UFOs Could Be From Outer Space According to Government Report
Article by Mark Whittington July 4, 2021 (thehill.com)
• The government’s much maligned ‘Preliminary Assessment: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena’ report, which analyzes 144 credible UFO reports sighted by military personnel between 2004 and 2021, has caught the attention of many UFO enthusiasts who wonder if the report describes alien spacecraft propelled by an advanced technology. Yet, the report makes no conclusions. It suggests that not one explanation exists for all of the UFOs, and further study is needed.
• As the nine-page report stands, it seems to be a rather thin gruel. Some portions were left out, resulting in accusations of a cover-up. On the other hand, UFO researchers have accused the government of cover-ups of the true origins of UFOs for decades. While American intelligence organizations are reluctant to draw any definitive conclusions, they seem to be particularly interested in the small number of incidents in which the unidentified objects’ aerial behavior seems to violate the laws of physics.
• What if some kind of alien intelligence is responsible for some of these sightings? What kind of conclusions can we draw? First, the aliens don’t seem to be particularly interested in making direct contact with Earth humans. There are no indications that UFOs will land on the White House lawn. On the other hand, they also seem to be uninterested in keeping their existence a secret. A civilization that is capable of crossing the interstellar gulf would likely have the technology to ‘cloak’ its spacecraft from prying eyes if it wanted to.
• Do these aliens want us to see them, or to at least suspect they exist? For what purpose? Presuming that the aliens are not hostile, and we have no reason to suspect they are, what is their ultimate purpose? Do they intend to establish first contact? Would an advanced civilization even view the President of the United States as the person most worthy of establishing first contact?
• A political leader may not be viewed as the most significant person on our planet. Instead, they may want to establish first contact with a technological visionary, someone who has demonstrated the ability to imagine a future better than the present and is working diligently to achieve that goal – someone who harbors no petty, political ambitions or egotistic passions. The task of speaking for the human species will be a heavy one indeed. We can only hope that Elon Musk is ready – if and when they do come.
• [Editor’s Note] What if the UFOs seen by military personnel around Navy ships are actually drones using reverse-engineered advanced electromagnetic anti-gravity propulsion technology gleaned from recovered extraterrestrial craft and developed by private American aerospace companies? And what if they are simply testing this technology against the Navy’s most advanced radar systems – unbeknownst to the ship’s officers? And what if the Pentagon brass are using this “UFO phenomenon” and the cagey UAP report to make us think that they may be of extraterrestrial origin, and have our Earthly adversaries think so as well?
If we’re choosing an Earth representative to speak to the extraterrestrial beings in the Galactic Federation of Worlds on behalf of humanity, can we at least choose someone who has tried to expose the truth about the extraterrestrial presence and the off-shoot secret space programs without any hidden agenda, rather than leaving it to a career deep state politician who has actively and shamelessly assisted in debunking and ridiculing the UFO phenomenon and extraterrestrial presence in order to cover-up the truth? Please?
The Office of the Director of National Intelligence has released its Preliminary
Assessment: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena report. The report analyzes 144 reports of UAPs, what the government calls UFOs, being sighted by military personnel between 2004 and 2021. Eighty of the reports referred to objects that were tracked by multiple sensors. Twenty-one of the reports describe 18 incidents in which the objects displayed unusual flight characteristics.
“Some UAP appeared to remain stationary in winds aloft, move against the wind, maneuver abruptly, or move at considerable speed, without discernable means of propulsion. In a small number of cases, military aircraft systems processed radio frequency (RF) energy associated with UAP sightings.”
These incidents have caught the attention of many UFO enthusiasts who wonder if
they describe alien spacecraft propelled by an advanced technology. Nevertheless, the report makes no conclusions. Among the possibilities include airborne clutter such as balloons, other aircraft, or birds, atmospheric phenomena, United States government experimental aircraft, foreign government experimental aircraft (i.e. Russian or Chinese) or “other” (i.e. aliens.) The report suggests that further study is needed to identify what military pilots are seeing. It suggests that not one explanation exists for all of the UAPs or UFOs.
As the nine-page report stands, it seems to be a rather thin gruel. Some portions were left out, resulting in accusations of a coverup. On the other hand, accusations of government coverups of the real origins of UFOs have cropped up for decades.
The accusations have been part of popular culture, such as in the long-running TV series “The X-Files.”
Leaving aside the pop-culture-fueled suspicions of a secret government conspiracy, the report suggests that the examination of these UFOs (or UAPs, being the preferred, approved label) is an ongoing process. While American intelligence organizations are reluctant to draw any definitive conclusions, they seem to be particularly interested in the small number of incidents in which the objects demonstrated weird behavior that seemed to violate the laws of physics.
Let us propose, as a hypothesis, that some kind of alien intelligence is responsible for some of these sightings. What kind of conclusions can we draw?
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'Preliminary Assessment: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena' report, advanced technology, Elon Musk