Wikileaks and the Unfolding John Podesta UFO Story

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Press Release – for immediate distribution

[Note – As of 2:09pm ET Oct 12 the Wall Street Journal, Rolling Stone and USA TODAY are now on top of this story…]

Why did Apollo 14 Astronaut and musician Tom Delonge want to meet with Hillary Clinton’s campaign chair?

Toronto [ZNN] Canadian researcher Grant Cameron and several other key players have uncovered Wikileaks emails indicating Apollo 14 astronaut, the late Dr. Edgar Mitchell and musician Tom DeLonge made attempts to meet with Hillary Clinton’s campaign chair John Podesta.

The Wikileaks emails appear to reveal that Mitchell and Delonge made their own independent attempts to discuss UFOs, Zero Point Energy and other issues surrounding the full disclosure of the UFO/ET matter currently being covered-up by the US government.

Cameron says the Wikileak emails are authentic. This has been corroborated by at least two other sources including Rebecca Hardcastle.

It is clear both Delonge and Mitchell were keenly aware of Podesta’s desire to achieve UFO disclosure while he served as an advisor to President Obama and now, on the campaign trail with Hillary Clinton.

According to Cameron, one of them was successful in their attempt to meet with Podesta and high powered military officials. 

Review Grant Cameron’s research and the chronology of the events. The Unfolding John Podesta Story
Wall Street Journal coverage: WSJ

USA TODAY coverage: USA

Rolling Stone coverage: Rolling

Review Washington DC writer and researcher Rebecca Hardcastle’s personal assessment: Exoconsciousness

Other sources: 
Yahoo News – Tom DeLonge Emailing Clinton Campaign Chair About UFOs

Wikileaks email on meeting between Tom Delonge and John Podesta with A-Level military officials. WIKIEMAIL




extraterrestrial disclosure, UFO disclosure

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