Smashing Pumpkins Singer Claims Shape-Shifter Sighting

by Brett Tingley         October 19, 2017        (

• Billy Corgan, the former lead singer of the band The Smashing Pumpkins revealed on an October 16th episode of The Howard Stern Radio Show that he witnessed a human shapeshift right before his eyes.

• Says Corgan, “I was with somebody once and I saw a transformation that I can’t explain. It’s a really messed up story.”

• Corgan: “Suddenly [I] turn around and there’s somebody else standing there.” Stern: “A different human? Did you say to the person, ‘What’d you just do here?’” Corgan: “Yes, and they acknowledged it.” Stern: “And what did they say they were? From another planet?” Corgan: “They wouldn’t explain.”


For whatever reason, more and more actors and celebrities have been coming forward lately with stories of encounters with UFOs, ghosts, or even Bigfoot. The paranormal seems to be back in style, and perhaps celebrities are merely capitalizing on the current zeitgeist in order to get their name in the headlines. Whatever the case may be, this week’s celebrity paranormal story comes from William Patrick Corgan, the artist formerly known as Billy Corgan and former member of ‘90s alt-rock pioneers The Smashing Pumpkins. Corgan was on The Howard Stern Show this week to promote his new album Ogilala when the interview turned towards Corgan’s many appearances on that loud, angry guy’s conspiracy nutjob radio show. You know the one.

                            Billy Corgan

As it turns out Corgan is a vocal believer in some of the more fringe conspiracy theories including all sorts of anti-vaccination claims, mass media brainwashing, and of course good ol’ fashioned chemtrails. During this recent interview, as Stern pressed Corgan on what exactly his alleged paranormal or unexplained experiences have been, Corgan revealed that he once witnessed a human shapeshift right before his eyes:

Let’s just say I was with somebody once and I saw a transformation that I can’t explain. It’s a really messed up story. It’s up there with one of the most intense things I’ve ever been through.

Corgan was pretty tight lipped about what exactly he witnessed, but given his favorite conspiracy theorist/radio host’s obsession with the so-called “lizard people” who secretly rule the world, there’s no telling what Corgan saw – or thinks he saw:

Corgan: Imagine you’re doing something and suddenly you turn around and there’s somebody else standing there.
Stern: A different human?

Corgan: Sorta. It’s hard to explain without going into detail–I’d rather not go into details.
Stern: But did you say to the person, “What’d you just do here?”
Corgan: Yes, and they acknowledged it.

Stern: And what did they say they were? From another planet?
Corgan: They wouldn’t explain.

Corgan claims he was totally sober during the experience. Is this another case of a celebrity (arguably) past his prime trying to stir up headlines (and succeeding), or could Corgan have truly witnessed a skinwalker/ shapeshifter? The problem with nearly all of these types of stories is that they usually only have one witness, and eyewitness testimony is rarely considered reliable evidence.
I dunno though, dude looks like he knows a skinwalker when he sees it.


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Report Shows the Russian & Chinese Government Exchanged Videos & Photographs of Real UFOs

by Arjun Walia           October 16, 2017           (

• The topic Extraterrestrial UFOs has exited the realm of “conspiracy theory” and entered into the realm of reality, largely due to the efforts of hundreds of military whistleblowers of all ranks, as well as pilots, professors, astronauts, and world leaders.

• Thousands upon thousands of previously classified documents related to UFOs and potential extraterrestrial beings have been released into the public domain by dozens of governments.

• A CIA document outlines how the agency was gathering intelligence on a joint effort between the USSR and the People’s Republic of China, two decades ago, when scientists from the USSR as well as China initiated a joint study on UFOs.

• A large number of “experiencers” say that these extraterrestrials are concerned with the well-being of our planet.

• In 1994, sixty schoolchildren in Ruwa, Zimbabwe saw multiple hovering spaceships and were shown images of a destroyed Earth in the future unless we collectively, as one human race, turn it around.

• Evidence suggests we have been visited for a long time now. If some type of “invasion” were being planned it probably would have already happened.

• One thing is abundantly clear – something is going on here and some people have known about it for a very long time.


The picture you see above is of a UFO that prompted the complete shutdown of a Chinese airport several years ago. It was covered by multiple mainstream media outlets, despite the fact that they never really do justice to the UFO phenomena. UFOs shutting down airports is nothing new, it’s happened multiple times, with the best example in North America being the “O’Hare” incident. Look it up if interested.

“I must say that if your listeners could see for themselves the mass of reports coming in from airborne gendarmerie, and from the gendarmerie charged with the job of conducting investigations, all of which reports are being forwarded by us to the CNES (National Center for Space Studies), then they would see that it is all pretty disturbing.” – Former French Minister of Defense Robert Galley (Dolan, Richard. UFOs For the 21st Century Mind: New York: Richard Dolan Press, 2014.)

Thousands upon thousands of previously classified documents related to UFOs and potential extraterrestrial beings have been released into the public domain by dozens of governments, as well as several Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. In the United States, the NSA, CIA, and FBI have done the same, proving that these agencies put significant resources toward studying this phenomenon. The topic has exited the realm of “conspiracy theory” and entered into the realm of reality, largely due to the efforts of hundreds of military whistleblowers of all ranks, as well as politicians and academics. We’re talking about generals, pilots, professors, astronauts, world leaders, and more. If one thing is abundantly clear, it’s that something is going on here, and some people have known about it for a very long time.

It’s no secret that countries spy on each other, and use a variety of methods to do so. Take the American government’s STARGATE project, for example, which investigated parapsychology and then used their findings to spy on other countries. Of course, we can’t forget about the Snowden leaks, which showed how the U.S. government actively spies on not only their own citizens, but also on major corporations, financial institutions, and other countries.

When it comes to the topic of UFOs, this is no exception. Multiple governments have black budget operations, referred to Unacknowledged Special Access Programs (SAPs) in the United States, and they have absolutely zero oversight from Congress.

A document found online in the CIA’s electronic reading room outlines how the CIA was gathering intelligence on a joint effort between the USSR and the People’s Republic of China (PRC). This was almost two decades ago, when scientists from the USSR as well as the PRC initiated a joint study on UFOs, and stands as yet another document showing how seriously global governments have investigated UFOs throughout history:

Scientists of the PRC and the Soviet Far East have begun joint study of UFO’s. The first meeting of ufologists of the two countries has ended in the small maritime townlet of Dalnegorsk. The Soviet and Chinese specialists on anomalous phenomena have mapped out a program for investigating incidents that are already known and have also arranged to directly exchange video and photographic materials on new similar phenomena. Dalnegorsk has not been chosen by chance as the place for such acquaintance. In the last few years the number of cases of visual observation of UFO’s has noticeably increased there. In just the last four years alone no less than 10 UFO’s have been recorded. Specialists link their heightened interest in places here with the variety and wealth of useful minerals in Maritime Kray.

Similar, incidents have also occurred in mountainous regions in China whose climatic conditions and natural landscape resemble our own.

“Everything is in a process of investigation both in the United States and in Spain, as well as the rest of the world. The nations of the world are currently working together in the investigation of the UFO phenomenon. There is an international exchange of data.” – General Carlos Castro Cavero (1979).

If The Extraterrestrial Hypothesis Is True, What Are They Interested In and Why Are They Here?
“Decades ago, visitors from other planets warned us about the direction we were heading and offered to help. Instead, some of us interpreted their visits as a threat, and decided to shoot first and ask questions after.” – Former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer.

The document above was definitely an interesting find, particularly because it reveals that the experts who gathered in this joint effort linked the presence of these beings to the natural resources in the area. Now, if you’re thinking that extraterrestrials are going to invade us and use our planet for our resources, you’re probably incorrect. Why? Because the evidence suggests we have been being visited for a long time now. If some type of “invasion” were being planned, like the ones commonly portrayed in movies and television, it probably would have already happened.

It was also an interesting find for me personally because I’ve been researching this topic for a long time and have come across several stories regarding extraterrestrial craft landing, humanoid bodies exiting the vehicle, and the beings taking rocks and plants, almost like an ET scientist exploring our planet.

Other “experiencers” have also suggested many of these extraterrestrials are actually concerned with the well-being of our planet. This has been the sentiment of a large number of people who claim to have contact experiences, or telepathic experiences with extraterrestrial beings.


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Anomalies in Military Records Breadcrumbs to Space Marines Service

In part 4 of this five part interview series on the covert recruitment of Michael Gerloff into a Space Marines “20 and back” program, he discusses anomalies in his military documents. He believes these are breadcrumbs to his covert military service with the USMC and Army Rangers.

Click below to view video

For Part 1 article with cited documents  click here or to view video, click below

For Part 2 article with cited documents click here or to view video, click below

For Part 3 article with cited documents  click here or to view video, click below

Below are documents cited/viewed in part 4 of this video interview series.

Michael Gerloff at Bootcamp Letter from Congressman Skelton
Michael Gerloff with USMC Platoon Honorable Discharge
DD 214 – Received in 1987 from Congressman Skelton, only shows completion of 1979 active duty training DD 2586 – Shows additional 3 years USMC service to 6 signed up (1987 – 1984)

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US Government To Release Official Video Footage, Pictures & Documented Evidence Of UFOs

by Arjun Walia           October 24, 2017          (

• The former Blink 182 band member, Tom DeLonge, backed by a handful of high-ranking military and government officials, launched the “To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science, aimed to release classified advanced technologies and documentation of UFOs.

• In a live Facebook feed on October 11th, a recently retired career intelligence officer, Luis Elizondo, now working with DeLonge, announced that they would also provide clear video footage of UFOs provided by the US government.

• Other governments have already released their official UFO files.

• For many years, Governments have devoted vast resources to tracking UFO craft, and have accumulated evidence of a long history of military and civilian encounters with UFOs.

• For some reason, however, the public remains skeptical and is awaiting an official announcement from the government and the mainstream media, even though recent polls show that over half of Americans do not believe the official government account of the 9/11 “attack”.

• Still, with all of this disclosure, there is no mention of the extraterrestrials who presumably operate some of these UFOs.


Over the past few years, multiple governments and government agencies have officially released their ‘UFO’ files. What does this show us? Apart from revealing there are objects in our atmosphere travelling at speeds and performing maneuvers that no known conventional aircraft can perform, it shows us that such agencies have been interested in and have been tracking these craft for years, devoting vast resources to their study. If these released files make anything clear, it’s that there has been a long history of military and civilian encounters with UFOs and strange objects.

Testimony from military and political insiders, as well as academics, complements these files, and their stories are the major reason why so many believe these unknown objects are extraterrestrial in origin. Regardless of where you believe they came from, the extraterrestrial hypothesis is entirely plausible, and the official public disclosure of such information has tremendous implications, as you can imagine.

“There is a serious possibility that we are being visited and have been visited for many years by people from outer space, by other civilizations. Who they are, where they are from, and what they want should be the subject of rigorous scientific investigation and not be the subject of ‘rubishing’ by tabloid newspapers.” – Lord Admiral Hill-Norton, Former Chief of Defence Staff, 5 Star Admiral of the Royal Navy, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee.

Yet people remain skeptical, relying on the government and mainstream media to make an official disclosure. This is concerning, particularly given the lack of trust most people have in their governments to begin with. 9/11 is perhaps the best example of this mistrust. Recent polls show that more that more than half of the American population doesn’t believe the official story put out by their government.

Well, it’s almost 2018, and every year the UFO/extraterrestrial topic seems to become more popular, and credible, within the mainstream world. The recent launch of To The Stars Academy of Arts & SciencE (TTS/AAS), headed by former Blink 182 band member Tom DeLonge, is one reason for this shift in perception.

DeLonge has gathered an impressive list of people to help him with his mission, which aims to push disclosure of discoveries that have been locked up in deep black budget programs. It’s an initiative mobilizing “the brightest minds from within the top-secret shadows of aerospace, science and the Department of Defense.” The academy is composed of science, aerospace, and entertainment divisions “intended to provide support to exceptionally gifted researchers with expectations to exponentially yield new concepts and technologies of significance on an accelerated timeline.”

A few days ago, Tom, along with other representatives of the initiative — including Jim Semivan, a longtime senior intelligence service member for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) — launched their project live on Facebook.

Other representatives include Dr. Hal Puthoff, who was a big player in the U.S. government’s “Stargate Program,” and Steve Justice, who was the Program Director for Advanced Systems from Lockheed Martin Advanced Development Programs — better known as “Skunk Works” — for 31 years.

Another representative, Chris Mellon, commented: “To the Stars represents an opportunity to reach beyond the normal boundaries of Aerospace to create products that we can call them revolutionary and that’s too mild of a word.”

In essence, the program aims to bring forth these classified technologies and concepts and use them to better our world. They will also be exploring telepathy and other ‘psi’ phenomena that have been studied for decades by multiple scientists and governments.

Mellon’s comments above corroborate with comments made by Ben Rich, Lockeed Skunkwork’s second director, who worked there from 1975 to 1991. He said, “We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects, and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity. Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do.”

During the Facebook Live feed, Luis Elizondo, the Director of Global & Special Programs for To The Stars, announced that the academy will be releasing official, previously classified data and documentation in collaboration with the U.S. government.

A career intelligence officer who has worked with the U.S. Army, the Department of Defense, the National Counterintelligence Executive, and the Director of National Intelligence, Elizondo resigned from the Pentagon just one week before the launch of the academy. For nearly the last decade of his career, he ran a sensitive aerospace threat identification program focusing on unidentified aerial technologies.

When asked if these UFOs are a threat, he told journalist and New York Times best selling author Leslie Keen “they did not exhibit overt hostility.” “But something unexplained is always assumed to be a potential threat until we are certain it isn’t. On the bright side, I believe we are closer than ever before in our understanding of how it operates,” he continued.


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High Ranking US Government Official Blows Whistle On UFOs A Week After Leaving The Pentagon

by Arjun Walia         October 24, 2017         (

• Tom DeLonge’s recently formed “To The Stars Academy” member, Luis Elizondo, is a recently retired career intelligence officer who has worked for the US Army and the Dept of Defense, and as the National Counterintelligence Executive, Director of National Intelligence, and Director for the National Programs Management Staff.

• For the last 10 years of his career, Elizondo “ran a sensitive aerospace threat identification program focusing on unidentified aerial technologies.”

• The Huffington Post noted that “In less than two weeks after leaving the Pentagon, Luis Elizondo confirmed that UFOs are a real; they exist, and they have been officially documented.  Can anyone argue with this fact now?”

• The “To The Stars” team aims to make the reality of UFOs public knowledge. “[T]here is sufficient credible evidence… that proves exotic technologies exist that could revolutionize the human experience.”

• Could this recent mainstream initiative be a true disclosure movement?  Or is Tom Delonge simply being used by the US government to further some hidden agenda? Do they want to confirm the reality of UFOs, but debunk the extraterrestrial hypothesis by stating these craft are all man made? Do they want to create more awareness so they can perform a “false flag alien invasion”?


“Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered. . . . We are not alone in the universe, they have been coming here for a long time. I happen to be privileged enough to be in on the fact that we have been visited on this planet, and the UFO phenomenon is real.” Who is this high ranking official that “blew the whistle” on the reality of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs)? His name is Luis Elizondo, and he’s the current Director of Global Security and Special Programs for the recently launched To The Stars Academy.

Elizondo is just one of many prestigious individuals to join the academy. A career intelligence officer, his experience includes working in the U.S. Army, the Department of Defense, and the National Counterintelligence Executive, and he spent time as the Director of National Intelligence. He’s also managed the security for several sensitive projects for the U.S. government as the Director for the National Programs Special Management Staff.

                          Luis Elizondo

For the last 10 years of his career, Elizondo “ran a sensitive aerospace threat identification program focusing on unidentified aerial technologies.” Where he learned that, as he mentions in the video below at approximately the 20 minute at 50 second mark, “the phenomenon is indeed real.”

To The Stars aims to make the reality of UFOs public knowledge. Some of these objects perform maneuvers and travel at speeds that defy our understanding of physics, and Elizondo is just one of many people trying to raise awareness about it. As New York Times best-selling author and journalist Leslie Keen explains in an article she wrote for The Huffington Post:

Something extraordinary was revealed today. Former high-level officials and scientists with deep black experience who have always remained in the shadows came forward on one platform. These insiders have long-standing connections to government agencies which may have programs investigating unidentifed (sic) aerial phenomena (UAP/UFOs). The team includes a 25-year veteran of the CIA’s Directorate of Operations, a Lockheed Martin Program Director for Advanced Systems at “Skunk Works”, and a former deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence.

Keen describes meeting Elizondo a week after he resigned from the Pentagon to work for the academy, saying, “In short, less that two weeks after leaving the Pentagon, Luis Elizondo confirmed that UFOs are a real; they exist, and they have been officially documented. Can anyone argue with this fact now, given where this man comes from and what he knows?”

The great thing about the initiative is that it focuses on bringing these technologies to light and creating awareness on how they can be used to push humanity forward. Although technology is not the answer to all our problems, but rather the consciousness behind the technology and how we use it, UFOs do present a number of questions, with propulsion systems being one of them.

They’re certainly not stopping at the gas station for a fill-up.

“There is another way, whether it’s wormholes, or warping space, there’s got to be a way to generate energy so that you can pull it out of the vacuum, and the fact that they’re [extraterrestrials] here shows us that they found a way.” – Jack Kasher, Ph.D, Professor Emeritus of Physics, University of Nebraska

The To The Stars team says they have been “operating under the shadows of top-secrecy for decades” and believes that “there is sufficient credible evidence of UAP that proves exotic technologies exist that could revolutionize the human experience.”


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Ancient Ruins Older Than Pyramids Discovered in Canada

by Allanna Ketler          October 16, 2017        (

• Archeology students at the University of have uncovered the oldest settlement ever to be found in North America, located on Triquet Island in northern British Columbia.

• Carbon dating has determined that the settlement dates back to 14,000 years ago.

• Archeologists are finding that civilization on the Earth has existed far longer than mainstream scientists have always claimed.


A team of students from the University of Victoria’s archeology department have uncovered the oldest settlement ever to be found in North America. They were digging on Triquet Island, located about 300 miles north of Victoria, British Columbia’s capital, when they discovered the ruins.
The team found many ancient artifacts, including fishhooks, spears, and tools for making fires. They also found a cooking hearth that still contained charcoal flakes — burnt by indigenous prehistoric peoples of Canada.

Using carbon dating techniques on the flakes, they were able to determine that the settlement dates back to about 14,000 years ago, making it thousands of years older than the pyramids, which are thought to have been built around 4,700 years ago. That is quite a significant age gap!

One of the students involved in the dig who helped uncover these ancient treasures, Alisha Pauvreau, said, “I remember when we got the dates back, and we just sat back and said ‘Holy moly, this is old.’ ”

Alisha and her team began investigating the area for ancient settlements after learning about the history of the indigenous Heiltsuk people, which told the story of a land that never froze during the last ice age.

A member of the Heiltsuk First Nation, William Housty, said, “To think about how these stories survived only to be supported by this archaeological evidence is just amazing.”

“This find is very important because it reaffirms a lot of the history that our people have been talking about for thousands of years.”


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Covert Disclosure of Rectangle Antigravity Craft

On the morning of October 23, my long-time source JP (a pseudonym) was once again instructed to look up into the sky by a nearby covert operative where he saw a rectangle platform shaped UFO. He used his camera phone to take five photos of the UFO. He then noticed that he had missing time and when he tried to recall what had happened, he had memory flashes of being inside the flying rectangle he had just photographed.

For article with additional information about a military abduction associated with the sighting, please click here, or here.

For GoFundMe Campaign to purchase a high resolution camera/phone for the photographer, JP, please click here.

Apollo 15 Astronaut Believes Aliens Brought Life to Earth

by Paul Seaburn          October 14, 2017         (

  • Alfred M. Worden was the Apollo 15 Command Module Pilot who orbited the Moon while fellow crew members David Scott and James Irwin spent three days on the lunar surface.

  • In a recent television interview, Worden said “We’re the ones who came from somewhere else… to survive… [we] got in a little spacecraft… came… landed and… started [a] civilization here. That’s what I believe.”

  • Worden says that in the future, humans will have leave the Earth and move to another orb that can sustain us. “Nothing in our solar system fits the bill.”


The Apollo 15 moon mission began on July 26, 1971 and ended on Aug 7, 1971. (The photo above shows NASA astronauts Commander Dave Scott, Command Module Pilot Alfred Worden, and Lunar Module Pilot James Irwin.) 

After three orbits of Earth, the command module traveled to the Moon under the direction of Command Module Pilot Alfred M. Worden, who then orbited the Moon 75 times while Commander David Scott and Lunar Module Pilot James Irwin spent three days on the lunar surface. This was Worden’s first (and only) space mission and, when his orbit took him to 2,235 miles from the surface, he set a record (at the time) for being the farthest away from any other human beings.

Worden called it “three wonderful days in a spacecraft all by myself” and apparently used that time to do a lot of thinking about those even-farther-away humans on Earth and how they got there. He finally opened up about his thoughts in a recent interview on Good Morning Britain when he said this:

“I’ve been asked that question hundreds of times … are there, do you believe in aliens? That I say yeah, have you ever seen one, I say yeah, I have. Well how have you seen him? Well I said I look in the mirror every morning. That’s what we are … we are the aliens but we just think there’s somebody else but we’re the ones who came from somewhere else because, because somebody else had to survive and they got in a little spacecraft then he came here and they landed and they started civilization here. That’s what I believe.”

  Alfred M. Worden

“Somebody else had to survive” so they got into a spacecraft and moved here, where they were alone like Worden circling the Moon, except they got to land and procreate and populate the planet with their race that Worden and the rest of us call ‘humans’. That sounds like something right out of graphic novels and would be discounted as such if it weren’t coming from one of the handful of humans who have actually done the same thing … left their home planet.

In fact, Worden says that humans in the future will have to – if you believe his first premise – leave their home planet AGAIN and move to another orb that can sustain us. Nothing in our solar system (sorry Elon) fits the bill, so Worden says:

“We got to develop the capability to go someplace where there is another earth and we know that they’re out there, there’s no question of that, they are out there, but there are a little ways out, maybe 3.2 light-years is the nearest one, which means we got to build a machine it goes a little faster than the speed of light and that’s gonna be the big key.”



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A Life of High Strangeness & Testing for Space Marines

In part 3 of this five part interview series on the covert recruitment of Michael Gerloff into a Space Marines “20 and back” program, he elaborates on his background that was a major factor in his selection. He describes a lifetime of high strangeness, testing, night-time training during his youth, and DNA results which raise a possible connection to a human looking “Nordic” group of extraterrestrials.

To view video, click image below.

For Part 1 article with cited documents  click here or to view video, click below

For Part 2 article with cited documents click here or to view video, click below

Below are two documents cited in part 3 of this video interview series.

Michael Gerloff at age 8 during third grade Results of Michael Gerloff genetic testing

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Russia Sending Mystery Capsule to ISS for Secret Experiment

by Brett Tingley           October 13, 2017           (

• In gathering items for a resupply launch from Kazakhstan, the Russians added a mysterious new experimental capsule to be installed on the International Space Station.

• When NASA officials asked what the device was, their Russian counterparts said it was intended for a scientific use and refused to divulge any more information.

• This is the first time in the two decades of joint US-Russia operation of the ISS that either nation has sent unidentified cargo up to the space station.

• NASA officials are baffled and a bit worried over how tight-lipped the Russians have been about the device.


Oh, Russia, don’t ever change.

The “former” evil empire seems to be at its old tricks again, launching mystery rockets, waking up its “killer” satellites, and continuing to broadcast encrypted radio messages around the world. Not to mention the whole “alleged” disinformation program which has injected all sorts of chaos into the political systems of Western governments. Now, Mother Russia continues its doctrine of intentional international intrigue with the launch of a strange new experimental capsule to be installed on the International Space Station. What could go wrong?

The launch was conducted at the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan and included routine supplies for astronauts and cosmonauts aboard the ISS such as food, water, and fuel. However, NASA officials spotted an odd capsule being loaded onto the Progress MS-07 that they can’t identify. When NASA officials asked their Russian counterparts what the device might be, they were told only that it is intended for a scientific use and is designed only for a one-way trip. Russian space officials refused to divulge any more information.

NASA officials are baffled and a bit worried over how tight-lipped the Russians have been about the device. NASA scientists say this is the first time in the two decades of joint US-Russia operation of the ISS that either nation has sent unidentified cargo up to the space station – at least that we know about. The launch of this mystery capsule continues a year of strange happenings aboard the ISS; earlier this year, a mysterious US reconnaissance satellite buzzed the ISS shortly after its launching following a Russian Space agency announcement that they had found unknown “biomaterial” on the outside of the space station. Could a new space race be afoot?


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Contact Groups Stimulated to Learn to Use Their Consciousness Potentials?

CONJECTURES about APUNIAN MESSAGES on a Creative Conscious and Intentional Use of the TESSERACT (HYPER CUBE)

Giorgio Piacenza

Part of the information received since 1974 from the Apunians (and from other associated beings) is that humanity has a unique creative potential for manifesting and modifying reality without the aid of any external technology or, at any rate, a high degree of it.

These messages also said that humanity has an enormous spiritual potential that may provide a vast example on a better way to live, something that even advanced extraterrestrial civilizations would be unable to manifest because they had become excessively dependent on technology and mental over spiritual feeling-based approaches to life. Thus, they might not have the capacity to interact with the highest levels of existence as we still have and their evolution may have almost stopped or halted for both extraterrestrials favoring and opposing humanity and its expected role.

However, allowing both factors (creative manifestation and spirituality) to flourish in humanity is either desired or opposed by different extraterrestrial civilizations, some of which want to stop humanity from coming into full fruition as much as others want to give humanity a chance to do so.

My friend Ricardo Gonzalez apparently received telepathic information from one or more beings (associated with a planet commonly called “Apu,” known by several Latin American contactees). The messages asked about working with the visualization of a Tesseract (hypercube) in order to manifest intention, while in a coherent group effort synchronized with deeper levels of mind. They mentioned that the smallest and most fundamental particle before emptiness (called “Minius” by previous contactee engineer Vlado Kapetanovic) was susceptible to being manipulated in a creative way through visualizing and working with the Tesseract. 

“The Minius is the primary source of energy, the essence of the origin of the universe. It is the key of the beggining and its proyection: An equation from eternity t¿which allows to act in that which is visible and invisible. You must not interpret it only as a scientific knowledge about the nature of te cosmos. It is, beyond that, a spiritual message, beyond its practical application in the technology and of space journeys.” (Ivika, from Apu).

Thus, perhaps the “Minius” is fractally connected across dimensional levels with geometrical forms that in turn are connected with the Tesseract which can be more easily visualized than other forms in higher spaces. Therefore, perhaps how our minds focus on the Tesseract might be a means to start working with our consciousness, subtle energies, manifestation and an interphase with multiple realities in non-mechanistic ways…to start training our creative psychic potential (apparently inherited from many extraterrestrial species that contributed their genetic material to enhance more primitive human beings).

Not every extraterrestrial civilization involved agreed with this plan – and some of the extraterrestrial genes even originated in aggressive species – but they allegedly needed to promote a form of life that one day would show them how to live in a dense material plane and to discover advanced forms of technology without becoming excessively mental or technological.

Thus, I delved some into geometry and found a relation with what Dr. Nassim Haramein explains about the “Vector Equilibrium” connected with the 64 Tetrahedron Grid. So here we go:

The Rhombic Dodecahedron formed by diamond-shaped faces is inscribed in the Vector Equilibrium also known as “Cube Octahedron.” The Vector Equilibrium would be a most fundamental geometric form which combines with the 64 Tetrahedron grid maintaining in balance and symmetry the multi-directional forces at the Zero Point energy or Quantum Vacuum. It would also connect energetically and informationally all the physical universe in a fractal manner where toroids as vortices circulate going within and without physical manifestation.

Each point of the Rhombic Dodecahedron points to a face of the Vector Equilibrium or Cube Octahedron and both geometric forms complement each other. But the Rhombic Dodecahedron not only is inscribed in the Vector Equilibrium or Cube Octahedron but it also is the “shadow” or 3D geometrical projection of the Tesseract hypercube in 4D.

In all of these cases we are still speaking only of “spatial dimensions” and these types of dimensions should not be confused with whole physical and non-physical realities. Technically speaking, “dimension” is not synonymous with “reality,” plane of existence or anything like that. It is a necessary parameter (offering restriction and possibility) within a reality system.

According to messages received by another credible contactee friend (Luis Fernando Mostajo), there would be a dodecahedron at the center of the Earth.

Now, the geometric “dual” of the rhombic dodecahedron is the Cube Octahedron and the Cube Octahedron is the “shadow” or lower dimensional 3D projection of the 4D Tesseract. This is analogous to how a 2D hexagon is the shadow of a 3D cube.

Could we (conventional, Earth’s surface humanity) be gradually receiving or becoming aware of the first steps on how to mentally use geometries that allow connections of vortices situated between physical and non-physical realities? That is, between the mental and the physical realms?

Perhaps the nodes where lines cross in a 4D Tesseract correspond (in lower 3D spatial projections) to some of Earth’s so-called “power points.” These nodes would also point to the faces of an even higher dimensional 5D form which would not only relate with matter and energy but with information according to the physical theory of Burkhardt Heim (pointed out to me by Mr. James Fellow). Heim’s theory proposes spatial dimensions for concrete matter, for energy levels, and for information.

In various countries there have been more successful, voluntary, friendly, peaceful encounters with Apunians and other associated beings since the Tesseract was included in group practices. Even without a profound intellectual understanding of the principles, mathematics and physics involving the use of the Tesseract,  these practices (involving, visualization, group coherence and intent) may be useful to increase the level of constructive resonance with many extraterrestrial intelligences, perhaps a holographic type of  resonance cutting across temporal and spatial differences between their state of reality and ours. Thus, the use of the Tesseract in meditation, visualization and associated practices may also be considered as an exopolitical tool to relate with them resonating under a common or universal geometrical-consciousness-based language.

If, in any duality based state, Being and Consciousness are mutually necessary for each to be defined under independent definitions, whilst Being is understood as the experiential contents of Consciousness (with various degrees of exteriority) and Consciousness is understood as the capacity to experience Being (and, conversely, as the experiential capacity of Being), by experiencing the Tesseract in Consciousness (the Tesseract as a universally interconnected and interconnecting geometrical form of Being crossing spiritual and mental reality levels even into physicality) we may be able to recognize “objective reality” as both mental and physical. In fact, we may be able to consciously reconnect with a deeper knowledge and function as the distinction between exterior and interior reality experiences is consciously reconciled (Giorgio Piacenza).

Visualizing a Tesseract in specific ways on specific spots of the Earth, perhaps at specific times and in group – coherent ways connected to the subconscious mind and in a state of intentional spiritual connection may be a means for our consciousness to access the information level that would, in turn, connect with the concrete physical level. This type of “consciousness enhancing technology” may be less dependent on external or artificial means if the Tesseract connects our embedded focalized consciousness with universal organizing patterns derived from universal consciousness and spirit in manifestation.

The “Tesseract” has different functions used to work holographically with the Minius, “replicating” that which is naturally found within you. This “spiritual technology” will be a form of work from now on.” (Ivika, from Apu).







China’s 8½-ton space lab will soon crash to Earth. No one knows where it will hit.

by Mary Hui          October 16, 2017          (

• China’s prototype space station, launched in 2011, is out of control and will crash somewhere on the Earth before the end of the year.

• The space station measures 34 feet and weighs 8.5 tons.

• Chunks as large as 220 lbs may hit the Earth.

• Controlled spacecraft are typically guided to crash in a 2.5 mile-deep spot in the Pacific Ocean, 3000 miles east of New Zealand, known as the “spacecraft cemetery” where more than 263 derelict spacecraft have been dumped.

• China currently has a second space station in orbit and plans to have a permanent space station by 2020.


Sometime within the next few months, the heavens will come crashing down.

Tiangong 1, which translates to “Heavenly Palace,” is China’s first space laboratory, launched in September 2011, serving as a prototype for a permanent space station that it aims to eventually build and launch. But six years after it first went into orbit, the 8½-ton laboratory is soon expected to meet a fiery and uncontrolled end, hurtling down to Earth and crashing somewhere — anywhere — on the planet.

In September 2016, Chinese officials confirmed that they had lost control of the space lab and that it would crash into Earth sometime in the latter half of 2017. In May, China told the United Nations that the lab would reenter Earth between October and April 2018.

Much of the space lab, which measures 34 feet in length, is expected to burn up during its reentry. But Jonathan McDowell, an astrophysicist from Harvard University, told the Guardian that pieces weighing up to 220 pounds could make it to the Earth’s surface.

Where exactly the craft will fall is anyone’s guess. Even slight changes in atmospheric conditions can alter the landing site “from one continent to the next,” McDowell told the Guardian.

“You really can’t steer these things,” he said. “Even a couple of days before it reenters, we probably won’t know better than six or seven hours, plus or minus, when it’s going to come down. Not knowing when it’s going to come down translates as not knowing where it’s going to come down.”

Uncontrolled crashes of larger spacecraft, while rare, have happened before. The Soviet Salyut 7 space station crashed to Earth in 1991, while NASA’s Skylab space station fell over Western Australia in 1979.

China launched Tiangong 2, its second experimental station, in September 2016. China is aiming to have a permanently manned space station in orbit by 2020.

The 2011 launch of Tiangong 1 was seen by some as a “potent political symbol” that marked an important step forward in China’s expanding space program. It was regarded as a geopolitically significant event, part of China’s broader space program through which it wants to assert its emergence as a new superpower.


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Did President Kennedy “Needle” The CIA For Information About UFOs & ETs Right Before His Death?

by Arjun Walia        October 17, 2017        (

• While conducting research for his book, author William Lester recovered a “secret memo” from President John F. Kennedy to the head of the CIA asking for confidential documentation on UFO’s dated November 12, 1963, ten day before his assassination.

• This supports a previously released memo from Kennedy to the CIA on the same topic.

• An internal email published by Wikileaks in 2012 details another memo by President Kennedy informing CIA counterintelligence chief James Angleton that he wanted to share sensitive UFO intelligence with the Russians through the director of NASA.

[Editor’s Note]  This supports Dr Michael Salla’s contention that Kennedy was assassinated at the direction of MJ-12 because of his threat to publicly expose the ET presence, as detailed in Salla’s book Kennedy’s Last Stand.   Perhaps this month’s long-awaited release of tens of thousands of documents by the National Archives pertaining to the JFK assassination will shed more light on this revelation.


According to Author and UFO researcher Dr. William Lester, the CIA released documents to him under the Freedom of Information act after he made a request while researching for his new book at the time, A Celebration of Freedom: JFK and the New Frontier. The document and story was brought forth by the Daily Mail, pertaining to a letter written by John F. Kennedy to the head of the CIA demanding to be shown highly confidential documents about UFOs just 10 days before his assassination.

According to the Daily Mail, “the secret memo is one of two letters written by JFK asking for information about the paranormal on November 12, 1963, which have been released by the CIA for the first time.”

It’s understandable that a Daily Mail article and a claim from a UFO researcher isn’t really considered credible, but what’s even more fascinating about the story is the fact that it also appears within some Wikileaks Cables.

February 27th, 2012, WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files; over five million emails from the Texas headquartered “global intelligence” company Stratfor. The emails date between July 2004 and late December 2011. They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal’s Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agencies, including the US Department of Homeland Security, the US Marines and the US Defence Intelligence Agency. The emails show Stratfor’s web of informers, pay-off structure, payment laundering techniques, and psychological methods.

From these emails, we have one that details information that documents by a gentleman named Timothy S. Cooper, who, according to many, leaked the supposed “MJ-12” documents that dealt with the cover-up of UFO/extraterrestrial phenomenon.

In the email, it states that “Soon after Kennedy became President, he began to needle the CIA for information on UFOs” and that “President Kennedy fired off a top secret memorandum to him outlining a previous discussion concerning a classification review of all CIA UFO files that could affect national security. Dated 12 November, 1963, just ten days before he would be gunned down in the streets of Dallas, Texas, Kennedy informed Angleton that he was setting things in motion to actually share sensitive CIA UFO intelligence data with the Russians through the director of NASA.”
The email itself goes into more detail.

The question to ask here is why is a company like Stratfor sending emails within the company regarding this topic?

Definitely interesting to think about.

Perhaps the most interesting fact is that JFK was President right around the time a massive cover-up regarding this topic ensued. Only a couple of terms before his own, President Harry Truman went on national television stating that this topic is discussed at every single conference they have with the military. The topic of flying saucers and “other things.” He stated that “there are always things like that going on”.

There are even claims that President Eisenhower held a meeting with extraterrestrials. His great granddaughter Laura (Eisenhower) is one who has spoken about the incident.

Today, Presidents don’t really know much. In fact, based on my research, when they do inquire they’re not told much and they don’t really have access nor a need to know information about UFOs and extraterrestrials. So who does?

It seems, based on my research, that presidents don’t really have access to this type of information, and it’s not an easy thing to inquire about.


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She Claimed Tall, Blond Aliens Kidnapped Her As a Child. Now She’s Running for Congress.

by Kristine Phillips        October 16, 2017       (

  • Former city councilwoman, Republican Bettina Rodriguez Aguilera, is running for US Congress in South Florida.

  • In 2011 she told newspaper reporters that as a child and a teenager she was visited several times by three tall blond extraterrestrial beings, one male and two female, who wore robes and spoke telepathically.

  • The ET beings took her on board their round spaceship.

  • The ET beings spoke of the Egyptian goddess Isis; informed her that “God is a universal energy, not a person”, that the center of [the Earth’s] energy is in Africa, and that there are 30,000 alien skulls in subterranean caves in Malta.

  • Rodriguez Aguilera says that she is among the “majority of Americans who believe that there must be intelligent life in the billions of planets and galaxies in the universe.”


Bettina Rodriguez Aguilera said the encounters began when she was young and happened several times throughout her life.

She saw three beings — two women and a man, she said.

They were tall, full-figured and blond.

They wore robes, spoke telepathically and were in a round spaceship.

Rodriguez Aguilera described her experiences with extraterrestrials in old interviews unearthed by the Miami Herald as the onetime council member from Doral, Fla., vies for a seat in Congress.

Several years before the 59-year-old announced her candidacy to replace Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R), she appeared on Spanish-language television programs and talked in great detail about her experiences with aliens.

In one video that was uploaded to YouTube long before it was highlighted by the Herald, Rodriguez Aguilera, a Republican, said she saw the round spaceship for the first time when she was 7, after her parents asked her to go outside their home.

She boarded the spaceship, she said, and saw round seats.

After the vessel took off, she said, aliens explained to her what they planned to do.

“God is a universal energy, not a person,” the aliens told her, according to Rodriguez Aguilera. “It’s in everything. God talks to people and they understand it in different ways, but there’s only one religion.”

In another interview, she said the beings, with their arms wide open, reminded her of Jesus Christ, and that she saw them again during her teenage years.

She also claimed that the center of energy is in Africa; that 30,000 skulls different from human skulls are in a subterranean cave on the island of Malta in the Mediterranean; and that Coral Castle, a limestone structure in South Florida, is an ancient pyramid.

The aliens talked about Isis, Rodriguez Aguilera said, though she did not elaborate. Isis is the name of an Egyptian goddess. (It’s also an acronym for the Islamic State, which did not exist at the time of Rodriguez Aguilera’s interviews.)

Rodriguez Aguilera said the interviews happened eight years ago and were negatively portrayed by the Miami Herald.

“The Miami Herald article is clearly an attack piece,” she told The Washington Post, adding later: “I’m a person who owns up to who I am. And this is just an experience that I had. It has nothing to do with who I am and what I have shown in the past 40 years and what a positive role model I’ve been to the community.”

Asked why she decided to talk about her experiences publicly, she said, “The conditions were there and I just did it . . . They were going to do the interview, and I did the interview.”

In a statement to the Herald, she said:

For years people, including Presidents like Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter and astronauts have publicly claimed to have seen unidentified flying objects and scientists like Stephen Hawking and institutions like the Vatican have stated that there are billions of galaxies in the universe and we are probably not alone. I personally am a Christian and have a strong belief in God, I join the majority of Americans who believe that there must be intelligent life in the billions of planets and galaxies in the universe.

Ros-Lehtinen, whom Rodriguez Aguilera hopes to replace, represents much of Miami and Miami Beach. The moderate Republican and the first Hispanic woman and Cuban American elected to Congress, announced in April that she is retiring, giving Democrats a chance to flip a seat in a district Hillary Clinton carried in November.

The former Doral City Council member announced her intention to run in August.



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The JFK Document Dump Could Be A Fiasco

by Philip Shenon and Larry Sabato       October 16, 2017       (

• The National Archives are legally required to release 3,100 unseen documents, and over 30,000 partially seen documents involving the assassination of John F. Kennedy by October 26th.

• Most of the documents originate from the CIA, the FBI, and the Justice Department, and are so full of code names and jargon that it may take years to make any sense of them.

• With the decision to release all of them at once, “pandemonium is all but guaranteed”.

• Trump advisor, Roger Stone, says that the CIA is urging Trump to delay the release of some JFK documents for another 25 years. President Trump is the only person empowered to stop or delay the release of these government documents.

• Senior members of Congress are urging Trump to allow the release of all of the documents.

• [Editor’s Note]  The release of documents incriminating the deep state in the JFK assassination could trigger a much-needed, across-the-board disclosure of government secrets and cover-ups.


The federal government’s long campaign to try to choke off rampant conspiracy theories about the November 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy is threatening to end this month in massive confusion, if not chaos.
Within the next two weeks, the National Archives is legally obligated to release the last of thousands of secret documents from government files about the assassination, most of them from the CIA, FBI and the Justice Department.

And there is every indication that the massive document dump—especially if any of it is blocked by President Donald Trump, the only person empowered under the law to stop the release of the files—will simply help fuel a new generation of conspiracy theories.

Trump, no stranger to conspiracy theories, including totally unsubstantiated theories about a link between Ted Cruz’s father and JFK’s death, has not yet revealed his plans for the documents. His friend and political adviser Roger Stone, the Republican consultant who is the author of a book claiming that President Lyndon Johnson was the mastermind of the Kennedy assassination, said last week that he has been informed authoritatively that the CIA is urging Trump to delay the release of some of the JFK documents for another 25 years. “They must reflect badly on the CIA even though virtually everyone involved is long dead,” Stone said in a statement on his website.

The CIA has not confirmed or denied reports that it has appealed to Trump to block the release of some of the files on grounds that the documents might still somehow endanger national security if made public. In a cryptic statement last week, the spy agency said only that it “continues to engage in the process to determine the appropriate next steps with respect to any previously unreleased CIA information.”

As it stands now, the document release this month will be a logistical nightmare, with the public suddenly flooded with a huge online library of documents—tens of thousands in total—that will be, at first, mostly incomprehensible even to experienced students of the assassination. The National Archives, abandoning its plans to release the documents in batches over the course of several months, said this week that it will instead release everything at once—all on the same day—sometime between now and the deadline on October 26.

John F. Kennedy

We both published books in 2013 about the assassination and had a taste of the chaos to come back in July, when the Archives tried an online release of a relatively small portion of the secret documents, including about 400 never-before-seen files. The Archives’ computer servers were instantly overwhelmed, making it impossible to download any of the material for days. When the files could be downloaded, many of those documents proved to be illegible, or were so full of CIA and FBI code names and other jargon that it will  take months or years to make sense of them.

At worst, especially if the White House blocks the release of some of the files, this month’s document release will simply cement the idea among the nation’s army of conspiracy theorists that, 54 years after those gunshots rang out over Dealey Plaza, the truth about the assassination is still being hidden.

The still-secret JFK library at the Archives is made up of about 3,100 documents that the public has never seen before, as well as more than 30,000 other files that have been only partially released in the past.

Many are known to involve a mysterious chapter in the history of the assassination—a six-day trip that JFK assassin Lee Harvey Oswald paid to Mexico City several weeks before the president’s murder, in which Oswald met with Cuban and Soviet spies and came under intensive surveillance by the CIA’s Mexico City station. Previously released FBI documents suggest that Oswald spoke openly in Mexico about his intention to kill Kennedy.

Under the 1992 law, millions of pages of other documents about the assassination were made public in the 1990s, and they did reshape the thinking of many historians about JFK’s murder. Many of those documents revealed how much information had been withheld by the CIA and FBI over the years that demonstrated how those agencies had bungled intelligence in 1963 that, if acted on, might have prevented the assassination.


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A Case for Time Travelers

by Jason Offutt         October 8, 2017          (

• A 27-year old in Wyoming claims to have come from the year 2048 to warn us about an alien invasion that will take place in 2018.

• The alien’s time travel device only works when he is drunk.

• Police in Casper, WY arrested the man for public intoxication.

• While many time travelers have been exposed as frauds, some time travel accounts are simply unexplained.

• Physicists concede that mathematically time travel is possible.

• In 2009 physicist Stephen Hawking held a party for time travelers. No one came.


When police responded to a disturbance call at a house on East Second Street in Casper, Wyoming, in early October, they found 27-year-old Bryant Johnson with a message for them. He was from the future, the aliens were coming, and he was drunk, according to radio station KTWO.

Bryant claimed he was from the year 2048 and was in Wyoming to warn the “president” of Casper of an impending 2018 alien invasion. He was drunk because that’s the only way the alien’s time travel device would transport him back in time. That’s also apparently why the machine missed the intended target of 2018 and landed him in 2017.

Police arrested Bryant for public intoxication and took him to a nearby hospital.

As silly as this story sounds, what if Bryant is right?

Stories pop up on occasion of people claiming to be from a different time. The mysterious John Titor and his dire warnings from 2036, the late Al Bielek who said he travelled in time with his brother Duncan Cameron in the Philadelphia Experiment, and Håkan Nordkvist, a Swedish man who said he journeyed into the year 2042 and met himself – just by crawling under his sink.

Great stories, but none are true. Serial hoaxer Joseph Matheny claims to have been part of the Titor hoax, Bielek has been labelled an attention seeker, and Nordkvist? His story was a viral marketing campaign for an insurance company.

However, physicists like Albert Einstein, Michio Kaku, and Stephen Hawking have all said time travel is mathematically possible. The faster an object moves, the slower time passes for it.

To prove this, in 1975 Professor Carol Allie of the University of Maryland synchronized two atomic clocks. One stayed on Earth while the other was loaded aboard an airplane. The times were checked at the end of the experiment, and the mobile clock revealed time aboard the airplane traveled slower by a smidgen of a second than it did for the clock on the ground.

It works for people as well.

While spending 803 days, 9 hours, 39 minutes on the International Space Station, Cosmonaut Sergei Krikalev circled the Earth at 7.66 km/s – and traveled in time. When he returned to Earth in 2013, he was 0.02 seconds in the future, according to Universe Today. This was just what Einstein predicted with his Special Theory of Relativity way back in 1905.

“We have a hard time perceiving how time can bend just like other dimensions, so Einstein’s predictions seem strange,” Princeton University astrophysics professor J. Richard Gott told ABC news. “But this appears to be the world we live in.”


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Pt 2 – Covert Recruitment into Space Marines “20 and Back” Program

On June 1, 1978, during the second day of bootcamp for the U.S. Marine Corps, Michael Christopher Gerloff was asked whether he wanted to go to space and serve in a “20 and back” program. He recalls everything that subsequently happened during the intake process for his recruitment into the “Space Marines”, and has partial recall of his subsequent activities during his 20 and back service.

After ending active reserve service with the USMC Reserves (1978-1984), Gerloff went on to serve as a U.S. Army Ranger (1987-1991), and police officer with the Mountlake Terrace and Seattle Police departments (1992-2001). From 2004-2005, he served as an international police officer with the United Nations Liberia peacekeeping mission.

Gerloff has provided military and police records that corroborate key aspects of his testimony, and contain many anomalies which point to his “20 and back” service. He believes that his coming forward has been sanctioned by a USMC/Department of Navy intelligence group established by President Dwight Eisenhower, which is actively promoting disclosure of a US Navy Secret Space Program.

In Part 2 of this five part series, Gerloff describes how he was taken by a secret underground rail system into an intake center where he signed paperwork for his “20 and back” program, alongside many other young Marine recruits. He describes some of his experiences as an intelligence officer within the USMC covert space program, and how the North Korea crisis was a signpost for a future time when he would publicly emerge in a USMC sanctioned disclosure of the Navy’s secret space program.

Part 2 of video interview series is below.

Part 1 of video interview series is below. Related article is available here.

Photos and Cited Documents in Interviews (Parts 1 & 2)

Michael Gerloff during USMC bootcamp

Michael Gerloff in 2nd Ranger Battalion, US Army

 Michael Gerloff receiving Certificate of Valor with Seattle Police Department


  • Marsgram – personal data blacked out

Feel free to circulate. No copyright restrictions on this article.

Steven Spielberg Believes “We’re Not Alone in the Universe” and Used to Look for UFOs

by Aodhan Gregory         October 11, 2017        (

• A Special Edition of the film Close Encounters of the Third Kind marking its 40th anniversary contains a featurette of writer/director Steven Spielberg discussing real extraterrestrials.

• While writing the script, Spielberg would drive out to the California deserts searching for UFOs.

• Spielberg says “I still believe we’re not alone in the universe”, but laments that he has never actually seen a UFO.

• Keep looking Steven. Keep looking.


Steven Spielberg followed his first major box-office success Jaws with this epic science fiction adventure about a disparate group of people who attempt to contact alien intelligence.

And it seems like the director behind E.T. The Extra Terrestrial and War of the Worlds was hoping to contact alien life himself while making the much loved Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

The movie celebrates its 40th anniversary this year, and in a new featurette from the special edition 4K Blu-ray box set, Spielberg reveals he believes we’re not alone in the universe.

The 70-year-old Hollywood veteran says initially he wasn’t trying to make a sci-fi film when he wrote the script and directed the award winning film.

The premise of the movie revolves around a line worker who feels undeniably drawn to an isolated area in the wilderness after he encounters a UFO.

Spielberg jokes that he tried to do the same thing.

Film Director Steven Spielberg

“If I thought of it as a science fiction film, I wouldn’t have taken so many drives out to Californian deserts hoping to find and actually having a UFO sighting, which I by the way I’ve never had a UFO sighting.

“The one person who deserves to have a UFO sighting, it hasn’t happened yet for me.”

Spielberg’s belief in aliens isn’t all that surprising given his history of space-based movies after Close Encounters of a Third Kind but it is clear it’s what helped him created this highly revered film forty years ago.

He continues: “I really believed that there was something up there. I still believe we’re not alone in the universe.

“So I was kind of in those days, thinking ‘well there might be something to this.’”


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Mysterious Explosions Are Being Heard Around the World

by Brett Tingley        October 11, 2017        (

• Mysterious booms from the sky are occurring with increasing frequency.

• Authorities are at a loss for the source or explanation.

• In Queensland, Australia, such a boom has been heard twice in two months. The entire population heard it.

• An Australian man went exploring for the source of a recent boom and found a smoldering crater. But there was no sign of a meteorite.


Mystery booms seem to be occurring with increasing frequency lately, with booms being heard just this week in North Carolina and Michigan. In both cases, authorities have been left baffled by what might be behind these earth-shaking noises which seem to emanate from the sky itself. This unexplained phenomenon is host to a wide variety of explanations including gas escaping vents deep within the Earth, anomalous meteorological events, sonic booms from tests of secret military aircraft, UFOs of course, and meteorites exploding in the atmosphere. While most of these eerie thunderous noises go unexplained, a recent mystery boom in Australia might have a simple, cosmic – and terrifying – explanation.

The boom was heard by residents throughout the Cairns region of Queensland, Australia marking the second time in two months that southern Australia has been rocked by anomalous explosions in the sky. The boom occurred on Saturday, October 7th and was reportedly so loud that it shook houses in the area. Without an official explanation being offered from authorities, the Cairns Post took to Facebook to ask readers if any readers might know anything about the source of the boom:

Who heard the ‘explosion’ last night? People all over #Cairns have reported hearing a whopping great big bang about 10.30pm but its source is still a bit of a mystery. Ergon has confirmed they had no issues in Cairns overnight and the police, firies and ambos are in the dark as well. Can you help us get to the bottom of it?

One Cairns man might be able to. John Romanov allegedly went out exploring for the source of the boom, and just so happened to come across a smoldering crater in some woods near Edge Hill State School. Romanov sent the Cairns Post a video of the “crater,” which appears to be filled with ashes without any sign of a meteorite whatsoever. Could this explain the mystery boom, or has this guy merely found someone’s illegal trash burning pit?


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Half the Universe’s Missing Matter Has Just Been Finally Found

by Leah Crane         October 9, 2017         (

• For decades physicists have been searching for “dark matter” to account for half of the matter in space between galaxies that was missing from their calculations.

• Two different teams of scientists have both found this missing matter, and it is contained in the filaments of gasses that link galaxies together.

• The filament strands are so thin that can barely be detected.

• Astrophysicists point to this as proof that their theories on how galaxies are formed are indeed authentic.

• This study supports the “Pan-Magellanic Bridge” of magnetic gas that was found connect our Milky Way galaxy with our nearest neighboring galaxy. (see article: For the First Time, Astronomers Have Found A Giant ‘Magnetic Bridge’ Between Galaxies)

• This is further evidence of the “Cosmic Web”, a natural portal system of interconnected electromagnetic filaments that intelligent beings use to travel between planets, solar systems, and galaxies, which Corey Goode describes in S1E12 of Cosmic Disclosure (GaiaTV).


The missing links between galaxies have finally been found. This is the first detection of the roughly half of the normal matter in our universe – protons, neutrons and electrons – unaccounted for by previous observations of stars, galaxies and other bright objects in space.

You have probably heard about the hunt for dark matter, a mysterious substance thought to permeate the universe, the effects of which we can see through its gravitational pull. But our models of the universe also say there should be about twice as much ordinary matter out there, compared with what we have observed so far.

Two separate teams found the missing matter – made of particles called baryons rather than dark matter – linking galaxies together through filaments of hot, diffuse gas.

“The missing baryon problem is solved,” says Hideki Tanimura at the Institute of Space Astrophysics in Orsay, France, leader of one of the groups. The other team was led by Anna de Graaff at the University of Edinburgh, UK.

Because the gas is so tenuous and not quite hot enough for X-ray telescopes to pick up, nobody had been able to see it before.

“There’s no sweet spot – no sweet instrument that we’ve invented yet that can directly observe this gas,” says Richard Ellis at University College London. “It’s been purely speculation until now.”
So the two groups had to find another way to definitively show that these threads of gas are really there.

Both teams took advantage of a phenomenon called the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect that occurs when light left over from the big bang passes through hot gas. As the light travels, some of it scatters off the electrons in the gas, leaving a dim patch in the cosmic microwave background – our snapshot of the remnants from the birth of the cosmos.

Stack ‘em up

In 2015, the Planck satellite created a map of this effect throughout the observable universe. Because the tendrils of gas between galaxies are so diffuse, the dim blotches they cause are far too slight to be seen directly on Planck’s map.

Both teams selected pairs of galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey that were expected to be connected by a strand of baryons. They stacked the Planck signals for the areas between the galaxies, making the individually faint strands detectable en masse.

Tanimura’s team stacked data on 260,000 pairs of galaxies, and de Graaff’s group used over a million pairs. Both teams found definitive evidence of gas filaments between the galaxies. Tanimura’s group found they were almost three times denser than the mean for normal matter in the universe, and de Graaf’s group found they were six times denser – confirmation that the gas in these areas is dense enough to form filaments.


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Covert Recruitment into Space Marines “20 and Back” Program

On June 1, 1978, during the second day of bootcamp for the U.S. Marine Corps, Michael Christopher Gerloff was asked whether he wanted to go to space and serve in a “20 and back” program. He recalls everything that subsequently happened during the intake process for his recruitment into the “Space Marines”, and has partial recall of his subsequent activities during his 20 and back service.

After ending active reserve service with the USMC Reserves (1978-1984), Gerloff went on to serve as a U.S. Army Ranger (1987-1991), and police officer with the Mountlake Terrace and Seattle Police departments (1992-2001). From 2004-2005, he served as an international police officer with the United Nations Liberia peacekeeping mission.

Gerloff has provided military and police records that corroborate key aspects of his testimony, and contain many anomalies which point to his “20 and back” service. He believes that his coming forward has been sanctioned by a USMC/Department of Navy intelligence group established by President Dwight Eisenhower, which is actively promoting disclosure of a US Navy Secret Space Program.

In Part 1 of this five part interview series, Gerloff describes a huge triangle UFO sighting that triggered him, only four days later, to begin the process of joining the U.S. Marine Corps. He describes how a USMC captain interviewed him during his initial testing at bootcamp, and alluded to the triangle sighting as a factor in him receiving a special offer. The captain made an offer to Gerloff to join a “20 and back” Space Program.                                                                

The captain said that he would send a telegram to Gerloff’s parents. In 2016, Gerloff saw the telegram, a “Marsgram”, for the first time and it triggered more memory recall. The Marsgram is among the documentary evidence supplied by Gerloff in support of his claim of being covertly recruitment into a “20 and back” secret space program run by the US Navy.

Part 1 of video interview series appears below.


Photos and Cited Documents in Interview

Michael Gerloff during USMC bootcamp

Michael Gerloff in 2nd Ranger Battalion, US Army

 Michael Gerloff receiving Certificate of Valor with Seattle Police Department


  • Marsgram – personal data blacked out


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