An Extraterrestrial “Channeler” Delivers a Message for Humanity
Article by Arjun Walia January 30, 2021 (
• Extraterrestrial-based UFOs are being afforded an unprecedented level of credibility within the mainstream. The idea of people from outer space is longer taboo and has become a serious topic of discussion. But when it comes to claiming to have had contact experiences we still have a ways to go.
• One sort of ET ‘contact experience’ is channeling – or receiving telepathic messages from extraterrestrials. The problem is that very often in channeling you are not communicating with the positive ET being that you think you are, as there are many telepathic tricksters out there. There are many who feel that one Englishman by the name of Dr. George King (1919-1997) (pictured above) truly channeled a benevolent higher being known as ‘Aetherius’ – a highly evolved extraterrestrial from Venus and part of an alliance of several extraterrestrial intelligences from other planets. Beginning in 1954, Aetherius told King, “Prepare yourself, you are to become the voice of interplanetary parliament.”
• For 43 years, from 1954 to1997. Dr. King dedicated himself to the teachings of advanced extraterrestrials to help Mother Earth and humanity as a whole, and to help navigate this period of great change. In order to attain the highest state of consciousness attainable on Earth – Cosmic Consciousness – Dr. King became a Master of Yoga. For more than a decade. Dr. King intensely practiced the higher forms of yoga an average of 8-10 hours per day, in order to master his own psychic abilities and to ultimately reach enlightenment.
• When Dr. King channeled Aetherius, King heard a disembodied voice speaking English to him within the room. The voice told him that he would become a voice in the interplanetary parliament, but King knew nothing about UFOs. In the 1950s there was no one he could turn to, so he threw himself into meditation. To King’s astonishment, his meditation brought forth a very physical Yogi Master whom King recognized, but who currently lived in India. The Yogi Master walked through the unopened door to enter the room, walked across the room and sat down in a chair. Through these types of physical and mental ‘contacts’ Aetherius would bring King new information and instructions, which King would pass along to his followers.
• A newsletter written back in the day by John and Margaret Storm and found in the FBI online archives, is an example of the impact that Dr. King’s channeled messages could have. Also, its worth noting that he FBI had enough interest in it to document it. The Storm’s newsletter provided the precise dates, times and locations of future flying saucer appearances all across North and Central America. Stating that the information had been supplied by George King, the newsletter noted that “George King is considered the best telepathic contact which the space people have”. Dr King’s credibility only grew over the succeeding decades.
• Another confirmation of King’s credibility is demonstrated in how in the 1950s, King relayed that the interplanetary parliament of space people were greatly concerned about Earth human’s use, testing and manufacturing of nuclear weapons. We now know that toward the end of the 1970s, the US Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center actually tried to detonate a couple of nuclear weapons on the Moon to take scientific measurements. But according to AF Colonel Ross Dedrickson, these nuclear devices were destroyed by extraterrestrials before they could be detonated. Dedrickson noted that it was a “major concern” of the extraterrestrials, “to preserve the integrity of the Earth, because it (also) affects their own system….The idea of an explosion in space by any Earth government was not acceptable to the extraterrestrials, and that has been demonstrated over and over.”
• It’s public record that UFOs have been seen, many times, hovering over nuclear missile storage facilities when the missile launching capabilities were shut down. For example, in March of 1967, Captain Robert Salas reported a red, glowing UFO hovering just outside the front gate of Malmstrom Air Force Base missile launch facility in Montana. Suddenly, all of the nuclear missiles shut down and went completely dead.
• A document in the FBI Online Archive mention’s Dr. King’s contact experiences with extraterrestrials in the context of Nikola Tesla claimed to have been brought to Earth from Venus as a baby by “space people”. Tesla once said, “I think that nothing can be more important than interplanetary communication. It will certainly come someday. And the certitude that there are other human beings in the universe, working, suffering, struggling, like ourselves, will produce a magic effect on mankind and will form the foundation of a universal brotherhood that will last as long as humanity itself.”
• Dr. King claimed that these ET beings were concerned about humanity and the direction we are heading. That we need to do a better job at preserving the integrity of the Earth and living at a higher level of consciousness to bring about a better world. Service to others was a big part of the extraterrestrial message that came through him.
• The messages given to Dr, King corroborates with countless examples of continuing communications and events with UFOs and extraterrestrials, even 70 years later. Today, the Aetherius Society follows the teachings and information of Dr. King. A former student of Dr. King, Richard Lawrence, is the Executive Secretary of the Aetherius Society in Europe and Africa.

“Prepare yourself, you are to become the voice of interplanetary parliament,” is what Dr. George King (1919-1997) was told when he

was first contacted by extraterrestrial intelligence in 1954, known to him as “Aetherius,” whom, according to King, was a highly evolved extraterrestrial from Venus and part of an alliance of several extraterrestrial intelligences from other planets.
Before we go any further, please note that CE founder Joe Martino and myself recently sat down with Richard Lawrence for a podcast. Richard is the Executive Secretary for the Aetherius Society Europe and Africa. You can see him pictured above to the left of Dr. King. Lawrence was a close student of Dr. King. It was a very interesting discussion that dives into the topic of extraterrestrial messages, mainstream UFO disclosure, channeling extraterrestrials, spirituality, consciousness, the state of politics, the Aetherius Society and much more. You can listen to that podcast here.
Channeling is the ability to receive telepathic messages from supposed extraterrestrials. Many claim to have this ability, there are many who believe they do but probably don’t, and the idea of channeling extraterrestrials has exploded to the point where it’s hard to know who is being honest with themselves. I find the case of Dr. King to be much different, I personally believe he was one of the few channelers who was truly authentic. I’ve been studying this phenomenon for

more than fifteen years, and much of what King was relaying to humanity decades ago corroborates with a lot of information that’s come to light about the phenomenon today, in 2021. If there is anyone to consider “credible” within the phenomenon of channeling, I believe Dr. King is one of the best examples.

Dr. King was considered by many to be a Master of Yoga able to enter the highest state of consciousness attainable on Earth – Cosmic Consciousness, also known as nirvana or nirvikalpa samadhi. For more than a decade he had devoted himself to the intense practice of yoga for an average of 8-10 hours per day. Not so much yoga for physical fitness, wellbeing or relaxation, but the higher forms of yoga – for the mastery of psychic abilities and ultimately enlightenment. Dr. King believed, like it says in the ancient mystic Upanishads, that the greatest gift that anyone can give to anyone else is wisdom. And, conversely, that the greatest crime is to cause confusion by giving people the wrong teaching. For 43 years (1954-1997) he dedicated himself to his mission of helping the Mother Earth and helping humanity as a whole navigate this period of great change. This mission was in

essence to spread, and act upon, the teachings of advanced extraterrestrial intelligences.
It was in English, the voice was not in the head, this was no psychic apparition, the voice was outside of myself and it said, prepare yourself you are to become the voice of interplanetary parliament. Well, I had no idea what that meant, I knew nothing about UFOs in those days, I had not studied them, but I have studied Yoga and I studied Yoga long enough to realize that this was very important. And it was eight days after this first event that I decided that the only way that I could solve this mystery, because nobody else could help me and I tried many people, was to go into meditation myself. So I locked myself in the room, fully determined to stay there until I found some answer. Well I didn’t have to stay very long because a man, physical, who I did recognize, he was alive in India at the time, a well known Yogi master, he walked into the room, without me having to open the door by the way, he walked across the floor and sat down in the chair which creaked
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