This Beatle Saw UFOs, Met With Aliens
Article by Hannah Wigandt April 5, 2020 (
• We have all heard the story about Beatle John Lennon and his ‘lost weekend’ girlfriend May Pang seeing a UFO from their Manhattan apartment balcony on August 23, 1974. Lennon was lying in bed naked when he suddenly “got the urge” to walk out onto his balcony where he saw a flying disk with white blinking lights and a red light blinking on top. He took photos, but they didn’t come out. Lennon even made mention of the sighting in his song, Nobody Told Me, saying, “There’s UFOs over New York and I ain’t too surprised.”
• May Pang recounted the encounter: “As I walked out onto the terrace my eye caught this large, circular object coming towards us. It was shaped like a flattened cone, and on top was a large, brilliant red light, not pulsating as on any of the aircraft we’d see heading for a landing at Newark Airport. … When it came a little closer, we could make out a row or circle of white lights that ran around the entire rim of the craft – these were also flashing on and off. There were so many of these lights that it was dazzling to the mind.”
• Uri Geller, the British psychic and illusionist, was friends with John Lennon. Geller claims that Lennon told him that not only did he see a UFO hovering outside of his apartment, but he had met actually with the aliens on this occasion. “I’ve kept this story to myself for many, many years and never told it to anyone,” Geller told The Weekly News. “When John told me of this event, it was so bizarre and weird and so ahead of its time that no-one would have believed it, but today people are telling how they have been taken into UFOs and probed by aliens from outer space.” “John never asked me to keep his story a secret… It basically blew my mind because I was already then a believer in extraterrestrials visiting our planet,” Geller said.
• According to Geller, Lennon told him that while lying in his bed, “… an extremely bright light [poured] in from around the edges of the bedroom door. It was so powerful, [Lennon] thought it was someone aiming a searchlight through his apartment. He got up, crossed to the door and flung it open. The next thing he could remember was four thin-looking figures. Lennon said that the figures came over to him as he just stood there. Two of them held his hands and the other two gently pushed his legs and he was gently guided into this tunnel of light. He was shown [images] of his life, just like watching a movie, and he told me it was the most outstandingly beautiful thing he’d ever seen.” Lennon described the alien creatures as ‘bug-like’.
• Geller says that Lennon recalled the aliens giving him “this odd-looking, not quite egg-shaped, ball of metal – very smooth and very heavy, about an inch or so wide… Then he put his hand in his pocket, pulled out the object the aliens had given him and gave it to me.” Lennon said he didn’t want the metallic egg because “It’s too weird for me. If it’s my ticket to another planet, I don’t want to go there.” Geller still has the egg to this day.
Throughout much of John Lennon’s life, a lot of bizarre things have happened to him and there are tons of well-known anecdotes about him, but nothing compares to the story about how John Lennon saw UFOs over New York City and how he met with them in person.

John Lennon first alluded to seeing UFOs when he discreetly put, “On the 23rd Aug. 1974 at 9 o’clock I saw a U.F.O.” on the cover of his classic album Walls and Bridges. This was not an attempt by Lennon to be weird and funny on purpose, he actually did see the UFOs apparently.
According to, Lennon was lying in bed naked when he suddenly “got the urge” to walk out onto his balcony where he saw a flying disk with white blinking lights and a red light blinking on top.
Lennon explained that he was completely sober during the entire experience, even though the siting happened during Lennon’s infamous “lost weekend” where he separated from his wife Yoko Ono and went off the rails drinking and doing loads of drugs with his friends. said May Pang, Lennon’s girlfriend throughout the “lost weekend”, said this: “As I walked out

onto the terrace my eye caught this large, circular object coming towards us. It was shaped like a flattened cone, and on top was a large, brilliant red light, not pulsating as on any of the aircraft we’d see heading for a landing at Newark Airport. … When it came a little closer, we could make out a row or circle of white lights that ran around the entire rim of the craft – these were also flashing on and off. There were so many of these lights that it was dazzling to the mind.”
Lennon also apparently took photos of the UFOs but when he developed them nothing showed, but when he also called the police about it they told him they’d had similar calls coming in. Later on, Lennon put his experience in his song, Nobody Told Me, saying, “There’s UFOs over New York and I ain’t too surprised.” But this experience was nothing compared to another story of Lennon coming in contact with extraterrestrial life.
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