Max Spiers: Why The Conspiracy Theorist Community Will Never Accept The British UFO Hunter’s Death
by Sara C. Nelson January 13, 2019 (
• More than two years since the mysterious death of British conspiracy theorist Max Spiers (pictured above), while in Warsaw, Poland as a guest speaker a UFO conference, a British inquest has concluded that Spiers died from a combination of pneumonia and drug intoxication, causing an “aspiration of gastric contents” – an explanation for the copious amount of black liquid that Spiers expelled at his death, further fueling conspiracy theories. A post-mortem examination by a pathologist in Kent found deadly levels of the opioid oxycodone in his system.
• Spiers had made a career out of investigating alleged government cover-ups of UFO sightings and revealing his findings at various conferences. Spiers spoke of a secret underground alien base in New Mexico that used children for their “pure energy”. In Warsaw he was scheduled to discuss “secret military programs”.
• Shortly before his death, Spiers texted his mother, Vanessa Bates, claiming he feared being murdered and urging her to “investigate” if anything happened to him. But after his death, Polish authorities didn’t carry out a post-mortem. Spiers’ family were told that he had died of natural causes. Many in his immediate circle of friends claimed extra-terrestrial involvement in his death, or governmental mind control, or the involvement of a satanic cult. For his friends in the conspiracy community, the results of the British inquest only deepened the mystery as to what happened to him. His friend and fellow UFO researcher Miles Johnston told HuffPost UK: “It’s a cover story for ordinary folk.”
• According to the inquiry’s conclusion, while in Warsaw that fateful summer of 2016, Spiers (39) met Monika Duval (50), fell in love and moved in with her. Earlier that summer, Spiers and Duval had traveled together to Cyprus. When Spiers discovered that the Turkish version of the anti-anxiety drug Xanax could be obtained without a prescription, he had Duval purchase the pharmacy’s entire stock. Spiers was found to have taken about 10 of the tablets on the day he died. Spiers had developed an addiction at the age of 18 after being prescribed opioids following a traffic accident. It was also revealed that Spiers had been addicted to heroin and crack cocaine. Duval said she had noticed he often felt ill while staying with her and that “sometimes he felt weak and had problems with focus and attention.” She said he had once spent a day in a deckchair in her garden “unconscious.” Spiers died in her home on 16 July 2016.
• Immediately after his death, Miles Johnston told BBC Radio Four that Spiers had been working to expose “enemies within other realities.” Johnston believes Spiers was a “super-soldier” who was being directed through mind control by the British government. “He was a weaponized system to be engaged in with some kind of warfare.” Johnston heads ‘The Bases Project’, which believes humanity and all life on earth will be wiped out by a predator species within three generations. Says Johnson, “We’re dealing with aliens. We’re dealing with a predator within humanity, a fifth column, which has been successful so far in causing us a great deal of damage and harm. People like Max were involved in exposing that fifth column. He knew he was going to die. He knew he was in a trap. He told his mother that.”
• Spiers’s former girlfriend, Sarah Adams (also purported to be a British-controlled “super-soldier”), remembers things differently. Shortly after his death, she told The Sun he had been held against his will in Poland, in a house surrounded by electric fencing. She claimed that he had wanted to come back to England to marry her and have a child. “He rang me secretly because they wouldn’t let him talk to me. They were doing very dark black magic and satanic rituals to ‘de-program’ him and get rid of demons,” she claimed. Adams says that she is now being blamed for Spiers’s death.
• Nick Pope, a former agent of the British Ministry of Defence who ran a government UFO project, said, “The theory in the conspiracy theory community seems to be that he was assassinated by the powers that be, for getting too close to some truth or truths that the Illuminati, the New World Order – or whoever today’s bad guys happen to be – didn’t want revealed. It’s faulty thinking, because predictably, he and his theories became better-known after his death than before.” Refuting intervention by the Illuminati, Pope said, “It’s a tragic case of a young man with a history of addiction, suffering from pneumonia and taking a variety of medications. It’s a desperately sad story, but unfortunately not an unusual one.” Pope finds it almost impossible to dissuade conspiracy-minded people, however. “It’s a deeply held, almost religious belief that I think some of these people have and you can talk very few people out of their religion and faith.”
• For Spiers’ mother, the inquest has allowed her to finally grieve her son. Though she respected and admired his work, she did not subscribe to his beliefs. “He had a belief system. A lot of what he questioned, I would have agreed with him on when it came to the government. It’s when it got into other worldly things that I couldn’t follow, I don’t hold those beliefs myself.” She added, “The pneumonia was clearly a massive aspect of his death, which I hadn’t realized. In a way, it was good to know that.”
When British conspiracy theorist Max Spiers died suddenly in Poland in 2016, it wasn’t surprising that his community of fellow sleuths and UFO hunters thought it was suspicious. Soon after his death, rumours of “black liquid” emerging from his body spread across the internet.
Spiers, 39, had made a career out of investigating alleged government cover-ups of UFO sightings. He was well known, spoke at conferences, and believed there was a secret underground alien base in New Mexico that used children for their “pure energy”.

That summer in 2016, he had travelled to Warsaw to talk at a conference about “secret military programmes”. There he met a woman, Monika Duval, 50, who he soon moved in with. But two months later, however, Spiers was texting his mother claiming he feared being murdered and urging her to “investigate” if anything happened to him.
He died in her home on 16 July 2016. But after his death, the Polish authorities didn’t carry out a post-mortem, and his family were told that he had died of natural causes. In the absence of a full investigation, many in his immediate circle claimed extra-terrestrial involvement in his death, or governmental mind control, or the involvement of a satanic cult.

Now, more than two years on, an inquest in Britain recorded a narrative conclusion, giving Spiers’s cause of death as pneumonia and intoxication by drugs, which caused an “aspiration of gastric contents” – an explanation for the black liquid that had fuelled so many conspiracies. A post-mortem examination carried out by a pathologist in Kent also found deadly levels of oxycodone, an opioid, in his system.
For his mother, Vanessa Bates, the long-awaited inquest has brought a sense of closure, after she fought hard for an investigation into her son’s death. But for members of the conspiracy theory community in which Spiers made his name, the inquest has simply deepened the mystery as to what happened to him.
According to evidence presented at the inquest, Spiers and Duval had become lovers, travelling together on holiday to Cyprus with Duval’s teenage daughter. While there, Duval bought a pharmacy’s “entire stock” of the Turkish version of the anti-anxiety drug Xanax at Spiers’s request, after he realised it could be obtained without a prescription. Spiers was found to have taken about 10 of the tablets on the day he died.

Spiers had a long-standing problem with drugs. Originally from Canterbury, he had developed an addiction at the age of 18 after being prescribed opioids following a traffic accident. It was also revealed that Spiers, who was a former classmate of the Hollywood actor Orlando Bloom, had been addicted to heroin and crack cocaine.
Duval, who had attempted to resuscitate Spiers after he stopped breathing, said she had noticed he often felt ill while staying with her and that “sometimes he felt weak and had problems with focus and attention.” She said he had once spent a day in a deckchair in her garden “unconscious.”
She added: “I would have done anything to save him, I really cared about him. I was deeply in love with him,” she told the inquest.
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