A Lot of You Believe in Bigfoot

Article by Jazz Shaw                               May 25, 2020                             (hotair.com)

• Market research firm, CivicScience, recently took a poll of more than 3,400 Americans to test their belief in a variety of “conspiracy theories” ranging from the existence of extraterrestrials to whether or not the Moon landing in 1969 was faked. The survey goes deep to identify subgroups and their beliefs.

• Nearly 30% of people polled believe that intelligent extraterrestrial life has been visiting us here on Earth. Nearly a quarter of respondents (23%) are certain that the United States government is in possession of definitive proof that the aliens are here but is hiding it from the public.

• Nine percent of those polled believe that the government is using chemtrails to control the population. Eight percent are convinced that the Illuminati are real and they control most human events around the world. Eight percent also think the Loch Ness Monster is a real. And four percent think the Moon landing was a hoax.

• One surprising statistic was that over ten percent of Americans believe that Bigfoot (or Sasquatch) is a real, living animal that roams the woods. Every state in the U.S. has had at least one Bigfoot sighting, and every state has at least one Bigfoot organization. Men and women are equally likely to believe in Bigfoot. Generation Z is more likely to believe, while Millennials and Baby Boomers are slightly more skeptical.” People living in the West and the Pacific Northwest are significantly more likely to find Sasquatch plausible than people in the Northeast, which makes sense as the vast majority of sightings are reported out west. Regular viewers of Fox News are five times more likely (39%) to believe in Bigfoot than viewers of CNN (6%) or MSNBC (8%).

• Of course, the big word to keep in mind here is “believe.” Much the same as with extraterrestrials, the existence of Bigfoot will always come down to a question of belief unless and until some indisputable physical proof is brought forward.


There’s a very active subculture on social media that attracts people who believe in any number of offbeat subjects ranging from the paranormal and cryptozoology to those who insist that the Earth is flat. One cryptid, in particular, has a huge, loyal following and a recent survey appears to back up this phenomenon with solid numbers. Market research firm CivicScience completed a poll of more than 3,400 Americans to test their belief in a variety of “conspiracy theories” ranging from subjects such as extraterrestrials to whether or not the moon landing in 1969 was faked. One of the most surprising statistics, at least to me, was the fact that more than one in ten Americans believe that Bigfoot (or Sasquatch) is a real, living animal that roams the woods. He’s also apparently the all-time world champion of social distancing. (Paul Seaburn for Mysterious Universe)

It’s often said that every state in the U.S. has had at least one Bigfoot sighting and every state has at least one Bigfoot organization. Bigfoot television series dominate reality shows of the cryptid kind, so it should come as no surprise that a new survey found 1 in 10 Americans profess a belief in the big hairy one. However, when compared to belief in extraterrestrials, Bigfoot is a distant third behind aliens and aliens (we’ll explain). Does Sasquatch need better public relations, a better name … or some better conspiracy theories?

“More than 1 in 10 American adults believes that Bigfoot is a real, living creature. Men and women are roughly equally likely to believe in Sasquatch. And whereas belief in alien theories peaked among Gen X, there was a strong cohort of Gen Z that expressed belief in Bigfoot. Millennials and Baby Boomers were slightly more skeptical.”

Belief in bigfoot wasn’t the most popular theory by a long shot. Nearly 30% believe that not only is there other, intelligent extraterrestrial life in the galaxy, but that it’s been visiting us here on Earth. Nearly a quarter of respondents (23%) are certain that the United States government is in possession of definitive proof that the aliens are here but is hiding it from the public.



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Bigfoot, CivicScience

ExoNews Editor

Duke Brickhouse is a former trial lawyer and entertainment attorney who has refocused his life’s work to exposing the truth of our subjugated planet and to help raise humanity’s collective consciousness at this crucial moment in our planet’s history, in order to break out of the dark and negative false reality that is preventing the natural development of our species, to put our planet on a path of love, light and harmony in preparation for our species’ ascension to a fourth density, and to ultimately take our rightful place in the galactic community.

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