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Airmen Involved in ‘British Roswell’ May Have Been Abducted by Aliens, Retired US Colonel Claims in Secret Footage

by Emma Parry           January 15, 2018          (thesun.co.uk)

• New information has surfaced regarding the ‘Rendlesham Forest incident’, where in December 1980, U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt Jim Penniston and Airman John Burroughs witnessed a small triangular craft that landed in Rendlesham Forest near the twin NATO airbases of RAF Woodbridge and RAF Bentwaters in Suffolk, England. Sgt Penniston got close enough to touch the craft, describing it as “smooth to the touch” and covered with strange symbols similar to ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, before it took off.

• It was known that Penniston and Burroughs were out of radio communication with the base’s Central Security Control for several hours.

• In 2010, now retired British police detective Gary Heseltine and his wife walked through the forest with the deputy commander of the base at the time, retired U.S. Air Force colonel Charles Halt, in an effort to retrace Halt’s steps during the third night of UFO activity there for a documentary that was never made.

• While a film crew shot the 2010 interview, Heseltine’s wife made a private video as well. At one point, she video recorded Heseltine walking with Halt in the forest during a break in filming. Heseltine says that he recently watched the private video again, and picked up on an interesting comment made by Halt. In the video, Halt says: “He [Burroughs] may have been abducted. Who knows? You know there is lost time, we know that. They were not on the radio … You’ve got men out in the forest …. unaccounted for hours..”

• “I did some research and realized that this admission [by Halt] had never been made public,” said Heseltine. “It’s one thing to see a UFO… but it’s quite another to suggest one of your men might have been abducted by aliens.”

• Heseltine also says that Halt told him the Suffolk airbase had the largest arsenal of nuclear weapons in Europe at the time.


A retired U.S. Air Force colonel has claimed that two airmen involved in Britain’s most infamous UFO case may have been abducted by aliens in secret video footage.

Staff Sgt Jim Penniston and Airman John Burroughs witnessed a small triangular craft which landed in Rendlesham Forest, Suffolk – in what has been dubbed the UK’s Roswell.

Sgt Penniston got so close, he even managed to touch the craft, describing it as “smooth to the touch” and covered with strange symbols similar to ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs – before it took off.

Now in secret video footage obtained exclusively by Sun Online, the deputy commander of the base at the time, Charles Halt, can be heard stating that Burroughs “may have been abducted” and that the men were “unaccounted for” for hours.

It is believed it is the first time Halt has ever made the bombshell claims – and they did not appear on his official memo of the incident which was sent to the Ministry of Defence.

The mysterious Rendlesham incident took place in December 1980 – at the height of the Cold War – in woods just outside the twin NATO airbases of RAF Woodbridge and RAF Bentwaters.

Penniston and Burroughs headed into the woods to investigate some strange flashing lights, which is where they saw the UFO.

Two nights later, the UFO returned, and Halt led a team of military experts into the woods in a bid to “debunk” the claims.

However, the military team were shocked when a beam of light from the UFO hit the ground just a few feet away.

 Charles Halt and Gary Heseltine in 2010

Halt, who made an 18-minute audio recording of the incident, went on to write a memo detailing what happened which he sent to the MoD but defence chiefs said the incident was of “no defence significance.”

For years it has been rumoured Penniston and Burroughs, who were security policemen, may have been snatched by the UFO as they were out of radio communication with their Central Security Control (CSC) for several hours – but no one officially involved in the incident has ever publicly stated it.

Now former British police detective Gary Heseltine has released a video clip from 2010 – when he toured the forest with Halt for a documentary that was never made.

The video clip was recorded by Heseltine’s wife during a break in filming and shows Heseltine walking with Halt in the forest in an effort to retrace his steps during the third night of UFO activity during the 1980 incident.

In the video, Halt says: “He [Burroughs] may have been abducted who knows… You know there is LOST TIME, we know that? They were not on the radio … You’ve got men out in the forest that you can’t …. unnaccounted for hours..”

Heseltine, 57, of Scholes, West Yorkshire, told Sun Online: “My wife Lynn took quite a few video clips as we walking around the forest.

“It was only recently while watching them again that I picked up on the admission by Halt that Penniston and Burroughs had been missing off air ‘for several hours’.



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alien abduction, Charles Halt, Gary Heseltine, Rendlesham Forest incident

ExoNews Editor

Duke Brickhouse is a former trial lawyer and entertainment attorney who has refocused his life’s work to exposing the truth of our subjugated planet and to help raise humanity’s collective consciousness at this crucial moment in our planet’s history, in order to break out of the dark and negative false reality that is preventing the natural development of our species, to put our planet on a path of love, light and harmony in preparation for our species’ ascension to a fourth density, and to ultimately take our rightful place in the galactic community.

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