                               (

• The San Francisco-based True People SearchNational compiled the rankings of US cities with the most UFO sighting reports sent to the National UFO Reporting Center in Davenport, Washington. Founded in 1974, NUFORC offers both an online form and a telphone hotline for people in the US and Canada to add their ‘objective UFO data’ to a public database.

• The True People website analyzed more than 80,000 reported UFO sightings, and then narrowed it down to 446 cities with 25 or more sightings over a 114 year period, through 2014. Seattle topped the list of major cities with 620 sightings, more than double second-place Phoenix. Charlotte, NC and Jacksonville, Florida were the only Eastern US cities making the top ten.

• Nationwide, “lights have been reported to move in weird patterns, flash, appear and disappear, display in a formation, and more. While some lights can be explained as an aircraft originating from Earth, a meteor, or satellites, some reports have remained shrouded in mystery,” says Mitchell Barrick, content director for True People Search Insights.

• Charlotte’s 153 sightings of mysterious lights, discs and orbs in the sky since 1910 ranked ninth among the 25 largest cities by population. ‘Unexplained light in the sky’ is the most commonly reported type of UFO in the US, “and this holds true for Charlotte,” said Barrick. Other commonly reported objects in the US include triangles, circles, fireballs, disks, sphere, snake-like UFOs (cigars and cylinders), chevrons, eggs and cones.

• Adjusting for comparative population density, however, Charlotte had 17 reported UFO sightings per 100,000 people, which ranks 37th in North America and only 6th in North Carolina. Three South Carolina cities were ranked in the top ten when comparing population density. Surfside Beach, SC came in at No. 3 with 671 sightings per 100,000 people; Myrtle Beach at No. 6 with 507 sightings; and North Myrtle Beach at No. 9 with 380 sightings. Wilmington ranked highest per capita in North Carolina. Its 58 sightings translated to 47 sightings per 100,000 people, good for 162nd place in North America, followed by Asheville with 43 sightings (168th place); Gastonia with 25 sightings (252nd place); Fayetteville with 43 sightings (351st place); and Greensboro with 56 sightings (364th place). After these came Cary with 28 sightings; Raleigh with 78 sightings; Durham with 33 sightings; and Winston-Salem with 27 sightings.

• According to Barrick, “[I]t’s our theory that a higher frequency of sightings correlates with a higher percentage of reports from people who believe they have genuinely seen something in the sky that they cannot explain: a UFO.”

• Peter Davenport, director of the National UFO Reporting Center, said NUFORC has received a spate of recent UFO reports from the Carolina coast. People have reported red, orange, yellow, amber and gold lights in the sky above the Atlantic Ocean – lights with no earthly explanation. For instance, on August 18, a retired senior law enforcement official in Conway, SC saw a tiny, white colored, strobing light fly overhead from NNE to SSW. The object is joined by a second similar object, and then two more, for a total of four objects. (see 1:52 minute video below) “Because of the strobing, and because of the direction the objects were traveling, the witness doubted whether they could have been ‘Starlink’ satellites.”

• Another phenomena associated with the Carolinas for over a century are mysterious apparitions known as the ‘Brown Mountain Lights’ which have been reported in the North Carolina highlands. In summer 2016, a scientific team from Appalachian State University captured on video a bright orb that “suddenly appeared and then vanished” high above a Brown Mountain ridge. “Then it came back, same spot,” The Charlotte Observer reported. “And then an encore.”


Charlotte has managed to beam itself up into the ranking of the top 10 largest North American cities for total UFO sightings in the past century, a new study shows.

And other cities in the Carolinas made related lists for sightings per capita, including Wilmington, Asheville and Myrtle Beach.

The Queen City’s 153 sightings of mysterious lights, discs and orbs in the sky since 1910 had Charlotte ranked ninth among the 25 largest cities by population and tops in North Carolina. That’s according to San Francisco-based True People Search, which compiled the rankings based on sightings people sent to the National UFO Reporting Center in Davenport, Wash.

Founded in 1974, the non-profit center maintains a public database of “objective UFO data,” according to its website. It offers an online form and telephone hotline to report sightings.

The people-finder website analyzed more than 80,000 reported UFO sightings in the U.S. and Canada. It then narrowed the list to 446 cities with 25 or more total sightings over 114 years, through 2014, Mitchell Barrick, content director for True People Search Insights told The Charlotte Observer in an email Wednesday.

Seattle topped the list of major cities with 620 sightings, more than double second-place Phoenix. Jacksonville, Fla., was the only other Eastern U.S. city in the top 10, falling just one sighting shy of Charlotte’s overall total.


1:52 minute timelapse video of objects streaking over the NC Outer Banks (‘Wes Snyder Photography’ YouTube)



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Roberto Palazuelos Was Visited by UFOs

Article by Linda Hopkins                                   August 28, 2020                                      (

• During an interview for “El Baño TV”, popular Mexican actor Roberto Palazuelos (pictured above) said that he has seen beings from another planet in Tepoztlán, Morelos (state), Mexico. Furthermore, the 52 year old Palazuelos says that they live in an underground base there behind the Amatlán mountains. “I have seen them go down (there).”

• In order to watch them, Palazuelos even bought a house in the area. In his upcoming MTV reality show, “Palazuelos. My King”, Palazuelos plans to discuss the UFOs that he has seen from his property. “I did not believe in UFOs and in 1993, on January 31 at 1:30 in the morning on a mountain in Tepoztlán, being my birthday, I had a UFO sighting, an impressive thing. For more than 90 seconds we saw it.” Then he saw them again in 2005 and 2012. “[W]e …think that we are the only intelligence in this universe. There are others.”


                 Amatlán mountains

Roberto Palazuelos appeared to him … UFOs!

During an interview for “El Baño TV”, where Palazuelos He claimed to have seen beings from another planet.

It was in Tepoztlán, Morelos, where he had contact with aliens, including Robert assured that they have an underground base in that place.

And, in case people do not believe him, he assured that it is located behind the Amatlán mountain.

“I have seen them go down,” he said Palazuelos.

The paranormal experience led him to make the decision to buy a house near the area to be aware of what might happen.

On the other hand, the actor said that after the success he had with the first season of “Palazuelos My King “if there will be a second part.

Regarding his plans to have a post in the Government of Quintana Roo, he hopes to see them carried out soon.



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