US Air Force Wants to Free Our Minds and Conquer Other Galaxies

by Brett Tingley                   August 8, 2018                     (

• The world’s superpowers are scrambling to construct and test next-generation space bases and weapons in order to gain space superiority before those other guys do. Current planning involves fairly ordinary matters like asteroid strike preparedness and defending our communications satellites. But defending from space-borne threats both man-made and natural is a serious priority for defense officials.

• USAF Lieutenant General VeraLinn Jamieson tells Stephen Trimble, the editor of aviation intelligence firm, FlightGlobal, “Space has got different galaxies.” “Space is contested.” “…we haven’t freed our mind to think about what is in that space and how we are going to utilize it.” Apparently, the Air Force is eyeing other galaxies for military operations. “…there’s going to be a man-made domain in (those other) galaxies,” predicts Lt Gen Jamieson.

• Lt Gen Jamieson may have also alluded to the Air Force’s ability to track UFO’s when she described upgrading the low-definition infrared optics on the Predator drone to a higher-definition electro-optical, hyper-spectral, synthetic aperture radar system. “[T]hat’s where we started to identify ‘What are you seeing?’, ‘Tell me what the object is.’” “We have to do the exact same thing in space.”

• Is the Air Force trickling out information in order to prep the feeble minds of the public for a full-on disclosure of its USAF secret space program?


Whether or not Tweeter-in-Chief Donald Trump gets his Space Force despite the objections of pretty much everyone in the U.S. armed forces, one thing is clear: like winter, war in space is coming. The world’s superpowers are currently scrambling to construct and test next-generation space bases and weapons in an attempt to gain space superiority before those other guys do. After all, Mr. President, we must not allow a MINE SHAFT GAP!

        USAF Lt Gen VeraLinn Jamieson

Whether or not Moonraker-style zero-gravity laser rifle battles will be a real thing any time soon, defending from space-borne threats both man-made and natural is a serious priority for defense officials. Most of the current planning involves fairly down-to-earth matters like asteroid strike preparedness or defending our communications satellites, though. Which is why it’s odd that one of the U.S. Air Force’s top officers would tell an interviewer that the Air Force is eyeing other galaxies as new sites for their operations. Do they know something we don’t? Actually, let’s make that “what do they know that we don’t?” and “do we really want to know?”

At an Air Force Association event this week, USAF Lieutenant General VeraLinn Jamieson made the curious comments concerning other galaxies to Stephen Trimble, editor of FlightGlobal, an aviation intelligence consulting and analytics firm. At the event, Trimble asked LtGen Jamieson about the future of the USAF’s Rivet Joint aircraft, a signals intelligence platform. In response, LtGen Jamieson seemed to dodge the question and instead proceeded to tell Trimble that other galaxies will soon be prime real estate for the armed forces: “I am convinced that there are more domains – man-made domains – that will come, and I would offer you that if we look at galaxies – sounds nuts – but there’s going to be a man-made domain in galaxies.”


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Lt Gen VeraLinn Jamieson, Predator drone, Stephen Trimble, US Air Force

ExoNews Editor

Duke Brickhouse is a former trial lawyer and entertainment attorney who has refocused his life’s work to exposing the truth of our subjugated planet and to help raise humanity’s collective consciousness at this crucial moment in our planet’s history, in order to break out of the dark and negative false reality that is preventing the natural development of our species, to put our planet on a path of love, light and harmony in preparation for our species’ ascension to a fourth density, and to ultimately take our rightful place in the galactic community.

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