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Are You A “Starseed”? Here Are Some Common Characteristics That Might Answer Your Question

by Kalee Brown            February 15, 2018             (collective-evolution.com)

• The universe is vast. The Earth alone holds 8.7 million different species. For every grain of sand on every beach on Earth there are 10,000 stars each carrying its own planetary system. The Milky Way holds billions of Earth-like planets. And there are billions of galaxies. We may even be living in an infinitely-increasing number of universes, or ‘multiverse’.

• We are all souls living in human bodies that come to Earth for a specific reason or to gain experience and knowledge. We’ve reincarnated hundreds of times into different physical bodies. Some of us are native humans, some are extraterrestrials desiring a human experience.

• Starseeds are souls that are not native to planet Earth, but benevolent extraterrestrials who come here to help bring awareness and positive change to humanity. The number of Starseeds born on Earth has been increasing in the 1980’s and 1990’s.

• How do you know if you are a Starseed? Well, you don’t necessarily fit in with the rest of the crowd. You don’t have much in common with other family members. You question authority and reject the economic system and educational system. You can sense other people’s feelings and energies – both good and bad. You tend to express yourself creatively.

• So many issues are now surfacing and challenging humanity. The light of truth is exposing the massive corporate and government corruption that foments perpetual war. It is said that Starseeds have come to planet Earth in order to help shift humanity toward a higher level of consciousness. As a result, more and more people are now increasing their awareness and helping to bring about this massive shift in consciousness.


Planet Earth houses an estimated 8.7 million different species, with approximately 6.5 million living on land and 2.7 million in the oceans. We have an abundance of different animals and fish living all over this big blue sphere, and when you really stop and think about the vastness of this planet, it’s pretty amazing.

Keep in mind, this is only one planet; a tiny spec within this giant thing we call the multiverse. We know that 8.7 million different species live on our planet alone, so how many actually live out there?
It’s a puzzling question, and sobering, too. Even if just one more planet in the universe held the same diversity of life, that would represent a further 8.7 million species to discover. And if one more planet has life, it’s reasonable to assume others would as well.

To boggle your mind even further, let’s review just how small we are in comparison to the universe: For every grain of sand on every beach on Earth there are 10,000 stars, and the Milky Way includes billions of Earth-like, potentially habitable planets. The Milky Way itself is only one of billions of galaxies, and we may be living in an infinitely-increasing number of universes, otherwise known as the multiverse.

Keeping the infinite and incomprehensible size of the multiverse in mind, let’s focus our gaze within for a moment. We are all souls living in these human bodies, and we came here to gain experience and knowledge. Your soul has chosen to incarnate or reincarnate into your human existence right now, but what was it doing beforehand?

Were you living on Earth? Perhaps you’ve lived hundreds of lives, continuously reincarnating again and again onto this planet. Or were you a different species, one that we’d consider extraterrestrial? Or maybe, could this be your first time ever incarnating onto Earth?

Many of us feel there’s more that meets the eye when considering those 8.7 million species living on Earth. What if, within these shells, many of our souls are actually all from different species ourselves?

If you’ve always sort of felt like you’re not really “human,” that you don’t necessarily fit in with the rest of the crowd, then welcome. Take a seat, and know that you’re not alone. Many people who feel this way refer to themselves as Starseeds; they’re simply souls that are not native to planet Earth.
Are You a Starseed?

So, you now know what the concept “Starseed” means: a soul that is not originally from planet Earth. The real question here is, what exactly does that mean to you? Does this concept resonate with you, do you feel like Earth truly is your original home, or do you feel like it’s just some made-up term to justify not fitting in? I encourage you to read the rest of this article, and ask yourself those questions as you read it.



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reincarnation, shift in consciousness, Starseeds

ExoNews Editor

Duke Brickhouse is a former trial lawyer and entertainment attorney who has refocused his life’s work to exposing the truth of our subjugated planet and to help raise humanity’s collective consciousness at this crucial moment in our planet’s history, in order to break out of the dark and negative false reality that is preventing the natural development of our species, to put our planet on a path of love, light and harmony in preparation for our species’ ascension to a fourth density, and to ultimately take our rightful place in the galactic community.

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