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Author: Giorgio Piacenza

After a clear UFO sighting with multiple witnesses within 300 feet in the Peruvian coastal town of "Chilca" in 1975, I participated with the Mission Rahma contact group and befriended several contactees from this and other contact efforts. I also researched many aspects of the UFO phenomenon for several decades and feel inclined to contribute in the confluence of philosophical and scientific perspectives.

Overview of the Current Revelation and/or Confirmation of the UFO Presence (as of September 9th, 2021)

Overview of the Current Revelation and/or Confirmation of the UFO Presence (as of September 9th, 2021)
By Giorgio Piacenza

US intelligence report on UFOs: No aliens, but government transparency and desire for better data might bring science to the UFO world

We are in a historical moment of revelation of the UFO truth but clearly in a controlled way. It appears that some of the administrators of the UFO secrets (part of a continuous investigative process of at least 75 years) are trying to reveal (but still controlling the narrative). And it seems that other factions are trying to interrupt that revelation.

Some prominent credentialed people who worked or still work for the US government have stated that there really are vehicles that are not of this world and that some of the UFOs have no natural or prosaic explanation. However, in the preliminary report of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), also released to the public on June 25, 2021, it was said again “we don’t know what they are.” This shows an internal contradiction or perhaps a strategy of revealing little but – for various reasons – always keeping some of the old explanations. I don’t know if this is all coordinated or if some factions put it one way and others another but I think it is most likely that ultra-conservatives associated with aerospace corporations (the so-called “Beltway Bandits”) would be the ones that most want to control the delivery of information. And another more liberal faction wants to release information because they know that keeping the population out of this is unsustainable or they know that humanity needs to know these things to evolve and not destroy themselves.

They used to deny almost everything and now they are revealing but also denying parts of what they know. But why? Fear that human society can’t handle it? Afraid of having to admit that billions have been invested in secret, that lawmakers have denied access to information, or even that there have been illegal actions against innocent civilians to maintain secrecy? Fear of losing control of an unusual technological development? It is said that the US has several objects that do not belong to the human species and that Russia and China also have something and are trying to reach the US investigation.
As an example of someone who has stated more forcefully that the US government possesses something extraordinary is Mr. Luis Elizondo (former Director of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program or “AATIP”) and there is the renowned physicist Bob Davis (who has worked on many secret projects for the Pentagon). The former basically admitted that the US government has non-human artifacts.

To Fox News Channel’s question by Tucker Carlson: After talking about UFOs or UAP he asks “Do you think that based on your decade of service working in the US government has in your possession any material from one of these aircraft? Elizondo: “I, I do … yes.” Tucker Carlson: Do you think the United States government has the remains of a UFO in its possession now? Luis Elizondo: “Unfortunately Tucker, I really have to be careful because of my Confidentiality Agreement. I really have to be careful about that, but simply put, yes. ”

In another Fox interview with Luis Elizondo, he answered: “The United States government is in possession of exotic material. And I leave it there.” (Fox News).

The Obama White House officially denied in 2011 that there is evidence of an extraterrestrial presence or recovered extraterrestrial technology. But in recent interviews (2020, 2021) he said that he could not speak much of the evidence and stated that there are indeed objects flying in the sky detected by different instruments and that we cannot explain.

Those who have contributed the most with articles on these topics since December 2017 have been the New York Times. For the New York Times in April 2020: Dr. Eric Davis stated that he himself had informed the US Congress that the government of that country indeed had in its possession technology that was not of this world. According to investigative journalist Ross Coulthart this was confirmed by staff working for a congressman.

But the UAPTF unclassified report again tells the general public “We don’t know what they are.” If so, and if they know what they are, at least some segments within the Pentagon have lied to the country’s Congress from him for 75 years. It is as if they just want to start gradually educating the population, scientists, politicians, etc.

Likewise, the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense, the United States Air Force and the Department of the Navy, the Department of Defense, and the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense Intelligence had already declared that the most shocking cases of UFOs or UAPS could not be explained by alluding to prosaic phenomena such as ice crystals, misunderstood data, bad observations, etc. In addition, Senator Mitt Romney recently said that “we know this is not American, Russian or Chinese technology.”

But, of course, if these objects have been closely observed by several of the best pilots doing impossible maneuvers, while (also simultaneously) they were detected in 4 coordinated radars and using infrared FLIR devices, sometimes maneuvering near or on navy ships by several hours or days, sometimes hundreds of them, flying far from the ground, so how are they going to be drones!

The Scientific Coalition for Ufology has analyzed certain recordings and calculated at over 600g of acceleration forces! No drone, plane, or pilot could resist that! The only thing that is resisting is the mind against the available data. It is the stubbornness of the deniers, scientists or not!

In 1947, the Army-Air Corps took the remains of the object that fell in Corona New Mexico (the so-called Roswell case) to the Foreign Technology Division of the Wright Field Air Force Base (now called Wright Patterson AFB) and continued to investigate after it Project Blue Book was canceled. In fact, it is already known for sure that the UFO investigation continued secretly after Project Blue Book was canceled in 1969. It is known because of the Air Force regulation JANAP 146 and the Air Force Manual 55- eleven. This despite the USAF denying that they had an interest in UFOs after 1969.

Jcs janap146

According to serious researchers like Ross Coulthart and others, the cover-up (to develop retro engineering) was first administered by the Atomic Energy Commission (a civil agency). It was then transferred to private aerospace companies, while the Pentagon’s more secretive Unacceptable Special Access Projects would provide oversight.

Placing the largest secret in the hands of civil agencies or private-civil corporations would have helped representatives of the United States government to truthfully declare that the government does not possess remnants of a non-terrestrial object. But for some reason or another, they now want people to know that UFOs are real after all. And some characters with proven credentials like Elizondo and Davis are declaring that they do have these items. And they would also have incredibly advanced technology. With isotope ratios different from those found on Earth.

Along with historian Richard Dolan, I believe that Messrs. Elizondo and Davis (in addition to physicist Hal Puthoff) had access to SAP projects, some of which may have been related to the UFO issue but not to the more secretive (and probably extra-legal USAPs). they escape accountability through the formal chain of command). The latter would be related to UFO retro engineering, direct study of the extraterrestrial presence, contact by psychic means, and others.

The UFOs are unlikely to have been Chinese during the multi-day encounters around the USS Princeton off the east coast of Florida in 2015, or around the USS Nimitz in 2004 as they have been detected since at least the decade of 1940 when China was a backward rural country. Rather, China recently stated in the Morning Sun newspaper that it is investigating UFOs with the help of artificial intelligence.

The June 2015 report was prepared in coordination with various offices by the recently formed UAP Task Force (UAPTF) or “UAP Investigation Team” in conjunction with the US Navy Intelligence Office and in conjunction with the Office of the United States. of the National Director of Intelligence (ODNI) under the supervision of the Secretary of Defense. This report determines that UFOs are real, extraordinary, and of great interest. But it also seems to say or seem to want to give the impression that serious interest in UFOs only started in 2004, which is misleading. Like the military, they were just now taking this seriously. Of course, that is not true.

However, there are other contributions. However, it also says that of the 144 cases studied after selecting them since 2004 in they could not explain 143. Most were cases collected by the US Navy. In addition, the preliminary report (not classified) of only 9 pages it admits something important: a real possibly advanced technological phenomenon of unknown and worrying origin.

The classified version of the report given to members of the US Congress is said to be about 72 pages long. What is most classified are the means and systems of detection and monitoring, but some congressmen (Mark Warner, etc.) have said they have seen much clearer images than what the public has been able to see since this process of confirmation of reality began. UFO in 2017 … when Elizondo, Tom DeLonge, members of To the Stars Academy came to light during a YouTube conference in October of that year and later in an article in the New York Times.

At least among the prosaic possibilities offered in the report of June 25, 2021, everything is talked about but the possibility of extraterrestrial technology was not ruled out either. That detail is significant.

Leaked footage of 'pyramid-shaped' UFOs is real, Pentagon says - National | Globalnews.ca

Leaked footage of pyramid-shaped UAP filmed with infrared over the USS Russell. Given to filmmaker Jeremy Corbell.

In all this, the USAF has been almost silent but I have already declared that it is interested in the UAP (although it has been in that since when it was the Army Air Corps in the 1940s!). Interestingly, following the June 25 report, Under Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks ordered that the UFO / UAP investigation be coordinated between multiple military branches and agencies.

What is already undeniable is that there is ongoing evidence of past lies and manipulation that can explain the inconsistencies between truthfully disclosing and denying/lying. For example, Secretary of the Air Force D. Quarles flatly lied when asked about UFOs.

And the lies started a long time ago. For better or for worse, what they said to the public is one thing and what they did in private is another. Secret Report No. 14 (Special Report No. 14) produced in 1955 by Project Blue Book with the help of analysts from the Battelle Memorial Institute showed that the more educated and credible a person was, the higher the percentage of “unknown” sightings that did not they could be explained.
More precisely, the true number of unexplained or unknown cases was 35% for the best quality witnesses and only 21.5% overall for all the people who reported their sightings to the Air Force. So when Project Blue Book tried for some time to say that mental imbalance was a big factor behind UFO reports, they were lying too. To maintain this fiction (aided by prejudice and social taboo) the most sensitive investigations would have been transferred to private corporations.

Accredited persons who proved to have worked for the US government for intelligence such as Christopher Mellon and Luis Elizondo and Hal Puthoff and physicist Bob Davis would have had access to some of the secrets related to the UFO investigation but not the most hidden investigation within some. USAPs related to private corporations. They would know that there is more and they would act as intermediaries in favor of a more determined (albeit gradual) revelation for leaders, scientists, and the population, acting as bridges between them and the ultra-secret level of investigation that apparently borders on the illicit since (at least until recently) would not have been accountable within the formal chain of command. For example (according to verified letters between Eric Davis and Admiral Wilson … letters that were leaked after the death of astronaut Edgar Mitchell), those who operated certain USAPS under private corporate terms denied Admiral Wilson access to information during the 1990s when he was the chief intelligence officer (“J2”) for the Pentagon.

The statements of denier Donald Menzel (Harvard astronomer (“all unexplained observations are made by bad observers”) and scientist Carl Sagan “reliable cases are not interesting and interesting cases are not reliable”) were also extremely false, prejudiced, lacking in scientific rigor, and foolish. But those apparently “serious” statements are made up of those who do not feel rejection against the possibility of a true non-human presence. Thus, like the fanatical believers who also exist in the world of the UFO subject, many scientists and modern people who want to consider themselves “serious” also incur irrational justifications. Without proper preparation and critical thinking, neither being “open-minded” or supposedly “objective” minded necessarily falls short of the necessary epistemological cognitive balance.

But the most obvious lie made to the public was made in the 1950s by the Secretary of the Air Force D. Quarles who told the public that there were only 3% of “Unknown” cases in the Project Blue Book investigation and that all could be identified as “conventional phenomena” or as “illusions” if they had enough information. It was a total lie that he was able to make because the public did not know about Special Report 14. But thanks to physicist Stanton Friedman we now know about this previously secret report.

After the US Congress received the report on June 25, it organized and requested that UFO / UAP reports be delivered every 90 days, but including cases prior to 2004. This is about to happen. I believe that the second report will be given to you on September 22, 2021. In addition, the Inspector General for the Pentagon began an investigation of how the second institution has carried out the investigations of the UFO issue. They have broad authority and are independent. This investigation could take several years. Maybe they can find out if it was illegally hiding from Congress or if there were irregularities and unexplained expenses. Everything seems to point to an attempt to regain civil and politically formal control of the most secret investigations managed by a basically independent committee of unknown persons coordinating military sectors under the legal protection of private corporations.

On the other hand, Mr. Elizondo brought a lawsuit against the Pentagon for having denied that he worked at the AWSAAP and as director of the AATIP investigating UFO / UAP and for having deleted all his emails. He hired the famous lawyer Daniel Sheehan who also investigated the UFO issue hired by the Congressional Investigation Office at the request of former President Jimmy Carter when he was denied detailed information on UFOs.

Scientists are reacting. The formal interest of the Pentagon, the ODNI, the congress, etc., has generated a positive response from NASA and Harvard University whose representatives (the Director of NASA, former Congressman and astronaut Bill Nelson) and the physicist, astrophysicist, and university professor Avi Loeb) have publicly said that they will start investigating UFOs. The second directs the “Galileo Project” to try to look at scientific instruments to detect and analyze the behavior of UFOs. He reminds us of Galileo Galilei who dared to look through his telescope and detected that Jupiter had moons revolving around it. That is why he changed history and paradigms. The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) has also just joined the UFO investigation. In the last 2-3 years Scientific American magazine also published articles on how valid and interesting UFO research can be for science. Already the subject is not only something of weak minds and crazy visionaries! (It never was).

The UFO community in the US is eager for the US Congress to be encouraged to hold a public hearing about the UFO phenomenon. The last official hearing on this issue was in 1967!

They materialize and dematerialize. They instantly accelerate to hypersonic speeds (5 to 25 times the speed of sound) and suddenly stop. They follow the planes. They contact people. They are shown to schoolchildren. The geospatial agency detected them coming from space. It goes without saying that the verification of a trans-ontological presence, which may well be physical or not, but which at least exceeds the classical space-time limits (with a more advanced technology detected historically and which does not belong to terrestrial humanity) is a fact with undeniable philosophical consequences. This collective realization may help us to get out of the global intellectual morass, to find new political-economic agreements, and to recognize that we are part of a much broader community of life that apparently spurs us to react and mature as a species in a more responsible and healthily connected way.

We have to open our eyes to a larger reality that apparently was always here.

“Growing Up” and “Waking Up” to Adopt Adaptive Worldviews

“Growing Up” and “Waking Up” to Adopt More Inclusive Worldviews by Which Humanity Can Thrive (Along With an Active Extraterrestrial Multidimensional Presence)


By Giorgio Piacenza 


Photo: Lonely/Shutterstock

We will see that “Growing up” is greater freedom in form. And that “Waking up” is greater freedom from form. And that we need both. Thanking about “worldviews” and promoting more inclusive worldviews will be necessary to help the emerging world community adapt to an extraterrestrial, multi-dimensional presence. The 8 worldviews presented by the New Paradigm Institute have been mapped horizontally. They can inform a most nutritious conversation but we also need to recognize a vertical, developmental dimension.


For the most part, before the existence of Integral Theory these two factors (growing up and waking up) were confused or ‘confounded’ even by advanced, non-conventional thinkers and spiritual teachers. But now more than before we need to know about these distinctions in order to successfully come together as a species capable of caring for the planet and its life forms and – perhaps – achieving species-wide sovereignty in the eyes of more mature civilizations that overcame the challenges that we are facing now. Yes, we’ll likely have to learn to think integratively before we can magnificently join a more comprehensive cosmic community in a completely open fashion, a community (according to most contact experiencers) is composed of a majority of benevolent and/or apparently neutrally respectful civilizations some of which are conducting life-enhancing contact-medical-reproductive procedures as we would to a slightly developmentally inferior species. Moreover, the variety of craft and entity typologies observed suggest that they (or most of them) are already capable of collaborating with each other or of following agreed-upon rules in ways that we as a single species still can’t.


But to achieve equal status, not just in essence but in practical terms, a majority of humanity must grow up into post-conventional developmental levels and wake up into more stable, less- egoic, non-materialist states of awareness originating in the divine, Non-dual ground of being. Otherwise, infighting for dominance in order to impose narrow cultural interpretations will continue unabated and (based on the exponential dangers offered by technology) end in one form of a grand-scale catastrophe or another.


Blaine Snow (the author of the following article) was in my Integral Theory class and in his article he brings to light important overarching concepts and distinctions that I think must be understood by well-meaning progressive social activists. This is because they also ought to know some of the most fundamental issues behind human behavior and psychology before they half-hazardly promote social change. The developmental issues raised in the following article help us understand why we are as we are and why we come into conflict so often with each other. These issues speak about developmental stages that exist at the root of the types of worldviews we adhere to or, more poignantly, CAN adhere to. Thus, large-scale cultural shifts based on adopting more inclusive worldviews pertaining to consciousness and interconnection in a balanced way require an expansion of what awareness can take in in terms of “waking up” as in terms of “growing up.”


More inclusive, even left-of-liberal, worldviews (mapped along a horizontal scale) can be worldviews capable of dealing with an active ET/NHI presence. This is because, if one carefully studies contact descriptions, we begin to see that the beings behind this presence apparently operate in multiple levels of physical and non-physical activity. Thus, in a “trans ontological” way that also appears to be semi-covert, semi-self-revelatory, partially interactive, and even mutually co-creative manner blending subjective and objective experiences). But to interpret this situation well would also require a corresponding higher, vertical, psychological development scale level (referred to in Blaine Snow’s article as “Growing Up” and as “Waking Up”). This is because, in order to be able to include more of reality not only cognitively but also identity-wise and ethically-wise (for example to be able to live up to the demands of the 8th Worldview), we need to expand our consciousnesses by developing vertically.


Thus, we need to understand that the greatest challenge that humanity faces now (a challenge that will likely test to the limits the flexibility of our human nature or even activate something in us that makes it possible to expand) isn’t only about rationally agreeing upon a worldview and adopting new and better worldviews. It also is about expanding our consciousness by growing up vertically…developmentally. A balanced cross with intersecting vertical and horizontal axes.


However, once we get this necessary foundation for understanding, the question is how can we realistically promote post-conventional development (growing up) and also a (waking up) development towards universal awareness but on a massive, global scale, especially when tribalized and regressive authoritarian (pre-conventional and conventional) meaning-making is high jacking everyone’s attention and expanding so quickly in the world due to populist and business-based misuse of communication technology stimulating the lower rungs of human nature (an “us vs. them” polarization)?


Facts, reason, and logic do not seem to be enough…at least for most people excited by limited identity meaning-making. Since we are emotional meaning-makers that remember stories, should we talk about expansive realities using exciting stories? Should we simply brace up to bear the brunt of an upcoming multi-systemic crisis and inevitable personal suffering (even eventually extending to many of the most powerful in society)? Is there anything really capable of shaking us up one by one and globally out of our inability to abandon short-term decision-making, superficial status-seeking, selfish perspectivism, inadequate thinking, and widespread cynicism so that we can actually come together and agree? Will a formal, worldwide recognition of an extraterrestrial (and likely trans-ontological, i.e. “multidimensional”) presence be enough to shock us out of our smug complacency and mutual jealousy regarding who we think we are and what we think we know?


Self-discovery, self-correcting, ever-evolving, open cultures of inclusion, and fundamental connection should benefit from the notion that there are levels of development applicable to how we understand things, including why we are attracted to worldviews with similar characteristics. The conversation must be informed by different (ultimately compatible) angles supplementing what any one of them is not presenting.


Adopting more inclusive worldviews (for instance, left of  Liberal) would require correspondingly more inclusive developmental levels in terms both of “growing up” and of “waking up.”

The following are the eight NewParadigm Institute proposed worldviews- The 8th “Galactic” one would be most suited to live interacting in a healthy way with an extraterrestrial presence on Earth.



Please read Blaine Snow’s article “Waking Up and Growing Up – Two Forms of human Development” Here’s the link: https://www.academia.edu/19587519/Waking_Up_and_Growing_Up_Two_Forms_of_Human_Development_Development

This is another link:  https://philpapers.org/archive/SNOWUA.pdf


And here is the link for New Paradigm Institute, promoting a worldwide conversation on worldviews and suggesting a post-contact paradigm and worldview. https://newparadigminstitute.org/

Three-Finger Nazca Mummies Update 26 August 2021

New and better tomographies were conducted in Lima, Peru. Especially on the 60 cm long tridactyle humanoid named “Josefina” that not only has 3 fingers in hands and toes but also what seems to be three eggs inside her abdomen. Like a reptilian humanoid. The 128 cuts per square inch tomographies show that soft tissue is connected.  The “eggs” also show some structures inside.

The specimens are being kept and studied in the Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga located in the coastal town of Ica, Peru.  However, the Ministry of Culture wants to confiscate them.  Before, they said that the mummies were not part of the national patrimony and now they say that they are. From the very beginning, they were against the possibility of these bodies (found by grave robbers) being a unique discovery, although they were invited many times to participate in the investigation.  They also analyzed other specimens that probably were fake and generalized against all of the specimens.  It reminds me of the (now receding) anti-UFO attitude which is present all over modern institutions around the world.

Most scientists (anthropologists and archaeologists) associated with this Ministry state that the mummies are obvious fakes or that they have been assembled either with modern materials or by using ancient human and animal bones. But there also is good scientific evidence that at least some of them are genuine and were living beings many centuries ago. Whether they were unknown species, human-ET hybrids, or ET remains to be found.

Even if the remnants are not easily associated with a particular archaeological site or an ancient culture, the physical samples can indicate biological anomaly or uniqueness.

One recent test conducted by the university was to insert a fine needle into one of the alleged eggs and (unlike the case if it had been a stone) it went through. Some material was extracted and I will try to find out if it was or will be tested.

An interesting event that keeps happening is the imaged energy coming out of the central part of Josefina’s chest implant. If it is not connected to a natural “artifact” or effect of the interaction between X-rays and metals (usually called the Solar Rays phenomenon) it might be anomalous.  The first image is a recent one. The second, third, and fourth were taken before the COVID pandemic. Also, the central part of the enigmatic “implant” seems to have an internal structure.


Here are some more new images. The first one shows what appear to be excessively hollow bones…perhaps like birds and reptiles?



The author trying to measure energy anomalies close to the largest (and more human-like) three-finger mummy “Maria” kept for further investigation in the Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga that – against many government officials and even internal opposition from archaeologists and other scientists -is rightfully trying to arrive at the truth.

Finally! Warp Drives Possible! (more conservative ones at least)

Applied Physics Constructs First Model of Physical Warp Drives - The Cowboy Channel
Press release by scientist Gianni Martire:
” Warp Drives are Now Possible”
The group’s findings have been published in the peer-reviewed journal,
Classical and Quantum Gravity
New York, NY – Scientists at Applied Physics are excited to announce they have
recently constructed the first model of physical warp drives.
Applied Physics is an independent group of scientists, engineers, and inventors that
advise companies and governments on science and technology for both commercial and
humanitarian applications.
In the organization’s most recent news, the team at Applied Physics is announcing the
first model of physical warp drives – something that, until now, has only had a place in
science fiction. The group’s study was conducted in close contact with distinguished
researchers in warp field mechanics, including receiving blessings from the esteemed
Theoretical Physicist Miguel Alcubierre, with findings being published in the peer-reviewed journal, Classical and Quantum Gravity.
“Many people in the field of science are aware of the Alcubierre Drive and believe that
warp drives are unphysical because of the need for negative energy,” says Lund
University Astrophysicist and Scientist at Applied Physics, Alexey Bobrick.
“This, however, is no longer correct; we went in a different direction than NASA and others
and our research has shown there are actually several other classes of warp drives in
general relativity. In particular, we have formulated new classes of warp drive solutions
that do not require negative energy and, thus, become physical.”
“While we still can’t break the speed of light, we don’t need to in order to become an
interstellar species,” says Gianni Martire, Scientist at Applied Physics. “Our warp drive
research has the potential to unite us all.”
Both Bobrick and Martire are happy to provide further details about their work
regarding warp drives to any interested party.
For more information about Applied Physics, please visit https://AppliedPhysics.org

Introducing Physical Warp Drives

The Alcubierre warp drive is an exotic solution in general relativity. It allows for superluminal travel at the cost of enormous amounts of matter with negative mass density. For this reason, the Alcubierre warp drive has been widely considered unphysical. In this study, we develop a model of a general warp drive spacetime in classical relativity that encloses all existing warp drive definitions and allows for new metrics without the most serious issues present in the Alcubierre solution. We present the first general model for subluminal positive-energy, spherically symmetric warp drives; construct superluminal warp-drive solutions which satisfy quantum inequalities; provide optimizations for the Alcubierre metric that decrease the negative energy requirements by two orders of magnitude; and introduce a warp drive spacetime in which space capacity and the rate of time can be chosen in a controlled manner. Conceptually, we demonstrate that any warp drive, including the Alcubierre drive, is a shell of regular or exotic material moving inertially with a certain velocity. Therefore, any warp drive requires propulsion. We show that a class of subluminal, spherically symmetric warp drive spacetimes, at least in principle, can be constructed based on the physical principles known to humanity today.

Source: https://arxiv.org/abs/2102.06824


Watch: “Warp Drive News. Seriously!” (By Sabine Hossenfelder)


A previous study that mentions previous improvements such as those by Dr. Harold White from Eagleworks  (NASA)

Click to access BobrickTorino2019.pdf

My Commentary: By using normal positive energy it would be more feasible and acceptable to most current scientists to accept the creation of a warp drive. But it would also be a “slower” drive  (subluminal but, nonetheless, potentially ‘faster’ than current chemical rocketry and other crafts based on the Newtonian action-reaction principle). A step forward to open their minds also to the extraterrestrial/multidimensional presence about which there is much evidence.
I believe that other warp drive methods already exist in the classified world. Some might use negative energy states and potentially or actually superluminal.
But Martire and Bobrick’s theoretical demonstration is a good step forward because until their articles most physicists considered warp drives ‘science fiction” since they were linked to the possibility of using negative energy states widely considered as non-plausible and “non-physical.”
What Martire and Bobrick have apparently demonstrated is that by needing two orders of magnitude less amount of negative energies that requirement can basically be circumvented.
Interestingly, optimized geometries are looking very Ufo-ish.


UFO: Friend, Foe or Fantasy "CBS Reports" (1966) - YouTube
Come on, let’s try to think about these issues with greater granularity…or detail about the threat issue because we (all of us) tend to oversimplify and choose sides. I recently saw a video in which the anti threat + consciousness accepting position was stressed in excess, forgetting about the few negative interaction accounts in Ufology.
For what we seem to know out of decades of contact research and analyzing behavior, most are not an actual threat (technology + bad intentions or hostility against us). Some …a few are an actual threat, but they possibly are (for the most part) under a certain control or, according to some contactees (under an apparent agreement with a large confluence of several groups) not to exceed in their activities. There’s complexity here.
Our need to understand through over-simplification may be our own primary internal “enemy.”
Yes, there are SOME cases (a minority) that seem to be “negative.”
Depiction of a craft throwing a blood-suctioning beam on some individuals as was seen in Colares, Brazil, and thoroughly researched by the Brazilian Army.
Perhaps 6-9% according to the anonymous, international, FREE Foundation survey with more than 3,000 contact experiencer anonymous respondents and considering knowledge about a few verified hostile cases like the Colares case in Brazil (and what current cattle mutilations in Argentina and Skinwalker Ranch or other places might mean) relate to the actual threat that -according to some serious contact experiencers – are under control or functioning under some agreed-upon limitations.  
But we also need to find out who among “them” already is or can be our FRIENDS and ALLIES in spite of our current human frailties. And some serious contact experiences that have provided evidence over decades appear to show that specific varieties have respected us integrally during more than 40 years of interactions.
But since – among many of the movers and shakers – there is no direct knowledge about who is who among “them,” naturally, for any military, aviation, and national security evaluation team most have to be considered a “POTENTIAL” threat. However, whether we are supposed to depend on external protection forever or evolve in consciousness and – perhaps – not need external protection is an open question.
Moreover, as a species, we should be careful not to extend our own bellicose ways into space with nuclear weapons and especially directed against otherworldly civilizations in unfounded ways, without becoming part of a more inclusive exopolitical inter-world/inter reality agreement! At least not until we mature as a unified species worldwide that takes care of its planetary life and of its own members!
Thus, I can agree with Dr. Greer in some issues but not in his “all are benevolent,” absolutist stance. And I also agree about some issues with the ‘space brother’ crowd (in which I participate) that – in more recent times – has acquired a more balanced view in general. This means that (in spite of popular misconceptions) the entirety of this “crowd” doesn’t necessarily believe that “all are benevolent.” Again, we need to try to think with greater granularity and to… “CONNECT THE DOTS.”
We need to teach ourselves to overcome the habit of dichotomizing and over-simplifying things.  It is the tendency of our unprepared human minds to rely on fractional thinking, choosing the information that confirms our beliefs (cognitive bias), getting us into mutually distrusting identity groups based on our sacred partial beliefs and this doesn’t allow our species to move forward in understanding. But if we ‘grow up’ and enough of us reach a plateau of stable integrative values, thinking, activities (as oftentimes benign extraterrestrial entities tell “experiencers” that we are capable of doing), then we may be able to establish a reasonable degree of public open contact with the kindest types of non-human intelligent beings that we can choose. Through it, we may not just learn who is who among the intelligences behind the UFOs but also learn about the rules and principles governing a cosmic society probably waiting for us to join.  
What if besides the potential threat of an object that approaches our airplanes and some weird cases of cattle mutilation and a few deleterious cases there is some simple people that have been maintaining a close, friendly and mutually respectful relationship over decades of “working” good causes with benevolent extraterrestrials, like in the Amicizia case from Italy and some Mision Rahma groups or participants capable of working in a sincere ad rational way? Should contacteeism remain a taboo or become a possibility for learning about who is who among “them?”
To get a better handle on who is who in the non-human exopolitical community we also need to invest time in direct contact experience efforts and studies of the information bequeathed to us by persons that have allegedly experienced such contacts. And this includes remote viewing testimonies of vetted and credible former military viewers like former Sargeant Leonard E. Buchanan who mentions a whole variety of friendly and unfriendly psychic and non-psychic gray-type beings and other types of friendly and unfriendly ETs. This is after being asked to research the cases that project Blue Book had to admit as proven.
But is the only reason that the “threat” narrative is so much mentioned because it mobilizes politicians? Because it is sincere and natural to consider a “potential threat?” Because it is convenient either to lay the ground for a fake extraterrestrial invasion that would give more power to the powers that be? All of the above? Some of the above?
If we really find these issues important and care to find out, we really need to engage in a really serious COMPREHENSIVE study!

A Reversal of OSD Pentagon Statements About AATIP?

El Pentágono de los Estados Unidos en Washington DC mirando hacia abajo la vista aérea desde arriba

Do you know that, recently, Mrs. Susan Gough (PR spokeswoman of the OSD – Office of the Secretary of Defense) allegedly/apparently wrote an email to Mr. John Greenwald (The Black Vault) saying (according to Mr. Greenwald) that AATIP did not investigate UAP (UFOs)? I still haven’t read the original letter but it is something that has to be known.

I expect more information to come out soon, from Mr. Greenwald, perhaps from Mrs. Gough, perhaps from the Navy and from TTSA.  Is it a misunderstanding or a fundamental conflict of factual information? Is it a strange strategy to confuse people?

These declarations would have to deny not only Mr. Elizondo’s but also Mr. Jim Semivan, Chris Mellon, H. Puthoff and other serious people (such as Senator Harry Reid), not only knowledgeable about classified information (and intelligence clearances) but also linked to TTSA, credible persons who today – as a whole – guarantee that AATIP did investigate UAPs (UFOs). 

Is all of this a confusion or a reversal of policy? 

It doesn’t seem to make sense but (if the information shared by Mr. Greenwald is accurate) WHY would this be happening now? Do some persons “in the know” want to lock the cat back after it came out of the box?

Or is Mr. Greenwald’s information not very clear? Or perhaps is this the old pattern of those who try to control what the population knows, using the practice of revelation followed by denial? (However, this revealing was to one or a few individuals only before the denial).

Is it a mistake from Mrs. Gough who doesn’t know all the information? Or has she been told to say that? Is this a strategy from a faction inside those “in the know” because something else is in the offing? Is this apart of an old plan or a new move?

In terms of UFO disclosure, the “powers that be” follow a pattern of revealing and denying information to society as Randy Koppang and Grant Cameron would likely agree. They usually reveal something to one or a few individuals and later deny it after these individuals have been used to deliver a message to society. But this time they would be denying a whole team of intelligence- savy VIPs gathered in TTSA.

A few days before, another letter by Mrs. Gough (in response to an SCU (Scientific Coalition for Ufology request) publicly shared by Mr. Greenwald) stated that the U.S. Navy only had the “source” videos similar in quality and in length of the 3 videos shown to the public through TTSA (“GIMBAL” “GO FAST” and “FLIR 1”). That these were not classified. She doesn’t actually deny that there may be full-length and higher quality “original ” videos somewhere else but seems to be minimizing or trying to minimize expectations from the general public regarding what the U.S. Navy (and, by extrapolation, the Government in general) may have.

What is happening here?


LINK to John Greenwald’s report in The Black Vault:

The Pentagon Corrects Record on “Secret UFO Program”

A UFO Near the White House and The Capitol?

What happened here? A UAP? A flock of birds? Can’t current radar systems distinguish a flock of birds from other objects? Jet fighters were sent to find out.

On the morning of Tuesday, November 26, 2019 around 9AM an object was detected by Capitol Police and NORAD radars over restricted air space over Washington DC.

According to CNN, “Capitol police said it was a small moving blob of something.”

Thinking it might be a drone they went to look for it and found nothing.

The situation lasted for about 20-30 minutes. Visitors had to take refuge inside the locked-down Government building.

The North American Aerospace Defense Command twitted around 12.50 PM that:
“NORAD responded to an event in the Special Flight Rules Area surrounding Washington D.C. this morning. NORAD directed rotary-wing aircraft to investigate and the event was resolved without incident. The defense of Canada and the United States is NORAD’s top priority.”
The U.S. Northern Command twitted on November 26, 2019:
“Senior officials across the interagency are monitoring the situation on a national event conference call. NORAD Command aircraft are on-site and responding. Plane is not considered hostile at this time.”
Link to CNN News Coverage on November 26, 2019:





3-Finger Nazca-Palpa Mummies: A Presentation at the University

In the image above I’m trying to measure ionizing radiation in from of the largest mummy “María.” It had to be done but the test gave a negative result. The door has been sealed for protection.

On November 6, 2019, at the Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga during the VI International Research Congress (VI Congreso Internacional de Investigación) the scientists Galeckii Dimitri from Russia, José the la Cruz Ríos from Mexico, explorer-anthropologist Thierry Jamin and investigative reporter Mr. Jaime Maussan gave information about the 3-finger Nazca-Palpa mummies and some new findings were presented.

Besides previous information that the genetic tests revealed that María the largest mummy coincided genetically with homo sapiens by about 25% and the smaller specimens by about 15%, the vertebrae of the smaller specimens in the neck were said to be cylindrical which would have permitted the specimen to rotate its head beyond human range.

One of the tomographic images appeared to show a grape seed or similar in the intestines.

As had been previously mentioned histological analysis showed that the skin in both the large specimen and the smaller ones appeared to be that of a reptile.

Mr. Maussan was thankful to the people of GAIA -TV recognizing that without their auspices they would not have been able to carry out several genetic tests.

Vice-Rector of Research Dr. Martin Alarcón Quispe mentioned that keeping the bodies in the university and promoting their research could benefit the university which could become a hotbed to generate future researchers. He invited new scientists including those of the Ministry of Culture that had opposed. He also mentioned that he had been threatened. Some archaeology students loudly opposed during part of the presentation but I think that the scientific reasons which they presented could have been easily answered.

Unfortunately, the one Peruvian reporter most seriously dedicated to covering the news, Mr. Jois Mantilla announced that he would retire from covering this case to have more time for his paying work and family.

The mummies that the university is protecting (and for which it is coordinating further research with a new team of scientists) were shown to attendees, in spite of previous attempts by the Ministry of Culture to confiscate them.

The researchers associated with the Maussan-Gaia TV team were happy to have done their best to research these mummies.

I interviewed in English and Spanish Mexican biologist José de la Cruz Ríos López and the Vice-rector of the university Dr. Martin Alarcón Quispe. With another interpreter, I interviewed Dr. Galetckii Dimitri. And I interviewed in English-only Dr. Robert E. Farrel who was attending this Congress.  Mr. Jaime Maussan was interviewed in English-only by Freedom Press News.

Here are the links to the interviews:

Biologist José de la Cruz Ríos López

Vice-Rector Martin Alarcón Quispe

Dr. Galetskii Dimitri



Dr. Robert E. Farrell


Jaime Maussan (by Freedom Press News)


OCTOBER 25, 2019

Docentes contratados de la UNICA no cobran hace 4 meses

There was an irregular, sudden incursion of archaeologists associated with the Ministry of Culture (and its local, regional chapter) accompanied by 7 policemen to go into the room where the mummies are being kept inside the university. They wanted to confiscate the 3-finger Nazca bodies (including the large mummy “María”) but could not because the person with the keys was not available. This move may have been illegal because there was no previous notification and the university has its own autonomy and rights.  The university took a valiant, creative step in defense of a true spirit of scientific investigation and now all of it is in peril.

The people doing this give the public impression that they want to do it because they are sure that the case of the three-finger mummies involves the illicit use of prehispanic bodies and animals. But the other impression which they give is that they do not want to give an opportunity for a scientific institution to conduct formal, careful research in Perú. Is it prejudice? A lack of mental flexibility? A defense of what they believe is the spoilage of national heritage to commit fraud? Or is it jealousy that they didn’t make the discovery under conventional circumstances? Obeying a conspiracy of silence? All of the above?

Since the beginning, the Ministry of Culture and associated scientists were invited in person and in writing many times when the three-finger bodies came to light but they either didn’t reply or were convinced from the beginning that the bodies were fake. Most of their objections have been answered by the scientists that (unlike them) studied the most important samples up close.

The individuals trying to take the bodies away may return to the university during the weekend or on Monday to confiscate the remains. Major local news services tend to side with the conventional position and do not seem to understand the importance of what such a discovery may be or to care about it besides their need to occasionally cover the news for ratings. The skeptic side seems to get more air time repeatedly.

Reporter Jois Mantilla is one of the few reporters that cares and is trying to do something about this. Other scientists quietly researching the “mummies” (even if convinced that at least some mummies can be genuine) still do not want their names to be known. New genetic results and other new results (due to tests performed after the person who found the bodies surrendered them to the university) were going to be revealed in about 10 days. I hope that they are revealed ASAP to show that confiscating the bodies would be a big mistake.

The international community should urgently ask the Ministry of Culture to allow this research to continue.

OCTOBER 28, 2019

Today was an important day to preserve the 3 finger-bodies or specimens. The Ministry of Culture wanted to confiscate the three-finger humanoid bodies taking them away from the custody of Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga that wants to invite scientists from all over the world to conduct proper research on them.

This day the authorities from the Ministry of Culture from Ica returned, also with police presence but they could not forcefully confiscate the 3-finger bodies. Both parties reached an agreement for the Ministry of Culture representatives to come back to take photos of the specimens another day. They didn’t seem to be well-informed about the research that had been conducted.

The Vice-rector Martin Alarcon was firm but conciliatory and did not exclude the scientists from the Ministry of Culture to participate in the research. Also, the police presence had been irregular in the first place because they had not been called and that is not permitted by law. It would have violated the university’s autonomy. They also didn’t have a court order and were basing their actions in a presumption. The rights of the university prevailed, at least today.

The conversation flowed in terms that in order to know what is the truth we must all come together to investigate. The vice-rector invited them as scientists to come back on the 5th and 6th of November also to participate in an international archaeology conference that will include one day for the three-finger specimens.

Some of the best 3-finger specimens are inside containers covered with red cloths and under lock and key behind a hermetically sealed glass door. Outside of the Vice -Rector’s office, about seven archaeology students were protesting the decision to safe keep several specimens, because they consider this to debase their professions.

OCTOBER 29, 2019

Yesterday (coinciding with the important meeting with the Ministry of Culture representatives as per the future of the three-finger humanoid bodies), the National Superintendence of Higher University Education (SUNEDU) denied renovating the operating license to Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga (also know as “UNICA”), founded in 1970 and with 19,400 students. SUNEDU had recently denied renovating the license of 21 private universities.  Unfortunately, the university became the first public university to be denied such a license. Unless the university’s license is re-established no new students will be able to enroll. Enrolled students can continue to attend classes.

At least since April 2019, the university was working with SUNEDU to solve the problems that had plagued the institution, problems related to a previous administration. There also are charges of corruption involving the previous administration. Strangely enough(and very suspiciously) their license was revoked on the same day in which the meeting with the Ministry of Culture regarding the three-finger bodies took place.

It seems to me that traditional political and scientific forces are psychologically blocked against the possibility of unique, non-human intelligent, humanoid beings actually being researched in a serious way in association with major institutions and that they try to find reasons to stop it.

I believe that if the university continues having classes (as it strives to meet the demands of SUNEDU) it should continue hosting the research on the 3-finger bodies to determine the truth.




NAZCA 3-FINGER MUMMIES: The Saga Continues – News after October 20, 2019

OCTOBER 20, 2019. A national or public university in Peru has taken custody of some of the three-finger Palpa-Nazca “mummies” and promises not only to eventually exhibit them to the public but to promote their RESEARCH, open to adequate, honest and accredited national and international scientists.

This University is the “Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga”  (abbreviated as “UNICA” and colloquially known as “Universidad de Ica” because it is located in the Department of Ica, a region where the Nazca Geoglyphs, the Palpa Geoglyphs, the Paracas skulls, the Chincha Culture and other archeological remnants are located).

In spite of opposition from some archaeologists and media reporters, who even went to this university to prevent such a decision, this university has opted for the scientifically correct path. The Vice-Rector of research Dr. Martin Alarcón wants to investigate. This is the correct scientific attitude.

On November 6th, 2019 there will be a press conference to officially announce this decision by the university.

Mr. Jaime Maussan and Peruvian reporter Jois Mantilla (perhaps the only major Peruvian reporter covering this important development) declare that GAIA TV will not control the research process.

According to biologist José de la Cruz Ríos López, new tomographies have confirmed the presence of internal organs and Inkari Institute lead by Thierry Jamin sent teguments and bones to an institute in Paris.  Spectrometry was conducted revealing tissue that once belonged to living beings showing a natural biochemistry instead of any evidence that the bodies studied in France had been artificially assembled with modern substances. The analysis liberated water showing that there still was some natural fat content.

Mr. Jaime Maussan invites once again the participation of skeptical scientists and even the scientists that rejected the possible findings and investigations from the start. Quite likely, Dr. Konstantin Korotkov from Russia (said to have clear images of embryos inside eggs in one of the specimens) will come to Perú to participate along with other Russian scientists.

Further News: The New GEOGLYPH

Recently the discovery of a large three-finger geoglyph in the Atacama Desert in Chile, has taken place. It seems to depict one of the smaller (60cm long) three-finger “mummies” found in the Palpa – Nazca area. I learned about this news in the beginning of October, 2019. To me, it looks genuine but – of course – experts should study it. The geoglyph also has a sphere above the left shoulder.

“A Tridactyle Geoglyph (25 meters length approx.) was found in the north of Chile, which represents a humanoid being with three fingers very similar to the so-called “Mummies of Nasca”. The presence of this geoglyph adds to the long list of archaeological evidence that supports the existence of these beings on the South American coast. Similar representations have been previously found in cave paintings, ceramics, looms and petroglyphs from different Peruvian cultures. In addition, this discovery could establish a link between Chilean geoglyphs and the so-called Nasca Lines.” (Report by Peruvian researcher Eng. Alex Sender).
Courtesy: FICCV CHILE.

From the FICCV web site: “The International Foundation for Culture and Life Sciences is pleased to share the present material that corresponds to a tridactyl humanoid-looking geoglyph very similar to those publicly known as “The Mummies of Nasca” in Peru, in this case just over 800 kms (from Nazca-Palpa) in the commune of Huara, Tarapacá region of Chile.

FICCV is a non-profit foundation and has been created six months ago and with limited resources has managed to find this unique geoglyph in the world of a tridactyl humanoid being known to date, we share it as a grain of sand in support of all who have been investigating the well-known mummies of Nasca. We also invite you to watch the video published in the CSF Television section.” (Translation with Google Translate) https://www.ficcv.info/

Original Image by FICCV.

The following image was highlighted by biologist José de la Cruz Ríos López.

One of the feet shows a 90-degree angle similar to the feet in the larger three-finger “mummy” called “María.”  If María and the 60 cm entities are genuine could the former be a hybrid between a human and the smaller 60 cm beings that have more significant reptilian characteristics?

La imagen puede contener: exterior

Left side tomography of María


OCTOBER 25, 2019

There was an irregular, sudden incursion of archaeologists associated with the Ministry of Culture and local representatives of this ministry accompanied by 8 policemen trying to have access to the room where the mummies are being kept inside the university. They wanted to confiscate the 3-finger Nazca bodies (including the large mummy “María”) but could not because the person with the keys was not available. This move may have been illegal because there was no previous notification and the university has its own autonomy and rights.

The people doing this give the public impression that they want to do it because they are sure that the case of the three-finger mummies involves the illicit use of prehispanic bodies and animals. But the other impression which they give is that they do not want to give an opportunity for a scientific institution to conduct formal, careful research in Perú. Is it prejudice? A lack of mental flexibility? A defense of what they believe is the spoilage of national heritage to commit fraud? Or is it jealousy that they didn’t make the discovery under conventional circumstances? All of the above?

Since the beginning, the Ministry of Culture and associated scientists were invited in person and in writing many times when the three-finger bodies came to light but they either didn’t reply or were convinced from the beginning that the bodies were fake. Most of their objections have been answered by the scientists that (unlike them) studied the most important samples up close.

The individuals trying to take the specimens away may return to the university during the weekend or on Monday 28 in order to try to confiscate the remains.

Major local news services tend to side with the conventional position and do not seem to understand the importance of what such a discovery may be or to care about it besides their need to occasionally cover the news for ratings. The skeptic side seems to get more air time repeatedly.

Reporter Jois Mantilla is one of the few reporters that cares and is trying to do something about this. Other scientists quietly researching the “mummies” (even if convinced that at least some mummies can be genuine) still do not want their names to be known. New genetic results and other new results (due to tests performed after the person who found the bodies surrendered them to the university) were going to be revealed. I hope that they are revealed ASAP to show that confiscating the bodies would be a big mistake.




Developmental Psychology and Intelligent Disclosure

In relation to an extraterrestrial presence, we may be dealing with “Hyperobjects” or “Multiple Objects.”  For intelligently influencing an Intelligent Disclosure we would need to study Developmental Psychology and how human consciousness and subjectivity may deal with these objects. 
Image result for hyperobjects
Consciousness can be understood as the capacity to experience meaning, in fact, forms of meaning, including how to interpret them. The meanings of experience are normally related to objects of experience and, ultimately, even consciousness itself can be understood as an object of its own experience. Therefore, epistemology and ontology are not separate. Meanings can be of multiple kinds like sensations (pain, pleasure), sentiments/feelings, concepts, ultimate spiritual meanings…any form of meaning.
Leading a ‘sensible’ human adaptation to emergent, culturally and instinctively-challenging global issues requires a global form of integrative perspective-taking. This would be a level of interpretation capable of appreciating the importance of previous forms of interpretation in such a way that its possible to work with individuals interpreting reality under such previous levels. Moreover, it would be a form of interpretation that operates under a more extended experience of “meaningful time” in which for practical purposes the motivation to act in the present experience includes more of the past and of the future. 
A creative, adaptive political and cultural acknowledgment of a globally active, advanced, non-human extraterrestrial presence on Earth is akin to intelligently dealing with culturally-challenging, global issues like “climate change.” These are issues which are so widely distributed in space and in time that only fragments of their meaning can be grasped simultaneously by most people. They trump traditional ideas about what a thing is in the first place. These issues are called “hyperobjects” by Timothy Morton, author of “Hyperobjects: Philosophy and Ecology after the End of the World” (2013). They require a completely different way of thinking and being in the world; quite likely post binary, connecting the subjective and objective realms of experience and inclusive of a type of science in which the non-physical consciousness, information and subtler forms of energy are used to modify physical matter. 
On the other hand, integrative philosopher Sean Esbjörn-Hargens consider climate change and similar issues as “multiple objects.” This is an object that is objectively real but enacted through different subjective perspectives producing different meanings about it. I think that the “global technologically advanced, non-human, presence related to UFOs” can also be considered as a “multiple object.”
In the following article, Gail Hochachka studies the multiple responses to the issue of “climate change” under the aegis of Developmental Psychology. With a greater capacity for taking multiple perspectives, individuals may be able to deal with “hyperobjects” or with “multiple objects” more appropriately. Hochachka also shows how individuals operating under different interpretive levels of development “make meaning” including greater or lesser degrees of the present, past and future considerations accompanying different degree of abstraction and personal identifications.
I recognize the crucial importance that TTSA has played in moving the UFO subject into the mainstream, serving as a bridge between the highest levels of secrecy and the general public. However, it is time for many more serious cultural influencers to join a serious conversation regarding the “global, technologically advanced, non-human presence related to UFOs” beyond the influence of those in the know within military and intelligence circles who may only be able to interpret the situation under particular valid but partial limited perspectives. But we must rise to the challenge surpassing conventional modes of thinking. 
If UAP intelligences are able to handle a more extended present, a present that includes more of the future and of the past in a non-linear way as Luis Elizondo suggested (as a personal opinion) during a MUFON interview (see the May 2018 edition of “The MUFON Journal”), their conscious capacity for doing so may be similar or above an integrative perspective-taking capacity. At the very least, they would also be able to adequately understand “hyperobjects” or “multiple objects” and think in global and species-wide terms in constructive and adaptive ways. And this would entail that eventually most of humanity would also need to rise to an integrative perspective-taking capacity. 
“What if there were other species or
even humans, where their understanding of the present,
that optic, that spark, is maybe a little bit bigger? Maybe
that optic is a little bit wider. Rather than being a point,
maybe it’s a range. Maybe the understanding of the present
isn’t a point, but it’s a range, and maybe there’s elements of
the future and the past that are experienced as the present,
and, therefore, what we perceive as linear space-time maybe
others don’t. In fact, maybe these are things that have lived
here forever, before us. Maybe, we share the space with
them.” (Luis Elizondo).
Image result for extraterrestrialdisclosure
Whether UAP or UFO intelligences pose an actual physical threat or not (and I surmise that most don’t), not rising to a capacity for understanding tantamount to dealing with “hyperobjects” may produce a cultural type of threat since we would not be able to adapt. We would need to adapt to cultures that may not want to conquer us as technologically advanced cultures did on Earth against less technologically developed ones. However, their understanding of complexity, consciousness, information, in a post-materialist way capable of transcending our spacetime-limited cultural traditions may be a threat if we are unable to rise to the challenge. It would require the greatest shift for human civilization since the taming of fire and the discovery of stone tools. What if (just like “hyperobjects” or “multiple objects”) “they” (the UAP or UFO intelligences) may be already participating inside of us as we may be participating inside of them? What if we can only understand this if we rise above a rigid, binary distinction between objectivity and subjectivity? Rigid distinctions between “us” and “them” would melt along with rigid distinctions between our “present” linear, interpretive experiences and non-existing pasts and futures.  
Gail Hochachka’s study would also be useful to cultural leaders willing to influence the ways society may respond to a “global technologically advanced, non-human presence related to UFOs” inasmuch as its reality is becoming uncontroversial. With the aim of promoting a healthy, adaptive response to the technologically advanced, non-human presence in society, we need to study Developmental Psychology and how a greater number of individuals may intelligently or constructively relate to “Hyperobjects” or “Multiple Objects.” The good news is that human capacity seems to be able to reach an integrative level suitable for an adequate, intelligent cultural adaptation and flourishing under the new circumstances. We just need to implement ways to promote the massive psychological development of individuals up to that level. We need the political will beyond the hyper nationalisms in vogue today. Realistically speaking, only perhaps by being forced to deal with the extraordinary realities at hand will activate that political will.
Hochachka’s study can be useful to the intellectually serious disclosure activist, UFO researcher, experiencer or exopolitician since a “global, technologically advanced, non-human presence related to UFOs” can also be considered a “hyperobject” or as a “multiple object.” Again, understanding the human capacity to intelligently relate with such objects would be crucial for politically and culturally influencing or guiding a policy of “intelligent disclosure” in an adaptive, positive, constructive manner.
Global Environmental Change
Hochachka, Gail (2019). “On matryoshkas and meaning-making: Understanding the plasticity of climate change.” https://reader.elsevier.com/reader/sd/pii/S0959378018309762?token=D77478FF2E973E616FF618580A7BDC87B07DB7D8FC1B7012979A7BD5F00FD8B1B43CC12B5F15030D6CC5D9FAF61D1D2D
Hochachka, Gail (2019). “On Matryoshkas and Meaning-making: Understanding the Plasticity of Climate Change.” https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0959378018309762
Kloetzke, Chase (2018). “Luis Elizondo: MUFON’s Exclusive Interview.” https://mufon.z2systems.com/neon/resource/mufon/files/MAY2018MUFONJournalWEB(1).pdf

Astounding Revelations Require More Comprehensive and Careful Assessments!!

TTSA  information


+  extra information


Image result for beyond ufos
+ extra information

+ extra information…?

= A More Complete, Necessary Disclosure?

The U.S. Government is disclosing the reality of UFOs (or UAPs) through the efforts of To the Stars Academy of Arts and Sciences (TTSA). Through the personal opinions of TTSA members, there is an informal admission that these vehicles appear to be made with technology not available in any country of the world.  Serious individuals participate in TTSA, like former U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Christopher Mellon, former CIA Directorate of Operations member Jim Semivan and former career intelligence officer and microbiologist Luis Elizondo. They are presenting an extraordinary credible series (“UNIDENTIFIED”) in the History Channel and their media interviews are rendering UFOs credible and worthwhile to “serious thinkers” that otherwise would have to continue laughing about it.

TTSA and the History Channel are giving us interviews with highly trained military pilots and other credible witnesses and telling us about the evidence that was found inside the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) that operated in the Pentagon under the DIA and under the Secretary of Defense. TTSA has promised to show a “metamaterial” made with extremely fine, pure otherworldly isotopic layers, that loses weight when irradiated with terahertz EM frequencies and which, possibly, has not been fabricated by any known Earth technology.

This mind-opening stage of informing the public about UFOs (now preferably called “UAPs”) is a historical turning point and can also be considered a “confirmation” of basic aspects about UFOs that many ufologists had previously found. It is also confirming what a greater percentage of the population already believed or suspected. Since the USG (U.S. Government) is collaborating with TTSA by providing the latter with declassified UAP (or UAP) evidence, we can also assume that it is a moderate form of official disclosure.

But recently leaked emails mentioned by historian Richard Dolan are revealing that some persons historically associated with current TTSA members were also trying to find out details about other even more secret programs that had also been researched and mentioned by other ufologists. For instance, a 1997 meeting at the Pentagon previously revealed many times by Dr. Steven Greer (and which involved Admiral Wilson, Commander Will Miller, Dr. Steven Greer, and Astronaut Edgard Mitchell) is being verified through these leaked emails. Astoundingly, they likely show that the main, formal system (the ‘white world’ of intelligence) within the intelligence community doesn’t know what another (possibly unconstitutional, ‘black world’ of intelligence) system is doing in terms of the deepest research on extraterrestrial (or UAP intelligences) presences.

The leaked emails would also show that many TTSA members and collaborators (including scientists and some military working together in formal UFO/UAP research like in NIDS, The Aviary and the Advanced Theoretical Physics Working Group) know more than what they currently announce publicly, such that ETs are here. On the other hand, according to a June 17, 2019 interview given by Grant Cameron to Spaced Out Radio, the emails were likely rescued (post mortem) from astronaut Edgard Mitchell’s stash of saved documents which leads me to suspect that some TTSA members or associates or someone close to Ed Mitchell may also want the information in the emails to come out.

See this YOUTUBE VIDEO: “UFO Leak of the Century, Richard Dolan Analyzes the Admiral Wilson Notes.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dk7wWp7iL60

And this YOUTUBE recording “June 17/19 – Grant Cameron on the UFO Leak and Ryan Stacey from TESA” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eO5S2ybi6hY&t=923s

Also, a good compilation of the 1997 Pentagon meeting by Giuliano Marinkovic is found at http://omnitalkradio.weebly.com/pentagon-ufo-briefing.html

The so-called “Core Secrets” emails now exposed seem to show that not even Admiral Wilson (then with the conventional authority to supervise multiple intelligence agencies) could obtain in-depth information about some extraordinarily secret research regarding extraterrestrials. I understand that Admiral Wilson has denied the content of these email letters, but of course, for various reasons he would. The situation requires extraordinary research instead of infighting within the more serious ufological community.

Since I think that there are a FEW nefarious extraterrestrial civilizations, I do not completely agree with Dr. Steven Greer’s assessment of extraterrestrial civilizations but I also recognize that the ‘leaked’ emails confirm Dr. Greer’s much more complex and personally involved research, and the overall situation suggests the existence of an unconstitutional, unsupervised, led-by-corporations, secret, de facto research organization or “cabal”; something akin to a Secret Government…functioning above the law; a form of “need to know” and “compartmentalized” organization far exceeding the spirit of the law under which it was probably created by an Executive Order during President Truman’s time; an alleged entity – surprisingly – operating utilizing the official Government and legitimate intelligence programs but which got out of control as a de facto outside-the-Government entity even capable of utilizing some of its legitimate installations.  IF it was originally set up by an Executive Order, it would have escaped constitutional, democratic supervision within a Government understood as part of a bona fide republic. But, is this just another “crazy conspiracy theory of the lunatic fringe” (as some versions about the Secret Space Program)?

And how could such an entity continue operating? How could someone like Admiral Wilson (“J2” the Intelligence Director for the Joint Chiefs of Staff) not have access to this entity’s research? As Dr. Steven Greer tells us, some of the reasons why this “Cabal” escaped formal control are that 1) Most formally elected politicians, academics and military do not want to do anything about it because the issue is a career-destroying taboo purposefully exacerbated by the Cabal’s influence on the media  2) That the means and methods involved to keep the secrets can destroy personal images and – in various ways – anybody that opposes them 3) That the general public and scientists, in general, have been manipulated to think that UFOs are either nonsense, entertainment or weird things of no consequence and 4) That they organize extremely compartmentalized projects and 5) That they don’t recruit morally upright individuals if they are to become knowledgeable of compromising information.



Recent ‘leaked’ emails that have come out:



Also, a few days before, the following “Alien Autopsy” emails related to the film that Ray Santilli received and distributed in 1995 came out publicly.

Both sets of emails seem to be genuine as Richard Dolan would likely agree.

These unplanned disclosures appear to show that someone in the know within the formal Government or perhaps within the secret Government seems willing to reveal to the citizenry more and at a faster rate than what is being currently revealed by TTSA. This also has to be looked into carefully. It shows that apparently, from within the Bob Bigelow’s – NIDS research (associated with the white world of conventional intelligence and military), there was an informal attempt to find out about more specific extraterrestrial-related, secretive Government research, USAP programs. How is society going to respond? Can we collectively absorb a sped-up disclosure? Will most of society, including scientists, religious figures, politicians and mainstream media giants dismiss the importance of these revelations as they previously dismissed the importance of UFOs and the logical presence of UFO intelligences?

I am for an intelligent, comprehensive and educational type of disclosure. But, have we been collectively mal-educated by entertainment, polarizing tribal political influences, and greed to the point of not being able to sort out and intelligently adapt to life-changing information which challenges our classical sense of reality? Or, perhaps, we still have the resilience to do it. And perhaps for various exopolitical reasons revealed by a few genuine “prime” contactees we are sufficiently safe not to engage in antagonizing all ET presences even if some – a minority engaging Earth’s human family – are nefarious. Everything must be considered carefully.

As exopoliticians, we must learn not to discount verifiable and credible sources of information so as to over-rely on those sources that we personally prefer. We must be comprehensive but also careful with the verification of the source of information. Exopolitics should not be a “post-truth” endeavor! It must not be a matter of belief or it will be a tribal affair.

Moreover, besides taking seriously research that reveals multiple levels of secrecy regarding technology, we also need to come to terms with sincere accounts of actual contact with what could be called multi-reality UAP intelligences. If the intelligences that built the UAPs encountered during military maneuvers (possibly canceling what would correspond to 300g-400g acceleration forces) most likely do not originate in any country on Earth (as has been stated by TTSA members), then either the ETH (Extraterrestrial Hypothesis) or a more sophisticated type of “other reality hypothesis” (capable of being physical and also of overcoming spacetime physical limitations) must be accepted. Of course, there may be successful, yet unacknowledged retro-engineered vehicles that are not being admitted either for security issues or because (most or all?) TTSA members have not been ‘read into’ those programs. Thus, they can be truthful about what they say to the public.

Quite likely the TR- 3B and similar flying triangles incorporating gravity-canceling technology would be a product of some of those other secret (USAP?) programs but the dozens (perhaps up to one hundred) “tic-tac” UAPs detected during the 2004 Nimitz Incident would be more advanced and not be fabricated by Earth-based homo sapiens.


Different segments in the population and different researchers emphasize specific aspects of the UAP phenomenon instead of attempting to embrace the entire picture. Some will only accept the reality of UAPs and the intelligences involved if the evidence is presented by former Government officers in an official or semi-official manner as a “threat.” Citizen experiencers and serious research that bring up other aspects – including direct communications with diverse UAP intelligences – do not register in their minds as significant. However, if these aspects (still taboo) were presented integrally more people would open up to a comprehensive approach which not only includes consciousness and technology but also the reasons pertaining to the question of why.

For humanity to shift directions and stop destroying nature and itself it requires such an integrative, comprehensive approach to UAPS and UAP intelligences. We need to evolve in an unprecedented way beyond our xenophobic leanings to be able to see ourselves as one civilization capable of handling the upcoming technology.

The Edgard Mitchell Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial and Extraordinary Encounters (FREE) focuses on a grass-roots disclosure which – by means of a scientific, international survey – validates the patterns which emerge from the anonymous testimonies of thousands of experiencers of contact with (so-called) “non-human intelligences.”

I think that FREE’s survey ought to be recognized for a more complete assessment and disclosure.

The multidimensional evidence about different aspects of humanity’s interaction with more technologically advanced intelligences related to UAPs should be carefully assembled. From credible pilots encountering these craft during military maneuvers to credible historical and individual encounters with the alleged pilots of UFOS or UAPs. Otherwise, our understanding will not be comprehensive enough and we will most likely remain holding on to a primitive, tribal approach… dividing our “UFO community” into camps and dismissing useful information; for instance giving credit to military-based revelations but not to thousands of contact experiences (or vice versa).

I don’t know if society at large has been “dumbed down” so much under corporate interests, selfish way of being, seeking easy answers or to blame “others” for pent-up frustrations that it will not be able to adapt to the situation but at least some people with critical thinking skills, world-centric (and not only nationalist) values, and an open mind should try to understand all of this comprehensively. Can it only be handled by the selfish and above the law?

For a careful and more responsible exopolitical response and strategy we really need to know WHO is behind the multiple types of contacts related to UFOs or UAPs. Moreover, we need to recognize that the personal dimension of contact relationships with these (physical, transdimensional and supra-physical) intelligences is actually taking place and that thousands of sincere, anonymous testimonies reveal patterns that we need to understand.

A link to the F.R.E.E. foundation working with experiencers is www.experiencer.com  FREE’s information + UFO research + contactee experiences and research + CE-5 events help us to get closer to the whole picture. 

But by emphasizing only an introductory “we don’t know who they are” datum and even a “POTENTIAL threat” narrative (although technically correct and – perhaps – actually correct from a modern intelligence perspective), we (The People, political leaders and cultural-scientific leaders) will not be able to make adequate peace-enhancing exopolitical decisions. We will quite likely project an “us vs. them”, business-as-usual, xenophobic, primitive, tribal reaction. And under these impoverished cultural circumstances, we will need to trust the powerful making all the decisions perhaps under highly biased and simplistic ways.

While I don’t think that every member of TTSA has a fixated negative orientation regarding the – various – UAP intelligences, from previous declarations I’ve heard, Mr. De Longe seems to be bent on that emphasis. For instance, he mentioned something about nuking the bugs or so. Maybe he was told negative things about some of the UAP intelligences but, quite likely, only an emphasis on partial information.  Moreover, besides what information is initially coming out or being confirmed through TTSA, ufologists have been correct in different aspects of what is coming out and – historically speaking – many of them also emphasized that there also is a positive, in fact, benevolent side to the contact experience. Why would only a predatory expectation or an extrapolation from military human experience always have to be the credible or default position?

If some (or many) of the UAP intelligences manipulated (for good and ilth) our belief systems and even our genetic wherewithal that doesn’t instantly make them our enemies. That makes them more “parental” and it represents a complex relationship. If – besides FREE’s international survey – we carefully look into other historically reported two-way communications between these intelligences and persons around the world, we will find that – according to modern, conventional human standards – most of these entities do not mean us harm. Even abductions are better understood after some time. And the idea of there being more spiritually-inclined, yet also highly scientific “space-brothers” cannot be simply discarded because it doesn’t fit our current cynical ethos. I’ve known for decades of consistently benign contacts that also require serious working together for the benefit of humanity (and beyond) with some UAP intelligences.

Of course, through their technological power, UAP intelligences could POTENTIALLY harm us but for the most, this doesn’t appear to be their intention or modus operandi. They appear to have been here for centuries, even perhaps from the beginning of the human “experiment.” Perhaps we need to learn to work with a group of them and stay safely distant (unrelated) from another. We need to know. We need to know who is who. We need to make contact. We need to know the rules of engagement they operate with. Perhaps we simply forgot that we are them or that we are participants in a cosmic community. Both Sargeant Clifford Stone and Command Sargeant Robert Dean (whistleblowers with credentials) revealed the existence of many extraterrestrial species and a preponderance of well-intended, peace-loving extraterrestrials. Their credentials are authentic. We must learn to recognize credible whistleblowers. And we must learn not to attack these beings or force them to give us information or else, who is the ‘threat’? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwrp_Pxo_nc&t=871s

Sargeant Clifford Stone

Command Master Sargeant Bob Dean

Image result for master sargeant bobdean

In the more consistent and genuine contact experiences within the contact group Mision Rahma there was information that Earth was being actively protected from the incursion of some negative extraterrestrial entities and entities that didn’t want the human experiment to continue (out of jealousy and because – in due time – we could become very dangerous in the universe). This would mean that only a FEW inimical extraterrestrials would get through or be allowed to operate. The latter would be allowed due to the fact that they could have been here before the quarantine. In other words, the whole picture is complex and there may be a balance of power even among the ETs coming to Earth for a long time. But we cannot evolve in wisdom by cavorting only to a xenophobic mentality.

Given that only a few cases of UAP/UFO encounters have been deleterious or violent in no uncertain terms (like the Colares incidents in Brazil and some military pilots that apparently disappeared), sure, the possibility of an actual threat (at least from some of the UAP intelligences) has to be considered. But we should try to develop and publicly present a BALANCED VIEW of what is going on! And – generally speaking – FREE’s survey is a very important contribution that ought to be studied for a comprehensive and more responsible assessment leading to well-informed, balanced political-exopolitical decisions! It may well be that some (or most) UAP intelligences protect as against others and this is why we haven’t been conquered or wiped out. We need to find out and -instead of projecting all ETs as a ‘threat’ – befriend those (possibly a majority) which are in favor of us.

I currently believe that – in spite of the (understandable) Military Industrial National Security Emphasis – members of TTSA are sincerely trying to benefit society. I also believe that they (or most of them) are not really informed about other secret research programs, USAPs such as the most advanced retro-engineering and actual contact and knowledge about different extraterrestrial-multi-reality species. This may be why they are able to truthfully state that they don’t know who the UAP intelligences are. But can they truthfully deny that “anti-gravity” vehicles have already been manufactured from a long-term research project originating in the 1940’s?

They want to legitimate UFOs and start a widespread social conversation and ascertain threat. But how can a threat assessment program (as AATIP) assess ‘threat’ if the who and why is not studied?

While there should be self-interest to produce more advanced weapons and to militarize space for defensive purposes on the part of the corporate MIC elite, thus favoring the narrative of a new potential enemy – the extraterrestrial – I don’t think that most TTSA members would simply follow this. After briefly meeting them in a few UFO conferences they came across as very honorable, well-intended and patriotic men. Not as men that would do anything simply to satisfy power and greed.

If some in the formal and secret governments really know that extraterrestrials have been on Earth (and perhaps even modified our genes) why would they want to present them mostly or predominantly as a threat?

Possible prehistoric observations with saucer-like craft depicted in the Peche Merle cave.

A 1943 UFO picture from the city of Huánuco, Peru

There seems to have been contacts even in prehistoric times and ongoing military-related research not only after the demise of Project Blue Book but on a more secret level at least since 1947. I believe that AATIP was a SAP (a Special Access Project) to provide assessments to political leaders and military in the “white world.” It was not (or is not under a new name) a USAP (Unacknowledged Special Access Project) that probably worked more directly with UFO crashes, retro-engineering and extraterrestrial bodies.

Two Levels

We need to understand that there may be TWO LEVELS investigating UFOS/UAPS, their technology, implications and their intelligences. The deeper, more hand-on level would escape Government supervision and might be unconstitutional as Dr. Steven Greer has affirmed for years. Even personnel working in SAP-level projects like AATIP may not personally believe (or want to believe) about some of the details allegedly said to be going on in some of these USAPs (some of which are adopted by serious researchers falsely thought to be part of the “crazy fringe” and some are adopted with added disinformation by the true “crazy fringe”).

Thanks to a Facebook post by researcher Custodio Da Silva I was reminded that in a 2016 Huffington Post interview granted to investigative reporter Leslie Kean, Mr. Christopher Mellon responded as follows:

Leslie Kean (Q): “Some inside sources have proposed that retrieved hardware from a UFO may exist within a private aerospace company which has become independent from the DoD. In this way, it would be exempt from government oversight and known only to a few people. Do you think this is possible?

Christopher Mellon (A): “I find it hard to imagine something as explosive as recovered alien technology remaining under wraps for decades. So while I have no reason to believe there is any recovered alien technology, I will say this: If it were me, and I was trying to bury it deep, I’d take it outside government oversight entirely and place it in a compartment as a new entity within an existing defense company and manage it as what we call an “IRAD” or “Independent Research and Development Activity.”

LINK to the article: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/is-there-a-ufo-coverup-a_b_9865184?ncid=engmodushpmg00000003&fbclid=IwAR1OXING0VBNpJ4rDGlikyvSdGMBTI01oUYohjnVQ33KsCT44XfrEJnuJes

Thus, according to an expert in the inner workings of intelligence USAPS would work with or as IRADS.

But who is promoting (or approving) that the U.S. Government assists TTSA (whose members had and have clearances to work with certain SAPs) in bringing out (albeit gradually) more official, declassified information about UFOS/UAPS (and quite incipiently “UAP intelligences”) to the public? And why information related with the Pentagon confirms and subsequently denies some of what has come out? Is it standard intelligence procedure, like Grant Cameron says has been going on for decades, revealing but also leaving the door open for plausible deniability? It seems reasonable to me. In this case, this procedure would come from the formal – minimally supervised – SAP level, with some individuals partially aware of some of the USAP-level activities, a plausible reason why the Bennewitz MJ-12 papers (with genuine information) were released in the way that they were released…with the possibility of denial.

But who is promoting this simultaneous “managed” confirmation and disclosure? Patriotic senior level SAP managers worried that some USAPs are deleterious and out of control? The ETs themselves? Both? The fear that other nations may go at it first? Is it promoted by a cabal that wants to promote a fake alien invasion? Is it an internal decision from those that formally manage the information? Was the leak of the emails mentioned at the beginning of this article made by a rogue element that (as per his or her assessment) wants to speed up a more complete disclosure? Was he correct in leaking those emails? Have those emails been “doctored?”

There are allegedly leaked photos that suggest previous Navy detections of UAPs.

UFOs have been detected during the Navy’s military, practice maneuvers for a long time as in 1952 during Operation Mainbrace (Thanks to information shared by Mr. Dave C. Beatty). This suggests that these UFOS/UAPS are not an actual threat.  http://www.thinkaboutit-ufos.com/operation-mainbrace/?fbclid=IwAR2KAV9x2oyvBbNftvXlpYzJ5QVu4cFUFJ26lBRdHI7GIS4Nlev9EJetnCU

I think that when some TTSA members who participated in SAP programs sometimes basically say (about the intelligences behind UAPs) “we don’t know who they are” they are being honest because they may not have been ‘read into’ those more secretive compartmentalized USAP programs. The recently leaked email letters previously mentioned show people working in less secretly classified programs trying to find out more about more details from more strictly classified programs. Perhaps, as intelligent researcher and experiencer Melinda Leslie recently mentioned in a conference in MUFON Marin, Sonoma: (paraphrasing) elements of the white world of intelligence increasingly involved in a managed form of UFO-ET disclosure that extends for decades want to play more in the black (extremely covert, USAP, perhaps unsupervised) world of intelligence. They want to know what the latter knows and how they get their funding.  The link to her presentation and analysis is: https://mufonmarinsonoma.com/?page_id=50&fbclid=IwAR22OO93AFRcWMVOmnH712d4H_gCtHjq36DtmjjH3Ojms336PNdBGTdszlQ

Be as it may, even if TTSA naturally tends to present the issue in terms of a “threat” (and, naturally, maintain an alliance with the military world intelligence, aerospace industries and research labs related to the Government) in order to develop different projects like their announced gravity cancellation craft through their public company (while researching into issues like the negative health effects of some forms of UAP and ET contact), basically I think that these persons – TTSA members – are honorable people. As members of what should be called the “intelligence white world”, they are just part of an environment in which they are required to think like that.  However, I think that – in spite of their making UFOs and the possibility of extraterrestrial intelligences acceptable to “educated society” – the “threat” and military emphasis – while partially valid – should not dominate the entire social discourse and practical decision-making. As little as 5% of human -ET encounters may actually be ‘negative’.  Some of the non-ET encounters may even be MILAB and some may also be encounters with non-physical entities. We need to know with precision to make decisions. I certainly hope that the covert entity called “MAJIC” or Majority Joint Intelligence Committee (by Dr. Steven Greer) – if it exists – is not planning a fake ET invasion or “false flag” for an illicit cabal or power group (including some billionaires) to acquire more control based on fear, greed and not trusting humanity’s highest potentials. I certainly agree with former Canadian Minister of Defence the Honorable Paul Hellyer that this would be a terrible thing to do instead of taking advantage of the opportunity to peacefully relate with peace-loving advanced civilizations.


The Hon. Paul Hellyer

After personally conversing with some TTSA members, I got the sense that all or most are very honorable, well-intended individuals although (simply due to their involvement with the national security culture) they may naturally tend to over-represent the “threat” aspect.  I think that through the efforts of honorable TTSA representatives the white (public, legitimate) world in which our continuously hyper-polarized politics exists and ‘us’ (the population in general) are becoming accustomed to the reality of UFOs and their intelligences. I certainly hope that they are not inadvertently playing into the hands of the alleged “cabal” or – worse – that any one of them is following orders (from those that supervise USAPS related with UAPs -in fact, multi-reality extraterrestrial vehicles –  and extraterrestrials) helping to prepare the way for a false “alien invasion.”

It is a complex issue indeed, but an issue in which the future of human freedom (and the evolution of a culture that can truly flourish under democracy) is at stake.

Seeing these TTSA members speaking openly in interviews, in the news, and in the History Channel is instrumental to begin confirming (and officially disclosing) to the world that ETs (or multi-reality, technologically advanced beings) are here. After more than 70 years of suppression and of a “truth embargo” (as Steve Bassett would say) that situation is thankfully welcomed. But an emphasis in an “us vs them” interpretation of the whole situation regarding the UAP intelligences may be the most deleterious thing that could happen, fixating large segments of the population into a tribal and classic, dichotomous stage of evolution; disabling the possibility of a non-dichotomous adaptation; a necessary evolutionary, cultural response that should emerge for humanity to handle our current perilous age of simultaneous disruption and connectivity along with a post-classical “UAP reality”…a reality that challenges several epistemological foundations cross-culturally, forcing us to come to terms with a much vast, inclusive reality and way of being.

Below is a link to a summary of the basic experiencer survey results which also needs to be studied and understood in order to know who we are dealing with. This and further contact studies have to be pursued rather than dismissed in a condescending way as “ufology”:  The link is for CHAPTER ONE OF the book “BEYOND UFOS” by the Edgard Mitchell Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial and Extraordinary Encounters (FREE):


FREE is in the 5th year of administering the world’s first comprehensive, multilanguage, quantitative and qualitative, academic research study, administered on a
worldwide basis, on individuals that have had UAP (UFO) related contact experiences
with Non-Human Intelligence (NHI)– The FREE Experiencer Research Study. We
are conducting our study in 5 languages (English, Spanish, French, German, Slovak
and very soon in Mandarin Chinese). We asked almost 700 quantitative questions for
our Phase 1-3 surveys and our Phase 3 qualitative survey is comprised of written
responses to 70 open-ended questions. We received more than 10,000 pages of
responses to these 70 open-ended questions from almost 1,400 participants in this
Phase 3 survey. For our English language surveys, we received more than 4,200
responses from respondents from over 110 countries. In our Spanish language survey,
we have received 770 responses and we have a separate Spanish speaking research
committee analyzing this data.

What follows is another scientific article from F.R.E.E. Presented at the Society for Scientific Exploration in 2018. “A Study on Reported Contact with Non-Human Intelligence
Associated with Unidentified Aerial Phenomena”




Anomalous UFOs Confirmed – Will UFO Intelligences Be Inevitably Confirmed? Implications of the latter…

According to political scientists Alexander Wendt & Raymond Duvall, who wrote “Sovereignty and the UFO” (published in “Political Theory” in 2008),  the functionality of modern sovereignty requires anthropocentrism, i.e. the view that homo sapiens is the maximum expression of intelligent evolution as we know it. If this is so, the presence of extraterrestrials flying around on Earth would place Governments into a quandary. They are supposed to be rational, scientific and modern but also to maintain anthropocentrism. It would seem self-destructive to tell their citizens that there actually are artifacts of non-human intelligence flying around in disregard of the territorial boundaries of modern nations? But that is what has almost taken place recently through former intelligence experts.

The U.S. Navy and Pentagon-DIA is confirming their interest in UFOs in major newspapers and media outlets like the Washington Post, The New York Times, New York Post, CNN, FOX. It’ is HISTORICAL. Qualified pilots and officers are allowed to give their testimonies. Will the U.S. Air Force (USAF) soon follow this greater openness?

According to Wendt & Duvall, the recognition of advanced intelligence is necessary to be accepted as sovereign. However, what if the truly unique, verified, intelligently behaved and unconventional UFOs/UAPs encountered by the U.S. Navy and Army and Air Force are not made from any known country on Earth as hinted by former Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) Director Luis Elizondo and by former  United States Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Chris Mellon? 

The latter expressed: “We know that UFOs exist; this is no longer an issue.” “The issue now is why are they here, where are they coming from and what is the technology behind these devices we are observing.” To me, this requires research of the contact experience and to attempt to make peaceful contacts.

Those current and former U.S. employees engaging in what seems to be a semi-official disclosing (or better yet, an initial-level confirmation), and also that UFOs (UAPs) are real and, moreover, that at least some are not made in any known country on Earth have also been careful to mention that they should be regarded as a potential threat. This is understandable from a military perspective. But is this the only way we should think about them? Or is this the only way the Government knows how to present this issue to the citizenry? And what if they have been here on Earth for much longer than modern nation-states? Were they always a potential threat? Are we – perhaps – more of a potential threat than they are?

UFOs are a worldwide phenomenon. Interestingly, there have been declarations (with a smaller effect than similar admissions within the U.S.) by representatives of UFO research commissions in countries like Chile, Uruguay, Peru, and France in that they research UFOs, even occasionally stating that some of them might not originate in any Earth country. The semi-official COMETA Report from France also comes to mind. But the effect that declarations like this have when originating in the U.S. is much greater. It may encourage other powerful countries to follow suit.

Perhaps China, Russia, and other countries will soon follow.

A UFO case officially researched in Chile

In the article “LUIS ELIZONDO: MUFON’s Exclusive Interview” that came out in the May 2018 issue of the MUFON Journal, researcher Chase Kloetzke asked Mr. Elizondo if they (inside AATIP) learned anything that keeps him up at night. The reply was “I think it’s not necessarily negative. I think we are in the precipice of potentially understanding a new paradigm. You know, mankind, our evolution has been marked by moments of clarity….I believe we are on the precipice of understanding a little bit more of our place in the cosmic neighborhood and I think that should be exciting and thrilling. We must remain cautious and diligent, but I’m not sure we necessarily need to be afraid. Concerned, sure. I’ll buy that. Afraid, I don’t think so.” His personal opinion – like that of Chris Mellon – seems to indicate that we are dealing with non-homo sapiens forms of advanced intelligence.

Mr. Luis Elizondo

Why Now?

Are these almost rotund confirmations of the extraterrestrial (perhaps also ‘multidimensional’ and/or ‘transdimensional’) hypothesis happening after more than 70 years of suppression and ridicule because the ETs have demanded that it is time to reveal the truth? Is it a strategy to find public backing to launch the U.S. Space Force (among other reasons to defend us against some of the ETs)? Is it for humanitarian reasons or to support a weapons program and an elite behind the Military Industrial Complex as some conspiracy theories purport?

The revelation of UFOs (and implied extraterrestrials) may diminish conspiracy suspicions exacerbated by the official denial and disinformation that lasted for decades. And the end of anthropocentrism may go hand in hand with the end of materialism, extreme dualism, Newtonian reductionism.

The current stage of confirmations looks like a preamble to a more official form of Disclosure. If no country on Earth has built the extreme advanced UAPs reported by pilots then it is natural to assume they are built by…extraterrestrials or by intelligent beings other than homo sapiens from Earth.

But if extraterrestrials have been with us for a very long time and this is also officially recognized, what rights will we be able to assign, grant or recognize in them? Definitely, in one way or another, sustaining our anthropocentric stance will be seriously challenged, perhaps after unreasonable resistance from some doctrinaires.

Contact and Implications

When Chris Mellon is asked by the Fox interviewer if there has been an interaction between human beings and these beings (from the UAPs) he responded that he wasn’t aware of it. But the possibility of there being ultra-secret, perhaps, Unacknowledged Special Access Projects (USAPS) in which human interactions with UAP intelligences are monitored or even sought after and maintained through psychic or other means has been a credible ongoing research within ufology.

It may well be that Mr. Mellon is not aware of every covert research program regarding extraterrestrials within the U.S. Government. He probably did not have a “need to know” about this and his innocence/plausible deniability was being protected in order for him to be able to speak to the public candidly without compromising an issue still deemed highly classified and under an initial stage of partial declassification. If so, it would be reasonable to assume that there are more highly covert operations than the ones known by the intelligence assets now working for To the Stars Academy of Arts & Sciences (TTSA) and that they would be useful to introduce society to the validation of the reality of truly unconventional UFOs (and later on – inevitably – of extraterrestrial or ‘other’ intelligences).

It may well be that, secretly, the U.S. Government has developed retro-engineered craft still inferior in performance to the so-called “Tic-Tac” and other craft mentioned by TTSA (and soon by the History Channel’s program “Unidentified”). For example, there are some photographs and night vision videos of the alleged TR-3B antigravity flying triangle which suggests such retro-engineering. Can we ignore this and other signs that some level of contact with extraterrestrials – either with them as sentient creatures or with their craft – has already been made at least since 1947?

Not long ago, former AFOSI counterintelligence officer Richard C. Doty mentioned that he was aware of Government research involving the extraterrestrial intelligences themselves. However, he probably knows that there is no way to prove such statements. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rES0rY7ah0

Other credible military testimonies regarding secret programs that may come in direct contact with extraterrestrials or “UAP intelligences” are those of Sargeant Clifford Stone and of Sargeant Dan Sherman. Project Camelot Interview to Sargeant Clifford Stone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rES0rY7ah0

Sargeant Clifford Stone

Sargeant Dan Sherman

Are we already capable of communicating with some, all or any of the alleged extraterrestrials?

Can we relate with any of them as friends, allies or constructively? That would perhaps depend whether we share enough of the same psychological nature to produce some of the same cultural universals. Moreover, perhaps we should not call them “non-humans” but instead extend our concept of humanity to match their cognizance. Perhaps the capacity to reason with free will is sufficient.

If intelligent extraterrestrial presences are openly, officially or sufficiently recognized in a socio-political manner, we will need to develop relationships with them. If we cannot do much to stop them from flying around (not only military maneuvers and installations but all over Earth) we would need to expand our concept of sovereignty and make diplomatic efforts to reach agreements with them.

Serious contact experiencer research and surveys like that from F.R.E.E. (The Dr. Edgard Mitchell Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial and Extraordinary Encounters) should be very valuable to understand who ‘they’ are, why ‘they’ are as they are and what ‘they’ want. In other words, to answer the questions raised by Mr. Chris Mellon. However, we will need to eliminate the still ongoing taboo (even among many UFO researchers), the taboo of dealing with ET contact or of contacting extraterrestrials ourselves, something that many of my otherwise ‘rational’ and ‘objective’ colleague researchers shy away from.

Dr. Edgard Mitchell Scientist-Apollo 14 Astronaut founded F.R.E.E. to research contact experiences and to assist them when needed.

Summary of the Dr. Edgar Mitchell FREE Foundation Academic Research Study on UFO Contact Experiencers & CONSCIOUSNESS

FREE is comprised of 15 Ph.D. academic professors and medical doctors and 10 lay investigators. !!!! If you want to receive a FREE copy of our 120-page Chapter One from our book, send us an email to INFO@EXPERIENCER.ORG. RESEARCH FINDINGS:

1. POSITIVE: The overwhelming number of contact experiences are mainly positive, between 85-95% depending on the question asked. We asked the question of whether their experience was positive, negative, or neutral in more than 25 different questions. Chapter One of our book provides many more details and explanations to this finding.

2. PARANORMAL & NOT PHYSICAL: The Contact Experience is overwhelmingly NOT a Physical/Material Phenomena– instead, it is a Paranormal/Psychic Phenomena. Both Dr. Jacque Vallee, Dr. Allan Hynek, Dr. John Mack, Dr. Edgar Mitchell and many others hypothesized this more than 30 years ago.

3. TRANSFORMATIVE: The Contact Experience is an overwhelmingly Transformative Experience for the Positive. Over 85% of the FREE survey participants, now more than 4,200 individuals, have become: more loving to other humans, more ecological, less materialist, more spiritual, do not fear death, know the purpose of their life, are more consciously aware, less religious, etc.

4. SPACE-TIME: Contact involves manipulation of Space/Time and this, in turn, leads one to hypothesize that this Non-Human Intelligence might be multi-dimensional. This was pointed out more than 40 years ago by Dr. Jacque Vallee (Astronomer and legendary UFOlogist),

The Dr. Edgar Mitchell FREE Foundation was co-founded by the late Apollo 14 Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell.

If you want to receive a FREE copy of the 120-page Chapter One, send us an email to INFO@EXPERIENCER.ORG.

Further Implications

If most extraterrestrial intelligences have a benign, positive, evolutionary effect in our lives (as surmised in the F.R.E.E. anonymous, international survey) we must not treat them all exclusively under the premises of them being a threat. Perhaps we need to think about evolving our views and consciousness first to eventually voluntarily join a cosmic community in which most intelligent species are our friends and only a few our foes.

We must grow up and learn to establish a mutually beneficial and mutually respectful relationship with them.

Perhaps a Space Force may be necessary to defend ourselves against some types of ETs if we want to relinquish the protection that another group of ETs is bestowing on us. But – again – we need to grow up/evolve as a unified peace-loving humanity to learn how to handle the complex and interrelated situation well.

Reassessing our cultural premises will have to come about. It will be major, unprecedented step in history.

Discovering a science that unifies physics with psychic phenomena and with the fundamental role of consciousness will have to come about. Preserving (or even deepening) our spirituality (finding common ground among religions) and developing the sense that all of existence is connected through God, One Mind or Source (even if discovering that human beings have been genetically modified by extraterrestrial beings) will be necessary.

Finding a way to live more dignified lives, with greater human solidarity worldwide, respecting Earth’s life forms and ecosystems will quite likely be required to develop a more open relationship with advanced extraterrestrial societies. We will need to perfect democracies based upon classic liberal principles.

How can we live in peace with ‘them’ (and attain “sovereignty” as a species under their more encompassing planetary expectations) if we cannot live in peace and cooperation among us and are continuously brutally extinguishing animal and plant life on Earth?

As suggested maybe we have lived under the protection of some extraterrestrial associations against a minority that may not respect our relatively independent evolutionary process. Thus finding out who are our friends and foes among different extraterrestrial “civilizations” will be necessary. But who speaks for the entire human family?

Should military institutions only or a variety of institutions and individuals engage in understanding the unavoidable meaning that we are not alone in the universe?








There is an important, welcome step forward towards de-stigmatizing UFOs and learning to relate more intelligently with this clearly intelligent and highly advanced technological phenomenon. I think that the briefings by To the Star Academy of Arts and Sciences and its vital sharing of credible information about this important matter were influential for Navy decision-makers to take this important step, and publicly revealing (as reported in POLITICO) that the U.S. Navy is drafting new guidelines for reporting UFOs.

On April 23, 2019, many of us who consider that we have entered since 2017 a new phase in UFO revelations happily received an article by Bryan Bender titled

“U.S. Navy drafting new guidelines for reporting UFOs”

The LINK to the article in POLITICO is: https://www.politico.com/story/2019/04/23/us-navy-guidelines-reporting-ufos-1375290?fbclid=IwAR3fusr2VP8ZSxpvtoQ_otrF6ZrIr63E_Ivz4r3Pqs6_oLOnREI0peskrNU

The UFO/UAP/AAP phenomenon is thus gaining credibility and scientists once reluctant to study or even consider this issue should change attitudes.

Now, we need to deepen a serious, intelligent conversation about what this intelligent phenomenon means. Overall it seems to have cooperated in not forcing its presence to overtly on us but times are changing with too many verified sightings, documents, experiencer testimonies and even more formal source of videos and images with a chain of custody reaching the USG (U.S. Government).

Moreover, unique manufactured materials (metamaterials) allegedly originating in some UAPs are being studied (for instance with the collaboration of Earthtech Institute for Advanced Studies in Austin, TX) and have been found to have unique isotopic ratios not present on Earth as well as other characteristics that still seem impossible to assemble with known Earth technology.

Of course, the U.S. Navy is still not saying that we have extraterrestrials in our midst but who can manufacture such things? However, this is a step forward to de-emphasize the social taboo factor, perhaps from now on allowing military personnel to report and to talk more naturally about UFO sightings and more.

Soon (in May 2019) various episodes in the History Channel will also show new details of the investigation by TTSA (To the Stars Academy of Arts & Sciences). I believe these will serve to legitimize even more the phenomenon, possibly even leading to the acknowledgment of unique varieties of intelligences operating the advanced technological craft.

IF other intelligences are finally, unequivocally verified and officially recognized, a necessary, intelligent, exopolitical conversation must ensue beyond condemnation and fanaticism in favor or against.

SOME NECESSARY QUESTIONS for EXOPOLITICS and an Adaptive Cultural Revision (possibly leading to a long term transformation):

For instance, what legal rights and protections would we concede to some or all of these intelligences that also appear to have been here on Earth way before modern times?  Who amongst them might be our true allies?

What are their rules of engagement with us? Can we relate with at least some of them more directly, thus getting to know them better? Why are they mostly operating in a surreptitious manner?

If all space-faring ‘races’ are not benevolent towards are other space-faring ‘races’ (species) protecting us?  Should we also have a space force to defend ourselves from some of them combining our force with that of protective intelligences? Or, due to our lack of maturity, should we simply stay out of any such militarization of space in order not to attract further problems and – for now – simply trust (for instance according to the F.R.E.E. survey (found at www.experiencer.org) that a majority of encounters with the “UAP intelligences” are benevolent or have positive effects (spiritual and even healing effects) even if they are normally nerve-racking in the beginning?

How must our educational systems change to adapt to the reality of intelligences that may be culturally different, for instance, if they have been able to overcome spacetime for a long time and with it – I assume – a classical understanding of the world for which our nature and emotional-mental tendencies following physical sensory perceptions are adapted? In fact, does our human nature have the potential to adapt? Or do we need to genetic engineer ourselves or, perhaps, enhance ourselves with technology to meet the challenge? Could it be that -unbeknownst to us – we already have the genetic wherewithal and inner resources to adapt to open personal and cultural contact with these entities?

Shouldn’t we, rather, emphasize more a spiritual connection with SOURCE (the Source of all being) than a technological one? Experiencers often mention that ETs understand there is a Universal Source (“God” for some if you will and The Absolute, Tao, Budha Mind, Parabrahm, Allah and The Great Mystery for others) and some experiencers mention that some intelligent creatures work with this Source for the good of others while the Source allows others to work for themselves controlling, enslaving or stealing forms of light or energy from others. But the latter actions – while allowed by free will – have a limit that cannot be indefinitely sustained as it is a contradiction since the Source of all contingent beings in itself is giving.

How will international law have to improve if we find out that there have been a presence or even bases from otherworldly beings for centuries or thousands or millions of years in different parts of the world? What are the rules of engagement that they abide by? Is there a balance of forces among different UAP intelligences with different motivations? I believe that we should make peaceful contact with some of them.

Where are they From? 

As per the UAP intelligences are they after all displaying advanced technology from another country? Or perhaps ‘us’ from the future? An advanced civilization native from Earth but mostly hiding from us? From inhabited planets in the Solar System or from other solar systems in our universe? From physical parallel universes? From subtler physical universes? Are they ‘Transdimensional’ (using the non-physical to manifest in a variety of physical universes and to manipulate spacetime)? Do they manipulate a universal hologram information matrix and materialize where and when they need to? Do they have greater control of their present moment as Mr. Luis Elizondo suggested in a MUFON interview? Do they control retrocausality? Angels and demons (and/or at least connected with them)?

Is the development of psychic capacities and an integrative perspective needed to understand them? Are they mostly benign as most experiencers of contact tell? Are they – ultimately – us or an aspect of us?

A saucer shape in Niaux Cave, France

Flying disc-like objects depicted in a cave of Peche Merle, France?

What if God exists but they intervened in our development as a species? How will religions become more inclusivist rather than rigid and be able to join the conversation in a civil way? How will science expand to include the phenomenon of consciousness which – according to many testimonies and scientific research – appears to be inexorably linked to the UFO phenomenon?

How will our most basic concepts about the ‘nature of reality’ expand? An integral way of being may help us to adapt to the new realities thriving in forms of connectivity that transcend spacetime limitations. How do we motivate human development worldwide into a post-postmodern, integrative way of being psychologically, culturally, technologically and systemically (including our economic and political systems)?

Besides any level of a cover-up, there may be, I understand how even after genuine sightings the UFO issue tends to be dismissed or ignored by authorities WORLDWIDE. For instance, I heard from a good source that there are unknown traffics or targets detected quite regularly by the Jorge Chavez International Airport control in Lima, Perú. Unless they are too close or too visible their presence tends to be ignored for various psychological and sociological reasons.  For once, it is not acceptable to speak about it without risking one’s job because it is a TABOO. Perhaps a sense of not being able to do anything about it and the feeling that it is ‘weird’ is sufficient for most people to dismiss it as irrelevant or partially irrelevant…unless explicitly assigned to track, investigate and report them. But, should a worldwide phenomenon like this; a more technologically advanced phenomenon, posing cultural and institutional challenges like this be treated as irrelevant or perhaps as silly or as entertainment indefinitely? Definitely NOT.

But, thankfully, the situation is changing, for instance, through military officials (credible witnesses from institution that must be extremely serious about what they say and do) coming out to give their testimonies like the U.S. is doing….including the courageous former seamen and officers from the USS Nimitz strike group (here seen with Mr. Dave C. Beaty producer of the popular short film “The Nimitz Encounters”). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6ox_F0auwM 

A Fox News note on the issue. Navy Prepares New Guidelines for reporting UFO Sightings (Fox News, Apr 24, 2019) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnVMsHHY7RA

Fox News. The U.S. Navy’s New Guidelines for UFOS. I’m so glad that they are coming out more openly about this. Other armed forces and countries should catch up!


UFO (or UAP) in FLIR System during a U.S. Navy encounter.



There are other alleged images of UFOS and encounters pertaining to the U.S. Navy but few have the verified chain of custody to the USG. However, these and other cases add up.


Official footage released by Chile. Instead of maintaining an excessive, rigid attitude of denial, is the public U.S. Navy policy catching up with that of other countries like Chile? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEK3YC_BKTI

Shouldn’t we all “catch up” now?
















Officially Recognized UFO Sightings Near Lima’s Airport

This is exonews, disclosure news and UFO news because it refers to an official admittance to a UFO phenomenon. On February 27. 2019. 1.30 AM local time to 2.12 AM-2.14 AM the town of Callao, Peru where Lima’s airport is 2 UFOs sighting above or relatively close to the Jorge Chavez airport. It also is close to the Pacific Ocean.

With an official preliminary report from the control tower (managed by CORPAC – Corporación Peruana de Aeropuertos y Aviación Commercial) and later on (on February 28) these 2 UFOs were admitted by an Air Force division from the Ministry of Defense (The National Aerial Defense Information Center belonging to the Peruvian Air Force).  I’m glad. It represents a step forward towards disclosure and a good example to follow by other governments.

Photos and some footage were apparently taken of the objects that seemed to be just above the airport at about 300 meters. But the official reports say that they were 5 nautical miles and about 8000 feet high due east (toward the Pacific Ocean…perhaps above the San Lorenzo Island). The preliminary incident report mentions that one of the objects was seen on a radar screen appearing on an off intermittently (on a primary radar).  The important thing here is the two official statements.

The source of the control tower document is some anonymous person probably working for CORPAC and who took a picture and posted the CORPAC document online.  Mr. WILBERT RUIZ validated the document during a radio – Cable TV interview on Radio Capital. He is the former chief of the Control Tower of the Jorge Chavez International Airport with 44 years of experience and currently acting as General Coordinator of control towers across provinces in Perú.

But the (unverified) photos and a video seem to show that they were closer. Or else the objects would have been huge if located 5 miles away. However, the crew in airplanes that were notified by the control tower also saw them. A preliminary report from CORPAC (the Corporación Peruana de Aeropuertos y Aviación Commercial managing the control tower) says one was seen sporadically in radar screen. That it was about 8000 feet in altitude and about 5 nautical miles away due West (azimuth 274 degrees).

Due West from the control tower is a place above the Pacific Ocean near the Island of San Lorenzo. But apparently, they were also seen by the crew from airplanes located on runway 33 and on runway 15. LAN Peru 2437 and LATAM Ecuador 1442. These flights were probably notified because they were related to a route that concerned the event. The UFOs were also apparently filmed by someone with a cell phone in the streets near the airport, but the video – showing 2 lights – is a bit blurry.

The event took place between 1.30AM to 2.12 AM or 2.14AM local Lima time on the 27 of February 2019. This is equal to 6.30 UTC and 7.14 UTC (Universal Time).

The weird thing to me is that the UFO photograph seems to show 2 objects which are much closer and not 5 nautical miles away due West or 8000 feet high.  The UFOs would have been much larger than drones and airplanes would not have been able to hover in a stationary manner.

Over the years, there have been occasional UFO/UAP reports around the general area around San Lorenzo Island. There is an experiencer who claims that in the 1970’s he was taken to an underwater base whose entrance is in that area.

Regardless, my thanks to retired Commander Julio César Chamorro from the Peruvian Airforce (FAP) who sent me the first “incident” report from CORPAC and the control tower.

Whether the photos and video are good or not, UFOs/UAPs were clearly detected and this is the first time I know that the Air Force as part of the Ministry of Defense in Perú validates in writing a UFO sighting related to the main airport in Perú. They even used the term “OVNI” (UFO).

It is not clear if this is a new initiative or policy or if both the Control Tower – CORPAC preliminary report and the Ministry of Defense document (a letter by the Peruvian Air Force Commander of the National Aerial Defense Information Center to the Peruvian Airforce Director of the Aerospace Interests Center) filtrated to the public in an irregular manner. The news came out in two newspapers, in social media and in Radio Capital. Further declarations should be forthcoming.

Preliminary Accident/Incident (RAI) report from the control tower.

Letter statement from the Air Force – Minister of Defense validating the sighting. Is it a more open policy giving a good example to the rest of the world?

A link to a cellphone video is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nb7I6cgu_oI


Human Nature-Based Disclosure

 Unique aerospace vehicles coming out of the ocean in Puerto Rico. Photo by José Fernandez.

How can we as “disclosure activists” and as practitioners of “exopolitics” (and, in many cases, as contact experiencers) really assist society to accept and to adapt to the disclosure of an extraterrestrial, multi-dimensional presence? Should we simply allow a more classic, militaristic interpretive tendency (as within the effort of To the Stars Academy of Arts & Sciences) convince politicians and citizens worldwide and let that extension of our political biases take its course or should we try to find another way of doing things?

I think that we (in fact, eventually, ALL of us and not just ‘experiencers’ who have been awakened to a vaster reality) must try to understand why we are as we are in terms of maintaining our personal identities, sense of meaning and moral politics. I think that our ability to see and our blindness impeding seeing how to “connect the dots” (in a healthy, healing, constructive way) is related to how consciousness itself is capable or not of embracing more aspects of reality in a coherent way. And some of the people speaking about this (although in less spiritual terms) are moral and developmental psychologists.  As boring as these studies might be (in contrast to cover-up revelations, for instance) they can serve as foundations based on empirical research to learn why we create dominance hierarchies and why we fight so much with each other, whether we are in the 0.1% elite group or in any other social strata.

In order to establish contact with healthy, benevolent interstellar beings on a par with their alleged lofty ideals and in a mutually beneficial fashion, with sovereignty as a species that can be sustained, we probably first need to be able to leave our”self-perpetuating wheel of unending conflict.”

What makes ‘sense’ to us is generally related to our intuitions of what is and is not. And this is an expression of the Principle of Identity. And the Principle of Identity (related to how we cognitively intuit what is and is not in our mental schemas and in relation to perception) is probably rooted in the equivalence of consciousness with being itself. It is rooted in the fact that we are (being) because we experience (cogito ergo sum). Thereafter, our interpretive experience is rooted in the self-evident fact that we first know that we are because we experience. It is an automatic part of our conscious awareness and even of our personal identity-based political operations in any “real world” we may be participating.

By extension, constructive “common cause” identity politics, and destructive, “common enemy” identity politics is based on that capacity of recognizing expressions of what is or of existence and being. We could summarize (according to some developmental psychologists like Kegan, Kohlberg, Peck, Cheryl, Gilligan, Fowler, Cook-Greuter, Baldwin, et al) our capacity to embrace and understand varies from person to person.

Levels of Ego Development according to one of the developmental psychologists, Suzanne Cook-Greuter. To face the challenge of DISCLOSURE we probably need a large percentage of the population and/or its cultural-political leaders in a Green (Pluralist), Teal or Turquoise stage of development. How could someone in a predominant “Amber” stage of ego development (the Diplomat- Conformist) act in the name of pluralist, world-centric values for the good of all humankind while willing to admit into his or her circle of care and concern non-human, extraterrestrial (or even intraterrestrial) beings?

It can be summarized as if the personal room for our consciousness and its degrees of possible embrace or identification with reality and interpretations were larger or smaller. It might also operate under a greater or lesser intensity of subjective walls or subdivisions in that inner conscious “space” or “room” and we would have biases possessing our conscious experience without us being aware of it, limiting how much and how we embrace what we disclose to ourselves in our experience.

The more we expand our consciousness as a permanent average trait the more we can embrace a “common emphasis” identity politics versus a “common enemy” identity politics. This issue related to how our CONSCIOUSNESS is freer and more inclusive or instead possessed by inner walls and biases that affect our interpersonal relationships, politics, ufology, disclosure. If we do not nourish a trusting environment we may not be ready for healthy social coordination after major UFO, experiencer revelations.

According to Ken Wilber (working with the information provided by some of those developmental psychologists) a large percentage of the population primarily functions in a premodern, mythic, authority-based level of development coloring their self-identities in which it is IMPOSSIBLE to feel, think, value and include multiple truths multilaterally, fact-based and pluralistically, or in a true modern democratic way, not to speak of the capacity to find a way to harmonize ideological differences via an integrative approach.

Dr. Jonathan Haidt emphasizes (conservative and liberal) moral TENDENCIES (rather than developmental levels) affecting self-identity and identity politics but his work is seriously related to this discourse and to how disclosure activists may effectively work in society beyond participating (even if based on reason) in the blame game.

In a world that needs to come together to process shared human problems: degradation of the oceans, climate change, nuclear warheads, terrorism across borders, artificial intelligence and job loss, information glut, and a long etc, the popularity of ethnic nationalism (now achieving power through democratic elections) is dismantling the international order that (at least in principle) promoted larger swaths of humanity to come together in cooperation with healthy democracies around a world of shared human rights using reason and facts to agree in applications.

How can a “post-truth” world order or a more disunited world made up of more dominating but competing for populist, nationalist polities welcome “the others”? (ETs). How can societies learn to deal in a constructive way and as part of a more unified global humanity if an “us vs them” mentality prevails?

If the classical liberal institutions and classical liberal people’s values in the world are in disarray as we tend to hold on to limited answers, how are we going to add the cultural challenge of verifying an extraterrestrial presence? The “rooms” or “spaces” in our consciousnesses need to expand.

I propose that as “disclosure activists” we also need to understand our own human psychology and what motivates us in order to engage in a more intelligent disclosure discourse and activism. Are most of us liberals (in the liberals vs conservative sense)? How can we value and speak with conservatives (both recognized by Wilber and Haidt as necessary)?

I definitely think that we need to study the work of moral psychologists like Johnathan Haidt and also the works of integrative philosopher Ken Wilber (who emphasizes developmental psychology). One emphasizes tendencies and, the other, capacities. And we need to understand both if we are to become aware of why we are how we are and why we become so invested in our beliefs.

If we are to overcome what may be the greatest challenge of all (probably challenging human nature as we normally experience it) we need to rise beyond opinions about each other. It must even go beyond the genuine and fantastic critiques of what an elite may be doing to us to retain control of us.

In order to be politically and exopolitically responsible we must really focus on understanding our tendencies and that of others (in regular citizens as well as elites and, simply, those in positions of leadership), tendencies naturally bearing on the degree of openness, personal biases and/or various specific interests toward the complex issue of disclosure. Simultaneously, we also need to understand why (sometimes, due to developmental level incapacity) many cannot rise to the challenge of disclosure because they – quite simply – they cannot rise above standard belief systems and cohere explanations discovering what they have in common and – from this platform – inform, share, educate.

The greatest transformative challenge humanity faces would be so deeply transformative that it cannot simply be based on simplistic belief system solutions. Revealing the degree of mischievousness with which an elite controls the cover-up or if a handful of contactees communicating with “space brothers” were – after all – correct in what, otherwise, looked like airy-fairy recommendations and narratives would be probably remain superficial, cosmetic solutions prone to produce more interpersonal conflict unless ‘we’ who care about truth, evolution and disclosure (at least as many of us as possible) come to value understanding why we are as we are, what can we really become and how to go about educating and transforming our current manifestations of “human nature.” This is why we need to expand our sphere of interest into Social Psychology, Behavioral Genetics, Biosociology, and other sources of information that shed light upon our “human nature.”

Thus far, the “UFO community” has made some contributions to society at large (albeit mostly preaching to the choir) but has not been able to provide a basis to come to basic agreements or to integrate the best information. We are also divided by our tendencies, often to the point of not recognizing each others’ contributions. So, we have also shown to the world how we subdivide ourselves as any other social group with a political message.

Do we simply need to become more conscious through more validated or grounded revelations, information, and through spiritual practices or do we need to re-engineer our tendencies and our developmental capacities by re-engineering our genes or simply becoming aware of why we are as we are (and to change our behavior and attitudes accordingly) is the key to become politically and exopolitically successful “citizens” in a complex, multi-dimensional cosmos?

A person to keep in mind to deepen this necessary conversation is Dr. Sean Esbjörn-Hargens who (probably in 2019) will be exploring (from an Integral Meta-Theory perspective) the issue of extraterrestrial contacts, Ufology, society, exopolitics.







Wilber, K. (2007). Integral Spirituality. Boston: Integral Books

Nazca Humanoid Mummies: High-Resolution Tomography (and Genetic Sequencing) Reveals Truths


The question is: DO WE FINALLY HAVE SOME PHYSICAL EVIDENCE OF NON-HUMAN, INTELLIGENT ENTITIES? This would be exopolitically important and we should care.


Thus far (after about 2 years since the news broke out), the almost nil interest or involvement by academic circles, in general, is telling: ‘Scientific’ dogma, fear of reputation loss and prejudice (and not just the imposition of secrecy) overcome the scientific spirit of curiosity and play an important role against a substantial type of paradigm shift. The exopolitics community should care when physical evidence of a totally unknown humanoid species is coming together. If verified, these bodies may represent that humans (the Nazca) and humanoids of unknown origin lived in close proximity.  Perhaps the possibility of some kind of a disclosure shift is not only in the hands of a major Government officially disclosing but also in the hands of a few caring, aware, motivated citizens. Perhaps (as Margaret Mead said) we should not doubt that only a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.

Thus far, there has been little interest in the UFO, disclosure and exopolitics community in the developed West or even in Spain. Is it because people mostly care about cases they are used to and in their own language? And in Perú there has been little serious media coverage and lots of detractors trying to find every possible fault, publicly discrediting and laughing about it. But perhaps the sheer weight of evidence accumulated and the dedication of some individuals in favor that SOME of the samples may be genuine (besides a request from the Peruvian Congressperson (Armando Villanueva) for there to be an official investigation) could be reverting the apathy.


I think that this situation on the so-called “THREE-FINGER, HUMANOID, DESICCATED NAZCA BODIES” is gradually becoming a seriously important revelation for humanity to reassess who we are, what life is, a possible extraterrestrial presence in Earth’s past, possible hybridization between homo sapiens and other species, etc. It also shows (thank goodness) that a few individuals care or are able to process the new possibility which is largely dismissed or ignored by scientific, media, political and other representatives of modern institutions.

But bone and tissue structure in these and many other images plus genetic tests performed by several labs are coming together to show that at least SOME of the many samples/specimens under research appear to belong to new species or to hybrid species previously unknown to science. I believe that taken together, this evidence overcomes some previous objections. If I mention some of the objections from skeptical scientists or scientists having a contrarian view it is because we need to engage in a civil dialogue and facilitate the exchange of views among interested scientists.

Could this case offer more evidence than ever before about similar alleged humanoids?

It is obvious to me that these DICOM, high-resolution, tomography images are genuine and, in the “María” body,  the bones appear to be much more hollow, the teguments in hands and feet show continuity with bones that fit well. No cut of fingers. The rib cage is a little different. In “Josefina” the alleged eggs… are looking more like real eggs.

As of today, only radiologist Dr. Raymundo Salas Alfaro and Inkari Institute know the tomography lab. More should be revealed soon. Thanks to Dr. Alfaro’s efforts we now have these higher quality images and more specific descriptions. Allegedly, other labs that were approached were scared or worried in terms of their reputation and didn’t feel inclined to work with this research. I’m glad that (in spite of the legal consequences that the samples were illicitly obtained by a huaquero-grave robber) some persons and institutions are taking big risks in the name of humanity. I think it is a unique situation and should be treated as such. Many archaeological discoveries were made in an informal manner by huaqueros and others. I do not condone grave robbing to sell bodies or artifacts in the black market but it seems that the huaquero here nor only wanted to make money but to show a discovery for analysis for the world to know and that is why they first approached for guidance my friend Dante Rios Tambini who then took samples to Instituto Inkari.

We must recognize the contributions of radiologist Dr. Raymundo Salas Alfaro, biologist José de la C. Rios López, and analysis of forensic physician José de Jesús Zalce. I am glad that Jaime Maussan is working with these scientists. I’m told that the name of the clinic where the high-resolution tomographies took place should be revealed soon.

Below: A horizontal view of Maria showing very hollow bones. The tomographic bone density shows that the density is low because they are more hollow as biologist José de la Cruz Rios points out. If the bones are so hollow, could they still be strong due to a different chemical composition or structuring? We need more testing. Humanity needs to save and secure the bodies and study them with care.

Lateral right view of Maria. The fingertips have a similar ending as theropod dinosaurs. The calcaneus bone is different and the skulls’ brain capacity is larger than average (1650cc).

Posterior view – torso

Another posterior view-torso

Maria (considered female because of a gynecoidal hip) shows more details in this view. Dr. Raymundo Salas Alfaro explains that she apparently suffered an accident or spinal fracture in D7 and lived after that as the sclerotic reaction that followed shows. She has herniated discs between the L3 with L4 and L4 with L5 vertebrae. Dr Raymundo Salas has observed. There are coprolites in her intestines. The body has 12 pair of ribs. A subluxation in the mandible. In another image (not available here) the dura matter separates brain lobules and the brain from the cerebellum. She also has female nipples but signs of breasts have dried out.  She has the 3rd molar and is therefore considered an adult.  Her teeth are in a poor condition. The size of the eye cavities is normal.

Forensic physician José de Jesús Zalce observed in a recent interview that Maria has no scapula, cocxys or sacrum but I am told by biologist Ríos López that he  made a human error confusing names and that he was referring to the specimen named “Josefina.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wS1iAoxVdzY&t=275s

Maria’s spine lesion. Maria has her internal organs and is not a classical, regional “mummy.”

However, María was found in a classical Nazca mummy position.

Unique bone structure.

Detail of a subluxation of the jaw. No ear pavillions.

Detail of the spine with 12 pairs of ribs. Are they completely like ours?

DICON tomography images at 128 cuts of resolution shed new light.


In one foot, the middle finger broke off but the other fingers show continuity and no artificial alterations. The radius-carpus articulation is well articulated and gives origin to 5 phalanxes. The phalanges still possess their capsules in each inter articular line. The carpus has 8 bones. Another image (not available here) shows a cavity lesion in the right lung.

Another view of Maria’s right hand

Finger connectivity.

Detail from hands

What are these skin protuberances?

Previous photo of Maria’s horizontal fingerprints.


To be fair, I need to show this previous X-ray plaque by which other scientists determined that proximal phalanxes had been added to the feet. Issues like these need to be decided after careful scrutiny.

A more recent image with a broken finger

One of María’s feet with a hook-like ending 8.6 inches. They have 5 phalanxes.

María’s 5 phalanxes in the feet

Details of extremely hollow bones and feet similar to Therapods as pointed out by biologist José de la Cruz Rios López.


In Maria’s feet, the Achilles Heal is inserted in the Astragalus bone rather than in the calcaneus bone.

Maria’s rib cage: It appears to be somewhat different. Is she a hybrid?

The body named “Josefina” (approx 23 inches tall) allegedly has a metal piece contoured around his chest. It has been affirmed by the Maussan team that the metal was analyzed in INGEMMET (the Metallurgic, Mining and Geologic Institute of Peru) in Peru with anomalous results to be revealed soon.   Hand and arm mobility was probably restricted due to the fact that Alberto only shows one large bone in the forearm.  No fibula, cubit, radius, tibia.  He would have walked like an oviparous entity. The pelvis would be made of separate bones built in a circular manner. (biologist José de la C. Rios López).

An upper, frontal view of “Josefina.” 8 specimens like this have been analyzed. Apparently, she had a broken clavicle. The alleged implant or, perhaps, the prosthesis has a HU (density) of 5,241.52.  In other images, it is shown that The viscerocranium has no sutures, that the cranium has 3 fenestras and a pneumatization in the occipital area. The Magnus foramen is square. The clavicle is fused or is a furcula as in birds and some dinosaurs. A short mouth/snout aperture adapted to feeding by sucking liquids. According to biologist José de la C. Rios López the skin is scaly, the neck could be retractile. Victoria and Alberto are defined as “humanoid reptiles” by biologist José de la C. Rios López.

The hands of the 60cm beings still show articular capsules, tendons, ligaments. They only have 4 phalanges instead of 5 as Maria.

“Josefina” (also approximately 23 inches tall) is apparently pregnant with eggs. They are translucid and seem to show structure (embryos?) inside and (although probably calcified with a 2,470.91 HU density) may not be placed metal objects as alleged by skeptical scientists. The cranial perimeter is large and would not be that of a pre-Hispanic dog as alleged. “He” has a different number of fenestra and a very light head.

The spinal column of this second species of 60 cm in height is medial (located in the middle rather than further back). This is why the posterior apophysis is longer than what was known before. This is why there are some structures of unknown function in an area posterior to the spine. They might have to do with swallowing. (José de Jesus Salce, forensic physician).

Interestingly, reporter Jois Mantilla and José de la C. Ríos López pointed out to me that an ENERGY EMANATION seems to come out of this specimen “Josefina” with the tomography. It is in the coming out from the metallic piece place on the upper chest.  I don’t know but it might not be an “artifact” of the tomography. It would be necessary to know under what frequencies this energy emanation becomes visible. Here it looks like a reddish flame.

Forensic Archaeologist Flavio Estrada who worked in forensic cases for the Public Ministry in Perú has necessary opinions that must be listened to. He stated that it is the energy of the tomographic machine hitting against the metallic body. In the same manner, Mr. Leopoldo Zambrano Enríquez commented that by using the original tomographies sent to France with 5Gb of information, and using DICOM visors what we are seeing is something that in radiology is known as an artifact “in solar rays” produced by the dispersion of X rays upon hitting the metallic plate. I think that these comments need to be included in a respectful way in order to be fair. However, more tests should be carefully conducted. The artifact known as “solar rays” seems to be different because the “rays” are dark, straight and come together concentrically.


Alleged energy emanation detected.

Another version of the alleged energy emanation detected.

Three more images of the alleged energy emanation. Thanks to Peruvian reporter Jois Mantilla who has been promoting the preservation and formal study of these specimens in spite of great dismissal and opposition.

A frontal image in red color above the metallic object. The apparent energy emanation would be in a deep red color above the metallic piece.

The actual “solar ray” effect or artifact looks different. Here seen also in Josefina: converging, straight, dark lines (“rays”).

A frontal view. The alleged point of energy emanation on the middle of the metallic piece looks darker.

Another view of “Josefina” with the metal piece placed on the chest below what appears to be a one-piece furcula instead of a collarbone.

“Josefina” with more details and with unique structures behind the spinal column on the left side. We can also se the eggs on the right side and a distended belly.

A tomographic measurement of the density of “Josefina’s” eggs

Another view of the eggs inside “Josefina” at a density of less than the maximum for bones.

Possible internal structures in the eggs. Possible embrionic formation? Inkari Institute – Courtesy of biologist José de la C. Rios López

Possible internal structures in the eggs. Possible embrionic formation? Courtesy of biologist José de la C. Rios López

A recent image of structures within the alleged eggs. They could be OVOVIVIPAROUS creatures. Shared on 01-27-2019. Ovoviviparous creatures gestate inside eggs in the parent’s body and may hatch inside before coming out.

According to biologist Jose de la C Rios López the bones are not cut as we can see with the high-resolution tomography. They are “crowned” and only in lesser resolution images seem to have been cut because they are more hollow than normal.

The crowned epiphysis of “Josefina” between the humerus and femur. Is it a different type of jagged connection?

From a study made with associated Russian scientists, the “knee” doesn’t show to be fabricated with cut bones.

The Histology (an analysis of the skin cells) of a small, headless specimen named “Victoria” was made by biologist Jose de la C. Rios Pérez. Here in Spanish, French and English. Here is the link published in “Alien Project”: https://www.the-alien-project.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Victoria-Histologie.pdf

From the conclusions section: – The Victoria paratype skin is composed of a highly keratinized,
acellular and thick flat stratified epithelium similar to the
scales of reptiles, for both the scapular and hip regions.
– The skin of the scapular region presents small, very thick,
white protuberances, whose appearance is like a wart. Its
distribution in the skin is solitary and also in pairs, but missing
on the hip sample.

– In the protuberance, the keratin becomes more compact and
acquires an amorphous form.
Mucous glands are missing just like the sweat glands. The loss of
water through the skin is therefore nonexistent (the keratin keeps
it hydrated and protected), which allows it to live in very dry places.
As in the Nazca desert, where these bodies were found covered
with diatomaceous earth for their preservation

Remember that one of the specimens was of an infant named “Wawita”?

With the better images, Wawita’s hand was shown by Dr. Salas Alfaro to have been mutilated. He thinks that, since the specimen is in a very brittle condition, this alteration could have been done as a ritual in the pre-Hispanic past for some unknown reason.

Wawita’s feet also mutilated, modified.

However, we must also recognize that other scientists (for instance pharmaceutical chemist Dr. Ernesto Ávalos using infrared spectroscopy) have legitimately found that some specimens have been fabricated with modern materials such as palmitic acid (oil), paraffin (wax). In smaller quantity: glue, polyethylene vinyl acetate (plastic), cyanoacrylate. All modern components. These would not be the best or genuine specimens.

However, there appears to be a clear difference between different kinds of samples as follows analyzed. Some of the hoaxed ones (including fake hands) may have been analyzed together with previous images (with less detail) by the team from the Instituto de Medicina Legal de Ciencias Forenses del Ministerio Público (The Public Ministry’s Institute of Forensic Sciences and Legal Medicine). Thus (while naturally inclined towards skepticism by being outmaneuvered by huaqueros and by knowing that there is a large black market in Peru for genuine AND FAKE pre-Hispanic items),  they would have sincerely concluded that the entire group of specimens given to them (and any other items considered to be part of the same group of specimens) is fake. I’ve interacted with BOTH group of scientists and think that both are sincere. Thus far they haven’t met with each other! There is suspicion between them! It is high time for these 2 groups of scientists to meet in a cordial manner and objectively clarify each little point of disagreement in a meticulous manner.

Regarding some of the GENETIC TESTS: Several laboratories found anomalies in the genetic profile of some samples: For the specimens named “Maria” and “Victoria” out of the main group of specimens most likely not faked (Maria, Wawita, Alberto, Josefina and Victoria- the headless specimen).

NEXT GENERATION SEQUENCING (NGS) LIKE ABRAXAS:  A REPORT FROM ABRAXAS IS FOUND IN THIS LINK: https://www.the-alien-project.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/ABRAXAS-EN.pdf 

A study commanded by the Incari Institute: Massive sequencing of a bone of Maria: Using the services of Dr. Sarah Kouhou, PhD. Only 33.675% corresponds to the human genome. 18.415% to bacteria. Virus and others in 9,384 readings.
A study commanded by Third Millennium using the services of BIOTECMOL. For the tridactyle specimen “Victoria” (the one without a head) – out of a Bone (with 2,400,000 base pairs), using last generation sequencing, only an alignment of 19.82% corresponds to Human DNA. And for “Maria,” only corresponds to an alignment of 34.935% with the human genome.
So according to these labs, for the 60cm tridactyles (to which “Victoria” belongs) and for “Maria,” there is no correspondence with homo sapiens and with what is known of terrestrial organisms in the Blast Base. More in-depth genetic tests need to be conducted for “María” but for the 60cm specimens they have already been conducted.
And the University of St. Petersburg did an exon analysis for a massive nuclear DNA sequencing and for Maria it found a correspondence of 23.8% of short fragments attenuated with the human genome.
Chart presented in the presentation room inside Peruvian Congress. Percentage of genome coincidence of Maria with homo sapiens (after massive DNA sequencing) according to 3 laboratories.
An important link to consider is: https://www.the-alien-project.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/2018-02-06-PALEO-DNA-MARIA-COMPARAISON-ADN.pdf


The bones of the most important samples (Josefina, Victoria, Alberto, and María) do not correspond to animals or even to human bones since these bones are hollow bones and this does not correspond to any mammalian animal of the earth. María presents this characteristic of hollow bones without the presence of tracts.

The eggs are less dense than the metal and less dense than the maximum density for the bones.

In the metal in Josefina’s chest, the values as metal are high. They are exact data of the tomographic equipment. There is no manipulation here. We have a reference between those eggs and the metal. The bones are less dense because they are hollow.

Both the x-rays and the evidence of the particularities of the bones coincide. The bones do not belong to any terrestrial mammal because of the said bones of fabricated animals.

Why Josefina’s bones and other specimens have furcula. Why do they have hollow bones? Why do they have a structure of a sexual organ? Why do eggs have conglomerate material if they are metal?

Why does Victoria’s histology show keratinized skin similar to reptile scales?

Why metals correspond in their preparation to pre-Columbian times? Why does carbon 14 in hands date 7000 years in Beta Analytic laboratories and laboratories in Brazil?

Where is it if Analysis of c14 to say that it is a MODERN armed?

Why does the head have 3 fenestrae in the posterior part of the eye socket if the species on the earth only have 2? No species of the earth has three openings behind the eye orbit as it has this being, which, through the tomography could be checked for its presence.

Why are there vascular nerve bundles if they are just bones of various armed animals?

The viscerocranium is composed of two types of tissues. 1. Bone tissue and soft tissue. Hence the lightness that it shows and we should add that fenestra orifices have pneumatizations. In addition, the bones that compose it are very thin sheets.

The weight of these heads (which were two loose) gave an average of 0.377 grams. Which is matches a big brain because the lightness of the head is compensated with the macrocephalic size of the encephalic mass.

The skull has a small short snout.

Why is the viscerocranium composed of two types of soft and bony tissues if it is supposed to be a dog’s skull?

Why do the extremities such as the femur and humerus have crowned edges and present the humeral head or epiphysis if they are only cut bones as they say?

Why are ribs ringed?

Why does the vascular bundle come together between the vertebrae of the thoracic waist?

Why does the vertebral column show compression of the vertebrae as a lesion?

Why was it buried in diatomaceous earth are they dried and in a perfect state of preservation?

Why does he have a hand in pronation? Why three fingers?
About a writing with which he challenged Salas Gismondi Why do they have a cranial perimeter different from other species of terrestrial mammals?

If you had in your hands the skulls show the carving that was done on them. It is not difficult to prove it. A carved bone leaves traces. And they have not shown it.

Why are there 2 sutures in the foramen magnum square?

And why are there 2 sutures in the skull of these beings that are not in the dog?

Where are the cuts and filings that they proclaim?  Why if the skin is vegetable-based, the HISTOLOGY shows something else?

The left humerus of Josefina Reptil Humanoid, which they have indicated as cut and is the only argument they use to discredit these bodies as false, is not cut since it has the lower humeral head or epiphysis and its edges are crowned as it has pointed out the independent study conducted by the University of St. Petersburg Russia.

————————————————– —————————————————-

Are the first phalanges of the hands are placed as phalanges of the feet?

José de la C Ríos replies: That is a presupposition because in reality the phalanges present their interdigital capsules.

Then, José de la C Ríos asks: Why did they call ‘modern fabrication’ a sample that Krawix (Paul Ronceros, according to interview) declares that he warned the forensic of the prosecution office not to analyze the part glued together … which he claims he had to glue because it had been broken?

Other observations: Why the mummy does not have the calcaneus bone like homo sapiens?

Why is the Achilles heel fixed in the Astragalus bone and not in the calcaneus?

Why does the mummy Maria have 3 phalanges in a set of bones of varying size and is at a 90-degree angle?

Why does each finger end in semicircular pads of approximately 1.5 cm with horizontal fingerprint lines?

The vertebrae from the spine located in the middle of the torso seem to be extremely hollow.

The skulls show a great degree of pneumatization or more cavities than those found in South American camelids like the alpaca, llama, guanaco and vicuña. The seem to be extremely light. Do they match a known species?



GOOD NEWS: Some Professors from Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga (mostly related to the natural sciences), among them engineers, physicists, physicians became interested in working to find out the truth. They were visited by Jaime Maussan and by an Instituto Inkari representative and saw some of the evidence.  The university is located in the City of Ica, a few hours south of Lima by car and not too far from the alleged site of the findings in Nazca and/or Palpa.  I drove to the City of Ica on Sunday the 27th and met them in person on Monday the 28th, 2019. I spoke with them and with the Vice-rector for research and sent them the information I had gathered telling them that I am willing to collaborate.

About a week later, archaeology students from that university wrote a statement rejecting the Professors initiative. The response may be because they follow a research pattern that requires first locating the exact place of artifacts or biological remains, including its historic, archeological context while natural scientists feel more comfortable with being able to analyze physical-biological samples.


Taken all together, the situation is crucially changing in favor of the reality that SOME of the 3-finger samples from the Nazca-Palpa area in Perú are genuine. Needless to say, this would be a very important discovery and part of different increasing types of evidence leading toward a form of disclosure revealing that other intelligent and/or humanoid life forms previously unknown to science have interacted for quite some time on Earth with humanity.

Consider the political, exopolitical and cultural consequences!


Note of clarification (11-08-2018): I think that many or all of the high-resolution tomography images are interpolated from 16 cuts to 128 cuts but not manipulated to show something different. Since the discussion was about “high-resolution” images, I had not noticed the word “interpolated”  in the Alien Project site. I had also been told by a researcher into the case (of the team in favor) that there may also be another clinic that was used for original high-resolution images at 128 cuts but this is to be confirmed. Experts in tomography please comment.

An important link that has to be considered as per the favorable scientific analysis regarding images, some genetic tests, and other issues is in Inkari Institute’s  “Alien Project”: 


A NOTE ON THE GENETIC FINDINGS (updated for March 2019) 

The complete genome sequencing of one of the smaller, 3 -finger, humanoid specimens found in the NAZCA-PALPA region of Perú was made using the following equipment: HiSeqX10.

Using a protocol for extracting ancient DNA and for amplifying it using Multiple Displacement Amplification. This particular study was made by CEN4GEN Institute for genomics and Molecular Diagnostics ( a Canadian Corporation).

The extraction of ancestral DNA was successful for 2 samples of the specimen that has been called “Victoria.” The sequencing generated more than 1000 million DNA fragments. The biological information analysis of the data was made with software designed and published by institutes like The New York Genome Center and the JGI of the U.S. Department of Energy. It required more than 500 hours of processing time conducted by Abraxas Biosystems.

Some of the more relevant findings are the following:

A portion of the DNA had similarities with human beings because the poorly protected samples had been exposed to the environment and to different persons. But…

1) The portion of the DNA that was similar to that of human beings was much smaller (14.29% and 15.26%) in contrast to the portion that was not similar to human beings.

2) There is approximately 54% and 76% of the DNA readings for samples 0002 and 0004, respectively, do not have a significant similarity (under the bioinformatic taxonomic classification of Abraxas Biosystems) with ANY of more than 1 million species or more than 41 million sequences that have been registered in genomic databases and DNA databases called “nt” and “refseq” of the NCBI which is the more complete public data base used by the scientific community.

The 1 Terabyte of data is being uploaded to an open-source page where other scientists can study it. They may need a supercomputer.


There has been controversy regarding who found the specimens and under what circumstances, including the lack of a clearly known archeological context. This has been used to dismiss the entire case or to object to further studies. In fact, I have been called “stupid” and crazy” by name and surname in the airwaves (radio and cable TV) for stating an opinion. This is called DEFAMATION.  The opinion which I still sustain is that since we have physical, biological specimens at hand, we need to focus on them more than on the dubious information about who found them, their exact archaeological, cultural and geological context and whether they are being negotiated or not. While the latter issues are important (and more information should be found about them), the former issue (the PHYSICAL EVIDENCE that CAN BE ANALYZED) is more DETERMINING.

If  (after all is said and done) scientists show that at least some of the samples have not been artificially assembled and that their genes do not match any biological specimens on Earth, the controversy about who found them and under what circumstances or whether he or she wants to sell them, or even that an ideal, standard scientific procedure was not followed, will not change the main findings. 

I’m not a specialist in mummies but as an educated, concerned citizen, I value the fact that verifying the specimens can be of great consequence culturally, politically and exopolitically. This is why I try to offer information about it attempting to be as objective as possible. 

Some PROS AND CONS About Some of the Nazca-Palpa, 3-Finger Specimens

Some PROS and CONS about the Nazca-Palpa 3-finger, humanoid bodies: Some objections and answers to objections about the genuine nature of some Nasca-Palpa tridactyl specimens:
FIRST: Some objections from trained Peruvian scientists associated with the Public Ministry and Some Answers to those objections.
Flavio Estrada, forensic archaeologist. Flavio Estrada Founder of the Legal Medicine Institute of Forensic Sciences of the Public Ministry. A serious institute, they know of ancient bodies and also investigations of criminology depend on evaluations by this institution.
Referring to small samples of heads. There has never been a square foramen magnum. The worst thing is that the samples DO NOT HAVE POINTS OF CONTACT WITH THE FIRST CERVICAL VERTEBRA because they DO NOT HAVE CONDYLES. It also seems to have a skin that covers the foramen magnum. That is not possible.
The X-ray of a supposed humanoid of 15 cm shows an animal skull. The mouth is where the foramen magnum hole of an animal should be (in the back). They just gave it a mouth shape. Where there is this false mouth there are condyles. The armed object does not have an auditory canal. The safest candidate is a canid. The muzzle or zygomatic arches were removed and a false skin was placed on it. Internet videos admit that these samples are part of the general set.
One of the samples of supposed humanoid does not have clavicles and without clavicles, it is impossible that the shoulder blades could have taken a posterior position as seen.
The bones of the legs have been cut. The terminations are flat. They do not have the necessary epiphysis or termination for the joint.
Referring to a large hand: There is no anatomical correlation. They have used bones of humans, infants, children, and adults. In the hand shown the phalange (small) is upside down.
Dr Ernesto Ávalos (pharmaceutical chemist). Seeing 2 samples He found palmitic acid (a fat), paraffin (a wax), glue, polyethylene vinyl acetate, cellulose. All are current components.
Magister Pedro Pérez specialized in tomography: The density of the supposed eggs is of an average of 1935 HU. It surpasses the bone. It means that it is of a metallic density. In addition, the metal density image makes ‘artifact’ as if they had placed a kind of screw. The question is whether it is a prosthesis or a simple metal or screw to hold the leg to the hip?
Question: Are the Public Ministry experts using the HU units (Hounsfield) because in those units the bone can reach 3000 HU. Question: Can the hardness of the supposed eggs be due to calcification?
The pelvis of one of the samples is placed on the legs and being that way I WOULD NOT HAVE WALKED.
On the radiography of María: In her foot tomography Pedro Pérez Magister in public health, specialized in tomography. Part of the team of the Legal Medicine Institute of the Public Ministry. He sees that METATARSALS have been added to hand CARPALS and …
Objection: Perhaps the best quality images are not the ones that have been used.
In María, forensic archaeologist Flavio Estrada detects a thoracic level lesion perhaps caused by tuberculosis. The teeth are completely human. He thinks an ancient human remain has been desecrated and that his is a serious crime.
Several months ago, two French scientists opined based on the images available at the time:
ALAIN FROMENT (biological anthropology)
FABRICE DEMETTER (paleo anthropologist)
One of the specimens could not have moved the wrist. Anatomically it does not work. We could have chosen bones better adapted to arm them.
According to the French: Dr. José de Jesus Salce says he sees tendons but that’s an imaginary thing since you do not see tendons. Will sinews now be seen with clearer images?
Alberto’s pelvis is on his legs and could not have walked, the French, they said.
Magnetic resonance imaging does not give us good information. They would have used a scanner.
All reptiles have 2 bones in the forearm but we see a scheme that is neither reptilian nor ET but crazy. They have assembled using mammalian bones with animal cartilages in formation.
Jois Mantilla practically accused Flavio Estrada of being detractor Lucas McLovin! Those suspicions were placed on his Facebook wall. They only create resentment and suspicion just when it was necessary for scientists to be inclined to meet and dialogue.
Pity that José de Jesus Salce (the Mexican medical antropologist) left Perú without talking to Flavio Estrada (the Peruvian forensic archaeologist). Without so many people between them perhaps they would have met and debated constructively! It may still happen soon. 
Dr. Walter Nuñez (a physician that has interesting opinions on the scientific procedures) declared in Radio Capital “Journey to Another Dimension” to have been threatened. He says he knows Lucas McLovin and Estrada and that they are not the same person. That one is short and young and the other tall and older.
It was reported on a radio-cable show (Viaje a otra Dimensión) by Anthony Choy and by Dr. Nuñez that extremists and trolls arrived with threats in Spanish and English. Are they true believers? Are they paid? A bit of both?
Dr. Choy mentioned that in the report presented to the Congress the objections of the French, another Russian (Dr. Varanov), Salas Gismondi, Elsa Tomasto, Guido Lombardi were excluded.
————————————————– ————————————————————————-
The Mexican biologist José de la Cruz Ríos explains that part of the objections are based on old X-ray images. That he will be able to demonstrate based on tomographies of higher quality than the supposedly cut bones are not. That soon will show a report on the pulled inside the eggs of Josefina.
That a comparative analysis with 4 quadrupedal mammals clearly showed that no canid skulls have been used. In addition, the already described traits can help to demonstrate that they are something else including already clearly identified bones.
That the current tomographies reveal traits that until now were not known, clarifying their authenticity. And regarding the circular type pelvis, there are weave between both joints and there was a type of movement towards a single direction which can be seen clearly with the NEW TOMOGRAPHIES.
Can you explain the problem of the pelvis? The biologist José De la Cruz Rios mentions that regarding the circular type PELVIS there are tissues between both joints and there was a type of movement towards a single direction and that they can be clearly seen in the tomographies. In addition, said structure is hollow like the bones of this creature; a unique feature of dinosaurs and terapods and current birds. Not mammalian bones as they claim they were used to arm them.
In addition, there are pathways of neurovascular bundles, a reproductive organ, eggs being formed, a food pipeline, and so on.
The HU density found in Josefina highest is 5000 and it is in the metal plate.
There is also a histological analysis of the skin that demonstrates its similar nature to the scales of reptiles. And every time that skin has protuberances of amorphous material inside never described before.
In HU measurements, eggs of more than 2000 Hu are still descended due to their calcification status of around 1000 years.
The tympanic bullae of the skull are around 1000Hu.
An important fact is that from the bone of the pelvis that forms the hip that are circular, a sample was taken for the dating. The result was about 1000 years. And from that same specimen Victoria the skin gave a dating equal to 1000 years. The first bone study was from UNSM Mexico and the second from the skin was from Brazil.
Do not forget that Krawix (Paul Ronceros) altered the pieces analyzed by them and on that they have not spoken. If some of Krawix’s pieces have modern compounds to make the soft tissue, they can not be “old fabrications.”
Definitely, there are fake bodies with fabricated tissue but (out of respect for several scientific investigations) there could also be genuine ones. Out of the possibility that some bodies may be genuine and because several scientists are favorable to them, the Peruvian State should try to preserve them in a safe place for a careful multidisciplinary study. 
The team of Ávalos, Estrada and Pérez may have analyzed the fake specimens and may have not been able to see the best, high-resolution images. I became more aware of this after speaking with Mr. William Galison and with biologist De la Cruz Rios. Perhaps tendons not seen in the first images are now visible?
Do some specimens have hollow bones as mentioned in the conference in the Peruvian Congress? 
Do the anomalous genetic tests results coincide with the specimens whose high-resolution images show unique species anomalies that may be seen as fabricated deformities without the proper equipment?  
A question is whether the images seen by Peruvian scientists to give their report are good enough and are images of the most appropriate bodies or specimens … the bodies that, for example, Inkari wants the Peruvian State to preserve for further study.
Unfortunately, the Peruvian scientists associated with the Public Ministry (Pedro Pérez, Ernesto Ávalos, Flavio Estrada) who (through ASPAST) invited a debate at 5PM but failed to debate in part because the press conference (after the presentation at the Congress) ended at 5.15PM!

A Refutation of the Alleged Three Finger Nazca Humanoid “Mummies”

I don’t know if all of the alleged three-finger, humanoid bodies found in the Nazca-Palpa region are fakes but before November 19th, 2018 I was more inclined to think that some could be genuine. Today, I’m a bit more inclined to think that most or all could be fake.  But the careful comparison of the conclusions given by scientists who are in favor and those who are against still needs to happen under a civilized debate between them.


Various scientists came to Peru with Jaime Maussan and Gaia TV and presented in the Peruvian Congress results from studies of the alleged three-finger, Nazca humanoids. Some Peruvian medical doctors also participated. And also the Inkari Institute which also conducted an analysis of samples related with the alleged three-finger humanoid “mummies” from Nazca-Palpa. They presented in the Peruvian Congress from about 9 AM to 1 PM on November, 19th, 2018. The event was hosted by Congressman Armando Villanueva from Cuzco.

Later on that same day there was another presentation by Peruvian scientists who had analyzed for the state some the samples but which had concluded that they were fake, constructed bodies. I will first report on the findings by this group of scientists.

The Peruvian Astrobiology Association had invited the first group of scientists (those that spoke before Congress) to a scientific debate on that same (November 19th, 2018) after 5PM but, for unknown reasons, they didn’t come. So, instead of a debate, there was an exposition of findings against the veracity of the three finger bodies. This exposition took place at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM).

Since I was not able to go to the presentation in Peru’s Congress (because only the mass media had been invited, I’m told), I went later on at 5PM to listen to the scientists that held an opposite view to the one heard at the Congress.

These are some notes from the conference of Peruvian scientists who physically analyzed some of the specimens of possible Nasca-Palpa tridactyl humanoids. November 19, 2018. In contrast with the scientists that presented at the Peruvian Congress, their studies lead them to conclude that the alleged three-finger humanoid bodies are fakes, modern assemblages.

Magister Flavio Estrada, a forensic archaeologist, founder of the Specialized Forensic Laboratory of the Legal Medicine Institute of Forensic Sciences of the Public Ministry, former professor of physical anthropology at the UNMSM.

No living being has a square magnus foramen hole. The specimen shown does not have condyles or point of contact with the first cervical vertebra. The hole is flat and – anatomically speaking – does not exist. A presumed skin covers the edges of the alleged magnum hole. It is impossible for the skin to extend all the way and locate there.

Referring to a small body:
It does not seem to have an anatomical correlation. It has no clavicle and without it the shoulder blades take a posterior position, which is not possible.

Referring to a small body:
The neck has no vertebrae in one of the samples of a supposed humanoid. The x-ray shows that the neck is formed by the middle part of a long bone or diaphysis and was placed inside a head like a pivot. The head shows the tricuspid teeth of a small mammal.

The knee was cut and levered. The leverage pulls out a substance that looks like like a tongue. There is no epiphysis or adaptive bulbous end in the long bones. There is nothing that binds the bones.

Speaking about an x-ray of a long hand of 3 fingers. There is no anatomical correlation. Diaphyses of human adults and combined human children are observed to build the hand. The 3 long fingers constructed with a combination of metacarpals and phalanges.

Dr. Ernesto Ávalos, a pharmaceutical chemist from the National Major Univ. Of San Marcos (UNMSM). He participated in a first report at the request of the Prosecutor’s Office of Nasca. He made infrared spectroscopy analysis to a sample of supposed flesh that covers the bones of a supposed humanoid tridactyl of Nasca-Palpa. The molecules of the sample react to infrared light and transmit unique microwaves for each element part of a molecule. The molecules discovered: In greater quantity: palmitic acid (oil), paraffin (wax). In smaller quantity: glue, polyethylene vinyl acetate (plastic). All modern components.

In another sample: Paper.
In another sample: Glue, paraffin, plastic, cyanoacrylate, polystyrenes, acetates, celluloses (papers), wood remains.
The joints of the bones and the supposed skins that covered the skulls were studied.
Pectin, acanthus gum.
In general: glues, paper, plastics and vegetable fiber.
The prosecutor’s samples were part of the same lot as those from analyzed by scientists associated with Gaia TV, Instituto Inkari, Jaime Maussan and Tercer Milenio. But – in terms of physical samples available – they are not the largest samples.

The antiquity of the skeletal remains was determined by other professionals.

Pedro Pérez: Specialist in tomography: Presentation at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos: The density of the presumed eggs of the Josefina specimen is similar to the density of a metal. There are denser femur bones and less dense femur bones combined to form the legs in the same specimen. In the specimen called “Alberto” there is a metal on one side. Observing the tomography of the feet of “Maria” metatarsals have been added to the carpus of the hand.

Due to misunderstandings of different sorts, both groups of scientists have not met to compare studies, dialogue and debate! Their respective organizers, supporters and often individual scientists in both groups often criticize each other’s intentions and methods without actually meeting in a congenial way to exchange studies and ideas.

Some say there are economic interests on the pro humanoid part.

To be fair, at some point, later on, I’ll try to summarize some of the research findings expressed by the scientists that went to the Peruvian Congress. For now I’ll say that several genetic laboratories found that the samples taken from different specimens were not human.

But the following link is the 4-hour presentation (in Spanish) they gave in favor of the anomalous nature of many of the alleged three-finger humanoids. Let’s remember that there are several samples of different sizes and characteristics. The link is of the presentation that took place in the Peruvian Congress on the morning of November 19, 2018. It must be carefully contrasted with what the opposing group of scientists presented.

Presentation in the Peruvian Congress:


Post-presentation press conference at the Peruvian Congress in the following link:



UPDATE: As of today – February 25, 2019 – (and also already in November, 2018), after publishing this article and seeing that more evidence in favor was forthcoming and after carefully listening to both sides of the debate, I became once again more convinced that SOME SPECIMENS ARE GENUINE.  These evaluations do not come from a fanatic, dogmatic position but as an attempt to know the objective truth.

Please note that, even while writing this article, I never abandoned the idea that some could be genuine. I was only temporarily a somewhat more inclined against it.  But it is difficult to be scientifically neutral because it lends itself to misunderstanding. While I was trying to be neutral some people strongly in favor of the specimens being genuine thought that I was a detractor and the others that I was an unscientific ‘believer’. 

Soon after I wrote this article, I became aware of better images and other reports. An extensive, in-depth, genetic test performed on a smaller (60 cm long approx) specimen and other important analysis and pieces of evidence swayed my evaluation more in favor soon once again after I had posted this article.

I have not only tried to listen to scientists vying for both sides of the issue but have also tried to facilitate them getting together to have decent conversations instead of negatively criticizing each other often in an ad hominem manner. 

The main purpose for writing this article was to give both groups of scientists (in favor and against) a fair hearing. It should be clear that the “refutation” in the title of this article is not my refutation per se but that which was presented by scientists at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. 

After carefully considering evidence in favor (including better resolution tomographies), I published (also in November, 2018) the following more favorable account: 

Nazca Humanoid Mummies: High-Resolution Tomography (and Genetic Sequencing) Reveals Truths


Side note:

There has been controversy regarding who found the specimens and under what circumstances, including the lack of a clearly known archeological context. This has been used to dismiss the entire case or to object to further studies. In fact, I have been called “stupid” and crazy” by name and surname in the airwaves (radio and cable TV) for stating an opinion. This is called DEFAMATION.  The opinion which I still sustain is that since we have physical, biological specimens at hand, we need to focus on them more than on the dubious information about who found them, their exact archaeological, cultural and geological context and whether they are being negotiated or not. While the latter issues are important (and more information should be found about them), the former issue (the PHYSICAL EVIDENCE that CAN BE ANALYZED) is more DETERMINING. If  (after all is said and done) scientists show that at least some of the samples have not been artificially assembled and that their genes do not match any biological specimens on Earth, the controversy about who found them and under what circumstances or whether he or she wants to sell them, or even that an ideal, standard scientific procedure was not followed, will not change the main findings. 

I’m not a specialist in mummies but as an educated, concerned citizen, I value the fact that verifying the specimens can be of great consequence culturally, politically and exopolitically. This is why I try to offer information about it attempting to be as objective as possible. 

Humanoid Mummies from Nazca, Peru: News as of July – September, 2018

July 11, 2018 

Congressman for Cuzco Armando Villanueva Mercado presented a bill in Perú that would create a law to formally consider of historical and cultural importance the archaeological and technical investigation of the Nazca humanoid mummies. The bill assigns-recommends that the Ministry of Culture and the National Council of Science, Technology and Technological Innovation to conduct the research in order to determine with certainty the quality of the humanoid mummies found in the Nazca plain. 


Peruvian reporter Jois Mantilla consistently supports formal research of the alleged Nazca humanoids, one of the few reporters presenting facts to the Peruvian population while asking local scientists to look into this situation objectively. He was taken to the area in Nazca where allegedly the bodies were found. To find out whether the bodies are fake/assembled or genuine, at least some of them. 


August, 2018

Iconographic archaeologist Cesar Soriano with Leandro Benedicto Rivera (alias “Mario Peruano”), the tour guide that allegedly found the dry humanoid bodies. In August, 2018 they met to discuss the possibility of the latter releasing the dry humanoid bodies (now in his custody) for research purposes and for humanity’s sake. The communities of Nazca and Palpa might benefit with this if the Cultural Patronage Cuenca del Rio Grande in Palpa and Nasca, Peru is formed and able to coordinate the custody of the alleged humanoid bodies, promote local tourism, and perhaps create a local museum in which scientists could work for this effect. This would function best with support from the state which would, perhaps, release Mr. Leandro Benedicto Rivera from legal implications. If genuine samples became thus available this would allow more Peruvian and international scientists to verify or reject what has already been researched by the team associated with Mr. Jaime Maussan and GaiaTV. 

August 2018

A second press conference by the team that has thus far researched the bodies (in association with GaiaTV and Jaime Maussan) is expected in Lima, Peru, perhaps for September 2018. The presentation should be about the up-to-date DNA, medical, anthropological research, especially about the dry, human-looking body now being called “Maria.” The results are being called “definitive” in relation to proving that at least some of the bodies are genuine and anomalous. I hope that this time more Peruvian mummy experts decide to attend the conference and engage in scientific dialogue.  

September 2, 2018

Archaeologist Cesar Soriano claims to have found a site where small dry, humanoid bodies are found in an area known as “La Millonaria.”  Mr. Soriano claims to have taken photographs of a dry, small humanoid creature but did not proceed to excavate the site without permission and so as to not damage the site. He claims to have verified that there are some artificial galleries, including an L-shaped entrance and evidence of cultural artifacts. Thus far, the Ministry of Culture and Instituto Nacional de Cultura don’t seem to have shown any interest. 

September 3, 2018

Under their own funds, an international, multidisciplinary team of scientists (mostly from South America and not necessarily related with the one related with GaiaTV-Maussan) arrives in Peru to travel to Nazca in support of the Nazca and Palpa communities and of the formation of the patronage. Thereafter, they should travel to Cuzco to meet with Instituto Inkari and Thiery Jamin in order to join forces. 

Ceramic from the Paracas formative period. A depiction of an alleged 3 finger entity. According to Dr. Soriano we should notice the descending steps into the Earth. 

La Millonaria area (also called Cerro Millonario) which also contains high amounts of fossilized diatomaceous powder. Place of the alleged finding of several dry, humanoid bodies of various sizes placed on the ground inside a cave.








Various scientists came to Peru with Jaime Maussan and Gaia TV and presented to the Peruvian Congress results from studies of the alleged three-finger, Nazca humanoids. Some Peruvian medical doctors also participated. And also the Inkari Institute which also conducted an analysis of samples related with the alleged three-finger humanoid “mummies” from Nazca-Palpa. They presented in the Peruvian Congress from about 9AM to 1 PM on November, 19th, 2018.

Later on that same day there was another presentation by Peruvian scientists who had analyzed for the state some the samples but which had concluded that they were fake, constructed bodies. The Peruvian Astrobiology Association had invited the first group of scientists (that spoke in the Congress) to a scientific debate on that same (November 19th, 2018) after 5PM but, for unknown reasons, they didn’t come. So, instead of a debate there was an exposition of findings against the veracity of the three finger bodies. This exposition took place at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM).

Since I was not able to go to the presentation in Peru’s Congress (because only the mass media had been invited, I’m told), I went to listen to the scientists that held an opposite view to the one heard at the Congress.

These are some notes from the conference of Peruvian scientists who physically analyzed some of the specimens of possible Nasca-Palpa tridactyl humanoids. November 19, 2018. In contrast with the scientists that presented at the Peruvian Congress, their studies lead them to conclude that the alleged three-finger humanoid bodies are fakes, modern assemblages.

Magister Flavio Estrada, a forensic archaeologist, founder of the Specialized Forensic Laboratory of the Legal Medicine Institute of Forensic Sciences of the Public Ministry, former professor of physical anthropology at the UNMSM.

No living being has a square magnus foramen hole. The specimen shown does not have condyles or point of contact with the first cervical vertebra. The hole is flat and – anatomically speaking – does not exist. A presumed skin covers the edges of the alleged magnum hole. It is impossible for the skin to extend all the way and locate there.

Referring to a small body:
It does not seem to have an anatomical correlation. It has no clavicle and without it the shoulder blades take a posterior position, which is not possible.

Referring to a small body: 
The neck has no vertebrae in one of the samples of a supposed humanoid. The x-ray shows that the neck is formed by the middle part of a long bone or diaphysis and was placed inside a head like a pivot. The head shows the tricuspid teeth of a small mammal.

The knee was cut and levered. The leverage pulls out a substance that looks like like a tongue. There is no epiphysis or adaptive bulbous end in the long bones. There is nothing that binds the bones.

Speaking about an x-ray of a long hand of 3 fingers. There is no anatomical correlation. Diaphyses of human adults and combined human children are observed to build the hand. The 3 long fingers constructed with a combination of metacarpals and phalanges.

Dr. Ernesto Ávalos, a pharmaceutical chemist from the National Major Univ. Of San Marcos (UNMSM). He participated in a first report at the request of the Prosecutor’s Office of Nasca. He made infrared spectroscopy analysis to a sample of supposed flesh that covers the bones of a supposed humanoid tridactyl of Nasca-Palpa. The molecules of the sample react to infrared light and transmit unique microwaves for each element part of a molecule. The molecules discovered: In greater quantity: palmitic acid (oil), paraffin (wax). In smaller quantity: glue, polyethylene vinyl acetate (plastic). All modern components.

In another sample: Paper.
In another sample: Glue, paraffin, plastic, cyanoacrylate, polystyrenes, acetates, celluloses (papers), wood remains.
The joints of the bones and the supposed skins that covered the skulls were studied.
Pectin, acanthus gum.
In general: glues, paper, plastics and vegetable fiber.
The prosecutor’s samples were part of the same lot as those from analyzed by scientists associated with Gaia TV, Instituto Inkari and Jaime Maussan.Tercer Milenio. But – in terms of physical samples available – they are not the largest samples.

The antiquity of the skeletal remains were determined by other professionals.

Pedro Pérez: Specialist in tomography: Presentation at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos: The density of the presumed eggs of the Josefina specimen is similar to the density of a metal. There are denser femur bones and less dense femur bones combined to form the legs in the same specimen. In the specimen called “Alberto” there is a metal on one side. Observing the tomography of the feet of “Maria” metatarsals have been added to the carpus of the hand.

Due to misunderstandings of different sorts, both groups of scientists have not met to compare studies, dialogue and debate! Their respective organizers, supporters and often individual scientists in both groups often criticize each other’s intentions and methods without actually meeting in a congenial way to exchange studies and ideas.

Some say there are economic interests on the pro humanoid part.

The following link is the 4-hour presentation (in Spanish) in favor of the anomalous nature of the alleged three-finger humanoids This is the presentation that took place in the Peruvian Congress on the morning of November 19, 2018. It must be carefully contrasted with what the opposing group of scientists presented.

At some point, I’ll try to summarize some of the points given by the scientists that went to the Congress.


Giorgio Piacenza

Exopolitics, Andean Wisdom and Contacts

UFO in Samaipata, Bolivia possibly reminding us of an ancient exopolitical relationship

EXOPOLITICS: An interdisciplinary scientific field, with its roots in the political sciences, that focuses on research, education and public policy with regard to the actors, institutions and processes, associated with extraterrestrial life, as well as the wide range of implications this entails through public advocacy and newly emerging paradigms.”

“Exo” (a Greek prefix) means “outside” and “politics” can be defined as a branch of practical moral activity in which free persons seek the common good. Their range of activity was traditionally called the “polis” and it originally meant a Greek city-state in which free and property-owning individuals could engage in debates, voting behavior and political decisions.

In our era (and in spite of a current, temporary re-entrenchment into illiberal camps) the concept of “polis” is expanding, beginning to include the globalized reality of relations among nation-states and an awareness that there might be “others” in the cosmos already interacting with us and our planetary reality. The more we become aware and capable of integrating with the “others” (even beyond our physical and planetary “human” world), the more we will integrate to a “cosmo-politics” no longer with beings “outside” of our lifeworld but as one People in one Polis.

And as an interdisciplinary scientific field (that -in my view – should expand into a transdisciplinary one), “exopolitics” would be a way, not only of “studying” actors, institutions and processes associated with extraterrestrial life but also of relating with extraterrestrial (and possibly ‘interdimensional’, multi-reality), intelligent beings. 

Here the key word is “relating” and some pre-hispanic Andean Quechua principles which apply to LIFE under the categories of feeling (Munay), understanding (Yachay) and work (Yankay) should be explored for their practical application to EXOPOLITICS. They aim to relate people in harmony with what exists through feeling, understanding and practical work (and “feeling” is considered most important). And relating well would require understanding how to align ourselves as political actors with universal principles and patterns.

In Andean thinking, the main issue emphasized in reflective thought is not substance nor essence (as is the case in foundational Western traditions) but RELATIONS. What we call “God” in Western and Middle East philosophy and theology is called “KAUSAY” in Quechua Andean traditions, a term which can normally translate as “LIFE”, perhaps as the ultimate connecting Source enlivening all relations (and beings dependent on them). Furthermore, another concept approaching or coinciding with an educated metaphysical concept of a creator “God” is referred to as “Illa Tecse Wiracocha Pachayachachi.”  

Having “knowledge” in the Andean traditions (especially in the Quechua traditions) not only refers to conceptual knowing but is about wisely living experiential relations in daily life and, in doing so, promoting, protecting and nourishing more of life. That is the ideal. Its understanding is an integral wisdom called “Yachay.”

A lack of emphasis in instrumental, analytical, excluded middle thinking seems to have been circumvented in many ways through a relational way of thinking inclusive of feeling, relational rituals and a balanced, equitably distributed collective work in which some of the practical results also somehow included the moving and precise placement of multi-ton stones assembled as structures embracing multiple reality.

I do not say that life in the Quechua Andean world was perfect or idyllic as (varying from place to place and according to distinct “eras”) there also were wars of conquest and different kinds of political problems. However, the overall vision of Life stemming from a deep wisdom (which apparently includes the existence of beings from previous more advanced civilizations) was probably more in harmony with Life itself and there were more conscious attempts to align with it.  

Correspondence is key in the so-called “pari verse” (a concept explored by Mr. Javier Lajo) in which the woven thread of life – of living relations – is made of interconnected pairs and in which participating in a nourishing way involves forms of non-conceptual – but symbolic – mediation in which human beings (Runas) mediate between realities like bridges. In this participation, celebration (celebrating aspects of Life) is also important to act as a living bridge.

Under this way of thinking, nothing exists in isolation but only exists because of its complement: PARITY. And the complement of something is its counterpart only not antagonistically.  We (considering myself a participant in the Andean worldview) emphasize the INCLUSION of relational opposites. Thus while the excluded middle thinking exists, the included middle is prioritized under various customs and practices; perhaps not so much in an analytical, critical manner but in practical life. Thus, outer technology – while it exists – is not the emphasis even though at times, unique feats (which in modern culture would have required such more materialistic approach) were accomplished. 

In fact, reciprocity is a principle of inevitable participation, a give and take that is considered to be just and proportional practiced first in our immediate HOME and local community or Ayllu extending it towards the whole living tapestry.

In this system, “Chakana” is a bridge, a connector, a crossing point located in transitions between realities and is made of souls or living entities. In a way, they are one with the source of all relations.  People are natural chakanas. Community members would responsibly participate in each “chakana” crossing point and themselves be “chakanas.”  Reciprocity is also practiced within the community as a way to reflect the same principles.


Inside the Chakana room at the sacred Waka of Chavin de Huantar, Perú.

“NUNAS” (spirits) are found in these transition phases, crossing points or chakanas connecting worlds and generating new life expressions from the encounters that ensue in living awareness.

As mentioned, “Runas” or humans are very important chakanas/bridges but they are not the only ones. The role of Runas (or humans) is first and foremost that of preservers and custodians (ARARIWA) of this world, the present world, their perceived world (Kay Pacha). We have vital. Important, critical responsibilities as connectors.

According to various contactees, some ETs may be considered as “runas” in a broad sense of being able to connect realities. However, some (whether approximating human form or not) may not have as many potential capacities as we do and may want to have our powers to affect more of reality.

Complimentary sexual polarity is represented in some “mesas” or ritual ceremonial spaces: The Masculine (“qhari” is represented on the right-hand side of a sacred ritual space) and the feminine (“warmi” is represented on the left-hand side of the sacred ritual space). However, both always occur in every manifestation of life, in mountains spirits and also all in beings.

 “Hanan” (the upper geographical position, refers to established principles, higher order). “Hurin” and “Uku” (geographically below) refer to emerging life, the subconscious, possibilities, the subtle and the underworld). The meeting place is the creative product of that meeting and constitutes perceived world or “Kay Pacha,” our actual world of experience originally created from the meeting or encounter (TINKUY) of the pre-established higher order (Hanan) and the emergent, chaotic, future-oriented (Uku). The meeting of the past and future of structured order and the ambiguity of possibility is the encounter of worlds from which creatively new worlds or outcomes can ensue, especially if the meeting is mutually reinforcing, harmoniously complimentary or occurs under “YANANTIN.”   

A side not about “deities”

 “Pachacamac” was the name given to a deity whose cult extended across several ethnic groups in the Andes, particularly along the coastal regions. It was recognized as a force or power whose name could be interpreted as “the one who moves the world,” not the “creator” of the world. The genuine force can be understood as a cosmic principle and then there was an entity that used people demanding to be fed sacrifices, a blood-thirsty entity used to administer an oracle.   

Also, in the Andean world the name of Illa Teqse Wiracocha Pachayachachiq as universal lord and teacher is recognized in some places.  I think that it must be related, comparable or equal to the concept of Life as “Kausay.” In the aforementioned name, we find the word “Wiracocha” which possibly has a higher meaning in that it (akin to the Western and Oriental concepts of Non-Duality) relates the irreconcilable unifying it.  

There also is a more popular understanding that a white teacher with a beard popularly called “Wiracocha” came to the Andes and taught many things. This is why when the Spaniards arrived, they were also referred to as “wiracochas” (and this sometimes applies to any white person nowadays). However, a deeper meaning of the term may exist. Etymologically, “Wiracocha” contains the word that stands for grease (Wira) and for a body of water (Cocha), two elements that don’t usually combine but that now – in a single word – are unusually mixed together.

Perhaps, “Illa” can be understood as “ineffable light,” “Teqse” (or Ticsi) as the “foundation,” “Wiracocha” as the entity that can reconcile normally irreconcilable opposites and “Pachayachachi” as “the maker or creator of the world.” It is not clear if the maker of the world made the world out of nothing or out of itself-himself-herself or if, perhaps, the question is irrelevant because however it happened (or happens) in both cases it is correct.

Interestingly, “KAUSAY” or Life emanates from the “center of the center” or “the center of its center” (Chaupin) depicted as an empty hole in the “Andean Cross” (or chakana representation) and this center.potential from which the ineffable Life emanates connects everything in the four directions and in the multi-level – but three-tiered – thread of life.


Then, places like the (perhaps improperly called) “temple” of Chavin de Huántar in the central Andes of Perú refer to a historically important “WAKA” (or a particularly powerful connecting place). Its name (according to researcher Mr. Mario E. Osorio Olazábal) derives from the key idea of “Chaupin” or “the center of the center”. And a powerful “waka” like Chavín de Huántar would have been a particularly important place of observation to relate with and converse with as a caretaking friend with more aspects of life located from within the tapestry of life.

I recently recorded a video with my cell phone from inside the Chavin de Huantar Temple, specifically inside a room that depicted the Andean Cross on an entrance and a closed “window” opposite to it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pv_oR3eLzRo

Also, in the Quechua Andean traditions, the concept of “SUMAQ KAUSAY” and/or “AYIN KAUSAY” reminds us of living a “good life” or “splendid life” in alignment the universal thread.

Also, geometrically speaking, “PACHATUSAN” (the ideal line of alignment with life) also appears in the Chakana as another line at 22 degrees 30 minutes and aligned with “WAKAS” (commonly referred as “temples” but more accurately could be “power places” or “conversation or relational centers in the world” or the reality-tapestry.

Generally speaking, the “Capaq Ñan” is the Inca and pre-Inca road system but, in a more restrictive sense, it also refers to those segments of the road system which connect important aligned sacred sites. Thus, there are Capaq Ñan ‘wakas’ for instance at 45 degrees due West from the Lake Titicaca region and Tiwanaku and there are the “Pachatusan” aligned wakas at 22 degrees 30 minutes due West with the center in Cuzco.  Mathematician Maria Scholten made important discoveries about this.

“Pachatusan” (the line that aligns with of Life) is also known as “chekalluwa” (the Line of Truth) and it makes a 22.30 0 angle West of 00 (true north) when the Chakana symbol (the “Andean Cross) is overlaid with its “chaupin” center or central opening over the Ccoricancha Temple of the Sun in Cuzco. And on a larger geographic scale, along with this line there are some Inti watana” wakas, special places where the Sun is said to be “tied up” or “held” probably on a subtler energy level to realign it with Mother Earth… Pacha Mama.  And the line is close to the 23.50 degrees of the Earth’s axis. Interestingly, some researchers of Andean traditions like Mr. Javier Lajo consider that Earth’s alignment with the 22.30 0 angle is the ideal cosmic alignment with the Sun. Therefore, perhaps the Inti Watana wakas and specific sacred ritual practices related with them realign the Earth with the Sun on a subtle energy level. 

Diagram by Javier Lajo, researcher of Andean wisdom and traditions. It shows the Capaq Ñan line and another alignment with the Sun at 22.300

According to contactees in the Mision Rahma tradition and some researcher-contactees like Mr. Antonio Portugal Alvizuri, ancient places like Tiawanacu (or Tiwanaku) hold secrets related with more advanced civilizations that were in direct contacts with extraterrestrials.

In fact, there may have been various powerful cosmic alignment practices that are now forgotten (or perhaps some of them partially survive but are kept for a few initiates). Knowledge is given to those that can handle it responsibly.

Contactees like Luis Fernando Mostajo also claim that there is – in relation to some places in the Andes – there are degrees of contact with “spiritual masters” (some of them advanced human-extraterrestrial hybrids now living underground and in different physical and non-physical frequencies). And allegedly, these “masters” have kept Earth’s subtle energies in balance since the time of civilizations like fabled Atlantis and Mu. And they want us to evolve to the point of assuming responsibilities. 

They claim that humanity can grow up in collective awareness, activate genetic consciousness codes, recognize its role in the larger scheme of Life learning to represent planet Earth as a unified civilization amidst a vast extraterrestrial and spiritual cosmic organization of benevolent beings, thus taking some of Earth-representation responsibilities away from the shoulders of the masters. These issues would constitute a core of secret or esoteric knowledge known not only to a few contactees but also to some high-level Andean initiates… true “Altum Misayoq.” Occasionally some contactees in South America have also physically met these private and enigmatic initiates.

Naturally, an inclusive, relational worldview with all beings and with “all of life” includes the acceptance of extra-planetary intelligences. And in this relationship, not all are considered to be kind but this is also naturally understood and processed without focusing on fear, or on an obsessive need for confrontation.

These teachings and attitudes are not unlike those of Native American ‘nations’ in the U.S. and Canada and may reflect how important aspects of a universal knowledge (related to the so-called “Great Chain of Being”) is understood in some pre-modern societies.

Thus far, procuring various degrees of personal (and often collective) empirical verification requires openness, and respect for ancient wisdom, personal preparation, and participation besides effort invested in various ancient traditions and/or contact modalities. And (from what I have seen in esoteric contact groups), generally-speaking, more emphasis is placed in feeling or sentiment rather than in judgmental critical thinking, a past history of conflicts, power seeking, technologies, cabals and such. However, a basic level of objectivity cannot be abandoned.

The overall feeling-based attitude may seem to Western sensibilities to be “wishy washy” and not set well to Western minds seeking knowledge from a more analytical, material results-oriented and scientific perspective and this may be why some Rahma contact group practices originating in Latin America may feel somewhat way too “religious” or “cheesy” to truth-seekers operating from a more technologically-based perspective. However, after reflecting over it for years, contact with the highest benevolent extraterrestrial types and associated spiritual masters seems to require first and foremost a positive attitude and a loving feeling.

Why would integrating the existence of God (the Profound Love of Cosmic Consciousness according to some of our ET friends) and spiritual masters into the issue of extraterrestrial contact be necessarily wishy-washy?  

A focus on mental understanding would be so over our heads and difficult that the first choice on how to initiate, maintain and process these contacts, actually a way more easily available to us would be through feeling. This may be why many persons participating in these particular contact events seem to be quite simple, well-intended and even some “true believers,” especially to academically-oriented truth seekers. But it is a way for a segment of humanity to interact with an important aspect that is spiritual in emphasis while also conected to real, physical ETs.

Human-type extraterrestrial friends Antarel & Ivika, allegedly from one of our probable futures in the Alpha Centauri region.

However, ideally, the possibility of operating both through feeling and through great mental objectivity and acuity (beyond that of closed-minded, pseudo-skeptics) would be more advanced, integrative and best and, in this respect, a contactee-researcher like Ricardo Gonzalez seems to be showing the way as one of the few individuals capable of integrating qualitative and quantitative elements better than most while also representing a more advanced phase of direct personal contact possibilities and responsibilities.

The spiritual side of life and contacts (including spiritual principles, sacred geometry, karma and the role of spiritual masters like Jesus the Christ) is perfectly compatible with the processes that lead to material manifestation. Both stem from the same Source differently disclosed through diverse worldviews in different parts of the world, including the Quechua Andean. And these worldviews (like different ‘pearls of wisdom’ represented by different sides of a mountain as in Fr. Thomas Merton’s example) can relate with each other. Once again, using Quechua terms, all of them also require an integral, harmonious combination of Munay (feeling), Yachay (understanding) and Yankay (practical work) in alignment with universal patterns.

If we are to produce a wise exopolitics of peace and nontoxic participation with Earth and all sentient life-forms instead of extending a traditional blind obsession for power into developing cosmic relations (in alignment with conflicts expressed by technologically advanced beings that are still carrying old, unhealthy attachments from previous stages of evolution) we need to come to terms with the positive elements of universal wisdom. And we need to recognize them (remember them) re-acquire them, re-incorporate them into the new more inclusive cultural premises woldview that emerges. And more powerful practical technologies would need to be produced accompanying this emerging worldview to be fully accepted.

To creatively produce an adequate exopolitics we need to align our lives with the spiritual-material patterns that connect stemming from Source. The deeper, “mystical” Andean-Quechua worldviews seeking to establish this alignment can be a great source of guidance for this.

Different ETs, Narrative Preferences and Recent Revelations

Today the UFO, exopolitics, experiencer communities are divided into factions. There is some cross-over from one preference to another but I believe that the  spirit of subdivision, of doctrinal partisanship prevents us from understanding and processing the whole of what is going on. More inclusivity is required. More integrative thinking is required…scientific, logical, intuitional, spiritual, experience-based, testimony-based…and all of it with a quality that is enhanced by attitude: respect, love for truth and humbleness. 
Yes, for instance, it may be true that perhaps AATIP and BAAS are somehow guided by secret proponents and allowed to ‘white world’ some of the ET-multi reality technology, hopefully mostly for the good of humanity rather than for the good of a few. They might not be inclined toward dialogue with the UFO community but I’m inclined to attempt to tend bridges and to give them the benefit of the doubt instead of blanket suspicion and rejection. Humanity is altogether in this reaching out to other cosmic civilizations and to our roots in the past and – perchance – in the future. Then again, excessive trust in Military Complex-related initiatives can be naive, especially if the negative side of ETs is so emphasized by Tom DeLonge at TTSA and in the book “Sekret Machines” while considering the military and helpful associates as the good guys…guys hiding stuff to protect us. I welcome patriots doing the right thing with good intentions and what they do may be partially true and good for society and for establishing the UFO reality issue in more solid grounds but it may not be necessary (or adequate) that we completely abide by this initiative. I welcome it and want to tend a hand in friendship but also think that there’s much more in terms of a paradigm-shifting, educational process.  
Decades of UFO research revealing all sorts of things in secret (maybe even unconstitutional) programs about UFOs (previous to AAWSAP-AATIP) cannot be denied. And we also need a non-militaristic approach.  Definitely not a “business as usual” approach. Indeed we need a fresh way to look at these things covering the range from the nuts & bolts to consciousness science and to the most allegedly “airy fairy” but sincerely rendered.
For instance, by instantly dismissing what classic contactees said and – more currently – what plausible whistleblowers and insiders of the alleged “Secret Space Program” say in ways that not only partly coincide but which too many people (and not just belief-prone personalities) already consider as truthful and sincere would either be arrogant or proper of a belief-settled personality whose subconscious cannot even tolerate entertaining certain issues. 
And regarding ET/inter reality beings, let’s not bad mouth these ETs/inter reality beings or become naively dependent on them. We need fresh eyes for everything, not generalizations about all being benevolent or malevolent. We need to exopolitically find out who is protecting us from unwarranted incursions and if a minority of ET/inter-reality beings coming into our system are inimical to our good, do we really need to develop a whole armada against them? Or can we rely upon outside-of-earth, exopolitical protection as some contactees have affirmed? 
In reality the whole issue is complex… grandiose, fascinating, life-changing with all sorts of more or less credible versions according to many types of experiences. Let’s listen to statistics-contributing experiencers worldwide and to “unique case” experiencers as well. That said, I hope that people on the “inside” (secret decision makers) are more motivated by enhancing democratic values through worldview expansion via truthful education…more than making money, securing more personal power, sustaining outmoded beliefs or expanding the militarization of space under a “business as usual” type of awareness. As we evolve and more of us connect with cosmic community those modes of ruling over the masses become obsolete and – I believe – prone to attract similarly-minded ET/inter reality beings stuck in repeating certain unresolved issues from previous evolutionary stages…in spite of their technologies.
And, inasmuch as technology goes, yes, please, the powers that be acting today in this incipient but certain “basic level” revelation (through TTSA), please be clear about the type of technology that can be revealed, that should get or not get into everyone’s hands worldwide!  Can a UFO-like craft be built without sharing the technology worldwide? We simply cannot give the power of deeper aspects of the universe to every immature member of society. Moreover, for those of us seeking further understanding, within the UFO community, let’s try to be humbler and not simply dismiss the more ‘far out’, alleged SSP (secret space program) revelations or each other’s main appreciations of plausible aspects about the whole UFO and ET ‘enchilada’.
It’s not so much a matter of believing or disbelieving, of embracing or of rejecting in the name of truth. It is more about extending a friendly hand and respectfully, carefully listening. Let’s make an effort to listen to those voices that make us feel uncomfortable. Some may surprise us as our tolerance for the extraordinary increases. 
There are too many sincere-sounding informers or “insiders” that appear to coincide in fundamental assertions and – if the assertions about highly developed SSPs is true – that could mean that TTSA efforts would be incipient, long-termed, allowed and managed…perhaps by well-intentioned (or not) individuals acting as our superiors with an alleged right over us for some reason or another. Perhaps if having to choose between a 20 year long gradual revelation led by Established forces and sooner (and more extreme revelations), we need to welcome and consider them both as possible. And not just that but we may need to guide and modify both approaches in a participatory manner. In other words, concerned citizens and researchers need to be not only more inclusive but also more exopolitically active. 
A Mission Rahma Photo
And let’s not forget not to dismiss either the possibility of repeatable (and sometimes verifiable) positive contacts with communicative, “space brother” types, as has been done through the Mission Rahma contact groups; is being done by other emergent “CE-5” contact groups and associated contactees. In some cases there would be contacts with beings precise and very mental but associated with spiritual masters highly in favor of assisting in the actualization of our deepest potentials without generating dependencies.  So, let’s not simply dismiss this issue brought up by some contactees and experiencers that apparently bring some means of verification and more in-depth information about aspects of humanity’s history that cannot be ignored. 
And, let’s not simply dismiss other plausible issues floating around in the UFO, exopolitics, experiencer communities falling back on comfortably thinking that they are “delusional” or “suspect” or “lying.” In an environment in which there are allusions to teleportation and time travel, SSP insiders working with ETs side by side, contactees speaking both with spiritual masters and friendly ETs that do not abduct, 3000+ “experiencers” mostly having beneficial encounters with little or no mention of what SSP insiders are telling, not to speak about a phenomenon that is “transdimensional” and “paranormal” and in which some of the main voices greatly differ as to who the “visitors” or “ancient aliens” may be we must ask ourselves how much are we willing to accept or at least to fairly consider. How much effort are we willing to put to debunk or to incorporate if it passes a truly careful analysis.
Is there a war in the heavens or are all beings that did not destroy themselves and were capable of leaving their home planet peaceful? Are there “Arkons” “Draco Reptilians” and former Nazis collaborating with them? Is there a “Cabal” that controls the U.S. military and USAPs (unacknowledged special access projects)? Was our species not only seeded by several ET species (some contributing and some harming us) but are we also today being hybridized by varieties of gray-looking beings which have a right to do so partly because we are destroying the Earth’s ecology and commons? Are all of those issues fantasies and neither the Government nor UFO “experts” truly know what is going on? How can science and “infallible” religious doctrines really be enhanced with a “transdimensional” ontology-metaphysics that begins to explain “the nature of reality?” How much of “the truth” is society at large – worldwide – really able to handle without a transdimensional, integrative ontology-metaphysics now that there is a political tendency challenging “liberal” (in the original sense of the word) democratic agreements and procedures, thus atomizing nation-states into separate, illiberal fiefdoms? 
To evolve exopolitically in a field of research which may be the most complex of them all, we need to make the effort to connect with each other much more and with each other’s preferred explanations in a coherent manner. Connect what aspects or parts can truly fit together, even perhaps those parts which today don’t seem to fit together. And we must learn to also do it across cultural divides or cultural preferences, carefully correcting our personal mistakes… more aware of our own cognitive biases, selected belief reinforcements and blind spots. 
This situation called “disclosure” is not only about the Government revealing that ETs are here but about growing up individually and collectively…as many of us as possible to shift our shared information field into a higher level…capable of harmoniously exchanging with beings that perhaps primarily do not think in “either-or” primitive terms.  But it is an unprecedented shift; a different type of “consciousness.” It’s about co-creating a “we” consciousness and unified field incorporating many more beings with care and respect into our personal sense of identity. Either more of us do it for the collective “field” to withstand the encounter or others representing our subconscious need for “power elites” will steer us as they prefer or understand for various reasons, under incomplete appreciations. Thus, WE must connect with each other more and all true factions in Ufology, exopolitics, what we value in experiencer information must increasingly come together.  And disclosure thus becomes a self education; an entire new attitude needed to adapt to what comes in shifting our “consensus reality.” Is this too much to ask for in order to face the greatest cultural, spiritual (and perhaps biological) needed modifications after the gravitas (the weight and seriousness) of what is going on becomes established and is widely felt?  Not if disclosure is about the impossible becoming possible and if our self-determining freedom requires such a move. 
To be exopolitically responsible let’s connect to see the information content filling the exopolitics “diagram” as a coherent whole. 
Let’s try to educate ourselves and to be able to suspend judgement when necessary. Our intention and awareness to do this can go a long way towards succeeding in it. To listen to each other’s testimonies, to well thought opinions and research. Let’s try to listen to apparently contradicting testimonies but carefully, even if we don’t like it. They may be wrong but that may also have key kernels of truth or large segments of truth that we haven’t figured out how to connect with our preferred narratives. But let’ also care for fact checking as thoroughly as possible and for cross-referencing and to be personally willing to change our views when necessary. 
To face the top challenge, we truly need to “grow up,” one by one and in what is acceptable to discuss in social settings; to be able to digest such a paradigm-shifting smorgasbord and to be able to make peaceful, intelligent, cooperative decisions about a variety of challenging truths with enormous consequences. Thus we will earn our cosmic sovereignty. 

Mr. Luis Elizondo’s MUFON Interview (salient points and comments)

In the article “LUIS ELIZONDO: MUFON’s Exclusive Interview” that came out in the May 2018 issue of the MUFON Journal, I found important points to think about and which relate with AATIP (The DOD’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program) and with TTSA (To the Stars Academy of Arts & Sciences). The article authors were Chase Kloetzke, Kerry McClure and Roger Marsh.
Elizondo’s POINT 1) It becomes unclear whether TTSA will be allowed to reveal details of the metamaterial allegedly obtained from a UAP. After explaining that it is a mistake to call it a “metal alloy” Chase Kloetzke and MUFON colleagues-authors write:
“Lue (Luis Elizondo) was unable to answer if the material was used to develop anything, but added, “One would assume that we want to analyze and try to exploit as much as possible any type of new material that we find. So, we’re most likely not going to hear too much more of that, much like all of a sudden we have Velcro or Teflon.”
My COMMENT: To avoid dangerous technology from reaching the whole world I think that at least a few highly credible scientists should sign a non-disclosure agreement and verify the unique, non-earthly characteristics of the metamaterial(s) and publicly testify under oath to Congress that what they’ve seen and scientifically verified is unlikely to have been manufactured by any known country. This would give more credence to the confirmation/disclosures thus far given. It’s been 73 years+ of skeptics and scientists asking for a “physical evidence” related to genuine UFOs and now that it has been announced it should not be considered “evidence given” based only on the credibility and authority of the TTSA members. Civilians and various institutions should assist TTSA in research. This is a great opportunity for the scientific community to rise up to the challenge. The more social forces care about the subject the more information will be released and processed in a healthy manner.
Elizondo’s POINT 2) MUFON researcher Chase Kloetzke asked Mr. Elizondo if they learned anything that keeps him up at night. The reply was “I think it’s not necessarily negative. I think we are in the precipice of potentially understanding a new paradigm. You know, mankind, our evolution has been marked by moments of clarity….I believe we are on the precipice of understanding a little bit more of our place in the cosmic neighborhood and I think that should be exciting and thrilling. We must remain cautious and diligent, but I’m not sure we necessarily need to be afraid. Concerned, sure. I’ll buy that. Afraid, I don’t think so.”
My COMMENT: I’m glad he has not seen signs of danger in the UAP, intelligent phenomenon (besides its use of unauthorized airspace as modern nation-states legally think about “their” airspace). This coincides with about 90%+ of the survey responses by experiencers in the F.R.E.E. survey. However, IF other reports (based on more specific testimony) of a space fleet needed to defend Earth against intruders (with the assistance of other benevolent civilizations) is true, the issue would be more complex than expected.
Elizondo’s POINT 3) MUFON QUESTION: Is there a space force? ANSWER: “Lue smartly answered, “Next question. Can I buy a vowel?”
My COMMENT: What does this mean? Does it mean that, yes, there is a secret space force that he is aware about but cannot mention? If so, is it elementary-initial level or super advanced as some insiders claim? How is TTSA going to sort out this issue in the future? How far does the “rabbit hole” go?
Elizondo’s POINT 4) MUFON asked: “MUFON has had many cases with Government intervention, reports and even investigations that included military jets or helicopters chasing UFOs….Is there any desire for To the Stars Academy to look at some of this evidence?” ANSWER: “To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science intends to look at…all of these incidents.” Lue answered, “No matter how serious or how ridiculous, we want the full spectrum. We want chips to fall where they fall and let the data speak for itself while we develop and fully implement this community of interest. It is going to be every bit as capable as Google or anything else.
This is the first time we can analyze data nearly in real time, in a manner that allows us to determine very quickly: is it something legitimate or is it a hoax?”
My COMMENT: Great! The “full spectrum” is a truthful attitude especially for a complex subjects with many interrelated aspects.
I believe that TTSA will be allowed to reveal more IF the TTSA community and the human community at large becomes interested and shows that it can handle the information constructively. This seems to coincide with the overall attitude of most UAP intelligences. However, “full spectrum” should include the psychic and consciousness connection, the contactees and experiencers, their alternative histories of mankind, how the cosmic community is structured, possible interventions on humanity (genetic and cultural) and the human community should be able to digest this constructively after its various narrative probabilities have been studied and sorted out with as much scientific methodology as possible.
Elizondo’s POINT 5) When Mr. Elizondo was asked “What is your best guess on the intelligence behind these craft?” He replied, “I think there’s lots of possibilities. But as I said before, it could be from outer space, inner space or the space in between. …But let’s look at another paradigm here: the present is nothing more than an infinitesimally small point in space-time.
Probably measured in plane-time, in which elements of the future become elements of the past, right? And everything that we do as human beings is experienced in that infinitesimally small moment of space-time; by the way, it’s not static, it’s moving. In fact, one could use the analogy, time is like a fuse, and the parts of the fuse that have already burned that are ashes – that’s the past. The part of the fuse that remains intact – that is the future, and this moment, this flash right where the future becomes the past, is really hard to define, because if you were to zoom close enough, you would see parts of the fuse burn unevenly.
Parts of the future and parts of the past are kind of lying over each other, and we’re now seeing this in the quantum world….the electron is actually going through the fabric of space-time and is actually ebbing in and out of existence and reappearing at an infinitely fast rate. And so, therefore the electron is everywhere and nowhere at the same time.
So, if we experience everything through this tiny little optic, everything we’ve built, everything we’ve learned, every emotion, love, fear, hate, every experience as a human being is through this tiny little moment of space-time as we are moving forward. What if there were other species or even humans, where their understanding of the present, that optic, that spark, is maybe a little bigger?
Rather than being a point, maybe it’s a range. Mabe the understanding of the present isn’t a point, but it’s a range, and maybe there’s elements of the future and the past that are experienced as the present, and, therefore, what we perceive as linear space-time maybe others don’t. In fact, maybe these are things that have lived here forever, before us. Maybe, we share the space with them.”
My COMMENT: Yes,I also think that UAP intelligences may be able to experience a “wider present,” probably because they are capable of being consciously in contact with the atemporal…to see, let’s say, from above, more simultaneous probable futures and even one’s temporal line specific past and the probable pasts that did not specifically connect with our preferred temporal line frame of reference.
I consider the fact that these issues (whether correct or not) are being told by a former official, no-nonsense, accredited person that researched UAPs for several years as very important and mind-opening. Thank you Mr. Elizondo!! It is basically a more sophisticated admission of the serious possibility that we are in fact being “visited” by (in some ways) more advanced intelligences (simplistically known as “extraterrestrials”). Inner, psychological, experiential space and physical experiential space may connect in a more useful manner for these intelligences and our civilization needs to understand how this comes to be.
While the word “consciousness” was not mentioned, it was implicit as being able to perceive a wider range of “the present” relates with consciousness as the capacity to experience. Also, if we share the same space, perhaps our legal concerns about other intelligences manifesting in our detectable space would be concerns about the right to maintain our reduced experiential space-time (including its national atmospheric air space, oceans, inside the Earth’s crust space) without being interfered with. But what if there are other ranges of space-time on Earth that we have no access too? Shouldn’t we also recognize them as legitimate for the use of these UAP intelligences? Should we also legally accept their appearance in the specific space-time segment which we normally perceive? These legal issues are a sobering and beautiful challenge.
More of us really need to grow up (meaning to expand our views and identifications) and to personally work with these issues constructively in order to create a new civilization as demanded by wider facts; generating values to live with respect toward a more connected form of existence…a connection of experiencing consciousnesses in the deeper layers of reality which overcome less ontologically real space-time separations.
Meeting the challenge which involves these more formal “revelations” requires from us to successfully come to terms with the reality world of the “UAP intelligences” as a reality which is not separate from us, especially as their technology and the cultural, political and exopolitical implications of true UAPs and their intelligences become undeniable.
Mr. Elizondo also asks us as individuals in a society to “ask the hard questions and pursue the truth.” To become involved, to care about these issues and to recognize their importance. He said that that kind of inquiry should be done by true patriots; that To the Stars Academy should not be composed by “yes people.”  I heartfully agree.
After speaking (in the 2018 Contact in the Desert Conference) with Mr. Peter Levenda the chosen writer for TTSA and (in the 2018 joint IRVA/SSE Conference) with Dr. Hal Puthoff a well-known physicist working with TTSA, I found them to be sincere, well-intentioned, reasonable and cautious in what they declare. I think that they are sincerely working with the information available to them even though they may personally suspect that other programs have been researching different issues and aspects at since since the so called “Roswell Incident.” I don’t think that most members of TTSA are necessarily pushing the idea of “an alien threat” or the continuation of a cover-up in order to further a deeply-seated mindset and some self-serving powerful individuals and entrenched interests within the military industrial complex. I think that this group of people are simply trying to understand what is going on in a moderate, rational, scientific way that can responsibly educate the public and I think that they are simply a bit weary of some (often insufficiently validated) less moderate declarations within the UFO community.
I also tried to speak with Mr. Elizondo in a conference organized by A.J. Gevaerd in Porto Alegre, Brazil but he didn’t arrive. There were questions which needed clarification and had been sent to me by other researchers…for instance why it was not mentioned from the very beginning that AATIP was in fact a secondary name for a program whose official code name was AAWSAP (The Advanced Aerospace Weapons Systems Application Program). It would have facilitated obtaining validation that the Pentagon-DIA research indeed existed.
As much as TTSA needs to reach out not only to the general public but to serious – more rational and scientifically careful – researchers in the UFO community, I think that the UFO research community also needs to overcome excessive suspicions and to be more supportive of the effort led by TTSA members, even if the latter (understandably) consider the possibility of a ‘threat’ as something that has to be logically considered, especially in connection with the Pentagon. I think that the UFO community needs to extend bridges towards TTSA with a friendlier attitude and for – all of us together – to expand our personal identification psychological barriers so as to carefully sort the wheat from the chaff.

Experiential Astrobiology: A New Scientific and Consciousness-Based Approach

 THE CONVERGENCE: Technology, disclosed formal evidence, experiencers capable of connecting through their consciousnesses with non-traditional realities under multiple experiential perspectives and new theories are coming into focus as a QUALITATIVELY NEW PHASE OF UNDERSTANDING of our participatory relationship with non-human intelligent beings associated with the UFO phenomenon. None of these elements can be forcefully separated from each other without doing violence to the seamless, interrelated, vaster reality into which we are awakening.
Dr. Nathalie Cabrol‘s “Connectivity Network” (a network between disciplines linking space sciences, planetary sciences, life sciences, geosciences, astrobiology, cognitive and mathematical sciences) is a new, good, more integrated step forward from previous SETI approaches. To be more specific, it is a multidisciplinary step forward on the methods used moving away from an anthropocentric approach by focusing on the cognitive and perceptual basis which other beings may have in relation to their environment.
Resultado de imagen para Nancy Cabrol connectivity network
But, the trend toward more inclusion of experienced reality has to be continued. In fact, to fit into the full range of ufology and what experiencers are telling us, this requires a step further: Coordinating a multidisciplinary approach under a common factor or factors that underlie and connect across disciplines (and which, in that sense, can also be called “transdisciplinary”). And it must also include subjectivity and consciousness as fundamental and – at least – as co-equal with spacetime and matter. 
Dr. Cabrol’s approach would still be located within a way of thinking based on classical physics. It may be adequate for beings that – like us – utilize fixed physical patterns that can be explored via classical means and classical experiences with a greater degree of inter objective disconnection (also more disconnected from intersubjectivity).
However, what if extraterrestrial intelligence is already ‘here’ under an experiential ‘dimension’ or reality which connects us (the so-called “astral” “subtle” or “non-physical” realm underlying all physical manifestation). And what if this intelligence has already been ‘here’ for a long time (in linear terms) and the “Fermi Paradox” is answered by the fact that ‘they’ (physical ETs capable of using non-physical means) do not use a classical means to “travel,” to communicate, to think, to experience or to evaluate whether to communicate massively with us or not. In fact, their perceptual and cognitive basis would be different from ours. They would wait until we resonate in a healthy/constructive way with them, without huge interpretive distortions and without themselves (or considering Dr. Jaques Vallée’s ideas, their “control system”) being infiltrated and distorted by us.
J. Vallée: We have to do something that will cause them to react. And I don’t mean building landing strips in the desert and waiting out there to welcome the space brothers. 

J. Clark: But what do you mean? 

J. Vallee: I hesitate to be too specific. I’m speaking, as I’m sure you understand, of the attempted manipulation of UFO manifestations. It’s a pretty tall order. We’re assuming that there is a feedback mechanism involved in the operations of the control system; if you change the information that’s carried back to that system, you might be able to infiltrate it through its own feedback. 

We would not resonate well with them because we still rely upon a classical way of perceiving, thinking, feeling and being. And our active instincts are honed to this. We still sense each other and objects and beings n general as essentially separate while other consciousnesses might see us as participants in their reality. But experiencers (as Ingo Swann and countless others) transgress this boundary. Through telepathy and various other types of resonance, we interact.  And, according to supernormal human experiences, we the potential to outgrow our “classic reality” stage of awareness and to experience reality in more sophisticated ways.
In fact, what if ‘they’ not only use a non-local, but also a “transdimensional” physics connected to their consciousnesses in order to connect in an experiential and physical manner and, thus, overcome spacetime distance and perceived-experiential event separations by using both an underlying non-local (pre-physical and a non-physical) information matrix (or more fundamental mental reality) with its own kind of substance capable of interacting with physical substance, thus making a more advanced TRANSDIMENSIONAL scientific approach possible?
In this way, multiple potential physical patterns deriving from a unifying realm of mental information possibilities subjacent to all possible physical combinations could be combined and actualized with greater freedom overcoming a set of specific, congealed physical patterns in our linearly-perceived causal universe. The non-physical domain connecting all physical possibilities would allow meaningfulness to be utilized – for instance – via closed timelike loops within Sarfatti’s “Post Quantum Mechanics” and an accompanying, transducing, inter-realm component, usually termed in theosophy as “the etheric.”
All beings able to use their perceptual cognitive patterns across the physical and non-physical realms and (in varying degrees) overcoming linear time limitations would be quite puzzling and unintelligible to most of us still largely confined to classical perceptual and cognitive systems. And, from our linear perspective, they could have been here even before we as a species were here on the planet. Or they could be right next to us, just slightly out of phase from our perceived physical reality and, moreover, also be able to completely move in and out of the physical domain itself. 
In this “transdimensional” approach subjectivity and objectivity would be of equal value, both ultimately unified by a non-dual Consciousness which also can be understood as a non-dual Being. A unified, functioning, subjecto-objectivity would be the way of the future in order to understand how the ‘others’ (the others which are simultaneously distinct, are aspects of us and participating with us) interact and blend with our experiential, perceptual and cognitive systems. Factors like separations in sequence or in time and in distance or in space would be secondary to how experiences in consciousness can be combined. 
The coherent, experiential unification of objects and subjectivity across timelines and spatial qualities would be key to the science and technologies displayed by the advanced civilizations. 
In fact, according to Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory and to Lex Neale’s highly welcomed extension of Integral Theory (called “Integral relativity of Awareness and Energy”) into the non-physical realms, the inseparable reality aspects of subjectivity, objectivity, intersubjectivity and interobjectivity which remain in every (physical and non-physical) level of existence and their ways of revealing, interacting and connecting consciousness through many experiential and participatory methods would all be of equal value and away from the privileging of causal exterior objectivity above all else.
The invariant, underlying connective pattern itself is the reason why an even MORE EVOLVED FORM OF ASTROBIOLOGY would be “trans” as in “transdisciplinary,” “trans-reality” and “transdimensional.” Quite likely, more advanced civilizations capable of overcoming spacetime separations first came to these realizations. 
Perhaps by utilizing superluminal, EM, scalar-based, longitudinal waves (which can couple with regular, transversal EM waves) whose superluminal components may connect with retrocausal probabilities (and/or future actualities in probable future timelines) would be a better way to communicate with advanced civilizations, to modify spacetime, to cohere realities through resonance and specifically tune in with spacetimes and gravity in relation to intentionality and to their information-modulating, rotating and counter-rotating vortical nodes quite likely also manifesting as standing toroidal forms (a component of which is perhaps also expressed as volts per second in linear terms of energy carrying pulses travelling along the direction of motion).
These longitudinal waves may exist in what has been called the “Quantum Potential” in realistic QM interpretations and may be useful to modify quantum probabilities, thus, also concrete manifest physical reality. Perhaps, according to their degree of manifested retrocausal probabilities, these waves may serve to couple experienced linear, time-forward, entropy-based physical reality with various degrees of the non-local – yet physical – information aspect of the a theorized “quantum hologram.” But, inasmuch as the retrocausal component becomes equal to the forward in time (normally exteriorly manifested-actualized) component, that is, when exterior time forward and interior time backward components cancel each other out, direct, non-spacetime, non-physical, in fact, mental (or subtle) realm influences may be able to modify the quantum potential and physical actualization probabilities, rendering possible a more direct interaction with “consciousness.”
Thus, a deeper level of “transdimensional” effects may be possible, even temporarily modifying the energy density and other characteristics of spacetime, opening portals, combining physical and non-physical reality levels to connect with various stable sub-levels of physical reality.
These longitudinal waves (which are perhaps being energized in a deeper, fractally connected level of the quantum vacuum) might be used to establish both hyper luminal and instant decoding resonant states with the universal subquantum quantum hologram of all past and future physical information. Moreover, these waves may operate in the same “sub-quantum” level of reality as what has been termed “torsion waves” and perhaps various superluminal speeds are possible, besides an instant, non-local resonance in which communication is more like a blending of similar vibrational states or cohesive patterns.
Longitudinal waves – by virtue of being superluminal – would connect with the retrocausal aspect of the quantum potential (a way of understanding the so-called “etheric”) and could be used to reconcile the quantum potential’s time-forward (causal) and time-backward (retrocausal) components, canceling them back into a state in which they were not separated…the non-physical realm or domain or possibility.  Thus they would be reconciled into a higher symmetry in which subjective experience and exterior objects correlate as co-equals in terms of causality. This would differ from the physical domain or realm in which causality primarily depends upon the relation between exterior objects.
Could we, perhaps, also explain through longitudinal waves the regular, transversal EM effects sometimes detected and associated not only with UFO events but with ghosts and with instrumental transcommunication? Thinking that the mutually reciprocal relationship between longitudinal waves (being affected by a non-physical source) and regular transversal EM waves may relate with information, this might serve to transduce physical entropic states into non-physical order and also to temporarily re-transmit new organization states back into the physical realm? It would be an interesting line of research.
But, do longitudinal waves exist or can be produced to experiment with? Well, yes considering the experiments in superluminal energy transmission already being carried on by Dr. Konstantin Meyl and the superluminal, real-time communication system being built by Dr. Eammon Ansbro.
Both SETI astronomer Eammon Ansbro in Ireland and electric engineer Konstantin Meyl in Germany seem to be able to produce longitudinal waves emphasizing different aspects of these (also predicted and apparently used by Nikolas Tesla), something which promises to launch us into the next level of direct, real-time communication and practical participatory interactions with advanced ETI which think differently because they also capable of overcoming spacetime limitations.
Moreover, the use of toroidal capacitors would also assist in using regular, positive, energy as is demonstrated in the work of NASA engineer Dr. Harold White.

Imagen relacionada

But perhaps, by producing and patterning these longitudinal waves with specific resonant frequencies, we may be able to amplify negative energy states of the zero-point energy of the vacuum and, thus, to open stable, traversable wormholes without the need for immense amounts of ordinary, positive energy.
For Konstantin Meyl, longitudinal waves transmit usable electric energy with a receiver instantly or practically instantly detecting the transmitter. This is why I think they may form a close time-like loop and, according to Dr. Jack Sarfatti’s expose of “Post Quantum Mechanics,” this would allow a non-deterministic modification of (energy pumped) Frohlich open systems. It is as if experiential moments in time meet as one, cohering meaningfully and displaying a more intimate form of entanglement which allows for back and forth communication, a true relationship and not only correlation in some dynamic properties like complementary polarization states.
It would be a physics that allows regulating events as when two individuals are telepathically blended as a single experiencer beyond the limits of time and space. And I posit that this physics will allow for multiple alternative approaches to coincide with experience and consciousness first as co-equal and, ultimately, as more fundamental. The quantum hologram theory, longitudinal-scalar waves, torsion waves, Post-quantum (realist) theory inclusive of retrocausality, the Copenhagen Interpretation, cosmological theories of multiple universes, would become compatible under a more comprehensive understanding. 
Furthermore, the whole gestalt of we may call “unconsciously connected humanity,” in order to remain viable and not under progressive de-humanization and the control of other intelligences, will have to face the truth and adapt. 
Moreover, through education and honest leadership We (The People) would reunite with the so-called “breakaway civilization,” an alleged segment of human society whose level of retro-engineered extraterrestrial technology (and participation with extraterrestrial species) is such that they have effectively become a different type of civilization, with a more complex understanding, space-faring, partially inter-reality-faring, already in close contact with some (benign and non-benign) advanced extraterrestrial intelligences, a civilization allegedly not necessarily limited to any particular formal Government and already unable to be understood in our regular political world.
Of course, the degree of any this which might be true is still highly speculative and, for the time being, what we have are incredible, coinciding stories presented as whistleblower, insider witness testimonies. But, also for the time being, since 1947 (and after 70+ years of secret research and formal negations for security reason, for self-interest reasons or “for our own good”) we have a more basic, ongoing confirmation, educational effort: the honest to God start of a pro democratic, disclosure process in progress as the Department of Defense, CIA, DIA (and probably other agencies and secretive higher-ups) have allowed the B corporation “To the Stars Academy of Arts & Sciences” to get closer to the citizenry by revealing through still important media institutions formerly classified documents and engaging them with projects that make the news more assimilable.
Overall, the mental and physical experiential “landscapes” of our evolving humanity and that of the “others” must meet to solve the paradox of occasional encounters, extreme experiences and extreme negations. The worlds must meet as we become more inclusive and aware of each other.
Photo of an interesting group of scientists and intelligence officers fromTo the Stars Academy recognizing the importance of space-time manipulation and the capacities of consciousness in order to understand and reproduce UAP/UFO phenomena.
First and foremost, through the capacity which consciousness has to connect experiential ontological realities (and from an astrobiological perspective), we will be able to explore and (assuming risks and responsabilities) interact with a vast, multi-layered cosmos teeming with life. Consciousness-assisted technologies may help but the main capacity is consciousness itself independent from this artificiality. Thus, I hope we do not become overly dependent upon them and fall into a new object-dependent, materialist trap (as many multi-reality-connecting, transdimensionally-capable extraterrestrial civilizations may have).
Cabrol, Nathalie. Alien Mindscapes – A Perspective on the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (Astrobiology Magazine, Volume 16 Issue 9. September 2016)
Clark, Jerome.  Jacques Vallée Discusses Control System. http://www.ufoevidence.org/documents/doc608.htm
Sarfatti, Jack.. Bohm Pilot Wave Post-QuantumTheory
Piacenza, Giorgio. A More Advanced form of Ufology and CE5?
Piacenza, Giorgio. Scalar Waves: What Might they Be?
To the Stars Academy of Arts & Sciences

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