Year: 2016

Hillary Clinton on ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel Live talks UFOs – again    

ZlandCommunications NewsNetwork

Press Release

Toronto [ZNN] In another bold move adding to her latest series of commentaries on the UFO issue, Hillary Clinton appeared on ABC’s acclaimed Jimmy Kimmel Live on Thursday March 24. It appears that the top Democratic presidential candidate wants to dig into the UFO files. Clinton made this revelation in an interview with Jimmy Kimmel.



Youtube video link: Jimmy Kimmel Live

Review more on the Clintons’ UFO exposure: PRG







Unveiling Earth’s Ancient History – The Emerald Doorway – Book Review


Scott Lemriel’s latest book, The Emerald Doorway: Three Mystic Crystals is a fiction based on fact exploration of Earth’s ancient history. Lemriel claims he has had extraterrestrial contact, out of body of experiences and telepathic communications with a number of higher dimensional beings who have provided him with information about exopolitical events dating from the distant past to the present. He has used this information as the factual backdrop for what reads as a highly entertaining Sci-Fi novel.

Lemriel begins his novel with a four star U.S. Air Force General, who is also the President’s National Security Advisor, flying over the Bermuda triangle in a 747 passenger jet, which is nearly shot down by a spacecraft piloted by a hostile alien. The General is rescued by another group of aliens, and he demands answers to what had just happened.

The General subsequently meets with the same friendly aliens who take him through a hidden doorway at Mount Shasta to a parallel time dimension. The General is the introduced to advanced psychic technologies by a mysterious “Adept of the Ancient One,” which allows him to holographically experience historical events to find his answers.

The General learns of the role of the hostile alien who 100,000 years ago came into possession of a powerful crystal which he used to hypnotically control others in his search for two more crystals that would give him absolute power. In his quest for power, the hostile alien foments galactic warfare, and brings about the destruction of the planet Maldek, whose remains form the current asteroid belt.

The alien also attempts to foment war between Atlantis and its mother colony, Lemuria, 100,000 years ago. However, a pole shift occurs that leads to the almost complete destruction of the Lemurian and Atlantean civilizations. The only survivors are those residing at an Atlantean outpost on an extinct volcano, and individuals who in the final moments before the cataclysm were able to ascend into a parallel time dimension.

As a result of the chaotic energies unleashed through the ancient pole shift, the hostile alien time travels 100,000 years into the Earth’s present history. The story ends with the General learning about the nefarious alien’s plans to create havoc on Earth, and he travels to Washington DC to warn the President. We will learn what happens in two future books that Lemriel plans to write to complete his trilogy.

Lemriel is a gifted writer and has produced a gripping story, which provides the reader with much historical information that may be substantially based on fact. Lemriel’s extraterrestrial and higher dimensional contacts, which include the Seres that he described in his previous book, The Seres Agenda, have provided him with tantalizing historical information.

The Emerald Doorway’s version of Earth and Galactic history is entirely plausible, though the fiction based on fact writing style makes it very difficult to compare it with other accounts of humanity’s ancient relationship with interstellar visitors.

For example, secret space program whistleblower Corey Goode, has revealed that he learned on “smart glass pads” he had access to during his 20 year covert service (1987 -2007) that human civilizations on Earth go back as far as 18 million years, and that major cataclysms have indeed wiped out entire civilizations on the surface, and survivors have escaped into Inner Earth locations.

Goode claims that he recently met with representatives of seven ancient civilizations in ongoing negotiations between them and a secret space program alliance. Could any of these seven civilizations be related to ancient Lemurian and Atlantean survivors from a major cataclysm approximately 100,000 years ago?  

Could the parallel time dimensions described by Lemriel, correspond to the inner Earth caverns where futuristic civilizations exist according to Goode? Finally, are the mysterious Adepts described by Lemriel, related to these ancient “Inner Earth” civilizations in some way? According to Goode, the Inner Earth beings are masters of remotely influencing surface humanity by telepathic communication to promote their own agendas.

To be fair to Lemriel, the comparison of historical information is not the chief purpose in writing his book. His goal is one of producing a highly entertaining novel that is a primer for those not yet ready to accept controversial information from whistleblowers and contactees about ancient historical events on Earth, galactic politics and its relevance to contemporary global affairs. In that sense, Lemriel’s book succeeds admirably, and is a suitable gift for even the most ardent skeptic who will appreciate a good story.

The Emerald Doorway is available at Amazon. For further information visit Scott Lemriel’s Website

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists. Permission is granted to include an extract (e.g., introductory paragraph) of this article on website or email lists with a link to the original.

ETs, Sex, Religion, and Secrets

It’s Sunday morning. I could get dressed and go to church. Or not.

Instead, I am going to discuss something sacred with you. A sacred that scares me.

It’s a sacred that sometimes scares me silent. I am going to discuss a connection between ETs—Religion—Sex—and Secrets.

For much of my adult life, I worked in religion and education, where I attended mandatory sexual harassment and sexual abuse trainings. I was a Protestant interfaith university chaplain, faculty member, and counselor. I learned the signs and signals. How to report a predator. How to recognize an abused student. The extent of my legal and moral responsibility.

Today when I encounter the signs and signals of sexual abuse, I speak up. I speak up because the sexual protection of us and our children is a sacred responsibility. I speak up because sacred needs to be heard.

What’s so Scary?


So why feel scared? Because the act of speaking up about sexual abuse is so big. And by big I mean the relationship between children and adults. When a young child is abused by an adult, the child is small and the adult is big. So Big. In abuse, the adult-child relationship is distorted and magnified. The adult feels bigger. The child feels smaller.

Sexual abuse may mark the beginning of a child’s relationship with authority. An authority that intimidates, deceives, tricks and hurts when it involves sexual abuse. But an authority that also shows the child affection and affirmation. The child is left confused by these mixed messages—often for a lifetime.

The Scary Sex Formula

You hurt me. But you love me. You scare me. But you act kind. You force me. But you talk softly. These are seeds of traumatic confusion that take root in an individual life. And those individual lives rooted in abuse eventually meet one another. When abused people gather, they gradually build a power structure. These community structures become institutions inhabited by those who were themselves abused.

Abuse is the secret silent membership requirement. Abuse is the ticket to move up in the ranks of leadership.

Because, when you are abused as a child, then you want to become your abuser. You want to grow up to be powerful. An authority figure.  An expert. A leader. Infallible.  It’s your familiar. It’s your world. It’s your path into adulthood through the only system you know.

Children grow up and as adults, they participate in communities—families as well as sectors of society such as law, finance, religion, business, government, education.

If an organization wants to increase their power and control—then they institutionalize the abuse of children. Start it early. Continually indoctrinate. Even blackmail. The child becomes an adult with a distorted view of authority. They are trained to become abusing authorities when they grow up.

The Big ET Secret Shattered

As an ET experiencer since childhood, I learned to stay silent. Still today I read the “Don’t Share” signs that others hold up. So I hold back. Swallow my story.

Yet, as an ET experiencer, I was also drawn into circles of community with other experiencers. Mostly we talked about our ET self—our visitations, our messages, our guidance. I felt like a plug was pulled. In those groups, all our stories poured out. Because, it was safe.

As I poured out my soul, shared my ET experiences—something grew within me. I matured. I found my voice.

And in the process, my Secrets Shattered.

My secrets shattered and everyone in the ET experiencer community who found a voice shattered their secrets too. Eventually, I heard ET voices everywhere—in books, films, blogs, social media, radio, television, small circles of conversation and large conference presentations.

The Exoconscious Human

The Extraterrestrial-UFO movement is about speaking secrets. Sacred secrets about who we are as humans and how we form ourselves into community.

Exoconscious Humans Speak Secrets. We give voice to the confusion and trauma in our personal life. This releases us from the frames of institutions and authorities that defined us—literally FRAMED us.

Free of framing, the Exoconscious Human first moves within. Not without. We, as ET Experiencers, cannot create outer forms until we know our inner being. That is where our sacred seed resides. Our sacred seed is vulnerable and puny, yet powerful potential when planted and nurtured.

Our awful collective truth is that our sacred seed was scared, tricked, abused and indoctrinated in many Earth institutions. All of these institutions must be identified, dismantled and discarded.

The Brookings Institute’s 1960 report to NASA about Implications of Discover of Extraterrestrial Life was correct.  It claimed that religion and especially science would be “devastated” by the ET Presence.

Since these professions (science) are most clearly associated with the mastery of nature, rather than with the understanding and expression of man.

I would add that devastation will quickly spread outward from science though all sectors of society.  The devastation of disclosure will spread to the old stories we told ourselves regarding our creation, our cosmology and the institutions formed around those stories.

We may wish, desperately wish, to hold together life as we know it. We may wish to cause the least disruption. Some may try to tweak a small change with a tweet, offer a public disclosure proclamation, promote thousands of UFO sightings files online or posture transparency while guarding archives.  All of this is a vain attempt to hold together life as we know it. But, it will not work.

Giovanni di Paolo di Grazia

It will not work. That is our ET disclosure reality.

The Garden of ET

So what will work?

In theology school, I chose the Genesis creation stories as my senior thesis. There are 2 Genesis creation stories. One tells of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. As the story goes, while in the Garden, Adam and Eve learned to cloak themselves. They learned to be ashamed and afraid.

Religions formed around this story. If you make humans feel ashamed and afraid, they will follow your God. Or you and your organization, tribe or sovereign country. The quickest route to accomplishing fear and shame is through child abuse. Institutionalized child abuse.

As we grow into our Exoconsciousness—our ET identity— we gain clarity regarding our power to change our story, cosmology, and institutions.  What can we do?

We, as ET Experiencers, can re-wind the Genesis story. Return to our cosmic origins. Create an uncloaked cosmology. We, as ET Experiencers, can define our sacred on a personal and collective level by taking off our cloak of abuse and indoctrination.  We, as ET Experiencers, can step out of the fear and shame and create a new identity.

The Garden of the Exoconscious Human

The ET-UFO community is a primary force in our collective human unveiling. Uncloaking. We join with other awakening communities.

First step, we take off our individual cloaking. We see who we are. Maybe for the first time in our lives we see ourselves as ET. Star Stuff.  Visible.

ETs are not cloaked. Humans are cloaked. And it’s time to let go of the garments that no longer serve us. 

We drop our confused cloak of another’s authority over us.

We drop our wounded cloak as a victim of abuse and violence.

We drop our drama cloak of dreams shattered by tricks and deceit.

We drop our slavery cloak suspended to spurious stories.

And we stand naked and exposed. To ourselves and to others.

Exoconscious Adulthood Uncloaked

The institutionally adorned Emperor’s clothes—our clothes— collect in a heap at our feet. The Emperor’s clothes we once wore no longer fit. We are the abused who became an Emperor. When we release the clothes—the Emperor disappears. Gone.

In its place stands an Exoconscious Human. In its place gather many communities of Exoconscious Humans.

For a time, for sure, we will feel vulnerable, lost and confused. Then gradually we will awaken enough to come together and try on new collective forms. See if they fit or not. And if they do not fit, then we will discard them.

Our sacred knows our size. Our sacred knows our form.

This human transformation that we ET Experiencers started may unfold beyond our lifetime. The sacred truth is that whether we like it or not—we are transforming, together. Some will be scared. Some will be angry. Some will be in deep despair. Some may long for the old forms that do not fit.

But one by one, all find their mature footing, becoming an Exoconscious adult.

Contents of Thousands of Documents Disclosing Aliens-UFOs to be revealed by US Navy Whistleblower


On February 15, Britain’s Express newspaper announced that a new whistleblower is soon to reveal the contents of thousands of documents concerning extraterrestrial life. Nick Pope, a former government official that led an investigation by Britain’s Ministry of Defense into UFO files for three years, has declared that the whistleblower is a genuine insider.

The Express described the whistleblower as a third-class petty officer with the U.S. Navy who worked for three years (1986-1989) at the Naval Telecommunications Center within the former Naval Air Station at Moffet Field, near San Francisco, where he gained access to the documents.

The whistleblower, according to the Express, filed a report with the Mutual UFO Network on February 13 claiming he wants to promote “disclosure”. He was quoted as saying:

I’m not reporting a UFO sighting rather a UFO related experience. I have copies of my security clearances. I personally handled, viewed and delivered thousands of documents involving UFO/ET Projects. My secrecy agreement with the US Government expired in October 2014. 

The Express story continued:

“He said that UFO/ET were real [sic] and that hopefully disclosure would happen in my lifetime since he was in his early 60s at the time.” In the report he said: “I was required to deliver TS Code word designation COSMIC to SRI, ESL/SYLVANIA, LOCKHEED SKUNKWORKS, TRW, RATHEON, BERKELEY LABS, LAWRENCE LIVERMORE LABS, and other think tanks throughout Silicon valley.”

The whistleblower’s background has important similarities with another recent whistleblower, William Tompkins, who also claims he worked with the U.S. Navy as a courier of highly classified information concerning extraterrestrial life and technology to major aerospace industries and think tanks from 1942 to 1945.

After this, Tompkins worked with a number of leading aerospace companies from 1947, which included Northrup, Lockheed, Douglas Aircraft Corporation, TRW, and General Dynamics. Tompkins has included a number of documents in his autobiography, Selected by Extraterrestrials. They reveal his work in designing kilometer long spacecraft in the 1950s and 1960s. These were eventually built and deployed by the U.S. Navy as space battle fleets in the 1980s.

Tompkins-Spacecraft Carrier

Tompkins is working on the next edition to his autobiography where he will release more of the documents he accumulated during his military and corporate career that support his claims of U.S. Navy and corporate involvement in extraterrestrial/UFO projects.  

Could the release of the contents of thousands of documents seen by the new whistleblower mark the start of the long anticipated document dumps Secret Space Program whistleblower Corey Goode has been discussing since mid-2015?

On June 15, Goode wrote:

A full disclosure event would consist of a major data dump on the Internet with many hundreds of thousands of document, audio and video files on multiple mirrored sites for everyone to have access to. There would be a collapse of the corporate media machine and a 24/7 television and radio education campaign would be initiated. Not all channels and stations would be co-opted so people are not overwhelmed and could “tune out” as they needed to due to the stress.

As originally envisaged, the document dumps would reveal all the truth about secret space programs and extraterrestrial alliances, and this would lead to war crimes trials and major global changes. A catalyzing event, such as global economic collapse, was argued by a Secret Space Program Alliance to be necessary for the document dumps plan to move forward.

In a previous article published on January 1, I wrote about recent meetings by elite groups which indicated that negotiations were secretly underway to prevent the catalyzing event from occurring:

A catalyzing event such as economic collapse, as Goode was told, could be prevented by a new financial system being put in place to reform the current financial system. Thus, China and other BRICS nations could come forward to rescue the tottering international financial system in exchange for a variety of benefits.

This has led to Goode’s current report that a decision has been made by an alliance of global elites and secret space program groups that the massive document dumps will not be going ahead after all. A more limited disclosure plan has been agreed upon, which will spread out the document releases over an extended period to allow the public to better acclimate to the disturbing information they contain.

In this regard, Goode wrote yesterday:

I was told heavily credentialed people who have worked in the lower Military/Intelligence Secret Space Program are being prepped and coached to be whistleblowers and provide the public with the “truth”. This same group had a direct message sent to me that I should back off of the full disclosure narrative as it is “irresponsible to the public”.

Regarding the yet to be disclosed documents awaiting release by the new whistleblower, it will be important to evaluate these documents in terms of how accurately they detail the U.S. Navy’s involvement in extraterrestrial/UFO related projects. This will be seminal when it comes to revelations concerning the existence of secret space programs that Goode and other whistleblowers have previously disclosed, which are investigated in Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs and Extraterrestrial Life.

Tompkins testimony, as discussed in a series of articles, provides an important basis for evaluating the new whistleblower’s claims and documents. This will help determine whether the new whistleblower’s testimony is part of a partial disclosure plan intended to cover up crimes in space, or a genuine disclosure initiative designed to acclimate the general public to what lies ahead.

Cover Selected by ExtraterrestrialsAs to whether Tompkins testimony itself is part of a full or partial disclosure plan, it’s important to point out that Tompkins received the go ahead to begin writing his autobiography in 2001 by Admiral Hugh Webster, a former Corporate Director of the U.S. Navy League. In 2009, Tompkins began collaborating with Dr. Robert Wood, a retired 43 year veteran with McDonnell Douglas, who was so impressed by Tompkins information and documents that he eventually became the book’s editor.

Selected by Extraterrestrials was only recently released in December 2015, but its 14 year gestation means that it long predates elite negotiations over full and partial disclosure, some of which Goode claims to have attended beginning in March 2015. The 2001 approval by Admiral Webster suggests that Tompkins revelations are part of a U.S. Navy sanctioned disclosure plan that has been in place for some time, but is now moving into high gear.

Consequently, the February 13 report to MUFON by another U.S. Navy whistleblower suggests that the Navy is encouraging former personnel to openly blow the whistle on top secret projects involving extraterrestrial life and UFOs by coming forward, and revealing the contents of documents that substantiate their testimonies.

Update: 3/2/16. The above article has been revised since the anonymous Navy whistleblower in the original Express story was claiming that he was prepared to reveal the contents of thousands of documents seen, not the documents themselves.  A follow up story by the Express helped clarify what documents the whistleblower was going to release, which were his personal security clearances and related military service documents. Apologies for the error in the original version of this article. 

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

Trump or Sanders? Vote Space Brothers

In this outstanding video, Journalist Paola Harris presents a geopolitical view of the Space Brother movement during the 1950s and 1960s, reviewing cases involving Galactic Diplomacy between humans and ETs, which occurred in the U.S., Italy and Latin America. She discusses predictions about the evolution of human consciousness made by the space visitors.

Paola details mass ET contacts led by contactees, George Van Tassel and Howard Menger in 1954, with a focus on the visit of Commander Val Thor, the “Stranger in the Pentagon”, along with encounters in Peru with a being called Van Giu. Recent important UFO cases from Latin America are updated.

Paola Leopizzi Harris is an Italian-American photojournalist and investigative reporter in the field of extraterrestrial-related phenomena. She is also a widely published free-lance writer, especially in Europe. She has studied ET-related phenomena since 1979, and knows many of the leading researchers in the field. From 1980-1986, she assisted Dr. J. Allen Hynek with his UFO investigations. She has interviewed many top military witnesses concerning their involvement in the government truth embargo. and

This presentation is sponsored by the Institute For Exoconsciousness founded by Dr Rebecca Hardcastle

The Mission of the Institute for Exoconsciousness is to research and apply the abilities of our human consciousness, sourced in extraterrestrial contact. Exoconsciousness promotes social progress through the affirmation of healthy, mature extraterrestrial contact.

Sitchin’s Sumerian Text Translations Contrived by Illuminati to Promote False Alien Religion

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Zecharia Sitchin is widely acknowledged as a pioneer in disseminating the idea that one or more extraterrestrial races have visited Earth in antiquity and assisted the development of human civilizations. His translation of Sumerian cuneiform texts suggesting that an alien race called the “Anunnaki” created humanity has been translated into over 25 languages and sold millions of copies worldwide. The problem, according to the latest revelation by Secret Space Program whistleblower, Corey Goode, is that Sitchin’s translations contain contrived information!

Goode made his startling claim about Sitchin’s translation in the February 9 episode of his Cosmic Disclosure series of interviews by David Wilcock aired on Gaia TV. It arose out of an account Goode was giving of his meeting with representatives of seven Inner Earth Civilizations back in September 2015. He described being taken to a library created by the oldest of the civilizations, dating as far back as 18 million years in age.

The High Priestess, “Kaaree” (Car-ee), who led Goode on this library tour, showed him different levels of an ancient library hosting a variety of manuscripts, scrolls, tablets and books of various ages. In a section of books, Goode recognized titles authored by Zecharia Sitchin which collectively are known as the Earth Chronicles.

In an earlier episode of Cosmic Disclosure released on February 2, Goode reported being told that the Ancient Sumerians had been helped by the Inner Earth beings who had decided to teach them agriculture and language. This was necessary due to a minor cataclysm that had wiped out surface civilizations. Goode asked how this information meshed with those who believed the Sumerians had been helped by alien visitors, and was told by Karee that he would find his answer in the library.

Once in the library, Goode got the answer he sought. During a discussion of a very large ancient dictionary defining terms in the ancient Sumerian language, Kaaree pointed up at Zecharia Sitchin’s books, and said:

All of the information in those books is pretty much contrived… You cannot take those books, and you cannot go into an ancient Sumerian tablet, to the tablets and texts, and do translations and get what is said in those books.

She gave as an example the word ‘Anunnaki’ which Sitchin defined in his first book, The Twelfth Planet, as ‘those who from the heavens came.”  According to Kaaree, the word actually means “royal seed.” Her translation of ‘Anunnaki’ is supported by more conventional Sumerian scholars, as Sitchin critics have previously pointed out.

Artist illustration of Kaaree. Source Cosmic Disclosure

Goode says that Kaaree told him that Sitchin had been approached by three members of a secret society whose goal was to promote an elite inspired religion based on fictitious extraterrestrial creators. They fed Sitchin their translations of the Sumerian cuneiform texts which he proceeded to release in his Earth Chronicle series books that began in 1976 with publication of The Twelfth Planet.

According to Goode,

She said that the writer [Sitchin] had three people that were giving him the narrative to write, and that these three people gave him the narrative that he wrote, that was a very clever infiltration of these, I guess, Illuminati into the ufology esoteric community to make their religion, our, or their religion

Goode then claimed that this contentious information was also known to the Secret Space Programs because he read it in on the “smart glass pads” he was given access to during his covert service from 1987 to 2007. If Goode’s revelations are accurate, as my own research so far has found them to be, then this is independent corroboration of Kaaree’s claims.

Adding another level of plausibility to the accusation that Sitchin’s translations of the Sumerian texts were secretly contrived by others, was an anecdote shared by Wilcock, host of Cosmic Disclosure, during yesterday’s episode. Wilcock revealed that a Spanish college friend, who he was unwilling to identify on air, regularly talked with Sitchin who confidentially told him that he was told what to write in his Earth Chronicles books.

Goode’s information is certain to be very controversial due to many supporters of Sitchin who believe that more conventional academic translations of Sumerian texts are inaccurate. On the contrary, Goode points out, that many conventional scholars are correct in their interpretations, as illustrated earlier with discussion over the correct translation of the word ‘Anunnaki’. He encourages people to research conventional Sumerian translations to determine for themselves the accuracy of Sitchin’s translations.

As far as the inner Earth civilization that Kaaree belongs to, it is important to clarify what may appear to be a contradiction in what Karee said in regard to Sitchin’s translation. In a September 23, 2015 report about his meeting with Kaaree earlier that month, Goode said that the Inner Earth civilizations would often assist surface civilizations after a cataclysm. In such cases, the Inner Earth beings would say they were gods or extraterrestrials from other planes or planets:

They stated that they would emerge from time to time to kick-start the civilization of the survivors who were the most closely related to them in terms of their genetics.
They claimed that these surviving races assumed they were the gods of their own ancient legends. It was decided that they would allow those they were assisting to believe they were gods, in order to keep their subterranean civilizations secret and secure.

Kaaree acknowledged that her civilization had aided the Sumerians with agriculture and language. Presumably, the Inner Earth civilization had also told the Sumerians that they were ‘gods’; or at least encouraged the Sumerians to adopt such a belief, which was in alignment with their legends.

This suggests that the translations provided by Sitchin were based on a partial truth, that the Sumerians had been helped by a technologically developed society, the “Anunnaki”, who claimed to be gods.

However, Sitchin’s translation that the Anunnaki came from the planet Nibiru, and had bio-engineered humanity by splicing their own DNA with early hominids, is contrived information. This appears to be what Kaaree was referring to as an effort by an Illuminati secret society to manufacture an elite-inspired religion involving extraterrestrial creators.

Significantly, Clive Prince and Lynne Picknett authored a book in 2001 called The Stargate Conspiracy, which traced efforts by global elites to manufacture a new religion that would revolve around the idea of extraterrestrial creators.

ExoVaticanaNew-350pxThis idea has been further developed by authors such as Tom Horn and Chris Putnam, in their book Exovaticana, in which the Roman Catholic Church is leading a secret effort by Jesuits (the Catholic order to which Pope Francis belongs) to establish a new global religion with extraterrestrials playing a key role in humanity’s creation. Indeed, the Pope took a dramatic step in this direction with an October 27, 2014 statement explaining how extraterrestrial activities were part of God’s plan.

In my own 2013 book, Galactic Diplomacy, I pointed out that Sitchin’s account of a single set of extraterrestrial creators was inconsistent with the evidence that there have been multiple extraterrestrial races blending their genetics with humanity over a long historical period. According to Goode, and “extraterrestrial contactees” such as Alex Collier, there are 22 different alien races that have contributed their DNA to humanity.

The Inner Earth civilizations, however, insist that their own genetics long predate the multiple interventions by visiting extraterrestrials who bio-engineered surface humanity. Kaaree’s people date their origins to the time of the “Guardians,” a very ancient race of higher dimensional beings that helped establish and/or protect the first human civilizations on Earth.

Presumably, the genetics of the first humans were more compatible with manifesting a higher universal consciousness, referred to in the Law of One material as the Logos or creative principle, in physical form. Consequently, the Inner Earth Civilizations have maintained a strict separation from the genetically mixed, and by implication ‘inferior’, surface humanity for many millennia.

This greatly contrasts with Collier’s claims, in which extraterrestrials from the Andromeda constellation consider our mixed human extraterrestrial DNA as a form of genetic royalty. In a 2000 interview, Collier said:

According to the A’s [Andromedans] we are genetic royalty ,everyone on this planet and it has nothing to do with where we are on a soul level. People confuse the two. It is like people don’t listen as well as they hear. They say we are genetic royalty because we the subtotal in our genetics of 22 different races. Many different races have been here, over millions and millions of years they have genetically tampered with us and left us and ended up mating while they were here.

The complex situation with the Inner Earth beings appears set to change, however, since a group of five extraterrestrial races Goode describes as the Sphere Being Alliance, appeared in our solar system very recently. The Inner Earth civilizations have recognized members of the Sphere Being Alliance as their Guardians who have returned at a time of great change at the planetary, stellar and galactic levels.

According to a January report by Goode of a face-to-face meeting between the Sphere Being Alliance and representatives of the Inner Earth civilization, which occurred in the Kuiper Belt in late 2015, they were told that they had “not been proper stewards” of the planet. This has led to some of the Inner Earth civilizations reevaluating their policy of strict separation, and considering ways to reveal themselves more to surface humanity, which will in some future time lead to planetary unity.

Goode’s accounts of his meeting with Inner Earth civilizations are astounding, and will lead to a great re-evaluation of humanity’s ancient origins, and the roles of different extraterrestrial and Inner Earth groups as more evidence emerges to substantiate his claims. As far as exposing Zecharia Sitchin’s translations of the Sumerian cuneiform texts as contrived information, Goode is suggesting that there is an implicit warning by the Inner Earth civilization that Sitchin was part of a secret Illuminati effort to create a new elite driven global religion based on extraterrestrial intervention in human affairs.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

Interview with Dr. Edgar Mitchell in Roswell – Quantum Cosmology

mitchell collageBy  Paola Leopizzi Harris

Ironically, this interview with Dr. Edgar Mitchell was done in Roswell, New Mexico. Dr. Mitchell is a personal friend, one of those wise men with unconventional wisdom because he surpasses the confining boundaries of scientific research when he discusses “Quantum Cosmology!” He is honest and wants the planet to progress on its evolutionary path and he does include that “paranormal phenomena” that Allen Hynek once told me not to overlook.

Interview with Dr. Edgar Mitchell Apollo 14

Roswell July 5, 2004

“I think I’ve reached the point that I‘m convinced enough of the reality of the ET presence and I’m not going to deny it and shy away from it… It is time to open this up to the public.” 

Astronaut Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14

Paola: It is a pleasure to see you here in Roswell. I think that you said that you grew up in this area. I think you said that you lived here when you were about 3 to 13 years old?

Mitchell: I lived here from when I was five until I went off to College. We had a family business in the valley. It was between Roswell and Artesia.

Paola: Friends talked you into coming to speak here at the UFO museum?

Mitchell: I resisted for a long time.

Paola: Did you resist because it was connected with the UFO phenomenon?

Mitchell: No. I think I’ve reached the point that I‘m convinced enough of the reality of the ET presence and I’m not going to deny it and shy away from it. I don’t get into it in detail. That is not my area.

Paola: I know that your area is more the metaphysical.

Mitchell: Well, I think it is an interaction there. Particularly since there does seem to be a non-local communication or mental tie here with some of these functions, whether they are real or not, I don’t know.

Paola: Can I ask you, why is it they pick you of all the astronauts? In the media you have been selected as one who represents the astronauts’ testimony as to this UFO reality, although you mentioned you never saw one in space. Gordon Cooper talks a lot more about it in his book Leap of Faith. So why you? Is it by talking about the metaphysical they have attached you to the weirdness factor? 

Mitchell: I think it was the personal connection, since I had personal contacts in this area. I think it is my credibility as a scientist. I am very, very incredulous about what I see. I can’t throw caveats in. I don’t make blanket statements. Although my experience is not first hand experience, I have become a spokesman for my colleagues who did have first hand experience. I am very clear about all of these things and I am very clear about where our lack of knowledge is. What is the frontier? What are the unknowns? What are the parameters that we don’t understand? I think this gives me a lot of credibility.

Paola: What advice would you give those serious researchers that want an answer and, let’s say, dream of harmony with cosmic cultures? What advice would you give them?

Mitchell: We are dealing with a difficult process here. The main problem is that we, as an Earth civilization, have not come to understand ourselves; see ourselves in a cosmic sense at all. We are still very provincial. We fight over religion. In my opinion, fundamentalist Christians are just as bad as fundamentalist Islam and, at the very core, neither religion is like that. In the inner core of both of them, these religions talk about qualities like Love and Brotherhood.

Paola: You are saying that there are more similarities than differences? 

Mitchell: Of course. It’s the cultural differences. It is not an intrinsic difference. It is like I said in my talk last night: “the transcendent experience is common to every culture in the world” and the transcendent experience is Brotherly Love, Nature, Harmony, the Unity, and cultures, in trying to define it, try to define an external deity as opposed to the process.

Paola: It is easier that way because you don’t have any responsibility. I guess a proverb could be: You can blame it on the devil or God. It is a lack of taking responsibility for who we are.

Mitchell: Well, that’s right, and our ignorance, and it is based on the egos we have. It is the unwillingness to go beyond ego. Transcendence gets you beyond ego. If you go beyond ego, you see all of this in a more decent perspective and you can start to put all pieces together. We haven’t done that yet. Not as a civilization. 

Paola: That is why you think that contact is not likely until we get there. Right? Humanity as a species is not there. You mentioned in your talk yesterday, if they ask where you are from, you don’t say from Earth, you say from LA.

Mitchell: Yes. That’s true 

Paola: So do you think there has to be a one world, kind of, political situation? 

Mitchell: Of course that is what has to happen.

Paola: People have some commonality. Right?

Mitchell: In due course, that’s what has got to happen. If we survive that long. We might wipe ourselves out before that. I don’t think it is a forgone conclusion that we are going to survive. That is where the philosophic, the whole notion of determinism and what the future is like, applies. We are creating the future. It is not determined. If we get our act together and solve our current problems, we could have a sustainable, abundant future. If we don’t, we could wipe ourselves out. We are on the verge of doing it with our current politics. It is regressive; going back the other way. 

Paola Harris and Ed Mitchell
Paola Harris and Ed Mitchell


Paola: I need to ask you a personal question. Would you have liked to have contact with a cosmic culture?

Mitchell: Yes. Of course!

Paola: This is very ironic because you are the chief astronaut spokesman for the ET presence and have never had contact. [That is] like me, who has been in this work for over 30 years now and has never seen a UFO. 

Mitchell: Yes. I would. I would like to speak from first-hand experience instead of second-hand experience.

Paola: Has it been lonely for you to have this vision and not many people to share it with, because the vision you have is kind of a “completion” vision; a kind of overall picture vision, and it is true that you are spending three quarters of your time trying to explain it to people.

Mitchell: I would not put it in those terms because I spend ninety per cent of my time trying to explain it to myself!

Paola: But you know that is truth for you. You are outspoken about that.

Mitchell: Well, I‘d like to discover Truth; when I can latch on to something that I think is true. Our knowledge base is incomplete and all we do is keep adding to our knowledge base. I think it laughable, frankly, that the Physics community comes up with a theory for everything. There isn’t one theory for everything. There is not one explanation. We may eventually have several theories that can tie things together nicely but there is not a single theory of everything. 

Paola: Like the Big Bang being the main theory of creation – and what about Super String theory and others…?

Mitchell: Well, the Big Bang has gone away but as far as Super String that is suspicious for me. It all starts out with the notion of Big Bang, which starts out, if it were true, starts out with incredibly high temperatures. So they think [we] need to get these high temperatures for this broken symmetry; all this broken symmetry reunited, and we do not have enough energy in the whole galaxy to get to those temperatures, to prove their point. To me, that is the single flaw in Super String theory. Now there are a lot of good points but if it could hold together any better than the Big Bang theory I don’t know. I’m not a physicist.

Paola: You are not going in that direction. You are more into the awareness and what you can accomplish as a human. Is that right? 

Mitchell: Yes. And I also think we are moving into a direction of quantum cosmology, as opposed to starting with “big bang” and trying to make quantum physics fit into it.

Paola: Quantum Cosmology. That’s a new term.

Mitchell: That originates from Quantum processes. That is, the quantum fluctuations within a zero-point field can start the process that builds the process, which builds into matter, an irreversible process. We have some evidence that suggests that. We don’t have a Big Bang but we have a lot of little pops! A continuous set of little pops!

Paola: That is a good metaphor. In your talk, one of the things you talked about is that the “intent” creates action. The intent creates our reality, which makes us who we are. If that is true, then that makes us powerful on a planet that has always been undermined by great powers trying to put down the masses. So, is the idea that “intent” creates, and we can create realities, and we can also create events?

Mitchell: We are creating. I don’t create yours and you don’t create mine but we each create “ours!”

Paola: In the past we have always given up our power to the power structures, so would you agree that it is very likely unpopular to the individual people and that it is hard for them to believe they have power?

Mitchell: You have to tie it with transcendence because, when you transcend the transcendent states, you get past the ego structure, and at that point you don’t need laws, you have “morality!” You have inborn, natural ethics because it is built on Love.

Paola: That seems to be the secret word.

Mitchell: Yes. That is why the ancient traditions, even Christianity, say God is Love. There is symmetry here. The fundamental step where you get into this transcendent state is this feeling of ebullience, love and caring and unity.

Paola: And you do not need laws.

Mitchell: That is the law! You learn to live in that. It is hard to live in that too when you are in this world, that is why the great mystics go to the mountains tops; to get away from the world, so they don’t have to deal with it – but it doesn’t help the world that much.”

I do admit that to effect change you need to submit to the “slings and arrows of outrageous fortune” and, especially for a woman researcher, it becomes a severe credibility issue. We all get discouraged at times but to have a conversation like this with Dr. Mitchell was a once-in-a-lifetime event. The metaphysical methodology he speaks about is the very “key” to unlocking the phenomena. This wisdom is that of many centuries of study.

Dr. Edgar Mitchell’s Quantrek Legacy: Zero Point Energy, Consciousness and the Extraterrestrial Presence

Commencing in 2009,  a group of us received the gift of powerful years with Dr. Edgar Mitchell and his Quantrek zero-point energy research organization.

Our work integrated consciousness, zero point energy and the extraterrestrial presence. We forged new pathways. Moved far beyond the mainstream. We explored and pushed boundaries.

While Edgar remained committed to the Institute of Noetic Sciences, which he founded in 1973, he was also excited about the frontiers opening through his Quantrek organization.

And on the other side of that is a newer effort, a different effort, a parallel effort, that I have undertaken having to do with the quantum hologram and the fact that we need new energy resources. There is a new organization called Quantrek, which is involved in the deeper, hard sciences of that effort, and parallel to what the Institute is doing with its transformation work.Citation

Hard Science of Quantum Hologram: ZPE, Consciousness, and ET

To commence a mainstream dialogue unifying science and spirituality, metaphysics Edgar researched and promoted theQuantum Hologram. He joined with Walter Schempp, a mathematical physicist, who had published work on the Quantum Holographic Neural Technology. 

Quantrek was an intense time. We were committed to bringing forth a practical zero point energy device to shift the world’s energy paradigm. And we realized that this shift involved consciousness. But, a new understanding of consciousness, beyond the brain into the field of consciousness.

We realized that it was essential to determine scientifically how humans interact with this field of information. We began to reference the Quantum Hologram, resonance, frequency, and venture into examining particles.

We gathered as a diverse, albeit arcane group. Some had extraterrestrial experiences, or were given information by the government, or had witnessed UFOs. We termed the ET UFO phenomenon, the Extraterrestrial Presence.

Eventually, we integrated our work around zero-point energy, consciousness, and the Extraterrestrial Presence. That was our foundation.

Exoconsciousness as ET, Energy, and Identity

As an ET experiencer since childhood, after departing Quantrek and it’s eventual closure, I took our work a step further into my theory of Exoconsciousness.

According to Exoconsciousness, the ET experience– which encompasses a broad spectrum of experiences from UFO sightings, to personal interest, to direct ET contact–begins a shift in human consciousness where ET becomes a reflection of our identity. Until eventually, as an individual and as a species, We are ET.

Via Exoconsciousness, we have an innate ability to connect and communicate with extraterrestrials. How that happens involves the study of consciousness as well as ET experience–Exoconsciousness. 

Through Exoconsciousness, our species transforms. We use our natural psychic abilities. We communicate telepathically. We heal. We receive information. We move not only interstellar but inter-dimensionally.

We become Exoconscious Humans. As opposed to Transhumans who are cyborg, robotic and connected to a computer brain.

We are talking about humans aware of their vast consciousness potential and using it as we become an interstellar race. This is the vision of Exoconsciousness.

And it is both powerful and tenuous.

Choose: Exoconscious Human or Transhuman

As an earth species, we are at a crossroads. We can either become  a controlled robotic species or we can become more fully human. Actualizing and using our innate Exoconscious nature.

Edgar Mitchell pushed me. He pushed my science. He pushed my spirituality toward embracing the metaphysical through the scientific. For that, I am eternally grateful. Edgar was ahead of us, way past the crossroad.

Edgar ushered in the space era, the consciousness era, the zero point energy era.

He was way beyond the crossroad.

On June 3, 2011, Edgar was inducted into the Leonardo da Vinci Society for the Study of Thinking by the University of Advancing Technology in Phoenix.  

Here is journalist Larry D Lowe’s article on Edgar, covering his da Vinci award. Larry targets Edgar’s science and his essence as an explorer.

Larry’s article is a must read to comprehend where Edgar was moving in those years as he brought together his Quantum Hologram theory. As he moved Quantrek into new frontiers. As he integrated science and spirituality. As he probed the field of consciousness and the brain.

Quantrek Legacy Lives On:

Venturing with Inventors via the Institute for Exoconsciousness

In my work with Edgar, I met many inventors, researchers, and scientists. They were developing cutting edge applications of zero point energy. Many were far beyond mainstream science. Certainly they were far beyond the current energy sector of our economy and politics.

Working with Edgar, I moved to Washington, DC, where I founded the Institute for Exoconsciousness. One of the main missions of the Institute is to support and nurture inventors who work as we did in Quantrek, integrating zero point energy, consciousness, and the Extraterrestrial Presence. Bringing practical zero point energy devices to the citizens of our planet.

The Institute For Exoconsciousness continues Edgar’s legacy as we create venture capital for new energy inventions. Our commitment is to bring these inventions into practical use. Unmetered.

An Available for All Energy.  

That was Edgar’s mission. That is my mission. And I intend to carry it forth. If you are interested, we welcome you to join us.

Photo credits: Millard Wohl, Terri Mansfield, Rebecca Hardcastle Wright and Edgar Mitchell. Paradigm Research Group, The Plaid Zebra


Ancient Inner Earth Civilization May Be the Anunnaki of Sumerian Texts

Inner Earth Beings are AnunnakiSecret Space Program whistleblower Corey Goode made an astonishing revelation in yesterday’s episode of Cosmic Disclosure in which he described his extensive tour of a massive underground cavern system belonging to an Inner Earth Civilization dating back millions of years. These people of the Inner Earth had helped the Ancient Sumerians rebuild civilization after a minor cataclysm on the surface. In whole or in part, the representatives of the Inner Earth were suggesting they were the Anunnaki, who Zecharia Sitchin described in his famed Earth Chronicles series of books.

This and the previous episode of Cosmic Disclosure have focused on a Goode’s meeting with select members of up to seven ancient Earth civilizations, and his subsequent tour of underground facilities, which took place in September 2015. Goode had earlier released a written report of this meeting on September 23. 

Last week, in the January 26 episode, Goode described key points in this meeting with the representatives, whose civilizations ranged in age from the youngest dating from approximately four ice ages ago, to the oldest enduring a staggering 17-18 million years.

Goode further described their various racial characteristics and pendant amulets (a form of technology), with specific symbols uniquely meaningful to each of the civilizations. In appearance, they seemed to represent all the major racial groups present on the Earth’s surface. The oldest of the civilizations wore a Saturn-like amulet, while the youngest used an Omega symbol.

omega and saturn symbols

Detailing a private encounter he had after the meeting with a priestess from the hosting civilization, Goode told of accepting her request to link their minds together, because she wanted to experience a visit he had to a crystal cave while a child participant in the MILAB program that indoctrinated him.

After the “mind meld”, the Priestess, “Kaaree” (Car-ee), offered to give Goode and his companion, Lt. Col. Gonzales (a pseudonym), a tour of three large caverns belonging to the oldest of the inner Earth civilizations.

The first cavern Goode and Gonzalez visited was massive in size, encompassing an area similar in size to the U.S. state of Texas, and it contained a futuristic looking city. Here huge buildings loomed along with, light domes, and people were walking about, with flying saucers and cigar shaped vehicles flying overhead. Remarkably, their craft could easily fly through the cavern walls. Goode’s narration was accompanied by a number of illustrations in this latest Cosmic Disclosure episode.

flying saucers in cavern
Flying craft in Inner Earth cavern. Source: Cosmic Disclosure – February 2, 2016

Next, Goode and Gonzalez were then taken to a large garden-like agricultural area where they viewed crops being grown. The crops could feed an approximate population of millions, according to Goode’s estimate.

Finally, they were taken to a large wildlife sanctuary with birds and other animals. There sky here was pale blue and a large obelisk stood in the center, which had a large energy source above it. This appeared to eminate the famed Vril force that Edward Bulwer Lyton wrote about in his 1871 novel, Vril, The Power of the Coming Race. Goode was told that this particular cavern had been terra-formed.

Plasma sun
Plasma Sun above Obelisk. Source: Cosmic Disclosure – February 2, 2016

Towards the end of this tour, led by the priestess Kaaree, she told Goode how her people had helped the ancient Sumerians after a minor cataclysm on the Earth’s surface. Kaaree revealed that the Sumerians had been taught agriculture and writing by the Inner Earth Civilization whose spoken language was a form of Akkadian/Sumerian.

This stands out as a paradigm shifting revelation from Goode given the literature produced by authors such as Zecharia Sitchin. After translating Sumerian cuneiform texts, Sitchin’s interpretation convinced him that the Sumerians were helped in starting their remarkable civilization in 3800 BC by the Anunnaki, highly advanced beings who came from a planet called Nibiru, orbiting in the far reaches of our solar system.

The History Channel’s Ancient Aliens series has widely popularized this view that alien visitors had helped the Sumerians build their civilization. When Goode explained this contradiction to our own historical understanding, Kaaree told him that he would need to visit their ancient library to get the answers he sought.

Goode will cover the library visit in the next episode of Cosmic Disclosure, and soon release the long awaited second installment on his written report of the inner Earth encounter first released on September 23, 2015.

For the moment, it is clear that one of the representatives from the Inner Earth civilization was plainly stating that they had brought civilization to the Sumerians. In addition, Kaaree was suggesting that her people had deceived the Sumerians into believing that they were gods from a planet, real or not, called Nibiru, which had a long period orbit around our sun– 3,600 years according to Sitchin’s translations.

The February 2 episode of Cosmic Disclosure, and next week’s, are likely to be very controversial due to the widely promoted belief that the Anunnaki were ancient aliens who visited the Earth, according to Sitchin’s respected translations. It will be fascinating to learn the perspective of the oldest of the inner Earth Civilizations about the true history of our planet, and what happened in particular with the ancient Sumerians.

At this point, many readers may ask, can Goode’s account be possibly true?

According to my own research and investigation, which I detailed in the book, Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs and Extraterrestrial Alliances, there is much evidence and documentation to support Goode’s testimony. More recently, another whistleblower has emerged, William Tompkins, who has provided documents in his autobiography, Selected By Extraterrestrials,  that corroborate major elements of Goode’s claims.

Tompkins testimony is especially relevant when it comes to the Germany’s pioneering role in the development of Secret Space Programs, and how they were helped by an alleged extraterrestrial race from Aldebaran that used the Sumerian language. If Goode’s claims are accurate, then the alleged extraterrestrial race may in fact have been an inner Earth civilization masquerading as aliens.

Just as the Sumerians were possibly deceived into believing that the Annunaki were extraterrestrials from Nibiru, so too the Germans may have been deceived into believing that Nordic looking aliens from Alderbaran had made psychic contact. In reality, both the Sumerians and Germans had more likely made contact with one or more of the multiple Inner Earth civilizations that Goode recently encountered in September 2015. In conclusion, Sitchin’s Anunnaki may have a very terrestrial explanation after all!

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

What’s beneath ET Disclosure: Were We Lab Rats?

As an extraterrestrial experiencer since childhood, this is a challenging blog to write. In fact, I do not want to write it. The question I ask in this blog involves my life journey investigating what happened to me as an ET experiencer. What happened to my friends and colleagues?

Furthermore, I don’t have to write this blog. I have confirmation about much of my ET Experience, which is ongoing. Most of my friends and colleagues have confirmation. There is an ET Presence.

And yet, the mainstream confusing culture chatter of ET remains a constant conundrum.

So, although it would be easier to ignore where my intuition is going—I won’t.

In the end, that’s futile. Questions remain until answered. Here are my question and an attempt at an answer.

Question: What’s Beneath Disclosure: Were We Lab Rats?

Is a vast government-military-intelligence laboratory program that involved citizens of the United States, without their consent, beneath the confusing 70 years of Ufology? 

Are citizens used as subjects in ET UFO scientific field lab experiments to see how we would react to ETs and UFOs? And if so, to what extent are citizens, as unknowing subjects, denied their civil and human rights in this process? Were we, as subjects, fed propaganda and lies and events—some deeply personal—in order to investigate how humans respond to the ET Presence?

My observations lead me to answer, yes. Our government probably experimented with citizens around ETs and UFOs.  And it was a vast multifaceted program.

And all of this is theoretical. I have no FOIA. No Proof. But….

Lab Programs for God and Country: When did it happen?

1942: Chemical Warfare Services: Mustard Gas lab experiments

1945 US Atomic Energy Commission: Program F experiments on effects of fluoride

1947: CIA: LSD program experiments

1950: CIA: Project Bluebird experiments in mind control, renamed numerous times

1952 CIA: MK ULTRA, Project Moonstruck experiments in mind control

1958 CIA: Project Dreamland or Orion experiments using drugs, hypnosis, ELF frequencies

That’s a start. A short list of government-military-intelligence lab experiments.

When and where did the Extraterrestrial lab experiments begin? My guess is that the (hypothetical) programs began during the late 40s or 50s. And they continue today.

Who was involved?

Citizens were involved in MILABs—staged ET Experiencer Groups—Abductions—UFO sightings—Film and Television—Books—Conferences—Political Initiatives—Social Media—Blogs. A myriad of communications and structured field lab settings.

What does this mean?

If my theory is correct, then multiple experiments were conducted by government-military-intelligence to research various human reactions to an ET Presence. And those running these programs logged many experiments, many responses, and drew valid conclusions.

I surmise; it went far beyond military abduction, MILAB experiments.

Some of those experiments and conclusions were selected to be made public. They were handed to researchers, film-makers, authors, activists, and Ufology experts—a phone call or dropped document or an off the record conversation.  Then, per the lab plan, these experts communicated the information to the public. Few experts pass on a great story. And few experts knew they were participating in the labs. Need for scientific objectivity determined that participant knowledge might taint the results.

Few experts pass on a great story. And few experts knew they were participating in the labs. Need for scientific objectivity determined that participant knowledge might taint the results.

To be clear, I’m not pointing fingers, except at myself. A vast program left no one in the field of Ufology innocent of involvement.

Continual Confusion

Thus, the confusion started with the labs. From the outset confusion reigned regarding ET.



Confusion wasn’t necessarily planned. Or deviously determined. Primarily, confusion was simply the result of multiple experiments with varied conclusions.

If you live in a society where someone uses citizens for a vast array of lab experiments and publicizes select results, then you would create confusion. In order to examine a spectrum of reactions, the citizens would need to encounter a wide range of encounters and stories of ETs.

And all of this is theoretical. I have no FOIA. No Proof. But….

Each experiment, if it was chosen to move into the public media, would be designed to provide a different set of information and possible results (responses).

Many years have passed. Many experiments completed. We know the results. We experienced them all.

We can recite the confusion: good ET, bad ET, kidnapping ET, hungry ET, benevolent ET, recon UFO, attack UFO, peacemaking UFO, and Hollywood ET. Until today, we have the Moon-Mars Secret Space ET.

It’s the Humans, Stupid

The lab studies were not about ET—they were about HUMANS.

In a detailed, careful scientific study each experiment would result in varying information about humans. Not extraterrestrials. Humans.

Decades of field lab experiments would provide data on citizens—humans. The data would be studied and categorized as to how humans reacted to the plethora of information and scenarios about UFOs and ET’s.

Then, the humans’ reactions could be manipulated. Until eventually, the data would show the right formula for disclosure.

Disclosure Formula Done Right

Here is a possible spectrum of reactions to ET: humans either shut down in emotional paralysis and denial, fight back trying to gain information, or flee into utopian communities where they dwell with their spiritual like-minded experiencers. Some simply ignore all the ET shenanigans. Others get high and exaggerate or drug and medicate the experience.

Then there were the specific designer-fashioned ET labs: the data would show some citizens to prefer the blue avian ETs, others the sexy Nordic women, others the terror of the reptilians and others the cute gray cyborg. Pick your ET.

Heck, the psychologists in the lab program probably designed a personality test based on ET Preference.

Pick your ET–It’s your personality. It will premiere on FB after Disclosure. And, it will go viral.

Disclosure: Removing the Truth Embargo

Chances are— if you are an ET Experiencer, have seen a UFO, then you are in a database…somewhere.  And unless there is a Frank Church (there isn’t) then you will never know the extent of the games played at your expense. After all, you are simply a citizen. A subject. Dare I say, a lab rat.

As Hillary and Podesta make promises, as X-Files premieres as soft disclosure—we are drawing closer to the engineered social revelation of the Extraterrestrial Presence.

Trust me; the lab will not do Disclosure until they have the human reaction formula down perfect.

But Wait, Here’s the Rub

Labs create perfect formulas. That is their purpose.

But it is also the rub.

And all of this is theoretical. I have no FOIA. No Proof. But….

There have been numerous labs. And we, as citizens participated in the labs, some of us from the beginning, so we are familiar with all of our responses.

Since we were the subjects of these ongoing experiments, citizen subjects, we know the results of the laboratory experiments we experienced. We know how we reacted. So the information and the roll-out of Disclosure will not come as a surprise. Anyway, Hillary’s promising a task force and starting with Area 51, so we have a bit of time yet.

So, before Presidential Disclosure is official, sit down and list your reactions to every possible experiment you experienced.  Remembered reaction to possible experiments = your map through Official Disclosure.

Peaceful Child Disclosure Has My Money

My guess is Disclosure will be a designer mixture of the field lab experiments that were most successful in controlling humans. Any fear and anxiety will be calmed by a commander in chief. Mommy or Daddy.

Because our sad truth is that in the view of government-military-intelligence labs, the citizens experimented on are children. Subjects.

I predict a peaceful child disclosure. The Von Braun fireworks of an alien attack will start at a later date. Stay tuned. First the sleep, then the scream. Isn’t that the trauma formula?

Peaceful Child Disclosure=Everything Remains in Place

For now, a peaceful, go along with the program response will be preferred. A peaceful, go along with the program response will guarantee that nothing changes. No principalities or powers will be moved. All will remain intact.

Blind consent accomplishes amazing things for those who engineer our reality.

The Pope, President, the Bankers, Media, the Judges and Titans of Corporations, the Generals and Intelligentsia will remain intact–reposing in a peaceful disclosure, content that the formula worked. The Lab was a success.  All is well in the ET world.

Exoconscious Exceptions

Except, the Exoconscious remember what happened. And, during in the 70-year lab experiment rollout, we matured. We don’t need Mommy or Daddy in the form of a President or an Implant.

lab rat rhymeswithorgage


We are creating new realities, accessing our innate connection and communication with extraterrestrials. Acting on our confirmation of the ET Presence—not man-made artificial confusion.

Our segment of experiment participants plans to move in another direction. We Exoconscious lab rats are awake and we remember who we are. It’s too late, our cage is open. We escaped confusion for certainty. Commotion for Confirmation.

It’s up to us what we make of it. But one thing is certain; we will never be rats again.


Is “Transdimensional” logical, therefore allowing ETI to ‘visit’?

Given that advanced ETI (extraterrestrial intelligence) exist and generate physical effetcs that seem to be “non-classical” and “paranormal”, can these beings actually use a non-physical domain in order to create effects in the physical domain (like the collapse of space-time and macro-scale teleportation)?
A more fundamental first question would be: Is it logically possible? The answer would seem to be be ‘YES’ and that is where the news is: The link between extraterrestrial intelligences and what could be (a bit imprecisely) called a “transdimensional” technology based on a non-classical logic in order to generate non-local physical effects  utilizing a distinct Non-Physical Domain or Realm.
But it would be logical by allowing an “included middle” surpassing classical, Aristotelian logic and this inclusion would be a key ingredient expressed in inter-realm interactions. it would also be useful for any future exopolitical study of the extraterrestrial mind, its technology, culture, interstellar-inter-realm political organization. Moreover, it would be useful for gradually constructing here on Earth a more viable and interconnected civilization capable of relating with extraterrestrial “transdimensional” ways of understanding things. 
The integration of complementary opposites in physical science leading to a “transdimensional” process would be akin to what physicist-philosopher Basarab’s Nicolescu posits within a transdisiplinary model in which opposites found at a lower level reconcile not just at a HIGHER ontological LEVEL, but as one of the opposites becomes less manifest while the other becomes more manifest.
Thus – for instance – the particulate aspect and the information aspect simultaneously associated with physical reality may exchange states of actualness and potentiality when there’s interaction between an ontologically less inclusive (physical) level and an ontologically more inclusive (mental) one. The latter domain or realm is assumed to exist based on the body, mind, spirit trilogy almost universally found in many cosmological traditions, including Vedanta. 
In other words, considering an interaction between a physical domain of reality and a mental domain of reality (which would not even be reducible to the information aspect of a promising model called “the quantum hologram”), perhaps physical, particulate, kinetic states may become less actual  (and more potential) and their causal influence (as per their corresponding information aspect) might be transduced (via what could be called an “etheric” transducing, inter-domain ‘membrane’ or ‘medium’ possesing a retrocausal component) into the ontologically more inclusive and fundamental (from a relative standpoint) Mental Domain or Realm. In that realm, they would be reprogrammed and, when transduced back again into the Physical Domain or Realm, they would re-arrange information patterns and quantum probability distributions coherently functioning within a space-time system, thus generating observable, non-local effects. And in this exchange, no energy would be lost. 
From reading the works of Basarab Nicolescu and Stephan Lupasco, I consider that “A” (which could represent the local and particulate) would reconcile with “non-A” (which could represent the non-local and extended) when one represents the experientially present actual state and the other a complementary opposite in an experientially potential state. Therefore, Bohr’s concept of “complementarity” (eventually appllicable to the relation between particles and information waves) would have a better explanation.
Nicolescu, B: Transdisciplinarity and Complexity
Brenner J.E. “The Philosophical Logic of Stephane Lupasco”
Thus, Aristotle’s concepts of potentia and actuality proper to rational philosophical metaphysics are revived in an alternative fashion applicable to an incipient explanation of inter-reality exchanges which advanced ETI might use.
It would be allowed by Consciousness-Being reconciling within non-dual unity the opposites which it includes in three distinct domains of expression.

Are Citizens Losing the Psy Space War?

Star-Wars-2-independent.co_.uk_How do we, as Exoconscious Citizens, sort out our “official”  and “unofficial” space history? 
Space travel involves extraterrestrial consciousness. It is beyond weapons, technology and billionaire mining and ticketed travel. 
Exoconscious Citizenship requires our response to mainstream history. We have questions. Observations. Ideas. How we respond and communicate, with compassion and heart, matters. As Exoconscious, we are an Extraterrestrial Presence with a voice. 

Attention Houston: We have heat shield re-entry issues with the Orion craft and heavy lift rocket scheduled for Mars. The Aerospace Safety advisory panel expresses concern for manned missions to Mars and the Moon.

After a test flight in December 2014, the Orion team found cracks in some of the seams of the spacecraft’s heat shield. That’s not good, since spacecraft face temperatures of up to 3,000 degrees when they’re reentering the Earth’s atmosphere from space. As a result, Orion engineers have had to make changes to the heat shield design.

NASA hasn’t really explained how it plans to test the new heat shield design. Under the current plans, the report notes, the only opportunity to flight-test the new heat shield will be on the Space Launch System’s first flight in 2018–and the next one after that will be a crewed launch in 2021 or 2023. That thought probably won’t be terribly comforting to the astronauts who’ll be flying on that mission.

What About Apollo? Secret Space Programs?

Gee, we didn’t have issues fifty years ago in the  space programs of the 60s and 70s.

Maybe NASA should consult Apollo engineers—who sent 11 manned missions into space and six to the moon and back. 

Or maybe NASA should consult with military Secret Space whistleblowers Corey Goode, Randy Cramer, Andrew Basiago, or  their program engineers.

The Aerospace Safety Advisory panel’s public concerns do not make sense in our historical context of space missions and with our emerging secret space program information. It doesn’t add up.

Deep Space Deception and Disinformation

We are deep into a decades-long Psychological Space War, a propaganda-spun slur of information and disinformation. So nothing ever adds up. One question after the other and we have a domino stream of questions ready to collapse. But it doesn’t. Like Magic–all the information stays upright.

It makes me feel like a confused child. And, maybe that’s the point. Keep ’em confused and dumbed down. But at some point, too many citizens will become aware of the ongoing games in space. And those citizens will admit how we unwittingly play along. Until…we stop playing. Simply stop. 

Child’s Play Psywarfare

Even children know  a Psywarfare Dream when they experience one. If you are confused, sing along to sort out the information and disinformation.

A little bit of this and a little bit of that

And mix it up with morning dew

That’s all you want to make your dreams come true–children’s song.

 Where are the Adults? 

My question is where are the adults?  The Citizens? When do we begin the embarrassing sorting out of space information and disinformation as scientists, military, historians, media, politicians, citizens? Or do we bury our heads, keep our egos intact, collect our paychecks, and spend our money on Hollywood’s silly Tomorrowland of Star Wars?

Exoconscious Citizen Sanity 

As an adult, my choice is to first gain clarity. When you find confusing information–you confront the psychological program and sort it out. Then you speak up and hold yourself and others accountable.

If we do not act like adults, ask questions, seek answers–then we deserve to spin around in the psycho playground. Dazed and confused…another Hollywood movie.

Or, we can become Exoconscious-aware of our human innate ability to connect and communicate with cosmic mind, the Extraterrestrial Presence. We can use logic, rhetoric, science, and  psychic intelligence and abilities to cut through the confusion and find clarity.

The massive psychological war can be dismantled. It only takes a few hearty spirits who ask questions, that leads them to information, that leads them to clarity.  It will be slow. It will be worthwhile. It will be how we become adults.

Thanks to Andrew Johnson, UK, checktheevidence. 

Rebecca Hardcastle, Ph.D.


US Navy Spies Learned Secrets of Nazi Anti-gravity Spacecraft

Navy & NazisDuring World War II, a top secret espionage program was led by the United States Navy to infiltrate the black programs of Nazi Germany that were successfully building antigravity space craft capable of interplanetary flight. Covert naval operatives were embedded inside a number of Nazi Germany’s advanced aerospace programs and tasked to report back what they had seen. This information was then relayed onto various U.S. corporations specifically contracted by the Navy that would begin designing and eventually building a variety of antigravity vehicles, including kilometer long space carriers.

These startling claims have been made by ex-Navy whistleblower William Tompkins, who in December 2015, released the first volume of his autobiography titled Selected by Extraterrestrials: My life in the top secret world of UFOs., think-tanks and Nordic secretaries. Tompkins says that he approached a Navy Admiral in 2001 to see if he had approval to write about his experiences:

Early in 2001 I called on Admiral Hugh Webster, Navy League Corporate Director, Washington DC and San Diego CA. We had a five hour meeting on my ongoing book–writing concerning the extraterrestrial threats to our planet. After Admiral Webster read portions of my document and backup technical documentation, I asked Hugh, “How much of this can I include in a published book?” He said. “Bill; TELL IT ALL. This is most important to our country. Don’t leave anything out.” [back cover]

Tompkins first public appearance was on the Jeff Rense show on December 14, 2015 (also Dec 23 & Jan 6pt 2), where he describes some of his book’s disclosure filled content.  Tompkins went into detail about how he was recruited into the Navy’s covert espionage program during WWII to study and reverse engineer Nazi-designed antigravity space craft.

Tompkins story begins in 1932, when he was only nine. He says he was taken by his father to the Naval shipyards in San Diego where he began the first of many public tours of destroyers, cruisers and aircraft carriers that were periodically docked. The public was not allowed to take photos of the ships whose gun placements and radar designs were still classified.

Possessing a photographic memory, Tompkins says that he walked all around the ships and took notes of what he observed, and soon after began reproducing the ship designs. Eight years later, Tompkins had built many flawlessly accurate detailed models of the navy ships he had seen, and his father was selling them in a Hollywood Department store.

After the Navy learned about the model ships in 1941, displaying top secret details, they interrogated both Tompkins and his father, and the models were withdrawn from public circulation. The Navy top brass were nevertheless greatly impressed by Tompkins remarkable talent.

Tomp007sA March 26 article in the Evening Outlook newspaper of Santa Monica featured a photograph of Tompkins (now 17) showing some of his ship models to Navy Captain G.C. Gearing, Commandant of the 11th Naval District in San Diego.

Rear Admiral C. A. Blakeley was quoted in the Evening Outlook story:

It is with considerable interest and pleasure that I, together with officers of my staff, examined several of the ship models. Craftsmanship such as you have evidenced shows that you are a keen student of detail and naval construction. Best of all, however, you are doing something worthwhile as a young American—you are helping to build into the American mind the importance of the nation’s first line of defense to each American, young and old.

His photographic memory and ability to reproduce complex ship designs were extraordinary, and a U.S. Naval Intelligence Officer, Lt. Perry Wood, understood the contribution Tompkins could make to the Navy’s pursuit of advanced technology:

Early in 1942, naval intelligence officer Lt. Perry Wood, understanding the technical capabilities and historic research necessary to create the ship models, put together a mission package that resulted in Bill’s induction into the navy. After completing boot camp in San Diego he was assigned a position in naval intelligence on advanced technology projects. [source]

Tompkins abilities had come to the attention of the Navy’s senior leadership. This included the then Secretary of the Navy, James Forrestal, and Admiral Rick Obatta whose responsibilities, according to Tompkins, included covert intelligence projects run out of North Island Naval Air Station at San Diego.

Tompkins claimed Admiral Obatta placed him on his personal staff for four years (1942-46), and quickly elevated him to a leadership position in a covert intelligence program:

Though only a third class seaman, he replaced a Commander at North Island Naval Air Station in San Diego.

Tompkins said that his mission statement was personally signed by Secretary Forrestal:

The mission statement read in part, “To compile and maintain a continuous survey of the activities of experimental research laboratories, other governmental agencies, educational scientific institutions, manufacturers and research engineers. To undertake upon his own initiative, or at the request of any bureau or office of the Naval Air Forces, studies of specific instrumentalities and techniques for the purpose of outlining research projects.”

In his December 14 interview on Rense, Tompkins claims that he sat in on meetings attended by Admiral Obatta, one or two Captains, and the naval operatives reporting on what they had observed in Nazi Germany.

Tompkins subsequently told this writer on January 16 that there were 28 Naval operatives with the rank of Lieutenant used in the covert program. They all had German ancestry, which allowed them to easily infiltrate Nazi Germany.

Tompkins’ job was to reproduce the complex designs which were either described by the naval operatives or contained within the documents they possessed, and then take these reproductions to different corporate Navy contractors. The contractors would proceed to design, reproduce and test various elements of the anti-gravity spacecraft, which were at various stages of production in Nazi Germany facilities in Europe, South America and Antarctica.

What the naval operatives were further reporting is astounding. Tompkins claims operatives revealed in the top secret debriefings that up to and during the World War II, there were two flying saucer programs under development. The first was a largely civilian effort that predated the Nazi rise to power in 1933, while the second was led by the Nazi SS.

Tompkins said that the civilian German space program had been inspired by a Nordic group of extraterrestrials who were communicating through young female German mediums.

The second program was assisted by a group of extraterrestrials called the Reptilians, who had reached secret agreements with Hitler.

In 1939, Tompkins asserts that the Nazi SS was given the location of three large caverns in Antarctica by the Reptilians, and proceeded to move the bulk of the German secret space programs there.

By 1942, when it became clear that the war was lost, the Nazi’s accelerated their efforts to relocate the best scientists, engineers and vital resources to Antarctica through specially built submarines capable of carrying very large cargoes. 

Tompkins learned that the Germans achieved great success and failures in their space program efforts. Of particular note was the first space flight to Mars in late April 1945, which had a crew of 30, including three Japanese astronauts. This stunning achievement ended in disaster when the spacecraft crash landed, resulting in the death of the entire crew.

After he reproduced the ship design information he had gained from the covert Navy operatives spying on the German space programs, Tompkins says he then took these designs to various top secret corporate facilities. These included Douglas Aircraft Company at El Segundo and Santa Monica, Lockheed, and an underground facility run by Caltech at China Lake.

From 1952 to 1958, Tompkins was employed as a draftsman with the Douglas Aircraft Company. Here he says that he worked with two attractive female Nordic extraterrestrials who were employed as secretaries, and they telepathically guided him in the designs for the more advanced space craft that would eventually be secretly built by the U.S. Navy.

Tompkins experience at Douglas with the two “Nordic secretaries” suggests that the U.S. Navy had reached a secret agreement with a friendly group of extraterrestrials in the early 1950s to develop their own space program. It would become the counter to the Nazi/German space program in Antarctica, which was being helped by Reptilian extraterrestrials.

Tompkins story sounds incredible, but key elements have been verified by the book’s editor, Dr Bob Wood who first began investigating Tompkins’ claims in 2009. Serendipitously, Dr Wood was employed with Douglas Aircraft (later McDonnell Douglas) over a 43 year period, and worked at Douglas at the same time as Tompkins, even though the two had never met prior to 2009.

Among Dr. Wood’s assignments, while at Douglas, was to research UFO reports to determine the feasibility of flying saucer designs for the aerospace industry. He was assigned this task by the Douglas aerospace company after he met with chief executives:

One day after I reported to a couple of VP’s on how we were doing, one of them asked me personally if I was doing anything interesting outside of my job. ‘You’re not going to believe this, but I’ve read about 50 books on UFOs’, I said, and ‘the amazing conclusion I have come to is that they are very real extraterrestrial craft’. The only thing that’s uncertain is whether we find out how they work before or after our competitor Lockheed. After a moment of silence one of them (VP) said, ‘how much would it cost to take a look at that question’? Therefore we started a project, quite low key to take a look at the question of how they work.

Dr. Wood was able to corroborate the names of engineers, scientists and projects at Douglas, which Tompkins referred to. Tompkins was also able to supply documents that confirmed that he was in charge of a U.S. Navy project in 1945, as he claimed, and that Douglas was interested in designs of kilometer long spacecraft.

The significance of Tompkins claims cannot be understated. They corroborate the key claims of a number of notable whistleblowers with alleged knowledge of secret space programs. In particular, Tompkins material adds substantive weight to the testimony of Corey Goode, whose groundbreaking claims were investigated in the book, Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs and Extraterrestrial Alliances.

According to Goode, he learned about the history of the secret space program he served on from “smart glass pads” that he was given access to during his covert service from 1987 to 2007. These smart glass pads contained intelligence briefings, which Goode later revealed in his testimony. The information closely corresponds to what Tompkins says he heard at the debriefings of covert naval operatives working in Nazi Germany up to 1945.

One of Goode’s key claims is that Nazi Germany had developed not one, but two flying saucer programs. The first was a civilian program led by Maria Orsic, a young woman with exceptional psychic gifts who established communications with aliens claiming to be from Aldebaran. This resulted in the design and building of the first flying saucer craft under the auspices of the Vril Society.

Maria Orsic led a civilian space craft program under the Vril Society
Maria Orsic led a civilian space craft program under the Vril Society

Similarly, Tompkins claims that one of the German programs was a civilian program run by female psychics in communication with extraterrestrials. Tompkins confirmed to the writer on January 16, that the leader of this group was Maria Orsic as depicted on page 67 of Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs and Extraterrestrial Alliances. Both Goode and Tompkins claim that the second space program was run by the Nazi SS.

Furthermore, both Goode and Tompkins claim that the Germans relocated their most advanced space program assets to Antarctica and South America, prior to and during World War II.

Tompkins book also corroborates Goode’s claim that the first successful missions to the Moon and Mars were undertaken by the German secret space programs in the early to mid-1940s.

In addition, Tompkins, like Goode, claims that Operation Highjump was an unsuccessful naval military expedition to locate and destroy Nazi bases in Antarctica. 

Tompkins claims are truly extraordinary revelations by a former employee of Douglas Aircraft Company and other aerospace companies working on classified programs for the U.S. Navy. The fact that his claims have attracted the support of Dr. Robert Wood, another former Douglas Aircraft employee, is highly significant.

The drawings Tompkins has supplied in his book is documentary evidence in support of his claims that a secret space program was indeed developed by the U.S. Navy, as a result of espionage by its covert operatives, of what the Nazis had pioneered in their own highly classified antigravity technology programs prior to and up to the conclusion of World War II.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

Hillary Clinton vows to investigate UFOs, Area 51 and alien visitors – Washington Times

ZlandCommunications NewsNetwork

Press Release

For Immediate Distribution

“I think we may already have been visited.” Hillary Clinton


Dear Readers: Since this news release ZNN has learned that Hillary Clinton may be facing FBI indictments on suspected use of her personal email server for storage of classified files.

In a Jan 25/16 article by DRUDGE – it states: “The FBI is ready to indict Hillary Clinton and if its recommendation isn’t followed by the U.S. attorney general, the agency’s investigators plan to blow the whistle and go public with their findings, former U.S. House Majority leader Tom DeLay tells Newsmax TV.”

The tactic of ET talk on the part of Hillary is either a ploy on her part along with Bill Clinton and campaign manager John Podesta – possibly an effort to dismantle FBI charges with an even bigger issue or… it’s her Waterloo.   

Because of the cowardice and incompetence of NBC News during the Democratic Debate on Sunday Jan 18/16, birthing their pathetic failure to question Ms. Clinton on her remarks about the UFO/ET matter or about the possible FBI indictments – it appears the contrived denial in major US news media to face the fact that she did make these UFO/ET statements, once again has come into play in the same way they ignored John Podesta’s public statements on ET Disclosure. They’ll get the point soon if the clever Podesta has anything to do with it.  

This disingenuous posture on the part of NBC, and the likes of CBS and ABC, which leads them to patently ignore these matters, is a testament to their complicity and fatuous existence as provocateurs of mendacity and complicity and not news. [Ed. Note]


Toronto [ZNN] Momentum is growing in Washington DC amidst the stunning announcement by Democratic Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton that she will investigate the UFO issue if elected President.

 Jennifer Harper of the Washington Times today published a new rendering of the Clinton statement on the UFO/ET matter and as she points out, international interest in Hillary Clinton’s statements on UFOs is heating up. 
Harper writes, “In a casual conversation with the Conway Daily Sun, a local paper, Mrs. Clinton vowed, ‘Yes, I’m going to get to the bottom of it.’ She [Clinton] later added, ‘I think we may already have been visited. We don’t know for sure.’ Mrs. Clinton also suggested that a future task force could be assembled to investigate Area 51, a top secret military installation in Nevada long rumored to have had dealings with UFOs.” It does not get much more blunt than that, coming from a former US Secretary of State and now Presidential candidate. 

Hillary Clinton with Conway Daily Sun

reporter Daymond Steer

One can only speculate on why Clinton is taking such a bold stand on the UFO/ET matter just before the first major Primary in New Hampshire in February. The Clinton’s connection to UFOs is a matter of history of which few are familiar.
Hillary Clinton’s close association with Laurance S. Rockefeller regarding that philanthropist’s demands of then President Bill Clinton to end UFO secrecy and her husband’s public opinions on Extraterrestrials that surfaced on the Jimmy Kimmel Show, clearly demonstrate this is not the first time Ms. Clinton has come face to face with the UFO/ET issue. 
Even more perplexing, John Podesta former White House Chief of Staff under President Bill Clinton, who is Hillary Clinton’s current campaign manager, has already made two publicly challenging and provocative statements aimed directly at the US government. At the Washington DC National Press Club in 2002 and 2003 he demanded that the US government tell the American people what it knows about UFOs. 
John Podesta
John Podesta
Podesta stated:

“It’s time to open the books on questions that have remained in the dark, on the question of government investigations of UFOs. It’s time to find out what the truth really is that’s out there. We ought to do it, really, because it’s right, because the American people, quite frankly, can handle the truth, and we ought to do it because it’s the law.”

Furthermore, in a now famous Tweet in March of 2015, Podesta also admitted his greatest failure while in the White House was that he did not achieve the release of UFO files. 
The confluence of these multiple and eerie converging lines of evidence during an increasingly derisive Presidential campaign appear to be setting the stage for a massive explosion of questions both on the campaign trail and internationally about why a 2016 Democratic Presidential Candidate – her campaign manager and her husband have now publicly engaged their previous and current interest in the UFO/ET matter. 
What will fellow Democrats and Donald Trump say about this turn of events spawned by the Clinton-Podesta triumvirate?
Jennifer Harper goes on to say, “It did not take long for the global media to pick up on the exchange. The British press in particular have seized upon the story, which also has a role for former President Bill Clinton – who joins his wife on the campaign trail this week – and former [Obama] White House adviser John Podesta.”
It is common knowledge in Washington DC that what Hillary wants – Hillary gets… UFO Disclosure?
ZNN will continue to follow this story.
Other Sources:
UK Mail OnLine 
Read DC lobbyist Stephen Bassett’s Political Analysis: Clinton Breaks her silence

Pyramids in Russia: Towards a Universal Pattern Community

Valery Uvarov
Mr. Valery Uvarov
On December 2015, I heard Mr. Valery Uvarov at the IV UFOZ conference organized by A.J. Gevaerd in Brazil and then interviewed him. I had met Mr. Uvarov before at the First International UFO Congress in 1991. Mr. Uvarov has been a UFO researcher known for working with contactees but also with other mysteries such as possible paleo historical traces of extraterrestrial activities in the far-flung past. For several years he’s also been involved with pyramid technology and in the construction of large-scale experimental pyramids  and, more recently, in a project to build an intentional community that could enhance human evolution in current and upcoming generations.
 For several years, Mr. Uvarov was not only active experimenting with the construction of several large pyramid structures in Russia but was also involved with research projects that have allegedly experimentally honed better ways to build these artifacts.
There’s a developing tradition of building large pyramids in Russia. Dr. Alexander Golod has also been a pioneer of this pyramid research and construction in Russia.
A well-known 144 foot pyramid built under Dr. Alexander Golod’s concepts in 1999 
The practical benefits of pyramids that work would be many, such as healing cancer besides positive transformative resonant effects in the human organism, consciousness and mind.  Allegedly, after at least 15 years of research, some scientist members of the Russian Academy of Science have verified many non-conventional effects produced by specifically designed and aligned pyramids and I’d say that IF these are also scientifically verified by peers around the world, humanity could soon be engaging in a practical large-scale demostration of the conscious use of a science based on universal, integrative, multi-level energy patterns. Moreover, it would be reasonable to assume that these multi-level energy patterns are recognized and utilized by many advanced extraterrestrial beings throughout the cosmos.  
 According to Mr. Uvarov, ET craft are abundant around the world, manifest at specific cyclical times and for the most part (unless having technical difficulties) just travel too fast or at a time rate that renders them normally invisible to the najed eye. Some of the pyramids built in Russia would have already attracted them but they can only be seen if filmed at high speeds and then by slowing down the video. Apparently, in order to ‘travel’ from one place to another, ET civilizations would make transitions between “chrono fields” (time fields) using crossing points between “time corridors.” These “corridors” would be policed by a neutral exopolitical force. Some of this can be read in Mr. Uvarov’s reply to General Alexey Savin’s comment about why extraterrestrials do not openly contact humanity.
According to Mr. Uvarov, the Russian government doesn’t have an official information suppression policy and has never told him to stop researching. moreover, issues such as “extraterrestrials” and “pyramid power” seem to be less of a taboo among formal Russian institutions.
Allegedly, according to Mr. Uvarov, an adequately built pyramid is a model of a human being’s (and the universe’s) energy structure and is a way to collect and generate cosmic energies on a variety of planes of existence. Since Earth human beings would have a unique energy pattern related to Earth’s history and other characteristics, extraterrestrials would also be interested in “reading” or decoding a person’s energy fields. 
In “Project 12,” located near the city of Tomsk, medical institutes, hotels, kindergartens, other schools and projects will be combined with 33 pyramids that allegedly correct and enhance the human energetic structure, learning, creative abilities, the immune system and consciousness.  
Fifteen minutes away from the City of Tomsk, in the Russian Siberia more than 120 hectares have been reserved for building a pyramid complex and alternative community. It might be located in an area with a natural kind of energy vortex.
Financing the 500 million dollar project (which began contruction in 2011) would be an important food distributor for the Siberian region. He wants to positively influence the development of new generations in Tomsk and also to distribute food that has been treated in the pyramids.
Project 12 is currently under construction and will possess 33 pyramids in toto and 12 major integrated aspects:  An integrated pyramid complex; education and development of special abilities in adults and new generations of Russian children (including creative capacities and psychic abilities); a health and medical center including conventional and alternative approaches; healthy and organic agriculture; food supplements production; beekeeping/apiculture; water energizing; solar and wind energy; a residential settlement; an inn for guests; and a botanical garden and zoo.       
The complex is designed around a large central, 18-metter high pyramid structure itself containing 25 pyramid-shaped ‘chambers’. This structure is  said to be 10 times smaller than the Great Pyramid in Egypt. After many years of scientific and alternative historical research (allegedly including working with Russia’s “National Security Academy”) pyramids are built by combining several crucial details (such as placing a large quartz crystal in its foundations surrounded by a 12-sided wall, using specific minerals, using solid walls, a large bronce bell for resonance effects in its main hall, a quartz pyramid top or “pyramidion,” and a unique alignment 15 degrees off from the North towards Greenland). The large quartz crystal in the basement is a crucial part of the pyramid’s energy source and in contact with running liquid water. Allegedly there also are ways to avoid the negative energies which also  naturally flow upwards from the Earth.
Clockwise and anti-clockwise subtle but effective energy flows are described. However, some construction details remain secret because – as Mr. Uvarov says – they can also be used to generate psychotronic warfare effects.  
Mr. Uvarov mentioned that the Cheops pyramid is active 49 days of the year but that the central pyramid in Project 12 would be active every day of the year. 
Image result for valery uvarov pyramids
Project 12 is designed with 3 concentric (Atlantis-like) rings with the central 18 meter-high pyramid interconnected to the other pyramids at the rings.
Mr. Uvarov also wants to build a network of strategically placed pyramids around the world in order to modify what could be called the “mental information field” (the noosphere?) and re-align the planet’s subtle energy grid, also diminishing or “dampening” earthquake activity.
If all of this is verified and a project of planetary consequences were to take place, it would be a conscious effort that (to ‘visiting’ and/or interacting and observing extraterrestrial civilizations) could signal a greater degree of maturity on the part of humanity …in other words, it could also have exopolitical consequences and bring us closer to open interaction.
According to Mr. Uvarov, many temples and pyramids in the world (although mostly dismantled) are still aligned with an energy grid system distributing cosmic energy received and re-transmitted by Mount Kailash in the Himalayas.  A buddhist sacred calendar would show this mountain’s activity (which, although pyramid-shaped, is considered to be a receiver). 
Mr. Uvarov states that there’s greater openness than in the West to alternative paleo history and extraterrestrial issues. He claims that at the “National Security Academy” interest in pyramid technology isn’t just for military purposes but also for the positive uses. He tells us that in that academy’s archives he saw secret UFO files that mentioned landings and interactions between ETs and military personnel and even showed that during WWII German submarines entered underwater tunnels in the Antartic eventually reaching a parallel reality. Allegedly, the entire journey of the latter expedition was clearly described.
Mr. Uvarov’s research indicates that there is historical encoded information given by an ancient civilization that existed in a planet known as “Maldek” once located between Mars and Jupiter. A civilization located in Mars would have also intervened. He also mentions that some ancient texts gave clues on technology given to correct the human energy system and its “inner biological time.”  There would be two time frames ( I suppose one of them is retrocausal and syntropic) and re-aligning them would not only prolong our biological lives with better health but align us with our mother planet Earth and with the cosmos…thereafter facilitating contact with the energy frequencies of extraterrestrial entities.   
Pyramid central pyramid Project 12
The central pyramid at Project 12
A link to Mr. Uvarov’s work (it’s translated):  
Free online PDF Book: “The Pyramids” by Valery Uvarov
My video interview:
Other interesting video sources:
“Valery Uvarov UFOs & Russian Pyramids – Bosnian Pyramids Conference 2014” (By Disclose Truth TV)
“(HD) The purposes of the Bosnian Pyramid tunnels – Sam Osmanagich, Michael Tellinger, Valery Uvarov (shows a related research in Bosnia)”
“Did we came from the stars?” (interview by Shadow Camera)


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