Canadian Astronaut Chris Hadfield on UFOs and Exploring Mars
Article by Jason Vermes May 24, 2021 (
• Chris Hadfield (pictured above), the first Canadian commander of the International Space Station, was a guest on the Canadian-based ‘Cross Country Checkup’ radio show as part of the program’s regular ‘Ask Me Anything’ series, and answered questions from listeners about Mars, UFOs and our responsibility as humans in space.
• One caller asked: “Why are we trying to land on Mars?” Hadfield responded, “Well, I think the fundamental question is that Mars was a lot like Earth four billion years ago when life first formed on Earth. So if it happened here, did [life] happen there? [I]t will be evident somewhere in the geologic record.” Rovers are currently traversing Mars, conducting research and taking samples from the ground. If a rover finds one fossil, “we will know we’re not alone in the universe.” China’s space agency is the latest to land a rover on Mars. On May 19th, the Zhurong rover took its first drive on the planet’s surface.
• Ed Camelot in Edmonton asked, “what’s in it” for the Red Planet? If there is life on Mars, whether fossilized or primitive, Hadfield said it’s important to consider what it would mean for us on Earth, and what responsibilities we have. The 1967 United Nations Outer Space Treaty offers “fundamental building blocks of the legal system” for space-faring nations. That treaty is a basic framework on international space law, according to the UN, and outlines key principles, including that space exploration should be in the interest of all countries, and that states should avoid harmful contamination of outer space and celestial bodies.
• “We’re very careful with everything we’ve sent so far to Mars to make it — to the absolute best of our ability — to make it sterile so that it won’t inadvertently bring life to Mars or react if there is some sort of primitive life on Mars,” Hadfield said. “If there was intelligent life or advanced life, we would treat it even more thoughtfully and more differently.”
• Hadfield was then asked whether he would ever consider a “one-way trip” to Mars. He said he would happily help with development of technology to enable Earthlings to live somewhere like Mars or the Moon. “[B]ut my question would be: what ship and who with and what is the purpose?” Hadfield said. “We’re going to get there eventually, and I’d love to be part of the team that makes that happen.”
• Byron McDonald from Kamloops, B.C. asked Hadfield about UFOs. “Obviously, I’ve seen countless things in the sky that I don’t understand,” said Hadfield, a former pilot for the Royal Canadian Air Force and the US Navy. “But to see something in the sky that you don’t understand and then to immediately conclude that it’s intelligent life from another solar system is the height of foolishness and lack of logic.” But Hadfield acknowledged the existence of extraterrestrial life is worth thinking about, and that it’s likely that there is life in other parts of the universe. “But definitively up to this point, we have found no evidence of life anywhere except Earth, and we’re looking,” he said. “[I]t’s all really fun to think about.”
• [Editor’s Note] So the first Canadian to command the International Space Station says: “definitively…we have found no evidence of life anywhere except Earth”. Hadfield says presuming that a UFO is of extraterrestrial origin is “the height of foolishness”. Of course, someone in his position has to know the truth about the widespread extraterrestrial presence on our planet and throughout our solar system. What will these astronauts and officials, whom the public has looked to for answers, do when they are revealed to be deep state toadies, lying at every opportunity?
After disclosure, when these liars try to walk back these types of remarks, will the people who have been duped for decades offer them any solace at all? Or will they be thrown onto the garbage heap of history along with all of the other politicians, military officers, scientists, professors and media “news” personalities who have made a career out of lying to the public in order to facilitate the deep state’s cover-up of the extraterrestrial origin of so many UFOs?
I hope these traitors are ALL individually identified and held up to public ridicule and derision, just as they have done to so many honest people who only told the truth about that they had seen and experienced, and had their lives ruined for it.
I will give Hadfield props, however, for his rendition of David Bowie’s ‘Space Oddity’ on the International Space Station in 2013. (see video below)

Landing a rover on Mars is “almost indescribably difficult,” according to retired Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield.
Despite that reality, scientists have landed a handful of them on the Red Planet.
China’s space agency is the latest to do so, dropping the Zhurong rover on Mars earlier this month. On Saturday, it took its first drive on the planet’s surface.
Hadfield, who was the first Canadian commander of the International Space Station, said conducting research on Mars is crucial to finding out whether we’re alone in the universe.

“Why are we trying to land on Mars? Well, I think the fundamental question is that Mars was a lot like Earth four billion years ago when life first formed on Earth,” he told Cross Country Checkup guest host Jason D’Souza on Sunday.

“So if it happened here, did it happen there? And it will be evident somewhere in the geologic record.”
The rovers currently traversing Mars are conducting research and taking samples from the ground. If a rover finds one fossil, Hadfield said, “we will know we’re not alone in the universe.”
Hadfield joined Checkup as part of the program’s regular Ask Me Anything series, and answered questions from listeners about Mars, unidentified flying objects and our responsibility as humans in space.
5:30 minute clip of Commander Chris Hadfield singing “Space Oddity” (‘Rare Earth’ YouTube)
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