Aliens Need More Attention

by Alligator Editorial Board                  Jun 3, 2019                  (

  • Until recently, the human perception of aliens was these little guys way out in space. This is no longer the case. With a May 26th New York Times article we learned of Navy pilots who witnessed UFOs with “no visible engine or infrared exhaust plumes but could reach 30,000 feet and hypersonic speeds.” Almost every day from the summer of 2014 to March 2015, these bizarre objects flew over the East Coast.

  • The lack of public interest from this report was surprising. What happened to people’s fascination with the unknown? Not a single meme appeared on the internet. Seriously? We didn’t expect much outspoken response from the average person who pays an average amount of attention to the news. But we expected more from the people that are so quick to judge journalism and share news articles with the caption “fake news!!!”

  • The size of the universe is hard to wrap our brains around. We can’t be the only ones. Even if we narrow our universal search just to the Milky Way, there would be around 1 million planets with potential life. The ‘zoo hypothesis’ claims aliens have set us aside in a planetary ‘wilderness’ like captive zoo animals. Or are the ETs waiting for us to reach a technological plateau before they reveal themselves to us?

  • Maybe we humans just refuse to give the extraterrestrials the attention they deserve. They flew all the way here, scared the crap out of some Navy pilot, got The New York Times to write about it, and we still didn’t care.

  • Earth’s hospitality rating could be cosmically low and aliens have better vacation destinations to spend their hard earned fuel traveling to. Why visit a planet whose inhabitants don’t even bat an eye when you visit? Earth could be the Mount Trashmore of the universe with only the crazies wanting to visit this dump.

  • [Editor’s Note]    It’s the crazies who are running this planet.  The rest of the civilized universe is waiting for the humans on Earth to get our act together, expose the treachery that has become our reality, and change our existence by way of higher consciousness.  It is up to us as a sovereign race of beings to reclaim our planet, and not the ETs who, by cosmic law, must only sit back and watch it play out.  Once we have successfully awoken, the patient and benevolent ETs will accept us as a new member of the Galactic family.


Aliens have fascinated humans since the discovery of space. E.T., ALF, Spock and Marvin the Martian are just a few of the extraterrestrial characters from humanity’s imagination. The human perception of aliens goes to show how dedicated we are to the unknown little (or very big) guys way out in space. At least this seemed to be the case until recently.

On May 26, The New York Times published an article reporting Navy pilots witnessed objects with “no visible engine or infrared exhaust plumes but could reach 30,000 feet and hypersonic speeds.”

Almost every day from the summer of 2014 to March 2015, these bizarre objects flew over the East Coast. Although the U.S. Department of Defense did not call this extraterrestrial activity, the lack of public interest from this report was surprising.

What happened to people’s fascination with the unknown?

Not even a meme or blurb in the Twitter-sphere about aliens came about. At least a bit on aliens getting “slept on” would have sufficed. Seriously? Not a single meme from this article? Shame on you Internet. What a wasted opportunity.

Given that the NYT article came out over Memorial Day weekend, people could have been too busy drinking and boating to care too much about the possibility of unidentified flying objects. We didn’t expect much outspoken response from the average person who pays an average amount of attention to the news. But we expected more from the people that are so quick to judge journalism and share news articles with the caption “fake news!!!” Isn’t this the kind of thing people love to make conspiracy theories about?



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Milky Way, Navy pilots, New York Times, Zoo Hypothesis

ExoNews Editor

Duke Brickhouse is a former trial lawyer and entertainment attorney who has refocused his life’s work to exposing the truth of our subjugated planet and to help raise humanity’s collective consciousness at this crucial moment in our planet’s history, in order to break out of the dark and negative false reality that is preventing the natural development of our species, to put our planet on a path of love, light and harmony in preparation for our species’ ascension to a fourth density, and to ultimately take our rightful place in the galactic community.

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