The Institute for Exoconsciousness is the first and only sustainable nonprofit organization focused exclusively on humans co-creating technology, teachings, art, and healing with extraterrestrials and multidimensionals
We are building an Exoconscious Civilization and welcome you to join us.
Newsletter Content:
- New Observations Magazine: Consciousness and Contact Issue
- Star Language Rosetta Stone Project: Exoconscious Communication
- Spiritism and Exoconsciousness Study Group
- Brazilian Circle Study of Exoconsciousness and Spiritism
- Psychokinesis Research Groups
- Sci-Spi Television
- Beyond the Matrix Conference, March 19-20, Sedona
- 22nd Phoenix Lights Anniversary Celebration, March 17, Shea Harkins
- The Guardians of Humanity Conference, April 19 -21, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
- Consciousness and Contact Conference, May 16 -20, Pine Ridge Reservation, South Dakota
- Spirituality Symposium U.S. Spiritist Federation,
Full day event, Saturday, May 4, 2019, Union, NJ - Summer Solstice SpiritFest 2019 – Conscious Awakening, June 21-23, Leadville, CO
Exoconscious Contact, Communication, Co-Creation
New Observations Consciousness and Contact issue grew directly from an intimate conference this past May held at the Vershire Riding School in Vershire Vermont.
- Mia Feroleto Editor: A Conversation Between Two Friends, THE GREYS: Alex and Allyson
- Alan Steinfeld, Guest Editor: Consciousness and Contact
- Marilyn Gewacke: Cosmic Consciousness and ET Contact
- Whitley Stieber: Alien Contact: A Miracle Denie
- Kevin Briggs: Consciousness: A Beginner’s Understanding
- Rebecca Hardcastle Wright: Why Exoconscious Humans Matter to Art and Culture
Featured Art:
John Harrison III, Lucio Pozzi, Tomma von Haeften, Lucy Slivinski, Erika Knerr, Phoenix Lindsey-Hall, Karen Gunderson, Alex Gray, Frida Kristin Gisladottir, Ted Seth Jacobs, David Cottrell, Kirke Morgan.
New Observations is an independent, non-profit contemporary arts and culture journal that is written edited and published by the arts community in an expanded process, as a work of collaborative art.

Star Language Rosetta Stone Project: Exoconscious Communication
The Institute would like to create a Rosetta Stone for translating Star Languages. Do you speak Star Language? Join us. Email: rhardcastlewright@gmail.com

Spiritism and Exoconsciousness Study Group
Join Rodolfo de Oliveira’s group and study the history, applications, and science of Spirituality/Spiritism and Exoconsciousness. Rodolfo offers an in-depth examination of the philosophy and history of spiritism with lots of opportunities for interaction. Here is Rodolfo’s description of Spiritism. To join the study group, please email Rodolfo at torodolfo@gmail.com

Brazilian Circle Study of Exoconsciousness and Spiritism
Filmmaker, Juliano Pozati’s, CIRCLE studies the work of Brazilian Medium Chico Xavier and integrates with Exoconsciousness and Spiritism. Join Juliano’s Circle where you can connect with their community and view Julian’s films. Available in Portuguese and English.

Psychokinesis Research Groups
Can you move an object with your Mind? We are partnering with three psychokinesis researchers who are developing scientific experiments in moving matter with consciousness. Here is a blog from Eugene Kovalenko, PhD describing his research. George Weissmann and Caroline Cory are also conducting PK experiments. If you wish to participate, please email rhardcastlewright@gmail.com

Sci-Spi Television
Suzanne Ross is the creator and Executive Producer of a revolutionary new internet TV network featuring a new genre: Sci-Spi®: “The Institute for Exoconsciousness” features members of our community . Join Sci Spi TV.