Tag: Paola Harris

Insights About Secret Scientific Research in the U.S.

by Come Carpentier de Gourdon                March 23, 2019                  (sundayguardianlive.com)

• How much more time and effort will it take for certain agencies in the US government to confess to the mind-boggling secrets they have kept from the public, often in violation of constitutional principles and legal norms and procedures? Unacknowledged scientific and “exotic” technical programs being carried out in various publicly and privately funded laboratories and research centers, often affiliated to military and intelligence agencies, and unknown to democratically elected authorities, demonstrate the existence of a two-tier scientific culture in the US at least, if not in the rest of the world.

• What do we know about “special access” programs hiding within the American military-industrial-intelligence complex? Among whistleblowers, Bob Lazar is noteworthy because of the extensive information he provided in videotaped talks about research he had carried out in Area S-4, near the notorious Area 51 in the Nevada desert. Lazar claimed to have been part of a team reverse engineering a 52 feet wide saucer-shaped craft that he quickly realized was not built by humans. The craft could sit three small sized (3 feet tall) crew members and generated its own gravitational field, enabling the craft to reach fantastic speeds.

• Lazar’s report was supported by well-connected investigators, including John Lear, son of the Learjet inventor and a veteran CIA operative who testified that he was also exposed to covert research into “alien” technologies. Area 51 aeronautics engineer Edgar Fouché reported the development of the secret Tr3-B triangular mercury plasma fueled spacecraft.

• In 1997, former Pentagon intelligence officer and White House staffer Colonel Philip Corso’s bestselling book, The Day After Roswell, lifted the veil on much of the clandestine research pursued since 1947 by various branches of the federal government and compartmentally outsourced to defense contractors such as Lockheed, Boeing, McDonnell Douglas, Martin Marietta, Northrop, Grumman, Raytheon, General Dynamics and others. Corso alleged that major technical breakthroughs such as microtransistors, superconductors, fibre optics, Kevlar and night vision goggles had been developed through reverse engineering of alien materials, although the results of those advanced investigations remained largely undisclosed.

• Dr Robert Wood from McDonnell Douglas, Corey Goode, William Tompkins also formerly at McDonnell Douglas, and the more controversial Dan Burisch, are among the alleged “insiders” who have blown the whistle on various “black” programs. Their accounts have been extensively reported and analyzed by veteran researchers such as Linda Moulton Howe as part of her Earthfiles series, Paola Harris, Dr Steven Greer (in his widely publicized Disclosure Project) and Dr Michael Salla, co-founder of the Exopolitics Institute.

• In 2007, Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, who then chaired the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, with the support of fellow Senators, Inouye and Stevens, set up the $22 million/ five-year ‘Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program’ to conduct research on UFOs and the collected evidence of the extraterrestrial presence. The program commissioned 38 classified papers from a number of universities and research centers and a 490-page report which are still unissued publicly. The DIA did release a list of titles to the 38 government-funded research reports, and Corey Goode released two of these exotic propulsion studies.

• In June 2017, a 47-page top secret MJ-12 briefing document was leaked and analyzed by various experts. It contains detailed descriptions of alien craft and their recovery, transcripts of communications with alien beings and spells out the measures taken by concerned agencies to keep the entire subject secret, even to the highest elected authorities.

• A private initiative called ‘To the Stars Academy’ has been set up with the participation of some of the former staffers of AATIP, including its former director Luis Elizondo. TTSA is working with retired military and civilian officials to further disclose the extensive and long-standing secret military R&D pursued between government agencies and private contractors involved in what is commonly called the Deep State. Its executive director Tom DeLonge has produced a new documentary series for the History Channel relying on military insider testimonies and entitled Unidentified.

• Cynics who alleged that all this is speculative mumbo-jumbo amounting to a waste of public money did not consider that the disclosure from AATIP seems to be what the CIA calls a “limited hangout”: i.e. a superficial glimpse of a much larger secret cloaked in “plausible deniability”.


Many investigators and whistleblowers in the United States have, over the last 40 years, called attention upon unacknowledged scientific and technical programmes being carried out in various publicly and privately funded laboratories and research centres, affiliated to military and intelligence agencies, in “exotic” areas that are officially not regarded as deserving of serious attention in civilian institutions such as universities. The existence of such programmes, now being proven, would demonstrate the existence of a two-tier scientific culture in the US at least, if not in the rest of the world, of which the upper tier would be a domain for clandestine R&D, unsupervised by, and unknown to, democratically elected authorities. If only for this reason, finding out the truth about the situation is of great value to society.

What do we know about the long suspected “special access” programmes hiding within the American military-industrial-intelligence complex and what is backed by material evidence?

Among the first whistleblowers, who emerged in the 1980s (1989 in his case), Bob Lazar is noteworthy because of the extensive information he provided in videotaped talks about research he had carried out in Area S-4 close to the since notorious Area 51 in the Nevada desert’s atomic testing range, around the dry Groom lake riverbed.

Lazar claimed to have being recruited by the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), through defence contractor EG&G, to work as part of a team on a highly classified project which involved examining and reverse engineering a 52 feet wide saucer-shaped craft that he quickly realised was not built by humans. He further explained that it was made of some unknown ceramic-like material, could sit three small sized (3 feet tall) crew members and was powered by a hitherto undiscovered super-heavy element, eventually identified as number 115 on the periodic table, which generated its own gravitational field and enabled the craft to reach fantastic speeds. Lazar further explained that the retrieved space vehicle was being test flown in Area 51/S-4 although neither its materials nor its propulsion systems could be figured out or reproduced. However, he warned that the US military had somehow gotten hold of a substantial quantity of Element 115, stored at Los Alamos and intended for weaponisation. His report was supported by well connected investigators, including John Lear, son of the Learjet inventor and a veteran CIA operative who testified that he was also exposed to covert research into “alien” technologies.

Lazar’s testimony (retraced and updated in a recent documentary by Jeremy Corbell entitled Bob Lazar, Area 51 and Flying Saucers) was one of many that were more or less publicised in the following decades despite stubborn denials from official quarters. In 1997, former Pentagon intelligence officer (foreign technology desk) and White House staffer Colonel Philip Corso’s bestselling book, The Day After Roswell, purported to lift the veil on much of the clandestine research pursued since 1947 by various branches of the federal government and compartmentally outsourced to defence contractors such as Lockheed, Boeing, McDonnell Douglas, Martin Marietta, Northrop, Grumman, Raytheon, General Dynamics and others. However, the results of those advanced investigations remained largely undisclosed, although Corso alleged that major technical breakthroughs such as microtransistors, superconductors, fibre optics, Kevlar and night vision goggles had been developed through reverse engineering of alien materials. Since then aeronautics engineer Edgar Fouché, who reports having worked for the Aurora Project at Area 51 which built the secret Tr3-B triangular mercury plasma fuelled spacecraft, Dr Robert Wood from McDonnell Douglas, Corey Goode, William Tompkins also formerly at McDonnell Douglas, and the more controversial Dan Burisch, are among the alleged “insiders” who have blown the whistle on various “black” programmes. Some like Goode claim to have served on an SSF (Secret Space Fleet), a branch of the US Navy which began operating in the 1960s or 1970s under the Solar Warden code name. Their accounts have been extensively reported and analysed by veteran researchers such as Linda Moulton Howe as part of her Earthfiles series, Paola Harris, Dr Steven Greer (in his widely publicized Disclosure Project) and Dr Michael Salla, co-founder of the Exopolitics Institute.



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Why Are UFOs Making It Into the Mainstream Media?

by Laura Valkovic                       August 5, 2018                       (libertynation.com)

• The long-dismissed idea of covert government research into UFOs was given a new level of public credibility in 2017 with the NY Times article exposing the pentagon UFO program, and the “tic tac” UFO video(s). Is the U.S. government finally starting to give the public the disclosure that many have hoped for, or is this actually an attempt by the Deptartment of Defense to prime us for the imminent expansion of war beyond the confines of our planetary surface? Or could it be both?

• For the believers and advocates who have long been relegated to society’s fringes, we may finally be getting what we wanted. UFO’s were covered by numerous mainstream media outlets including The NY Times, Politico, CNN, Washington Post, and Vanity Fair. Fox News host Tucker Carlson (above image) declared, “UFOs have captivated the public interest for decades but they’ve always been dismissed, including by me, as the province of wackos. But that is changing.” Robert Bigelow, head of Bigelow Aerospace, has publicly admitted that he believes aliens visit Earth. Career Exopolitics researcher Paola Harris (and Exopolitics Institute faculty member) wryly told an audience in Manchester, the (NY Times) article had finally convinced her children that she wasn’t crazy after all.

• Soon after President Trump took office he began discussing missions to the Moon and Mars. In June 2018, he told reporters that he wanted to attain “American dominance in space” and directed the Department of Defense to establish a Space Force as the sixth branch of the U.S. Military. A leaked DoD draft report states: “DoD will usher in a new age of space technology and field new systems in order to deter, and if necessary degrade, deny, disrupt, destroy and manipulate adversary capabilities to protect U.S. interests, assets, and way of life… This new age will unlock growth in the U.S. industrial base, expand the commercial space economy and strengthen partnerships with our allies.”

• In April, U.S. Representative Ami Bera (D-CA) called for a congressional hearing on the UFO matter saying, “I think it’s fascinating, you know, we don’t know what these phenomenon are. Obviously, it was important enough to allocate some funds. We ought to talk about what we can talk about openly.”

[Editor’s Note]  Drip. Drip. Drip.


The matter of UFOs has often been associated with tinfoil hat wearing fanatics looking for little gray men, but the people who have long been relegated to society’s fringes may finally be getting what they always wanted.

U.S. Representative Ami Bera (D-CA)

In December 2017, the long-dismissed idea of covert government research into UFOs was given a new level of public credibility by a most unlikely source: The New York Times. In a piece called “Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious U.F.O. Program,” NYT reporters revealed the existence of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), a black budget Pentagon program that was investigating reports of unidentified flying objects in conjunction with private company Bigelow Aerospace.


The Department of Defense (DoD) program began in 2007 with the backing of former Senator Harry Reid (D-NV). While a lack of funding reportedly ended the Department of Defense program in 2012, the program’s former head, Luis Elizondo, believes that it has continued.

Paola Harris

The story made a splash in the papers, with coverage by the big players including Politico, Fox News, CNN, Washington Post, Vanity Fair etc. What The New York Times story did, which countless ufologists never managed, was to bring the (or at least one) government UFO program to the serious attention of the public, and the mainstream media now deemed it acceptable to mention the term “UFO” without irony. As career Exopolitics researcher Paola Harris wryly told an audience in Manchester, the article had finally convinced her children that she wasn’t crazy after all.

Public interest has also been fuelled by a video of an encounter between a Navy F/A-18 Super Hornet and a mysterious craft. Released by the DoD at the same time as the AATIP acknowledgment, the video depicts an unidentified flying object in the most literal sense – whether it is extraterrestrial in origin is not a foregone conclusion and many alternative scenarios are possible. Nevertheless, the possibility of alien craft presented in the footage has sparked an interest in the mainstream media that is

Robert Bigelow

unprecedented. Fox News host Tucker Carlson declared, “UFOs have captivated the public interest for decades but they’ve always been dismissed, including by me, as the province of wackos, but that is changing,” in a segment where he broadcast the Navy footage and interviewed Elizondo.

It’s not just the press that has finally expressed an interest in UFOs; U.S. politicians are getting in on the action too. Representative Ami Bera (D-CA) called for a congressional hearing on the matter at a Politico Space panel in April, saying “I think it’s fascinating, you know, we don’t know what these phenomenon are. Obviously, it was important enough to allocate some funds. We ought to talk about what we can talk about openly.”

5:24 minute video with Tucker Carlson eating crow for branding UFO believers as ‘wackos’



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Disclosure Perspectives

Disclosure Perspectives:
Yes, I think that the main impetus for a good universal Disclosure is from the People for the People. But including ALL of us (even authorities as much as possible) and not only the awakened “choir.”
Full Disclosure and a healthy, long-term incorporation of its implications into society require a majority of consciousnesses expanded to a point beyond of only reluctantly tolerating its associated multidimensional, otherworldly interactions. As of today, still most people don’t care, don’t value it enough to get serious about it, and don’t want to get personally involved working on it. They are afraid, take it as entertainment, dismiss it, roll their eyes blank, don’t like it or, quite simply, are uninterested. As if they had been resistantly inoculated against it.
The whole awakening process of humanity pivots around how our individual and collective consciousnesses can awaken and be able to embrace more of reality.
But what can we do to stimulate this massive awakening?
What can we creatively do beyond what we (the civilian disclosure community) have been doing for 70+ years?
Blaming the powers that be is old fashion logic. Those powers are where they are because of what their consciousnesses can embrace and because the collective average is where it is.
Some propose not “doing” but simply Being more conscious and a trickle-down effect eventually becoming a 100th Monkey Effect will ensue through a quantum holographic, information field connection.
Others expect a planetary, vibrational shift affecting our DNA and energy patterns and forcing us all to make a soul decision whether to “ascend” and move onto the next level or to remain in this level (I’m not particularly inclined to leave the Earth as it is in its current dense physical beauty without collectively solving our problems first).
Others propose political activism and sharing more irrefutable facts with citizens. Some think that, for the most, only official Government disclosure will be taken seriously ad shake the reluctant, sleeping majority from its slumber. Still others propose linking our consciousness in a mental community with a coherent purpose and group meditations-visualizations to shift our reality.
Perhaps “all of the above” would be best? But is it enough? How much time do we have before the Earth ecosystems suffer excessive damage or our window of opportunity to make it as a unified, responsible, world civilization is over? All of the separate efforts might not be enough if we keep subdividing ourselves into separate camps just as the rest of the world (who is not particularly interested in disclosure) does.
We live in times of opportunity for successfully passing the “disclosure test” if the gradual, semi-official disclosure associated with the “To the Stars Academy” efforts continue and prosper. Let us think how we can work together as one civilization promoting further disclosure while remaining vigilant of not being (as many fear) duped or manipulated into just another MIC (military industrial complex) agenda. The knowledge of “experiencers” and the multiple wisdom of our multiple perspectives must come together to offer guidance if need be.
Several citizen-initiated, private efforts like the “Disclosure Project” with a wonderful collection of testimonies and the 2013 “Citizen Hearing on Disclosure” have brought some interest and awareness. 
But perhaps most people need unambiguous declarations connected with big, formal institutions like the DOD, DIA, The New York Times, CNN, FOX.
Or perhaps ETs themselves allowing themselves to be seen and interacting with more persons in a verifiable way will also contribute to disclosure. This may appease the fear people have of extraterrestrials. 

“Alien encounter Mount Shasta – Paola Harris 2017”

Sketch of Antarel & Ivika from Apu

Trump or Sanders? Vote Space Brothers

In this outstanding video, Journalist Paola Harris presents a geopolitical view of the Space Brother movement during the 1950s and 1960s, reviewing cases involving Galactic Diplomacy between humans and ETs, which occurred in the U.S., Italy and Latin America. She discusses predictions about the evolution of human consciousness made by the space visitors.

Paola details mass ET contacts led by contactees, George Van Tassel and Howard Menger in 1954, with a focus on the visit of Commander Val Thor, the “Stranger in the Pentagon”, along with encounters in Peru with a being called Van Giu. Recent important UFO cases from Latin America are updated.

Paola Leopizzi Harris is an Italian-American photojournalist and investigative reporter in the field of extraterrestrial-related phenomena. She is also a widely published free-lance writer, especially in Europe. She has studied ET-related phenomena since 1979, and knows many of the leading researchers in the field. From 1980-1986, she assisted Dr. J. Allen Hynek with his UFO investigations. She has interviewed many top military witnesses concerning their involvement in the government truth embargo.

http://starworksusa.com/ and http://www.paolaharris.com/

This presentation is sponsored by the Institute For Exoconsciousness founded by Dr Rebecca Hardcastle

The Mission of the Institute for Exoconsciousness is to research and apply the abilities of our human consciousness, sourced in extraterrestrial contact. Exoconsciousness promotes social progress through the affirmation of healthy, mature extraterrestrial contact.

Interview with Dr. Edgar Mitchell in Roswell – Quantum Cosmology

mitchell collageBy  Paola Leopizzi Harris

Ironically, this interview with Dr. Edgar Mitchell was done in Roswell, New Mexico. Dr. Mitchell is a personal friend, one of those wise men with unconventional wisdom because he surpasses the confining boundaries of scientific research when he discusses “Quantum Cosmology!” He is honest and wants the planet to progress on its evolutionary path and he does include that “paranormal phenomena” that Allen Hynek once told me not to overlook.

Interview with Dr. Edgar Mitchell Apollo 14

Roswell July 5, 2004

“I think I’ve reached the point that I‘m convinced enough of the reality of the ET presence and I’m not going to deny it and shy away from it… It is time to open this up to the public.” 

Astronaut Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14

Paola: It is a pleasure to see you here in Roswell. I think that you said that you grew up in this area. I think you said that you lived here when you were about 3 to 13 years old?

Mitchell: I lived here from when I was five until I went off to College. We had a family business in the valley. It was between Roswell and Artesia.

Paola: Friends talked you into coming to speak here at the UFO museum?

Mitchell: I resisted for a long time.

Paola: Did you resist because it was connected with the UFO phenomenon?

Mitchell: No. I think I’ve reached the point that I‘m convinced enough of the reality of the ET presence and I’m not going to deny it and shy away from it. I don’t get into it in detail. That is not my area.

Paola: I know that your area is more the metaphysical.

Mitchell: Well, I think it is an interaction there. Particularly since there does seem to be a non-local communication or mental tie here with some of these functions, whether they are real or not, I don’t know.

Paola: Can I ask you, why is it they pick you of all the astronauts? In the media you have been selected as one who represents the astronauts’ testimony as to this UFO reality, although you mentioned you never saw one in space. Gordon Cooper talks a lot more about it in his book Leap of Faith. So why you? Is it by talking about the metaphysical they have attached you to the weirdness factor? 

Mitchell: I think it was the personal connection, since I had personal contacts in this area. I think it is my credibility as a scientist. I am very, very incredulous about what I see. I can’t throw caveats in. I don’t make blanket statements. Although my experience is not first hand experience, I have become a spokesman for my colleagues who did have first hand experience. I am very clear about all of these things and I am very clear about where our lack of knowledge is. What is the frontier? What are the unknowns? What are the parameters that we don’t understand? I think this gives me a lot of credibility.

Paola: What advice would you give those serious researchers that want an answer and, let’s say, dream of harmony with cosmic cultures? What advice would you give them?

Mitchell: We are dealing with a difficult process here. The main problem is that we, as an Earth civilization, have not come to understand ourselves; see ourselves in a cosmic sense at all. We are still very provincial. We fight over religion. In my opinion, fundamentalist Christians are just as bad as fundamentalist Islam and, at the very core, neither religion is like that. In the inner core of both of them, these religions talk about qualities like Love and Brotherhood.

Paola: You are saying that there are more similarities than differences? 

Mitchell: Of course. It’s the cultural differences. It is not an intrinsic difference. It is like I said in my talk last night: “the transcendent experience is common to every culture in the world” and the transcendent experience is Brotherly Love, Nature, Harmony, the Unity, and cultures, in trying to define it, try to define an external deity as opposed to the process.

Paola: It is easier that way because you don’t have any responsibility. I guess a proverb could be: You can blame it on the devil or God. It is a lack of taking responsibility for who we are.

Mitchell: Well, that’s right, and our ignorance, and it is based on the egos we have. It is the unwillingness to go beyond ego. Transcendence gets you beyond ego. If you go beyond ego, you see all of this in a more decent perspective and you can start to put all pieces together. We haven’t done that yet. Not as a civilization. 

Paola: That is why you think that contact is not likely until we get there. Right? Humanity as a species is not there. You mentioned in your talk yesterday, if they ask where you are from, you don’t say from Earth, you say from LA.

Mitchell: Yes. That’s true 

Paola: So do you think there has to be a one world, kind of, political situation? 

Mitchell: Of course that is what has to happen.

Paola: People have some commonality. Right?

Mitchell: In due course, that’s what has got to happen. If we survive that long. We might wipe ourselves out before that. I don’t think it is a forgone conclusion that we are going to survive. That is where the philosophic, the whole notion of determinism and what the future is like, applies. We are creating the future. It is not determined. If we get our act together and solve our current problems, we could have a sustainable, abundant future. If we don’t, we could wipe ourselves out. We are on the verge of doing it with our current politics. It is regressive; going back the other way. 

Paola Harris and Ed Mitchell
Paola Harris and Ed Mitchell


Paola: I need to ask you a personal question. Would you have liked to have contact with a cosmic culture?

Mitchell: Yes. Of course!

Paola: This is very ironic because you are the chief astronaut spokesman for the ET presence and have never had contact. [That is] like me, who has been in this work for over 30 years now and has never seen a UFO. 

Mitchell: Yes. I would. I would like to speak from first-hand experience instead of second-hand experience.

Paola: Has it been lonely for you to have this vision and not many people to share it with, because the vision you have is kind of a “completion” vision; a kind of overall picture vision, and it is true that you are spending three quarters of your time trying to explain it to people.

Mitchell: I would not put it in those terms because I spend ninety per cent of my time trying to explain it to myself!

Paola: But you know that is truth for you. You are outspoken about that.

Mitchell: Well, I‘d like to discover Truth; when I can latch on to something that I think is true. Our knowledge base is incomplete and all we do is keep adding to our knowledge base. I think it laughable, frankly, that the Physics community comes up with a theory for everything. There isn’t one theory for everything. There is not one explanation. We may eventually have several theories that can tie things together nicely but there is not a single theory of everything. 

Paola: Like the Big Bang being the main theory of creation – and what about Super String theory and others…?

Mitchell: Well, the Big Bang has gone away but as far as Super String that is suspicious for me. It all starts out with the notion of Big Bang, which starts out, if it were true, starts out with incredibly high temperatures. So they think [we] need to get these high temperatures for this broken symmetry; all this broken symmetry reunited, and we do not have enough energy in the whole galaxy to get to those temperatures, to prove their point. To me, that is the single flaw in Super String theory. Now there are a lot of good points but if it could hold together any better than the Big Bang theory I don’t know. I’m not a physicist.

Paola: You are not going in that direction. You are more into the awareness and what you can accomplish as a human. Is that right? 

Mitchell: Yes. And I also think we are moving into a direction of quantum cosmology, as opposed to starting with “big bang” and trying to make quantum physics fit into it.

Paola: Quantum Cosmology. That’s a new term.

Mitchell: That originates from Quantum processes. That is, the quantum fluctuations within a zero-point field can start the process that builds the process, which builds into matter, an irreversible process. We have some evidence that suggests that. We don’t have a Big Bang but we have a lot of little pops! A continuous set of little pops!

Paola: That is a good metaphor. In your talk, one of the things you talked about is that the “intent” creates action. The intent creates our reality, which makes us who we are. If that is true, then that makes us powerful on a planet that has always been undermined by great powers trying to put down the masses. So, is the idea that “intent” creates, and we can create realities, and we can also create events?

Mitchell: We are creating. I don’t create yours and you don’t create mine but we each create “ours!”

Paola: In the past we have always given up our power to the power structures, so would you agree that it is very likely unpopular to the individual people and that it is hard for them to believe they have power?

Mitchell: You have to tie it with transcendence because, when you transcend the transcendent states, you get past the ego structure, and at that point you don’t need laws, you have “morality!” You have inborn, natural ethics because it is built on Love.

Paola: That seems to be the secret word.

Mitchell: Yes. That is why the ancient traditions, even Christianity, say God is Love. There is symmetry here. The fundamental step where you get into this transcendent state is this feeling of ebullience, love and caring and unity.

Paola: And you do not need laws.

Mitchell: That is the law! You learn to live in that. It is hard to live in that too when you are in this world, that is why the great mystics go to the mountains tops; to get away from the world, so they don’t have to deal with it – but it doesn’t help the world that much.”

I do admit that to effect change you need to submit to the “slings and arrows of outrageous fortune” and, especially for a woman researcher, it becomes a severe credibility issue. We all get discouraged at times but to have a conversation like this with Dr. Mitchell was a once-in-a-lifetime event. The metaphysical methodology he speaks about is the very “key” to unlocking the phenomena. This wisdom is that of many centuries of study.

An Encounter with Antarel at Mt Shasta

By Paola Harris
September 29, 2014

As in the movie CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND, I was invited.

This 1977 film began my life as a researcher because I went to find the father of Ufology, Astronomer Dr. J Allen Hynek, and I worked with him for 6 years until he died. So it is logical that the film invitation would be followed by a invitation to experience actual contact 34 years later on September 21st, 2014.


This past year, I was researching Contact from the Stars and Spacebrother / Human-type alien interactions when I encountered Ricardo González from Peru. I interviewed him for my Italian magazine X-TIMES.

His Extraterrestrial contact is the three meter tall, muscular Spaceman named ANTAREL from the Alpha Centauri system.

Ricardo is perhaps one the most prepared, brilliant researchers in the world. He is impressive with his commitment to world peace and his search for truth and his many travels around the world. He is a Peruvian who lives in Argentina with his companion SOL SANFELICE , who has the singing voice of an Angel.

Ricardo has a group of 7 confidants, including SOL SANFELICE, his companion. Corinna Muzi was my Spanish interpreter as she speaks Italian, my first language. She was another of the 7 confidants —  friends who travel with Ricardo and with whom he has recently returned from ALTAI in Russia. They all were very aware of the precarious, geopolitical situation that interests, not only us, but the star people. In three days on Mount Shasta, we surrounded the planet with light, chanting OM and meditating and praying for peace.

Ricardo and Sol, Mt. Shasta, September, 2014

In August of this year, Ricardo wrote me that he was holding his annual Mount Shasta meditation seminar and that Antarel asked I be present. I have always wanted to go to Mount Shasta, and for three days that I was there with 165 Spanish speaking participants. It was an emotional experience.

We were sleeping in tents under the stars, fasting — with little food — to raise the vibration, and meditating on WORLD PEACE most of each day. It was here that I experienced a life changing moment. I was quite content to be part of this wonderful group of Hispanic light workers, knowing that Extraterrestrial craft was flying over our heads — at times captured by Ricardo’s night vision equipment. At 20:00 hours, two UFOs flew parallel over our heads as predicted [see video above].  It was an omen of things to come.

Around 22.30 PM, the night of the Autumn Equinox, Ricardo asked us to do a most unusual exercise. We were to chant OM in the Sand Flats under the stars, not using any flashlights, with no full moon in total darkness. We were then to disperse and walk in a limited area for one half hour. In that time we were to select a small rock to place on the peace flag which was created out of stones in the main camp site. Then we were to return to our chairs.

The WoodsI noticed my interpreter, Corinna, was missing. It was that moment that Ricardo rushed over to me and said “Antarel is here. My people are with him, do you want this contact? Can you handle it? Can you come to the Forest Area with me?”

It was a terrifying, split second decision that would change my reality forever. My heart was beating very fast.

Antarel had invited 2 more ladies and all three of us held hands, walking toward a corner of the dark forest on Mt Shasta. Ricardo shouted back to his Group to continue meditating with a friend, who he put in charge. It was quite unexpected for him as well. I was on the right side of the group and as long as I my right hand was in the hand of the other woman, I felt safe. From far away, I saw a light mist rise from the ground, on the left side of a spruce tree. Ricardo explained to me that a porthole had opened called a Zendra.

Mt Shasta ET contact

I then saw Corinna and, next to her, Sol Sanfelice, whose arms were stretched out. She was standing still, looking at at a three meter giant in the woods. Sol was inching her way towards him because that was the first time she had seen him in the physical form. She told me later she wanted to embrace him. I was asked to drop the hand of the woman on the right. As I stood in the darkness, that was perhaps the most terrifying moment of all, that feeling of being alone. I could hear Ricardo chanting in the background, as he was not to be part of this encounter.

It was an invitation of CLOSE ENCOUNTERS and a moment in time that transformed a human like me to awareness that the forest, the people, the stars, Antarel and the group were ONE!


Antarel spoke in a language I could not understand. It was an echoing voice, much like a radio transmission. I tried so hard to hear his words that were coming from high on the trees to the right of me. Two words were very very clear “THANK YOU”! They echoed in perfect English. They were perfect and clear and came in an Echo.

We all felt him, some saw him…and he spoke to me. It was Contact. “Thank you” was for all of us. It was what this phenomena is all about. There is no separation.

As terrifying as the darkness, the forest and the situation was, it is that moment which changes everything. I remember when I first met Colonel Corso in Roswell, New Mexico in 1997. He told me that he had contact with an Alien being in Red Canyon and that the ET being asked the colonel to come aboard the ship. The Colonel asked him “What do you have to offer me?” The Extraterrestrial being answered “A NEW WORLD, IF YOU CAN HANDLE IT.”

Seventeen years later, Ricardo González asks Paola Harris,“Can you handle this contact tonight?” It comes full circle in the human experience of my research.

The answer is “YES!” Yes to contact and yes to the Paradigm Shift.

Grazias, Ricardo and your friends.

Thank You to Antarel.

I recently found out that there was a psychic transmission, on September 16th, of this event, which one of Ricardo’s friends drew on paper. There are 3 drawings depicting this very event with my name, marked “Harris,” standing next to that spruce tree in the exact spot I was standing on September 21st. It was all pre-programmed. All I needed to do was
to say “Yes!”


Growing ET Awareness to Awaken Religious & Cultural Leaders

Theological Implications Regarding the Impending Discovery of Extraterrestrial Humanities

By Giorgio Piacenza

(This is an updated version of an article previously published in 2012)

The term “Catholic” means “universal” but is the official Roman Apostolic Catholic Church doctrine truly universal in relation to what we are gradually discovering about the Cosmos? If we consider that at least some of the most important elements of Roman Catholic doctrine and (and of other religions) are ESSENTIALLY and principially universal, there will be room for an interpretive development suitable to the current growing awareness that we are being “visited.”

What is happening right now? Perhaps the unofficial (yet-semi-official because of being high-level in the hierarchy and not being formally suppressed) declarations of Mons. Corrado Balducci and Fr. Gabriel Funes S.J. (director of the Vatican Observatory) are the first intended and un-intended stage of promoting a revolutionary conceptual move in the direction of a truly more “universal” (catholic) and cosmically appropriate kind of interpretation. This entails not just making faith more agreeable with modern science but  also developing or extending/amplifying more adequate theological interpretations that attend to the increasing factual evidence connecting Earth humans with the extraterrestrial presence. The growing awareness is happening now and the role of “God” (also understood not just as “creator” but as “sustainer of being” in some alleged and real ET contact experiences) should increasingly become a matter of discussion and study.

I bet that in trying to find fresh explanations matching settled theologies with current ET-related surprising facts theoretical leaders of many religions will come to recognize how much they share in common. A transdisciplinary-theological, trans-religious approach (if that is a correct term) based in deeply shared commonalities may be born. It is not just that the nations of the world will set aside their differences in case of an “alien threat” as president Reagan once suggested at the UN, the news will be that religious and fundamental metaphysical commonalities should also be gradually realized. Many of the faithful will come to realize that ETs can be welcome in the classical versions of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism. While some ETs may be kind and respectful to us and not all ETs may be benevolent or ideal in our terms, we’ll still be brethren in the Cosmos.

The ET presence will inspire the finding of inter-faith ecumenical connections and -perhaps- more sophisticated concepts about God’s nature and notions such as “PANENTHEISM” will form a basis to supersede excessive, strict, intolerant “us vs. them” or “this vs. that” more superficial doctrinal disagreements. Furthermore, these enhanced interpretations should inspire many of the faithful to update their cultural perspectives. A well-guided religion can assist many persons to evolve their understandings in a healthy, positive way. In relation to Christianity, how are we to understand the redemptive role of Jesus when the extraterrestrial presence becomes widely known?

Is “original sin” and Jesus redemptive intervention on Earth applicable to extraterrestrial beings in the Cosmos? This is a crucial issue here. This was mentioned and discussed in the Vatican sponsored conference (in Vatican grounds) regarding the plausibility of extraterrestrial life in the universe in 2009. However, we should probably not assume that there’s ample awareness about intelligent ET life visiting Earth at the Vatican. As in most cases within large, conventional social institutions, most people either avoid the subject not to imperil their credibility or lack sufficient information about it.

I believe that, after periods of being on the wrong side of the rational debate by rejecting scientific advancements which routinely and quantitatively displace Earth’s Man as the center of all creation, the Vatican curia’s attitude is now becoming quite auspiciously agreeable with the findings and extrapolations of biological-cosmological-material-astrobiological science. This is becoming obvious in articles like those of investigative journalists Paola Harris and Marc Kauffman in which public opinion-relevant, researcher-priests (like Fr. Funes and Mons. Balducci) were consistently allowed the freedom to declare that God may have created intelligent extraterrestrial beings. While both Funes and Balducci suggested that extraterrestrials would be like cosmic brothers to us, the latter was allowed to speculate (beyond a scientifically safe orthodox view) that extraterrestrials may have already visited Earth. There is a time when excessive doubt against so much human testimony about an ET presence is not prudent or wise, he basically said.

Whether most conventional academic scientists look at the best objective evidence today or do it later on, the fact that serious persons are reporting ET encounters and even some air forces in the world are not excluding seriously considering the possibility that some UFOs can be of extraterrestrial origin (besides serious whistle blower testimony, photographs, analyzed photos, videos, archaeological signs, scientifically analyzed, alleged ET implants  and more) should be taken into consideration by objective, open-minded, critical thinking individuals able to think and to express themselves with freedom. On the aggregate, the more serious types of evidence overcome often criticized, flimsier types of evidence also provided in less rigorous form by individuals with less critical thinking skills. One piece of evidence being genuine would be enough to warrant a serious, responsible interest. Not wanting to see this evidence as a whole is a serious and sad oversight which – nonetheless – can and should be remedied for the good of humanity.

Personal dislike for the ET presence theme or for it not conforming to established theory, regular methods and procedures and known facts (as implicit grounds for not looking into this) already smells incredibly out of touch and in itself less credible. Evidence (however unique) and experience (however different from stable reality patterns) should dictate the scientific course to follow.

In my view, the Funes and Balducci declarations are part of a tardy but, nonetheless, healthy move towards the really valid idea of complementing faith with reason, even if it was in principle done in order to remain culturally relevant in the modern world. However, I think that complementing faith with classical “and intuitively-obvious” physical science is simpler than what may be in store for upcoming theologians. All cultural leaders will have to stop sustaining extremely conservative stances as per the ever-more-evident extraterrestrial presence not necessarily manifesting in a classical material ‘realistic’ or classical- intuitive way. The space-time altering phenomenon seems to interact more with subjectivity, meaning and qualitative factors than classical phenomena.

Issues for an Upcoming Theology After rather simple generalizations about possible intelligent extraterrestrial biological existing only in our physical universe are superseded by a realization of the multilevel-multidimensional diversity of actual contacts with extraterrestrials already ocurring semi-discretely, a conceptual challenge will arise. I think this will occur when science and gradual ET disclosures advance to the point of exposing extraterrestrial diversity and complexity in relation to the dependence of multiple physical realms on non-physical realms. This sophistication about the multi dimensionality of creation will call for a more sophisticated theology.

According to some believable contactee friends, this gradual reconnection with -a long forgotten- ET life will increase after December 21st, 2012 which will mark a “point of no return” towards ending our relative and conceptual isolation from the rest of the intelligent Cosmos. What may ensue is an awareness of additional theological implications in relation to how different extraterrestrial beings may have been affected by a more universal type of Fall into sin (defined as an interpretive mistake or deviation from an adequate relation with God through the Logos).

The “Fall” would also have included non-physical (non-ET) angelical creation-helpers established in a higher, non-physical realm and capable of negatively influencing and-or challenging a variety of physical civilizations some of which may have also “fallen” for it and some of whom may have resisted. Many civilizations may have suffered a form of Fall. Perhaps all of creation was somehow implicated. This is also part of contactee lore. Considering that human witnessing is decisive for faith and for validating human experience in general (as Monsignor Balducci proposed), I would say that in-depth ET contact research also suggests that there is credible witness evidence that some extraterrestrials some some the many mansions in the “Physical Multiverse” may have also been swayed more than others by this Fall originating in beings from yet other higher ontological mansions in a higher ontological non physical realm. Accordingly, different context-dependent ways to reconcile with the Creator (the Profound LOVE of Cosmic Consciousness) by positing different kinds of interventions by the LOGOS, perhaps other incarnations of the Christ-Logos Principle may become necessary as we gradually learn how complex the history of the entire Cosmos may really be and grow out of our cosmic parochialism.

Again, we must collectively find how in relation to extraterrestrials- the partially understood essential truths expressed by today’s religious leaders (of all sincerely-inspired world faiths and denominations) may harmonize much better with each other. To advance the cause of reasonable faith in this global-planetary (and perhaps soon-to-be) new cosmically aware age we need to converge the most plausible truths under a truly spiritual, non-reductionist, integral attitude. In our untapped potentials must be ways to overcome excessively dividing fractional thinking.

Integral metaphysicians like Fritjoff Schuon which profoundly and reasonably explored the mystical (but also simultaneously rational) “PRINCIPIAL” shared core of WORLD RELIGIONS discovering common truths could function as guides for the mind-expanding and sentiment-expanding stages leading to a more mature world civilization to come. We need that. We need more world unity andf to beging perceiving that religions have a deep shared core.

Protestant minister Gary Bates (2009) of Creation Ministries International stated that the entire focus of creation is mankind on this Earth. He may be correct in that the entire focus of creation is mankind but he may be clinging to a false interpretation if we limit mankind or human kind to Earth. He may be rightfully defending his understanding of a pure version of Christianity against excessive flights of fancy and I applaud him for that. However, the expansion of concepts is slowly but surely coming for the good.

Perhaps, if we think about mankind not as quantitatively limited to this Earth, but as defined by an essential quality of consciousness and mode of being capable of personally relating with God in a uniquely profound way, a being created by God’s infinite power in innumerable, beautiful, varied forms and measures in His Cosmos, an intelligent, self-aware being equally capable of saintliness as of paying homage to temptation into sin (or error), we may approach a more useful understanding.

The outer appearance of this essential being “created in His image and likeness” may be similar or vary but the essence -qualifying as human- may not. The role of God personally creating Man in each habitable planet or as a universal template (the Adam Kadmon of Jewish mysticism?) after which particular beings representing God and His template molded particular human-suitable forms will need to be carefully addressed. We may also need to further inquire and discover which created physical beings (of different physical forms and physical “densities”) do not correspond to the category of “Man” but must, nevertheless, be essentially loved and respected as they would still be part of God’s Creation.

Some beings may have instincts and a biology that enslave them more reducing their free will and some may be quite benevolent and protective of our highest potentials but nonetheless more mental and lacking a degree of sentiment necessary to approach the higher creative echelons of reality and God. We will also need to essentially understand those (human or humanoid in appearance or not) who do not respect us because we have been unconscious and a peril to the planet, becoming more aware, not necessarily allowing them to hurt us or to replace us as a species but assisting them with compassion to align themselves with God’s will. It is us who need to awaken first and be an example without co-dependencies on extraterrestrials or traditional xenophobic enmity responses.


Bates, Gary (2009). Did God create life on other planets? Retrieved from http://creation.com/did-god-create-life-on-other-planets Harris, Paola (2008).

The Vatican Officially Proclaims that Extraterrestrial Life most Probably Exists, retrieved from http://exopolitics.blogs.com/exopolitics/2008/07/exopoliticsco-1.html Kauffman, Marc (2009).

The Religious Questions Raised by Aliens retrieved from http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/11/06/AR2009110601899.html

Dr. Leir interview analysis of alleged ET implants http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jijBJEXSmAE

Whistleblower evidence from the Disclosure Project and CSETI http://www.youtube.com/user/csetiweb

Growing ET Awareness to Awaken Religious & Cultural Leaders

Theological Implications Regarding the Impending Discovery of Extraterrestrial Humanities

By Giorgio Piacenza

(This is an updated version of an article previously published in 2012)

The term “Catholic” means “universal” but is the official Roman Apostolic Catholic Church doctrine truly universal in relation to what we are gradually discovering about the Cosmos? If we consider that at least some of the most important elements of Roman Catholic doctrine and (and of other religions) are ESSENTIALLY and principially universal, there will be room for an interpretive development suitable to the current growing awareness that we are being “visited.”

What is happening right now? Perhaps the unofficial (yet-semi-official because of being high-level in the hierarchy and not being formally suppressed) declarations of Mons. Corrado Balducci and Fr. Gabriel Funes S.J. (director of the Vatican Observatory) are the first intended and un-intended stage of promoting a revolutionary conceptual move in the direction of a truly more “universal” (catholic) and cosmically appropriate kind of interpretation. This entails not just making faith more agreeable with modern science but  also developing or extending/amplifying more adequate theological interpretations that attend to the increasing factual evidence connecting Earth humans with the extraterrestrial presence. The growing awareness is happening now and the role of “God” (also understood not just as “creator” but as “sustainer of being” in some alleged and real ET contact experiences) should increasingly become a matter of discussion and study.

I bet that in trying to find fresh explanations matching settled theologies with current ET-related surprising facts theoretical leaders of many religions will come to recognize how much they share in common. A transdisciplinary-theological, trans-religious approach (if that is a correct term) based in deeply shared commonalities may be born. It is not just that the nations of the world will set aside their differences in case of an “alien threat” as president Reagan once suggested at the UN, the news will be that religious and fundamental metaphysical commonalities should also be gradually realized. Many of the faithful will come to realize that ETs can be welcome in the classical versions of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism. While some ETs may be kind and respectful to us and not all ETs may be benevolent or ideal in our terms, we’ll still be brethren in the Cosmos.

The ET presence will inspire the finding of inter-faith ecumenical connections and -perhaps- more sophisticated concepts about God’s nature and notions such as “PANENTHEISM” will form a basis to supersede excessive, strict, intolerant “us vs. them” or “this vs. that” more superficial doctrinal disagreements. Furthermore, these enhanced interpretations should inspire many of the faithful to update their cultural perspectives. A well-guided religion can assist many persons to evolve their understandings in a healthy, positive way. In relation to Christianity, how are we to understand the redemptive role of Jesus when the extraterrestrial presence becomes widely known?

Is “original sin” and Jesus redemptive intervention on Earth applicable to extraterrestrial beings in the Cosmos? This is a crucial issue here. This was mentioned and discussed in the Vatican sponsored conference (in Vatican grounds) regarding the plausibility of extraterrestrial life in the universe in 2009. However, we should probably not assume that there’s ample awareness about intelligent ET life visiting Earth at the Vatican. As in most cases within large, conventional social institutions, most people either avoid the subject not to imperil their credibility or lack sufficient information about it.

I believe that, after periods of being on the wrong side of the rational debate by rejecting scientific advancements which routinely and quantitatively displace Earth’s Man as the center of all creation, the Vatican curia’s attitude is now becoming quite auspiciously agreeable with the findings and extrapolations of biological-cosmological-material-astrobiological science. This is becoming obvious in articles like those of investigative journalists Paola Harris and Marc Kauffman in which public opinion-relevant, researcher-priests (like Fr. Funes and Mons. Balducci) were consistently allowed the freedom to declare that God may have created intelligent extraterrestrial beings. While both Funes and Balducci suggested that extraterrestrials would be like cosmic brothers to us, the latter was allowed to speculate (beyond a scientifically safe orthodox view) that extraterrestrials may have already visited Earth. There is a time when excessive doubt against so much human testimony about an ET presence is not prudent or wise, he basically said.

Whether most conventional academic scientists look at the best objective evidence today or do it later on, the fact that serious persons are reporting ET encounters and even some air forces in the world are not excluding seriously considering the possibility that some UFOs can be of extraterrestrial origin (besides serious whistle blower testimony, photographs, analyzed photos, videos, archaeological signs, scientifically analyzed, alleged ET implants  and more) should be taken into consideration by objective, open-minded, critical thinking individuals able to think and to express themselves with freedom. On the aggregate, the more serious types of evidence overcome often criticized, flimsier types of evidence also provided in less rigorous form by individuals with less critical thinking skills. One piece of evidence being genuine would be enough to warrant a serious, responsible interest. Not wanting to see this evidence as a whole is a serious and sad oversight which – nonetheless – can and should be remedied for the good of humanity.

Personal dislike for the ET presence theme or for it not conforming to established theory, regular methods and procedures and known facts (as implicit grounds for not looking into this) already smells incredibly out of touch and in itself less credible. Evidence (however unique) and experience (however different from stable reality patterns) should dictate the scientific course to follow.

In my view, the Funes and Balducci declarations are part of a tardy but, nonetheless, healthy move towards the really valid idea of complementing faith with reason, even if it was in principle done in order to remain culturally relevant in the modern world. However, I think that complementing faith with classical “and intuitively-obvious” physical science is simpler than what may be in store for upcoming theologians. All cultural leaders will have to stop sustaining extremely conservative stances as per the ever-more-evident extraterrestrial presence not necessarily manifesting in a classical material ‘realistic’ or classical- intuitive way. The space-time altering phenomenon seems to interact more with subjectivity, meaning and qualitative factors than classical phenomena.

Issues for an Upcoming Theology After rather simple generalizations about possible intelligent extraterrestrial biological existing only in our physical universe are superseded by a realization of the multilevel-multidimensional diversity of actual contacts with extraterrestrials already ocurring semi-discretely, a conceptual challenge will arise. I think this will occur when science and gradual ET disclosures advance to the point of exposing extraterrestrial diversity and complexity in relation to the dependence of multiple physical realms on non-physical realms. This sophistication about the multi dimensionality of creation will call for a more sophisticated theology.

According to some believable contactee friends, this gradual reconnection with -a long forgotten- ET life will increase after December 21st, 2012 which will mark a “point of no return” towards ending our relative and conceptual isolation from the rest of the intelligent Cosmos. What may ensue is an awareness of additional theological implications in relation to how different extraterrestrial beings may have been affected by a more universal type of Fall into sin (defined as an interpretive mistake or deviation from an adequate relation with God through the Logos).

The “Fall” would also have included non-physical (non-ET) angelical creation-helpers established in a higher, non-physical realm and capable of negatively influencing and-or challenging a variety of physical civilizations some of which may have also “fallen” for it and some of whom may have resisted. Many civilizations may have suffered a form of Fall. Perhaps all of creation was somehow implicated. This is also part of contactee lore. Considering that human witnessing is decisive for faith and for validating human experience in general (as Monsignor Balducci proposed), I would say that in-depth ET contact research also suggests that there is credible witness evidence that some extraterrestrials some some the many mansions in the “Physical Multiverse” may have also been swayed more than others by this Fall originating in beings from yet other higher ontological mansions in a higher ontological non physical realm. Accordingly, different context-dependent ways to reconcile with the Creator (the Profound LOVE of Cosmic Consciousness) by positing different kinds of interventions by the LOGOS, perhaps other incarnations of the Christ-Logos Principle may become necessary as we gradually learn how complex the history of the entire Cosmos may really be and grow out of our cosmic parochialism.

Again, we must collectively find how in relation to extraterrestrials- the partially understood essential truths expressed by today’s religious leaders (of all sincerely-inspired world faiths and denominations) may harmonize much better with each other. To advance the cause of reasonable faith in this global-planetary (and perhaps soon-to-be) new cosmically aware age we need to converge the most plausible truths under a truly spiritual, non-reductionist, integral attitude. In our untapped potentials must be ways to overcome excessively dividing fractional thinking.

Integral metaphysicians like Fritjoff Schuon which profoundly and reasonably explored the mystical (but also simultaneously rational) “PRINCIPIAL” shared core of WORLD RELIGIONS discovering common truths could function as guides for the mind-expanding and sentiment-expanding stages leading to a more mature world civilization to come. We need that. We need more world unity andf to beging perceiving that religions have a deep shared core.

Protestant minister Gary Bates (2009) of Creation Ministries International stated that the entire focus of creation is mankind on this Earth. He may be correct in that the entire focus of creation is mankind but he may be clinging to a false interpretation if we limit mankind or human kind to Earth. He may be rightfully defending his understanding of a pure version of Christianity against excessive flights of fancy and I applaud him for that. However, the expansion of concepts is slowly but surely coming for the good.

Perhaps, if we think about mankind not as quantitatively limited to this Earth, but as defined by an essential quality of consciousness and mode of being capable of personally relating with God in a uniquely profound way, a being created by God’s infinite power in innumerable, beautiful, varied forms and measures in His Cosmos, an intelligent, self-aware being equally capable of saintliness as of paying homage to temptation into sin (or error), we may approach a more useful understanding.

The outer appearance of this essential being “created in His image and likeness” may be similar or vary but the essence -qualifying as human- may not. The role of God personally creating Man in each habitable planet or as a universal template (the Adam Kadmon of Jewish mysticism?) after which particular beings representing God and His template molded particular human-suitable forms will need to be carefully addressed. We may also need to further inquire and discover which created physical beings (of different physical forms and physical “densities”) do not correspond to the category of “Man” but must, nevertheless, be essentially loved and respected as they would still be part of God’s Creation.

Some beings may have instincts and a biology that enslave them more reducing their free will and some may be quite benevolent and protective of our highest potentials but nonetheless more mental and lacking a degree of sentiment necessary to approach the higher creative echelons of reality and God. We will also need to essentially understand those (human or humanoid in appearance or not) who do not respect us because we have been unconscious and a peril to the planet, becoming more aware, not necessarily allowing them to hurt us or to replace us as a species but assisting them with compassion to align themselves with God’s will. It is us who need to awaken first and be an example without co-dependencies on extraterrestrials or traditional xenophobic enmity responses.


Bates, Gary (2009). Did God create life on other planets? Retrieved from http://creation.com/did-god-create-life-on-other-planets Harris, Paola (2008).

The Vatican Officially Proclaims that Extraterrestrial Life most Probably Exists, retrieved from http://exopolitics.blogs.com/exopolitics/2008/07/exopoliticsco-1.html Kauffman, Marc (2009).

The Religious Questions Raised by Aliens retrieved from http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/11/06/AR2009110601899.html

Dr. Leir interview analysis of alleged ET implants http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jijBJEXSmAE

Whistleblower evidence from the Disclosure Project and CSETI http://www.youtube.com/user/csetiweb

Exopolitics: Stargate to a New Reality – Book Review

Paola Harris has dedicated over three decades to interviewing key witnesses and experts concerning extraterrestrial life, and an international government cover-up. In her newly released book Exopolitics: Stargate to a New Reality, she discusses nine protocols for extraterrestrial contact. The interviews and insights in her book will open the reader up to the grand possibilities confronting humanity as we collectively deal with the visitation of extraterrestrial life – a secret harder to keep due to the pioneering research work of Ms Harris. Her work in documenting whistleblower and experiencer testimonies has made her one of the founders of the new academic discipline of exopolitics which she believes is the key to forging a new international political reality.

I caught up with Ms Harris and asked why her book is important for the general public at this time? She referred to keen interest by a younger generation of researchers, and a number of noteworthy events that occurred in the latter part of 2010 in her reply:

This book is about “passing the baton to the youth.” One essay by Michael Vogt expresses fear at disclosure. Another by Jason Friend welcomes it. Even Travis Walton has mixed feelings about full disclosure. It has updated UFO news, i.e., The Denver Ballot Initiative, The Washington Press Club missile shutdown whistleblower press conference etc.

It’s worth pointing out that Exopolitics: Stargate to a New Reality is the fourth in a series of books documenting whistleblower and experiencer testimonies by Ms Harris. I asked her why whistleblower and experiencer testimonies were so important to document. She replied:

They make the field credible. Most are military and pilots and scientists working on Black Projects (first hand witnesses). They are in Chapter 3″ Tears in rain.” There is also a new unpublished Colonel Corso interview with a medical doctor in Colorado.

I asked her: “What are the most important challenges facing the world given the material in your book?” Ms Harris replied: “Transparency, and national security issues in a world racked with chaos, rebellion and transformational political and economic crises.” As we await revolutionary events to unfold in Egypt and other parts of the Arab world, it’s important to consider that a global event as momentous as an official announcement of extraterrestrial life, will likely take place alongside unpredictable social and political events around the world.

Her book title incorporates the word “exopolitics” which Ms Harris defines as “an academic study of the extraterrestrial presence on Earth and its sociological, as well as political, implications for humanity.” I wanted to know why the field of exopolitics was important for emerging into the new reality she describes in her book? She referred to the work of former Canadian Defense Minister, Paul Hellyer:

The old order is shifting. This change needs to occur for our planetary survival as Paul Hellyer writes in his book: LIGHT at the END of the TUNNEL: a Survival plan for the Human Species. We are undergoing radical political changes and we must have something in place to substitute the old;  A New World View as Dr. John Mack called it. In the field of UFO Contact, it is an opportunity to enter into a cosmic reality, a galactic neighborhood; but only those educated in this field who can be diplomatic in their approach will be admitted. Education is the key.

Ms Harris book has been eagerly awaited by many seeking to learn more about the fascinating whistleblowers and experiencers she has interviewed over her long career. This and her three prior books are groundbreaking historical records of whistleblower and experiencer testimonies that will be studied closely by students and the general public for years to come. As we move closer to that day when the existence of extraterrestrial life is officially disclosed, Ms Harris book(s) will reveal much of the hidden history behind alien visitation and government efforts to suppress this from the public.

Exopolitics: Stargate to a New Reality, by Paola Harris, M.Ed. is available from AuthorHouse

Book Review by Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

Further Information:

Paola Harris Website

Hollywood and the media industry in UFO disclosure

Robbie Williams (center) pictured with Nick Pope (on left) and Paola Harris

Paola Leopizzi Harris
Journalist / Researcher

When asked by CNN’s Larry King on his TV show “Tell us what will happen if Obama wins?” the American entertainer Chis Rock responded, “I’m sure he will check to see if there are UFOs. That is what I would do. Where are the UFOs at?” Chris Rock is an American comedian, actor, screenwriter, television producer, film producer and director. He was voted by Comedy Central as the fifth greatest stand-up comedian of all time. He represents one of a many entertainers who believe in UFOS and  is speaking freely about it this year.

As a researcher of thirty years, I have never seen such interest in the UFO phenomena as I have seen this year on the part of Hollywood and the movie industry as well as rock stars. These people think UFOs are real. It seems that they have “ carried the ball down the court” more effectively in the disclosure movement than any of the veteran researchers have. They get instant media attention. They have more credibility. And like Nina Hagen from Germany, they are able to produce expensive television specials that reach millions of people in an instant. Most UFO documentaries produced up until now were considered “fringe entertainment”, science fiction or second-rate movies.

It was not until last February 2008, when Robbie Williams from the rock group “ Take That” walked into the International UFO congress in Laughlin Nevada, that I became astonished how people reacted to the celebrity presence. Since I am on the Board of Directors of the IUFOC, I welcomed Robbie and asked him why he was there. His answer was that he came to hear the lectures, in particular, the lectures of ex-British Ministry of Defense employee, Nick Pope and the lecture of contactee Ann Andrews.  He was dressed like Fidel Castro in order to avoid being noticed. But instead Robbie stood out in the crowd of 600 participants. He said he was hungry for information. He has since done many interviews, created songs about “aliens” and has received more publicity for the subject than astronomer and Blue Book director J. Allen Hyneck ever did. When I asked Robbie at another conference near San Francisco, California for an interview, he answered that he did not want to do an interview but he liked my book. He said that he preferred to listen to the information given by David Icke and the other speakers present. He wanted to “learn!“ He has a sincere desire to know.

So Robbie Williams believes in Aliens, so does Keanu Reeves. During the BFI 52nd London Film Festival at the Odeon West End on October 21, 2008 in London, England, Reeves said, “I’m sure there is life on other planets. It’s crazy to think extraterrestrials don’t exist. The actor starred in the sci-fi movie The Day The Earth Stood Still, and the filming experience left him wondering about alien beings. Reeves said, “I’ve met people who have seen UFOs but I don’t know anyone who has been abducted. How could there not be life on other planets? The universe is so vast.”

Well, Nina Hagen says she has been abducted in Los Angeles when she was very young. She did not consider it a very positive experience. I was surprised to see her and an entire German film crew outside of Roswell in the Hanger 84, originally known as Hanger p-3 where the alien bodies were stored. They had come to film the people during the Roswell Festival in 2008. She sought the advice of hypnotherapist researcher Yvonne Smith   Her book is called Chosen. Yvonne Smith was lecturing at the famous UFO museum in Roswell. When told that the cameras and lights were not welcome there, singer Nina Hagen simply sat down as Robbie Williams had done and she listened to Yvonne’s entire lecture on “Abductions.”

Robbie Williams, Nina Hagen, Chris Rock and later actress Shirley MacLaine in her book Aging While Saging spoke about UFOs, Colonel Philip Corso’s back-engineering testimony, and most detrimental of all, presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich’s close-up UFO sighting near Shirley’s house in New Mexico. This helped end Kucinich’s political career. In an interview with Matt Lauer co-anchor of NBC News’ Today Show, MacLaine spoke quite honestly about her views on the government cover-up. She received incredible publicity. Most of the cast of this NBC network show later admitted on screen that they believed that UFOs were real. Only Shirley MacLaine can do that.

But they can also sing about UFOs, or at least Exopolitics. The British Rock Group Muse has produced a song called Exopolitics that is getting a great deal of play. For those who still need a working definition of Exopolitics: It is a study dealing with the extraterrestrial presence on Earth and its sociological, as well as political, implications for humanity.

Elvis and John Lennon Knew

Elvis Presley in Concert. Photo: Paola Harris

Author Richard Daniel, on the 30-year death Anniversary of Elvis’ death, wrote, “We pause to take stock in the King’s abiding interest in UFOs. Because even if you’re a hardcore Presleyphile, you probably didn’t know Elvis was born beneath the light of a mysterious celestial object, in an eerie echo of the Star of Bethlehem. In the book” Alien Rock: The Rock ‘n’ Roll Extraterrestrial Connection” by New York author/promoter Michael C. Luckman, he talks about the numerous UFO encounters with Elvis, plus this claim that Elvis made to longtime friend Wanda June Hill: “I am not of this world.”

According to Luckman, quite a few famous musicians have had UFO experiences.

Craggy-faced rocker Mick Jagger is said to have seen two UFOs in the course of his life. One, a cigar-shaped “mothership,” appeared in 1968 while he was camping in Glastonbury with then girlfriend Marianne Faithful

Expert military witness in the Rendlesham Forest case, Larry Warren is a well-known lecturer on the international UFO conference scene and has co-authored a book called Left at East Gate with UFO researcher Peter Robbins. The book covers many of his UFO experiences along with the associated government and military cover-ups. Most famous among them is that of John Lennon. He speaks about Lennon in an article that he wrote about a mutual friend May Pang who was with John Lennon during a sighting in New York. He writes  “In the summer of 1988, I had a conversation with May Pang.  Larry Warren writes” John Lennon saw a UFO at his apartment in New York with his girlfriend May Pang. The object was cone-shaped, but flattened at the top, crowned with a steady red light, and featuring a row of smaller, pulsating white lights. It drew close to the amazed couple in their 17th floor apartment before passing on by. They managed to take some photographs of the object but all came out over-exposed.

Most notably, I saw the gold record presented to John Lennon for his introspective album “Walls and Bridges”, and it was this record that Lennon was recording when he had his amazing UFO sighting. Fourteen years had passed since the event, however, to May Pang, it was as if it had happened yesterday.

May Pang recalls that the apartment was hot that night, but by 8 O’ Clock the night air had cooled off enough for her to have turned off the air conditioning and opened the windows to get a breeze off the river. Just off the apartment’s living room was a part of the building’s roof that also acted as a private observation deck, with a great view of east New York. Access was only granted by climbing out of a window, which Lennon often did. The haze had now cleared over New York’s skyline. At about 8:30 p.m., May decided to take a shower, leaving Lennon alone in the living room reviewing mock-ups of his new record’s cover. What did surprise her was what he was pointing at. Just south of the building now was a brightly lit “classic” circular UFO, floating silently and less than 100 feet away from the couple. As John Lennon would later describe, “I wasn’t surprised to see the UFO really, as it looked just like the spaceships we’ve all seen on the cinema growing up, but then I realized this thing was real and so close, that I could almost touch it!” As they watched, the UFO moved silently away. May told me that the lighting on the thing left them awe-struck, as it would change its configuration with every rotation. The object made no sound. The main structure of the craft could also be clearly seen for the duration of the event, due to the last remnants of the still setting sun. May ran back into the apartment and grabbed a 35mm camera, and once back on the roof both she and John took numerous pictures of the craft. May remembers John’s arms outstretched as he yelled at the UFO to come back and take him away! “He was very serious and I believe he really wanted that thing to take him with it back to wherever it came from, but then that was John Lennon, always looking for the next big adventure”. Soon the object passed the United Nations building and slowly veered left, crossing over the East River, then over Brooklyn and soon the UFO simply blended in with the heavy commercial air traffic in southern Long Island. John Lennon and May Pang, were both shaken by the experience. John Lennon also felt that the craft he saw was part of a much larger fleet stationed just north of New York city, up in the area of the nuclear power plant at Indian Point.

Maybe Steven Spielberg will begin some move towards disclosure in Hollywood. In an Actor’s studio interview in the late nineties when a young girl asked him if he believed in aliens, he responded:“ Yes! I do believe in Aliens.” Spielberg has made many films addressing this issue, both positive and negative. It all started with Close Encounters of The Third Kind. Ironically, he is also quoted as having said :

If  NASA took the time to write me a 20-page letter, then I knew there must be something happening. When they read the [Close Encounters] script, they got very angry and felt that it was a film that would be dangerous.

In the end, we are of Star Trek generation. There are millions of Trekies Internationally, in every country. They see some truth in this series. Maybe because its creator Gene Roddenberry “ built a bridge to tomorrow with the materials of today: curiosity, tolerance openness, intelligence, discipline, daydreams, a willingness to help, technology, love determination and courage. All those things exist within us. He said use them!”

Did you know there an asteroid called 4659 Roddenberry and a crater on Mars that were named in his honor? Our celebrities count a great deal in this world.

So will President Obama step up to the plate as Chris Rock suggested? In the words of Gene Roddenberry:

“ I have a great fear that our human leaders will fail to understand that a world such as Star Trek is possible, that all the glorious things- not that Star Trek represents but the human being represents- will fall on deaf ears. That frightens me. There is always the chance that not enough humans will understand and appreciate themselves enough to make a great change in the human equation.” (From the book: The Last Conversation by Yvonne Fern: University of California Press: Berkley)

“Jeff Peckman, promoter of Initiative 300 to create and Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission in Denver, talked to May Pang at a Denver event about her UFO sighting with John Lennon. She said that many more people were asking about the incident again.”

The activism of the  exopolitical disclosure cluture which includes TV is accelerating. Jeff Peckman’s Denver Initiative 300 to address the Extraterrestrial issue coincides  nicely with the debut of NBC’s “The Event.” Voters will need to reflect and decide!Before them, they have a historical as well as a formidable task.

[Notice: Paola Harris, M.Ed., has just begun teaching a course titled “Hollywood and the Media in the Disclosure Process”. More course info here. Her website is: www.PaolaHarris.com]

When we will we ever learn? The gulf spill and UFOS.

By Paola Harris.

2006 Photo of former Alitalia pilot Max Poggi as he is following his daughter’s plane in Rome, Italy
Captain Max Poggi.

A popular 1960’s Kingston Trio folk song went something like this:

“ Where have all the flowers gone? Long time passing. Where have all the flowers gone?  Long time ago? Where have all the flowers gone? Gone to graveyards, every one. When will we ever learn? When will we ever learn?”

 The BP gulf coast oil spill requires a gargantuan response to a gargantuan problem. Activism in various forms never really dies and some people on the planet will leave their comfortable lives, TV sets, iPads and mobilize. Some will even get minimally involved, while others will jump in with both feet. On the southern coast of America, 17,500 National Guard troops will be authorized for deployment; 20,000 people will be working to protect waters and coastlines; 1,900 vessels in the Gulf will be assisting in the clean up; 4.3 million feet of boom will be deployed with another 2.9 million feet available, enough to stretch over 1,300 miles; and 17 staging areas will be set across Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida to rapidly defend sensitive shorelines.(CNN). The Planet just shifted to crisis mode. But what does this have to do with UFOS?

On another front, Steven Bassett, Paradigm Research Group organizer of the Washington, D.C. X-conference, recently released a statement to the media calling for the immediate access to the “exotic” back-engineered energy technologies, occulted for many years .

UFO Film producer James Fox, I Know What I Saw, left for the gulf coast  in order to document this dark chapter in our history. He will directly upload film footage on his Facebook page. On the east coast, Dr. Steven Greer is mobilizing his Orion Project staff and science consultants to accelerate the research of “free energy devices.” How is it all related to UfO research?

Simple.  All the above are possible solutions to a global crisis. It has to do with a huge paradigm shift that humanity may need to under go in order to save itself and this planet from environmental catastrophe. It concerns the timely release of hidden alternative energy sources. The military industrial complex knows that these craft, seen by pilots, astronauts and credible witnesses, are flying in our skies and are not using petroleum products, nor do they cause environmental catastrophes the magnitude of the BP oil spill. Research shows that their propulsion systems have been studied since the 1950’s and probably have already been  back-engineered in deep black projects.

It seems that this wakeup call has come in a timely and appropriate fashion. It is an example of what could happen if we were to have further accidents on a global scale. It is a reminder that change comes hard and that evolution is transformational. 

The Canadian ex- minister of Defense, Paul Hellyer, said in a recent interview with this reporter, “My advice to the young people of the world would be that it has to start with individuals. I used to describe this sort of thing like a beach. If the majority of the grains of sand on the beach are clean, it will look beautiful and be very hospitable. If the majority are covered with oil slick, dirty, or translated into the wider problem, evil or uncaring or self-centered, then you have a dirty beach which is very unattractive and that is much of what is going on in the world today. We have very little personal integrity… But this has to start with individual people and it has to come from the bottom up, not from the top down, and I must say that good leadership is very important and if we can get somebody with high moral and ethical standards at the top, this will rub off on some of the younger people. But basically the young people have to change the world one at a time, individually, and try to make their motto, to leave the world in a little better place than when they found it. 

Tell this to BP CEO, Tony Hayward and maybe he could get his life back, a stronger life molded by these challenges and alternative solutions to the problems created by BP, by other oil companies and by man in general. The potential here is that Hayward and others can help us lead the way in that cosmic leap toward a viable future. Then the flowers will remain.

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