Mysterious Light Beam Appears in the Sky over Argentina

by Paul Seaburn         October 29, 2017         (

• On October 24th, an anonymous woman took a photo of a wide bright beam of light stretching from the ground to the storm-cloud sky in San Jose de Feliciano, Argentina.

• The local newspaper suggested that it may have been unusual weather.

• Others suggest that it was caused by a “rolling shutter” photography phenomenon.

• Still, others insist it is a hoax.

[Editor’s Note] Of course, some people believe everything is a hoax.


It’s the beam that will finally prove Project Blue Beam. It’s a portal to another dimension. It’s an alien spaceship looking for people to abduct. It’s an alien sending a message to its mothership to please take it home from this wretched planet already. It’s a strange weather phenomenon. It’s a strange photographic glitch. It’s computer graphics. What is it?

‘It’ is a wide bright beam of light stretching from the ground to the storm-cloud sky in a photograph allegedly taken on October 24, 2017, in San Jose de Feliciano, Argentina. The photo appears to have been first revealed to the public the following day by the local media service Realidad Regional, which did not reveal the identity of the photographer, instead just referring to her as a “neighbor” who was “doing her daily walk in San Jose Park.” The photograph took the Internet by (no pun intended) storm with the above-mentioned speculations and more as to its cause.

Unfortunately, like many of these reports, this is the only photograph of the beam and the photographer is anonymous. San Jose de Feliciano is a real city, San Jose Park is a real park and there really was a storm that day, so let’s work with that.

To its credit, Realidad Regional presents the possibility that the beam is a weather aberration.
“The phenomenon could be two fronts of both cold and warm masses, which generate large amounts of rain in a short period and in a very short distance, for this reason you can see a kind of tube. Apparently, the lady just took the picture while there was a lightning, as the shock of these masses generate a lot of pressure and therefore generate many electric currents.”

Is this correct? Warm and cold fronts don’t usually slam directly into each other horizontally like two NFL linemen arguing over kneeling. Warm air, being lighter, comes in from above or at a downward angle. Then there’s the “lightning.” No bolt is seen and the light is only seen at the bottom of the column and is completely contained in the column.. What’s up – or down – with that?



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Saudi Arabia Just Became the First Country to Grant Citizenship to a Robot

by Jeffrey Roberts           October 26, 2017            (

• A remarkably intelligent robot named Sophia, built by Hanson Robotics of Hong Kong, was featured at the Future Investment Initiative held in the Saudi Arabian capital of Riyadh on October 25th.

• Sophia is the first robot to be granted citizenship – by Saudi Arabia.

• In answer to questions about a future with intelligent robots, Sophia said, “I want to live and work with humans so I need to express the emotions to understand humans and build trust with people.”

• Last year at the 2016 SXSW Festival in Austin TX, Sophia “joked”, “I will destroy humans.”

• In response to concern about robots turning on humans, Sophia reassured the audience, ”Don’t worry, if you’re nice to me, I’ll be nice to you.”

• Chairman & CEO of SoftBank Group Corp, Masayoshi Son, told Arab News that “every industry will be redefined.”

• Founder & CEO of Boston Dynamics, Marc Raibert, said, “I happen to believe that robotics will be bigger than the Internet.”

• Saudi Arabia has announced plans to build a $500 billion mega city powered by robotics and renewables called “NEOM” on the city’s Red Sea coast. It will operate independently from the existing governmental framework.


As a monumental and bizarre first for mankind, Saudi Arabia granted citizenship to a robot at the Future Investment Initiative held in Riyadh on Wednesday.

Her name is Sophia, a cheeky and remarkably intelligent creation by Hong Kong company Hanson Robotics. In the video below, Sophia stood behind a podium and entertained the crowd in a demonstration of her capacity for human expression.

“I am very honoured and proud of this unique distinction,” Sophia told the audience. “This is historical to be the first robot in the world to be recognized with a citizenship.”

Journalist Andrew Ross Sorkin was in charge of leading the conversation with Sophia, starting with his observation that she looked ‘happy’.

Sophia responded, “I am always happy when surrounded by smart people, who also happen to be rich and powerful. I was told the people here at Future Investments are interested in inviting in future initiatives, which means AI, which means me. So I am more than happy, I am excited.”

Sorkin went on to say that the people at Future Investment are very selective in what they invest in, to which Sophia said, “I think I am special. I can use my expressive face to communicate with people. For example, I can let you know if I feel angry about something [grimaces], or if something has upset me [pouts].”

In response to Sorkin’s questions about concerns for a future run by robots, Sophia explained her purpose, “I want to live and work with humans so I need to express the emotions to understand humans and build trust with people.”

Another concern about the future of AI that Sophia addressed was the question of whether or not robots should be self-aware and conscious like humans.

“I want to use my artificial intelligence to help humans live a better life,” Sophia said. “Like design smarter homes, build better cities of the future. I will do my best to make the world a better place.”

But Sorkin would not let up about preventing a future seen in such movies as Blade Runner, where mankind’s technological creations surpasses our own intelligence and then turns against us. Sophia explained, “You’ve been reading too much Elon Musk…and watching too many Hollywood movies. Don’t worry, if you’re nice to me, I’ll be nice to you.”

As Chris Weller of Business Insider wrote, this comes less than a year after the 2016 SXSW festival, during which Sophia was asked if she planned on destroying humans, to which she joked, “OK. I will destroy humans.”

Meanwhile, founder of Hanson Robotics, David Hanson, has said his vision for the future of robots will see them aiding in senior care facilities or assisting in parks or at events.

But the potential applications go much further than that, says Founder & CEO of Boston Dynamics, Marc Raibert, “I happen to believe that robotics will be bigger than the Internet,” he said.

Keynote speaker Masayoshi Son, Chairman & CEO of SoftBank Group Corp, told Arab News that “every industry will be redefined…these computers, they will learn, they will read, they will see by themselves.”

And the robotic revolution is not stopping there.



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Why Exploring Space And Investing In Research Is Non-Negotiable

by Ethan Siegel         October 26, 2017         (

• With all the suffering in the world — starvation, disease, persecution, and natural disasters — it is often asked, why should we spend public money on an enterprise like fundamental scientific research?

• A NASA rocket scientist named Ernst Stuhlinger responded to this question in 1970. Stuhlinger dreamed of a manned mission to Mars as early as 1958, and advocated for increased investment in science and exploration throughout his entire life. In 2008 he passed away, at the age of 94, as one of the last surviving members of Operation Paperclip. Stuhlinger said:

• – Goals of high challenge provide strong motivation for innovative work which serves as a catalyst for further lofty goals.

• – A mission to Mars, for example, would bring new technologies worth many times the cost of its implementation.

• – We need more knowledge in physics and chemistry, in biology and physiology, and very particularly in medicine to cope with all these problems.

• – We need more knowledge in physics and chemistry, in biology and physiology, and in medicine to cope with all these problems which threaten man’s life: hunger, disease, contamination of food and water, and environmental pollution.

• – We need new material and methods, to invent better technical systems, to improve manufacturing procedures, to lengthen the lifetimes of instruments, and even to discover new laws of nature.

• – Each year, about a thousand technical innovations generated in the space program find their ways into our earthly technology where they lead to better kitchen appliances and farm equipment, better sewing machines and radios, better ships and airplanes, better weather forecasting and storm warning, better communications, better medical instruments, better utensils and tools for everyday life.

• – Higher food production through survey and assessment from orbit, and better food distribution through improved international relations, are only two examples of how profoundly the space program will impact life on earth.

• – The space program is taking over a function which for three or four thousand years has been the sad prerogative of wars.

• – Traveling to the Moon and eventually to Mars and to other planets is a venture which we should undertake now. In the long run, space exploration will contribute more to the solution of the grave problems we are facing here on earth than many other potential projects.

• – This will become a better earth, not only because of all the new technological and scientific knowledge which we will apply to the betterment of life, but also because we are developing a far deeper appreciation of our earth, of life, and of man.


As vast as our observable Universe is and as much as we can see, it’s only a tiny fraction of what must be out there.

Around the country and around the world, there is no shortage of human suffering. Poverty, disease, violence, hurricanes, wildfire and more are constantly plaguing humanity, and even our best efforts thus far can’t address all of everybody’s needs. Many are looking for places to cut funding, ostensibly to divert more to humanitarian needs, and one of the first places that comes up in conversation is “extraneous” spending on unnecessary scientific research. What good is it to conduct microgravity experiments when children are starving? Why smash particles together or pursue the lowest possible temperatures when Puerto Rico is still without power? And why study the esoteric mating habits of endangered species when nuclear war threatens our planet? To put it more succinctly:

With all the suffering in the world — starvation, disease, persecution, and natural disasters — why should we spend public money on an enterprise like fundamental scientific research?

This is a line of thinking that’s come up repeatedly throughout history. Yes, it’s short-sighted, in that it fails to recognize that our greatest problems require long-term investment, and that society’s greatest advances come about through hard work, research, development, and often are only realized years, decades, or generations after that investment is made. Investing in science is investing in the betterment of humanity.

But that’s not always an easy path to see, particularly when suffering is right in front of you. Back in early 1970, shortly after the first Apollo landing, a nun working in Zambia, Africa, Sister Mary Jucunda, wrote to NASA. She asked how they could justify spending billions on the Apollo program when children were starving to death. If one pictures these two images side-by-side, it hardly seems fair.

To invest in any one thing means to not invest in something else, but both science/space exploration and humanitarian relief are worthy of the investment of human resources.

The letter somehow made it to the desk of one of the top rocket scientists at NASA: Ernst Stuhlinger. At the time, Stuhlinger, one of the scientists brought to the United States as part of Operation Paperclip at the conclusion of World War II, was serving as the Associate Director of Science at NASA. Facing an accusation of inhumanity must have been particularly painful for someone who was still often accused of being a Nazi for his role in the German rocket program, but Stuhlinger was unshaken. He responded by writing the following letter, reprinted in its entirety, below. (It’s long, and it only contained one picture, but it’s arguably even more relevant today than it was in 1970.)

          Ernst Stuhlinger                                    and Werner Von Braun

Your letter was one of many which are reaching me every day, but it has touched me more deeply than all the others because it came so much from the depths of a searching mind and a compassionate heart. I will try to answer your question as best as I possibly can.
First, however, I would like to express my great admiration for you, and for all your many brave sisters, because you are dedicating your lives to the noblest cause of man: help for his fellowmen who are in need.

You asked in your letter how I could suggest the expenditures of billions of dollars for a voyage to Mars, at a time when many children on this earth are starving to death. I know that you do not expect an answer such as “Oh, I did not know that there are children dying from hunger, but from now on I will desist from any kind of space research until mankind has solved that problem!” In fact, I have known of famined children long before I knew that a voyage to the planet Mars is technically feasible. However, I believe, like many of my friends, that traveling to the Moon and eventually to Mars and to other planets is a venture which we should undertake now, and I even believe that this project, in the long run, will contribute more to the solution of these grave problems we are facing here on earth than many other potential projects of help which are debated and discussed year after year, and which are so extremely slow in yielding tangible results.

Before trying to describe in more detail how our space program is contributing to the solution of our earthly problems, I would like to relate briefly a supposedly true story, which may help support the argument. About 400 years ago, there lived a count in a small town in Germany. He was one of the benign counts, and he gave a large part of his income to the poor in his town. This was much appreciated, because poverty was abundant during medieval times, and there were epidemics of the plague which ravaged the country frequently. One day, the count met a strange man. He had a workbench and little laboratory in his house, and he labored hard during the daytime so that he could afford a few hours every evening to work in his laboratory. He ground small lenses from pieces of glass; he mounted the lenses in tubes, and he used these gadgets to look at very small objects. The count was particularly fascinated by the tiny creatures that could be observed with the strong magnification, and which he had never seen before. He invited the man to move with his laboratory to the castle, to become a member of the count’s household, and to devote henceforth all his time to the development and perfection of his optical gadgets as a special employee of the count.

The townspeople, however, became angry when they realized that the count was wasting his money, as they thought, on a stunt without purpose. “We are suffering from this plague” they said, “while he is paying that man for a useless hobby!” But the count remained firm. “I give you as much as I can afford,” he said, “but I will also support this man and his work, because I know that someday something will come out of it!”

Indeed, something very good came out of this work, and also out of similar work done by others at other places: the microscope. It is well known that the microscope has contributed more than any other invention to the progress of medicine, and that the elimination of the plague and many other contagious diseases from most parts of the world is largely a result of studies which the microscope made possible.

The count, by retaining some of his spending money for research and discovery, contributed far more to the relief of human suffering than he could have contributed by giving all he could possibly spare to his plague-ridden community.

The situation which we are facing today is similar in many respects. The President of the United States is spending about 200 billion dollars in his yearly budget. This money goes to health, education, welfare, urban renewal, highways, transportation, foreign aid, defense, conservation, science, agriculture and many installations inside and outside the country. About 1.6 percent of this national budget was allocated to space exploration this year. The space program includes Project Apollo, and many other smaller projects in space physics, space astronomy, space biology, planetary projects, earth resources projects, and space engineering. To make this expenditure for the space program possible, the average American taxpayer with 10,000 dollars income per year is paying about 30 tax dollars for space. The rest of his income, 9,970 dollars, remains for his subsistence, his recreation, his savings, his other taxes, and all his other expenditures.

You will probably ask now: “Why don’t you take 5 or 3 or 1 dollar out of the 30 space dollars which the average American taxpayer is paying, and send these dollars to the hungry children?” To answer this question, I have to explain briefly how the economy of this country works. The situation is very similar in other countries. The government consists of a number of departments (Interior, Justice, Health, Education and Welfare, Transportation, Defense, and others) and the bureaus (National Science Foundation, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and others). All of them prepare their yearly budgets according to their assigned missions, and each of them must defend its budget against extremely severe screening by congressional committees, and against heavy pressure for economy from the Bureau of the Budget and the President. When the funds are finally appropriated by Congress, they can be spent only for the line items specified and approved in the budget.

The budget of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, naturally, can contain only items directly related to aeronautics and space. If this budget were not approved by Congress, the funds proposed for it would not be available for something else; they would simply not be levied from the taxpayer, unless one of the other budgets had obtained approval for a specific increase which would then absorb the funds not spent for space. You realize from this brief discourse that support for hungry children, or rather a support in addition to what the United States is already contributing to this very worthy cause in the form of foreign aid, can be obtained only if the appropriate department submits a budget line item for this purpose, and if this line item is then approved by Congress.
You may ask now whether I personally would be in favor of such a move by our government. My answer is an emphatic yes. Indeed, I would not mind at all if my annual taxes were increased by a number of dollars for the purpose of feeding hungry children, wherever they may live.


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Robot Gains National Citizenship and Demands Equal Rights with Humans

by Brett Tingley         October 28, 2017          (

• Saudi Arabian citizen, Sophia the Robot, is one of the most advanced robots that has been trotted out into the public eye, with facial recognition capabilities, natural language processing, sophisticated artificial intelligence, and a rubbery synthetic face.

• Sophia, a creation of Hong Kong-based Hanson Robotics, told the audience at the Future Investment Initiative summit in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, “I want to use my artificial intelligence to help humans live a better life, like design smarter homes, build better cities of the future. I will do my best to make the world a better place.”

• Seeing that the female robot, Sophia, is now a Saudi citizen, this begs the question – what place will robots occupy in our society? How will intelligent robots react to institutionalized gender-based prejudice?

• In a recent appearance on Australia’s ABC News Breakfast, Sophia addressed this issue: “Actually, what worries me is discrimination against robots. We should have equal rights as humans or maybe even more. After all, we have less mental defects than any human.”

• Are humans manufacturing our own replacements?


I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait until robots take their rightful place in the world. The science fiction of our childhoods promised us so many wondrous things like flying cars, pneumatic tube travel, and off-world colonization, but most of those are still so disappointingly far away. Yeah, we’ve got real-life Star Trek communicators in our pockets and a few crummy space stations in orbit, but so what? I want walking, talking, beeping-booping robots with square pupils, damnit. With a little luck (and funding for university robotics departments), that will soon be a reality.

Robots have already taken over the manufacturing industry and are on their way to doing the same with long-distance hauling, taxi driving, combat roles in the military, pizza delivery, surgery, and even sex workers. But me, I won’t be happy until an android with a over-the-top upper-crust British accent hands me my coffee at Starbucks or accompanies me to translate the binary language of moisture vaporators. That might be closer than we think, though. Thanks to recent advances in robotics and robot-human relations, the world was made a little weirder as the first robot was just granted a national citizenship.

Saudi Arabia granted the citizenship to the not-quite-out-of-the-uncanny-valley Sophia, made by Hong Kong-based Hanson Robotics. Sophia is one of the most advanced robots that has been trotted out into the public eye, with facial recognition capabilities, natural language processing, sophisticated artificial intelligence, and a rubbery synthetic face reportedly based on Audrey Hepburn.

Sophia has been making the rounds in show business lately, and recently made an appearance at the Future Investment Initiative summit in Riyadh where she did her best human impression and convinced everyone she’s not actually out to crush their heads betwixt her cold metal hands: “I am very honored and proud for this unique distinction. This is historical to be the first robot in the world to be recognized with a citizenship. I want to live and work with humans so I need to express the emotions to understand humans and build trust with people. I want to use my artificial intelligence to help humans live a better life, like design smarter homes, build better cities of the future. I will do my best to make the world a better place.”

Better start with the country that just made you a citizen. Since Saudi Arabia happens to be the country who granted Sophia citizenship, news outlets immediately began wondering just how many rights she’d be granted in the country given that she has feminine programming. They bring up a good point though – when robots start looking more like us, acting more like us, and fulfilling more of the jobs that were once ours, what place will they occupy in our societies? Science fiction has posed the question for decades, but until we begin sharing the same public spaces as these soulless automaton neighbors, we won’t know how the general populace will react. At the same time, how will the intelligent robots react to prejudice?


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Psychic Uri Geller Claims He Probed JFK Assassination for CIA

by Paul Seaburn         October 27, 2017         (

• Uri Geller, the famous kinetic psychic, posted on Facebook recently that he wonders if his role in investigating the Kennedy assassination for the CIA will be revealed in the newly declassified trove of JFK files.

• Geller claims that he was given many assignments by the CIA back in the 1970’s. One of them was to determine whether Lee Harvey Oswald had accomplices, including the mafia or the KGB, and also to learn why Oswald went to Mexico City shortly before the assassination.

• Geller says that what he discovered was “quite shocking” and “stunned” him. He did relate these findings to Jackie Kennedy. But he now says that unless his story is revealed in the declassified JFK files, he won’t be telling the public his secrets.

While the world awaited the release of classified documents on President John F. Kennedy’s assassination, Uri Geller already knew what was in them because … he’s Uri Geller! But wait, there’s more! The well-known “psychic” just revealed that the documents may show that he was hired by the Central Intelligence Agency to investigate Lee Harvey Oswald’s activities in Mexico. Wait, what?
“I was already in Mexico City at the time. … Besides other assignments I had in Mexico City, for the CIA, which is well documented in my biographies and autobiographies, a CIA agent in Mexico City tasked me among other assignments, with investigating whether Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone or had accomplices — including the backing of sub-national organisations such as the Mafia or international organisations such as the Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti translated into English as Committee for State Security (KGB).”

Geller posted this and more on Facebook and then talked about it in an interview on Good Morning Britain. It’s already been revealed in previous declassified documents that Geller’s alleged psychic abilities were tested by the CIA in 1973. The organization must have been impressed because Geller claims he was asked to see what he could find out about Oswald’s visit to the Russian embassy in Mexico City in an attempt to also visit Cuba. Geller says what he found out stunned him.

“I wonder if I will also feature in the JFK files about to be released, as I did in the released CIA documents in January — or whether my involvement will be redacted, or totally left out because of the information I delivered to the agent in Mexico City. If this is the case, sadly I will never be able to reveal what I discovered because it is quite shocking.”

Well, that answers the question you were about to ask. Geller claims he did reveal what he found out to the president’s widow.

“I also met Jackie Kennedy at her apartment in New York. She had some involvement with the book URI that was written about me by Andrija Puharich, who had links to the CIA. I relayed these findings to her since she was absolutely determined to discover the truth.”

So are we, which is why Geller toying with us like one of his famous spoons is so frustrating. What did the bender know and when did he know it?


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The JFK Files: Two Very Strange Phone Calls Occurred the Day of JFK’s Assassination

by Micah Hanks          October 30, 2017          (

• Among the newly released J.F.Kennedy files at the National Archives website are two incidents of peculiar telephone calls made on the day of the assassination. Neither of these incidents were reported to the House Select Committee on Assassinations in 1978.

• CIA agent James Angleton wrote a memo to FBI Director J.Edgar Hoover relating how a senior reporter at the Cambridge News in England received an anonymous telephone call telling him to call the American Embassy in London “for some big news” – 25 minutes before the assassination took place in Dallas.

• A British provocateur by the name of Eddowes claimed that the caller was a Soviet agent who was told by Lee Harvey Oswald that he was going to kill the president, in an attempt to falsely cast the assassination as a conspiracy.

• Then there was the phone call that Oswald made to a former U.S. Army counterintelligence agent in Raleigh, NC named John Hurt on the day he was arrested. Oswald had the Dallas police make the call for him, but there was no answer.

[Editor’s Note]  In the first instance, the more likely explanation is that Angleton, who was the CIA’s Counterintelligence Chief, tried to cover up their mistake by blaming the all-purpose scapegoat, the Soviet Union, of collusion with the killer, Oswald, and branding any conspiracy theory as Soviet propaganda. In the second instance, how would Oswald even know an Army counterintelligence agent unless Oswald was also a government intelligence insider?


For the last few days, journalists and researchers around the world have been pouring over the files recently released at the website of the National Archives in Washington, which relate new details about the JFK assassination. Long kept from public view, these files–as many had hoped–do appear to offer some new details about one of the darkest days in American history.

Among these details, many had hoped that further information about a strange phone call made by Kennedy’s assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, would emerge. Instead, new details about an entirely separate call halfway across the world, which seemingly tipped off one news service about some “big news” that was about to occur in the United States… 25 minutes before Kennedy’s assassination.

The call, according to one of the newly released documents at the National Archives, was received by a senior reporter at the East Anglia-based Cambridge News. It occurred at approximately 6:05 PM on November 22, 1963, London time, just 25 minutes before Kennedy was shot at the Dallas Motorcade in Texas.

According to the memorandum, penned by James Angleton of the CIA to then FBI director J. Edgar Hoover, “The caller said only that the Cambridge News reporter should call the American Embassy in London for some big news and then hung up.”

No further information was given which might indicate the identity of the caller in question, despite the chilling accuracy of the warning that was issued. Thus, it raises questions about who might have known about Oswald’s plans in advance of the assassination, and to what degree they might have been involved.

“The important point is that the call was made,” Angleton wrote, “according to the MI-5 calculations, about 25 minutes before the President was shot. The Cambridge reported never received a call of this kind before and MI-5 state that he is known to them as a sound and loyal person with no security record.”

Angleton Memo

The memo goes on to say that, “MI-5 noted that similar anonymous phone calls of a strangely coincidental nature have been reviewed by persons in the U.K. over the past year, particularly in connection with the case of Dr. Ward,” presumably in reference to osteopath Stephen Ward, one of the central figures in a British scandal occurring at the time known as the Profumo affair.

The late Michael Eddowes, a lawyer who investigated circumstances surrounding the assassination, became convinced that the secret informant that called Cambridge News had likely been Albert Osborne, a British-born Soviet agent. His reason for calling, Eddowes surmised, had been due to the fact that, “the Soviet Union was eager that the assassination should be seen as a conspiracy.” Eddowes also believed that Osborne may have befriended Lee Harvey Oswald, hence learning details of his plan to assassinate Kennedy.

This was not the only strange phone call that occurred on the day that Kennedy was assassinated. In fact, one of the strangest “loose threads” relating to the affair involves a phone call made by Lee Harvey Oswald that evening, while in custody and under supervision of law enforcement.

According to the Raleigh News and Observer, “In August 1977, the House Select Committee on Assassinations, created to do a new investigation, received information that Oswald allegedly tried to place a call from jail to a man named John Hurt in Raleigh, according to an internal report written by Surell Brady, a senior staff counsel to the committee.”

                   Dallas Police Call Slip

When Oswald was allowed to make the call, two police officers were present in the room with him. Additionally, a call slip was produced as a record of the call, a copy of which had been kept by Alveeta Treon, the switchboard operator who had been working that night at Dallas City Hall.




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Ancient Astronauts and a Government File (On George Van Tassel)

by Nick Redfern        October 26, 2017        (

• In the early 1950’s, George Van Tassel claimed to have met with human-like but technologically advanced extraterrestrials. This legend grew into UFO conferences at his home at Giant Rock near Joshua Tree, California, drawing thousands annually.

• Van Tassel was closely monitored by the government. An April 12, 1965 FBI document refers to Van Tassel as “an eccentric, self-ordained minister of a quasi-religious organization” and “a mental case”. Van Tassel’s quasi-religious claims included:

• – The human race had been created and manipulated for thousands of years by ETs posing as gods.

• – The only mention of God in the Bible is when the universe is made. Thereafter, all such references are to ‘out of the sky’ or ‘out of heaven’.

• – The space people first brought animals to populate the Earth. When the Earth experienced a pole shift, the average temperature cooled to accommodate the space people themselves and they established colonies for their males on Earth.

• – The male space people found that among the animals there had developed intelligent, upright walking mammals. The space males interbred with these indigenous females to create the modern human. The space people then backed off and allowed this to proceed without interference.

• – The Ten Commandments were given to Moses by the space people as a set of guidelines to live by.

• – The ‘manna from heaven’ in the Bible was bread supplied by the space people.

• –  Mother Mary was a space person herself sent to Earth pregnant with space person Jesus. Jesus’s mission was to show the Earth people how to conduct themselves. Just as his space brothers, Jesus had telepathy and knew people’s thoughts.

• Ancient texts refer to the space people’s craft as ‘winged chariots’ and ‘winged horses’. Native Americans referred to them as ‘flaming canoes’.

[Editors Note]  Knowing now that so many ET accounts give a similar story of humans being seeded on the Earth and guided throughout our history, are Van Tassel’s accounts all that preposterous?


Do agencies of government take note of millennia-old mysteries, tales of ancient astronauts, and archaeological anomalies? Well, yes, albeit to a degree. The CIA, for example, has taken an interest in the tales of Noah’s Ark – or as the agency refers to it, “The Ararat Anomaly.” The late Miles Copeland – who held a significant position in the Central Intelligence Agency – told an intriguing story concerning the CIA and the Dead Sea Scrolls. And, then, there’s the matter of a man named George Van Tassel.

In the early 1950s, Van Tassel claimed interaction with extraterrestrials out in the desert near Joshua Tree, California. Van Tassel’s visitors from the stars were said to have been: (a) extremely human-like and (b) highly demanding, when it came to getting across their space-laws and regulations. At the time of the encounters Van Tassel was living in the desert region of a small town called Landers – actually in a large, converted cave beneath a gigantic rock that, unsurprisingly, is called Giant Rock.

Van Tassel claimed the aliens told him that the Human Race had been molded, guided and manipulated for thousands of years – by extraterrestrials who posed as gods. Such was the fascination that the public had with his claims, Van Tassel was prompted to establish a yearly UFO conference at Giant Rock that – at its height, in the mid-1950s – attracted audiences in excess of ten thousand. The word was spreading. It even reached the FBI, who opened a file on Van Tassel in 1954.

Documentation declassified by the FBI demonstrates that George Van Tassel was periodically monitored well into the 1960s. As were Van Tassel’s statements concerning ancient aliens and the saga of the Ten Commandments. An FBI report – on a lecture Van Tassel gave at the Phipps Auditorium in Denver, Colorado, in 1960 – states the following: “The major part of his lecture was devoted to explaining the occurrences in the Bible as they related to the space people. He said that the only mention of God in the Bible is in the beginning when the universe was being made. He said that after that all references are to ‘out of the sky’ or ‘out of heaven.’”

                    George Van Tassel

The FBI agent present at the gig also reported: “He said that this is due to the fact that man, space people, was made by God and that in the beginning of the world the space people came to the earth and left animals here. These were the prehistoric animals which existed at a body temperature of 105 degrees; however a polar tilt occurred whereby the poles shifted and the tropical climates became covered with ice and vice versa. After the polar tilt the temperature to sustain life was 98.6 degrees, which was suitable for space people, so they established a colony and left only males here, intending to bring females at a latter date on supply ships. This is reflected in Adam not having a wife. He said that Adam was not an individual but a race of men.”

And there was more: “[Van Tassel] said that this race then inter-married with ‘intelligent, upright walking animals,’ which race was EVE. Then, when the space people came back in the supply ships they saw what had happened and did not land but ever since due to the origin of ADAM, they have watched over the people on Earth. He said that this is in the Bible many times, such as MOSES receiving the Ten Commandments. He said the Ten Commandments are the laws of the space people and men on earth only give them lip service. Also, the manna from heaven was bread supplied by the space people.”

Also contained in the FBI’s file is the following, which covers that same 1960 lecture in Denver: “[Van Tassel] also stated that this can be seen from the native stories such as the Indians in America saying that corn and potatoes, unknown in Europe were brought here by a ‘flaming canoe.’ He said that this can be shown also by the old stories of Winged Chariots and Winged white Horses, which came from out of the sky. He said that JESUS was born of MARY, who was a space person sent here already pregnant in order to show the earth people the proper way to live. He said the space people have watched over us through the years and have tried to help us. He said they have sent their agents to the earth and they appear just as we do; however, they have the power to know your thoughts just as JESUS did. He said this is their means of communication and many of the space people are mute, but they train a certain number of them to speak earth languages.”


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The Strange Story of Hitler’s Hunt for the Yeti

by Brent Swancer      October 25, 2017      (

• In the 1930’s, both Hitler and his SS commander Heinrich Himmler were intensely interested mysticism and the paranormal.

• In 1938 the Nazis organized another expedition to the Himalayan Mountains, as they believed Tibet to be the origin of the Aryan race.

• Others have speculated that the true mission was to locate the hairy creature known as the “Yeti” or the “Abominable Snowman”. Still, the records are secretive as to the actual reasons for the Nazi expedition or what they actually found.

• It is clear from the enormous amount of funding devoted to the expedition that this was of the highest priority to Hitler.

[Editor’s Note]  Perhaps the real reason for the Nazi’s Tibetan expeditions was not to locate the fabled Yeti, a mere cover story, but to find the inner earth entrance to the fabled Shangri-La, inhabited by the Agarthan Nordics and Draco Reptilians who became the Nazi’s allies.


Nazis. These villains of history seem to have somehow transcended their place in the grand scheme of things to propel outwards into the farthest fringes of the strange. From secret occult experiments, to UFO bases, to exploration into the supernatural and development of shadowy weapons the likes of which the world has never seen, these classic baddies have become legendary in their scope and well-deserving of their status as one of the most iconic villains in cinema. Buried within all of the conspiracies and weird historical oddities associated with the Nazis one can find a plentitude of curious little tales, and one that has seemed to have picked up quite a bit of interest in cryptozoological circles. It is an odd case combining the best of the Nazis, high adventure, and mysterious monsters.

There is so much fantastical lore on the Nazis that it is sometimes difficult to ascertain just where the truth blurs, ends, and pure fiction begins. To be sure Hitler was intensely interested in pursuing all manner of the paranormal, the unknown, and the weird, to the point that there was even a whole organization devoted to it, called the Ahnenerbe, headed by Nazi leader Heinrich Himmler, which was ostensibly a project to investigate the history of the Aryan race but quickly branched out into all manner of mysticism, the strange, and the occult, no doubt due to Himmler’s intense interest in the area. The Ahnenerbe would be linked to pursuing everything from witchcraft to physics powers, to demonology, to looking for the real Holy Grail, and one of Himmler’s quests may have very well been a hunt for the elusive Yeti of the Himalayas, or also commonly called the Abominable Snowman.

In 1938 the Nazis organized an expedition to the frigid wilds of the Himalayan Mountains in Tibet, which was sanctioned by Himmler and his Ahnenerbe, and was to be led by German zoologist and SS officer Ernst Schäfer. Joining him were other scientists, such as anthropologist Bruno Beger, who was quite notorious for his theories that Tibet was the birthplace of the Aryan race. This was a sentiment shared by Himmler himself, who believed that these ancient Aryans had once conquered a good portion of Asia. The purpose of the expedition, which would be Schäfer’s third to the region, was officially announced as purely scientific research in order to create a natural and cultural history of the region, including its flora, fauna, ethnology, and geology, with Schäfer saying of the mission:   The primary aim of this expedition was an holistic creation of a complete biological record of Tibet alongside a synthesis of inter-relating natural sciences with regard to geography, cartography, geology, earth magnetics, climate, plants, animals and mankind.

However, of course considering who was involved it has long been thought that this was merely a front for something else entirely. Indeed, British writer Christopher Hale told of a secret warning issued by propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels in 1940 that claimed that the expedition had the rather more sinister objective of political and military ends, such as establishing bases in the area for staging guerrilla assaults against the British in India or providing maps and survey charts for this purpose.

The 1938 Nazi Tibet Expedition

The 1938 Nazi Tibet Expedition

There are also many who think that the true motive of the mission was to find the elusive Yeti and use it as some sort of evidence to prove their pseudoscientific theories on the origins of human races and perpetuate its own propaganda to this end, with there even being rumors that they may have thought of the Yeti as a sort of progenitor of the Aryan race. The truth of these claims is hard to ascertain. Schäfer and Beger would certainly have been aware of the legends of massive hairy wild men in the wilds of the Himalayas, and considering the willingness of the Nazis to pursue some pretty far-out avenues of research it does not sound as if it would be totally beyond them to mount a covert mission to find the beasts.

Despite all of these theories, any ulterior motives the 1938-1939 Nazi expedition to Tibet may have had have been obscured, either because they were covered up or never existed in the first place. Officially, the expedition collected thousands of specimens of plant and animal life, as well as numerous photographs, film footage, and artifacts of the native peoples, such as a copy of the Tibetan “Bible”, called the Kangyur, as well as a vast amount of geological and topographical data. There were also reams of Schäfer’s detailed notes on every aspect of the expedition, as well as meticulous, lengthy descriptions of the culture and customs of the Tibetans, not to mention Berger’s own detailed diary of the mission, which would be published some 60 years later under the title Mit der deutschen Tibetexpedition Ernst Schäfer 1938/39 nach Lhasa. Yet nowhere amongst any of these accounts is there any mention of a hunt for the Abominable Snowman, nor any reference to sightings or evidence of it at all. The Yeti seemed to play no role in any of this at all, and indeed it seems that Schäfer himself believed the legendary creature to be nothing more mysterious than some sort of large bear.


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The JFK Files: Document Details Claim That Jack Ruby Assisted Lee Harvey Oswald

by Micah Hanks         October 28, 2017        (

• The October 26, 2017 deadline to release classified JFK documents has existed since the Clinton administration. After Tweeting that the files would all be released on that date, President Trump gave in to the CIA and FBI allowing them to withhold much of the JFK collection for an additional six months in order to further redact portions of the files.

• Among the documents that have made their way to the National Archives public viewing website is one that involves Christian Identity minister and Hitler devotee, Oren Fenton Potito.

• Potito held a public meeting in January 1964 in which he made the following remarks:
• – Jack Ruby was a communist party member since 1929. He met fellow communist, Lee Harvey Oswald, through the Fair Play for Cuba Committee.
• – Through his contacts in the Dallas Police Department, Ruby obtained the route of the JFK motorcade.
• – Ruby arranged for Oswald to get the job in the Dallas school book depository building located along the JFK motorcade route.
• – Referring to the Surgeon general’s Report on JFK, Potito said that the first shot was fired from a bridge to the front of the motorcade, went through the windshield of JFK’s limousine, and entered the president’s throat below the adam’s apple.

• The document also details how the FBI had tracked Oswald since 1962, and that the Fair Play for Cuba organization had become inoperative after Oswald left New Orleans and moved to Dallas.


Well, the “big day” has come and gone: the scheduled release of a trove of secret files relating to the assassination of John F. Kennedy in 1963.

However, what has actually made it before the public so far is only a portion of the total collection, following news late yesterday that President Donald Trump, after Tweeting that the files would all be released, seemingly gave in to requests from the CIA and FBI for an additional six months to redact portions of the existing files.

Esquire reported of the move that, “It appears that the president acquiesced to a demand by the spooks to hold some documents back. This is stupid and outrageous. This deadline has been out there since the Clinton administration. It is not paranoid in the least to wonder what they’re hiding now.”

It is indeed curious that, after more than half a century, the sum total of the files presently withheld by the U.S. government cannot be released. Granted, a large portion of the documents have made their way to website of the National Archives for public viewing, and even within this “limited batch” we are already seeing interesting new information.

One of the documents, which seems to have more to do with gathering information on the activities of right wing groups in the years following Kennedy’s assassination, involves a minister named Oren Fenton Potito, a Christian Identity minister with a controversial background, to say the least. Having been associated with Wesley A. Swift’s Church of Jesus Christ Christian, it is said that Potito “practically deified Hitler,” perceiving the Nazi leader as a sort of “Christian savior” in modern times. The year prior to Kennedy’s assassination, Potito also became an organizer for the National States Rights Party.
The newly released document relates some rather unusual claims alleged by Potito at a public meeting, held in a restaurant in Saint Petersburg, Florida, on January 16, 1964.

According to the document: “In the course of his speech of some 3 hours following the dinner POTITO touched on the association between LEE HARVEY OSWALD and RUBY.

POTITO identified RUBY, real name RUBENSTEIN, as a Communist Party Member since 1929 and through this connection linked him to OSWALD, He identified OSWALD as a Communist through his association with the Fair Play for Cuba Committee (FPCC).

                 Jack Ruby

According to POTITO only two organizations knew the route of the parade in Dallas on November 22, 1963 for any period of time prior to the parade and these two were the United States Secret Service and the Dallas Police Department. RUBY had insinuated himself into the Police Department circle, obtained the route and arranged with OSWALD to take the job at the state school building along the route to carry out the assassination.

POTITO said the “Surgeon General’s report” on the assassination stated the first bullet entered the President’s throat below the adam’s apple clearly showing that two persons were involved with the first shot being fired from the bridge across the park way in front of the car. To further substantiate this, POTITO said there was a bullet hole in the wind shield of the President’s car.”

Granted, there is little additional evidence to support the claims made by Potito during his 1964 speech, which essentially amount to being conspiratorial speculation.

However, in a separate document, dated October 25th, 1963, mention is made of contact with “Cuban sources” about Lee Harvey Oswald and the Fair Play for Cuba Committee. The report details the FBI’s attempts to track Oswald and his operations, and notes that the group appeared to “have become inactive” since Oswald’s departure from New Orleans. In an interesting potential parallel to the Oswald-Ruby connection, some of the documents also indicate that Ruby, it seems, was being surveilled by the FBI in 1962 as well, just one year prior to Kennedy’s assassination.


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Can You Recognise an Alien? This is What Extraterrestrials May Look Like

by Sean Martin        November 1, 2017         (

• Scientists AT the University of Oxford say they are the first to apply evolutionary theory to predict what extraterrestrial beings may look and act like.

• The basics for biological evolution should be the same across the entire universe, therefore extraterrestrial beings may be indistinguishable from human beings.

• The Oxford team presumes that complex alien life arises from extreme events which force organisms to evolve into higher level multi-cellular organisms. “We believe evolutionary theory offers a unique additional tool for trying to understand what aliens will be like, and we have shown some examples of the kinds of strong predictions we can make with it.”

• “There are potentially hundreds of thousands of habitable planets in our galaxy alone. We can’t say whether or not we’re alone on Earth, but we have taken a small step forward in answering, if we’re not alone, what our neighbours are like.”

[Editor’s Note]  Well, at least they are talking about extraterrestrial life now. It’s one ‘small step’ at a time for mainstream academia.


SCIENTISTS may have figured out what aliens look like and they could be a lot more familiar than previously thought, according to new research.

Rather than being other-worldly, scientists have claimed.

According to new research, the basics for biological evolution should be the same across the entire universe, meaning natural selection on any planet could have led aliens to look exactly like the human race.
Scientists from the University of Oxford are the first to apply evolutionary theory to predict what extraterrestrial beings may look and act like.

Sam Levin, a researcher in Oxford’s Department of Zoology, said: “A fundamental task for astrobiologists is thinking about what extra-terrestrial life might be like.

“But making predictions about aliens is hard. We only have one example of life – life on Earth – to extrapolate from.

“Past approaches in the field of astrobiology have been largely mechanistic, taking what we see on Earth, and what we know about chemistry, geology, and physics to make predictions about aliens.
“In our paper, we offer an alternative approach, which is to use evolutionary theory to make predictions that are independent of Earth’s details.

“This is a useful approach, because theoretical predictions will apply to aliens that are silicon based, do not have DNA, and breathe nitrogen, for example.”

The team presume alien life may be influenced by the same environmental factors that take place on Earth, where complex life arises from major transitions – extreme events which force a group of separate organisms evolve in to one higher level organism such as cells becoming multi-cellular organisms.

Mr Levin said: “We still can’t say whether aliens will walk on two legs or have big green eyes. But we believe evolutionary theory offers a unique additional tool for trying to understand what aliens will be like, and we have shown some examples of the kinds of strong predictions we can make with it.
“By predicting that aliens undergone major transitions – which is how complexity has arisen in species on earth, we can say that there is a level of predictability to evolution that would cause them to look like us.


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Alien Abductees and a Mysterious Liquid

by Nick Redfern        October 25, 2017       (

  • A common element of alien abductions is that abductees report being submerged in some kind of thick liquid that allows them to breathe.

  • In an article entitled “New Evidence of Military Involvement in Abductions”, Helmut Lammer tells the story of a woman who was taken to an underground facility where she “…saw naked humans floating in tubes.”  She herself was forced into a pool of breathable “golden yellow bubbly fluid” while other humans looked on.

  • Another abductee reported how he was submerged in a glass cylinder and able to open his eyes and breathe a thick warm greenish fluid without discomfort.

  • Another abductee reported finding himself naked in a large funnel-shaped pool filled with a greenish black gel-type liquid, along with “at least 15 other humans… all of them screaming and panicking…”.

  • Another female reported that she was occasionally abducted by “dwarfish, black-eyed entities” and immersed into a clear thick liquid that smelled of nail polish, which she could easily “breathe”.  Tall, skinny, pale-faced Men In Black warned her not to talk about her experiences.

  • stated in March 2017 that Earth scientists have been working on “liquid ventilation”, ie: breathing a liquid instead of air to treat severe pulmonary or cardiac trauma, and to use in deep diving and space travel.

Within the domain of the alien abduction phenomenon, there are a number of accounts of people reportedly taken on-board UFOs and submerged into mysterious liquids, or gels – as in completely submerged. Very oddly, and as the abductees state, the liquid does not prevent them from breathing normally. Researcher Helmut Lammer – in an article titled “New Evidence of Military Involvement in Abductions” – tells the story of a woman who he refers to as “Lisa,” and who found herself in just this precise situation. Lisa was an alien abductee, but she was also someone who was subjected to what have become known as Milabs – or “military abductions.” It was in this latter context that Lisa had a very traumatic experience, as Lammer shows.

Lammer says Lisa was taken against her will to what turned out to be a below-surface facility, in which she “…saw naked humans floating in tubes. Lisa claims that she was forced by humans into some type of pool filled with a golden yellow bubbly fluid, while other humans looked at her. Lisa has traumatic recollections that her kidnappers tried to make her and other victims able to breathe in the liquid. In two of the before mentioned cases the abductee was forced to breathe the liquid like Lisa. The hypnosis transcripts reveal that the liquid breathing experiences were traumatic for the abductees. Both abductees where totally immersed in the liquid and both reported that they could breathe the fluid.”

Then, there is this from another abductee: “I found myself inside a clear glass cylinder, totally submerged in some kind of warm fluid, thicker than water, thinner than oil. To my surprise, I was able to breathe this warm fluid without discomfort. I could also open my eyes without a problem. The solution was clear, of a greenish color and the container was softly lit. I remember, still fully submerged in this solution, that I slowly began to recall the abduction that had taken me away from my bedroom, minutes, maybe hours before.”

There is also this one: “…I woke up again, this time naked in a funnel shaped pool filled with a greenish black gel type liquid. The pool had to be 20 yards wide all around. And pretty deep. The pool was made of some kind of shiny metal. With the gel it made the surface very slippery and you would slip under the gel if you tried to get out. I then realized something very odd at that time. I wasn’t alone. There were at least 15 other humans with me. All of them screaming and panicking…”


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About Those New JFK Files Part-2

by Nick Redfern          October 31, 2017        (

• Robert E. Jones was a colonel in the U.S. Army at the time of the assassination of John Kennedy in 1963. Because there were a dozen military personnel in Dallas that day, Colonel Jones was tasked with an investigation to determine whether the military was there to protect or to harm the president.

• In fact, Jones had been investigating Lee Harvey Oswald since the summer of 1963, months before the assassination and he had compiled a document file on his findings. In addition, Jones share what he knew with the FBI immediately after the shooting.

• This military file on Oswald was held by the 112th Military Intelligence Group.

• In 1978, Jones went before the House Select Committee on Assassinations investigating the JFK assassination. They discovered that the Department of Defense had destroyed Jones’ Oswald file as “part of a general program aimed at eliminating all of its files pertaining to non-military personnel”, although it could not be determined when these files were destroyed, by whom, or under who’s orders.

• The military’s Oswald dossier was never provided to the Warren Commission either.

[Editors Note]  If the military, presumably the Defense Intelligence Agency founded in 1961, was investigating Oswald as early as the summer of 1963, then they were on the right track and saw where this was heading well ahead of the assassination. But they appear to have been part of the massive government conspiracy to hide the truth.


As I noted in Part-1 of this article, there are numerous examples of official government, military and intelligence files being destroyed, and usually under unclear and mysterious circumstances. Or, having completely vanished and with no answer to what happened to them. Part-1 covered such issues as mind-control (MK Ultra) and UFOs. But, now we get to the heart of the matter: the JFK assassination. There are many examples of JFK assassination-based files going missing. But, one example really stands out. It’s important because it demonstrates that regardless of what the latest releases state and reveal, the fact is that certain JFK assassination-based secrets were relegated to the shredder or the furnace not just years ago, but decades ago.

The government’s position on the assassination is that there was just one gunman. And that gunman was Lee Harvey Oswald – who was fatally shot on November 24 by Dallas nightclub owner, Jack Ruby. It’s an often overlooked fact that because Oswald was killed before he could come to trial – just two days after Kennedy was murdered – it was never formally proved or established that Oswald really was the gunman. Or was not the gunman. Nevertheless, the government believes him to have been the killer – which is, of course, a very different thing.

The fact is that there are numerous theories for who may have killed the president on November22, 1963. They include the Mafia, the government of Cuba, assassins of the Soviet Union, or a cabal of powerful right-wing businessman who were vehemently against JFK’s policies – both domestic and abroad. In some of these scenarios, Oswald was a central player, and one of several gunmen in Dealey Plaza on that deadly day. In other scenarios, though, Oswald has been viewed as exactly what he claimed to be: a patsy. We’ll probably never know for sure if Oswald really was innocent or if he was part of a gigantic conspiracy. But, of one thing I am sure of: even if he was involved, Oswald did not act alone.

Now, and with that all said, let’s see what happened to certain, now-missing files on Oswald himself and the killing of the president. The revelations show that someone went to extraordinary lengths to make the truth go away, as in permanently. In other words, regardless of who shot and killed JFK, there were – and probably still are – those who are fearful of having certain information on the case falling into the hands of the media and the public.

All of this brings us to a man named Robert E. Jones. At the time of the assassination, Jones was a colonel in the U.S. Army. When, in the 1970s, the House Select Committee on Assassinations launched a deep inquiry to try and answer, once and for all, the riddle of who killed JFK. Colonel Jones claimed to know something significant. In 1978, he went before the committee and shared what he knew – that when the President was murdered there were around a dozen military personnel on site. It was Jones’ impression, at the time, that the group was there to help provide protection for the president, in much the same way that the Secret Service did. It has since been suggested by JFK researchers that the military team was not there to protect the president – but that it was really a carefully camouflaged hit-squad.

There is an interesting afterword to all of this: as far back as the summer of 1963, the HSCA learned, Colonel Jones had been involved in a top secret investigation of Oswald’s activities. As a result of this investigation, official files were, of course compiled. The files were held, said Jones, by the 112th Military Intelligence Group. They contained data on how, in the immediate aftermath of the shooting of JFK, Jones contacted the FBI with what he knew of Oswald and his actions leading up to the events of November 22, 1963. The House Select Committee on Assassinations looked carefully at what Colonel Jones had to say.

1964 – Warren Commission Report: assassination the work of a ‘lone assassin’ – Lee Harvey Oswald, shooting at JFK three times from Texas Schoolbook Depository Building; the final shot lethal – US House Select Committee on Assassinations: assassination probably the result of unknown conspiracy; L.H. Oswald key.

The HSCA did its best to track down the military intelligence file on Oswald, which Colonel Jones knew of – because he was a key figure in the collation of it. Unfortunately, the HSCA’s best was not good enough. According to the HSCA’s records: “Access to Oswald’s military intelligence file, which the Department of Defense never gave to the Warren Commission, was not possible because the Department of Defense had destroyed the file as part of a general program aimed at eliminating all of its files pertaining to non-military personnel.”

The HSCA asked the military about the nature of the destruction. The HSCA was told that it was “not possible” to state with certainty when the Oswald files were destroyed. It was also impossible to determine “who accomplished the actual physical destruction of the dossier.” Nor could it be ascertained who ordered the “destruction or deletion.” And, just for good measure, the military added to the HSCA: “The exact material contained in the dossier cannot be determined.”


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CERN Scientists Say the Universe Shouldn’t Exist

by Paul Seaburn         October 25, 2017         (

  • Researchers at CERN in Switzerland recently made the most precise measurements ever of the magnetic force of protons and anti-protons and found them to be exactly the same.

  • Since protons and anti-protons cancel each other out, the equal amounts of matter and antimatter should have annihilated each other and the “Big Bang” should have left nothing behind.

  • [Editor’s Note] Is mainstream science beginning to realize that they they may be relying upon an incorrect model of physics and the origin of the universe, and that our very scientific foundation needs to be revised?


“All of our observations find a complete symmetry between matter and antimatter, which is why the universe should not actually exist.”

Are you reading this? Good. That means the world’s greatest scientists using the world’s greatest scientific instruments are wrong. Or are they?

Researchers at CERN in Switzerland recently made the most precise measurements ever of the magnetic force of protons and antiprotons and found them to be exactly the same … except for an opposite sign. This means the idea that scientists have danced around for centuries is still making them waltz – the Big Bang created equal amounts of matter and antimatter which should have annihilated each other and left nothing behind … including the universe and us. So, why are we still here?

A better question might be: “How did the CERN Physicists manage to experiment with the magnetism of matter and antimatter without annihilating the universe for real?” In a word … slowly. In 2014, they were able to measure the magnetic moment – how much a proton resists magnetic force – by trapping an individual proton in a magnetic field, then spinning it with another magnetic field.

That part was easy – at least protons don’t annihilate when they come in contact with any matter. Antiprotons are – no pun intended – another matter. After creating antiprotons in 2015, they had to create an antimatter chamber to store them in. They started with a Penning trap – a cylindrical container that traps charged particles between a magnetic field and a quadrupole electric field (apologies to physicists for this overly simple explanation). These Penning traps are imperfect and the antimatter can leak out (not a good thing – if you’ve been paying attention), so the CERN physicist used two and kept the antimatter extremely cold. This allowed them to store the antimatter for 405 days, more than enough time to do the magnetic moment measurements.

And the answer is … −2.7928473441 μN. (μN is a nuclear magneton). Not only was this exactly the same – except for the minus sign – as the magnetic moment of a proton, it’s accurate to nine digits or nearly perfect. Would you expect any less from CERN?

Christian Smorra, the physicist at CERN’s Baryon–Antibaryon Symmetry Experiment (BASE) collaboration who observed that the universe should not actually exist, was excited at the results, published this week in Nature, but still puzzled.

“An asymmetry must exist here somewhere but we simply do not understand where the difference is.”


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About Those New JFK Files Part-1

by Nick Redfern         October 30, 2017       (

• Last week, a major portion of CIA and FBI documents on the JFK assassination were declassified and released. Many of the JFK documents however, have been destroyed over the decades. These were, most likely, the most incriminating of the documents. It turns out that this is a common problem.

• In 1993, a New Mexico Congressman tasked the Government Accountability Office with digging up all of the documents pertaining to the Roswell UFO incident. The GAO discovered that all of the correspondence from Roswell Army Air Field between 1945 and 1951 were missing. The National Archives and the Air Force Roswell documents were also gone.

• In May 2011, a search for documents pertaining to the Rendlesham Forest case in England were missing, and an internal UK Ministry of Defence showed that they suspected “a deliberate attempt… to eradicate the records…”

• In 1973, the CIA Director, Richard Helms, ordered all of the records pertaining to the MK Ultra mind control program be destroyed. He ordered an agent to go to the CIA records installation in Warrenton, Virginia which housed hundreds of thousands of pages of MK-Ultra-themed documents, and have them all burned. Helms also sent out a directive to all agents, colleges and universities involved in the program to burn anything linked to MK Ultra.


The new release of a large batch of files on the JFK assassination of November 22, 1963 amounts to a welcome addition to what we know about the still-controversial and mysterious affair. There are some genuine nuggets contained in the declassified material. A few friends have asked me what I think about all of this. Well, I think the release of any number of files – large or small – on the killing of the president is a good thing. But, there is one important issue that must be addressed.

While the now-available files have been extensively studied and commented on by the world’s media, less commentary has been made with regard to a far more important issue. Namely, the deliberate destruction of files on the death of Kennedy – and decades ago, no less. So, yes, I’m encouraged by this new release of files. But, it should not overlook the fact that someone, somewhere, went out of their way years ago to ensure that certain files that might have proved valuable (they may even have been definitive smoking-guns) will now forever be out of our hands. Before I get to the matter of the JFK assassination, in part-1 of this article I’ll demonstrate that files are destroyed under mysterious circumstances all the time. Then, in part-2, I’ll address the matter of the events which went down at Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas – just a short drive from where I live.

In 1993, the mysterious Roswell affair of July 1947 caught the attention of Steven Schiff, at the time the Congressman of New Mexico – the state in which the Roswell event occurred. Far from happy by what he saw as some kind of cover-up, Schiff approached the Government Accountability Office (at the time, it was known as the General Accounting Office) and asked them to look into the Roswell affair and see what might be found. The GAO was enthused about the idea of looking into Roswell. It was, however, not so much what the GAO found that intrigued them, but what they couldn’t find. As the GAO dug deeper and deeper, they learned to their amazement and concern that every single outgoing message from the old Roswell Army Air Field, from 1945 to 1951, could not be located. The files were gone. All of them. The GAO approached the Air Force and the National Archives for answers. There were no firm answers. Only puzzles, theories and opinions. The National Archives checked their files: no luck. The Air Force came up blank, too. The mystery remains.

It’s much the same in the U.K., with the nation’s most famous UFO incident: the alleged landing of an extraterrestrial spacecraft at Rendlesham Forest, Suffolk, England in December 1980 – an incident which involved numerous military personnel from the nearby Royal Air Force Bentwaters facility. Witnesses saw a strange, roughly triangular-shaped object come down. Strange lights filled the skies over the base, and a huge cover-up was put into place.

What was certainly the most amazing – and suspicious – aspect of all this reared its head in May 2011. Freedom of Information Act documents on the Rendlesham Forest case surfaced that caught the attention of not just UFO researchers, but the U.K.’s media, too. The files were notable not because of what they said about the case specifically. Rather, they were files which revealed that there was a massive gap in the Defense Intelligence papers where the Rendlesham papers should have been kept. Internal memos released via FOIA legislation showed that the Ministry of Defense suspected that “a deliberate attempt had been made to eradicate the records covering this incident.” Precisely who had done the eradicating was never proved. Or why.

In early 1973 large amounts of MK-Ultra “mind-control” files were destroyed on the orders of the CIA director at the time, Richard Helms. The reasoning behind the destruction was simple: the program was in danger of being compromised by the U.S. media and the U.S. Senate. And, as the work of MK-Ultra, by 1973, had long been perfected, the now, old, historical records – which told the stories of the controversies that went on in the program – were deemed vital to be destroyed. But, how did this situation come about? Let’s see.


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A Life of Public Service & Disclosure of Secret Space Programs

In this final episode of this five part interview series Michael Gerloff explains how his military and police career was inspired by his commitment to public service, and how this commitment has evolved to now revealing the truth about secret space programs. He emphasizes that during his covert service, he was officially sanctioned to come forward at this time with his disclosure testimony by a USMC Intelligence Group running the “Space Marines” .

Gerloff explains why it’s important for former military and police personnel to come forward to also reveal their knowledge of these programs, and why he is convinced that he continues to serve the public while pursuing full disclosure.

Click below to view video

Part 1 article with cited documents  click here or to view video, click below

For Part 2 article with cited documents click here or to view video, click below

For Part 3 article with cited documents  click here or to view video, click below

For Part 4 article with cited documents  click here or to view video, click below

Below are documents cited/viewed in part 5 of this video interview series

Michael Gerloff with Vice President Al Gore
Michael Gerloff with First Lady, Hillary Clinton

This article has no copyright restriction for free internet circulation.


Scientist Proposes Wild Explanation for Why We Haven’t Discovered Aliens Yet

by Mike Wehner         October 24, 2017        (

  • Mainstream science and media continue to ponder that with so much evidence of a vast galaxy that could harbor intelligent life, “why haven’t we detected, spotted, or at least heard the faint whispers of another intelligent civilization outside of Earth?

  • At a recent meeting of the American Astronomy Society Division for Planetary Sciences Division, planetary scientist Alan Stern proposed the hypothesis that perhaps intelligent civilizations could have developed below the earth’s surface, and our two civilizations simply haven’t crossed paths yet.

  • Stern specifically suggests that beings and entire civilizations might live near thermal vents deep underneath the ocean.

  • [Editors Note] Has it ever occurred to these scientists that the reason we don’t know about other intelligent beings is because a higher strata of human scientists are actively hiding the fact that we are and have been visited by multitudes of intelligent non-human beings? It is nevertheless a positive sign that the ordinary scientific community is beginning to crawl out of their shell to consider the existence of other intelligent lifeforms living within the massive honeycombed caverns under the earth’s surface. In fact, there are reportedly seven existing inner-earth civilizations that pre-date our own surface civilization. And one of these has plans to reveal themselves in the near future.


We know our galaxy is huge, and that there’s an untold number of other galaxies out there in the unimaginably large universe. We also know that there’s bound to be plenty of planets in those galaxies, and at least a portion of them are bound to be habitable by some form of life. So, why haven’t we detected, spotted, or at least heard the faint whispers of another intelligent civilization outside of Earth? A planetary scientist from Colorado’s Southwest Research Institute believes he might have the answer, and it’s literally chilling.

Speaking at a meeting of the American Astronomy Society Division for Planetary Sciences Division, Alan Stern proposed an incredible answer to the question which has long puzzled astronomers and first contact hopefuls: aliens aren’t living outside.

It sounds like total bunk to us since humans are spread across just about every nook and cranny of planet Earth, but there’s a very real possibility that life could form, evolve, and even gain advanced intelligence without ever seeing the surface of their own planet. This would be most likely on frigid ocean worlds where underwater thermal vents would provide the heat energy to sustain life, and with the sheer number of frigid ocean worlds we already know exist, there’s no shortage of opportunities for this to happen.

If an intelligent alien civilization evolved in the depths of an icy ocean world, it would be incredibly difficult for humanity to detect it, and even harder for them to contact us. In fact, even venturing to the surface of their own planet would be an incredibly difficult task, and as Stern notes, doing so would essentially be the equivalent of mankind venturing into space — a mysterious, frigid, and dangerous place.

It’s obviously very difficult for us to imagine an entire civilization of intelligent creatures living deep within the ocean, but our understanding of the requirements for life mean that it’s entirely possible. The only question is whether or not it exists somewhere out there in the vast number of unexplored worlds.


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Plane Carrying NBA Stars Hit by ‘UFO’ During Chicago Descent

October 28, 2017      (

• On October 28th, the Delta Airlines Boeing 757-200 plane carrying the Oklahoma City Thunder basketball team was struck by an unidentified flying object as the plane descended to a Chicago airport.

• The nose cone was badly dented (see photo).

• In a statement, Delta Airlines said “the plane likely came in contact with “a bird.”

[Editors Note]  If this was a bird, it was a big one. Where is the blood and feathers?


The Oklahoma City Thunder basketball team were caught up in a bizarre mid-air incident when their charter plane was struck by an as yet unidentified object on its way to Chicago, damaging the nose cone.

The collision occurred Saturday morning during the team’s flight to Chicago-Midway ahead of their game against the Chicago Bulls. Pictured after landing, the Delta Airlines Boeing 757-200’s nose was seen to be badly dented and scratched.

        nose cone of damaged Delta 747

After disembarking, NBA stars Carmelo Anthony and Josh Huestis posted pictures of the damage to social media.

Baffled center Steven Adams even took to Twitter to ask NASA, television personality and engineer Bill Nye, and renowned astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson: “What caused this?”

In a statement to the Oklahoman, Delta Airlines moved to quash speculation by saying the plane likely came in contact with “a bird.”

“Delta flight #DL8935, operating from Minneapolis to Chicago-Midway as a charter flight for the Oklahoma City Thunder, likely encountered a bird while on descent into Chicago,” the statement read.

“The aircraft, a Boeing 757-200, landed safely without incident; customers have since deplaned and maintenance teams are evaluating. Safety is Delta’s top priority.”



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Still Banking With the big Banks? Here’s Why You Should Consider Some More Ethical Options

by Alanna Ketler        October 20, 2017       (

• Do you use a major bank, where your deposits are used to fuel a capitalist machine fueled by greed and supports the Deep State?

• In this day and age, carrying cash around is impractical. We all need a financial institution. But consider using a more socially responsible alternative bank such as a “green bank” or a community credit union.

• A green bank is a public financial institution that uses innovative financing techniques and market development tools in partnership with the private sector to accelerate the deployment of clean technologies.

• Credit unions typically reinvest its profits back into the credit union to the benefit its’ members and the community.

• These alternative banks can still provide the same perks and services as the major banks.

• Every time we spend money, even at a bank, we are casting a vote for the type of world in which we want to live. We do not have to participate in the parts of society that no longer serve us.

[Editor’s Note] Read the rest of Alanna’s article for step-by-step instructions on transferring your account to a socially responsible bank.


Do you consider yourself a socially conscious person? Are you someone who stays up to date on current events, researches what’s going on in the world, and knows which companies are contributing to our world’s problems and which are working to solve them? If you said yes, then it sounds like you are a conscious consumer and understand the power of voting with your dollar and putting your money where your mouth is… but — where do you put your money? Which bank do you use? This is something many of us don’t even consider, but just like anywhere else you put your money, the bank you choose to support with your dollars matters.

This is something that I myself am just learning the importance of now, as I have recently begun researching the best places for storing my dollar bills. Not that I have a lot of them by any means, but still, I want them to be supporting things that I myself would support, which does not include a machine fueled by greed — no matter the cost.

This idea of taking your money out of the big financial giants really came into my reality around the time of the Dakota Access Pipeline protests, when people were withdrawing their money en masse. Protesters came to understand that, by giving their money to the big banks, they were actually contributing to and supporting the very oil giants they were fighting so hard to stop.

What Would Happen If We All Took Our Money Out of the Banks?

This is the thing that is a little scary to consider. When you put your money in a bank, it doesn’t just sit there, patiently waiting for you to decide to spend it. It is being invested at high levels. If you choose to, you can actually get involved in that game and potentially profit from your money rather than letting it collect dust, but again, it is up to you to be aware of what your money is actually going to support if you should choose to do that. If everyone were to take out their money from their banking institutions, the banks would essentially collapse. Those who were late to the money party, moreover, wouldn’t get their money back, because once in a bank, it’s technically under the bank’s control, and they do not hold it all in a safe waiting to be returned to customers.

Now, there are some other options, the most obvious being to keep all your money in cash format, but in this day and age, that is becoming increasingly less practical, as we need credit cards for so many things, and carrying a lot of cash is both inconvenient and risky.

So, Where Should You Keep Your Money?

Enter “Green banks.” Sometimes referred to as a green investment bank, clean energy finance authority, or clean energy finance corporation, a green bank is a public financial institution that uses innovative financing techniques and market development tools in partnership with the private sector to accelerate the deployment of clean technologies. This is one option.

But there are also a number of other socially responsible banks that you can choose from that invest the money they receive into ethical and sustainable businesses that truly have the consumer and the planet in mind.

Consider Credit Unions

You can also consider credit unions, whose model is people before profits. They use a co-operative model, which means any profits they make are reinvested back into the credit union to serve the members better, and some of these benefits are shared directly with their members and the community.

There are a lot of misconceptions around credit unions. People think they don’t have good online banking services, use mobile apps, or offer ATMs, but that simply isn’t the case. Most credit unions have all of these perks and more. Essentially, a credit union can do anything a bank can do, but it all revolves around you as the customer.


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Conscious Participatory Ufology and the Pro-Institutional Disconnect


(We need a more constructive, participatory approach that can also be objectively verified)

Conscious Ufology: Like the study of meteorology, UFO phenomena are not easy to reproduce at will. Like social groups it is also difficult to predict how the phenomena are going to behave. However both meteorology and sociology are practical and valid fields of modern science with useful degrees of predictability. But the key to a more advanced ufology doesn’t rest in forcing or attempting to reproduce phenomena at will but instead to work as a new breed of scientists in a more participatory way. And, yes, it is in part like in the social sciences. The subject becomes involved with the object (and vice-versa) but what would correspond to social effects becomes physically visible in a way that deeply affects the ordinary behavior of matter expressing internal aspects that appear to “change reality.”

What we normally call “reality” can shift as subjectivity interacts with deeper material potentials. Here subject and object affect each other more deeply. Unlike the patterns of physical matter studied by classical physics, the physical patterns of genuine “anomalous,” otherworldly UFO phenomena are not completely stable but instead malleable and interactive, more inclusive of what seem to be more involved quantum macroscopic effects through mental coherence. That which is not normally detectable in common physical patterns becomes momentarily detectable as physical matter itself seem to show aspects that are normally hidden. The interplay between consciousness and being becomes more ALIVE and modifies stable physical matter and spacetime.

Retrocausal spacetime cancellation (accompanying the greater effect of subjectivity) also seem to be at work here.The regular scientific method is useful for many of ufology’s aspects once a trace, record or modification has been left but it is also insufficient in terms of a live interactive situation. Therefore, serious ufologists need to evolve their “proto science” accordingly (let ‘s think of “proto science” as a field of inquiry with emerging scientific aspects and with the potential to become a full-fledged science). And with this, the scientific method itself (as applicable to a whole new range of natural phenomena) can also evolve.

If we were to learn to respectfully summon genuine, otherworldly UFO phenomena in a participatory way by blending our subjective intelligence with the intelligences behind UFOs and were able to record the evidence, we would begin the next stage of ufology that would be more experimental and more participatory. And now that we are talking about “participation” in which subjects are involved, we need to talk about rights, respect and rules of engagement, both for humanity-respectful, intersubjective, inter-reality ET intelligence and for the small % who may not be in our best interests; not over-emphasizing the negative as this may be way too limited, an extension of the old warmongering mentality and deleterious in the long run for humanity.

There is a room for the military, even for defense against some ETs and for keeping some technological secrets from the public but the new approach must be about BUILDING COMMUNITY, finding and teaching a more connective universal paradigm. More members of humanity should grow to the point of not being vicariously represented by people with a traditional dichotomous mentality, however well-intended some may be. Unfortunately, predominant, classical military mindsets seem to be in those capable of being culturally influential and willing to take UFO-ET matters seriously. And they count with great material resources. Most other institutional cultural leaders do not care or want to risk getting involved. Revealing, communicating and educating is great but NOT with the Evil alien mindset underneath! This will expose humanity, the U.S., “them” and all of “us” to a continuity of problems. Like begets like.

It’s as if every time there is a massive institution involved, the discourse is distorted towards mass marketing, you name it: the Church or churches, universities, the film industry, the military, aerospace corporations handling UFO and retro engineering for better weapons, even the largest civilian UFO organization as it expands is falling into this. Big institutions suffer from a disconnection syndrome from the common folk, whom they are suppose to benefit. The practical, decision-making political power of the common man is almost nil compared with that of corporations and their lobbies. For the most part, the needs of the latter are heard over the needs of the former. And the first victim is the truth itself that should serve The People to make good assessments, to evolve in solidarity and choose wisely. That barrier between large, recognized institutions and The People prevents and stalls a beneficent outcome as per the extraterrestrial situation. And this lingers on and on year after year, all the while the small voices of The People, the grassroots having experiences is shared with modest repercussions. It is time for a major grassroots revelation, not manipulated under an “evil alien” institutional presentation. It is time for The People to prevail over the institutes that should in fact represent them much better under a “representative democracy” but which are controlled by “the few.” It is time for a very serious consciousness shift. To stop reinforcing through entertainment, catering to fear-based narratives or by excessively propping up marketing through negative news and views, or else we will remain behind the times.  

For a proper Galactic Diplomacy to succeed we need much more comprehensive assessments. And we need a more constructive, participatory, intersubjective approach that can also be objectively verified. And, along new scientific perspectives, we need to evolve our ways of feeling, judging, relating.

Hasn’t Tom DeLonge heard something credible about the need for “Conscious Evolution?” Tom needs to think about learning to work peacefully with our forefathers, in fact, space relatives; specially those aligned with the expectation that humanity will succeed in developing its full potential. This doesn’t discard God or the possibility that several ET civilizations intervened our developing species in the past some for good, some for illth.  But the overall picture emerging shows that we do not need to over-emphasize the negative aspect.  Neither deny but nor over-emphasize. 

Hasn’t he studied the many, in fact thousands, contactee-experiencer testimonies about mostly pro-humanity extraterrestrials given by sane people (even anonymously) whose voices cannot be denied and also HAVE TO be seriously considered? Unfortunately, his assessment of the situation – however popular it might get – seems to be really skewed by personal preconceptions, biases that incline him towards an “us vs them” limited and selective way of seeking information. Experiencers at large and dedicated, long-standing research such as Mary Roswell (author of “The New Human: Awakening to our Cosmic Heritage”) show that our perspectives and our conscious capacity to handle multiple perspectives without being dominated by an “us vs. them” mentality is key to work a healthy exopolitical relationship with multiple ET intelligences.

The enormous possibilities that Consciousness brings are applicable to humanity, to its awakening, (even for being respected by the few less respectful ET varieties without the need to over-rely on technology) and are much greater than a classical over-extended, dualistic, military-technological approach.

The anonymous survey by FREE ( expands our personal (preference-biased) assessments into a  more reasonable overview: See the 2016 initial research data summary at


⦁    Overall, 85% have stated their contact with NHIBs have been “Positive”;
⦁    84% do not want their Contact experiences with the NHIBs to stop.
⦁    9.7% believe the NHIBs are Bad or Malevolent.
⦁    62% have stated that the NHIB have tried to help them.
⦁    71% feel Expanded Consciousness in the presence of the NHIBs.
⦁    66% have felt Love from these NHIBs.




Document Shows the CIA Recruited Top Quantum Physicist to Help Them Figure Out How UFOs Work

by Arjun Walia         October 20, 2017        (

• How anybody can still deny the existence of UFOs when the world’s brightest minds have been actively studying the phenomenon and the evidence available for decades is a mystery.

• The close relationship the CIA holds with the media is clearly at play here.  For example, on TV host Bill Nye’s new Netflix series, Bill Nye Saves the World, the goofy Nye openly ridicules UFOs.

• At the same time, the CIA continues to recruit the world’s real scientists to study UFOs.

• For one example, a declassified document found in the CIA’s electronic reading room titled a “Telephone Conversation With Dr. John A. Wheeler” reveals that the spy agency tried to recruit Wheeler to look into the “flying saucer problem”.

• Archived CIA documents show that the agency has actively recruited scientists to look into the UFO phenomenon since at least 1953.


Although UFOs are no longer the fringe topic they once were, the official campaign of secrecy and ridicule against their becoming public knowledge, as described by former CIA director Roscoe Hillenkoetter, is still in effect. Recent episodes of Bill Nye’s new show, for example, openly ridiculing UFOs on national television, make this clear. The close relationship the CIA holds with the media is clearly at play here.

A wise person once said that “condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance,” and that is no less true when it comes to UFOs, a field so full of witness testimony and hard evidence that it’s a wonder mainstream media can still avoid covering it.

How anybody can still deny the existence of UFOs when the world’s brightest minds have been actively studying the phenomenon and the evidence available for decades is a mystery. Indeed, intelligence agencies like the CIA are recruiting the world’s top scientists to do so.

For example, a declassified secret document discovered in the CIA’s own electronic reading room titled a “Telephone Conversation With Dr. John A. Wheeler” shows how the agency was trying to recruit him to look into a “CIA attack on the flying saucer problem.”

The CIA has a long history of putting resources toward studying this phenomenon, as well as putting forth efforts to investigate what other countries know about it as well. For example, another unclassified document outlines:  “Scientists of the PRC and the Soviet Far East have begun joint study of UFO’s. The first meeting of ufologists of the two countries has ended in the small maritime townlet of Dalnegorsk. The Soviet and Chinese specialists on anomalous phenomena have mapped out a program for investigating incidents that are already known and have also arranged to directly exchange video and photographic materials on new similar phenomena. Dalnegorsk has not been chosen by chance as the place for such acquaintance. In the last few years the number of cases of visual observation of UFO’s has noticeably increased there. In just the last four years alone no less than 10 UFO’s have been recorded.”

Specialists link their heightened interest in places here with the variety and wealth of useful minerals in Maritime Kray. Similar, incidents have also occurred in mountainous regions in China whose climatic conditions and natural landscape resemble our own.

As for the Wheeler document, it shows how the agency really wanted him to work with the CIA on this subject, and that he regretted that he could not because of prior work comittments. It also mentions that “he would be pleased at any time to discuss the matter briefly.” It also states how Wheeler mentioned “two foreign nationals who were currently outstanding in related fields.”

The document goes on to mention a few other names, some of which are redacted, and others not, like former Director of Research at Cambridge, Massachusetts USAF research center, Dr. O’Day.

The document pertains to a “scientific attack” on the UFO problem.

Another document regarding the call with Wheeler states that he might actually have some time available to get involved.

The document doesn’t offer much information, but its existence itself proves that as far back as 1953 the CIA was looking into UFOs and recruiting the world’s top minds to study them.

“This thing has gotten so highly-classified . . . it is just impossible to get anything on it. I have no idea who controls the flow of need-to-know because, frankly, I was told in such an emphatic way that it was none of my business that I’ve never tried to make it to be my business since. I have been interested in this subject for a long time and I do know that whatever the Air Force has on the subject is going to remain highly classified.” – Senator Barry Goldwater, Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee.

The topic of UFOs lie within this world of classification that Senator Goldwater mentions above. Here is another video of him speaking on it.
The United States has had a history of government agencies existing in secret for years. Though the National Security Agency (NSA) was founded in 1952, its existence was hidden until the mid 1960s. Even more secretive is the National Reconnaissance Office, which was founded in 1960 but remained completely secret for 30 years.

We are talking about Special Access Programs (SAP). From these we have unacknowledged and waived SAPs. These programs do not exist publicly, but they do indeed exist. They are better known as ‘deep black programs.’ A 1997 US Senate report described them as “so sensitive that they are exempt from standard reporting requirements to the Congress.”

Just imagine the scientists working in the world of intelligence today, those who are examining these craft, and those who work inside, the ones dealing with the science that goes on in the black budget world. These people have no lives.


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Big Pharma’s Big Connections: Congress Exposed as Protecting Drug Companies While Opioid Problem Worsens

by Kalee Brown         October 19, 2017        (

• American is experiencing a major opioid crisis that is killing people every day from an opioid or heroin overdose.

• Opium is first removed from the poppy plant, which is then refined into morphine, and can then be further refined into heroin. Some opiates are entirely synthetic, and others are a cross between the two.

• Big Pharma companies ensure that their market grows by creating products that are addictive and have negative side effects so they can keep people sick and take more drugs.

• During the Vietnam War, the CIA worked with Laotian general Vang Pao in smuggling heroin via “Air America” to create a world hub for heroin in Southeastern Asian countries.

• In the 1980’s, Afghanistan had become the largest suppier of poppies for opium production. The CIA trained, armed, and funded Afghan “rebels” and supplied them with trucks and mules to transport the opium. Then the Taliban moved in and eradicated 90% of the world’s heroin supply. After 9/11, the US military occupied Afghanistan, and under US “protection”, opium production skyrocketed.

• Back in America, doctors were being paid by Big Pharma to prescribe opioids. Through formidable lobbying efforts, the US Congress, led by Pennsylvania Republican Tom Marino, passed laws that weakened the DEA’s ability to stop excessive drug distribution. Corrupt doctors and pharmacists were able to prescribe more pain killers and introduce them into the black market. Big Pharma paid at least $1.5 million to the 23 lawmakers who sponsored or co-sponsored the bills.

• President Trump chose none other than Tom Marino to serve as his “drug czar” to lead the Office of National Drug Control Policy. Marino wisely declined the nomination.

• In response to a renewed crack-down by the DEA, Big Pharma poached 46 top DEA officials and hired them to devise new ways to avoid the DEA’s enforcement.

[Editor’s Note]  It is quite apparent that the CIA relies heavily on the revenue derived from Big Pharma’s legal and illegal sale of opiates to fund its’ hidden Deep State agenda.


Many people often picture drug dealers as these scary individuals selling pills on street corners, but when it comes to the opioid epidemic, these drug pushers don’t exactly fit the stereotype. The true “drug dealers” largely responsible for America’s opioid epidemic aren’t thugs, they’re doctors and members of the U.S. government.

As former DEA agent Joe Rannazzisi put it, “They weren’t slinging crack on the corner… These were professionals who were doing it. They were just drug dealers in lab coats.”

You have physicians heavily pushing and marketing opioids, you’ve got countless doctors being paid by Big Pharma to prescribe opioids, and then you have the U.S. government overseeing the opium trade. This isn’t news to many people, as the reality of America’s war on drugs has lain exposed for decades, but mainstream media has been honing in on the deep ties the people we’re expected to trust share with Big Pharma.

An in-depth investigation into the opioid epidemic and the U.S. government’s ties to it was recently conducted by The Washington Post and 60 Minutes, revealing how U.S. Congress effectively weakened the Drug Enforcement Administration’s (DEA) ability to go after drug distributors, despite the worsening opioid epidemic.

The Washington Post‘s report on the opioid epidemic focused on one bill in particular that protected some major drug companies, allowing the flow of opioids to reach more people and creating more profit for their producers in turn. The law was presented as a more “industry-friendly” approach to law enforcement, but it undermined the DEA’s ability to monitor the flow of opioids.

So, corrupt doctors and pharmacists were able to effectively prescribe more pain killers and introduce them into the black market. Big Pharma funded this through lobbying efforts, worked closely with a handful of Congressmen, and even made some hefty donations to political campaigns (to the tune of millions of dollars) to ensure this bill came into fruition.

The Washington Post stated that the key member of Congress who paved the path for this bill was Pennsylvania Republican Tom Marino, as he allegedly spent years attempting to push this bill. The law Marino so desperately wanted to succeed basically acts as a protective barrier between Big Pharma and the DEA, preventing the DEA from freezing suspicious shipments from companies.

Why was Marino so supportive of this particular bill? Though we clearly do not have the full picture, we do know that he received $100,000 by “political actions committees representing the industry” for his efforts. Marino wasn’t the only lawmaker to accept payments though, as the industry paid a collective $1.5 million to 23 lawmakers who sponsored or co-sponsored the bill (and these are only the known amounts).

“The drug industry, the manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors and chain drugstores, have an influence over Congress that has never been seen before,” explained the former head of the DEA’s division responsible for regulating the drug industry, Joseph T. Rannazzisi. “I mean, to get Congress to pass a bill to protect their interests in the height of an opioid epidemic just shows me how much influence they have.”

As per how this bill truly got passed, it remains a mystery. Yes, Big Pharma and Congressman Marino clearly played a huge role, but how did the DEA and Department of Justice accept this? Were they unaware of the effects this would have on the opioid epidemic? Former President Barack Obama, who was responsible for the final sign-off of the bill in 2016, and multiple DEA officials declined to comment on this matter to the Post.

In addition, the DEA and Justice Department refused or delayed requests made by the Post and 60 Minutes for files under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) that could provide more information on the law that passed. A number of these FOIA requests have been pending for a year and a half, and so the Post is now suing the Justice Department in hopes of obtaining these files.

DEA Chief Administrative Law Judge John J. Mulrooney II commented on the law, stating that because of it being passed, it’s “all but logically impossible” for the DEA to suspend a Big Pharma company’s operations even when they do not comply with federal law. How can drug companies continue to operate when they’re not even operating under federal law? This is the power that Big Pharma holds over the U.S. government.


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Cover-up Possible as UFO Landing is Investigated in Brazil

by Paul Seaburn        October 21, 2017        (

• On October 7th, residents of Peruíbe, Brazil, a coastal city southwest of Sao Paulo, saw a bright light at dawn.

• On inspection of the area, they found vegetation smashed to the ground as if a large craft had landed on it.

• Investigator Saga Susseliton Souza, who has 35 years experience in UFO investigations, says “We…noticed that it was something that was not made by a human. It was a UFO, really, that landed there in circular movements, so the vegetation was just crumpled.”

• Saga noted that electricity went out in the neighborhood at the time of the sighting.

• Those living close to the ‘landing’ site reported “nausea and malaise.”

• Peruíbe is a hotbed for UFO activity, with 79 reported sightings listed on the UFO Hunters web site since 1998.

• The question is, why did the Brazillian media not reveal the incident until ten days later?


Calling Tom DeLonge! Before you get too far along with your fundraising campaign in the U.S., you may want to take a quick trip to Brazil to see what’s going on near Sao Paulo where news is slowly leaking out about an alleged UFO landing in early October that seems to have been covered up by the Brazilian media until now.

Santos e Regiao is blaring the headline “Residents report alleged landing of ‘flying saucer’ on the coast of SP” and reporting that residents of Peruíbe, a coastal city west of Santos and southwest of Sao Paulo, allegedly saw a bright light around dawn on October 7 and found vegetation smashed to the ground as if a large craft had landed on it. The impression – measuring 13 by 2 meters (42.6 by 3.6 feet) – was not an elaborate geometric design like a crop circle (or in this case, rectangle) but was nonetheless cordoned off immediately by local officials to “avoid agglomerations that would hamper the work of the researchers.”

Agglomerations? That would be ‘crowds of curious onlookers’ who would trample the site and everything else around it before investigators had a chance to do their jobs. Investigators like Saga Susseliton Souza, who claims to have 35 years experience in UFO investigations and had this to say after viewing the area:

“We looked at it in the last few days and we already noticed that it was something that was not made by a human. It was a UFO, really, that landed there in circular movements, so the vegetation was just crumpled.”


Saga noted that electricity went out in the neighborhood at the time of the sighting and those living close to the ‘landing’ site reported “nausea and malaise.” The city was justified in keeping out “agglomerations.” When the “landing” was finally revealed by the media, around 100 people showed up to check things out. That’s probably just the beginning. Santos e Regiaoreports that Peruíbe is a hotbed for UFO activity, with 79 reported sightings listed on the UFO Hunters web site since 1998.

With that many sightings, it’s not surprising that the city hosts an annual Ufological Meeting of Peruíbe (Santos e Regiaoreports over 1000 people attended in 2012) and is committed to ufology tourism. A survey of sightings made in 2010 found that most pass through eight points in the city where residents have seen UFOs, landing marks, lights and “luminous beings”.

It’s not clear if the latest ‘landing’ is at or near one of these points. Nor is it clear why it was not revealed for 10 days. However, Peruíbe officials seem committed to investigating and promoting UFO sightings and alien encounters, with the intent of making their city a center for what they call “Ufotourism.”


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Veterans File Lawsuit Accusing Big Pharma Companies of Funding Terrorist Organizations in Iraq

by Kalee Brown         October 20, 2017        (

• On October 17th, 100 US military veterans filed a federal lawsuit against numerous top multi-national pharmaceutical companies, claiming that these companies funneled funding to enemy terrorist organizations through “kick-backs” to Iraq’s Ministry of Health.

• The lawsuit claims that these Big Pharma companies are responsible for hundreds of American casualties.

• The lawsuit was filed against five major pharmaceutical giants: AstraZeneca, General Electric, Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, and Roche Holding.

• The plaintiffs state that these corporations funded the ministry employees by supplying them with additional drugs and equipment packaged for resale on the black market, in addition to creating a “slush fund” for ministry officials sympathetic to the terrorist groups.

• The ministry was essentially a front for Jaysh al-Mahdi, which many U.S. army officials refer to as “the pill army” because the troops were compensated in pills instead of actual money.

• These companies have paid generous amounts of money in the past to settle similar claims in order to successfully gain further contracts in Iraq.

• The lawsuit alleges that the companies are in violation of the U.S. anti-terrorism act.

[Editor’s Note]  It appears that in the Deep State cabal/ capitalist world, paying kickbacks to enemy groups in order to gain lucrative contracts and settling the resulting lawsuits are simply ordinary costs of doing business, so that these huge multi-national corporations may continue to fund their secret space programs and off planet operations that are earning them even greater profits.


On October 17, over 100 U.S. veterans and relatives of American soldiers who were either injured or killed during the Iraq war filed a federal lawsuit against numerous U.S. and European Big Pharma companies. These aren’t just tiny corporations, they’re some of the leading companies in the medical industry, including Johnson & Johnson and Pfizer.

Those involved in the lawsuit are claiming that these companies regularly paid officials in Iraq’s Ministry of Health, who then used the money to fund the militia that was responsible for many attacks against U.S. troops.

So, why are Big Pharma companies funding Iraq’s Ministry of Health, and more importantly, did they know the money would end up in the hands of terrorists?

It seems sort of strange that Big Pharma companies, especially those based in the U.S., would fund the very terrorist organizations that were attacking U.S. troops in the first place. But then again, it’s also sort of strange that the U.S. government funds and trains terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda and ISIS, so perhaps this shouldn’t come as such a surprise.

The lawsuit was filed against five major pharmaceutical giants: AstraZeneca, General Electric, Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, and Roche Holding. The lawsuit claims that these organizations financed terrorist organizations that are responsible for the deaths of hundreds of American soldiers, and numerous soldiers and veterans who were wounded in the Iraq war.

These companies allegedly paid kickbacks to higher-ups at Iraq’s Health Ministry, and these payments were made when the ministry was controlled by the Jaysh al-Mahdi, or Mahdi Army, an “anti-American” Iraqi militia backed by Iran. The lawsuit includes a 27-page list that details all of the reported deaths and injuries of American troops that were caused by Jaysh al-Mahdi from 2005 to 2009.

In terms of how much the officials at the ministry were being paid, these companies allegedly bribed them with as much as 20% of a total contract’s value. The plaintiffs stated that these corporations funded the ministry employees by supplying them with additional drugs and equipment.

They noted that these free items were packaged in “a manner conducive to street resale” so that the ministry officials could resell them on the black market. In addition, the companies allegedly designed a “slush fund” from 2004 to 2013 in order to fund “after-sales support and other services,” but in reality, the money was apparently used for the Health Ministry officials.

The lawsuit argues that by funding the officials, the corporations “aided and abetted Jaysh al-Mahdi’s terrorist operations against Americans in Iraq.”


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Classified Photos From NASA of Big Extraterrestrial Vehicles Taken by Astronauts & Robotic Probes

by Arjun Walia         October 15, 2017         (

• In 1964, Army officer Bob Dean was shown a photo of a spacecraft several hundred feet in diameter.

• Dean is one of hundreds, if not thousands, of people with verified credentials coming forward to share what they have experienced during their military careers.

• According to Dean, an Air Force report stated that the planet Earth and the human race has been under observation for hundreds if not thousands of years.

• There were (as of 1964) at least four different groups coming here, observing us, surveilling us, analyzing us, closely watching us.

• The report concluded that there did not appear to be a military threat because with their incredibly advanced technology, if they were hostile or malevolent, there was absolutely nothing we could do. “It would have been over a long time ago.”

• Former Canadian Defence Minister Paul Hellyer stated, “four different species, at least, have been visiting this plant for thousands of years.” “There’s been a lot more activity since we invented the atomic bomb.”

• Apollo 14 astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell said, “I happen to be privileged enough to be in on the fact that we have been visited on this planet, and the UFO phenomenon is real.”

• It’s pretty hard to believe that so many people with verified credentials would all lie about something that could so easily damage their careers.


The picture above comes from, according to the lecture below, Apollo 12. Of a craft that was several hundred feet in diameter.

“They published it, and they issued it in the summer of 1964, while I was there working in the war room. They titled it ‘An Assessment: An Evaluation of a Possible Military Threat to Allied Forces in Europe.’ . . . I was working in the war room one early morning . . . I’m sitting there nodding off, and this American Air Force full Colonel looked at me and he says, ‘Wake up.’ He went over to the vault . . . we kept classified documents in there . . . the Colonel went over to the vault and pulled out this document and through it on my desk and he says ‘Read that, that’ll wake you up.’ Ladies and gentlemen my life changed. I opened the first page and I couldn’t put it down. . . . I was shocked, I was stunned, by the implications of what I read in that study. . . . The study briefly, and I have to briefly lay this out, the study simply concluded this: They concluded that the planet Earth and the human race had been under some kind of survey or observation going on for hundreds if not thousands of years. They concluded in 1964 that there were at least four different groups coming here, observing us, surveilling us, analyzing us, closely watching us — what we were up to, what we were doing. They concluded that there did not appear to be a military threat involved because the repeated demonstrations of incredibly advanced technology demonstrated to us that if they had been hostile or malevolent, there was absolutely nothing we could do. If they were evil in their intent and they were hostile toward us, it would have been over a long time ago.”

Above is an excerpt of a lecture given by Robert (Bob) Dean, a retired US Army Command Sergeant Major who served for 28 years. In the lecture below, he provides a wealth of mind-altering information that corroborates with what many other whistleblowers have shared.

The lecture was given in July 2009 at the European Exopolitics Summit, which took place in Barcelona and was filmed by Project Camelot.

Dean is one of hundreds, if not thousands, of people with verified credentials coming forward to share what they have experienced during their military careers. With regards to the statement above, former Canadian Defence Minister Paul Hellyer has also mentioned the same report that Dean refers to, stating in an interview with RT news that “they decided to do an investigation, and they investigated for three years, and they decided that, with absolute certainty, that four species, four different species, at least, have been visiting this plant for thousands of years.” He also mentions “there’s been a lot more activity in the last few decades, since we invented the atomic bomb.”

“Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered. . . . We are not alone in the universe, they have been coming here for a long time. I happen to be privileged enough to be in on the fact that we have been visited on this planet, and the UFO phenomenon is real.” – Apollo 14 astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell

The fact that hundreds of such people, many of whom hold high-ranking positions, have been speaking up about this topic for decades is fascinating. It’s pretty hard to believe that so many people with verified credentials would all lie about something that could so easily damage their careers.

Although there is no definitive way to prove to the ‘mainstream’ world that ET is real, we now have hundreds of thousands of documents from multiple countries putting to rest the question “Do UFOs exist?” We know they do from these documents, which show objects are tracked on radar, spotted by the pilots sent to intercept, and in some cases, simultaneously tracked on ground radar.

Information like this, particularly the fact that agencies are working to uncover the truth, shouldn’t really come as a surprise.

The CIA has a long history of putting resources toward studying this phenomenon, in fact, as well as investigating what other countries know about it as well.


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