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Some PROS AND CONS About Some of the Nazca-Palpa, 3-Finger Specimens

Some PROS and CONS about the Nazca-Palpa 3-finger, humanoid bodies: Some objections and answers to objections about the genuine nature of some Nasca-Palpa tridactyl specimens:
FIRST: Some objections from trained Peruvian scientists associated with the Public Ministry and Some Answers to those objections.
Flavio Estrada, forensic archaeologist. Flavio Estrada Founder of the Legal Medicine Institute of Forensic Sciences of the Public Ministry. A serious institute, they know of ancient bodies and also investigations of criminology depend on evaluations by this institution.
Referring to small samples of heads. There has never been a square foramen magnum. The worst thing is that the samples DO NOT HAVE POINTS OF CONTACT WITH THE FIRST CERVICAL VERTEBRA because they DO NOT HAVE CONDYLES. It also seems to have a skin that covers the foramen magnum. That is not possible.
The X-ray of a supposed humanoid of 15 cm shows an animal skull. The mouth is where the foramen magnum hole of an animal should be (in the back). They just gave it a mouth shape. Where there is this false mouth there are condyles. The armed object does not have an auditory canal. The safest candidate is a canid. The muzzle or zygomatic arches were removed and a false skin was placed on it. Internet videos admit that these samples are part of the general set.
One of the samples of supposed humanoid does not have clavicles and without clavicles, it is impossible that the shoulder blades could have taken a posterior position as seen.
The bones of the legs have been cut. The terminations are flat. They do not have the necessary epiphysis or termination for the joint.
Referring to a large hand: There is no anatomical correlation. They have used bones of humans, infants, children, and adults. In the hand shown the phalange (small) is upside down.
Dr Ernesto Ávalos (pharmaceutical chemist). Seeing 2 samples He found palmitic acid (a fat), paraffin (a wax), glue, polyethylene vinyl acetate, cellulose. All are current components.
Magister Pedro Pérez specialized in tomography: The density of the supposed eggs is of an average of 1935 HU. It surpasses the bone. It means that it is of a metallic density. In addition, the metal density image makes ‘artifact’ as if they had placed a kind of screw. The question is whether it is a prosthesis or a simple metal or screw to hold the leg to the hip?
Question: Are the Public Ministry experts using the HU units (Hounsfield) because in those units the bone can reach 3000 HU. Question: Can the hardness of the supposed eggs be due to calcification?
The pelvis of one of the samples is placed on the legs and being that way I WOULD NOT HAVE WALKED.
On the radiography of María: In her foot tomography Pedro Pérez Magister in public health, specialized in tomography. Part of the team of the Legal Medicine Institute of the Public Ministry. He sees that METATARSALS have been added to hand CARPALS and …
Objection: Perhaps the best quality images are not the ones that have been used.
In María, forensic archaeologist Flavio Estrada detects a thoracic level lesion perhaps caused by tuberculosis. The teeth are completely human. He thinks an ancient human remain has been desecrated and that his is a serious crime.
Several months ago, two French scientists opined based on the images available at the time:
ALAIN FROMENT (biological anthropology)
FABRICE DEMETTER (paleo anthropologist)
One of the specimens could not have moved the wrist. Anatomically it does not work. We could have chosen bones better adapted to arm them.
According to the French: Dr. José de Jesus Salce says he sees tendons but that’s an imaginary thing since you do not see tendons. Will sinews now be seen with clearer images?
Alberto’s pelvis is on his legs and could not have walked, the French, they said.
Magnetic resonance imaging does not give us good information. They would have used a scanner.
All reptiles have 2 bones in the forearm but we see a scheme that is neither reptilian nor ET but crazy. They have assembled using mammalian bones with animal cartilages in formation.
Jois Mantilla practically accused Flavio Estrada of being detractor Lucas McLovin! Those suspicions were placed on his Facebook wall. They only create resentment and suspicion just when it was necessary for scientists to be inclined to meet and dialogue.
Pity that José de Jesus Salce (the Mexican medical antropologist) left Perú without talking to Flavio Estrada (the Peruvian forensic archaeologist). Without so many people between them perhaps they would have met and debated constructively! It may still happen soon. 
Dr. Walter Nuñez (a physician that has interesting opinions on the scientific procedures) declared in Radio Capital “Journey to Another Dimension” to have been threatened. He says he knows Lucas McLovin and Estrada and that they are not the same person. That one is short and young and the other tall and older.
It was reported on a radio-cable show (Viaje a otra Dimensión) by Anthony Choy and by Dr. Nuñez that extremists and trolls arrived with threats in Spanish and English. Are they true believers? Are they paid? A bit of both?
Dr. Choy mentioned that in the report presented to the Congress the objections of the French, another Russian (Dr. Varanov), Salas Gismondi, Elsa Tomasto, Guido Lombardi were excluded.
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The Mexican biologist José de la Cruz Ríos explains that part of the objections are based on old X-ray images. That he will be able to demonstrate based on tomographies of higher quality than the supposedly cut bones are not. That soon will show a report on the pulled inside the eggs of Josefina.
That a comparative analysis with 4 quadrupedal mammals clearly showed that no canid skulls have been used. In addition, the already described traits can help to demonstrate that they are something else including already clearly identified bones.
That the current tomographies reveal traits that until now were not known, clarifying their authenticity. And regarding the circular type pelvis, there are weave between both joints and there was a type of movement towards a single direction which can be seen clearly with the NEW TOMOGRAPHIES.
Can you explain the problem of the pelvis? The biologist José De la Cruz Rios mentions that regarding the circular type PELVIS there are tissues between both joints and there was a type of movement towards a single direction and that they can be clearly seen in the tomographies. In addition, said structure is hollow like the bones of this creature; a unique feature of dinosaurs and terapods and current birds. Not mammalian bones as they claim they were used to arm them.
In addition, there are pathways of neurovascular bundles, a reproductive organ, eggs being formed, a food pipeline, and so on.
The HU density found in Josefina highest is 5000 and it is in the metal plate.
There is also a histological analysis of the skin that demonstrates its similar nature to the scales of reptiles. And every time that skin has protuberances of amorphous material inside never described before.
In HU measurements, eggs of more than 2000 Hu are still descended due to their calcification status of around 1000 years.
The tympanic bullae of the skull are around 1000Hu.
An important fact is that from the bone of the pelvis that forms the hip that are circular, a sample was taken for the dating. The result was about 1000 years. And from that same specimen Victoria the skin gave a dating equal to 1000 years. The first bone study was from UNSM Mexico and the second from the skin was from Brazil.
Do not forget that Krawix (Paul Ronceros) altered the pieces analyzed by them and on that they have not spoken. If some of Krawix’s pieces have modern compounds to make the soft tissue, they can not be “old fabrications.”
Definitely, there are fake bodies with fabricated tissue but (out of respect for several scientific investigations) there could also be genuine ones. Out of the possibility that some bodies may be genuine and because several scientists are favorable to them, the Peruvian State should try to preserve them in a safe place for a careful multidisciplinary study. 
The team of Ávalos, Estrada and Pérez may have analyzed the fake specimens and may have not been able to see the best, high-resolution images. I became more aware of this after speaking with Mr. William Galison and with biologist De la Cruz Rios. Perhaps tendons not seen in the first images are now visible?
Do some specimens have hollow bones as mentioned in the conference in the Peruvian Congress? 
Do the anomalous genetic tests results coincide with the specimens whose high-resolution images show unique species anomalies that may be seen as fabricated deformities without the proper equipment?  
A question is whether the images seen by Peruvian scientists to give their report are good enough and are images of the most appropriate bodies or specimens … the bodies that, for example, Inkari wants the Peruvian State to preserve for further study.
Unfortunately, the Peruvian scientists associated with the Public Ministry (Pedro Pérez, Ernesto Ávalos, Flavio Estrada) who (through ASPAST) invited a debate at 5PM but failed to debate in part because the press conference (after the presentation at the Congress) ended at 5.15PM!

Giorgio Piacenza

After a clear UFO sighting with multiple witnesses within 300 feet in the Peruvian coastal town of "Chilca" in 1975, I participated with the Mission Rahma contact group and befriended several contactees from this and other contact efforts. I also researched many aspects of the UFO phenomenon for several decades and feel inclined to contribute in the confluence of philosophical and scientific perspectives.

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