Tag: Rastafarian

Ziggy Marley Talks About UFOs

Article by Claudia Gardner                                          January 23, 2021                                        (dancehallmag.com)

• On Thursday January 21st, Rastafarian reggae music legend Bob Marley’s eldest son, the current pop singer Ziggy Marley (51), posted on his Instagram page with over 1.2 million followers, a post entitled “Can we talk about the UFOs, Extraterrestrial Flying Objects now?” along with a graphic of a grainy, grayscale photograph with a black dot resembling a bug in the center of it.

• “So much was happening in 2020 we could have missed it,” wrote Ziggy. “[T]he “governments afraid to open the eyes of the people’ and “we need to get the whole truth” as “the mass acceptance of this knowledge/truth will reset and expand the mindset of people”.

• Ziggy seemed engrossed with the UFO topic as he posted several other comments, and kept himself very engaged with his followers’ comments. “Already know life exists beyond this planet. It’s just something I know it is inborn. It is good to see it revealed through credible channels so the minds that are closed can be open.”

• In response to a fan comment, “We are not alone, for sure,” Ziggy agreed, writing: “[H]umanity needs to wake up and work together for this planet. We definitely haven’t been alone yet we are so lonely in this universe.” When another Instagram follower commented that there were “Humans throughout the galaxy”, Ziggy replied: “yea I feel that. One humanity we are all different but share something common that connects us.”

• While Ziggy received a large number of supportive messages and testimonies of sightings of extra-terrestrial beings, there was a lot of jeering, particularly from Americans. “Legend has it that they only come too earth to listen to Reggae music then fly back to their universe singing don’t worry about a thing,” one troll jeered. Another troll wrote: “Kinda looks like bigfoot to me…” Still another troll posted: “If it Hasn’t been confirmed by THE SIMPSONS then it isn’t.”

• Another dubious commenter noted that Ziggy’s “flying objects” were actually specially designed US military aircraft to which regular people were unaccustomed. “US have been making airplanes that look like disk and other shapes since the 1900’s. Come on now. They have pictures and show us to our faces ain’t no EFO or ETs,” Another commenter chimed in: “No brothers it’s our own government flying those don’t let them fool ya’ll.” “My money is on UFOs being our own government. They have technology beyond our imagination that they don’t tell us about.” But Ziggy stood his ground, responding: “ok, if you say so that’s’ a cool. Then I must ask what are the extraterrestrials using for transportation these days?”

• One skeptic even implied that Ziggy’s his claims of extraterrestrials run contrary to the Rastafarian faith and the Bible: “I think it’s an intriguing subject, but even with today’s technology we don’t have a detail pic or vid of this objects… always blurry. Also I don’t think the Bible mentions any other races that JAH created.”

• Some Instagram commenters, including ex-military personnel, insisted that they had seen extraterrestrial beings with their own eyes. Said one commenter: “I got a video of one (UFO) pulsating in Illinois. I wish could share it here, I saw them another time in Phillipsberg, Montana. The altitude was way up there.” Another commenter wrote: “I saw one in Colorado in the mountains when I was in the military, scared the crap out of me and a squadmate who was guard with me. We hid in a bush and just watched for about two hours.”

• Some commenters claimed that the extraterrestrials could be “from the future” and the “government” was hiding it: “[W]hat if they are just humans from the future in their time machine?” “There is definitely Babylon government secrets hiding the alien vehicles.” Another proposed a time-machine theory: “I always thought they might be us but from the future. Time traveling craft. Perhaps coming back to earth from another planet we inhabited thousands of years from now. Our present is their past…”

• One female commenter told Ziggy that she hoped the UFOs would be “more benevolent than human beings.” Ziggy replied: “[I]f the only source of their meaningful contact is governments and military and the knowledge is held in secret then we will have issues all humanity should be made aware of the truth of these connections.”

• Last July, the New York Times published an article titled “No Longer in Shadows, Pentagon’s U.F.O. Unit Will Make Some Findings Public” which noted that “despite Pentagon statements that it disbanded a once-covert program to investigate unidentified flying objects, the effort remains underway — renamed and tucked inside the Office of Naval Intelligence.” The article goes on to say that government officials continue to “study mystifying encounters between military pilots and unidentified aerial vehicles,” and quotes Senator Marco Rubio expressing his concerns “that China or Russia or some other adversary had made “some technological leap” that “allows them to conduct this sort of activity”. Rubio says that “some of the unidentified aerial vehicles over US bases possibly exhibited technologies not in the American arsenal” and that “maybe there is a completely, sort of, boring explanation for it. But we need to find out.”


                         Ziggy Marley

Ziggy Marley’s Instagram page has been awash with drama since Thursday afternoon, after the Rastafarian singer posted an

                      Bob Marley

image and a series of statements, acknowledging the existence of UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects), which he referred to as ‘Extraterrestrial Flying Vehicles’.

According to Ziggy’s statements, the “governments afraid to open the eyes of the people’ and “we need to get the whole truth” as “the mass acceptance of this knowledge/truth will reset and expand the mindset of people”.

While he got a large number of supportive messages and even testimonies of sightings of extra-terrestrial beings, there was a lot of jeering, particularly from Americans, who felt the Love is My Religion singer had gone bonkers.

Ziggy’s graphic contained a grainy, grayscale photograph with a black dot resembling a bug in the center of it, with the words “Can we talk about the UFOs, Extraterrestrial Flying Objects now?’ “So much was happening in 2020 we could have missed it. #EFO not #UFO,” the Tomorrow People artiste who has more than 1.2 million followers captioned the post.

4:31 minute Ziggy Marley video “Love Is My Religion” (‘Deck” YouTube)



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