Top 10 Exopolitics Stories for 2020

2020 was big year for exopolitics and UFO disclosure with multiple mainstream news sites reporting major developments. Legacy media is now regularly discussing UFOs/UAPs and extraterrestrial life, along with the latest developments with the US Space Force. I discussed my list of the Top 10 Exopolitics news stories with Corey Goode on Zoom (see video below) to get his take on what they mean for “full disclosure”. I consider Corey, along with the late William Tompkins, to be one of the most informed, legitimate and accurate insiders about secret space programs, extraterrestrial life, etc., with significant evidence to back up his claims, as I have discussed previously.

I will go into detail about my  the Top 10 list with slides and news videos on January 3 in the upcoming Ascension, Exopolitics & Disclosure Conference with Laura Eisenhower, John DeSouza and Neil Gaur. This promises to be an exciting webinar discussing what happened in 2020 and what we can expect in 2021.

What follows is the zoom video with Corey and my list with links to relevant articles published earlier in 2020.

Happy New Year Everyone!

Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.


Top Ten Exopolitics Stories for 2020

  1. Professor Haim Eshed revelations on US ET agreements and Galactic Federation
  2. Signing of Artemis Accords –
  3. Eric Davis Briefings to Pentagon Congress on alien reverse engineering
  4. Mike Turber revelations on Navy Tic Tac sightings being part of USAF SSP
  5. Salvatore Pais Patent application on nuclear fusion gets published in prestigious journal
  6. Space Center to be established at Ramstein Air Base, Germany
  7. Space Force completes first year with official logo, recruits, bases, doctrinal documents and Guardian name
  8. Trump received secret briefing that Roswell UFO involved time traveling humans
  9. Congress asks Intel Community for comprehensive UFO report 180 days after passage of 2021 NDAA:
  10. China sends up a Moon lander and retrieves lunar rocks to demonstrate its growing space power capabilities


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Artemis Accords, Donald Trump, exopolitics, Haim Eshed, space force

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